The Republican Journal.

~ ' ;1MK (;9~_BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1897. NUMBER 21. Augusta last week before Judge Hall. fleeting of Waldo County Teachers. Lecture Stetson. Base Ball. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. There has always been an idea that a by Superintendent The Observance of Memorial Day. PERSONAL. liquor bill could not be collected in this One of the i:V THURSDAY MORNING BY THE State because of the pleasantest and most profitable W. W. Stetson of Auburn, State The first two scheduled to M. C. of Thomas H. Maine liquor law, Superin- games be played Dilwortb, Adjutant Fred D. Jones spent Sunday with friends but the decision of meetings in the of the tendent of at Seaside Marshall Judge Hall is in the history Waldo County Schools, spoke Grange. in this city were prevented by rain, and Post, G. A. E., has handed us the in Brooksville. it lican Journal Pub. Co. Teachers’ Association opposite direction. The case in question was held at Stockton Hall last Thursday evening before an under the will be following extracts from the General rules, they played Orders, Mrs. H. E. McDonald went to was George F. Hewett vs. Herbert D. Springs, Friday and of the Bangor < the paper sea Saturday, May -Jlat and audience which, on account insufficient when the same clubs come here Mon- remainder of the document, which in- for Maine again. for a visit. Getchell of Augusta.Fire at Peak’s --d. the Saturday Notwithstanding weather was advertising, was small. The lecture was the Portlands came and the Au- cludes the program, having been published g Portland burned over day Tuesday people." island, harbor, ten somewhat in Frank was at home from Port- threatening there was a fair at- preceded a solo Mrs. E. S. Bow- The Journal last week. Meservey acres Sunday. Hundreds the by piano by gustas. They were both booked for Rock- fought tendance at the F THOS. H. land to spend Sunday. reulation in O'ty and County dames.Homer X. Chase of Auburn has riday morning session. ker anti a cornet solo by Ambrose Morrison. land the day following the Belfast date and HEADQUARTERS MARSHALL POST NO. j The meeting was called to 42, DEPARTMENT OF MAINE, (J. A. R. Mrs. A. M. of a letter from Mrs. Baldwin, sister of Xor- order by the Past Master Henry J. Chaples introduced left by the afternoon steamer for that city. Holyoke Bangor is visiting 1 rkms. In advance,$2.00a year; In accordance with General Orders from Mr. and Mrs. P. diea, that she will be in County President, Superintendent F. S. the Prof. Stetson with a L. Walton. iis; ;"<> cents for three months. saying certainly speaker. opened Yesterday the weather cleared and although National Brick of and headquarters announcing May 31 1 For one one inch America, and will at Belfast, the devotional exer- well Mrs. kkms._ square, September 15, sing deserv» d compliment to Seaside Grange, the grounds were very wet the game with ! as Memorial Day. F. E. Cottrell went to Rockland last u 7* cents for one week, ami the Maine festival.Fdwin cises were conducted Nash, Lewis by State Superintend- that it was Memorial is not a to be in sc.I sequent insertion. stating perhaps unnecessary to the Lewistons was cailed. We go to press Day day spent Saturday to visit her sister. Moore and three ent W. W. Stetson. Mr. idle or but it is a to rit- Joseph Wright, young F. N. Nickerson of say the words he was about to too sport frivolity, day speak before early for a report. The Belfast Baud es- Miss Annie Pendleton from men living in Augusta, were last seen Stockton tingly honor the memory of those who fell arrived Bos- 'O of Journal. Springs cordially welcomed the a society which showed such of enter- corted the clubs to the and To-Day’s alive while to signs grounds played a defending the best government ever devised ton for a short visit. Sunday afternoon, rowing teachers of Waldo and Saturday County Mr. Brick re- prise and as were to be seen mortal man. their camp about live miles the river. progress in the few selections while there. by PAGE 1. up Miss left fur a sponded briefly. uew Comrades of the Post and all ex-soldiers Mary Twombly Saturday Shortly after the overturned boat was hall, and in the reports of the work of There have been a few changes in the Bel- \t,.ek Meeting : Waldo County The first and sailors, if not members of the Post, who visit to friends in Somerville, Mass. !• F d n s found down. A talk, “History in the Rural the g ami Improvements.*. floating upside cap Grange. For 0,000 years the human fast team. Dilworth has been released and served inThe late war, are invited to unite ! •• dent stetson A Presenra- to one of the unfortunate men Schools,” was given race lias been on the of with us in the ceremonies of the Augustus C. arrived from B ston belonging by Superintendent journey progress. It McBride of Taunton engaged as day. Knight .•,-lnten Spring Meet.. Ba1 years. He was born GAMES GUT OF TOWN. Tuesday, spend PAGE 2. lack of preparation on the part of the But is morning service, where the memorial ser- in Monmouth. Mr. Cochrane was for century. there yet much more pro- Mrs. John A. The opening game of the Maine State mon will be Rev. Fr. Mace of Brunswick is visit- ,.f Women.. Insurance teacher. A sufficient amount of time to preached by Ivealy, Bravery over forty years in the insurance business should givss be made. We must take things as League was held in Portland last. invitation of the her < .iimieu ( m-umber-.. A N :.]e Thursday by Post. ing daughter, Mrs. Ambrose Morns, m. there.V be spent on each lesson to make a text book we find between the Portlands and i,. •1 i.i testimonial banquet was ten- them. Some agencies have lost Belfasts and re- Grateful to the ladies of Belfast for Properties. past j Mrs. F. W. Pote dered to A. Pi. at Blackboard sulted in a victory for the former. Follow- we ask to began her season's worn PAGE 3. Judge Savage the Elm unnecessary. illustrations and some of their old-time power in the last half favors, again kindly you furnish j ing is the Argus’ of the flowers as an as matron on steamer f Ban- House. iu honor are summary game. humble tribute of respect to Saturday City Gem. o it Auburn, Monday evening pictures of great value in at- The 'a.. .To Shut the East securing century. town meeting is not the the of of his appointment to the bench. 12 3456789 memory those who have answered gor. Maryland. supreme tention. The subject was discussed at some educator it was The church Portlands, 0 0 1 4 1 0 0 the last roll-call. .Hon. J. 1>. fifty years ago. 0 1—7 Those who furnish flowers page 4. Dingley, ex-mayor of Gar- Belfasts 0101 2 Mr. A. length by different members of the associa- is not the influence it did at that 000 1—5 for the occasion will please leave the same J. Gammans arrived Saturday diner. died after a few ill- exerting j an 1 Monday days’ Two base hits, Burns, Deisel. Three base at Memorial Hall Boats..Concerning Local tion. devices were time, and are hits. Saturday afternoon or early I morning from Chicago for a two weeks' Many suggested, and the schools not keeping Houle- Stolen bases, ... Menuiria 1 Day Noi thport ness, aged bo.General Horatio King, Nichols, Kane, Collopv. Monday morning. others both in abreast of Sacrifice hits. Deisel. First base on visit. Schools. .Secret Societies who was a among games, history and their opportunities. We should called balls, We invite to our assistance in this postmaster general during por- off Carriveau 5, off Miller l. Hit pat- i i'•< last Free Library The tion of President Buchanan’s were recommended. loam that seifislmess and avarice and by pitched ball, riotic work that noble baud Mr. and Mrs. J. P. of Rockland administra- geography, by Miller. McDermott. Ritchie, by Carrivean, .of workers, the Ingraham Woman’s Relief who have done so PAGE 5. tion, died in D. C.. The afternoon session with hatred do not in the end. Burns, Nichols. First base on errors, Portlands Corps, visited friends in Belfast and last Washington, May 20th, opened sing- pay Fraternity— much toward the vicinity 2, Belfasts 1. Struck out, by Miller, Kane, Hill 2, success of our great, organ- from the effects of an attack of the grip. ing the chorus. that which teaches is j week. by feeling that what the Webster 2, Carrivean; by Carriveau, Koussev. ization, and also the Sons of \ who 1 Ilis sons, Gen. Horatio C. of New derails, PAGE f>. King Prof. W. J. Corthell of Gorham one Wild pitches, by Miller 2. Passed bv Nich- must soon take the work Normal good of is for the good of all—should be balls, up which the rav- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee of sited York and of were at ols. Double plays, Koussev, Deisel and Bangor and Yachting... Henry King Boston, School a McGuirk; ages of time shall compel us to down. Voyaging gave particularly interesting and taught. We are here for a great work, but McGuirk lay friends in V tes.. Register of Deep Wa his bedside when he Horatio unassisted;» Ritchie, unassisted. Left A committee of comrades from Belfast and Belmont the past, passed away. on Portlands Belfast 7. Thus. H. v L- Love practical talk on “Reading in the Rural for only a short time. One reason the bases, 7, empire, Mr. week. poema King was born in Paris, Oxford why Marshall Post will decorate the graves of county, Schools.” He Brady. PAGE 7. June 21. 1811. and when be- says the alphabet method is speaker believes in the Grange is because deceased soldiers in the towns of Morrill quite young The Belfasts second game was with the and Waldo Mrs. Elizabeth Marthon f Washington, sty;.- The Penobscot Bay Yacht came identified as good if used as it should be. The child it. is in fraternal Sunday afternoon. It is hoped printer and publisher doing good the upbuilding Levvistons, Friday in the home of the Family Reunion Sugar city the citizens of these towns will be present D. C., is in Belfast for a visit of two or three with The Jeffersonian, a which should be the form of the letter of the The reason for the latter team, the Levvistons in a newspaper taught by people. prominent winning and assist the committee. weeks. was in The Eastern close and A PAGE 8. finally merged Argus. use of diacritical marks. The name of the position which Maine holds exciting game. press despatch everywhere—her “The NATIONAL MEMORIAL HYMN. In 1n.'.» he settled in as a clerk says: batting was heavy by both Mrs. Rebecca and two children unty Washington letter should not be used. The statesmen, business men, leaders in all de- Mahoney Correspondence..Ship alphabet teams and but few errors were made. The The following hymn, written for and ded- Births. Marriages Deaths. in the post office department, where he arrived Saturday from Yt., to visit should not be but such letters partments are to be found in and wild of was Rutland, continued and received various followed, every State, pitching Conroy responsible icated to the Grand Army of the promo- for of runs Republic, selected as will form words. Mr. in on several the made by Belfast. relatives. tions. Corthell every nation the globe—is the training will be Posts the -:W> Oh I HE WEEK. Pulsifer made a home run for Lewiston in sung by many throughout gives this difference between the old method these men in their But we Mrs. Francis Jones went to China Frida\ got early days. the first inning, this being the third home country Memorial Day. It is copyrighted and the new: In the old, wecombine letters cannot live upon our past records. We run ever made on the The to attend the funeral of her brother, Albert >.attki:>. grounds. umpir- by J. Edward Estes, Fall and Mrs. L. A. Biek- Wa>h x irton W of River, Mass., hispekixos. The secret into syllables by name, and in the new must not lose our of ing Carpenter was very unsatisfactory.” Piukliam. of the state by feeling responsibility Woman's Re- is the game: published by permission: archives of the State sound. The discussion of this was for the Following : department which subject rising generation. The idea that a God Maine, has issued general 123456789 bless the soldiers brave, Mrs. David McKnight of Pane, Yt., ami have continued Miss Ethel Thomas of Belfast. must Who did our Union save command and an- held the consular reports in the by boy have an easier time than his father Levvistons, 6 0 4 0 0 1 3 0 x—14 two for assuming From thraldom’s children, arrived Saturday a visit After a brief recess, Stet- did is so also is the Belfasts, 40204300 0—13 wrongs! following appointments: Cuban war from the public, were partial- Superintendent wrong; opposite idea They dearly loved the land relatives. Earned runs, Levvistons 2, Belfasts 5. Two base n er, Mrs. H. E. Deer- son presented the “Arithmetic.” that “what was for me is Where Freedom's glories stand, Fitz, disclosed last week Senator Fcraker subject, good enough good Sullivan. ly by hits, Edgar, McDermott, Mazena. Hill And praise on every hand Mrs. Sarah E. Durham left nspeoting officer, Mrs. E. L. Ho would omit much in our arithmetic for If have 3. Three base Dolan. Saturday of Ohio. the enough my boy.“ you any hits, Home run, Pulsier. To them General orders. No. g During past week the de- Bases Dolan belongs. morning for a visit to friends in and work that is not and a it is to stolen, Sullivan, 2, Pulsifer 2. Baugor practical spend large strength because you had struggle. deck :. rs that Monday, May bl. bate in the Senate has been pregnant with France, Kane McDermott, Hill 2, Collopv. Double May angels each mound Old Town. amount of time on the four fundamental L^t the children know that work is a bless- plays. Callopy. Double plays, Callopy and Ritchie, That was not by us found. as Memorial on which day, intimations and inueudoes of from Basses on called balls, Sullivan, McCracken 2, With choicest flowers: A. L. Blanchard went to reports rules, percentage, compound etc. ing. The and of Maine must now Bangor Saturday. > "f the association will assist numbers, boys girls France 2. Edgar, Webster 2, Long may the page of fame States Gastonguay, a United officials in held at on Preserve each He lias opened law oftice at No. Ham- Army in the ceremonies of the Cuba, He believes that more time should be spent meet people of all classes and from all parts; Ritchie. Bases hit by pitched balls, Dolan, hero's name. the State which if Gilbert, Gastonguay. Struck out, by Mulhall. Who freed from slavery's shame mond street. Rev. J. W. of department, published on mental arithmetic. The discussion was must meet them as and Higgins they peers equals, Sullivan, Thorne, Edgar.; by Conrov, Callopv, This land of ours. Me., a member of the board would disclose a condition on Unban soil continued Miss Grant of and must be Webster, Wild Mulhall Russell Sanborn arrived last week from by Northport, Mr. educated accordingly. The j Gastonguay. pitches,‘by Like leaves in autumn blast — -I 2, by Conroy 5. Passed balls, 2. Time 2.20. Colby University, has do- which would Mr. E. of Edgar Their ranks are where he has been in influence public opinion in a ; Corthell, H. Ellis Belfast and Mr. people do not know enough about the Umpire, Carpenter. thinning fast,— Augusta, employed :n of •S-Vhh.) toward the build- We miss them all: decided manner. Runuells of do not visit them Hotel North. The facts, Searsport. schools; enough. At Augusta tlie Belfasts were But “Sons" will take their die purpose of a therefore, ] Saturday place, erecting The remainder of defeated the March with their measured Heard of which Senator Foraker announced with- the afternoon session We should be careful that we give our easily by local team. Follow- pace. Mrs. Amos Clement went to Seal Harbor rmirory.Mayor is the score. All battle dangers face, was devoted to the box. The men and women as ing as ‘lie result of a personal in- out stating from whom they came, created query queries young good accommoda- Should duty call. Tuesday to make arrangements for opening out 12345978 9 "1 the matter, has discovered a decided stir. was brought many points of interest and tions as we our criminals or our dumb the Seaside Inn. Especially startling give Augusta 1 4 3 0 0 7 3 10 3—31 We thank Thee that to-day \ has been several the letter from in which some lively discussions. animals. In many m Maine the Belfast 0 3 3 6 2 2 0 0 0—10 The clangor of the paying /or Secretary blney, places jails fray Mrs. Eleanor Or. utt arrived home S our 1 -»■: this Is heard n<> more. lights that have not shone. country ottered mediation to The session with music and of the stables are in better condi- Earned runs, Augusta 5. Belfast 1. Two base Spain evening opened many "Peace and Union" be from a visit- of several and the refusal of hits. Schrecongost. Handiboe 2. Connor, May day weeks in Ro, k- per annum lias been paid that country to accept the choir. State Stetson Delaney, j The watchword of by Superintendent tion than the school buildings. The parents Yiereh, Kane, Collopv. Three-base hits. Sehrecon- ! the free, and that has not twinkled for three | the proffered Sherman Yieteh. And all our land jand vicinity. aid.Secretary then gave a very address on of Maine should take more in gost, Stolen bases, Butman 2, Handiboe, ! agree interesting interest the From shore t<> shore. ■Mate pension is has formally notified the IJritish Connor 3, Delaney. Hanscom, Fogarty, Y ieteh 2, E. L. left steamer Penuhseot department govern- “The Condition of the Rural Schools of in Bryant by ment schools; they should be sympathy with Hill. Webster 2, Ritchie. First base on applications for aid as never through Sir Julian Pauucefote, the balls, by j "Old wave Maine.” Weekes, McDermott 2, Ritchie; Bass, Long may Glory" Monday for Newton, Mass., w here he ex- to this time ltW, ambassador, that the United States the teachers. No man ever decries the work by Webster; Over the land these brave applications Senate by Carriveau, Butman 2, Handiboe, 2. At session an Delaney Old comrades won ; pects employment. .•■veived, against JU71 for the having failed to the Saturday morning's excep- a trainer is doing with his horse. Why stand Hanscom 3. Fogarty. Bass. Hit by pitched ball, ratify treaty provid- Long may Columbia stand ..'State for tionally and talk on Weekes, Delaney, Connor. Strm li out. by Weekes, Rt v. R. G. Harbutr arrived vest, rda\ via camp i-quipnients ing general arbitration, the article has interesting practical aloof and decry the work of the teachers? Firm as a rock-bound strand. 1 Hill. Gastonguay; by Bass. Mulhall. Carriveau: m of tents, tent ih’■>:>. mat- failed.General John W. “Nature was A to land noon on hi* home to s, -r: u n. Foster, the Study" given by Mr. A. L. We have confidence in the of this Carriveau, Wild Carriveau guide every way people by Fogarty. pitches. Benea:h the sun. aiip stools, etc., have been ship- special agent of the department, of State, Lane, of Coburu Classical Institute. He 2. Passed hall, Gastonguay. Clifton Springs. N. V. State that- they will come to the front and with __ ___ •tii. for the use of the Coburn j charged the negotiations SHORT STOPS. concerning would begin by using familiar objects and do their full in this matter. Mrs. Dauici A*tV a H ipoii <■ rn the Maine State who j the seal fisheries ieft duty college, Washington, May seem nemorial I);>\ Exercises in Monroe. would combine the with Well, well, well, it will “kind o’ home last I"r« m «» visit V h< an for New study language After the lecture Mrs. Ambrose Morri- Friday daugh- encampment there.V j lStli, York, whence he will sail nat'ral” to see a “Dil” in the box ! work. He a Grand] Mrs. Lewis F. die Foreland on the < l'ur gave outline for son “In fhe In accordance with ter, Gannon. Express from to-day aris England. complete sang Sta.-li ,' t,” accompanied again. If it were any other club you were general orders from ■ nature t<* be used in all says that a curious question General A. D. Suurling of Illinois, form- study grades. oy Mr. Morrison and Mrs. Bowker, with up against, old man, weM say “go in and National headquarters announcing that diaries H. Field went to Rocklan l Tim* i«• su 11 of the Lane murders "i the First Maine and Miss Ida B. Carter of Belfast read a win," but in this case it's different. erly Cavalry, later very music arranged by Mr. M. [Ken- Monday, May ''1st, will be observed as Mem- day to represent the Royal Insuram C. at ""'hi <>f nebec Journal. Mrs. Lane's the commander of the Second Maine tine on "Picture Work." uses property. paper She lb-marks were made by L. W. Hammons, orial Day, E. M. Billings 1’ost will on that the funerat t F. II. bran. F- icd first her child would in- ( availy. is in and is a can- But Grandpa Dil wasn't in it. Washing! m, pictures in every department of her work W. P. John It. Duuton anil E. make its annual visit to the didate for the Thompson, da>' routing Mrs. Abbm I'rat.t made a It ty, then the husband and Argentine mission. General It vv is the first when she can and finds them a L. appearance of the newly 1 '■ great help. Bryant. place of their late comrades in arms, where i S ite of the murdeiei ; but if Sparling was formerly a post office in- organized Belfasts in this city, and they friends in Relfast. last Tloirs i> 1 She brought with her many of the pictures the cusp exorcises will take i:e first victim,the property, spector. and was active in Maine at the made a very favorable impression on the mary place. stopping in lirunswiek w :th s she in me s of dower, would time of tin- “count out troubles.*' uses her work. A Presentation. Augusta enthusiasts. Though the team The comrades of the Host an* to ho right being expe.-ted Charles made errors which will Coombs, fornieily utie s relatives in Boston. ! an active opponent of the Fusionists. An interesting paper on "Busy Work," proved costly, they present, and all soldiers and sailors of the no doubt get into the game next week the Inn, was in t.ovn l.• w ■ .* an and the coroner are under- -Mr. Charles Iliil Pierce of Portland lias Miss P. Beaman was a well by Crosby prepared by Mary read Last week known and popular citi- and make late war are invited to unite with the Host | the others hustle. [Kennebec is rook : n a hot,d :u I h-.y ve that the died lirst. assumed his duties as assistant clerk of week. Jie baby | bv Miss Alberta Wadsworth of Belfast. zen was the recipient of an article of cloth- Journal. on this occasion. The schools, and •■ grange been retained on both sides, the Senate committee on commerce, of R \V. is s’ -v •._• j Miss Wadsworth brought specimens of ing from a few of his friends, and extends citizens are also invited to attend .fudge Rogers ecial town "Inch Senator is The Belfasts are a line looking set generally, meeting call- Frye chairman. Mr. stocky from a Severe attaek of the m ! mix paper cutting and folding, weaving, etc., his thanks therefor in the card: "f with a level headed the exercises. grip, tbe town of Pierce is a rourse of law at Colum- following players manager, Farmington taking to be out >•;' doors oil e is i: d ivs which she in connection with the me Louis Bacon, who is well and able p to giant a location for the bia in this explained It affords great pleasure, through the favorably Sunday, May both, the comrades will meet University city.The depart- known in this His wear a courtesy of the press, to extend thanks to city. players Misses Millie and Lena iSat ;> Somerset and' ment ot agriculture has announced the paper. at Union Hall at *J p. in., ami march Franklin, friends for the useful have striking suit of steel gray with striped sharp, my garment they from Medio Id. Mass wh-T« mdiroad. New Sharon has i publication in form of Director The remainder of the session was devoted The veteran Tom is w sermon home yesterday pamphlet presented me by the hand of Mr. F. G. stockings. McDermott to the church, here the Memorial «‘U favorable and other I Stone's address before* the to business. and second base in his usual been a f-w tm*;n! action, P'»y State White. Their names and the sums they captain plays will he preached by Rev. O. H. Fernald of they have enipioxo-d ‘be of brilliant It is understood that Mc- route are to fol- board agriculture at the of contributed are in the annexed list. style. prepared j Augusta, Me., Resolutions, thanking Stock- given Sears a u people Dermott’s case has not been decided as port. H. C. Marden made business trip i he road will a ■ dan. -1 "t on It will be seen list yet open up large, good roads. Mr. Stone ton for that the includes Springs their cordial the and Bacon is him at seven o'clock the n ■ hospitality, Manager under Monday morning Thoinaston last week ami a uuinbei •-rritory through the sandy is tlie director of the good roads bureau ladies, and I trust that the garment was playing ight | choir for their music and Lewiston a claim on him. and ot the very enjoyable the not one that they had discarded. It was protest, having comrades detailed for that purpose will visit of Mrs. Marden Kennebec County, and department. The address, which the eairiages. from without the of a tirm whose senior is Jim Collopv, old Manchester player, in outlet to tide water for is an one to speakers county—W. W. bought proprietor the different in town and do orate the him. j interesting farmers and to was at third and is a line yards A. bare-footed on the top of his head and 3 1-8 playing rattling -m unc..hhiv .-snow 01 oad makers, can be had Mr. Stetson, L. Lane and W. J. Corthell—for of the comrades. by addressing inches shorter*, than I am. I might make game. [Portland Argus. graves Mrs. Cheuery, Mrs. I»i:r«i•*11* M -vs Ai.m chosen or the their valuable as well secretary-treasurer of j Stone, good roads bureau, this aid, as all who in some comments on the market At nine o’clock the city. pertinent The Maine State base ball league whieh dec--rating squad, Crosby ami Miss l.musr Hi d m w 1. uniand association of school No is made for the circular and no man charge any way contributed to the success of the and the insurance man, but am ad- in tins ‘JOtli between the under the command of turade Alfred opened city May have l e» n in > •• t t> nts in Boston and J. need be enclosed with the monished to be brief and so their travelling Europe \i— Friday stamp request. meeting, were a spare Portlands and Belfasts, recalls a similar hut unanimously adopted by I York, will march to the v.llage yard ami home _\L ■i of .The resolution blushes. must, however, mention one smaller in this a sail for ,1 line Laurence, formerly Maine, j appropriating 850,000 vote. All united in league State dozen or rising the opinion that other of who is two sizessmaller dags at all the soldiers' ■f the executive committee. for the relief of my friends, more when Belfast and place graves. 1 \ Americans in years ago, Bangor, Miss Edith who as n suffering the at Stockton had been than Tom Thumb, has his clothes cut from Worrell, ■< l»ivision Sons of Veterans Cuba was bv meeting Springs Rockland were the contesting parties. There At ten o’clock the column will he formed in signed Thursday Speaker and has to use a to of the room in Jv, one of unusual remnants, ladder get on a was between the more charge picking lc_r; > loth annual Reed, but to the absence of the Vice- pleasure and profit. great rivalry cities, front of the hall, in the order: encampment owing bale of you one and following hay. Thanking all, especially between Bangor and Belfast, shot factory, left for h.-r la me and 17th at Waterville, to be president and President pro-tern of The next session will be held in Belfast I Officer of the day, H. B. Wingate. Spalding's j Frye am, yours very truly which will be renewed the coming summer. a Garfield of that 1 the could not receive the some time the month of October. C.‘B. Hall. Monroe Band, IS pieces, F Fairbanks, n Lowell. Mass., Monday. by Camp city. Senate, signature during However much interest may be generated Sullivan of either of them on behalf leader. Wednesday night, j of the Senate. the the will 15. C Wentw orti. at: emb*d tl-»* m throughout league, greatest Sixteen ladies wreaths and Mrs. < store of the Sullivan Granite As the Senate had until Mon- New and We, the undersigned, agree to pay the center in the three cities above named. A young carrying j adjourned Buildings Improvements. dowers. ing of the Kennel'*-. ount> \V. C T l’ at •v.i> entered who day it could not t»e before that amount set against our names for the pur- Belfast man was recently heard to remark, by burglars, | signed E, M. H. 11. Com- a.; iress “We to be beaten and Billings Host., Dawson, IIallow** 11, Friday, ami gav<- an ,.p- de open and took *100. Some date.The Secretary of State has direct- pose of buying a bicycle suit for C. B. Hall expect by Portland, mander. | Work is on three new dwell- don’t care if we are. We’ll ‘f :ur- ti Sk wi..-_c*i -e was also taken. An ed Consul General Lee at Havana to progressing be content if on the subject attempt draw for his use the summer of 1897: E. M. Billings Relief Corps, Mrs. Mary j houses in this Frank Whitcomb during we can down Bangor.” It was iu this old made tu rob the store of Crab- for the immediate purchase of ing city. Hill miner. Hresident. Reporter. j supplies A. A. Howes...$.(>2 league that W. E Dilwortli of Belfast was hundred Coburn and medicines for relief of the has the foundation well advanced for a J. H. Howes. .02 Ex-soldiers and sailors, schools, and rvey.Two American out and at once achieved Orange Mr. and Mrs. E 11. II c ; u > brought notoriety. citizens. m the Maine State ar- citizens and the of such as house on the new extension of Cedar K. H. Howes. .02 College j transportation street; He was then the star pitcher for Belfast, and and Mi am: M s 1 B. O. Norton... .03 in meat Cleora, Mrs. A.T. Condon •aih at noon for a week’s are without the means and are desirious to Alvah S. Redman has a frame on is now in the box for the same club. I)il- The column will march to the village Friday, up Miller Ginn & Field. 02 J. CL Paul went to North lVnohs, u !'i:**s wortli bad the of nt. Lieut. H. X. Hoyden, U. return to the United States, not to exceed street, beyond and Fred Tibbetts F. G. White.02 making a champion pitcher yard and form around the monument, where Congress, and to attend the funeral of W :aa S ommander.At Alfred Satur- of about mem- Henrv Staples.02 might under different circumstances day 810,000.A party sixty is well on his foundation on the exercises will he held. along Waldo C. H.' Field 02 have been a leader in the National Wiswell rendered his de- bers of both houses of Congress, left league. An Haney. avenue-A goodly amouut of work is in W. H. West.02 interesting game recalled in the old league The column will then man h back to the the Portsmouth, Kittery and Washington Thursday morning for a G. A. Bailey.02 Miss a: day’s in the line of between Bangor and Belfast was hall for dinner. Emily Burd, telephone perater road all at the old home of progress repairs and improve- R. T. Rankin. 04 played matter, denying peti- outing Monticello, in the latter city. One of the pitchers for Ban- Camden and Ralph B Stukney, issistuu*. which we notice the J. W. Burgess.04 At two o’clock the services will he held in mjunctions against the eonstruc- Thomas the of ments, among following: was named and was said to have Jefferson, sergeant-at-arms O. G. White.02 gor Oxley, at Belfast, visited tin* central l- 1 Frank E. the as follows: Music operator road. The work of laying the Senate, Colonel Richard Bright, being Wiley has moved the former work- W. L. Littlefield.04 been an ex-pugilist. At any rate lie was aim 11- hall, by hand; pray- Hattie .01 dozer and war li**e at Rockland Friday and had a delight- through the section in charge of the Reed shop on his place and fitted it for a wood- Clements. made on the umpire and op- er by the chaplain ; reading General Orders ; disputed party. Speaker Mrs. was Littlefield.01 nine. It was then the custom for the ful time as only an. Harbor was resumed on Mon- among the Representatives of the it posing music the hand; address the com- “tallying." operators j shed, etc., connecting with the house. He Mrs. Walden.01 team to furnish the l>y by •c road will home umpire. A deci- probably begin car- House.The Morgan resolution, grant- has also Mrs. Field. 01 of [Rockland Star. made some improvements inside sive game was to be played at Belfast with mander; reading roll honor; select read- 1. This was to the Mrs. Hill (of Boston)..01 ssengers by July ing belligerent rights Cuban insur- the A. .1.11. Turner of Isle au Hunt was it. the house and is to build a stable in the fall. Mrs. (of Boston).....01 Bangor,and former boys wanted the game ing, Mrs. Belle J. Rainier; recitation, Miss matter ever decided tlie Senate a Calley important gents, passed by vote of John badly, and also wanted to get even with -Outside are made at the Campbell.08 j Helen Nealley; music by the band ; oration, Castillo recently and set up tic two ;r.>u •arts. Two petitions forty-one yeas to fourteen nays, a repairs being It so that John L. Sulli- proposed larger This suit was from & Cot- Oxley. happened Co. B.-Ian's ■ residences of L. F. McDonald bought Staples Rev. H. I. Holt; America, audience; bene- dragons he made for cottage. tion from Kittery have been majority than any one anticipated. and Charles B. van, then the champion of the world, was ; trell, and if too large they agree to order a •' ••a as the result of the Judge’s Hazeltine-An arch has been cut between training at Searsmont, uin** miles from Bel- | diction. H. R. Dawson, Commander. They arc placed one on either side the for his with It is In Bkief. At smaller size from the factory. fast, tight McUaffery. Sullivan tin* 1 use. likely that the Maine musi- the annual meeting of two rooms in B. P. Hazeltine’s residence, j driveway approaching at was frequently seen on the streets of Bel- first proposed for Lewiston, the New Association of School the of a small England taking place door_Geo. A. fast, amt had got up an acquaintance with Maine Chautauqua Assembly. Mrs. Mary Cushman claims the honor of ••Id in as Lewiston has Wheelmen’s Meet. Bangor, The Maine Spring some of the local men. The bril- Superintendents in Boston May 21st there Bailey is residing and laying new doors in sporting being the oldest person hvu: 11.*• : m n of provision for a suitable building liant idea occurred to the Beifasters to Tiie Maine Chautauqua Assembly will were no formal his stable... .John H. has made get 1 a .hotel accommodations for the papers, but many of the Quimby The meet of the Maine Division, L. Montville, having passed !>•■;• irth.d.ts j spring Sullivan to umpire the game with Bangor. bold its annual session on the Chautauqua some interior \. gr**ai crowd. members gave lion. improvements in his resi* A. will l»e held in Lewiston 31st John L. was visited at Searsmont and read- May Pth. She enjoys good hea.t' mu By appropriation I personal experiences. W., May grounds in Fryeburg, August ;»d. dence-The of E. to the scheme. The eventful beginning Hinds, or Fred of green-houses Willis the of the Twin ily agreed day sight ami hearing are r«*m r. kaoi;. ; -i ai d by popular subscrip- Cowing Concord. N. II., presid- under auspices City Cycle The meetings will extend to 21st. Hamilton came, and the Baugors came down the river ; August •ili. the sum of *8,000 is to be ed. These officers were chosen: Presi- have been put in thorough repair Club. of this club will lu*r intellect as keen as **v*-r. 1 Representatives with blood in their eyes, fully determined to ; Rev. George 1>. Lindsay and Rev. Finest M. Hu* erection of a at the and a new two pavilion dent. 11. \V. and story building built. The from noon to Sun- have Hull, Quincy; secretary meet each train Saturday capture the game. “Who you got for son of Dr. L\ Miss Maud Johnson has : i m • 1>. to seat Abbott., man Abbott of New Maplewood park, treasurer, Mary S.Snow, Bangor; executive latter contains a nicely finished and furnish- an umpire?” asked Oxley, the, Bangor day noon. Vol are tin* Providence, R. 1., where she h.m .id\ ns. The festival is to be held J. E. “John L. re- k, preparing programme. They committee, Burke, Lawrence; Wm. ed office and seed room and ex- pitcher. Sullivan,” quietly salesroom, at 4 m. there will be a run to j will introduce new and soon music under the instruet on Miss .Lewiston s t ny Jiaii last I*. Kelley, St. Sarah L. Ar- Sunday p. marked the Belfasier, with a mischievous many features, ing 1 Johnsbury; hibition H. McDonald has the Twin club on the 1 to the a course of instruction • was the scene of a mem- greenhouse....H. City Cycle cottage twinkle in his eye. A wet blanket inline- present public Fannie C. of Camden Mss .1 >hn- veiling nold, Boston.John Smith, the colored of entertainment Berry 1 his residence on aveuue. shores Lake Auburn. descended on the of the and unsurpassed. Rev. Dr. debate between painted Northport diately shoulders ; sou will continue h**r intercollegiate candidate for the naval at An- race to Abbott, will aid in as- studies ,\itl Miss academy Monday, 8 a. m., road Greene depot warriors from the Penobscot. The crowd in making this the best nd which was It is the new shade of with Colby, awarded by has failed in three out of brown, greeu and 10 miles a $12 ever held. As a place of rest and who will he at Camden th.s c, r. napolis, Md., return, Prizes—First, attendance was very large. The game was sembly Berry, ‘bm. Nathan Webb and Rev. J. L. four branches of the examina- blinds and straw colored fiuish-Miss Car- bicycle second, $10 Morgan Wright beauty the Chautauqua giounds arc beyond English suit; one of tliemost quiet ever witnessed ou a ball W** learn from the Brunsv ick t and Col. H. II. Bur- tires; $5 $3 Those a to T**legrapii, Portland, tion. He passed in spelling, but did not rie White is making thorough repairs to her third, pedals; fourth, syrup field. There was no kicking or talking back compare. seeking place spend 50 watch chain. 10 their vacation will do well to consult the as- that the author of “A Roman "of "aco, after an hour’s deliberation reach the pitcher; fifth, $2 bicycle never his Slight mark in grammar, geography house, outside and in, and making a few at the umpire. Oxley opened a. m., about the twin cities. Prizes— sembly as soon as issued, which seiy were tlie two colleges matcli- and Under the rules of the parade mouth. John L. would quietly beckon with programme which brief mention is made m our literary history. changes inside_Hazael McKeeu is add- $20 divan for club having largest number of will be about the lirst of June. :i and Bates, his when be called a man out, and the is oratory delivery—to academy he will be allowed a re-examin- wheels in clock for club finger notes, the daughter of Dr. Dalton, rector to his on Waldo and line; $12 making his bench without a mur- n of office of O. B. Whitten of ation.The Armours ing buildings aveuue, player walked to of Kansas City and best appearance ; 12 to 1 p. m., lunch. 1.30 of St. Stephen's church, Portland, 1 !. other B. mur. Belfast won the game and the banner. Our Episcopal commissioner of sea and shore and several other stock- making improvements.Frank race at the State fair free to Congratulations. Chicago, large p. m., grounds, [Portland Express. a former rector of St. .John's, Bangor. expired April 10th, and no ap- holders of the Interstate National bank, Knowlton is making‘extensive repairs to league members ; 8 p. in., banquet at Rock- ‘K nt 24. The Beamier of his successor has been made. have a trust which the “Locke House” on includ- ingham. Transfers in Real Estate. Washington, May following Staples arrived Saturday, on his organized company High street, sent to in ■ Don’t to your ticket. message has been Col. Hay Lou- *tor Nickerson is men- will lend to forget bnug league home to Monroe from a two weeks' prominently money farmers and stock and sewer connection... The don : way busi- hir ing plumbing Half rates, with wheels free, on the Maine the place, it is under- as chattel mort- The following transfers in real estate were ness in although raisers, taking security floor of B. O. Norton’s market in the “Tele- Central and Portland aud Rochester. Bos- “To the ambassador of the United States, trip Massachusetts, and spent Sun- has made no effort to accumulate on recorded in Waldo of gages stock and grain.It. G. Dun ton aud Maine aud Grand Trunk will County Registry Deeds London: day in Belfast. His halte r is graph Building” was relaid last week, aud prob- patent having Mr. Whitten is also a candidate & in their review of All wheelmen 1807: “The President desires you to to Company weekly ably do as usual. invited. for the week ending May 20, Samuel convey a great run this season. He lias sold out all M. trade improvements made in the plumbing. The the queen his sincere and appointment.Albert King, say: Unmistakable evidence of im- R. to R. congratulations Locke, Belfast, Chas, Coombs, do.; those of the American the cele- he had on hand ami is now on '•dug messenger of the Boylston provement comes in the increase market is in the basement and the door was Providence is the home of many Maine p eople upon working general laud in Belfast. Isaiah Gould, Brooks, to bration of her 7i)th Shkhman.” orders. Rank of who left with of in weak is an birthday. Boston, commercial loans.Arrangements are condition.Euward Sibley people aud I met here old-time college land in Brooks. Susan ’'M| of Geo. L. Hall, do.; the bank’s was made foi the a funds, captured being establishment of making repairs and improvements to his friend, Dr. Edmund Abbott, formerly of E. to Nettie C. I. M. in Walker, Palermo, McNally Capt. Burgess of sell. K C. I'en.lie- Farmington. Most of the new line of steamers between San Fran- et land and in Pa- The Utah State Journal prints a storehouses-Some repairs are to be made Winterport, Me., and now enjoying a large als., Augusta; buildings full-page ton left for was found in his He cisco and South American lermo. L. to Levi portrait of Dr. Amasa S. Condon of Providence, B. I last Thursday possession. ports.The at the on Eugene Bryant, Belfast, Ogden, Girls’ Home Northport aveuue and lucrative practice, being eligibly located and also a of liis after a brief >Kcn to Boston Monday.A case of Boston board of aldermen Monday passed M. Bryant, Waldo; land in Waldo. John Utah, picture handsome vacation spent in Belfast and 'linn and the buildings painted. J. F. Wight has on Broadway. C. C. Couillard, formerly of C. to C. home in that city. The doctor is a native of Islesboro. usual importance, as affecting an order the ordinances so Hannon, Liberty, Lindley Hannon, He was accompanied bis son, amending city Boston and known | Hancock and a by •Kiness relations between the wliole- bought the old barn on the place and will the Herald, widely do.; land in Liberty. Hiram Ellis, Belfast, county, frequent contributor Alverdo that no person shall wear a for now l M., who from covering among Maine people, is editor of the to Thomas A. Harvey, Swanville; land in to The American. He is now a candidate recently graduated 1'Inor dealers of Boston and the re- the head in a of amusement that ob- move it off. It was very dilapidated and place Providence Evening Telegram. [E. M. I Swanville. Sarah F. Clark, Frankfort, to for governor of Uncle Sam's far-off territory the Bangor Commercial College, and who pealers in this was settled in structs the view of other was not needed. in Industrial of Alaska. State, any person. Blanding The Journal. I Herbert L. Clark, do.; laud in Frankfort. [Ellsworth American. will make a trip as second mate. Editorial Notes. Bravery of Women. Flsii and Game. The U. S. fish com- GOLD DUST WASHING POWDKR. '->5 mission car has been at work The activity of importers in getting dis- BY LADY COOK, Uee TENNESSEE C. CLAFLIN. tributing young fry, taken from the into the before the foreign goods country Craig’s brook hatchery at Orland, in the It was said by an excellent divine, ‘That new taiill bill goes into effect is shown Tells What Not To Do. Piscataquis and Pleasant rivers, and in Insist on the fact that the though many discoveries have been made Munyon various waters in the by goods remaining in Milford, Mattawamkeag in the world of there is and Vanceboro. The entire bonded wait houses on the first of self-love, yet shipment April Atlantic salmon abundance of ‘terra incognita’ left be- comprised 1,500,000 weie valued at only $21,120,08.*), agaiust nearly 1,000,000 Quinnet salmon and hind." It has men to to $42,490,025 on the corresponding date last pleased arrogate 40,000 steel head trout.The fish themselves the whole of human and commissioners were in Piscata- year. nearly game last | courage and to regard women as very Take No Medicine Unless quis county week, where they, will in timid and gave hearings several of the towns rela- Woo) will some- cowardly creatures when com- producers recognize tive to the game laws.Reports from with themselves. Now we do not thing of the enormous stock of foreign pared You Sick. Mooseliead Lake are that the fishing at women Are that is that some have and that wools which they will have to compete deny occasionally place excellent, some catches have been little affectations which a color to very large made.A with w hen tlie new law goes into effect ; give by salmon weighing 20 lbs. was on exhibition this These are scared at meet- the fact that the wool importations in : opinion. in Portland, May 14th, caught by F. L. The best Washing 1 were ing harmless cows or oxen, as decries and doping. should French of Maine llarch, IM'7, 58,085,339 pounds though they Munyon dosing Why Saudypoint..The made. Best for all were the springtime be the signal for a deluge Sportsman's Fish and Game Association against 17,781,547 pounds in March of the I ferocious bulls. They jump in ter- glorious oi pnysic, ami me go men Harvest ue has completed arrangements for its second does the and ror on a chair at the of a mouse. ing, work 1. preceding year, against only 3,4158,415 sight associated with the excessive drinking annual excursion, which will be to the in the last March under the All are errors of educa- of rum and as bit- pounds Mc- these, however, whiskey disguised Rangeley lake region June 21 to 28. A cheaply and thon > be Kinley law. tion, just as boys are taught from the ters? Medicine should only given large number of prominent people will < to the and should be ad- the Largest et. cradle to for their sick, always join party.A square-tailed trout package—greatest despise girls supposed and dis- ministered with gentleness weighing six pounds and nine ounces was With the of want of and to manhood THE N. K. FAIRBANK importations foreign goods bravery, grow cretion. Medicine should be to Nature taken in Great Pond, Belgrade, last week. COMPANY, a of error a reason of the without seeing their mistake. Yet Mau- only delicate rebuke and .A at Mooseliead lake last week St. New increasing enormously hy party Chicago, Louis, York, Boston, Phila > kind of the of the deville in his “Search into the Nature of encouragement physical in one afternoon captured over 150 prospective repeal Wilson law, it is trout, __ forces for good. The hard work of re- weighing from two to four pounds each... not that the are Society,’’ avers that “Man, as lie is a fear- surprising gold exports covery is done by Nature itself. The A boatman who came dow n the St. ful Croix, increasing. The foreign goods brought animal, naturally uot rapacious, loves human body is more delicate than the recently, reports the schools of small her- finest more sensitive than into the country must be paid for in gold, Peace and Quiet, and he would never mechanism, ? ring very thick in places, covering the the tenderest plant. To shatter the surface of the water for a and if foreign importations increase 10 to Fight, if nobody offended him, and he long distance, NO-TO-BAC“H:“" liver with mercury, to madden the and there is little fear of the sardine Over 1,000.000 boxes sold. 300.000 cures pro^ e it9 power to destroy the desire for tobacco sup- orm. JO millions a it without could have what lie tights for without it.’’ nerves writh and and No-to-bac is the ^routes! nerve-food in the world Many tain ll» pounds in in d., month, goes say- morphine chloral, small this effort is tads ply being year.An to luake the weak m potent man strong. vigorous and magneto Just -rv a 1.x This be true of man as a But to and burn the stomach with »■ to ing that the gold exportations must in- may savage. flay being made to stock the Union river with lighted. expect you believe what we say for acure is ahsoluiely guaranteed >!r where. Send tor our booklet “Don't Tobacco “out and Smoke Your Life Awav wr it:- so skill and every black-listed with skull and Columbia crease. civilization gives much dissi- poison river salmon. The Green Lake tree sample. AdilressTUESTERLl.Ntt K£M£DY to., Chicago oi.\ew Y orb cross-bones, is torture more demonic fish received a of pates so errors and that men hatchery large lot eggs many terrors, than the Sold and Guaranteed !>v RICH YRD II. MOODY, M Inquisition. horn the Pacific coast, which were hatch- Belfast, have learned to be quarrelsome, courage- a Eight and nine cents a pound duty on This is world of compensations. ed. The fry have been doing splendidly. ous and self-reliant. It would be natural For there is a 1 i ist and second class wools, while it is not every valley correspond- It is proposed to plant them in tributaries to the mothers and sisters ing mountain, for every darkness there of Union river, and in Patten's ■is much as the rate named the suppose of pond by Dinghy is a corresponding light, and for every stream.A. F. brave men would be brave also. We look Soper recently can .lit at bill when it the is disease there is a cure. passed Douse, just 8 corresponding Fast Orland a land-locked salmon 80 NEW for sexes '' cognate in both of other Not all such cures have been GOODS! and cents more than the rates of the qualities yet found, inches long and but INI discovered weighing eight pounds and are not unyon has fifty-seven and six ounces. present Wilson law. It is also conceded animals, disaj pointed. Why The lisli made a hard of them. Each one of cures should mankind be an Munyon's fight, it taking an hour to land him. t he mole in to the exception? Why nearly proportion general is a specinc ior some parncniar disease, aau mr naming eisc. I'.iioi oneoi This is LATEST should it the largest fish of the kind that STYLES! value of w,ads be imagined that men have all cures is a climax of scientific the exact lit in each than the rates established Mnnyon's experiment, has been in these w aters and is the caught — _ • the and women a of case. Remedies for sale at all druggists. ‘.'0 cents a bottle. hy ti e MrKinhy 1 aw, which was quite] courage monopoly Mnnyon's Mostly result of the deposits of small fish by the If in doubt write to Prof. Munyon, 1005 Arch Street, Philadelphia, for free litis to the wo. timidity? simply because of men’s stu- commission. satisfactory »1-growers. medical advice. pendous seif-conceit. The majority have Republicans who think that tlie tariff never given the subject a rational thought. Alaska (iolJ Properties. D. P. PALMER upon further and A Noble Record. Has a first-class assortment of the newest bill have excluded women from their physical advancement, and best in the market of reported to the Senate is not as They The Alaska News of ,Juneau man should look to his that sexual City, own favorite fields for the morals, horouithly Republican as when passed by display of With tlie mental vision I see a tall, Alaska, under date of April 'Jlhid, says: harmony may result. “Tlie Alaska (odd Syndicate the 1Ruse must remember the bravery, and then pride themselves upon noble man as he stood in the Company, UNDERWEAR, NEGLIGEE SHIRTS a that Ue- looking which owns near of specialty, It is no wonder that the cowards and y 10,000 acres placer their vast j ui :i. .iiis do not control the Senate of the superiority. But, whenever choir of a Dixmont church on a beautiful ground along the Chiutna Fiver near Tyoo- narrow-hearted the men are bitter- women have had among i>“<‘k. Cook's Inlet, is making preparations NECKWEAR, GLOVES, HOSIERY, ETC, 1’nited Mates, and it it is necessary to equal opportunities, Sunday morning, in the “long ago.1' By for ly opposed to the “new woman.” They extensive work this season. The steam- the they have themselves no his side stood his er Alhion left San on modify Republican tariff measure to proved despica- youthful bride; they Francisco April Pth for our vl see “the rod of from F'ook's See celebrated WILCOX ble with men empire” slipping Inlet, calling at Fort Townsend on HATS, w„Vrtv 1 ass it in that the is in the competitors in physical both belonged to families who were H body, remedy their and feel that their brute force the way North. She is under charter to t he OTHER STYLE YTS FROM SO CENTS TO $3.00. and far ahead of them in moral grasp, minds of tile people who elect the legis- ! courage, musically inclined. A short time previ- above company and is loaded down with and cannot save them. Women and ! fearlessness. cunning Mr. supplies hydraulic machinery : a num- to PALMER'S -t r.ures wl ich name the members of the ous, David York and Miss Sarah J ■rC-Go for are man’s moral and are ber of giants and several mil. s of steel Bargains, At a time like the when already superiors, pipe i.t xt Senate. present, public Yinal were united in marriage. Mr. being a part of the c trgo. The ah >ve named fast their intellectual attention is drawn to a becoming equals. is a New York largely compara- York was an intelligent, upright man, company enterprise, the fiscal Their is more agents being Denslow, Ward N: C« of that Hi.- rot feature of new tive view of the of both it physique improving rapidly iprocity the tariff qualities sexes, and quite a thrifty farmer. His wife was citv.” than the man’s. the outlook v is lil to be evt n tnor< be to draw attention to the Altogether, _‘ y satisfactory may profitable a mild, pleasant woman, who carried sun- assures us of sexual equality at no far dis- than that of the McKinley law. The ad- braven of women. We do not desire to shine wherever she went. As the wheels FOR tant date. Whenever it it will dition of tea and hides to the dutiable list undervalue the valor of men. arrives, conspicuous of time rolled round, a son and daughter Headquarters a universal to and in teas-> the for On the we are to give impetus progress, opportunity obtaining contrary, proud recog- gladdened their hearts. The son was mark a new era cable nize it to the full. We wish to and happier for humani- I ;‘a\ reciprocity treaties, and it is only point rather delicate and gave but little promise out women for not will and Tinware and •itideisto >d that the .Senate will into that are of the same ty. right, might, govern, Kitchen Goods. put capable of what he would be in after years, until a the worthiest wear the crown. The brave CARTERS the bill such as to make it to and provisions great quality profitable degree, he was fourteen years of age: after that it should be women of the past and present will then practicable to secure very advantageous that, tlieiefore, encouraged time he took great interest in books and ■ittle be revered as the in the reciprocal arrangements with many coun- in them as well as in men. If the men daring pioneers attended all tlie high schools that he Blue File Oil Stoves of all of a new a new Stoves, heaven and Lamp all let women exhort each other. discovery tries, of which will be specially in the refuse, could, and made rapid progress in his Iiver earth. interests of the agriculturists of the coun- No one can doubt that moral courage is studies. He not district taught only PILLS GARDEN try. superior to physical. Men exceed in the schools, but high schools also. HOSE, Insurance in Maine. ] latter, women in the and it is not ALUniNUn former, lie read law in Bangor, and was ad- TEA KETTLES, U nties who are preparing to establish desirable that this should be altered even Part of the annual report for the 1890 of mitted to the bar and opened an office in GLEN WOOD RANGES, factories w ill be interested in a were it Yet it would add to the Hon. S. W. Maine’s insurance com- beet-sugar possible. Carr, the city. advised him to will be Judge Appleton recent taken the of of both if men were missioner, ready for distribution I step by Secretary dignity stronger where were not as ENAMEL WAR iu a few It shows that the go West, lawyers plenti- in tlieir behalf. days. amount SICK Agriculture Having sup- morally and women HEADACHE physically. of lire insurance written in Maine during ful as in Maine. When about twenty-six over thousand farmers of A modern historian “Moral and Positively cured these "* plied twenty says, the year 189(5 was the largest in the his- of he went West and by years age practiced Little the United States with beet seed for trial rational faculties may alike be tory of the State. It exceeds more Pills. M. L. dormant, by law in Seattle, State. It was Mitchell, than the business of the Washington Wilson is now making a and will be so if men are $8,000,0o0 pre- They also relieve Distress from crops, Secretary they certainly not before he was of Probate. Dyspepsia, ceding year. It was placed as follows: long judge and to immersed in the of Indigestion and Too Hearty A practical intelligent investigation wholly gratification Companies of other States aud countries, He soon made the acquaintance of a Eating. per- determine the sections of where 1 fect remedy for Drowsi- country their senses. Man is like a plant, which $110,273,315; Maine mutual and married the eld- Dizziness, Nausea, companies, clergyman’s family Bad Taste in manufacture is most to a to- ness, the Mouth, Coated beet-sugar likely favorable soil for the full $5,784,280; special brokers, $307,075: est was Tongua BELFAST requires daughter, who a very relined LIVERY CO.. tal, Tain in the TORPID be successful, the to assist of its natural or iuuate $110,304,070. Side, LIVER. object being expansion pow- Christian a member of a They These figures do not include the busi- woman, Presby- Regulate the Bowels. BELFAST, MAINE, those who desire to invest in beet-sugar ers." If men had been shut as wo- Purely Vegetable. out, ness of so-called “factory” or “mill terian church. After remaining there factories. men from the exercise of their Small Pill. have, mutuals,” which have assumed enormous four or five years, he settled in California, Small Dose. is it certain would proportions iu Maine. The premiums re- Small physical faculties, they where he has been very successful, lie Price. A thousand pounds of ceived by the companies amount* d to $1,- D. B. SOUTHWORTH & SON. dynamite explod- have excess of developed physical powers? 042,427 and the losses to $883,247. was appointed by the Governor to a ed in the midst of a mining camp would her social disadvan- PROPRIETORS._ Notwithstanding The marine insurance in 1890 amounted vacancy on the supreme bench; when the not have been more effective in its disin- in this woman to tages respect, has made $18,772,758, of which $17,535,840 was term expired lie was re-appointed. His than was tegration President Cleveland’s her mark in the annals of His- written by domestic and $1,230,918 by bravery. wife is now an invalid. They have a son in the distribution of the remaius foreign companies. The marine pre- speech affords numerous of tory examples great | miums on the business of 1890 amounted and a daughter who have reached mature of the once It has I powerful Democracy. of too. at a time to and the heroines, many them, j $204,4(52. losses paid during the years. The son is reading law. After an FIJRNISHEl) ro ()R[ Nit ;HT >R torn that ill-fated still )ER, organization I when her was a year to $215,924. general position that of absence of twelve years, Judge York came farther asunder. Editor Watter- ; The fees and taxes paid the State by in- Henry slave; but we can only note a few. Leacna to Maine to visit at his home. His Coaches, Hacks, or Buckboartls. surance companies for 1890 are: Taxes, fire j early Barges son, of the gold Democracy, is attacking of Attica bore the severest torture with- ORDERS BV TELEPHONE PROIPTLN BILLED and marine, $18,540; life, $24,740: mis- ; mother had passed to the golden shore. H ; The of the silver .savagely. organs out a word. Teles.11a. the poetess, made cellaneous, $1,370; total, $44,009. Eight j He told his father that while absent, he E Di m. nats and Mr. Bryan himself are! the women new companies were admitted iu 1890 Argolic fearless of death, and had not drank a glass of liquor, or used locks with total stock of i.oiling at it, Mi. Bailey is attack- discomfited flu* Theodora saved capital $1,750,000. H Spartans. Seven hundred and nine tires have been tobacco in any form, and a profane word ing it savagely, and the Populists are the Eastern < Fine Pla Empire. Artemisia drank the reported to the department by municipal had not stained his lips. A noble record, Silver on it with both while the jumping feet, aches of her with a loss of Of X consort. Camilla, Queen of officers, $1,104,005. truly! lie is now fifty years of age, and a editors of the are tear- is attributed to I KNIVES, Republican country the was this, $59,787 incendiarism; H Yolsciaus, slain fighting at the very fine man. Ilis father still to unknown a looking ing it to tatters. A few more of $489,193 causes, making j speeches head of her troops. Boadicea encounter- survives and has reached the four Q total of $548,980. This makes a total of ( already oo this sort and there will be no Democratic FORKS, ed ■ Z the veterans of Borne. The Maid of nearly $1,000 per capita of the State pop- score limit of human life. His sister mar- w We have all the New pai tv left for Mr. Cleveland to defend. ulation, an and one that i O < Orleans drove the English from France. alarming fact, ried a Mr. Mudgettof Dixmont, a well-to- SPOO> promises to urge municipal officers to Arria stabbed herself to her do farmer. reside on the old X its encourage more extended of fires. They Perfumes and Other (noon nnos The of the while investigation oo wool-growers country, husband to die. it does not “See, hurt, homestead, where his grandfather fell- \I1 kinds ol Silver and 1*1 at«* are with the that they delighted prospect dear she said. The mar- Paetus,’’ tales of The Camden Cucumbers. ed the first trees, a hundred years Toilet Accessories. are to must not ex- they get protection, tyrdom are fertile of heroic women. Young ago. Mr. mother has a home Yesterday afternoon we received a pleas- Mudgett’s pect to feel the effects immediately. maidens met the most horrible deaths with ant call from Mr. Edward Foote of Boston, in his family, and his wife’s father HIGH IN QUALITY. Latest as to the of the senior of the of investigations supply placid contempt, if not with vehement joy. genial member firm Skil- resides there also—two people who The ton, Foote & Co., manufacturers of Bunker aged "CRAWFORD”! LOW IN PRICE. Gold Filled Waters wool in stock in this show that No fiendish tortures that devils could de- Just as good” as the Crawford Shoe country Hill who was in town are looked after with no Pickles, upon busi- loving care, means that the Crawford i» worth imitat- the amount of wools now ness For foreign vise were able to shake the fortitude of connected with the cucumber growers doubt. The man who was murdered the ing. Unless a shoe has distinct points of LADIES anJ OENTLL' merit it is never in the hands of the manufacturers’ is of this vicinity. imitated. The Crawford = numberless brave women. Whether under season on a ranch was Mr. — In course of conversation, Mr. Foote said past California Shoe fits and wears. 1 sufficient for at least seven months’ sup- Nero or the under the that the business Bishops, Inquisi- company began thirty-two Mudgett’s only brother. How hard it F. H. aud for FRANCIS* CO., and that if the enormous im- years ago, many years cucumber ply, present tion or the French Revolutionaries, it was was for the when the sad news growing was confined to the vicinity of Bos- mother, Sole Agents, Belfast. Me. CLOCKS. portations continue, as seems probable, noted with surprise and admiration that ton. reached her that her youngest boru had or. Osgood s will a About four years ago, at the of they have full year’s supply the women died more bravely than the suggestion met his death at the hands of an assassin Mr Calvin Austin of the B. & B. S. S. Co., on hand when the new law goes into men. With what and and in all his grace calmness, Mr. Foote decided to try contracting with that far-off land, away from Have your Eyes Fi he effect. This is a but it is Camden farmers. The first year it was deplorable fact, infinite tenderness for others, did Anne tried, kindred. The death angel came for two /gg^CoXam. only three acres were devoted to the cucum- * one of the numerous misfortunes attend- and of Scotland their Boleyn Mary lay bers by our farmers, but after learning what of the three daughters sometime ago. Pm Spectacles, ant the existence of the free trade a business it could be the upon fair necks upon the block. Even the fear- pro/itable made, While Judge York was visiting at his Indian:-: Bitters, industry steadily grew until now seventy- We can save you A' tariff law now upon the statute stanzas: books, less Raleigh suffers by comparison, for five acres of are used the farmers early home,he wrote the following ground by THE IIES r and until it can be rid of there can liereab mts iu cucumbers. I gotten their queenly dignity excelled his half- solely cultivating THE SPRING IN THE HILLSIDE OF DIXMONT. Frank 3. Sherman lias be no getting 1 id of its depressing effect. carelessness. represented Skilton, SPRING MEDICINE. jocular Foote <<: Co., in contracting and has done “O spring in the hillside of Dixmont, Maine! j iCcAA. A Fine Line of \\ lien we come to physical seli-sacrilice, well for all concerned. Crystal spring in the hillside, I come again Sterling If who wears shoes to It liat been so demonstrated From home in the the west anybody objects to one's life to save the most dear successfully my west; far,far, 1 m giving* that cucumbers will and flourish well I drink contributing II cents a year to the support grow stoop again, again to at thirst's ho- to us, women stand almost alone. Whether here, that now Mr. Foote is desirous of in- liest. v of the Covernmeut in view of its H. J, & present teresting our farmers in cauliilower culture. Hut I start, for I see you relh-et.I stare— LOCKE to suck a poisoned wound, or to intervene under the Wilson now is The firm has a great demand for the succu- At an old face, at hair! extremity law, old, gray, gray ELY’S CREAM BALM is a positive cure. Soda Water and receive the assassin’s or to lent vegetable, but has had considerable National Bank Building the time to offer that The dagger, Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 50 I*. O. objection. in it He that with- When I drank of this in the Square. BF.I. nurse the wounded in the midst of battle, difficulty supplying says spring long ago cents at RrucL'ists 'T bv mail ; samples Hie. hv mail. on raw hides which is out the cucumbers from J saw a face duty proposed by exception shipped with its youth all aglow. ELY BROTHERS, 50 b arren St., IS>.w York City, i -WITH PURE FRUIT SYRUPS or to watch by the couch of pestilence here are firmer and better than others re- A a face with the taiiff bill in the Senate would prob- hopeful face, lively joy ceived. Herald. The “Old came a or death, or to commit suicide to save [Camden spring said, man, you then ably add about 0 cents to the cost of the boy, their own and their husband’s honor, they The True Kerned). And h.ave 11>\vn with foreign hides used in making the leather years pleasure, pain, W. M. editor Since drank at this in Bicycle have acted without a on the Repine, Tiskilwa, 111., you spring Dixmont, I_I which into a of but as parallel part goes pair shoes, “Chief,” says: “We won’t keep house with- Maine! of men. Woman’s love is than only one-fifth of the hides used iu the stronger out Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump- Hut in the hillside, you are the point k her and there is no sacrifice which aud Colds. spring same, m. country are imported, the average in- fears, tion, Coughs Experimented Price $300 and $200. with but never the true Your brooklet sings the same refrain ; crease in the shoes would be she will not him who many others, got price.of only cheerfully make for You are as as when I first Repairing, remedy until we used Dr. Xing’s New Dis- youthful one-fifth of that, or one cent per pair. Knelt beside to thirst. Two farms in Searsmont on road fr«m Wood sways her heart. What she does by im- covery. No other remedy can take its place you quench my that the man man's mills to Severance's Corner. One. farm, Assuming average buys iu our home, as iu it we have a certain aud man tries to do by calcula- known as the Asa Fowles’ place, contains 120 three of shoes in a his increas- pulse feebly sure cure for “Ah, said the you judge of life pairs year, Coughs, Colds, Whooping spring, acres, house, ell and barn, price $3<»0. Another Arthur Ritchie, be three cents a tion. By the see, by mutation’s of ed “tax burden” would Cough, etc.” It is idle to experiment with changes you farm opposite, contains 50 acres, house, ell {and other even if are on strife: wood, stave stuff and year, w hile the advantage to the farmers But it is in moral that woman remedies, they urged you barn, price $200. Plenty in courage Your soul is as as when first came on for will be millions of dollars. as just as good as Dr. King’s New Discov- young you hoop poles each place Sold about half Bring shines. Just as the and And drank at this in their value to close an estate. Terms, half down, greater strengtli ery. They are not as good, because this spring Dixmont, balance on if desired. or in- at has a record of cures and besides is Maine!” mortgage, Address, Law, man are of makes him remedy of tfl5 Attorney The silver advocates that the training physically quire saying guaranteed. It never fails to satisfy. Trial so the moral and said the is a of i WARREN BRO1 LIBERTY, MAINE. 3m9 recent exportations of gold are an evi- superior, strength bottles free at Kilgore & Wilson’s Drug “My youth,” spring youth HERS, Your the world Wheels, Maine. dence that the of gold in the world of woman makes him her Store. Searsmont, IN supply training morally Into chaos sometime all earth will be hurled ; OFFICE CROCKETT’S BLOCK. is not for its sufficient requirements. Up- In chas- Ami as a I’ll no remain inferior. loyalty, truthfulness, then, spring, longer IC^PRO.IPT ATTENTION TO COLLECTIONS. on the same argue To flow in principle they might and from the hillside Dixmont, Maine! that the exportation of wheat and corn tity, fidelity, piety, sobriety, honesty for Taxes. But that of from ail matter then Proposals Collecting All *• indicated tiiat the world does not produce general perseverance in well-doing, she is CASTORIA spirit yours kinds of Bicycle repaii flee, PROPOSALS for the of these articles for its require- above him. This has been collecting city, and repairing neatly done enough immeasurably Undimuied by its age in triumph shall he; SEALEDcounty and State taxes of the city of Belfast ments. The mere fact that there is a and for will be at. noticed by great writers of every age, and For Infants and Children. And if it shall search again again, the current municipal year received by momentary demand for gold in Europe It will find neither spring nor Dixmont, the City Clerk until Monday, dune 7, 1897, at 5 it would not be difficult to discover o’clock r. m. The City Council reserves the and because ihese countries de- why The Maine.” right A FULL LINE OF Japan, fae- /) to accept any one of the proposals or t<> reject all. and because is so much man’s moral sire to increase their stock, she superior. Julia C. Mudgett. All taxes are to be collected within one year from does not a the date of and the collector is to Belfast Machine & of war possibilities, argue gen- Mandevllle thought it was because her Stockton Springs. commitment, ronndry eral of in the world. & make a full settlement with the city at the end of Hot Water (’ insufficiency gold brain was more balanced. We said The collector is to be authorized and I root Street. Belfast in the world accurately I)o scratch and scratch, and wonder year. Bottles, The quantity of gold money you directed to enforce the of all taxes on that it is to payment in 1873 was $1,209,800,000, while in 1896 think, however, largely owing A bottle of Dr. Wood’s Pine what’s the matter? Doan’s Ointment will real estate not paid within* the time required by Etc., Norway of laws of 1893. SYRINGES, was The of chapter 314 the public by bring- it $3,098,700,000. supply a higher standard of moral conduct hav- iu the house saves doctors’ bills, relieve and cure \\ heels or orders left at Syrup instantly permanently auy ing suits against delinquent tax payers as pro FOR SALb BY in the world is now bO per saves aud often saves gold money ing been constantly demanded from her trouble, very precious itchy disease of the skin no matter of how vided bv said chapter. office, <>8 Main St., will re cent, than was the and silver lives. Gives almost instant relief in cases of L. H. Ml'RCH, City Clerk. greater gold But she must insist reive attention.. from remotest times. colds, or lung troubles of any sort. long standing. Belfast. May 10,1897.—4wl9 A. A. HOWES & CO. prompt combined in 1873. coughs, | ^ in (iuatemala. affairs There are eighteen additional schools of To Shut Out the East Wind. Mr. Hammond the benefits accru- f and minister music in flic says great author, poet to Berlin. country, maintained by the from this work would be And ing great equal- “Cedarcroft” is its ondence of The at a Change the Climate ol New A' conspicuous by lofty Journal.] government, cost of eight or ten England. ly divided between the United States, Boston Man's Scheme. tower and stands upon one La 1897. thousand dollars a All these Canada and The American and high ground \i*eva, April 3, year. things One of England. the most the British he mile from Kennett Within a stones on earth of Guatemala owes to gigantic undertakings governments should, says, Square. ..■untry equal Barrios, despot and tor the alteration of the its cost climate of a great undertake the work, and would be throw of the domain of this at niich for edueation- tyrant he was. He found of mansion, money though the length the sea coast, says the New comparatively slight. The viaduct would 1 ork the end of a long lane of tall cedars, is a :! is small Republic, with country as Richelieu found France, a Journal, is that which is seriously need to be not over ten miles long, and suggested Mr. two house with a wooden and • by F. S. Hammond of than feet Its foundation story porch it square miles of super- weak and tottering fabric, and in a brief less 200 deep. Boston,*a gentleman with maritime and in the rustic which time he made her the most could be built by dumping channel dooryard, was the home of ugely Indian population, prosperous the engineering experience. The results he of the strait rocks from surrounding childhood. I know it is and of the Central aims at are Taylor’s impos- :old, only about 1.400,000. progressive American stupendous, yet he says they shores and then building solid can be masonary sible to find perfection in the human Mates. His methods attained at ex- race, ,-t ten years the government were decisive and comparatively slight on top. pense in less than a but to mind one of the saddest year. By a single en- The Mr. Hammond, could be my things xtraordinary attention to in some cases inhuman, but the results he work, says gineering construction, which, lie says, finished within one year at a cost of about in the life of him of whom I write is the nt of achieved almost justified the means. should be built the to public instruction, by United States, The benefit the real estate he was Canada and £9,000,000. fact that a heavy drinker. The WASHING -^PQWPER inaugurated by the elder When he assumed the role of despotic Great Britain, acting together, of New and Canada would, it is Mr. Hammond England wine upon his table, the beer and proposes: make the sum look whiskey For Fine Laces, the compulsory-education chief, whose word was law and whose will First—To claimed, insignificant, Flannels, Woolens, etc., Ivorine is destroy the dreaded east and Great Britain would derive valuable consigned to him from Philadelphia and Matchless. »f a thousand “National no man dared gainsay, the country was winds or Boston. results in a quicker transatlantic passage New York and taken through the town of e> are called, were estab going to the second—To change the climate of the and backward, crab-fashion, increased commerce. Kennett to “Cedarcroft” was, I am The cake of Toilet in of New tugland States to that of told, Soap every package Ivorine :t aiutained at an expense dark days of the Spanish New Jersey dominion; and New York. cause of great concern to his friends and will be found delightful for Toilet, Bath and tenth of the entire rev- the were A Visit to Maryland. Nursery. people slavish, superstitious Third Jo the But let us his The J. 11. give maritime very Lr WILLIAMS CO., Gastonbury, Conn, provinces neighbors. forgive oakers of uuitry. an amount much and densely devoid of of Canada a mild and climate. Williams Famous Shaving Soaps ignorant, hope genial of The bad fault and remember that he rose from write for catalogue of choice pi\ rniuuis. Fourth—To make [Correspondence Journal.] ution than is or the of them mere Labrador habitable. paid by any ambition, majority humblest walks in after a Fifth—To reduce the transatlantic Philadelphia, Pa., May 13, 1807. the life, brave States. These schools, beasts of burden. In those voy- days pack- age to :! 1-2 days. Having business matters to look after in struggle, to eminence. The name and •red all over the Country, mules were much less the Sixth—To hardly known, keep Canadian ports open all Maryland in connection with our com- writings of Bayard Taylor will ever claim for modern means of the year round. issed,—as “ninas," transportation. The In- on and on both sides of No such pany, I left Philadelphia the early respect approbation .ichos,*’ mixed dians and half-breeds did all the stupendous results as these (boys,) carrying have ever been train and reached West the Atlantic. F. W. Go wen. achieved by any one en- morning May 8th, schools, aud schools for in city and and iu all the hamlet, conveying gineering work. Yet, according to Mr. Grove, my headquarters in Chester county, l.h*.o teachers and aud F. S. all that ying products merchandise between the Hammond, is needed to after a ride of less than two hours. At- coast secure them is an embankment no THE ige attendance of 13,- and the fastened to their longer WHITE STORE daily interior, than to business matters at hand, 1 nine miles and with a depth of less tending .i• in. not is tuition head and backs leathern Bar- only by straps. than 200 feet. then on the 10 a. m. Is the to This embankment, says left West Grove place buy your ■ oks are furnished the it'S said, "I will not rule but Mr. Hammond a by animals, in letter to the Journal, train, reaching Conowiugo, Maryland, at ■st to the treas- human aud one of his first orders should be built across the Strait of Belle public beings," 11.30 a. m. It is an historic old town on which Labrador of ten dol- was that the should cease Isle, separates from New- | neighborhood people making the river and the foundland. Such an obstruction would ! Susquehanna during CLOTHING! .toil pupil: and attendance themselves beasts of burden. At first completely close the straii of Belle Isle to ! civil war it did a thriving business getting taw, within certain restric- this was regarded as a great navigation, it Yet i hardship, rendering impassable. out timber for gun boats, and many of our This is a hard to find and we are this would be no year money, in-of priinai;. instruction riic common knew no as it is now but making people other mode hardship, Yankee from Maine and New Fug- little and the climate there is so in- i people an effort to and in *d school", *>t a and used, please satisfy you great many private earning living, looked upon the laud there at finding element and the commerce so meagre tliat- found employment good values in from the stock in of established importation of mules from and there are no clothing largest the of newly Nicaragua towns or villages of impor- wages. The old saw-mills that were kept city besides the numerous Honduras as absolute ruin to tance those waters. themselves facing the stormy On the other constantly occupied during the aim their families. The Dictator band, the change which .•..ns, government pointed days of war still stand, and 1 thought as I would lie wrought by blocking up the “High" and Normal to the rich virgin soil and commanded Strait of Belle Isle at its narrowest part visited one of them that if they could but Mens, and Youths' Suits. each man to till a Boys i> established a number of small section of land —that is between A woman burned at the stake is a Point Armour light, on speak they would narrate the story of a martyr. A woman tortured and down to institutions— and to plant a given number of tile Labrador shore, and West Point, on dragged We collegiate coffee, great controversy, when the territory of death by the and misery of diseases will guarantee all our sales rubber the Newfoundland shore—would be very l pains aw school, the of and banana trees, and to report distinctly feminine, is just an ordinary, ev- college great. A at the will show this republic was divided between slavery or refunded. the glance map woman. Her case is so common that money and tin- school of results of their labor at the end of that the ery-day pharmacy Strait of Belle Isle is a narrow and freedom. If the readers of The Jour- little is thought of it. She had better be * uatemala and the each season. The order was of water from the would be sooner over. City, absolute, passage emptying north nal will take the trouble of looking on the burned. Her agony We will sell CHEAPER than you can into the Gulf of St women suffer in silence because you Clothing There are three and they sullenly few who Lawrence, that the Many •..Tenango. obeyed—the map of Maryland they will notice dread the abhorrent “local treatment dared to do otherwise in they buy anywhere else. Now we mean business. •> in the IT HAS AN EVIL — ami trades—one cap- being brought INFLUENCE. town of which 1 write is situated very invariable insisted upon by physicians and flogged. At the end of the second dread a It lias been known and because they the truly appalling in Totonk apan and third long that this strait near and hence it year, the few who still his com- the Pennsylvania line, these make. No woman disobeyed has exercised an evil influence on the cli- charges physicians ango. all supported by the mands. were before him. became a for need submit to either of these evils. The brought Then, mate of the Gulf of St. refuge frightened fugitives in that dramatic which this famous Lawrence, pouring of womanly health was solved 30 These three last named way on whom the terrors of death had problem into the Gulf the icy waters of the Arctic very Dr. Lamson & Hubbard sou of ( astile affected, he would years ago by the preparation of Pierce’s .■ions lb silently and the whole of the Labrador of the war the Tens of thousands employ professors s;t*p to his desk, two in the affecting fallen, and at the opening Favorite Prescription. White dip fingers women have to men in the and and Newfoundland shores. Recent ex- of grateful written Dr. Pierce $tore; workshops, inkstand, and 18th Connecticut was stationed walking to the culprit, Regiment to thank him for restored love and make periments made for the marine department health, it tendance. There is also a the sign of the cross on his fore- there for some time for the of The “Favorite of the Dominion government show that purpose happiness. Prescription” head and order Him to immediate death, is wonderful in its effect on the female > and trades for women. The the current in the Strait of Belle Isle is guarding the long bridge which spans truly in this way he struck terror to the hearts organism. It allays inflammation almost at s 1 have been able to lind re- about two 81 Main ■ fundamentally tidal, running the is soothes the >t delinquents and Guatemala to Susquehanna. Gettysburg only once. It pain and relieves that St., began knots in either direction. dreadful, down sensation. It xpenditures of tin* govern- fbuirisli like a There Frequently, fifty or sixty miles from Conowingo and dragging stops well-kept garden. at the en- drains and "as no however, icebergs standing debilitating promotes regularity ■ is, was for the year 1>00. temporizing, no no the rumble of the battle could be pardoning, trance of the Strait of Belle Isle have par- plainly of every function. Druggists sell more of .i‘*dge or jury: and inexor- the sum of si, 007b'-bJ, was cold, pitiless blocked the channel. In the ice- heard by her citizens, while the village it than of all similar medicines combined. able as Barrios will tially fate, carried out his Mrs. Sarah E. Rains, of Dayton, Cass Co., Mo., teachers' rent of berg season there is generally a large col- and were overrun Chas. O'Connell, salaries, and heaven only knows how hun- surrounding country writes It was in the winter of 1890 that many lection of about the northern en- my 1897. bergs commenced. I was it Style, oks, etc. The University of dreds of men were done to death in the with people from Gettysburg who had sufferings pregnant and Spring PROPRIETOR. trance to the Strait of Belle blit was close to my time of confinement. I took the great of Isle, Vueva is the of prison Guatemala Not only been to flee for their lives from so I had to take bed The special pet city. none the very smallest has ever obliged grip ray right away. in the matter of in other except and the labor all went to head. I .xlj. and costs it a planting, but all grip pains my pretty been able to the strait. The Lee's army. worse. I walks of Hie, Barrios his methods pass through invading kept getting doctored, but nothing did pushed reason for this is that the strait is com- me I had nervous and was de- e of its imported nl 1 addressed any good. spasms faculty, improvement. He commanded the re- Sunday evening, May 0th, lirious- Oh, no can paratively shallow, its average depth in tongue express my sufferings. v and receive salaries generation of church and establish- a audience there in the interest of I got so thin in flesh I was almost a fright to look Spain, Mate, the narrowest less than 100 good ed made education part being at. In fact, was nothing but skin and bone. I oar a greater ompeu- schools, compulsory, and 1 was was advised a to medicine. I each, and feet. temperance Monday morning by lady try your got even a suspicion of to him- the ‘Golden Medical and ‘Favorite .s to instructors disloyalty Mr. Hammond has out that the to leave for Discovery’ paid college mJi pointed obliged Perry ville, Maryland, I or the State was met with prompt ex- Prescription.' had taken two-thirds of the med- cold Arctic which comes from when I to feel •d States, except in rare in- ecution. At first hated and he current, twenty miles farther south over the Fred- icine began better, and still con- feared, the Baflins and tinued getting oetter. In a short time I felt like to be polar regions through Bay j u-mala's ‘'Colegio Naeioual’* began respected. His masterful erick division of the Pennsylvania system. another woman. I gained strength and flesh.” Davis Strait, and which carries all the | COLUMBIA mind BICYCLES. and strong will, which niuent among the educatiou- permeated large icebergs into the Atlantic ocean, The scenery along the route was indeed the entire social and political fabric, his cent. > of Central America. It iu- much of its water the ; Now we whirled 1897 Models, $ per Nickel Steel Standard physical and brilliant theatrical empties through magnificent. along RONCHITIS Tubing, bravery Strait of Belle Isle into the Gulf of St. j Law schools, a "cliool of Eu- could not fail to admira- the side of the and now The of the have no displays, win the Lawrence. This Arctic by Susquehanna inflammation,soreness,cough, World, equal, SIOO. tion. if not the huge current, j "cliooi of AiN and love, of this emotional little coves and now purulent discharges, alteratk ;■ ot Drawing which comes direct from the polar re- ; past placid bays; •■pie. lerribie .is were some of his voice and weakness which a. com- umercial college wherein the gious, is the northern counterpart of the ; among saw eouu- this disease find methods, they their neglected of pany immediate 1896 COLU MBIAS i" heard and the gulf stream, but instead being temper- ; “Bright hills that wind in smiling waves typewriter H> blossoming as the rose under his rule help in ate it is icy cold. away; Models 40, 41 end 1 nown t'vtivwhere and have n<> .»veil methods of short-hand rich eoflee estates, sugar <4, plantations Wherever the cold, icy current from Green valleys melting into vapors gray, the and rubber the arid superior except isPT Culuinbias, S75 The line old groves displacing tlie north enters the oceans of the And banks and brooks that by their music buildings—two wastes and world, j ANCIERS riotous jungles, the credit of earn Model 42, 28-inch wheels, .... $65 irh Barrios seized and eon- there fogs and mists are created, the air | Guatemala restored a careful Fair <"iie of sweetbriars and of by re-adjust- is always and climatic conditions plumes the incut of its chilly, fern.” ■ present uses--occupy finances, construct.- 1 ETROLEUM roadways j are created that are extremely injurious immense ,aaie, d. stage routes railroad ; Soon the brakeman cries including established, to health. The reason for the almost per- out, “Perry- contracts made, lines U EMULSION d Botanical hardens. The telegraph erected, | petual fogs to be found ou tlie banks of ville. change cars for Baltimore, Washing- Hartford and all modern facilities introduced. In I | and the Newfoundland is that it is at this It a to Bicycles and low: in- point and all south.’1 We possesses special power long religious reforms, Barrios I ton points gather up too, adopted that the icy current of the north meets promptly allay the inflammation, Patterns 7 and 8 reduced frern $75 to $60 s.-hool, is two heroic monks I our and with iu hand the preparatory equally measures—expelling ocean. papers grip join relieve the the warm waters of the Atlantic harassing congh, “ “ “ ii-c si/--: and nuns, church its both handsomely confiscating property, The reason are to be found in the crowd on the platform at cleanse the membranes Patterns 9 10 the fogs depot looking poisoned $60toS55 jobbing priests of their power, and. 1 unted outside and suitouiuI- Gulf of St. Lawrence is that the icy cur- the waters of ami .strengthen the weakened like Juarez of the sparkling Chesapeake Bay t<> any made < elumbias. Mexico, liberating peo- rent from the north is carried into the nerves. Unlike Uod-Liver Oil Kipial bicycles except of uraimr their inner j which extends northward about 120 miles tToes, ple from the servitude had suffered ; We ask experts to examine them piece o\ piece. they gulf through the Strait of Belle Isle, back compounds, it is perfe.tlv agree- •ontai-iiitj loan tains and stone since the original settlement of the colo- within the state, with a breadth of the island of Newfoundland. All of , varying able to take, nics. He promptly digested, ■ visited the United States and !n>P, iiii.e has 40 professors this, says Mr. Ilammoud. would be from 7 to 20 miles. and assists stomach and bowel Other Hartfords, $50, $45, $40, Lurope to study the sciences of govern- action. : :< a!", ihe about changed by the building of the embank- ] 1. is the famous Chesa- University ment. and sent men abroad to be educat- There, thought SOME SECOND-HAND BICYCLES AT ment across the Strait of Belle Isle at its j BARGAINS. a ■» Visiting the 1 inner, you ed in the arts and science and Bay of which 1 loved to read when Druggists 50c. and $1.00. Pamphlet mailed political narrowest part. peake at on free. ANGIER CHEMICAL BOSTON. Cafcalouue free. .' leet through tall bronze economy government expense, and but a in Maine. It is dotted over C'O., Columbia WOULD BE NO MORE EAST WIND. ! boy QEO. T. Belfast. their return placed them iu READ, Agent, beautiful the high posi- with sail boats and row court-yard, tions. He offered such induce- But much more interesting is the vessels, boats; generous It MAIN STREET. se corridors are a for its waters the means of everywhere ments to emigrants that the country rap- change which lie says such construction bring cheap filled effect in the climate of the New amps and charts; botanical, idly up with agricultural settlers, would and easy transport almost to the very mechanics and States. As is well known. Bos- i and zoological plates, archi- merchants; in short, Gua- England doors of the Maryland fanner, beside fur- temala had a “boom," the like of which ton's climate is peculiar because of the 1 s. an admirable means him with a of the etc., was never east off the ocean that are nishing great supply INCREASED SERVICE TO FIVE seen before, so that winds blowiug to-day, TRIPS A WEEK. ailiable subjects before the while the other C entral American States singularly penetrating and chilling. The iinest fish and oysters. The great Penn- Fred Atwood, Me., remain much in the were reason for this is that Boston receives Winterport, The lower includes condition crosses this sheet of wa- story they sylvania railway STEAMERS PENOBSCOT and a hundred years ago, it alone has become ! part of the icy northern current that apartments of the Director j ter between Havre de Grace and Perry- CITY OF BANGOR. rich, powerful and progressive. comes from Davis Strait throught the j ami lecture-rooms, and up but which never ville on a iron one mile in nuwng oveunrown the religion oi their Strait of Belle Isle, lofty bridge REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. as it is diverted into ore lecture rooms; a well ancestors, Barrios recognized the neces- reaches New York, length. and Over Millions lire .Insurance issets. sity of the with a sub- the ocean by the point of Cape Cod Thirteen ($ IS, CiOO,Odo) nnasium, a library, with sev- providing people During the day 1 had business matters stitute. Through the British Minister, lie disappears about Nantucket. It is this :. ': \ \ museum, containing land to send missionaries to Guatemala. which gives the whole of its climatic saw a great many negroes loafing about, to the to the New States. I National Fu.k Insi i;am k c<, IJaltm>i;d. < \. ids, Indian gods, etc. The Owing disturbed condition of the peculiarity England many of them drunk and saucy. Look- country at the time our brether- The amazing coldness of the water at Bar ! RISKS WRITTEN AT ClRRKM RATES i zoological gardens arc very Episcopal ing at their unintelligent faces, the ques- DESIRABLE en it advisable to wait awhile be- where sea bathing is impossible thought Harbor, O mmenclng Tuesday, May 4. 18‘,*7. steamers -Hi a small scale; but, curious- in is one tion so when TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSLRANCI CO fore entering the field: and thus the gold- during the hottest days summer, arose, constantly suggested leave Belfast as follows*: 4 are never to the en was result of the current the this For Boston via Camden and Rockland. hey opened opportunity lost. In 1883 Barrios flowing through we come in contact with race, What Monday TORNADO INS IRAN) K WRITTEN FOR 5 YEARS, al low rulo on building am and Friday at 3.45, Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- pintle. none of the visited New where he had a confer- Strait of Belle Isle. specimens are York, are they doing with the great gift of free- urday at 5 i*. m. r-wa CORRESPONDENT OF MERCHANT MARINE INS TRANCE CO. ence with the Board of For- Another result out by Mr. Ham- ; For and Tues- in any way denoted. In the Presbyterian pointed dom?” Bucksport, Winterport Bangor, INVESTMENT SECURITIES ROCC.IIT AND SOLD. mond is the coldness of the day, Thursday and Saturday at 7 30 a. m., Wed- eign Missions, with the result that the penetrating LOANS NEGOTIATED. feature is a a nesday and Sunday at about*8.10 A. m. prominent big Reverend John C. Hill of who New winter, especially along the In the evening I addressed temper- Chicago, England For Searsport, Wednesday add Sunday at anout REAL ESTATE BOlGUT AND SOLD. B^Correspondemc Sollrltfd. 4 f divides was en sea whole of the of | •grizzly,” which route to China, was recalled and coast. Tflie province ance mass meeting in the Methodist 8.10 a.m. sent to New Brunswick is affected the north- a Brazilian boa-constrictor. Guatemala. Mr. Ilill came back by church and listened to some excellent RETURNING : with Barrios, who not the ern current. The ports of eastern Can- of Maine. the as well as in only paid music which had been for the From Boston Thursday and University, ada are rendered dur- prepared every day except traveling expenses of Mr. Hill and his practically helpless Sunday at 5 i*. m "ALIH> SS. oliege connected with it, are six months of the ice occasion. SINGERS form OF INSOLYKNCV. family, and the freight charges on his ing year by forming Tuesday morning, May lltli, | From Bangor, Mondays and Fridays at 12 noon. and Mr. Ham- Tuesday, Thursday and at 2 i\ m. liKI.l'.VST. Mill 12. 1S!>7. "tudy English. In the female furniture, from his own pocket, but equip- in the harbors, this, says I turned my face northward, arriving at Saturday In the case of GKORGK ed the mission house is the result of the current flowing l. PARKINS of i; urn- no but is and school with mond, in due Steamer Rockland is withdrawn from local ser- I LEAD THE WORLD ham. in said language English : West Grove, Philadelphia, time, County. Insolvent Debtor, needed. The President had down through the Strait of Belle Isle, vice to undergo thorough repairs and but American text everything repainting, are hereby notified that with b nothing been absent while Prince Edward Labrador safe and sound. and about the middle of June will go on the route yoi theappr<\ two and his re- Island, -l the dud^eof tin* Court ■•! lns«.!vetie\ !,a nearly years, from Belfast to Brooklin, at intermedi- Miide anil Sold ised, for the reason, turn to his and the whole of Newfoundland are al- I will before this touching Over 14,500,000 said County, the second of the j probably, native land was made like a add, however, closing ate landings. meeting creditor*, the same cause. .•f said insolvent debtor is appointed he hold m i and all the teachers are triumphal march. In all the honors of most frozen up by letter that 1 had business relations with a CHAS. E. pal JOHNSON, Agent, Belfast. at the rrobate Court Room in Belfast, in said the he insisted that Mr. Dam up the Strait of Belle Isle, says CAL\ IN AUSTIN, (ien’l Supt., Boston. on ? mted States. Attached to the royal reception, in Kennett in this State HIGHEST AWARDS for Cmmty. Wednesday, the dth day ol tune. A at once gentleman Square WILLIAM H. Gen’l Boston lb 1 > ilill should have a share. and Mr. Hammond, and you change HILL, Manager, *St)7. at t wo o'clock e. m. ; and are a st- 1 Again y req is the National Libra- Excellence of Design. ed to he at j milding again the modest minister found the climate of all these vast regions by re- a few days ago, and as Kennett was the present said meeting a** .md f a tin young Excellence of Construction. purposes required by Section -id < f 7»h himself the cause of their coldness. The intend Chapter ug, narrow, high-ceiled room, escorted through the streets to the moving home of Bayard Taylor 1 to take Re\ ised Statutes I the State I Maine and Public waters which flowT the Strait into 1 of Motion. Laws of said was once the convent music of bauds, and upon flower-decked through if I before for Maine Central R. R. Regularity State and aniendat'>rv th-ua t and utly time, possibly can, leaving additional thereto. platforms where the President of Gua- the Gulf of St. LawTrence now cling close E]ase of Motion. is iutended to have three tiers the summer shores of Maine and visit Attest-Cl! AS p. ha/lltim:, I temala to the coast southward until they are time-table. introduced him to the Great Speed. 2w21 ot said »\ u <•<1 with around all the | cheering Re^istet rt. books, | populace as his personal friend. All this shunted into the Atlantic by Cape Cod, “Cedarcroft,” the former home of this New York On and after Ort. 4, 18JM>. trains connecting aj Adjustability. < d stairs and but demonstration re- which alone seems to j by galleries, ! had its purpose, and protect --i Burnham anti Waterville with through trains for Durability. suited as from their evil influence. and from vacant. No lias | Barrios intended. He wanted Bangor. Waterville, Portland and Bos- yet expense the ton wili run as follows Ease of Learning. | the people to understand that he had Cape Cod is the dam which protects in adorning the building and taken Middle States from the northern cur- FROM BELFAST. Convenience of Arrangement. the missionary and his cause under icy Attention Pensioners iis centre of edu- and now Mr. Hammond to | important the wing of the and demand- rent, proposes A M V M l* m government Belle ed the same build another dam in the Strait of Belfast, depart. 7 20 1 25 340 •mtains about 40,000 volumes respect for Mr. Hill that was CYCUS IF YOU BUY a SINGER, re- JOSHT Citypoiut 17 25 tl 30 t3 50 Having puivhased the original ( the shown to himself. He the mis- isle, thereby giving to the intervening • ud is ad- j placed A Honest Pacts Waldo. t7 30 tl 4o 14 10 You will receive careful instruct ion from a coin estate «.i ,J. c. for constantly receiving the same climate that New \urk Cates, the n'nvt nh-n<« : ai! Monary in one of his own sent his gions Brooks 7 48 l f,i 4 45 potent teacher at your home. ■ j houses, msioM is standard works of the now’ Knox. 8 02 You will attem! 9 20 5 58 ON EASY PAYMENTS. what the Dictator favored. it is be- BostonBoston, SOLD Mat are, El Guatemalteco, the I Canadian seaboard cities would, ^ w D. 422 Fannie B high am Wahd. The in ii receive a stimulus. years cycle THERE IS A CLASS OF PEOPLE \ of the Republic; El Diario lieved, great TO BELFAST. snows would construction. C. H. >1 n iih ger. climate being changed heavy PM AM PARSONS, Who are injured hy the use of coffee. Beecntly 5 rieano; La Bandera National, Free Fills. Labrador and from Quebec, E* D. 7 00 9 00 there has l*een in all stores a new disappear BostonBoston, \ H. H. COBBETT, Agt., Belfast, placed grocery El Bien Le Send your address toll. E. Bucklen & Co., j w D. 830 banner;) Publico; Newfoundland. preparation called Grain-o, made of pure and get a free box of Dr. P M grains, Chicago, sample It is at this that Mr. Hammond OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. 3ml8 ! organ of the Guatemalan King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince point Portland. 1100 120 that takes the place of eoffee. The most delicate out one of the most remarkable re- * of their merits. These are in points AM AM stomach receives it without distress, ami hut few of the you pills easy IverJohnson State oi orrespondat, Spanish a viaduct Waterville. 0 00 7 00 4 30 Maine. action and are particularly effective in the sults to be achieved by building can tell it urn coffee. It does not costover 14 Bangor .. 7 15 1 40 Centro Americano Illustraus, cure of and Sick Headache. across the Strait of Belle Isle. If the via- WALDO 88. COURT OF Constipation AM AM PM INSOLVENCY. as much. Children may drink it wi th great hene Malaria and he railroad and one For Liver troubles they have duct was says, 10 8 | English newspaper, big enough, Burnham, depart.. 7 50 5 05 Belfast, May 12, 1897. ti. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per package. Try it. Ask been proved invaluable. They are guar- could run across it. This would Unity. 7 50 9 10 5 25 "iidan Star. The trains In the case of NELSON l>. BLETHEN of Thorn- for Grain-o. Conservatory anteed to be perfectly free from every the eastern Cycles Thorndike... 8 10 9 20 5 38 in said Insolvent | Newfoundland, dike, Debtor. make St Johns, 25 County, comes deleterious substance and to be vege- Knox. t8 t9 27 15 44 I properly under the head purely terminus for the North American rail- are notified that the said Nelson I). table. do not weaken their Brooks. 8 50 9 42 5 60 yOU hereby 1 They by action, JL Insolvent as ,ual Institutions. It has cer- roads. Send for Catalogue. Waldo. f®02 19 53 10 08 Blethen, Debtor, aforesaid, has but tone to stomach and bowels tiled in «li!. by giving 19 15 H0 05 to 18 said Court for said County of Waldo, pe- 'oi the size St Johns is the point which the At- Citypoint. I remarkable results at a rela- greatly invigorate system. Regular arrive. 9 25 10 10 6 25 tition fora discharge from all his "debts provided a little to the Belfast, House 25c. box. Sold & lantic liners eastward under the Insolvent Law of said state of for Sale. 11 per by Kilgore Wilson, pass Maine, cost. The Guatemalans are t Flag station. I Druggists. two or three days after leaving New York. & and fora certificate thereof; and that a hearing 'i Iver Johnson’s Arms Cycle Limited tickets for Boston are now sold at §5.00 the same is ordered to he had at y fond of music and show the sea Mr. upon Probate K subscriber tiers for sale at a great bargain These days of travel, says Ham- from Belfast and all stations on Branch. Court. in Room Belfast, in said County of Waldo, his house on avt nut*. The is could be saved the Mass. tickets to all West and North- Ill Northport place oesire to become proficient in all CASTOHZA. mond, by dispatching Works, Fitchburg, Through points on Wednesday, the 9th day of dune, A. D. 1897, one mile from the post-* ftice, with sidewalk the west via all routes, for sale by F. E. Crowley, at two o’clock in the ‘' The fae- from St the afternoon, when and where whole distance; house 1 1-2 stories, new, 12 acre lies. Therefore the conserva- ships Johns, passengers going Belfast. GEORGE F. limilo Agent, EVANS, you may attend and show cause, if any you have, of land, water. One of the loca- there across the Strait of Belle Isleenn Geneial city pleasantest Manager. why the prayer of said should not be tions in ilie city, the av. of full under the di- tlgnatore F. E. petitioner overlooking Inquire always classes, *• bankment in railroad trains from New Boothby, Geu’l Pass, and Ticket Agent. Attest—C1I AS. P. C. W. 387 Me. ^ ,0u Of granted. HAZELTINE, CROSS, Broadway, llangor. ”f twelve capable Professors. Yr ork. Portland, Sept. 28, 1890. 2w21 Register of said Court. Or of C. E. TIBBETTS, Belfast, Me. 15tf THE REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. ! Obituary. Belfast Free Library. William S. Haney died at his home in Books added during May, 1897 : R. H. North Penobscot last Sunday after a long “Alien,” pseud. In golden shackles. COOMBS & BELFAST, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1897. A novel. 1897. 222.18 SON illness. He was born in North Penobscot, Beard, Daniel C. The American WE RESPECTFULLY ASK FOR A SHARE OF and was a son of the late William and Rachel YOUR PaTRi, PUBLISHED K\ KRY Tlll'RSDAY MORNIXC BY THE boy’s book of sport. Outdoor games A(jE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW (Condon) Haney. He was educated in the Consumption for all seasons. 337 12 AS |H| Out-door life and Scott's A LOWEST AND (jOODS common schools, and began teaching when a Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. happy boy. OUR AS (JOOD AS THE BEST. Journal Pub. Co. A novel. Translated from the Nor- Republican man. He had in Penob- Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with young always lived wegian by Mrs W. Archer. 135 7 WE HAVE scot a in Bel- Editor and except short time when he was have cured Bourinot, John George. The story JUST ONE IT CHARLES A. 1’ILSBl'RV, Hypophosphites of Canada. of the j {] Business Manager. fast as clerk for his brother, E. H. Haney, (Story nations) (8 PIECES) thousands of cases of consump- 1896. 452.11 and later in the of employ Critc-hett, Sibley Brodhead, Eva Wilder Bound in ULl Republican Nomination. tion in the 0111 & Co. in the shoe He has early stages. They shallows. 1897. The of which was this we shall factory. taught A novel. 224.21 price sv»3.tM), close out for cm i ., Burnham, Clara Louise Miss Archer Our Patent FOR CONGRESS, fifty terms of school, and successfully car- cure old, advanced cases too; Archer. A novel. 1897. 216.32 -$20.00.- ried on a farm. the past live or six Third District.HON. h. C. BURLEIGH. During but not so many, nor so Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag stor- prompt- first there is one of them. years he had had a store at North Penobscot ies of history, travel, and adven- First come, served, only Also the When a case is so far ad- ture: selections of the best Dam the Strait of Belle Isle. and sold some goods on the road. He was ly. stories Leather Sandal. from the series. 348. 12 an active member of the Masonic fraternity, vanced that a cure cannot be Zigzag Century, an illustrated monthly LAST SOUP WALNUT MARBLE TUP w and a This eek has been a damper on base Past Master of Rising Star Lodge of made, even then SCOTT'S magazine. 1896. Vol. 30 SUIT a monthly ball. Penobscot, lie was also a member of Spof- Chautauquan, magazine. Just of -4 pieces, the price was ASJ.OO, this we shill cut t) St 40 .00 Cameras that we sh fountains. Just as hot weather is coining were conducted by Rev. (i. M. Bailey of the The telegraph boy who became a Worth attil sold tvtryivlwre for great inventor..... 325 31 ^•1.00. Better seem too. Methodist Church, of which the deceased For sale all at 50c. and On inhibition our on, by druggists Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne. Memories $1.25. in win- had been an honored and mem- consistent $1.00. of Hawthorne. 1897. 815.11 dow this ( Thursday) is the foi the musi- monthly. Bangor place great ber for many years. The Masonic brethren SCOTT & BOWNE, Nrw York. Lubbock, Sir John. The scenery of cal festival. It is the most central and and tiie A. O. U. W. attended the funeral. I Switzerland and the causes to which I it is due. 1896.1147.15 NDERTAKING beimr our specialty, we wish to have it know n that has the facilities for for a crowd tis do caring Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The life of ely and shall continue to furnish BE I I HR GOODS and at Charles Augustus Brown of this city died than any other house can furnish in this counts which are lacking elsewhere. NORTHPORT NEWS. Nelson. The embodiment of the Whs pas such » B. bitant w C. prices hen you can better value'and in Augusta May 19th. He was a native of t sea power of Great Britiau. 1897. 2v. 414 20 DINSMORE, £et lower price- Black Cloth Covered Caskets from Sis.OO and upward. and was in Martin. William A. R. A cycle of .'senate; Male’s position on the Cuban Jackson educated the School for Miss Pauline Brown returned this week R. H. COOIBS & SON Cathay, or China, south and north. mesthn. at liist so Deaf Mutes at Hartford, Ct. While at sharply criticized in from a very enjoyable visit of several days With personal reminiscences. 1*97.. 51:;.80 school lie learned the shoe-maker’s trade 33 Main Belfast. Me, eitain quarters, now seems to be sus- to friends in Rockland. Merriman, Henry Scton. (//.syed <•/ Street, I Jlu(/h S Scff With tools. = = second and afterwards came to Belfast, locating in ) edged 70 & 72 Haiti Street, Belfast. tained by the sober thought of the Mr. J. \V. C. Starbird and wife of Han- A novel. 1894. > business at the Head of the Tide, where he 134 7 ountn. ger have opened their cottage for the sum- North American reviews. 1896. Yol built a house. Later he moved to the city 168 mer at Temple Heights. and built the house opposite Grove Ceme- Nansen, hr. Fridtjof. Farthest north It ■ oks t«. tlie observer as if W. A. Clark is his on the average moving cottage the record i>f a tery, where the family has since lived. He being voyage of ex- hat ]• 1 se ■'; bank did not do just in North Shore a short distance and otherwise ploration of the slii]» ’Fram” 1*93- right was married twice. His first wife, formerly 189',i and of a tifteen months’ a* so much its improving the property. sleigh responsibility upon Sarah Blake, left three children, two of journey by I>r. Nansen and Lieut. ui The will he a g messenger. money has been whom remain, Prentiss M. Brown of San Sunday afternoon there meeting Johansen. 1897. 2v. 552 21 James. >"> ’• at the auditorium at All Otis, (ps> of .hum* K- u .i but what of the future of the and John H. was Temple Heights. Francisco, McKinley, (who The or from lore- are invited. Good are to hr.) boy captain < speakers expected : g man who yielded to temptation*? adopted by the McKinley family of Jackson castle to cabin. 316.45 be present. James, at his mother's death.) His second wife, Otis, (/-.vend of .Uno's ()f!s }'<>-. the trice m 1895 was $100, h-r. Under the Liberty Tree: a King h reived about 200 visitors dur- formerly Anna A. Randal 1 of New Mrs. Arietta Chapman, Mrs. Fannie Chap- story Durham, of the Boston massacre. (Stories >1 ing tl e paiagiaph is from press des- They by way Camden to- Stevenson, Robert Louis. In the for several of the Maine $50.00 <- years Secretary a*> h ra erniug the arrest of a hank day, Thursday. South Seas: being an account of Deaf Mute Mission and was a member of and observations in the Mr. W. experiences m-sseiig' r. who had embezzled sJQ, 000. E. Patterson has begun to paint Paumotus and the New Gallaudet Association. Marquesas, Gilbert We will guarantee i: to ant England the residence of Alonzo absolutely equal wheel if lie bed stolen »0,0th. bread that cook MINSTRELS to such and other D’Orville Wentworth died at his home in ity buy presses, type shore at the Cove prove quite au attraction, The monthly consecration meeting of the He material as were needed. But Lynn, Mass., May 19th. was a native of as it has been since ^ At it; t Housed Mayor many years poor Lo has Y. P. S. C. E. will be held in the Baptist can bake. Opera Lynn and was mployed in the shoe factories Quincy bought out a printing office con- located bis wigwam in this vicinity and as vestry next Sunday evening at 0 o’clock. of that city. His wife, formerly Belle Pote taining a number of old presses, some of they are at home every day visitors are Topic, “That ye bear much fruit.” John 15: of survives two Hi is fine $40.00 Nortliport, him, with two young their to > M in bags and barrels fThursday, May Bicycle them ■ no ust* whatever to the and daily paying respects them. 1-11; leader, Miss Edith L. All by grocers 0 27, city, Burgess. given away to the mo- children. and flour dealers everywhere Mr. It. are lar most of the type also was worn or useless. A. Packard returned last Saturday young people cordially invited to at- 31 Friday, May 28. school hoy in Belfa-i The sum of was from Brockton, Mass., where he went to see tend. 3?cinit\. $30,000 paid for the Memorial j Day. liis son, who was considered plant, and during the recent investigation dangerously j The services at the Universalist church WM. A. ill. COOMBS, 1 rail attet t Operations have been performed and it next 6 END MEN 6 M.W 1 |\ >f the purchase several experts testified May 30, 1897. J Sunday morning will be as follows: is if blood Coldwater, Mich. thought poison does not appear with sermon at 10.15. Sun- ^ that the presses and material were worth Softly the s mth wind comes from haunts Morning worship afar he will be able in a short time to visit his school at and only about half this amount, while there day twelve, young people’s Big Chorus, And brings its charm to hills and home for rest and waiting strength. monthly consecration meeting at six o’clock, was one offer to provide a new plant vales, Full Orchestra. now Superintendent Mears of the led by Miss Ethel Barr. “The Bat- •* But it is not redolent of Northport Subject, 'Xr Shall a '■ I Mile thiouglu ill for It),000. it is a very bad war, lit !l!_ Of grewsoiue horrors and heartbreaking Camp Ground states that lie is receiving an tles of Peace.” 2 Cor. 10:4 5 : Micali 4:1-14. tin- nni'orr.ii.r qiu-s:ion. 1'.. for Boston’s “reform’' i New 1 showing Mayor. tales. unusual number of for Songs, wot:’.! I u'.Is n;altr >■! applications cottages Meetings will he held weekly in the Peo- experience of Others. at the if New Dances, K()R ASH. For peace, with her fair white uplifted Camp Ground, and owners will 58 j ples Mission, High street, every evening New Farce. Yachts and Boats. wings, him wlieu their .. notify cottages will he for and Eist Sebago, Me., lie now except Monday Friday evenings, at 7.15 Reigns unhindered; north 1 east, west, rent he will endeavor to assist in letting Gentlemen: Feb. 2$, Every thing New I uimv. and south ; o’clock; also on Sunday at 2.MO ami 7 15 p. m. 'p?. 't. .)"Pn Scott of Null West Harbor, them. Work will And The turf unto begin in a few on Up-to-Date. ^ green spring the plowshare days Sunday school at 1 p. m. These meetings / consider the “L. F." Nt- mi- i.< »\\ y i in i tb'-r IsI♦ -, arrived Momlav in his sloop clings, the streets and parks. are conducted by Mrs. M. C. Clapp of Boston Wat.-. Nvniph, on a business trip. And cobwebs lace the brazen cannon's seood's Bitters et hi. die, to Fee Reserved Seats mouth. Last Sunday Lizzie F., wife of James E. and are undenominational. All are wel- inaM,lm-p..‘"thrV.'I'V;';. ■ j • W. 0. Drexel has sold his .steam bote in mind and Aihnission, iAr, yacht White, died at about 10 a. in. Mrs. White come. overworked, No more are serried hosts in AN do, built two years 1 Law to battle drawn ; ag by ley, has been a the nervous func- The N" more are brothers matched in long terrible sufferer from effects bodv, restoring Seats m Clothier A Band!ne bloodv Following are tlie services to be held at F*rVHiar<'la\ on sale a; K ia W ii l the Lan-hm-mt Yacht Club. strife. of a cancer and her death has been ex- S'1!i s, M.mda;. Mn\ 2 t. a ■ m. f r::> tier 1 daily the Methodist church tions, building system, Si Main M i i.*-xieam Bex he tragn war is Episcopal Sunday Seats tor Friday‘on sale i: same idacr Ti.o-.iac. JLnil 1, yacht recently bought l»y devastating gone, pected. She was a I And a new era dawns to stir the life highly respected lady May ;!0th. At 10 a. m. sermon Rev. G. and n. ze life and -May 2d. at f. m Hoi: <* IF. Blake of by G. giving vitality Bang..;- is on her way ami very prominent in Christian societies Only 7 sears s,,!,i n* one j-ers-n. Of this Winslow, Pastor, Theme, “Suggestions for Boors at 7 to that :fy hum I). great nation, to uplift the race, and to the weak- open Washington, C., in church affairs. As her funeral did not (Sigiud (herture at s To forward to Memorial school at 12 sharp. "f ( F W. freedom, enfranchise man, Sabbath;” Sunday liarge apt. Goodwin. The yacht To occur until Tuesday afternoon it was too P. HILL. give the lowliest a chance and place m.: meeting of Junior at 4 meet JOHN s said to be one of the fastest in League MO; the world. For each to do the best he can. late for the publication of au this iritiii s //*. very obituary iug of Epworth League at 0, Leader Miss Henrj. M.. Flank ]’. of week aud it will next Wood Bangor lias made! Not m the realms of ancient appear wreek. ** ,J Rome and Abbie Stoddard, “A hint to the so- I !■ Bitters will cure > settlement with the Topic, your Thursday olfactory Old I Colony Greece, cial Steamboat. Co. for the Department,” Prov. 21: 17. Next Tues- §■ nervous troubles also. BALL of his Nor in the OPENING sinking yacht ! idyls of Utopia The Belfast g b\ the Schools. Jclf.-r steamer City of Can there be found or day at 7.15 ® Fitchburg,' pictured states like evening Prayer meeting; Thurs- Be sure you get the AT wh,< h took j>lace two weeks aud lias these ago, There will he no sessions of day evening Class St# the meetings. bought the schooner yacht from Or of such public i‘L.F.” kind. Avoid imitations. Friday, Tempest any power benignant sway. Veterans" Hall, Xcv \ oik The is schools next Monday, which is to be observ- This at 7 MO there will be For parties. 1M feet evening the Tempest But this brave land longer than the Teller aud was sprang not at once, full ed as Memorial 27; 28 and built in Day. usual mid-week prayer meeting at the Con- Windermere May Batli in l.sT- She is a vessel of .'14 tons and born, Park, Unity, .X Nor found its gregational church. Topic, “The Peril of handsomely furnished throughout. The heritage without a price. Superintendent Brick has finished the ON We offer special bnrtjain Tempest vii: he to Castine Through battle’s blaze, through toil and census of scholars in Belfast. He finds Intemperate Speech.” James 3 1 18; Psalms brought shortly. hate and 1,- scorn, 510 3D. are to be a stiff against 1,003 returned last The Following the services for SUMMER BLANKF S Sunday southerly prevailed and on Our great republic had its glorious rise. year. Tuesday Evening, June 1, 1897. decrease is more next with ser- The ebb tide it was in the The apparent than real, being Sunday: Morning worship choppy bay. To-day we meet to honor tlmse whose scars HORSE SHEETS largely due to in last list. mon by the pastor, Rev. George S. at Edna and Glide were out in the And death were that freedom should duplicates year’s Mills, Music SANBORN’S morning, given 10 the by ORCHRSTRA under all not die— 45; monthly envelope offering for PLUSH sail, aud made good weather of it. The pupi.s in the public schools took ad- of Belfast. ROBES. Heroes of dark, blood red and cruel home expenses will be received. The Glide appears to stand better than wars, vantage of the of the schools last Sunday up Who won for us the final closing WOOL victory. school at 12 m. The C. E. society will hold ROBES, Jast year. Cap'. Barr was out in the Ethel Friday, and vent on buckboard rides. The HOT WATER HEATERS Floor Managers: ( IRAS. K. STKYRNS. Bring from fair and the mountain its consecration meeting at 0 15 p. in. S under reefs, Gut found it rather boisterous gardens High school went to Camden via the turn- Topic, O. It. MOSHKK. WATERPROOF ROB side “That ye bear much fruit,” John 15:1-14. for his little craft. She and other schools went to STEAM BOILERS AI DS stood up well, how- Flowers for their graves touched with the pike; Northport The pastor will lecture iu the vestry at 7.15 SUMMER ROBES ever, and made a good in south kind’s breath, and Searsport. Joseph Harding. Bixim-nt showing speed in. .AND RADIATORS* That their p. Augustus Bellows... .. Freed.uu and windward work. blest deeds may in our hearts BEDFORD CORO abide The graduating class of the Belfast 5* For Fred Nichols. .t uit\ High The Maine Uuiversalist convention meets .\!iu ’•>! •Vebster And honor crown Lynn Wellington. received some lead from Boston their sacrificial death. school this year will number 19 or 20 Efficiency- Durability s„economy OUST t> pupils, at Rockland, June 7, 8, 9, and 10. The ablest last • This ball is l'oi the benefit >!' the Veterans by Saturday morning's boat and that Fling out the liag! Let and music the largest class ever graduated from the •THEY STAND UNEQUALLED given speech speakers will be present and important Association and the public arc cordially invited. FANCY DUSTERS afternoon he had cast the buibs and bolted rlow! school. The class were WHAT parts announc- themes will USERS SAY. be discussed. Rev. Dr. J. M. The Doric Roiler ".hem to the steel tin of his new May grateful hearts pause and the wealth ed in a that was put into Tickets to //«//, ;>0 ('cuts. yacht. The former ssue of Tile Journal. The my house in WOOL of May Pullman of Lynn, a very powerful and in- October, is a perfect mic- MATS, bulbs fell short in the two of ccss. James H. Iiaynes. Ranger, Tie I’astry supper and ice cream, do -mits weight, weighing Be brought for tribute till the whole world program the closing exercises will in- per cimplD. spiring preacher, will deliver the The Gurney Hot Water Heater which WHIPS. -A) and he will use opening was only pminds inside lead know clude, besides the class parts, piano solos by recently placed in our Rank Ruild- the of the 7th. is ballast.. The sacred of Memorial sermon, evening Rev. J. F. mg, giving perfect satlsfaetion. Tuesday the yacht was launched import day. Misses Helen Dunton and Annie Rutland Savings H< member. Ibis is a Chaples; Rhoades of Fairfield Rank, Rutland, \'t. tj Joel Benton. preaches the occasion- .< ami at., her She sits vocal solo .1 V ir -nr lx H'U da V /. 1111 is flatted placed moorings. very by Ralph O’Connell, recitations ** flown sale three tin al sermon. Rev. ! Catalogue llow Hist to float Jar on the water. Her Henry Blanchard, D. 1)., gracefully spars aud by Misses Erneroy Ginn, Lou Littlefield and oni-Homes,” --/•,.? ,/ie M. East Belfast. Porter E Nash Rev. W. Kinmell, Rev. Dr. A. B. Her- h -rnnj 11*.iter Min Co., 1(53 Franklin sails are ready and she will soon have a and Lou and other members of Smith, essays by &!.,- nr. Cuimrtss, Boston, Mai. a daughter Pearl returned home from Law- vey, Rev. H. R. Rose, Rev. H. F. Moulton, trial trip. the class. <4 STEVENS BR rence, Mass., last Friday Rev. E. E. Pember, vice president of the At. a night.The recent meeting of the New York Xo. MU Christian Endeavor sociable will meet with Secret Societies. convention, are among the Maine speakers Main street. ^ aclit Club the proposition of Commodore Mrs. Eugene Aohorn this, after- who will be there. From outside the State, who is an Thursday, Morgan, enthusiastic admirer of Canton P. I. O. noon and evening. All are invited_Miss Pallas, M., O, F., is pre- besides Dr. Pullman, Rev. Dr. H. W. Rugg POLAND the New in which he England coast, offered paring for the field at of Alice Ford, who has been sick, has so far re- day parade Skowhegan Providence, Rev. Dr. Emerson of Boston, three handsome prizes for sloops and June 9th and 10th. covered as to he aide to ride out. We are Rev. Dr. G. S. Weaver of Canton, N. V., and schooners for race down Maine, came tor up all to see her out At the session of the Grand others will be on hand. The of glad again_Mr. and Lodge, report the Steamers leave Belfast as follows discussion, and it was found that the ma- Mrs. Fred Savery, George Clark, Miss Essie Knights of Pythias, in Portland May 19th, executive committee showing the state of the Water For Boston via Camden and Kookland. Monday Established in I v' jority of yacht owners and the club’s and at 3.45. Tliursdax and s.o- regat- Sanborn and Miss Eva the following officers were elected: Graud Uuiversalist cause in Maine will be read Friday Tuesday, Sprague spent Sun- at 5 1*. >r. CAPITAL ta committee were in favor of the Is used in our de- urday STOCK, $150.'“ plan. with chancellor, Edward C. Portland and will a prescription For and Tues- day Mrs. Edna Thompson of Montville. Reynolds, ; be very encouraging one. It will Bueksport. \Vinterport Bangor. SURPLUS. After some discussion the whole matter was and in all day, Thursday and Sattirday at 7.30 m Weil $33,iKh ....Sherman & Co. have grand vice-chancellor, Harold A. show two new churches partment prepara- stopped running Noyce, completed, one at nesday and Sunday at about'8.10 a. m. referred to Commodore Morgan, with power M. tions water... DKPOSI I their upper mill nights, but will still run D., Berwick; grand prelate, Charles J. Kingfield, and one at Dover, and one more requiring pure For Searsport, Wednesday and Sunday at about to act. This means that the cruise will in 8.10 A. M. as usual.... Marr, G. K. of R. & at We also have this famous days Miss Flora Sherman re- Boothbay Harbor; S., than half completed Machias, besides ForCastine. Blake's Point. Little Deer Isle. Sar- all probability be extended to Owl’s Head A. Safe deposit boxes for rent at 8 turned home Saturday night from a visit of Wesley Smith, Old Orchard; G. M, of E., predicting several other new ones to be built spring water for sale. gentville, No. Deer Isle. Sedguiek and Brooklin and Bar Maine. (except about S a m., or $8 a Harbor, ten in Edwin C. G. M. at It will daily Monday-at upon year weeks Massachusetts and Portland. Milliken, Portland; A., the coming year. show new and arrival of steamer from Boston, .... George Clark went to Camden last week E. E. Barker, South G. I. at Our new vault i- unequaled Concerning Local Industries. Norridgewock; G., promising parishes organized Woodford’s, A. A. HOWES & CO. HE TURNING : Frank C. Metcalf, G. O. and UNEXCELLED > * Farmington; G., South Portland and East Auburn. It will From Boston If you eat what you like, and digest it, every day except Thursday and Frank Atkins, at 5 i*. m. and in the The Bucksport Eagle reports that the will he and Hallowell; supreme repre- show the churches through the State in ex- Sunday burglary country you surely strong healthy. From sentative for four Bangor, Mondays and Fridays at 12 noon. These boxes <\ui ! management of the Emerson are But if you don’t it, al- years, George M. Hausen, cellent financial renting Creamery digest you might condition, despite the hard Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2 t\ m. most as well not for what can Calais. of their b* receiving more orders for their hutter than eat, good your times. It will show a large increase in From Brooklin at 12.30 r. at', touching at wav privilege taking food do you if it doesn’t nourish you? landings. an It. they will tie able to fill for the summer. The If find that Lurch membership, makiug plain that you you can’t digest it, there is Wedding Bells. IN GREAT VARIETY. (MIAS. K. JOHNSON, Agent, Bellas!. same story could no doubt be told of the a simple help for your stomach. spiritual matters have had earnest atten- CALVIN AUSTIN. GeiVl Supt.. Boston. Belfast It is Shaker Digestive Cordial, made WILLIAM H. HILL, Gen 1 Manager, Boston Creamery—if we had one. by Engstroum-Grotton. A tion. Three new churches have been organ- Our own make with the Shakers of Mount Lebanon. It has never quiet home wed- E. H, DURGIN, )lli Hutchins Bros, are at work on a monu- one with 51 members. Dr. Geo. M. failed to cure the worst case of indigestion. ding took place at the home of the bride in ize, ment of Oak Hill is and Lineolnville granite, Strength and health come from the food East Belfast May 22d when Miss Liva L. Twitched of Augusta president of the PURE FRUIT JUICES. feet to set you eat, after it has been digested and has convention will call it to high he in Lynn, Mass. They Grotton, daughter of George J. and Hannah aud order. The of Glasses and Dise^'s gone into the blood. WHOLESALE AND Fitting are also small address of welcome will be given Hon. RETAIL making monuments or large The best tonic is digested food. The best J. Grotton, was united in marriage by by tablets for Charles Young, Eustace J. Part- aid to dige.stion, Shaker Digestive Cordial. the bride’s J. W. T. Cobb of Rockland. i_ the arid Ear a father, George Grotton, Semi-Annual Dividend number 5.8 at the rateol Eye Special and the late David When you have acid eructations, nausea, ridge Lancaster. to Mr. A. of Isles- MAYO & WHITE. three per cent, will he due and at this a m They offensive Esq., George Engstroum CASTOHIA. payable Office hours until,** are also a new headache, wind, dizziness, breath, bank on and after Monday, dune 7, 1897. Divi- making style of monument Me. The will reside in From 12.30 to 3 and 7 t- 1 or any other symptoms of dyspepsia, Sha- boro, young couple dends not withdrawn will be added to the or the late Capt. A. W. Freeman of Stock- is os 99 HIGH ST. deposi- ker Digestive Cordial will cure you. East where will be to BELFAST, tor’s account and will draw interest from dune 1. ton It is a Belfast, they pleased Springs. draped urn monument, Sold Trial bottle 10 every JOHN H. Treasurer. SEARSPOKT, with marble die and by druggists. cents. meet all of their friends. vnppeSi American Office. QUIMBY, granite trimmiDgs. Opposite Express Belfast, May 2G, 1897.—2w21| T e e r 11 o x t: C o x x ecti o x N[ vs 3 OF BELFAST. of Good lM -- cashan° Waldo District Lodge Templars given meets with Brooks Brooks, i .■.> been appointed post- mn nn free Lodge, to-day. Searsmont, vice John OJi^UU.UU PRIZES EACH MONTH The horse of Russell Brier, which was sup- t»'-: veil. As follows! posed to hare been badly hurt on the road to out all I rs for the 4 First Prizes, each of $100 Cash Knox May lbrh, is coming right. The THE coming -$ 40000 When special you Cannot Shake oft' a Trouble- GREAT DRY GOODS a of the > are injuries consisted of straining cords, ntalive to Congress 20 Second $100sppicpAEBicycles*2,000.00 some Acquaintance. 40 Third $ 25 Gold Watches 1,000.00 which will not he permanent. places. Ever lie awake at night and hear the clock F H. left for ole a special trip to Cash and Prizes given each month $3,400.00 Tourtelotte Providence, R. strike for hour after hour wondering if morning | Centre. 1 last He has been in Belfast and will ever come; this comes to a irry Dr. S. W. John- _ Friday. experience many Shopping __12 three during which time he Belfast man if he knows the affliction of I I ’! re on an urgent case, vicinity weeks, itching piles. No causes more Total mos, bought and shipped over 1,500 barrels of ap- complaint annoyance to ] f he ill given during 12 1897, $40,800,00 expects to Bel- humanity and it has been “dubbed'* a I WRAPPERS ples, and a few barrels of potatoes. truly pro- [ mug June 7th, to hold HOW TO OBTAIN THEM. RULES. faulty breeder. For many years doctors and those Competitors to save ns many SUNLIGHT 1 1W7 in The extension of the Bangor, Hampden & j | ! [din the term. EYf,1mon,h during each of tl'e 4 districtsdistrirta who are always searching for mankind’s relief, April SOAP as they can collect. Cut prizes will be awarded as Wrappers follows: electric is well. on me top portion ot earn The 1 railway progressing Sleep- have tried in vain to find a that would I •j F. Competitor who sends in the remedy Fernald, superin- wrapper. Hint portion contain. Largest Number of coupons from ers were laid Monday the prove in this At ending “S UNLICHT the district in being opposite never-failing complaint. least metery, with regard to i»JS lh©,-l» which he or she resideses a SOAP.” These (railed “Con- will receive8100 Cash. Gen. Butler house in Hampden, which is success has rewarded the efforts of one searcher are to be The GEO. W. pons”) sent, postage 5 -, uni to for Competitors who send in the BURKETT {‘reparations and a has in fully paid, enclosed with a Next Largest of about two miles from Sterns’ mill, at which compound appeared Belfast that by sheet of Numbers cou- paper stating ( ompet- pons from the district in which thev its deeds merit on the point construction was this stamps face. The prool of ^ (tor’s full name and address reside will Each receive at winner’s begun spring. WILL OPEN THIS wffk director of the Maine and the number of Coupons option a Indy’s or gentleman’s Pierre it lies in the experience of Belfast people. Here nan, sent in, to Lever Bros., Special Fish Facts. Wanderer arrived Ltd., bicycle, price $luo,oo. Sloop is an for the it as decided to hold the New ^ ork, marked on outside_ The IO Conii)etit.irs«ii..ELnH tno,. example published public good; left hand Nl Next from the last with Wrapper {top rorner) With Largest Numbers of coupons from the dis- fishing grounds Thursday comes from an old resident, Mr. Walter Coombs and western in in. trict in which | Hanger the «f ilie DISTKICT Competitor lives they reside will Each receive at winner’s a ion a small fare of fish a few chicken opt lady a or gentleman’s Gold Watch, price including of 70 Main street, who says: I have been troubled ,• No. of NAME OF DISTRICT. $25. 50 Black given. will Brocade the Dress | District -,2. Th? Competitions Close East Day cf halibut.Thomas Wentworth recently for seven or eight years with itching piles. I $1.92 New York Each Month during 1897, received too Skirts, Brooklyn, Look Coupons late ire the dates for the corn- City, for one month’s I have used \ and Staten Islands, New Jersey. competition will be put into the next. caught near Johnson’s mill at Poor's Mills, guess a,hundred salves and ointments 1 3. who obtain ses at the Maine New York state N. >'. Competitors wrappers from unsold a that time, but I received little or no bene- j normal (outside of City, soap in dealer’s stock will be trout measuring 17 inches and 9 during 2 Brooklyn, Loin; and Staten Islands). disqualified. Employees long of Lever Brothers, Ltd., and their are fit from them. A friend gave me a box of Doan’s ne, June 1 and 2; Farm- families, de- inches Local fishermen are j j Pennsylvania. Delaware, Mary- barred from competing. girth.... briug 40 and Dis- Ointment. He got it from Kilgore & Wilson’s Dress ii'.*l lb. June 15 3 land, West Virginia 4. A printed list of Winners in district in of trout. drug Gorham, trict Competitor’s ing good strings Friday A. C. Skirts,$3.50 of Columbia. Novelty will be forwarded to _ j Competitors in about 21 days after store, I used the box and it cured me. Other prep- The New each competition closes. Wells and E. H. Hall home <>0, and 4. Knaland States._ brought me some 5. Lever will award arations gave relief, but it took Doan’s *The are the celebrate ! Pierre Brothers, Ltd., endeavor to the Bicycles Special* prizes Saturday B. H. Conant and Adrian Tuttle ,1 letters in the 1W m’Fd Geo. N. Pierce A Co., of Buf- fairly to the best of their ability and judgment, Ointment to cure me. I have heard or a remaining Pattern. by is quite Boston and New York. Fitted with Hartford but it understood that all who compete agree to ac- got a of 75-At falo, string Swau Lake recently in town for the week « cept the award of Lever Brothers, Ltd., as final. number of people here who were bene- 10 ending May Tires, First Class Nick Lanin, New Departure Brocade one Satin fisherman landed 25 in one “!hJt5- Be;!, Standard Cyclometer, and Hunt Lace Saddle. LEVER Ltd., New pounds after- $10 York. and cured it. It is a valu- Skirts, ■' A H. Jackson, Mrs. Wm. BROS., fited by using certainly noon. able You refer others to me.” •.• ntlemen—Mr. Albert T. remedy. may There will be au election of officers of Chat. New Doan’s Ointment is for sale all dealers or sent A. T. Stevens will at Monroe cheese was in the by speak McGray’s hall, Bonanza - Thomas If. Marshall Relief Corps, to-mor- market last Thursday... .The first by mail on receipt of price by Foster-Milburn Co., 300 Bargains, East June at 2 string Shirt only Leans in rector Knox, Sunday, <», o’clock p. Waists ? Manley beaus Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. 50c. row. evening. A full attendance is of the season arrived from the Friday, m. Subject, I believe it. South : Ma'ne Central officials Spiritualism—why last Price 50 cents per box. requested. Thursday aud sold for s cents per quart. brain h noon Don’t the Belfast Baud at yesterday by forget minstrels ... Ginn & Field bought a sugar barrel of | < had business at Waldo Prim Robbins, the little black and tan dog the Belfast Opera House to-night and to- eggs last Thursday from Isle au JHLaut. It 500 Ladies’ Print tk Hill. owned by Mr. L. L Robbins, died last Sat- morrow night. Two evenings of mirth and contained an even hundred dozen_Robert Wrappers urday night, aged about la years. Prim had music. Reserved seats at Store. •mbs, President of the City Drug Hart a 'Set hen recently on It eggs aud she been iutirm and blind for a long time. Alim uitural Society, informs The new of the late came off with 1,» chickens. Two of his Wells & portrait Congressman liens Co. 1 "Would call attention to the fact r the fair t his fall are The mail ••arriers have received their new Milliken for Thomas H. Marshall Post, G. hatched out 2'i clucks.... St reet Commission- your From 75c. to each that in addition to their ever $2.50 .it the premium list may uniforms, which are identical in style and A. R., is on exhibition at Clement's book- ar Walker started the road machine last 1 1 -- trustees of the So- coK-r with th''S■ of last store. , year There is a Thursday... .The Band was out Friday the Court Hi use next slight change, however, in the of the eveuing for in style ; J. H. & J. W. Jones have adopted a novel practice marching.... Clias. wiJe I’. 1 Jar(i Remnants, k p. m. for worn ou the hats. Cobbctt Bale onlj busi- badge has ;n special scheme for selling a bicycle. They have orange tr-e at his shop on com^o,nmy Lockwood, .jQ;-., lahce is which are desired. taken a s50 wheel and are it eleven oranges.... Wales L. Mil- Thk Alfred W. Johnson Fi nd. The marking down ler, who lives u their store contains many articles that ran: >2 cents each The is ar Poor's Mills, reports trading people arriv- past w:mer, Mr. Edward Johnson day. price accordingly are very desirable for this season of the that ic saw near in' mined m-ar the White >47.54 to day. recently his house, year, including an excellent line of has paid at "'"4 as follows: For coat feeding by the roadside, a very large and handsome h Belfast. They live in and w :. ;n \>\< Carle & Jones have taken the for >4''i'.7io. didV-retit lots; and ageticy doe. HOSIERY, Curtains. cni m ike- either on the Packer These wheels are —^Opaque trips j in fish t >i\ individuals. bicycle. rinelv A fine assortment of m-.s ;n ail directions. They ! finished and well-made, and are listed at Nf.w Apvfktiskmf.nts. Burkett has bar- N ov m\ from the s- *- The England Teleplmue and Tele- 1,000 respects J >i>5, but on account of an overproduction gains tins week ill dress skirts, shirt waists Opaque Curtains, all mounted on best C GLOVES, spring -•t live in graph has put new cable inf the Cen- j much the same arc marked down to >45. and wrappers. 1 .too mount- opaque curtains, All the brands of rollers, in ■ tii* e this leading and Dado trai m eity widen makes a large ed n plain patterns, worth *0 cents best springs worth 5o < Pensions have been granted as follows: rollers, cats, to increase "f service The new card possible. he closed out at 25 Corsets and shall Capt. U. II C- ■- mbs lias James Benton; cents. Three dollar ro. k- each, close the entire stock at the of ■ f subscribers ; Supplemental, Hodgkins, unheard says “Always ring off when chairs at irmn T-- F (I. While. reissue, Amos .Jones, Palermo; original, E. mg >1.75 only one rocker to a eiis- | Corsetwaists, means of .... throng! Talking.' which one short, t- ’io-r. price t !' rst r e ;n Mont Waldo Odd Fellows Block, Belfast.A e, J Knowlton, father, Station; original, SMALL sharp ring. nrw list of WARES nd got a rec ud of 'J. -o 4. widows, et Sarah C. Sprague, South Pe- bargains at Carle & Jones this each ot every The and st in a number of Two ladies uf East Belfast went Meek, and for pri.-es, see their description. largest money recently rn diSCOt. etc., advt. best line of I Seas- 11... L. I. GelltUer I to Swan vide to visit a friend, and on the p-to-ilate I.i• yi u s.warranted one The item in The Journal last week about year, only >4.>....See HAIR PINS, .1 he pai r Tr --iibU-s-mn-. wav were s.-mewhat alarmed by suspicious advt of bargains offered this Mr. M ears’ lemon reminded Mrs. Allen SIDE COMBS and 1 nuds and with a record of i muses and motions under the seat. M<-.d\ by K. II. Coombs N: Son. 70 a. 72 Main buggy Orcutt that she had her relies an 500,*._ among HAIR ORNAMENTS A Howes b- * On arriving at their destination they found street-See notice .! _\ A. N Co., recently aglit orange brought home from South America Wiggin ev< r shown in this city. Everything a Freedom.. a h an.1> me bla k car- a hell with liewiy-laid egg under the seat. May White, PP High street, now and desirable in j by her husband before the war. It was ROCKING II. II. Ci mbs have all the latest CHAIRS has sold ! out and Belfa-t, ami best The ladies of the North church are re- brought found to be ir. good shape appli- LACE TRIMMINGS, ances ami tlie company who are eii- and color, but rather hard. use onh the best materials in INSERTIONS and VEILINGS. quested to remember the meeting of the We > Wlute manufai turing their scunner drinks, winch have ntnctel with the manufac- I>«• r« as S-* -ietv at Mrs Frank E. Wiley's, ou Attention, Veterans: The \Y aldo Coun- ,f a" have st-eured a and inereas- Bonnets turers •Vciiitn. Chase es from large steadily Baby kiI^> ^mies. ior a of aped Congress street, every Saturday afternoon ty Veteran Association will meet with b ar- agent big quantity these ing sale ou their merits. Wholesale and re- .-' but was retaken Their assortment of Thursday, at 2 o’clock. There is much to be done, and ren Post, G. A. R., in June Rockers. are made t ■ sell for Winterpurt, 3rd, tail. ( all "ii or write to them for Fliey Chase w,is seut To tlie prices.... jai. by the ladies are requested to bring scissors 1">97. It the next fair All SHIRT WAISTS, BELTS, stormy, day. Stevens Bro s 5p Main >>.00, but as a for •n a sentence for street-, offer spec- BELT good advertisement ‘.«'-days needles, etc., with them. veterans are to be NECKTIES, PINS, requested present. Baked ial for us we afternoon, when bargains to-day. to-morrow and Sat- and SHIRT W AIST SETS have contracted for a Tlmrsday beans, brown bread, tea and coffee will be large quan- Frank D. Blake of X. former- urday. :n summer a t-re Buffalo, V., blankets, horse sheets, tv. at work in the garden, he the Post. are worthy of mention here, for they are and in order to our a of is in this furnished by Comrades will bring m ool give patrons ly Belfast, city putting in elec- j mats, whips, etc. This is a genuine complete in every particular, while their -appeared, and inquiry uf the their with them. and Wonderful tideal He has wired the Common- pastry Come, boys, mark down >a!< for three Bargain shall sell them at a ed that he appliances. .lays only....See UNDERWEAR, hail been seen have a time, Lorenzo Secre- wealth ami Windsor hotels for good j Jones, statements of the condition of one 1 J is the woods south of the electric bells, the Belfast RIBBONS, Only Rocker to city.1 tary ^ 'yp and is an alarm on the and National n "f him putting gong Savings Searsport Banks-Jackets, YARNS and each was sent to Bocklaud customer, i , each Accidents. James fell from a Bank building, which will be sounded for Perry stage capes and suits at two-thirds at / 3 me of that city arrested him prices WORSTEDS, at F. G. White Co.'s wharf last at >.45 a. in. The Thursday Starrett's. Call and see them_Two cases are "f themselves. mug just after he had ou testing every Monday. departments shipped but alarm at means morning luckily escaped serious injury. patent leather sandals—7b call is -sei. Xu Nortbport he exchanged any other time that help is pairs—at 87 cents ; early respectfully solicited^f^ He fell o2 feet into is inches of water and GEO. W. wanted at worth >1 25. Ou exhibition suit with a farmer for an old suit the Bank this, Thursday, BURKETT, narrowly missed some old piling and other in the window of B. WELLS & «i the marks." morning, C. CO., “distinguishing The Carnival of the as at Diusmore, Republic given obstructions.. May l'Jih, Mrs. Mary A. Mud- ob Main street-The •: M. G. Norton and Mar Belfast Savings Bank 10.3—tOH City Rockland last week was a success. Main St., Belfast. FELLOWS’ BLOCK, BELFAST. great In gett fell in her garden on Belmont avenue has declared its N rtou 58tli semi-annual dividend, _ODD followed him t<> Rockland its of the entertainment the Courier- report and dislocated her right shoulder. She was at the rate of 3 cm at John Raudlett's when per cent, payable on and Gazette says “The skirt across the on charming young walking garden and tripped a after June 7. Dividends not He was back to withdrawn brought dancer, whose identity next the audi- wire. kept will be added to the account and ed to his work with 1 depositors apparent ence was a guessing, professional brought The Boston & Maine Railroad has issued a will draw interest from June 1_Mrs. it will be watched more elose- Geo. here by the Williams Carnival Co." Our ! notice of interest to all who go into Boston W. Swift, 40 Cedar street, has a tenement uf Roekland use of the word | rooms contemporary's by the Pullman over the Maine Cen- six to rent.... Miss Millie Homk. night Beverage. Avery pleasing inci- professu mil is misleading, but Belfast peo- Johnson tral, which includes those who leave Belfast Block, over Mayo & White's, wants H me tlie past week was a well- will guess the of the ple readily identity by the J.4U train. Instead of passengers an apprentice at once to learn dress- a Girls' Club at ^ >115S — Curtains at Ellsworth, dancer. lc. being obliged to get up at “> A. m. in order to making. Only those who can do plain sew- muse u> an item Would be than we could in the Girls' need cheaper afford Mrs. W. H. lias the leave the cars on arrival in Boston, The sleej ing apply. t'-r April, have undertaken to Moody bought Capt. cars will to sell d'din W. house on street ing be side-tracked and passengers Steamer Notes. Wm. H. them, but. ug for "lie uf tlie recent ar- Ferguson Congress Hill, General and will it: and F. R. need not leave before !• o’clock unless they Manager, and Calvin Austin, General il me. wh" came sadly in need occupy Wiggin, Super- cashier of the National Bank, has wish to. intendent of the B. & B. S. S. Co., 1 ..r«*e -.nubs i.u' circles of Kings Peoples arrived bought and will what is known as lie died the late from Boston by last lmw working to provide, rai- occupy Before Representative Saturday morning's boat A. F. South WE ARE SELLINGS the house on street. The Millikeu endorsed the petition of Charles H. and ou board steamer -e duh Hodgdon Congress going Rockland starr- girls,each having adopt- of to he at that Hooper Castine, postmaster ed at 8 a. m. its Fergusons it is understood will not move to over her route down the Reach special eliarge. Following place This endorsement was not made pub- Has Massachusetts at I)r. A. O. Stod- lic making at just returned from ■ntrilmtious: Pieces for patch- present. at the time, but Mr. Hooper’s appointment landings Castine, Blake's Point, 50 CENT SHADES FOR 30 CENTS who lots the house is assured in due season. The commission Little Deer 1 -s Ida Belfast; £1 dard, occupied Hodgdon Isle, Sargentville, N.rth Deer! Whitcomb, of at that Boston a a the Democratic postmaster place Isle Brocklin. with •mi for number of years, will move to the and Ou the return the Rock- ! Felt Shades, all }>ork from Mrs. Albert (i. expires soon. As has been the case with mounted, 10 cents house ou the same street. land touched at. Deer ms: a Wiley other endorsements Mr. Millikeu made there only Isle, here ! l-arrei of apples from arriving Room “ will be no disposition to change the conclu- at 3 p. in. Tuesday morning she her Papers,.5 Esq.. .Searsmont ; l_T of In an article on the Maiue began yards coming Chorus sion he arrived at. The Castine olliee is a from Mrs. regular daily trips (excepting Monday 2 Glass “ g""ds Sherburne Festival an exchange gives the following fourth class one but pays a good salary. Quart Pitchers, 10 here at 8 a. or ou NEW leaving m., arrival STOCK last ; an to Portland of the Easter offering of S- facts in regard to the work of Prof. Chap- [Washington Special Express. ; 2S cent Glass Boston boats, and touching at all the above Nappies, 10 '. tariau Sunday school, Belfast; man, who is managing the affair: The Barrael Brothers, al mediums, and : the call spiritu landings going returning. The Rock- “ for the annual Since last October Prof. has con- ...OF.... 10 Tin ... 10 meeting Chapman who their exhibitions in full on Quart Pails, ducted 2(50 times and traveled over give light land is a speedy boat, has been iii first men's Aid Society by Mr. Geo. E. 200,000 put the will in Belfast 2 » miles by rail. He has also kept up his open stage, appear Opera class condition, and will no doubt do a Quart Handled r which no was made; good Dippers, 5 charge and and has been to House next teaching composing Wednesday evening. They business on her new route. ds from Her berth is on “ Mr. Brackett, Belfast; Maine three times, conducting in 20 different have 1 appeared recently in the leading cities the north side of the wharf, which has 3 and blitter knife from Mr. H. cities and towns, in rehearsals for the com- been of the and as a of the ing festival. His work as a conductor has country, sample press dredged out so that the steamer will float at Nice “ tiower seeds from Mrs. Quality Glasses, ... 3 Belfast; included notices have such eminent associations as the they received we give the fol- low water, and a slip will he put in for her Porter, Old Town. Apollo and Reubenstein Clubs of New York, 112 Piece lowing from the Chicago Inter-Ocean: “All use... .The steamer which Dinner Sets, S6.88 the Apollo Sixteen and Reubeustein Club of Castine, lias been Items. The I'. G. White Co. re- we can of Barrael Brothers is this: If Poughkeepsie, and other famous musical say at this port for some weeks undergoing re- 10 Piece Toilet cargoes of coal last week, that Sets, $1,98 ag- organizations. their clever work is Spirit Power, it is won- pairs, went over to Castine last Saturday >27 tons. They were in schs. Maud if it is it is the most clever Call for choice Grove derful; fraud, night, ami resumed her route Monday. She early warranted for 1 year, Ms the latest iAAF A A in American Cemetery. More than the usual RIHYRI FR Philadelphia Team, that has ever been s»*eu or heard of." A iu in town at amount of work in is tine shape and although her new engine IllUIUkbO) cycle any 1 QtO.uU b and I). D. Haskell from extending Grove Cerne- and price, only King small admission fee will be charged. is not iu condition for its bargains. tery was laid out this year. A number of lots yet best work the Sch. Geo. B. went to j \ Ferguson boat attains her former liave been sold on the knoll west of the old A Monroe Sensation. The breaking up easily best speed, and vst to load lumber for Thursday the a yard, and the avenue in the old of a once happy and the led Tremout quite distance in 'k.. .Sch. Volant loaded casks for cemetery home, bombarding coming next to and of the with of stove across the She had a CARLE & 1 parallel with Belmont avenue village hotel sticks bay Monday. good last Friday-Sch. Young Tell .TONES. will be extended across the new and wood, form the sensational termination of a passenger list aud lauded at the B. & B. S. ueral cargo for Isle au Haut and part another twin scandal which has Monroe S. Co’s, wharf, notified Mr. r day-Sch. Emma S. Briggs ar- eutrance made opposite the knoll. kept people although by .rsda.v with coal for Swan & Sibley The top of the knoll will be laid out in oval “all stirred up” for the past three or four Johnson, the Belfast agent, that they must Hoboken.... Sch. James | Holmes and the a to the uot laud there. left the wharf to let PEOPLES form, avenues on says They n each side extend- weeks, special Bangor Daily NATIONAL Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock BANK. ed to the News. The woman in the case and the man the Tremout come to the and then L. A. President. red >iT North port Campgrouud avenue which runs past the Grand slip came KNOWLFON, FRANK R. WIGGIN, Cashier. dteriioon. with been the of all in behind her to laud freight. Their reg- She hid fre.ght for Bel- Ar: ly lot, and which has been built west- charged having cause uants and for A. P. Benner of ular landing hereafter will he at Lewis ward to meet these two. New avenues will the trouble were missing about the same She was unable, to land the lat- wharf-Steamer Cmibria has been in 1 also be built ou each time, and in some the put rought it here to !»,• reshipped by side of the Grand Army way impression got line condition for the season’s service and Solicited loiiomah. Sch. Ida Hudson arrived lot northward, to intersect another to he ex- out that the couple were located at the Elm Deposits mimin'IL Feb. is, mil. ISbi. went on the and .Inly «l, Dee, mu, tlurrb i mi.’, tnd Sunday with corn for Swan tended from the old 11. •use in Monroe This house is Bangor Bar Harbor yard. Many of the lots village. DKPOSITS: *.IB,3.VI.Ill) $3!),m).<2» Co.... Bark Adam W. Spies has route Monday, taking the place of the ^ $TII,m>..Vi $si,ir’s :.:t have been and several new monu- kept by Ash Staples, a gentleman who B A I m H is«*5. New York for > improved, bury ^ July 11, I),.,-13, IMIS. m parties which has been hauled off Jalj- 14, 1MM. ,ft- was ments have the of a citizen Sedgwick, built in Newbury port 11 been set, both in the old ceme- enjoys reputation being good SI 23,tlS5..VS SI I IIO,s3s. 17, O0C 1 / to be for her Si I 7 3,(1113,13 , t3 Hon. B. F. and is and own After the prepared excursion business by Atkinson, tery and in the extension; and on Memorial minding his business. part by B. F, and Ik L. Atkinson for the summer.... The Castine will make will be in the windows had been broken in and the house Goodwin of that Day everything best possible n III* city. Hayden an excursion next Lewis' zjb upK ^■fflgl S183.869.99 1 condition. bombarded with eggs and other missiles it Sunday, leaving These C. S. Noyes of West Newbury, ft y tires are taken from oar sa-arn wharf at 11 a. m. The route will he around statements to the Com fit roller '•'ith Manchester, Nashua and New was found that the suspicions were unfound- th Ami semknts. There were three enter- of Currency. on the ah ire "I'l**. She cost S75,000 when she Islesboro to Camden, where a of two H'ashinyton, dates. ed. The couple were not there. stop I >!•: POSITS in and tainments at the the 1\PKUK-Ar DPT Vlil’MKV r II 1\., fitted for sea. Capt. A. D. Belfast Opera House last hours will be thence | made, returning direct- iiryJst ami .Inly 1st. I .sit s rh :i rst has been in North Belfast. The rendition of the >••;* dtiriuu: j,,1., v u Searsport command week. a in 1 of that month. 11 r-f Wednesday night Trilby, play ly home. I’liis tlui.n mutt .ilVors ,v bark arrived at New was 1 1 ',M "• York of m noli as » ■ April cantata, “Meeting Nations,” highly every *l*‘i"»-it 1 « /.» //,. ill ,| .. o' /' ? acts, dramatized from Du Manner's J ■ :n steam collier novel, amount o{ our > t\\ i.v tho Singapore-The the audience which Capital Stork. was the appreciated by gathered This Uauk ^port, instead of the attraction, and drew a house. beii.u: the lat.'sr .‘st it mk ••• Reading, good The first 10c. ever sold thiislia i W.i!.! w cigar for 5e. was m ''"l 11' *r the at the church last evening. Several nmnts Pire an I !i:ir-i.irn>, »| w iv r. of tons of coal from were Thursday »r.<, t ~ cargo l,h der that her eyes are growing dim—they Oh, the anguish aud desolation, I Rumpfcin Sicfl Mrs. Lons Strong, ITarrisIIill. Erie Co.. N.Y.. “I dlx.Senna biolight down a brass- saw worth seeing and says: The terrible and woe highly polished always everything pain Rod flit Suite were worth look- have been 1 roubled with falling of the womb for years, That heart to its hound box, handeit ii to me ami saitl, always expecting anyone pierced my centre; dln/sc Seed OF EVERY ing for. was advised to take E. 1’inkham‘s Vegetable How could fate part us so! lathei take Lydia Rpptmtird j seriously, “Here, you charge I lie wind or Di Cart mate Soda- tan earned us only clear I took thirteen bottles and received great Could it be I oi this. 1 Compound. should nevermore see her? Warn Seed took it without question ami Isle au limit and then it came in from the j ( benefit. When the time for change of life came 1 suf- I My darling with golden hair ? Clarified Sugar BOTTLIA he stalled tor his home. The south with When outside of Ne'er flavor. / hunieul) fog. pilot’s fered a great deal with faintness and palpitation of again watch the love-lights glory Winkrgrtcn In was limits I was to up to the pure, young face so fair? thing heavier than lead. Only a short glad give my charge the heart. I got one bottle of the Vegetable Com- the rightful master and re-assume mate’s for time hetore lie had told me oi occasions and one ot mood runner and was relieved L was She faded, they said, like a snow wreath AperfectRemedy Constipa- duties I did not pound again. tnereby only ; believe there would In the warmth of a Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, wilt'll to that serious sweet spring day ; tion, he had carried moderate quantities be in that to such enabled passthrough period very comfortably anything duty bring Ami her last thoughts were of her lover, Worms .Convulsions Feverish- oi specie, as lit in New York to shame as had come with the first part of Her lover so far away. lieight, ness and Loss OF SLEE5J tiii my at but was mistak- Wimiwaid islands. The great attempt piloting, of Deep Water Vessels. A message for me she weight drews, and after all these we Register whispered, en. For “dead-reckoning” i had taken now, years, As the in ol this autltd to so light her eyes grew Facsimile of slieng box, my being in due from .Sad- i are going from this same to Turk’s dim; Signature my “departure,” form, place “Tell Earle I am going to heaven, witii its led me Island to load salt for SHIPS. specially ehaigcu care, to die Back. We saw nothing move: beat all Andrews of Provi- But I'll wait at its gates for him.” dence. .Salt most have no it the out South Channel in the keeps all and it G A sailed from doubt that was a shipment of way fog, things Abner Coburn, Nichols, are the and seems to have Long years many, NEW YORK. Castoria is T and were a long time crossing the Gulf kept up the house of An- New York March 24 for Hong Kong. put up gum eoin and ol many thousands ol dol- Since she passed from the earth ; is not sold in bu'.i. ’? r, ; i Stream. When down in the latitude of drews. A G Daivd Rivers, sailed irom New away Ropes. Vet the perfumed breath of the lar-. 1 didn’t like such a \\ hen the Lewis and well Y’ork 28 for San Francisco. lilacs,' you anything eh* n vi- a 'r responsibility, dO, it came out in conversation, that with Clark, clean April Brings the dear past back to A J Fuller, T 1* Colcord, arrived at day. is "just as and " white in } oil and alone. 1 did not dare to my I had passed to the west of polished, arrived in Providence the cap- good" reckoning March 2b lrom Oh, sweet and $4' See that C-A Bermuda while the and his chro- tain went home and I was left alone Nagasaki Philadelphia. blossoming lilacs! pose." you get go up street after but with a captain again C sailed from lilies with tiny supper, with the Belle of Bath, Curtis, Hong Oh, hearts of gold! nometer had come down to the eastward exception of the provincial I York St. Helena How sat on the box all and had no Kong Jan 1 for New ; passed your fragrance wafts my spirit, gun night of and we had not French cook. He told me that he EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER, it, yet been separated. why j March 11 Back again to those days of old. break last till nearly noon, when the cap- As the chronometer was unimpeachable first went to sea his girl jilted him and ! Daniel Barnes, O C Arpe, sailed from married for Boston. Dear love with the fair face tain came aboard and the use- the phenomena could be accounted another man. I asked him if he Singapore May 15 tender, explained only Oh, love with the for that work must be now never intended to To one El Captain,"A L Carver,-sailed from Bal- angel eyes, fulness ami moderate value oi by admitting my marry. For me are my strange who had timore 1 for San Francisco; spoken you patiently \vaitiug, considerably at fault. 1 had been well always been fickle in his loves, April At the of worth about 11, lat 3d 27, Ion 45 22. gates Paradise. charge—a spiiit compass, taught how to keep by all the and at that time fancy-free, his answer April reckoning Emily F Whitney, A S Pendleton, at Ella Alwilda Wentworth. dollars, i now that in different but mistaken was a revelation of faithfulness foity might wish, methods, speed, ! surprising Shanghae April 12 for lliolo and Delaware Belfast, Me. and unknow n ami even At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and At a Probate Court at all the years since then 1 had as faith- erring courses currents had abiding love, beyond anything Breakwater. for | held lie!' tlie Countv of Waldo, on the second Tuesday of the Countv rf on tin- « ruined any possible value that the work yet dreamed of: “Duuno, spose can’t Reed, D C Nichols, arrived atHiogo j Waldo, fully eveiy dollars oi | Emily May. A. IX 1897. May, A. D. 18l»7. guarded forty my have as well as the lie's husband he l 13 from New York. might had, reputation tell, may die, may April Those who are to find H. own as 1 did the j always prepared MOSHER. Administrator on the ! WHITE. licensed si unknown box. of the He never him Gov Robie, Nichols, at Newcastle May 12 young navigator. has j marry yet.’’ something unusually bright and clever be- LINDLEYestate of .JOHN A. SM EDBCRO. late "1 I'nity. OWEN'Cof W DOE. late of lie!I. ; I sailed with a for in said of of ’sailing day came and we were towing had any faith in that kind of tiling since; that captain a year and Hong lvoug. tween the covers of cannot County Waldo, deceased, having pre- Waldo, deceased, having t,t. | Great Admiral. Rowell, arrived at New Ev’ry Month, sented a for license to sell at that the ini!;, and it is to see half and should have served him petition private sale praying balance down the always amusing how close again be in the num- by captain's home just in the j York 3 from Marseilles. possibly disappointed May the whole of the real estate of said deceased. or settlement of his iinal a< an mate can had I not been May honest keep the latitude promoted to other respon- ber. There are t" be l. hour of and the Henry B Hyde, Scribner, arrived at Hono- bright, interesting ar- Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice to distributed among the twilight-calm silently he can correct and sibilities of own. The Lewis ed and tlie share of each let.", (which every day) yet my Clark, lulu Jail 15 from San Francisco for N York. ticles on the Women of the Month, Sea all persons interested by causing a copy of this shadows oi a June be so faded and to gathering evening, far out in his longitude, which he worn, found a grave in the Josephus, P R Gilkey, sailed from New Voyaging, Camping Out, An American onler be published three weeks successively in j Ordered, That the said petm sands of the Republican .Journal, printed at Belfast, that to all persons interested bv m liis wile anti their four little children sat cannot correct except as he is given the Cape Henlopen some years back, Y'ork March d for Shanghai. Clara the Country Mansion, Foltz, famous they may appear at a Probate Court, to be held this order to be M r-- time from the and not an old L J N Pendleton, arrived published chronometer. Captain Bartlett, really Mary Cushing. woman with on at Belfast, within and for said on the in the .Join on the liver's bank and the N lawyer, together essays (.'ounty. ly Republican baby shouted, Before down and on at Hong Kong April 14, from Newcastle, second of at ten of reaching to Sombrero the man, very highly respected, died Why the World Laughs, and Authors, Tuesday June next, the ! that they may appear at a Pp. in childish S W, clock before and show cause, it held at ». accents, Fourth of and on that we his farm two Richardson. noon, any they ; Belfast within amt “Good-by, papa,good- July came, day years ago. Old and New, which the number a | Flint, E D P Nichols, at Honolulu give have, why the prayer of said petitioner should j the second id dune ir-- for the first 1 fell in with an old New York under May Tuesday by.” Then, time, thought brig Feb 22 for New York. truly refreshing air of novelty. There not be granted. clock before noon, amt show the British which she set all i CEO. E. of what has since been more flag, kept Literary News and Notes. Puritan, A N Blanchard, sailed from San are two stirring short stories of JOHNSON, Judge. j have, why the prayer of said fully realized, good A true Attest: not be day. The vessel was probably one of I Francisco Nov 2 for Hull. chivalric interest and three of copy. granted. that a sea-iiie have its draw backs. 1 pieces ( has. P. Hazeltine, Register. GEO. E. JOHN may those that had been “whitewashed” dur- O C sailed from in of Reaper, Young, Newcastle, music, which are A true v Attest. said Harper’s Bazar May 20, Gilbert very pleasing piano cop “Cap'n, I should think you would the war; that deed- N S W, March 5 for Honolulu and New ( HAS. P. ing is, confidentially ; Parker, author of “The Seats of the compositions. One of these, “Love is a At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and tor Hazi to a Y'ork. be homesick." Then was tiie time 1 ed foreign party, in order to protect ! Talc that has no the Countv of Waldo on the second f; esdav of only Mighty” and other novels which have at- R R C G Nichols, sailed from Ending,” by Raymond her from confederate while Thomas, A. May, A. 1). 181*7. At a Probate < '«u,rr held at it. ever privateers tained a Brown and Charles is a most had from him a nervous answer, lie wide popularity in recent years, Cebu Feb 27 for Boston ; passed Anjer March Coleman, lor the ol Waldo, ta- still owned the same Ameri- / H1ARI.ES M. HOW r. Administrator of the es- County actually by will a new pleasing ballad, and the “In the ol in the oi our “1 am." begin serial entitled “Cumnor’s 2d. others, \J tate of CALVIN H. SMITH, late of Liberty, May year tremblingly said, cans who held her before. There was a H T arrived at New a Wife.” It is said to be a striking story of Sachem, Lancaster, Moonlight,” characteristic dance by in said County ot Waldo, deceased, having pre- < NME WHITCOMB. !a igi before had never deal of that done the a Captain Bartlett, then, good during war, Anglo-Indian life, abounding in dramatic York May 12 from Hong Kong. George Hayes, and“Mammy’ Little Taller sented petition praying that the balance re- WHITCOMB lai- and was in Ins hands on settlement ot his liual ! of u. or down the route when it over the owners S D Carleton, Amsbury, sailed from New an maining ty Waldo, deceased, passed up bay by any thought situations. It will be illustrated Frank Gal,” Ethiopian lullaby, by Charles account he to to them back under the by York 2b for may ordered be distributed among tioii praying that some’.- bring liag but it April Shaughae. Graham, arc excellent. There are over the oi said except that to the westward of islesboro. Dadd. heirs deceased, and the share "1 each appointed administrator on the was not allowed in St Nicholas, C F Carver, sailed from Sau except individual cases and a determined. Francisco 23. for lvarluk. fifty illustrations, clearly printed, Ue desired to go down “Ship-channel” and act of William Allen the Kansas April ordered, That the said petit ioner give notice to by special Congress. White, young G from bright, cover in several colors. New Ordered. That the said petit.:- State of Maine, 11 Curtis, sailed all persons interested causing a oupy ot this that time and it was The master of the and who by ul; interested ■ understood that, English-American editor, orator, story-writer, 14 for Manila. York, Haviland A 4 E. liUth order to be three weeks in persons l>> Shanghae prior to April Ilowley, Co., j published successively order to makes a w be published 11 tree ... under brig spoke 11s, and, conversing for some j distinct “hit'' believer he speaks lie E Eben sailed Street. ! the Republican -Journal, printed ai Briiasi.Hiat my guidance, we should go that Til Starbuek, Curtis, l;e Kepniili.-an .Jouru pn;-.- it was first and or because there is blood and real- they may appear at a Probate- Com; to be held time, interesting, then be- j writes, from New York March 21 for Sydney, NSW'. they may appear at.; Pr-maie wav. We had maps of the world, in at Beitast within and for said « m the but, came tiresome, to listen to what ! ity in whatever he is moved to say, has Wm H Macy, Amsbury, sailed from Sail | ounty. Belfast, within and for ■sniu passed. Harper's of l'!i will be a I second Tuesday of June next, ai ten of the those no charts ot and ever written a new 18 for Honolulu. Weekly May ond Tuesday ol June next, at ten days, bay harbor. My captain, courteous, with a 1 short story of Kansas life Francisco April I clock before n ion, and shou cause, il clear, Memorial Number. the con- any they before noon, and s!. .v ... it —a Wm H Frank 1 Pendleton, sailed Day Among the ot -aid of unstrained voice and a master of Decoration will Conner, have, why prayer petitioner should .. My knowledge the bay had been gath- pleasant, Day story—which ap- tributions j why the pray. r ot >a -1 from New York March 24 for there will be a Memorial Day | not be the coarse and ar- pear in McClure’s for Hong lvong; granted. ered on English; other, loud, Magazine June, a *. granted. entirely lat 31 N, Ion 3b W. poem by Richard Burton New Na- GE* E. .JOHNSON. V by sailing my grand- with dialectic shadows in with abundant illustrations. spoken April 3, Cox; -Judge. » P‘ E. lOll rogant, his C arrived tional A true Copy. Attest tathei s little which drew four W J Botch, Sewali Lancaster, Hymn, with words by Col. Thomas A true e..pv. AtT.-'t yacht feet voice which betrayed that he at best was ( has. !’. Ha/.ki.iim'. Register. Harper’s Magazine for June contains at New York April b from Hong Kong. \\ eutworth Higginson and music by Crozat ('ll P Ha/.! *T water: and J must hero turn aside and not an own child of the Fourth of July j the first instalment oJ a novel Frank BARKS Converse; articles on “A Breakfast with At a Probate Co:;t t lie! ! a» wiHiiu andf.-i s some by j Belfast, At a Pro! ate t our! n* .■ r te.; of country, kind of 1 ‘mething that earliei experience. : though poor Eng- R. ‘The < I General Thomas Robinson the Countv oi Wald",-m the second pi.-sda\ oi lish have been his Stockton, Heat Stone of Sardis, Gomez," by (,1|) may native tongue. He May A. 1*. 1897. craft, the “General j a humorous romance of the twentieth Adam W Spies, A D Field,arrived at New Daw ley. Jr., in which the of Gen- Taylor,” was; called our attention to policy loudly the faej ; York 11 from eral ITOBERT S. KEEN, Adu i: iMi.d- til estate thir.v feet century, a salient feature of which is a April Singapore. Gomez will be on “The .'I. PACE, long,deep and schooner under the outlined; "j MARL RET 1* III 1.1. B .1 Ot sell! JACOB narrow, he It ■ that, though English flag, Alice Reed, Alanson Ford, cleared from l of the tJ .Jackson ill said < submarine expedition to the North Pole. nvoiling Washington Monument mold, ill s iid County ot Waldo, i.ased, having iig_cd and the fastest in the in was celebrating the day; and in ! •New York May lb for Rio Janeiro. ha\ ing presented a per it mii t r:.\ thing bay, exehang- The at on “The presented a that the balance re illustrations, prepared by Peter Carrie L arrived at New Philadelphia;" Military petition praying ist rat toll oil tile estate ,,1 >.,n| meridians which did not Tyler, Lancaster, in lianos on '<■; those of no races. It was ing agree (they maining U-icoi.; «.i liis tinal days prize- she Newell, not the artist’s 3 from Tournament in Chicago;” and on “Frank granted to him. seldom ever he assumed only represent York May Savannah. account may be ordered to be distr I uted among do) coarsely L. < 1 lhw afloat 1 would like to increase her work at its but are (J P N F sailed from Port Stockton,” by W. I). Howells. The the heirs ot said deceased and tl.e -care "1 •-.oh »rdel‘.- 1. the sai oeiiti. it.- j faith in liis own declared best, unusually sym- Dixon, Gilkey, great v position. determined. all persons intei'esf«-o ;..~ ai> and pathetic to the of the author. Natal April 1 fur Barhadoes. illustrations will include scenes from the | "j sails and back her 1 to our that we haul genius order to be *■, i~ii-i ti.r. against any- suggested captain sailed from Manila Feb 5 * Jrdered, That the said petit ioner give i. >; •-o p Edward May, Tennessee Centennial W. A. 1 a by Rogers, all b\ a tin I that will sail on the this up couple of points ami get out of that Greece and Crete are at attract- for New York. persons interested causing *■•-)•> oi this thing year, present who was sent to t a bay the order to be su. -o—■ in hey may a;.pea a Pi a He assented a Exposition by Harp- I published three week- i\_ atmosphere. by promptly ing great deal of attention from the Evie A T Whittier, cleared from Beil ast. \vA; Din ai, 1 '..- -.t ! ^he had the shape of a salmon rather Reed, er's Weekly for the purpose of making the Republican Journal, printed at the order to the Id for Town. ol n- giving wheelman. At whole world. It is hard to realize that New York April Cape at a Probate Out:. t" be Held Tuesday dune •, t.-u ot until Liic the they ina_\ appear iiouiKitr-uiiiicl ol 111'm [ ji■ ii cratt. from Port Town- drawings. -w- noon, and show ran-<■. u aa h. sea or ashore no company is very much the former is a country practically bank- Harvard, Colcord, sailed I at Belfast, w itliin and lor said count}. -n the ond of June ;it -u the clock praver -d said pet it .. at, .-■■ Some of llie small ol better than but at sea one send Feb b for Valparaiso. | Tuesday next, ten yachts these poor company; iupt, that the is but two mil- Ol • days j population VV H arrived before noon, and show cause, if an} they have, into so seldom Herbert Black, Blanchard, ate >o wide that 1 gets society that when not lions. within a half the size the of said should mu A tree copy. can't tell tin scuppers i territory onlyv at New Y'ork May 12 from Pernambuco. why prayer petitioner it is all the more of the State of New and the latter granted. \;-^ tun: the agreeable disappointing. Yolk; l< lani, McClure, sailed from New Y’ork hawsepipes. liming summer runner hi note < rE< > E. -J v HINSON Judge. .>oumig occurred on tile is an island only half as large again as Feb lb for Honolulu and lvoug. Hong A true copy. Attest: < vacations I lived on the and we arrived SS. In mu!” -d I'n "Taylor” as passage safely iu Cliris- Long Island. These and other in- A C M Nichols, sailed from ("has. P. Hazeltix many Lucy Nickels, Regis UMLIM)fast. mi tlit* ... Twes.i much as and tiaustadt, witliout how shallow statements in New York Dec 31 for Hong lvoug; spoken '■ possible bad been allowed to noticing teresting appear Benjamin laiirKi/lcr OWEN \\ HI IT., .nn .: and narrow was the channel uor how Ide Wheeler’s article in the June Atlantic Feb 18, lat lb S, Ion 2b W. f (PERRY DAVIS’.) At a Probate Court held at Belfast, wit bin ami for tin- real estate d W ICE! AM 1> led out in practice going command, with Mabel I W'm arrived at ; the Countv of Waldo, on the second TucmIhn fa>t. in said deceased. d.i. j small the harbor, ."'iuce that time vessels on Greece and the Eastern Question. Meyers, Meyers, r A Sure end Safe Remedy in (.'minty, otliei for a Portland 18 from Buenos May, A. I). 1897. his first ami final aecmm; .*t s>.. boys crew, tor some little have grown up while harbors of this May Ayres. j of the sixtieth of Matanzas, sailed from New Y'ork May 10 r case end kind WINN. Guardian Of SAliAlI K. I»OE a n ee wl ile before mother knew kiud continue their Apropos anniversary every every ordered, That not in- i<» that some baby-like dimensious. for Havana. LYMANBurnham, in said County of Wahl", having thereof the of Queen Victoria, the June week- :n the bearded man The average vessel of these reign from of Bowel le presented a petition for license to e\< iau_-,o cr- successively. liepu was not on board. longish days Penobscot, E G Parker, sailed Hong Complaint in always number of McClure’s will con- f tain real estate ot sai ward for on, other real printed Belfast, in -aid county. 11 days needs to be almost crooked, and to Magazine Jan 31 for New " lien she first Kong York; passed Anjer estate described in said interested u. i\ .11r.-n :i I learned that a party of us tain a series of life portraits of the Queen, petition. step quickly and very lightly, to enter here March 5. held at Bella.-:, on the second Tin infants were the earliest a child on her Ordered, That the said petitioner gi ve notice iu out alone, tlieic was in Ou that the showing her, Rebecca Crowell, M G Dow, arrived at next, and show cause. if any they energy safety. long-ago voyage all persons interested b\ t'.ausing a <-opy >.1' Ous mother’s at the of two the from Amsterdam. said am oimt .Id not be plowed am excitement in the balance of was to lap, age years; Paramaribo May b order to he three .seeks iu home-camp. arriving day given up published successively ft Mi *. E. JOHN- next at four, the next at live, and so on, Rose Inuis, Melvin Colcord,arrived at New the .journal, at Belfast, that j setting awnings and to preparations for Republican printed A True copy Attest wildly frightened woman flew across almost down to the Y'ork 3 from Turks Island. JairvlUllef they may.appear at a Prol ate Court, he held at All ex- year by year, present May This ia a true statement and ( It as. V. Hazklhm discharging cargo. my previous arrived at Gar- Belfast, within and for said on tin* see*mil tiie in-ids and found in The will in most Serrano, R G Waterhouse, County, grandpa his perience regarding ship-work in day. reproduction be, It can’t be made too Tuesday of June next, at ten oi the slock he- j foreign and ontolo --from Sourabaya. strong UT Al.bO Ss i) Court I meadow J never knew all had been to make the instances, directly from the originals, tore noon, and show cause, if any they have, why that was ports laboring day St Smeed, sailed from Brunswick or V? fast. >n •} 1,- -t .mi T -nay said, the finest No such series has Lucie, too emphatic. tlie prayer of said petitioner should not he grant- but the as as of would by process. d for New Y’ork. j CHAitl.Es. i- 1.INN, Adinimstrat. dear old man was of mild but con- loug any degree daylight April ed. GEO. E. JOHNSON. Judge. ever been before. W S cleared | Ot (.imutil, C. ii A KDI N l.. late W permit. That evening I asked the published Thomas A Goddard, Griffin, A true copy. Attest : and a cap- County, decease.I. bavins: presentee vincing speech, master at tain if J should from Portland March 25 for Buenos Ayres. It is a simple, safe and quick ( has. P. Hazeltink. spreading commence on the cargo in We have received from Loring, Short & Register. final account of admit.istraiiou of -a oil troubled Willard A C Colcord, arrived at upon waters. My certiiicate the morning and he said, “Yes, about Harmon, Portland, a modest and taste- Mudgett, cure for allowance Montevideo 1 from New Y'ork. At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and lot Ordered. That notice thereof t..• as seven o’clock.” Before seven o’clock little book entitled “A April embryo commander was not allowed fully printed Slight the Countv of Waldo, on the second Tuesday "I weeks succes.-i\ely in tin* K. all hands had SCHOONERS. Cramps, Cough, Rheumatism, to be came, been scrubbing and Romance.” It bears the imprint of the May. A 1>\ 1897. in Belfast, in said ;:i cancelled, my proudest was jointed county pleasure interested attend at a not taken at other general work for a couple of Old Corner Bookstore, Boston, and this is W R Gilkey, at Port Spain Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, 4 certain instrument, purporting t ■ he the last may 1‘roba'. away. Grandfather had the Georgia Gilkey, held at Belfast, on the second Tue.- hours. The master came and the second edition. The Edith 2b for Delaware Breakwater. Toothache, A will and testament ot SA.MCE1 T. IHlIJuK, gieatest faith in of up explain- author, April Diarrhoea, Croup, next.and show cause, if youth any grown-up H F sailed late of Liberty, iu said County of Waldo, deceas- ! any they man ed that the permits for Leverett Dunton, is unknown to us; but Hattie McG Buck, Sprowl, said account should n-.t be llow. o I ever knew. As a in discharging ed, having been presented for probate. vessel-owner, were all in but that lie had our Portland of it as her from Bangor May 8 for New Y'ork. Tiro sizes, 25c. and 50c. CEO. E. JOHNS- a small lie made a order, exchanges speak Ordered, That notice be to all in- way, great many new Jr, arrived at given persons j A true copy Attest: named that hour as first and the has Henry Clausen, Appleby, terested a of this order to he masters and the being early book, press generally by causing copy pub- | N most ruinous loss he ever Boston May 14 from Darien, Ga. : CllAS. r H A / K 1. I to a hard commended it The Bos- Keep it by you. Beware of lished three weeks successively in the Republican met with was an able enough begin day’s work; highly. Church, sailed from Bos- by master of lone John C Smith, Kneeland, Journal, printed at Belfast, that they may appear ten hours a day he said was ton, says: “New England life is revealed N Imitations. Buy only the experience. When 1 was fourteen, three long enough. ton April 2 for Bellevue Cove, S. at a Probate Court, to be held at Belfast, within administrators not I made no of but from the inside one who at Belfast for and for said on the second "f subscriber -i\e- u cousins of ours were us comments, course, by evidently Lester A Lewis, lvimhall, Davis’. County, Tuesday hereby visiting from Ban- Genuine—Perry u there couldn’t be much done in knows and loves its features.” New Y'ork. June next, at ten of the clock before noon, and been duly apnointed Adnnnistrat gor and tbeie were no steamers thought then ply- cleared from New' Sold Xvorytthoro, j show cause, if any they have, why the same should of the that length of day. We had a William ol Lucia Porter, Farrow', ing up river from our side of the remarkably J. blieare.-, bupenntendent not be proved, approved and allowed. LILLIAN late bay. came York 15 for Tampico BLANCHARD, Grandfather said I could good crew—regular sailors. They Schools at N. has evolved May GEO. E. JOHNSON. Judge, take them Elizabeth, J., A cleared from New' in tlie of deceased home, from to in a British Mary Hall, Haskell, A true copy. Attest: County Waldo, which was a more Liverpool Bangor a for students in the bonds as the law direct-. All foreign voyage than I system grading pub- Y'ork March 7 for Velasco. Chas. P. II azkltine, Register. per- had ship, and then aboard of our vessel mauds estate ol -aid !. yet made as commander. sister lic schools which allows, more than any R F Pettigrew', Morse, arrived at Buenos against the My “loaded” to the with sired to the same for went with in all tire scuppers Queen other ever has, for the of 10 from Boston. At a Probate Court held at Belfast, within and f1 A A. FLEMANT, Administratrix of the es- ISAAC S. MOUSE than I had ever seen terested by causing a copy td this onler to be pub- late d M system before. School.” he shows the weak b for JLi tate of BEST CUE S. BAB BILGE, late of My sister, always loyal and bad the Incidentally Darien, Ga, May Philadelphia. lished three weeks in the in the \\ ea-. d true, The is a in said of successively Republican County of a!do. dc. port hard place to get out and Winterp rt, County Waldo, deceased, at Bellas:, that tin gicatest faith in her brother and a j points in the usual grading system, | Journal, print'd y may appear ha\ine demands mains: the always no having presented a petition* for a license to sell at from and tugs here. As per ! I at a Probate ( ourt, to he held a* BedaM. within ceased are desired 10 the -am. but custom, out effective remedies. sale the whole of the real estate of said present gentle She de- points private on f commanding spirit. we had an extra crew 'and for said County, the fuesdax ment. and all in.letue.1 there;., n. manded anil of negroes from the Buck leu's Arnica Salve. deceased. secured obedience to McClure’s for June will open | June next, at ten >*t the clock helore ii<">u, amt make ment immediatch my shore to which a Magazine That said notice to all pa\ help warp out, took The Best Salve in the world for Ordered, petitioner give stmt! should oruers: the nearest to a of with an article Prof. S. P. Cuts, j show cause, if an> they have, why the IRA I : mutiny any- whole and were by Langley, persons interested by causing a copy of this 1 day, they singers! As Sores, Ulcers, Salt ILheimi, Fever not be proved, approved and allowed. Mo-ntvtlie. Mav 1 i. l.v.*7. thing have experienced since was avoid- of the Smithsonian Bruises, order to be published three weeks successively hove in the lines on the Secretary Institution, UKi». E. JOHNSON, Judge. ed and we flew they long caps- Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, in the Republican Journal, printed at Belfast, up the bay and river in the that he and A true copy. Attest: tan the hills were iu describing “liying-machine” and all Skin Eruptions, positive- that at a Probate to be I * ! 1 am busy answering echo Corns, they may appear Court, ( has p. IIazeltink. E XECU TORS Of ICE safety. able to declare with himself has after ten It is Register. c\ pleas- to their I well remember the lately completed, ly cures Piles, or no pay required,. held at Belfast within and for said County, on 1 J Ill'll :;'m Hut |. I li.i lies !. and even now songs. ure, with that the of laborious experiment, and which to satisfaction or the second Tuesday of June next, at ten of the appointed Executors ..I the las; > pride, foolish of oue years guaranteed give perfect I At a Probate Court held at Belfast, wiihm an>i loi evait never suffered a doggerel chanty: Price 25 cents box clock before norm, and show cause, if any they nient ol cent’s worth of is the first “liying-machine” ever made money refunded. per ! the Countv of Waldo, nil tin- second TuesUav ot Don t see that black have, why the prayer of said petitioner should JOKE I*. BENNEI I •■! S. damage white ever in my care. I well you brig yonder? that has ilown. The For sale by Kilgore & Wilson. May, A. I). 181*7. late What do think is the of her? by man, actually not be granted. | knew where all the rocks and you cargo will illustrated from draw- GEO. E. T YI) 1A .1. HATHAWAY, sister of FRANKLIN in the t •unity ..I Waldo, decease' dangers White article be fully JOHNSON, Judge. pine lumber and leaf terbacker. P. late of in sai of hones as the law directs. All pci-. were so often on made under A true copy. Attest Ju KNIGHT, Troy, uiit> by being board when Who do ihink is the of her? ings and photographs Prof. A for fair dealiug, square meth- mauds the estate •>! said dee* you captain reputation Ciias. P. ilAZELTiNE, Register. | Waldo, deceased, having presented a petition against pounding over and them while own direction. In view of the sired to the same tor sett lcm. through Long Tom Jones, the nigger driver.” Langley’s ods, and honest goods is not built up in a I praying that administration be granted on the es- present some older band was in Three Tired of and with lack interest and of the sub- ! tate of said deceased. indebted thereto are requested t<- m charge. that, youthful great importance No matter what the manufactured immediatelv. ISAAC S. 1. x ol us came within an ace of drow I and of the fact that it is Prof. day. TY7ALDO SS.—In Court of Probate, held at Bel- Ordered, That the said petitioner give notice to being ned, of dignity, ottered the refrain of “Santa ject, Lang- j of this Wf.KNEK L in lie in article may be it does not become a house- VV fast, on the second Tuesday of May, 1897. [ all persons interested by causing a copy night, rough water, on a sunken Anna” to which they gave the chorus in ley’s own account of his machine, the order to be three weeks suet osivHv in Searsmont. May 1 1. l.s;>7 a WILLARD B. ELLIS, Guardian <‘>f BLANCH G. published off Duck Harbi hold word until years of testing by critical at that ledge r, while an uncle, of correct and musically thrilling measure. article is bound to attract w ide attention. MOURE of Monroe, in said County, having pre- the Republican Journal, printed Belfast, considerable maritime its worth. For 14 years the sented his final account ol for al- they may appear at a Probate Court, to be held LXECUTRIX'S notice. was in Chanties and the sailor of news proves guardianship 1 experience, working songs The latest fashion may be had public on sec- Jj notice that she command. lowance. at Belfast, within and for said County, the hereby gives But let us back aboard old have now to the of Iver Johnson has been made in New w get given way jar ma- from A. McDowell &■ Co., 4 West 14th cycle Ordered, That notice thereof be given, three ond Tuesday of June next at ten of the clock be- appointed Executrix ot the last the Lewis bound out fore and show it nient of Clark, Ship-channel chinery and the puff of steam. Street, New York, who publish the only England, there are thousands of them in weeks successively, in the Republican Journal, noon, cause, any they have, why for 1st. all the prayer of said petitioner should not be grant- Croix, and regarding which, as We went from here to Grand Turk and Fashion Journal sold in everyday use. The house that builds them printed in Belfast,in said county, that persons JAMES T. COTTLE, late of 1*.. cheap imported attend at a Probate Court, to ed. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Judge. pilot and I had thence to East Harbor to load salt for has been world famed for 26 years as Hue interested, may by in the County of Waldo, deceased navigator, considerably tlris country. “La Mode de Paris” is held at Belfast, on the second of ,Iune A true copy. Attest. less to be metal employ 800 men. It Tuesday demands against the estate ot proud of. for orders. At East Harbor the a workers; they and show if Chas. I\ H azeltink, Register. having Newport $3.50 a 35 cts. and “French next, cause, any they have, why -• year, copy, seem that a well known and ed arc desired to present, the same for >\ lien we made the first tack below7 brother had been buried the would reputa- the said account should not be allowed. captain’s Dressmaker” is $3.00 a year, 30 cts. a should at- and all indebted thereto are request Turtle Head the ble cycle built in New England, GEO. E. JOHNSON, Judge. "'TTALDO SS. In Court of Probate, held at Bel- captain said, “You now died there while in These make a payment immediately. ( Alto J year before, having copy. journals special tract the good reason of sensible New Eng- A true copy. Attest: VV fast, on the second Tuesday of May, I8i»7. have and after that was Belfast, May 11, 1897. chaige,” no pilot command of the brig Fannie Butler. We feature of lessons on dressmak- land Ciias. P. Hazeltine, Register. ANNA S. WILDES, Administratrix on the estate ever practical buyers. less interfered with than I was. It of HENRY N. WILDES, late of Monroe, in said raised the body with the intention of taking each month. During the next six ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTH * came thick ing County, deceased, having presented her first and with and I soon anchored it but its condition would not The subscriber notice ■• fog home, per- months will a series of lessons ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. final of administration of said estate for hereby gives they give The secret of “Keep your liver il subscriber notice that he has account just below Coombs’ Point. On mit that and it was happiness, hereby gives been dulv appointed Administrator turning of reburied. on costumes which will be of Bitters is allowance. out at bicycle great Burdock Blood nature’s been duly appointed Administrator on the estate Of there was a breeze was an right.” Ordered, That notice thereof he given, three daylight gentle On the passage homeward there interest to both and amateur of the liver or of WILLIAM CH ASE, late of Wint< from the professional remedy for complaints weeks successively, in the Republican Journal, northward, but still very thick. of the which I think was to- secure these eclipse sun, dressmakers. If you cannot bowels. OLIVE W. BOWEN, late of Belfast, printed in Belfast, in said county, that all persons in the County of Waldo, deceased, I believed the wiud would soon scatter or near It was the one 1 tal, very it. only books at your newsdealers, send direct to in the County of Waldo, deceased, and given interested may attend at a Probate Court, to be bonds as the law directs. All persons the and we at on of June mauds he estate ol said de e.i-- fog got under way. I asked that I have ever seen. That was in ’GO. the publishers. bonds as the law directs. All persons having de- held Belfast, the second Tuesday against the CASTOlUA. mands the estate of said deceased are de- next, and show cause, if any they have, why the sired to present the same for settlemc: captain about the tide and he said it From Newport we were ordered to against sired to present the same for settlement, and all said account should not he allowed. indebted thereto are requested to make must be ebb. I Providence to and what is a turning thought so, too, discharge, Even catarrh, that dread breeder of con indebted thereto are requested 10 make payment GEO. E. JOHNSON, Judge. immediately. but unfortunately it was still flood. We little remarkable as a coincidence, we sumption, succumbs to the healing influ- immediately. OTIS G. BOWEN. A true copy. Attest: ARTHUR HUM Chas. P. Hazeltjne, Register. Liberty, April 13, 1897.—3wrl9. steered to make Cape Iiozier, but the were consigned to the salt firm of An- ence of Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. Belfast, May 11,1897.—3w21 OF STYLE. WORLD and |^Ml- Henry Brodrib, is narrow chested of of such, who have not received a similar slender build. one. favorite color, liow A trilling effort on the part of each of Smart But the likeness to Napoleon was start- jjr- ,,i(himself. gowns those who are interested will result in a TIRED OUT (| at the first ]rv,u“ women. Social chat ling as he made his entrance grand success for the first general meet- \ after a hard night production. He had cunningly ac- ing of descendants of our respected an- da)' shopping, William Nickerson. can with this wearing a sheath, over cestor, nothing compare u York Letter.] complished by Yours of the fraternally, or will so restore echo remains of the which the clothes (fac similies gar- quickly William Emery Nickerson. one the ments of the fitted Room 12 Pearl Mass. by nourishing « one has time to re- Emperor) perfectly. 28, St., Boston, of nerves as little attentions that Shortness assisted by the fullness figure [The above circular explains itself. and width of thus was We McKinley on her first shoulder, secured, quote from an accompanying letter as accentuated a abbreviation of ;'ortauce in New York by cunning follows: “There are a number of descend- about ants ( nt the Land. the thigh, brought by cleverly of Seth Nickerson who settled in small clothes. The transforma- who would be pie eminently first, the adapted Prospect (now Searsport), tion was most effective. to know about this visit and the or- are simple in their glad Mrs. Orme Wilson and lier husband s Nickerson homestead. 1 am in- » ption committee was iginal formed akc to remember that sister, Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., are that representatives from all over favorite color is blue, always marked figures in the Sunday the county will be present.” Ed. Jour- suits her lily-white skin Church parade along Fifth Avenue. Last nal.] were in sique to perfection; just Sunday they charmingly gowned Appleton. Mrs. Charlotte Hawkes, who suits of the latest i is the favorite color of very patterns, Mrs. has been at Fred Davidson’s since Christmas, Wilson in violet hammock with a imi well suited to her full cloth, has gone to Boston to visit her son and three button Eton W. and Geo. A. robust health, pointed coat; Mrs. daughter-Geo. Dodge Vanderbilt a Fisher of Portland have been the for he hotel where the Presi- choosing pretty novelty guests a few of Albert Stuart... .The cloth, and a smart jacket with open front, days Grange Nerve le while in New Food stopped has been in and which was lined with silk. building painted colors, fitted in plaid A fully up pale very much improved in appearance... .Mr. healthful, refreshing, delicious, temperance en- Of the 59,000 men that marched in line beverage >> even a big bunch of for- and Mrs. Harry Pease went to Rockland joyed by young and old. hereon Grant Monument Day, not a sec- h Mrs. McKinley held in the first of last week, accompanied by Mrs. Your Grocer will tion got half the hearty applause given supply you. Buy it by the Glass of your Druggist. iewed the parade from Pease’s mother, Mrs. Roscoe Morton, who the blue jackets from the battle ships, cottage hotel near the was taken sick the day after their arrival powder monkeys and all. The boys look- with pneumonia. She is still ill. lay was a wild one, and seriously ed sturdy; and their uniforms, while neat, _Little Emma Merle Ripley of Bath is •.«k the grand stand and were in striking contrast to the spick and stopping a few weeks writh her grandparents, for sheltered quarters. The YORK H. NEW. WEEKLY TRIBUNE spau newness of the feather-bed Mr. and Mrs. G. Page.,..Mr. Samuel C. \ of the weather was an- regi- ments. Ripley of Bath called on relatives here re- FOR osy room had been pre- cently_Willis Daggett of Conrad The spectators seemed to recoguize that I Grove, el >tion. A grate fire of Iowa, visited relatives here recently_ EVERY these were the chaps who are actually member ol ice room more cheerful. Will Couuce is in Beverly, Mass., where he doing for the of their something good has in a EVERY on 1’islin curtains were tied employment greenhouse.Mrs. family And the bands the en- Her sown was of violet hammock tilth a A country. helped W. A. Marriner of Searsmont has been as- * cloth, smart open fronted eoat lined with plaid silk ! as; a canary chirped thusiasm EVERY farm, in pointed ihrre-builon Eton. the suit of novelty cloth. by playing “They All Love sisting Miss Lottie Young a few days in her c_ic a blue suspended by Jack" EVERY Mode by The National Cloak Co., West 23d Street, New York. and “A Life on the Ocean Wave” millinery rooms.Mrs. Charles Bills of village in it inches of sweet j peas as the last week with her Mr. loved lier for her tars and marines went by the Hope spent parents, iier that New Yorkers simple tastes, had not Miss Grant is a prime favorite in so- EVERY State or Monument. and Mrs. Geo. Wentworth.The heavy Territory forgotten some of her fancies, and were not here but in where ciety, only Chicago, rain May 14th caused many very bad wash- anxious to have her feel she was their she is often entertained her by aunt, Mrs. outs in our roads-Frank Sleeper of Bel- as a woman, as well as the of Potter in her FOR Etlaoation, guest Lady Palmer, “Castle1' on the mont sold a horse recently belonging to S. tlie* White House. Lake Shore near Lincoln J. and a the of an- Drive, Park. Gusliee, wagon, property FOR Noble Manlioud, These little attentions are dear to other man. a new suit of clothes and very I recently met Mrs. Potter Palmer, en bought Mr. Gusliee found his horse and women and fail to have the route for skipped. FOR True rarely expect- Europe, where she is probably took it. Womanhood. ed effect. When Victoria’s eldest Queen the best known American woman who IT GIVES all news of the Nation. now the important daughter, Dowager Empress of crosses annually. She is considered a Germany, left England at her marriage, most sagacious diplomat and is lionized IT GIVES all important news of the World. ; her chief regret was at leaving the pretty wherever she When she is goes. occupy- IT GIVES the most reliable market j pink room of her girlhood in Windsor ing her home in the windy city, the Stars reports. Castle. Her ; mothei had thought of this, and Stripes float from the “Castle" tur- IT GIVES brilliant and instructive' editorials. and her arranged daughter’s private room ret, just as the Union Jack does wl,en in the German Castle like IT GIVES great exactly Queen Victoria is at Windsor. She is a fascinating short stories. | the one the young girl was leaving. To sort of in Queen Victoria Chicago. IT GIVES an unexcelled this the t cherishes agricultural department, day, x-Empress every Her handsome figure when I saw her on little knick-knack that came from the the steamer wharf, was well shown oil' in IT GIVES scientific and mechanical information. hands hoi i loving of Loyal mother that a blue worsted which had traveling frock, IT GIVES day. a illustrated fashion articles. j double breasted Norfolk jacket with a The same thing happened last summer single plait well sticlied on each side of IT GIVES humorous when Princess SI of the illustrations, and, daughter the double row of buttons. Prince and Princess of Wales—“darling Mis. Palmer is a warm friend of Mr IT GIVES entertainment to young and old. | Harry" as site is called the fondly by Henry Irving, the distinguished English i family— was taken to after her IT GIVES satisfaction to , actor, who is not only a past master in everywhere everybody. i marriage to her cousin Prince Charlie. the art of stage craft and scenic effects, Miss Julia Grant, grand-daughter of but also in make-up. the famous General, attracted a great deal j This reminds me that his latest imper- A Pile of of attention while driving in Central Park Comfort We Furnish The Journal and N. V, j sonation.tbat of Napoleon I.. in “Madame Republican Weekly Tribune the other day. s-he is a tall, distinguished Sans-Gene,” worried his friends, who ONE with a face that YEAR FOR $2.00, girl, lights up beautifully were at a loss to understand how he could to a man who chews <-VStl in conversation. When I saw her she was ... INj advance. possibly, with any deg’-ee of accuracy, Address all orders to exquisitely gowned in dove broad- gray look the character when he has nothing or smokes— it cloth, which had a stylish open fronted pleases physically but his nose (which is Napole- THE REPUBLICAN JOURNAL Eton, the collar three PUBLISHING CO,, BELFAST, MAINE. wn In d »ve grey broad cloth, the forming square onic in its moulding) to help him. The handsome (ravelins frock of blue worsted >n lined with shell pink silk. tabs. The coat was lined with delicate had a stylish double breasted Norfolk Jacket. the taste and satisfies Sir Henry is five feet eleven inches in National Ci.oak 23d silk and'She wore a muslin front of Co., West pink Made by The National Cloak Co., West 23d Write name and a height, and his real John your address on postal card, send it to Geo. W. Best Street. New York. the same tint. despite name, Street, New York. —there’s one Tribune New York a only Office, City, and sample copy ot THE NEW YORK WEEKLY to and modern ideas TRIBUNE will be to y. “Freddy," said the The Penobscot Yacht Club. date, introducing The Nickerson mailed you. both in and Family Reunion. i\ Faugle,“you have spelled design construction. The •' Yankee mechanic is kind that’s with two t’s. You must proverbially quick to April 8, 1037, William Nickerson of popular •i. 'lit." “Yes, ma'am." re- | learn, and there are now within a few ...THE... Norwich, with his family, sailed from which die?" .Harper's miles of here a number of men I quite capa- Ipswich, England, in the ship -‘John and \ ble of building from a designers that’s GEO. W. drawings Dorothy,” to make for himself a home in everywhere, a BURGESS, Over Fifty lears. and at which would western ; price defy the New World. He landed in Boston on A ki.l-Tkied Remedy | competition. The reason for this is not .—Mrs. the 20th day of June, 1037, and to-day SWAN 8 SIBLEY CO. far to seek. ng Syrup has been used for | There is at least one builder thousands of his ■> millions of mothers for near here who could be descendants, respected named, who is citizens of our Great JOBBERS OK v i*:ie* Republic, may with teething, with perfect also a thoroughly up to-date draughts- JOB hies the softens the pride aud pleasure lookback to him, their PRINTER, child, man and designer, and the writer is not ,-ain. cures wind colic, and first American ancestor, and to the inter- GRAIN, afraid to predict that he will be heard •i> f.»r Diarrlnca Is pleas- yet vening generations of worthy and useful from in the world with a success- S‘»id by druggists in every yachting members of the American body politic. i ve a ful boat, lie cuts all or all his : FEED, Twenty-li cents bot- nearly After a short residence in Watertown he TOBACCOS incalculable. Be sure and timber his own and at the House i upon land, removed to aud while Opera Block, Belfast, Me, s11 Yarmouth, living w's Soothing Syrup, and prices of labor here can successfully SEEDS and h nd. defy there made the first of a series of pur- as his lumber costs him | competition, mere- chases of land from the Indians, in that move to ,i new j ly the labor of it out of the boarding getting woods, tract which lias since become Chatham, groceries. •‘Couldn't stand it his own labor not more than half what it to | which town lie and the members of bis CARDS, irders telling what would cost in or near one of the IlliporllM'S Ol they j large were instrumental in POSTERS, Malt. were the Greek and his family principally govern- cities, hardware being purchased BILE HEADS, g«1 Record. Since the coast of Maine has become founding. Beware I>i.i’ers iu rh ft 1 **: v in Boston costs him a small amount *j i'i, ,.| j only For I as ; LETTER I ! established as a summer resort and cruis- many years have, opportunity HEADS. mi Liniment removes all i for freight more than it would the city offered, collected data our PROGRAMS, bloused and Blern- | iug ground for Massachusetts yachtmeu, builder. concerning Lumps and have Blood its residents have taken a more family, cherished the design of PAMPHLETS, Anthracite and Spavins, Curbs, permanent No better waters for racing purposes vivid interest in as a than publishing the results in book form. This !-*-y, Ring-Bone, Stiries, yachting sport can well be found than those of Penobscot Of 1 not ben Throats, etc. was the case when in- design have relinquished, but as Coughs, boat-cruising with its width of from to Blacksmith of one Bay, varying 2 much Mr. Mercury! work aud of 1848 bottle. Warranted terest was confined to the time is involved, it is dif- Henry Roth, South 9th i* fiul solely pursuit 10 miles, and the absence of but Blemish Cure ever anything ficult to predict at what time in the future Street, St. Louis, was the usual And all of a living. a few low given kinds of Legal Printing BORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. A. A. Howes & Co., points and islands to break the mercurial treatment Drug- But until there was no my plans will be carried out. 1 have for contagious Me recently regularly wind as it comes in from the neatly and promptly done. 7tf ly27 prevailing however a which I have no doubt blood He was twice organized club from Portland to desire, poison. pronounc- 33, 3,t, 37 Front St., Me. yacht open sea. From 12 until 4 o’clock one will ed but the Belfast, “How do you find the was in be shared by many of my to cured, disease returned each Calais. All that done encourage- count a name, M: Boarder?" Mr. j may upon good, stiff, true breeze see a he was seized with TELEPHONE 4-2. Boarder: ment of the was undertaken great meeting of representatives of time, rheumatic 1:f sport by I from JS. to S. W. nine out of ten u'ty in finding the upon the at and red sores soup, summer view to family, which they may become ex- pains, lumps and cov- d residents witnout any per- summer to think that the chicken | days. tensively acquainted with each and ered his body. rove an alibi. manency. It is a curious fact other, that in all com- a Newton was a Lord & interest he excited in our “I in hor- S. In the of a meeting general long spring ’94, however, munities where some avocation or means Coj and honorable record as a There rible fix” he James ISM CL RED IN A DAY. of those interested in was called family. Pattee& Son, yachting of locomotion used in times to be a past seems to no so “and at on Penobscot which re- be place suitable for such says, the Rockland, Bay, necessity, and the has since dis- fur Rheumatism ami Neu- sulted in the necessity a meeting as the old town of more treat- the formation of Penobscot it is a delightful SAIL and cures in 1 to 3 Its appeared, long time before ment I MAKERS, Life Accident days. Yacht with at Rock- anything Chatham, which we may regard as our receiv- Fire, Insurance. system is remarkable and Club, headquarters analogous to it is taken up as a land. sport. family homestead, and no time in the im- ed. the worse I And Successors to J. VV. Frederick & Co., as removes at once the cause Take the for instance. OFFICE : H A SONIC horsemanship ! mediate future so as the two hun- seemed to TEMPLE. ise It was thought best to set the dues and It is not fitted get. MAIN immediately disappears. so many years since A New STREET ENTRANCE. at a so everybody, dred and sixtieth anniversary of the land- York greatly benefits; 75 cents. fees very low figure that the mat- man and woman, in this part of the" world of and said Hovv.-s & Co. Bel- ter of not be a hindrance ing William Nickerson family in specialist 3jtf Druggists, expeuse might was to make all their Ship Chandlers, Ship Brokers, BELFAST, MAINE. obliged peregrina- he cure ly 8. to one who was interested in Boston. could the sport, tions in the saddle. Roads passable for it a sumcient nuraoer oi our me, but his and to make the club a rather people nas the bicycle face, Joe popular wheeled vehicles having beeu AND DEALERS IN than a introduced, shall signify their intention to be treatment did •'•nek, and sister Sue has the select and exclusive institution. went present, horsemanship the way of the no \ny other ailments the first of its existence the spinn- a special train will run for our accommo- me g'ood bicycle During year wheel and the hand until at Tents, Awnings, Cart Covers, ing loom, the dation ua ic »» ao o 1111 ailU lllil U1 “Well, papa says he has club held six three of them from Boston to Chatham on the M regattas, open time horsemen are and it’s present few and far be- ; left arm was useless so Duck, -'tbook, badly punc- which were morning of the 19tli of June next, and pains, my Cordage, Paints,, ones, taken part in by a tween and horsewomen unknown. As the will return in the All will have that I was unable to do even the The Nose and Throat. goodly number of craft, but which were evening. community grows richer, we may an work. This was condition INo. hi t;> 1 nstitute of the for rather of the however, opportunity to view the scenes where lightest my N<»\vlmrv Street, East” the “go-as-you please” order. to see No. 31 From St , Me expect horsemanship reappear as our when I to take S. S. aud a Belfast, >r and is In the earliest American forefathers began S., N ha R ( \ R N KU < I! Fa I K FI KLI) St Morphine habits, spring of ’95, however, the club an lived, accomplishment. their old burial the site of the few bottles convinced me that 1 was Conway, N H. We have out a and place, old reorganized, taking charter, by It is the same with BOSTON. :ite. 13 wi). thing yachting. and Lin- benefitted. I continued the MASS. with the owners there >1 hav- house, many interesting things. being arrangement in this of the world are Hours. 12 to 2. People part only eal descendants are on the land medicine, and one dozen bottles cured Oilier !i.. irs l./ ,iPP ut-uiMit •‘d the war editor, “I don’t ing an exceedingly pretty and convenient yet living H. H. LAMSON, waking up to the fact that craft me sound and well. only. over her forces traus- clubhouse built Tillson’s wharf sailing originally purchased from the Indians by My system was got upon (the have a use as a means of < letolier, 1 ly-15* ••< sport unconnect- under the eliects of and I e, do ?" William Nickerson nearly 250 years ago. mercury, you “Certainly,” principal steamboat landing) at Rockland. ed with the of the al “she hold of pursuit toothsome lob- A will which will in a would soon have been a editor, got the winter a number paper be read give complete During previous ster and his salt-water But wreck but for S. STATE OE [Cincinnati Commercial companions. condensed form a oi the his- S. S.” Licensed MAINE. of new 1 part early Auctioneer. boats had been built and old ones the craft as a means sailing of sport of our and which will S. S. S., (guaranteed altered and so that the season’s tory family, probab- purely vegetable) waldoss, colrtoi insolvency. improved, seems to have taken a hold of the is the cure I’. O. Ex-Postmaster of Promise strong ly prove interesting to most of its mem- ADDRESS, tf7 Ma\ 12. A. !>. racing of ’90 was both keen and exciting. interest of 1397. the people of these parts, a for real blood dis- 1 bought one hottie of In the fourth j bers. Jt is also proposed that perma- In the matter of L s. (in ovvi\ ; ILirnham class, comprising sloops And the coast of i *r and two Maine may be looked for nent be formed for the eases. The mer- MAINE. Insolvent Iminor. Rheumatism, from Id to 20 feet 1. w 1. the organization FREEDOM, more particularly, in the future to as keen good than medi- produce and clear curial treatment p, j..,.., any number of and the liveliest pleasure and pro tit of those interested in ;l|| Sold A. A. largest entries, a set of as it pers ms interest• <1 in the set: i.- u ur tu*e. several modern up-to- Sugar 50 Tons on the 9th of dune “She’s a hundred an’ and and no Pressed Straw 50 day next, at two o’clock in the date machines built and owned in enjoyable occasion, person afternoon, and lie heard “And tell me, pray, who racing thereon, and object if 1(3. The beet the blood of William Nickerson of WANTED BY thev see cause. win with the sad Massachusetts, which have been Washington, May sugar having Clio. F. dolINSON, dreadfully thought Norwich allow of ho walks the seed which the in his veins should any but Judge Insolvency Court. Waldo Countv. by old lady’s by experts ijuite capable of rendering Agricultural Department Attest: 1 s her an important reason to his attend- F. G. Me. son-in-law, sir. He’s a good account of themselves, but as none has been distributing is practically exhaust- prevent WHITE, Belfast, Cu ts. V. Hazeltixk, Register. !: >1’ her life insurance for the ance. 1897.—6wl8 of the boats in this class ever TRUE'S_ May C, have sailed about Pin Worm V •* ed, 10,000 pounds having been sent out IP [Cleveland Plain Dealer. in of the It will be noted the 20th of next June any Massachusetts regattas it is to farmers in about four-fifths of the States. falls upon It is proposed, In Six impossible to size them up Sunday. b, Hours. accurately. The seed has been distributed iu to hold the on Satur- Elixir. HOUSE AND LOT Several new boats are now packages therefore, meeting and Bladder diseases receiving Kidney their of from one ounce to half a pound, purely day, the 19tli, that seeming to be the most '•' hours the “New finishing touches, which is under- FOR SALE. by Great for The beets will be so for Children stood will be raced this experimental purposes. grown convenient day. It arranged Best The a.v Kidney Cure.” This new summer for all from the will be subscriber otters for sale the house and lot seed analyzed and the sac- that all who desire remain in ("hat- oil ••at on are and it is to may Northport avenue a. surprise account of its they worth, be expected charine matter determined to ascertain SALESMEN. lately occupied by L. The lot in liam over Special rates will also IMudgett. contains a trifle over two acres mptness relieving pain in that the season’s will be where beets can be for Sunday. of coming racing profitably grown the be to those tickets to Chat- land with eood garden and a number of dueys, back and every of even more of given buying AGENTS WANTED trim good part interesting than the last. production sugar. to sell the best line of trees. The buildings consist of a in ham from the towns FOR story and male or various the SALE. nail ‘S"ages female. FARl house in It At the time of the along Stock. or good repair, with ban and '' annual meeting this Nursery Salary commission. Cash ad- outbuild- n of water and in ings; city water. For terms and pain pass* there were a Cape. vanced for further particu- spring, hundred and expenses. Write for particulars. lars to immediately. If you want thirty Please to the subscriber at apply H. r Dl'XTox. or members of the and notify your The MILES LUCE estate in 11,-lhist, 1 cure this is club, since that time TRY GRAIN-0! TRY GRAIN-0! Waldo, containing the It. «. CHASE Mass. ROSILLA OKI \ Dl l’ your remedy. earliest convenience if you will, circum- CO., Malden, 3wl 9 Howes <& there have been a number of acces- Ask about one hundred and fifty acres, is for sale at a 3 ml 2 Co., Druggists, Bel- large your Grocer to-day to show you a package of stances attend the sions. permitting, proposed and on terms if desired. is Neither the membership nor the Grain o, the new food drink that takes the bargain easy This ly27 place if it be held as above stated. A STEAM BOILER i meeting, one of the best farms in yacht ownership of the club is confined to of (fhff'ee. The children may drink it without in- tlie county, with elegant Westerner: Whether intend to or an about •understanding: as you go not, 25 II. I*., with '"wn Rockland, fully half of the member- jury as well as the adult. All who like it. water, large wood lot and line pasturage. House for Sale. has busted and the peo- try it, answer will be Several hun- * and a appreciated. Also all connections com- for the ship large majority of the fleet of Grain-o has that rich seal brown of or a two-liorse mowing machine, horse rake, president.” Tourist: Mocha dred should be and if it will A and a half ja* over 30 present, so, story house, pleasantly located; has been little c Hie liabilities?” Westerner: yachts come from the Java, but it is made from horse fork, and a new two-horse rack; also a hue view ol plete, but u .e.S etc. Nice ASA t KKiGS or led work in by calling the attention un- LUCE, neighborhood. Inquire of keeping the local builders up package. all grocers. to Nickerson or descendant M. C. DILWORTH, N. F, IIUSTON, dersigned any tf!7 Mass. Or C. B .HAL Wain Merrimac, L, Ft., Belfast. 44t llelfast, May 0, 1897.—IStf SEARSPORT LOCALS, Monroe. Mr. Edwin Lufkin, agent for the Bridgeport Monumental Co., has set up Capt. A. V. Nickels returned home from some very tine monuments the past week, New York Saturday. among them one in Gordon yard, Searsport, and one in the Nichols Also one for H. B. Black made a short visit to his yard. Miss E. M. Hall at CAPES, Winterport-Nelson JACKETS, mother early this week. Curts and Frank Barden went to Castine Harry E. Gross left by steamer Friday to Monday with their merry-go-round. resume business at Boston. Unity. H. H. Grant and Bacon Bark Adam W. Spies has been sold to Henry went to Boston last with them New York parties for $15,000. week, taking some very tine horses to sell.... Helen AND SUITS Miss Henrietta Koulston of Boston is visit- Thomas and Mae Kelley came from Water- ing her father, Mr. N. Koulston. ville on their wheels Friday night to spend Mrs. Martha M. Merithew left boat by Sunday with their friends... Lewis Whit- to visit her at Warren. Monday daughter ten,who has been sick so long,died May 21st E. J. Wentworth has been engaged to do and was buried Sunday. He was an honest, quite an amount of brick work at Fort Point. upright man and a good neighbor and will G. J. Shaw & Son caught last week in be sadly missed. He leaves a wife-Mrs. their Sears Island weirs twenty-eight sal- H. C. Chandler went to Waterville, May mon. 19th, on business_There was a quiet wed- Absolutely Pure. ding at the parsonage May 24th. The parties Lizzie Sweeney has a situation at Meriden, were. Mr. Albert Stevenson aud Miss Maria Conn., in the Postal Telegraph Company's Celebrated for its great leavening strength ami healthfulness. Assures Mitchell, daughter of Dr. J. W. Mitchell of othce. the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap Freedom. .Mrs. Roxanua Chandler, who has Bark A. C. M. brands, royal, hakim; powder Lucy Nickels, Capt. Nichols, co., been sick for a time, away May YORK. 0 long passed arrived at 14 ’> XKW Hong Kong May liod, days 2.‘M. She was a great sufferer.... Flora Wat- from New York. son returned from Boston, May 21st, called price rich. Columbian, Capt. Webster, brought a Prospect Ferry Mr. mid Mrs W. H. home by the illness of her grandmother, the cargo of spool wood for Messrs. Nickerson & Sanborn of Belfast visited Mr. and Mrs. W. aged lady who fell and was injured some Bailey last week, I). Harriinan and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas time ago. She is failing-Mrs. Mary some- No A/.ubia and last and Whitney has been quite sick but is mistake about $10.00 Ga> , Mary Decrow, who spent the Heagan Saturday Sunday-Capt. Chase&SaaeToras" this, at. winter in Westhoro, Mass., returned by and Mrs. A. A. Ginn, Miss Nina Kingsbury, what better at this writing. Mr. Whitney is steamer Saturday. Miss Orianna Ilarding, and Miss Edna Ginn poorly. package Teas For $6.67. Come in and see u Mrs. Laura Closson, who her attended the Teacher’s Institute at Stockton accompanied the C. F. of Waldo. Mrs. Addie Walker,who spent husband to in sell. Lizzie I.aue, re- Springs... .Mr. Ginn Belfast visit- Bangor in with is at her Orloff. Pekoe. Koh-i-noor. Seal Brand. ed relatives here last .Mrs. winter the West her people, Orange turned by steamer Saturday. Sunday... Mary Formosa now so as re- Ceylon Smith returned home from Brooks last place and hopes to sell it to English Japan. George Closson has resigned his position turn to her before cold weather sets Ooloong. and India. Breakfast. week... .W H. Kice is in town again and is people in of the store A. J. Nickerson. and C. A. in. Its a tine farm with nice holding meetings at Mt. .Mr. and crop growing Most Whittier has the situation. Heagan.. Look for the Tea Economical, because Purest and Best. accepted There are two cisterns to A. Mrs. Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. buildings. large H. Heagan Box on Grocer's Miss M. a well a Ida West, who has been spend- Elder. accommodate house and barn, with One Pound makes over coo Pendleton of Stockton last .... STARRETT, Springs Counter. Cups. a few weeks n returned short distance from the house. There is a ing Boston, by Friday.. The Ladies’ Circle met with Mrs. steamer Penobscot henhouse and two or three smaller Sunday morning. Rebecca Harriinan last Wednesday after- large Main Street, Belfast and an of or Swanville. Blanche Miller ami her f’atude i, May IS. Ar, sch. Eliza J. Pendleton, Fast net Krskine aud Kate accom- ones, orchard eighteen twenty ^Miss Me, Nickels, noon and evening-Mr. George Grindle is Fletcher, Philadelphia. trees. For further call at mother, of Winterport, were in town Sun- panied by M ss Mi Kenny, have been at iu Castine at his trade. apple particulars Richmond, Va., May 18. Ar, sch. Humarock, working Kennebec. BEPORT her home, or at Samuel Gurney’s_Mrs. day-Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pattershall and | OK THE (UM)lli. home from Puckspoit for a short vacation. Troy. Frank Rand and wife from Water- Brunswick, Ga.. May lb. Ar. sch. Jacob Reed, Mrs. Alveda Stratton of Mrs. S. Gurney, who has been ill so long, is still Belfast and Bunker. Belfast; 21,sld, sell. Melissa A. C. > ville are a few with Mrs. Willey, Searsport National Capt. Meyers arrived home Satur- stopping days John Boston; 24. ar. sch. New York. SartK. conti ned to her room. Mr. is Charles Hammond of Old Town called on I .Etna, Chipman, train. will Miss Luna visited friends Gurney doing Jackso ville, lb. Sid, sch. L. Cros- At In the Stale or day evening by Capt. Meyers Berry. Ferguson friends in town May Mary BREAD Searsport, y a work for one so lame and Sunday_Mr. George Ord- by. Trim, New York. take command of bark Mabel I in Waldo and Walter quite spring’s shortly Saturday Sunday.... way has had a but is Satilla River, May 17. Ar, sell. Henry R. Til- business Mu> 11 crippled as he is. His army life is telling on relapse, improving.... M of Waldo called on friends in town ton, Randlett, New York. eyers. Harding Miss Fannie Wilson is better... Rev. G. G. KK.SOt Ki him fast as he grows older_Mr. and Mrs. Somes’ Sound. Me., May 21. Sid. sell. Sarah L M. F. Leathers is still iu Loans and discounts. A. M Kane, our local auctioneer, will Monday-Mrs. Winslow will deliver the memorial address Davis, Pattershall, New York. Isaac Burns, who have been sick so secured and un- for her Mrs. very Pensacola. May 20. Cld, sch. Viola Reppard, >verdrafts. i av-• a sait of household goods and farming Augusta caring sister, Cilley. at the church next at 2 dO I S Bonds to -.•cure ci- long, are on the gain_Mr. Oliver Chase, Sunday p. m., Dunton. New York. is at Stocks, etc — implements at the Ha riling place in Pros- -George Hodgdon home from Liver- standard time. Members of the Newport News, May 20. Ar, sch. Gov. Ames. securities, who has been so near death’s door with Sunday ;i; more for a few Emma Hard- Davis, Providence. pect J une 1st. days-Mrs. school will dowers to the di- Due from National Bank- pneumonia and heart trouble, is up and able carry cemetery Fall River, May 21. Sid, sch. Gen. Adelbert ing, who is stopping with her daughter, Mrs. Ames, Lowell, Southern .'V^vvr&T Agents). The Guard Cadets a drill and to be about the house-Mrs. Louisa rectly after Sunday school_Mr. Jewell port. /< /•;. port was in town on I.tnr/u/ tj Saturday calling has been for her farm for Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moore and son Our local ball team played two games last caring the past Elmer Port Spain. Trim, May 13. in port sell. Norom- Specie... friends-Mrs. Lorenzo Garcelon lias re- tender notes. has moved onto the widow of Frankfort visited Mr. and Mrs. Freeman bega, Armstrong, for New York; bark Grace Legal week with the Belfast nine. Friday's game year, Nickerson fund with turned from Lewiston and will remain dur- Lynwood, f Gilev, for C. S. Redemption in West Waldo. Bradford and teachers in cent, of circul.i resulted in a score of lo to 'J in favor of Bel- place Elijah Partridge recently-The this Black River, Ja., May 8. Ar,sell. Maud Briggs, urer, per ing the summer-Miss Lula is Point-a Harding wife of Thorndike have moved in to a attended the Teachers’ Convention Pitre. fast, and Saturday's game in a score of 11 to part vicinity Total.. reaching iu New Vineyard_The Ladies’ Hong Kong, April t». Sid, bark Coloma,Noyes, of Mrs. Wilson’s house and iutend at the village and a *■ i" ’u favor of Searsport. All our boys need carrying report very pleasant San Francisco. May 24, ar, bark Lucy' A. I.IABIU i;1 Aid Society will meet with Mrs. B. F. Hard- Nichols, New York. The bread used after iu each on her for her this summer... and profitable Miss Inez day day k in. t put up a good game is place .Eugene meeting.... Staples Port 23. Capital paid practice. ing-June 2d. Election of officers will take Praya, April Sid, previously, hark Au- and household is one of those fund. L. has sold his farm to his brother visited friends in every Surplus Bryant Sandypoint recently.... gustine Kobbe, Oliveira, Brava, to take passen- Cii iivided less Commander Dutch requests us to again place for the coming year-The presiding for IGiited States. small and apparently unimportant items profits, exp- Levi. .Susan who has been in Boston Miss Eliza visited friends in Pros- gers taxes paid.. the of Barnes, Trundy La Brae, 13. In sch. D. H. that receive due consideration at the notify veterans the service at the M, elder. Rev. W. W. Ogier, will preach at the May port, Rivers, National Bank notes ..u’si.i:. for the past five months, is expected home in pect last week-Messrs. George Dickey, Colcord. for New York. K. Church next and re- hands of but few housekeepers. Due toother Nati-mal Bank- Sunday morning, I'nion church Sunday, May 30th-There Rio Janeiro. 2<>. Ar, bark Me- a few days. Marcia McManus, who has been Forrest Clark and James Cunningham went May Josephine, “Bread is bread” iu their and IMvidends unpaid all who can to in full uniform Clean, Baltimore via Bahia; 22, shl. hark Pris- minds, quests report will be a series of revival meetings at Individual deposits snide- t spending the past year in Sam Gurney’s to Castine Saturday to see the bail game cilla, Baltimore. they thoughtlessly take any kind that a at G. A. B. hall, at b o’clock. The cadets Green’s 12. Corner, beginning Tuesday evening, between the Normal school and Honolulu, May Ar, ship Reaper, Newcastle, or baker offer. Total.. family, has gone to visit her people in Easton, Stockton N. S. W. grocer may are also invited to assemble and attend the under the of Rev. management Mr. Leonard nines-Miss Hannah of “Water is water,’* too, but Me. Mrs. Emily Philbrick of Belfast is Springs Clark MARINE MISCELLANY. everybody service. of Marshfield, Mass-David has knows better than to drink and Siam: < Mum < Piper caring for Mrs. Gurney at present_The Prospect is at Mrs. Helen Smith's for a few dirty Charters. Bark Mabel I. Meyers, Bridgewa- water. I. (’HAS. F. V < ITEMS. something of a in a white impure NORTH SEARSPORT curiosity pure weeks. ter. N. S., to Buenos lumber, Evangelists, Mr. Johnson and wife, spoke at Ayres, §8, Rosario, not be fastidious about named oatik. do solemn!) cow and calf-The farmers the $b. Sch. Ed. H. Blake, Tuspan Coast to New York, Why equally statement is true to tile »>*--« Mrs. Rose Green is on the sick list. improved the at Evans’ Corner liberty. Elijah Cram died at Ins home meetinghouse Sunday cedar and mahogany, §5.50. Bark ( J’. Dixon, your bread? belief. t HAS 1 fine weather of last week, and grass is look- in this village May lhtli, aged US years. Mr. afternoon-The ball at Ritchie Turks Island to New York, salt, ."> cents. Sch. There is as much difference between Sulix ihed and orn : Bennie Fernakl is able to ride out after poverty more than a well-Benniah is visit- Cram had local reputation as a Jessie Lena, Fernandina to New York, -lav of Ma\ 1 SOT ing very Harding lumber, different bread as mere is between dif- Lis sickness. Grange Hall evening a first-class mechanic. He was skilled in 84.37 1-2. Sch. Hattie E. Hoboken to Bel- long in Saturday proved the King. CHAMi ing Pittsfield and Detroit. 5o Sell. ferent kinds of know how success. Music was furnished J. Leonard working of wood, a millwright, fast, coal, (rents. July Fourth, Perth Am- butter—you There will be a social dance at the by wheelwright Grange and carpenter, and was the inventor of the boy to Bangor, coal, 70 cents. Svh. Win. E. different bail butter is from good but- Correct. Attest. Prospect. Mr. Manson George went to of Knox, E. Ellis of Brooks and others. Ice Downes, to New 00 "rs. Hall at this place June drd. celebrated Cram water wheel. He had Philadelphia Haven,'coal, ter. Jamesi; mkm- (.LO. F SMITH Sedgwick last week and bought a yoke of cream and cake were served. charge of the at the tanneries Mrs. Gallic Dow visited her carpentering Bread is susceptible of even greater JoSHCA B. Mi daughter, oxen. for more than He has been a BOM. He stopped over night on his way thirty years. difference, and in order that you should Mrs. Colcord of Belfast, last week. Brooks. The weather of the very useful man and will he much home with his former Allard Sta- rainy past very have bread must have REPORT OK THE CU.MM) ueighbor, missed. He leaves two sons and two good you good Gi'tnrades. don't the week lias been rather to farm- daugh- Abbott. In Verona. May b, to Mr. and Mrs. forget Veterans’ who is sheriff now in Orland. discouraging Hour, and do not allow your grocer to ples, deputy ters, Charles, George and Mary Cram of George Abbott, a daughter. BELFAST HATIQH at ers with wet land. Very few as yet have off on his own brand meeting Winterport, Thursday, June drd. -Grace Partridge of Belfast is visiting this village,and Mrs. Addie Moore of Boston, Berry. In Rockport, May 14. to Mr. and Mrs. palm you special even their done. The wet weather Mass.... Mrs. J. O. Johnson is in Pittsfield Ralph Berry, a son. of as'he is at At Belfast, In the State of Via A new .at of outside and in on relatives iu fora week... sowing Hour, doing your expense paint Prospect Meetings in care Bickford in Camden, May 13, to Mr. and Mrs. has work on the new but assisting the of the litt.e daughter of and his gain, blit insist upon his furn- business Vlu> 14. Granite hall adds much to its looks. and entertainments are rather delayed cellars, James B. Bickford, a son. Grange coming along Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Morse, who is very sick. with the old tried and true the four are now for the Carr. In Searsport, May lb. to Capt. and Mrs. ishing you too plenty for these hard and busy times. practically ready ....Hon. C. E. Littlefield and wife and Mrs. Mrs. C. W. Hammond of Old for- Charles W. Carr, a daughter, Lucia Fannie. and with it Loans ami discounts... .: Town, timbers. Work oh the. is also E. P. Hour, “Pillsbury’s Best,’’ The meets in highway put Walker of Roc land, spent Sunday in Grindle. In Orland, Ma\ 14. to Mr. and Mrs. Overdrafts, secured and me- v Mattie Stratton, visited at A. County Grange Prospect June your efforts at bread making will be back, as it is the horses this village, the guests of Mrs. R. S. Ayer. Frank Grindle. a daughter.* L. S. Bonds -»■< trv <• sc- v>. sth. ami the Liucolnville band will be iu dangerous working crowned with success. St:iM* n's last ....Capt. C. E. Randlett of Mass., Hatch. In Penobscot, May 5, to Mr. and Mrs. r. S. Bonds on hand. Sunday. in the mud holes. The roads are Newton, Stockton village this week. Last week the very was in this village last Saturday Capt. George W. Hatch, a daughter. Premium- ! S. !>■ u- Who ever saw so much and and lots of work Leland. In 14, to Mr. and Stocks. securities, etc. easterly rough, too, must be done. Randlett is a wealthy retired ship-master Bueksport, May teacher’s meeting and base ball games, with Mrs. E. A. Leland, a son. Banking i -u-.-.iui n:i i. s-utherly winds as we have had for the last ....Wm. the veteran has about M) years of age. He was born on the Briggs, grafter, L«»we. In Monroe, May 21. to Mr. and Mrs. ( n'u.T tea *st a alid 1 Grange meeting, fishing, raining and Goose Pecker in tin* town of Mont- month, and still this Ridge, Leslie Lowe, a son. Lawrence Edward. ed. blowing. been busy every pleasant day spring N«»TK'F. Tile -ubsenher rami work, used up all tlie time....Mure ville. His father died when he was very Patien. Iii Orland, May 12. to Mr. and Mrs. ADMINISTRATOR'S Due from National B ml in notice fha: lie iu- ••ecu Mrs. Alverado Stratton and her daughter, among the apple trees this vicinity.... young. He told me that his father left his Freeman Patten, a son. A hereby giws duly serve Aleuts- lien houses are going up and mole chickens Administrator o' tIn* r*tatc d Parsons. In to Mr. and Mrs. appointed 1 hie from res.u Mrs Pattershall of were in town There are several new on the street. family poor. The family consisted of his Belfast, May 21, approved Belfast, are hatched out this than ever bicycles Albert M. a Leslie. *d (diet Us and <>t her ..-li .■• year before. mother, one sister, and himself. lived I’arsons, son, Eugene JOHN M. V ELLINGTON, late Liberty, ast week friends. In of the hard times America They Sabine. In 11. to Mr. and Mrs. Notr- ot i.iIh r Nati-i It. visiting are in later this spite young in a little cot with -lie room Bueksport, May in the ol Waldo, deceased, and put with a and went into County given o ....Crops year, Thomas E. Sabine, a son. Fractional paper n, will ride... .Millard, son of A. E. Chase,was the chamber a ladder. bunds as the law directs. Ai: person-! having de that the will not be to by When he was Tripp. In Rockport, to Mr. and Mrs. and cents certainty yield up May mauds against the estate ot said de eased are de- at home from Watervilie, where he is at- twelve years of age the family left the little William S. Tripp, a daughter, Luda Lerline. l."u .7 1/ /.*. former seasons... .O. B. the col- sired to present the same G- settlement, and all early Gray, cot on Goose Pecker to seek their to with his Ridge indebted thereto are requested !*■ make Specie. COL MY tending school, spend Sunday payment tender note.-, CORRESPONDENCE. lector of taxes, has come along with another fortunes elsewhere, lie and his sister were immediately. LI'CI CS C.MnltSE. lama! folks... .Alice L home from ion f ad v. t Dow, just, Oak without and had all their earth- MARRIED. 3 1. 1897. -3w21 liediui.p- tax. A seems to be a shoes, they Pittsfield,' May ■ year’s year short time er per o,m.L. ot oi oulal Grove Seminary, has completed her rank for ly goods tied up in two cotton handkerchiefs. Belmont-Edward S. Fletcher of Ja- to the tax come that the payer-Reports walked to their NOTLCE. The subscribe! the term. In every she took the rank They Belfast, carrying Cross-Clarke. In Swanville. 22, by A. E hereby maica Plain, Mass., was in town was study May Total. recently teachers' county meeting the best ever bundles with them, and there went on board Clarendon 11. Gross ami Geneva EXECUTOR’Sgives notice that he has been duly appointed “A” which means from (.) o to Nickerson, Exp, v relatives-Mrs. 1U, the highest an old bound for St. Executor ot the last will and te-lament oth of Prospect, Me. lioxie Gatckell of the made their his mother Ci Iii 23, Jolin C.mital stork 1m sick... .All the schools in town to ranking.Miss they home, doing Bucksport. May DENNIS C. MY RICK, late of Troy p.ii quite began given tea* hers from old and experienced of and Mrs. *>i Normal school is in housework, and from that time he followed Cullety Bucksport Margaret Haley Surplus fun-1. Farmington teaching — 17th with the teachers: No. 1. instructors Orland. in the of deceased, and gn en bonds I ndi\ iof ! v May following ..The question comes up quite the sea and in due time became a prosperous County Waldo, profit-. exp> Jackson-Mrs. Clias. F. Bessey, who is in Engstrdum-Grotton. 1i: Belfast, May 22, by- as the law d'ireets. All persons having demands taxes paid Miss Bertha E. Elms: No. 2. Miss Grace often where is the ship master. His mother married a here, home of Fannie B. Captain George J. Grotton, Esq., George A. Engstroum of against the estate of said deceased are" desired National Bani note- M-ta1 Concord, N. H., is said to be much a Simmons of Morrill: No. improv- Watts, well-to-do shipmaster and one of Islesboro and Liva L. Grotton of Belfast. same for and to Nat ioiia'. Bank Mrs. Abbie Ward, the interesting writer in The Journal ? present the settlement, a'.l indebted Due Other ed in health-Mrs. Clias. L. Austin is still the best families in St. His sister Gray-Clement In Brooksville, o. Roscoe thereto are to make immedi Due t.- State Bunk.- air! no Backlit! of Belfast: No. 4, Miss A ira Jack- George. May requested payment Some say it is Searsport, and others say no. married Capt. Wade, who in his later life I). Gray of Sedgwick and Mrs. Addie T. Clement ately. AEGl STE'S'C. MYKJCK. 1 iividends unpaid here at the village under the care of Dr. * son of Morrill No. 5, Airs. Lydia E. Morse. I think in past numbers of The Journal lived on a farm at the Kingdom in Moutville of Penobscot. Troy, May 11, 1897.—Mu21 Irnliv idll tl dep.-si s .-i: •; tax is 8 and Hodgkjns-C losson. In Lamoine, 15, E. N. Demand cer il'c-ates < ...Join. is sick witu Kilgore-Our highway mills, Mrs. Wade died about twenty years ago. May dcp. Flagg quite typhoid the facts have been stated. [They have. Hodgkins of Tre iton and Miss Olive B. Closson * DM IN 1ST RATO RS' NOTICE. The subscribers our money tax 18 mills on a dollar this Capt. Randlett was at the funeral, and that fever of Hancock. A hereby give notice that they lutv.- noei duly Idal Mrs. Ward’s home is in Ohio or has been, was the first time he had visited his native year. This is a little higher than last year. Stevens-Wm tten. In Jackson, by E. D. appointed Administrators, de bonis non, ot :he es- town since he left it a barefooted At kspokt but she lias beeu travelling for hoy. Tasker, Esq., Mr. Herbert Stevens and Miss tate of Tile program for commence- many years. -Julia wife of S. x A., Joseph Long, who that time I took him to the Gertie both of u! Si All: <>k M a INK. Cm She has visited all spot where he Whitten, Jackson ELIZA M. OTIS, late Belfast. ment at the places written about, week the East Maine Conference has been in very poor health, is now had spent his early boyhood days. He said Stephenson Mitchell. In l/nity. May 24. at ! c. \V, \VFSC(>TT, Cashiet doing the M. E. in the County of Wahlo. deceased, and given bond* aud few womeu, if any, have traveled in so he wished to visit the to drink out of parsonage, by Rev. E. S Burr ilk Albert hank, do solemnly -wear tha Seminary has been as follows: the work for her with the assistance spot, as the law dire<*ts. All having demand* '• arranged family and Miss Maria, of Dr. person* ment is tree am hr 1-e-t of m\ different countries. Ed. the that bubbled out from under a Stephenson daughter many spring the estate ot said deceased are lesired to -• Sunday. Ala\ •'■Oth, 8 p. in., haccaiaureate ser- Journal.] of her mother-E. C Holbrook is still Mitchell, both of Freedom. against lief. f. W. xVl boulder near the to stand the same for ami 1 big house,and up- present settlement, indebted Subscribed ami sworn t.. mon at Methodist Winterport. The committee of the New absent on a business church; Monday and trip_M. J. Dow, on the big rock once more. We found where thereto are requested to make payment immedi dav of Mav. 1 MARTHA J < GTS, V Tuesday a. in 21st, and Juue ex- England Insurance Exchange came May who for some years has handled the the cot stood, found the rock and the spring, DIED. ately. JOSHPH May 1st, goods N A THAN E. HOUS’D IN. 18th to the water works. Mr. Geo. but he was greatly disappointed. He said amination of classes : Monday 8, p. m., anuu- inspect of the Sagadahoc Fertilizer Co., is still their .JOHN E. CHAPMAN. that neither the rock nor the spring were Bartlett. In Brockton, May 2o, Mrs. Mary Corre. Attest: exhibition of the Neily, chairman, and Mr. S. B. Reed of tlie A. B. Bartlett, wile of the Belfast, May 11, 1897. -3w21 InllN O BKi'(1 department of elocution; agent.... Stantial has as usual got in a one-fourth as as lie had pictured late Edward II. Bartlett,for- large them, A HOWES. arrived on the of merly of Rockland, aged about G2 years. A. Tuesday, 1.20 p. m., annual of liter- committee, City Bangor, of He is sel- and a drink from the spring afforded him no 4 NOTICE. The meetings large crop early vegetables. Brown. In Augusta, May lb, Chas. A. Brown DMINISTRATORS’ subscribers 1 W PITCH KK with Messrs. satisfaction. So were all the A notice that have been ary societies; ;> p. m., annual address Field, West and Pattee of Bel- dom left in his line of produce... .E. A. Car- disappointing of Belfast, aged about GO years. hereby give they duly- by that he said he did not care to Administrators, de bonis non, of the fast. Col. Atwood met them at surroundings Chandler. In Unity, May 23, Mrs. Roxania appointed Lev. lloscoe L. D. of tlie wharf has a of land estate Greene, D. Boston, penter bought piece of Enoch ever see the place again. We visited the Chandler. of “I Ar 5ij with a buck board and Mass.: 8 p. in,, annual concert Pullen's took them to inspect G. Hall and will show the how to little cemetery and his fath- Clair. In Bucksport, May 22, Jarvis Clair, SAMUEL OTIS, late of Belfast, by villagers near-by sought The er’s hut no traces of it we aged 82 years. '| rchestra of 18 of the standpipe, dam, hydrant and pipe ser- who grave, could find. in the of and given bonds pieces Bangor; Wednes- farm-W. O. Estes, has a small Gray. In Albert 1 County Waldo, deceased, kept Randlett has not since his China, Me., May lb, Pinkliam, vice. Fire wardens Fernald and Capt. visited 75 as the law directs. All persons having demands be tt« day. June 2d, 9 a. in., commencement exer- Freeman, stock of and has sold out aged years. dry fancy goods, native town until now. He is Haney. the estate of said deceased are desired to a test 5 accompanied In North Penobscot, May 22, Wm. S. against ises. The Thayer gave very thorough with his son. the same for settlement, and all indebted A T U address, concert, declamations, the lot and gone out of the business with the by Haney, aged 45 years. present ‘A two of them 1 1-8 thereto are to make immedi- I'm,.. ami commencement streams, streams, easily of Sinnett. In Bucksport, May 13. Mrs. Clara D. requested payment Ffc exercises will be held exception boy’s suits, which he still car- ately. MARTHA J. OTIS, wit in Sinnett, aged 51 years, 10 months and 8 in covering the buildings the congested part SHIP NEWS. days. tak ht:-,. Emery hall. ries. .L. C. Jones and wife are at home again Turner. In Palermo, May 14, Mrs. Warren NATHAN E. HOUSTON of the Defender Turner. JOHN E. CHAPMAN. village. Hose Co. No. 1, ytr ■ to spend thesummer. .Geo.Miller, Jr., is still PORT OF BELFAST. 11, 1897.-3w21 Morrill. Mrs. Alvesta Wentworth. In D'Or- Belfast, May .i Hatch and daugh- and Kelly Co. No. 2 did their work in a very Lynn, Mass., May 10, low. in health. He has been and ARRIVED. ville Wentworth, about 35 vears. ter Bertha arrived home improving up aged Steel Sli from Rhode Island orderly manner. The gentlemen were much Wight. In Elizabeth F. dressed once or twice-T. E. West is at May 20. Sells. Maud Snare, Lowell, Philadel- Northport, May 23, Law •' last week. have been Wight, aged 5G» 8 months ami 15 They visiting rela- pleased with the works aud phia; American Team, Hardy, Hoboken; D. l>. years, days. complimented work in Ansel shoe Whitten. In Unity, May 21, Lewis Whitten. XTOTICE. tives in Massachusetts and Pettingill’s shop_The Haskell, Eaton, do.; Emma S. Osborne, Rhode Island Superintendent Carleton aud the officials. Briggs, Young. In Jackson. May 10, Miss Waldo Co. Good meets with do. Betsey the three Templars lodge Young, aged 88 years. All bills not settled before June 1st past months_Mr. and Mrs. They also made complimentary mention of May 21. Sch. Hattie E. King, Johnson, Hobo- Ik I .us to-day (Thursday) and a pleasant session ken. will be left with an for collec- Ralph Wiggin of Freedom were guests at the it as one of the attorney village, ranking prettiest 23. Sells. James Belfast Price Current. 4\v20 Silas Storer's last is expected-Brooks lodge for the present May Holmes, Ryan, Boston; tion. Saturday and Sunday_ iu New aud in Ida Hudson, Portland. England prophesying growth Bishop, N. A. \\ MHilN & quarter is officered as follows: P. C. T C. CORRECTED WEEKLY CO., Notice of Forect Mrs. Anna Stephenson and Miss Mary Mason the near future. These gentlemen, who SAILED. FOR THE JOURNAL. E. C. Wm. C. V. Mrs. Produce Market. Freedom, Me. HORACE R. M in Morrill on their from Lane; T., Rowe; T., May 22. Sells. S. M. Bird, Merrill, Macbias; Price Paid Producer. \ spent Sunday way represent the insurance capital now doing UTHKKKASCounty ..1 \\ aldo. Stab Cora Inez A. Francis M. Loring, Bangor; Young Tell, Phinney, Apples, p bu, 20a30' Hav, p tonjOOOa 1° Freedom, May 21, 1897. —2w21 Stockton where Boody; Sec’y., Hutchinson, S., «.iee*i dated tin* •• i< Springs, they attended the business in New England, say that towns Isle au Hunt. dried, p lb, 4 a Hides, pit., 3 1 niortp;aji». Kate Cora Ned oo a 1 ini A 1> 1S'.»2. and r- ■•■>rdi*d in Teachers’ Institute. Miss Mason is teach- Small; F.S., Grover; Treas., May 25. Sells. American Team. Hardy, Ban- Beans, pea, Lamb, p Jt., that do not have water works aud fire pro- aiu t ... s' -n in Knox-Our new Methodist The Walker; S., Smith; T., Rockland. p Oats, p bu, lb. 25...,., pastor, committee will report to the exchange fid low >. to Mil i he 111 s! pan Mrs. Carrie Moulton L. B. AMERICAN PORTS. Beef, p lb, 5^r. 1-2 Potatoes, 3c 5 35 Notice is that this Bank ha* ; D.,James McTag- j hereby given p!a<-ed the st a road ti Lev. A. D. Thibodeau, arrived last Thurs- and a new tariff will be made known at an Barley, p lm, 40a45 Hound Hog, 4a4 1-2 by lie leading New 18. Ar, sells. of F. S. Dolliff will deliver the York, May Rabboni, Lord, Cheese, lt>. 1 () a 12 d UO a7 Oc a BURGLAR ALARM GONG on it* banking block, Troy; northerly. by land and us his gart....Rev. p Straw, p ton, day gave first sermon Sunday early day. Many were out to witness the Bangor; Carrie E Look, Jacksonville; sld, sell. the 2d mile n Memorial next at the Chicken, p lb, 10al2 Turkev, p lb. Idols which will be tested and rung on e\e:y Tonday westerly, by Sermon Sunday usual Wm. E. Downes. cld, sells. Jessie In bind m from the text found in Acts 4: 11. Rev. H. and all were convinced that we Pliilapelpbia: CalfSkius, 5(> Veal, p It., any son, containing ! wenty the I now located at will have water and force with sells. Webster Ban- Seeoiid bonm!eUL.MBY. Treas. taken to make the exercises of Memorial Roads, Hattie Buck, Bangor; pas-ed 13 15 Charles Mitchell, .vc-o-i iy has moved to Geese, p lb, a, Wood, soft, 3 CO a3 5<) | lately the Head of the Tide, likely to occur. Oue thousand feet of Hell Gate sells. Annie R. Lewis and Henry Whit- Belfast, May 2d, 1897. -3m21 and souther y. laud oi Yir; Retail Price. hy Day, which will be observed im- ney, Hoboken for Retail Market. cross toad r- Belfast. hose was used in the test. Monday, Bangor; George Gurney, Carr, -so-railed. T! making Hoboken for Mass.; 21, sells. Kit pressive, appropriate, and profitable. The Rookport, ar, Beef, corned, p lb, 7 58 Lime, p bbl, 90a 1 CO erly. by the r- ad h-adii ^ Mrs. N. H. Hubbard and Miss Carson, Somes Sound ; Abraham Ban- ish's no- Sandy point. wife of Mr. E. daughter, Richardson, Butter salt, 141b bag, 18 Oat Meal, p lb, 3a4 (ion corner in Troy Margaret, G. A. W. R. C. and S. of V. will sell. Wm. H. « R., observe gor; 22, eld, Sumner, Pendleton, Corn, p bu, 41 Inions, p lb, 7 a 8 Troy town line and land ot h (lied Mary Hubbard, arrived home last Thursday, sch. James A. to K. 4!) ar, Notice Lot .} a 23, of A Parkins, May 18th, aged years the day as follows: Golden Crown Lodge, Fernaudina; Garfield, Cracked Corn, p bu, 41 (lil,kerosene,gal, lljal2 Owners, ly. hy land Adams been about (5 months ...Mrs. Wood, Trinidad; 24, ar, Sch. Isaac Corn 41 1-2 Adams’ land And whereas 11. and 10 months. She had been in poor health having away Oberton, .Meal, p bu, Pollock,p It., 3 l-2^t4 K. of P. have tendered their services as Trim, A. W. Ellis, Rockland. Grove tve si ill an Mary McManus and little Isabel Bangor; Ryder, Cheese, p lb, 15a 10 Pork, p It., 7 a,8 Cemetery mortgage h been and for several years, but was able to be about daughter Boston, May 19. Ar, bark Addie Morrill, An- Cotton Seed, 1 25 bbl, 1.12 tore, reason -it the foreai h escort to the G. A. R. and will turn out with p cwt, Plaster, p Those who have not already made arrange- by have returned from where drews, Rosario; sch. Austin D. Knight, Drinkwa lb 5tt0 lb 3 thereof, 1 claim a foreclosure 1 the house most of the time, and for the last Boston, they Codfish, dry, p Rye Meal, p ments for the care of their lot in Grove Cemeterv full ranks. The line will form in front of ter, Apalachicola; cld, sch. Susan N\ Dated Mav A. D 181(7 Pickering, Cranberries, p (jt, 5|t9 Shorts, P cwt, 75a8c and who 2<>. spent the winter... .Mr. and Mrs. E. F. sch. Wm. B. wish the grass clipped or any work done few weeks had been gaining so that her death Haskell, Savannah; 20, ar, Palmer, Clover Seed, 11 a 12 lt>, 1-2 3w21 EDWIN b the G. A. R. hall at 12 o’clock, as follows: p lb, Sugar, p 5(a,o before Memorial Day, are requested to notify i Blaisdell have arrived from New York and Dyer, Louislmrg, C. B.; 21, seh. Celia F., West, Flour, p bbl, 4 50 Salt, T. I., 35 came The have the 50@5 p either the superin temlent or John Nash before very suddenly. family Drum Satilla River; 23, sld, seh. W. Wallace Ward, coal H.G.Seed, bu, 1 90(a2 00 Sweet Potatoes, 2^a3 are at the old home for the summer,... Corps Friday night. James F. Feknai.i*, of all. She leaves a j port; 24, ar, sch. Nat Ayer, from Providence, R. Lard, lb S(tt9 Wheat Meal, 12 sympathy husband, Golden Crown Lodge K. of P. p 3ja3 lw* Supt. G rove Cemetery. Misses Sarah aud Annie Fox of Bangor were I. to load for Bangor. two sons and one daughter, one sister and Geo. G. Dav^sPost, G. A. R., Lorenzo Jones May 19i Ar, sch. Joel F. the guests of Mrs. E. B. Lord iastweek_ Philadelphia. Shep- Boston Produce Market. Good Commander. New sch. Joel A sure cure one brother. The funeral was held at their Miss L. A. to pard, Carter, Bedford; 22, cld, F. for Grindle has gone Belfast for a G. W. R. Aftie East Braintree. Bargain Geo. Davis, C., Godding, Pres. Sheppard, Carter, and reten- few weeks-Mr. Charles Shaw and of Boston, 1807. The are to- Gravel home Thursday afternoon, Rev. O. H. wife A. D. Bean Camp S. of V., C. L. Grover, Capt. Baltimore, May 23. Ar, bark Frances, Rio Ja- May 24, following Boston are his old day’s quotations of provisions, etc.: tention of Urine. Fernald of Searsport officiating-Mr. John visiting home_Miss Fife and Drum. neiro; sch. City of Augusta, Iceboro. In Second Hand l Sophie Chase returned from Belfast Satur- Portland, May 20. Cld, sch. Sarah E. Palmer, Spring lambs, 12®20c ft. Is i nexp ens ive, who has been at work in Schools of Brooks. Chickens, North, fresh, 15® 18c. Daggett, Plymouth, day aud will remain at home for a while.... Whittier, Kennebec and Baltimore; 21, ar, sell. all Citizens. J. Holmes FSwls, Northern, 11® 12c. kept by Drug- and Harness is his parents here_Mrs. Mrs. *it. A. Milliken visited Mrs. C. C. Birdsall, Philadelphia. is no hum Mass., visiting 21. Ar, sch. Geo. B. Butter—Northern cream, choice, 15 1-2® 16c; gists, bug. (State paper.) Homer at last week_Mrs. The line of March will be first to the North Bangor, May Ferguson, Lucinda Harriman, who has been Bucksport Belfast; Gazelle, Pay son, do.; sld, seh. .Tames R., dairy, North, best, 14c. Enclose stam p. and address spending Sarah Black arrived from Gloucester Satur- Cheese—Northern 12 l-2c. Cemetery, where the graves of Comrades Duncan, Castine; 22, ar, sch. July Fourth, New choice, 10® several months with friends in Massachu- 14c If c. MED., RIDGEHILL, MASS. PIGS FOR SALt day-Mr. E. F. Lufkin of Monroe placed 25, ar, sens. Electa Bailey, Henry Eggs—Hennery, choice, 13® ; Eastern, ALSO will be decorated with suitable York; Whitney, small 1 m21* setts, arrived home Sunday-Mrs. Abbie one of the bronze monuments for which he ceremonies, Annie R. Lewis and Vicksburg, New York; cld, Beans—North, pea, [email protected]; yellow eyes, red 1.70. is in Oak Hill last week for then to the East where the same sch. Point, Grant, Salem. [email protected]; kidneys, $1.40® Nickerson arrived last week and will soon agent cemetery Cemetery, Sandy — Port May 17. Ar, sch. J. Manchester Hay Fancy, $ 17.60®$ 18; good, $ 1OTOO® 17.00; SUBSCRIBE Miss E. M. Hall... .Mrs. Isaac Rankin has a will be From the Tampa, lower open her cottage for the summer.Mr. ceremony performed. Haynes, Wade, Cienfuegoa. grades, $11®$15. F°R^^^ l'J little orange tree about 2 feet high which oat BELFAST LIVERV East will to the Bath, May 19. Ar, sch. Yale, Boston; 21, ar, Straw—Rye straw, $17; straw, $8®$8.50. Fisher of who is to has several on it. The tree is Cemetery they proceed Potatoes—Aroostook Bangor Seminary, preach ripe oranges sch. Sarah E. Palmer. Whittier, Portland. county Hebrons, choice, *S a to listen to an oration Hon. A. bush, choice L>. B. SOUTHWORTH here this season, has moved his family into of variety which does not require grafting Church, by San Francisco, May 17. Ar, ship Dirigo, New 48®50c; rose, 48®50c. so the fruit is to eat. Apples—Baldwins, bbl, $1.75@$2.00. T REPUBLICAN JOURNAL, Capt. H. S. Black’s house. good J. Billings of Freedom. York. j Proprietors.