Acción Cultural Española

Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 3

- , we , we Elvira Marco Director general Director Annual Report Acción Cultural Española (AC Cultural Acción is the result of an in-house of is the result Annual Report AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E MUSAC Encuentro sobre Redes en Museos Museos en Redes sobre Encuentro MUSAC and the Meteoriti Arte in León de y Centros in . forum Culture Breaking Our years ago on how to four begun reflection the digital dimension into AC/E’s incorporate sector. of the culture in support goals and work in the impact advances want it to reflect We in order on our society, having technology are sector and the changes in the culture to explore create and professionals help its organisations of up to the expectations live that experiences users. twenty-first-century a six-minute immersion in the archaeological archaeological immersion in the a six-minute cities of of the ancient excavations company Spanish by the produced and three show for was on Lighthouse. It Future and Mexico the , months at with success great it was a where venues, of charge from free available visitors, and is now Steam. platform the virtual games of the the results present To of the and support on the collaboration rely which assists us Telefonica, Espacio Fundación Throughout enormously with its dissemination. various inter it at will also present we the year, digital culture. for and forums centres national summit these activities took us to the Last year of Arts Councils Federation of the International the European in Malta, Agencies and Culture on the Promotion Group Working Commission the Means, via Digital to Culture of Access (Charles III and the dissemination of antiquity): of antiquity): dissemination III and the (Charles

- follows an follows only a few years ago, we have have ago, we years only a few Carlos III y la difusión de la antigüedad Carlos , which reports on cases of good prac , which reports Focus taken part in a virtual reality experience for the for experience part in a virtual reality taken exhibition where we have turned to digital technologies to have we where with Together resources. educational produce have de Bellas Artes, we Academia the Real have now become everyday realities that are are that realities everyday now become have own exhibition activities, in AC/E’s present Since the publication of the first edition of the of the first the publication Since Annual Report digital sector in the seen how breakthroughs analyses exhaustively. cultural heritage. This sector is rapidly growing, growing, cultural heritage. This sector is rapidly and leading to a radical change in methodologies Torres, Ruiz David which the author, formats in depth the use of digital technology in the in depth the use of digital technology of our analysis and dissemination conservation, focused on museums; and the third on the use of and the third on museums; focused and international Spanish fifty at digital devices surveys edition This fourth festivals. culture tice in digital technology in a specific discipline. tice of digital The first edition examined the impact arts; the second of the performing in the world Each year’s edition also includes a field study: edition also includes Each year’s the Big Data applied to culture, and the use of digital applied to culture, Data Big technology in music. applied to technology, the latest advances in advances the latest applied to technology, Internet of Things and the artificial intelligence, part of the report. This year, a group of experts a group This year, part of the report. as a curation as content analyse issues such neuroscience digital overload, means of tackling they need to be aware of over the coming years. years. coming the of over to be aware they need us on has been advising 2015, a committee Since the first and authors for of subjects the choice editorial policy of familiarising professionals of professionals policy of familiarising editorial trends the main digital sector with the culture Acción Cultural Española’s fourth edition of the fourth Española’s Cultural Acción Annual Report Culture Digital AC/E Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 4 Clara Fernández Vara Ximo Lizana Pedro Diezma Antonio Rojas Castro Eva Snijders Roberto Carreras Robin Good GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE LEISURE AND CULTURE IN THE 21 THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION IN ART, NEW CONVERSATIONS IN THE GLOBAL ACADEMIC CONTEXT BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES. STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION TRANSFORMATION BUT CULTURAL TRANSFORMATION THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL. IT’S NOT DIGITAL CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CONTENTS CONTENTS



106 88 42 24 62 72 6 Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 5 121 191 155 173 127 133 179 170 139 139 136 134 143 138 129 126 162 124 182 188 178 123 120 142


194 196



ROBIN GOOD Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 7

- - , the greatest , the greatest AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E confronted with one. confronted to the ex if I took this concept other words, In human a fully operational that say I could treme Filtering and the Content Curator Filtering and the Content it not realize Although one may filtering out irrelevant, is spent part of our lives signals while pay unimportant or uninteresting is feel we to what focus and giving ing attention moment. any given at important and relevant the are We spent making choices. are lives Our only animal who can do this: stop and decide what to. and respond read, to choose, listen, watch, choose not to when we even choices make We us. let others do it for or when we a choice make us different makes trait that And if this is a key only appear it would other living creatures, from did our best to make we to be logical that were time we every valuable, intelligent choices For these reasons content curation acts both curation content these reasons For as are who we portal to discover as a cultural pointing to lighthouse as a multifaceted well and deems to be relevant our culture whatever and scrutiny. attention of worth shapes and molds our curation Content the filtering and as it promotes own culture is identified as being what highlighting of by experienced interest value and greater of and passionate scholars, researchers, explorers information shapes and molds curation turn, content In the filtering as it promotes our own culture is identified as being and highlighting of what by experienced value and interest of greater information and passionate scholars, researchers, are. curators as content such explorers what we like, give value to and seek. value give like, we what ) - - ” moves rapidly moves into why curation into why curation (source: (source: of such content curation curation of such content content curation content we learn things, and we help to define we learn things, and we help to define – When we curate content online, it enhances who online, it enhances content we curate When better understand who we are. It becomes part of part of becomes It better understand who we are. our personal brand. our ethos, part of we are... we are... – and ourselves by understanding our own interests people to by allowing other external way, in a more “ ter of who we are, of what we are interested in, interested are we of what are, ter of who we shortcuts to the “essence” of something, but they of something, shortcuts to the “essence” the perime also shape and define the character, timelines, guides and in-depth news stories. not just are resources these curated Culturally, of images, directories of tools and resources, of tools and resources, of images, directories lists of experts, custom maps, to hand-picked Real-world examples Real-world us. They range from around everywhere are galleries to video playlists, music compilations, learn more about anything and to make sense of about anything and to make learn more in. live we the world and order the information chaos surrounding us chaos surrounding the information and order to a critical activity to understand ourselves, are offers an interesting insight an interesting offers humankind by is such a valuable activity for collect to gather, our efforts pointing out that Dr. Gideon Burton of Brigham Young University University Young of Brigham Burton Gideon Dr. information, while supporting us in making sense information, and people that of the issues, topics, events us most. interest Content curators act as expert “trusted guides” act as expert curators Content glut of who help us manage this overwhelming comprehending and wanting to make sense of and wanting to make comprehending reality. today’s marketers to become an in-demand necessity an in-demand necessity to become marketers learning, in actively any human interested for hard to vet and verify sources, fake news and fake sources, and verify to vet hard propaganda, content for buzzword being a trendy from When you live in an age where you are sur are you where in an age live you When viewpoints, differing by information, rounded Introduction Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 8 appreciate thecontribution from a trusted, It isinthesesituations that we nothing about. approach afieldofinterest we knowlittleor when we wanttolearn somethingnew, orwe the matter at hand,thingschangeagreat deal this whenwe are familiarandcompetent with But whileitiseasyandnatural for ustodo ate thebestavailable strategies toresolve it. to betterunderstandanyproblem andtoevalu interpretations of a specificissueisthebestway Critically analyzingdifferent viewpoints angles. reality from different, sometimesopposing, of questionsandhonestlyattempts tolookat develop aninquisitive mind.One that askslots strategy islearningtobeskeptical, andto In such situations theonlyeffective survival choices when: But we have muchgreater difficultyinmaking identifiable. key characterizingtraitsare clearlyandeasily when there are few alternatives andwhentheir We canfilter, selectandchooseeffectively only strategies andideastochoosefrom? literally billionsofalternative routes, products, a digitalinformation economy where there are But what happens fears orothersinfluence anddecideit for him. instead oflettinghabits,traditions,prejudices, deciding constantly what topay attention to, being curates hislife, momentbymoment, c) b) a) CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE

traits their characterizinganddifferentiation hundreds, suddenly thealternatives we are approaching we are notquitecompetent are notsoobvioustous. whenahumanbeinglives in are tensor look for and withthefield and - part, someofourgoals,values,ethicsandideals. empathize with.Someonewhoshares, at leastin attracted more by thoseexpertsthat we can But we don’t lookjustfor “any” expert.We are prejudices, preferences anddisclosinghisties. theme whiletransparently sharinghisbias, resources, news,info ortoolsonaspecific enjoys finding, collecting andsharingbest passionate subject-specificscholar, who The 21st-century content curator isa sharing advice. verifying thingsbefore drawing conclusions or for analyzing,investigating, askingquestionsand ject-matter expert,butwhohasalsoapassion We lookfor someonewhoisnot justasub and deeperintotheissuethanwe can. tual binoculars”. Virtualeyes that canseefurther expert guidewhocanprovide uswith“intellec differences between thetwo: If you lookcloseenough,there are someclear simple editor, asmanypeoplemay think. A content curator isinfact focus, andrequired abilitiesare quite different. champion. Theyallrace, buttheirskills,training torcycle rideristoaFormula 1pilotortoacycling to theseprofessionals, butonlyinasmuchasamo or museumcurator. Acontent curator isrelated Not anewspaperormagazineeditor, noranart disclosing histies. sharing hisbias,prejudices, preferences and theme /topicissueevent whiletransparently best resources, news,info ortoolsonaspecific finding, collecting andshowcasing/sharing passionate subject-specific scholar, whoenjoys Here he is:the21st-century content curator. A a)

subject, issue rare anduniqueona specifictheme, what ismostinteresting, representative, Curation strives tohighlight


ROBIN GOOD muchmore thana anddistill - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 9

- Livescience Dribbble (at one (at Source: Source: , of aggregation, of , of aggregation, of highly valuable , and its infinite visual collec , and its infinite visual . Think of Wikipedia. Think of Twitter . Think of Wikipedia. Think of Twitter ” Pinterest Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a of and knowledge characteristics is the Culture “ by everything people, defined group of particular cuisine, social habits, music from language, religion, and arts. Behance AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Think of tions on just about any topic. Think of or suggestions of filtered and its ongoing stream The content that we curate, publish and share publish and share curate, we that The content of our culture(s) mirror is a reliable online today think and like, we what are, and of who we of. dream now all actively are we curating, By constantly who re-defining or another) level in a for, want and live like, we what are, we we do so by And ways. multitude of different by adding our own viewpoint exploring, vetting, and by sharing valuable and commentary social others on our preferred with resources media channels. is our own act of filtering It allows that adding value and of sharing (curation) sense and consider make others to discover, until then, were options and viewpoints that outside their awareness. ideas, symbols and beliefs. ideas, symbols not of it, museums are think if you today, But to know in come have just those we anymore the physical world. The internet is now full and directories catalogs libraries, repositories, today. are who we and showcase organize that been labelled as museums, these Without having act as and catalogs directories online collections, and as true extensions of the classical museum do we what are, we digital galleries of who live in. interested are we and what and architecture. Physical things, but also the things, but also Physical and architecture.

- his , prejudices , prejudices of the and systematically and systematically , researcher or explorer who or explorer , researcher , on the other hand, can be cial and otherwise). cites The curator his sources credits is openly stream collection/ The curated / publicly shared The curator adds and illustrates The curator viewpoint and perspective discloses his bias The curator and ties (commer his interests as as well It does so through the eyes of a subject of a the eyes does so through It expert matter it on name and face puts his there is no critical analysis is no critical there or of bias, prejudice is no disclosure there ties. commercial no official signature / author no official signature not cited or credited are sources not subject matter often authors are experts less focus

f) e) d) c) b) • • • • • • writings, music and paintings, to their food, art writings, music and paintings, to their food, From their utensils, their tools, their cutlery, cutlery, their utensils, their tools, their From to their weapons, clothes, ornaments, jewelry, key records, paintings, writings, and other records, key culture. artefacts defining that To the top museums preserving and showcasing and showcasing the top museums preserving To Consider this: if one desires to get a glimpse of a this: if one desires Consider does one go? where culture, same coin. They are deeply connected and rely and rely deeply connected They are same coin. not exist could survival. One on each other for without the other. Curation and culture are two sides two are and culture Curation Curation and Culture and Curation Editorial selection Editorial by: easily recognized Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 10 ideas hewould have never metotherwise. and appreciate great authors, books,filmsand diaries content curators today actas“ According to Trusted Guides Content Curators as signposts that ledusthere. part oftheirown,whilepreserving thepath and prehend andmake newideasandperspectives are alsohelpingothersdiscover, learn,com collecting for ourownprivate interests, butwe resources, toolsandvisions,we are notjust our mostprecious, interesting andrare ideas, A social(cultural) necessity cultural necessity. become both apersonal andasocial learn about,content curation mayhave filter for what tolook,see,explore and In anagewhere everyoneisacurator, a become intangible,digitalentities. these have explodedinnumberandhave mostly physical, nowthat we are intheinformation age, While intherecent pastthesewere few and techniques mostneededtocarryouttheirwork. and organize theresources, toolsandthe number ofpeopleneedstopick,select,collect A personalnecessity (cultural) necessity. may have become bothapersonalandsocial see, explore andlearnabout,content curation everyone isacurator, afilter for what tolook, For allofthesereasons interests, fears, dreams anddesires asasociety. are filteringenginesandpublic vetrinas ofour All ofthese“curatorial” publishingplatforms, Flipboard of what toread, watch, listento.Thinkof CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE ”, helpingthelayman discover, learnabout , Medium

Smith-Maguire andMatthews or becauseanincreasing , inanagewhere becausebycurating . cultural interme - , - guides become indispensable. very smallpart,having goodsherpasandexpert mation ofwhichwe knowandunderstandonly a when we are surrounded byanocean ofinfor jungle Just aswhenconfronted byanunfamiliar about atopic. guides (information artefacts), become natural “ organizing andmakingsenseofresources In thislight,thosewhotake care ofselecting, publicly. while contextualizing andcommenting onthem stories, resources andtoolsonaspecifictopic, vet, collect andorganize themostrelevant news, and judge,whocontinuously search, verify, cific know-how, expertiseandabilitytoevaluate Trusted guidesare individualswhopossess spe ideals, principlesandethics. whom we share common interests, aswell aslife as peoplewe follow onsocialmediaandwith experts inournetwork ofconnections, aswell Trusted guidesmay includefriends But whoare they? How cantheyberecognized? and referred toastrustedguides. values, ethics,etc.):thesepeopleare nowknown share somestrong affinities(ideals,enemies,life more experience thanus,butwithwhomwe learned toseekthehelpofsomeonewhohas a newsubjectwe donotknowtoowell, we have doubt orwe are trying tograspandunderstand When we explore new grounds, whenwe are in behaviours. material productsaswellservices, ideasand as legitimate effecting others’ orientationstowards thosegoods intermediaries) engagewithgoods,affecting and as other market actorsincludingother cultural by framing how others (end consumers, aswell “ [Cultural intermediaries] ...construct value, ” for anyone interested inlearningmore ortheexploration ofanewterritory, ” – with‘goods’ understoodtoinclude


ROBIN GOOD , family, trusted - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 11 - -

tons - Sub is their personal Edelman Trust Barometer 2015 Barometer Trust Edelman AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Curators' key added value key Curators' assessment, viewpoint and insight into what they pick, select and showcase. Most of them are content curators. curators. content of them are Most as competent experts who can act ject-matter readings resources, guides in suggesting relevant hand. at the matter and authors to further explore and check vet analyze, curators Content content, information, of potentially relevant those rare and tools, looking for resources only after a can be found pearls of wisdom that effort. and sustained search dedicated publicly these showcase curators Content channels, within dedicated often resources, or into growing blogs, podcasts, news streams while adding additional context, collections and sources) (authors, information reference to find out and where (where resources related more). for to go to explore just that. Not individuals who have become known because of known become who have individuals insight share freely to publicly and their ability analy reviews, and independent ful, competent while being and advice sis, recommendations partnerships about their true interest, upfront and ties. Source: Trusted guides are immediately recognizable immediately guides are Trusted - - - ” such trusted ” such trusted often, they fake news fake “ started to turn to friends and to direct personal, personal, started to turn to friends and to direct and for news, advice, for trustable contacts updated. themselves keeping tions” were not honest and transparent about not honest and transparent tions” were they publicly said, these same people have what That’s how, as more and more people have people have and more as more how, That’s and “institu “celebrities” “brands”, that realized been advising mass media audiences on been advising mass media audiences eat and watch, wear, what to look at, read, pay attention to. celebrities, TV hosts, brand experts and TV hosts, brand celebrities, have for decades, who, influencers other Content curators as “trusted guides” are are as “trusted guides” curators Content big appointed officials, replacing gradually political or economic interests, by propaganda by propaganda interests, political or economic goals or by hidden agendas. Thus, albeit a bit late, we have come to realize to realize come have we Thus, albeit a bit late, com commercial many institutional and that by specific still driven and are were munications “economic”) interest in the matter at hand. at in the matter interest “economic”) They advise, promote, suggest and report news suggest and report They advise, promote, (often a “personal” and stories because they have Because we have discovered that, discovered have Because we not trustworthy. are Why? These traditionally beloved and highly trusted and highly trusted beloved These traditionally rapidly lost have and advice of influence sources their appeal and their trustworthiness. at, read, watch, wear, eat and pay attention to. attention and pay eat wear, watch, read, at, cials, big celebrities, TV hosts, brand experts and cials, big celebrities, been have for decades, who, other influencers look to on what audiences advising mass media As a matter of fact, content curators as “trusted curators of fact, content As a matter appointed offi gradually replacing guides” are risks, while providing access to more ideas and ideas to more access providing risks, while horizons. outside our typical viewpoints In the age of exploding the age In unnecessary lot of time, avoid a save experts can Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 12 Apple Music, Pandora andSpotify asaudiences music curators are nowvery valuableassetsat occurring oncurated playlists (source: With anestimated one fifthofallmusicstreams know whomakes it. becomes tofindthemusic you like, if you donot or Deezer, you canstarttorealize howdifficultit distribution services like Rhapsody, SoundCloud lion songsandthat there are manymore music Spotify andAppleMusic offer more than30mil If you consider that today justbythemselves Take musicfor example. interest orscience. discovery andsense-making enginefor anyart, provides toourownculture isitsrole asa The key contribution Curation Cultural Value those whowanttosellsomething. those whoneedtobeinformed rather thanfrom voluntary andunpaidorcompensated directly by appointed expertapproach becauseitiseither and clearlydistinguishablefrom theofficially Content curators advice isalsorecognizable and bythetraditionalmediaexpert. approach usedbymostcompanies, professionals, detached andhighly-polishedcommunication themselves insharpcontrast withthe“ provide amuchmore credible profile for their prejudices, biasandinterests, curators By addingtheirownviewpointanddisclosing else dotheyseeaconnection with? What isthevaluethat theyseeinit?To what that hasgottentheirattention andinterest? What isinthat information artefacttheyshare artist throughachoice playlistplacement. reverence. These invisibleinfluencers can break an are nowindustrygatekeepers, approached with “ CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE Like musicsupervisorsinfilm andTV, curators that content curation (source:

The Observer Forbes designed ” )

- ”, ”, ) radio DJs whoprovide you withcontext, history, about thehistoryofmanyartistsifitweren’t for ing tothousandsoftracks?How would you learn curators onlineorclubDJs searching andlisten exploding ocean ofmusic,ifitweren’t for music learn aboutnewsongsandbands,insuchan How would you beabletodiscover and communication approach. the “designed”, detachedandhighly-polished profile for themselves insharp contrast with curators provide amuchmore credible disclosing theirprejudices, biasandinterests, By addingtheir ownviewpointand without askingfor anythinginreturn. by curating uniqueplaylists andcompilations, platforms like music fansdoesavery similarjobonpopular algorithmic one,whileasmallarmyofgrassroots prefer thevalueofahumanselectionover an the onlinevinylrecord store whichhelpsyou find focuses onyour favorite genre andauthors,or bookstore ( But consider alsothespecialty, privately-owned curate themusicofour time. Lots ofprivate radiostations dothesame.They the bestofaspecificmusicstyle. driven bytheideatocurate andbringtogether specializing inwell-defined musicalgenres and Many newrecord labelshave thenfollowed, all series or style(think of known, emergentonesunderacommon theme brought togetherwell-known artistswithun commercial curated musiccompilations that Jose Padilla with innovative DJs andmusicproducers, like mixtapes, andthenevolved inthemid-‘90s, the 70’s and80’s withuser-created cassette The musiccuration trend explodedfirstin favorite artists? anecdotes andevent information aboutyour andtheirsuccess over theyears). , whostartedtoproduce successful CityLights Soundcloud Cafe delMar inSanFrancisco) that


, ROBIN GOOD Blip or and Buddha BarCD 8tracks

- - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 13 - - will as well as well what maywhat Mediagazer , in the near future , in the near future , . All of these curated . All of these curated AllTop and Memeorandum , HackerNews AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E A renaissance of “niche” email newsletters of “niche” A renaissance of our lives such as education, news and journalism, such as education, of our lives art design, ecommerce, entertainment, marketing, and, last but not least, online searching. of these in detail. some look at Let’s and Journalism News curation Thanks to content news hubs will bring together the top curated the time you any industry saving stories for too many sites to visit way take it would that sites and new sources, discover and helping you did not know. blogs which you a look at take get a glimpse of this future, To Techmeme as and bring together in one news hubs aggregate the top stories and news on specific topics. place occurred in the mass media age. in the mass media occurred new trusted our are curators individual Now, and knowledge. insight discovery, guides to to years to come will surprise us in the It on many curation content of see the impact news such as education, our lives aspects of entertainment, marketing, and journalism, but not art and, last design, ecommerce, least, online searching. The Future of these changes, As a consequence is not so to come, indeed surprise us in the years and critically important role much the relevance in many of our ac will play curation content that on many aspectstivities, but the impact it will have officials, celebrities and spokepersons as spokepersons celebrities and officials, curate specific industry verticals by collecting, verticals by specific industry curate summarizing and publishing all of the most rele verticals. An early specific industry vant news for

- - ) NextDraft TrendHunter Pew Research Research Pew ) or Dave Pell ( Pell ) or Dave who study and analyze the who study and analyze of U.S. adults, when it comes to adults, when it comes of U.S. ). They both collect and curate, curate, and collect ). They both BrainPickings Trendwatching MusicStack have moved away from being top appointed being top appointed from away moved have All of these examples show how the All of these examples show how the those who suggest and advise trend-makers, to, attention to pay to look and what where (74%). from people they know (77%), or consider it very it very people they know (77%), or consider from posted reviews important to be able to read the item purchased online by others who have activities. According to a recent to a recent activities. According survey Center get advice than seven-in-ten buying online, more Consider all e-commerce and online shopping all e-commerce Consider ocean of data generated by consumers to extrap by consumers generated of data ocean changes the key what and predict anticipate olate, will be. the corner around and innovations Take independent organizations like like independent organizations Take or from authors and books of all kinds as well as books of all kinds as well authors and from of the day. the news from and at how they stimulate our interest and our interest how they stimulate and at insights and stories great curiosity by uncovering Look at the work of online curators like Maria Maria like of online curators the work at Look ( Popova als that have great ideas and stories to tell, and great have als that them and present bring them together to share publicly. ones, where event curators, talent scouts and talent scouts curators, event ones, where find individu experts laboriously subject-matter Consider big international events like TED, TED, like events big international Consider as small, locally organized as well SXSW, LeWeb, that many of us have successfully browsed, browsed, successfully of us have many that to. and referred consulted information resource for some topics, but it for resource information example of this is a great to deny that is hard curation content crowdsourced collaborative, never otherwise have come across. come have otherwise never be the most reliable not may Wikipedia. It Take making it easier for the layman to discover, to discover, layman the easier for making it have he would learn about music and appreciate old rare gems that cannot be found anymore anymore cannot be found gems that old rare ( Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 14 pletely revolutionized by The wholeeducational universe Education andLearning at it. select through which“glasses” we wanttolook viewpoints, anditisnowuptouspick position. Reality canbelooked at from different makes usrealize that thisisnota100%tenable strive lesstogetabsolute objectivity, ascuration In the nearfuture itispossiblethat we will eyes andperspectiveof aspecificindividual. we can seeeventsandstoriesthroughthe for first-person, subjective reporting where being informed, aswellanappreciation more critical andanalytical approachto Curation mayalsobringtothesurface a and transparent abouthisbias andprejudices). perspective ofaspecificindividual (who isopen see events andstoriesthrough theeyes and first-person, subjective reporting where we can being informed, aswell asanappreciation for a more criticalandanalyticalapproach to Curation may alsobringtothesurface curated bydedicated teamsofexperts. organized andvetted information, subjectively service, madeupofspecialized streams ofhighly ment andlight-information source, tonewsasa journalism movingfrom newsasanentertain In general,we may see agrowing trend ofnew news andstoriesinamyriadofotherverticals. niche emailnewslettercurating themostrelevant also positionedtobecome aone-stop-shopfor Similarly, thenewest kidontheblock, of theday inhisspecificmarket niche. mentary andopiniontothemostrelevant news Each newsletterpicks,selects,andaddscom industry, from aeronautics topharmaceuticals. newsletters, eachonefocusing onaspecific a company that publisheshundreds ofcurated successful exampleofthistrend is CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE curational practices isbeingcom Smartbrief Inside

, is , is - . - , - cover andfullyimmerse themselves inanytopic and more effective approach toletstudentsdis Content curation startsbeingusedasabetter courses andclassestailored tospecificneeds. School, andmanymore andtocreate custom Khan Academy, YouTube Education, Britannica aggregate content from multiplesources like the New tools,like certification. plementary services like personalmentoringand paving thisway, whileaddingprofitable com like Coursera the mostdiverse setofuniversities andcolleges. bringing togetherthebestonlineclassesfrom Subject-matter expertswillcurate them by number ofavailable onlinecourses explodes. replace traditionalstandardized curriculaasthe Personalized, customlearningpaths appeal, credibility and trust. “curators” orrisklosingagoodchunk oftheir teachers andprofessors rapidlyevolve into educators /facilitators /guidesastraditional topics, issuesandthemeswillbecome thenew Subject-matter expertswhocurate specific ( articles, research papers,essays andtextbooks. relevant information already available inexisting a highlycustomizablefashionthebestandmost academic counterparts, bybringingtogether in Curated textbookswillreplace simply memorizingitsrelated facts gating thematter tobelearned, do sobyactively exploringandcriticallyinvesti learning environment studentsare prompted to to belearned.By using acuratorial approach ina tive, crowdsourced fashion.( new toolsandresources inapublic,collabora personal responsibility tofind,testandevaluate Teachers, professors andparents willtake McGraw-Hill Create CourseBuffet , Springboard Peak or , allowsmallerschoolsto eLearnHero , Panopen , andsmallercompanies


ROBIN GOOD EdShelf theirtraditional , Boundless are already rather thanby . ) will ) - - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 15 , - Criterion Collection Criterion – custom movie search – custom movie search – visual movies search engine engine – visual movies search – recommends similar music – recommends – movie discovery platform platform – movie discovery – find instantly any movie by genre, – find instantly any movie by genre, (musicians, bands), movies, TV shows, bands), (musicians, on what books, authors and games, based like. you MovieMap may similar movies you discover helps you like. IsNotTV and reviews user contibutions, leveraging “trusted guides”. SuggestMovie type engine helps to filter and find whatever for. be looking you may of film Omive keywords, year, runtime, votes, rating, and actors. directors Tastekid • • • • • AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E (that would be otherwise next to impossible to would (that find) will also prosper. will be plenty of independent curated There the and organize to collect hubs dedicated Curated resources like the like resources Curated remasters digitally film boutique that a curated to classic authors’ films, while and sells access bundling with each movie, unique and rare scenes, interviews, clips, unpublished/censored materials backstage images and other relevant mented reality) will make physical-only, static static physical-only, will make reality) mented past. a thing of the collections Films from benefit of films will also greatly The world see activities and in particular it will curation will make tools that an explosion of discovery movies, re-discover find and it much easier to made never have that films and documentaries to or circuit movie-theater it to the commercial television. examples: early a few are Here Digital art collections (aided by virtual/aug (aided art collections Digital - - ). , ) ). Google Street Art Google Street The Open-Source The Open-Source Google Open Gallery Google Open Springshare LibGuides Springshare The Met Connections The Met ). ). Kapsul , and additions made to it (see and additions made to it (see offer the opportunity to be frequently updated the opportunity to be frequently offer and a complete and expanded, while preserving history of all the changes, modifications thorough available forever (no need to take them down need to take (no forever available and will to another exhibition), space to give The curated collections of the near future, which of the near future, collections The curated will remain in a digital format, will be accessible to create and showcase their own art and showcase to create without needing to own any collections the actual pieces. of Art lovers and connoisseurs will be, for will be, for Art lovers and connoisseurs empowered the first time in history, creation and choosing ( creation Pictify on, annotate and curate personal collections, personal collections, and curate on, annotate and galleries of their own showcases thematic create and showcase their own art collections their own art collections and showcase create actual pieces. without needing to own any of the comment They will also be able to contribute, Better still, art lovers and connoisseurs will connoisseurs and Better still, art lovers to empowered time in history, the first be, for contribute their views and interpretation to any views and interpretation their contribute ( art collection Art will disenfranchise itself from having to having Art will disenfranchise itself from and views depend on monolithic interpretations multiple experts to possible for as it will become Museum value by curating, not just what is in the collec not just what value by curating, to it but outside of is related tion, but also what it, will literally explode (see As museum and art galleries fully digitize them art galleries fully digitize As museum and additional opportunities to create the selves, The Arts to look to find out more about a specific issue, about a specific find out more to look to or topic. ( problem, of an expert guide, go-to-person, museum guide, museum guide, go-to-person, of an expert how and on where suggest and advise who can As a consequence the role of the teacher / of the teacher the role As a consequence into one transformed is gradually being professor Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 16 project orendeavour. photographers andvisual artistsfor anytypeof inspiration andideasaswell astofindgreat be increasingly easytogetinfinitevisual like Thanks todedicated image curation platforms the bestimagery, ideasandemergingconcepts. catalogs andcollections that willbringtogether vices willspanarenaissance ofvisualshowcases, In thefieldofphotographynewtoolsandser Photography critics we knowlittleornothingabout. check tonsoftrailersorskimpyreviews byfilm the bestmovietowatch, rather thanhaving us be ourtrustedguidesinfindingandselecting The filmcurators behindthesenewcatalogs will Here somegreat examples: great documentariesfreely accessible online. free websites that collect andorganize allofthe Also ofinterest isthefastgrowing numberof about activismandsocialchange. FilmsforAction Look at: that otherwisehadnohopeofbeingever found. discover andappreciate thousandsof great films Their existence willmake itsomucheasierto traits ofthesenewcurated outlets. and generalinfo willagainbethecharacterizing Specialization anddepth,rather thanbreadth best filmsofaparticulargenre, author, epoch. • • • • • • CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE Behance JohnLocker DocumentaryStorm DocumentaryHeaven DocumentaryAddict Rocumentaries TopDocumentaryFilms , Dribbble –acurated collection offilms , 500px , Flickr itwill -

as inthecasewithAmazon, eBay andother When theinventory becomes near-infinite, e-Commerce ease-of-finding. quality andoriginality, theever more important not bejustvolume anymore, butalsoimage as thekey differentiator amongthemwill to deeplycurate theirownimagelibraries, Even onlinestockphotoagencieswillstart of newvaluableimagecollections. tool bothfor discovery aswell asfor thecreation Pinterest appreciated asnever possiblebefore. totally unknownphotographerstobefound and Unsplash New, revolutionary free curated platforms, like lead onthisfront. already available for anyone wantingtotake a A growing setofdedicated toolsandservices is recommendations. and more onusers'suggestions,comments and ly-based listsandsuggestions,we willrely more The consequence isthat nexttoalgorithmical crowdsourced fashion. share reviews, comments andopinionsina data, whileaddingkey valuebylettingbuyers categories, tocollect andaddprecise info and hard tobestorganize products inwell defined Thus, tocurate, bigretailers willneedtowork bundles. user-driven toppicks,selectionsandsuggested commentary, opinions,buyingstats, ratings and and appreciate independentexpert advice, choices andalternatives. Rather, theylike Buyers donotlike tobeoverwhelmed with necessity. large onlineretailers, thencuration becomes a itselfwillcontinue tobeareference willallowtop-notchvisualimageryand


ROBIN GOOD - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 17 that that will also gain by individuals helps anyone helps anyone , which gathers , which gathers Youtube playlists Youtube 50 different thematic channels thematic 50 different , it has become harder and harder to to harder and harder , it has become AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E opinions. those doing and its use forces curation Content is is, it obliges whoever That it to be “critical”. no matter any information, doing it not to take is available. Youtube On available videos find the many gems and quality internal video where but that’s on the platform, a going to make are and public playlists curators difference. As a consequence those who will be included much value, both for those who will curate as for in them, as well them. Literacy curation of content The practice those curating publishers forces or by formal hand. at to the matter extra attention to pay vet it, them to double forces it Specifically, and it with other sources it and compare verify categories and recommendations to facilitate facilitate to and recommendations categories finding. content at looking you are matter whether No radio or podcasts, shows, music, films, TV so vast and are offerings the content real challenge is what the diversified that to to and where to pay attention content of time. losing a ton find it without number of tools A fast growing content to explore in finding video interested the many selected themes and topics across online. video outlets available good example is One 80 TV channels in 11 categories over and curates and entertainment. comedy news to sport, from also offers It best of what bring together and on-demand the providers like Netflix, which publishes lists, which publishes Netflix, like providers - makes it easy to find and it easy makes hundreds of detailed of detailed hundreds – Makes it easy for fashion it easy for – Makes help buyers easily find what they easily find what help buyers Polyvore – Aggregates products from top from products – Aggregates – Editors’ collections provide ideas and provide collections – Editors’ buyers to showcase their favorite outfits outfits their favorite to showcase buyers and looks. inspiration for what to wear on different on different to wear what for inspiration while occasions categories want. Chicissimo Styloko your and collect save brands and lets you similar items to find ones. Instantly favorite like. the ones you Nuji • • • has started to take place with entertainment place has started to take to create great playlists and compilations that that and compilations playlists great to create can identify with, the same their audiences Thus just as Apple Music, Pandora and Spotify and Spotify Pandora Thus just as Apple Music, in human curators invest started to heavily have content to pay attention to and where/how to to and where/how attention to pay content find it without losing a ton of time. offerings are so vast and diversified that the real the that so vast and diversified are offerings the normal person, overwhelmed challenge for is what by the sheer amount of options available, No matter whether you are looking at music, looking at are whether you matter No content films, TV shows, radio or podcasts, the Entertainment (music, films, films, (music, Entertainment TV shows, video, etc.) stuff. huge dimensions and even search results do not results search huge dimensions and even relevant enough filter to identify a useful provide collections, user recommendations and crowd recommendations user collections, boost to a powerful will give curation sourced to grow catalogs online shopping as product Overall, it may be quite likely that curated curated that be quite likely it may Overall, Other interesting examples of services that that of services examples Other interesting their find to help consumers curation leverage are: ideal products showcases curated by individuals. curated showcases For example, example, For into small beautiful fashion items bring together Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 18 everyone invery little time. today caneasilybecome ashared reality for that what may appearheretical andimpossible ostracize orcensor. History hasalready taughtus valuable content that we findoutthere. Not to highlight, comment onandshare allofthe great, The taskat handistopreserve, mark,organize, still, amusical genre. query atopic,themeorinterest, orbetter will beparticularlytrueespeciallywhenyou than toindividualtracks andpages.This to curators andcontent collections rather Search engineswillincreasingly begateways will notcutitanymore. published bya“trusted”or“well known” brand, as reliable bydefault,simplybecauseithasbeen Sidestepping it,bytakinganymainstream news trustworthy. No matter whohaspublishedit. tell that anewsstory, report orarticleisnot authors andwebsites, buttolearnhow The taskat handisnotto tweet. check, vet andverify anystory, news,articleor rather bylearning,at theindividuallevel, howto on ourabilitytodiscern truthfrom fraud),but (as thismay have very more riskyconsequences cially labellingwhoistrustworthy andwhoisnot phenomenon may notbebycertifying andoffi Unfortunately, thebestway tocounter sucha guilty ofpublishingit. publishers andbrandsare frequently theones Fake newsiseverywhere, andmajormainstream now that ithasgottensomuchmediaattention. has beenthere for thelongesttime has beenrecently talkingabout.Thepractice every newspaper, magazine,radioandTVstation Take for examplethe ent alternative sources. analyze it,questionitandverify itagainstdiffer what thesource, at face value,buttocritically CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE “ fake news markunreliable ” phenomenon , butitisonly - - compilations, collections orhubs,compiled by much bettertobeoffered aselectionofplaylists, in, discover andlearnmore aboutatopic,itis In allofthesesituations, where you want todive a musicalgenre. query atopic,themeorinterest, orbetterstill, This willbeparticularlytrueespeciallywhenyou individual tracksandpages. curators andcontent collections rather thanto Search engineswillincreasingly begateways to Online Search be checked, vetted andverified. based ontheawareness that ALLcontent must proach tofindingand reading onlineinformation, the nearfuture: amuchmore responsible ap This iswhat content curation willbringtousin on avery smallandwell-defined area, andby By placingalloftheirresources andattention not-exclusively-algorithmic, human DNA. search alternatives are boththeirfocus andtheir The key characterizing traitsofthesenew very specificinterest areas. and expert-vetted results inagrowing number of but byproviding better, more comprehensive servers, fasterlinesor less advertising intrusions, Google's monopolyonsearch, notwithmore individual usersandorganizations willchallenge Although itmay seemimpossibletoday, pages matching that request. today of abiologicaltopic) rather than mation (itcanbeamusicgenre, ortheanalysis the bestpossibleway aspecific realm ofinfor on theburden ofmakingsenseandorganizingin more andmore onintermediariesthat willtake Search anddiscoverability ofcontent willrely than aspecificsong,product orartist. well-profiled experts, covering that themerather – provide alinearlistofindividualweb


ROBIN GOOD – ashappens - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 19 - Internet Internet marked a marked ). Library of Alexandria , they are yet very distant from having having distant from very yet , they are AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E WashingtonPost a great chunk of the information artefacts we artefacts we chunk of the information a great online. publish and share create, academic references, study looking at a recent In over that discovered et al. (2013) Zittrain, to preserve curated content for the long-term the long-term for content curated to preserve future? little or nothing is being very Unfortunately, specific are Though there done on this front. to this, devoted and organizations initiatives Library, libraries such as the British national like and the Library of Congress the U.S. Archive and technology to be able to the resources is relevant. all that preserve capable not yet why they are reason And one key there is that is of relevance all that of preserving the good stuff is. is no one suggesting where granted for take of fact, while we As a matter or published online is there anything saved that this that ample proof have we forever, to stay gradually lose we all, and that is not the case at Preservation that agreement is widespread there Although the loss of the the cultural heritage of moment for dark very do not seem much concerned this planet, we simply the prob not about the fact (and today part of our digital significant a very that ability) from years lost in a few will be forever content now. 44 An estimated example: this for Consider existed in 1998 sites that of Web percent within just one year vanished without a trace ( derives our culture all the good things that Given of and the awareness content, curating from content and the ease the flimsiness of digital is being done with which it can get lost, what Cultural Heritage and and Heritage Cultural - - - Ol

, who Stylight and Nomadlist Stylig is an early example in this which not only collects and organizes, and organizes, which not only collects Zakta Research ones. direction. tating highly focussed search results instead of results search highly focussed tating secret on Google proprietary, exclusively relying search algorithms themselves, choosing and algorithms themselves, search and filters, sources applying their preferred and anno curating while collaboratively ratings, In the near future, it may also be possible that also be possible that it may the near future, In and customize individuals will be able to tweak and most interesting fashion products available available fashion products and most interesting online. (fashion, clothes, shoes and accessories) which clothes, shoes and accessories) (fashion, brands by curating across discovery facilitate the newest and bringing together in one place The same vertical search approach is also the approach search The same vertical by example one used for done on this front. Though there are specific are there done on this front. Though to this. devoted initiatives and organizations content for the long-term future? the long-term future? for content is being very little or nothing Unfortunately, Google offers. curated done to preserve is being What but they also act as full-blown directories where where but they also act as full-blown directories a plethora of in or aggregates brings each result what like Nothing info. complementary relevant Both of these are not just evolved vertical search search vertical not just evolved Both of these are filters, engines with many custom, dedicated to find and switch back to any past versions of versions back to any past to find and switch or iTunes). Skype but also physically preserves all of the released all of the released preserves but also physically it a snap tools (making software of free versions collects, vets and curates best cities and places best cities and places and curates vets collects, nomads, digital for the world around to live dversion knowledge areas. knowledge this are Early examples of engines will be orders of magnitude better than of magnitude will be orders engines in specific relevant information finding Google at leveraging the know-how and experience of mul and experience the know-how leveraging search these new experts, tiple subject-matter Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 20 platforms where we publishandshare much about thefuture ofthe content sharing In additiontothis,nobody has anycertainty documents publishedonline. can account for upto30%ormore ofallthe studies andresearch reports indicate that it Linkrot impactisnotmarginal to oneormore ofthereasons listedabove. signifies the rotting of web linksthat go baddue official namehasbeengiven toit: phenomenon issobigandpervasive that an Although you may never heard aboutit,this access allofthat stuffunless you digitize it? studios untilthe80s). How canyou read and of oneinchanalogvideotapeusedintelevision example of5¼floppydisks,oraboutthetons ments that are only 20to30years old(think for the more difficultto access, readfilesanddocu and hardware formats andstandards makes itall Furthermore theevolution andchangestofile there are noeconomic resources tomaintainit. malicious attacks, someofitgoesofflinebecause properly maintainhiswebsite. Someislostto down becausetheauthor/publisherdoesnot down for copyright orlegalreasons, somegoes comes difficulttofind,someis censored, taken moved todifferent online addresses andbe Content disappearsfor manyreasons ( do notlinktotheoriginallycitedinformation.” within United States Supreme Court opinions, Review andotherjournals,50%oftheURLs than 70%oftheURLswithinHarvard Law Harvard Law Schoolitwasreported that “more In anotherstudyconducted in2014at the longer worked. cent oftheURLscitedinthosepublications no Court opinions.After sixyears, nearly fiftyper had happenedto50percent ofU.S. Supreme publications hadgonebroken. Thesamething 70 percent ofallweb linksinsideacademic source CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE ) asdifferent Linkrot : muchis . It - - and curate information today dohave interests While thecompanies we usetocollect, publish the documentspublishedonline. it can account for upto30%ormore of all studies andresearch reports indicate that bad. Its impactisnot marginal asdifferent Linkrot istherotting of weblinksthatgo our culturalheritage. platforms dictate thefuture lifetime ofmuch these socialmediasharingandcontent curation strategy andinfrastructure putinplace by on very shakypillars,aswe letthedigitalbackup From thisviewpoint,ourculturalheritagerests entities oreven bygovernments. bought, closeddown,orbecontrolled bylarger will restrict orchargefor accessing content, be will remain alive, independentorwhetherthey of ourcontent. We don’t knowwhetherthey energies, research andattention. But thisiswhere we shouldputmore ofour galaxies. generations orbyintelligent beingsfrom other through itcould beaccessed andread byfuture there islittlehopethat whatever survives of ourpresent-day civilization andtechnology cataclysmic event, capableofwipingoutmost Given thenotsoremote possibilityofa heritage? in themasreliable gatekeepers ofourcultural In such asituation, howmuchtrustcanwe place not worrying aboutit. responsibility, andtherefore theyare obviously not even aware ofholdingsuchgreat cultural More than anything,thesecompanies are their stakeholders dictate. istic ideals,butrather bywhat Wall Street and lost, theydonotseemtobedriven byhuman in makingsure noneoftheirdata willever be


ROBIN GOOD future - , Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 21 - - of what of what are two two are to this archived information information to this archived and – a personal version of the Internet of the Internet – a personal version may consider soon.) consider may accessibility and of computers generations by future intelligent machines. memory may be some of the solutions we the solutions we be some of may memory Archive allowing Machine, – Wayback Archive any public archive to permanently anyone page. web specifically devoted services commercial of any page a permanent copy to create can be referenced it or document, so that the original will be moved, that without fear down. or taken deleted, censored d) • • AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E our culture, no matter whether these are news whether these are no matter our culture, stories, paintings, digital videos, 3D panoramas or stories and interviews of people in the street. The key issue with these services is that most is that issue with these services The key variable the key from do not seem to be exempt them all as vulnerable as any other makes that online: busi publishing or social media service as alive ability to remain (their ness permanence and their ability to find a business in the future, on physical such data store to permanently ways and used even can be accessed supports that . without the Internet) Conclusion expression is the cumulative Culture express we in and of what see, do, believe we our daily activities, whether commercial, through or spiritual. creative and pre organizes collects, curation Content artefacts of the best and most interesting serves A number of services and tools are already already and tools are A number of services basic issues some of the emerging to address Among these are: to linkrot. connected - -


for the value for of the flimsi both government both government of vast amounts of multiple, redundant multiple, redundant via our own distributed of time and in harsh or extreme climate climate of time and in harsh or extreme and holographic (Crystals conditions. online access was no Internet when there even resources and (by utilizing our own friends network), preserve and to physically store a way long periods very for such valuable content data locally, data cloning and replication secured in one single place, easily replica single place, in one secured continuously to device, device ble from track of all (but with a full record updated the changes made to it. indexes for all of the updated collections collections all of the updated for indexes of cultural A directory out there. available so to speak. directories, curated ly-relevant of collections collection a curated Such distributed, and not should be completely individuals into this art of finding, vetting, individuals into this art of finding, organizing and adding value to information artefacts. and maintain create support and incentivize to strive and individual-born activities that information preserve and organize, collect, for society. artefacts of significant value and organizations many more Empower for the longest time. for public appreciation increase of its our cultural heritage, of preserving of the consequences value and importance, forever. of when it gets lost increase public awareness increase need to and the ness of digital content, technology and tools to improve continue it to help us preserve specifically designed

c) b) a) d) c) b) a) Technology solutions that would help in this would that solutions Technology enable: could be those that would direction heritage: Here are some alternative routes of action routes some alternative are Here our cultural to help preserve be taken could that Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 22 This isourchallengefor thefuture. content safely andfor thelonghaul. need tobeablefindouthowpreserve this culture disappearinafew milliseconds. We cannot anticipate now, we shouldnotletour it isblocked byunforeseeable events that we If theInternet isever censored, goesdownor we publishandshare online. effective ways topreserve thedigital collections To supportitwe mustfindanddevisemore culture. Curation isthelive, updating museumofour perimeter anddepthofourinterests. content curators define who we are, andthe ing thebestresources andinformation available, By continuously selecting,archiving andpresent trusted guides. tent curators replace thembybecoming ournew spokespersons losetheirtrustworthiness, con And astraditionalbrandsandinstitutional separating thewheat from thechaff. relevant, interesting, innovative, rare, byactively help societyidentifyanddiscover what is Today, content curators are allaround usand others across time. allows ustotransmitthevalueofourculture to our, oranyotherspecificculture, isallabout. It hold, preserve andletothersdiscover what As suchcuration, is“the” bestinstrumentto CONTENT CURATION IN THE DIGITAL AGE. CURATION FOR DIGITAL HERITAGE - - By Robin Good(2016) Learning Why Curation Revolutionizes Education and By Nancy White, TechLearning (2014) Students Curating: Powerful Learning by Robin Good(2016) Content Curation Official Guide By BenedictEvans (2016) Lists Are theNew Search by Joyce KasmanValenza (2016) Curation Bibliography citations/ the-problem-of-link-and-reference-rot-in-legal- org/2014/03/perma-scoping-and-addressing- number 4(2014), at also in February 2014; Law Working Paper reference rot inlegalcitations,” Scoping andaddressing theproblem oflinkand J. Zittrain, K.AlbertandL.Lessig, 2013.“Perma: ton Post by Jim BarksdaleandFrancine Berman, Saving Our Digital Heritage and ViktorMayer Schoenberger(2015) ing Web Site Learning from Failure theCaseofDisappear By ArienneLafrance, The Internet Dark Ages by Jill Lepore, Can theInternet BeArchived? Harvard LawReview (2007) .

by Francine Barone, David Zeitlyn New Yorker , number13–42,at http://harvardlawreview. The Atlantic

· (2015)

ROBIN GOOD , volume 127,

Harvard Public

(2015) , accessed 24 http://

Washing ; - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 23 - (Digital Literacy, crap Literacy, (Digital (Health, New Energy, Econ Energy, New (Health, (P2P) (Publishing) (Influence and Trends) and (Influence (New Tech) (New (Culture) (Knowledge Management) (Knowledge (Education) (Social Leadership) (Learning) (Future, Tools) (Future, AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E David Kelly David Valenza Joyce Scoble Robert Bauwens Michel Barghava Rohit in specific interest areas interest in specific to follow) tweeters (*original Stodd Julian Jarche Harold Popova Maria Rheingold Howard detection) Kelly Kevin Furtado Alfonso Sepp Hasslberger P2P) omy, Trusted Guides (content curators) curators) (content Guides Trusted - - - - – Video curation platform for for platform – Video curation – Research engine leveraging engine leveraging – Research Open platform for annotating, annotating, for platform Open –

– Content discovery platform facil platform discovery – Content – News discovery and content and content discovery – News – Visual collection, discovery and discovery – Visual collection, – Content marketing and curation and curation marketing – Content – Bookmarking and research support – Bookmarking and research – Listing service allows you to collabora allows you – Listing service visualization, collaboration and curation to and curation collaboration visualization, discovery. content optimize feeds (RSS) on any topic. (RSS) feeds Zakta Research AndersPink content filtering and finding, aggregating itates tively curate directories of resources, tools and of resources, directories curate tively articles on specific subjects. and annotate it. and annotate ZEEF service makes it easy to save and archive any archive and save it easy to makes service it, tag it to categorize as well is”, page “as web information or customer assistance resources. or customer assistance information Diigo organizations for internal use as distribution for organizations product training and HR materials, for vehicle mented by the curator. Stream Microsoft Pinterest boards to create allows you platform gathering and com can be introduced items that of info magazies. platform allows you to search and find niche to search allows you platform inclu it for to edit and curate and then content blogs, online websites, journals, sion in thematic publishing platform allows you to curate vertical vertical to curate you allows publishing platform topics with minimal effort magazines on specific cost. zero and at entire web. entire Flipboard the curating and collaboratively highlighting Content Curation Tools Curation Content Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 24 andseveral marketing, advertising and communication agenciesfor andLondon. Inditex, ElCorte Inglés andeBay, amongotherleadingcompanies. He previously worked for Orange, he hasdeveloped strategy projects indigital culture andtechnologyfor Telefónica, Iberdrola, BBVA, contributes totheopinionsectionofeconomic daily a speaker at conferences andcongresses at variousuniversities andotherinstitutions.He also and variousbusinessschools.He currently teachesat theUniversidad CarlosIII.He hasbeen Antonio deNebrija, theUniversitat Oberta deCatalunya, theUniversidad deAlcaláHenares for brandsusingmusic.He hasbeen alecturer at the Faculty ofEconomics oftheUniversidad Cofounder anddirector ofMuwom, aninnovative company which creates content andexperiences Roberto Carreras THE MUSIC MARKET TRANSFORMATION BUT CULTURAL DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION GOES DIGITAL. IT’S NOT THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL @RobertoCarreras


ROBERTO CARRERAS El Economista . In thefieldof consultancy, Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 25 - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E nificantly in the twenty-first century. Traditional century. nificantly in the twenty-first artists, best-selling to back continued companies largely left out artists were but up-and-coming the self-management As a result, of the picture. phenomenon emerged in a big way. and video was developed. files online such as exchanging for Platforms sparking a and Kazaa thus emerged, Ares eDonkey, and its boundaries. copyright about debate heated the digital market The giant Apple dominated came on which iPod, and its first with iTunes tunes in your sale in 2001 with the slogan “1,000 had multiplied then P2P networks By pocket”. accustomed and millions of people were to downloading music; and mobile phones tunes and songs had likewise capable of playing appeared. habits, the sharp fall Changes in consumers’ and unauthorised copies in the value of hard music dealt a harsh transactions in recorded companies. blow to record sig industry dropped in the music Investments the original uncompressed file. uncompressed the original like companies against brought The lawsuits kind, stemmed used files of this which Napster, could be shared. the ease with which files from distribu the for service was an internet Napster first It was the format. in MP3 tion of music files was created and network major P2P exchange Halfway Fanning. and Shawn by Sean Parker and shareholders 2000, the company’s through and Sony held a of Universal representatives companies The record meeting to negotiate. but no agreement demanded 90% of the profits, was reached. music access consumers 75% of Nowadays invention for most revolutionary online. The when audio started out in 1988, consuming was Experts Group Picture the Moving digital audio for established and a standard could occupy 12 or even 15 times less space than less space 15 times 12 or even occupy could

- - Tom’s Tom’s Alpine Symphony would fit on a single fit would . After four years on the years four . After . Ninth Symphony Ninth Brothers in Arms Brothers 52nd Street by Suzanne Vega was the first track to be Vega by Suzanne sibility of adjusting the degree of compression; it of compression; sibility of adjusting the degree compressed into this format. MP3 became the into this format. compressed high-quality audio owing to the pos for standard developed. The Fraunhofer Institute in in Germany Institute The Fraunhofer developed. the first time. for the MP3 format encoded Diner Moving Picture Experts Group was established Experts Group Picture Moving digital audio and video was for and a standard Nowadays 75% of consumers access music access 75% of consumers Nowadays for invention online. The most revolutionary when the audio started out in 1988, consuming market, CDs became the most widely sold sound CDs market, system. group to sell a million copies of an album in CD to sell a million copies group format, exchange rates. exchange became the first Straits Dire later, years Three the binary system it ran on and sold for 168,000 for the binary system it ran on and sold current at equivalent to 1,022 euros yens, Sony launched its first CD player on 1 October on 1 Sony launched its first CD player as a tribute to CDP-101 was christened It 1982. and Frédéric Chopin’s waltzes. The first com The first waltzes. Chopin’s and Frédéric was Billy CD album, however, released mercially Joel’s quality than vinyl. The first compact discs to be quality than vinyl. The first Strauss’s Richard were recorded This format ensured that quality of sound was quality of sound that ensured This format higher audio also provided time. It not lost over Beethoven’s Beethoven’s cm. 12.7 to the current thus grew size disc. Its minutes of audio in an 11.5 cm-diameter disc. But minutes of audio extend wanted to Ohga, chairman, Norio Sony’s of the whole so that minutes the capacity to 74 mechanism and digital encoding. The creators The creators encoding. mechanism and digital 60 aimed to store and Sony, Philips of CDs, The first compact disc was created in June in compact disc was created The first by was developed The optical system 1980. the read for responsible while Sony was Philips, changes of the 20th century? of the 20th changes Can we understand today’s today’s understand Can we without the model music Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 26 dissemination viathesocialmedia,new Nowadays, thankstostreaming platforms and network inwhichusers take part. a streaming server andapeer-to-peer (P2P) be transferred through thecombination of and 2009.Thisplatform allowsaudiofilesto industry, Spotify, emergedbetween 2008 One ofthebiggesttransgressors inthemusic into themarket for sellingandexchanging tracks. which marked the incorporation of smartphones other iPod functionstobringoutitsfirst iPhone, ments intheviewingofpodcasts,images,videoand That sameyear Appletookadvantageofimprove home studioconcept onaninternetplatform. amateur artistsandthereal application ofthe distribution andpromotion ofmusiccreated by It isanessentialwebsite for understandingthe promote anddisseminate theirmusicprojects. collaboration between usersbyenablingthemto to distributeaudiocontent andencourages moulds in2007. Thisplatform makes itpossible But itwasSoundcloudthat broke allthe years ofmusic. music videos.Theseviewingstotalsome400 the content consumed onYouTube consists of the musicindustryinabigway. Today 45%of That year, 2005,theadvent ofYouTube changed ally closeddowntheplatform on12January 2012. put pressure onthegovernment, whicheventu the Recording Industry Association ofAmerica The AmericanSocietyofCinematographers and world and400millionsitesvisitedpermonth. within afew years: 180millionusersallover the company that wasboastingspectacularfigures In 2005KimSchmitzlaunchedMegaupload, a opera ariaperformed byEnrico Carusoin1902. become abestsellerwas enjoy prominence. The firstvinylinhistoryto a market where vinylrecords are expectedto copies willonlysurvive ascollectors’ items,in Meanwhile, expertsare claimingthat physical THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL Vesti lagiubba


, an ROBERTO CARRERAS - - well asstructural factors relating tothe owing tofalling salesof physical copies, as The crisisrecord labelsare experiencing have usbelieve. very different from what “theindustry” would kicking thanever andthat thecurrent reality is studies are showingthat musicismore alive and about thedire situation ofthemusicindustry, Despite thetroubling newsthat isreaching us by theinternetand,above all,bytechnology. one ofthemajorchangesinuserhabitstriggered The evolution ofhowwe experience musicis needs innovation The musicindustry mass music. the old-fashioned modelofradioformat and home industryisattempting tosurvive vis-à-vis which makes thefollowing important points: la-pirateria-que-no-va-a-gustar-a-nadie.html tura/20120628/54318080002/un-articulo-sobre- will like) ( a nadie” (Anarticleonpiracythat nobody artículo sobre lapiratería quenovaagustar In thisconnection, Irecommend you read “Un industry usedtolivinginopulence. among others,whichare wreaking havoc onan innovation andlowcommitment totechnology, the sector, suchasthebusinessmodel,lackof concerts, aswell asstructuralfactorsrelating to including thecurrent crisisandtheinlive This isontopofothercircumstantial factors, talented newartists. lines avery sadfact:theyare failingtoback owing tofallingsalesofphysicalcopies under Even so,thecrisisrecord labelsare experiencing are failing tobacktalentednewartists. technology, underlinesaverysadfact: they of innovation andlowcommitment to sector, suchasthebusinessmodel,lack - ), - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 27 - - each other. and participate. consume audiences How fans with their relationships artists’ How music recommenda changed (contact, have tions, etc.). How artists produce and collaborate with collaborate and produce artists How • • • AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E recession since 2001. since recession inno is due mainly to the constant This growth of business models in music marketplaces vation digital services and the expansion of related becoming blurred. Therefore, music must be Therefore, blurred. becoming and, on fans, on content focused increasingly The the experience. all, on customising above they lies in fans, who decide what importance and how. want to consume a decade, the recorded for plummeting After and to recovery music industry is on the road years, the first time in thirteen For revitalisation. in recorded of 0.3% an increase IFPI reported especially by the in 2012, driven music revenues of the digital music sector. growth an important becoming channels are Digital such as those markets in key of income source States. and the United India Sweden, of Norway, overtook Kingdom digital revenue the United In following the first time in 2012, physical for where States, of the United in the footsteps in 2011. 50.3% of income for digital accounted music industry had been sliding into The world The internet and technology have created an created technology have The internet and to the old business is hostile that environment new ideas, opportunities for models but full of – provided artists especially, new actors and, adapt to the changes willing to are they that of aware habits and are listening in consumers’ be successful. they need to do to what of cost-free hundreds have artists Nowadays to them on the internet for tools available no longer settle for music; consumers creating button but want to be play the just pressing both is boundary between and the involved; - away from the real problems it faces: the restruc it faces: problems the real from away are is consumed content the new ways turing that calling for. making readjustments to value chains and in some in some to value chains and making readjustments middlemen. Focusing cases getting rid of a few on piracy distracts attention the industry debate Another matter is the industry’s reluctance to to reluctance is the industry’s Another matter this involves change – which is understandable as useless to legislate with laws that are difficult are to that laws with useless to legislate and downloaded are books and films Music, enforce. so. [...] simply because it is possible to do shared Piracy cannot be a moral problem because there because cannot be a moral problem Piracy it isis more, this. What on is no social consensus capable of changing consumers’ habits. As this is habits. As this is consumers’ capable of changing this industry should take problem, a commercial solutions. when seeking approach as we have seen in music, TV and, more slowly, slowly, TV and, more seen in music, have as we to restructure. sector the content books, forcing it has proved has not only evolved; Technology than an ideological problem. The internet has been internet has been The problem. than an ideological industries, the creative for call wake-up a serious The fact is that piracy affects how content is sold content is how piracy affects that The fact is rather is, it is a commercial That than morals. more passive subjects to part of the creative process; process; subjects to part of the creative passive We all how popularity is achieved. and above ideas: sum this up in three could model: how artists relate to each other and model: how artists relate from their songs; fans’ shifting role produce Music has been undergoing a veritable revolution revolution has been undergoing a veritable Music of the internet. This the appearance since business conventional the is affecting revolution music industry: streaming The present-future of the of the The present-future to illustrate the wisdom of the Spanish saying saying the wisdom of the Spanish to illustrate bring house is on fire, neighbour’s “when your own”. to your water it to cite the recent bankruptcy of the music it to cite the recent Virgin and and England HMV in stores are being adopted, such as the United States States such as the United being adopted, are is Kingdom, digital distribution and the United physical distribution. Suffice higher than already In other countries where new business models new business where other countries In Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 28 year. all over theworld, up44%from theprevious paying subscribersincreased bysome20million climb slowly, thoughin2012thenumberof tion rates tostreaming services are beginningto an importantsource ofdigitalrevenue. Subscrip est-growing segmentofthemusicindustryand services for thistypeofconsumption thefast consumption relates tostreaming, making 70%; even so,40%ofthegrowth inmusic the highestproportion ofdigitalrevenue, around Downloading platforms continue toaccount for traditional industry. have broughtareal, positivechangefor the consumers more than 30millionsongs.They the worldand,more importantly, offering digital musicservices operating allover Today there are more than500licensed world muchmore efficiently. industry: theycanmonetisemarkets around the brought areal, positive changefor thetraditional than 30millionsongs.Digital platforms have more importantly, offering consumers more music services operating allover theworld and, Today there are more than500licensed digital were present inabout20. unthinkable at thestartofdecadewhenthey in more than185countries –agrowth that was and Deezer are already offering theirservices the world. Leading platforms like Spotify, iTunes (creation, production, consumption…) allover THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL


ROBERTO CARRERAS - - to have found itsfeet. Most record labels,both These figures showthat theindustryappears first halfof2016. amounted to1.6billiondollars(up 57%)inthe revenue from streaming intheUnited States 68 million.According toBloomberg Technology, streaming services allover theworld numbered By theendof2015,paying subscriberstomusic fee, aswell asfree, ad-supported subscriptions. to musicfor anincreasingly reasonable monthly ternet offers millionsofpeopleunlimitedaccess and there isnopointresisting thistrend. Thein Today investment isusuallyfocused ondigital, recorded in2016thankstostreaming platforms. and fallingCDsales,profits have at lastbeen advent oftheinternet,rumoursaboutpiracy to recover. Following thealarmtriggered bythe seems that themusicmarket isat laststarting After more thantwo decadesofinstability, it terms ofuserswe cannotomittomentionthe the highestnumberofpaying subscribers,butin leading streaming services? No doubttheyhave But are Spotify andAppleMusic really the to premium by2020. to have converted 10%ofits18millionfree users station, isdeveloping apaidservice whichhopes And Pandora, theworld’s leadingonlineradio platform ofwhichthere hasbeentalksince June. music business.Amazon isworking onamusic bringing newsources ofrevenue for theonline Music. Theadvent ofothercompetitors is despite thenewimpetusbeinggiven toApple stands at 40million,hasnoteven dropped of usersandpaying subscribers,whichalready main oneisundoubtedlySpotify, whose number via iTunes, manyalternatives have emerged.The the moneybeinglostthrough illegaldownloads Ever since Applebeganattempting torecover all of theseprofits. attract more subscribers, whoare thereal source streaming platforms are stillnotdoingenoughto Even so,according toareport bytheRIAA, large andsmall,have postedprofits this year. - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 29 - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E industry is the value of music in the digital era. of value was traditionally perceived The concept actor can an economic of profit as the measure From an object or service. for obtain in exchange the value of perspective, economic a merely the rising popularity of smartphones, tablets and the rising popularity of smartphones, Android, and Google’s iOS (Apple’s app stores buy consumers When behind the former). well only acquire smartphones and tablets they not but also music consuming for new platforms transactions. capable of performing new devices the full example, it is possible to complete For search, on a portable device: cycle experience For and share. consume and acquire, discover offering company any other (or music companies as developers, as well matter) that for content new create devices these modern consumption of distributing and opportunities and new ways monetising music. The value of music in a digital to free from environment: experiences enhanced music in today’s of the main debates One fall in piracy. This underlines how important it is underlines how important This fall in piracy. business models create music industry to the for changing with people’s consonant are that its instead of focusing habits music consumption laws. copyright on efforts services music consumption so, streamed Even can hinder that burdens to bear heavy continue as sustainable and their ability to function busi For these freemium businesses. profitable reducing involve shift would nesses, a paradigm traditional to the on content pay they the taxes 50% and 60%; between which fluctuate industry, to pay is reckoned Pandora to Spotify, according with other costs, as much as 70%. This, coupled profits. for little room leaves industry has the record The main development physical to witnessed during the transition from is probably digital distribution and consumption tected on total music sales, as well as a notable as well total music sales, tected on - - - - Music Con Music compiled by Ipsos for for by Ipsos compiled widely used – a positive impact has been de widely used – a positive In Sweden – the birthplace of Pirate Bay and Bay of Pirate – the birthplace Sweden In are services legal streaming where Spotify, of music in both physical and download physical music in both of tending to fall. are format average expenditure per person per year is expenditure average by physical now higher than that generated growing, sales are these markets sales. While la carte models. to subscriptions to online services, Thanks and Spotify, the subscription system had never the subscription system had never and Spotify, of à similar to that any kind of income developed with a steady income compared to the season compared with a steady income characterises à la carte sales of tracks ality that Rhapsody models like for or albums. Except The subscription system provides the industry The subscription system provides lies in an effective combination of the social combination lies in an effective music, a new functional of media and the world ity in networking. (Techonomy) speaks of a trend towards an towards speaks of a trend (Techonomy) the answer Perhaps emotional and social focus. users, generate high-quality, customised content content customised high-quality, users, generate What with a difference… services and offer Kirkpatrick heading in? David we are direction methods of funding that are more in tune with more are methods of funding that needs work and more More times. the present with to connect to be done behind the platforms All this is spurring the industry to seek new All this is spurring the industry to these markets are growing, sales of music in both sales of growing, are these markets tending to fall, are physical and download format in the first half of 2016. a 14% drop recording average expenditure per person per year is now per person per year expenditure average by physical sales. While generated higher than that All these novelties are evidently revitalising an revitalising evidently are All these novelties several for in fear had been cowering industry that to online services, Thanks to subscriptions years. the platform receives, this equates to about 820 equates this receives, the platform million listeners. IFPI, 82% of YouTube users visit this site to listen visit this site to users of YouTube IFPI, 82% of visits the volume Bearing in mind to music. mighty YouTube. According to the to According mighty YouTube. 2016 Report sumer Insight Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 30 and live musicexperiences, amongothers. tion, multi-platform consumption, reduced price to theartist,exclusive content, fastconsump of theinternet:consumer experience, closeness are beginningtovalueasaresult oftheimpact neglect otherelementswhichmusicconsumers on aspecificproduct (CDs). Thishascauseditto has pushedintothebackground inorder tofocus There are key factorswhichthemusicindustry becoming aservice. is undoubtedlyceasing tobeaproduct andis or service that musiccanoffer them. Music sumption andtohowtheyvaluetheproduct have theirownneedsandattitudes tocon which isaimedat allkindsofaudiences –each Consumers –especiallyinthecaseofmusic, the consumers atwhomthemusicisaimed. importance tobearinmindthehabits of therefore, itisstarting tobeof strategic part of ourlivesandimprovestheirquality; product andisbecoming aservice. It is Music isundoubtedlyceasing tobea the customerisprepared topay. consideration inthemusicworld ishowmuch willing topay for it.Therefore, afundamental perceived byconsumers andwhat theyare There isadirect relationship between thevalue the Equation”, McDougall andLevesque, 2000). tion withServices: Putting Perceived Value into Research”, Zeithaml, 1988; “Customer Satisfac of Service Quality andIts Implications for Future and perceived sacrifices (“A Conceptual Model consumer’s comparison ofperceived benefits Perceived valueisdefinedasthe result ofthe sharing platforms. illegal suchastorrents, P2Pnetworks orfile radio, YouTube, Deezer andSpotify, andafew channels, manyofthemlegalsuchastraditional access tomusicfree ofchargeviaahost subscription and,above all,asaresult ofeasy music hasplummeted:price ofCDv. streaming THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL


ROBERTO CARRERAS - - - 48% oflistenersdiscover musicthrough the most widelyusedchannelsfor discovering music: providing access tomusicfree ofchargeare the A recent studybyNielsen showsthat portals importance toartistsnowadays. they follow. Fostering listenerloyalty isofkey perceive thevalueofwork ofthe artists previously witnessed.Theideaisfor clientsto and experience around theartistinaway never we needtoprogress towards buildingabrand in whichfansdemandclosenesstotheirartists, In thisnewenvironment shapedbytechnology, consumers at whomthemusicisaimed. importance tobearinmindthehabitsof quality; therefore, itisstartingtobe ofstrategic or services, ispartofourlives andimproves their who consumes it.Music, unlike otherproducts but rather byallthebenefitsitoffers theclient A product isnolongerdefinedonlybyitsprice willingness topay is greatly reduced. have the samevalueasthosethat are paidfor, free products andservices are perceived to pay for what they have tooffer, becausewhen ask themselves ishow to increase readiness to revenue. What musicindustryplayers needto perceived value isnolongerjustaguaranteeof and services. Asinallthemajorindustries, comes toobtainingvaluefrom musicproducts “currency” inconsumer transactionswhenit society, becausethere are manyothertypesof on whetherconsumers valuemusicintoday’s bate therefore shouldnotnecessarily becentred Taking thesefactorsintoconsideration, thede much more thanever. Music consumers listentoandinteractwithit social involvement inmusic-related experiences. influenced bytime, attention, personaldata and concerns, digitalmusicconsumption isalso into account factorsotherthanmerely economic Viewed from abroader perspective that takes to allothersources for listeningtomusic. radio, whereas 64%ofmillennialsprefer YouTube - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 31 , - who not only gazes who not only gazes flâneur Nuevas tecnologías, música y experiencia tecnologías, música Nuevas One of the consequences of technological innova of the consequences One few are ubiquity of music: there tion is the growing than more Today, it is not present. where spaces all times and is part us at music accompanies ever, of our experiences. prosthetic mobile phones… are MP3s, iPods, personal and shape someone’s project that devices along his own allowing him to take space, and making the person who carries “soundtrack” them a new type of shop windows but carries in the city’s wares at Spotify). like (services his own playlist around users inhabit a sort of iPod The fact that and their of their own with themselves universe they are that does not mean to say “soundtrack” to music. linked networks not part of socialisation AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E In Yúdice’s view, the same technologies that the same technologies that view, Yúdice’s In possible experience this type of private make of of interactivity, new forms possible also make bonds of belonging and sociability, strengthening experience. in a new type of collective resulting unmistakeably one of the best I have read for for read one of the best I have unmistakeably on understanding the impact of technology habits: music consumption people’s technology, especially the internet, we listen to listen the internet, we especially technology, easier an have and artists than ever music more for keen to audiences their content time getting middlemen. without new experiences, especially the technology, to Thanks music than ever to more internet, we listen an easier time getting and artists have new for keen to audiences their content without middlemen. experiences, taking is increasingly to music access Enjoying their can access owning it: consumers from over all from and above music anytime, anywhere, in physical is distributed that Music any device. a handicap or a only is set to become format collectors. at more aimed product and George Yúdice Some time ago I discovered his book country or belonged to his circle. Thanks to Thanks his circle. or belonged to country - local musician unless you lived in the same lived local musician unless you turning into a service. It used to be impossible to It turning into a service. to purchase without having liked buy a song you the whole album or to listen to a little-known Music is evidently ceasing to be a product and to be a product is evidently ceasing Music From music as a product music as a product From to music as a service of discovering, accessing, consuming and sharing consuming accessing, of discovering, like. the music we and about generating unique experiences that that unique experiences and about generating them a fundamental part of our new way make is light years ahead of the music industry, which ahead of the music industry, is light years and for it about working has a lot to learn from its music on behalf of the people who consume strategically building their perceived value of the value of perceived building their strategically technology this respect In music they consume. changing music consumption habits should changing music consumption entail accusing under no circumstances it should involve customers of piracy; rather, Whatever the case, fighting against people’s against people’s the case, fighting Whatever industry recorded an upturn since 1999, growth growth 1999, an upturn since industry recorded to amounted to 13.8%, compared in Sweden of the world. 0.2% in the rest accounts for 91% of digital revenue, whereas in whereas 91% of digital revenue, for accounts at only stands the figure world of the the rest year the music in 2012, the first 13%. Indeed, where music has become a service instead of a service become music has where streaming in Sweden is more, What a product. case is that of Sweden, a country where stream where a country of Sweden, case is that of music industry revenue ing is a larger source is, a country than downloads and CD sales – that of consumption because they value consumption consumption because they value of consumption revealing this. A prove And the facts differently. higher level than is currently available. than is currently higher level a new form for calling are music consumers New they no longer settle for just pressing the play the play just pressing longer settle for they no met. is not being a need that button and this is a at is an underlying wish to connect There of products and services that complement the complement that and services of products want more; Fans available. are music experience A recent study by Nielsen shows that willingness willingness shows that study by Nielsen A recent number when a significantly increases to pay Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 32 have changedforever: Today thekeys to digitalmusicconsumption radical shiftinthebusinessmodel. to themajorsmeansthat we are likely toseea fact that theyare furthermore outofbounds people andcreate networks ofindividuals.The music” spaces are meetingplaces that connect and socialnetworking sites,thesenew“parallel tion ofexperience; from blogstochats toportals influences socialorganisation andtheorganisa New technologieshave changedhowmusic sumed, commented onandshared thanever. present whenmore musicisproduced, con signs ofthissocialdimensionat atimelike the Phenomena like YouTube are themostvisible • • • • • THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL to stardom. and Justin Bieber, amongmanyothers, rise have helped young artists like Pablo Alborán (have you heard of#youtubers?), which the emergence ofservices like YouTube Changes inhowpopularityisachieved with networking platforms. mendations bycontacts onvarioussocial on YouTube are discovered through recom that more than60%ofthevideosviewed This isproven byfigures suchasthefact sociability afforded bysocialmediaservices. with theirfriendsinorder totapintothe music, peoplewanttobeableshare it Sharing: aswell asenjoying easyaccess to businesses. Consolidation ofthedigitalandstreaming services. subscription modelsandCloudComputing an infinitejukebox thankstothegrowth of Shazam. Thekey liesin beingabletoenjoy as proven bythesuccess ofapplications like new songssimplywhenwe listentothem, compile everything butdiscover andaccess Capture v. collect: we don’t wantto product tomusicasaservice.” Access v. ownership:“From musicasa


ROBERTO CARRERAS - - - access tocountless culturalcontent. AsLarry for fostering collaboration between peopleand internet andthemeanstechnologyprovides culture asmuchthepresent, thankstothe have taken partincreating andre-creating have we witnessedaperiodinwhichpeople However, never before inthehistoryofmankind contribute theircreativity. – userskeen toconsume andre-create, keen to using restrictive legislation andantipiracylaws international monopoliesthat prosecute people the handsofmajorindustries,governments and been soprofessionalised, orsoconcentrated in before inthehistoryofmankindhadculture as creators –atop-downculture. Even so,never consumed butconsumers were notperceived We have leftbehindtheerawhencreativity was importance inmusic Remix culture andits in themagazine According toaninterviewwithVitoCampanelli culture”. different. It’s howtheyunderstandaccess tothis and remixing themtomake themsomething Taking thesongsofday andtheoldsongs that your kidsare producing allthetime… Lessig stresses theimportance of“theculture the caseofmusic,andonbusinessworld. are having ahighimpactbothonculture, asin such asremix culture andcrowdsourcing, which is spurringtheemergence ofnewphenomena what theyare doing andnotfor themoney”. This a “culture where peopleproduce for thelove of founder ofCreative Commons pointsout,itis Lessig, aprofessor at Stanford University andthe especially bearinginmindthe simplicityand repetition, we inhabitremix culture parexcellence, always evolved through variation, selectionand come upagainstevery day. While culture has with theoverload ofdigitalinformation they post-production andremixing inorder tocope Individuals are forced tothinkintermsof Ñ : Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 33 - - - ).” free culture free AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E the most successful initiatives is undoubtedly initiatives the most successful which support licenses, Commons the Creative by transfer work their in disseminating creators them ring some rights to those who consume the same time allow them to defend and at transforming that which exists. On the remix the remix which exists. On that transforming which can mix and upload content idea: I take, and talent”. innovation of a high degree also have sur of what “much Castells: Manuel Recalling the four from prises us about the internet derives it: technical-scientific, helped create that cultures hacker, transparency; the internet which gives the which is based on the value of creativity, the for members and respect of its generosity communities, and virtual pioneers; entrepreneurs; to giving a voice for responsible which are These elements their interests. whatever anyone, clashes with that lend the internet a transparency which need to be of society, the basic structures such as intellectual adapted to this new reality, and (remix property thousands of people are the world All over exists. already what new things from creating springing up all over are initiatives Interesting of One culture. this remix to foster the world collaboration is ushering in a new era in people’s era in people’s ushering in a new is collaboration – a new and productivity growth development, the game is changing collaboration era in which governments, institutions, companies, rules for are and people. Initiatives artists, musicians a huge having field which are springing up in this and consumed. is created impact on how music viewed ten most frequently eight of the Indeed, and many to music related are videos on YouTube users of unknown creations of them stem from co-create and cut and paste, create who remix, and materials based on existing new products is playing culture by artists. Remix those created role in the music in significant an increasingly been practised by musicians, dustry; it has always time it is open to the creation the first but for of people and internet users. and creativity should points out, “content Piscitelli As Alejandro but also on not be based solely on originality, The potential of the internet as a tool for as a tool for of the internet The potential - with everything else. with everything selecting, building, editing and publishing data publishing data building, editing and selecting, a period of can predict we became so easy that can be mixed everything in which “total remix” As Lev Manovich maintains, modern software software maintains, modern Manovich As Lev for operations where scenario a to life brought speed of computerised cut & paste routines, and and routines, cut & paste computerised speed of Effects. and After of Photoshop the intuitiveness positive results. positive collaborate with people in a real way. The spirit way. with people in a real collaborate is gaining online initiatives of sharing and real truly and reaping importance and more more part in their creations, companies that decide that companies part in their creations, that to back their clients’ ideas, or governments get together to collaborate, create and re-create, and re-create, create get together to collaborate, the users, or through either among ourselves, of artists who allow others to take initiatives more and more examples of the importance of importance examples of the and more more people. The between openness and collaboration how we a new paradigm for internet has brought All over the world, every day, we are finding are we day, every the world, All over ourselves, users, or through the initiatives part in to take artists who allow others of their creations. for how we get together to collaborate, how we get together to collaborate, for either among and re-create, create becoming common. becoming a new paradigm internet has brought The exhibitions of AMVs. Digital artistic expressions artistic expressions Digital exhibitions of AMVs. to be marginal and are ceasing of this kind are chronise edited video clips with an audio track. edited chronise the internet. distributed over are AMVs Most or often run contests anime conventions Many audio track. They are mostly music videos which audio track. They are released by the musicians not been officially have which syn fan compositions rather but are AMV) is a music video consisting of clips from of clips from AMV) is a music video consisting shows or films, set to an animation one or more Another example is what is happening with is happening with is what Another example to Wikipedia, anime music video. According an as abbreviated anime music video (commonly creation with phenomena such as NetArt and and such as NetArt with phenomena creation and the Santofile group. Jodi examples like We are witnessing the impact of collective of collective witnessing the impact are We Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 34 to contribute tracks to works inprogress. section listsfree and paying requests for artists or collaborate onprojects. An“Opportunities” stems from othermemberstocreate remixes tracks underCreative Commons licenses oruse platform. Members canuploadtheirown Music, aglobalnetworking siteandcollaboration In February 2007, five musicianslaunched Indaba Indaba Music rather thanjustlisteningontheradio”. and putsomeemotion,heartsoulintoit great way toletpeoplegetinvolved inthemusic brought alotofattention tothemusic.Thisisa and thensharingthemwiththeirfriends,which (OGS), “People were uploadingtheirremixes Vadim’s record labelOrganically Grown Sounds According toBenDawson, whoworks for DJ have created more thanfive hundred remixes. downloaded Vadim’s tracksviaccMixter and to theirownliking.Three thousandpeoplehave a Creative Commons license andremake them other producers todownloadhistracksunder uses ccMixter, acommunity remix site,toallow In search ofinspiration andnewtalent,Vadim Case ofDJVadim book are describedbelow: Some ofthemusicprojects dealtwithinthe exchanges through Creative Commons licenses. commemorates thetenthanniversary offree downloading thebook free souls.Althoughitisold,we recommend sharing –inotherwords, theculture ofJoi Ito’s it istheculture ofdigitalandtheculture of Openness ismore thanjusttoolsandcontent, software developers interact. an organisation where culture professionals and Creative Commons orColaboratorio Platoniq, to remix culture, suchastheabovementioned for alternative licenses that lendthemselves copyright. Therefore, there isgrowing demand a free culture amidthethreats ofabusive THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL The Power of Open


ROBERTO CARRERAS , which with thespiritofsharingandcollaboration, all – withtracksremixed byIndaba users.In keeping album –called yielded enoughcontent tocreate asecond Creative Commons license, amanoeuvre that Leaving Wonderland ...In aFit of Rage components ofevery trackfrom itslatest album, rock bandMarcy Playground licensed allthe can expandcreativity. In late 2010,alternative proven that, whengiven therighttools,freedom Indaba’s 540,000usersfrom 200countries have spread widely. between newcomers andestablishedartiststo BY-NC-ND) license, allowingthecollaborations mons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC available tothepublicunderCreative Com Ma. Theremixes from theseprojects are made Peter Gabriel,Weezer, Snoop Dogg andYo-Yo perimentation withtracksbyfamousartistslike Indaba alsohostscontests that encourage ex that looked as iftheycamefrom anoldTV. The Aaron Koblin toproduce adata set of3Dimages traditional video,theyasked digitalmedia artist was produced withoutcameras.Instead ofa music videofor thesong“House ofCards.” It alternative rock bandRadioheadreleased a In July 2008,theGrammy Award-winning Tiago SerraandRadioHead revenue 50/50 withmusicians. permitted bytheCC licenses. Jamendo splitsits the public,thenchargingfor access torightsnot business model,providing allcontent for free to listen toit.Thecompany usesafreemium Commons licenses toanyone whowantsto to make theirmusicavailable underCreative a uniqueWeb platform that allowsmusicians Zimmer andtwo partnersfounded Jamendo, In 2004 theLuxembourg musicianSylvain Jamendo royalties. of thecontributors onthealbumwillbepaid Indaba Remixes fromWonderland , undera - -

Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 35 - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E wide, in the first half of 2015 digital music sales physical sales – 38 million euros outnumbered to a report to 32.5 million – according compared artists’ recording the Spanish by Promusicae, all to The change is due above association. 2015 was also the year that sales of digital that 2015 was also the year as had physical in Spain, musical overtook the and States in the United occurred previously has brought Kingdom in 2011. Streaming United the times. For hope to music, especially in recent world occurred Spain, as already first time in song downloads via platforms like iTunes and the and iTunes like via platforms song downloads recorded which streaming, of consolidation in the respectively of 93% and 85% growth of two States, and the United Kingdom United 40% of which generate the main music markets profits. the music industry’s subscribers worldwide. 2015 saw the collapse of collapse the 2015 saw worldwide. subscribers - ). on 22 July 1765 (Music Circu (Music 1765 on 22 July L’Avant-coureur today there are some 60 million streaming music some 60 million streaming are there today libraryscience/179 this historical example, from forward Moving lating Libraries in France: An Overview and a An Overview Libraries in France: lating List, Preliminary Jean-Baptiste Miroglio. Their project, called Their project, Miroglio. Jean-Baptiste was published musical”, d’abonnement “Bureau in known music library dates from the eighteenth the from known music library dates by the Belgian in Paris and was created century violinist and the Italian painter Antoine de Peters consume the content they want and experience and experience they want the content consume The first and not as a product. it as a service and technological disruption, undoubtedly, and and technological disruption, undoubtedly, which they all owing to the speed at above and access changing how people discover, are has brought, are not new. They are transforming transforming They are not new. are has brought, adaptation the sector owing to the speed of Subscription models in music, like so many models in music, like Subscription the digital revolution believe other things we music is not just listened music is not just listened to, it is also viewed The battle for streaming: streaming: for The battle designs for physical objects. Because the code objects. Because the code physical designs for under was licensed visual data the original for work. derivative so was Serra’s BY-NC-SA, CC Flickr and Vimeo. He posted the 3D design onto posted the 3D design and Vimeo. He Flickr digital users share where a website Thingiverse, town of Coimbra, Portugal, and is a fan of both and is a fan Portugal, town of Coimbra, and – uploaded photos Radiohead and Koblin onto a video of the manufacturing process Serra – who co-founded a Hackerspace in the a Hackerspace Serra – who co-founded coordinates using Blender to print a sculpture of to print a sculpture using Blender coordinates of ABS plastic with a 3D head out Thom Yorke’s printer. Providing access to the open source code yielded code open source to the access Providing a Portuguese Tiago Serra, unexpected results. a set of took it and created interaction designer, BY-NC-SA license. BY-NC-SA band released the code for the visual data on the on data the visual for the code band released Commons under the Creative site Google Code Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 36 that ofoursocialenvironment. share itefficiently forourownenjoyment and whatever allowsustoconsume, discover and most things.Therefore we willalways adaptto disruption, asmusicispartofourlives more than goes handinwithanytechnological industry, becausepeople’s musicconsumption which peopleandtechnologyare aheadofthe undergoing transformation. Music isasectorin and industries,aswell as toanyothercompany lessons tomanyotherentertainmentsectors digital transformation andwillcarryonteaching inarguably oneoftheleadersandguides The musicmarket indigitalenvironments is generation, isYouTube. music isconcerned, especiallyfor themillennial Apple Music… Today themainplayer asfar mind, like Spotify, Pandora, Napster, Deezer and well-established native platforms that springto The majorplayers are nolongeronlythe viewed aswell. ing: musicisincreasingly notjustlistenedto but And herein liesthekey tothefuture ofstream in theUnited Kingdom. launched itsownstreaming service, Prime Music, Play Music orApple’s Beats 1.AndAmazon has a radiooffering withnew features inGoogle only provide astreaming service butalsoinclude Apple Music andYouTube Music Key, whichnot technology giants,AppleandGoogle,launched 2015 waslikewise theyear that thetwo than 80%ofthedigitalmarket’s profits. to thesameperiodin2014andaccount for more streaming, asitsrevenues rose by40%compared THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL


ROBERTO CARRERAS - is spurringcommercialisation and,accordingly, increasing adaptation totheyoung generations locomotive oftechnological development andits and real environments coexist. Theunstoppable a consumption experience inwhichthedigital aims tobepartofpeople’s real lives andshape in digitalenvironments; thankstotechnology, it us. Music nolongerseeksonlytobeconsumed over everything andcontrols theworld around adapting toaworld where thescreen hastaken advertising companies andrecord labelsare music onthedigitalmarkets nolongerworks; new century’s consumers. Buying albumsor their modusoperandiwiththeadvent ofthe systems hasledmajorcompanies toreconsider The disruptive metamorphosisofbusiness closer tothephysicalworld to bringthedigitalexperience music industry:virtualreality The technologyofthenew Björk Digital tour. Vulnicura Icelandic singerpresented her latest album, to release amusicalbuminVR.Lastweek the reality technologies.Björk wasthefirstartist technology today withouttakingalookat virtual But itisimpossibletospeakofcutting-edge songs andalsolive 3D music sessions. first professional production tools for creating world. Thisgroup ofexpertsisdeveloping the which leadsateamofresearchers allover the is thework ofthetechnologycentre Eurecat, An importantpointofreference inourcountry transformation. well astoanyother company undergoing entertainment sectorsandindustries,as carry on teachinglessonstomanyother guides of digitaltransformation andwill is inarguably oneof theleadersand The musicmarket indigitalenvironments established media. an impressive process ofadaptation tothe , usingthistechnologyas partofthe Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 37 - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E The recording artist Squarepusher has composed has composed artist Squarepusher The recording is designed to one of his songs. It for a VR piece in a fantastical and psycho immerse the viewer story includes an allegorical The journey. active of colour. realms through voyage In Intone the adventure begins with a group of begins with a group the adventure Intone In can select the blocks You of you. blocks in front and move and, depending on the noise, they seems to be a general, Intone In change colour. interactive involving experiment virtual reality audio-visualisers. are and apps that prototypes are There adaptable to the immersive experience concept the explores Lyra by VR. offered different synaesthesia and navigates the of offers. creation perspectives musical get a a child again and you are you Imagine not all; that’s Christmas. But xylophone for can immerse yourself VR you with Playthings where similar to Candy Crush, very in a world gummy bears, hotdogs or instruments are your and fantasy full of colour hamburgers… A space can learn to handle drumsticks. you where virtual reality industry reality virtual treated were we Festival FACYL the at 4 June On based Carlos Jean from session to an innovative a well-known show in which on a virtual reality songs with interpreted Marest, artist, Antonyo more by watched and forms, lines, colours, VIVE and thanks to HTC than 20,000 people Mountain. adapt are that and apps prototypes are There by offered experience able to the immersive of synaesthesia the concept explores VR. Lyra musical perspectives the different and navigates Users can handle notes as offers. creation production with a traditional they would that the significant difference with programme, hypnotic and dynamic action in a 3D it is a more environment. Musical novelties in the in the novelties Musical - - , El Guincho provides a provides , El Guincho Hiperasia tary physical-world experience of the music they experience tary physical-world in digital format. consume All these initiatives bring the digital world closer bring the digital world All these initiatives as part of the constant, to the physical world a complemen users to enjoy need for growing wristbands to distribute his work to the public, wristbands to distribute his work disc format. eschewing the traditional compact discover his new tracks. His “Internet of Things” “Internet his new tracks. His discover and sweatshirts him to make motto inspired In his album In in which to universe futuristic augmented reality trainers incorporating an electric system with a trainers incorporating guitar pedal. built-in closely linked to that of fashion. Converse Chuck of fashion. Converse to that closely linked serious for launched a wearable All Wah Taylor edition of their most famous fans: a special rock The world of technology and music is also very and music is also very of technology The world followers to enjoy an unreleased track whose track whose an unreleased to enjoy followers and was in 360 degrees video clip was recorded Zorrilla. by Carlos directed band’s mind, to the origin of their songs and the mind, to the origin band’s This mechanisms they use to seek inspiration. enabled the group’s unparalleled experience Groups like Love of Lesbian have used VR have of Lesbian Love like Groups fans inside the to take technology in “Efímera” Vive headsets and can be downloaded from the and can be downloaded from headsets Vive videogame platform. Steam a Theremin to start creating your productions productions your to start creating a Theremin HTC for new app is available This virtually. tions. For example, SoundStage transports you transports you example, SoundStage tions. For keyboards, can find you where to a virtual studio modular synthesisers and even drum machines, in order to enjoy a sensory experience. a sensory to enjoy in order music applica VR interesting truly are there But technology allows it to create a virtual space virtual space a allows it to create technology a physical environment users can explore where Like Björk, various groups are offering immersive immersive offering are groups various Björk, Like room-scale Its Vive. in HTC viewed experiences Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 38 will mentiononlyafew: stemmed from avarietyoffactors,whichwe in question.Theseconsiderable limitations brand itselfortheproprietor (artist, festival…) strategy andvaluebuildingfor theaudience, the been hugefrom thepointofviewbrand other well-established fieldssuchassporthave shortcomings ofthisterritorycompared to at musicfestivals andlittleelse.However, the it toreach aspecificartist’s fansoraudiences territory. Thismeansthat manybrandsused For manyyears musichasbeen sponsorship with through brandbuildingstrategies. engaging withthepeoplewe sowanttoconnect way tocustomisation, whichisincreasingly projects. Meaningless masssponsorshipisgiving and become actualpatrons ofreal people’s is for brandstotellstories,supportreal projects no longermakes senseandwhat really matters wards avaluemodelinwhichsticker sponsorship of musicinparticular, isincreasingly evolving to It isevidentthat sponsorshipingeneral,andthat act closer?: therole ofbrands How canmusicbringthecultural storytelling. others, whichhave embraced thisnewform of such asthoseofTheWeeknd orU2,among And we alsofind360-degree videoclips where theaudience takes partactively. mances inimpressive, spectacularenvironments bands, artistsandmusicianstogenerate perfor Amplify VRisavirtualplatform that allows • • THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL to theunstoppablefallin albumsales. accounts whosefigures plummetedowing gross mistake –andallitdidwaspay afew question hadnothingtooffer theartist–a For therecord company, thebrandin sionals responsible for thebrands. purely onthepersonaltastesofprofes Support for artistXorfestival Zbased


ROBERTO CARRERAS - - - nise itonmyPCorMac, enjoy it live, cry, their smartphones,view it onYouTube, synchro music istruly hearts thanthrough theirears.Andbecause For there isnobetterway ofreaching people’s Uber orBlablacar… phone; notatrainjourneybutanexperience in with them:notacarbutsophisticated mobile are capableofexciting themandempathising things move millennialsexcept for thosethat all brandshanker after:the“millennials”. Few cially effective at engagingwiththeaudience brand stories.Andalsoalanguagethat isespe it hasbecome anexcellent languagefor telling creative industries:theyare notsport); rather, Music isnotaterritory(nor are otherculture and engaging withaudiences. a languagethatisespeciallyeffective at language for tellingbrand stories.Andalso sport); rather, ithasbecome anexcellent culture andcreative industries:theyare not Music isnot aterritory(nor are other • • position basedon understanding andbuildingfrom anhonest user). It isnotsomuchacaseofdoingas involve beingthebestTwitter orFacebook experience ofit,anditcertainly doesn’t know howtomanageitorhave professional service to“digital transformation” butfew of transformation (many peoplepay lip mistake! digital the socialmediaandbrandXknowsthat has lots–no,thousands!offollowers on Brand XchoosesartistYbecausethelatter based. between brandsandmusichasalways been of intermediariesonwhichtherelationship an artist.Thisistheproblem ofthebusiness and nobetterideaspersonfor abrandthan communication for anartistthanabrand, though today there isnobettermeansof They never worked togetherto isanincreasingly importantchannel. Digital isawork ethic,aprocess transmedia fans’ : peoplelistentoiton behaviour. build , even - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 39 . The five most . The five AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Projects like Renfe’s show that music is essential show that Renfe’s like Projects and should be just as or even companies for of in the rest all the players for essential more live we industries. Today creative and the culture which also means in a changing environment, opportunities. of constant an environment with colleagues ourselves should surround We our passion who allow us to carry on making can fulfil without the you Any dream our work. the For small dream. help of others is a very opportunity to establish synergies is huge in the increasingly are people where new environment consume which they enjoy, that aiming to make on the internet a reality. day every and share while travelling by train through the website website the train through by while travelling for inspiration chosen as were moving stories to Zelada Juan Bebe and the singer-songwriters a song. compose November on 10 released The song was officially museum), (railway del Ferrocarril the Museo at and the Muwom together with Renfe, where a live presented Zelada, Juan artists Bebe and “Your of the innovative of the result performance the song entitled “A song” initiative: your story, was attended the event Naturally carcajadas”. Eduardo by the main characters in the story, an to receive excited very who were and Rocío, of the action. and memory in recognition award carcajadas”, “A new song, Zelada’s Bebe and Juan on 11 November. came out on digital platforms Fundación Apascovi. go to will All profits Renfe users sent in stories they had experienced experienced stories they had users sent in Renfe -

- - , admira emotion understanding ). universal with our target audiences. with our target audiences. . And admiration is a powerful is a powerful . And admiration empathising commitment to music as a way of getting its to music as a way commitment experiences. to enjoy travellers turning them into a real song using the digital turning them into a real 2016 it was the first of a number medium. In ongoing Renfe’s design to foster of initiatives result of this project is the first song composed song is the first of this project result train passengers’ stories and experiences. from experiences, links real-life directly The project reaching its travellers through the initiative “Your “Your the initiative through its travellers reaching The historia, tu canción). (Tu song” your story, For these reasons Renfe, Spain’s railway railway Spain’s Renfe, these reasons For of music as a way has decided to use company, travel. Train journeys have always been particu always journeys have Train travel. to music. larly linked Today more than ever before it accompanies it accompanies before than ever more Today It is part of our experiences. and us constantly we especially when life, in everyday is present Renfe’s “Your story, your song” your story, “Your Renfe’s lives. been part of people’s has always Music succeeding. up with projects aimed at getting their message aimed at up with projects using music, and many are to audiences across ently every day. The key lies in The key day. ently every and thus coming are brands and institutions Major I believe we should try and do things a bit differ should try and do things we I believe because regardless of how long it lasts (a second, second, (a of how long it lasts because regardless with us it remains a day…) a minute, an hour, forever. The major brands do not create or produce or produce create brands do not The major they generate or content, advertising tion music is language ( music is laugh, share it on the social media… If we speak we media… If it on the social laugh, share or emotions, experiences connection, of digital, Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 40 kBEEIVd9wLg9jMmvIdsGdJ/story.html ster-brainstorming-keep-music-business/ business/2016/08/11/generation-after-nap try-w433914 inside-youtubes-war-with-the-music-indus entertainment-arts-37444038 come-a-next-generation-label/ com/2016/10/21/how-spotify-can-be https://musicindustryblog.wordpress. where-music-and-technology-unite-1103 dustry-new-relationship-with-artists-1201934110/ how-streaming-is-changing-music-again la-argentina/ el-streaming-hizo-crecer-35-la-industria-musical- la-industria-musical/ imiento/el-streaming-quiere-ser-el-salvador-de- html mia/2016/05/20/actualidad/1463735593_728358. pera-fisico-201604121400_noticia.html stria-musical-entra-nueva-formato-digital-su News Links THE MUSIC MARKET GOES DIGITAL - -


ROBERTO CARRERAS ------actualidad/1463658603_703002.html 8b45af.html companias/2016/05/13/5733492b268e3e501b ers-are-reinventing-the-way-we-classify-music/ ing-role-in-advertisin.html article/276343/future-sounds-musics-evolv are-re-defining-listening/ com/2016/04/26/after-the-album-how-playlists- https://musicindustryblog.wordpress. youtube-music-copyright-royalties-war Music Ally: Music Industry Blog: Music Business Worldwide: Muwom’s blog: Industria Musical: Websites ofinterest IFPI-GLOBAL-MUSIC-REPORT-2016 grabada-superan-a-los-fisicos sic-report-2016-los-soportes-digitales-de-musica- view/13-noticias/240-informe-ifpi-global-mu Reports https://musicindustryblog. - - - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 41 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Encore Awards: Awards: Encore watch?v=qXZ4qGVulXI Midem: Midem: SXSW: BIME: Key congresses and conferences congresses Key Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 42 and associate lecturer at several European universities. She iscurrently acommunications consultant, international lecturer, she founded thefirst company in the Spanish-speaking world dedicated exclusively tostorytelling. sector. In 2007she decidedtocombine herprofessional experience withherpassionfor storiesand publisher ofbooksarchitecture, photographyanddesignaspublicrelations inthesports has trainedintheareas ofcoaching, NLPandstorytellinginEurope, Brazil andIsrael. Works as a Of Dutch origin,Eva hasbeenlivinginSpain for twenty-four years, where shestudiedDesign. She +10 years ofexperience inCoaching &ChangeManagement. +15 years ofexperience inTraining. +20 years ofexperience inPR&Communication. Trainer inNLPandacoach specialized inculturalchangeandmulticulturalcommunication. Eva Snijders isaninternationally renowned storytellingexpert.She isMaster Practitioner and Coach. Storyteller. Changeagent. Eva Snijders STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION @evasnijders


EVA SNIJDERS 1. Telling storiesisinteractive According tothistext: er’s imagination,” images ofastorywhileencouraging thelisten words andactionstoreveal theelementsand “Storytelling istheinteractive artofusing and avaluableform ofhumanexpression: Network A statement from the of thisarticle The definitionofstorytelling for thepurposes What isstorytelling? diffusion? Premise: How canstorytellingaidcultural different expectations for theexact roles of Different cultures andsituations create of theatre that useanimaginary“fourth wall.” what distinguishesstorytelling from theforms the speaker and thelisteners.Thisispartof does notcreate animaginarybarrierbetween working together. In particular, storytelling in otherwords, thenarrator andtheaudience emerges from interactionandcooperation – the storyistold.In fact,thetellingofastory ers. Thelisteners’responses influence theway between astorytellerandoneormore listen Storytelling involves two-way interaction 1 definesstorytellingasanancientart it says. National Storytelling - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 43 - - involve a story and sometimes do not. Given a story and sometimes do not. Given involve the other four they usually contain that of forms they can be considered components, they also tell stories. storytelling whenever Their use distinguishes the storytelling from from Their use distinguishes the storytelling interactions. and text-based written narrative to need behaviors language all non-verbal Not use Some narrators in storytelling. be present use little a lot of body language while others or none. about the presentation is always Storytelling a lot of other art forms are There of a story. the tell stories but storytelling presents that Every components. story with the other four definition of what has a different culture a story in is considered What a story. makes as such might not be considered one situation spon require Some situations in another. example, for digression, taneity and playful of while others expect the exact reproduction such as poetry text. Artistic forms a revered sometimes and stand-up comedy recitals who speaks, how often and when – and so when – and so how often and who speaks, types of interaction. different create of storytelling partially nature The interactive immediacy and impact. At its for accounts and tightly can directly its best, storytelling the teller and audience. connect or uses language, either spoken Storytelling American sign language. The manual, such as sets it apart from use of language is what and mime. most kinds of dance or the parts of our spoken These actions are of words. consist do not sign language that the narrator and the listener – for example, the listener – for and the narrator AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E 4. Storytelling presents stories presents 4. Storytelling 2. Storytelling uses words 2. Storytelling such as vocaliza uses actions 3. Storytelling gestures and/ or tion, movement - - National Storytelling Storytelling National it says. defines storytelling as an ancient art defines storytelling 1 Different cultures and situations create create and situations cultures Different roles of for the exact expectations different what distinguishes storytelling from the forms the forms distinguishes storytelling from what wall.” “fourth use an imaginary that of theatre working together. In particular, storytelling particular, In together. working an imaginary barrier between does not create and the listeners. This is part of the speaker the story is told. In fact, the telling of a story the story is told. In – interaction and cooperation emerges from and the audience the narrator in other words, between a storyteller and one or more listen a storyteller and one or more between the way influence ers. The listeners’ responses Storytelling involves two-way interaction two-way involves Storytelling 1. Telling stories is interactive stories 1. Telling According to this text: to According er’s imagination,” imagination,” er’s “Storytelling is the interactive art of using is the interactive “Storytelling the elements and and actions to reveal words the listen images of a story while encouraging Network of human expression: and a valuable form of this article the from A statement The definition of storytelling for the purposes of storytelling The definition What is storytelling? What Premise: How can storytelling aid cultural aid cultural can storytelling How Premise: diffusion? Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 44 of thestoryitselfvarywidely. There are many pectations oflistenerinteractionandthenature and artisticfocus. As suggestedearlier, theex formal. Somecallfor certain themes,attitudes situations demandinformality, othersare highly in front oflargeaudiences. Somestorytelling are busydoingsomethingelsetoperformances religious ritual,from tellingsomethingwhile we range from conversation at thekitchentableto We tellstoriesinavarietyofcontexts which many other forms of expression.. music, dance, comedy, puppetshowsand ways of combining narration with theater, storytelling includesthedevelopmentof The contemporary movementof oral components. the intersectionoffive aforementioned of storytellingcontinues toberecognizable as imperceptibly withotherartforms, theessence expression. However, althoughitcanbemixed comedy, puppetshowsandmanyotherforms of combining narration withtheater, music,dance, storytelling includesthedevelopment ofways of forms. Thecontemporary movement oforal Storytelling cancombine withotherart imagination ofthelisteners 5. Listeningtostoriesstimulates theactive co-creator ofthestoryasheunderstandsit. human being.Andsothelistenerbecomes a the mindoflistener–himselfaunique told. Thecomplete storycomes togetherin and hisunderstandingofwhat heisbeing formance andhisownexperiences andbeliefs story inhismind,basedonthenarrator’s per actions, charactersandtheevents ofthe The role ofthelisteneristocreate images, scribed inthestory. witnessing thecharactersandevents de under theillusionthat heorsheisactually theater ordramatic cinema,thelisteneris imagining thestorywhileinmosttraditional During thetellingofstory, thelisteneris STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION -

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- EVA SNIJDERS that storytellingcanonlybedefinedassuchif format is debated. The most conservative believe validity ofeachnewplatform, techniqueand the National Storytelling Network circles, the vative forms ofstorytellinghave emerged.In With technologicaladvances, newandinno listener. some interactionbetween thenarrator andthe as storytellingisalways understoodtohave such asphrasehaslittlemeaninginSpanish that afilmhas “magnificent storytelling”while sharing astorylive. Thiswhywe oftenhear to theconcept ofnarration astotheactof In English, theword storytellingrefers asmuch of narration. valid. Allare equalcitizens inthediverse world for storytelling.Alltheseforms ofstorytellingare own richtraditions,customsandopportunities different cultures inthe world andeachhasits thus: Collins onlineEnglish dictionary What isculture? adhered toandusedasaguide. agrees that thefive basicprinciplesshouldbe forms ofthestorytellingart,althougheveryone members are more opentotheinclusionofnew the narration isbothoralandlive. Progressive these pursuits 5. the the and 4. the particular 3. a mitted of peoplewithshared total 2. the which liefs 1. the noun arts , values,and tastes total enlightenment artistic constitute and , manners, valued bya valued of the of range reinforced and social and civilization the knowledge of activitiesandideasofagroup of inherited dress or shared by membersofthegroup, by traditions society , etc refinement pursuits at aparticularperiod at

ideas ,

bases or , whichare 2 , , definesculture class expression be of resulting from resulting - social , asin action trans , - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 45 : 5 - , 4 in 2003 lists of intangible cultural heritage Convention for the Safeguarding the Safeguarding for Convention Oral traditions and expressions, including traditions and expressions, Oral intangible cultural for language as a vehicle heritage. art. Performance rituals and festival Social practices, traditions. and to nature related and practices Skills the universe. skills. ancestral Traditional • • • • • AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E deems it relevant to mention that the discipline to mention that deems it relevant so much so, in an asset in itself; is considered examples of includes four UNESCO fact, that this art in its following circumstances: following as part of the Storytelling intangible cultural heritage Although the aim of this article is to explain how storytelling can aid cultural diffusion, the author and intangible cultural assets? cultural and intangible the Since Heritage Cultural of the Intangible to be understood assets are intangible cultural consisting needs safeguarding, as heritage that expressions, representations, of “the practices, and, groups communities, that knowledge, skills as part of recognize in some cases, individuals This intangible cultural their cultural heritage. to gen generation from heritage, transmitted by communities recreated is constantly eration, to their environment, in response and groups and their history, their interaction with nature with a sense of identity and them and provides cultural for respect thus promoting continuity, and human creativity.” diversity the intangible Convention, As it is defined in the in the cultural heritage is particularly evident And what is cultural heritage heritage is cultural And what - - - soil , meth the

strain of - substance be society as scientific breeding cultivating nutrient or to produce new orto produce microorganisms inform or and of , in a stock

to the improving , values, and tilling rearing fungi growth view

ofplants, esp by improve feelings ), usually under controlled condi ), usually under controlled and , culture medium culture : 3 medium bacteria or it within any social group that and characterize attitudes experimental cultivation designed to whole following statement from the international the international from statement following limitations. recognizes his incompleteness, questions his own his incompleteness, recognizes new meanings seeks untiringly for achievements, his which he transcends through works and creates commitment. It is through culture that we discern discern we that culture is through It commitment. that culture is through It choices. values and make of himself, aware becomes himself, man expresses us specifically human, rational beings, endowed beings, endowed us specifically human, rational with a critical judgment and a sense of moral of the human being, value systems, traditions and man the ability gives that it is culture beliefs; that makes that It is culture upon himself. to reflect social group. It includes not only the arts and let It social group. the fundamental rights ters, but also modes of life, culture may now be said to be the whole complex now be said to be the whole complex may culture and intellectual and spiritual material, of distinctive a society or characterize that emotional features “The conference agrees that in its widest sense, in that agrees “The conference 12. to grow (microorganisms) in a culture medium in a culture 12. to (microorganisms) grow verb (transitive) or animals) 11. to (plants cultivate (culture tions. See also in this way grown of microorganisms b. a group a. the such as animals, esp with a 9. the of practice act or 10. biology ods ones 8. stockbreeding the a 7. the 6. the haviour Cultural Policies in 1982 in Mexico, producing producing in Mexico, in 1982 Policies Cultural the community UNESCO hosted the World Conference on Conference hosted the World UNESCO Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 46 appreciated for theirproficiency in narration, ex participated instorytellingcontests. Theywere who toured from region toregion andfrequently style. Akynswere once highlyrespected figures sesses adistinctive theme, melodyandnarrative the three-stringed Kyrgyz lute. Eachepicpos performed totheaccompaniment ofthekomuz, solo narration, theseshorter works are generally over forty “smaller” epics.While theManas isa ninth century. TheKyrgyzs have alsopreserved ant events inKyrgyz’s historydating backtothe fact andlegend,theManas immortalizes import Odyssey), butalsofor itsrichcontent. Blending (sixteen timeslongerthanHomer’s Iliad and which isnoteworthy notonlyfor itsgreat length Kyrgyz epicisthe1,000-year-old Manas trilogy, cultural knowledgeandhistory. Thepre-eminent sent anoralencyclopedia ofKyrgyz socialvalues, plots andphilosophicalsubstratum. Theyrepre of theKyrgyz epicslieslargelyin theirdramatic the centuries byoraltransmission.Thevalue nies andnational holidays andhave survived over religious andprivate festivities, seasonalceremo musical composition. Theepicsare performed at tellers, combines singing,improvisation and epics. TheartoftheAkyns,Kyrgyz epic among theKyrgyz nomadsisthe narration of The predominant form ofculturalexpression from The artoftheAkyns,Kyrgyz epictellers STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION Kyrgyzstan 6 -


- - EVA SNIJDERS - - Hezhen Yimakanstorytellingfrom China supported bytheKyrgyz government. are helpedbyrecent revitalization initiatives akyns continue totrainyoung apprentices and there are fewer practitionersnowadays, master are linked tosacred culturalspaces. Although posers; even today, thetraditionalperformances inspire contemporary writers,poets,andcom component ofKyrgyz identityandcontinue to singer, Sagynbay. Theepicsremain anessential based ontheoralinterpretation ofthegreat epic Manas trilogywasrecorded inwrittenform content. During the1920s, thefirstpartof so well suitedtotheepics’emotionallycharged pressive gestures, intonation andlively mimicry, speaking, andmake useofdifferent melodiesto paniment, alternating between singingand improvise storieswithout instrumentalaccom rituals, fishingandhunting.Yimakanperformers preserves traditionalknowledgeofshamanic ethnic identityandterritorialintegrity, butalso This oralheritagehighlightsthedefense of monsters andinvadersbyHezhen heroes. alliances andbattles, including thedefeat of of manyindependentepisodesdepictingtribal and prose forms, Yimakanstorytellingconsists in theHezhen language,andtakingbothverse ethnic minorityofnorth-eastChina.Narrated view andhistoricalmemoryoftheHezhen Yimakan storytellingisessentialtotheworld of Heilongjiang Province, China © 2010byCenter for Safeguarding ICH 7 - - and asbearers ofPersian literature andculture, scrolls. Naqqāls functionbothasentertainers sometimes instrumentalmusicandpainted accompanied bygestures andmovements, and Naqqāl –recounts storiesinverse orprose the courts tothevillages.Theperformer –the long played animportantrole insociety, from mance intheIslamic Republic ofIran andhas Naqqāli istheoldest form ofdramatic perfor Islamic Republic ofIran Naqqali, Irania dramatic storytellingfrom the cities insearch ofemployment. ers, andthedeparture ofyounger generations to by thedeaths ofanumberveteran storytell performing theepisodes–asituation aggravated five masterstorytellersare currently capableof sustainability oftheYimakantradition.Only become amajorobstacletothepromotion and can speaktheirnative language.Thislosshas is nowendangered. At present, onlytheelders school education, theHezhen mothertongue of modernization andthestandardization of and customs.However, withtheacceleration their mothertongue,religion, beliefs,folklore system, Yimakanplays akey role inpreserving apprenticeship. AstheHezhen have nowriting today outsidersare increasingly accepted for within theirownclansandfamilies,although usually traininamaster-apprentice relationship represent different charactersandplots.They © 2010&2011byIranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) 8 - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 47 - -

9 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Meddahlik was a Turkish theatre form performed performed form theatre was a Turkish Meddahlik by a single storyteller called a meddah and and Turkish-speak Turkey throughout practiced similar narrative the ages, Through ing countries. flourished due to interaction have genres skilled Naqqāls, threatening the survival of this the survival of this threatening skilled Naqqāls, art. dramatic public storytellers Arts of the Meddah, Turkey from expressions, languages and dialects, and and dialects, and languages expressions, considerable requires music. Naqqāli traditional to and the ability memory retentive talent, a an audience. with skill to captivate improvise but may simple costumes, wear The Naqqāls jackets helmets or armored also don ancient battle to help recreate during performances mixed before perform Naqqāls Female scenes. deemed were Naqqāls recently, Until audiences. of folk-tales, guardians the most important Naqqāli music. folk Iranian ethnic epics and tents in coffeehouses, performed was formerly such venues of nomads, houses, and historical a decline in However, as ancient caravanserais. combined with the popularity of coffeehouses, in has resulted of entertainment, new forms The performance. in Naqqāli diminishing interest and the (morsheds) aging of master performers genera among younger popularity decreasing in the number of tions has caused a steep drop and need to be acquainted with local cultural with local cultural to be acquainted and need - - 8 and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) Organization and Tourism © 2010 & 2011 by Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts Handicrafts Heritage, Cultural © 2010 & 2011 by Iranian scrolls. Naqqāls function both as entertainers Naqqāls scrolls. culture, and literature of Persian and as bearers accompanied by gestures and movements, and and movements, by gestures accompanied painted sometimes instrumental music and long played an important role in society, from from in society, important role an long played – the villages. The performer to the the courts or prose stories in verse – recounts Naqqāl Naqqāli is the oldest form of dramatic perfor of dramatic is the oldest form Naqqāli and has Iran of Republic in the Islamic mance Naqqali, Irania dramatic storytelling from the from storytelling dramatic Irania Naqqali, of Iran Republic Islamic ers, and the departure of younger generations to generations of younger ers, and the departure of employment. cities in search performing the episodes – a situation aggravated aggravated episodes – a situation the performing storytell number of veteran of a by the deaths become a major obstacle to the promotion and promotion a major obstacle to the become Only sustainability of the Yimakan tradition. capable of currently are master storytellers five is now endangered. At present, only the elders only present, At is now endangered. This loss has language. can speak their native and customs. However, with the acceleration with the acceleration and customs. However, of and the standardization of modernization mother tongue the Hezhen school education, apprenticeship. As the Hezhen have no writing no writing have As the Hezhen apprenticeship. preserving in role a key plays system, Yimakan folklore beliefs, religion, their mother tongue, within their own clans and families, although families, although own clans and within their for accepted increasingly are outsiders today represent different characters and plots. They and plots. characters different represent relationship in a master-apprentice usually train - - 7 preserves traditional knowledge of shamanic preserves rituals, fishing and hunting. Yimakan performers stories without instrumental accom improvise singing and between paniment, alternating melodies to use of different speaking, and make © 2010 by Center for Safeguarding ICH Safeguarding for © 2010 by Center China Province, of Heilongjiang Yimakan storytelling is essential to the world view and historical memory of the Hezhen ethnic minority of north-east China. Narrated language, and taking both verse in the Hezhen consists Yimakan storytelling forms, and prose of many independent episodes depicting tribal of the defeat including and battles, alliances heroes. monsters and invaders by Hezhen of This oral heritage highlights the defense but also ethnic identity and territorial integrity, so well suited to the epics’ emotionally charged the epics’ emotionally suited to so well first part of the the the 1920s, During content. written form in trilogy was recorded Manas epic of the great the oral interpretation based on an essential The epics remain Sagynbay. singer, to identity and continue of Kyrgyz component writers, poets, and com contemporary inspire the traditional performances today, posers; even Although cultural spaces. to sacred linked are master practitioners nowadays, fewer are there and apprentices to train young akyns continue initiatives revitalization helped by recent are government. supported by the Kyrgyz China from Yimakan storytelling Hezhen pressive gestures, intonation and lively mimicry, mimicry, and lively intonation gestures, pressive Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 48 that stopsthebreakdown ofasociety’s unity and maintenance ofthenecessary perspective tradition plays animportant role inthecreation The historianShannon Ryan knowledge. values, historyandacommunity’s unspoken demonstrate howstories canbevehicles for of thelistener. Andmore importantly, they and theyrelate storiesandstirtheimagination use words, vocalization, movement andgestures defined asstorytelling:theyare interactive, they established asvitalifanartisticform istobe that theNational Storytelling Network has contexts. Theyallfeature thefive characteristics example oforaltraditionindifferent cultural Taken together, thesefour samplesare agood appearance ofTVsetsincaf the massmediaand,inparticular, becauseofthe and socialfunctionduetothedevelopment of genre haslostmuchofitsoriginaleducational celebrations andappearontelevisionshows,the still perform at anumber ofreligious andsecular regarded inTurkey. Althoughsomemeddahs great valueonthe masteryofrhetoric,ishighly to contemporary events. Thisart,whichplaces imitations, jokes andimprovisation often relating as well asthemeddah’s abilitytointegrate created between thestorytellerandspectators, performance largelydependsontheatmosphere venue andaudience. However, thequalityof adapts hismaterial according tothespecific of popularromances, legendsandepics selects songsandcomic talesfrom arepertory can betranslated as“storyteller”. Themeddah borrowed from Arabicmaddah“topraise”, about contemporary issues.Thetermmeddah, criticism regularly provoked lively discussions illiterate population. Theirsocialandpolitical values andideasamongapredominantly and churches, thesestorytellerstransmitted caravanserais, markets, coffeehouses, mosques illuminate, educate, andentertain.Performing in area. Historically, meddahswere expectedto the Middle Eastwithinthiswidegeographical among thepeoplesofAsia,Caucasusand STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION 10 és. notesthat oral


EVA SNIJDERS Throughout humanevolution, we have spe stir theimagination. words andgestures, theyrelate storiesand storytelling: theyare interactive, theyuse vital ifanartisticform istobedefinedas Storytelling Network hasestablishedas The fivecharacteristics thatthe National form ofstories. present andfuture withtheirloved onesinthe have always felt theneedtoshare theirpast, From cavemen timestothecurrent era,people begin tounderstandstorytellingasaconcept. It ishere, inprivate circumstances, that we can storytelling isoftencarriedoutinprivate. recollection ofpersonalexperience. Thistypeof has beenpasseddownlargelyorallyviathe and particularlyamongruralones,itshistory and structure. Ryan arguesthat inmostcultures the technologyfirm,IBM. In the 1990s, agroup do withtheartworld andeverything todowith convey valuesandknowledgehasnothing to Curiously, thestorytellingrevival asaway to art began25years agoamongEnglish speakers. Spanish-speaking world, the renaissance ofthis to storytellinginthelastfive years in the Although there hasbeenalotofreference that goesbeyond culture The current riseofstorytelling feeling ofbelonging. us, recognize ourselves inothersanddevelop a human needtounderstandtheworld around that thetellingofthemcorresponds toadeep power ofshared stories, we needtoremember In order tounderstandboththeuse andthe to share ourexperiences andhopesdreams. never stoppedcoming togetheraround atable increasingly more sophisticated. But we have storytelling evolved andthetechniquesbecame or storytellers.In that way, theartandskillof have chosentobecome professional minstrels cialized indifferent professions andsomeofus - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 49 - in Canada

12 Heritage Foundation Foundation Heritage 13 . Strategy for the Conservation and the Conservation for Strategy AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E the table and initiates the conversation that our that the conversation the table and initiates guests will continue. working with storytelling in a cultural field. with storytelling working armed this work approach when we However, technology and decide, for with the latest should example, to build a new museum, we wish we type of community what consider designing the corresponding before to create will be this design, we Using world. narrative relationship the narrative’s able to consider worth experiences to the public and create will stop being just we As an entity, narrating. a host who provides a messenger and become additional stories that give them layers of mean them layers give stories that additional listen don’t if we stories exist, even ing. These on working When or pass them on. to them first job is the in a cultural context, storytelling and written. existing tales, both oral to compile so away be labeled and filed These should then as well needs them to whoever available they are touristic to enrich educational, as being on hand in general. and cultural programs carried out by being is already This work such as the organizations and Labrador of Newfoundland its through Future for Heritage of Intangible Maintenance Generations to physical existing stories linked Compiling them to elements of the heritage and sharing their meaning is the first step towards enhance to a group of people have origin stories and origin stories of people have to a group . - 11 - such, they form a fundamental part of the such, they form All cultural fabric of the whole community. important are moments and objects that places, Stories are essentially vehicles for culture. As culture. for essentially vehicles are Stories Storytelling and culture Storytelling tales, both oral and written. These should and written. These oral tales, both then be labeled and filed away so they are available to whoever needs them. When working on storytelling in a cultural working on storytelling in a cultural When compile existing the first job is to context, information era, “We have all the data, now we now we all the data, have era, “We information it means.” need to see what stories because stories are important for their important for stories because stories are of the says As Annette Simmons social welfare. So it was that 25 years ago, there was a wave of was a wave ago, there 25 years So it was that told always human beings have that recognition as story circles, performances, music nights music nights performances, as story circles, and poetry. storytellers for their projects. And so a group And so a group their projects. storytellers for and, in the pro of storytellers was nurtured activities such their for gained exposure cess, This trend revived interest in storytelling; the the in storytelling; interest revived This trend with professional to work needed consultants on Organizational Storytelling and become the and become Storytelling on Organizational evangelists of the movement. IBM’s initiative and this meant that, on leaving on leaving meant that, and this initiative IBM’s of the Cynefin each member the company, based set up their own consultancy could Center Other companies, particularly American organi particularly American Other companies, by inspired Bank, were such as the World zations to understand their culture and hence develop develop hence and culture to understand their projects. and promote The people behind the initiative began to gather gather began to behind the initiative The people at who numbered employees IBM’s stories from then used These were 300,000. around time that defined as organizational anthropology called anthropology as organizational defined Complexity Organisational for Centre Cynefin of people that included Dave Snowden and and Snowden Dave included that of people be could that started a project Callahan Shawn Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 50 include thefollowing characteristics: In thiscontext, appropriate storiesshould might answer thequestion, “And then?” what isrelevant, whichmeansanytruththat don’t have totellevery truthaboutaplace, only Though we may feel obligedtotellthetruth,we history ofaplace, suggestitsvalueasaheritage. Our stories, rather thanrelating thebasic is lesstangible.It is,above all,aliving thing. the heritageaddsvaluetofactsandassuch share withpresent andfuture generations. But it hasalltheelementsthat seemimportantto marriages, laws andcensus information etc., dates, names,battles, treaties, appointments, If thestorycanbedefinedasa compendium of location. and othertalestoillustrate thehistoryof across theworld where theytellstories,legends museums, citysquares, parksandartscenters experiences isagrowing market. There are many Both culturaltourismandbasedon Storytelling inhistoricalplaces in culturalterms Examples ofstorytelling STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION historical-storytelling-storytelling.html


EVA SNIJDERS The Tale ofaTown anniversary ofCanada’s independence. celebration in2017 tocommemorate the150 The project willculminate inamultiplatform that are performed insite-specificlocations. cals. Theresulting storiesform thebasisofplays they stop, theyorganize interviewswiththelo studio onwheels.In every townandcitywhere mobile (see image) that isbasicallyarecording A group travels across the country inastory personal storiesofmembersthecommunity. capture Canada’s collective memorythrough the a strong theatrical component. Its aimisto The taleofaTown isamultimediaproject with • • • an interpretation ofaparticularfact. Rather thanahistorylesson,theyshouldbe personal memory. They shouldbebasedonfactsor people. history anddealwithoneormore real They shouldbesetinaspecificperiodof - th

- museum galleries or on the website or inthe museum galleriesoronthe website or be explored andtheir storiesdiscovered inthe the present. Objects featured inthe seriescan world historyfrom two millionyears agoto director oftheBritish Museum, exploring This isa100-partseriesbyNeil MacGregor, (A BBCandBritish Museum jointventure) Objects A History oftheWorld in100 contemporary events. century toitsreconstruction inthe1990s and theatrical storiesfrom itsheyday inthe16 offers aguidedtourthat bringsittolife through The famousShakespeare theatre inLondon Globe Theatre th

Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 51 - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E tion called Safeguarding American Families, American Families, tion called Safeguarding with a celebrate it would that which declared posted around were Posters book burning party. the close of for to “Vote the city urging residents from:museothyssen&src=typd&mode=photos from:guillermosolana&src=typd Party Library: Book Burning Troy many other cities and towns, the global Like in the city of Troy crisis forced economic Michigan, US, to cut public spending which A meant the closing down of its public library. had the was set, though residents closing date on August 2, 2011, on whether option to vote of 0.7% a tax hike to accept prepared they were years. another five it open for to keep seemed happy about the that The only group imminent close of the library was an organiza The 100 objects in question take the viewer the viewer take objects in question The 100 to discover the world and across back in time and to our world form given have how humans are us. The objects in turn, has formed how this, collection Museum the British from all pieces age tool to a a stone from and include anything card. credit the museum: the Backstories of tale of the Thyssen- Twitter and its director Bornemisza Museum Solana Guillermo book of the same title or in the BBC TV series. in the BBC TV series. the same title or book of

th museum galleries or on the website or in the the present. Objects featured in the series can featured Objects the present. in the and their stories discovered be explored This is a 100-part series by Neil MacGregor, MacGregor, This is a 100-part series by Neil exploring Museum, of the British director ago to years million two history from world (A BBC and British Museum joint venture) Museum (A BBC and British A History of the World in 100 in 100 of the World A History Objects century to its reconstruction in the 1990s and the 1990s in to its reconstruction century events. contemporary offers a guided tour that brings it to life through through brings it to life a guided tour that offers in the 16 its heyday stories from theatrical The famous Shakespeare theatre in London in London theatre The famous Shakespeare Globe Theatre Globe -

th - Rather than a history lesson, they should be a history lesson, they should than Rather fact. of a particular an interpretation They should be set in a specific period of period of be set in a specific They should real or more deal with one history and people. facts or on be based on They should personal memory. • • • celebration in 2017 to commemorate the 150 to commemorate in 2017 celebration independence. of Canada’s anniversary The tale of a Town is a multimedia project with project is a multimedia The tale of a Town aim is to Its component. theatrical a strong the memory through collective Canada’s capture personal stories of members of the community. in a story the country across travels A group is basically a recording that image) mobile (see town and city where every studio on wheels. In interviews with the lo they organize they stop, the basis of plays stories form cals. The resulting in site-specific locations. performed are that in a multiplatform will culminate The project The Tale of a Town The Tale Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 52 open. voters chosetopay more taxtokeep thelibrary August 2,there wasa38%turnoutand58%of the realm ofthelibraries.Anditworked. On whose aimwastoshiftthedebate ontaxes into campaign waswagedbytheLeo Burnett agency the publiclibraryisavote toburnbooks”. The hoax anditsreal messagewas“A vote toclose American Families revealed that ithadbeena However, justbefore theelections,Safeguarding and ranwithit. and localpublicfigures picked uponthestory sick” and“Thisishorrible”, “Idiots” etc.Thepress were leftonsocial mediasitessuchas“You’re There wasafuriousresponse andcomments #BookBurningParty. books”, itsaid,usingthehashtag reasons toclosetheTroy library. They’re called lished andaTwitter account (“There are 200,000 in thelocalpaper. AFacebook pagewasestab ice cream sellertoliven uptheactionwere put quickly replaced. Anadvert for aclownandan August 5”. Theonesthat were torndown,were the Troy libraryonAugust2.BookBurning Party STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION

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EVA SNIJDERS graphs taken invariouspartsofthecity. The app 2010 that allowsyou tobrowse historical photo iPhone appcreated bytheMuseum ofLondon in Streetmuseum releases-augmented-reality-app-for-historical-photos/ Streetmuseum (Museum ofLondon) by theSituationists whoconvert ordinary transform theway we seethecity. Inspired can gofurtherthantraditionalmethodsto The artproject explores howmobiletechnology mention afew. less housingproposal for West Side Railyards, to built over Bryant Park orMichael Sorkin’s home helicopter landingpadthat wasdesignedtobe covered midtown Manhattan, the10-storey Buckminster Fuller’s domethat might have various locations inNew York Citysuchas design proposals that never cametofruitionin the cityintoalivingmuseum.Theappshows that usespersonaldigitaldevices totransform The Phantom City Museum isapublic art project Museum ofthePhantom City photograph, offering awindowtothepast. image onthephone’s camerawiththehistorical app willrecognize thelocation andoverlay the using eitherthemaporaGPS.Once there, the leads you tovariouslocations around London is anewaugmentedreality is - - from anevent calledWrite AllNight onMay game designerJane McGonigal. It originated New York’s Public Library’s Centennial byfamed interactive experience created especiallyfor Find theFuture: TheGameisapioneering, York Public Library) Find theFuture: TheGame(TheNew encompassing theurbanenvironment. museum broadens theculturalexperience by landscapes intostrangesettings,thiswall-free Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 53 - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E again after The SFMOMA has opened its doors while it was But an important refurbishment. experiment was carried closed, an interesting out of the museum”, out called “museum in the city’s organizing events involved that with other art and collaborating public spaces access offers visitors The new app for programs. audio guides. These suggest to the museum’s 15 to 45 a number of walks lasting between Avery Petit, Philippe from minutes, with voices organi of the SD Giants members Trufelman, the HBO series, Silicon and actors from zation and The audio guide can be synchronized Valley. simultaneously. in a group heard of the library’s bookshelves and, using portable and, using bookshelves of the library’s and real followed and smartphones, computers library’s such as the about treasures virtual clues After of Independence. the Declaration of copy each of the 500 partici finding the ‘treasure’, by the hunt. inspired a brief essay pants wrote collection then edited and the were These essays which is now on the future, turned into a book collection. part of the library’s forms of Modern Museum San Francisco App Art (SFMOMA) 20, 2011, when players explored 70 kilometers 70 kilometers explored when players 20, 2011, game designer Jane McGonigal. It originated originated It McGonigal. game designer Jane on May All Night called Write an event from interactive experience created especially for especially for created experience interactive by famed Centennial Library’s Public York’s New Find the Future: The Game is a pioneering, The Game is a pioneering, Find the Future: York Public Library) Public York Find the Future: The Game (The New New The Game (The Find the Future: encompassing the urban environment. the urban encompassing landscapes into strange settings, this wall-free this wall-free into strange settings, landscapes by experience the cultural broadens museum - - is a new augmented reality The art project explores how mobile technology how mobile explores The art project can go further than traditional methods to Inspired see the city. we the way transform ordinary who convert by the Situationists leads you to various locations around London London around to various locations leads you the there, using either the map or a GPS. Once the and overlay the location app will recognize camera with the historical image on the phone’s a window to the past. photograph, offering City of the Phantom Museum art project is a public City Museum The Phantom to transform uses personal digital devices that the city into a living museum. The app shows came to fruition in never that design proposals City such as York in New various locations might have dome that Fuller’s Buckminster the 10-storey midtown Manhattan, covered was designed to be landing pad that helicopter home Sorkin’s or Michael Park Bryant built over to Railyards, Side West for less housing proposal mention a few. releases-augmented-reality-app-for-historical-photos/ Streetmuseum in London of by the Museum app created iPhone historical photo to browse allows you 2010 that The app in various parts of the city. graphs taken Streetmuseum (Museum of London) (Museum Streetmuseum Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 54 videos andeven draw theirowndesigns. design processes andmaterials, seeandshare tual information, learnmore aboutthedesigners, to theCooper Hewitt collection, gather contex gathered withtheirPen, discover objectsrelated and manipulate theobjectsthat theyhave Using highdefinitiontablets,visitorscanexplore participative for thevisitor. museum app, makingtheexperience truly The active elementisstronger thanatraditional mation withasmartphoneat shortrange. NFC tagsthat allowyou tosnagdigitalinfor Visitors alsointeractwiththeobjectsthrough invitation tointeractwiththemuseumpieces. the styluscommonly usedwithtablets,isan tool themselves. ThePen, whichlookslike visitors tolearnaboutdesignbyusinga the funofamuseumvisit.ThePen invites to findatechnologicalsolutionincrease Cooper Hewitt launchedadesigncompetition The Pen STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION current-exhibitions/using-the-pen/

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- EVA SNIJDERS now (evident from thegraphicsusedand Although thishasbeenavailable for someyears Enter-the-3D-house/#/house/20/hotspot/4102/audio/ Frank House Secret (and virtual)access totheAnn until 1934. and administration for Red Star Linepassengers sheds that were usedfor medicalexaminations This museumiscontained inthetwo harbor Red Star LineMuseum (Antwerp) and fragmentsofAnneFrank’s diary. 360º viewwhiletheaudioguideoffers anecdotes very appealing.You canexplore thehousewitha (and secret) visittotheAnneFrank House isstill Flash programming), thechance topay avirtual specific place or recreates experiences typically Each chapterreflects themythologyofa a storythat refers toIreland’s culture identity. The museum’s layout represents 12chaptersof folklore. naughty bearded fairyinIrish mythologyand This museumisdedicated totheleprechaun, a Museum (Dublin) National Leprechaun help-write-story-red-star-line-museum and offline: intangible heritagearchive andshared bothon to migration, whichare thenincludedinthe share theirownstoriesandphotosrelated as awhole.Hence, visitorsare invitedto dedicated tothehistoryofhumanmigration and portwhere theycamefrom. But itisalso of theRed Star Linepassengers,andthecity The museumfocuses onthepersonalstories examination room. where luggagewasdisinfected andthemedical itinerary includesthewaitingroom, theplace when theshippingcompany closeddown.The for theRed Star Line) between 1873and1934 – the USfrom Antwerp (the mainEuropean Port migrants preparing tomake theirvoyage to follows thesameroute asthetwo million It isdesignedinsuchaway that thevisitor Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 55 - -

from the first ever sighting first ever the from – and plenty of adventures in and plenty of adventures – AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E who settled in Bayview-Hunters Point, San Point, who settled in Bayview-Hunters Francisco. appealing work in the shipbuilding industry for industry for in the shipbuilding appealing work them for of a better life people who dreamed and their families. selves of oral stories (both audio and This collection the stories for a legacy of rare explores written) offering anext generation, unique glimpse of the of pioneeringlives American residents African series of interactive experiences that relate the the relate that experiences interactive series of story leprechaun’s to modern through eighth century, back in the in film and the leprechaun of representations day popular culture between. Project. The Bayview of the (Museum MoAD Diaspora) African African thousands of start of the 1940s, the At historic Bay to the Americans migrated neighborhood in San Points view-Hunters US in a the all over They came from Francisco. in the docks surrounding bid to change their lives of Migration Great the Second During the Bay. the South (1940-1970), from Americans African The to Bayview. to move people chose more and a sunny climate neighborhood offered associated with leprechauns. The result is a The result with leprechauns. associated a story that refers to Ireland’s culture identity. identity. culture to Ireland’s refers a story that the mythology of a Each chapter reflects typically experiences recreates or specific place The museum’s layout represents 12 chapters of represents layout The museum’s naughty bearded fairy in Irish mythology and fairy in Irish naughty bearded folklore. Museum (Dublin) Museum a to the leprechaun, This museum is dedicated National Leprechaun Leprechaun National intangible heritage archive and shared both on and shared intangible heritage archive and offline: help-write-story-red-star-line-museum share their own stories and photos related stories and photos related their own share then included in the which are to migration, and port where they came from. But it is also But they came from. and port where of human migration to the history dedicated invited to visitors are as a whole. Hence, The museum focuses on the personal stories on the personal The museum focuses and the city Line passengers, Star of the Red where luggage was disinfected and the medical and luggage was disinfected where room. examination for the Red Star Line) between 1873 and 1934 – 1873 and 1934 between Line) Star Red the for down. The closed company when the shipping place the the waiting room, itinerary includes migrants preparing to make their voyage to to their voyage to make preparing migrants Port main European (the Antwerp the US from It is designed in such a way that the visitor that in such a way is designed It million as the two the same route follows sheds that were used for medical examinations medical examinations used for were sheds that Line passengers Star Red for and administration until 1934. Flash programming), the chance to pay a virtual to pay the chance programming), Flash is still House visit to the Anne Frank secret) (and the house with a can explore appealing. You very anecdotes 360º view while the audio guide offers diary. and fragments of Anne Frank’s (Antwerp) Line Museum Star Red harbor in the two This museum is contained Frank House Frank Enter-the-3D-house/#/house/20/hotspot/4102/audio/ some years for Although this has been available the graphics used and the from now (evident Secret (and virtual) access to the Ann to the Ann virtual) access (and Secret Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 56 light onthemasterpiece. lived in,tooffer a context that shinesadifferent and detailsoftheVermeer’s life andthe erahe painting. But thestorygoesbeyond thedates describes thecircumstances that gave riseto the painter lived and,through fiction,Chevalier The novel issetinDelft inHolland where the And whyisshewearing apearlearring? eyes andenigmatic smileinnocent orseductive? as shelooksoutofthepainting? Are her large why didVermeer painther? What isshethinking Chevalier withherplot.Who isthemodeland So oneofthemostvaluablepaintingsprovided was worth telling,” shesays. paint herlike that. “There wasastorythere that bedroom, andwonder what hadledVermeer to of Vermeer’s painting,whichshehunginher author explainshowshewould gaze at aposter same nameby The novel wasinspired bythepaintingof then intoaplay byDavid Joss Buckley in2008. turned into Earring case withthehistoricalnovel, with layers ofmeaning.Certainly, thisisthe Fiction canalsobeusefulfor injectingculture (painting, novel andfilm) Girl withaPearl Earring STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION , writtenin1999 byTracy Chevalier a filmby Peter Webber in2003 Johannes Vermeer

Girl withaPearl 16 andthe 14 15 and and


EVA SNIJDERS watch?v=47h6pQ6StCk Trailer: Official site: will-full-length-feature-film-made-van-gogh-paintings/ Loving Vincent masonry stoves, washingcommodes and rated torepresent homesinvariouseras. The its workers. Nine stove rooms have beendeco wooden housesbuiltby theCityofHelsinki for The museumoperates inoneoftheoldest at thestartof20 daily life for working-class residents inHelsinki features smallrooms depictingthehistoryof The Worker Housing Museum inAlppila,Finland, Työväenasuntomuseo 65,000 framesintotal,allpaintedbyhand. is uniqueinthat itconsists onlyofoilpaintings– Dorota Kobiela andHugh Welchman Loving Vincent iw9KqtYCsZQ frame inoilsoncanvas: Here you canwatch theartistspaintingeach Vincent Our painterstalkabouthiswork in : (2017) isan th century. animated filmby Loving . 17

The film - rary debates onimmigration andpublichealth. into thepastthat offers insightinto contempo and 20 apartments recreate immigrantlife inthe19 tized tours,working solelyonthat basis.Its New York, takes visitorsonguidedanddrama The Tenement Museum in97 Orchard Street, Tenement Museum working-class familiesinFinland. lights describetheevolution ofthelives of retractable beds,gramophonesandelectricöväenasuntomuseo th centuries, takingthevisitoronajourney the_tenement_museum.php#photo-1 Photo: Tod Seelie/Gothamist th

- - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 57 century BC century th AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E of the walls of the apse recess. technique of video mapping now An innovation paintings to their the not only virtually restores the process but reproduces optimum state, Image: 1955-2013 - State in 2013 - Original fragments in 2013 - Original - State 1955-2013 Image: in 1123 of the state - Reconstruction Climent paintings of the Sant The Romanesque among the most in Lleida are church de Taüll Romaneque important examples of Catalan 12 from art. The original frescos of Art Museum in the National preserved are (MNAC). in Catalonia of the originals a copy used to have The church was in a state that painted on a plaster surface a the old copy, removing After of deterioration. was carried out process meticulous restoration of the original paintings the remains to uncover within the layers deep had been preserved that museum authorities believe spoilers detract from detract from spoilers authorities believe museum experience. the visitor’s on December relaxed this policy was However, only admitted. For were 6, 2014, when cameras the was dubbed of what one night, participants document the to allowed were event Snapshot homes and historic German re-created museum’s beer saloon. policy helps guided-tours-only The no-photo and events while expectations to pump up visitor an aura designed to create are such as Snapshot of exclusivity. 1123 Taüll The museum has a strict no-photo policy as the no-photo policy has a strict The museum - -

th Photo: Tod Seelie/Gothamist Tod Photo: the_tenement_museum.php#photo-1 centuries, taking the visitor on a journey centuries, thöväenasuntomuseo rary debates on immigration and public health. on immigration rary debates apartments recreate immigrant life in the 19 immigrant life apartments recreate and 20 contempo insight into offers into the past that New York, takes visitors on guided and drama visitors on takes York, New basis. Its that solely on tours, working tized Tenement Museum Tenement Street, Orchard in 97 Museum The Tenement working-class families in Finland. families working-class retractable beds, gramophones and electric and electric beds, gramophones retractable of lives of the the evolution lights describe - The film

17 . Loving Loving animated film by animated century. th (2017) is an is an (2017) : will-full-length-feature-film-made-van-gogh-paintings/ The museum operates in one of the oldest The museum operates for houses built by the City of Helsinki wooden been deco have rooms stove Nine its workers. homes in various eras. The to represent rated and washing commodes masonry stoves, Our painters talk about his work in painters talk about his work Our Vincent the artists painting each can watch you Here frame in oils on canvas: iw9KqtYCsZQ Vincent Loving Welchman and Hugh Kobiela Dorota only of oil paintings – it consists is unique in that 65,000 frames in total, all painted by hand. Työväenasuntomuseo in Alppila, Finland, Museum Housing The Worker depicting the history of small rooms features in Helsinki residents working-class for daily life the start of the 20 at Official site: Trailer: watch?v=47h6pQ6StCk Loving Vincent Loving Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 58 the surrounding area hasbeenscattered with his life. To addtotheintensityofexperience, elite whorecalls themostdramatic momentsof by anactorintherole ofamemberthecity’s through theIberian citywhileitshistoryistold A six-minute audiovisualoffers adream-like trip of theIberian cityasitwas2,000years ago. can walkthrough thestreets andintothe houses Thanks toasortof‘magic box’ room, thevisitor built oftheentire cityin3D. to share it,animmersive reality projection was what hadpreviously beenimaginedandinorder The resulting impression isvery different from carried out. design ofitswallsandmoat have alsobeen surveys touncover thecity’s layout aswell asthe in recent years andaseriesofgeophysical Multiple archeological digshave taken place here be Catalonia’s largestIberian city. Ullastret (Baix Empordà, Girona) isconsidered to The Puig deSantAndreu Iberian settlementin Ullastret 3D us totheerainwhichtheywere painted. ent inthechurch, andthesoundtracktransports fits perfectly withtheoriginal remains stillpres image hasbeendesignedinaprecise shapethat through whichtheywere created. Theprojected STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION


- EVA SNIJDERS personal life. love andlose.It isbrilliantlysimpleasanodeto museum aboutyou, aboutus,theways we break storiesandsymbolicpossessions.It isa sole purposeoftreasuring andsharingheart physical andvirtualpublicspace created for the The Museum ofBroken Relationships isbotha Museum ofBroken Relationships common inthosedays. reproduces thenoisesthat would have been materials usedinthat periodandasoundtrack Bible. explore thenarrative, historyandimpactofthe immersive andpersonalized experience as they Its layout isdesignedtoprovide visitorswithan this year. still intheprocess ofconstruction, butwillopen The Museum oftheBible inWashington DCis Museum oftheBible - know?’ that addsaninteresting angletothevisit. the exhibition.It’s awonderful play on‘Did you illustrates itwithfragments ofthepaintingsin charts thepainter’s life withtextboxes and Through so-called‘scrollytelling’, atimeline source toaccompany itsBoschexhibition. The Prado Museum offers aninteractive re Prado Museum Bosch. Astoryinpictures. and we linkittoourownexperience. the plotorstructure; we reflect onthemessage listen to–orread –astory;we feel andgrasp perfectly tothelayers we gothrough whenwe The layout ofthemuseumcorresponds almost stories. interactive, invitinggueststoshare theirown This floorwillbetechnologicallyadvanced and powerful influence onart,science andpolitics. and dailylife over thecenturies, includingits Bible hashadondifferent cultures, civilizations The Impact Floor willexplore theeffect the bring theBible tolife. through moderncinematographic narrative to The History Floor willexhibitarcheological finds experience involving allthesenses. The Narrative Floor promises animmersive

- el-bosco-una-historia-en-imagenes/b40e856f-2f12-4afa-8ef2-654982db4d5b Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 59 mediums) linked to the need to transcend to the need to transcend linked mediums) contact to have in order physical locations realities – such cultural with different sites, museums and as archeological The diffusion of experiences through through The diffusion of experiences use of different transmedia storytelling (the • AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Future tendencies Future are in a cultural context trends Storytelling to technological developments, obviously related and to experiences also linked although they are The experiences. of these the personalization autonomy and want more public will increasingly how and when to where, of decision over power of storytelling. levels to the different connect want more public will increasingly The over decision autonomy and power of to the how and when to connect where, of storytelling. levels different The most important trends: el-bosco-una-historia-en-imagenes/b40e856f-2f12-4afa-8ef2-654982db4d5b - the exhibition. It’s a wonderful play on ‘Did you you on ‘Did play a wonderful the exhibition. It’s angle to the visit. adds an interesting that know?’ Through so-called ‘scrollytelling’, a time line so-called ‘scrollytelling’, Through and with text boxes life charts the painter’s it with fragments of the paintings in illustrates The Prado Museum offers an interactive re an interactive offers Museum The Prado its Bosch exhibition. to accompany source Bosch. A story in pictures. Museum Prado and we link it to our own experience. and we perfectly to the layers we go through when we when we go through we to the layers perfectly and grasp feel – a story; we listen to – or read on the message reflect we the plot or structure; The layout of the museum corresponds almost almost corresponds of the museum The layout This floor will be technologically advanced and advanced This floor will be technologically their own to share inviting guests interactive, stories. and daily life over the centuries, including its the centuries, over and daily life and politics. on art, science influence powerful The Impact Floor will explore the effect the the effect will explore Floor The Impact civilizations cultures, has had on different Bible through modern cinematographic narrative to to narrative modern cinematographic through to life. bring the Bible The History Floor will exhibit archeological finds archeological will exhibit Floor The History The Narrative Floor promises an immersive immersive an promises Floor The Narrative senses. all the involving experience - Its layout is designed to provide visitors with an is designed to provide layout Its as they experience and personalized immersive impact of the history and the narrative, explore Bible. of the Bible Museum DC is in Washington of the Bible The Museum but will open of construction, still in the process this year. reproduces the noises that would have been have would that the noises reproduces in those days. common Relationships of Broken Museum is both a Relationships of Broken The Museum the for created public space physical and virtual heart and sharing sole purpose of treasuring is a It stories and symbolic possessions. break we us, about the ways about museum about you, simple as an ode to is brilliantly lose. It and love personal life. materials used in that period and a soundtrack and a soundtrack period that used in materials Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 60 doesn’t change,itsimplyevolves. for presenting stories.Like humans,storytelling technology hassupplantedtheoraltradition In thefieldofculture, asinotherfields, and willcontinue tobesofor centuries tocome. tional andspiritualvehicle throughout history Stories have beenanimportantcultural,emo Conclusion Something akintoareturn tosilence. audio toolsandotherextracontent willemerge. of enjoying culture withouttheuseofascreen, Finally, it’s possibleandeven probable that ways • • • • • • • • STORYTELLING AND CULTURAL DIFFUSION Personalizing experience. Gamification mobile reality (MR) andvirtualreality (VR). A growing useofaugmentedreality (AR), touches onallthesenses. Experiences immersedinareality that experiences. Personalized andincreasingly interactive participation. cept ofsharing.Content that requires public on dialogue;areturn to‘we’ andthecon A return toacommunication modelbased of content. an interwoven multiplatform/ multi-channel Cultural entitiesasplatforms andhubswith acters andscenes. define themes,genre, inherent rules,char The creation ofnarrative universes that franchises. historical buildings–andthemove tosetup 18 -

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EVA SNIJDERS com/conference_history/ https://www.museumnext. storytelling/ es/2013/04/on-objects-and-storytelling.html asp?id=170 ery andignitingdebate Storytelling: engagingvisitors,empoweringdiscov Chamberlain, Gregory (ed.), Reading doi/10.1111/j.2151-6952.2001.tb00027.x/abstract ple-and-ideas-19467d738f2f#.8m438y6w2 of-the-future-is-a-post-digital-platform-for-peo geneva_museum_conference/ , Museum Identity, 2011. Meaning Making & - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 61 . - ◄ -

◄ ◄ - -

. 73.2 (1977), 73.2 (1977), http://www. ◄

◄ Newfoundland Quarterly Newfoundland

◄ ◄ ◄ sr_4 its?ref_=tt_ql_1 MuseumNext at Digital, State Blue of Patek, Samir 2016. Inscribed in 2008 (3.COM) on the Representative on the Representative (3.COM) in 2008 Inscribed of Human Heritage Cultural List of the Intangible in 2003). proclaimed ity (originally Narrator Experience "The Personal Ryan, Shannon was The First Time Andy Short as Historian: Shipwrecked", el-naqqali-narracion-dramatica-irani-00535 List of Intangible on the in 2011 (6.COM) Inscribed Safeguarding. of Urgent in Need Heritage Cultural php?pg=00362 el-arte-de-los-meddah-narradores-publicos-00037 4-5. pp. ries-to-work-mastering-business-storytelling-in troduction/ AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E

15. 17. 18. 10. 13. 14. 16. 9. 11. 12. 8. - . - - . ◄

- ◄

◄ http://www. ) ◄ ◄

Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. Safeguarding. of Urgent in Need Heritage Cultural el-yimakan-arte-narrativo-de-los-hezhen-00530 on the List of Intangible in 2011 (6.COM) Inscribed Inscribed in 2008 (3.COM) on the Representative on the Representative in 2008 (3.COM) Inscribed of Human Heritage Cultural List of the Intangible in 2003). proclaimed ity (originally te-de-los-akyn-narradores-epicos-kirguises-00065 venci%C3%B3n 11919413801mexico_sp.pdf/mexico_sp.pdf english/culture resources/whatisstorytelling.html to the size of its membership and its influence, and its influence, of its membership to the size the around of reference a point it has become storytelling. for world neither a professional guild with the legal signifi neither a professional due nor a global organization, implies that cance field of narration. It was founded in 1975 and 1975 founded in It was field of narration. promotion, through the art of storytelling spreads in the US. Although it is and education advocacy The National Storytelling Network is an American is an American Network Storytelling The National in the professionals represents that association

7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Notes Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 62 and works asa post-doctoral fellow at theCologne Center for eHumanities (Germany) in chargeofcommunicatiosn at theEuropean Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) for the magazine literary studiessubjects.In 2015hewasjointeditorofamonographon theDigital Humanities belonging totheTodo GóngoraIIresearch group andalecturer onacademicwritingand Fabra (2015,Barcelona). Alsoat thisuniversity hewas apre-doctoral fellow, anFPIgrantee Antonio Rojas Castro earnedadoctorate inthehumanitiesfrom theUniversitat Pompeu Antonio Rojas Castro CONTEXT THE GLOBAL ACADEMIC CONVERSATIONS IN HUMANITIES. NEW BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES Ínsula . He iscurrently editorof @RojasCastroA


ANTONIO ROJAS The Programming Historian enespañol , is Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 63 - - - - how can we how can we – which has been called a “computa which has been – AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E were the next scientific breakthrough. The term the next scientific breakthrough. were is used in academia, industry and the media… it an object of exactly does it mean? Is but what of technologies or a a group a method, study, discipline? also by a method that seeks to understand also by a method that seeks to even unique cases unusual and particular, through text commentary. the been made possible by These changes have methods, and computing statistical fact that to the social related as other methods as well suc been modified and have have sciences, models to in adapting their conceptual ceeded and Underwood, of texts (English the complexity dealing with a are we other words, In 2016). the various in which genuine conversation interlocutors talk and listen to each other. the particular Concerning in the universal in has been spreading Data” “Big The expression and the media since the experimental sciences data amount of available 2011, as if an increased requirement is not unrelated to the work of hu to the work is not unrelated requirement with contact been in always who have manists, as anthropology, disciplines such other fringe in recent studies. Indeed, and gender Marxism a fruitful established humanists have years and the social studies dialogue with computer sciences this academic con In 2011). (Berry, tional turn” found has directly Data” “Big the expression text, “scale” on into debates its way and nineteenth-century study all the eighteenth- the Germany, France, in England, written novels commonly, more or, or Japan?; States United more concepts through way in a cross-cutting reading” familiar to humanists, such as “distant 2013). (Jockers, or “macroanalysis” 2007) (Moretti, disciplines such as philosophy, Humanistic characterised philology and history are but of study only by a specific object not the methods that are currently available. This available. currently are that the methods - ? their classic objects of study, bearing in mind their classic objects of study, We should begin by dismissing certain clichés certain should begin by dismissing We about about the humanities and ask ourselves explain our culture, and have often (for good or often (for and have explain our culture, the world. perceive bad) changed how we for argued, since antiquity humanists have also antiquity humanists have argued, since to and patterns sought general principles, laws through text commentary, then the answer will then the answer text commentary, through little”. or very “nothing, no doubt be negative: recently Bod (2013) Rens as Professor However, acterised not only by a specific object of study seeks to understand but also by a method that unique cases and even unusual particular, If we accept that humanistic disciplines such that accept we If char philology and history are as philosophy, language and historical events – basically all the language and historical events human mind our of expressions amassed by companies help us gain a better amassed by companies thought, understanding of the limits of our the humanistic disciplines that study documents, the humanistic disciplines that in other words, texts and images of the past? Or, of data how can handling the large amount Spotify’s campaign is both surprising and Spotify’s on the viewer’s because it plays effective this got to do with has all what engagement. But vote, hang in there.” vote, times on Valentine’s Day, what did you do?”; or do?”; or did you what Day, times on Valentine’s of the End ‘It’s people who streamed 3,749 “Dear of the Brexit day the Know It’ as We the World all over the streets of London display messages messages display of London the streets all over ‘Sorry’ 42 person who played such as: “Dear online access to millions of songs, launched an to millions online access produced campaign based on data advertising the huge posters plastered by users. Some of “Music”, “Sport” and “Deaths”. A few days earlier days A few and “Deaths”. “Sport” “Music”, which provides Spotify, company the Swedish the year. Google Trends published the most Google Trends the year. such categories into grouped popular searches “Films”, “Technology”, “People”, as “News”, Christmas 2016. A perfect time to think back, time to think back, 2016. A perfect Christmas of of the main events publish lists sum up and Introduction Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 64 Digital Humanities (EADH) provides agood libraries andfiles.The European Association for texts andimagesintheform ofdigitaleditions, digital humanistsworked todigitisecorpuses of Before theadvent ofGoogleBooksin2004, markup, inTXTformat. semi-structured textinXMLformat or, without files inTIFF, JPEG oranothersimilar format, and ers). Asfor variety, we are dealingwithimage (or rather, this data isnotaccessible toresearch at ahighspeedonour poets, writersorartists libraries donotconstantly produce newdata and into a4GB pendrive; for another, archives and classic works ofSpanish GoldenAge poetryfit strict senseinthehumanities.For onething,the to admitthat we cannotspeakofBig Data inthe words, ifwe take thethree published incomputer-legible format. In other which have fortunately beendigitisedand humanities isusuallytextsandanalogueimages In contrast, theclassicobjectofstudy be mainsources ofdata. consider blogs,thesocialmediaandsensors to definition of Big Data onlymakes senseif we the term subsequently addedafourth (Ward andBarker, 2013).Somereports have generated) and Exabytes), three that iseasytounderstandandmemorise–the The classicdefinitionof“Big Data” isa formula patterns, establishlaws andpredict conduct. this data quantitatively andvisuallytofind speak of500Terabytes perweek); andanalysing storage ofalargevolume ofdata (some authors the definitions combine two importantideas: Microsoft andafew previous reports. In general, technology companies like Oracle, Intel and definitions of“Big Data” provided bymajor (Ward andBarker, 2013)collate thevarious A Survey ofBig Data Definitions”. Theauthors on thematter isentitled“Undefined by Data: One ofthefew articlestohave shed somelight BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES Vs : Volume Veracity Velocity Variety (Terabytes, Petabytes, . Thoughthisvolume-based (data that isconstantly (texts, images,sounds) Vs V asabasis,we have , whichstandsfor


ANTONIO ROJAS - “collection”, “platform” and“library”. scale orsize oftheproject, including“archive”, tion” and“database”, andothersthat denotethe subject ofthisarticle,suchas“data”, “informa that theprojects aboundinwords related tothe the mostfrequently usedwords, itiseasytosee ries are analysedwithVoyant, atoolfor counting ceived 175 submissions.If thetitlesandsumma of writingthisarticle,theassociation hasre in charge,amongotherfields.Sofar, at thetime summary, collaborating institutionsortheteam details ofthenameproject, adescriptive submit adescriptionoftheirproject providing can fillinthe form available onthe website and (whether ornottheybelongtotheassociation) participatory innature becauseanyresearcher conducted inthepastfive years. Theinitiative is access toEuropean Digital Humanities projects on itswebsite todocumentingandpromoting Since 2015,theassociation hasdevoted aspace example ofthetypeprojects carriedout. Glaudes andDel Lungo,2015).Suffice itto say in several authors’literaryoutput(Ganascia, (Blei, 2012),ordetectcasesof intertextuality latent themesunderlying alargegroup oftexts authorship oftexts(Burrows, 2002),discover These initiatives usealgorithmstoattribute Reuse Acquisition Project are alsoimportant. such asCLARIN,CLiGS andElectronic Text and Stylo R. Infrastructure andresearch groups Tools for textualanalysis includeAlcide,CATMA Eighteenth-Century Poetry Archive, andDigiLibt. are Oxford Text Archive, Deutsche TextArchive, projects for makingdigitaltextsavailable online tools andresearch groups. Prominent amongthe Europe canbegaugedbythree aspects:projects, The current state of theDigital Humanities in Humanities projects inEurope CC-BY Words usedmostfrequently todescribeDigital - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 65 - - - - - évi-Strauss’s for “that “that for Latin – and uses instead the term and uses instead – between “raw data” and data” “raw between

on how to encode humanistic on how to encode – for all data has a date of creation of creation has a date all data for ; metadata is just as important, is just as important, ; metadata – which dates back to L which dates and the fallacy of separating data data and the fallacy of separating – – meta AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E For example, the Text Encoding Initiative Initiative Encoding example, the Text For publishes that organisation is a non-profit Recommendations they texts with XML markup language so that from metadata (that is, data such as title, maker, such as title, maker, is, data (that metadata from identifier, format, theme, description, date, is no such there language, etc.). Actually source, as embodied by data, thing as second-grade the root because it is data and impartial as selective by algorithms rather by humans (or produced invalid is the Equally designed by human beings). distinction culinary triangle material” “raw “data”, or between data” “cooked and “information”. Boellstorff Tom like researchers for Indeed, and contex is dense, interpretative data (2013), to speak of preferable tual, and it is therefore the anthropologist Paraphrasing “thick data”. as regarded should be Geertz, data Clifford con of other people’s own constructions “our structions” of objects imagined by a particular community. and images quantitatively. Indeed, digital hu digital Indeed, quantitatively. and images part in the debates active an played have manists of data. on the nature with objec is equated in which data a context In stated it is constantly evidence, irrefutable tive, that is in fact a human construction; data that language place, by the time, is, it is conditioned in gathering actors involved and ideology of the Drucker Johanna example, the researcher it. For the term “data” rejects (2011) to us” which is given or which has been taken meaning “that “capta” this critical intervention evidently collected”; of nature highlights the impartial and incomplete data. the tempo stressed also have humanists Digital rality of data and expiry algorithms for studying large holdings of texts large holdings of studying for algorithms

– close reading close reading – Big Data does not merely boil down to adopting boil down to adopting does not merely Data Big The conversation between the humanities and between The conversation Data as a human construction as a human construction Data with the technologies associated with this with the technologies associated mining, stylometry or phenomenon, such as data language processing. natural social media, blogs and major companies, in the in the social media, blogs and major companies, specifically in literary studies) humanities (and in connection Data can only speak of Big we To sum up, although the volume of data is not of data although the volume sum up, To by the generated currently to that comparable as data mining, stylometry or natural as data mining, stylometry or natural language processing. Data in connection with the technologies with the technologies Data in connection such associated with this phenomenon, Cheema and Scheuermann, 2015). Big speak of only the humanities we can In substance, arrows) or more abstract structures abstract structures or more arrows) substance, Franzini, and graphs (Jänicke, maps, trees like information in the form of marginal annotations, of marginal annotations, in the form information in some way connected are parallel texts that and form between contrast density, (colours, an overview and then filter and examine the and then filter an overview They usually comprehension. a deep details for of analysis with visualisations their complete are not mutually exclusive because researchers researchers because exclusive not mutually are they first gain both strategies: usually combine understanding of the different layers of meaning, layers the different understanding of and the style. Put themes, the events the central and close reading distant reading another way, to the their ideas about that the whole to check gain a better accordingly and correct are work statistical methods are used to analyse texts, methods are statistical from attention shift their because researchers the detail detail and from the whole to the help understand literary and artistic creations. and artistic creations. literary help understand text commentary But when even an important role to play continues The ultimate aim is usually to find patterns that that patterns is usually to find aim The ultimate that many of these procedures are comparable comparable are procedures many of these that 2015). (Rosado, image processing to automatic - - - authorship of texts (Burrows, 2002), discover discover 2002), authorship of texts (Burrows, of texts themes underlying a large group latent 2012), or detect cases of intertextuality (Blei, authors’ literary output (Ganascia, in several say it to 2015). Suffice Lungo, and Del Glaudes Words used most frequently to describe Digital to describe Digital used most frequently Words CC-BY in Europe projects Humanities in Humanities of the Digital state The current aspects: projects, can be gauged by three Europe among the Prominent groups. tools and research online available making digital texts for projects TextArchive, Deutsche Archive, Text Oxford are and DigiLibt. Archive, Poetry Eighteenth-Century textual analysis include Alcide, CATMA for Tools groups and research R. Infrastructure and Stylo Text and Electronic such as CLARIN, CLiGS also important. are Project Acquisition Reuse use algorithms to attribute These initiatives Since 2015, the association has devoted a space a space has devoted association 2015, the Since promoting documenting and to on its website projects Humanities Digital European to access is initiative years. The in the past five conducted because any researcher in nature participatory to the association) or not they belong (whether and website available on the form can fill in the providing of their project submit a description a descriptive of the project, details of the name or the team institutions collaborating summary, at the time other fields. So far, in charge, among re has the association of writing this article, and summa the titles submissions. If 175 ceived counting a tool for with Voyant, analysed ries are it is easy to see used words, the most frequently to the related abound in words the projects that “informa subject of this article, such as “data”, denote the others that and and “database”, tion” including “archive”, of the project, scale or size and “library”. “platform” “collection”, example of the type of projects carried out. carried of the type of projects example Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 66 it hasalsobeenaccepted ina few humanistic only beengiven credit inthebusinessworld, but The dismissaloftheoriesandmodelshasnot scientific methodisobsolete(Anderson,2008). Put anotherway, intheeraof Petabyte, need tobeproven orrefuted withexperiments. need theories,modelsandhypotheses,which data andeffective statistical methods, we donot basically asfollows: ifwe have largeamountsof find that theoryisdiscredited. Theargumentis In literature onBig Data itisalsocommon to In defence oftheory collections havecurrently beendigitised. like Europeana. Only 23%of European despite thecollective efforts of initiatives Our cultural heritageisnot fullydigitised, questioned critically. should notbeviewed asabsolutetruthsbutbe and bearculturalmarks.In conclusion, data are theproduct ofaninterpretation oftheworld that technology, data, algorithmsandstandards to theDigital Humanities, butrather tostress importance ofthe TEI,especiallyingivingshape With thisIdonotwishtodetractfrom the structures withmarkuplanguage(Terras, 2013). with respect tomen,andcodified patriarchal was sexist,asitputwomen insecond place researcher pointedoutthat thistypology The situation wasre-examined whenafemale 0 (not known). codes 1(male), 2(female), 9(not applicable) and attributes ( with standard ISO/IEC 5218:2004andthat the sex ofapersonmentionedintextcomplied the factthat thelabel however, noneofitsmembershadquestioned defined bythe consortium. Up until2012, based ontheirexperience tothesetoflabels researcher cansuggestchangesorimprovements It isaparticipatory organisation inwhichany are interchangeable and,more orless,standard. BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES @value) were given assingle-digit for describingthe


ANTONIO ROJAS some 50%oftheircollections andadmitthat archives. Theseinstitutionshave yet todigitise institutions includinglibraries,museumsand survey wasanswered bysome1,000European collections have currently beendigitised.The (Nauta andWietske, 2015),only23%ofEuropean European Commission project ENUMERATE According tothelatest report issuedbythe collective efforts ofinitiatives like Europeana. images, sounds) isnotfullydigitised, despitethe cultural heritage(documents, texts,paintings, for research. It shouldberemembered that our importance oftheories,modelsandhypotheses number ofwritingshave confirmed the In contrast tothisviewpoint,aconsiderable small group, ashasbeendonesofar. all theexistingdata asopposedtoasampleor hypothesis isnolongernecessary ifwe analyse for example,claimsthat atheoryorprevious writings. Jean-Gabriel Ganascia(2015: 632–33), new data isgenerated vectors ofBig Data isthe Velocity withwhich we never have alltheexisting data could renders scientificmethoduseless, because believe that analysinglargeamountsofdata From ahumanisticviewpoint,itisthushard to context. many assumptionsthat varydependingonthe culture andideologygohandinwith and algorithmsare alsopartofaparticular nation). In addition, formats, markuplanguages cultural heritageofacommunity (for example, a and theirrole istopreserve anddisseminate the and archives are publiclyfundedinstitutions should notbeforgotten that museums,libraries stems from ideologicalandidentityreasons. It the documents;butthisselectionfurthermore tution orworking group inchargeofdigitising based ontheresources available totheinsti Digitisation always involves makingaselection heritage isnotaccessible ontheinternet. These figures highlightthefactthat muchofour about 27%oftheirholdingswillnotbedigitised. – becausethedata is – oneofthe - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 67 - - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E contextual elements such as starting hypotheses, elements such as starting hypotheses, contextual assumptions, scientific methods, theoretical and technologies. formats 3D modelled epigraphic inscription. © Epigraphia 3D 3D modelled epigraphic inscription. © Epigraphia help us think that thus icons models are Digital about the original, the analogue and learn more object. This type of thought has been described because it stands somewhere as “abduction”, induction and deduction and is based between of the person on the intuition and experience other In and Raja, 2014). (Bryant who “models” by of modelling is influenced the process words, example, an epigraphic inscription) and the and an epigraphic inscription) example, allows that 3D reconstruction (a representation various angles from to be viewed the tombstone similarity; it is detail) is based on and in greater on reflection important to place therefore of the tradition of semiot in context “modelling” and Eder, of signs (Ciula ics and the science of degrees different are there Naturally 2016). total can range from similarity; the relationship similar including a certain to metaphor, likeness of the object repre the properties ity between representation. sented and the digital The connection between the external object (for object (for the external between The connection - - gain new knowledge, new meanings, by generat it. represents ing an external object that is the creative process that takes place when a place takes that process is the creative because the aim is to phenomenon is “modelled”, in the academic field, speculative (to understand in the academic field, speculative than the finished More of texts). the structure Humanities in the Digital matters what product, used in a specific context for particular purposes context used in a specific of a group make sometimes practical (to are that often, especially but are online), texts available it helps explain the core of digitisation work. work. of digitisation it helps explain the core as tools, schemes or designs taken are Models understand the phenomena analysed through understand the phenomena analysed through the Humanities the Digital abstractions. In because widespread is very of “model” concept models are even more important in the era of more even models are to explain and because it is necessary Data Big contextual elements. contextual theories and authors argue that a few Indeed, original, the analogue object and the original, the analogue object and by modelling is influenced of process Digital models are thus icons that help icons thus models are Digital about the us think and learn more the key lies in knowing about this choice, this lies in knowing about this choice, the key it conditions that and being aware preference, and interpretations. results not to establish whether CollateX’s algorithm is not to establish whether CollateX’s but not agree, or may may Researchers correct. elimination of a stanza from one place and the one place of a stanza from elimination place) addition of the same lines in another the question is Here in press). Zundert, (Van a poem, a stanza that appears displaced or in or appears displaced that a poem, a stanza is, (that and a substitution place) a different stressed that for CollateX it is not relevant to is not relevant it CollateX for that stressed a transposition or change distinguish between example, in of text (for of a portion of place to compare texts with slight variations and align and align slight variations texts with to compare Among different. are that the parts of the texts of the algorithm, it should be other assumptions by our culture and, therefore, has ideological has ideological and, therefore, by our culture a tool designed the case of CollateX, biases. Take erroneous or ambiguous, or because data pro or because data or ambiguous, erroneous determined is or otherwise) (automatic cessing Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 68 noting thedate andborrower, intheirdatabases. their economic status. Librarians record allloans, infrastructure accessible to everyone regardless of esting becausetheyare atypeofneighbourhood The caseofpubliclibrariesisparticularlyinter using methodstoanonymisedata. dialogue withlibraries andmuseums study citizens’ cultural habits,inconstant We shouldaskourselveshowhumanists can created inthedatabase. borrow abookfrom apubliclibraryrecord is also tokeep checkofvisitors;lastly, whenwe to protect ourheritagefrom crimeandtheft,but visit amuseum–thesurveillance cameraisthere a product andbuyit;thesameistruewhenwe or songontheinternet,andwhenwe clickon registered every timewe search for abook,film However, asconsumers ofculture, ouractsare on theprivacyofcreators andrecipients. therefore doesnotusuallyposeethicaldilemmas text, avisualrepresentation and finished humanities tendstobeexternal,autonomous As we have seen,theobjectofstudy posting their“statuses” onFacebook. psychoanalytical therapyor, nowadays, by reveal theirdeepestsecrets through confession, watched and,at thesametime,encouraged to among others.In themodernstate peopleare of power structures studiedbyMichel Foucault, this isbynomeansnewandpartofthehistory ments monitorcitizens toensure theirsecurity; the wake oftheEdward Snowden case.Govern tion ofbeingconstantly watched the eighteenthcentury whichcreates thesensa tentiary buildingdevisedbyJeremy Benthanin better still,tothePanopticon Big Data tobecompared toBig Brother or, has asinistercounterpart. It isnotunusualfor data inreal timethrough thesocialmediaalso The constant production oflargeamounts Inside thePanopticon BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES – ahistoricaldocument,literary – andresearch – atypeofpeni – especiallyin


ANTONIO ROJAS - - - - sellers; ortoidentifythenextDan Brown based readers finishthem which bookscanberegarded asgood are already usingreading statistics todiscover Manufacturers ofelectronic books,for example, influence people’s tastesand reading habits. to ascertain howfilms,televisionandadvertising breakthrough. For example,itwould bepossible enjoying access tosomuchdata would bea For researchers interested inreading habits, would encroach onusers’privacy. the place andtimeoftheloan,butsuchpractices or CSVandincludeaseriesofmetadata suchas have tobepublishedinanopenformat like XML rary taste.In order tobestudied,thisdata would books whichfunctionasindicators ofcontempo ever, publishlistsofthemostfrequently borrowed of data protection (Starr, 2004). Theydo,how because municipallibrarieshave alongtradition Nevertheless, thistypeofdata isnotaccessible members do. our tastes,interests and moods know more abouta particular society companies like Spotify andAmazon donot data. In myview, we shouldaimtoensure that and museumsusingmethodstoanonymise cultural habits,inconstant dialoguewithlibraries ask ourselves howhumanists canstudycitizens’ in thesocialsciences (Reichert, 2015),we should accused ofexerting coercive power over research did. Just ascompanies like Twitter have been the socialmedia that thestate ofbeingwatched existedbefore way ascompanies. Imerely wishtopointout libraries andmuseumsshouldactinthesame By thisIdonotmean toimplythat public saga orgenre. publishing future ofaparticularauthor, literary easier tojustifyeconomic decisionsaboutthe sales andcustomersatisfaction; thismakes it learn more abouttherelationship between books isamassedbypublishingcompanies to sically, allthedata generated byourelectronic written byunknownauthors(Kobo, 2014). Ba on readers’ degree ofsatisfaction withbooks – justasspaces ofresistance – despitenotbeingbest – thanitsown – – about because - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 69 - - - - . http:// Culture Culture 17.3: pp. pp. 17.3: . . , 19.2. , 19.2. . http://firstmonday. https://www.wired. . . DHQ: Digital Humanities Humanities DHQ: Digital First Monday First 18.10. Wired A New History of the Human of History A New . 5.1. First Monday First 12. . Literary and Linguistic Computing Literary . Oxford University Press. University . Oxford AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Quarterly dhq/vol/5/1/000091/000091.html Boellstorff, Tom (2013). “Making Big Data, in Data, Big (2013). “Making Tom Boellstorff, Theory”. org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4869 the “In (2014). Anthony and Raja, Uzma Bryant, Data…” of Big Realm view/4991 of a Measure “‘Delta’: (2002). John Burrows, Author Guide to Likely a and Difference Stylistic ship”. 267–87. “Model Øyvind (2016). Ciula, Arianna and Eder, in Context”. Signs Humanities: ling in the Digital the Humanities Scholarship in Digital Approaches “Humanities (2011). Johanna Drucker, Display”. to Graphical Anderson, Chris (06.23.08). “The End of End “The Chris (06.23.08). Anderson, the Scientific Makes Deluge The Data Theory: Obsolete”. Method com/2008/06/pb-theory/ Turn: “The Computational M. (2011). D. Berry, Humanities”. Digital Thinking about the Machine index.php/cm/article/viewarticle/440 Topic “Probabilistic M. (2012). David Blei, of the ACM, Communications Models”. 77–84: 55.4: pp. zines/2012/4/147361-probabilistic-topic-models/ fulltext (2013). Bod, Rens ities Bibliography Bibliography - - experience to analysing particular cases bearing experience in mind the general context. generated by citizens, recalling the “captured” the “captured” recalling by citizens, generated bringing their and of data, and cultural nature cultural practices of the present. Humanists no Humanists of the present. cultural practices to ethical and much to contribute doubt have on the use of the data epistemological debates humanities, but it also deserves our attention as our attention humanities, but it also deserves the in interested citizens twenty-first-century out scientific research. Lastly, it discusses the Lastly, research. out scientific a sense, In and control. privacy dialectic between field of the this issue escapes the traditional “Big Data”, this article highlights the cultural this article highlights Data”, “Big the validity of and defends of data nature carrying for theories, models and hypotheses After analysing the meaning of the expression the meaning of the expression analysing After study language, literature or art using techniques study language, literature automatic Language Processing, such as Natural topic modelling and stylometry. vision, computer pean academia, there are many notable projects many notable projects are pean academia, there to in order large amounts of data process that cultural heritage is incomplete, several publica several is incomplete, cultural heritage into conversation which enter tions can be found Euro In and the social sciences. Data with Big have not been unaffected by this phenomenon; not been unaffected have of our the digitisation although specifically, very media as if the increased amount of available of available amount media as if the increased next scientific breakthrough. the were data the humanities is plenty of hype, Although there Since 2011 the expression “Big Data” has been has been Data” “Big expression 2011 the Since the and sciences in the experimental widely used Conclusions Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 70 new-global-outdoor-ad-campaign-174826 adfreak/spotify-crunches-user-data-fun-ways- Campaign in Fun Ways for This New Global Outdoor Ad Nudd, Tim(2016), detail ropean-cultural-heritage-institutions-2015/ eu/reports/survey-report-on-digitisation-in-eu ENUMERATE. European Cultural Heritage Institutions 2015 den (2015). Nauta, Gerhard Jan andHeuvel, Wietske van stract Models for Literary History Moretti, Franco (2007). 2014.pdf Data%20-%20Kobo%20Whitepaper%20Fall%20 Publishing%20in%20the%20Era%20of%20Big%20 Data”. Kobo, 2014.“Publishing intheEra ofBig Press. Methods andLiterary History Jockers, Matthew (2013). 10.1111/cgf.12873 manities”. G. (2016). “VisualText AnalysisinDigital Hu J and LinguisticComputing Reuses andCitations inLiteraryTexts”. Lungo, Andrea (2015). “Automatic Detection of Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel, Glaudes, Pierre andDel page-627.htm les Humanités”. Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel (2015). “Les content/77/3/277.full 77.3: pp. 278–95. Social Science”. “Shifting Scales:Between Literature and English, James F. andUnderwood, Ted (2016). änicke, S., BIG DATA IN THE DIGITAL HUMANITIES

, Computer Graphics Forum Adweek Survey Report onDigitization in Franzini, G.,Faisal, C.,Scheuermann, . http://dataplatform.enumerate. Modern LanguageQuarterly Critique Spotify CrunchesUser Data . . Graphs, Maps, Trees: Ab 818–19: pp. 627–36. 29.3:pp. 412–21. Macroanalysis. Digital . University ofIllinois . Verso: London. Big Data , 35.2.DOI: Literary



dans ANTONIO ROJAS - - - ing-the-rules-of-digital-humanities-from-the- Rules ofDigital Humanities from the Inside Terras, Melissa (27. 03.2013).“On Changingthe article/view/1198/1118 9.12. Security: AnHistorical Review.” Starr, Joan (2004). “LibrariesandNational sis. artísticas analogías aplicados alacatalogación ycreación protocolos devisiónartificialpara ladetección de Rosado Rodrigo, Pilar (2015). (eds.). Basel,pp. 147–66. Society Data. The Ambivalence of Life inaData-Driven Culture inTransition”. Reichert, Ramón(2015). “Big Data. Digital Media Digital resources Definitions”. “Undefined By Data: A Survey of Big Data Ward, Jonathan Stuart andBarker, Adam(2013). the Humanities Van Zundert, Joris (inpress). inside/ 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 5B005786714E45936B6E127DF8;jsessionid=FDC5ED Hispánicas: Asociación Humanidades Digitales node/1 FreeLing: ities: European Association for Digital Human portal/es Europeana: tions: Alliance ofDigital Humanities Organiza . SabineHimmelsbach andClaudiaMareis

. Universitat deBarcelona. Doctoral the

. http://www.humanidadesdig

Poetics andPolitics of

Digital Scholarshipin Formas latentes:

First Monday

”. .

- -

- - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 71

@airun72 @elenagbg @matthewdlincoln @Ted_Underwood @bestqualitycrab @GretaFranzini @manovich @umblaetterer @dancohen @eumanismo Ted Underwood: Underwood: Ted Manovich: Lev Ortega: Rodríguez Nuria Greta Franzini: Franzini: Greta Verhoeven: Dev Fischer: Frank Lincoln: Matthew é Calvo: Jos Elena González Blanco: Cohen: Dan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Tweeters Tweeters -


http://www.tei-c. https:// Google Arts & Culture: Google Arts & Culture: beta/u/0/?utm_campaign=cilex_v1&utm_ source=cilab&utm_medium=artsexperi ments&utm_content=freefall R: Stylo computationalstylistics/stylo Voyant: Text Encoding Initiative: Initiative: Encoding Text org/index.xml Historian: The Programming

9. 10. 8. 7. 6. Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 72 in theworld (source: Onalytica) onWearable Technology andtheInternet ofThings. software andconsultancy inthenew technologiessector, heisoneoftheleadingexperts revolution. CEO ofZerintia Technologies. Withmore thanfifteen years’ experience indeveloping Entrepreneur, TEDx lecturer, AugmentedHuman Expertandpromoter ofthenewtechnological Pedro Diezma THE 21 LEISURE AND CULTURE IN REVOLUTION IN ART, THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE THE INTERNET OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… ST @Pedro_Diezma CENTURY


PEDRO DIEZMA Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 73 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E people who go up close to view or experience people who go up close to view or experience we are lies: the difference them. This is where to or contribute share going to be able to feel, IoT. by the influenced are that works expressive force. Since then, artists have sought then, artists have Since force. expressive both their inner of expressing ways different and they have and their environment, world in people who made an shown particular interest impact on others’ lives. and new technologies of the internet The advent For one thing, they effect. has had a twofold cutting bigger audiences, enable artists to reach to easy access and to enjoy costs, promotion example, local artists For in the world. anywhere or establish an impactful works great who create if recognition style can easily gain international media and on the social their works they share of the planet. can sell them in all corners any physical object into The ability to transform it possible to build makes digital furthermore users. Incorporating emotional links between leads to the exploration digital links into works in which they can interact with the of new ways tasks simpler. The next stage of technological stage of technological The next tasks simpler. the tools already us to adapt all is for evolution and tablets) smartphones others, in use (among with means of communicating intuitive to more environment. the technological will transform this evolution evident that is It to rise but it will also give existing industries, will not only witness We new business models. and health sectors, but changes in the industrial fashion and, on design, focused also in industries art. in particular, of Things Art and the Internet origins of mankind, art is what very the Since other species. The cave has set us apart from thousand years forty from paintings, which date of their on account us today ago, still amaze devices and apps that make life, work and daily work life, make apps that and devices - - and gadgets that have come onto the market – onto the market come have and gadgets that We increasingly hear about new technologies increasingly We Revolution” that will also extend to culture, leisure extend to culture, also will that Revolution” our creativity of expressing ways and art. New by day. day being developed are and inventiveness Indeed, the metamorphosis is so profound that the metamorphosis is so profound Indeed, “Technological talk of the new is already there capabilities further than we had ever dreamed had ever capabilities further than we these changes also pose new challenges But of. to each other. relate to our society and how we homes, cities and working environments. our will enable us to develop These advances transformation and radical shift in paradigm shift in paradigm and radical transformation in our is undergoing life that our way of The Internet of Things (IoT) embodies a (IoT) Things of Internet The the deep intended to reflect that is concept how they are changing our understanding of art, changing how they are and culture. leisure new concepts and trends such as Smart Cities, as Smart such and trends new concepts Augmented Human, Chatbots, Reality, Mixed and Learning of Body and Accelerated Internet beginning of a social, economic and cultural beginning of a social, economic is shaking the foundations that transformation in detail the of mankind. This article will examine store and exchange data. Although the Internet Although the Internet data. and exchange store the it is merely a reality, of Things is already devices (cars, fitness trackers, TVs, etc.) fitted TVs, fitness trackers, (cars, devices and and electronics with sensors, software and to a network enable them to connect that The term “Internet of Things” is not new and The term “Internet of smart simply as a group be defined could Internet of Things will revolutionise our concep will revolutionise of Things Internet with it. interact and how we tion of the world a technological leap that directly affects how affects directly that a technological leap the Basically, challenges. mankind addresses mation and radical shift in paradigm that our and radical shift in paradigm that mation cities is undergoing in our homes, of life way witnessing are We environments. and working The Internet of Things (IoT) embodies a concept a concept embodies of Things (IoT) The Internet deep transfor the to reflect is intended that Introduction Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 74 umbrella. just turnedanordinary umbrella intoasmart take itwithus toavoid gettingwet. We have movement ared lightwillcome ontellingusto in real time.If rainisforecasted, whenitdetects connected, we canfindoutthe weather forecast the sensorswe canalso incorporate. Once it is the internetandtoprocess information from an Intel Curie chip, itwillbeabletoconnect to take, for example,anumbrella. If we fititwith one that issmartseemingly straightforward: nectivity. Converting aneveryday objectinto factories… nothingwillescapethishypercon people sportingwearables, homes,cars,cities, connected; indeed,inmanycasesitalready is: It isanevidentfactthat everything willbe IoT solutionsoverthenextfiveyears. nearly sixbilliondollarsthatwillbespenton economic potential, weare talkingabout in useissettotripleby2020,termsof The numberof internet-connected devices over thenextfive years. billion dollarsthat willbespentonIoT solutions nomic potential,we are talkingaboutnearlysix (smartphones, tablets,etc.).In termsofeco devices andtherest traditionalcomputer devices 34 billionby2020.Ofthem,24willbeIoT use issettotriplefrom thecurrent 10billionto The numberofinternet-connected devices in Current situation work andvisitors. so that adirect linkisestablishedbetween their allows artiststotellthestorybehindeachpiece, to associate additionalinformation withobjects multimedia elementintoeachpiece. Theability avatar, uploadtheirwork, andincorporate a Artists cancreate auniquedigitalidentityor enables eachartwork to“tellitsownstory”. the Internet ofThingstocome. Its technology The start-up ofthe“Bemoir”project ( THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… ) wasprompted bytherevolution of http:// - - number ofrequisites: qualify aspartoftheIoT universe, itmustmeeta So farsoeasy, butinorder for anobjectto of managingpollutionand water qualityortraffic On alargerscale,there are smartcitiescapable (AI) suchasGoogleHome andAmazon Echo. managed bydevices withartificialintelligence have smarthomes,whichare beginningtobe the information theyexchange. We already and generating synergies between devices and solutions, broadening thescope ofinfluence kind andisallowingustostartbuildingwider But theIoT goesfurtherthanobjectsof this our favourite magazine. attention totheroad, whilewe carryonreading arrive at ourdestination withouthaving topay lysing ourmood,tosmartcarsthat enableusto recommend anearlymorningroute whileana we ingestormirrors that reflect thetrafficand ranging from forks that measure thecalories to convert everyday objectsintosmartones, current systemsallowmanymanufacturers communication and decideonaprocess. The In short, thedevice musthave sensorsand • • • plant; or, inthecaseofapatient monitoring or reduce theproduction ofanindustrial to aMachine Learning systemtoincrease app tohelptheusermake adecisionor purpose: itcanbesenttoasmartphone All thisinformation mustbeusedfor a ogies: NFC,4G, 5G,Wi-Fi,Bluetooth, etc. any oftheexistingcommunication technol digital platform tobeprocessed andcanuse data that isgathered needstobesenta It mustbeabletoconnect totheWeb: the sensor. thermometer, agasdetectororproximity for example,apush-button,gyroscope, a gather information aboutthesurroundings: The device mustbefittedwithsensorsthat hospital ward. system, itcanusedtosendawarning


PEDRO DIEZMA - - and harder tosurpriseus. and information overload are makingitharder no mistake, intoday’s world hyperconnectivity and, more importantly, amaze them. For make technology that allows themtoreach more users emotions intheirworks, have at lastfound a creativity seeknewmeansofexpressing their Artists themselves, who intheirquestfor ways ofgettingartisticcontent toconsumers. Institutions andpromoters are exploringnew leisure. with friendsandrelatives, itwillalsoaffect it may have onhowwe work orcommunicate out beingalmostinvisible.Asidefrom theimpact like anyself-respecting revolution, ithasstarted this information andallthesedevices, though, Our lives are startingtochangeasaresult ofall robots that analyseleaves insearch ofpests. crops, sensorsthat measure soildrynessand there are drones that survey thestate ofthe further away from cities,iscrop fieldswhere neighbourhood every morning.Anotherexample, users receive areport onairpollutionintheir processed andsenttotherelated appsothat like London andLos Angeles.Thisinformation is sure airqualityinreal timeontopigeonsincities how you lookat it) strappedsensorsthat mea group ofgeniuses(or madmen,dependingon projects suchas“Pigeon AirPatrol”, whereby a real time.Thisconcept hasgiven risetocurious by regulating trafficlightsorparkingspaces in - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 75 - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Let us take a look at a few examples of the a few a look at us take Let art, which Art” or interactive so-called “Network emotions or moods it possible to share makes from information by accessing in artworks in the world: anywhere to their inability to adapt to such a changing to their inability to adapt to such technology, of IoT the advent but environment, a disadvantage, is an opportunity, being far from that unique works as it will allow them to create them and make interact with the users who visit impact. a worldwide offers the IoT What artists: opportunities artists with of Things can provide The Internet and one thing, evolved new opportunities. For higher can fetch artworks hyperconnected a each artist can create another, For prices. of new ways by incorporating unique work interaction, raising the quality of their work and minimising the possibilities of fraudulent practices. to art and culture to art in up against obstacles come Artists constantly their traditional known to make their attempts things If gain due recognition. and works the art market present, at as they are continue the of Things be the Internet will shrink. Could solution? creativity, in their quest for Artists will seek, their emotions expressing new means of with a technology that in their works, more users and, more allows them to reach amaze them. importantly, one of the cannot lose sight of the fact that We risks posed by the use of new technolo greatest with intellectual do away they could gies is that the risk of plagia and increase rights property lagging behind owing rism. Some artists are What the IoT can contribute can contribute the IoT What - no mistake, in today’s world hyperconnectivity hyperconnectivity world in today’s no mistake, making it harder are overload and information to surprise us. and harder technology that allows them to reach more users more allows them to reach technology that make them. For amaze importantly, and, more Artists themselves, who in their quest for who in their quest for Artists themselves, their seek new means of expressing creativity a last found at have emotions in their works, Institutions and promoters are exploring new are and promoters Institutions to consumers. of getting artistic content ways with friends and relatives, it will also affect also affect it will with friends and relatives, leisure. like any self-respecting revolution, it has started revolution, any self-respecting like the impact from out being almost invisible. Aside or communicate work we on how have it may Our lives are starting to change as a result of all to change as a result starting are lives Our though, and all these devices, this information crops, sensors that measure soil dryness and soil dryness measure sensors that crops, of pests. in search analyse leaves that robots further away from cities, is crop fields where fields where cities, is crop from further away of the the state survey that drones are there processed and sent to the related app so that so that app and sent to the related processed their on air pollution in a report users receive example, morning. Another neighbourhood every how you look at it) strapped sensors that mea that strapped sensors it) at look how you time onto pigeons in cities air quality in real sure is Angeles. This information and Los London like projects such as “Pigeon Air Patrol”, whereby a whereby Patrol”, Air such as “Pigeon projects on madmen, depending geniuses (or of group by regulating traffic lights or parking spaces in parking spaces lights or traffic by regulating rise to curious has given This concept time. real Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 76 installed andtransformed intoalow-frequency an ocean buoy located near where thework is tions. Every half-hour data isdownloadedfrom Waves, whichresponds tochangingseacondi Artist Matt Roberts hasdesigned apiece called 3) Waves “work” tocheckpollution data for theirdistrict. is more, passers-bycansendmessagestothe Korean environment ministryinreal time.What ty-seven sensorsthat relay information from the of besttoworst airquality, basedontwen Every fifteenminutesthepanelslightupinorder whose panelsrepresent thedistrictsofSeoul. Living Lightisaproject consisting ofahugemap Designed bySoo-inYang andDavid Benjamin, 2) LivingLight individual panelsbasedonaparticularpattern. the world byactivating anddeactivating the create asimulation oftheclimate ofanycityin and Atmospheric Administration) andisusedto is received from theNOAA (National Oceanic on more thanahundred cities.Theinformation accordance withmeteorological data gathered each ofwhichiscapablechangingcolour in from 3,000LTI SmartGlass liquidcrystalpanels, Koblin, Nik Hafermaas andDan Goods.It isbuilt eCLOUD isapermanentartwork byAaron Installed inSanJosé International Airport, 1) eCLOUD project THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… - - efficiency anddisseminate information to resi an infrastructure that helpsboostoperational information systems andtechnologiestocreate or municipalgovernment encourages theuseof A smartcityisanewconcept whereby thelocal cultural offering Smart citiesandtheir spaces. ining itsimpactonthecitiesthat hostallthese cinemas andmuseums,we willbeginbyexam possibilities thistechnologyoffers theatres, To gainanunderstandingofthenewcultural projects thereceived imageofthewave onawall. sends thewaves toaloudspeaker andthen of thesoundwaves theyproduce. Thesystem waves constantly change,sodoesthefrequency sound wave. Asthesize andmovement ofocean and innovative companies, whoconvert the They are alsoanattraction for talented artists shops. hosting performances, restaurants, caf cinemas andconcert halls,publicplaces for districts withacriticalmassofartgalleries, related services, establishingartisticandcultural technologies modifyareas ofthecityand transforming thecity. Applications usingthese and townplannerstocreate newways of tourists, academics,localauthorities,architects The concept ofsmartcityinvitespeople, transport, amongotheraspects. energy consumption andtheuseofpublic sis toolstomonitorandanalysetraffic patterns, management systemsandadvanced data analy more andmore technologysuchassensors, Managers ofmajorcitiesare beginning touse leisure, tourismandculture. health, water andalsothemanagementof include transport,trafficmanagement,energy, the qualityofpublicservices. Theseservices dents andvisitors,at thesametimeimproving


PEDRO DIEZMA és and - - - including lightbulbs,thermostat, sensors,alarms, for allthedevices installed inasmarthome, assistant calledAlexa.It actsasacontrol centre Amazon Echo isaloudspeaker withapersonal Framework HomeKit. about tobringoutitsownsystembasedonthe smart assistantsandAppleisrumoured tobe Amazon andGooglehave already launched nected homeisrapidlybecoming areality: The science-fiction viewofahigh-tech, con Smart homes consumption ofleisure andculture from home? begins inpeoples’homes.How dowe planour The steppriortoarrivinginculturalspaces public services. the cleannessofstreets andtheefficiencyof city. For example,itisbeingusedtoevaluate interactions withthevariouselementsof citizens andtouristsontheirreactions toand been created whichrecords digitalinputfrom In theArabEmirates a“happinessmeasure” has nothing withoutitscitizens. and “citizen participation”, assmartcityis creative places, promoting interaction Cities willbecome thrivingandhighly a smartcityisnothingwithoutitscitizens. Promoting interactionand“citizen participation”, cities intothrivingandhighlycreative places. - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 77 . Users . Users Zootopia AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Smart cinemas & smart theatres cinemas Smart to be is beginning Although major progress of entertainment, the fact is made in the world football league standings?” league football entertainment examples of their use for A few below: listed purposes are Hopps, one Judy an official bot of created Disney to Facebook of its main digital characters, on of the film the release promote to chat cases and could solve Hopps helped Judy her and ask her about the film. that has launched a service Pizza Domino’s and users can get a pizza anywhere that ensures the Amazon from any time. They can order at Twitter, Messenger, Facebook chatbot, Echo and smart cars. smartwatches the cinema or for our ticket have we that Now home using bought from have which we theatre, the experience. can enjoy we a smart device, launched a similar device of its own called of its own called a similar device launched Google Home. to ask allow users systems command Voice merely devices their IoT questions and control Behind all these commands. by giving voice simulates that software chatbots, are devices artificial through writing) (or human conversation needs supports people’s service This intelligence. specific purposes for chiefly and is employed and health centres services such as customer entertainment. or for services, language or natural These systems use the voice of interaction with users. Instead to improve or mobile app, clicking on buttons on a website simply by chatting operations can perform you on films are “What and asking questions like the for tickets book two “Can you tonight?”, final the are or “What opera this Saturday?”, background music and home appliances. Google and home appliances. music background - including light bulbs, thermostat, sensors, alarms, including light bulbs, thermostat, Amazon Echo is a loudspeaker with a personal with a a loudspeaker is Echo Amazon centre acts as a control assistant called Alexa. It installed in a smart home, all the devices for about to bring out its own system based on the about to bring out its own system HomeKit. Framework nected home is rapidly becoming a reality: a reality: nected home is rapidly becoming launched already and Google have Amazon to be smart assistants and Apple is rumoured The science-fiction view of a high-tech, con view of a high-tech, The science-fiction Smart homes Smart The step prior to arriving in cultural spaces spaces The step prior to arriving in cultural plan our we do begins in peoples’ homes. How home? from and culture leisure of consumption public services. interactions with the various elements of the interactions with to evaluate example, it is being used For city. and the efficiency of the cleanness of the streets been created which records digital input from input from digital which records been created and to their reactions and tourists on citizens nothing without its citizens. without nothing has a “happiness measure” the Arab Emirates In Cities will become thriving and highly thriving become Cities will interaction promoting places, creative is as smart city participation”, and “citizen a smart city is nothing without its citizens. is nothing without a smart city cities into thriving and highly creative places. places. creative thriving and highly cities into participation”, and “citizen interaction Promoting Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 78 is for ustobeable interactwithourmobile part ofthe“Second Screen” concept. Theidea of usingmobilephonesinsomecinemas,butas Perhaps we willstartexploringthepossibilities this? of glassesfor hisnextfilms;will we gettosee experimenting with3Dviewingwithouttheuse staunchest advocates of3D, James Cameron, is on wearing glassestowatch afilm. One ofthe as expected.Cinemagoersare notoverly keen 3D intocinemas,asitisnotgoingdownwell One ofthemajorchallengesisincorporating “cinema experience maker”. the performing arts,suchas“theatre maker” or actor inafight. New professions willspringupin able tofeel theblowsreceived byourfavourite certain odours.From ourseats, we willeven be 4D moviesentailsincorporating rain,windor ence newkindsofsensations. Theconcept of The latest advances are enablingustoexperi rain, windorcertain odours. concept of 4Dmoviesentailsincorporating experience newkindsof sensations.The The latestadvances are enablingusto your body. on your back(spine), you feel themusicallover them sothat theyenvelop you. Asyou wear it you tofeel soundwaves inperson,andamplifies them. For example,theSubpac backpackenables – even beingabletoexperience certain partsof One ofthefuture trends isimmersioninfilms from nowon. shows, amongothers.Everything willbepossible one interactions,flashmobsandvirtual reality transmit data intheform ofemotions,one-to- innovations includedancingdrones, actorswho theatre are becoming increasingly feasible. These overcome. Future innovations inthecinemaand limitations andbarriersare beginningtobe that, withtheadvent oftheInternet ofThings, THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… - tured andthecharacterisrendered, coming to mance anactor’s movements are digitallycap unique digitalexperience. During theperfor the spirit,hasbeenfullydigitisedtooffer a world over thepastfour hundred years. Ariel, which hasbeenplayed intheatres allover the performances ofShakespeare’s A few examplesofinteractive showsare the to thecinemaortheatre New IoT technologiesapplied the glare ofmobilephonesinthedark. provided that nobodyinthetheatre objects to alternative offers ahostofpossibilities–that is, ter’s pastorhelpaddress alogicalchallenge.This be abletofindoutaboutamysteriouscharac decide what planetheshouldvisit.We willalso the maincharacterhastomake adecisionorto at certain momentsinthefilm,suchaswhen intel-shakespeares-tempest/ the artsandtheatre. making itpossibletoaddanewdimension example ofhowtechnologyandscience are visible tothepublic. twenty-seven projectors tomake thecharacter gathering theinformation, thetechniciansuse servers withXeon andCore i7processers. After has taken partintheproject bysupplyingtwo life inreal timeintheaudience’s presence. Intel


PEDRO DIEZMA The Tempest The Tempest is justone , - - - sophisticated futuristiccostumes for plays. 3D printingismakingitpossible tocreate highly painted bydrones equippedwithairbrushes. is notall:we are alsostartingtoseeartworks Cirque duSoleilonmountFuji inJapan. But that to becreated suchasthoseperformed bythe images have enabledlightandsoundshows with LEDlightsorgettingthemtoproject synchronise andthepossibilityoffittingthem to create aerialchoreographies. Theirabilityto 3D printing.Drones are auniqueopportunity future oftheperforming artsare drones and Other technologiesthat willrevolutionise the never previously seen. aspects, succeeding increating anewRembrandt probabilities, facialcharacteristicsandother algorithm usedallthisinformation tocalculate were captured, amongotherfeatures. The costume… andtheanglesgeometry various perspectives andviews:lighting,style, eighteen monthstheworks were scannedfrom than three hundred works byRembrandt. For tested a“Deep Learning” systemusingmore and create newones.For example, Microsoft it possibletolearnfrom artists’existingworks Today AI(artificial intelligence) algorithmsmake bring artists’works tolife Artificial intelligence to and-emotion-2/#sm.0001o1fpi08h4fmmud01nzdjwcyvi rembrandt-blurring-the-lines-between-art-technology- Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 79 - at the at The Conquest of Mexico of Conquest The AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E activated and is displayed. activated beginning to tap into the potential are Museums and easy Inexpensive technology. of beacon enable them to implement to install, beacons One of the technologies expected to transform of the technologies expected to transform One is beacons. years in the coming cultural spaces and how they are they us now examine what Let used. are enhancing Beacons: cultural spaces beacons? are What sensors that small wireless are Beacons equipped with with smart devices communicate such as smartphones, technology, Bluetooth etc. tablets, smart glasses, smartwatches, to location transmit their constantly Beacons In using a low-energy transmitter. these devices to the establish their proximity turn the devices when the user is in the desired so that beacon is application of the related range the content armour and costumes for the staging of Wolf the staging of for costumes armour and opera gang Rihm’s in Madrid. Real Teatro theatre-of-madrid-tomasz-dabertsmodern-armor/ Tomasz Dabert used 3D printing to create to create used 3D printing Dabert Tomasz rembrandt-blurring-the-lines-between-art-technology- and-emotion-2/#sm.0001o1fpi08h4fmmud01nzdjwcyvi sophisticated futuristic costumes for plays. plays. for futuristic costumes sophisticated 3D printing is making it possible to create highly 3D printing is making it possible to create Cirque du Soleil on mount Fuji in Japan. But that that But in Japan. du Soleil on mount Fuji Cirque also starting to see artworks are is not all: we equipped with airbrushes. painted by drones images have enabled light and sound shows images have by the such as those performed to be created to create aerial choreographies. Their ability to aerial choreographies. to create and the possibility of fitting them synchronise with LED lights or getting them to project Other technologies that will revolutionise the will revolutionise Other technologies that and drones arts are of the performing future a unique opportunity are 3D printing. Drones aspects, succeeding in creating a new Rembrandt a new Rembrandt in creating aspects, succeeding seen. previously never algorithm used all this information to calculate to calculate this information algorithm used all characteristics and other facial probabilities, various perspectives and views: lighting, style, and views: lighting, various perspectives geometry and the angles and the costume… The among other features. captured, were than three hundred works by Rembrandt. For For by Rembrandt. works hundred than three scanned from were the works eighteen months it possible to learn from artists’ existing works existing works artists’ from it possible to learn Microsoft example, new ones. For and create using more system Learning” tested a “Deep Today AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms make make algorithms intelligence) AI (artificial Today Artificial intelligence to to intelligence Artificial to life works bring artists’ - - - , is just one The Tempest The The Tempest Tempest The life in real time in the audience’s presence. Intel Intel presence. time in the audience’s in real life two by supplying part in the project has taken After i7 processers. and Core with Xeon servers the technicians use the information, gathering the character to make projectors twenty-seven visible to the public. are science example of how technology and to making it possible to add a new dimension the arts and the theatre. intel-shakespeares-tempest/ the main character has to make a decision or to a decision or make character has to the main also will We he should visit. planet decide what a mysterious charac find out about be able to This challenge. a logical address past or help ter’s is, – that a host of possibilities offers alternative objects to in the theatre nobody that provided dark. of mobile phones in the the glare technologies applied IoT New or theatre to the cinema the shows are examples of interactive A few of Shakespeare’s performances the all over in theatres which has been played Ariel, years. hundred past four the over world a to offer the spirit, has been fully digitised the perfor During unique digital experience. digitally cap are movements an actor’s mance to coming is rendered, and the character tured at certain moments in the film, such as when in the film, such moments certain at Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 80 recommendable. How themeshnetwork is possible interferences and obstaclesishighly carrying outaprevious analysisofintensities, monitor thelargestpossiblearea. Therefore network that makes itpossibletocapture and Meshing entailscreating avirtual,wireless mesh robust solutionfor largeindoorspaces. Beacons have proven tobeatransparent and therefore significantlyinterfere with thesignal. from varioussatellites andphysicalbarrierscan rely onthecontinuous transmissionofsignals with thickwallslike museums.GPSreceivers It isdifficulttouseGPSinenclosedspaces that take place neartheir current location. sending warningsandnotifyingvisitorsofevents ies, restaurants andotherservices, aswell asof visitors aboutthelocations ofexhibitions,librar Beacons canbeavaluablemeansofinforming near theircurrent location. notifying visitorsof eventsthattake place services, aswellof sendingwarningsand exhibitions, libraries, restaurants andother informing visitorsaboutthelocations of Beacons can beavaluablemeansof international airport). Tribeca film festival, etc.)andairports (Heathrow entertainment industry(Tulipland, Coachella, supermarkets (Shopkick, Carrefour, etc.),the London, Neon Museum inLasVegas, etc.), fields, suchasmuseums(Victoria&Albertin Beacons have already beentestedinvarious we are attending aconcert oropera. we are visitingoreven tofollow music scores if be usedtoviewaugmentedcontent onartworks applications are installedonit.Smart glassescan use themtogenerate content iftherelevant tablet oreven smartglasses) canfindthemand its galleries,anydevice (beitamobilephone, If amuseumplaces anumberofbeacons in about theworks onshow. indoor positioningandprovide information THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… - What are theirpossible applications? beacons anddevices. visitor flowaffect communication between how possibleinterferences suchasmetaland as possible,itisvery importanttounderstand To ensure that theuserexperience isaseffective considerably shorterfor outdoorbeacons. a significanteffect on battery life, which may be ertheless, temperature changesappeartohave depending onthemodelandconfiguration. Nev duration oftheirbatteries –aslongtwo years, One ofthemainadvantagesbeacons isthe ture changes,battery life, etc. flow, interferences from metalobjects,tempera affected byvariousfactors:architecture, visitor considered becauseBluetooth technologyis created isoneofthepointsthat needtobe 2. Transmitting comments andexperiences 1. Interactive guides ideas: visitor experience. Theseare justsomeofthe enhancing andcontextualising thetraditional This technologyoffers hugepossibilities for you that you immediately wantedtoshare it Has anexhibitionever hadsuchanimpacton as children orpeoplewithvisuallimitations. adapted tospecifictargetsoraudiences, such work. Thisfunctioncan beextendedand augmented reality content related tothe guides, dependingonthelanguage,andeven Another possibilityistooffer audioandvisual find thenearest exit. to getthework theyare searching for or serves asavirtualguideandshowsthemhow can downloadontheirmobilesanappthat museums isasguides.For example,visitors Perhaps themostobvioususeofbeacons in


PEDRO DIEZMA - - 5. Advanced analytics 4. Adigital“like” for aphysicalobject 3. Treasure hunts to helpdesignfuture exhibitions. waiting timeandmostvisitedplaces, inorder such asinteractionsinsidethebuilding, visitor movement andlearnaboutaspects cultural space bycreating aheat mapof visitors interactandhowtheymove inthe We cangather significantinformation onhow tweet ourexperience ofthemuseum. on oursocialmediawe cangive ita“like” or in front ofus,simplybymakingrefencing it can establishwhat particularobjectwe have specific elementinamuseum? Just asbeacons painting inagalleryorposttweet abouta Have you ever wantedtogive a“like” toa more dynamicthankstobeacons. sitioning experiences andmakingthesearch have thepossibilityofincorporating geopo or tokens have beendiscovered. Now we codes ormanualinputstoconfirm that clues Treasure huntshave traditionallyusedQR museum. this withaparticularpointorarea ofthe impressions ofanartwork andassociate all comment onyour sensations, convey your with someone?Now beacons enableyou to - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 81 difficulty is further exacerbated if they have have if they difficulty is further exacerbated complete is in and the room late arrived darkness. Although Wi-Fi has sometimes this of location, the problem helped solve indoor positioning technology is not always These messages could vary from special offers special offers vary from These messages could based on the to customised notifications example, if in the cinema. For location user’s them we might offer first time, it is a visitor’s has not for a film that tickets off a discount visitor a frequent whereas been released, yet with a their loyalty for might be rewarded soft drink or popcorn. free and has increased of movie theatres The size such as the find large IMAX screens we today high and metres one, which is twenty London 498. can seat of many modern Owing to the large size cinemas, people often get lost when making The or seat. to their viewing room their way AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E 1. To build loyalty programmes build loyalty 1. To seats locate 2. To experience to a new level? to experience for been searching film studios have The major and premieres grand of advertising new ways and surprising with gripping trailers new releases events. to come they have As part of this strategy, a new alternative can offer beacons that realise with establishing better communication for boost sales. and, accordingly, film enthusiasts challenge, as the app for This is an important will with the beacons managing the connection of the film time – the duration a limited run for with solved this can be in question. However, with particular studios, general apps associated or shopping Bros, or Warner example Sony for are uses can they be put? Here what To centres. examples: a few How can beacons take the cinema cinema the take can beacons How - to help design future exhibitions. to help design future visitor movement and learn about aspects visitor movement such as interactions inside the building, in order waiting time and most visited places, visitors interact and how they move in the visitors interact and how they move map of a heat by creating cultural space We can gather significant information on how significant information can gather We tweet our experience of the museum. our experience tweet can establish what particular object we have have object we particular can establish what it by making refencing of us, simply in front or it a “like” give can on our social media we Have you ever wanted to give a “like” to a a “like” wanted to give ever you Have about a painting in a gallery or post a tweet Just as beacons specific element in a museum? sitioning experiences and making the search and making the search sitioning experiences thanks to beacons. dynamic more or tokens have been discovered. Now we we Now been discovered. have or tokens geopo the possibility of incorporating have Treasure hunts have traditionally used QR traditionally used QR hunts have Treasure clues that or manual inputs to confirm codes museum. impressions of an artwork and associate all associate and of an artwork impressions of the or area a particular point this with with someone? Now beacons enable you to enable you beacons Now with someone? your convey sensations, on your comment 5. Advanced analytics 5. Advanced 4. A digital “like” for a physical object for 4. A digital “like” 3. Treasure hunts 3. Treasure Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 82 experience. For example,we have VRsuitswith we canaddtothesensations theyallowusto cameras. Now, thankstoourconnected devices, by computers orrecorded with360-degree which cantransportustootherworlds designed possibilities are offered byvirtual reality (VR), information intoourfieldofvision.Andmany (AR), whichincorporates fragmentsofvirtual Much hasbeensaidaboutaugmentedreality The Internet ofReality using ourglasses. but not onlywatchingadownloadedvideo Great Wall of China fromoursittingrooms, We willsoonbeabletowalkalongthe examine someofthem. unique spaces andexperiences? Let usnow possible for theInternet ofThingstocreate But what technologiesare goingto make it 3. To boostticket sales premium seats. and calendarswithexclusive bookingsand before theywere released for generalviewing, exclusive digitalcontent onthefilm,trailers The campaignenabledshopperstoreceive sending themoffers for forthcoming releases. campaign for attracting theirattention and target shoppersinshoppingcentres witha NBC Universal usedbeacons andWi-Fito watch themovie.Bearinginmindthisdata, they are three timesmore likely togoand when someoneseesthetrailerfor afilm a filmthanthe average person. In addition, are five timesmore likely togoandwatch According toarecent study, shoppersinmalls users canbeeasilyguidedtowards theirseats. strategic locations insideatheatre orcinema, a goodalternative. Astheyare installedin is notassured. Thisiswhere beacons provide reliable inspaces where internetavailability THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… can allowustotouchthewallandeven sense still notenough,suits,gloves andsensorydevices strolling alongbesideat thismoment.If thisis with ourVRglasseswe canseethepeople at different points,they canbroadcast live, and several high-quality360-degree cameraslocated video usingourglasses.If we installinthewall rooms, butnotonlywatching adownloaded along theGreat Wall ofChinafrom oursitting are investing init.We willsoonbeabletowalk Companies like Facebook, GoogleandSamsung one pointtoanotherbutonamentalplane. sense oftransferring matter immediately from All thissoundsalotlike teleportation, notinthe world. us tosavour our favourite dishesinthevirtual and nosesare even beingdeveloped toallow (Manus: gloves that enableustotouchvirtualobjects pressure sensors(Teslasuit: intermediaries. our retina withnoneed for smartglassesas devices that directly project virtualobjectsonto it willendupincorporating strategically placed headset but,according toleaked information, million dollars.Thelatter willstartoutasa Leap project inwhichGooglehasinvested 542 Microsoft’s Hololens, Meta SoftandtheMagic the advent ofnewglasses andtechnologieslike incorporation ofanotherkindreality with What ismore, we are already witnessingthe the aroma ofwet stone ifitisraining.


PEDRO DIEZMA ), andelectronic tongues ) and Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 83 - - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E specific uses. Wearables represent the next represent Wearables specific uses. things are If logical step in the mobile revolution. of with a varied ecosystem done properly, and even providers healthcare brands, retailers, more will create these devices governments, The Internet of Body The Internet various of Things encompassess The Internet wearables of Body, such as the Internet concepts They entail a revolution and Augmented Human. but also in new not only in the use of wearables headsets or biohack such as brainwave devices us capabilities. Let ing technology to enhance cases and uses: a few a look at take Wearables and smart ID cards smart lenses, watches, Smart in society and a role activity wristbands will have will help us interact with our environment. technol of wearable most categories Nowadays a large feature fitness trackers) ogies (except each with its functions and range of products, of its processors to adapt its strategy to the IoT, IoT, to the adapt its strategy to of its processors to miss out on this not is keen as the company of years began a couple It technology. promising pro Edison the postage stamp-sized ago with by the button-sized which was followed cessor, roadmap so, its product Even processor. Curie to the size the Pentium plans to reduce features years. or five the next four of a pinhead over an idea of the potential of this give Does applied to and processors the new materials and cultural spaces? artworks examined cities, homes, cinemas, have We will have and the impact the IoT theatres… transformation on them, but perhaps the real technology will bring relates this revolutionary their to people and their interaction with surroundings. In addition, Intel is constantly reducing the size the size reducing is constantly Intel addition, In - that can withstand the elements. that but can also offer artists a new dimension for artists a new dimension but can also offer structures outdoor large, lightweight creating and fire resistant, able to withstand tempera resistant, able to withstand and fire is It of up to 1,000ºC without alteration. tures shuttle, space NASA’s for candidate a perfect Another case is Aerogel, 98% of which is air; it Another case is Aerogel, it is hard anything, yet weighs hardly therefore increasing battery life and designing ultraflat and designing ultraflat life battery increasing example. for screens, two hundred times harder than steel, incredibly than steel, incredibly times harder hundred two and transparent conductive, flexible, highly it ideal for These qualities make lightweight. been dubbed the “material of God” on account of God” on account been dubbed the “material abilities: graphene, which is of its extraordinary invisible and goes totally unnoticed to users. invisible and goes totally unnoticed of this degree to attain will only be possible It has One with new materials. miniaturisation The latest advances in nanotechnology will advances The latest is increasingly technology that allow us to access materials in the art world in materials Nanotechnology and new and new Nanotechnology totally unnoticed to users but it will unnoticed totally of degree only be possible to attain this miniaturisation with new materials. will allow us to access technology will allow us to access invisible and goes that is increasingly favourite armchair. favourite in nanotechnology latest advances The room floor guiding us through a yoga session, a floor guiding us through room in our peacefully a pet dragon resting or even indistinguishable from the real ones. Now we we ones. Now the real from indistinguishable our wall and breaking can see a rugby player on our sitting seated yogi us, a a ball at throwing around us: tables, chairs, walls, ceilings, etc. It It etc. walls, ceilings, us: tables, chairs, around objects so virtual objects onto these projects and almost integrated perfectly are they that virtual objects we project onto it, as it possess onto project we virtual objects the objects detect cameras that depth-sensing Mixed or holographic reality makes possible a possible makes reality or holographic Mixed and the reality our between interaction perfect Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 84 be itfor smartwatches, Instagram, Facebook, is easilyadaptabletovarious devices andsizes, enable mediacompanies tocreate content that consumption callsfor toolsandprocesses that The introduction ofnewchannelsfor content upload content toSnapchat. recorded usingSpectacles, smartglasseswhich sume content. Photos are taken andvideosare These devices canbeusedtocreate andcon Wearables for communicating a photocopier withtheirRFIDchipimplant. beneath theirskin.Theycanopendoorsanduse biohacking group A more extreme exampleisthe in at theairport… vehicle, opendoors,pay for purchases orcheck our telephonetospeakorkeys tostartour payment. We willnolongerneedtotake out to solve theproblem ofauthentication and It looksasthoughwearables are alsogoing the park. advantage ofnotneedingcashwhentheyvisit Shorter queuesandqueuingtimes,the of payment. What istheresult for guests? hotels andrestaurants, andeven actasameans visitors, allowingthemtogoonridesandenter Band wearables. Thesewristbandsautheticate Disney provides guestsat itsresorts withMagic the fieldofleisure andculture. For example, efficient andtransparent experiences forusersin THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… 1 whohave implantedchips Swedish - - call. Theseare someoftheinitiatives: our moodandringsthat vibrate whenwe geta as clothingthat changescolour dependingon months. There are already afew examples,such 3D printersamongthefashionsfor thecoming first clothesthat are connected ordesignedwith main catwalks, butwe are startingtoseethe Smart fashionhasyet tofinditsway ontothe Wearables inthefashionworld The New York Times Republic smartwatches, including Various mediaare developing applications for tablets, desktopcomputers ortelevisions. Snapchat, Twitter, mobilewidgets,mobiles, a space initsstores for advisingcustomerson Japanese fashionchainUniqlo, whichcreated com/2015/10/07/uniqlo-umood-100715/ such asUMood ( There are alsoexperimentsinthefieldof leisure, to adevice, whichcould make adrone take off. “reading” thethoughtandconveying theorder up”, thehelmetanditsalgorithmsare capableof think aboutaparticularmovement, suchas“go that detectthesewaves. For example,whenwe even enableustomove objectsusingcircuits headsets that can“read” ourbrainwaves. They We are startingtoseecommercial andaccessible Brainwave headsets • • • • wearer canreceive notifications andalso Ringly and clothing(EasyJet project). CuteCircuit received. Memi when acallortextisreceived. in variouspieces ofjewellery. It notifies you Cuff monitor theexercise theyare doing.


3 PEDRO DIEZMA , 9 The Guardian : asmallsensorthat canbeembedded bracelet 8 : ringsthat are connected sothat the 11 http://www.brandchannel. : connected andsmartfabrics 10 7 . : vibrates whenacallis 4 , CNN Financial Times 5 , Flipboard 2 ) bythe , 6 and News Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 85 ). - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E powers” which can make a significant difference a significant difference which can make powers” human beings. between through “evolve” when we be like will we What about to find out. are We technology? Now, imagine that we are headhunters for a headhunters for are we imagine that Now, of the two or airline. Which security company if both possess the hire we applicants would in the dark or a same skills: someone able to see will have we Perhaps mill candidate? run-of-the so as not get left behind. but evolve no choice barriers Ethical transhumanism and biohacking However, challenge our ethics and our values. Improving technology and science body and mind through touch on the raises a number of questions that it means to be human. It of what essence very helping individuals overcome is obvious that aspect of technology challenges is a positive entering are we of Things. But and the Internet begin to consider ambiguous territory when we potential not in the field of these advances’ “super but to create improvements paliative ( uploads/2015/03/mateevitsi.spidersense.pdf Things of Will the Internet us into superhumans? convert also we has many detractors, but This movement not long ago an following: as the find cases such a his eyes injected into biohacker “adventurous” Chlorin e6, containing of chemicals combination deep-sea fish. only in a few found a compound managed to see in the he was that The result thirty minutes. dark for in man-machine the trends of One the that we will soon see is integration or Human Human” “Augmented of concept human 2.0. as it marks the next step in evolution driven by technology. “feel” objects around it, even in total darkness in total darkness it, even objects around “feel” - - - - https:// Human Enhancement Tech Enhancement Human ). They entail biohacking, whereby ). They entail biohacking, whereby scissors that allow us to easily cut, scissors that HET ( high-frequency radar. This allows it to “see” and This allows it to “see” radar. high-frequency suit called SpiderSense. It is capable of sending It suit called SpiderSense. to a ultrasounds in a similar way and receiving sensations with external stimuli or enhance them with external stimuli or enhance sensations example Victor Ma by means of sensors. For a has created of Illinois teevitsi of the University The so-called “Internet of Senses” is a technol The so-called “Internet different enables users to experience ogy that CRISPR 2.0, and add DNA sequences… remove or visible and high-impact modifications to our or visible and high-impact modifications organisms. This technology will enable us to large objects or apply to move use exoskeletons and skills, based strongly on virtual reality (VR) or on virtual reality and skills, based strongly implants all this will involve transhumanisation; physical or chemical components are embedded are physical or chemical components Learning, in the organism, and also Accelerated quickly learning new knowledge techniques for what is known as what nologies This type of technology will make it possible to This type of technology will make than human capabilities and skills more enhance of is a combination It imagined. had ever we but going one step further and incorporating but going one step further and incorporating chemistry and genetic modification. step in human evolution driven by technology. It It by technology. driven step in human evolution fitting our brains with biochips not only involves One of the trends in man-machine integration in man-machine integration of the trends One of “Aug see is the concept will soon we that marks the next 2.0. It or Human mented Human” Biohacking and Augmented Human Biohacking more deeply and reveal to the world our ideas to the world deeply and reveal more writing be capable of will we and fantasies, but… ideas in our brains? new thoughts and For the time being, these brainwave headsets headsets being, these brainwave the time For our minds; in the only capable of reading are able to delve they will no doubt be near future that read people’s thoughts in real time. in real thoughts people’s read that what garments to buy depending on their mood. on their mood. to buy depending garments what using a headset was gathered This information Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 86 art technology): Techcrunch (trends andevents instate-of-the- WT VOX (Wearables &IoT): (online resources) Recommended websites 2013. Hackers, andtheQuest for aNew Utopia Townsend, Anthony, The MITPress, 2005. Sterling, Bruce, tomers’ Lives Develop Connected Products That ChangeCus Semmelhack, Peter, of Things, Connected Products: UXfor theConsumer Internet Martin, Light,AnnandLui,Alfred, Rowland, Claire, Goodman,Elizabeth,Charlier, Perseus Distribution, 2013. Norman, Don, ing theInternet of Things McEwen, AdrianandCassimally, Hakim, Cambridge, MA,TheMITPress, 2015. Greengard, 2006. of Ubiquitous Computing Greenfield, Adam, 2015. Ryan, DiResta, Renee, Forrest, Brady andVinyard, Publishers, 2011. Meaningful Designfor Our Connected World Córdoba Rubino, Sara&al., Bibliography THE INTERNET OF THINGS: THE DEFINITIVE REVOLUTION… The Hardware Startup O’Reilly Media, 2015.

Samuel, , Wiley, 2013. The Designof Everyday Things Shaping Things Everyware: The DawningAge The Internet of Things Social Machines: How to Smart Cities:Big Data,Civic , New Riders Publishing, , Wiley, 2013. , O’Reilly Media, Meta Products: , Cambridge,MA, Designing , Norton, Design , , Bis

, - - Twitter accounts: Bemoir: nology: Empowering thePeople ofBusiness andTech Connected World (magazines ontheIoT): Blog Adafruit: Wareable (news onwearables): research): ZDNet (businesstechnologynews,analysesand cal entrepreneurs): Venture Beat (news andtrends from technologi @NetOfEverything NetofEverything (latest newsontheIoT): IBM Watson IoT: @mgualtieri Mike Gualtieri (chief analystat Forrester): Internet ofThingsNews: @Inteliot Intel IoT (Intel account specialisedintheIoT): IBM Europe): SimonPorter (Vice President –Commercial Sales, @gigastacey for Stacey Higginbotham (journalist and Echo): David Isbitski (Chief Evangelist Amazon: Alexa Kevin Ashton(IoT pioneer): Tony Fadell (cofounder ofNest):

· PEDRO DIEZMA @thedavedev @simonlporter @IBMIoT @TheIoT @Kevin_Ashton http://www. @tfadell Fortune

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- Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 87 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E ◄ -

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◄ ◄ sentence-stories-on-apple-watch/ flipboards-apple-watch-app/ cnn-is-on-apple-watch/ ian/2015/mar/09/introducing-moments-from-the- guardian-app-built-for-apple-watch and-gear-fit-wearables/ and-appy-geek-now-available-for-samsung-gear-2- cial-times-brings-fastft-to-wearables/#axzz 3VEmfsKj5

11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 1. 2. Notes Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 88 an international pioneer, since itisthefirstsystem capableofquantifyingemotioninart. in Spain ortomake thefirstholographicsculpture withoutmaterial. NeuroCulture hasalsobeen his firstmilestoneshestands outasthefirstartisttosella robotasa workofarttoamuseum of theintroduction inSpain ofVR,AR+,holographic lasertechnologyandinteractivity. Among He specializes inthesingularization ofcorporations through technologyandisoneofthepioneers and technologyadvice tocompanies suchasDisney, ThyssenKrupp, Repsol, Banco Santander, etc. he istheartisticdirector ofAqualium, combining thisactivitywithinternational exhibitionprojects Advises themainadvertising corporations andmediaagenciesintheir innovation committees. Currently as MIT, ZKMorTexas Tech. He isafrequent speaker at events suchasTEDex, WOBI, Inspirational, etc. more thantwenty hightechnologycorporations andhisexperience comes from research centers such director of McCann / UEM’s Master of New Trends in Advertising Communication. He collaborates with UEM andCreation andManagement ofVideoGamesand Play Station /UEM.Former academic and theUniversity ofCalifornia at Irvine. Director of the Masters Live Entertainment from Live Nation/ (Germany). Former artisticdirector ofARCO, professor at theEuropean University ofMadrid (UEM) Research Professor, National Prize ofContemporary Art(AECA) inSpain andprize oftheKöln Messe Ximo Lizana WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE ( LinkedIn )


XIMO LIZANA Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 89 -

AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E After discovering the potential application of the potential application discovering After the first phase of our investigation neuroscience, other experiments for on searching focused carried out in this field. The search previously than the odd up much more throw didn’t Neuroculture measures and decodes and decodes measures Neuroculture art. It of impulses in the context neural as a tool to enable cultural was conceived when institutions to change their strategies their exhibitions. measuring the impact of of the concept triggered what was This contrast most society’s – the need to return neuroculture to the people of innovation important vehicle artistic of objective the foundations while laying been turned have never And it could creation. without the help of an incredible into a reality of various experts all team and the collaboration about one of humanity’s to find out more keen creative accept we most basic needs. When art is one of that reminded are challenge, we set us, as humans, apart the disciplines that of an apparent other living beings. Devoid from specific practical use, art does not appear to for survival. our struggle affect directly It might be hard for us to detect its narrative narrative us to detect its for hard might be It of the new the perspective from function of is due to a lack I believe but this vanguards it has us that history teaches since perspective, simply been so and it is, I believe, always able to get some distance a question of being on it. art and between halfway As an artist, suspended the at been amazed always engineering, I have atten passionate the artist’s between contrast and sense of excellence for tion to detail, search – a much or ‘market’ art world and the vocation environment and qualitative quantitative more depend on variables such as the criteria where or media access, location geographical context, of institutions. Art not to mention the approval a business of politics and has become nowadays tangible assets. historical avant-garde or contemporary periods. periods. or contemporary avant-garde historical - different eras, whether in classical epochs, the eras, whether in classical epochs, the different Art in itself has always, I believe, been a launch been a launch I believe, Art in itself has always, and an unmistakable testa innovation pad for in thrived that cultures ment to the different have been able to verify digitally. been able to verify have from different theories of color have laid the color have theories of different from the subsequent that research for foundations techniques of neuroscience sophisticated more perception and pregnancy and depth perception, and depth perception, and pregnancy perception and games as principles of grouping as well combinations or perspectives using different Perceptual groupings, such as figure-ground such as figure-ground groupings, Perceptual experimentation and the trial and error method, and the trial and error experimentation at tools available the only research which were time. that the impact of color and abstraction on the the impact of color with techniques based on observation, observer, books, based on studies from authors such as books, based on studies from Bauhaus Kandinsky or the Gestalt theory or example, for analyzed, school of thought that such as the great experimenters, whose work experimenters, whose work such as the great color of the classic psychology in is reflected art and its impact on society. references, upon certain relied of course, I have, carried out without the aid of references, books carried out without the aid of references, rely had to field, I have in this or documentation the true dimensions of on intuition to perceive In this basically self-sufficient process that was that process this basically self-sufficient In the human being, freeing him from his natural his natural him from freeing the human being, this development projecting and constraints reality. call a new fluid might we what towards This involves understanding technology as a understanding This involves ‘develops’ that meaning everything device, system which is capable of quantifying reactions capable of quantifying reactions system which is to art. connection between art and neuroscience and and art and neuroscience between connection idea a mere from it has taken the journey that a methodology and a concrete and turned it into together. And I would like to give a very personal a very to give like And I would together. of the on my own experience, view based For the past 15 years, I have been involved in been involved I have 15 years, the past For technology bring art and that the processes Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 90 advanced laboratory intheworld, theEuropean We were thrilledtodiscover that themost object inanenvironment dividedbyrace. aimed toanalyze different perceptions ofanart groundbreaking project inSwitzerland, which very few. Thefirstone we cameacross wasa the context ofart.Surprisingly there hadbeen had measured anddecoded neuralimpulsesin interest andwe startedtolookfor studiesthat Many oftheseexperimentsseemedto beof conclusions like ‘emotions precede feelings’. took inspiration fromsomeof Damasio’s When itcame tocreating ‘neuroculture’, we tion deficitdisorder. such asobsessive-compulsive disorder oratten experiences, mentalgymnasticsfor disorders investigation, suchasneuromarketing, cognitive turn gave risetodifferent linesofneuroscientific audiovisual elementsandneuroscience, that in leading tohundreds ofexperimentslinking Others hadalsobeeninspired byDamasio, Spinoza Of AppetitesandEmotions from ular reflections oftheobject’orinchapter constructs triggered byanobjectandnotspec such as‘Theimageswe perceive are cerebral took inspiration from someofhisconclusions, When itcametocreating ‘neuroculture’, we University ofSouthernCalifornia. neuroscience, psychology andphilosophyat the Brain andCreativity Institute, aswell asteaching neuroscientist inherownright,Damasio runsthe Together withhiswife Hanna, aprominent and usedasacornerstone for theiractivities. for Spinoza of whatHappens in itsembryonic stages.His books, foundations ofneuroscience, ascience that isstill Born inPortugal, Professor Damasio laidthe maestro, AntonioDamasio. experiment involving thevisionofneuroscience WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE , ‘emotions precede feelings’. , are referenced byallneuroscientists , Descartes’ Error and Looking for The Feeling Looking


XIMO LIZANA - - vation between thetwo environments, taking establish thecontrasting levels ofneuralacti José LuisContreras-Vidal andhisteamaimedto the laboratory. from thesterileandcontrolled environment of sure cerebral activityincontext –adeparture for theMenill Foundation that soughttomea carried outbyateamfrom Houston University roscience published inthejournal We were alsoaware that anarticlehadbeen scientific basis for entirely innovative systems. creative solutionswithaviewtoestablishing engineers tothinkoutsidethebox andsearch for ematical andneuroscientific processes, inspiring artists, someofwhomwere specialized inmath musicians, writers,dancers andcontemporary an ArtistsinResidence program, that involved Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) had guage. There are alsoavarietyofsmallstart-ups Basque Center onCognition, Brain andLan underway, suchasGranada University orthe institutions have different research programs the Spanish SocietyofNeuroscience whileother University ofBarcelona doesaDoctorate asdoes a Masters inNeuroscience, theAutonomous sity context. TheComplutense inMadrid runs with mostactivitytakingplace withinauniver Neuroscience inSpain isat theteething stage Neuroscience inSpain study. their exhibitions,rather thanasalaboratory their strategies whenmeasuringtheimpactof as atooltoenableculturalinstitutionschange inspired ustocreate ‘neuroculture’, conceived of These were justsome oftheelementsthat laboratory. was exposedtoaudiovisualprompts inthe readings would behigherthanwhenthesubject the ‘uncontrolled’ context ofanexhibition,the into consideration sex,ageetc.,believingthat in , talkingaboutcontrolled experiments Frontiers inHuman Neu ------Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 91 - - - - EEG) rhythms in analyzing EEG) ( AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E standing and how the brain interprets external standing and how the brain interprets them inside its own neural inputs and assimilates the acquired processing network, fluctuation knowledge. system and the bio-rhythms captured by diverse by diverse system and the bio-rhythms captured – once of inputs that us a series biosensors, gives applying adequate by sifted and separated ‘the noise factor’ and eliminating interpretation the between – establish a series of primary links and the environment. of art individual, the work and to exhibiting it relevant This, in turn, makes of the commissioning to storytelling, with regard the exhibition. cognitive Understanding mechanisms cognitive primary between The relationship is the true basis of and learned cognitive between as is the relationship neuroscience, to relating and the neural zones the structures human knowledge and linguistics. to under refers that is everything Neuroscience in a global context. Distancing ourselves from from ourselves Distancing context. in a global of the laboratory environment the controlled using authentic subjects to experiment allows us far us to offer enabling situations, and authentic easily under are that results conclusive more need them, such as museum stood by those who curators. with elec of new techniques The introduction troencephalogram allows human of art is perceived how a work the perspective from be explored to perception of neural networks groups of of the integration by the measured feedback and the resulting that sensors. The rhythms of neural discharge each other with can connect these groups create and transitional units in functional by forming is that the brain – interrelation of various areas com This data, sensors. EEG by the captured of the eye-tracking bined with the vision vectors technology and the viral nature of information of information nature and the viral technology - - - - in which a broad spectrum of proposals by spectrum of proposals in which a broad

for two reasons: the obsolescent nature of nature the obsolescent reasons: two for more direct and specific results, generating results, generating and specific direct more and beta ‘bug fixes’ advanced more increasingly identify with this kind of company We versions. launched by university researchers who want researchers launched by university much for life to apply their systems to ordinary ized study with a clear research vocation. study with a clear research ized often are start-ups The small and medium-sized scientific article or ‘a paper’ and then there are are ‘a paper’ and then there scientific article or often analytical-empirical exhibitions which are a special as they do from coming not conclusive, projects” or long-term and extensive European European and extensive or long-term projects” in whose activity usually culminates projects is incredible variety. There are those focused those focused are There variety. is incredible in “an subjects funds to research on attracting “international are and there academic context” In this sea of mini neuroscience companies, there there companies, this sea of mini neuroscience In experiment using authentic subjects and experiment using authentic subjects far us to offer authentic situations, enabling results. conclusive more Distancing ourselves from the controlled ourselves from the controlled Distancing allows us to the laboratory environment of context – the only reference list of its kind in reference – the only context know of. we that Spain ence ence ence been documented in a research institutions have Also available is the Authors Map of Neurosci is the Authors Map Also available mention the incredible neuromarketing confer neuromarketing mention the incredible in the City of Deza by Mónica organized ences in . Arts and Sciences this year, and the seminars run by the Telefónica and the seminars run by the Telefónica this year, not to Whaaaaat?, called Neuro Foundation There have also been a number of neuroscience also been a number of neuroscience have There by organized including the conference forums, in Alicante of Neuroscience Society the Spanish study of the nervous system in relation to human system in relation the nervous study of behavior. with a view to generating research mainly linked mainly linked research to generating with a view and the learning, disabilities cognitive to health, in the Neuromarketing field and experiments field and in the Neuromarketing funding European institutional and receiving Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 92 and user-friendly environments. Thishasbeen laboratory behindandmovingintomore natural undergoing areal globalrevolution, leaving the unlimited. Non-invasive technologies are The modularityofEEG technologyisalmost laboratory. to asymmetricalexperimentcarriedoutinthe experiment asnatural as possibleopposed and theuseofwireless technologymakes the precision intheanalysisofexperiment The combination oftechniquespermitsgreater contemplation of the workof art. moment of attentionandthefocus of the eyetracking glassestomeasure the electroencephalography (EEG) hardware, signals viabiosensors,adaptable The techniquedecodes physiological and activitiesindifferent areas ofthebrain. of thebraintoseelevel ofsynchronization important toanalyze thebehavior inbothsides capturing ofdata scientificallysound. It isalso the useofregistering sensorstomake the to decode emotion.There mustbecoherence in work ofartallowsustoextractthedata needed rived from thefirst impulseof contemplating the brain we wishtoanalyze, astheinformation de placed justabove thepointsorregions ofthe response toart,theneuralbandorEEG mustbe reason, ifwe are tryingtomeasure thebrain’s work ofartandtheenvironment itisin.For this the brain,whichinturncondition howwe seea the exchange ofimpulsesfrom different areas of the electricactivityofbrain.Theseallowfor areas ofthebrainwithinneuralstructure of associated withthesynchronization ofvarious ing ofvariableneurons as‘transitionalfunctions’, The mostrecent studieshave labeledthemerg mapping. idea association andeverything related tobrain structures suchasthoseconcerning language, tion ofperception, butdefinesotherassociated This cerebral activitynotonlylays thefounda WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE


XIMO LIZANA - - - Successful work isbeingcarriedoutinthearea our interior. and understandingofourenvironment aswell as allow usaccess toanewlevel ofconsciousness using biotechnologysystems–that as well asenablingustoamplifythesubject to theprojection oftheinteriortoexterior consciousness from aninternalperspective and This allowsusaccess tonewlevels ofhuman inconceivable several years ago. comprehensible information, somethingthat was process andconvert largevolumes ofdata into cleaning ofBig Data, itisnowpossibletoclean, Thanks alsotoabreakthrough intheautomatic conducting gel. the sensorshadtobestuckskinwitha advances suchasthedrysensor–previously made possiblebywireless technologyandother into account micro facialgestures. neural feedback. For example,manystudiestake dismissed, even ifitdoesn’t come from strictly mation withthepotential toenrichthestudyis current neuroscientific environment, noinfor others dependingontheaimofstudy. In the wearables, thesetechniques are combined with contemplation ofthework ofart.Knownas the momentofattention andthefocus ofthe (EEG) hardware, eyetracking glassestomeasure biosensors, adaptableelectroencephalography mon are thedecoding ofphysiologicalsignalsvia precision neededfor thestudy. Themostcom The techniquesvarydependingonthelevel of previously unheard oflevels ofprecision. ing, coaching, securityandwellness –achieving neural areas butalsoinsectorssuchasmarket relation torecouping attention inproblematic ular advances have beenmade,particularlyin using Internet. In thefieldofmedicine,spectac been transmittedbetween two EEG headbands systems viaInternet. In fact,several words have of transmittingmessagesbymeansthese - - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 93 - - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E latest advances. latest of many impulse is comprised The creative as much in the equations, cognitive different better mind as the sub-conscious, conscious These creative processes lead everyone to have to have lead everyone processes These creative a day-to- inside them on a small internal Picasso than challenge to measure basis – a greater day artistic of concrete the functional measurement projects. for real hope in the search offers Neuroscience ideas. And efficient and innovative more better, help us to exploit our true it can believe we the potential by using a type of gymnastics for brain. studies, which neuroscientific The most recent and Creativity fall into the Neuroscience the undermining the belief that are category, side where is the creative hemisphere left brain’s reside feelings the most humane and passionate the brain, which to the right side of compared mentioned earlier, As we acts as our computer. of the brain as of the areas the perception units does not hold up in view of the separate that art is useful and produces emotion; the emotion; and produces art is useful that introducing capable of are we being that second envi to a totally subjective elements objective contri art’s endorse scientifically that ronment is the experiment’s the third bution to society; is process the once application potential field of nature the accessible as as well semi-automatic outside medi any professional for of the results of expertise. areas cal or neuroscientific of the effect measure Experiments that have prompted brain art on the human behind all creative us to query the science processes. art on of the effect measure Experiments that us to query the prompted the human brain have not as a processes, behind all creative science well as in as one-off, but as a part of daily life spontaneous and unexpected circumstances. confirmed a number of theories, the first being theories, the first a number of confirmed - - - - the pigeon cerebellum. Fuente: Wikipedia. Fuente: the pigeon cerebellum. in of neurons by Ramón y Cajal (1899) Drawin while for the neuroculture team, given that it that team, given the neuroculture while for registered indicated a high level of excitability. a high level indicated registered worth and very This experiment was anecdotal concert or a good action movie. Compared to or a good action movie. Compared concert experiments, the levels laboratory the controlled excitability generated in a laboratory. In an In in a laboratory. generated excitability of art triggers the work authentic environment, equal to a of neural feedback surprising levels of neural excitability generated by a work of by a work generated of neural excitability of an within the context art contemplated intense than the neural exhibition is much more from the Caixa Foundation’s Egyptian Mummy Mummy Egyptian the Caixa Foundation’s from the level able to see that were exhibition, we perception of reality. perception examples the experiment set up to analyze In tion is the research being carried out on the role being carried out on the role tion is the research solving and our in problem processes of creative More important than verifying what society what important than verifying More and its contempla endeavor artistic gains from Neuroscience and Creativity Neuroscience team. Breger (1873-1941) to begin EEG studies on to begin EEG (1873-1941) Breger elaborated subsequently humans, which were his and Antonio Damasio upon by Professor monkeys. Not long after, in 1912, Vladimir Vladi Vladimir in 1912, long after, Not monkeys. the first recorded Pracdich-Neminsky mirovich Hans for it took until 1920 But animal EEG. Caton reported his findings on electrical im his findings on reported Caton and of rabbits hemispheres the cerebral pulses in We mustn’t forget that neuroscience is very very is neuroscience that forget mustn’t We Birmick Richard that until 1875 wasn’t It recent. Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 94 within thestructure oftheneuralnetwork, with The studypresents intersections offunctions purely creative flowtomake it coherent. rational area ofthebrainthat managesthis apparent inquasireal timeanditisthemost resulting inordered andcoherent sequences into itsown,linkingoneconcept withanother, of rapmusicwhere creative improvisation comes ‘flow’ that is typicalofmusicians’jamsessionsor The studytalksaboutaphenomenoncalled lateral thanwasimaginedduringearlierstudies. the structure ofthebrain’s functionisfarmore number ofvariablesisalmostunlimiteditseems map ontothehumanbrain approximation for howcreative cognition might foundations for what mightprovide the fnhum.2013.00330/full New Mexico isparticularlyinteresting. Ranee A.Flores at Albuquerque University in E. Jung, Brittany S.Mead, Jessica Carrasco and research carriedoutbyscientistssuch asRex While creativity isstilllargelyunchartered terrain, to understandingthecreative process. patterns that are extremely usefulwhenitcomes chance ofcreating activation andde-activation band that gives usthereadings, italsooffers the choosing thepointsofcontact for theEEG head Identifying thesenetworks isnotonlyusefulfor language, suchastheWernike orBroca areas. of thebrainthat are more oftenassociated with face-glass test.But we would alsodraw onparts solve thetypicalvisual-spatial testsuchasthe fields –thethird. It isthenetwork we useto groove, thesecond area –andthefrontal eye communication between theinterparietal visual-spatial focus. Thisnetwork relies on areas –thefirstbeingdorsalnetwork of network ismore orlessdividedintothree These recent studiesimplythat thecreative correct execution ofthetargetfunction. defined asateamthat works to control the WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE

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XIMO LIZANA - identified. Thesenetworks are: networks ofcreative activitythat Jung’s team Another possibilityisanalyzingthethree main out ‘thenoise’. to capture andisolate therelevant data andsift areas committed toeachprocess, enablingthem difficulty ofestablishingthenumber cerebral is whenanewdifficulty presents itself–the network toorder theideasefficiently. Which the intervention oftheexecutive attention But thecreative flowcannotexistalone. It needs the experience. intrinsically linked tothepastandlogicof creative explosionscanbevisualized. Thenewis creativity ofsuchaninnovative nature that meeting newstimulants,whichleadsto old functionssuchasmemoryandexperience where-is-imagination-located-in-the-human-brain 1. 2. Executive focus: Thepre-frontal cortex our perception ofthoseexperiences. This experience, offering alternatives linked to tally dynamicandbuiltbelowthelayer of construction ofmentalsimulations. It isto This isthenetwork that isinvolved inthe Default Network to process information. perfect. Thisisthenetwork that helpsus efficient andthecapacity forassociation data initsnetwork tomake theprocess reasoning. It alsolocates eachpiece of concepts andsolves problems related to This isthearea ofthebrainthat organizes and theareas behindtheparietallobes. - Neuroscience. (between diagrams) Rationalization (conscience) different bodilyexpressions –showdifferent These physiologicalresponses –referred toas the subjective experience oftheemotions. responses ofthehumanbodywere produced by the ideathat thephysiologicalandbehavioral journal called In a scientificarticlepublishedin1884 Neuroscience andemotions neuroculture experiment: Introduction tothe describing ourowncasestudyinmore detail. science incontext are described,we move onto Now that themainideasthat putartandneuro UNCONSCIOUS. Reflected bychangesinthesomatic state. 3. Translation ofdiagram:Emotional stimulus(brand,product, Feeling reflected by conscious thoughts.Other techniques advert etc). (Diagram 1) Physiological emotionalresponse. network impulsesfluid. utive network impulsesandthecreative make theconnection between theexec cortex andcombines allthestimulito This network haskey nodesintheinsular Salience Network is thenetwork that allowsustoimagine. into thecategory ofsocialcognition. This memory ofsomeonewe know, whichfalls network isalsopresent whenwe evoke the for researching markets (focus groups, interviewsetc.) (Diagram 2)Emotional feeling. PARTLY CONSCIOUS. Mind , WilliamJames came upwith - - network is also present when we evoke the patterns for each emotional experience. Ever memory of someone we know, which falls since, James’s paradigm has inspired numerous into the category of social cognition. This scientists to focus their research on understand- is the network that allows us to imagine. ing the relation between emotions and the activity of the autonomic nervous system. But 3. Salience Network first, we need to understand what we are trying to measure (model) and how we can measure This network has key nodes in the insular it – the activity that is measured to arrive at the cortex and combines all the stimuli to model. make the connection between the exec- utive network impulses and the creative • Structural model of emotion: there are two network impulses fluid. main alternatives in the structural model representing emotion: the discreet model Now that the main ideas that put art and neuro- – joy, satisfaction, anxiety, fear etc., and the science in context are described, we move on to continuous valence electron model of describing our own case study in more detail. activation-control (the valence electron is otherwise known as hedonic tone or plea- Introduction to the sure and displeasure while activation is the neuroculture experiment: level of excitability and control is the level Neuroscience and emotions of energy). The continuous basic emotion model then becomes obvious (valence activation) along with an approximation to In a scientific article published in 1884 in a its corresponding discreet model. journal called Mind, William James came up with the idea that the physiological and behavioral responses of the human body were produced by the subjective experience of the emotions.

These physiological responses – referred to as different bodily expressions – show different

Translation of words in diagram: (Outside circle) Intense, unpleasant, gentle, pleasant. (Inside circle clockwise from intense). Amazed, excited, amused, happy, thrilled, content, pleased. In agreement, satisfied, serene, relaxed, calm, tranquil, sleepy, tired. Despondent, bored, melancholy, depressed, sad, dejected. Anxious, frustrated, annoyed, tense, angry, frightened, alarmed.

Translation of diagram: Emotional stimulus (brand, product, • Activity measured to characterize advert etc). (Diagram 1) Physiological emotional response. UNCONSCIOUS. Reflected by changes in the somatic state. physiological responses: the activities that Neuroscience. (between diagrams) Rationalization (conscience) characterize the researchers’ most com- (Diagram 2) Emotional feeling. PARTLY CONSCIOUS. monly used physiological responses are the Feeling reflected by conscious thoughts. Other techniques for researching markets (focus groups, interviews etc.) electrodermal activity (EDA), cardiovascular activity (ACV), respiratory activity (RA) and

AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 95 Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 96 Society for Physiological Research. zone –itisthepositionrecommended bythe due tothehighdensityof sweat glandsinthe most reliable reading ofelectrodermal activity fingers –thepointonbodythat gives the The biosensorisplaced inthephalanxof emotions, namely: activities byresearchers aimingto distinguish two ofthemostcommonly usedphysiological biosensors toallowfor thenatural monitoringof Neuroculture useswearable andwireless with neuroculture Results that canbeobtained individually orincombination. using measures from theseactivities,either both continuous anddiscreet emotionalmodels central nervous system’s activitytoconstruct articles that endorsetheparticularityof In scientificliterature, there are numerous • • WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE diastolic bloodpressure (SBP andDBP). change ofheartbeat (HRV) and systolic emotions are theheartbeat (HR), the measurements byresearchers todistinguish and arteries.Themostcommonly used the changesinbloodflowthrough our veins Cardiovascular activity(ACV): thisdescribes (SCR). (nSRR) andtheskinconductance amplitude level (SCL),skinconductance response rate guish emotionsare theskinconductance commonly usedbyresearchers todistin of sweat present. Themeasurements most of theskin,whichdependsonamount terized bychangesintheelectricresistance Electrodermal activity(EDA): thisischarac continuous emotionalanddiscreet models. the central nervous systemtoconstruct the articles endorsemeasuringtheactivityof onance imaging(fMRI). Numerous scientific through meansoffunctionalmagneticres the cerebral activityobtainedviaEEG or


XIMO LIZANA - - - the measurement ofcerebral responses inthe Its sensorsare placed insuchaway toallow for and reflex arcs inthefrontal andparietal zone. The headbandisplaced around thecranium toring ofcerebral activity(EEG). wireless headbandthat allowsfor simplemoni In addition,neuroculture usesawearable and minimizing thelossofdata. signal andcarryoutstudiesinmotionreliably, possible tofilterout‘thenoise’ produced bythe more accurately. On account ofthis, itis place andtherefore estimate themovement of ring–allowsallthesensorstobeinsame The innovative designofthebiosensor–atype accelerometer) that supportstheothersensors. sensor hasbeenaddedtothering(a three axels the physiologicalmeasurements, amovement participants move around andpossiblydistort On theotherhand,given that inanystudythe headband, itispossibletomonitor: seconds) orcomfort inwearing it.Thankstothe of puttingiton(itcanbeputinaround 120 of 256Hz), withoutsacrificinganyofthespeed maximum reliability (with asamplingfrequency conductor gel.Theheadbandisdesignedfor processes anditisnotnecessary toapplyany areas related totheemotionsandcognitive • • • • retention inthememory. registers thelevel ofstorage,coding and Memorization: indexofretention. It varies from irrelevant tohighlyrelevant. the personalrelevance ofthecontent and Engagement: personalrelevance. It registers blank mindtocomplete attention. activity ofthesensesandvariesfrom a the voluntary application ofthemental Attention: mental involvement. It registers negative/ displeasure. a feeling ofpositive/ pleasure tooneof of attraction andrejection andvariesfrom flow oftheemotion. It registers thelevel Emotional valence: thepositive-negative - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 97 - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Aqualium and it was then decided that we would would we Aqualium and it was then decided that technology. use 100% Spanish a into a reality, to turn the concept order In partnership was established between strategic The technology had been focused mainly on The technology had been focused or retail. sectors such as audiovisual, medicine quantify do you How the value of culture? seeks to This is the question neuroculture answer. Ximo Lizana and Maria ago, Professor years Six idea born came up with an innovative Porto believable, an accurate, out of the need for quantifiable and analytical method of measuring analyzing it the impact of art on the spectator, than rather point of data, the departure from of culture perceptions empirical or subjective and how it enriches society. by of the original idea was registered The patent system to measure the real impact of culture and culture impact of real the measure system to into we looked time, the first for art on people and technology. the proposals nobody had that found our surprise, we To neurosci the methods used in that considered light on the impact be used to throw could ence of cultural activities. neuroscientific advances latest The the of the importance demonstrate when taking decisions response emotional and uncontrollable unconscious, that are state. changes in the somatic generates is the first global system that Neuroculture on the of cultural products the impact measures the most to do this, it uses order In spectator. called eye systems of neuroscience advanced and biosensors. GPS tracking, IPS/ When we analyzed the possibility of making a of making the possibility analyzed we When - - - Looking Looking . Neu Looking for Spinoza for Looking : Joy, Sorrow and the Feeling Brain). Brain). Feeling and the Sorrow : Joy, exploration. It captures how people explore how people explore captures It exploration. visual patterns. the stimuli via their Patterns of visual attention: zones of visual of visual zones visual attention: of Patterns that the elements registers It interest. to which and those attention most attract is drawn. gaze people’s visual journey of of exploration: Patterns • • on the feeling of the emotion. on the feeling originating from neuroscience. The results are are The results neuroscience. from originating research to other qualitative complementary to be obtained allow information techniques that The emotional physiological responses can be The emotional physiological responses methods by using research objectively measured enters into the situation or context. These or context. enters into the situation not coincide. may emotional concepts ization of the physiological emotional response emotional response of the physiological ization when an element of rationalization produced any process of rationalization kicks in, which kicks of rationalization any process or environment the situation, analyzing involves of emotion is the rational The feeling context. This physiological response is produced before before is produced This physiological response The emotional response that stems from some stems from that The emotional response uncontrollable unconscious, is physiological thing state. the somatic changes in and generates importance of the emotional response when of the emotional response importance example, Damasio’s taking decisions (for Spinoza for Antonio Damasio / Antonio Damasio the demonstrate and feeling) of emotion rology The latest neuroscientific advances (Source: (Source: advances neuroscientific The latest Specific process of neuroculture process Specific Finally, neuroculture uses eye-tracking glasses to glasses uses eye-tracking neuroculture Finally, on: obtain information Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 98 it hasonspectators. to evaluate theemotional andbiologicalimpact display andtheexhibitioningeneral.It alsoaims tion produced bythecombined works ofarton ate theemotionalengagement andvisualatten The objective ofthecurrent project istoevalu The infalliblesurvey impact ithasonspectators. and evaluatestheemotional andbiological by thecombined worksof artondisplay engagement andvisualattentionproduced Neuroculture evaluatestheemotional the elementsonshow. tional aspectswithregards tothechronology of convenience intermsofitsnarrative andemo exhibition, includingthestagingofitandits issues that definetheprimaryperception ofthe The result isadetailedsummaryofspecific neers, psychologists andspecialistsinthefield. series ofreadings that are interpreted byengi ratory inacontrolled environment, producing a compared withthedata obtainedinthelabo around theexhibitionspace. Theensuingdata is moves completely freely andunconditionally It’s anecological process inwhichthespectator biometrics intocomprehensible data. Neuroculture converts emotionsand ing globalvision. idea intoareality –aproject that withpioneer fundamental inturningneuroculture from an The supportoftheCaixa’s socialproject was produced neuroculture. The partnershipbetween theirtwo companies the fieldofneuroscience andneuromarketing. both engineeringpioneersat aEuropean level in Javier Minguez ZafraandMaria Lopez-Valdes, WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE


XIMO LIZANA ------relationship withthe spectator. capture theattention andestablishatwo-way supports reinforce thecontent oftheexhibition, at amultigenerational level. It tellsuswhich measured andformats tobesoughtthat connect Neuroculture allowsattention levels tobe with elementsthat do. out elementsthat don’t work andreplacing them mutually reinforce eachotheraswell astaking them tocreate combinations ofelements that emotion, knowledgeandprecision, allowing needed tocreate aperfect balance between curators willbeinpossessionoftheinformation Presented withanswers onconcrete issues, their game. Neuroculture offers curators thechance toraise with surgicalprecision Equipping curators towork ate more emotioninthevisitor. putting theaccent onelementsthat willgener when itcomes totheemployment ofresources, product, we are abletotake accurate decisions By deducingthesuccess orfailure ofacultural Efficient useof resources activity scientifically. turn enablesustodefend thesocialeffect ofthe of theimpactartonreal criteria.This in easily understood,we are basingourevaluation with data that canbeevaluated, analyzed and Art isemotionandbymeasuringthe an exhibitiononmore thanmere visitornumbers. culture canbaseitsevaluation ofthesuccess of When itcomes tostrategy consolidation, neuro cultural activityinanexhibitionspace. of emotion,whichfacilitates aglobalvisionfor The systemisalandmarkinthemeasurement “…useless effort leadstomelancholy…” Ortega yGasset - -

work tool. tom-made software that canbeusedasadaily to address particular issuesandinstallcus This allowsustomake tailor-made applications We make ourownsoftware andhardware Manufacturing capacity placement. studies do,withaviewtomore effective product spots, inmuchthesameway assupermarket system visualizes theexperiences and thehot cussions andwhichintensifyemotion.The is redundant; whichspaces have negative reper which kindofinformation isrelevant andwhich alone andwhichwork bettergrouped, aswell as We canfindoutwhichpieces ofart work better ciable asopposedtohistoricist. exhibitions, creating ajourneythat isexperien include anemotionalstory-telling elementto The accuracy ofthemeasurements allowsusto The Narrative media campaignorassociated workshops. mounting oftheexhibitiontoaccompanying This focus canhelpwithstrategies from the an objective public. launched, enablingustochannelexhibitions activation itwillproduce before itisofficially a pilot,we canknowthelevel ofemotional By measuringtheimpactofanexhibitionin Targeted culturalproducts - - - Targeted cultural products The case study

By measuring the impact of an exhibition in We are going to describe an example of a pilot a pilot, we can know the level of emotional experiment that was carried out using the activation it will produce before it is officially exhibition Animals and Pharoahs, put on by La launched, enabling us to channel exhibitions to Caixa. an objective public. It is a study related to the museum sector, in This focus can help with strategies from the which Egyptian art was evaluated using an mounting of the exhibition to the accompanying uncontrolled task in which the participant has no media campaign or associated workshops. time restriction as he walks freely around the museum. The Narrative

The accuracy of the measurements allows us to include an emotional story-telling element to exhibitions, creating a journey that is experien- ciable as opposed to historicist.

We can find out which pieces of art work better alone and which work better grouped, as well as which kind of information is relevant and which is redundant; which spaces have negative reper- cussions and which intensify emotion. The system visualizes the experiences and the hot spots, in much the same way as supermarket studies do, with a view to more effective product placement.

Manufacturing capacity

We make our own software and hardware

This allows us to make tailor-made applications to address particular issues and install cus- tom-made software that can be used as a daily work tool.

AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 99 • EEG headband: a wearable and wireless The conclusion is that the experience is much measuring system equipped with dry elec- more intense in the exhibition space than in the troencephalography sensors to measure controlled environment where the works of art brain activity. It’s also a Wi-Fi device that are viewed on a screen. allows multiple participants to be monitored simultaneously. It was also surprising to note that the level of activation produced by an exhibition was some- what superior to what was produced by a film or multimedia content.

Data analysis

The analysis of the signal registered by the sen- sors is totally individualized (by means of the self calibrating statistics and what is deduced from the emotional response of each participant). The following equipment was used in the Computer models are used for this process. experiment.

• Biometric ring: a wearable wireless measur- ing system equipped with biomedical sensors to measure electrodermal activity, the pulse volume and rate. It is also a Wi-Fi • Analysis Software: professional design device that allows multiple participants to and execution software that synchronizes be monitored simultaneously. the biometric devices – the rings and headbands.

Experiment protocol Translation of diagram: Physiological response. Calibrating stimuli. Physiological response. Learning from the pattern of responses from participant 1. Learning from The participants know they are going to be the pattern of responses from participant 2. evaluated as part of an experiment without Once the parameters of emotion are registered being told what the results might demonstrate – and compared between the participants, the they can find out at the end of the study if they results are added up to obtain an overall result. wish. The participants are told to act as naturally as possible during the visit. The advantages of this style of analysis over traditional statistics is: In a series of charts, we analyze the exhibition space as a whole and the attention and activa- • A high level of accuracy and reliability in the tion hot spots with the aim of gaining a global decoding of the emotions. vision of the level of activation the two target • High specificity of results based on small exhibition rooms produce. samples (approximately 10 participants in free tasks. Experiment protocol requires there to be two separate studies that can later be compared – • The possibility of carrying out segmented the first in a controlled environment and the analysis according to the profile of the second in the ‘natural’ exhibition space. participants.

100 WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE · XIMO LIZANA Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 101 - Translation of diagram: visitor Translation of interest. Points density. Translation of diagram: level of of diagram: level Translation Emotional emotional activation. time. impact. Execution AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Metrics of behavior Metrics indicates The density of visitors: a metric that by most subjects without visited are which zones the time spent in them. taking into account the represents metric that of interest: Point amount of time the participants spend in the zones. different graphics which This study used the following of the participants in four show the response visiting the to people given tasks which were time. in real exhibition. The graphs are from the study from follow analysis of the on the focused This study ing metrics: metrics Emotional the emotional it measures activation: Emotional varies from time. It unit of execution by level to excitability. rest of the variation impact: it measures Emotional emotional intensity by units of time. of each the duration time: it measures Execution task in seconds. Metrics and charts charts and Metrics - - the pattern of responses from participant 2. from of responses the pattern stimuli. Physiological response. Learning from the from Learning response. stimuli. Physiological pattern of responses from participant 1. Learning from from participant 1. Learning from of responses pattern The possibility of carrying out segmented of the to the profile analysis according participants. decoding of the emotions. decoding on small results based specificity of High 10 participants in samples (approximately tasks. free A high level of accuracy and reliability in the reliability and of accuracy A high level Translation of diagram: Physiological response. Calibrating Calibrating response. of diagram: Physiological Translation • • • The advantages of this style of analysis over The advantages of this style of analysis over is: traditional statistics results are added up to obtain an overall result. an overall added up to obtain are results Once the parameters of emotion are registered registered the parameters of emotion are Once the participants, the between and compared Computer models are used for this process. used for models are Computer calibrating statistics and what is deduced from is deduced and what statistics calibrating of each participant). the emotional response The analysis of the signal registered by the sen The analysis of the signal registered of the self (by means sors is totally individualized Data analysis Data what superior to what was produced by a film or by a was produced to what superior what multimedia content. It was also surprising to note that the level of the level also surprising to note that was It by an exhibition was some produced activation controlled environment where the works of art of the works where environment controlled a screen. on viewed are The conclusion is that the experience is much the experience is that The conclusion than in the space in the exhibition intense more - - Analysis Software: professional design professional Analysis Software: synchronizes that software and execution – the rings and the biometric devices headbands. EEG headband: a wearable and wireless and wireless headband: a wearable EEG with dry elec system equipped measuring to measure troencephalography sensors that a Wi-Fi device also It’s brain activity. to be monitored participants allows multiple simultaneously. • • Experiment protocol requires there to be two to be two there requires Experiment protocol – be compared can later studies that separate and the environment controlled the first in a exhibition space. in the ‘natural’ second Experiment protocol going to be The participants know they are as part of an experiment without evaluated – might demonstrate the results being told what at the end of the study if they they can find out told to act as naturally wish. The participants are as possible during the visit. the exhibition analyze a series of charts, we In and activa as a whole and the attention space tion hot spots with the aim of gaining a global target the two of activation vision of the level produce. exhibition rooms Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 102 distribution oftheexecution timeaswell as This graphfacilitates the comparison ofthe Execution timecomparison chart between thetasks. comparing therelative emotionalintensity measurement hasnounitsbutitisusefulfor of emotionalimpacttobecompared. This maximum and7525percentiles ofthelevels This graphallowstheaverage, minimumand Emotional impactcomparison chart the tasks. paring therelative emotionalintensitybetween surement hasnounitsbutitisusefulfor com levels andthe7525percentiles. Thismea maximum andminimumemotionalactivation This graphpermitsthecomparison ofaverage, comparison chart Emotional activation WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE


XIMO LIZANA - - execution time. biggest impact.It alsoshowsthevariations in offers information onthe zones that have the activation ofeachparticipanttobeobserved and This graphallowstheevolution oftheemotional Emotional activation dynamic tasks tobecompared. (normalized) allowingtheresults between the ation ofthechartisinseconds andseconds/m2 maximum and7525percentiles. Thegradu in eachtaskwithregard toaverage, minimum, the execution timerelative tothearea covered A/B/C. Basic.Innovation. Stimulus. Checkout. by thezone. Entrance. Exhibits.Collection A/B.Season Translation ofdiagram:Emotional activation triggered measured) ciency ofthechosenretail spotcould be retail outletasopposedtoartsothat theeffi the chartcorresponds toanexamplethat isa biggest emotionalactivation inred. (In thiscase This mapshowsthespaces that triggered the Emotional activation map participant 6’s task.Total execution timefor the participants. 3. P5=participant5.Start ofparticipant7’s task.End of Translation ofdiagram:Emotional activation ofparticipant - - specialized curator. us toanswer questionsthat mightbeasked bya within theglobalframe. The analysisalsohelps respect toitsrelationship totheotherpieces each piece isanalyzed individuallyandthenwith refer toanotherphaseofthestudyinwhich After aglobalanalysisofthespaces, we can quantitative results Interpretation of the visitors spentmore timeinthem. interest inred, deduced from thefactthat This mapshowsthespaces that triggered most Map ofinterest hotspots density inred. This mapshowstheareas ofgreatest visitor Density ofvisitorsmap Translation ofdiagram:Subject-free zone. Greater density Translation ofdiagram:Interest hotspot.Low interest of visitors.Entrance. Exhibits.Collection A/B. Season point. Entrance. Exhibits.Collection A/B.Season A/B/C. Basic.Innovation. Stimulus. Checkout. A/B/C. Basic.Innovation. Stimulus. Checkout. the execution time relative to the area covered Density of visitors map Details such as the layout of the exhibits, the in each task with regard to average, minimum, emotional impact felt by particular age groups maximum and 75 and 25 percentiles. The gradu- This map shows the areas of greatest visitor or sexes leads to an infinite range of possibilities. ation of the chart is in seconds and seconds/m2 density in red. This sea of possibilities can be channeled by the (normalized) allowing the results between the curator’s ‘useful’ questions that will help create tasks to be compared. the most effective composition and content possible. Emotional activation dynamic Our conclusions This graph allows the evolution of the emotional activation of each participant to be observed and In the world of neuroscience, it is very compli- offers information on the zones that have the cated to obtain conclusive results that can be biggest impact. It also shows the variations in used by novices in the field. This is due to the execution time. enormous amount of information that needs to Translation of diagram: Subject-free zone. Greater density be processed and the absence of conclusive data of visitors. Entrance. Exhibits. Collection A/B. Season A/B/C. Basic. Innovation. Stimulus. Check out. concerning specialized questions.

Map of interest hotspots Neuroculture, however, has focused on bringing together art specialists and experts in neurosci- This map shows the spaces that triggered most ence, paving the way for a series of extremely interest in red, deduced from the fact that useful surveys when it comes to undertaking visitors spent more time in them. particular projects. At the same time it facilitates a vision for the direction the museum is taking. Translation of diagram: Emotional activation of participant 3. P5= participant 5. Start of participant 7’s task. End of participant 6’s task. Total execution time for the participants. Emotional activation map

This map shows the spaces that triggered the biggest emotional activation in red. (In this case the chart corresponds to an example that is a retail outlet as opposed to art so that the effi- ciency of the chosen retail spot could be Translation of diagram: Interest hot spot. Low interest measured) point. Entrance. Exhibits. Collection A/B. Season A/B/C. Basic. Innovation. Stimulus. Check out. Translation of diagram: Comparative emotional Interpretation of the activation: laboratory versus museum. Average quantitative results activation with guide: 1.67. Average activation with audio guide: 3.01. Average activation guide-free: 7.84. Activation with guide: Levels of interest are high at the start, but drop off. After a global analysis of the spaces, we can Very important. More data. From watching the videos, it refer to another phase of the study in which is possible to detect that the visitor becomes distracted each piece is analyzed individually and then with and looks at other things when there are larger numbers respect to its relationship to the other pieces of people in the group and the visitor is further away from the guide. The main complaint with the audio guide was within the global frame. The analysis also helps that very few of the exhibits were referred to properly. Translation of diagram: Emotional activation triggered us to answer questions that might be asked by a Activation with audio guide: Levels of interest by the zone. Entrance. Exhibits. Collection A/B. Season are high at the start but then drop off. A/B/C. Basic. Innovation. Stimulus. Check out. specialized curator.

AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 103 Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 104 ing itfrom thespectator? activate lessthanthose withnobarrierdistanc Do thepieces that are exhibitedbehindglass age ofthem. Where…? There wasnorepresentative percent Did anyoftheartproduce negative emotions? seemed tobelessrelevant. in several museumsaround theworld. Here, it being studiedgiven that itisabenchmarkpiece of placingitaloneinthenextexhibitionisnow produced anaverage activation. Thepossibility Despite beingemblematic, thiswork ofart detail. possibly becauseofthemixcolor andlevel of The work ofartthat activated thesubjectsmost, subjects most?Thehippopotamus? Which ofthesmallerworks ofartactivated the or individualvisits? Is there more activation withguidedgroup tours questions andtheanswers we got: of questions.Here, we present anumberof Neuroculture canleadtoanswers for avariety WHERE ART MEETS NEUROSCIENCE


XIMO LIZANA - - tion more intensely. be concluded that theyexperienced theexhibi showed ahigherlevel ofactivation andsoitcan As canbeseeninthefollowing chart,women more intensity? Women ormen?Which group responded with 5.77 The average activation for barrier-free pieces: 5.41 The average activation for pieces behindglass: his ownstudies. director ofculture himselfcanusetocarryout a viewtogenerating ananalyticaltoolthat the questions andtheautomation oftheresults with as otheraspectssuchformulating relevant ments, bothinhardware andsoftware, aswell evolving andwe are already working onimprove exhibition project. Thetechnologyisconstantly to evaluating theemotionalcomponents ofan useful toolindecisionmakingwhenitcomes As we cansee,neuroculture could beahighly Translation ofdiagram:Men. Women - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 105 - Toward Toward Emotion Emotion . International . International . EURASIP Journal . EURASIP Journal Using noninvasive noninvasive Using IEEE Transactions IEEE Transactions . Medical & Biological & Biological Medical . Emotion recognition from physiological from recognition Emotion ective physiological state physiological ective AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E fnhum.2013.00330/full machine emotional intelligence: Analysis of emotional intelligence: machine aff Intelligence, and Machine Analysis Pattern 23(10):1175–1191. Kim, S.R. 2004. S.W., Kim, K.H., Bang, monitoring using short-term system recognition of physiological signals 42:419–427. & Computing, Engineering 2004. F. Lisetti, C. L., Nasoz, human emo recognize to computers wearable signals physiological tions from 11:1672–1687. Processing, on Applied Signal K., Lisetti, C. L., Finkelstein., Alvarez, F., Nasoz, N. 2003. technologies presence signals for and Work, Technology of Cognition, Journal 6(1). on Presence, Issue Special Picard R.W., Vyzas, E., Healey, J. 2001. . E., Healey, Vyzas, R.W., Picard - - Interna . Biological Biological Mind 9, Mind Autonomic . Autonomic nervous Autonomic nervous . Physiology & Behavior, & Behavior, . Physiology . Biological Psychology 84 84 Psychology . Biological Feelings and the body: The Feelings What is an emotion? What The role of asymmetric frontal frontal of asymmetric The role . Biological Psychology 84 (3), 383-393. 84 Psychology . Biological Emotional sweating across the body: across sweating Emotional . IEEE Transactions on Affective Comput on Affective . IEEE Transactions measurement locations measurement 298-304. 106(2): 2012. conductance skin 16 different Comparing (3), 451-462. J.H., Janssen, J.J.G., M., de Vries, Dooren, Van cortical activity in emotion-related phenomena: in emotion-related activity cortical and update A review Eddie Harmon-Jones, Philip A. Gable, Carly K. Philip Harmon-Jones, Eddie 2010. Peterson, [4] Kreibig, S.D., 2010. . S.D., Kreibig, [4] system activity in emotion: A review 84 (3), 394-421. Psychology emotion Frieman, B.H., 2010. B.H., 2010. Frieman, on autonomic specificity of perspective Jamesian Posts 116-123. no. 1, pp. ing, vol.4, Georgios Paltoglou, Michael Thelwall, 2013. Michael Georgios Paltoglou, Blog in and Arousal of Valence Seeing Stars affective space: a multivariate approach a multivariate space: affective 51, 143-153. of Psychophysiology tional Journal Christie, I.C., Friedman, B.H., 2004. . B.H., 2004. Friedman, Christie, I.C., and dimensions of emotion specificity of discrete James, W., 1884. W., James, 188-205. References - - Translation of diagram: Men. Women of diagram: Men. Translation a highly be could can see, neuroculture As we it comes useful tool in decision making when of an components the emotional to evaluating The technology is constantly exhibition project. on improve working already are and we evolving as well software, and ments, both in hardware relevant as other aspects such as formulating with of the results questions and the automation the an analytical tool that a view to generating use to carry out himself can of culture director his own studies. 5.41 pieces: barrier-free for activation The average 5.77 with responded group or men? Which Women intensity? more chart, women the following As can be seen in and so it can of activation a higher level showed the exhibi experienced they that be concluded intensely. tion more The average activation for pieces behind glass: behind glass: pieces for activation The average Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 106 Games (FDG). Her firstbook, Developers Conference, theDigital GamesResearch Association (DiGRA) and Foundations ofDigital narrative games,andhaspresented herwork internationally at conferences suchastheGame at theMIT. She hasworked ongamesintheacademicandcommercial fields,always focusing on MIT GAMBITGameLab, and continued herresearch asavisitingfellow at TheTrope Tank, also doctorate inDigital Media from GeorgiaTech. She completed herpost-doctorate studiesat Singapore- degree inComparative Media Studies at theMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT), anda was awarded adiplomainadvanced English Literature Studies; shesubsequentlyearnedamasters’ Clara gainedadegree inEnglish Studies from theUniversidad AutónomainMadrid, where she on developing stories indigitalenvironments through interactionandenvironmental storytelling. innovative methodsandblazingnewtrailsinthestudy development ofvideogames.She focuses Game Center, New York University (NYU). Her work buildsinterdisciplinary bridgesfor creating Clara Fernández Vara isavideogamedesignerandwriter, aswell asanassociate professor at the Clara Fernández Vara CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR GAME DESIGN AS A GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR Introduction toGameAnalysis @clarafv


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA , hasbeenpublishedbyRoutledge. Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 107 - - (1938) explores explores (1938) Homo Ludens Homo AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E spouted wine pitchers, and every family has its spouted wine pitchers, and every own particular rules. Caillois Roger footsteps, in Huizinga’s Following of games, a classification offers 11–36) (1961: ludic activities precede culture, so that cultural so that culture, ludic activities precede sports competitions activities such as festivals, ritual the divide between from and poetry derive life. and everyday of giving rise to new forms Video games are becoming that are and expression creation art and aspects of into other incorporated culture. part of every are can also see how games We note how the rules for if we folklore, region’s handed down games are or board card different along with each to generation generation from nursery rhymes, traditions and myths. society’s book describes the games of his own X’s Alfonso to evolve continued but these games have day, and new variations time, incorporating over with the and game boards of cards rules. Packs Game of the Goose on one side and Ludo on the homes as in Spanish been as common other have The Book of Games. Book of The number 35, from Chess problem tradition The study of games as part of culture and of anthropology ally falls within the realms usually who are of the first authors One history. Huiz Johan is cited in the field of game studies inga, whose book arguing that as a ritual activity, of games the role - The The ( El Libro de los Juegos ). The fact that the subject of ). The fact that the Muslim kingdoms. the Muslim these games was already part of Spain’s cultural part of Spain’s these games was already of games was heritage. This first encyclopaedia those of multicultural, as it featured furthermore with poetry, scientific, legal and historical texts is with poetry, the rules of compiling that a good indication Book of Games Book of been included among games should have board X along by Alfonso the writings commissioned the Wise gave orders for one of the most im for orders the Wise gave portant historical documents in the field of game studies to be written, Back in the thirteenth century, King Alfonso X King Alfonso Back in the thirteenth century, Games are already part of culture already Games are expression that are also becoming incorporated incorporated also becoming are that expression into other aspects of art and culture. clearly already part of the cultural discourse. In In part of the cultural discourse. clearly already games will examine how video we particular, and of creation new forms giving rise to are shared point of reference. As we shall see in this shall As we reference. point of shared traditional – are article, games – both digital and artistic expression. This process also calls for also calls for This process artistic expression. as an essential traditional games to be viewed a social activity with a as they are part of culture, video games gradually shedding the prejudices of of prejudices video games gradually shedding the to becoming on the road and are the old guard and of communication form a fully legitimate day. But just as chivalric novels have become a become have just as chivalric novels But day. time, so too are over genre literary prestigious rots players’ brains. It is easy to see that these is easy to see that It brains. players’ rots the opinion from different not very are attitudes Quixote’s in Don people had of chivalric novels still have something of a reputation for being being for something of a reputation still have that of entertainment a form a waste of time, hundreds of people in different countries engage of people in different hundreds any new Like together in virtual worlds. in play video games today even technology or medium, or mobile and have also created new ways of new ways also created and have or mobile media – such with others via the digital playing online games, where multiplayer as massively sitting room to train carriages. Thanks to video Thanks to to train carriages. sitting room alone on our computer play we games, nowadays Thanks to technology, games have become an an become games have technology, Thanks to our from everywhere, is present activity that Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 108 role inotherfieldsthat enjoy culturalprestige, cultural importance ofplay, we tend tojustifyits To counter therhetorics that underminethe of thePlayStation. hours gluedtovideogames,like Don Quixotes stereotype associated withpeoplewhospend isolates theplayer from therest oftheworld –a games asanindividualandescapistactivitythat rhetoric oftheself(173–200), whichviews condescendence isalsoassociated withthe play isanessentialpartofsocialidentity. This towards games,even though,aswe have seen, activity echopeople’s condescending attitudes rhetorics ofplay asprogress andasafrivolous presents play assomethingfrivolous (201–3). The also pointsouttheexistence ofarhetoricthat intellectual andmotorabilities.Sutton-Smith adult life, providing activitiesthat helpdevelop rhetoric, gamesare atestofthechallenges such asPiaget’s work (1945). According tothis is thediscourse usedinpedagogic sciences, of gamesasatypeprogress (18–34), which draws attention totherhetoricthat speaks require agroup ofplayers. Sutton-Smith also from thefactthat traditionalgamesnormally collective identity, ashared knowledgederiving focused onludicactivitiesasadefiningpart of with intheprevious paragraph;itisadiscourse of discourse that explainstheexamplesdealt society. Theidentityrhetoric(91–110) isatype a different relationship between gamesand used tospeakofgames;eachrhetoricexpresses 9–17) definesthedifferent rhetoricsthat are cultural phenomenon.Brian Sutton-Smith (2001: discourses that reflect theirrichnessasasocio Games have alsogiven risetorichandvaried activities. how gamesencompass anunusualvarietyof a waltz,andmountainclimbing.It thusshows and flyingkitestochess,thetheatre, dancing the wholegamutofgames,from crosswords and disorder ( involve which canbecompetitive ( GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR mimicry ilinx , orproduce astate ofdizziness ). Caillois’s classification spans agon ), chance ( alea ), -


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA Game designasadiscipline of videogames. disciplines associatedwiththedevelopment contributing to theemergence of new of whatisconsidered tobeplayandare Digital mediaare expandingthedefinition a newlight. help usunderstandotherculturalexpressions in the development ofvideogamesandinturn emergence ofnewdisciplinesassociated with considered tobeplay, are contributing tothe as well asexpandingthedefinitionofwhat is is changingthankstothedigitalmedia,which, existed since Alfonso X’s day. Our perception have seen,theculturaltraditionofgameshas that Sutton-Smith describes). However, aswe educational potential(the rhetoricofprogress such asliterature orthefinearts, referring toits ism allover theworld. ers’ version hasbecome anapologyfor capital good exampleofabstraction,theParker Broth verted itintothefamous purchased thepatent from Phillips andcon through itsrules(Pilon 2015).Parker Brothers designed tocriticisethecapitalistsystem Lizzie Phillips’ cultural expression, canalsoreflect ideologies. These firstinventors show that games,asa cards) aswell astherules. physical sideofthegame(boards, pieces, dice, because theirproducts were associated withthe ators ofgamescametobeconsidered inventors, thus becameacommercial activity andthecre most ofthetwentieth century, gamecreation were notaimedsolely at children. Throughout for playing newactivitiesinasocialcontext, and with speciallydesignedpieces, cards andboards were created. Gamesbegantobesoldinboxes, as artefactsconsidered partofthetoy industry being partoffolklore tocommercial products, With theindustrialrevolution, gameswent from The Landlord’s Game Monopoly (1904) was in 1935; a - - - - Board ofThe Landlord’s Game,according tothe1906 patent. Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 109 - - - - the – , whose designers to game Papers, Please: A Dystopian Docu Please: Papers, (2013) places the player in the role in the role the player places (2013) inventors AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E whether they are allowed in or detained in or detained allowed whether they are – based on the papers they show. For every travel every For based on the papers they show. processed is correctly ler whose application earns money to maintain his family, player lead to loss of money or no mistakes whereas games as an artistic and cultural expression. expression. games as an artistic and cultural and arts no longer science The divide between just games requires exists, because creating as much cybernetic thought as psychology must or story-writing skills. Game designers interdisciplinary a Renaissance-style from work in digital creation versed as well being approach, nature. in human as they are and arts no divide between science The games creating longer exists, because just as much cybernetic thought as requires psychology or story-writing skills. as an serve thus emerging that Games are also and can accordingly artistic expression ideas. convey ment Thriller com inspector in a fictitious of an immigration who has to decide whether or not munist state into the country should be allowed travellers composers create the game’s soundtrack; and soundtrack; the game’s create composers the testers ensure and producers teams of of The process functions properly. programme a discipline rules is therefore the game creating shift the hence programming, from separate game from rise to a series give rules that to create is work This distinction also experiences. of interactive because games, of board applies to the creators go to game design is considered the discipline of or writing a product physically designing beyond code. a computer to program Video game design is still related educational various international ming at is not institutions, but a good programmer capable of designing a game. We necessarily in the number an increase also witnessing are fine teach game design in their that of centres digital arts and design schools, as they regard life; the sound engineers and editors and the and editors and the engineers the sound life; The Elder Scrolls: The (2011). A video game can be created by A video game can be created (2011). , according to the 1906 patent. to the 1906 Game , according Landlord’s of The Board world; the animators bring the characters to the animators world; intelligence, systems or graphics; the graphic intelligence, in the manner spaces artists design architectural the fictional for and the props of art directors optimising combat systems or creating different different systems or creating optimising combat deal with artificial storylines; the programmers between 100 and 200 people. The bigger the between specialised each discipline is: team, the more specific levels, on creating the designers focus Skyrim Skyrim of 10 creators people, a small group one or two games, teams of in the case of console or, creating vast virtual environments for players players for vast virtual environments creating as in the game to explore, creative skills like music, the visual arts or skills like creative gone from We have worlds. fictional inventing computers to in the first noughts and crosses in board games. Creating a video game requires a video game requires games. Creating in board but also not only knowledge of programming to the player. Computational processes allow processes Computational to the player. some games to be created, complex extremely be difficult to emulate would with systems that abstracted in the form of a series of instructions abstracted in the form should respond establishing how the computer a change in the role of game inventors. A video of game inventors. a change in the role physical pieces game does not usually require its rules to be for but rather to be created, The introduction of digital technologies brought of digital technologies brought The introduction - - - - in 1935; a in 1935; (1904) was (1904) Monopoly Monopoly The Landlord’s Game Landlord’s The verted it into the famous verted Broth good example of abstraction, the Parker capital an apology for has become ers’ version the world. ism all over With the industrial revolution, games went from from games went With the industrial revolution, products, to commercial being part of folklore industry part of the toy as artefacts considered Games began to be sold in boxes, created. were and boards cards with specially designed pieces, and new activities in a social context, playing for Throughout children. aimed solely at not were game creation century, most of the twentieth activity and the cre thus became a commercial inventors, of games came to be considered ators with the associated were because their products dice, pieces, physical side of the game (boards, as the rules. as well cards) games, as a show that These first inventors ideologies. can also reflect cultural expression, Lizzie Phillips’ designed to criticise the capitalist system Brothers 2015). Parker its rules (Pilon through and con Phillips from the patent purchased educational potential (the rhetoric of progress of progress rhetoric (the potential educational as we However, describes). Sutton-Smith that games has tradition of seen, the cultural have perception Our day. X’s Alfonso existed since to the digital media, which, is changing thanks is expanding the definition of what as as well to the contributing are be play, to considered with disciplines associated of new emergence turn of video games and in the development in other cultural expressions help us understand a new light. the definition expanding media are Digital to be play and are what is considered of new of to the emergence contributing development disciplines associated with the video games. of Game design as a discipline such as literature or the fine arts, referring to its to referring or the fine arts, such as literature Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 110 entertain buthave apurportedlyseriouspurpose games disciplines. Thisgenre wasinitiallycalled design asapossiblemeansofadvancing have experimentedwithincorporating game Other fields,suchaseducation oradvertising, the professional skillsofthefuture. video gamedesignhasbeenapioneerindefining and between humansand computers. In asense, creating interactions,bothbetween individuals card games.Gamedesignasadisciplineentails through digitalmediaorintheform ofboard or history ofcreating interactive experiences, either Video gamesare themediumwithlongest participatory experiences Beyond gamification: designing character’s dilemmasbytakingpartinthegame. but risklosingeverything. Players espousetheir whether torebel andbecome asubversive agent dehumanisation promoted bythesystem,or by therulesand,accordingly, succumbing tothe to obeytheimpulsewingamebyabiding maintain your family. Thetensionliesinwhether of losingeverything inexchange for moneyto accept abribetoletsomeoneinandruntherisk reunited withtheirfamilies,orwhetherto of travellers withforged papersdesperate tobe as whetherornottolistenthepleasfor mercy wages. Thegameposesconstant dilemmas,such GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR , asgamesofthiskindare notdesignedto Stamping visasinPapers, Please (2013) serious


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA access toahostofdigitalgames. (smartphones anddigitaltablets) whichfacilitate thanks tothepopularisation ofmobileplatforms adult players, especiallywomen (AEVI2015:34), ities. We are witnessingarise in thenumberof related toritualsandothersocioculturalactiv games are partofculturalheritageandare their nature. We have already discussedhow correction isbasedonmythsaboutgamesand video gamesasanincitementtoviolence. This also soughttoshedthestereotypical viewof childish activity;inthecaseofvideogames,it games’ connotations ofbeingafrivolous and The fieldofseriousgamesarose in response to of socialproblems orsellcommercial products. thus seriousgamesthat educate, raiseawareness or modifyaconduct whileplaying. There are because theintentionisfor theplayer toadopt Bogost (2007) callssuchgames according toHuizinga’s definition(5–8). Ian – thoughthisgoesagainstthenature ofgames Gamification wasinitiallylimitedtoassociating the context ofgames (Deterding etal.2011). to theuseofgamedesign elementsoutside ing the workplace andeducation. We are thuswitness applied tootherareas suchasmarketing, the and theprinciplesofgamedesignare being are increasingly becoming partofeveryday life, There are stillmisgivingsaboutgames,but they ment inwhichagameiscreated andplayed. one-way butpartofthesocioculturalenviron to causeaneffect; however, processes are not 2016). Anyculturalexpression hasthepotential playing (see for exampleManero Iglesias etal. of gamebutalsoonthecontext andonwho is potential effects depend notonlyonthetype motivating them), butitisnotrealised that their behaviour) andpositively (byhelpingthemlearn, conduct, bothnegatively (byencouraging violent assumed that videogamescanchangeplayers’ influence. Bothextremes poseproblems, asitis cally inorder toredeem theirpurportednegative required toprove theirpositive aspectsscientifi Games, particularlythedigitalvariety, are usually gamification phenomenon,whichrefers persuasive games - - - - , Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 111 - World of Warcraft Warcraft of World , a term that refers to the actions refers , a term that (1999-present) or (1999-present) AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E performance as the intended and participation themselves aim. Game design goes further than creating and do is orchestrate we entertainment: what human conduct. facilitate for the purpose of education or advertising, or or advertising, of education the purpose for a played Video games have in the workplace. activities in which in creating pioneering role part, such of people take or thousands hundreds online games, which multiplayer as massively networks computer university from originate been gaining popu and have 1970s of the late the early 2000s, with titles such as larity since Everquest The designers of 2010). (Bartle (2004-present) experienced much more games of this kind are activities, as large-scale participatory creating at types of players they understand the different 2006), (Yee and their motivations 2006) (Bartle a variety of activities depending providing and at to have is no need is. There on who the player online games multiplayer on massively worked to understand these factors, as game design human activities within on creating focuses of the game design limits. The result certain is intangible but observable; it is called process context of the experiment. Although Hamari et Although Hamari of the experiment. context is a promising gamification that it clear al. make to the need attention they also draw discipline, designing and assessing methods for better for use game design and its the activities that possible effects. applying elements of game The benefits of to this author, according design to other areas, Video games effects. its supposed go beyond for strategies sophisticated developed have and participatory prompting understanding and the as learning over as well conduct, interactive the most of digital technology decades to make new experiences. to create developed have An example of how video games of knowledge which the digital areas certain use of is the to make attempting now media are large groups, joint activities for need to create has managed to prove the effects beyond the beyond the effects to prove has managed - application, founded founded application, Foursquare (2014). lack thoroughness; indeed, no study to date indeed, no study to date lack thoroughness; studies conducted on gamification usually on gamification studies conducted on their participants, effects positive report partial and their methods often but they are As Hamari et al. argue (2014), the various et al. argue (2014), As Hamari creating systems and activities that motivate and motivate systems and activities that creating stimulating challenge the participant intrinsically, 1999). personally (Deci players because it provides incentives based on extrinsic incentives because it provides superficial and difficult – which are motivations time – instead of a long period of for to continue as not everyone is motivated by competing. by competing. is motivated as not everyone can be counterproductive The use of trophies broad variety of activities that can be considered can be considered variety of activities that broad between emphasis on competition ludic. Putting effects, negative participants can also have strategy views games as competitive activities, competitive views games as strategy is a described, there though, as Caillois even uncomfortable with the term, primarily because uncomfortable long-term exert games can it assumes that and also because this on their players, influence The use of a trophy system is precisely what what system is precisely The use of a trophy to feel led many of us who design games the most of digital technology to create digital technology to create the most of new experiences. strategies for understanding and prompting for strategies as conduct, participatory and interactive to make well as learning over the decades Video games have developed sophisticated Video games have developed sophisticated privacy problems, which is why the gamified part which is why privacy problems, into the application was split off and developed Swarm This information could be used in turn to create turn to create be used in could This information well as posing of spending habits, as profiles day route turned into a relatively simple game, simple game, into a relatively turned route day and daily coordinates their while users revealed they frequented. the places on data provided arriving at a specific place; the user with the the user place; a specific arriving at of “mayor” the would become most notifications every Gamifying each user’s until 2014. the place participants. The participants. were notify when they had participants in 2009, certain activities with trophies or best player or best player with trophies activities certain to motivate model using a competitive rankings Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 112 This isaprocess ofunstoppableconvergence and endupplaying to ourmusicplaylist, watch theday’s viralvideo screen enableustoswitchfrom theday’s news media models.Today acomputer orsmartphone The digitalmediaare changingthetraditional how we relate tothemediatoday. symptom ofhowthedigitalmediaare changing sponsiveness ofthemagazine’s inertpagesisa The imageofthegirlbewildered bytheunre doesn’t realise theyhave tobeturned( magazine asifitwere aniPad becauseshe of theinfantgirlswipingpagesapaper as well. Readers have probably seenthevideo media, from novels toplays, tobeparticipatory The newgenerations expectthetraditional created byvideogames andnewtechnologies. excluded from thespaces ofculturalexpression do not;indeed,thelatter riskfindingthemselves who have access totechnologiesandthosewho the riskofcreating adigitalgapbetween those cultural landscape,thoughadmittedlywe run increasingly accessible andisnowpartofthe medium. Thelanguageofthedigitalmediais cultural areas andexpressions intothedigital its interdisciplinary nature helpsintegrate other exploring howtodesigninteractive experiences; the disciplineofgamedesignhaslongbeen condescending, butrather, aspointedout,that new generations like themmore, whichisrather is notthat we make videogamesbecausethe cultural expressions intothedigitalmedia.It game designishelpingusincorporate other the factisthat thetablesare beingturnedand game designasalegitimate culturalactivity, still tendtobeusedasameansofestablishing and expressions suchasliterature ormusic media ecology. Althoughotherartisticfields symptom ofhowthedigitalmediaare changing The advent ofgamedesignasadisciplineis with otherareas ofculture Games andtheirrelationship GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR Candy CrushSaga (2012). https:// ). -


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA have beenencouraging players notonly to contribute toitwithourowncreations. Games that we canexplore andmodifyiteven content, goingfurtherthaninterpreting it,so is accustoming ustobeingableinteractwith actions inorder toberead. Digital technology changed howwe read texts,asitrequires certain cybertext his involvement; EspenAarsethusestheterm must manipulate itandcanchangethrough message have tobedecoded buttherecipient interactive mediainwhichnotonlydoesthe no longerofanyuse;insteadwe have digital tion like that ofShannon andWeaver (1963) are cult objects.Traditional modelsofcommunica players, whichhave become museumpieces or one typeofcontent, suchasradiosandrecord shedding technologiesthat are onlyvalidfor fully accepted today. We have graduallybeen taking place over thepasttwo decadesandis (Thorburn andJenkins 2004), whichhasbeen Spanish company Dinamic, whichconverted Quijote distributed. One oftheearliest examplesis of thegamesinquestionhave notbeenwidely reflecting Spain’s culturalheritage, thoughsome Games have alsobeenusedasameansof expressions intothedigitalmedium. helps integrate other cultural areas and experiences; itsinterdisciplinary nature been exploringhowtodesigninteractive The disciplineof gamedesignhaslong value. in order torecreate aspace withsentimental to create 3Dobjects withtheirrelevant textures diaspora learnedtousedigitalproduction tools out that several players amongthisvirtualworld after Second Life the virtualworld inothervirtualworlds suchas case ofacommunity ofplayers whoreproduced Online: by Pearce (2006) ontheonlinegameMyst content for them.Anexampleofthisisastudy take partinfictional worlds butalsotocreate Uru (1987), avideogame produced bythe URU Live toexplainhowdigitaltechnologyhas wasshutdownearly. Pearce points (2003–present) and (2003-4), whichexaminesthe There (2001-10) Don - tive contribution tothewhole.Transmedia story platforms, witheachnewtextmakingadistinc ing isastorythat unfolds across multiple media According tothedefinition,transmediastorytell spread thankstothework ofHenry Jenkins. The concept oftransmediastorytellinghas Transmedia storytelling such astheatre andcinema,museumvisits. to otheralready establishedculturalexpressions bring aboutthischangeofattitude withrespect Let usnowtake alookat howgamesare helping interactively. history andmythologythat canbeexplored found inmainstream games,aswe have arich ily fallingbackonthecommonplaces sooften successful commercial gameswithoutnecessar three examplesshowhowitispossibletocreate chivalric novel val paintings,illustrations ofcodices andthe Castile andcombines arcade gameswithmedie game, Galician water nymphs.Amore recent video peninsula suchastheCastiliangoblinsand worlds, itdraws onthelegendsofIberian stereotypes that usuallyborrow from Tolkien’s Spain; insteadofresorting tothehackneyed 1990), whoseworld isinspired bymedieval Juego deRol demoniáco-medieval the fieldofnon-digitalgames we have Cervantes’s novel intoaninteractive story. In Maldita Castilla Amadís deGaula Windmill level inMaldita Castilla (2012). (2012), takes place inOld (1508). These (Ibáñez Ortí, Aquelarre, - - - - - Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 113 - (2003), (2003), (2003), (2003), (2007) (2007) saga (1999) as saga (1999) The Matrix Matrix The (2014), another (2014), The Animatrix The The Matrix Matrix The (2005) and (2005) Enter The Matrix Matrix The Enter Assassin’s Creed Creed Assassin’s (2005)). In each medium, the viewer / each medium, the viewer In (2005)). AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E versions of various cities through the world. the world. of various cities through versions War Great The Hearts: Valiant the First during place takes game by Ubisoft, and sets the fictitious story of various War World of the war, theatres soldiers in various real keeping a coordinated narrative coherence so coherence narrative a coordinated keeping a different provides each media incarnation that within the viewpoint or plot line, but always to the and contributing world same narrative analysed whole. Jenkins the original an example of transmedia, in which only to sequels but to a rise not film has given shorts, series of animated games ( video and three Neo of Path Matrix: The Online part of the a different can follow / player reader of to the events the antecedents from story, the main character’s the original film to playing collaborators. it possible to participate, Video games make and experiment within the fictional manipulate sometimes and are of a transmedia story, world its origin, such as the to visit detailed franchise, which enables players through films, television shows, comics, video comics, shows, films, television through theme parks (Jenkins and toys even games and is stories of transmedia The nature 2006: 95–96). and in participating for the trend with in keeping cybertexts which require exploring the media, which in read – an effort to be effort a certain the together to piece having this case means parts of the story. different it possible to participate, Video games make experiment within the manipulate and story. a transmedia of fictional world media this of commercial the production In to as media fran phenomenon is usually referred a brand the main story becomes chises whereby media in different to producers is licensed that The difference their own stories. to develop transmedia storytelling franchises and between stories aim at transmedia lies in the fact that telling can start with a novel and be extended and start with a novel telling can - - - - - Aquelarre, Aquelarre, (Ibáñez Ortí, Ortí, (Ibáñez (1508). These These (1508). (2012), takes place in Old in Old place takes (2012), (2012). Castilla in Maldita Windmill level Amadís de Gaula Amadís de Gaula Maldita Castilla Maldita tive contribution to the whole. Transmedia story to the whole. Transmedia contribution tive According to the definition, transmedia storytell According multiple media across unfolds ing is a story that with each new text making a distinc platforms, The concept of transmedia storytelling has The concept Jenkins. of Henry thanks to the work spread Transmedia storytelling Transmedia to other already established cultural expressions established cultural expressions to other already and cinema, and museum visits. such as theatre Let us now take a look at how games are helping how games are at a look us now take Let with respect bring about this change of attitude history and mythology that can be explored can be explored history and mythology that interactively. ily falling back on the commonplaces so often so often ily falling back on the commonplaces a rich have games, as we in mainstream found chivalric novel chivalric novel show how it is possible to create examples three games without necessar commercial successful Castile and combines arcade games with medie arcade Castile and combines and the of codices val paintings, illustrations peninsula such as the Castilian goblins and the Castilian goblins and peninsula such as video recent nymphs. A more Galician water game, Spain; instead of resorting to the hackneyed to the hackneyed of resorting instead Spain; Tolkien’s from borrow usually that stereotypes of the Iberian on the legends it draws worlds, Juego de Rol demoniáco-medieval demoniáco-medieval de Rol Juego by medieval is inspired whose world 1990), Cervantes’s novel into an interactive story. In In story. into an interactive novel Cervantes’s we have games of non-digital the field Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 114 with Shakespeare’s such as pioneered atypeof immersive theatre withplays 1977. AndtheBritish company Punch Drunk has a play ofthiskind, not somethingnew, asMaría Irene Fornés wrote and follows varioussimultaneousactions.Thisis by stagespaces where theaudience explores first typeofimmersive theatre ischaracterised shows inwhichtheparticipantsplay arole. The audience decidesontheactions,andfinallyto the actiontakes place tootherswhere the which theaudience canexplore thespace where immersive theatre rangingfrom examplesin There are variousdegrees ofparticipation in participants playarole. on theactionsorshowsinwhich others where theaudience decides an audience exploringthespace to in immersivetheatre ranging from There are variousdegrees of participation have setthestandard for adultentertainment. Once again,we findthat activities for children characters what todoorwarnthemofdanger. with theyoung audience, whooftentellthe stage shows,adialogueiscommonly established action: inchildren’s theatre, bothpuppetand theatre inwhichtheaudience takes partinthe travel backintimetofindotherexamplesof sitting intheauditorium.Nor dowe needto Greek tragediesappealeddirectly tothepeople always beenthere; for example,the choruses in separates theaudience from theactorshasnot new, theso-calledfourth wallthat supposedly the theatre. Althoughthissoundslike something common that itisalsospreading toareas suchas Interaction withthemediaisbecoming so Immersive theatre them through virtualvisits. places intimeandlearnmore abouteachof Video gamesthusmake itpossibletotravel to always insideahistoricallydocumentedworld. GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR Sleep No More Fefu andHer Friends Macbeth , whichcombines dance andHitchcock’s , backin


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA activity. rooms have become afairly populargroup digital version ofthesegamesiswaning,escape (MOTAS) (2001). Whereas thepopularityof earliest examplesis could beplayed from thebrowser; oneofthe which were fairlypopularinthemid-2000s and are inspired bye in citiesallover theworld. Activities ofthistype solve puzzlestoescape start offbeinglocked insidea room andhave to Escape rooms other words cybertextsthat involve playacting. a seriesofpuzzlesfor theactiontocontinue, in video games,where theaudience hastosolve We alsohave theatre that isdirectly inspired by with several floors. simultaneously indifferent partsofabuilding silent witnessesoftheaction,whichtakes place suspense. In theseproductions theaudience are stories, whichisheldina Polish castleinthe Wizardry castle ofElsinore inDenmark, and a role-playing gamethat takes place inthereal event. Afew examplesare but actuallylive astheir charactersduringthe where players notonlydress upfor thepart is avery sophisticated traditioninScandinavia, sometimes several days. Thistypeofrole-playing is developed over alongerperiodoftime, instead everyone takes partinastorythat where there isnolongeranaudience assuch; Finally, we have live-action role-playing (LARP), the puzzlesothat theactioncancontinue. the audience hastohandletheprops tosolve when thecharacterscome upagainstaproblem, (2012). Theseplays take place insmallspaces and staged interactive plays suchas Spain we have thegroup YOCTOBIT, whichhas so popularincomputer gamesofthe1990s. In by theso-calledgraphicadventures that were machina eX, which stagesproductions inspired mechanics tothetheatre istheBerlincompany Another exampleofplays that bringgame (2015), inspired bytheHarry Potter – activitieswhere theparticipants scape theroom Mystery of Time andSpace – are becoming popular Inside Hamlet videogames, Mata laReina College of (2015),

Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 115 - - (2016) (2016) Gutsy (2016) uses mobile platforms mobile platforms uses (2016) (2016), inspired by the paintings inspired (2016), Nubla Nubla MicroRangers AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E exhibits which they must then connect to solve to solve exhibits which they must then connect game a biological crisis. The card type different needs no technology to show the system and how our digestive inside of microbes of our they interact to maintain the balance good examples two intestinal flora. These are a of how games can help visitors understand contents. complex museum’s as a guide and moti Games can also serve Museo fine arts museums. The for vation has an adventure Thyssen-Bornemisza already game, functions in parallel housed in the museum. It with exhibitions, by exploring themes and than serving as an educa rather works evoking new visitors and by attracting tional brochure, familiar with it to see or inviting those already as it in a new light. The game is not presented but as a world children for something exclusively work. parallel to the museum’s for specific pieces from the museum’s collection, collection, the museum’s from pieces specific for or with a telephone must capture which they a and a datasheet access to in order camera iPad digital mini-games. series of aimed at younger still generally Games are them, used to attract are visitors, and they exhibitions and to help them understand shows. in the museum’s an interest take to attempting are that of the museums One into the museum visit is the games incorporate in New History of Natural American Museum department invests whose education York, sophisticated substantial sums in developing The visitors involved. games to get younger game with as a guide inside the museum combined camera on use the Players augmented reality. to identify various museum their mobile devices uses a pirate theme to invite visitors to search to search to invite visitors theme uses a pirate - - . - La Hamlet (2013) and (2013) (2016), the game (2016), , currently being , currently Elsinore La Dama Boba (2016), are based on classical are (2016), Pokémon Go Pokémon reality game for the Museo Lázaro Galdiano Lázaro the Museo game for reality 8. Inspired over families with children aimed at of by the success An example of the use of a gymkhana-type video An example of the use of a gymkhana-type an augmented Galdioano”, game is “Enigma as a means of learning from exhibitions within a exhibitions within a as a means of learning from context. ficial gamification, where the player is rewarded rewarded is the player where ficial gamification, finding an object instead of understanding for it means – instead of using gamification what them understand the contents. This is not very This is not very them understand the contents. super from derived the problems from different sometimes involve a gymkhana or treasure hunt a gymkhana or treasure sometimes involve the participants inside the museum so that help but they do not always the space, explore them to explore and take an interest in the an interest and take them to explore type various shows. Games of this museum’s younger visitors, and they are used as a means visitors, and they are younger but also of helping them not only of attracting encouraging them understand exhibitions and cant influence is museums and exhibitions. Here Here is museums and exhibitions. cant influence at still generally aimed are games find that we Museums and exhibitions Museums signifi game design enjoys where Another area to change the story through decisions. to change the story through whose visions show the tragedy that is going to whose visions show the tragedy that in trying in the castle; the mission consists occur in the original works. in the original works. by Shakespeare’s is inspired developed, of Ophelia, on the role takes it the player In Cortesía de España Cortesía interested the aim being to get players plays, allow people to play inside the world of the inside the world allow people to play Univer by Madrid’s developed games game. Two sidad Complutense, for everyone. for as a basis and stage plays Other games take actions, but also dedication and concentration. concentration. and but also dedication actions, not suitable this kind are activities of Therefore middle of a forest. This type of theatre not only not only type of theatre This a forest. middle of improvising of skill at amount a certain requires Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 116 interactive works. technologies encourage thecreation ofnew artworks andculturalactivities,whilenew providing newperspectives ontraditional but partofparticipatory andcreative activities, which are nolongerimmovableandmonolithic understanding ofculturalandcanonicalforms, to digitalliteracy, andthisinturnischangingour to mediacontent. Videogamesare contributing influence bothonculture andonhow we relate video games,iswhat isreally exerting significant games andsubsequentlytotheemergence of a discipline,owingfirstto commercial board The gradualappearance ofgamedesignas 80 years. have beenpointingoutrepeatedly for more than – somethingthat anthropologists andfolklorists been alegitimate partofculture for centuries sions, theintentionistoshowthat gameshave design byrelating themtootherculturalexpres particular. Rather thanjustifygamesandtheir about gamesingeneralandvideo of thepreconceived ideaspeopletendtohave The purposeofthisarticleistodebunksome Conclusion GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR -


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA Design Reader: ARules of Play Anthology Spades: Players Who Suit MUDs.” In Bartle, Richard. “Hearts, Clubs,Diamonds, Amadís deGaula Anonymous. edition. Numerous colour plates, 2007. cloth withFabriano Ingres paperjacket. Facsimile José AntonioCastro, 2007. Madrid. 23x15.Book Madrid: Biblioteca Castro no.163,Fundación Dados eTablas. Ordenamiento delasTaburerías. Alfonso XElSabio. VI_-definitivo.pdf uploads/2016/06/MEMORIA-ANUAL_2015_AE 2015. Anuario deLaIndustria Del Videojuego,” June AEVI: AssociaciónEspañoladeVideojuegos.“15 Bibliography USA: ACM, 2011.doi:10.1145/2181037.2181040. Environments MindTrek Conference: Envisioning Future Media In ments toGamefulness:Defining ‘Gamification.’” and Lennart Nacke. “From Game Design Ele Deterding, Sebastian,Dan Dixon, Rilla Khaled, doi:10.1037/0033-2909.125.6.627. Psychological Bulletin Extrinsic Rewards onIntrinsic Motivation.” of ExperimentsExaminingtheEffects of Richard M.Ryan. “A Meta-Analytic Review Deci, Edward L.,Richard Koestner, and 1961. Urbana andChicago:University ofIllinois Press, Caillois, Roger. Press, 2007. Power of Videogames Bogost, Ian. Mass.: MITPress, 2006. by Katie SalenandEric Zimmerman. Cambridge, Proceedings of the15thInternational Academic Persuasive Games: The Expressive Amadis deGaula,Los Quatro librosde , 9–15.MindTrek ’11.New York, NY, Man, Play andGames . porJacobo Cromberger, 1547. . Libros delosjuegos:Adecrex, 125,no.6(1999): 627–68. . Cambridge,MA:MIT . Paperback. The Game , edited -

- Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 117 . - - , Games and Cul http://www. . New York / London: / London: York . New . . . IEEE Transactions on Learning on Learning IEEE Transactions Convergence Culture: Where Old Old Where Culture: Convergence La Formation du Symbole Chez du Symbole La Formation The Monopolists: Obsession, Fury, Fury, Obsession, Monopolists: The PP, no. 99 (2016): 1–1. doi:10.1109/ no. 99 (2016): PP, é, & Niestl Delachaux Neuchâtel: . Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 2015. Publishing . Bloomsbury , April 22, 2016. doi:10.1177/1555412005281418. International Handbook of Internet Research Internet of Handbook International AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Pilon, Mary. Mary. Pilon, Board Favorite Behind the World’s and the Scandal Game Effectiveness of an Educational Video Game: An Educational an of Effectiveness Study.” Exploratory Technologies TLT.2016.2572702. December AMNH. Accessed “MicroRangers.” 2016. 19, families/microrangers Copyright Space of Time And Mystery - “MOTAS Reserved.” Albartus. All Rights Jan 2001-2016 2016. December 19 Accessed Play.” “Productive Celia. Pearce, ture Jean. Piaget, et Représen Image et Rêve, Jeu Imitation, L’enfant; tation. 1945. Ibáñez Ortí, Ricard. Aquelarre, juego de rol juego de rol Aquelarre, Ricard. Ortí, Ibáñez edition. Barcelona: First demoníaco-medieval. 1990. Internacional, Joc Henry. Jenkins, Collide Media and New 2006. NYU Press, 2 Accessed Castilla - Locomalito.” “Maldita 2017. January, maldita_castilla.php and C. Fernández-Vara, J. Torrente, B., Manero, the Impact “Investigating B. Fernandez-Manjon. on the and Age Gender, of Gaming Habits, In 2010. Netherlands, Springer 23–39. Dordrecht: 4020-9788-1#section=717105&page=21&locus=94 to MMORPGs: The History of Virtual Worlds.” of Virtual Worlds.” The History to MMORPGs: - - , http:// . https://play. (version 1.0). 1.0). (version 2014 47th Hawaii 2014 47th Hawaii Proceedings of the of Proceedings . Humanitas, Beacon Beacon . Humanitas, 2, no. 3 (1978): 112–40. 2, no. 3 (1978): Homo Ludens: A Study of the of Ludens: A Study Homo . , 47–54. LATICE ’13. Washington, DC, ’13. Washington, LATICE , 47–54. . La Cortesía de España La Cortesía Hunsinger, Jeremy, Lisbeth Klastrup, Matthew Matthew Lisbeth Klastrup, Jeremy, Hunsinger, MUDs Bartle, eds. “From Allen, and Richard Reprints in Humanities. Boston: Beacon Press, Press, Boston: Beacon in Humanities. Reprints 1955. Huizinga, Johan. Johan. Huizinga, in Culture Play-Element Studies on Gamification.” In on Gamification.” Studies Sciences on System Conference International 3025–34, 2014. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2014.377. Hamari, J., J. Koivisto, and H. Sarsa. “Does Gami and H. Sarsa. “Does J., J. Koivisto, Hamari, Empirical Review of Work? – A Literature fication USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. doi:10.1109/ 2013. Society, USA: IEEE Computer LaTiCE.2013.34. 2013 Learning and Teaching in Computing and in Computing and Teaching 2013 Learning Engineering Korhonen. “Empirical Study on the Effect Effect on the Study “Empirical Korhonen. Badges in TRAKLA2 Online of Achievement In Environment.” Learning Hakulinen, Lasse, Tapio Auvinen, and Ari Lasse, Tapio Hakulinen, AMNH. Accessed December 19, 2016. 19, December AMNH. Accessed gutsy-the-gut-microbiome-card-game doi:10.2307/3245376. Game.” Card Microbiome The Gut “Gutsy: Fornes, Maria Irene. “Play: Fefu and Her Friends.” Friends.” and Her Fefu “Play: Irene. Maria Fornes, Arts Journal Performing LaCortesia e-UCM. e-UCM, 2016. 2.3 and up. Android juego-realidad-aumentada-familias-ninos-gratis#. WGqfUrYrLMW Realidad Aumentada Para Familias y Niños en y Niños Familias Para Aumentada Realidad 2 January, Accessed Galdiano.” Lázaro el Museo 2017. “‘Enigma Galdiano’ Un Juego Gratuito de de Gratuito Juego Un Galdiano’ “‘Enigma “El Juego ‘La Dama Boba.’” Accessed 19 Decem 19 Accessed Boba.’” ‘La Dama “El Juego 2016. ber, Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends 118 Asociación Cultural ArsGames Nordic Larp-Online Magazine International Journal ofRole-Playing ETC Press DiGRA -Digital GamesResearch Association org/ Computer GameResearch Game Studies: TheInternational Journal of Digital resources (2006): 772–75. Games.” Yee, Nick. “Motivations for Play inOnline Press, 2004. Transition Rethinking Media Change:The Aesthetics of Thorburn, David, andHenry Jenkins, eds. Harvard University Press, 2001. Sutton-Smith, Brian. sity ofIllinois Press, 1963. Mathematical Theory of Communication Shannon, ClaudeE.,andWarren Weaver. GAME DESIGN AS A CULTURAL DISSEMINATOR CyberPsychology &Behavior . Cambridge,Mass.; London: TheMIT The Ambiguityof Play http://gamestudies.


. Univer The . -


CLARA FERNÁNDEZ VARA @Placasa @BaltaFM @SantoroMartina @Ludictador @Jaumeesteve @laracoteron @OldMith @Frascafrasca @Ruthsofhia @Antonplanells Tweeters Indiefence (Universidad deAlcalá) Images, Words, andIdeas Research Group plutense) Plataforma e-Adventure (Universidad Com Centre Technoculture, ArtandGames(TAG) Research - THE USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE CONSERVATION, ANALYSIS AND DISSEMINATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 120 developed various projects ontheuseofnew technologiesinBrazilian exhibitionspaces. postgraduate programme oftheUniversidade Federal doEspíritoSanto(Brazil), where hehas cultural His latest studiestobepublishedinclude publications andparticipation innational andinternational events (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina). and contemporary artisticcreation, andhave given risetovariousacademiccontributions to focused ontheapplications ofnewtechnologiesinthefieldsmuseumdesign,historicheritage Holds aPhD inArtHistory from theUniversity ofGranada (2013). His linesofresearch are David Ruiz Torres INTRODUCTION (Trea, Gijón). He iscurrently apostdoctoralfellow andassociate professor for the ( LinkedIn La realidad aumentada ysuaplicación enelpatrimonio ) The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 121 - -

- 2 - - - Science Science Digital Digital Congreso Congreso (including the , the Focus 2017 2017 , the Focus the 7 6 , whose main 3 , the 8 , DCH International Confer DCH International 7th Framework Programme 7th Framework Horizon 2020 Horizon the 4 , AC/E Annual Report AC/E started up by the Instituto Nacional Nacional started up by the Instituto 9 Conference on Cultural Heritage Heritage on Cultural Conference (Spain), to mention only a few. They to mention only a few. (Spain), 10 the 5 , AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Given the underlying importance of the theme the underlying importance Given of this year’s of digital of the application an overview gives on three technologies in heritage, concentrating focused specifically on research combining combining research on specifically focused as the heritage and new technologies, such Heritage on Digital Conference International - EUROMED ence - CHNT Technologies and New Congress International Heritage held which was last Awards), Heritage Digital and brings together the experiences in Granada the congresses, of other international & Archae in Arts, Heritage and Engineering ology (SEAHA) Conference y las Nuevas Cultural Patrimonio Internacional Tecnologías and the (Mexico), e Historia de Antropología y Gestión del Patrimonio de Restauración Bienal - AR&PA and sector profes all bring together researchers known the most and make sionals, who share in the field of heritage. experiences innovative and for the future generations. the future and for relationship, of this satisfactory an example For many of the out that to point it is sufficient technologies and cul digital involving projects by the European being funded tural heritage are programmes. and innovation research Union’s the The fact that by another pro was followed to 2013) (2004 gramme called use of cultural include the innovative objectives investment, for heritage as an opportunity of new markets, development growth, economic to the attests and social cohesion, job creation in cultural heritage as an instru interest growing new technologies. through ment of development our further signs of this importance are There heritage. An example to cultural society attaches events and national is the many international presented in a coherent manner for our society manner for in a coherent presented - which which 1 , Focus 2015 Focus historical objects in the care of museums, of museums, historical objects in the care which can be codified through technology and through which can be codified ties offered by digital technologies in this area – by digital technologies in this area ties offered many and have – are to be discovered some yet potential, just as the field has many needs great exponential growth in technologies and their exponential growth The possibili sector. applicability in the culture The relationship between digital technologies digital between The relationship and and cultural heritage goes back a long way decades by the in recent has been strengthened dealt exclusively with museums and digital with museums and digital dealt exclusively technologies. ­ art- analysed in the these were linked to cultural heritage. linked Although cultural heritage encompasses involving movable assets or intangible heritage movable assets involving closely particularly significant and/or are that heritage – chiefly archaeological heritage and heritage – chiefly archaeological heritage, immovable artistic and monumental cases of experiences a few though it also reports This fact was taken into account when putting into account This fact was taken studies cultural which 2017, together the Focus knowledge and techniques that are part of their are knowledge and techniques that cultural heritage. natural landscapes; and intangible heritage landscapes; and natural of peoples, to all cultural manifestations refers expressions, including customs, representations, to monuments, complexes and sites; natural sites; natural and to monuments, complexes and of geological formations heritage consists currently very wide-ranging. According to the According wide-ranging. very currently World the UNESCO from definitions derived cultural heritage refers conventions, Heritage The concept of heritage has progressively of heritage has progressively The concept past decades and is the over broadened for the conservation, analysis and dissemination analysis and dissemination the conservation, for of cultural heritage. The Focus 2017 takes a look at case studies of case studies of a look at takes 2017 The Focus digital technologies in the use of good practice Introduction The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 122 sector professionals. has given risetoexperiences ofgreat interest to rial vehicles), whoserapidspread inrecent years smartglasses anddrones orUAVs (unmanned ae such asvirtualreality andaugmentedreality spearheading theexpansionofdigitalheritage, well known,anumberofnewgadgetsare In addition tothemobiledevices that are already witnessing today. presence judgingbythepioneeringcaseswe are where culturalheritagewillenjoy apredominant the advent ofthe ubiquity andwireless connections are heralding century thankstoavarietyofdevices whose extremely widespread inthetwenty-first What ismore, these technologieshave become cultural heritagesector. mixed andaugmentedreality technologies inthe nologies, 3Ddigitisation techniquesandvirtual, of Things,information andcommunication tech application ofartificialintelligence, the Internet computing andelectronics have given risetothe The selectedcasestudiesshowhowadvances in beyond thescope ofthepresent study. tance, itwould require anextensive survey well which digitaltechnologiesare ofgreat impor included. Asthisisavery specificdisciplinein riences related torestoration have notbeen It shouldbeexplainedtoreaders that expe current situation, namely: basic aspectswhichare intendedtocover the • • • INTRODUCTION research. and dissemination, enhancement andeducation, tion/preservation; documentation, diagnosisandconserva smart cities 11 ofthefuture, - - - - - of destructionculturalheritageassociated duction we wishtostress auserelated toacts examine avarietyofapplications, inthisintro hitherto regarded asutopian.Althoughwe will new andimportantdimensionfullofpossibilities produce physicalmodelsofdigitalheritage–a breakthrough hasbeen3Dprinters,whichcan But withoutadoubtthemostrevolutionary potential inthisfield. raphy orphotogrammetry), whichboosttheir with data acquisition techniques(digital photog lished indocumentation work incombination field; inparticular, theirusehasbecome estab already have afairlylongtrackrecord inthis in heritagedissemination. Drones, for theirpart, become oneofthemostcutting-edgeresources of culturalobjects;indeed,thishasledthemto allow themtoenjoy amore “live” experience immerse usersinvirtualenvironments and Smartglasses are noteworthy becausethey tage. between digitaltechnologies andculturalheri and soundrelationship that hasbeenestablished good practice whichdulyillustrate theintrinsic spans abroad varietyofexamplesandcases of mented onabove. Therangeofpossibilities The survey isnotlimitedtotheareas com technologies. interrelated asnever before thankstodigital als, thepublicandheritageitself–are becoming situation where three actors–sectorprofession All thesedevelopments are givingrisetoa the world’s culturalmemory. reconstruction isapalliative meansofpreserving with war. In suchcases3Ddigitalmodellingand ------The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 123 - - pub 16 , (2007) and (2007) 14 Lisbon Treaty (2012). It has accordingly promoted promoted has accordingly It (2012). 15 Treaty on the Functioning of the European of the European on the Functioning Treaty AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E brings together a large number of experts and in the sector. experiences number seen a growing have years The past few and campaigns which have projects of research It is therefore not surprising that the European the European not surprising that is therefore It to this has paid special attention Commission in the issue, as ratified the Union and protecting and funded many actions for cultural to make heritage in order safeguarding accessible. heritage more on focused tasks have conservation Preventive assessing and understanding the mechanisms cultural heritage is damaged, and whereby use in been of great digital technologies have support other tasks that the graphic recording diagnosis and subse traditional techniques for specific documents Spain In quent intervention. on this subject, such as the been compiled have gráfica del patrimonio Documentación which of Culture, lished in 2010 by the Ministry - - - - (1996), the Interna (1996), 12 CIPA Heritage Documen Heritage CIPA

whose mission was to facilitate the whose mission was to facilitate 13


Principles for the recording of monuments, recording the for Principles CONSERVATION DIAGNOSIS AND AND DIAGNOSIS 1. DOCUMENTATION, DOCUMENTATION, 1. its non-invasive techniques, which allow many its non-invasive task to be of the challenges of this arduous addressed. heritage assets. Digital technology offers a broad a broad technology offers heritage assets. Digital spectrum of possibilities in these plans owing to has been attached to protecting and preserving and preserving to protecting has been attached decades, leading to cultural heritage in recent plans for conservation the design of preventive tions and professionals in the sector. tions and professionals importance growing along this path, Continuing transfer of advances in the digital recording and in the digital recording of advances transfer of heritage to the various institu conservation committee devoted specifically to documenting specifically to devoted committee cultural heritage: tation and analysis of the data needed to maintain and analysis of the data a founded ICOMOS and manage it. As a result, tional Council on Monuments and Sites (ICO and Sites on Monuments tional Council of recording MOS) underlined the importance dissemination the acquisition, heritage, stressing In and sites of buildings groups The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 124 factors that canaffect them. a precise andquantitative understandingofthe ment oftheirstructuralintegrity coupled with for theirpreservation requires acareful assess Planning themaintenance ofheritagebuildings Networks (WSNs) 1.1 Wireless Sensor recording efforts. the chiefconsideration inthelatest heritage incorporation of3D printers,whichhave been applications for mobiledevices andtherecent using avarietyofmeans,especiallymetadata, representations anddiagnosestobemade gleaned from heritagehasenabledvery accurate The largeamountofinformation that canbe high visualdefinitionandmetricaccuracy. with UAVs ordrones), whichare characterisedby niques and3Dlaserscanning(incombination digital photography, photogrammetrictech the original.Themainonesare high-definition procedures toobtainresults that are faithfulto requires acombination ofseveral techniquesand As we willsee,thisisacomplex taskthat often order tocreate 3Dmodelsoftheheritage assets. tage usingdigitaldata acquisition techniquesin heritage hasalsoledtothedigitisation ofheri means ofensuringtheprotection ofcultural The search for thebestpossibletechniquesand shortage ofresources andpersonnel. situ andhassolved problems stemmingfrom any monumenttobeconstantly monitored in presence oftheInternet ofThings(IoT). It allows trend inrecent years owingtotheincreasing of heritageusingwireless sensors–agrowing An importanttechniqueisthedigitalmonitoring models, especiallythrough 3Dprinters. the dissemination ofhighlyaccurate 3Ddigital acquisition techniquesfor existingproperty and and creating databases totheuseofdigital and results rangingfrom monitoringheritage come upwithabroad varietyoftechniques 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION - - - variety ofinformation. vices tobeinstalledmore extensively toobtaina systems are lessinvasive andenablemore de sensors that communicate bymeansofwireless the abovementioned issues.Small autonomous different solutionstobeadoptedaddress wireless sensornetworks (WSNs) allowradically In theageofInternet ofThings(IoT), such spaces. the recording equipmenthaslimitedtheirusein contain artworks, thevisualimpactcausedby dealing withheritagebuildings,manyofwhich be correctly installed.Furthermore, aswe are power socket orextensive wiringinorder to heritage environments, astheyrequire anearby were afew disadvantages tousingthemin temperature andhumidity. However, there that measure elementssuchasvibrations, through data recording sensorsandinstruments This information hastraditionallybeengathered vation programmes enablestheculturalinstitu monitoring systemsaspart ofpreventive conser on physicalphenomena, as usingtheseheritage advantages for supervisingandkeeping check are attracting keen interest onaccount oftheir There isnodoubtthat wireless sensornetworks attacks. types ofrisks,suchasfire, floodingandphysical such assurveillance andwarning againstother these systemscanalsoperform otherfunctions to environmental conditions, thefactisthat appropriate preventive conservation withrespect installing thesenetworks ismonitoringtoensure In addition, althoughthemainpurposeof climatological, structuralandotherneeds. as possibletotheproperty’s geographical, system, sothat thenetwork istailored asclosely resources, cost, hardware andlimitations ofthe ments needtobestudiedsuchasenvironment, where itistobeimplemented.Specific require sites, itisnecessary tobearinmindthesetting the monitoringandconservation ofheritage When designingawireless sensornetwork for - - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 125 - - - - - is a 19 SHbuild is part of the 21 (Spain). 20 Fundación Santa María la María Santa Fundación MHS (Monitoring Heritage System) Heritage MHS (Monitoring AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E The transnational cooperation project project cooperation The transnational Buildings) Heritage ings (Smart IV SUDOE territorial cooperation Interreg is an It Europe. Southwest for programme heritage management system aimed alternative check and evaluate the state of the property. state the check and evaluate the Basically the system, which illustrates allows of Things (IoT), potential of the Internet to analyse in detail the sector professionals heritage property parameters for conservation to remedy intervention and carry out preventive Other or pathologies. possible alterations useful in aspects be very functions which could and against fire such as security or protection of the system. versatility attest to the floods opera it is not limited to conservation Indeed, functions based on tions but also incorporates system of tourism (a boosting and promoting 3D projection, cards, and magnetic access codes and downloading audio guides using QR codes or scenes different a lighting system to create environments). SHbuildings The to ideally suited system smart management heritage assets. and other historic buildings with in collaboration The system, developed 2005, has been implemented since Telefónica Atlán Norte of the Románico and tested as part by the run project tico Histórico del Patrimonio Real sensors visible wireless of barely consists It etc.) xylographs, luxmeters, (hygrometers, at placed They are network. in a connected to monitor various points in buildings strategic to tempera parameters related environmental and inten pressure atmospheric humidity, ture, on vibrations data as other sity of light, as well data recorded The structures. in the or fissures with the in accordance server is sent to a central to in order concept to machine) M2M (machine Monitoring Heritage System (MHS) System Heritage Monitoring - - -

- 18 (Cultural Heritage Heritage (Cultural 17 Cuspis Smart Monitoring of Historic Structures of Historic Monitoring Smart by developing open-code software that is easy that software open-code by developing and use. to configure sector professionals for processing system was also implemented to in processing by the sensors gathered the information terpret oration or cracks, acoustic level, vibration, and vibration, level, or cracks, acoustic oration and even light levels or ultraviolet environmental A smart data to be monitored. chemical attacks invasive wireless networks and smart sensors and networks wireless invasive installed in historic monuments. The system air speed, deteri humidity, allows temperature, Framework Programme 2007–2013), developed 2007–2013), developed Programme Framework a smart monitoring system based on minimally The funded as part of the FP7 (Seventh project, Smart Monitoring of Monitoring Smart Structures Historic wireless communication terminals (Wi-Fi and communication wireless mobile). for Egnos (Satellite-Based Augmentation System) System) Augmentation (Satellite-Based Egnos for managed by positioning/tracking and were tified and monitored each object using GNSS tified and monitored global navigation the Galileo signals (through techniques RFID and mapping system), satellite deposited in a museum. This system was put deposited in a museum. This system the Villa Adriana site (Tivoli, at into practice iden Terminals of Athens. and in the city ) archaeological artefacts from the moment they artefacts from archaeological their original site until they are identified in are Space Identification System), developed as part developed System), Identification Space It Programme). Framework of the FP6 (Sixth monitoring a system for designing involved One such project is such project One Cuspis (Cultural Heritage Space Space Heritage (Cultural Cuspis System) Identification research and innovation programmes have in have programmes and innovation research projects cooperation international cluded several heritage. the smart monitoring of cultural for It is therefore not surprising that in recent years years in recent that not surprising is therefore It tions that manage and conserve our heritage to our and conserve manage tions that costs. save The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 126 of therecord andinventory ofheritageassets. information onintervention tasksthat are part agement ofabuilding’s lifecycle and includes plinary database, whichisessentialtotheman growing demandfor thecreation ofamultidisci BIM techniquesasatechnologythat meetsthe This newapproach isduetotherecognition of administering historicproperties. way ofperforming thetasksofdocumenting and a majorally, astheyare changingthetraditional professionals have found BIMtechniquestobe conservators, engineers andotherheritage virtual environments. Architects, archaeologists, an importantstagepriortotheconstruction of cultural heritagerecording anditisconsidered nificantly over thepastdecadeinfieldof The useofBIMtechniqueshasgrown sig the data onabuildingthroughout itslifecycle. refer totheprocess ofgenerating andmanaging BIM (Building Information Modelling) techniques Information Modelling) 1.2 BIM(Building management ofhistoricbuildings. ings amountstoanimprovement intheoverall nance andmanagementofmonumentalbuild efforts devoted to restoration work, mainte plan for eachheritagebuilding.Minimising the establishing aspecificpreventive conservation parameters anddetectpossibleabnormalities, system makes itpossibletoanalysevarious Monitoring heritagethrough theSHbuildings the Internet ofThingsandcloudcomputing. veloping thissystem,whichisbasedonsensors, Real deAguilar deCampoo,are involved inde coordinated bytheFundación SantaMaría la technology centres, institutionsandbodies, gies. Spanish, French andPortuguese companies, ity modelsthrough theuseofsmarttechnolo chiefly at creating more economical sustainabil 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION ------Sandstone, Heritage Documentation Software Documentation Software Sandstone, Heritage sions duringtheasset’s lifecycle. of primaryimportance tomakingfuture deci for knowledgesharingthat provides information characteristics ofaheritageasset.It isaresource representation withthephysicalandfunctional BIM thusmakes itpossibletocreate adigital managing information andnotjustgraphics. (computer-aided design) asitiscapableof number ofadvantagesover CADtechniques rules for eachobject.BIMtechnologyholdsa ings, includingdata attributes andparametric components orcharacteristicsofitssurround characteristics. It features smartconstruction a site,structure orbuildingwithitsintrinsic BIM isbasicallya3Ddigitalrepresentation of be managed. all theinformation contained inthisdatabase to GIS, andSandstoneLibrary, librariesthat enable geographic information systemcalledSandstone PostgreSQL, astructured consultation tool,the the software usingvariousmodulessuchas rials explaininghowtoinstallandconfigure Sandstone’s interventions onVitoria-Gasteiz cathedral. of Glory of SantiagodeCompostela cathedral and case studiesanddiagnosesfor restoring thePortal as partofthePrograma Catedral, whichincludes and recording processes, hasbeenputintopractice This software, specialisedinheritageconservation and theFundación Barrie. Instituto dePatrimonio Cultural Español(IPCE) the Fundación Catedral deSantiago(FCS), the as theFundación Catedral SantaMaría (FCSM), tutions have collaborated ontheproject, such World Monuments Fund. Several Spanish insti Integrated Conservation Resources (ICR) andthe that hasbeendeveloped invariousphasesby is thenameofaheritagerecording application YouTube channel 22 provides tuto - - - - undertake intervention andrestoration projects information obtainedwillmake itpossible to professionals inmultidisciplinary teams.The database that involves alargenumberof sector advantages isthat itis anonlinecollaborative tion searches, amongotherfunctions. One ofits consulting graphsandperform instantinforma create virtualcross-sections, generate filters for on theproperty butalsomakes itpossibleto not onlyrecords alltheart-historical information intuitive andpredominantly visualinterface that by meansofinformation layers. It provides an thologies andalterations inaparticularproperty models that canbeusedtoanalyseallthepa tabase focused onproducing three-dimensional PetroBIM heritage property. For example,theonline tool in therecording andpreventive conservation of be especiallyimportanttosectorprofessionals The useofspecificsoftware isalsoproving to PetroBIM diagnoses for future interventions tobemade. exhaustive database that allowspathologies and several oftheprogramme’s toolstoobtainan others. Allthisdocumentation isprocessed by photogrammetry, digitalphotography and information gathered bytechniques such as importing andorganisingallthemultimedia create anewproject onaheritageproperty by The purposeofthissoftware istohelpusers Figure 01-Interface ofSandstone, Heritage Documentation Software. Photo: videoscreenshot. Source: YouTube 23 hasbeendeveloped tocreate ada - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 127 ------This 24 . Documenting the Cultural Heritage the Cultural Documenting AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E tecting and managing these assets. The Council tecting and managing these assets. The Council international has established standard of Europe laid down cultural heritage, which are rules for in data basic core document describes the three other elements such as publications, artistic other elements such as publications, the and require heterogeneous very objects are a computerised type of detailed analysis that can provide. database it system makes into the metadata Incorporating but also to estab possible not only to catalogue language that retrieval lish a fast and easy data all these heritage and disseminate helps access unifying the Though this also calls for records. to be allow data systems and fields to required the various institutions. exported between suitable to build a necessary is therefore It managing meta for infrastructure organisational acquiring for which establishes resources data, stan the use of metadata and selecting data, refers standard Metadata and recording. dards needed to of information to the minimum level and encompasses document heritage property in understanding, pro involved the procedures tive conservation plans. conservation tive management 1.3 Metadata systems traditionally been used in book has Metadata systems as a means of managing cataloguing However, information. stored and retrieving metadata digital, increasingly is as information the greatest one of the tools with has become of the so-called digital potential in the field humanities. in facilitating importance has been of great It historic heri one of the oldest and most arduous cultural and cataloguing tage tasks: inventorying that found have Sector professionals property. the task of hugely facilitated have databases as, unlike information and cataloguing gathering on historic buildings, as well as draw up preven as draw buildings, as well on historic - - - has been developed to create a da to create has been developed 23 Software. Photo: video screenshot. Source: YouTube Source: video screenshot. Photo: Software. Figure 01 - Interface of Sandstone, Heritage Documentation Documentation of Sandstone, Heritage 01 - Interface Figure undertake intervention and restoration projects projects and restoration intervention undertake professionals in multidisciplinary teams. The professionals it possible to obtained will make information tion searches, among other functions. One of its among other functions. One tion searches, it is an online collaborative advantages is that a large number of sector involves that database create virtual cross-sections, generate filters for filters generate virtual cross-sections, create instant informa graphs and perform consulting intuitive and predominantly visual interface that that visual interface and predominantly intuitive information all the art-historical not only records it possible to but also makes on the property models that can be used to analyse all the pa models that in a particular property thologies and alterations an provides It layers. by means of information PetroBIM three-dimensional on producing tabase focused be especially important to sector professionals professionals be especially important to sector of conservation and preventive in the recording example, the online tool For heritage property. The use of specific software is also proving to is also proving The use of specific software PetroBIM exhaustive database that allows pathologies and allows pathologies that database exhaustive be made. to interventions future diagnoses for photogrammetry, digital photography and photography digital photogrammetry, by is processed others. All this documentation tools to obtain an of the programme’s several importing and organising all the multimedia all the multimedia and organising importing such as by techniques gathered information The purpose of this software is to help users is to help of this software The purpose by property on a heritage a new project create The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 128 that ofprofessional photographers,asitsimage architects, restorers andarthistorians,aswell as tates thework ofcurators, archaeologists, an intuitive, user-friendly interface that facili ments, booksandmanuscripts.Thetoolprovides cultural assetssuchasartworks, historicmonu specific fields for cataloguing digitalimagesof Cultural Heritage Panel image files.Thefree plugin,whichtheycalled programme for organisingandeditingdigital develop apluginfor AdobeBridge software, a the handlingandexchange ofinformation, to providing technologicalsupportfor improving belongs toaLondon-based company focused on IPTC’s Photo Metadata Working Group for cataloguing them. It wasthisneedthat drove have spurred thedevelopment ofspecifictools characteristics andare very diverse innature – assets –whichdisplay very heterogeneous As previously mentioned,theneedsofcultural Panel for Metadata Management son tothoseofmovableassets. have yet tobewidelydisseminated incompari databases ofthelatter have beendrawn up, they immovable property. Althoughcatalogues and the possibilitiesofmetadata incataloguing although notthemainobjectofstudy, illustrate cases ofcollections ofmovableproperty which, The exampleschosenfor thisstudyreport and theretrieval andlong-term storageofdata. to supporttheeffective exchange ofknowledge tion resources. It alsoprovides guidelinesonhow and managementofculturalheritageinforma based onmetadata notonlyfacilitates access to Basically, having asuitablestructuralframework Council ofMuseums (ICOM–CIDOC). ISO 21127:2014 information: ing guidelinesfor theintegration ofcultural country. There isasimilardocumentestablish from ageneralandneutralperspective for each monuments, archaeological sitesandobjects standards for recording historicbuildingsand 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION Information anddocumentation , 25 developed bytheInternational , 27 offers avarietyof , 26 which - - - - - plinary work. thereby promoting collaborative andmultidisci other databases heldbyculturalinstitutions, idea isfor themetadata tobeexportable detailed search andconsultation system.The manage andmonitoreachitembymeansofa Platform) markuplanguageallowsthemto bank basedonXMP(Extensible Metadata searching for data. The software made it possible effective tool for acquiring, managingand This database administrator isapowerful and HiDA historical records. tion designdrawings, bequestsandavarietyof number ofmanuscripts,photographs,construc associated institutionshousedaconsiderable facts tohistoricscientificinstruments,whileits collections University ofGraz ownedmore than and consultation on Styrian collections. The to create anonline platform for cataloguing Universalmuseum Joanneum, itsetoutchiefly universities andstate institutionssuchasthe University ofGraz incooperation withtwo other heritage ofthestate ofStyria. Carried outbythe publication andaccessibility ofthecultural focused onthedigitalprocessing, protection, Ministry ofScience, Research andEconomy This Austrian heritage ofStyria Repository ofthecultural software Figure 02-Interface ofthe Panel for Metadata Management 29 rangingfrom archaeological arte project 30 wasusedfor data acquisition. software. Photo: Screenshot. Source: 28 fundedbytheFederal 27 different - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 129 ------included more included more 33 metadata planning and planning metadata platform AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E digitally documenting heritage using photogram and in metry and laser scanning, both separately detailed results more shows that combination, at truly accurate can be obtained, as they are that lost elements and obtaining data recovering 1.4 Digital photogrammetry/3D photogrammetry/3D 1.4 Digital laser scanning and documenting of recording The importance cultural heritage using digital photogrammetry is internationallyand 3D laser scanning techniques and new instruments, data-gathering recognised, 3D represen methodologies and high-resolution These being developed. constantly are tations contribution to a significant techniques make mapmaking and the digital documentation, of heritage. and dissemination conservation and preventive Visualisation/virtualisation documen and powerful innovative planning are Photo conservation. tools in the field of tation among the grammetry and laser scanning are metric techniques used to document heritage as opposed to other traditional techniques like in experience Recent photography or surveying. lished by Taiwan’s cultural heritage laws and the heritage laws cultural Taiwan’s lished by Heritage. of World concepts this for The prototype GIS management such as historic elements hundred than two buildings. It and historic monuments, relics such as information, existing also incorporated plans and man conservation reports, research with completed which were agement strategies, will be that information graphic and multimedia the users who consult to importance of great system database. the system was intended to comply Basically, managing for standard with the international and was ultimately cultural heritage metadata of applying to be aspirations to Kinmen’s linked List. Heritage on the World each asset, according to the parameters estab to the parameters according each asset, - - - - metadata metadata Yang et al., Yang controlled vocabularies, authority vocabularies, controlled 31 32 ). phases of recording, restoring and maintaining restoring phases of recording, The project considered that the system could the system could that considered The project the tasks carried out during the various improve 2010–2014 of the Ministry of Science and Tech of Science 2010–2014 of the Ministry nology. National Taipei University of Technology and the of Technology University Taipei National both in Taipei of Technology, China University Programme as part of the Research (Taiwan), 2014 was carried out jointly by the The research the integration, collaboration and exchange of and exchange collaboration the integration, ( sector professionals by resources the focus of a project which used a geographic which used of a project the focus system to design a digital manage information cultural heritage involving for ment resource The small archipelago of Kinmen (Taiwan) was of Kinmen (Taiwan) The small archipelago Metadata and cultural heritage Metadata of Kinmen (Taiwan) departure for new scientific research and cultural and research new scientific for departure activities. researchers, students and professionals of the students and professionals researchers, visibility to sector and will document and give a point of as providing as well the collections, The creation of this digital repository will make will make of this digital repository The creation to teachers, cultural heritage available Styria’s tent global database including all the collections all the collections including tent global database involved. objects. This basic data is compulsory and will is compulsory data objects. This basic Model Data be mapped to the EDM (Europeana to guarantee a consis in order Documentation) which included core categories (object and (object categories which included core types of different for place…) media type, date, management (Geonames, used were files and thesauruses model was developed and a generic data GND...) port of metadata, so that the information could could the information so that port of metadata, thereby research, cross-institutional be used for options. For optimising the search and cultural objects. All the information about information objects. All the and cultural with the sup gathered objects was the cultural to design individual templates in accordance accordance in individual templates to design collections of the various specific needs with the - - - 27 different 27 different funded by the Federal funded by the Federal 28 software. Photo: Screenshot. Source: Source: Screenshot. Photo: software. was used for data acquisition. acquisition. data was used for 30 project ranging from archaeological arte archaeological ranging from 29 Figure 02 - Interface of the Panel for Metadata Management Management Metadata for of the Panel 02 - Interface Figure software HiDA and is a powerful administrator This database managing and for acquiring, tool effective possible it made software The data. for searching Repository of the cultural Repository heritage of Styria This Austrian and Economy Research of Science, Ministry protection, digital processing, on the focused of the cultural and accessibility publication Carried out by the Styria. of heritage of the state other with two in cooperation of Graz University institutions such as the and state universities it set out chiefly Joanneum, Universalmuseum cataloguing for an online platform to create The collections. on Styrian and consultation than owned more of Graz University collections facts to historic scientific instruments, while its institutions housed a considerable associated number of manuscripts, photographs, construc bequests and a variety of tion design drawings, historical records. Platform) markup language allows them to language allows markup Platform) of a item by means and monitor each manage system. The and consultation search detailed to to be exportable the metadata idea is for held by cultural institutions, other databases and multidisci collaborative promoting thereby plinary work. bank based on XMP (Extensible Metadata Metadata on XMP (Extensible bank based The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 130 here, laserscanning has alsomadesignificant Although we are discussingphotogrammetry from interiorsthat are difficultto access. be obtainedbothfrom largeoutdoorspaces and aerial photogrammetry, whichenablesdata to major allyindrones, givingrisetowhat iscalled field ofheritage. In particulartheyhave found a processes have increased exponentiallyinthe applications ofphotogrammetryandrelated The varietyoftechniquesandthenumber well-suited todigitally documenting heritage. putational techniquesmake photogrammetry eras, capturingdevices, processors andcom Recent technologicaladvances indigitalcam in arelatively shortperiodoftime. of photostaken bystandard digitalcamerasand results in3Dmodelsbasedonalimitednumber resulting measurements, ensuringhigh-quality to aminimumanypossibleinaccuracies inthe software isasusefulpossible.Thiswillreduce that theinformation suppliedtotheprocessing dealing withhighlyheterogeneous elements) so especially inthecaseofculturalheritage,we are pointing thecameraat theobjectinquestion(as, guides theuserinconfiguring, positioningand methodology that establishestheprocess and metric data. It isalsoimportantto follow a of digitalimagesthat make upthephotogram measurement, thecameramustcapture aset To carryoutahigh-precision photogrammetric measurements ofanobjectfrom photographs. Digital photogrammetryconsists intaking used for thistask. sector professionals ontheprocess anddevices objects. Its website contains a techniques specifically for heritagesitesor tion usingdigitalscanningandphotogrammetric long experience andactive work indata acquisi The Spanish company Factum isnotablefor its period oftime. allow adiagnosticstudytobeperformed over a cross-sections, profiles andmapsofdamagethat can beprocessed digitallytoachieve elevations, 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION quick guide 34 for - - - - from adistance oflessthanonemetre. The for recording thedetailsofanobject’s surface objects, whereas short-range scannersare ideal record themeasurement oflargesurfaces or LiDAR (lightdetectionandranging) isusedto is used.Thelong-andmedium-distance system is wishedtoscan,onetypeofdevice oranother Roughly speaking,depending ontheelementit cultural objects. cially well-suited toexamininganddocumenting texture ofasurface, andthismakes themespe truly precise information abouttherelief and feature oflaserscanners isthat theyprovide a digitalthree-dimensional model.Aparticular create apointcloudasthebasisfor producing and inreal time,obtainingsufficient data to of aparticularstructure orobjectsystematically are devices that acquire thespatial coordinates to beatoolwithmajorpotential.Laserscanners progress indigitallyrecording heritage,proving fornia (SanDiego, California) andtheInstituto Collaboration between theUniversity ofCali Colonial church ofEkab(Mexico) documenting anddigitisingheritage. enthusiasts andsectorprofessionals interested in are amongtheresources mostwidely usedby proliferated. Asaresult thesetechnologies and devices, methodologiesandsoftware have to changeascosts have gradually decreased ever, inrecent years thesituation hasstarted for applyingthesetechniquestoheritage.How the learningmethodsanddevices required nies withsufficientcapitaland resources tofund nologies waslimitedtoinstitutionsandcompa of photogrammetricand3Dlaserscanningtech Until arelatively shorttimeago,theapplication history. in newideasandgreater knowledgeoftheir detailed analysesofheritageelements,resulting laser scannersistherefore givingrisetomore obtained. Work carriedout on heritageusing more detailedandaccurate digitalmodeltobe combination ofboth typesofscannerallowsa - - - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 131 - - - -

37 Diego Rivera Mural Mural Rivera Diego Cultural Heritage Imaging Heritage Cultural which aimed to move the mural to a the which aimed to move 36 , 38 ]. AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Main chapel of Valencia cathedral chapel of Valencia Main photogrammetric and laser scanning Spain In been used in important inter techniques have especially those on cultural property, ventions admirable work to a new location needed to be location to a new admirable work any dam to prevent carried out with utmost care sufficient gather essential to was therefore age. It up an assessment to draw in order information moving it. plan before and prevention this purpose For culture of the Americas, presented through an through presented of the Americas, culture of the art, religion, view of the unity inspiring the peo of all politics and technology history, ples. exhibition, the initially being shown in an After library of the the new for mural was intended the However, of San Francisco. City College built, and it was therefore library was never on the theatre Rivera installed in the Diego campus. college of the Diego the Friends years, several After of and the City College association Murals Rivera started up the San Francisco Project public enhanced new building on the campus for viewing. and The task of moving such a large, complex to be an emblem of the expression of a unified of a emblem of the expression to be an (CHI), specialists in the culture sector, were were sector, in the culture specialists (CHI), a set of entrusted with producing and contacted 3D images using photogrammetric techniques. of the mural, 3D representation The complete an together with 2D images, was the basis for of the record in-depth analysis and accurate is more, What of the mural. condition current be used to es gleaned could the information will be important in the that tablish a database of the managing the conservation long term for mural vis-à-vis possible changes in its conditions - resource and structural characteristics [online video - - - - by Pan American American Pan 35 ). Pan American Unity American Pan Hess et al., 2014 Hess , was an opportunity to put into practice , was an opportunity to put into practice significant historic and social value, as it is held property. has in 1940, painted by the artist This fresco, the versatility of photogrammetric techniques the versatility cultural as means of diagnosing and preserving The moving of a fresco by Diego Rivera Rivera by Diego The moving of a fresco known as commonly (1886–1957), Unity Fresco mural Fresco California) (San Francisco, Rivera Diego anthropological analyses. anthropological tic study has other potential uses, as the infor types of in other also be employed could mation and to historical, archaeological studies related as it can be used to draw up future plans for plans for up future as it can be used to draw the site. This diagnos preserving and protecting state of preservation. state importance, gleaned is of great The information panoramic 360-degree imaging, aerial photogra panoramic 360-degree the current phy and thermal imaging to diagnose The techniques used to document the ruins The techniques used to document chiefly 3D laser scanning and of the site were photography, others such as high-resolution to perform visual and structural diagnoses that and structural diagnoses that visual to perform cannot be made in situ. this church – which is located in a place difficult in a place – which is located this church data to obtain sufficient – in order to access The aim was to use non-destructive digital The aim was to use non-destructive the ruins of methodologies to document in detail as a church dating from the sixteenth century, the sixteenth century, from dating as a church was focused. performed on which the work in the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico). It preserves preserves It (Mexico). peninsula in the Yucatan indigenous popu of the remains archaeological era, such the colonial other ruins from and lation techniques ( techniques settlement located Mayan Ekab was an ancient out a structural diagnosis and preserve the site the site and preserve diagnosis out a structural acquisition digital data using Ekab (Mexico) at Nacional de Antropología e Historia - INAH e Historia de Antropología Nacional carry designed to rise to a project gave (Mexico) The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 132 Competence Center for Cultural Heritage Digiti three-dimensional objects. It was created bythe laboratory that contains adigitisation system for cess complex andwide-ranging. nation ofseveral isnecessary, making thepro digital documentation, andsometimesacombi A broad varietyofinstrumentsare available for CultLab 3D conservation versus restoration ofheritage. makes itpossible toadvance in the debate on procedure that respects theoriginalwork and cultural object,aswell asbeinganon-intrusive conservation asthey pay specialattention tothe a feasible andappropriate optionintermsof they canplay insimilarwork. Indeed, theyare vention thusdemonstrates theimportantrole The useofdigitaltechnologiesinthisinter dismantling theBaroque vault. technologies duringthework performed before sance splendourthankssolelytotheuseofnew possible toenjoy thefrescos intheirfullRenais The intervention, carriedoutin2006,madeit reversible ifnecessary ( virtual copy, sothat theintervention would be removal tofullydocumentitbymeansofthis three-dimensional modelofthevaultbefore its scanning were usedtoobtainahighlyaccurate them, for whichphotogrammetryand3Dlaser was decidedtoremove thevaultthat covered restoration ofthemainchapel.In thiscaseit the Baroque vault,butcametolightduringthe These frescos hadremained concealed beneath to recover someearlierRenaissance frescos. thedral, whentheBaroque vaultwasdismantled intervention onthemainchapelofValencia ca pioneering andhistoricexperimentduringthe de Valencia wasentrustedwithconducting a Photogrammetry oftheUniversidad Politécnica of CartographicEngineering, Geodesyand y LáserEscáner of the involving recording andconservation. Theteam 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION Grupo deInvestigación enFotogrametría 39 (GIFLE) from theDepartment Biosca etal.,2007 CultLab3D ). 40 - 41 isa - - - - - [online resource - the abilitytodocumenttheirentire collections demanding quality3Dmodels,and,basically, solution for museums,whichare increasingly digitisation process seeks toprovide aneffective future 3Dprintingprocesses. Automating the of considerable importance withaviewto materials –thelatter beingacharacteristic texture andopticalproperties oftheobjects’ procedure capableofcapturingthegeometry, cused mainlyonaphotogrammetricexploration data. SofartheCultLab3D prototype hasfo work andthetimerequired toacquire digitised unifying alltheseprocesses andoptimisingthe to scanwholecollections ofmovableassets, 3D scanningsystem.Thiswould make itpossible of itskindthankstoanautomated conveyor belt Germany). It isthefirstmassdigitisation system Computer Graphics Research IGD(Darmstadt, zation belongingtotheFraunhofer Institute for of BeitShe’an. Roman latrines near theamphitheatre inthecity the coastal cityofAcre; andtheremains ofsome reception hallofanineteenth-century housein and decorative plasterwork ontheceiling ofthe eam (valley ofJezreel, nearHaifa); thepaintings dating from theageofCrusades inTel Yokn techniques. Theyfocused onthewallofachurch several scenarios for assessingphotogrammetric The three chosencasestudiesaimedtoillustrate 2013 inVienna( on Cultural Heritage andNew Technologies of were presented at theInternational Conference conservation andpreservation, whoseresults Roma the heritage. Anexampleisthework performed at techniques todocumentanddigitisecultural cost alternatives intheuseofphotogrammetric research labshave attempted toprovide low- In other cases,theexperimentscarriedoutin Center –CittàdiRoma International Conservation International Conservation Center –Cittàdi , 43 anIsraeli institution devoted tohistoric Waas andZell, 2013 video ]. 42 ). 44 - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 133 - -

- 47 . - - which 45 , is a corpo 46 site web RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) Transformation (Reflectance RTI AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E techniques used were small-scale 3D photogram techniques used were metry to document the inscriptions in fine detail and is an processes of these two The combination are ideal means of salvaging inscriptions that documenting heritage treasures before they before documenting heritage treasures This philosophy underpinned the proj disappear. the inscriptions and petroglyphs on ect focused Monument, National El Morro of on the rocks back whose origins date Mexico a park in New by when it was occupied AD, to the 1st century was subsequently It Indians. the ancient Zuni sixteenth late settlers in the by Spanish occupied The important centuries. and early seventeenth historical and documentary value of the inscrip of the historical is part on the rocks tions found memory of these settlers. These inscriptions one of the and are centuries for remained have visitors to the park. for attractions with the US National 2015, in collaboration In Re of Preservation and Center Service Park (Denver), of Colorado of the University search on CHI was entrusted with carrying out work in sandstone, which these inscriptions carved The to erosion. risk of disappearing due at were of RTI techniques has made it possible to reveal it possible to reveal has made techniques of RTI be very would that the cultural object details of whicheye, but with the naked to perceive difficult disclose because digital photographs these 3D in depth. and analyse the surface they survey Imaging Heritage Cultural like Some companies data of the methodology, the forefront at are as images, of RTI and visualisation acquisition shown by the corporation’s and the technical specifications explains some of interested anyone for use of RTI examples of the heritage. it to document in employing Monument National El Morro Mexico) (New Imaging) Heritage CHI (Cultural States) (United based in San Francisco ration digitally tools for useful imaging which develops ditions as if we were observing it in situ. The use it in situ. observing were if we ditions as - - - - realistically as possible, reproducing the same con as possible, reproducing realistically combined with photogrammetry, have gained have with photogrammetry, combined in the field of digital documentation, prominence the originals as models need to represent where It is therefore only logical that RTI techniques, RTI only logical that is therefore It thesised to generate an interactive (3D) image (3D) an interactive thesised to generate of the same subject with varying highlights and shadows. one light is projected from a different direction direction a different from one light is projected information by the team. Lighting controlled all the photographs of the subject is syn from image multiple (2D) photographs need to be shot image multiple (2D) each and for camera position, a stationary from to their composition or particular and/or de or particular and/or to their composition information the Unlike morphology. teriorated an RTI a digital photograph, for obtained from the heritage field, especially with respect to the heritage field, especially with owing surfaces complex elements with more object. in This technique has had major repercussions to capture details and nuances that result in result that and nuances details to capture to the real a digital model as close as possible images to be obtained to enhance the object’s the object’s images to be obtained to enhance re-light and attributes shape and colour surface in order directions several from it interactively a computational photography method. By photography method. By a computational photographs which are digital capturing several then synthesised, it allows three-dimensional RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) is Imaging) Transformation (Reflectance RTI 1.5 RTI (Reflectance (Reflectance 1.5 RTI Imaging) Transformation of sector professionals. of costlier techniques such as 3D laser scanning. techniques such as 3D of costlier in this employed the methodology The idea is for for the use implemented study to be effectively project for digitally documenting heritage owing heritage digitally documenting for project the and that required, investment to the lower to those in comparison acceptable are results PhotoScan Pro licensed software, photogram software, licensed Pro PhotoScan in any employed can be metric techniques The studies show that, using Meshlab open-code open-code using Meshlab show that, The studies and Agisoft software 123D Catch free software, The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 134 the turbulenthistoryofthis mosaicfrom San type ofrepair orrestoration carriedout during set, suggestingthat theyare theproduct ofsome tesserae ofadifferent size orshapedifferently differed from othersowingtothepresence of areas whosestructure andreflective properties ing theseRTI imageswastousethemidentify With respect toconservation, theaimofcaptur two-dimensional digital imagecould be. replica oftheoriginalthananyothertype viewer, technology, examinedthrough aninteractive RTI team. Thedigitalmodelsobtainedusingthis different directions underthesupervisionof light wasshinedontothemosaic’s surface from dozen photographswere taken whileartificial colours andgolds.For thisprocess several properties ofthesurface, withtheirchanging tobeobtained,preserving thereflective technology would allowadigitalmodelofthe important factorindecidingtouseRTI, asthis when lightfell ontheirsurface. Thiswasan which created animpressive shimmeringeffect of Byzantine madeofcoloured tesserae, Bode-Museum inBerlin,itbelongstothetype and nowhousedinoneoftherooms ofthe in Africisco (, Italy). Dated toAD 545 mosaic from theformer church ofSanMichele in Basel,whichwasfocused onamedieval research project at the carried outaspartoftheDigital Materiality we viewthemfrom. Anexampleisthe visual perception may varydependingonwhere to beofgreat interest insurfaces where the Transformation Imaging) technologyhasproven As previously mentioned,RTI (Reflectance Michele In Africisco (Ravenna, Italy) Medieval mosaicsofthechurch ofSan preventive conservation measures. to assessfuture erosion processes anddevise work. Thisdocumentation alsomakes itpossible important documentation andconservation through aninteractive viewer, andresults in currently illegible,makingthemeasiertodiscern 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION 50 are therefore amuchmore accurate Digital Humanities Lab tests 48

49 -

Framework Programme, itisaimedat developing project An exampleoftheforegoing isthe ROVINA project surveying suchplaces. increasingly coming upwithalternative ways of advances inrobotics andartificialintelligence are scanning orphotogrammetry. Nevertheless, techniques mentionedabove, suchas3Dlaser access ofpeopleandtheusebest-known is thestructurallimitations that hinderthe digitally documentingimmovableproperty One ofthedifficultiesoftenencountered in 1.6 Robotics andDrones/UAVs conduct thesameexperimentonmosaicsinsitu. Michele inAfricisco. One oftheteam’s goalsisto cultural heritage. tion canbeusedtoprevent damageorrestore monitored andconserved, asdigitaldocumenta archaeological sitescanthusbeeffectively data through thecollaborative platform. These system ( the cloud,where anarchaeological information the data gathered bytherobot wasstored in images ofthevariousobjectsorsurfaces. Finally, were usedtoobtainthree-dimensional digital capable ofcapturingsurface colour anddepth of particularobjects.Three RGB-D cameras a lasertelemetertoestablishthedistances sites. It wasfittedwithmotionsensorsand was developed todigitisethearchaeological For thisproject arobotic systemcalledDigiRo et al.,2016 and areas possiblycontaminated bygases( the presence ofamaze ofunderground tunnels (Naples), two siteswithcertain risksowingto catacombs ofPriscilla () andSanGennaro The test-case scenario for ROVINA wasthe archaeological sitesfaster, cheaperandsafer. autonomous mobilerobots tomake monitoring . 51 ARIS Funded bytheEuropean Union’s 7th ). 52 ) 53 analysedandprocessed allthe ROVINA Calisi

- The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 135 - - - - Cerro Cerro This documentation work work This documentation Tradr project (Long Term Term (Long project Tradr 59 ]. is a Madrid-based company company is a Madrid-based 60 funded by the European Union’s Union’s funded by the European 57 , video 2 [ 58 ] AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E video 1 in the fields of archaeology, palaeontology, palaeontology, in the fields of archaeology, of cultural Digitisation and geology. architecture heritage is an important part of the projects runs, and it this company and training courses as part of the aerial work for uses drones aged buildings. The Assisted Disas Robot for Teaming Robot Human ter Response) with in collaboration Programme 7th Framework surveying involved Vigili del Fuoco, the Italian known as the of Amatrice, region the ravaged of San The churches “town of the 100 churches”. inspected were and Sant’Agostino Francesco which captured and robots, drones by several of the buildings the first images of the state [ the subsequent was particularly important for the tasks of clearing the rubble and restoring buildings, as it made it possible to establish a all the movable objects still salvage plan for and organise their recovery. inside the churches Virtua Nostrum Virtua Nostrum new technologies involving specialised in work heritage can be classified by listing the functions by listing the functions can be classified heritage high-reso namely: 1) can perform, these devices doc be used as visual or videos to lution images with different 2) flights inventories; uments in problems or thermal) to locate sensors (visual flights and 3) photogrammetric and pathologies; documents in two (measurable) to obtain metric dimensions. or three Human Term (Long project Tradr Robot for Teaming Robot Response) Assisted Disaster Italy central ravaged that earthquake The recent consequences in August 2016 had devastating Arquata Accumoli, of towns like the heritage for many of whose historic and Amatrice, del Tronto left partly in ruins. and were buildings collapsed technologies new situation, this unfortunate In dam ally in restoring to be an excellent proved (2015), the possible uses of drones in the field of in of drones the possible uses (2015),

- 55 ------54 ]. video Virtua Nostrum 56 . Drone By Drone By Drone Antonio Domínguez é Antonio Domínguez to an article by Jos cording limited to archaeology, as we also find examples as we limited to archaeology, to documenting historic heritage. Ac related and has not been the use of drones Nevertheless, means of documenting archaeological heritage, means of documenting archaeological companies such as the Spanish and identify buried structures. It is therefore is therefore It and identify buried structures. their huge possibilities have not surprising that enterprises to specialise in this led many culture tools for sector professionals – particularly ar sector professionals tools for so far made good use of chaeologists, who have landscapes map them to document excavations, Drones have thus proven to be powerful new to be powerful thus proven have Drones ered is of great importance to correctly model to correctly importance is of great ered with the ling the heritage object in combination techniques. acquisition abovementioned aptation to a particular context (archaeological, (archaeological, to a particular context aptation gath data monumental, etc...) or because the itage. Indeed, they are an important means of they are itage. Indeed, possibilities of photogrammetric the broadening to their ad and laser scanning techniques owing heritage, we are generally referring to them generally referring are heritage, we for acquisition in data revelation as the latest on cultural her digital information generating When we speak of drones in connection with in connection speak of drones we When ulation in the past decade. This has led to the in the past decade. ulation (remotely specific term, RPA of another coining piloted aircraft). mid-twentieth century, though their presence though their presence century, mid-twentieth among the civilian pop considerably has grown unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs, the technical or UAVs, vehicles unmanned aerial in the them. Both terms emerged name for the used since been have military field and The term drone is generally agreed to refer to to refer is generally agreed The term drone 1.6.1 DRONES/UAVs 1.6.1 DRONES/UAVs aerial vehicles) (unmanned tions to allow users to experience visiting these visiting allow users to experience tions to - resource sites [online digitised Although this project has not been completed, it not been completed, has this project Although applica reality virtual to create is also intended The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 136 at theentrance tothePancorbo pass–madeit castle’s special location –itisperched onrocks (Burgos), wasarchitecturally documented.The Pancorbo, alsoknownasthe castleofPancorbo the ninth-century castleofSantaMarta de Patrimonio yPaisajes Culturales, thesiteof País Vasco andtheGrupo deInvestigación en Also incollaboration withtheUniversidad del tation for cataloguing wreckage intheLea inlet. with Isuntza beach(Lekeitio) touseasdocumen connects theislandofGarraitzorSanNicolás with drones inthearea ofthebreakwater that the work consisted inmakinga salvages maritimeandnaval heritage.Part of archaeological managementcompany that laboration withArqueocean, acomprehensive One oftheseprojects wascarriedoutincol which involve heritage. and holdingcourses related todrones, someof footage, aswell as inperforming technicalwork ised incapturinghigh-qualityimagesandvideo Drone By Drone Drone byDrone other techniquessuchas3Dlaserscanning. difficult tocapture photogrammetric data using of usingdrones ininteriorspaces where itis ). Thissurvey illustrates thepossibilities church ofSanCipriano(SanCebrián deMazote, lantern tower ofthetenth-century Mozarabic survey oftheuppersectionnave and Nostrum hasalsocarriedoutaphotogrammetric of SanJuan inPeñalver (Guadalajara). Virtua (Don Benito,Badajoz) andthemedievalcastle ment thesiteofRoman villaat LaMajona creating high-resolution orthophotostodocu website. In othercasestheresults consisted in that are available onlineonthecompany’s generated from photogrammetrictechniques performed usingdrones toobtain3Dmodels filming, photographyandphotogrammetry were María ) andat the Bilanero 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION 62 deVillarejo deSalvanés(Madrid), where archaeological project 63 isaBasquecompany special Roman siteofSanta 61 video recording (Alhambra, - - - 64 -

result isthe3Ddigitalmodel,anidealreplica for Following the data acquisition process, theend analyse it. model ofanarea orobjecthelpsstudyand as thepossibilityofrecreating adetailedvirtual documenting anddigitisingculturalheritage, are oneofthemostwidelyusedresources for As we have seen,3Ddata acquisition techniques 1.7 3DDigital Models inaccessible areas ofthesiteinlaboratory. model drones generated orthophotosanda establish possiblealterations. Otherkindsof to begleanedaboutthesurvivingremains and and overhead shotstaken allowed information of drones facilitated thistaskandtheoblique difficult to reachtodocumentthesite.Theuse heritage. the experimentswere alsofocused on digitising has recently gainedprominence. In suchcases or fortuitous exposure towar–afactorthat use ofthebuilding(usually for touristpurposes) adverse climate conditions, prolonged functional specific andenvironmental causes,suchas ration ofsomeheritage assetsisduetovarious ities of3Ddigitalmodels,asthesevere deterio But theseare nottheonlyconservation possibil property. for thepreventive conservation oftheheritage sis anddiagnosiswithaviewtodesigningplan to gather thedata neededtocarryoutananaly Another reason for creating 3Ddigitalmodelsis subsequently outlined. procedures for afuture intervention canbe can bestudiedinthisphaseandtheappropriate the variouspathologies oftheheritageproperty changes totheoriginalelements.Therefore, studied withouthaving tomake anyphysical alternatives orhypothesestobeconsidered and intervention. 3Ddigitalmodelsallowvarious the studyphasepriortopossiblerestoration/ 65 ofthesurvivingremains toanalysethe digital 3D -

- - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 137 - collects pho collects 71 Project Arc/k (Madrid) and the University of Basel the University and (Madrid) 70 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E The Arc/k project was started up as a non- project The Arc/k out to use digital sets that organisation profit and the digital conservation techniques for which is of heritage, particularly that protection Finally, high-definition photography was used to high-definition photography was used Finally, of the tombs in document the wall decoration properly, the colours detail and capture greater for employed though in some cases it was also or any other type sections of wall without reliefs of decoration. documentation of the digital Post-processing of with the rendering the end of 2016 began at panels of a few digital images and construction resin tomb in polyurethane of the Egyptian blocks using 3D printing. Project Arc/k monuments “in danger of saving Aimed at and handing them down to future extinction” the generations, on some of the togrammetric documentation that (Syria) in the city of Palmyra constructions State. by Islamic partially destroyed were () are collaborating for the Egyptian the Egyptian for collaborating are (Switzerland) is part of project Antiquities. The of Ministry of the Theban the conservation for the initiative the foundation. started up by necropolis of scope considerable the fitting to stress is It 2016 and May which was begun in this project, as it uses various technologies is still underway, is tomb that of the a reproduction to achieve and long-range as possible: short- as lifelike medium-range and short- 3D laser scanning, colour and high-definition photogrammetry, process, acquisition the data For photography. first used to obtain 70% 3D scanners were two images of the walls of the of the high-resolution of the scanners limitations technical A few tomb. with 3D led this technology to be combined reach difficult to more photogrammetry in areas and the upper such as corners with the scanner, walls and rooms. sections of the and lower Factum - Fundación Fundación featured a featured 68 create a full- create is a long-term is a long-term 66 Developed in collaboration collaboration in Developed 67 . of the tomb using digital 69 Pórtico de la Gloria Virtual de la Gloria Pórtico technology in a project on which the technology in a project This fact spurred the initiative to the initiative This fact spurred reproduction size Visits have been regulated and stopped in recent and stopped in recent been regulated Visits have it. to help conserve years The tomb of this pharaoh of the 19th dynasty is The tomb of this pharaoh of the 19th of the Kings and is one of in the Valley located the largest and most beautiful on the complex. Tomb of Seti I Tomb is to develop a tool for exploring and helping exploring and a tool for is to develop this monument. study and conserve and details not previously seen, as well as raising seen, as well and details not previously and the of conservation of its state awareness goal ultimate The team’s intervention. need for virtual stroll through the Portal of Glory through through Glory of the Portal through virtual stroll unusual perspectives this 3D model, providing ogies and assess its condition with a view to ogies and assess its condition The audiovisual production intervention. future entitled model of the portal in the greatest possible model of the portal in the greatest pathol to pinpoint the various detail in order This documentation was used by a team from used by a team from was This documentation and of Electronics Department the USC’s virtual a three-dimensional to create Computing which provided extensive complementary complementary extensive which provided information. of the portal using a high-resolution 3D scanner of the portal using a high-resolution photographs, high-resolution and thorough During the preliminary stage documentation stage documentation the preliminary During the condition ascertain was carried out to work plan for the Portal of Glory in Santiago cathedral in Santiago cathedral of Glory the Portal plan for proposal. intervention and a comprehensive with the aim of gleaning the data needed to needed the data with the aim of gleaning with a required the work analyse and diagnose conservation up a preventive view to drawing Compostela. It was begun in 2010 as part of the in 2010 as was begun It Compostela. Catedral Programa arose Barrié, this project with the Fundación Pórtico de la Gloria Virtual la Gloria de Pórtico Santiago de of run by the University project Pórtico de la Gloria Virtual de la Gloria Pórtico under imminent threat of terrorist activity, global As it mixes the virtual and the real, this tech- warming, degradation of the environment and nology is applicable to many cases in the field other factors. of heritage conservation. It makes it possible to visualise pathologies or proposed interventions September 2016 saw the launch of the organi- using virtual graphics that are superimposed sation’s portal72 featuring some of the results of onto the real object. the three-dimensional virtual reconstructions of the Temple of Bel, the Arch of Triumph and These practices have been carried out in combi- the interior of the Roman Theatre. The project nation with mobile devices, for which a number also involves creating an archive of thousands of of applications have been designed based on digital models of heritage buildings to be used by augmented reality, which guide users in diagnos- sector professionals, scientists, researchers and ing the conservation of a building by means of the general public. first-hand observation.

One of the novelties is a basic tutorial73 pub- This technology is therefore a valuable tool for lished on the project’s website, which invites professionals in the field of heritage conserva- anyone wishing to do so to document their tion, as it can diagnose possibilities of interven- heritage in order to make this a collaborative ing. safeguarding practice that is open to society. Rasmap - Realidad Aumentada Móvil para la Conservación del Patrimonio

In Spain a few innovative proposals for the use of augmented reality have emerged, such as that developed by José Luis Izkara in his thesis “Realidad aumentada móvil para la conservación del patrimonio” (Mobile augmented reality for heritage conservation), which involves using this technology to visualise intervention pro- posals and their results in situ before actually

Figure 03 - 3D virtual reconstructions of monuments of Palmyra. implementing them (Izkara, 2010). It consists of Photo: screenshot. Source: a personal mobile assistant for mobile devices and offers a system based on a platform called 1.8 Augmented reality apps Rasmap, which guides the user through the conservation diagnosis of a building through first-hand observation. One of the experiments, Augmented reality technology consists in carried out in the historic part of Labraza (Álava), inserting virtual graphics into our real physical consisted of a PDA that provided information space so that the real and the virtual combine on particular constructional elements and to produce an enhanced or augmented image options for accessing public spaces, among of reality. Although augmented reality is closely other features. Several markers were distributed linked to virtual reality, they differ in their around the area and when the PDA’s camera was configuration, as virtual reality refers to worlds pointed at them they provided several resources or environments made up entirely of comput- for visualising the intervention possibilities by er-generated graphics, whereas in augmented means of virtual graphics overlaid on the real reality environments the presence of a real image image of the building. combined with virtual graphics is essential.

138 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 139 It focused mainly on focused It 77 ). Rossi et al., 2014 Rossi AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E 3D printing has proven to be one of the most 3D printing has proven technologies with the greatest innovative potential in the cultural heritage sector and has years. the past five over been rapidly spreading three-dimensional digital models of the church digital models of the church three-dimensional to textures with different produced were demolitions, additions or the various contrast architecture. with the current work restoration mock-ups two to create was also necessary It representing on a scale of 1:50 of the church and after before stages in its construction two were when major modifications 1950, the year the digital models with the aligning made. After on of past interventions a sequence projector, was mapped onto the physical model. the church and the immediacy view provided The overall history on its architectural of the information precise enabled the students to carry out a more diagnosis and glean much deeper knowledge of plan restoration which a future the building, for up. will be drawn 1.10 3D Printing Many technologies can be used as part of the be used as part technologies can Many in involved process and intervention diagnostic and projection any heritage property, restoring see. shall as we mapping is no exception, of Santa Maria Church Vineas (Italy) Inter of the School carried out at The experiment (Italy) Piceno in Ascoli and Design Architecture of the use of projection was a specific case construction mapping to identify the phases of Vineas in that Inter of Santa Maria of the church town ( out on the building carried the interventions to gain the fullest history in order its throughout designing possible view and knowledge before types of 3D software, several the plan. Using 2010, a number of such as Autodesk 3ds Max 1.9 Projection mapping 1.9 Projection - - - Immaculate Immaculate González and Prado, González and Prado, which stands for Indicadores Indicadores which stands for 74 , attributed to the Sevillian painter to the Sevillian attributed can be downloaded from digital can be downloaded from 75 it has significant potential for sector it has significant potential project 76 app ), and evaluating any cultural property. and evaluating 2015 diagnosing as a useful assistant for professionals as an educational tool for undergraduates study undergraduates tool for as an educational and Restoration in Conservation a degree ing for ( Property of Cultural detailed text and images. has been tested chiefly Although the application press the points to activate an audio recording an audio recording the points to activate press by a accompanied information, precise providing Francisco Meneses Osorio – several points Osorio – several Meneses Francisco to abnormalities related indicating appeared issues. They could each of the abovementioned the work in question – in this case an in question – in the work Conception various types of issues: colour alteration, warp alteration, various types of issues: colour flaking, loss of paint interventions, ing, previous over users held their devices and tears. When The featuring a menu and displays platforms content (Virtual indicators of alterations in painting on of alterations (Virtual indicators canvas). Docencia (2015), and comes under the so-called and comes (2015), Docencia Ivapta Tela sobre Virtuales de Alteración en Pintura in paintings on canvas. This application is part in paintings on canvas. This application de Propio the II Plan of a teaching programme, augmented reality application for the conser for application augmented reality which has proven of heritage property vation and diagnosing issues studying to be valid for The University of Seville has developed an of Seville has developed The University evaluate their impact and possible solutions. evaluate project Ivapta on the device and the assistant provided an assistant provided and the on the device surroundings of the building’s augmented image to in order proposals with the construction the visual impact of an intervention on the city’s on the city’s impact of an intervention the visual The camera was analysed. theatre Cervantes Another experiment was carried out as part of carried out as part experiment was Another PC, Mobile an Ultra Using in Segovia. this work The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 140 and conservation. techniques inarchaeology, epigraphy, arthistory and useofdigitalimaging and3Dprinting Foundation, whichpromotes thedevelopment sities ofHarvard andOxford andDubai Future (IDA) was ledby umph ofthecityPalmyra (Syria). Thisproject replica oftherecently destroyed Arch ofTri chosen settingsfor displaying a3D-printed scale cities ofLondon, New York andDubai were the For example,during2016landmarksitesinthe Arch ofTriumph ofPalmyra (Syria) cultural memory. a palliative meansofconserving theworld’s cases digital3Dmodelsandrecreation are to thedestructionofheritageinwars;these purposes hasalsobeenunderlinedinrelation importance of3D printing for conservation original settingsfor conservation reasons. The in museums,having beenremoved from their for heritageelementsthat are nowpreserved provide replacements intheiroriginalcontext One ofthepossibilitiesthistechnologyisto and analyses,whiletheoriginalremains safe. to heritagefor thepurposeofconducting studies circumstances. 3D-printedreplicas allowaccess disappear ordeteriorate owingtotheircurrent of documentingheritageelementslikely to in conservation are linked tothepossibility The mostimportantapplications of3Dprinting extremely accurate replicas tobemade. models are increasingly highqualityandallow possibilities are quicklycatching up, as3Ddigital a foothold, thefactisthat itsconservation ination where 3Dprintinghasrapidlygained Although itisinthearea ofheritagedissem heritage. processes, asitinvolves physicallyrecreating can beconsidered thelastlinkindigitisation virtual copies ofheritageelements,3Dprinting laser scanningtechniquestothereproduction of From data acquisition usingphotogrammetryor 1. DOCUMENTATION, DIAGNOSIS AND CONSERVATION , 78 ajointcollaboration between theuniver The Institute ofDigital Archaeology - - - basis, theysculptedthearch from marbleblocks. process from Carrara(Italy) were usedfor the in order toresemble theoriginal.Two robots seven metres tallandmadeofEgyptian marble was areplica ofthearch standingmore than photographs ofthereal arch. Theendproduct on 3Dmodelsgenerated from aseriesof2D past. Thetwo-thirds scalereplica wasbased of thekey testamentstotheregion’s Roman to documentanddisseminate what wasone which have created different digital3Dmodels in 2015,hasbeenthefocus ofseveral projects The Arch ofTriumph, destroyed byIslamic State by volunteers with3Dcameras. war zones, suchasthecityofPalmyra, captured images ofculturalorarchitectural sitesat riskin conjunction withUNESCO tocompile digital Database programme runbytheinstitutein The initiative isalsopartoftheMillion Image and culture ofseveral Gulf States and other The Peninsula ( designs inthestate of Bahrein, ontheArabian and identifyingelementofcurrent architectural used inIslamic architecture asacharacteristic wooden lattice screens ( University (United States) aimedtorecover the (Leicester, United Kingdom) andKansasState experiment carriedoutat Montfort University architecture incurrent construction practices. An foster thecontinued useoftraditionaltypes other equallyinteresting purposessuchasto 3D printingintheheritagefieldcanbeused for Islamic architecture Mashrabiya to appreciate. bringing backdestroyed heritagefor oursociety 3D printingtocreate reproductions isaway of the pastandcultures theyrepresent. Using ing digitaltechnologiestorecreate imagesof This project underlinedthepossibilityofemploy mashrabiya . 79 Taking high-definition3Dmodelsasa Almerbati andHeadley, 2016 : survivaloftraditional isdeeplyrooted inthe heritage mashrabiya ) traditionally production ). 80 - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 141 - . fea mashrabiya mashrabiya AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E performance of the type of performance to be included it allowed the project in tured programme development in the economic on preserving focused which is 2030”, “Bahrein for future heritage property of the influence sustainable while creating modern buildings, of The presence living conditions. and attractive artisans and builders is of great these new digital as they can help understand here, importance by using 3D methods potential construction of the production printing for Furthermore, the visual and thermal comfort and thermal comfort the visual Furthermore, using 3D printers using 3D printers mashrabiya craftsmen in the current production market. production current craftsmen in the was also aimed at reviving these archetypes of these archetypes reviving was also aimed at a new to offer heritage in order architectural in view of the shortage of expert perspective contemporary architectural style. architectural contemporary The modelling of appeared to be a valid way of preserving and of preserving to be a valid way appeared in a and social value their historical maintaining Islamic societies. Therefore, the use of emerging the use of emerging Therefore, societies. Islamic modelling and printing such as 3D technologies The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 142 object. chiefly at providing knowledge ofthecultural medium, givingrisetonewexperiences aimed 3D modelstocome tolife outsidethedigital screen language,itisnowpossiblefor digital progressively codified usingthenewbehind-the- following aperiodinwhichculturalassetswere heritage. Thechiefnovelty liesinthefactthat, currently experiencinganewstageindigital Indeed, therelationship issoclosethat we are heritage more closelythanever before. digital technologiesenableustolearnaboutour and disadvantages,hasbeenpositive overall, as ally which,despiteentailingbothadvantages This importantandunceasing taskhashadan tage sites. disseminating andenhancingthevalueofheri presence ofdigitaltechnologiesastoolsfor previous periodsitisintheincreasingly evident of thetwenty-first century differs from that of If there isanythinginwhichtheheritagesector EDUCATION ENHANCEMENT AND 2. DISSEMINATION, 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education - original andgivingriseto experiences related to life again,sharingreal physical space withthe This meansthat these3Dmodelscome to to recreate digital heritagebeyond thescreen. ance of3Dprinters,whichhave madeitpossible The latest stephasbeen driven bytheappear digital mediumisomnipresent inheritagesites. existed intheageofdesktop. Asaresult, the in situwithoutthetraditionalseparation that has ledtousbeingableenjoy digitalcontent veritable revolution inportabledevices, which technologies. During thisphasewe witnesseda cornerstone ofaccess toheritageandvirtual we are largelytalking abouttheinternetas and communication technologies(ICT); here of thisdigitalheritagethrough information The second phaseinvolved thedissemination the digitalmedium. scanning were employed tocodify itandusein techniques suchasphotogrammetryor3Dlaser and digitaltechnologiescamewhenacquisition The initialcontact between heritageelements - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 143 - 85 - . Arches Arches Getty Conser World Monuments Fund Monuments World and 84 developed jointly by the jointly by the developed 83 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Arches Project Arches is the highlighting An example worth Project Institute vation analytical visualizations of a group of heritage of a group visualizations analytical Roughly and globally. geographical area sites in a of a database a GIS system consists speaking, of using geolo feature the particular which has and managing inventorying for references cation into it. GISs incorporated each of the elements in fields such been of particular significance have heritage historic or cataloguing as archaeology maps to be created as they allow interactive in the information to the only refer not that item, but also provide each entries for inventory links to websites, ranging from multimedia data photographs and videos to high-resolution exploit all the virtual visits and 3D models that GISs Many possibilities of the digital medium. the been published on applied to heritage have examples interesting very are internet and there and carrying out of their use in disseminating heritage. on research makes it possible to obtain complete and to obtain complete it possible makes models) to allow users to create and manage users to create to allow models) in all its richness and heritage information potentialities is Another of Arches’ diversity. semantic technologies that its use of advanced unknown previously it possible to discover make Arches is a geospatially-enabled software software is a geospatially-enabled Arches and cultural heritage inventory for platform need management which meets a widespread user-friendly for low-cost, in the heritage field It inventories. electronic and easily accessible organisations for available freely is therefore based on without restrictions, worldwide is designed It philosophy. the open-source for and cataloguing inventorying to facilitate as local bodies institutions as well international accordingly funds. The software with fewer functions, such as identifying several combines and analysing, investigating and inventorying, and monitoring and mapping, taking advantage (image, video, 3D digital resources of the latest - -

81 El - (The impact of digital technologies on (The impact of digital technologies 82 cataloguing historic heritage, as a map location historic heritage, as a map location cataloguing GISs or Geographic Information Systems Systems or Geographic Information GISs for tools been one of the most effective have 2.1.1 Geographic 2.1.1 Geographic Systems Information millions of potential users all over the planet. millions of potential users all over objects available on the internet to be consulted the internet to be consulted on objects available facilitating in the world, anywhere and enjoyed and of both sector professionals the work The ultimate purpose is to make all heritage purpose is to make The ultimate by joining forces to adopt an interdisciplinary to adopt an interdisciplinary by joining forces at enhancing the method aimed chiefly working value and knowledge of heritage. Spanish America, 2016) stress the potentiality the stress America, 2016) Spanish experiences of digital and the need to share de las expresiones culturales de España e Hispano culturales de las expresiones américa and of Spain expressions of cultural the diversity (2016) and the submittal of the report on submittal of the report and the (2016) en la diversidad impacto de las tecnologías digitales dissemination overcame physical and geo overcame dissemination drafting of the UNESCO’s graphical limitations. Heritage Digital of Charter on the Preservation network for transferring multimedia data. Its Its multimedia data. transferring for network fields of knowledge, benefitted many advent and especially cultural heritage, as knowledge tion and communication technologies (ICT) was technologies (ICT) tion and communication of the internet as a worldwide the emergence One of the milestone achievements of informa of the milestone achievements One 2.1 Heritage in the in the 2.1 Heritage digital medium to disseminating heritage both digitally and heritage both digitally and to disseminating otherwise. The following survey illustrates the major the illustrates survey The following potential of digital technologies possibilities and technologies – with respect – headed by virtual same preservation and conservation efforts. and conservation same preservation the interpretation of the cultural object – the of the cultural the interpretation the require do not they being that difference The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 144 several themedmaps,suchasPatrimonio Mun information, suchasvirtualvisits.There are links tootherwebsites displaying additional protection documentation inPDFformat, and such asphotographsandinstitutional,legal asset, aswell asother multimedia information sheet withthecatalogue data ofthecultural map features alltheheritagesitesandafact tute’s Portal Geográfico-INAH. Thisinteractive Antropología eHistoria andispartofthe insti was developed at theInstituto Nacional de initiative called historical andethnographicheritagethrough an basis for mappingMexico’s archaeological, by the Similarly, theGoogleMaps application wasused Portal geográfico-INAH Interactive maplibraryat monument initsgeographicalcontext. studies andphotographsthat documenteach are accompanied bytextstaken from academic of Anazarbosare justsomeoftheexamples, and remains oftheByzantine churches andfortresses fortress ofKarasis,discovered in1994, andthe the sameapplication. TheruinsoftheHellenistic the available information isgrouped togetherin as thetypeofeachheritageelement,sothat all each culture tobelocated onthemap, aswell the project’s website, allowstheitemsrelated to mation layer, whichcanbe and theLevant since prehistoric times.Aninfor legacy inthisstrategic enclave between Anatolia sively leftanimportanthistoricandmonumental Byzantine, ArmenianandIslamic) hadsucces Various cultures (Persian, Hellenistic, Roman, the southerncoast oftheAnatolian peninsula. region ofCilicia(Turkey), whichisboundedby tage andarchaeological studiesoftheancient Earth application todisseminate therichheri The Virtual CiliciaProject of heritageinformation. connections andpatterns amongdifferent kinds 2. Dissemination, enhancement Virtual CiliciaProject Portal Geográfico-INAH Mapas Digitales-INAH 86 usestheGoogle downloaded 88 (Mexico) asa and , 89 87 which from education ------Zamani Project Source: Figure 04-Image oftheinteractive maplibrary. Screenshot. ensembles. monio Monumental for heritagemonumentsor archaeological sitesallover Mexico; andPatri monio Arqueológico, whichfocuses on dial for sitesontheWorld Heritage List;Patri Screenshot. Source: Figure 05-3DmodelofBetaAbbaLibanos in Lalibela(Ethiopia). viewer, 360-degree virtualtours,screenshots of resulting data isvaried,rangingfrom a3Dmodel systems (GISs) and3Dcomputer modelling.The technologies suchasgeographicinformation gather data inorder tocreate adatabase using graphs, andcampaignsare subsequentlyrun to mapped usingsatellite imagesandaerialphoto In the continent andafew regions oftheMiddle East. and disseminates theheritageofAfrican Town (SouthAfrica) anddocuments,conserves project wasdeveloped bytheUniversity ofCape Our nextcasestudycomes from Africa. This Zamani Project 90 thevarioussitesare - - - cant culturalheritageofinterest totourists. centres suchassquares orstreets with signifi tecture, civilarchitecture andothernerve val, modernandcontemporary), religious archi each city, classifiedbyhistoricalperiods (medie geo-portal alsooffers layers ofinformation about which are sometimesonlypartlypreserved. This structures andexistingstretches ofthewalls, and additionalinformation aboutthefortified places ofinterest, leadingtoa360-degree tour enjoy afullviewoftheirwallsshowingthe tion mapwithinformation layers. Users can chosen cities,whichare displayed onageoloca tela, Melgaço, Monção andValença are thefive or frontier history. Lugo,SantiagodeCompos fortresses that attest totheirmedievalpastand/ Portugal whichhave incommon citywallsor heritage ofafew citiesinGaliciaandnorthern geoportal designedtohighlighttheimportant In Spain we find Vilas Amuralladas work. with aviewtocarryingoutpossiblerestoration the state ofconservation ofculturalproperty tors. It isalsointendedtobeuseddiagnose ing ausefulresource toresearchers andeduca stressing Africa’s importantheritage andprovid found ontheproject’s website andisaimedat 3D animations. Allthisdocumentation canbe and planimetricdocumentation tovideoswith the digitalmodellingprocess, andphotographic of SantiagodeCompostela. Screenshot. Source: Figure 06-VilasAmuralladas.Interactive map Vilas Amuralladas , 91 aninternet ------The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 145 - - Rock Rock funded by the 92 , (RAMP) 93 ]. video AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E of pages with multimedia elements that are are of pages with multimedia elements that Wide together under the same World grouped one of the are domain. Although they Web information of presenting ways longest-standing still one of portals are on the internet, web information system (GIS) was used to map the was used to map the system (GIS) information providing each of the caves, and locate region and 360-degree digital photographs, virtual visits not only caves is more, videos of them. What reserve of the nature in the environs situated also was extended the work documented; were which had areas owned to others in privately studied. The aim of putting been not previously the value was to enhance together this database paintings, especially those of the known cave the outside the park, which do not enjoy located and management conditions same protection - [resource portals 2.1.2 Web of the most coherent one the internet world, In on a specific information of presenting ways portals. Also web particular theme is through into a series structured they are called websites, Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg Park is a nature is a nature Park Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg of the most with one Africa in South reserve on the continent mountain ranges important art attributed of cave and important remains indigenous ethnic groups to one of the earliest the San people. The to inhabit the area, Project Art Mapping in Fund Trust Distribution Lottery National of KwaZu University with the collaboration up to document, was started (UKZN), lu-Natal this important piece and conserve disseminate an in creating consists It heritage. of African each of to record digital database extensive The team the nearly six thousand known caves. some caves, visited these of archaeologists the since of which had not been documented us documentation exhaustive to carry out 1970s, enabling them ing 3D laser scanning techniques the geographic digital models. Finally, to create The Rock Art Mapping Project (RAMP) Project Art Mapping The Rock ------an internet 91 , Vilas Amuralladas Figure 06 - Vilas Amuralladas. Interactive map 06 - Vilas Amuralladas. Interactive Figure of Santiago de Compostela. Screenshot. Source: Source: Screenshot. of Santiago de Compostela. tecture, civil architecture and other nerve nerve and other civil architecture tecture, with signifi or streets such as squares centres to tourists. cant cultural heritage of interest each city, classified by historical periods (medie classified by historical periods each city, archi religious val, modern and contemporary), structures and existing stretches of the walls, existing stretches and structures This only partly preserved. sometimes which are about of information layers geo-portal also offers places of interest, leading to a 360-degree tour leading to a 360-degree of interest, places about the fortified and additional information chosen cities, which are displayed on a geoloca displayed chosen cities, which are can Users layers. tion map with information walls showing the a full view of their enjoy fortresses that attest to their medieval past and/ to their medieval past attest that fortresses Lugo, Santiago de Compos history. or frontier five the are and Valença Monção tela, Melgaço, heritage of a few cities in Galicia and northern heritage of a few city walls or in common which have Portugal In Spain we find we Spain In important geoportal designed to highlight the Vilas Amuralladas the state of conservation of cultural property of cultural property of conservation the state out possible restoration with a view to carrying work. stressing Africa’s important heritage and provid heritage important Africa’s stressing educa and to researchers ing a useful resource diagnose is also intended to be used to tors. It 3D animations. All this documentation can be can this documentation All 3D animations. is aimed at and website the project’s on found the digital modelling process, and photographic and photographic modelling process, the digital to videos with documentation and planimetric - - - the various sites are the various sites are 90 Project Zamani Figure 05 - 3D model of Beta Abba Libanos in Lalibela (Ethiopia). 05 - 3D model of Beta Abba Libanos in Lalibela (Ethiopia). Figure Source: Screenshot. Our next case study comes from Africa. This Africa. from next case study comes Our of Cape by the University was developed project and documents, conserves (South Africa) Town of the African the heritage and disseminates East. the Middle of regions few and a continent the In and aerial photo images mapped using satellite subsequently run to graphs, and campaigns are using a database to create in order data gather technologies such as geographic information modelling. The and 3D computer systems (GISs) a 3D model is varied, ranging from data resulting of virtual tours, screenshots 360-degree viewer, monio Arqueológico, which focuses on on which focuses monio Arqueológico, and Patri Mexico; over sites all archaeological or monuments heritage for monio Monumental ensembles. Screenshot. map library. of the interactive 04 - Image Figure Source: Zamani Project dial for sites on the World Heritage List; Patri Heritage sites on the World dial for the most widely used means of learning about Portal Virtual del Patrimonio de cultural heritage. The global dissemination las Universidades Andaluzas offered by web portals and the no less important versatility of the digital world, which enables an A pilot project recently run in Spain was the endless amount of data to be stored in a broad creation of the Portal Virtual del Patrimonio de diversity of formats, meets cultural institutions’ las Universidades Andaluzas.99 This portal, which and sector professionals’ need to present heri- was started up with the intention of promoting tage resources. the dissemination of cultural heritage, is part of the Andalusian regional government’s Atalaya Argentina Virtual Project on which the region’s ten public universi- ties are collaborating. A website within the Argentine portal was designed to offer virtual visits of several of The idea is to make use of the new digital the country’s landmark heritage buildings and technologies to disseminate the rich heritage museums. This project, called Argentina Virtual,94 housed in these institutions, which is currently consists of a list of heritage sites which are largely unknown. accessed individually through a virtual 360-degree visit accompanied by an audio track The portal is designed to provide access to that explains each of the elements that the user a large number of digital resources including finds while browsing. In addition, each place multimedia content, 3D reproductions and inter- presents a total of ten representative objects, active virtual tours showing both immovable and digitised in 3D, which can be viewed from home movable heritage elements from an interactive, using an augmented reality application with close-up perspective via the screen. markers. The convent and church of San Fran- cisco in Santa Fe,95 the Manzana Jesuítica (Jesuit The portal offers other services, such as planning Block) in Córdoba,96 the Museo Casa Histórica a cultural agenda with the activities, events and de la Independencia97 and the Congreso de la projects that take place in the various universi- Nación Argentina98 are some of the tours that ties, and it is therefore also used to disseminate allow visitors to explore virtually some of the studies and research in the context of the country’s most important historic ensembles. heritage of Andalusia’s universities.

Figure 07 - Panoramic 360-degree view of the convent of San Figure 08 - Portal Virtual del Patrimonio de las Universidades Francisco (Santa Fe). Portal Argentina Virtual. Screenshot. Andaluzas. Screenshot. Source: Source:

146 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 147 - -

- 102 , (formerly (formerly 103 Google Arts & Culture AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E a large amount of multimedia information, a large amount of multimedia information, especially virtual tours of the main museums of and monumental ensembles and an archive to in gigapixels) images (some high-resolution users’ concerns. satisfy Since 2016 the platform Google Cultural Institute Institute Google Cultural the platform 2016 Since has included devoted a website called Google Art Project), a through culture art and to disseminating using the large amount of digitised content of the giant cutting-edge technological resources Google. from content features Google Arts & Culture museums and than a thousand prominent more with the Goo collaborated which have archives, trea the world’s to make Institute gle Cultural is grouped online. This content available sures and World History sections: Art, broad into three which span cultural heritage from Wonders, than more across day antiquity to the present speaking, Google Roughly countries. seventy huge online catalogue a is like Arts & Culture of art, photographs, brings together works that biographies and histories, providing collections, of intangible heritage in Latin America: the oral America: Latin heritage in of intangible the Nomatsigenga and language of tradition entitled project the Through people (Peru). Nomatsigenga Cultura de la Digital Acervo the Documen for of the Project an initiative (DLN), Language the Nomatsigenga of tation Ministry and the Peruvian Kanuja Organización were activities collaborative several of Culture, and the group carried out by a multidisciplinary indigenous people to document members of this via the internet the knowledge and disseminate generation been handed down from has that used digital audio The project to generation. to document the chants and video recordings which were and language of the Nomatsigenga, as multimedia well as uploaded to a website, in the original language transcriptions content, translation. and a Spanish Google Arts & Culture We find another example of the dissemination of the dissemination find another example We - - - - - Red Temática en Tecnologías Tecnologías en Temática Red Cantos Seris de la Creación del Cantos Seris de la Creación project. Developed in 2014 and 2015 by Developed project. which aims to combine the efforts of the efforts which aims to combine 101 100 , la lengua nomatsigenga to us today. de la cultura y digital Acervo project showed that it was possible to perpetu that showed project this tradition using the digital tools available ate children and the various genres were studied – were and the various genres children the sea, war women, chants on earthly nature, The into Spanish. – and translated and creation of these ancestral chants using digital sound chants using digital sound of these ancestral can be listened to on SoundCloud. that archives by elderly Seri and performed The chants were which reflect the traditional folklore and mythol folklore the traditional which reflect documenting several involved The initiative ogy. For centuries the state of Sonora has been home the state centuries For preserved to this indigenous people, who have their ancient language, Seri, and the chants the Centro de Cultura Digital (Mexico), it set out it set out (Mexico), Digital de Cultura the Centro the chants of the Seri ethnic group. to recover A case related to what is known as intangible to what A case related heritage is the Mundo del Mundo project del Mundo Mexico. Cantos Seris de la Creación since its creation in 2015. In short, the network is short, the network in 2015. In its creation since and sharing experiences for intended as a vehicle in good practice involving projects disseminating components that are progressively incorporated incorporated progressively are that components developed initiatives and the into the network restoration and conservation of cultural heritage, and conservation restoration is the website both tangible and intangible. The visibility to the and gives centre nerve project’s purposes of this network is to devise strategies is to devise strategies network purposes of this the promoting for digital resources and develop tural cultural institu and international both national of the main One professionals. tions and sector tuto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) (INAH) e Historia de Antropología tuto Nacional is the network Cul del Patrimonio para la Difusión Digitales An initiative started up in Mexico by the Insti up in Mexico started An initiative Red Temática en Tecnologías Digitales Digitales en Tecnologías Temática Red Cultural del Patrimonio para la difusión - - - This portal, which This portal, which 99 . Portal Virtual del Patrimonio de del Patrimonio Virtual Portal movable heritage elements from an interactive, an interactive, movable heritage elements from the screen. via close-up perspective such as planning other services, The portal offers and events a cultural agenda with the activities, in the various universi place take that projects also used to disseminate ties, and it is therefore of the in the context studies and research universities. heritage of Andalusia’s de las Universidades Virtual del Patrimonio 08 - Portal Figure Source: Andaluzas. Screenshot. las Universidades Andaluzas las Universidades the was run in Spain recently A pilot project of the creation Andaluzas las Universidades the intention of promoting was started up with part of of cultural heritage, is the dissemination Atalaya government’s the Andalusian regional ten public universi on which the region’s Project collaborating. ties are use of the new digital The idea is to make the rich heritage technologies to disseminate is currently housed in these institutions, which largely unknown. to access The portal is designed to provide including a large number of digital resources and inter 3D reproductions multimedia content, both immovable and virtual tours showing active Portal Virtual del Patrimonio de Virtual del Patrimonio Portal The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 148 to otherknowledgeinstitutions. ling intheirgoodpractice in thisfield compared collaborative experiences onthemandare excel number ofstudies,talks,trainingcourses and objects, whichhave focused aconsiderable sations entrustedwith safeguarding cultural of thembyheritageinstitutionsandorgani tools, we shouldstress thegoodusebeingmade Before goingontomentionsomeofthe Web 2.0 connections andinteractionwithintheWeb. and tablets,whichhave significantlyboosted appearance ofmobiledevices like smartphones share it.Acontributory factorisundoubtedlythe but ingettingthemtogenerate, modifyand role consists notonlyinoffering users content, The essence ofthistwo-way communication media content. (tagging) andalltheplatforms for sharingmulti wikis, networks andsocialapps,folksonomy more participatory role thankstotoolslike blogs, both sectorprofessionals andusersare playing a and amore user-friendly image.In thisnewage, audiences through alessinstitutionallanguage to usenewnetworking toolstoreach larger of theWeb 2.0hasallowed heritageinstitutions ceeding inglobalisingartobjects,theemergence to overcome physicallimitsandboundaries,suc Whereas theWeb 1.0enabledculturalheritage 2.1.3 Web 2.0 various socialmedia. enjoyed onavarietyofdevices andshared on idea isfor thedigitalcontent oftheapptobe be downloadedfrom thedigitalplatforms. The devices: anappwiththesamenamethat can Google recently launchedaversion for mobile events. born that day, orcommemorations ofhistoric significance, suchasartistsorhistoricalfigures in theform ofacompilation ofcontent ofspecial The homepageisupdated dailyandisstructured 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education - - - - which isnotablefor itscontent devoted to on theartofValladolid; Valladolid, whichmainlyprovides information Pucelae AR&PA held duringthe2016editionof evidenced bythe highly significantinthefieldofheritage,as various topicsorspecialisedjournalsandremain up asdigitallogbookswithdifferent entrieson One oftheseplatforms isblogs,whichsprang Blogs particularly topical. been around for thelongestorbecausetheyare impact onoursocietyeitherbecausetheyhave to stress thosewhichare having thegreatest ingly active inthepastdecade,itisappropriate which heritageinstitutionshave beenincreas Although there are manyWeb 2.0platforms on content, andthefact that manyofitsentries links tootherinformation oraddingmultimedia internet. Theendlesspossibilitiesofproviding as themainreference work consulted onthe dia The bestknownwikitodate istheencyclopae but canalsobewritten tool. Thiscontent isnotonlycreated of content available ontheinternetthrough this benefited considerably from thelargeamount It shouldbestressed that culturalheritagehas in aninteractive, easyandfastmanner. edit, deleteormodifythecontent ofaweb page writing inwhichusersare permittedtocreate, Wikis are aneffective tool for collaborative Wikis in Valladolid’s richculture andheritage. entries offer art-historical comments specialising all over theworld; and Medievales new technologiesandLeonese heritage; Wikipedia . , 105 106 Examplesofsuchblogsare created bytheAsociaciónCultural de , 108 , specialisinginmedievalartworks 110 whichhasbecome established I Encuentro deBlogueros Arte Valladolid by mocadele.blogspot them. Bienal for , Domus 109 whose readers Iconos 104 , 107


- The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 149

- 116 - and 118 Facebook Instagram newer ones like ones like newer 117 are strong rivals in terms of number rivals in terms of number strong are ,

119 Twitter AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Batlló on well-known social media and applica on well-known Batlló and even Instagram Twitter, Facebook, tions like not only for to be stressed deserves It Snapchat. for the many but also its number of profiles, it activities and types of multimedia information The number and types of social networks and The number and types of social networks in pace years in recent has grown applications content with the various types of multimedia media. on the social shared currently are that a tendency to disseminate is furthermore There of them in order on several the same information audience. a larger to reach an essential tool become The social media have and audience the largest possible reaching for of on several profiles many institutions have them. Although the best known are and Snapchat considerable been enjoying of users. They have also being used by and are social impact lately heritage institutions, especially to engage with millennials. of Casa is the presence A notable case in Spain have an online community manager, the name manager, an online community have main for responsible to the professional given these social of users of community taining the strategies. related developing media and and reminders notices addition to newsletters, In promotions are there of special programmes, for advertisements competitions, through sold in the online store, or products publications created visual content audio and miscellaneous the maximum number of to achieve day every the largest reach ultimately, interactions and, possible number of users. insufficient in-depth studies on the are There of historic-monumental social media presence impact on and immovable heritage – whose assessed – society has not been properly today’s of this kind research to the extensive compared carried out in the museum sector. surprising that many of these institutions already already of these institutions many that surprising - - - - - and 113 on the monu 115 a competition for pho for a competition entry 111 , Patrimonio UGR Patrimonio an activity stemming from an activity stemming from 112 , An appeal was launched via the social An appeal was launched via the 114 . Free Software Office of the University of University of the Office Software Free and dissemination policy. It is therefore hardly hardly is therefore It policy. and dissemination are the most widely used tools today – so much the most widely used tools today are not present are heritage institutions few so that as part of their education on one or several Nevertheless, the social media and applications the social media and applications Nevertheless, the University of Granada was also discussed. of Granada the University Social media content of the Wikipedia content or editing ment with their own photos. Creating heritage of to the cultural other entries related dia and free culture, after which the participants after which culture, dia and free the multimedia by broadening collaborated media for people to take part in a face-to-face part in a face-to-face people to take media for of consisted It Real. Hospital the city’s activity at on editing the digital encyclopae a mini-course the Granada A good example is one of the experiences of A good example is one of the experiences Abierto Patrimonio between collaboration dia content. Other initiatives involve the institutions running involve Other initiatives and sector professionals campaigns to encourage Wikipe on creating internet users to collaborate media repository to boost the dissemination of to boost the dissemination media repository culture. a free license to be used in Wikipedia articles or license a free a free aim is to create The ultimate on the Web. content accompanying the various Wikipedia accompanying content users to take encourages articles. This initiative under part by uploading photos of monuments tographs of monuments organised by Wikimedia tographs of monuments the multimedia the purpose of increasing for An example of the foregoing is the annual event is the annual event foregoing An example of the Monuments Wiki Loves field – especially institutions and the profession institutions field – especially of with them – in the creation als associated on Wikipedia. made available content Importance has been attached to the heritage to has been attached Importance are in several languages make it deserving of this it deserving make languages in several are status. privileged The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 150 concentrate onits Twitter andInstagram, thoughhere we will surprisingly so,asitison Facebook, Google+, powerfully present onthesocialmedia–un The Eiffel Tower isoneofthemonumentsmost questions aboutCasaBatlló. tion andtake partincompetitions featuring encourage userstointeractwithvisitorinforma after twenty-four hours.Theultimate aimisto multimedia content iscreated that disappears the latest function,“Instagram Stories”, inwhich published bothintheimagegalleryandthrough photos andfootage oftheplace, whichare content invariousmultimediaformats, especially profile isparticularlyinteresting asitcreates organises andshares almostdaily. Its 2. Dissemination, enhancement Figure 09-Instagram profile ofCasa Batlló. Facebook Screenshot. Source: Instagram app profile, 121 Instagram which has and education - 120 -

own on mostofthesocialmediaandeven hasits Alhambra ofGranada, whichisrepresented the socialmedia,we willcitethecaseof To illustrate thevarietyofprofiles found on and visitors. employees, otherpeopleworking initsgrounds relating toeveryday life at themonument, Vine, postingsix-second videoswithcontent joyed anactive presence onthenolongerextant media profiles, notably active internetpresence. It hasseveral social another historicmonumentwithaparticularly We willnowtake alookat theTower ofLondon, all kindsinwhichthemonumentisinvolved. surrounding area orinvolve it,andcampaigns of visiting days, activitiesthat take place inthe to display newsontheopeninghoursandspecial nearly two million“likes”. Thisprofile isdesigned campaigns related toculturalheritageand to have been usedtodraw togetherevents and They are examinedinthissurvey becausethey following thelinksassociated witheachtag. thus easilyfind content onaparticularsubjectby predetermined familyrelationships. Theusercan or keywords inaspace withouthierarchies or refers toacollaborative systemofapplyingtags falls intothecategory of folksonomy. Thisterm of socialtaggingoriginating from Twitter that the useofwhat isknownashashtags,atype We shouldalsounderlinetheimportance of Folksonomy and interviewswithvisitors. audio tracksonthehistoryoftheirconstruction of theInfantas ortheCasasdelPartal, with the monumentalensemble,suchasTower take viewers onatourofsignificantarea of month, ortheplace ofthemonth.Thelatter on theplantofmonth,piece ofthe and research, aswell asmore educational videos videos promoting culturalactivities,novelties YouTube channel 123 Twitter where itshares various , 122 andalsoen - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 151 - Hispania Hispania Winged Victory Winged a platform set up by set a platform s (Massive Online Open Open Online s (Massive 127 , was the slogan of another MOOC 128 through collective donations donations collective through écènes! AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E find significant whose a new type of online courses Courses), to traditional main characteristic compared open they are is that platforms educational many more and have to the user community of the French museum’s collections since the since collections museum’s of the French second This was the Louvre’s century. twentieth succeeded kind, as it previously of this initiative the from sculpture famous Greek the in restoring as the period known Hellenistic Samothrace of system. this made through platforms 2.1.4 Educational heritage for we speak of heritage dissemination we When – aspects in also mean knowledge and education a particularly which the digital medium also plays re find various we and where important role of hugely modified our way which have sources an ideal breeding learning. The internet provided which for learning platforms, distance for ground for been an essential vehicle have years several we and knowledge institutions. Today education Nostra Crowdfunding Nostra for especially Nostra Hispania the Asociación Some of to cultural heritage. related projects to platform used this which have the projects of the restoration are raise funds collectively the of loggia of the palace the Renaissance and the restoration Cádiz) family (Bornos, Ribera of the “Henhouse” of the eighteenth-century which (Madrid), del Monte of Boadilla palace is open to the their goals. The platform attained and also of projects submission and publication how to make a tutorial showing users provides they send in. the most of the proposals M Tous launched by the campaign crowdfunding and to raise funds to restore (Paris) Louvre chapel of the mastaba of the funerary rebuild with is decorated BC), which Akhethotep (2400 and has been part iconography an interesting A prominent example in Spain is Spain example in A prominent ------for a global movement pow a global movement for 124 which is used to group together which is used to group was the hashtag used by man 125 126 , tutional, in any field, the culture sector being no sector being no tutional, in any field, the culture exception. has become established as an alternative for for established as an alternative has become and insti private both projects, fundraising for cation and interaction between users via the and interaction between cation rise in turn to new internet. This has given which such as crowdfunding, digital practices Crowdfunding communi 2.0 has boosted multiway The Web more realistically. more Rift or Samsung Gear VR headsets has been Rift the streets designed, enabling users to explore of the settlement and the interior of the houses struction of the Iberian settlement of Ullastret settlement of Ullastret struction of the Iberian using Oculus experience An immersive (Gerona). #Ullastret3D various heritage sector events at comments recon the virtual for to this project related Another case worth mentioning is the hashtag mentioning Another case worth with Samsung Gear VR based on the altar and with Samsung Gear VR based on until the monument, which will be developed end of 2017. agers of the Ara Pacis in Rome and by visitors in Rome agers of the Ara Pacis their to share the world all over and users from application of the virtual reality experiences #ARAcomera ism and radicalisation by celebrating the places, the places, by celebrating ism and radicalisation the make objects and cultural traditions that place. a rich and vibrant world attacks on heritage that have occurred recently, recently, occurred have on heritage that attacks extrem to stand up to is an appeal to everybody and safeguarding cultural heritage and diversity heritage and diversity cultural and safeguarding which was The campaign, the world. all over unprecedented to the started up as a response A recent case is the creation of the hashtag of case is the creation A recent #Unite4Heritage with the aim of celebrating by UNESCO ered Instagram. accompany publications on social media such on social publications accompany and Google+ Facebook, Telegram, as Twitter, The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 152 tance from theteachers. have duringthecourse, and direct onlineassis discussing anyquestionstheparticipantsmay teachers especiallyfor thiscourse, forums for with audiovisualmaterials puttogetherbythe this kindisthat registered usersare provided A characteristicfeature ofonlinecourses of the reasons for itsconservation. construction processes andaestheticvalues restoration ofthe Alhambra” analyseitshistory, “Life intheAlhambra” and“Conservation and Nasrids”, “TheaestheticsoftheAlhambra”, For example, themodules“History ofthe knowledge ofthepalace-city. all theculturalaspectsrequired togainin-depth ules (one perweek) providing information about contents ofthiscourse, dividingitintosixmod of theAlhambrawasinchargedevising agement professionals oftheboard oftrustees A teamofmore thanthirtyteachersandman de laAlhambra Granada in whichinstitutionssuchasthe It isanonlinecourse (inEnglish andSpanish) of thisuniquemonumentNasrid Granada. project designedtoprovide deeperknowledge years since itsestablishmentasaneducational Heritage course entitled The onlineplatform offers a History, ArtandHeritage MOOC -TheAlhambra: museums, amongotherinstitutions. of educational initiatives ofuniversities and courses ofthiskindonculturalheritageaspart These factorshave spurred theproliferation of in MOOCs,whichprovide open,free content. Professionals from allover theworld take part participants, asthere are nolimitsonenrolment. 2. Dissemination, enhancement , , 130 129

whichhasbeenrunningfor two CEIBioTic Granada 132 The Alhambra:History, Artand take part. 131 andthe University of and Escuela education - - - This course traces theSevillianartist’s career, internet. museum’s collection andactivitiesover the of Telefónica for promoting knowledgeofthe plan for 2013–2016,whichenjoys thesupport programme, aninitiative ofthemuseum’s action Museo delPrado andispartofthe was developed usingexclusive content from the course Its first foray intotheplatform waswiththe internet. field inthe Spanish-speaking countries viathe free openknowledgeinthehighereducation devised byTelefónica andUniversia topromote X platform for onlinecourses, aninitiative In 2016theMuseo delPrado joinedtheMiríada MOOC -Velázquez enel course whichispart of theE-Space Project. Here A different perspective isprovided bythis online con Patrimonio Digital MOOC -Europeana Space institutions around theworld. example for onlinecourses offered byheritage HD 4Ktechnology, whichmake itareference ucational valueand,as anovelty, theuseofultra locations, dramatisations withanimportanted of more thanthirtyvideoswithfootage of real The multimediacontent ofthecourse consists taking asabasisthePrado’s matchless holdings. painting andhisgeniusinthehistoryofworld art also setsouttoidentifythekeys tohisstyleof of theperiodhelived in,thereign ofPhilip IV. It life through knowledgeofthehistoricalcontext show theevolution ofthepainter’s oeuvre and As canbeexpected,theaimofcourse is to shaping ofhisstyle. as sources ofinspiration and,basically, inthe works that were essentialinhisformative period identifying theinfluence ofothermastersand Velázquez enelMuseo delPrado Prado online , 133

which -

The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 153 - - - - was the first website to website was the first 135 project was started up in was started project 136 arsVIRTUAL 500 Challenge AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E virtual tour of the monument’s setting (some virtual tour of the monument’s full historical documen access), times difficult to in it can be located and a map where tation not only runs this view mode. CyArk satellite heritage, but digitising and preserving for project these interactive visits of heritage from any of heritage from visits these interactive listed below. are A few in the world. where 500 Challenge The non-profit an international 2009 by CyArk, the aim of digitising a with cultural organisation, world heritage sites to hundred total of five such as possible threats them from safeguard earthquakes, terrorism, wars, urban sprawl, them floods and arson, among others, and make its through generations to future available its developmental still at The project, website. When AD 1000 to the present. stage, spans from users select an interval of time on the website, and on the cultures all the digitised resources dis period in history are heritage sites of that provides each case the project For played. descriptions of the site, a three-dimensional in detail, a model enabling it to be explored digitisation phase would be incomplete and be incomplete would phase digitisation the possibility account it took into biased unless the over material this important of disseminating and visits, 3D models virtual 360-degree internet. resources novel the most are detail photographs the internet. learning about heritage over for by the of interaction provided The possibilities and us to obtain attractive digital medium allow images of heritage sites, as realistic increasingly cultural objects in museum collections. as of well with the of the countries held to one Spain, In this resource most cultural heritage in the world, a early through was tapped into relatively Telefónica run by Fundación pioneering project in 2000. visits of monuments all over 360-degree offer ten years. for on the Web and remained Spain many examples of sites offering are there Today as we saw in the previous chapter. But this But chapter. in the previous saw as we - - - - Europeana Space con Patrimonio Patrimonio con Space Europeana available from Europeana Space’s web Space’s Europeana from available 134 , involved in heritage recording and conservation, and conservation, in heritage recording involved some of the resources for digitising heritage that digitising heritage that for some of the resources significant impact on tasks enjoyed recently have High-definition digital photographs, 3D laser High-definition scanning and photogrammetric techniques are 2.1.5 3D digitisation of of 2.1.5 3D digitisation heritage on the Internet materials and useful advice suggesting the most and useful advice materials each project. for practices appropriate tutorials and test versions of applications and of applications tutorials and test versions as reading as well tools as part of this process, dering access to, and the reuse of, the cultural of, to, and the reuse dering access and Europeana by offered heritage resources will be essential to provide It similar sources. The ultimate aim is to raise awareness of the awareness aim is to raise The ultimate hin are the barriers that down need to break erty in cultural entrepreneurship, and creative and creative erty in cultural entrepreneurship, marketing. on photography, hybrid and open education, hybrid and open education, on photography, museums, intellectual prop television, dance, of the sector, and developers, who will discover discover who will and developers, of the sector, toolkit multiscreen tools such as Europeana’s of eight modules This MOOC consists and APIs. tage, including students and teachers and GLAM tage, including students and teachers and archives galleries, libraries, (of professionals knowledge who will gain professional museums), This course is targeted at lovers of cultural heri lovers at is targeted This course site, presents the pilot schemes carried out at carried out at the pilot schemes site, presents analyses of research, sharing the results E-Space, cases. and validation The course The course Digital underlining the importance of this institution in underlining the importance the community. This project sets out to show how digital cultural show how digital sets out to This project could network Europeana by the offered content as as well professionals, use to sector be of great for teaching and training heritage managers. and training teaching for the internet is used an educational resource not resource is used an educational the internet heritage but also cultural disseminating only for is also involved in a great many others along the of affiliated institutions. They will all take part Since its launch in 2012, the Giza3D experience, same lines of using digital technologies as a in reconstructing Palmyra’s important heritage which is available in thirteen languages, has means of dissemination. by gathering as much information as possible to been enriched every year with new monuments document and draw up a digital database that digitally reconstructed from data from the will be available on the internet. This content is excavation currently under way in Giza and from provided as open data resources on the GitHub materials and studies contributed by interna- platform under a Creative Commons license tional collaborating partners from institutions that allows users to access 3D reconstructions in Berkeley, Berlin, Cairo, Hildesheim, Leipzig, of elements as important as the Arch of Triumph Philadelphia, and Vienna. or Temple of Baal Shamin, now destroyed, and the Temple of Bel or Roman Theatre, which still This project, which features an example of the survive but are in danger of disappearing. so-called digital archaeology, was designed to show part of the studies (both artistic and Giza Project academic) of the excavations carried out in ancient Egypt so that they can be enjoyed by Figure 10 - Image of the Masjid Wazir Khan mosque Harvard University and the Boston Museum of professionals, enthusiasts and users all over the (Pakistan) captured by the 500 Challenge project. Fine Arts, together with the French company world. Screenshot. Source: Dassault Systèmes, are collaborating on the Giza Project, which involves using modern 3D digiti- Spain is Culture #newpalmyra sation systems to produce a three-dimensional model of the existing structures in the Giza The Spain is Culture141 portal belonging to the #newpalmyra is the hashtag of a campaign plateau. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport offers designed to start up an international digital various digital services, prominent among which archaeology project137 aimed chiefly at recovering The project took as a basis the studies of the is “3D Heritage”, which consists of 360-degree the heritage of the ancient Syrian city of Palmira, expedition conducted more than a century ago visits to monumental ensembles that have been whose monumental ruins were partially de- by the Egyptologist George Reisner of Harvard designated World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. stroyed in 2015 during the war waged by Islamic University. The large collection of photos, The virtual visits allow users to tour monuments State. It is intended as a collaborative cultural diaries, drawings and records relating to that such as Covaciella Cave142 (Cabrales, Asturias), development project open to the participation expedition to Giza were painstakingly digitised the church of Santa María del Naranco143 of archaeologists, professionals in the fields of from 2000 to 2011 and made available online by (Oviedo), the Alhambra144 (Granada), the Lonja de 3D modelling and digitisation, historians, artists, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts on the Giza la Seda145 (Valencia) and Casa Milà “la Pedrera”146 curators, programmers, educators, journalists, re- Archives website.138 (Barcelona), providing views and additional searchers and Wikipedians, as well as a long list information of both their exterior and interior This documentation work made it possible to create the Giza3D139 online experience whereby Dassault Systèmes140 was able to reconstruct the Giza necropolis as accurately as possible.

A multidisciplinary team made up of archae- ologists, Egyptologists and graphic designers worked in close collaboration to ensure that all the structures and objects from the pyramids, temples and tombs of Giza were represented as accurately as possible in the Giza3D virtual model. Figure 11 - Model of the Temple of Bel (Palmyra, Figure 12 - 360-degree view of the interior of the Syria), part of the #newpalmyra project. Screenshot. Lonja de la Seda (Valencia). Screenshot. Source: Source:

154 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 155 - - - AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E in particular to the spread of technologies such in particular to the spread a new This has marked as augmented reality. milestone and is mutually beneficial to both the cultural object and the digital resources. communication, enabling it to boost its presence enabling it to boost its presence communication, desktop Today physical space. in real and coexist not the only windows through are computers the prolifer virtual worlds; can explore which we smartphones like of other portable devices ation especially smartglasses, and tablets or wearables, heritage sites. a new age for in has ushered new: the is not entirely this situation Actually of the interest digital medium soon aroused cultural institutions with the possibilities offered for rooms kiosks or immersive by interactive in situ, enhancing showing multimedia content of the perception by combining the experience cultural object with multimedia interpretative resources. cultural heri involving digital practices Today in which the in a hybrid space place tage take and real worlds, these two boundary between owing blurred, increasingly virtual, is becoming that are often difficult to access or see during access difficult to often are that virtual in the reach within visit but are an actual from pieces of several 3D digital models viewing. also have Nacional Arqueológico the Museo it making virtual catalogue, been added to this with monuments such as possible to interact of or the Visigothic treasure the Lady of Elche virtual copies. through Guarrazar medium 2.2 The digital in heritage sites of cultural heritage on the Web The presence and geo cultural unprecedented overcame rise to graphic barriers some time ago, giving the versatility showed that possibilities countless decades in recent of the digital medium. But of the been witnessing a reinvention have we its huge capacity for is highlighting medium that by means of different perspectives and details perspectives of different by means

146 - Lonja de Lonja

143 (Cabrales, Asturias), Asturias), (Cabrales, (Granada), the (Granada), Casa Milà “la Pedrera” Casa Milà 142 144 portal belonging to the 141 Lonja de la Seda (Valencia). Screenshot. Screenshot. de la Seda (Valencia). Lonja Cave Source: Source: Figure 12 - 360-degree view of the interior of the 12 - 360-degree Figure the Alhambra (Valencia) and (Valencia) Covaciella 145 Spain is Culture Spain church of Santa María del Naranco del of Santa María church la Seda views and additional providing (Barcelona), of both their exterior and interior information the (Oviedo), designated World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. by UNESCO. Sites Heritage World designated monuments The virtual visits allow users to tour such as is “3D Heritage”, which consists of 360-degree of 360-degree which consists is “3D Heritage”, been have that visits to monumental ensembles The offers and Sport Culture of Education, Ministry among which prominent various digital services, Spain is Culture Spain professionals, enthusiasts and users all over the enthusiasts and users all over professionals, world. to show part of the studies (both artistic and to show part of the out in carried of the excavations academic) by can be enjoyed they so that ancient Egypt This project, which features an example of the an example which features This project, was designed archaeology, so-called digital in Berkeley, Berlin, Cairo, Hildesheim, Leipzig, Leipzig, Hildesheim, Cairo, Berlin, in Berkeley, and Vienna. Turin Philadelphia, excavation currently under way in Giza and from and from in Giza way under currently excavation by interna and studies contributed materials institutions from partners tional collaborating been enriched every year with new monuments with new monuments year every been enriched the from data from reconstructed digitally Since its launch in 2012, the Giza3D experience, experience, in 2012, the Giza3D its launch Since languages, has in thirteen available which is The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 156 to thepublicat large.Thelatter factisofgreat objects, includingthesetting andlandscape, and explainingexplainhistoric andarchitectural cultural heritagefield for representing, showing and are becoming very usefultechniquesinthe significant component oflearningandtraining, element. Thisiswhyvirtualtechnologieshave a just asthereal elementgives shapetothevirtual us reliably andindetailaboutculturalheritage, the real, itdoesfulfilthefunctionofinforming Although thevirtualcannever take theplace of longer survive. – representing real sitesthat once existedbutno nology intheheritagefieldinvolve simulations lifelike. Someoftheapplications ofthis tech of suchreproductions beingthat theyare very and software technology, themaincharacteristic duce asiteorobjectusing3Dvirtualelements Virtual reality thusmakes itpossibletorepro in real time,helpingimprove userexperience. have perfected theirapplication andinteractivity are more realistic, whiletechnologicaladvances have improved totheextentthat digitalgraphics rapidly since 1990. Technology andtechniques 1960s, thoughitspopularityhasbeengrowing promising technologyhasbeenaround since the so-called virtualtechniques.Thisincreasingly areas ofapplication ofvirtualreality andthe Cultural heritageisoneofthemostimportant 2.2.1 Virtualrecreations which theemphasisisonculturalobject. ble toforge acloserrelationship withthepublicin digital experiences withheritage,makingitpossi wireless connections have thusenhanced insitu devices equippedwithgeolocation systemsand enhance thevalueofthesemonuments.Portable technologies canbeusedtodisseminate and trolled, andthishasadecisive influence onwhich heritage refer tospaces that are notalways con museums, archaeological heritageormonumental devices that, unlike otherculturalspaces suchas It shouldbestressed inconnection withportable 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education - - - - ent visionofourheritage. previous state through aninnovative anddiffer journey through timethat leadsustoadmire a sive rooms enableustoembarkonagenuine type (Cave AssistedVirtualEnvironment) immer Audiovisual presentations onscreens orCAVE- and theirenvironment. succeeded inlendingmovement to3Dobjects advanced software, inrecent years theyhave improved performance ofdevices andmore interpreting heritage.Indeed, thankstothe recreations are anotheressentialelementfor However, we shouldnotforget that virtual one ofthekey factorsinheritagedissemination. We have pointedoutthat digitisingheritageis by thepassageoftime. which inmostcaseshasbeengreatly modified itage objectsintheiroriginalhistoricalcontext, importance, asitmakes itpossibletosituate her tion ofthesitetobemade. undertaken enabledamore accurate reconstruc documented bythearchaeological excavations world; thefactthat itisthesettlementbest and economic centre oftheCatalan Iberian Ullastret wasanimportanturban,administrative to thethird centuries BC.During thisperiod city at itsheightofsplendour duringthefourth This audiovisualexperience recreated theIberian for socialprojects ofthebanklaCaixa. Catalan regional government andthefoundation between thedepartmentofculture ofthe heritage, whichstemmedfrom thecollaboration social useandknowledgeofCatalan cultural rimoni enAcció The initiative wasdevisedaspartofthePat reconstruction oftheIberian city. an immersive screening room showed avirtual project inwhicha (Baix Empordà) was theobjectof The Iberian siteofPuig deSantAndreu deUllastret Ullastret 3D

programme toencourage the 3D audiovisual 148 experience in experience in Ullastret 3D - - 147 - - -

The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 157 - - - - - . was projected in a was projected 151 Gemine, the Ipogeo delle Gemine, the Ipogeo

Tomba dei Festoni Tomba

and the

3D audiovisual aid AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E of Valldecrist (Altura, Castellón) (Altura, of Valldecrist was charterhouse of Valldecrist The former in 1385 near Altura a monastery founded studies conducted on the site, from which on the site, from studies conducted and material on the architectural, information of the tombs was extracted. features decorative it possible to made All this documentation of the virtual reconstruction the realism improve of of the colours the accuracy to with respect no which are the mural paintings and facings – to research longer extant but known thanks as to reconstruct well – as carried out to date comparisons iconographic burial rituals through of the depictions on the walls. The called Teatro viewing installation stereoscopic experi an immersive to offer Virtuale, in order system navigation interface” with a “natural ence with the content interact visitors could whereby which activated by means of body movements, of the monumental tombs. the exploration outside the charterhouse Courtyard (Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali) e Monumentali) Beni Archeologici per i (Istituto per i with the Soprintendenza in collaboration respon who were Puglia, della Beni Archeologici of the of three the 3D reconstruction sible for this necropolis. hypogea from Hellenistic and provide “accessible”, The aim was to make under some of the ancient city’s knowledge of, installa a virtual reality tombs through ground goods some of the grave also featured tion that These virtual visits in the museum. preserved which, funerary complexes on three focused difficult to in situ, are despite being preserved the Tombe access: Gorgoni was the partici factor in this process A decisive team of researchers of a multidisciplinary pation CNR in virtual reconstruction the IBAM from tasks. They took as a basis the archaeological The project was produced by the IBAM CNR by the IBAM was produced The project - - was installed. The 149 a virtual recreation a virtual recreation 150 , Marta racconta - Storie - Storie racconta Marta immersive room immersive (Italy), where several monumental tombs dating monumental tombs dating several where (Italy), BC were centuries and second the fourth from found. virtuali di tesori nascosti of the city of Taranto of the ancient necropolis Since 2014, the Museo Archeologico Nazio Archeologico 2014, the Museo Since has been showing the (MARTA) nale di Taranto of the project results Marta Racconta. Storie Storie Racconta. Marta Nascosti Virtuali di Tesori city or the interiors of homes more realistically. city or the interiors of homes more recently presented at several heritage events. heritage events. several at presented recently Rift Visitors can use VR headsets such as Oculus of the the streets or Samsung Gear to explore Another application of this virtual recreation in virtual recreation of this Another application was experience type of immersive a different accompanies visitors on their virtual tour of the accompanies of the site. recreation Spanish, French, English and German, features a and German, features English French, Spanish, elite, who story told by a member of the Iberian that was as realistic as possible. was as realistic that in Catalan, The audiovisual aid, which is available idea was to project the images of the virtual idea was to project on all or just one of its walls in reconstruction experience a virtual 360-degree to recreate order In 2016 an In tools used in video game design with significant tools used in video landscape settings owing creating potential for results. to its highly photorealistic textures. The games engine Unreal Engine was Engine The games engine Unreal textures. suite of this purpose – a well-known chosen for model as visually realistic as possible by using as possible realistic model as visually inner and (soils, materials photographs of real the different etc.) to recreate outer walls, stones on the archaeological studies conducted to date to date studies conducted on the archaeological possible idea of the to gain the closest in order the 3D also sought to make site. They Iberian Ullastret, together with specialists in 3D model together with specialists Ullastret, based a reconstruction on providing ling, focused The team, made up of archaeologists from from made up of archaeologists The team, and Catalunya de the Museu d’Arqueologia The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 158 past that have partlyortotally disappeared. as powerful toolsfor showingelementsof our on newtechnologiessuch asvirtualrecreations LSLuz has beendeveloped at theSpanish company Some ofthework related toculturalheritage Muslim districtofSinhaya (Zaragoza) the Valldecrist complex. phones ortabletsusedbypotentialvisitorsto application for mobiledevices suchassmart tions make itworth considering developing an heritage sitethrough thesevirtualreconstruc research andofenhancingthevalue ofthe stage, thepossibilitiesofdisseminating the Although theproject isstillat theexperimental century. before itwasabandonedintheearlynineteenth the charterhouseofValldecrist asitwasjust reconstruction logical studies,itwaspossibletocreate a tion gleanedfrom thehistoricalandarchaeo current siteandtheabove-mentioned informa Taking asabasisthearchitectural remains inthe among themtheculture sector. most cutting-edgetechnologyindifferent fields, by enhance itsvalueisthevirtualrecreation made An exampleoftheefforts currently underway to art-historical past. have gleanedimportantinformation aboutits search andarchaeological restoration campaigns enhancing itssixcenturies ofhistory. Recent re construction toitssplendourbypromoting and in the2000shasbeenattempting torestore this ción Cultural CartujadeValldecrist subsequently fell intoruin.However, the the wholecomplex soonbecamedispersedand the twentieth century themovableheritageof after whichitfell intoneglect.Asaresult, during turies untilitwasconfiscated andsoldin1835, territorial andreligious centre for several cen (Castellón) that enjoyed uniqueimportance asa Bihartech 2. Dissemination, enhancement , 155 whichoffers innovative solutionsbased , 153 154 aSpanish company that usesthe oftheentrance courtyard of 152 established and Asocia virtual education ------lighting resources were appliedvirtually and elements basedonthevisualisation. Several of homes,inwhichprioritywasgiven toafew of thedistrictandinteriorsanumber was beingcarriedout,a3Dmodelcreated with itsoriginalappearance. While thework of anaudiovisualaidshowingtheMuslim quarter designed withtheideaofpresenting itbymeans modelled andthenthevisualreconstruction was the existingpartswere photogrammetrically the documentation neededfor thework. First of archaeologists andhistorianswhoprovided all district wasthoroughly documentedbyagroup the findsonview, themorphologyofentire ground carpark.Asitwasimpossibletoleave Paseo delaIndependencia tobuildanunder the excavations carriedoutin2001beneath the This ancientdistrictofZaragoza appeared during dates from thetenthtoeleventh centuries. tion One suchproject wasthe study, such as thevirtualreconstruction of Some projects are particularlyrelevant tothis printing. 3D facialreconstructions, virtualvisits and3D virtual reconstructions, virtualrestoration, include infographics, 3Ddocumentation, face courses. Theprojects underway at PAR heritage, italsoteachesonlineandface-to- archaeology projects andwork onvirtualising Although itisparticularlynotablefor itsvirtual for thegraphicrepresentation ofheritage. Spanish company that usesnewtechnologies del Patrimonio PAR -Tecnologías deRepresentación Gráfica La Laguna(Tenerife) Church ofSanAgustín de images onthevirtualmodel. actors were later incorporated, overlaying real through thestreets andhomes,intowhichreal also includedananimation that simulated astroll a more photorealistic image.Theaudiovisualaid of theday were includedinthescenes tooffer images ofreal actorsplaying thepartofpeople 156 oftheMuslim districtofSinhaya, which 157 isasignificantexampleof virtual reconstruc - -

The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 159 -

- 161 - - has been 162 Visual Dimensions work AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E difficult for non-experts to identify specific struc difficult or workshops such as houses, churches tures or foun on the basis of fragments of structures of a touchscreen consists TimeScope dations. panoramic interactive visitors can enjoy where local heritage. Ename began to play a prominent a prominent began to play local heritage. Ename when it became an important for in 974, role trade, although it was destroyed and hub of tress Flanders, Count of by the years later seventy-five abbey which who built on its ruins a Benedictine the town until 1795. over towered decades the past two For reconstruction a virtual to produce underway traces archaeological a few of the site, where and the no longer of the old fortress still remain extant Benedictine abbey of Saint Salvator. as arose park archaeological This is how Ename’s uses new technologies an open air museum that and raise the virtual information to provide of of the importance awareness general public’s the site. This was the purpose of installing the to kiosk, which was created TimeScope Ename the ar the difficulty of interpreting address the site, as it was at found chaeological remains about and interpreting the cultural object. interpreting about and is not paid attention kiosks interactive In designed they are the digital content solely to also intended to instil they are to provide; them an users by offering heritage values in entertaining and rational with an experience an must have the installation Therefore focus. and interactive functions appearance, attractive interest visitors’ arouse that multimedia content them to learn. and encourage of Ename Virtual reconstruction by developed The projects park in the Belgian town the archaeological at carried out in the work part of are of Ename Archaeological with the Provincial collaboration Public for Centre and the Ename Museum to study Presentation and Heritage Archaeology or tablet with additional information for learning for information with additional or tablet - - - - Cor ignis. Cor carried out by PAR carried out by PAR 159 has attempted to recover. to recover. has attempted 158 160 ]. a virtual reconstruction was made a virtual reconstruction , video virtual reconstruction Cultania – Gestión Integral de la Cultura y el de la Cultura – Gestión Integral Cultania provides visitors who do not have a smartphone visitors who do not have provides these interactive kiosks as a means of making these interactive that digital application a multilingual available heritage sites. in interested currently are institutions Cultural have a considerable track record underlines the track record a considerable have at play role these installations efficiency of the The purpose of interactive kiosks is to provide kiosks is to provide The purpose of interactive digital content visitors with in situ interpretive they already on a heritage asset. The fact that 2.2.2 Interactive kiosks 2.2.2 Interactive 360-degree of the interior was installed [online of the interior was installed [online 360-degree - resource struction project was published in the catalogue was published in the catalogue struction project a providing a viewer of the exhibition, where frescos of the main chapel that were part of this were of the main chapel that frescos The extensive lost heritage. recover to effort this recon from obtained digital documentation historical records proved to be crucial, as was proved historical records carried out on the work other virtual restoration The that work is an example of the interdisciplinary of this kind; the existing is essential in projects ments and oral testimonies which the initiative the initiative ments and oral testimonies which of Histórico Patrimonio its important artistic and religious heritage in the its important artistic and religious visual docu were remained 1964; all that of fire de La Laguna La Laguna in of San Agustín, of the old church lost church This eighteenth-century (Tenerife). techniques. To mark the exhibition mark the techniques. To San Agustín y patrimonio de la iglesia de Memoria A recent experience was aimed chiefly at recov at was aimed chiefly experience A recent past using 3D digital modelling ering the historic palace’s façade by means of this digital model, of this digital façade by means palace’s or other dissemination be used for which could purposes. enhancement Taking as a basis an old photograph, it was pos it was a basis an old photograph, as Taking the of appearance the whole sible to document the lost pediment of the palace of Antonio de of Antonio palace pediment of the the lost century). (sixteenth in Guadalajara Mendoza views showing the new virtual reconstructions163 menu. An additional screen is used to view the of the medieval abbey of Ename over eight time content being shown on the touchscreen for periods, together with a detailed simulation of visitors who are not interacting. This multimedia the historic landscape. application165 makes it possible to obtain further information on the monument in question. One Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo of its most important elements – owing to its educational value – is a digital reconstruction of Opened in 2015 following rehabilitation work, the palace complex containing several hotspots the Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo (Granada) with 360-degree views of the rooms with the was the site chosen to install an interactive appearance they would have had in the thir- totem pole incorporating various resources for teenth century according to the archaeological interpreting this palatial complex and its gardens. and art-historical studies carried out. Another The complex was built by the Almohad mon- option shows the decorative panels of tiles and archs and is an important example of residential plasterwork in gigapixel photographs whose architecture of thirteenth-century Granada. The resolution allows every motif to be examined in installation designed by IdeosMedia,164 a Spanish detail. An audiovisual installation on the qubba, company specialised in technological resources the most important part of the complex, and centred on interpreting cultural heritage, a cultural agenda featuring all the activities of consists of a touchscreen that enables users to interest staged at the site complete the infor- interact with various digital resources through a mation provided by the interactive totem, which is an essential interpretive resource for visitors wishing to learn more during their visit.

Mayan city of Calakmul

The Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Su- periores de Monterrey (Mexico) presented an interactive kiosk offering virtual recreations of the ancient Mayan city of Calakmul (800 BC to 900 BC), a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The site is located in a nature reserve in the state of Campeche and is partially covered by the forest. As a result the remains of the buildings are almost concealed and it is difficult for visitors to understand and grasp the magnitude of the site (Ruiz, 2015166). The kiosk presented three import- ant aspects of the culture and a recreation of the interior of the tombs of the dignitaries interred inside the pyramids, including a reconstruction of the offerings left there; a reproduction of the frieze of the tallest pyramid of Calakmul, enabling an iconographic analysis to be carried out on its different elements separately; and an interpretation of the Mayan world view in relation to death and the afterlife by comparing Figure 13 – Visitors consulting the interactive totem at the Cuarto archaeological pieces and graphic elements from Real de Santo Domingo (Granada). Author’s photograph various Mayan sites.

160 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 161 - - - -

172 , in 2013 some 173 , AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E multimedia information hosted on the website. hosted on the website. multimedia information visitors to the heritage site scanned the When they were with their mobile devices, QR codes various audiovisual aids available able to access needing to type in a URL. The latter function needing to type in a URL. The latter to heritage is particularly useful with respect of accessing The possibility dissemination. hosted on the internet has made QR information for used device commonly an increasingly codes associ the multimedia content accompanying or cultural object. with a particular site ated wall of Lorca Town cultural management company The Spanish Castilla y León Inteligente Patrimonio which applies new technologies in the fields of historic heritage and restoration, archaeology, efficiently in a dissem museums, used QR codes As (Murcia). in the town of Lorca project ination known as the part of the campaign on the tower and the town wall Rojano Torre on the restoration information panels displaying text, illustra designed featuring were process containing tions, photographs and QR codes information that requires the use of a reader a reader the use of requires that information in the contained the information to identify one that should not be forgotten it But code. of the spread for responsible factors of the key sector is their use in in the culture QR codes especially the devices, with mobile combination and tablets, which of smartphones proliferation to the and familiar has made them available of various mobile appearance general public. The led to a readers code act as QR that applications in their use. significant increase varies of these codes the application Nowadays with associated with the content in accordance example they can be used to access them. For or on a particular product basic information data to catalogue-type object, making reference in areas reserved useful for particularly are (and is to pro Another use of QR codes museums). without the user vide links to particular website We can liken how they work to barcodes – encoded to barcodes how they work can liken We

- - 169 - - exhi

171 demo (Istituto per le per (Istituto 167 developed an inter developed Keys to Rome Keys 168 and 170 CNR ITABC E.V.O.C.A. Italia del Futuro Italia heritage sites. as augmented reality), they are still one of the they are as augmented reality), museumising all kinds of most widely used for decade of the twenty-first century. Despite the Despite century. decade of the twenty-first technologies with a complex of more emergence (such information providing potential for greater presence in the culture sector and were put sector and were in the culture presence first in various fields during the into practice QR (quick response) codes were the first types were codes response) QR (quick of the digital medium viewers of interactive a major enjoy They currently the screen. beyond 2.2.3 QR codes of the cities worldwide. several bitions, which toured During 2014 and 2015 the installation – a 2014 and 2015 the installation During on the internet – was part of which can be found used the Kinect motion capture sensor to allowused the Kinect motion capture users to act inside the virtual environment. audiovisual stories in each of the elements high audiovisual stories in each of the elements in Unity3D, developed lighted. The application, and natural interaction interfaces were combined were interaction interfaces and natural with absolute a route to enable the user to follow and accessing the whole space exploring freedom, An installation was subsequently designed based was subsequently An installation Virtual reality and movements. on body gestures have looked like in the past, drawing on existing past, drawing in the like looked have studies. archaeological Former Via Flaminia (2008–2010), which used 3D which (2008–2010), Via Flaminia Former site to models of the terrain and archaeological the villa may of what a 3D reconstruction make virtual models of the villa were taken from an from taken the villa were virtual models of of the called Virtual Museum earlier project Augustus. The villa was an important residence was an important residence Augustus. The villa until the period of Con of the imperial family The three-dimensional century). stantine (fourth Italian company company Italian a virtual tour of reproducing installation active of the Emperor the wife villa of Livia, the Roman A team from the A team from and the ai Beni Culturali) Applicate Tecnologie V-MusT project V-MusT The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 162 which are adaptingtheir interpretation and the attention ofvariousculture institutions, years theseomnipresent gadgetshave captured mobile devices. Thisiswhyover thepastfew new form ofculturalleisure basedonthe useof approach toculturalobjects,givingrisea and personal.Thisfacthasalsoinfluenced our all aspectsofourdailylives, bothprofessional twenty-first-century societiesandare usedin and tabletsare indispensableelementsfor Today portabledevices suchassmartphones and enhancement heritage for dissemination 2.3 Appuniverse: mobile photographs andcuriosities. as theCorcovado andPan deAzúcar, including mation aboutcertain touristattractions such devices, could access onlinecontent withinfor who, byreading theQRcodes withtheirmobile and disseminate thecity’s culture tovisitors, pavements. QRio wasdeveloped tomake known mosaics similartothosetypicallyfound inRio’s of: traditionalPortuguese stoneintheform of feature wasthematerial thecodes were made on pavements ormonuments.Thestriking in certain historicareas andtouristattractions, consisted inplacingaseriesofQRcode designs agency group QRio in devisinganoriginalusefor QRcodes. The was thecombination oftraditionandmodernity lets. Themostinteresting feature ofthisproject cultural heritageusingtheirsmartphonesortab chance togainanewperspective onthecity’s ities topromote itstoursandoffer visitorsthe into thistechnology’s communicative possibil The cityofRio deJaneiro (Brazil) alsotapped QRio project boosted itsdissemination. thus madetheinformation more accessible and in Spanish withEnglish subtitles.QRcodes 2. Dissemination, enhancement project 175 andthedesigndigitaltechnology Zói , 176 , wasimplementedin2013and 174 thebrainchildof Máquina PR and education

- - - ogies that offer usersadifferent, muchmore A novel feature oftheseappsisvirtualtechnol multimedia content hostedonweb pages. ity optionsare oneofthemainalliesinaccessing for visitorstoheritagesites,asmobileconnectiv have become aninterpretive toolparexcellence These applications, oftenreferred toasapps, ment efforts. charge) aspartoftheireducational andenhance digital distributionplatforms (mostly free of create applications for visitorstodownloadfrom led heritagemanagerstoconsider theneedto in situvisitsthrough thesenewdevices have degree ofpersonalisation andinteractionduring multimedia information andoffering ahigher The possibilitiesofpresenting content with to reach largeraudiences. dissemination work tothisnewreality, basically type knownasmobileguides. visit andinterpret heritage, givingrisetoanew phones ortabletshasrevolutionised howwe and proliferation ofportabledevices like smart As mentionedpreviously, therecent emergence allow tourstobetailored tovisitors’interests. seminating heritagesites for several decades and Multimedia guideshave beenameansofdis 2.3.1 Mobile guides customised information onculturalcontent. to visitors,offer access tobroader andmore apps, whosepurposeistoconvey knowledge ferent profiles. It istherefore essential for these mands ofanincreasingly largeaudience withdif In short, appsemergedinresponse tothede for alongtime. are agrowing trend that lookssettocontinue currently inhighestdemandthesectorand virtual reconstructions oraugmentedreality are heritage objects.Appswhosecontent features exciting experience withrespect tointerpreting ------The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 163 - - app is 180 é Paquim de Arqueológica Zona AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E even a map allowing potential visitors to locate a map allowing potential visitors to locate even out how to get there the settlement and work such as an Other content using Google Maps. tour and a 360-degree audioguide, QR codes on the various structures with commentary Zona Arqueológica de Arqueológica Zona app (Mexico) Paquimé The to visitors to information designed to provide é, an ancient site of Paquim the archaeological of Chihua settlement in the state pre-Hispanic hua (Mexico). Cultural by the Centro The app was developed with the INAH and the é in collaboration Paquim y Industriales de Estudios Tecnológicos, Centro de Servicios (Cetis). 2016, it brings together several since Available enable visitors to organise their that features It and afterwards. while there, visit beforehand, put together by archaeolo information provides videos in sign with explanatory gists (along details, visiting times and on contact language) Castile) and Ruta Monumental (architecture). All (architecture). Monumental and Ruta Castile) from of charge free can be downloaded the apps be and can downloading platforms the digital well as mobile devices, visitors on their used by devices provide that as by cultural institutions visitor use. for in sign language. amphitheatre on Tarragone 14 - Content Figure Accesible Tarragona Source: Screenshot. Accesible. App Tarragona Sacra (buildings from the period of the Crown of Crown period of the the from Sacra (buildings

- 179 , - - GVAM and 178 which is focused on which is focused 177 project, Fundación Orange Fundación Áppside gathering places), Ruta de las Musas (art), Ruta Ruta (art), de las Musas Ruta places), gathering And the guide to the city of San Cristobal de La And the guide to the city of San Cristobal includes four de Tenerife) Laguna (Santa Cruz (social de los Encuentros tours: Ruta thematic Santiago inside the walls, Santiago outside the route. walls, a culinary tour and an accessible four routes accessible to people with impaired to people with impaired accessible routes four of Santiago de Compos sight or hearing. That routes: includes four City, Heritage tela, World So far they have designed twenty or so apps. designed twenty So far they have features City, Heritage World of Tarragona, That of engaging with a larger number of visitors to heritage and cultural sites. accessibility to people with impaired sight or to people with impaired accessibility audiodescriptions, hearing, as they incorporate subtitles and sign language – an essential means prominent feature of the design and creation of design and creation of the feature prominent Áppside is their at the various apps developed with their own interests. The varied multimedia with their own interests. com maps, includes interactive offered content The most mentaries, videos and infographics. different routes or theme-based tours that allow tours that routes or theme-based different in accordance visitors to personalise the content a company specialised in creating content for for content in creating specialised a company guides, personal guides. As is typical of mobile languages and offer in several available these are mation on the objects. This is a joint initiative is a joint initiative on the objects. This mation Museums Accessible as part of the developed of the project with unique heritage sites and improve tours of with unique heritage sites and improve additional infor museum galleries by providing of the mobile guides that for applications creating to cities of visitors the experience enhance Promoting accessibility is the main purpose is the main accessibility Promoting day-to-day functioning of heritage institutions. day-to-day Áppside project during and after the visit. They are therefore therefore They are after the visit. during and which is a means of dissemination, an effective task in the priority increasingly fundamental and and design customised tours, as well as obtaining as obtaining as well customised tours, and design assets before, about the heritage full information With these guides, visitors can choose the can choose the guides, visitors With these needs and interests suited to their options best along the route and the nearby places make it Among other activities,182 the project involved with an enjoyable and educational experience. In possible to personalise and add to the available an application for mobile devices, which was this 3D audioguide (available in English and information on the settlement. For more de- designed by Patrimonio Inteligente,183 a Spanish Spanish) the animated characters Boabdil, manding visitors, the app also provides access to company with vast experience in the cultural Morayma and Charles V accompany young news, information about other places of interest tourism sector. The app, which can be down- visitors on their tour of the monument in and the INAH’s YouTube channel. loaded free of charge, has been available since Granada. These characters are contextualised in 2014 and is structured in the form of a multime- the parts of the palace complex they lived in and dia guide of the various places that were once give a first-person account in inclusive language part of the Cora de Tudmir. The multimedia of the history and curiosities of each place. At content created for the application focused on some points of interest the app also includes the existing cultural heritage in the region that is educational resources for this age group such as linked chronologically to this period in history. interactive and guessing games in the manner of a treasure hunt to ensure that they enjoy and, El Arte del Bordado de Lorca app above all, learn from the experience.

The fact that apps are used as a means of dis- seminating and interpreting heritage underlines their versatility. An example is the mobile appli- cation on the art of embroidery in Lorca (Mur- cia). Also designed by Patrimonio Inteligente,184 it is related to the campaign in support of the art of embroidery in Lorca’s candidature for UNES- CO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Figure 15 - 360-degree tour of the Zona Arqueológica de Paquimé The menu of this app, which has been available app. Screenshot. Source: app Zona Arqueológica de Paquimé for downloading on mobile devices since 2015, Figure 16 - Animated character of the Nasrid king Cora de Tudmir app provides information about this expression of Boabdil in the children’s audioguide to the Alhambra. Screenshot. Source: La Alhambra, Castillo Rojo intangible heritage through the history of the The Cora de Tudmir was an administrative biblical Passion parades and an introduction to 2.3.2 Virtual recreations in situ division that existed for nearly three hundred the confraternities and processions that gave rise years and extended across the southeast of the to Lorca’s treasures of embroidery. Multimedia By virtual reconstruction we mean creating Iberian Peninsula to what is currently part of the information, thematic maps and an agenda models using data acquisition techniques that autonomous communities of Castile-La Mancha, with the activities carried out during the town’s enable us to represent existing structures or Valencia and Murcia. It originated from a terri- Easter Week festivities complete the content of structures no longer in place but of which there torial treaty of the early eighth century (the year this app devoted to an aspect of key importance is sufficient evidence (ruins, plans, photographs, 713) between the Visigoth noble Theodemir and to local tourism. etc.) to ensure a good likeness of the original. the Arab conqueror Abd al-Aziz ibn Musa, which delimited the territorial boundaries of Tudmir La Alhambra, Castillo Rojo app These new instruments, with their ability until its disappearance. to transmit knowledge and the results of One of the particular features and advantages of art-historical research, enable experts to draw In order to mark the 1300th anniversary of the apps for mobile guides is that they can adopt conclusions or devise various hypotheses about treaty, a project181 was developed to highlight the different discourses depending on the type of lost worlds, but they also provide new means of importance of the historic event. Subsidised by audience. The app entitled La Alhambra, Castillo disseminating heritage. the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, it Rojo,185 developed by Granavisión Grupo sought to enhance and disseminate the cultural Turístico186 for smartphones and tablets, is a The virtual recreation of heritage elements that assets of the places belonging to the Cora, as well good example, as the multimedia content it no longer exist or have been drastically modified as creating jobs in the region’s culture sector. offers is designed specially to provide children

164 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 165 - - Altair4 Multi Altair4 is one of the first applications is one of the first applications 187 is available for download in the App for is available this app is based on 3D reconstructions this app is based on 3D reconstructions 189 188 , app AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E This a free and features iPhones/iPads for Store and a paid version the Colosseum for version and Hill Palatine Forum, visits to the Roman for Fora. Imperial Designed by the multimedia firm Designed media in situ can be viewed that history of the city’s is a mixed It using the Time Window device. virtual contains that system virtual reality main monuments, of the city’s reconstructions in earlier like it looked allowing users to see what fading over overlap, periods with an interactive of the past and the 3D reconstruction between appearance. their current a virtual can access Visitors to the Colosseum during the period of this building reconstruction using this application Empire of the Roman the camera built into their mobile and through and Also, using GPS, digital compass devices. a vir it allows visitors to explore data, gyroscope to learn of the area perspective tual 360-degree of the monument in about the original context question. the general public a large portion of our history portion of our history public a large the general the to survive that the testimonies through day. present widespread the spurred This possibility has with entailing virtual visits use of applications proliferation panoramic images. The 360-degree these has made it possible for of mobile devices in situ, improving to be viewed reconstructions visitors to heritage sites and of the experience them. about learn more enabling them to MVR Rome MVR Rome tour of several a to provide mobile devices for time, through historic parts of the city of Rome using the ages across like it looked showing what the Time Window system. thus allows us to go back in time to present to in time to present us to go back thus allows Screenshot. Source: La Alhambra, Castillo Rojo Source: Screenshot. Figure 16 - Animated character of the Nasrid king character of the Nasrid 16 - Animated Figure Boabdil in the children’s audioguide to the Alhambra. audioguide to the Alhambra. Boabdil in the children’s no longer exist or have been drastically modified no longer exist or have The virtual recreation of heritage elements that of heritage elements that The virtual recreation conclusions or devise various hypotheses about conclusions new means of but they also provide lost worlds, heritage. disseminating to transmit knowledge and the results of to transmit knowledge and the results enable experts to draw research, art-historical etc.) to ensure a good likeness of the original. a good likeness etc.) to ensure These new instruments, with their ability enable us to represent existing structures or structures existing enable us to represent but of which there no longer in place structures (ruins, plans, photographs, is sufficient evidence By virtual reconstruction we mean creating mean creating we virtual reconstruction By techniques that acquisition models using data 2.3.2 Virtual recreations in situ 2.3.2 Virtual recreations a treasure hunt to ensure that they enjoy and, and, they enjoy that to ensure hunt a treasure the experience. all, learn from above educational resources for this age group such as this age group for resources educational of and guessing games in the manner interactive give a first-person account in inclusive language in inclusive account a first-person give At curiosities of each place. of the history and also includes the app some points of interest visitors on their tour of the monument in monument in their tour of the visitors on in contextualised These characters are Granada. in and they lived complex the parts of the palace Spanish) the animated characters Boabdil, characters the animated Spanish) young Charles V accompany and Morayma with an enjoyable and educational experience. In In experience. and educational with an enjoyable and in English (available this 3D audioguide The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 166 Marie Antoinette’s “BosquetdelaReine”. 1775 onthe orders ofLouis XVIandreplaced by trated oneofAesop’s fables.It wasdestroyed in and included39fountains, eachofwhichillus in thevastgrounds ofthepalace ofVersailles tended over anarea ofmore thantwo hectares famous architect Andr commissioned byLouis XIVanddesignedbythe experience. Thislabyrinth,builtaround 1665,was and eighteenthcenturies toenjoy avirtual gardens ofVersailles castleintheseventeenth allows visitorstothemaze that existedinthe The LabyrinthofFables isanapplication that The LabyrinthofFables particular direction [online resource - are viewingwhenwe pointourcamerainthat of thesitecaptionsappeartoindicate what we of BaeloClaudia.In addition,duringthetour of whichare partofthearchaeological complex the Temple ofIsis andtheTemple ofJupiter, all the so-calledTemple Terrace, theWest Portico, and settingsofthevirtualreconstruction include nology inthefieldofarchaeology. The content a goodexampleofthepossibilitiesthistech and agenuinejourneyintothepast,aswell as place make thevisitanimmersive experience use ofaudioresources torecall theusesofeach alignment oftheoverlaid virtuallayers andthe reality”. Therealism ofthegraphics,perfect the real image–thisiswhat theycall“selected transparency ofthelayers superimposedonto on theuser’s mobiledevice andadjustingthe the different structures through thecamera Novel features includethepossibilityofviewing struction ofthesurvivingarchaeological remains. geolocation information provide avirtualrecon BC totheseventh century AD). Its layers of Roman siteofBaelo Claudia (second century recently launchedmobileapplication for the work carriedoutby A Spanish caseofvirtualreconstruction isthe Baelo Claudia-LaSibila (Cádiz) 2. Dissemination, enhancement La Sibila é Le Nôtre. Themaze ex 190 todevelop the video and education ]. 191 - - - - than 250years ago,whenthelabyrinthoccupied device theappearance itwould have hadmore de laReine” whileviewingonthescreen ofthe or tablet,userscanexplore thecurrent “Bosquet geolocation (GPS) systemontheirsmartphone labyrinth withtheirmobiledevices. By usingthe offer avirtualexperience touserswhovisitthe the LabyrinthofFables inUnity3D software to The that canbedownloadedfrom digitalplatforms. or access thesamecontent insituviatheapp is possibletoenjoy avirtualtourofthelabyrinth the JonLab Amherst andtheFrench technologicalcompany carried outbytheUniversity ofMassachusetts garden designandlandscaping,suchasthat and artisticimportance ofthisexample academic studieswhichhighlightthehistorical The labyrinthwasrecently theobjectofseveral Rift virtualreality headsets. with newer immersive systemssuchasOculus adapting theapplication tooptimiseinteraction more immersive experience whichwould involve this virtualconstruction ofthemaze tocreate a lately beenstudyingthe possibilitiesofusing The creators ofthisappfor mobiledevices have appears around them. up withthecorrect answers thevirtuallabyrinth particular moralappears,sothat asvisitorscome correct answer, the fountain illustrating that and trytofindthemoral. When theygive the mode visitorsmustread oneofAesop’s fables is bothentertainingandeducational. In game using the“edutainment” formula –content that other optionisagametoarouse users’interest the maze created duringLouis XIV’s day. The ence. One oftheoptionsisa“stroll” through to visittheplace andenjoy adifferent experi The appcomes withtwo modesenablingusers the sameplace. web virtual reconstruction 192 site (Giloth andTanant, 2015).Theycreated 193 withthesamename,from whichit 194 wasdesignedfor - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 167 - - - - 199 . ] video at Olympia (Greece) and (Greece) Olympia at which had as its test-case which had as its test-case 200 202 ) ), (Papagiannakis et al., 2002) at Pompeii Pompeii at et al., 2002) (Papagiannakis 201 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Vlahakis et al., 2002 et al., 2010 Stricker uses of this new technology in the field owing to worlds. the virtual and real its ability to combine with is due to its use in conjunction versatility Its of which the screen as a result portable devices, object or building and discover what a no longer what object or building and discover like looked have would or elements extant work or virtual recreation. copy a by producing to interpret The potential of augmented reality in the field of heritage has early precedents of Archeoguide the experiences archaeology: ( Lifeplus the possibilities and which demonstrated (Italy), heritage Historic of this technology. versatility project in the iTacitus was also represented ( (Turin, of Venaria Palace the Royal scenario an These early experiments stemmed from Italy). an interpretive as in augmented reality interest parts of the past. recovering for resource in recent exponentially has grown This interest spectrum of possible giving rise to a broad years, mations of the many organic and plant forms plant forms organic and of the many mations which architecture, of Gaudí’s characteristic their mobile de of on the screen life to come of sources the brilliant architect’s revealing vices, - resource [online inspiration reality 2.3.3 Augmented that is a digital technology Augmented reality impact on the heritage field, ashas made a huge but section on conservation, pointed out in the success greatest it has achieved perhaps where the interpreta and is being applied the most is in heritage. Augmented of tion and dissemination one and is significant novelties of offers reality in of experimentation the most fruitful areas virtual recon with three-dimensional combination techniquesstructions based on photogrammetric makes and 3D laser scanning. This technology of anit possible to view the earlier appearance technology. The videoguide also includes ani videoguide also The technology. 196 ]. -

was 195 video ARTE for mobile devices mobile devices for 197 belonging to the University belonging to the University 198 videoguide Moptil (Mobile Optical Illusions) Optical (Mobile Moptil during the visit by means of augmented reality during the visit by means of augmented reality various rooms, such as those of the famous main such as those of the famous main various rooms, construction on a model of and the stages floor, which they will experience of the building today, in time as a virtual reconstruction shows the in time as a virtual reconstruction the decorated once that original furniture further experience in the sector. further experience house, visitors go back the tour of the During the video guide was developed by the the video guide was developed group research which has of Robotics, Institute of Valencia’s about Antonio Gaudí’s architecture. Available for for Available architecture. about Antonio Gaudí’s 2014 in as many as ten languages, visitors since a unique landmark building, the Casa Batlló in a unique landmark building, the Casa Batlló a Barcelona: information thorough exceptionally provides that We find one of the most significant examples We in reality of the use of augmented and virtual Casa Batlló will be extended to other places like Delphi and Delphi like will be extended to other places - resource [online the Asclepeion of Kos to the cult of each of the gods. The application application to the cult of each of the gods. The such as is used in other sites of ancient Greece it and Lindos, and during 2017 Knossos, Olympia models for a close-up view of the architectural view of the architectural a close-up models for and to go inside details of each construction devoted the areas which recreate these spaces, BC using movement sensors and the device’s and the device’s sensors BC using movement into the virtual is possible to zoom It orientation. comprehensive view of the buildings and original view of the buildings and comprehensive allowing visitors to decoration, polychrome century as it was in the fifth the complex explore a virtual reconstruction of the ancient Acropolis of the ancient Acropolis a virtual reconstruction a studies and offers based on archaeological devices that visitors to a particular site can use visitors to a particular site can that devices the case of Ath In resource. as an educational of consists called Acroptilis, ens, the application, sites such as the Athens Acropolis. The Greek The Greek Acropolis. as the Athens sites such company mobile an app for entrusted with developing We find very interesting cases of 3D virtual cases of 3D virtual interesting very find We archaeological time at in real reconstruction Athens Parthenon Athens The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 168 (using visualmappingtechniques), allowingthem outlines ofthesepaintings willinstantlyappear device’s cameraat thecave paintingandthe visitors whousetheappcanpointtheirmobile plete. Thankstoaugmentedreality technology, these cave paintings,asmostofthemare incom difficulty ofinterpreting the features depictedin The importance ofthisapplication liesinthe (Castellón delaPlana). la Plana) andtheCova Centelles inAlbocàsser Saltadora inLes Coves deVinromá (Castellón de Ulldecona (Tarragona), that ofLasCovas dela tour ofthree sites:thecave oflaErmita in app, whichisafundamentalpartoftheguided company, World Heritage byUNESCO in1998. ASpanish paintings, amongthem757sitesdesignated as Spain hasalargenumberofcaves containing digital pictographs.Thecoastal region ofEastern ern Spain more clearlybymeansofoverlaid HD allows userstoviewthecave paintingsofEast mented reality 2015 saw thepresentation ofeARt, an aug eARt view oftheculturalassetinquestion. of virtualcontent that recreates anenhanced fuller imageofreality through theincorporation the heritagefieldwhichprovide visitorswitha sent thelatest applications ofthistechnologyin The following caseshave beenchosentorepre virtual 3Dmodelsofheritage. visually combine real imageswithinformation or (through therecognition ofnatural features) to nition ofmarkers, geolocation orvisual mapping apps that usedifferent techniquessuchas recog technology intheheritagesectorform of This feature hasspurred theapplication ofthis recreations ofheritageusingvirtualreality). order tocomplement ourperception ofit(unlike overlaid information orvirtualreconstructions in ine combining theheritagesiteorobjectwith of oursmartphoneortabletcandisplay animag 2. Dissemination, enhancement Cineproad app 203 , for mobiledevices that 204 washired todesignthis and - education - - - - - reinforcement. taulas (stone monuments) withasidecolumn as notable for thepresence ofthelocaltype about thisIron Age culture. It isparticularly as itincludesseveral constructions that tellus Talaiotic settlementthat ishighlysignificant, on theabovementioned BalearicIsland hasa Trencada (Menorca). Thisarchaeological site of visitorstotheTalaiotic settlementofTorre that isdesignedtoenhance theexperience project includethis The objectives oftheMenorca Talayótica 3.0 Taula app carried outonthemtodate. of thecaves, thereby disseminating thestudies a mapofthelocation andthehistoryofeach English), aswell asfulltechnicalspecifications, information isprovided (inSpanish, Catalan and to appreciate thecomplete image.Additional phic tombsdugoutoftherock. so-called hypostylehallandtheanthropomor virtually, alongwiththeartificialburialcave, the The objectsfound at eachsiteare alsoshown inhabitants were like intheiroriginal context. animated charactersshow visitorswhat thelocal what theywould have once looked like, and overlaid toprovide thebestpossibleideaof reconstructions ofthesurvivingstructures are functioned through augmentedimages.Virtual society andthemonumentsfound onthesite remains, asvisitorsare shownhowthisearly for itsinterpretation ofthearchaeological that appearsonusers’mobiledevices, isnotable enhanced withtheaugmentedreality content island, amongotherfacts.Thevisitorexperience, in what periodofhistorytheyinhabitedthe the Talaiotic peoplewere, howtheylived, and (Catalan, Spanish, English andGerman) onwho multimedia information inseveral languages the siteshowingpointsofinterest with Visitors whousetheappcanconsult amapof augmented reality app 205

- EAGLE (Europeana Network of visualise a virtual reconstruction of the whole Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) building with its original decoration superim- posed onto the surviving remains in situ. Another The EAGLE206 (Europeana Network of Ancient salient feature of this tour of the site is the place Greek and Latin Epigraphy) project was devised where the Paten of Christ in Majesty – a Chris- by the Europeana Network to provide a database tian liturgical vessel whose iconography is of Greek and Latin epigraphy that would be partially preserved – was found. Augmented available online. According to its website, it reality is used to show on the device’s screen a will collect more than a million and a half items complete virtual reconstruction – based on relating to twenty-five EU countries as well as art-historical studies on Cástulo – overlaid on the east and south Mediterranean. The database the image of the paten, and helps disseminate will allow users to access the digitised content and add to the interest of the site. intuitively and features various search options and visual graphics. Since 2016, these services have included the Eagle Flagship Mobile App207 which is available from digital download plat- forms. It enables tourists to take a picture of any inscription from antiquity with a mobile device and look it up in the database, which can be consulted in situ. This makes it a very useful tool for both professionals and enthusiasts in general. EAGLE’s promotional video208 in the style of an animated comic strip with a humorous slant shows the advantages of this app for tourists. Figure 17 - Reconstruction using augmented reality of the Paten of Christ in Majesty from the Ibero-Roman site of Cástulo Virtual Cástulo (Jaén). Screenshot. Source: app Cástulo Virtual

As part of Cástulo’s Forvm MMX Project, an The Roman baths of l’Albir augmented reality app has been developed with the collaboration of the company esTRESd Another example of the important role aug- Patrimonio Virtual209 on the Ibero-Roman site of mented reality technology can play in the field of Cástulo (Jaén). It allows visitors to use mobile architecture is the interactive guide for mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets to view devices available to visitors to the open-air virtual reconstructions of the most significant museum Villa Romana de l’Albir. Some of the archaeological finds. Theapp ,210 available since features of this site can be reconstructed in situ 2016 from digital platforms, comes in English and by means of virtual reconstructions based on Spanish and provides a route map with informa- archaeological studies. The guide was designed tion about the points of interest, which have by Patrimonio Virtual211 and the University of panels with a marker that visitors need to cap- Alicante in collaboration with the council of ture with their device’s camera to access the Alfaz del Pi (Alicante) and was launched in 2014. reconstructions. One of the places of interest is Visitors to the site are lent an iPad with infor- in a building believed to have been devoted to mation in four languages (Spanish, Valencian, the cult of the Emperor Dominican (first century English and Norwegian) to use during the tour, AD), all that remains of which is part of the during which they come across a number of foundations and one of the four mosaics found panels with markers indicating places of interest, on the site, known as the “Mosaic of Love”. such as the ancient baths. They can view on the Augmented reality technology allows visitors to screen an overlaid virtual reconstruction of the

AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 169 The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 170 that hascreated oneofthemostimpressive Imageen Reliving History Tarraco project heritage inthenearfuture. major possibilitiesfor interpreting cultural financial company particularly futuristic,suchasthat oftheItalian offering trulycutting-edgeexperiences –some the growth andinterest invirtualapplications The importance ofthisaspectisborneoutby strate theirentertainmentandrational potential. – ourmostnatural way oflearning–anddemon unconscious, almostchildlike first-hand approach based onvirtualtechniquesallowfor anintuitive, were areal physicalspace. Theseexperiences environment andeven interactwithitasif explore, observe and examineaparticularvirtual reality. Using thesesmartglasses,itispossibleto implementation ofvirtualreality andaugmented in thefieldofheritageispartlydueto among others.Theinterest theyhave aroused Gear VR,Microsoft’s HoloLens andGoogleGlass, shown bycommercial modelssuch asSamsung the scene withsmartphonesandtablets,as years, astheyare graduallybeginningtoshare used mostwidelyintheheritagefield recent Of thesewearables, smartglasseshave been virtual/augmented reality glasses. kinds are smartwristbands,smartwatches and worn onsomepartofourbody. Thebestknown vices (smartphones andtablets) inthat theyare can bedistinguishedfrom portablehandheldde in theuseofdevices knownaswearables, which The pastfew years have seenadecisive increase AR smartglasses 2.4. Wearables: VRand interpret anddisseminate thesite. visitors andtheaccompanying archaeologists their originalLatin names.Thishelpsboththe baths, showingeachoftherooms identifiedby 2. Dissemination, enhancement Filas 212

213 – whichreflect their isaSpanish company and education - - and anothervideowithascrolling display that the Roman citywithitscurrent appearance such as360-degree views,avideocontrasting allows userstoaccess varioustypesofcontent of theseplaces appearsinthe and cultarea withthetempleofAugustus.Each 2000, suchasthecircus, forum, amphitheatre of Tarraco, designated aWorld Heritage Site in tance oftheenclaves oftheancientRoman city The Tarraco project isnotablefor theimpor province). towns suchasL’Espluga deFrancolí (Tarragona province) ortolearnaboutthepastofmedieval (present-day Tarragona) andCambrils(Tarragona aspects ofRoman culture inthecitiesofTarraco sites withseveral pioneeringprojects torecover a 360-degree reconstruction ofarchaeological headsets (SamsungGEARVR).Theappprovides tablets) and,more recently, for virtualreality apps for mobiledevices (smartphones or with thescrolling display. Screenshot. Source: appImageen Figure 18-360-degree viewoftheRoman amphitheatre ofTarraco English andFrench. several languages,includingSpanish, Catalan, connected toGoogleMaps andis available in The appalsoincludesalocation mapthat can be splendour [online resource - the ancientconstruction restored toitsformer amphitheatre we canwatch agladiator fightin characteristic ofeachplace: for example,inthe of peoplefrom theperiodengagedinactivities reation featuring real actorswhoplay thepart virtual reconstruction, accompanied by arec compares thecurrent appearance with the video app ]. , 214 215 which - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 171 - - - - is 227 example 224 ]. It is designed as an It is provided by is provided 226 video . a Spanish company specialised company a Spanish edutainment 225 , Immersive Worlds Immersive AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E who supervises the content provided during the provided who supervises the content interact with the elements of the Users activity. and, depending on their virtual environment to evaluated can be their conduct responses, An establish the learning process. scenes represented in relief, from the mythical from in relief, represented scenes Aeneas of the figures through origins of Rome to the solemn and Remus and the twins Romulus in which the imperial family liturgical procession the history and even of Augustus is represented, fol suffered of the vicissitudes the monument and subsequent restoration lowing its discovery - resource [online process - inMediaStudio Worlds Inmersive An example of inMediaStudio expe and educational immersive in developing the designed to achieve – a combination riences in the field of education. best results with 3D and 360-degree The use of a device the virtual con viewing enables users to enjoy tent of by a teacher, can be controlled that installation so that the experience provided both virtual and both virtual and provided the experience so that content. augmented was designed which project, implement the To of the Roman appearance to show the original used for a 3D monitoring system was altar, the so that experience, the augmented reality of recognising be capable would application sculptural of the the three-dimensionality of the figures and of identifying each bas-reliefs the made it possible to overlay This represented. of the on the visual perceptions virtual elements the beautiful sculp observe visitors, who could by iconography their complex and tural reliefs An means of additional multimedia information. to the of this visit feature especially significant of the original was the reconstruction Ara Pacis based on hypotheses of the marble polychrome the studies and analyses carried devised from the audio track narrating and the out to date; to implement the augmented reality application, application, reality the augmented to implement

221 - 218 , ). Empty

217 , Using the virtual Using 220 . Azpitarte et al., 2015 as it was in the second El Ranchito

216 : to carry out this project, to carry out this project,

223 oppidum which sets out to restore the which sets out to restore project Cirugía Gráfica 222 , and ETT SpA 219 installed with a Samsung S7 smartphone in order smartphone in order installed with a Samsung S7 of Zètema Progetto Cultura. Progetto of Zètema Samsung Gear VR headset was The prototype sorato alla Crescita Culturale - Sovrintendenza Culturale alla Crescita sorato and organised as part Capitolina ai Beni Culturali reality was the technology used by the cultural reality company Capitale, Asses by Roma which was promoted splendour of this monument commemorating splendour of this monument commemorating of the victories of Augustus in the provinces again augmented and Gaul. Once Hispania century BC) is the focus of the project entitled of the project BC) is the focus century com’era L’Ara L’Ara com’era L’Ara Augustae (first The altar known as Ara Pacis use and features is provided. use and features in mind – the project includes a game consisting in mind – the project characteristic objects of the three for of searching on their period on which additional information streets and go inside homes. To further enhance homes. To and go inside streets visitors – especially with younger the experience at the site. The virtual reality system provides a system provides the site. The virtual reality at of immersion and a sensation view 360-degree to walk along the allows virtual visitors that The 3D virtual environment shows the utensilsThe 3D virtual environment basedin detail and the customs of this culture, found remains on the objects and archaeological century BC and gain first-hand knowledge of daily BC and gain first-hand century town ( in a Celtiberian life VR Zero a pad, visitors can experience headset and reality along the a stroll the scenes. Several Spanish organisations were were organisations Spanish Several the scenes. in this involved created using visual documentation from the from using visual documentation created the to ensure Nacional Arqueológico Museo needed to recreate accuracy archaeological a virtual recreation of the settlement during of the settlement recreation a virtual usingenjoyed be could its height of splendour was The virtual content Samsung Gear VR. The Celtiberian archaeological site of Numancia archaeological The Celtiberian in whichexperience the object of an was (Soria) Numancia and Samsung Gear VR Samsung Gear and Numancia - - which 215 214 , ]. app video Figure 18 - 360-degree view of the Roman amphitheatre of Tarraco of Tarraco amphitheatre view of the Roman 18 - 360-degree Figure app Imageen Source: Screenshot. display. with the scrolling compares the current appearance with the appearance the current compares by a rec accompanied virtual reconstruction, the part actors who play real featuring reation the period engaged in activities of people from example, in the for characteristic of each place: in fight a gladiator can watch we amphitheatre to its former restored the ancient construction - resource splendour [online can be map that The app also includes a location in and is available to Google Maps connected Catalan, languages, including Spanish, several and French. English tablets) and, more recently, for virtual reality virtual reality for recently, and, more tablets) VR). The app provides (Samsung GEAR headsets of archaeological reconstruction a 360-degree to recover pioneering projects several sites with of Tarraco in the cities culture aspects of Roman and Cambrils (Tarragona Tarragona) (present-day the past of medieval or to learn about province) (Tarragona de Francolí towns such as L’Espluga province). the impor is notable for project The Tarraco city ancient Roman of the of the enclaves tance in Site Heritage a World designated of Tarraco, amphitheatre forum, 2000, such as the circus, the temple of Augustus. Each with and cult area appears in the of these places of content various types allows users to access views, a video contrasting such as 360-degree appearance city with its current the Roman that display and another video with a scrolling apps for mobile devices (smartphones or (smartphones mobile devices apps for The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 172 [online resource - degree ofimmersioninthisjourneytime flying over Madrid, thusenjoying aneven greater Gran Vía in the1920s orlook out ofazeppelin could activate thetimemachine,walkalong provided for interactionat certain points:they characters inthestory, asthelinearstoryline or GearVR), visitorscould become themain By usingvirtualreality headsets(Oculus Rift the Leap Motion system. sequences, andinteractionwiththehandsusing camera tofilmtheactors, real-time videogame techniques: useofa360-degree stereoscopic This experience combined allthevirtualreality different settingsandphases. featuring actorsanda3Dreconstruction ofthe (CTNE) wasestablished –through arecreation when Compañía Telefónica Nacional deEspaña and trace itshistory–whichdates backto1924, Madrid’s Gran Víalooked like intheearlydays could discover what theTelefónica buildingon twentieth-century Spanish architecture. Visitors time for oneofthelandmarkbuildings (The firstskyscraper), wasajourneythrough The installation, called“ history ofthecompany’s former headquarters. environment where visitorscould trace the experience wasdevisedtoshowavirtual dación Telefónica Telecommunications As partoftheexhibitionon Fundación Telefónica El primerrascacielos- out [online resource - which ofthesurrounding columns istheoddone hall, usersmustexplore thespace anddecide of eachitsrooms. On arrivinginthehypostyle the recreation ofanEgyptian templewithatour 2. Dissemination, enhancement 230 video (Madrid, 2017), animmersive 229 hostedby video ]. El primerrascacielos 232 ]. The History of 228 Espacio Fun and education - ” 231

Real Academia deBellasArtesinMexico. when someoftheplastercastswere senttothe de SanFernando) becameeven more complex the collection oftheAcademia deBellasArtes originals andtheplastercopies (which passedto This specialconnection between theNaples sculptures andsenttothekingfrom Naples. subsequently madeofthebronze andmarble Roman antiquities,though plastercastswere and engravers were enlistedtodocumentthe before departingfor Spain in1740. Draughtsmen chiefly at theVillaof Papyri in Herculaneum, of disseminating theantiquitiesfound there, – prompted CharlesIIItoundertake thetask discoveries at Herculaneum, Pompeii andStabiae An exceptional event –thearchaeological dissemination ofAntiquity Charles IIIandthe visiting allthree exhibition venues andpersonally in timetothemomentof thediscovery before 4K 360-degree VRdevices, visitorscould goback was created at eachvenue where, withthe aidof and initiative of The virtualexperience wasdesignedat the exhibition venues. respective destinations, aswell asthethree amazing discovery totheplastercastsintheir locations where thisstorytookplace, from the environment madeitpossibletovisitallthe The novel feature wasthat thevirtualreality played bytheenlightenedking. using digitaltechnologiestofocus ontherole designed toshowtheimportance ofthisfeat, the logico Nazionale diNapoli Fernando ues, the which tookplace simultaneouslyat three ven Carlos IIIyladifusióndeAntigüedad archaeological heritageinspired the exhibition The existence ofthesethree places linked by Academia deSanCarlos Future Lighthouse Real Academia deBellasArtesSan 234 (Madrid, Spain), the Acción Cultural Española . 238 Animmersive space 235 (Naples, Italy), and 236 (Mexico) andwas Museo Archeo 237 233 (AC/E) (2017), - - Figure 19 -4K360-degree panoramicviewoftheroom oftheMuseo Archeologico Nazionale diNapoli. Screenshot. Source: YouTube was designedespeciallyto attract ayounger It wasoneoftheoptionsoffered to visitorsand tion of theresources usedat the In 2015,GuidiGO’s appfor GoogleGlass wasone contextualises what we are viewing. accessing multimediacontent that illustrates and work whilelisteningto acommentary and floor we are onorstoppingtoviewasignificant the thematic routes tofollowing theplanof various optionsrangingfrom choosingoneof Google Glass targetedat culturalspaces. It offers GuidiGO we shouldstress the work oftheFrench firm While onthesubjectofdevices ofthiskind, Google Glass andGoogleCardboard resource - twenty-first-century equivalentofcasting [online virtual modelswere printed,proving tobethe In addition,two 3Dprintersshowed howthe view the(virtual) originalsalongside their copies. beside theplastercasts,sothat visitorscould techniques anddisplayed ontabletslocated pieces were madeusing photogrammetric ogy, asdigitalmodelsofeachthe original not theonlyexampleofcutting-edgetechnol This experience designedfor the exhibitionwas information aboutthepieces ondisplay there. meeting thecurators andreceiving additional channel oftheReal Academia deBellasArtesSanFernando 241 heldat theGrand Palais inParis (France). , 240 video apioneerindesigninganappfor ]. 239 Velázquez exhibi - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 173 - - - of the virtual 242 examples AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E resources for materialising digital heritage have digital heritage have materialising for resources and their led their applicability to be explored, – so much so to amaze continuing are results these technologies new, although relatively that, in a number a fruitful track record have already The major advantages digitally documenting The major advantages digitally documenting conservation in the fields of heritage has to offer for been recognised have and dissemination been they have years some time, but in recent of other by the appearance hugely broadened models three-dimensional allow techniques that the beyond of cultural objects to be taken screen. highly inter This new dimension has brought in the field of dissemination esting prospects are as it is based on digital technologies that of heritage. and respectful non-invasive which mapping, projection Some of these are using form these virtual graphics material gives and 3D printers, which are light projections, solution to hailed as the twenty-first-century casting. by these offered and lines of work The prospects audioguides. of the possibilities tested company 2106 the In incorporating by devices on mobile virtual reality the possibility of en app Tour into the Imaginary with views compatible and 360-degree 3D joying platform the virtual reality Google Cardboard, a foldable by Google based on also developed to devices allows mobile base that cardboard The company’s glasses. reality be used as virtual a few displays website make that using Google Cardboard visualisations depicted in one the room it possible to explore famous paintings, visit the temple Gogh’s of Van the Colos or see (Egypt) in Dendera of Hathor eyes. a gladiator’s through seum in Rome digital heritage 2.5 Materialising audience or people not fond of traditional of traditional or people not fond audience - - exhibi Velázquez 239 ]. a pioneer in designing an app for a pioneer in designing an app for video 240 , held at the Grand Palais in Paris (France). (France). in Paris Palais the Grand held at 241 channel of the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando de Bellas Artes de San Academia channel of the Real was designed especially to attract a younger a younger was designed especially to attract tion to visitors and was one of the options offered It In 2015, GuidiGO’s app for Google Glass was one Google Glass app for 2015, GuidiGO’s In the used at of the resources accessing multimedia content that illustrates and illustrates that multimedia content accessing viewing. are we what contextualises the thematic routes to following the plan of the to following routes the thematic on or stopping to view a significant we are floor and while listening to a commentary work GuidiGO offers It cultural spaces. at targeted Google Glass choosing one of various options ranging from While on the subject of devices of this kind, on the subject of devices While firm French of the the work should stress we Google Glass and Google Cardboard and Google Glass twenty-first-century equivalent of casting [online equivalent of casting twenty-first-century - resource In addition, two 3D printers showed how the 3D printers showed addition, two In to be the proving printed, virtual models were techniques and displayed on tablets located located on tablets techniques and displayed visitors could casts, so that beside the plaster their copies. originals alongside view the (virtual) not the only example of cutting-edge technol example of not the only of the original as digital models of each ogy, photogrammetric made using were pieces This experience designed for the exhibition was the exhibition for designed This experience meeting the curators and receiving additional and receiving the curators meeting there. display on the pieces about information Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli. Screenshot. Source: YouTube YouTube Source: Screenshot. di Napoli. Nazionale Archeologico Figure 19 - 4K 360-degree panoramic view of the room of the Museo of the Museo panoramic view of the room 4K 360-degree - 19 Figure The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 174 tions ideallysuitedtoexhibition venues which, nating heritagethrough small-scalereproduc 3D printingplays an important role indissemi Virtex andLight the screen. functions byphysicallymaterialising itbeyond of records we calldigitalheritage additional what 3Dprintingdoes is give thevastcollection visualise anddisseminate heritageassets,but structions inseveral applications whichhelp These modelshave beenusedfor virtualrecon of themwithahighdegree ofdetailandrealism. cultural assets,andtheexistence of3Dmodels which make itpossibletoextensively document 3D scanningandphotogrammetrictechniques, discussed theimportance toculturalheritageof physically materialising them.We have already of 3Dmodelsandtheeasereproducing and revival ofsuchresources thankstotheaccuracy models, whichhave spurred somethingofa ity hasbeeninheritedtoanextentby3D-printed ensured theirpopularityandlongevity. Thisqual permanent –aspectswhichhave traditionally tages ofphysicalmodelsthat are tangibleand for alongtimeinthisfieldowingtotheadvan such asmodelsandmock-ups have beenaround capabilities. We shouldnotforget that resources already proved itsinterpretive potentialand despite beingthenewest technology, ithas a strong foothold intheheritagefieldandthat, There isnodoubtthat 3Dprintinghasgained opening upfurthernewhorizons inthissector. heritage. Today theemergence of3Dprintersis preservation, enhancement anddissemination of results whichare having animpactonthe gies toculturalheritagehasreaped successful In recent years theapplication of3Dtechnolo 2.5.1 3Dprinting and benefits for heritage. tions that are fullyconvinced oftheirpotential of fields,spearheadedby companies andinstitu 2. Dissemination, enhancement and education ------virtual copy ofthesculpture withitsoriginal the an externalprocessor. When theuserhandled via awireless USBconnection that relayed itto which, togetherwithtactilesensors,sentdata This systemconsisted oforientation sensors incorporated intotheprinted1:6scalereplica. adjusted toinstalladevice tobesubsequently sculpture tobemadefor printingandpreviously Project carried outaspartof was used.The3Dmodelbasedonthework Porta first century BCknownasthe called Virtex,theRoman sculpture from the 2014 (Capurro etal.,2015).For thefirstsystem, international exhibition Visual Dimension Virtex andLight their educational value.Such isthecaseof in combination withothertechnologies,enhance means ofanastylosis[online resource - excavation andsubsequentreconstruction by original polychrome andhistoricalrecords onthe the altar, includingareconstruction ofthe iconography contained inthereliefs decorating the screen showingthedetailsofcomplex augmented virtualcopy would thenappearon pressed eachofthepointsinterest. An as here theuserdidnothandlepiece but the surface ofthe3D-printed1:37scalemodel, system consisted solelyoftactilesensorson and Gaul,whichledtopeace. In thiscasethe Augustus’s victoriesintheprovinces ofHispania The monumentwaserected tocommemorate (first century BC),located inthecityof Rome. the monumentandaltarof The VirtexLightsystemtookasareference nography ofthisuniqueRoman artwork. a videoexplainingthecharacteristicsandico points ofinterest which,whenpressed, activated on thereal model.There were alsoanumberof stallation andreproduced theuser’s movements polychrome appeared onascreen nexttothein Augustus of Prima Porta , housedintheVatican Museums inRome, , 245 whichenabledadigitalcopy ofthe , 244 whichwere usedfor the The Digital Sculpture 243 Keys toRome systemsdeveloped by , athree-dimensional Ara Pacis Augustae Augustus of Prima during video ]. - 246

- The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 175 - - used 3D 252 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E tall and printed in resin-bonded powdered powdered tall and printed in resin-bonded gypsum with many of the detailed parts in 3D-printed nylon, it is a sectional model of the the allows visitors to appreciate main chapel that interior in detail. church’s Recent advances in scanning, modelling and 3D in scanning, advances Recent cre made it possible to printing techniques have models simply. physical accurate extremely ate Group Heritage Building The Digital of a model of the church printing to produce Lady of the Newarke, of Our the Annunciation in the sixteenth century. which was destroyed in 1353 by was founded church This collegiate of Lancaster, Duke first of Grosmont, Henry and boasts an important past, as it housed a of thorns which attracted the crown from relic of this medieval remains pilgrims. The little that in situ in the Hawthorn is preserved church (Leicester, University Montfort of De Building on the site. which was erected Kingdom), United the university This important link between the spurred building and the medieval church which establishment of a new heritage centre a 3D-printed model based on digitised displays 50 centimetres studies. Standing archaeological as a basis other complete putti in the decorative putti in the decorative other complete as a basis was gleaned information the necessary scheme, new which two from digital models to produce made heads were The new obtained. heads were modified to fit the were and polymer, from resulting effect The perfectly. figures incomplete sculptural in the chapel’s was of visual unity and totally and this non-invasive decoration, the original respects technique that reversible to be a valid means of reinte proved materials losses. grating of the Annunciation Church Lady of the Newarke of Our Kingdom) United (Leicester, buildings architectural of landmark Models been one of the most popular interpretive have highly as they are centuries several for resources of their tangibility. on account educational were missing their heads and some limbs. Taking limbs. Taking heads and some missing their were - - Fab Fab 249 ]. Ara Pacis Pacis Ara video Examples 248 ). in the use of 3D printing 250 a Venetian company currently in currently company a Venetian in Rome. There is a version with a is a version There in Rome. was to use low-cost resources such as resources was to use low-cost 247 D’Agnano et al., 2015 D’Agnano , 251 were part of the decoration of the chapel and part of the decoration were data acquisition techniques and free software software and free techniques acquisition data digital models and 3D-printed copies. to create putti that of two on sculptures They focused dall’Argine (, Italy). The aim of this Italy). (Mantua, dall’Argine project Lab Imprimatvr-lab one of the chapels from figures to reassemble of the Castello di San Martino of the church heritage has been stressed on various occasions, on various occasions, heritage has been stressed dello Spazio La Rivoluzione the event such as at by achieved the results which showed 3D, The importance of 3D technologies to cultural The importance Church of the Castello di Church dall’Argine San Martino video guide for smartphones or tablets for the smartphones or tablets for video guide for - resource general public [online basilica of San Giorgio Maggiore in and in Venice Maggiore basilica of San Giorgio of the the monument during 2015 at Augustae enhancing the tactile experience with additional enhancing the tactile experience the So far it has also been tested at resources. commentary. Tooteko was specially designed Tooteko commentary. each of the monuments, in situ at to be placed of this kind by to visitors making them accessible was also designed which, when used by blind was also designed which, when used by touch, recognised each replica people to read the same and activated the points of interest system consisted of buttons that activated the activated of buttons that system consisted though a digital ring headphone commentaries, sensors that sent the information to earphones to earphones sent the information sensors that about the particular information which through This audio-tactile monument was provided. were used, based on digital modelling, to pro used, based on digital were prints embedded with tactile the first 3D duce visitors ( or the plan of the cathedral such as the ground Milan, castle, both in façade of the Sforzesco programme, used 3D printers in combination in combination used 3D printers programme, heritage technology to offer with wireless adapted to blind or sight-impaired dissemination Tooteko innovation Accelerator in the TIM #Wcap volved Tooteko The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 176 activities involving thedissemination andpro Projection mappinghasbeenwidelyusedin interiors, tocreate thedesired illusion. only beusedinspaces withdimlighting,suchas sites isthat theyare static installations that can of theapplication ofvideo mappingtoheritage digital projection. Anadditionalcharacteristic resulting from thecombination ofreal objectand projected inorder toachieve anaccurate image geometric forms ontowhichtheyare to be to correctly alignthedigitalimagesand The mainchallengeofprojection mappingis surfaces orreal objects. in 3D, projecting textures orimagesonto uneven images canbein2D, alignedonaflat surface, or objects that coexist withthereal world. These digital projectors tocreate theillusionofvirtual Images are projected ontoreal objects using digital information overlaid onthereal space. display (such asmobiledevices) toviewthe that visitorsdonotrequire anintermediate heritage, projection mappinghastheadvantage why, compared toothertechnologies appliedto environment, notonlytheirfieldofvision.This is by imageswhichare integrated intotheuser’s Here the physicalenvironment istransformed reality through projections oflight. – tocreate new, illusoryforms andtransform – anarchitectural structure oraparticularobject it consists ofvideoprojections onasolidsurface especially indisseminating heritage.In thiscase digital technologiesandhasproven highlyuseful, developed onlyrecently inconnection with ty-first-century technologyasthe concept was Projection mappingcanbeconsidered atwen environment. can againbegiven amaterial form inareal acquisition and3Dmodellingprocesses, heritage another exampleofhow, following thedata Projection mapping(or videomapping) is 2.5.2 Projection 2. Dissemination, enhancement

mapping 253 and education - - Taüll 1123 the audiovisualshowfactor. mapping for disseminating heritage,apartfrom Both casesillustrate thepotentialofprojection elements oftheunfinishedcathedral of Cuenca. of thetwentieth century, andthearchitectural the architect AntonioGaudíat thebeginning of theCasaBatlló before itwasremodelled by the historyofbuildings,showingstate both casestheyinvolved recreating momentsin on thefaçadeofCuenca cathedral (Spain). In of thedeath ofthewriterMiguel deCervantes poética delalibertad presented in2016aspartoftheexhibition the CasaBatlló (Barcelona), andtheprojection (The awakening ofthedragon) onthefaçadeof projection entitled“ sual shows.In Spain, we mightcitethevideo decades. There are manyexamplesofaudiovi motion ofculturalheritageover thepasttwo Clemente deTahull. Screenshot. Source: Vimeo Figure 20-Projection mappingat thechurch ofSan comparison withthosehousedintheMNAC digitally restore anddocumentthemthrough still preserved insitu.Thismadeitpossibleto and ledtotherecovery oftheoriginalremains of theoriginalpaintingsdecorating theapse Taüll 1123 in order tosafeguard them.Theproject, called Museu Nacional d’Art deCatalunya (MNAC), whose originalpaintingsare housed inthe of SanClementedeTahull (Vall deBoí,L was that carriedoutontheRomanesque church A notablecaseoftheuseprojection mapping , 256 beganbyrestoring theplastercopy 255 El despertardeldragón markingthe4thcentenary érida), La ” 254 -

The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 177 - - 259 ]. Ridel Ridel which 260 , video of Bordeaux of Bordeaux 261 Keys To Rome To Keys 263 ]. video LaBRI - Laboratoire Bordelais Bordelais - Laboratoire LaBRI For example, a bust of Ptolemy For 262 ). AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E de Recherche en Informatique de Recherche mapping and used projection (France) University and technology applied to damaged sculptures ( not be fully appreciated could that reliefs et al., 2014 fea badly blurred with known as “Caesarion”, XV, the exhibition in the Library of at was used tures means of 3D projections, By Alexandria (Egypt). of the a digital restoration view visitors could bust with the missing fragments reincorporated. Museum Pierson the Allard the exhibition at At a mapping was used for video in Amsterdam, deco onto which the original polychrome relief elements restoring thereby was projected, ration academic studies lost but known from were that - resource [online environment where visitors can visualise the can visualise visitors where environment and the decoration chapel’s of the evolution while an there, once were paintings that fresco details. explains the off-commentary made it mapping has this case projection In techniques to projection possible to use digital that decoration the historic polychrome recover - resource [online is no longer extant of Caesarion restoration Digital Some of the most significant technological heritage assets were disseminating tools for exhibition on the used during the international Rome, of Imperial culture Sarajevo, simultaneously in Rome, took place and Alexandria during 2014. One Amsterdam was which Flashlight, of them was Revealing the at developed after the abbot who had it built. It creates an creates it built. It abbot who had after the - - implemented 258 257 ]. installed in the chapel of Paternina, which is installed in the chapel of Paternina, and named of the atrium the front at located This dissemination tool, called “El pórtico de la tool, called “El pórtico This dissemination system is a 3D projection of light), luz” (Portico light the original colour of the materials that had that of the materials light the original colour time. faded over centuries, based on the studies conducted during during based on the studies conducted centuries, to brought which have process the restoration this heritage. One is the use of projection map is the use of projection this heritage. One of the polychrome the evolution ping to trace the sixteenth to the twentieth time, from over There are several proposals for disseminating disseminating for proposals several are There undergone various types of work using state- undergone various types of work technology with a view to opening it of-the-art permanently. Fundación Catedral Santa María Santa Catedral Fundación of the cathedral to fully restore plan a complex which has so far de Vitoria (Álava), Santa María Santa María (Vitoria-Gasteiz) Santa María video of de la luz - Cathedral Pórtico architecture which was granted World Heritage Heritage World which was granted architecture - resource [online in 2000 UNESCO by status tion with Playmodes to provide an audiovisual to provide tion with Playmodes the compositional in detail displayed show that Romanesque gem of Catalan elements of this the walls of the church’s apse, thus returning it thus returning apse, of the church’s the walls was as in 1123. An animation to its full splendour in collabora Burzon*Comenge also designed by Projection mapping was put into practice by was put into practice mapping Projection onto paintings restored the digitally projecting in order to produce a digital reintegration that that a digital reintegration to produce in order paintings. of the original the appearance showed

- 254 ” La rida), érida), marking the 4th centenary centenary marking the 4th El despertar del dragón El despertar 255 began by restoring the plaster copy plaster copy the began by restoring 256 , Figure 20 - Projection mapping at the church of San church the mapping at 20 - Projection Figure Vimeo Source: Screenshot. Clemente de Tahull. A notable case of the use of projection mapping A notable case of the use of projection church the Romanesque carried out on was that Boí, L de (Vall of San Clemente de Tahull housed in the whose original paintings are (MNAC), de Catalunya d’Art Nacional Museu called The project, them. to safeguard in order 1123 Taüll the apse of the original paintings decorating of the original remains and led to the recovery possible to in situ. This made it still preserved them through and document digitally restore with those housed in the MNAC comparison decades. There are many examples of audiovi examples of many are There decades. the video might cite we Spain, In sual shows. entitled “ projection of on the façade of the dragon) (The awakening and the projection (Barcelona), the Casa Batlló exhibition in 2016 as part of the presented de la libertad poética de Cervantes of the writer Miguel of the death In (Spain). cathedral Cuenca on the façade of moments in recreating involved both cases they buildings, showing the state the history of the by it was remodelled before of the Casa Batlló the beginning Antonio Gaudí at the architect and the architectural century, of the twentieth Cuenca. of elements of the unfinished cathedral potential of projection the Both cases illustrate heritage, apart from disseminating mapping for the audiovisual show factor. 1123 Taüll motion of cultural heritage over the past two the past two over cultural heritage motion of The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 178 indicate thenewway forward for heritageand which hasachieved very promising results that and ground-breaking nature, aswell asresearch experimental stageowingtotheirpioneering We willincluderecent studiesstillat the results achieved inthescientific community. among themostimportantresearch projects and widely discussedat scientific events. Theyare through specialistpublications andhave been The experimentsinquestionare knownonly scientific research. here prioritywillbegiven torecent pioneering cases ofgoodpractice inthesector, though As intheprevious sections,we willinclude technologies. illustrate thepotentialandversatility ofthese far-reaching importance totheheritagefieldand used orimplementedinpractice butare of digital technologieswhichhave yet tobewidely This sectionwillfocus onacademicstudies 3. RESEARCH 3. Research knowledge ofheritage. ways ofpreserving andpromoting oursociety’s more active thanever andisbringingbetter heritage anddigitaltechnologiesisbecoming the factthat therelationship between cultural All theseexperiences are anevidentreflection of projects outsidetheempiricalfield. are apointofdeparture for implementingthese new ways ofusingtechnologicalresources and from othersimilarexperimentsinthat theyoffer We alsoincludeanalyticalstudieswhichdiffer excellent results. through multidisciplinaryteamshasreaped oration between different areas ofknowledge private entrepreneurial initiatives where collab by publicinstitutions,whileothersare partof projects are government-aided andconducted future. Someofthesenational andinternational which we canexpecttoseeintherelatively near - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 179 - - Meschini Meschini This monumental 266 ). 265 ). Versaci et al., 2014 Versaci AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E also used 3D laser scanning as an experimental analysing structural deterioration method for of San Cataldo and damage in the church ( () masonry building had been plagued by evident out to locate structural tensions. structural out to locate elements such certain that revealed The results in the ensem a structural role played as cornices the approach ble, evidencing the usefulness of of the and the potential of the various phases 3D laser from with data method in combination scanning. and test a aim was to propose The ultimate is, an scheme to define a method, that working be used to study could that process operational of – not only that vulnerability to earthquakes in Senigallia, but fortress Roveresca the Rocca contexts. other similar architectural 3D laser scanning and structural diagnosis and Architecture of Engineering The Faculty Italy) (Sicily, di Enna Kore of the Università culturali e del turismo (MiBACT), who devised who devised e del turismo (MiBACT), culturali efficient structural obtaining for FEM models by caused to detect local abnormalities evidence walls. and cracks in the discontinuities internal justified was Roveresca of Rocca The choice its structural system is char by the fact that different with layers acterised by architectural techniques ( and construction materials et al., 2015 carried tasks were acquisition First of all data scanning and endoscopic out using 3D laser it possible to delineate made techniques that obtain and, accordingly, of the layers the traces detailed 3D models to apply the finite different obtained element method. The point cloud was then used to apply the each element for of algorithms, a by means method whereby, clusters of points from was produced “mesh” analysis to be carried enabled a comparative that ration with the Ministero dei beni e delle attività e delle attività dei beni Ministero with the ration - - - - - (SAD) in collabo (SAD) 264 Scuola di Ateneo di Architettura di Architettura Scuola di Ateneo e Design “Eduardo Vittoria” “Eduardo e Design The research was carried out by an interdisciplin The research the ary team at numerical system for detecting flaws caused by detecting flaws numerical system for unknown structural tension. models that could be used to conduct analyses be used to conduct could models that a (FEM), by means of the finite element method The military fortress of Rocca Roveresca in the in the Roveresca of Rocca The military fortress was chosen as Italy) town of Senigallia (Ancona, of 3D the development the object of study for Finite element method in 3D models greater refinement in our analyses of heritage refinement greater assets. handled in different ways and makes it possible it possible makes and ways handled in different with tasks to be conducted experimental for detail, leading to of depth and degrees different this field. It can be concluded that extremely extremely concluded that It can be this field. allows 3D models to be digital data accurate cultural elements with a view to carrying out cultural elements with a view to on the record studies to improve art-historical so far in ing and diagnostic methods known Some of the proposals highlighted here con highlighted here Some of the proposals specifically on digitising heritage as a centrate analysing means of measuring, selecting and known. digital models produced but above all because all because but above digital models produced 3D modelling it shows the many applications and making heritage in safeguarding can have has focused on this area and has aroused interest interest and has aroused on this area has focused accurate not only because of the high-quality, It is therefore not surprising that much of the much of surprising that not therefore is It years in recent conducted specialised research perfected the task of acquiring data and digitis data of acquiring the task perfected ing heritage. produce amazingly accurate 3D digital models of amazingly accurate produce This is due to the development cultural heritage. have and methodologies that of new techniques Digital technologies have made it possible to made it technologies have Digital 3.1 Data acquisition acquisition 3.1 Data digitisation and 3D The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 180 recreations ofheritage. achieving trulyuniqueand hithertounseen their pastappearance based onsurvivingrecords, 3D digitalmodelsprovide, itispossibletoconvey experimentation anddigital recombination that the past,buttoday, thankstothe possibilitiesof many ofourmonumentsdiffers from that of of historicheritage.Thecurrent appearance of is increasingly beingcarriedoutonothertypes field ofarchaeology, though research ofthiskind of theacademiccommunity, especiallyinthe elements. Thisaspecthasaroused theinterest be very fruitfulinrecovering lostarthistorical experimental aspectthat iscurrently proving to digital modelsofheritageassetsalsohasan The application oftechnologiestoacquiring future. those that could be potentiallyseriousinthe modifications that were takingplace, including evaluate deteriorated materials andstructural techniques, thisprocess makes itpossibleto of digitalmodels.Compared toothertraditional in-depth studybymeansofathorough analysis The data collected wasusedtocarryoutan plan ofthechurch. a considerably detailedandcomplete geometric by thequadcopter, itmadepossibletoproduce cracks. Together withtheinformation gleaned evaluate eachofthestructuraldeformations and by smartphone.A3Dlaserscannerwasusedto camera andaWi-Fisystemwithremote control manned aerialvehicle (UAV) that incorporated a required theuseofaquadcopter, atypeofun of thenave ormicrofissures inthe ceiling, which part ofthevaultconcealed behindthecornice cally inaccessible areas ofthechurch, suchasthe to thenaked eye owingtotheirlocation inphysi technologies identifiedabnormalitiesnotvisible in thefaçadeandsidechapels,useofnew detected majorstructuralissuesfrom theoutset Although traditionalmethodsandtechnologies earlier restoration work. cal differences inthelandonwhichitstandsand structural problems stemmingfrom thegeologi 3. Research - - - used todocumentthechapelgraphicallyand In this casereverse engineeringtechniqueswere new technologies. significant elementsthat canbestudiedusing altarpiece that concealed theMonument are canvas (no longerextant) whichactedasamock the staircase andthecomplex paintedbackdrop richness oftheportal,andBaroque layout of in itsinterior. Thearchitectural andsculptural century tohousetheHoly Week Monument The chapelwasremodelled intheeighteenth 2015 cathedral toitsheightofsplendour( the Monument (or ofSanMarcos) ofZaragoza a pioneeringproject toreturn thechapelof In thisconnection, Zaragoza University hasrun projection mapping Equirectangular imagesand was puttocreate afictitious restoration most importantusetowhich projection mapping iconography were projected onto the portal.The states oremphasisingelements ofitssculptural light. Images, textures andvideosshowingearlier architectural features ofthechapelbymeans the chapelusingprojection mappingtohighlight In addition,aproposed layout wasdesignedfor better graphicdetails. niques were employed for thispurposetogather images obtainedfrom photogrammetrictech nave where thechapelis.Theequirectangular digital modeloftheinterior, theportaland The data gathered wasusedtocreate a3D time tobecarriedout. maps ofdamageenablingadiagnosticstudyover produce elevations, cross-sections, profiles and obtain data that canbeprocessed digitallyto are very accurate at recovering lostelementsand veying techniqueswashighlightedhere, asthey compared tophotographyandtraditionalsur these metrictechniquesindocumentingheritage photogrammetry. geometrically, namely3Dlaserscanningand ). 267 268 Theimportance ofusing Monzón, - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 181 - -

271 , Science and Science (AHRC and EPSRC). (AHRC 272 Representing Re-Formation Representing run by the University of Leicester, of Leicester, run by the University 270 , project AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E missioned by Thomas Howard, third Duke of Duke third missioned by Thomas Howard, illegit VIII’s Henry himself and for for Norfolk, of Richmond. Duke Fitzroy, son Henry imate priory Thetford originally intended for Both were The University of Leicester (UK) is notable for is notable for (UK) of Leicester The University technologies an important case in which digital part in helping reassemble a decisive played historic heritage using an effective scattered essential aspects of of three combination cultural heritage and new involving research art historical technologies. Sixteenth-century with 3D laser and 3D together documentation scanning techniques made it possible to recreate tomb monuments belonging to the Tudor two dynasty. The carried out of the research is one of the results by the team at important Tudor who analyse and recreate the monuments with funding from Programme Heritage com tomb monuments studied were The two 3D digital data acquisition techniques are not are techniques acquisition data 3D digital in history of a moment recreating limited to research recent asset; many more a heritage of on the virtual anastylosis focused are projects a fragmented in currently art historical objects of the elements where cases are These state. been but have not lost or destroyed past are either to various circumstances, dispersed owing or distributed among in other works to be reused worldwide. museum collections several unprecedented this method for The potential of in its original of historic heritage visualisation is boosted when it is used and context form with new fast prototyping in conjunction have techniques such as 3D printing, which the recover to in taking these efforts succeeded past one step further. in Norfolk tomb monuments Tudor Experiments in recovering the past through past through the in recovering Experiments - - 269 ). és et al., 2009 Portal appreciate the silver Renaissance altarpiece in altarpiece Renaissance the silver appreciate during the the main chapel, which disappeared War. Peninsular it was until the end of 2005 (the date it was date it was until the end of 2005 (the as to as well dismantled) on the HMD screen, This experiment involved a prototype head- a prototype This experiment involved headset or augmented reality mounted display vault as to enable users to view the Baroque the extant altarpiece for the augmented reality the augmented reality for the extant altarpiece was created. experience panel painting housed in the cathedral archive, archive, panel painting housed in the cathedral on which the digital model to be overlaid from work carried out prior to its dismantling was work altarpiece, the Renaissance as a basis. For taken used: a small was the only known visual source produced using photogrammetric techniques produced laser scanner during the and a ground-based Peninsular War. Peninsular vault, the 3D digital model the Baroque For and the silver altarpiece illustrating themes of illustrating altarpiece and the silver during the the Virgin, which was melted down augmented reality visualisation of the cathedral’s of the cathedral’s visualisation augmented reality appearance its Baroque main chapel, reproducing vault dismantled Baroque with the recently Photogrammetry and the Department of Con and the Department Photogrammetry Heritage of Cultural and Restoration servation of an consisted collaborated, of the university The experiment, on which the Department The experiment, on which the Department Geodes and of Cartographic Engineering, texts and involved employing photogrammetric employing texts and involved virtual reconstructions. techniques to create chapel. This experiment is an excellent example example is an excellent chapel. This experiment in heritage con reality of the use of augmented Another Spanish example is the pioneering Another Spanish out by the Universidad experiment carried main on the cathedral’s écnica de Valencia Polit 3D modelling and augmented reality 3D modelling and possible to show an earlier state of the chapel of of the chapel of state to show an earlier possible technologies. using digital the Monument of the no longer extant altar backdrop, which is backdrop, longer extant altar of the no it making photographs, archive known through (Norfolk), though they were unfinished when the Griffoni Polyptych priory was dissolved in 1540. The Griffoni Polyptych,273 a late fifteenth-century Although the initial design was not completed, altarpiece with paintings by Francesco del Cossa several parts were reused for a later monument and Ercole de’ Roberti, members of the Bolog- in St Michael’s Church (Framlingham, Suffolk, nese school, is the object of one of the most UK) and are still extant, though finished off in a interesting projects conducted by Fundación different style and with different materials. Factum (Madrid). This work was commissioned by the Griffoni family for the chapel of San Other parts of the unfinished monument were Vicente in the basilica of San Petronio (Bologna, abandoned in the ruins of the priority and were Italy). As in many similar cases, the altarpiece discovered during excavations conducted centu- was removed when the chapel passed to another ries later. These pieces are now scattered among family in 1726 and was later dismantled and sold various museums and institutions, including the to other owners. Sixteen paintings from the British Museum. original altarpiece still survive, scattered among nine museums and foundations in various parts The research focused on bringing together all of the world. these pieces of the original monument, not only its material remains but also records such The work of Factum Arte274 consisted in virtually as surviving sixteenth-century drawings, which reassembling the complete altarpiece with all the were dispersed. paintings currently housed in various institutions to produce an interpretive resource. 3D laser scanning and 3D prints were used to virtually dismantle the monuments at Framling- A 3D laser scanner was used to create a ham and recombine them with the unused parts three-dimensional digital model of each of the found in the ruins of the priory built in 1540. pieces, both front and reverse. High-definition photographs were likewise taken in order to As a result, the original Tudor tomb monuments capture the slightest details and the colour were reconstructed as they were originally of the paintings of the polyptych. The data intended by means of virtual anastylosis. 3D acquisition phase ended in October 2015 with printing techniques were used to recreate these various files to be used to document and study pieces of British history. the original pieces accurately.

There are future plans – showing the potential of digital tools as allies of heritage – to use 3D printing to create a replica in order to “recover” this Italian Renaissance work; it will be placed on display in the former Griffoni chapel, which was recently restored.

3.2 Analysis and interpretation

As 3D acquisition and digitisation technologies

Figure 21 – Virtual dismantling of the tomb monument develop and broaden their scope of application, of the third Duke of Norfolk at Framlingham. Photo: the next step will be to make available this huge University of Leicester. Source: amount of information to researchers and sector

182 3. Research The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 183 - - - - éneto tombs (Troodos (Troodos Guarnieri Guarnieri 277 ), an Italian cen ), an Italian Interdepartment Interdepartment 280 (), the ruins the (Austria), Roman military military Roman 278 (Germany), which date to which date (Germany), 279 281 ). Church of the Virgin or of Asinou of the Virgin Church AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E was implemented using NASA satellite images was implemented using NASA satellite was It Wind application. World the Web through and explore used to enable visitors to navigate a large park. grounds, the villa’s made up of complex, highly heterogeneous data, data, highly heterogeneous made up of complex, as in the case of heritage assets. With this idea in mind, Cirgeo ( Geomatics of Center Research (Italy), of Padua the University belonging to tre and documen an online management developed gleaned from handling data system for tation phases and documentation various resources to a particular cultural asset. The data related management system is based on a geodatabase ( types of datasets storing different for et al., 2016 was the Villa scenario The chosen test-case V in Castelfranco complex Bolasco Revedin which was built in and its grounds, Italy) (Treviso, resto several following the nineteenth century area. of the original fourteenth-century rations map, an interactive platform, The Web-GIS the the ancient Cyprus), region, of Carnuntum encampment the and castle (Germany) of Donaustauf Ilmendorf at found culture. period of the Hallstatt the late tools digital developing All these cases entailed augmented and mixed personal devices, for procedures, metadata new interactives, reality and intangible tangible of representing forms of storing ways and new 4D, heritage in 3D and via the internet. data and exchanging management data for Geodatabase to a primary refers of geodatabase The concept main advan Its data. ArcGIS storing model for types of GIS many different it stores tage is that databases in forming making it a major ally data, To date four case studies have been developed: been developed: have case studies four date To - - - - ITN- Digital Heritage Research Research Heritage Digital project (Initial Training Network for for Network Training (Initial project of the University of Technology in Cyprus, in Cyprus, of Technology of the University 275 276 network for sharing the various experiments and for network carried out in the field of heritage and research new technologies. ITN-DCH is aimed at both tangible and intan ITN-DCH is aimed at a gible heritage and its purpose is to create Lab period. a four-year it was begun in 2013 for heritage through digital technologies networks. heritage through by the Coordinated tions, industries, museums, archives and libraries tions, industries, museums, archives cultural and protect to document, preserve Digital Cultural Heritage: Projecting our Past to our Past Projecting Heritage: Cultural Digital effort as a collaborative which arose the Future), institu research the academic world, between This was the purpose of the European This was the purpose of the European DCH ITN-DCH project and implementing databases specialised in and implementing databases cultural heritage. and detection of 3D digital content in the field and detection of 3D digital content rise to many of cultural heritage. This has given specifically to designing devoted pilot projects significant areas of research involving the digi involving research of significant areas of tech development of heritage is the tisation the organisation nologies and systems to support To tackle these challenges, one of the most tackle these challenges, one of the most To supporting scientific discourse and, no less discourse supporting scientific this users who demand attracting importantly, digital information. the items to be incorporated and cross-searched, and cross-searched, the items to be incorporated data, analysing narratives, building semantic the stored information. This entails different This entails different information. the stored making sense and mechanisms for applications by allowing each of information of all this digital open repositories for this type of content, and type of content, this for open repositories and classify each element using the need to sort without losing data to retrieve suitable metadata used creatively and analytically, it is necessary it is necessary analytically, and used creatively of as the availability challenges such to address professionals. However, in order to provide provide to order in However, professionals. be and allow it to 3D digital content to access The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 184 devices) purposes. enhancement (design ofapplications for mobile (creation ofinter-institutional databases) and techniques), research, interpretation, recovery tion (photogrammetric and3Dlaserscanning techniques andtechnologiesfor documenta elements from thepastbyusingstate-of-the-art is designedtorescue thesecoastal heritage eventually demolished. TheTOVIVA project original morphologywasaltered ortheywere subsequent centuries, asaresult ofwhichtheir and becamepartoftheurbanagglomeration of were progressively relieved oftheirfunctions other economic activities,theseconstructions appearance ofpiracyandthedevelopment of When thiscontext changedowingtothedis context calledfor naval defence measures. sixteenth century, whenthesocio-political along Spain’s eastcoast whichdates from the and heritagevalueofthemilitaryarchitecture Valencia. It isdesignedtoenhance thehistoric Patrimonio oftheUniversidad Polit écnica de the Instituto Universitario deRestauración del and enhancement]) research project isrunby metadata and3Dmodelsfor theirinterpretation towers oftheValencian coast. Generating puesta envalor[Watchtowers anddefence y modelos3Dparasuinterpretación yefectiva litoral VAlenciano. Generacióndemetadatos The TOVIVA Project consultations orusingthetimelinefunction. spatial andtimesequences) bymeansofspecific the villafrom variousperspectives (geometric, database wasthat itallowed visitorstoexplore The mostinnovative feature ofthisGIS-based capturing aerialimagesofthislargearea. to documenttheexteriorsofcomplex by An unmannedaerialvehicle wasemployed the artisticfeatures of thearchitectural complex. the form oftextandimagesspecificallyshowing extracted from 3Dmodelsanddescriptionsin torical information, documents,ground plans The geodatabase elementsconsisted ofhis 3. Research TOVIVA 282 (TOrres deVIgía ydefensa del - - - database hasbeendesignedfor thispurpose works. Anopenandcollaborative internet medium tomanagesuchahugenumberof of eachtheseartworks relies onthedigital research intothevicissitudesandwhereabouts of theseworks immediately afterthewar. The civil warandcompare themwiththelocations safe places bytheRepublic duringtheSpanish catalogue theworks salvagedanddepositedin involves usingdigitaltechnologiestoexplore and of theUniversidad Complutense deMadrid, de Cultura Digital yMuseografía Hipermedia the research group and post-war), whichhasbeenrunsince 2015by sentation. Artisticheritageduringthecivilwar (Historical research andaccessible digitalrepre artístico durantelaguerracivilyposguerra representación digitalaccesible. Elpatrimonio The project entitled Statistics appliedtoartcatalogues by thecommunity in databases. Europeana, the and processed inorder tobeconsulted andused nologies that enablethisdata tobeacquired growing inpace withthedevelopment oftech Cataloguing heritageis anactivitythat israpidly PREFORMA project medium hastooffer. of knowledgeusingthepossibilitiesdigital tween historicalresearch andthemanagement of thisproject istoestablishtheconfluence be itinerary ofeachtheworks. Theultimate aim original ownersorpassedtoothers,mappingthe indicate what percentages were returned totheir out ofSpain andthosethat remained; theyalso ber andpercentage ofworks that were moved to statistical data gleanedtoascertain thenum already displayed ontheproject’s website relate of metadata handlingplatforms. Afew provide anumberofjointresults characteristic related analyses,establishing statistics that the process ofcataloguing eachitemandthe possibilities ofthesemanticweb have facilitated information. Theuse ofWeb 2.0toolsandthe so that researchers oranyone elsecanprovide Museum I+D+C.Laboratorio Investigación históricay results 284 283 285 - - -


The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 185 - - - Xie 288 ). AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E of monitoring and identifying early evidence of of monitoring and identifying early evidence of the elements of heritage the deformation to most contrast sites, especially in Asia. In like heritage monuments, in countries world China much of the historic heritage is made of based on complex algorithms. Its salient feature salient feature algorithms. Its based on complex in on detecting deformations it focuses is that of heritage buildings structures the architectural their long- affect that – one of the pathologies term conservation. Chinese was carried out by two The research of Infor the Department institutions, research of the Univer and Engineering Science mation Institute Fashion and the Zhejiang sity of Ningbo with the collaboration (Ningbo), of Technology Australian institutions, the School of of two University of Deakin Technology Information of Engineering and the College (Melbourne) (Melbourne), of Victoria University and Science to design an their efforts which coordinated and tracking method heritage detection effective ( sensor networks using wireless (EffeHDDT) et al., 2014 the importance sprang from The main concern have thus provided opportunities for producing producing for opportunities thus provided have amounts the large managing tools for innovative by day; day which is growing data of existing that to results leading this data interpreting for for and enhancement; prioritise knowledge new cultural heritage by offering promoting the use of make interaction that paradigms for heritage protecting or for data; large amount of research. fast, minimally invasive assets through artifi explain why the use of These applications the heritage field has been the in cial intelligence explore that projects research of various focus the enhancement, how it can help improve of cultural assets. and promotion conservation method EffeHDDT is China and from comes example The following a heritage monitoring system a study on creating The new applications of artificial intelligence intelligence of artificial applications The new -

- a 286 - - 287 , Workshop on Workshop PREFORMA biennial event currently in its tenth year which in its tenth year currently biennial event and highlights the most important research in this field. experiences as proven by the existence of the by the existence as proven Heritage Cultural for Intelligence Artificial cultural heritage. Shared interests have increas have interests cultural heritage. Shared in this field, giving rise to a ingly been found disciplines, of these two combination successful techniques and programmes. It is here that that is here It techniques and programmes. is also enjoying so-called artificial intelligence into research to relation in significant presence with the huge increase in the amount of digital with the huge increase and large-scale heritage digitisation information As for the analysis and interpretation of cultural the analysis and interpretation As for seen how the use of com have heritage, we in pace methods is rapidly growing putational of their digital archives. long term. The work of PREFORMA is to create PREFORMA is to create of long term. The work enable cultural institutions that tools open-code issue of quality and preservation the to address necessary for digital content to be transferred be transferred to digital content for necessary in the to be preserved in order formats to newer the institution. This means that memory insti the institution. This means that providers’ of software the mercy at tutions are it and in many cases makes future uncertain specifically designed for documents, images, specifically designed by usually produced sound, video etc. which are to unrelated providers different from software open-code tools for creating databases for digital for databases creating for tools open-code formats in file is normally stored Data content. approach to address the challenge of imple to address approach the preservation for menting quality standards by developing digital archives of long-term project (PREservation FORMAts for culture culture for FORMAts (PREservation project which adopts a unique information/e-archives), heritage. of the should be made Mention of a few initiatives that are designed to foster designed to foster are that initiatives of a few on and focus use of Europeana the collaborative of digital and optimisation dissemination literacy, to represent 10% of the digital cultural heritage digital cultural 10% of the to represent the emergence This explains Europe. in available great European digital library, contains more more contains digital library, European great reckoned which are million objects than thirty The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 186 University ofCairo (Egypt). Thisresearch took Department ofCivilEngineering oftheFuture ary geneticalgorithmsin aninitiative runbythe historic Islamic architecture basedonevolution This methodwasused,for example,tostudy analytical tasks. and theexistence ofsoftware tofacilitate the thanks totheoperational speedofcomputers to impossiblewithtraditionalmethodologies– using algorithms–somethingthat would benext techniques makes itpossibletostudyheritage There are caseswhere theuseofcomputational architectural decoration Algorithms inIslamic in detectingstructuraldeformations. terms ofnetwork trafficas wellasinits accuracy on algorithmsoutperformed existingmethods in phase proved that theEffeHDDT methodbased cal analysisandtheresults oftheexperimental As wasconcluded inthestudy, boththetechni deformation often causedbynatural forces. online for several years tocapture thegradual also designedtocontinuously monitorthesite every partofthemonument.Thissystemwas cated structure inorder tothoroughly monitor wireless sensornodestoalargearea orcompli EffeHDDT, itispossibletodeploy anetwork of By designingaspecificsystemofsensorssuchas heritage sites. tion andmonitoringofthedeformation ofthese do notprovide anin-depthstudyofthedetec causes, aswell astheerosion mechanisms,they diagnose themainpathologies andanalysethe information ontheplace. Althoughtheyhelp structure orelsemerely gather environmental a largeamountofspecificdata onthewhole heritage objectsare ofteninsufficienttoobtain However, traditionalmethodsfor monitoring deformations intheconstruction materials. inner andouterstructures asaresult ofnatural clay. Thisfactoftenleadstodamagetheir 3. Research - - - - life, embodyingtheideaofunicity. things andextendedtoallaspectsofeveryday the universe, whichbecamethemeasure for all and generative andtherefore compatible with and thearchetypes were genetic,parametric lutionary geneticalgorithms,asboththespaces regarded astheresult oftheapplication ofevo clearly showthat Islamic architecture could be and endingwitharchitectural details.Theresults at different levels, beginningwithurbanspaces This experimentwasdesignedtobeconducted never previously considered. new data ortheoriesonIslamic architecture of nature, whichwastestedinorder toobtain genetic algorithmsderived from theobservation architecture would mirror thedevelopment of the consideration that thepatterns ofIslamic nature ( design iscosmogonic, shapedbythelaws of into account thefactthat Islamic architectural chosen becausetheyprovided arichdataset period) plastermouldings. Thesemouldingswere nineteenth-century England before theVictorian of Regency (an architectural styleinvogue in them. Thismethodwasusedonacollection allows relationships tobeestablishedbetween variables that appearin dataset analysesandit field of computational sciences istofindthe et al.,2015 decorative architectural elements ( ontology for documenting3Ddigitalmodelsof a database systemfor whichitdeveloped an Brighton University (United Kingdom) designed The Cultural Informatics Research Group at Ontology for 3Ddocumentation modern Islamic cities. for preserving theidentityandcharacterof rithms andtreating themasapointofdeparture centred oncapturingthepatterns ofthesealgo importance tofuture research, whichwillbe and townplanningwasconsidered ofgreat mic systemunderpinsIslamic art,architecture This confirmation that theevolutionary algorith Alrawi, 2014 ). 289 Thepurposeofontologyinthe ). Thisconception ledto Echavarria - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 187 ------AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E useful: the variety of types and the fragmented difficult them extremely made of the pieces state on the basis of variables to classify and catalogue textures, such as geometric shapes, colours, or modelling, among others. decoration The second case was the Theban Tomb 209 was the Theban Tomb case The second where belonging to the 25th dynasty, (Luxor) in the of differences had been found evidence funerary inscriptions, of decorative execution scribes. Us least two suggesting the hand of at possible tools, it is therefore ing computational writing in depth, to analyse types of hieroglyphic could to elements that special attention paying such as the distance otherwise go unnoticed, to column of sign size signs or the ratio between author enable the different width, which would ship to be identified. city of Punic case was the Roman The third aim was the where Cádiz), Carteia (San Roque, to study typological characteristics such as con the surviving for structional and stylistic patterns Ceramic remains. architectural and Roman Punic as an import into account was also taken ware can be particular soft computing where ant area intelligence, these techniques make it possible it possible make these techniques intelligence, of partial information a large amount to manage parame statistical and/or classificatory and find ters. archae three test the use of soft computing, To early history prehistory, from ological sites dating chosen. and antiquity were of El Palaeolithic settlement The first was the was documented evidence where Salt (Alicante), during game species of three of the existence horses and mountain goats. the period: deer, it difficult make The many small fragments found the species, and zooarchaeological to recognise Computational low. were rates identification can facilitate analysis based on soft computing identi for this task by establishing parameters time with the classification and saving fication of the fragments. and cataloguing was proposed. Based on advances in artificial in artificial advances Based on was proposed. - y modelado 3D en el soft computing soft purpose the use of soft computing techniques purpose the use of soft computing be considered and their interaction subject to and their interaction be considered being them from prevents multiple combinations For this depth. analysed and classified in greater amount of data obtained from archaeological archaeological obtained from amount of data variables to The sheer quantity of excavations. archaeological data. archaeological was the increasing The issue examined here archaeology, 2015–2017), which set out to explore which set out to explore 2015–2017), archaeology, techniques – a the potential of soft computing for analysing – branch of artificial intelligence (Application of soft computing and 3D modelling and of soft computing (Application in techniques in the mass handling of data find a research project entitled “Aplicación de entitled project research find a técnicas en arqueología” de datos masivo tratamiento Continuing with the diversification and appli and with the diversification Continuing we cability of tasks using artificial intelligence, Soft computing tools in archaeology Soft computing to a variety of heritage shapes in order to learn to learn order to a variety of heritage shapes in about their semantic significance. The idea is to make this system applicable to The idea is to make analysis other heritage objects, as the shape also be applied could here algorithm developed to consult a particular repository using the repository a particular to consult underlying each element. semantic connections improve the information automatically extracted automatically the information improve users allowing different content, 3D digital from method of execution. designed to A shape analysis method was also allowed 3D digital models to be catalogued 3D digital models to be catalogued allowed their artistic style and on based on information ornament, making it possible to retrieve them it possible to retrieve ornament, making identified of the system that with the assistance ontology thus The proposed similar mouldings. An ontology was developed for documenting for developed An ontology was with different mouldings decorated architectural patterns and motifs, which in this case were case were which in this and motifs, patterns time and place. to a particular relevant on which to explore issues common to many to common issues to explore on which styles, such as design heritage artefacts, cultural The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 188 socio-demographic backgrounds. analysis ofmonuments’environmental and planning, architectural, heritagevalue, orthe rameters would betaken intoaccount suchas and management,where cross-cutting pa regional policydecisionsonheritageplanning have importantimplications for assessing This newtoolbasedonfree software could and thedecisionofsectorprofessionals. correspondence between thecomputer forecast out byamultidisciplinaryteamwhotestedthe efficiency ofthesystem,adiagnosiswascarried of incidence ofeachvariable.To prove the different patterns for calculating thedegree records ofeachbuilding inorder toestablish and functionalrisks,togetherwiththehistorical were taken intoaccount, aswell asstructural Both environmental andclimate-related risks al., 2016 predictive modelbased onfuzzylogic( churches, citywallsandbastions–usingthe risks ofmonumentalheritage–specifically for identifyingthedegree ofvulnerabilityand The aimwastodevelop anewanalyticalmethod Development Fund (ERDF). Competitiveness andtheEuropean Regional funded bytheMinistry oftheEconomy and to preventive conservation ofheritagebuildings), research project of culturalheritageinurbancentres: the cial intelligence tothepreventive conservation comes anothercaseoftheapplication ofartifi From theUniversidad Pablo deOlavide (Seville) Art-Risk Project even thoughwe are livinginthedigitalsociety. and archaeology –somethingthat isstillrare, team withknowledgeofbothcomputer science of thiskindrequire amultidisciplinaryresearch Lastly, thisproject setsouttostress that studies 3. Research ). 291 290 (Artificial Intelligence applied Ortiz et Art-Risk - - same reality from different perspectives, where of aheritageassetvalidtoolfor analysingthe ship. Thisiswhat makes virtualreconstruction the culturalobject,leadingtoacloserrelation first-person interactivitybetween theuserand Computer-generated graphicsgive riseto or totallynewimageofthisheritageasset. to explore environments showinganenhanced are notnormallyaccessible and/or toallowusers heritage liesintheirabilitytoshowplaces that The power ofsuchresources for interpreting about themingreater depth. historic sitesthat enableustoanalyseandlearn in interactive environments, inorder torecreate heritage research istobeablevisualiseassets One ofthemostrecurring objectives ofcultural and 3Denvironments 3.3 Computer graphics environments inspired bythepastarchitecture 3D digitalsoftware) –andrecreates virtual and representing avideogame(together with programming routines for designing,creating Street Such isthe caseofthisproject, involving highlycomplex andcostly equipment. technologies appliedtoculturalheritagewithout local initiatives toexplore thepotentialof new projects involving virtualrecreations stemfrom Some ofthemostoriginalandinteresting 1930s AlbionStreet part. hybrid trend for heritageanditsvirtualcounter predominantly futuristicimage,are heraldinga of pilotexperimentswhich,despiteoffering a and augmentedreality –have become theobject referring bothto3Dviewingandvirtualreality It isnotsurprisingthat virtualtechnologies – agents involved. a common platform that interactswithother users eachreconstruct theirownversion on , 292 whichisbasedonagamesengine–the 1930s Albion - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 189 - - - - - 296 ). Syahputra et al., 2016 Syahputra games engine platform was used games engine platform 297 Unity3D AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E The result was a virtual tour whereby users with was a virtual tour whereby The result explore could devices head-mounted display of the former and interior area the surrounding reality headset ( headset reality was designed using a virtual environment Here re which were 3D digital models of the palace, housed visual documentation from constructed This docu collections. and museum in archives to extract structural made it possible mentation photographs parameters by superimposing the that onto the digital model, and the textures the imitating shape the virtual recreation would As most of the photo original construction. other of its exterior, were graphs of the palace as models taken of the same type were palaces interior. the palace’s recreating for The This made it the virtual environment. to create outdoor and the various possible to reconstruct com constantly indoor settings, which were the with the visual documents to ensure pared possible accuracy. greatest In the field of cultural heritage, research is research of cultural heritage, the field In out on recreating being carried increasingly past, elements of the with virtual environments a particular historic it possible for as they make to be physically on without having site to live reconstructed. palace is the case of the no longer extant Such in the city of Tanjung Aman, located of Darul which was Indonesia), Kalimantan, (West Pura early images dating from virtually reconstructed The in 1946. it was destroyed before from and Information of Communication Department in Sumatra of North of the University Sciences Indonesia) Sumatra, (North the city of Medan the 3D model of the to create was commissioned a vir it into Aman and integrate of Darul palace accessed be could that environment tual reality such as a HMD or virtual using a viewing device Virtual environments with HMD with Virtual environments - - - - after of the project of the project 295 virtual tour of Albion was a more ambitious was a more 294 1930s Albion Street 1930s results was designed featuring full details of the was designed featuring 293 resource for visitors. for resource module displaying the module displaying as an interpretive was installed near the church engine (UDK) was used to develop a moving was used to develop engine (UDK) and virtual tours of the visualisation atmospheric an interactive Lastly, square. fourteenth-century about the place and the activities that took and the activities that about the place during the medieval period. in the square place games interactive this case a sophisticated In out in local archives, historic buildings and oral out in local archives, full historical information to gather sources around Trinity Church Hull with the appearance with the appearance Hull Church Trinity around century. had during the fourteenth have it would was carried research thorough this project For project developed by the team at the Hull the Hull by the team at developed project the area showed It School of Art & Design. historical past. Square Trinity Medieval version was shown in the Central Library and Central was shown in the version the city’s recalled exhibitions that several toured tial architecture and lost landmark buildings such tial architecture (1842–1949) Church as the Albion Congregational The final (1854–1945). Institution and the Royal district before the 1940s, a the 1940s, district before Street the Georgian residen city design and recreating to the construction of new, modern buildings. of new, to the construction of the based on existing visual records Therefore, ter. The architectural splendour and social and splendour and social and The architectural ter. planners of the original city concerns educational owing had largely disappeared and architects aged by bombing during the Second World War War World during the Second aged by bombing its identity and unique charac and lost much of The project was called The project Georgian in the streets one of the landmark was badly dam which of Hull, quarter of the city production process with virtual reconstructions virtual reconstructions with process production of the city. of historic parts students of the Hull School of Art & Design of Art & Design School of the Hull students the video game who combined England), (Hull, and urban development of the city. This inno of the city. development and urban by games design was developed proposal vative The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 190 enable ittobeusedbysector professionals, formation stored intheBIMsystem.This would environment, userscould access thetechnicalin which inadditiontoexploringavirtualcathedral virtual reality device, an to create animmersive experience byusing a tion totheBIMdatabase would make itpossible Lastly, connecting the augmentedreality applica Unity software. while thevirtualreality systemwascreated using implemented inavirtualreality environment, were optimisedand simplifiedinorder tobe system. For this purpose3Ddigitalmodels incorporate aVRenvironment intotheBIM of immersive andvisualisation techniquesto The laststepentailedtappingintothepotential maintenance activities onthecathedral. as fullinformation onpast,current andfuture data relating totherestoration projects, aswell system (BIS) wasdeveloped tocollect allthe taking measurements, andabuildinginformation and detailed3Dmodelwasbuilttousefor for eightyears (2008–2015), inwhichanaccurate research project conducted onMilan cathedral The pointofdeparture wasamultidisciplinary of theUniversity ofSalerno(Italy). (Italy), andtheDepartment ofCivilEngineering tion Engineering ofthePolitecnico diMilano Architecture, Built Environment andConstruc multidisciplinary teamfrom theDepartment of et al.,2016 conservation andmaintenance activities( play intheculturalheritagesectorsupporting order toassesstherole thistechnologycould (Building Information Modelling) installations in alisation techniquesinthemanagementofBIM for testingtheapplication ofvirtualreality visu Milan cathedral (Italy) wasthechosenscenario Virtual reality-BIM environments of thealmostextincthistory. experience whichalsohelpedpreserve thispart palace ofDarul Amanaspartofanimmersive 3. Research ). 298 Theproject wasdeveloped bya Oculus Rift 299 headset,in Fassi - - - - Augmented reality already hasalongtrack augmented reality Geometric algebraand huge spaces asthecathedral. managing theinformation andmaintainingsuch mental toolfor addressing themaindifficultiesin Finally, thesystemwaspresented asafunda immersive environment. being abletomodifythedata showninthe virtual reality systemnotjustinread modebut the possibilityofusersinteractingwithBIM Future developments oftheapplication include as reports onearlierinterventions. cathedral’s variousarchitectural features aswell information onthestate ofpreservation ofthe and providing themwithreal-time georeferenced improving theirunderstandingofthestructure et al.,2015 ( life-sized virtualcharactersinopen-airsettings simulations (representation andanimation) with in recent years tocreate augmented reality of theresearch teamsthat have joinedforces mented reality inculturalenvironments, are one have significantexperience inapplyingaug search andTechnology -Hellas University ofCrete andthe The virtual are increasingly blurred. where theboundariesbetween thereal andthe environment toachieve arealistic perception virtual graphicsontothereal imageofour functioning, especiallythecorrect overlay of constantly conducting studiestoperfect its Nevertheless, thefactisthat researchers are it. those that have beenbenefittingthemostfrom nology. Theculturalheritagesectorisamong ing numberofapplications are usingthistech record inthetwenty-first century andanincreas Papagiannakis etal.,2014 Computer Science Department ). 303 302 Foundation for Re and , 301 Papaefthymiou bothofwhich 300 ofthe - - - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 191 ------305 ). De la Peña et al., 2015 la Peña De AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E images and videos. it was tested by a the app was available, Once in of thirty people with various profiles group this In data. heterogeneous more to gather order a study that highlighted the use of new tech highlighted a study that enhancing nologies as an essential means of this purpose an app called industrial heritage. For was designed to Itinerarios Industrial, Madrid this closer knowledge of what users with provide it means to the of and what heritage consists city ( the possibilities of The app took into account multimedia is, learning through e-learning – that which, thanks to the proliferation digital content mobile apps into has converted of mobile devices, transmitting knowledge. for an essential vehicle smartphones or tablets was de The app for which made it App software, signed using Ibuild of the application. the content possible to create tour of an audiovisual consisted This content of the industrial heritage of the city of Madrid, routes, featuring which a menu was created for maps, audios and podcasts and a gallery of and audioguides, among others. Their interpre among and audioguides, to cultural with respect role and educational tive but it is less common been assessed, assets has relationship the actual analyses showing to find and the end user. digital content between gaining partic are initiatives why a few is That – espe research in the field of ular prominence highlighting the on focus cially new apps, which digital technolo between intrinsic relationship with dissemi in connection gies and audiences knowledge of heritage. promoting and nating Itinerarios Industrial, Madrid evaluation audience recent have we Spain In digital to apps providing in relation experiences 2015 the Universidad In on heritage. content and the Universidad de Madrid a Distancia up to conduct teamed Autónoma de Madrid other mediation tools like installations, kiosks kiosks installations, tools like other mediation - - 304 ]. video precedented prominence, we should not forget should not forget we prominence, precedented While we are aware of the recent proliferation of proliferation of the recent aware are we While un enjoying which are portable devices, apps for digital technologies as instruments of cultural mediation. are not unusual and are gaining importance importance gaining not unusual and are are new visitors, the fact with a view to attracting is a significant dearth in studies on there is that Although studies of audiences at heritage sites at Although studies of audiences 3.4 Audience case studies 3.4 Audience of applying geometric algebra to the rendering of applying geometric algebra to the rendering to achieve time in order of characters in real reality environments. augmented effective more model for animations is solid and has great is solid and has great animations model for the possibility potential. The team is discussing The research is still underway, though the initial is still underway, The research the new geometric algebraic that indicate results would be made available to the thousands of to the thousands of be made available would - resource [online visitors to the place tage dissemination. The possibility was discussed The tage dissemination. with these historical an application of creating that a mobile application characters in 3D for appearance of the ancient inhabitants of this appearance used to commonly – a resource historical place heri for applications design augmented reality was taken into account from the outset of the from into account was taken had the virtual characters as the animated study, The setting was the ancient Roman Forum of Forum the ancient Roman The setting was many of Thessaloniki, an important site where This space still remain. the original structures in a real setting. in a real system developed by the team based on open- by the team based system developed (APIs) interfaces programming application code to be implemented this experience enabled that setting. It was demonstrated that even these even that demonstrated was setting. It unsatisfactory systems still offer commercial was made with the and comparison results, correct rendering of virtual graphics – in this virtual graphics of rendering correct – in a real virtual characters case animated Commercial systems for detecting natural natural detecting systems for Commercial the these tests to study used in were features The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 192 display that showed theRoman way oflife. tion oftheruinssite andtheobjectson visitors’ experience byimproving theinterpreta It wasthought that theapplication could enrich site andhousessomeoftheobjectsfound there. seum whichislocated next tothearchaeological The initiative stemmedfrom theJewry Wall Mu were presented toagroup ofpotentialvisitors. tion wasevaluated using questionnaires that 2015 Corieltauvorum) around AD210( buildings andobjectsofRoman Leicester (Ratae iPad application displaying 3Dreconstructions of out byDe Montfort University todevelop an Kingdom) wastheobjectofaproject carried The Roman pastofthecityLeicester (United Corieltauvorum) Roman Leicester (Ratae traditional touristguides. possibilities compared totheoptionsoffered by it tobeaninterpretive resource withmajor use oftheappthat ahighpercentage considered Finally, itshouldbestressed withrespect tothe such asbeinginfavour ofreusing it. they displayed anactively protectionist attitude, heritage following theirexperience withtheapp; was alsopossibletoassesstheiropinionofthis tance toitincomparison tootherheritage.It the application, andthat theyattached impor though itwasfurtherenhanced aftertheyused significant knowledgeoftheindustrialheritage, out establishedthat theusersalready hada The statistical analysissubsequentlycarried before andaftertheactivity. knowledge andopinionoftheindustrialheritage and participation intheactivity, aswell astheir consideration, suchastherespondent’s profile the content. Various parameterswere taken into them aftercompleting thetourandvisualising app, andasecond questionnaire was handedto for themtorespond tobefore thetourwith audience studyaquestionnaire wasdrawn up 3. Research ). 306 Aspartofthisexperimenttheapplica Higgett etal., - - - - helped understandthesiteandcollections, tuitive, informative andrealistic application that the surveys highlightedthefactthat itwasanin releasing anofficialapp. Althoughthe resultsof provements tomeetusers’needswithaview solve existingtechnicalhitchesormake im basis oftheiranswers, measures were taken to visitors whoanswered aquestionnaire. On the evaluating theapplication withagroup offorty An importantpartofthisproject involved temple usingaugmentedreality technology. the current ruinsofthemithraeumorreligious the combination ofvirtualelementsoverlaid on structions insitusuchasoftheRoman baths and the site,enablinguserstoviewvirtualrecon were accordingly geolocated duringthevisitto Virtual Romans digital content from anearlierproject called reality application for mobiledevices used3D The GPS-basedvirtualreality andaugmented global economy, aswell ason theenvironment, impact thistypeofactivity hasonthelocaland cultural leisure. It wasconsidered that themajor worldwide onthemobility oftourismrelated to geolocation data inproviding information The aimwastoanalysetheimportance of Fund (ERDF) andtheEuropean Commission. Economy, theEuropean Regional Development funded partlybytheSpanish Ministry ofthe Sistemas Complejos IFISC from the data onTwitter hasbeenconducted byateam A pioneeringstudyontheuseofgeolocation heritage. audience andtouriststudiesfocusing oncultural on thesocialmediaandapps,isgivingriseto cially thepresence andinteractionsofusers The importance ofdigitaltechnologies,espe Geolocation data onTwitter the visitorexperience andimmersion. the screens were regarded asnegative aspectsof the inaccuracy oftheGPSandsmallsize of Instituto deFísicaInterdisciplinar y 307 (2008). Thevirtualgraphics 308 (CSIC-UIB). It was - - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 193 - - - During During 311 ). 313 Keil et al., 2013 Keil ). 312 ]. AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E Katifori et al., 2014 Katifori only a few isolated fragments survive, allowing fragments survive, isolated only a few and learn more the general public to interpret - resource about the cultural object [online video of this the objectives earlier, as stated However, not limited to the were experience innovative was this content content; augmented reality of a personalised visitors’ guide part furthermore as well showing the highlights of the collection traditional resources other more as featuring videos and interactive such as commentaries, games, etc. with this multimedia visitor conduct evaluate To mon “CHESS Profiler” guide, the application’s interactions considered their conduct, itored on certain depending or positive to be negative adapted the content parameters and accordingly rest of the tour for the to the visitor profile ( digital, interactive and mixed reality content content reality and mixed digital, interactive an en sites from cultural promoting at oriented principal Its approach. and educational tertaining and evaluate implement is to research, objective of personalised interactive both the experiencing by cultural visitors and their authoring stories for experts. content as considered technology was Augmented reality an interac to develop project part of the CHESS be used to interpret could guide that mobile tive in the Acropolis housed some of the sculptures this purpose an For Greece). (Athens, Museum smartphones and tablets was for application for content designed with augmented reality ( Period the Archaic visitors the tests carried out in the museum, of to view the original polychrome able were and gain or Korai sculptures archaic the female of which of Medusa, of a relief view a complete research in personalisation and adaptation of and adaptation in personalisation research - 309 ). (Cultural Heritage Experiences through through Experiences Heritage (Cultural 310 Bassolas et al., 2016 Commission. It aims to integrate interdisciplinary interdisciplinary aims to integrate It Commission. CHESS Socio-personal interactions and Storytelling) by the European is co-funded that is a project visitor’s preferences. visitor’s eters which, depending on the user’s choices, choices, eters which, depending on the user’s in content displayed modified the dynamics and it was in tune with the so that the application app is designed to monitor visitors in real time, app is designed to monitor visitors in real analysing each of their interactions with the param were There of the application. content The visitor studies initiative that is part of the is that The visitor studies initiative adds a new dimension, as the CHESS project CHESS project environment in fields such as geography, the fields such as geography, in environment planning. and town economy The study was found to be a useful instrument The study was found enterprise for and private public authorities for the local assessing the impact of tourism on and the Tower of London. and the Tower destinations connected by tourists’ preferences, by tourists’ preferences, connected destinations the Eiffel being between the main connectivity (Mexico) del Zócalo Plaza Times Square, Tower, residence, which were the Eiffel Tower (Paris), (Paris), Tower the Eiffel which were residence, of Tower and the York) (New Times Square of The study also built a global network London. included the twenty in the sample; and on the in the included the twenty of to tourists’ place most popular according which places attract visitors from most parts visitors from attract which places information provided The results of the world. tourist spots, which on the most attractive The chief aim of this study was not simply to The chief aim of but to ascertain visited places, analyse the most monumental heritage as the main attraction as the main attraction monumental heritage ( and 21 October 2015), which have become an become 2015), which have and 21 October aspects relating determining important tool for with in this case worldwide, to human mobility popular tourist destinations in the world using world in the tourist destinations popular September 2010 10 (between tweets geolocation warranted a survey. A method was devised was devised A method a survey. warranted most twenty the appeal of the evaluating for The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 194 ical tasks. 3D modelsessentialaids in recording andanalyt robotics (drones/UAVs) at theforefront, making recent years, with artificialintelligence and thanks tothetechnologicaldevelopments of unimagined degree offaithfulnesstotheoriginal Heritage digitisation hasattained ahitherto and willbebeneficialtotheirpreservation. ever before, to feel the“pulse” ofculturalobjects its monitoring.Thiswillenableus,more than gral partoftheInternet ofThings(IoT) through is usheringinanagewhichheritageinte The imminentarrivaloftheso-calledsmartcities knowledge. als andameansofboostingoursociety’s cultural increasingly necessary toolfor sectorprofession representing heritage.Thesetechnologiesare an have marked ahugeleapforward inways of emergence ofnewtechniquesanddevices that and digitaltechnologiesastheresult ofthe that existstoday between culturalheritage The survey attests tothecloserelationship CONCLUSIONS C onclusions - - - regarded. Bothmultimediaandvirtualproposals gies inheritagedissemination canbepositively The educational role played bydigitaltechnolo constant growth. which caneffectively benefitasector under or free software offer prospects for collaboration contributions suchastheexistence ofopen-code substantial financial resources. However, small mally linked to inter-institutional projects with not yet succeeded inexpandingandare nor devices inrecent years, thefactisthat theyhave ments intheergonomicsof3Ddata acquisition Despite thereduction inthecost andimprove this newresource. examples examinedattest tothepotentialof replacing missingordeteriorated elements.The basis for producing replicas oforiginalsandfor degree ofaccuracy of3Dmodelsmakes thema physical presence beyond thescreen. Thehigh main novelty asitgives cultural elementsa 3D printingtechniqueshasproven tobethe The materialisation ofdigitalheritagethrough - - - The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 195 AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 REPORT ANNUAL CULTURE DIGITAL AC/E heritage itself. as can play digital technologies the role Finally, sector professionals tool for a highly versatile carried research largely depends on the trials and out to test their potential. considerably fewer experiences currently. experiences fewer considerably there of heritage dissemination the field In prevent that technological limitations still are tablets, (smartphones, devices state-of-the-art of ideal degree an offering smartglasses…) from which are in heritage representations, realism the This means that attractive. often not very and augmented virtual reality major potential of stage, an embryonic at is still applications reality and account major possibilities though they have being carried currently much of the research for out in this field. cases and examples examined, by the Judging not field are digital technologies in the heritage means of traditional taking the place necessarily heritage but disseminating and of conserving in these the actors involved for a major ally are society and tasks, namely sector professionals, elements of historic heritage in which there are are in which there of historic heritage elements - - - outset to disciplines such as archaeology, where where outset to disciplines such as archaeology, examples, they find the most significant we to be extended to other periods and yet have Nevertheless, although virtual reality and although virtual reality Nevertheless, the applied since been have augmented reality experience and a highly realistic relationship with relationship and a highly realistic experience the cultural object. rently the most popular resources on account on account popular resources the most rently charac and immersive of their representational cognitive an efficient for teristics, which make Virtual reality and augmented reality are cur are augmented reality and Virtual reality applications. In-depth analyses are needed to analyses are In-depth applications. the transmission of the evaluate appropriately in heritage contexts. provided digital content recent years, there is a glaring shortage of is there years, recent studies on the use of cultural specific audience Although digital technologies are an educational an educational technologies are Although digital has been boosted in whose growth resource makes it possible to go beyond the bounds of the bounds of to go beyond it possible makes it to a non-spe and present the academic world cialised audience. high standard, is presented from an approach an approach from is presented high standard, This and rational. is both entertaining that enable users to interact with the cultural object, the cultural to interact with enable users of a while content, they learn as the ensuring The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage 196 Zarnic, R.,Yen, A.Y. andQuak, E.(eds.) 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President Fernando Benzo Sáinz

Members Rafael Carazo Rubio María Ángeles González Rufo Carlos Guervós Maíllo Manuel Ángel de Miguel Monterrubio Charo Moreno-Cervera Ramírez Valle Ordóñez Carbajal Jorge Peralta Momparler Ana María Rodríguez Pérez Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga Javier Sangro de Liniers Alberto Valdivielso Cañas

Secretary Miguel Sampol Pucurull


Director General Elvira Marco Martínez

Director of Programmes Jorge Sobredo Galanes

Director of Finances and Resources Carmelo García Ollauri

Director of Production Pilar Gómez Gutiérrez

210 CREDITS ORGANISED AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PUBLISHED BY We would like to thank all the people and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) institutions who took part in this study by generously submitting their cases of good Coordinator digital practice in the museum sector in Raquel Mesa (AC/E) - @RaquelInesMesa response to the call published by AC/E on its website from September to December 2016. Smart culture. Analysis of digital trends We are also grateful to all the organisations and people whose experiences are mentioned Advisory committee as examples of digital practice in the various Baltasar Fdez.-Manjón - @BaltaFM chapters of this study. Javier Celaya - @javiercelaya José de la Peña Aznar- @sandopen We welcome your opinions and observations about this publication, which can be sent to Authors [email protected] Robin Good - @RobinGood Roberto Carreras - @RobertoCarreras Eva Snijders - @evasnijders We are grateful to Fundación Telefónica for Antonio Rojas Castro - @RojasCastroA supporting the launch of this project at the Pedro Diezma - @Pedro_Diezma Espacio Fundación Telefónica in April 2017: Ximo Lizana Clara Fernández Vara - @clarafv

The use of digital technologies in the conservation, analysis and dissemination of cultural heritage

Author David Ruiz Torres

Translations Spanish - English Jenny F. Dodman Heather Galloway

Copy editor Ana Martín Moreno © Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported licence Cover image © Justin Lewis/Stone/Getty Images #AnuarioACE

Design and layout of PDF and epub ISBN: 978-84-15272-88-5 Cuadratín Diseño Editorial Depósito Legal: M-4973-2017

AC/E DIGITAL CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT 2017 211 Acción Cultural Española