An Initiative of : Centre for Law & Public Policy | Cameroon, Rue Michel Brunet Bali, Douala, Cameroon What Cameroon's development partners in-country could do, to help mitigate drivers of the country's Anglophone crisis © CLPP 21 January 2021 About the Author: Paul N. Simo, Esq., is Lead Researcher for the Project on Constitutional Options to attenuate Cameroon’s Anglophone crisis, which he has followed since 2017. He has 20 years’ experience in the fields of law, governance, and human rights, working on countries undergoing peace-processes and political transitions in East, Central, and West Africa. Between 2007 and 2018, he served as staff and consultant to the United Nations at Headquarters and in Africa. He worked on peace and reconstruction processes in Uganda, DR Congo, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and the Central African Republic. He graduated from the University of Buea, Cameroon (LL.B. 1996) and holds a graduate law degree, summa cum laude, from the Catholic University of Notre Dame, Indiana. He is an Attorney at the Bar of New York (2001) and a Barrister in Cameroon (2010). Email :
[email protected] Summary This Policy Paper is intended to be a practical document: it recommends a number of areas of policy dialogue and concrete programmatic, sectoral interventions that Cameroon's development partners (U.N., bilateral partners, multilateral financial institutions) could pursue to help the country mitigate underlying drivers of the crisis affecting primarily its historically Anglophone Northwest and Southwest regions -- with effects on other regions as well. It is written having specifically in mind, development partners with an operational presence and programmatic capacity in-country, who engage and support the Government and people of Cameroon across a range of thematic and development sectors.