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6th JUNE 2017] COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE 4907 KANNUR DISTRICT t^mdw \º¿ 4 [dqƒ 11 (3) ImWpI] hn⁄m-]\w \º¿ DCKNR/4004/2017-C7. 2017 tabv 11. Xmsg ]´n-I-bn¬ hnh-cn® {]Im-c-ap≈ `qan Hcp s]mXp Bh-iy-Øn\v, AXm-bXv IÆq¿ A¥m-cmjv{S hnam-\-Øm-hfw ]cn-k-c-Øp-\n∂pw ag-sh≈w HgpIn t]mIp-∂-Xn-\p≈ Hmhp-Nm-ep-I-fpsS \n¿ΩmWw \S-Øp-∂-Xn\v Bh-iy-ap-s≠t∂m Bh-iy-ap≠m-Im-\nSbps≠t∂m tIcf k¿°m-cn\v t_m≤-y-s∏-Sp-∂-Xp-sIm-≠pw; `qan Gs‰-Sp-°-en¬ \ymb-amb \jvS-]-cn-lm-c-Øn\pw kpXm-cy-Xbv°pw ]p\-c-[n-hm-k-Øn\pw ]p\-ÿm]\- Øn-\p-ap≈ Ah-Imi \nbaw 2013 (tI{μ \nbaw 30, 2013)-˛se hIp∏v 4 (1) {]Imcw \n£n-]vX-amb A[n-Imcw D]-tbm-Kn-®p- sIm-≠v, 200 Bdn¬ Ihn-bmØ `qan s]mXp Bh-iy-Øn\v Gs‰-Sp-t°≠ Ah-k-c-Øn¬ tIcf k¿°m¿ AXmXp Pn√m If-IvSsd Pn. H. (]n.) \w. 376/2016/B¿. Un. XobXn 29-˛6-˛2016, Fkv.- B-¿.- H. \w. 468/16 F∂nh {]Imcw kap-NnX k¿°mcmbn A[n-Im-c-s∏-Sp-Øn-bn-´p-≈-Xn-\mepw Xmsg ]´n-I-bn¬ tN¿Øn-cn-°p∂ `qan kw_-‘n®v Hcp kmaqly {]Xym-L-mX hne-bn-cp-ج \S-Øp-∂-Xn\v Xocp-am-\n-®n-´p-≠v; Bb-Xp-sIm≠v, Ct∏mƒ IÆq¿ Pn√-bnse _‘-s∏´ {]tZiØv \nb-am-\p-krXw kmaqly {]Xym-L-mX hne-bn-cp-ج ]T\w \S-Øp-∂-Xn\pw Hcp kmaqly {]Xym-L-mX \n¿Δ-lW ]≤Xn Xøm-d-m°p-∂-Xn\pw hnPn¬ a´-∂q¿ F∂ ÿm-]-\sØ Pn√m-Xe kmaqly {]Xym-L-mX hne-bn-cp-ج bqWn-‰v F∂ \nebv°v A[n-Im-c-s∏-Sp-Øn- bn-cn-°p-∂p. ta¬ {]hrØn Hcp (1 amkw) amk-Øn-\p≈n¬ ]q¿Øo-I-cn-t°-≠Xpw bmsXm-cp- Im-c-W-h-im-epw BbXv Bdp-am-k-Øn¬ Ihn-bm≥ ]mSn-√m-Ø-Xp-am-Ip-∂p. ]´nI (GI-tZi hnkvXo-¿Æ-amWv \¬In-bn-cn-°p-∂-Xv) Pn√—IÆq¿. hnt√Pv—]g»n hnt√Pv Ccn´n Xmeq°v. Xmeq°v—Ccn´n B‚ v Xe-t»-cn. tZiw—a´-∂q¿. hnt√Pv—Iog-√q¿ hnt√Pv Xe-t»cn Xmeq°v. tZiw—Ff-ºmd. {Ia k¿tΔ `qan-bpsS hnh-cWw hnkvXo¿Æw \º¿ \º¿ (sl-IvS¿) 1 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 81A, 8/1B, tXmSv \º¿ 1 0.2030 8/1C, 9/1, 18, 19/1, 21/2C3 a´-∂q¿ tZiw ]g»n hnt√Pv Ccn´n Xmeq°v 2 79/2, 80/2, 80/5, 80/8, 81/1A1, 81/1A2, tXmSv \º¿ 11 0.1440 81/1A3A, 81/2, 82/1A, 87/1, 87/2, 87/3, 88/2A, Ff-ºmd tZiw Iog-√q¿ hnt√Pv Xe-t»cn Xmeq°v BsI 0.3470 No. DCKNR/4004/2017-C7. 11th May 2017. Whereas, it appears to the Government of Kerala that the land specified in the schedule below is needed or likely to be needed for a public purpose, to wit for Acquisition of Land for construction of temporary storm water drainage connected with the Kannur international Airport. And Whereas, in exercise of the powers conferred in sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (Central Act 30 of 2013), Government of Kerala have authorised District Collector as appropriate Government for an extent of land not exceeding 200 Ares in a district for the public purpose as per GO (P)No. 376/2016/RD dated 29-6-2016 and SRO No. 468/1 and have decided to conduct a social Impact Assessment in the area specified in the schedule below. Now, Therefore, sanction is accorded to the Vijil Mattannur, Kannur District to conduct a Social Impact Assessment Study and to prepare a Social Impact Management Plan as provided in the Act. The process shall be completed within a period of one month, not exceeding six months in any case. Gaz. No. 23/2017/DTP (CLR). 297 6th JUNE 2017] COMMISSIONERATE OF LAND REVENUE 4908 SCHEDULE (The extent given is approximate) District —Kannur Village/Amson—Pazhassi in Iritty Taluk Taluk —Iritty & Thalassery Desom—Keezhallur in Thalassery Taluk Village/Amson—Keezhallur Desam—Elampara Sl. No. Survey No. Description Extent (in hectares) 1 3/2, 3/3, 3/4, 7/1, 7/2, 7/3, 81A, 8/1B, 8/1C, 9/1, Thodu No. 1 0.2030 18, 19/1, 21/2C3 Mattannur Desom in Pazhassi Village of Iritty Taluk 2 79/2, 80/2, 80/5, 80/8, 81/1A1/, 81/1A2, 81/1A3A, Thodu No. 11 0.1440 81/2, 82/1A, 87/1, 87/2, 87/3, 88/2A Elampara Desom in Keezhallur Village of Iritty Taluk Total 0.3470 Collectorate, (Sd.) Kannur. District Collector. FORM NO. 4 [See Rule 11(3)] NOTIFICATION No. DCKNR/4384/2017-C7. 9th May 2017. Whereas, it appears to the Government of Kerala that the land specified in the schedule below is needed or likely to be needed for a public purpose, to wit for Acquisition of Land for construction of emergency road to the Kannur Airport. And Whereas, in exercise of the powers conferred in sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 (Central Act 30 of 2013), Government of Kerala have authorised District Collector as appropriate Government for an extent of land not exceeding 200 areas in a district for the public purpose as per GO (P)No. 376/2016/RD dated 29-6-2016 and SRO No. 468/1 and have decided to conduct a social Impact Assessment in the area specified in the schedule below. Now, Therefore, sanction is accorded to the Vijil Mattannur, Kannur District to conduct a Social Impact Assessment Study and to prepare a Social Impact Management Plan as provided in the Act. The process shall be completed within a period of one month, not exceeding six months in any case. SCHEDULE (The extent given is approximate) District —Kannur. Taluk— Thalassery. Village/Amsom—Keezhallur. Desom—Keezhallur. Sl. No. Survey No. Description Extent (in hectares) 1 25/4B Garden land-Unoccupied Dry land in 0.0039 2 25/4B Keezhallur Desom Keezhallur Village 0.0047 3 25/4B Thalassery Taluk 0.0067 4 25/4B 0.0145 5 25/4B 0.0044 6 25/4B 0.0021 7 25/4B 0.1066 8 25/4A2 0.0560 Total 0.1989 Collectorate, (Sd.) Kannur. District Collector. 298.