Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No

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Local Government Boundary Commission for England Report No Local Government Boundary Commission For England Report No. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND REPORT NO. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMKISSION FOR ENGLAND CHAIRMAN Mr G J Ellerton CMC MBE DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Sir Wilfred Bums CB CBE MEMBERS Lady Acknar Mr T Broctbttk DL Mr D P Harrison Professor G E Cherry The Rt. Hon. Tom King Secretary of State for the Environment 1. As a consequence of suggestions which had arisen in the course of the review of their internal parish boundaries, the Boothferry Borough Council, in the non-metropolitan county of Humberside, asked us to carry out a review of parts of their district's boundaries with the District of Beverley (also in Humberside) and with the District of Selby (in the non-metropolitan county of North Yorkshire). The Borough Council sought the following changes: (i) the transfer to the parish of Broomfleet in Boothferry of part of the parish of South Cave in Beverley district: (ii) the transfer of part of the parish of Pollington in Boothferry to the parish of Balne in Selby division. 2. Having obtained the views of all the interested local authorities we considered the Council's requests, as required by Section 48(4) of the Local Government Act 1972. In doing so, we had regard to the guidelines contained.in the Department of the Environment Circular 33/78 and to our own Report No. 287. 3. We noted that the changes were miner, involved very small areas of land and affected a total of two residents. We also noted that with the exception of Humberside County Council, who wished to see no change, the changes were supported by all the local authorities involved. We concluded that the suggestions met the criteria set out in paragraph 14 of Department of the Environment Circular No. 33/78, Humberside County Council had supplied no reasons to support their view and we considered that their opposition, on its ov/n, was insufficient to justify the, rejection or deferment of Boothferry Borough Council's requests. 4- Accordingly we decided that we should undertake a review and that the circumstances were sufficiently exceptional to enable us to shorten our norms! procedure by publishing our draft proposals, based upon the Council's suggestions, at the same time as we announced our intention to carry out a review. 5. On 23 August 1982 we issued a consultation letter announcing the start of the review and giving details of our draft proposals. '-L"he letter was addressed to Boothferry Borough Council, Beverley District Council and Selby Listrict Council, whilst copies were sent to Humberside and North Yorkshire County Councils, Balne, Broomfleet, Pollington and South Cave Parish Councils, the Members cf Parliament for the constituencies concerned, the headquarters of the main political parties and to the editors of the local government press. The start of the review and publication of our draft proposals was also advertised by public notice in the three districts and by announcements which appeared in the local press. The three district councils to v/hom the letter',- was addressed were asked to deposit copies of the draft proposals at their .•nain offices for inspection for a period of six weeks. Comments on the review and on the draft proposals were invited by 26 October 190*2. HESPCKSE TO THE JBAFT PROPOSALS 6. UB received replies from the North Yorkshire County Council, from Dr Edmund Marshall MP, from Boothferry Borough Council, from Pollington and South Cave Parish Councils, all of which had no objection to the draft proposals. Haltemprice and Beverley Conservative Association acknowledged receipt of the draft proposals but did not make any comments, Ro replies were received from Beverley Borougfr Council, Gelby District Council, Balne Parish Council or Broofflfleet Parish Council but they had ' already indicated that they had no objections to the alterations prior to our " publication of draft proposals. No further observations were received from Humberside County Council to support their contention that there should be no alteration in the boundaries. 7. ffe are satisfied that in the interests of effective and convenient local government the boundary between the Borousji of Boptuferry and the Districts of Beverley and Gelby should be re-aligned as indicated in our draft proposals. We therefore confirm these as our final proposals. 8. Details of these final proposals are set out in Schedules 1 - 3 to this report, Schedule 1 specifies the the proposed changes in local authority areas; the proposed boundary is illustrated on the attached -?.ap. Schedules 2 and 3 specify the consequential adjustments to th= existing electoral arrangem Or CF THIS R3P03T 9. A letter is being" sent together with copies of this report and accompanying map to the three district councils asking thes: to place copies of this report o.i deposit for inspection at their .nain offices an 2 to put notices to this effect on public notice boerds and in the local press. The tsxt of. the notices will refer to your pov;er to rna:' en Order i;ap3err,Hr.tin^- the proposals, if you, think fit, after ths: expiry of six weeks fro.T. the date th-ay are submitted to you; it will suggest that any coionients on the proposals should therefore be addressed to you, in writing, preferably within six weeks of the date of the letter. Copies of this report which includes small sketch plans ;^re being r>ent to the Huaborside and !Torth Yorkshire Cour.ty Councils (with a co;;y of the map) and to the other bodies and persons \?hc received the consultation letter cr comnented on our draft proposals (without a coyy of the oat). L.S. G J EILE3TON (Chairman) 7HLFHED BUSIES (Deputy Chairman) JOAN Ad'JTIS TYilBELL G S CHSHHY D P HAEHISOK L 3 S ecr<2 tary 9 June 1983 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND PRINCIPAL AREAS REVIEW HUMBERSIDE COUNTY/NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY : BOROUGH OF BOOTHFERRY/ SELBY DISTRICT HUMBEHSIDE COUNTY : BOROUGH OF BOOTHFERRY/THE EAST YORKSHIRE BOROUGH OF BEVERLEY Note: Where the boundary is described as following a road, railway, river, canal or similar feature, it should be deemed to follow the centre line of the feature unless otherwise stated. Schedule 1 1. Boundary realignment between the Borough of Boothferry in the County of Humberside and Selby District in the County of North Yorkshire. Area A Description of an area of land proposed to be transferred from Pollington CP in the Borough of Boothferry to Balne CP in the Selby District: that area bounded by a line commencing at the point where the eastern boundary of the Selby-Doncaster Railway meets the existing County boundary at Balne Moor Road, thence westwards, northwards and eastwards along said existing County boundary to the eastern boundary of the Selby-Doncaster Railway, thence southwards along said eastern boundary to the point of commencement. 2. Boundary realignment between the Borough of Boothferry and The East Yorkshire Borough of Beverley. Area B Description of an area of land proposed to be transferred from South Cave CP in the East Yorkshire Borough of Beverley to Broomfleet CP in the Borough of Boothferry: that area bounded by a line commencing at the point where the existing Borough boundary meets the northern boundary of the Selby-Kingston Upon Hull Railway, west of Broomfleet Station, thence eastwards along the 2 northern boundary of said railway to the existing Borough boundary, thence southwestward;.; and northwestwards along said existing Borough boundary to the point o f comiuetuuuutmt . Schedule 2 Revised District electoral arrangements, consequent upon the proposals described in Schedule 1. 1. It is proposed that the District Wards, as defined in the District of Boothferry (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1975 and the District of Selby (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1978, shall be altered as described below. i Area A : as described in Schedule 1 shall be transferred from the Snaith Ward of the Borough of Boothferry to the Whitley Ward of Selby District. i 2. It is proposed that the District Wards, as defined in the District of Bool;hferry (Electoral arrangements) Order 1975 &&& tne Borough of Beverloy (Electoral arrangements) Order 1976, shall be altered as described below. i Area B : as described in Schedule 1 shall be transferred from the South Cave Ward of The East Yorkshire Borough of Beverley to the East Howden- shire Ward of the Borough of Boothferry. Schedule j Revised County electoral arrangements, consequent upon the proposals described in Schedule. 1. 1. It is proposed that the County Electoral Divisions, as defined in the County of Humberside (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1981 and the County of North Yorkshire (Electoral Divisions) Order 1973, shall be altered as described below: Area A : as described in Schedule 1 shall be transferred from the Mid Boothferry ED of Humberside County to the Osgoldcross ED of North Yorkshire County. Area B : as described in Schedule 1 shall be transferred from the Dale ED of Humberside County to the Howdenshire ED of Humberside County. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND FINAL PROPOSAL . SCALE: 1:5000:=^-' (REDUCED FROM 1:2500) Ba me Moor NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY SELBY DISTRICT Balne Moor HUMBERSIDE COUNTY BOOTHFERRY BOROUGH EXISTING COUNTY BOUNDARY PROPOSED COUNTY BOUNDARY EXISTING CP BOUNDARY *- PROPOSED CP BOUNDARY ©Crown Copyriqttt I983 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR ENGLAND FINAL PROPOSAL . THE EAST YORKSHIRE BOROUGH OF BEVERLEY BOOTHFERRY BOROUGH EXISTING DISTRICT BOUNDARY Crown Copyright 1993 PROPOSED DISTRICT BOUNDARY.
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