HOWDEN Agricultural Land Classification SCALE-15.000 100 too 200 300 -L. Ag ricultural Land Metres LOCAL PLAN Agricullural Area within Agricultural Grades Land Quality the sites(ha.) PART 2 Grade 1 Exce//en/ NII Method of Classifying Agricultural Land

Grade 2 Very Good 4-2 The physical limitations The most limiting laclor The degree ot limitation' imijii to agriculture IS identified and it s determines Sites at are assessed: degree ol limitation fissessed Good 4-8 Sub-Gfjde 3.1 [) I NO or MINOR | o Grade 3 b FINAL frOPOGRAPHYJ Moderate 0-7 AGRICULTURAL Location Map Sub-Grdde 3ij VERY SEVERE GRADE

Grade 4 Poor Nil Further details coniained In revised Agricultural Land Classification MAFF 1988

NvjRTH Grade 5 Very Poor Nil

North Sea Land in Other Categories Area within the site (ha )

Urban Nil Including housing industry, commerce, MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, derelict land, sports lacililies, transport.

Non-agricultural 0-6 Fisheries and Food. Including golf courses, parks, sports fields, allotments, air lields. Woodland Nil Farm woodland

Commercial woodland Nil Information compiled by Resource Planninq Group. SOURCE MAPS Agricultural buildings Nil Farm and Countryside Service, R.O, Including glasshouses 1 10,000 Map produced by Resource Planning Cartographic Unit SE73SE Protect Number 10/89 1:10,000 Open water Nil SE83SW Ordnance Survey maps reproduced with the 1:10,000 permission ol the Conlroller H.M SO SE72NE LINCOLNSHIRE Land not surveyed Nil 1:10,000 .^' NOTTS ' ©Crown Copyright Reserved 1989 SE82NW


Agricultural Land Classification SCALE-1:5,000 HOWDEN 100 0 100 200 300 L t I I L J I I LOCAL PLAN " -A- Metres PART 2 Sites at Eastrington Location of Soil Auger Borings Location Map

Soil Auger Borings NORTH YORKSHIRE \ ^ ^^^'"'^^

J—.—^ y^

^ North Sea


HUMBERSIDE \ MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. I EASTRINGTON ^,.„g„„„ ,p„„ „ \ ,.c^ 1 Scunthorp^^^^^^""^^x^-e JV x. ^ / Inlormation compiled by Resource Planninq Group. SOURCE MAPS Farm and Countryside Service, Leeds R.O. SOUTH ^r y • / V-i ^---^ 1:10,000 YORKS Map produced by Resource Planning Cartographic Unit. SE73SE Projecl Number 10/89 1:10,000 S "^^"^ ( A\ SE83SW Ordnance Survey maps reproduced wilh the 1.10,000 f^ J^'^ \( ^^ permission ol the Controller. H.M SO. SE72NE .'S 1:1(!>,i,00C 0 ,,-' NOTTS-; LINCOLNSHIRE ^ 1 ©Crr>wn Copyririht Res«»rv*»rl 1989 SE87NW —i .. 1