The Importance of Customers in Mergers and Acquisitions
L INKÖPING S TUDIES IN S CIENCE AND T ECHNOLOGY, D ISSERTATION N O . 1193 D ISSERTATION FROM THE I NTERNATIONAL G RADUATE S CHOOL OF M ANAGEMENT AND I NDUSTRIAL E NGINEERING, IMIE, D ISSERTATION N O . 115 DOCTORAL THESIS The Importance of Customers in Mergers and Acquisitions CHRISTINA ÖBERG 2008 Department of Management and Engineering Linköping University, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden © Christina Öberg, 2008 “The Importance of Customers in Mergers and Acquisitions” Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Dissertation No. 1193 International Graduate School of Management and Engineering, IMIE, Dissertation No. 115 ISBN: 978-91-7393-875-4 ISSN: 0345-7524 ISSN: 1402-0793 Printed by: LiU-Tryck, Linköping Cover by: Berni Kalle, Markus Reklambyrå AB Distributed by: Linköping University Department of Management and Engineering SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden Tel.: +46 13 28 10 00 Professor Staffan Brege, Associate Professor Maria Huge Brodin, Professor Helén Anderson (Jönköping International Business School), Associate Professor Per Andersson (Stockholm School of Economics). Associate Professor Martin Johansson (Uppsala University), Dr. Per Åman. Interviewees at BasWare, BT Industries, Technology Nexus AB, Beslag & Metall, Comau, Danaher Motions, DFDS Transport, DHL, Fakturatjänst, FläktWoods, Hewlett Packard Sverige/Ericsson, HSB, IdaInfront, IKEA, InfoData, Inspectum, Kopparstaden, ReadSoft, Saab, Sabo, Scania, Servera, Volvo Group and Örebrobostäder. Johan Holtström, Dr. Christina Grundström, Karolina Elmhester, Christofer Kohn, Christian Kowalkowski, Sofi Rehme and the rest of the “E-mail committee”, Dr. Lotta Norrman, Dag Swartling and other colleagues and friends at The Department of Industrial Marketing and The Department of Management and Engineering. The “Uppsala Team” – Professor Virpi Havila (Uppsala University), Associate Professor Peter Thilenius (Mälardalen University), Dr.
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