Event of the Year SCO Summit

Investment as an Anti-Crisis Instrument /16/

In the Forefront of Fight with the “Three Malign Forces” /23/

Youth Wing Has Joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization /32/

Children Paint Fairy Tales /60/ Suggests That Priority Should Be To Consolidate Peace And Security...”

Dear friends! You are keeping in hand a unique publication able not only arouse a keen interest, but also become a document of its time. The InfoSCO journal is an offering to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit. It was initiated and prepared by the Russian 3 journalists in the partnership with their colleagues from other SCO countries. The main advantage of this publication is a bright thematic palette providing nutriment to the mind and joy to the heart, and, certainly, obvious inspiration of the writing team that worked at this issue. The journal is entirely dedicated to SCO, its success and problems, values and ideals, as well as concrete projects. You will find here answers to many SCO-related questions, get an idea about the Organization, whose activity is noble in essence and so necessary by its sense, because there is nothing more valuable in the vast expanses of the human civilization, than peoples’ and states’ respect of each other, honest and open dialogue, even in difficult questions, mutual aid in dramatic situations, equal cooperation. As a matter of fact, this is just the “formula of peace” on the Earth, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization does its best to realize in its activity. I hope the journal will justify Your hopes.

Bolat Nurgaliev the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretary-General THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV:


Russia is actively working with- ception of necessity for coordina- in various international organi- tion of efforts in strengthening of zations, and one of them is the regional security and stability. In Shanghai Cooperation Organiza- course of time this task’s urgency tion. Its potential grows from year has just increased. Our region is to year. This shows up in strength- not the easiest one and we can ening of our cooperation in vari- not set aside surrounding reali- ous projects, and in a number of ties that require cooperation in all states wishing to join SCO. Today it kinds of questions, naturally in- is considered, so long as it is able cluding maintenance of our states’ June 15-16 to draw up not only recommenda- security and defense on a collec- 2009 tions, but also real solutions. tive basis. We do and will proceed 4 In 2008–2009 Russia’s presidency from the fact that achieving solu- of SCO has taken place. We have tions of the most burning problems tried to fulfill such a high mission must be carried out on the basis with all responsibility and sound- of compliance with the rules of In- ness. We have elaborated propos- ternational Law and renunciation als for the further development of confrontational block mentality. of cooperation in the SCO. We are In addition, SCO has never under- hoping that our initiatives, made taken the function of a counterbal- with due account of the interests ance to NATO. NATO is a military of all member countries, will be block, and SCO is an organization received positively and be sup- that acts in its unique format. It ported by them. has different functions and a dif- Russia suggests that priority for ferent field of activity. the SCO member countries should Nevertheless, the Shanghai Co- SCO be to consolidate peace and se- operation Organization must in curity in the SCO space. It will be accordance with the constituent recalled that one of the key mo- documents help its member states SUMMIT tives for the SCO creation was per- to solve questions of security as- surance, protection from the most called project activities, including cooperation with involvement of difficult, heaviest threats of today, those with the participation of big all SCO’s potential we have pos- such as terrorism, narco-crime, business, on development of direct sibilities for development of large other threats and challenges, our ties between entrepreneurs while energy projects. I am sure that states are now facing. enhancing the authority of the SCO they will be actual. A special heightened attention Business Council and Interbank is given to struggle against drug Consortium. We believe that deepening hu- trafficking that became one of The following areas of coop- manitarian ties, cooperation in ed- the main sources of the replenish- eration seem to be promising: ucation and health care, youth and ment of terrorist activities. Russia enhancement of ground infra- cultural exchanges are also of im- suggests developing the SCO joint structure, establishment of trans- portance for SCO. Many projects, actions strategy and program in continental routes, strengthening such as creation of the SCO Univer- struggle against drug trafficking. business connections between en- sity, establishment of a youth asso- 5 The mechanism of activity coordi- ergy companies of our countries, ciation, cooperation in the sphere nation of the counter-drugs servic- expansion of interbank coopera- of sanitation, infectious diseases es of ministries of home affairs and tion in financing so-called venture public security of the SCO member or other projects, proliferation prevention and epidemic control states is launched; in this field we of goods and modern information not only meet the SCO member will work together with Afghani- technologies. states’ interests, but also can be stan, counteracting to drug traf- I think that we can do much to attractive for the observer states. ficking and other threats. activate all kinds of projects to The Shanghai Cooperation Orga- Economic cooperation also ranks be implemented within the frame- nization has already really trans- among the most important and es- work of the Shanghai organization. formed into an authoritative force; tablished areas of the Shanghai Or- We have got several large energy it is necessary to continue to use ganization activity. Our actions in projects, and we can well arrange its increased potential in solving this sphere must take into account for new areas of cooperation, in- both this organization’s specific- cluding that in the energy sector. actual challenges of the present, ity and general trends of economic I also mean energy resources mar- tighten links with other interna- development. To our opinion, it ket and their further processing. tional associations acting for our would be wise to focus on so- Within bilateral and multilateral nations’ good. contents

DMITRY MEDVEDEV: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Has Already Really Become 4 An Authoritative Force ANATOLY KOROLEV 7 Yekaterinburg. Capital of SCO Summit-2009. The City. The Energy 10 State Leaders about the SCO SERGEY LAVROV 12 Interview of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs ILYA KRAMNIK SCO Ministers of Defense Intend to Strengthen Cooperation 15 Project Director MAXIM KRANS Denis TURIN Investment as an Anti-Crisis Instrument 16 Editor-in-Chief ANDREY VASILIEV Tatiana SINITSYNA 18 A Border that Unites Deputy Editor-in-Chief BOLAT NURGALIEV Maxim KRANS 20 The Organization is Developing Persistently and Steadily Executive Secretary of the PETR GONCHAROV Public Coordination Council Afghanistan. Barack Obama Could Not Do without SCO in Support of SCO, 23 SCO Business Council Expert ANDREI FEDIASHIN Alexander STARUNSKY SCO trough the Eyes of America and Europe 24 Information Programmes Director LEONID MOISEEV Vyacheslav GRANKIN 26 SCO Has Already Taken Its Place in World Architectonics Editor of the English Version MYRZAKAN SUBANOV Elena BOZHKO 28 In the Forefront of Fight with the “Three Malign Forces” Editor of the Chinese Version ALEXANDER VOLKOV Yulia KUZNETSOVA 31 Does Globalization Have New Leaders? Design and Typing 6 TATIANA SINITSYNA 32 Youth Wing Has Joined the Shanghain Cooperation Organization Dmitry ZYUZIN Project Manager PETR GONCHAROV Natalya MALTSEVA 34 The Caspian Requires Regional Cooperation Technical Support NATALIA ZADEREI 35 “Far Eastern Dimension” of SCO Mikhail KOBZAREV PAN GUANG Project Assistant 36 What the “Shangain spirit” is? Anastasia KIRILLOVA ANDREY KISLIAKOV Editorial Board: A Turnpike for the Cooperation: Motion Speed - Light Speed Andrey VASILIEV 38 Alexander VOLKOV TATIANA SINITSYNA Petr GONCHAROV The Russian Atom in India: It is for a Long Time Natalia ZADEREI 39 Andrey KISLIAKOV ANDREY OSTROVSKY Anatoly KOROLEV 40 China will make external economic ties with the SCO countries Vladimir KUCHARIANTS Aleksey SMIRNOV MAXIM KRANS Alisher FAIZ Oil and Gas Resources of SCO: How to Use in a Reasonable Way? 42 Andrei FEDIASHIN Pavel SHESTAKOV MAXIM KRANS Elena GOLUBEVA 44 Risks Are Mounting, But the Shanghai Six Insures Them DENIS TURIN New Paradigm of Internet 46 117218 Moscow, 13 Krzhizhanovskogo str. ALEKSEY MASLOV University Unique in the World Tel./fax: +7 495 718 84 11 48 ALISHER FAIZ Tashkent’s spirit and embedded codes 51 for citing and reprinting our materials, WRITTEN PER- MISSION SHOULD BE OBTAINED. The editors' position may ALEKSEY SMIRNOV not coincide with the authors' views 54 “Second Spring” of the in the Celestial Empire VLADIMIR MATVEYEV 56 SCO Can Form Its Eurasian “Gas OPEC” YULIA KUZNETSOVA Children Paint Fairy Tales 60 mediagroup Yekaterinburg

Capital of SCO Summit-2009

7 The City. The Energy.

I have not been to my native land for 27 years. And now the train “Russia” (Moscow-Vladivostok) starts braking at the platform... I am already standing in the vestibule to be the first to get out of the coach. On the pediment of the station- house there are twelve scarlet neon letters of a man's height: YEKATERINBURG. It’s only five minutes stop. The unfriendly damp night embraces me. For another ten minutes I am run- ning in the rain to the station hotel with a room reserved.

The morning's here, I withdraw the curtain. It shines. Not a cloud in the sky. But what a view! From a height of the tenth floor I see a view of... Hong Kong. Can it really be Sverdlovsk!? High-rise modern buildings. Avenues. Streams of cars. Marble-golden palace of Temple on blood in honor of all saints, in commemoration of the Emperor Nikolai II and his family. Everything is new and shining as if created miracu- lously...

In front of me – one of the most dynamic cities of the mod- ern Russia,”the heart of Ural”, powerful bundle of urbanist energy on the Euroasian boundary and, finally – the capital of the forthcoming June Summit-2009 of the Shanghai Coopera- tion Organization. 8

I was born here in the distant postwar do it. A proper respect should be given the savage spirit of the pagan forest, multiplied year, and then my family moved to suburb, founder’s intuition that could see the out- by immoderate range and grip of manufac- in the mining town of Degtyarka, where my line of future megalopolis in the depths of turers, became so strong, that it exceeded father, a mining engineer, obtained a flat. the forest along the forest Iset river. the limits of a chief town of a district of Having lived three years among waste banks Here! We will build stronghold walls, set the Perm province, where it was officially and mines, we moved to Molotov. Today up a dam and... start the course of histo- included. these two cities of my childhood, Sverdlovsk ry. The geographical point on the map was To the beginning of the XX century Yekat- and Molotov, do not exist on the map: they turned into an industrial community by Lieu- erinburg’s intellectual leadership in the Ura- were given their original names - Yekat- tenant General Villim de Gennin, Ural fac- ls became irrevocable. It is here that Pavel erinburg and Perm. But however the life tories manager, favorite of Peter the First, Bazhov’s talent matured. His tales – “Mala- “twists”, I have always loved both cities, Dutchman on Russian service. It was he that chite box” – formed the Urals’ spirit. It was a jealously treating each other and perfecting named the town after Peter’s wife, Empress heroic deed, quite comparable with Homer’s themselves in this competitive passion. Yekaterina - Yekaterinburg. exploit, who saw at once the antique world It is clear today that it is just the com- At first Perm gained the lead. A town of from a height of a galley on the crest of the petitiveness between the two strong centers Gogol’s bureaucrats grew around the gover- sea wave. of Ural that eventually partly gave rise to nor with drums beating. But Yekaterinburg Bazhov shaped the primitive Ural folklore the phenomenon of Yekaterinburg. Both cit- showed its own customs at once. If Perm was into epos. Mountains and people received ies were outlined on the map of Russia for the last outpost of Russia, then Yekaterin- a myth about a willful mistress of a Cop- Yekaterina I by the same person – the en- burg became the first Russian city in Asia, per mountain that wears a malachite dress ergetic noble officer and manufacturer, Earl some sort of a cowboy capital of Wild West. and lives in spacious underground halls. Tatischev. And it happened the same year – Yekaterinburg issued a challenge not to Mos- The great racer is obedient to her; copper in 1723. In Perm and Yekaterinburg there are cow, not to Siberian spaciousness, not to lizards, bewitched stone cutters and other monuments to Vasily Tatischev as the city's Tatar tents, not to Mongolian tilt carts, but mountain forces serve her. The Mistress’ founder. directed its passionaire goals straight to the suite became blue snakes, goats with golden But if the location of Perm was chosen Chinese Wall of the Celestial Empire, to the hoofs, old women and other many-colored comparatively easy (the left bank of the faraway golden Beijing. miracles. A Mistress is appointed from above mighty Kama where the Yegoshikha river The young Yekaterinburg strengthened to guard natural wealth. The mere fact of meets the Kama), then to locate a position its forces in the Russian expanses in differ- the Ural epos creation is unique. Times of for Yekaterinburg was much more difficult, ent ways, both legal and illegal ones, up to “Nibelung”, “Kalevala”, “Elder Edda” cre- there were no outstanding sticking points to underground coining money. And eventually ation had long ago passed into oblivion. And suddenly – such a powerful spiritual energy majority of cases. In the provinces there of this city as capital of SCO Summit-2009 is at an early age of the Russian capitalism for- are simply no forces for competitive break- a happy choice. Firstly, it is a city directed mation. through. And there now! Just Yekaterinburg toward the East, twin city of the Chinese In part just that very root blind force con- could give birth to its own voice and drive, Guangzhou, worthy partner of the Central centrated in Yekaterinburg drew a line un- which simply crushed capital groups of those Asian states. Within the framework of the der the last Russian Emperor’s life. He had times. In early 80th the “Nautilus Pompilius” “In search of an ideal city” international much wandered, travelled guarded across group had no peers in our country. But be- project Yekaterinburg enters the top of the the Russian land and Siberia, and only in sides “Nautilus” another two powerful rock most dynamic cities of the world. Its pow- Yekaterinburg were found braves-murderers groups started in Sverdlovsk – “Agatha Chris- erful industry is headed by the giants such that committed a deep sin. Negative energy tie” and “Chaif” ... as “VIZ-Steel” and “Uralkhimmash” that ap- is energy too. The same fatal 1918 the Ural Perestroika of 90th and Russia’s return to proximately 24 thousand small-scale enter- Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies capitalist development inspired the city with prises had joined. acted at its own risk. triple energy. Capitalism for the Urals is its It is a city of brain and energy where new Later the Urals’ energy sector put the first own sphere. The Uralians took to like a duck outlines of the City consisting of four sky- President of Russia Boris Yeltsin on the podi- to water! Yekaterinburg turned out to be scrapers have been already appeared: the um of History. This kind of a man could prob- able not only gain evolutional impetus from “Ural” tower (higher than the Eiffel Tower), ably be brought up only on the Ural ground. Moscow, but also develop it to methodical the “Iset” tower and two more giants –


Inside him, like a spring, was contracted a offensive. “Tatischev” and “Gennin”. bearded pathfinders’ force, tractive power A renovated with great violence city un- ... Half an hour's run from Yekaterinburg, of string of sledges bringing Uralian guns to folded before my eyes. Preparing for SCO at the side of the motorway there is a steel the capital city. Yeltsin was just one of these Summit Yekaterinburg changed into a big obelisk, designating a geographical point of leaders ready for duels with vicissitudes on construction site, surprising not only by its the border between Europe and Asia. The their way. Being partly a seer, insomniac scale, but also by civility of the process. monument is surrounded by a gloomy fir for- bear, man the helm, provincial leader, he I wandered in the center, as if I was not est, where all nearest spruces are densely clothed himself in the mantle of Caesar the born here. I did not recognize the Vainer covered with thousand of colored ribbons. reformer, broke the Soviet power, stopped street: it was now a building workshop with In such a way people of the XXI century like the counter-revolution, and assumed the a crowd of people walking through it. And heathens surround this place, which has, as responsibility for the transforming Russia. the Institute of culture, where I, as a capital is thought, a magic force, with their spiri- In this might of spirit, in high-energy mix- writer, was invited for a meeting with stu- tual secrets, various personal requests and ing of contradictions I see just that Uralian dents, amazed by abundance of nice young lurking hopes. Standing in the middle of character. faces. The institute was buzzing as a beauty this sacral heathen temple, I involuntarily Another resident of Sverdlovsk also be- production machine, rehearsals were held thought how much of unspent force and came a cult personality - the legendary on each floor, people were juggling with strong faith in its fortune the Yekaterinburg rocker Viacheslav Butusov, the “Nautilus maces, riding on wheels, reciting poetry, land still has, and how great its rise to light Pompilius” group leader. Russia is a mono- marching in gym, learning their parts, trying of new times will be... centric state. Moscow or Petersburg can be on costumes, playing the guitar … Anatoly Korolev a place of birth of a new kind of art in the One can not help remarking that selection writer, member of the Russian PEN Club State Leaders about the SCO

Kurmanbek Bakiev tion in this area with all the Organiza- global policy, having a positive impact the President of Kyrgyzstan: tion member states. And we consider on the world processes development. it imperative to ensure not only a new Its agenda is formed not only by vi- “The creation... of the Shanghai Co- contribution, but also continuity of the tal but also long-term strategic inter- operation Organization can be rated Organization work. It is obvious that ests of the SCO member states. SCO has without exaggeration among the key such an approach will make it possible become an entirely new mechanism of international events of the beginning to substantially increase the positive international cooperation in matters 10 of the 21st century not only on a re- capital accumulated by SCO over re- of counteraction to modern threats, gional, but also on a global basis. That cent years.” intensification of political, economic is why from the date of our Organiza- “I think that the Shanghai Coopera- and cultural ties. Today this organiza- tion foundation it has been continually tion Organization has a great future. In tion in fact unites the countries being within sight of the world community consequence of modern challenges, the the half of mankind, a huge economic that recognized in SCO one of the most SCO activity has begun to increase and potential, including considerable world perspective multilateral associations of now it covers not only security issues, reserves of energy resources, as well as modern times having high political and but also trade and economic, as well representing different civilizations and as cultural and humanitarian fields. trade and economic potential. cultures.” In relationship with the Shanghai Co- SCO is distinguished by principles of its functioning and cooperation between operation Organization partners the “New type of intergovernmental re- its members, based on the “Shanghai Kyrgyzstan side proceeds from the fact lations in the SCO area is fully free of Spirit”, consensus, and equal partner- that SCO is a unique multilateral asso- cold war mentality. This new security ship.” ciation, whose main objectives include conception is the base of the Organiza- regional security and stability mainte- tion creation... nance. Moreover, it is an important and Emomali Rahmon effective instrument for strengthening the President of Tajikistan: Neither Russia nor China and other of trust, friendship and neighborliness, SCO member states aim to conclude a strengthening of versatile cooperation “The past years have confirmed the military alliance. In all SCO’s documents between the region countries in the po- vital importance and need for the an idea is advanced that our friendship litical, trade and economic, as well as Shanghai Cooperation Organization ap- is not directed against anybody. We cultural and humanitarian fields. The pearance. It was to some extent the (the Organization members) are stra- Kyrgyz Republic maintains the attitude region countries’ response to global tegic partners, and all of us are inter- that just economic cooperation should changes occurred in the world. As not- become in time a cementing factor in ed in the Declaration on the Creation of ested in the maintaining our countries’ the cause of this Organization consoli- the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, border areas security and stability at a dation.” this fact corresponds to the tendencies proper level. Therewith we have come of the modern age, this region’s reali- to a uniform understanding that it must “Kyrgyzstan attaches exceptional im- ties, and cardinal interests of all the be done, in the first place, by political portance to strengthening cooperation nations of the organization. and diplomatic measures, especially, within the framework of the Shanghai Over a short period by historic mea- by means of instruments of preventive Cooperation Organization and is pro- sures the organization has become a diplomacy and the SCO member states' foundly interested in active coopera- considerable factor of regional and capacity building.” “There can be no doubt that the Or- also note that “three malign forces” ress almost in all areas of coopera- ganization will be successively and pur- (terrorism, separatism and extremism), tion, achieved the status of generally posefully striving for the stated in the drug dealing and transnational crime acknowledged international structure, Charter objectives, solving actual tasks permanently repress the region devel- whose significance and influence go be- on behalf of its citizens, pinning their opment, even transgress, being still yond the scope of the region. aspirations and hopes on SCO. I do think tyrannical. All that impedes joint de- that with the SCO chairmanship passing velopment of the organization member During the past short by historic mea- to the Russian Federation, our Organi- states and disharmonizes the situation sures period SCO not only succeeded in zation potential will grow even more, in the region. That is why we have to proving its viability, but also became and multilateral cooperation will reach permanently use chances and meet the firmly established in the world policy new frontiers.” challenges in order to achieve mutually in the capacity of international forum advantageous cooperation and joint de- on a large variety of regional problems Hu Jintao velopment of all the organization mem- solving: from policy and security to is- the Chairman of the People's bers.” Republic of China: sues of economic and humanitarian co- “The SCO member states lend great operation... “At the end of the last and at the assistance to each other in crucial ques- Developments and global changes in beginning of the new century sweeping tions concerning their independence, the world, the growing security and sovereignty and security; promptly lend changes occurred in the international stability threat, the persisting “hot situation. Geopolitical situation on the a helping hand, when one member of spots”, the increasing danger of inter- Eurasian continent underwent serious the organization or other is confronted changes as well. The countries of the with serious difficulties, in which all the national terrorism, extremism, sepa- region have both chances and chal- members feel the collective force. The ratism and drug trafficking in different lenges. The determination of the six SCO members actively conduct consul- regions, and in the first place, in the adjoining states represented by China, tations and coordinate their positions close to all of us Central Asian region, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajiki- in international and regional matters confirm once more timeliness and need stan and Uzbekistan by common efforts of common interest, protecting inter- for the creation and formation of such to strengthen neighborliness, mutual ests of the organization members in an international organization as SCO. trust and mutually advantageous coop- whole.” eration, to ensure stability in the region It is security, stability and sustainable development throughout the whole and contribute to joint development is Nursultan Nazarbayev 11 conditioned by the situation at hand. the President of Kazakhstan: space of SCO that are among the key When creating SCO, we proceeded only conditions of the intensification of co- from the following... “The Shanghai Cooperation Organi- operation in the trade and economic, zation... for a short historical period as well as social and humanitarian By common efforts to ensure peace, has got stronger and shown the whole spheres. security and stability in the region – world its justifiability in capacity of an here are the reasons, for which SCO important factor of modern interna- I am sure that in the future the eco- was created, and they were and remain tional relations. It is already difficult to nomic vector of cooperation within the to be among its major tasks at the pres- imagine today’s world without SCO.... framework of SCO will grow. This is evi- ent point of time. Because this is not We note with satisfaction that by com- dent by the successful beginning of the mon efforts SCO successively strength- by accident that exactly on the day activity of new structures of the Orga- of SCO creation the Heads of state of en its positions as a regional security nization such as the Business Council, the Organization member states signed and stability guarantee.” the Shanghai Convention on Struggle Forum of manufacturers and entrepre- against Terrorism, Extremism and Sepa- “Kazakhstan supports this organiza- neurs, Interbank Consortium.” ratism, and hereupon in Tashkent the tion very significantly. It was created Regional Counter-Terrorism Structure for the benefit of our states, our coun- “It is safe to say that SCO today is be- was founded. Hereby SCO was the first tries. Its first task is the economic co- coming an important center of struggle of the international organizations to operation, the second one is the strug- against international terrorism, sepa- raise their voice against terrorism and gle against challenges of the present: ratism, extremism and the increasing it played an important role in coordi- terrorism, extremism and separatism. nating anti-terrorist efforts.” Interaction between the organization narcotic aggression. members in trade and economic sphere The “Shanghai process” has created “Facing the difficult international and are raising to a new level, because there a reliable platform for the coopera- regional situation, the SCO countries, is confidence, goodwill and friendship tion in political and diplomatic sphere, united for the interaction in the use of between the countries. I think that SCO in the implementation of large-scale chances and counteraction to threats, has great prospects.” economic and humanitarian projects, have achieved appreciable success in directed to rational and effective use stability assurance, economic devel- Islam Karimov opment, and search of a development the President of Uzbekistan: of rich natural energy sources, human strategy corresponding to national re- resources and intellectual asset of the alities. At the same time we should “SCO... has made considerable prog- region states.” 12

Russia and China have considerable untapped potential for the development of cooperation in different fields

Interview of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov to the Keji Ribao, China – How do you assess the state of, and the National Years, which have brought People’s Republic of China is currently prospects for the Russian-Chinese stra- the peoples of our countries even clos- being worked out that will be very use- tegic partnership? er together, we are now jointly car- ful for accelerating the economic de- rying out an extensive new project in velopment of the neighboring territo- Foreign Minister Lavrov: The friend- humanitarian cooperation – the Year of ries of our two countries. ly and mutually beneficial Russia-China Russian in China in 2009 and the Year of The negative consequences of the relationship is today characterized by Chinese in Russia in 2010. continuing world financial crisis, which steadily high dynamics, by a solid le- All of this provides a reliable basis for grows ever deeper, unfortunately, are gal base and by a ramified institutional strengthening further the Russian-Chi- being felt in all countries. Russia and structure of bilateral collaboration at nese strategic partnership and mutually China are not exceptions. In these con- every level. As a Chinese proverb goes, advantageous cooperation in all major ditions the leaders of our two countries “A close neighbor is better than a dis- areas. I am certain that the potential maintain close contacts and regularly tant relative.” Russia and China objec- of our relations is enormous, and its exchange views on the problems with tively have the closest relations, owing consistent unfolding meets not just the which the world economy is confront- particularly to geographical proximity interests of the two countries, but of ed. The coordination of our approaches and long historical ties. the rest of the world as well. to these problems also proceeds in mul- The basic principles for relations and tilateral formats, in particular BRIC. the chief directions and areas of bilat- – What areas of cooperation do you Thus, the finance ministers of the four eral cooperation are fixed in the Treaty think are in need of an additional im- countries held another meeting in Lon- on Good-Neighborliness, Friendship pulse? How should coordination and don recently. The approaches of Russia and Cooperation between the Russian cooperation be strengthened in condi- and China to ways for overcoming the Federation and the People’s Republic tions of the global financial crisis? crisis are very close. of China, signed in Moscow on July 16, In this regard, a lot will depend on 2001. Intergovernmental and interde- Foreign Minister Lavrov: Russia and the ability of major nations to establish partmental agreements operate practi- China have considerable untapped po- conditions for the sustainable develop- cally in all fields. tential for the development of coop- ment of their national economies. On In the political sphere, bilateral co- eration in different fields. This applies the instruction of the Russian and Chi- operation has reached the highest lev- to the economy and to science and to nese leaders, the finance ministers of el, that of a strategic partnership. The culture. the two countries recently exchanged Heads of State meet regularly – both in The amount of economic and trade information on the measures of mac- 13 the format of official visits and on the cooperation between our countries has roeconomic regulation, aimed at mini- sidelines of summits of the Shanghai Co- been steadily growing in recent years. mizing the consequences of the finan- operation Organization, the Asia-Pacific At the same time the structure of trade cial crisis and at preserving the stability Economic Cooperation and the Group of needs improving. This primarily con- of financial markets. Eight. Last year President Dmitry Med- cerns the necessity of raising the pro- From the viewpoint of Russian-Chinese vedev and PRC President Hu Jintao met portion of machinery-and-equipment bilateral relations, it is necessary to try five times. and high technology products. And this and use the present crisis for search of The approaches of Russia and the calls for close cooperation among large new, not yet tapped potential to build PRC toward fundamental issues of the industrial entities, research organiza- up bilateral economic cooperation and contemporary world order and toward tions and financial institutions. For the thus make it inure to the benefit of our key international problems are identi- time being, large joint projects are not countries in these difficult times cal or very similar. Close foreign policy being carried out actively enough, the cooperation is maintained between our levels of reciprocal investment are in- – What has changed in Russian-Amer- countries, based on this. significant, and the huge potential for ican relations after President Barack The mechanism of regular meetings scientific cooperation is far from being Obama’s assumption of office? How do between the Heads of Government of fully realized. There are also successes, you evaluate the prospects for Russian- Russia and China, in place since 1996, of which the recently signed bilateral American relations under the new ad- is a system-forming factor for the on- agreements on the construction of a ministration in Washington? ward development of bilateral coop- China-bound branch line of the Eastern eration in all fields. It helps discuss Siberia-Pacific Ocean pipeline and on Foreign Minister Lavrov: The state and tackle problems in the course of Russia’s crude oil supply to China on a of Russian-American relations has been the direct communication of heads of long-term basis and on China’s exten- far from ideal in the last few years. ministries and departments. Also, there sion of a credit to Russia to the tune of This needs to be changed. I like the is between our countries a mechanism 25 billion dollars are evidence. thesis that has emerged recently about of consultation on strategic security is- There is a need for more effective ac- the need for a reset of collaboration sues, which has become an important tions to intensify cooperation between between our countries. Good opportu- channel for coordinating Russian-Chi- our countries at the regional level. A nities are opening up for this endeavor nese collaboration in this sphere. Program of Cooperation between the with the coming of the new administra- Humanitarian collaboration remains Far East and Transbaikalia regions of tion to the White House. one of the major areas of bilateral re- the Russian Federation and the prov- The Russian and US presidents have lations. After the successful holding of inces of the Northeastern area of the already communicated twice and ex- changed messages on a broad range ties. There is something to work on and education are on the cards. of bilateral and international ques- here. The task now is to bolster the Our chairmanship will end with a tions. I met US Secretary of State Hi- structures and mechanisms of dialogue meeting of the SCO Council of Heads lary Clinton in Geneva on March 6. My in this sphere with a view to imparting of State in Yekaterinburg on June 15-16 impressions are good. It seems that the extra dynamics to it. this year. We are actively gearing up for Obama team is in a constructive mood. So our agenda is most extensive. Of course, it would be an exaggeration We have already begun joint work and it. All our partners in the Organization to say that our views fully coincide. hope that it will produce concrete re- have declared their agreement with the But the chief thing is that they across sults soon. proposed date and new format for the the Atlantic seem to have developed a meeting including the participation of taste for positive joint work again. I am – A SCO summit will take place in the heads of the observer states. convinced that if we act pragmatically, Yekaterinburg this summer. How are the The summit participants will focus relying upon coinciding interests, try- preparations for this summit proceed- ing not just to listen, but also to hear, ing? What tasks will be on the agenda? mainly on how to further streamline showing the readiness for reasonable How do you evaluate the SCO develop- the Organization’s activities and to de- compromises and respecting the na- ment prospects? velop many-sided cooperation in light tional interests of each other, then we of new security threats and challenges, shall be able to advance substantially Foreign Minister Lavrov: The Shang- and the consequences of the financial in addressing the major tasks facing our hai Cooperation Organization is a rela- and economic crisis. I am convinced countries. tively young association, created by that the decisions to be adopted at the It’s important that it shouldn’t take Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, long to get into the swing of things; we Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. At the base end of the debate will contribute to the need to immediately shift to concrete of its activities lie the principles of further building-up of our interaction. actions. We will of course pay the main mutual respect, equal partnership and Activities of the SCO meet the in- attention to the maintenance of stra- consensus. The organization has confi- terests of all its participants, member tegic stability. Serious work is ahead dently demonstrated its ability to ad- states and observer states – India, Iran, on the preparation of a new accord on equately react to the challenges of our Mongolia and Pakistan – alike. The SCO strategic offensive arms to replace the time in the interests of its participants, START Treaty expiring this year. The di- and the effectiveness of the collabora- is in high demand, to which the growing number of countries ready to establish 14 alogue on missile defense themes isn’t tive mechanisms in providing security going to be easy. and stability for the region. dialogue-partnership relations with it is A broad field for joint work is opening Today the fight against terrorism, or- another testimony. In a word, the SCO up in the nonproliferation sphere. The ganized crime and illicit drug traffick- has a great future and good prospects. priority thrusts here are strengthen- ing, assistance to comprehensive and ing the NPT regime, increasing control balanced economic growth in order to – This year marks 60 years since dip- over the prevention of mass destruc- improve the living standards of the peo- tion weapons from falling into nonstate ples of our states and the furtherance lomatic relations were established be- actor hands, fighting nuclear terrorism of humanitarian and cultural ties have tween Russia and China. Can you please and engaging in peaceful atomic en- firmly established themselves among tell us what events are planned on ergy cooperation. We expect the new the chief objectives of the SCO. this occasion and what influence these administration to revise the United After the 2008 Dushanbe Summit Rus- events will exert on the further devel- States’ negative attitude to the CTBT. sia took over the chairmanship of the opment of Russian-Chinese relations? We also hope for an attentive exami- Organization. We consider it our prior- nation of the Russian-Chinese initiative ity task to further consolidate member for consideration of the Draft Treaty on states on the principles set forth in the Foreign Minister Lavrov: We regard the Non-placement of Weapons in Out- Charter and other fundamental docu- the sixtieth anniversary of the estab- er Space at the Conference on Disarma- ments of the SCO, to solidify the inter- lishment of diplomatic relations be- ment in Geneva. national prestige of the Organization tween Russia and China as an important We intend to continue to work with as an interstate structure capable of event. Of course, a plan of commemo- the American side in tackling inter- becoming an important element of the rative events is being prepared in both national and regional questions, such emerging multipolar world and to build as the Afghan settlement, the Middle up mutually advantageous cooperation Moscow and Beijing, which must be East peace process, the Iranian nuclear along different azimuths. content-rich and memorable. Plans are problem, the situation on the Korean The intensive plan of joint measures to hold meetings of the publics of the Peninsula and many others. Strength- proposed by us is now being successfully two countries, concerts, thematic ex- ening European security is a promising implemented. In particular, launching a hibitions and the presentation of a col- area of cooperation. mechanism of conferences of ministers lection of archival materials. But the We presume that our cooperation of internal affairs and public security, should extend beyond security issues to creating a SCO Youth Council, establish- preparatory work is not yet over, and it encompass the whole spectrum of re- ing a SCO Network University and pro- is probably too early to speak about all lations, including economic and trade moting cooperation in health, culture specific events. Shanghai Cooperation Organization ob- server state. SCO Ministers of Defense In the course of the meeting the Rus- sian and Chinese Ministers of Defense Intend to Strengthen noted that cooperation in the sphere of struggle against piracy has to be dis- seminated also for other regions of the Cooperation world, that face this adversity. It should be noted in addition that, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states Defense Ministers meet- unfortunately, SCO, just as any other ing took place on April 29 in Moscow. The regular summit of heads of military organization in the contemporary con- departments of one of the largest political organizations of the world is of par- text does not have a recipe for strug- ticular significance in today’s conditions of global crisis and growing tensions. The gle against piracy – commercial ship meeting was held within the framework of preparation for the scheduled for the security is just control of symptoms, middle of June summit of the SCO member states in Yekaterinburg but not of the disease itself. Piracy’s background consists in misery and po- litical unstability of some coastal states Moscow meeting’s importance was Cooperation within the framework of or others, and this problem can not be confirmed by the meeting of the SCO SCO, particularly in the military field, solved within the framework of one, member states Ministers of Defense will be undoubtedly strengthened. At though so strong international organi- with the President of Russia Dmitry the meeting, the SCO countries armed zation. Medvedev that was held for the first forces exercises due to be held in Ka- However other big players on the in- time and deserves to become a bench zakhstan in 2010 were discussed. They ternational arena can not boast about mark of new practice for the Shanghai must become the largest since 2007, availability of recipes as well. Much at- Six. As reported by the representative when the Peaceful Mission-2007 ma- tention was given during the meeting of the Administration of the RF Presi- noeuvres were conducted. the Ministers of Defense to the situa- dent, “at the meeting of the President The 2010 exercises will be certainly tion in Afghanistan, where NATO op- of Russia with the SCO Ministers of De- of anti-terrorist “tint”, but it is already eration continues, with the contingent fense the issues concerning prospects known that on these maneuvers Russia growing – during the next six months its of the Organization development were intends to use the experience gained in number can increase by thirty thousand discussed as well as strengthening of its the course of the Five-day war in Au- people. role in ensuring the regional stability gust 2008. Obviously NATO still stakes on the and security.” As is reported by a number of mass Afghan question solution by force, the SCO’s role in this quality is impossible media, there is no legend worked out USSR suffered from in due time, and 15 to overestimate, at the same time the for the 2010 exercises so far. Chairman before it – the British Empire, so there organization does not intend to turn of the Chiefs of Staff Committee of Ka- are no reasons so far to believe that the into a military block – “By augmenting zakhstan Mukhtar Altynbaev said that North Atlantic block will succeed in do- joint efforts in current challenges and they will be held at the far south of ing it. threats counteraction, the SCO coun- the country — in Djambulskaya oblast, From the viewpoint of the SCO coun- tries and their defense agencies do not near the Gvardeysky settlement. There tries, the Afghan problem must be seek to create a military block. The rel- are assumptions that exercises will in- solved at multilateral negotiations with evant collaboration within the frame- clude warfighting experiments in the the participation of all personages, but work of SCO is by no means directed mountains, because next to Gvardeysky for the time being a consunsus required against other countries,” the source of there are mountain ridges — the Kirghiz to elaborate a single position on the information from the Administration of Alatau and Karatau. matter is absent. the President of Russia underlined. It is known that while developing the As a result, the SCO countries have However the military component of exercises plan the militaries take into now to deal with consequences of an- the SCO countries cooperation is quite account the most important military other's hasty decisions, drawing away important all the same and these coun- and political events occurred since the funds for enhancing its security that in tries’ actions within the frame of such date of the previous exercises. Up to conditions of crisis could be spent more a cooperation is attentively watched in date such an event is, certainly, the efficiently. the entire world. Five-day war, which allows to suppose Alongside with that – nothing is done The SCO states collaboration is di- its experience use while preparing and immediately. At the present time SCO rected, first of all, to struggle against in the course of manoeuvres. already represents a respected inter- terrorism, separatism and extremism SCO is interested in security mainte- national organization with a significant – the most urgent threats to the coun- nance not only on the territory of the political and economic weight. There tries of the region. However it is not organization member states, but also remains one thing to do – to wait results confined by these areas. The parties’ on a global basis – this subject was of the long and difficult work on this military-technical cooperation is also touched upon in the talks of the Minis- weight transformation into real results of primary importance. It should be ters of Defense of Russia and China, in in form of consolidation of peace and remembered that the SCO countries particular discussing issues of boating security in the Asian region. The orga- actively use the armament of Russian safety off the African coast. nization has all the things needed for make – to a greater or lesser extent, At present there are both Russian and this. - and cooperation in the field of arms Chinese ships off the Eastern African deliveries, development of new battle coast, ensuring commercial crafts safe and policing systems are of great im- navigation. India maritime forces ships Ilya Kramnik portance for ensuring the organization situated off the African coast have the RIA Novosti's military observer – member states’ security. same mission – India has a status the specially for InfoSCO The subject of the Roundtable held the other day in the Moscow Alexander House business center by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business Council, seems to sound strange for our days of crisis - “International investment cooperation within the framework of SCO: problems and prospects.” Because today's problems are clear as it is: the entire world is trembling with financial and economic shocks, so that who will take the liberty of investing money in major projects, therewith in other countries and the more in risk ones? And indeed what prospects in such a situation can be talked about, when the shores of the sea of crisis are not yet in sight? 16 Nevertheless, the mood of the participants of the meeting was not at all alarmist, but rather, businesslike and even, it may be said, optimistic.

Besides the SCO Business Council the As regards the area of investments, as tainly, for their implementation, there co-initiator of this Roundtable became Moiseev said, a possibility of develop- will need to be considerable capital in- the Russian Venture Company (RVC). I ment and signing of the six countries’ vestments. will recall that it was created almost agreement on protection of invest- Yan Riazantsev, Chief Investment Of- three years ago and is aimed at stimu- ments was discussed in the Organiza- ficer of the Russian Venture Company, lating of the national venture capital tion. In the meantime the parties rely in his speech at the Roundtable told of industry creation in Russia, developing on the existing bilateral documents and the situation with venture capital in- innovative branches of economy and the agreement signed in EurAsEC where vestments in Russia. According to the introducing of Russian knowledge-in- the five SCO countries take part. China estimates of RVC, the current funds, tensive technological products into the is not included in this community, but and those who are just beginning in- international market. The company’s the majority of its participants have bi- vestment activities, over thousand in- interest in this subject is clear — huge lateral agreements with it. novation projects have been already potential of the Shanghai Organization Aside from that, the idea of creating considered, and their flow is increas- offers wide opportunities for work, as, a Development Fund has been worked ing. These data, according to him, by the way, all the post-Soviet space out for two years; it is aimed at encour- mean that the initial period of the ven- does. aging entrepreneurship in the Shanghai ture capital funding formation in Russia The subject of the meeting in the Six countries. Primarily this conception has already accomplished. And it is sig- Alexander House awoke many people’s had been prepared by Chinese, and now nificant at that, he underlined, that in interest — representatives of ministries it is decided to form a special expert spite of dynamic crisis, significant funds and departments of the SCO countries, group to complete it. These questions are invested today in various sciences big banking and finance and investment are of paramount importance on the and technologies developments. Thus, structures, diplomatic body, scientific SCO agenda, because all its participants according to him, the good groundwork and consulting organizations. understand that for the common proj- is laid for preparation and adoption of “Within the framework of SCO there ects advancement serious investments new technologies in production of the is an obvious need for closer, more are required. post-crisis period that is expected to practical cooperation in the area of in- There are not many projects like come after 2010-2011. vestment and business support,” said, that, Leonid Moiseev noted, but all of Riazantsev believes that our situation opening the discussion, Leonid Moiseev, them are quite promising. Let us say, is now more favorable than that on the the Special Representative of the Presi- Russia promotes the project of elec- West. In point of fact, a moratorium dent of Russia for the Shanghai Coop- tronic digital signature, China – that on investing in venture projects is an- eration Organization affairs and the na- of a high-speed information highway. nounced there. Not only their imple- tional coordinator of SCO from Russia. There are other interesting ideas. Cer- mentation but also fulfilments of inves- tors’ financial obligations to funds are the countries is not capable of strug- And in accordance with the EurAsEC stopped. Those companies especially gling against emergent challenges by Interstate Council this February a deci- suffer that after having developed new itself. There are two ways: one way is sion was made on creation of a Centre technologies did not come to a normal passive – forming a strategy of “drag- for High Technology. So far it includes sales level, and today to get fresh funds ging oneself out” of the crisis, and the the Russian Venture Company and the is very difficult for them, if at all pos- other way is active, proceeding from National innovation fund of the Repub- sible. the necessity to take advantage of the lic of Kazakhstan. Other countries’ sim- “There are mechanisms in Russia that opportunities opened, in order to gain ilar structures are expected to also join allow financing such projects, and these tangible benefits, increase its share in the Center activity in time. mechanisms can be developed jointly world economy and financial system. Another challenging idea is establish- with the SCO countries,” said the rep- Russia has chosen its alternative: in the ment of an Intergovernmental venture resentative of RVC. “However with this President Dmitry Medvedev’s message capital fund of SCO. It was formulated aim in view it is necessary to harmo- it is directly said that now it is neces- and grounded last May at the Round- nize our countries’ regulatory and legal sary to pursue a preemptive tactic, be table in Yekaterinburg that was held framework in the field of venture capi- in the front line of innovations in the within the framework of the XIII Russian tal funding. Our proposals on its im- key economic spheres.” economic forum. The assembled there provement here in Russia were sent by Remyga believes that creation of a officials and business representatives, us to the Ministry of Economic Develop- new world financial center in Moscow as well as experts of the SCO Business ment and Trade. At the request of the can contribute much to the capital in- Council from Russia, China, Kazakhstan relevant committees and flow to breakthrough, high-technology and Kirghizia discussed problems of in- Presidential Administration a version of projects. Already this year a legisla- novative projects promotion, issues the concept of law on an integral in- tive package is to be adopted that will of high risk business plans investment novative system creation in the Russian permit to proceed to its formation in search. Negotiating parties then rec- Federation and its further effective de- reality. “And it is the general strategy ommended the SCO Business Council velopment has been also prepared. And in the SCO countries,” the advisor of to look into the possibility of forma- subsequent to the results of the Parlia- the International Industrial Bank un- tion of a joint venture capital fund to ment proceedings, held on February, a derlined. “For example, on March 26 support innovative enterprises. Accord- decision on preparation of a framework the State Council of the PRC made a ing to the experts, to finance high risk law on an innovative system in Russia decision on Shanghai transformation by projects would be easier for several has been taken, that would allow elimi- 2020 in an international financial cen- countries, and the result from the suc- nating many gaps in legislation.” ter. And the government of Kazakhstan cessful introduction of innovations will This subject was developed in the began to create such a regional center belong to all the countries invested in speech at the Roundtable by Andrey in Alma Ata as far back as some years this good cause. Zyuzin, Managing Director at VTB Asset ago, and today it has already worked. At the Board of the SCO Business management – one of the leading com- All the same it is not an end in itself, Council meeting this January in Shench- panies at the Russian venture projects but rather a necessary instrument. The zhen, China, it was confirmed that such 17 investment market: “Any innovative main task of the strategic long-term a fund will be created in foreseeable activities all over the world are not be- plan of Russia and other SCO member future, and the SCO BC Secretariat was ing built on the country or region prin- states is to make an innovative break- assigned to submit concrete proposals ciple – they are all globalized initially. through. And it is obvious: if we do not after their coordination with all the It means that entrepreneurs, scientists, master basic innovations that consti- parties. the people willing to invest in business, tute the main body of a new technology By the way, similar organizations are find for themselves the most suitable structure, then we will undoubtedly being already created on bilateral basis. regulatory mode for their innovations’ find ourselves at the tail of the world Thus, last year in the course of Dmitry application, as well as their talents. civilization.” Medvedev's visit to Astana an agree- Brain capital today is very mobile, and Recently in the Shanghai Cooperation ment was signed between the Russian funds, in spite of the crisis, are avail- Organization economic cooperation “Rosnanotech” and the Kazakh “Sus- able in the different parts of the world. has been more and more emphasized, tainable Development Fund “Kazyna” That is why the Russian innovative sys- Vladimir Remyga noted. This is evident on formation of a joint venture capital tem should be competitive to attract from the fact that its forthcoming sum- fund. In accordance with it, the parties talents and keep those who are now mit will be held not in the capital city, will invest in the fields of nanotechnol- choosing whether stay here or leave but in the big industrial center of Rus- ogy and nanoindustry of both countries. their home country. For the time being sia – Yekaterinburg. Also the long list of The project of establishing the produc- our investment rules and terms are not events to be held in the nearest time in tion of ground and space-based solar so comfortable, as international inves- this city is indicative of the attention battery using technology of the Russian tors would like they are.” paid to the economic component. In research and development enterprise The rapporteur informed that now spite of specificity of each country, main “KVANT” is now being discussed as a the total volume of funds allocated by vectors of our economies coincide. And pilot project. his company to venture capital fund in it offers hope that with strengthening The Shanghai Organization states the format of public private partner- cooperation between the SCO countries have a big work to do. Because the ship makes up almost 5 billion roubles. differences of approaches will smooth question is now not only to withstand in Herewith investors consciously assume and cooperation will be strengthened the vortex of the current financial-eco- risk, perfectly knowing that these between them. nomic storm, but also to pave the ways “seeds” can yield only in 5-7 years, if It should be said that one of the that would enable the SCO countries to not later. steps forward in this direction became make rapid progress. Discussions similar Vladimir Remyga, advisor of the In- the foundation conference (December to that held in the Alexander House just ternational Industrial Bank, devoted 2008) of the International Strategic help the “navigators” in the matter. his report to the innovative develop- Innovative-Technology Alliance, where ment’s role in crisis negotiation. “It the SCO countries play an active role. is absolutely obvious that under crisis This is Nursultan Nazarbayev’s idea, nobody will manage to sit out behind and it is Kazakhstan that mainly financ- Maxim Krans the armour,” he noted. “Neither of es the new alliance work. InfoSCO analyst Russia-Kazakhstan

Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia is mul-

18 tilateral and versatile. But particular importance in it is attached to inter-regional ties and local proj- ects. As once Nursultan Nazarbayev exactly noted, “There are no little affairs in the movement towards each other”. This is clear and absolutely justified: arbayev and Dmitry Medvedev. themselves. it is often much cheaper for the regions Impressive facts: 76 regions of the There are already acknowledged located at thousands of kilometers Russian Federation have established leaders among Russian partners of Ka- from capital cities to establish business trade and economic relations with the zakhstan, such as Chelyabinskaya and contacts with adjoining areas of other Republic of Kazakhstan. In border ar- Orenburgskaya oblasts, whose turn- countries than with industrial centers eas over 350 joint ventures function, over with neighbors amounts to sums inside the country. It became the main among which are, in particular, large with many zeros. There are beginners, stimulus for conclusion of thousands of scale intergovernmental associations, who have most recently established agreements, contracts, and treaties such as “Kazroskhrom”, the automobile the first contacts, but have already be- already in force between Kazakhstan's complex on the base of UralAz and the come aware of promised advantages. and Russia’s neighbors, made it possible Kostanai diesel plant, as well as a num- And some only try out in the field of to establish a great number of business ber of JV relating to the sphere of the the Russian-Kazakh cooperation. But its contacts between enterprises, working fuel and energy industry. advantageousness is obvious to every- now in the close relationship. And this It is known that the share of cross- body. is not by accident that the subject of border cooperation is more than two Thus, the Governor of Omskaya oblast cross-border cooperation was included parts of our countries’ total turnover. Leonid Polezhaev believes that there is in the Joint Operating Plan of Russia In 2007 it already accounted for $7 bil- no point in building a new metallurgi- and Kazakhstan. lion. However it is not even these fig- cal combine in his territory or looking For further development of coopera- ures that strike, but the furious pace, for a new raw materials base, when it tion in this field a special program for with which regional ties are develop- is possible to arrange for mutually ben- 2008-2017 was approved, the cross- ing. Thus, the same last year’s increase eficial supplies with a neighbor. “For- border cooperation subcommittee is of goods turnover volume between tunately, drunkenness with reckless actively working. The parties’ aspira- the two states as compared with 2006 aquisition of sovereignty has passed, in tions towards further profound strate- was 27.2%, and only for the first seven the first place, by efforts of Russia and gic partnership of the two countries at months of 2008 - 28.4%. And the big- Kazakhstan,” he says. “Now “improve- the regional level are also confirmed gest contribution to this growth was ment” shows up in politicians’ views, by annual Forums of Kazakhstan’s and made just by inter-regional business and in the evident ambition to estab- Russia’s border areas with the partici- contacts. So it may be said with good lish economic cooperation, both at cen- pation of the two countries presidents. reason that the real integration of Ka- tral level, and between territories and The fifth in succession regular meeting zakhstan and Russia is initiated not only oblasts. I will not conceal that Nursul- that was held this September in Aktobe “from above”, but also to a greater de- tan Nazarbayev’s position has always was also attended by Nursultan Naz- gree - “from below”, i.e. by the regions impressed me in this matter. It was he that some years ago expressed an idea stan’s and Russia’s transport systems of formation of a Eurasian space. And I integration. Now two versions are being have no doubt that in the former USSR considered – construction of the Eurasia territory some steady economic struc- channel in the Kuma-Manych Depres- Masters of Russian ture will appear. But it is on a national sion and broadening of the Volga-Don Contest among scale. And what to say about adjoining Waterway. territories! Omskaya oblast can not do There are only a few examples of Kazakhstan Youth without Ekibastuz coal. Kazakhstan will versatile cooperation. And there are not be able to do without Omsk oil re- not hundreds of them but already finery, Omsk oil products.” thousands. It is significant that within In fact, a territorial feature of the recent years structure of Kazakhstan’s The first contest “Language Omskaya oblast power complex is tech- exports to Russia has changed to a large is a key to all knowledge” nological dependence on raw materials degree: if earlier it was chiefly concen- that assembled masters of import from Kazakhstan. The local pow- trated on raw materials exportation, the Russian language and er supply system annually consumes 5 then now the share of industrial prod- million tons of Kazakh coal. That is why ucts in it is growing. literature among Kazakh one of the most interesting projects for However, no matter how impor- speaking youth, took place both partners became an inter-regional tant the direct trade barter is for our in Astana in the Russian energy company creation. economies, creation of general goods, center for science and Another point of contact of Omskaya services, capitals and manpower mar- culture. Participants were and Severo-Kazakhstanskaya oblasts’ ket comes today to the fore. Though schoolchildren and students interests - agriculture. Both regions hundreds of joint ventures are already from 14 to 20. have a developed agribusiness indus- functioning today, it is important that try. Long-term developments of scien- their further growth in volumes should In Kazakhstan Russian tists of Siberian State Agrarian Univer- be also accompanied by quality chang- still remains popular and sity and Siberian Research Institute of es and towards high-tech industries at sought-for. Not only senior Agriculture interest very much North that. Today this direction is supported citizens, accustomed to Kazakhstan agrarians. The Kazakh part- by many heads of Russian regions. communicating in Russian, ners would like to participate in joint Thus, Governor of Samarskaya oblast feel the necessity for it – projects in the aerospace industry with Vladimir Artiakov sees good outlook the youth learn Pushkin’s the Omsk “Polet” Federal State Unitary for the Russian-Kazakh cooperation in Enterprise Production Association. The the innovation sphere, in joint work on and Tolstoy’s language too. short-range and strategical plans in- implementation of strategic, “break- It is the native population clude a new biofuel industry creation, through” projects in the field of space that mainly lives in the high-protein feed production, poultry and health technologies, telecommuni- south of the republic. Thus, factories and processing enterprises cations and software, in development in Kyzylordinskaya oblast building, joint work in the aerospace of international transport infrastruc- Kazakhs are estimated at complex. tures and environmental protection 19 Wood, boiler equipment, cokechemi- programs. 95%. Practically they do not cal and electrotechnical products con- Practically all participants of the Rus- speak Russian there, but do stitute a considerable part of export sian-Kazakh border dialog have their learn it in schools. Adilet to Kazakhstan from another western own interesting projects that, they are Ashirbek’s grandmother and Siberian region - the Altai Territory. Be- sure, will be implemented in the near- mother teach the Russian sides, construction sector enterprises est time. Say, the Head of the Adminis- language and literature. of the territory, located in the border tration of the Altai Territory Alexander Thanks to them the boy area, deliver construction materials Karlin has a project to create a special to neighbors. They are crushed stone, economic zone of recreational type that became a winner of the gravel, lime, brick etc. More intensive could receive hundreds of thousands of regional round and arrived research and development cooperation tourists from Kazakhstan (by the way, in Astana for the finals. in the field of mechanical engineering, this project has already been presented Adilet thinks that today energy, chemical industry, agriculture, at the latest forum in Aktobe). Gover- one should speak as more implementation of joint programs in nor of Saratovskaya oblast Pavel Ipatov languages as possible. the sphere of timber and extractive aims at construction of the Ozinki- Aidana Zhumagalieva is the industry, science and education can Taskala international center of border be mentioned as promising directions cooperation that could serve the Cen- youngest competitioner, of partnerships development between tral Asian transportation corridor, act but she was holding her neighboring regions. as a technological, trade and finance own. Already in the first Special attention is also given to de- holding company, as well as facilitate task – presentation of the velopment of border transport infra- communication between inhabitants of “Literary map of my land” – structure of our countries. The Aqtau- neighboring districts. And leadership of she got the top marks. The Astrakhan, Aqtau-Makhachkala ferry Orenburgskaya oblast is concerned with line is already open, the flow of freight creation of a Russian-Kazakh enterprise girl has a good knowledge traffic and carriage of passengers by that by 2012 must bring the Kazakh gas both of the Kazakh and Kazakh and Russian vessels in the Ir- throughput at power of the Orenburg Russian languages. tysh basin is growing. In October 2007 a gas-works up to 15 billion cubic me- The four creative tasks bridge across the Kigach River was com- ters... enabled the children not missioned connecting Atyrauskaya and There are a lot of other not less in- only to make a brilliant Astrakhanskaya oblasts and opening teresting plans. Big and small ones. display of their knowledge Russia a way to Central Asia. And on the Though, as once Nursultan Nazarbayev initiative of the President of the Repub- exactly noted, “There are no little af- of the Russian language and lic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev fairs in the movement towards each literature, but also show the question of water transport con- other”. their creativity. nection of the Caspian and Azov-Black Sea basins is being worked out. It would allow hastening a process of Kazakh- Andrey VASILIEV The world undergo a trial of financial solving problems of resources provision agricultural, transport, and energy and economic crisis. SCO is faced with to meet mankind’s needs without infrastructure on the SCO member this mournful fact too. On the other hand, detriment to the environment, in states territory. any crisis, as it becomes, also causes a achieving goals of global development, - SCO has been developed with its quite creative thing such as “art of the including technology gap crossing home policy not being static. In the way out” requiring a new approach to between countries and eradication Charter a struggle against terrorist the existing problems, unconventional of poverty on basis of ensuring equal threat was enunciated. When consistent solution of the “charade” in question. access to advantages of globalization collective measures on this direction What instruments is SCO going to use in for all of the states. In principle yielded, things were deemphasized. the situation of the global financial and there is probably no novelty in these Major priorities have become economic crisis? Does the Organization approaches. It is necessary to come economic cooperation on basis of have any individual approaches, down from generalities to particulars. equal codevelopment, as well as original solutions, special combinations In any case it is clear that after rapprochement through humanitarian of measures? surmounting the present crisis the field and active cultural exchange. B.N. - Under the conditions of crisis world will be different. But terror continues to approve itself phenomena in the world economy - In spite of sad atmosphere caused in the world, particularly, in India’s SCO intends to demonstrate both by the crisis, it is impossible to cancel Mumbai. India is an observer country of creative approach to actual political out the positive things that SCO has SCO, after all. How is the Organization and economic problems solving, going to meet this challenge, are there and consistency and persistence in done recently. What new steps can SCO, planned new counter-terrorism steps? fulfillment of the tasks specified by the the world’s biggest system of regional Organization as long-term priorities. cooperation, speak about? It would B.N. - Thank you for appreciating be also interesting to know new level effectiveness of our diverse activity.


20 organization is developing

It is possible to effectively ensure creative proposals for enhancement of The SCO member states make joint peace, security and stability in the SCO any of the Organization’s activities. efforts, including closer cooperation space, jointly stand up to challenges B.N. - We are optimistic about the with other interested countries, and dangers, if progressive economic future. In spite of objective difficulties, international regional organizations to development and steady growth most of our states maintain positive establish a wide partnership network in prosperity of our six nations are dynamics of economic growth and for opposition to terrorist threat. First ensured. strong social policy. of all it concerns observer countries of According to the SCO leaders’ general SCO is successively developing as SCO. Ways of their practical involvement assessment, at present, conduct of a multilateral organization. Dialogue in counter-terrorism struggle under the responsible monetary and fiscal policy, development between the member aegis of SCO are being discussed now. capital movements control, ensuring states on ensuring energy security, closer We have decidedly condemned food and energy security come into cooperation in the agricultural field to terrorist acts in India’s largest city of importance. It is necessary to augment ensure food security and stimulation of Mumbai followed by numerous human coordinating efforts of Ministries and agricultural production can be rated losses. The SCO’s statement underlined Agencies responsible for conduct of among new upcoming trends. that organizers and executives of this economic and financial policy. An Good prospects are connected with inhuman attack must be punished important role is already designated cooperation development in science according to the law. Thus solidarity to be played by well-established and technology, in particular, in with Republic of India, an observer non-governmental instruments – the assimilation of new power technologies country in SCO, was confirmed. As SCO Business Council and Interbank (in the context of struggle against global circumstances of the terrorist attack Consortium. climate changes as well), introduction clear up, extremist forces’ plans Saying about “combination of of environmentally sound power become obvious. They tried to frustrate measures” for global economic recovery, engineering and technologies, use of process of India-Pakistan relations note that our Organization stands for renewable energies and innovation normalization. broad international cooperation in techniques to modernize industrial, It is significant that a number of the Western mass media publications about of interests and agreement of opinion peaceful, non-militaristic nature Lashkar-e-Taiba underground group that remain prevalent in the organization of the Organization, its emphasis had masterminded the act of terror activity? on multilateral equal cooperation, in Mumbai, declared its complicity B.N. - The SCO bodies’ decisions, humanitarian and cultural enrichment in gunmen training for operation in as is known, are taken by consensus. that are constantly stressed. What can Chechnya. Threat of international They are considered accepted if not a you tell those who are wary of SCO, its terrorism is of transboundary nature, member state in the process of endorsing ill-wisher and opponents? so this reality must be reflected by raised an objection. Consideration of B.N. - As for ill-wishers and SCO’s means of appropriate counter-terrorism each state’s opinion is a fundamental opponents I can say the Organization measures. Without question that the principle of true democracy in our has given no rise to such an attitude. SCO member states cooperation in Organization. Matters of principle, Unbiased experts and journalists struggle against terrorism, separatism strategic questions discussed at should not be allergic to genuine and extremism will be consolidated. It various SCO forums invariably reflect understanding of the SCO military is planned to further extend possibilities coincidence or similarity of partners’ constituent. of the Regional counter-terrorism positions, united by the common Not a programming document, to structure that has already proved to be purposes and uniform understanding begin with the SCO Charter, contains effective mechanism of special services of nature of problems we have to deal formulated military or defensive coordination and established systematic with. purposes and tasks. SCO considers exchange of corresponding information That is why the Shanghai Spirit terrorism, separatism, extremism and on the basis of common data bank. principles, harmony in relations and drug offense as the main source of While planning special services and patience are of so much importance in menace to the world peace, security defense agencies counter-terrorism case of inevitable disputable moments. and stability. You must admit that to exercises, new elements of regional There are not any insuperable see anything ominous in this approach persistently and steadily 21

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretary- General Bolat Nurgaliev gave an exclusive interview to the Editor-in-Chief of InfoSCO Tatiana Sinitsyna.

developments and international terrorist disagreements here. We have always would be alogical. organizations’ tactics are certainly managed to find out a reasonable The annual Defense Ministers meeting taken into account. Special care will be balance of interests and approaches. agenda items relate to joint opposition given to relevant authorities’ personnel With regard to questions you have raised to international terrorism. SCO has joint training, in order to ensure high about Uzbekistan’s position I can specify no military command and planning level of their operational cooperation. that they do not object in principle. structure. Counter-terrorist orientation Positive experience accumulated The Uzbek partners endorse ideas of is clearly seen in the military training while safeguarding the Olympic games cooperation establishment between exercises scenario with the participation in Beijing, will be in demand when our countries’ youth, humanitarian of military contingents within the preparing and conducting forthcoming ties development, including education framework of SCO. Military attaches big international events, including the sphere. It is another matter that from various countries not specified APEC summit in Vladivostok, the 2010 versions of entering into cooperation by political blocs are invited to attend World’s fair in Shanghai and the Winter are different. It is normal, however, large-scale exercises. Olympics in Sochi. and to my opinion, further process of Documentation on relationship with - Analysts and experts call SCO “the political, economic and humanitarian other core international organizations most successful international project SCO space formation will only gain from specifies cooperation in struggle against of the last decade.” Yet they point pluralism and innovative ideas. terrorism, illegal drug and weapon out “not unclouded prospects” and - SCO is a community of nations, dispensing, opposition to organized existing disagreements. For example, arousing interest all over the world, transnational crime. In practice Uzbekistan preferred not to participate attracting attention of political measures taken jointly are transparent, in establishing Association of Youth establishment, various experts, because we have nothing to conceal. Organizations; it also keeps away analysts etc. Many, especially in the - The SCO structure is developing and from the activity connected with the West, are concerned about the fact it is known that it will have a “youth SCO University model development. that SCO may develop into a powerful wing.” A model of the SCO University Does the principle of accommodation military alliance. And this is despite is now being created. How do you estimate integration process dynamics a status of an “observer country” or pioneer track, sometimes not without in SCO in whole? What can you tell become a “dialogue country” in the inaccurate moves. What is required to about the course of the SCO University SCO structure, to cooperate within the make the SCO course optimal? project? What other new elements of its scope of consultations. What principles B.N. - Any international organization “building” does SCO intend to construct is the SCO model development prospects development is above all connected in the nearest time? based on? with how adequately processes taken B.N. - One of the priority cooperation B.N. - Difficult questions of our place within its framework meet diverse areas designated in the SCO Charter international activity further expansion interests of all of the participants. includes cooperation expansion in should be solved taking into account science and technology, education, increasing attention to SCO on the There will be no progress without public health, culture, sports and part of world community and the constant adaptation to new realities tourism. These spheres are promising Organization membership applications and consolidation of approaches. for youth’s energy and knowledge from a number of countries. This SCO is developing simultaneously in application. The younger generation process must be well-ordered and three dimensions - political, economic education in the spirit of rectitude, systematic. For this purpose an and humanitarian. And it is crucially inculcation of tolerance and respect for appropriate legal framework is being important to ensure their well-balanced other nations’ cultures are guarantee of developed; in particular, a document of cooperation so that processes dynamics further strengthening of friendship and membership criteria. An observer and a of each dimension may reflect basic neighborliness between our countries. dialogue partner status provisions were interests of each member state. As well Establishment of the SCO international adopted earlier and have been already as a fundamental mission agreed in the University would be a step towards working. So we do not mark time, we SCO Charter of joint development for formation of a common educational take yet every step advisedly, first of progress and prosperity of our nations. SCO space, as well as a practical all pursuant to the Organization further contribution of the member states to consolidation. - What are prospects for the the process of professional training SCO has a status of a UN observer. development of SCO? Will new areas systems enrichment with experience We successively develop relations with of cooperation appear within the and innovations. regional and non-regional organizations; framework of the organization? At what In terms of concepts the University we have signed memorandums of stage are the questions of admission to is planned to be a network of the cooperation with some of them, for membership of SCO? universities already existing in the SCO example, with CIS, EurAsEC, ASEAN, B.N. - The organization is persistently countries. Skill formation within the CSTO, OEC, and ESCAP. We consult on and steadily developing. Cooperation SCO University must be carried out in questions of mutual concern with OSCE, spectrum broadening for account of the priority cooperation areas (regional EU and other. Range of cooperation new promising areas confirms it. Thus, 22 studies, environmental science, with them is very wide: security issues, the SCO participants are interested in energetics, nano- and information struggle against terrorism and drug the use of cumulative potential as much technologies). An idea to promote trafficking, trade, migration, transport, additional opportunities for youth and environmental protection. as possible for their own development. to enable them to receive a modern - There are hazy ideas of single Public health, agriculture, ecology, education of high quality and, after all, currency establishment in the SCO space. regulation of migratory movements, preconditions for effective political, Now when dollar has lost confidence science and technologies can be noted trade and economic, scientific and and absolute authority, there is much among new spheres of cooperation. technical cooperation. emphasis on its replacement necessity Appearance of new areas of cooperation To date there is practically no in the world. Still more frequent yet reflects the need for development of experience in such universities are suggestions to refuse the single the Organization itself and dynamism formation. The SCO member states currency domination and create a of multilateral ties of the SCO process experts have to follow unbeaten tracks, multipolar financial payment system, participants. arriving at solutions of problems such stable and suitable for all. Does an idea Considering the raising interest in SCO as mutual admission of documents of “the SCO single currency” become on the part of states and organizations confirming education, harmonization of topical in this situation? And what could that want to become our partners, educational standards etc. The problem be to your opinion hypothetic features is set so that in 2010-2011 the SCO of such a currency? issues of further institutionalization of University may begin function and in B.N. - A single currency can be the Organization international activity several years there may be graduating introduced at the stage of integration are of integrated nature. Provision of students having got degrees in special completion. For example, in the EU observer status under SCO and Provision subjects both of their base institute that was only possible after forty of the SCO dialogue partner status were and SCO University. years of the date of the organization adopted earlier. Steps toward expansion - SCO was founded as a regional founding, even then not for all of the of the Organization, which is, to my organization with an Asian vector. member states. Actually, in today’s mind, inevitable, should be carefully However in the today’s world it conditions of global financial crisis considered, pursuant to the interests the SCO member states are discussing is difficult to shut oneself off by of further strengthening of the base, geographical boundaries, to live ideas of national currencies use for on which the six states had united into in isolation. In the West the voices international payments. But it rather SCO in due time. Now formulation of a have already come addressing to concerns bilateral relations, and not the European Community and NATO. the Organization in whole. document on the mode of admission in They urge these structures to “make - SCO is a unique sub-regional SCO is being carried out. Membership advances and join SCO.” It is also known organization, based on a noble idea criteria are strict enough, because the that a lot of states want to become the of just cooperation, mutual assistance Organization can be increased only by SCO member, and others want to obtain and protection. It follows an unbeaten candidates worthy in all respects. Barack Obama Could Not Afghanistan Do without SCO After the Moscow conference on ones,” said the Russian President Dmitry Afghanistan, recently held in Moscow Medvedev. under the aegis of SCO, a conference took It is appropriate to mention here that place in the Hague with similar subject Afghanistan is situated not somewhere in profile under the aegis of UN. No wonder: the background of the SCO responsibility the world is in real earnest anxious about area, but in its very heart. From the east, the Afghan problems and probably intends south and west it is surrounded by the SCO to solve them seriously and in common. observer countries – Pakistan and Iran, It is appropriate to mention here that from north – by the permanent members Afghanistan is situated not somewhere in - China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. In the background of the SCO responsibility the north there is also a “neutral” (not area, but in its very heart. joined) Turkmenistan, but it actively participates in Afghanistan’s fortune In the Hague World Center of Forums too. And exclusively in close liaison with and Congresses up to two thousand people Central Asian republics at that – such are gathered – foreign ministers and other the traditions. representatives of 72 countries, as well and transboundary crime coming from But the point is not only in geography. as about 20 international organizations Afghanistan, the regional cooperation It is enough to remind that the active - UN, EU, NATO, World Bank, IMF, non- was accentuated. It is not difficult to stage of SCO creation fell on winter 2001- governmental humanitarian organizations. understand transformation of priorities. 2002, after the launch of the US operation Here also were represented the states As was underlined by everybody who spoke “Invincible freedom” in Afghanistan. participating in the operation of at the Moscow conference, the problems Among initial ideas of SCO there is an International Security Assistance Force in at hand can be solved only when closely attempt of the countries of the region to Afghanistan (ISAF) conducted under the cooperating with direct and regional form their own policy toward what is going auspices of NATO, other countries rendering Afghanistan’s neighbors that, except on in Afghanistan. all kinds of assistance to Afghanistan. It Turkmenistan, are either permanent Here is the key question of everything means once more how much the Afghan members of SCO, or its observers. what has been going on in the Central subject disturbs the world community. Knowing jealous attitude of the USA Asia region already for several decades. The general thesis of the conference is and NATO toward this organization, there Answering the question is not possible worded as “comprehensive strategy in a were some concerns, that it is the idea without knowing what Central Asia is, how regional context”. It must be noted that the of regional cooperation against which its countries relate to each other and with international conference on Afghanistan is undercover soft boycott will be declared. other “outer” forces. held in this format and vein for the first But surprisingly the contrary proved to be Certainly, the USA and NATO do not time. The focus is on the new US strategy the case. Practically all the participants want Afghanistan to suddenly enter SCO, for Afghanistan and Pakistan. The strategy of the Moscow conference supported the nor SCO will be particularly enthusiastic named “all-round” or “comprehensive” regional cooperation as the only possible about Afghanistan’s membership in NATO. 23 was declared by the US President Barack key approach in solving the Afghan This truth is clear to everybody. But there Obama on March 27. On the same day problem. is another, not less significant truth. a one-day international conference on And this position was initiated at that Perhaps today any voluntary block Afghanistan was held in Moscow. It was by nobody else but the western allies of alliances are not possible for Kabul – surely not pure coincidence. the USA – Great Britain, France, Germany, whether with NATO, CSTO, SCO or other; In Moscow the sun was already down, Italy and Canada, arriving in Moscow in the by the way, it constantly reminds of it. But and in Washington the day just started. It group of “eight”. It was them that (unlike to organize with the help of Afghanistan may be suggested that the US President U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State cooperation between NATO and SCO on needed to know results of the Moscow for South and Central Asian Affairs Patrick the Afghan problem – this scenario is quite conference on Afghanistan – if only Moon) granted the regional cooperation real. The main thing is to find a format for conceptually – before he voices his new the status of “the only possible key this cooperation. strategy. It was necessary to have time approach” in solving the Afghan problem. Practically NATO is in Afghanistan to amend the project of new American It was so unexpectedly and originally neither formally, nor officially. Here strategy as far as possible if needed, that when at the final meeting a proposal is only the related to UN international on the basis of the Moscow conference was raised to agree with the fact that at peacemaking contingent ISAF. In regard results. It is no secret that for the USA the Moscow conference “reconsideration to NATO, it has voluntarily, at request of and NATO SCO in Afghanistan is a delicate of the international community’s efforts the same ISAF, undertaken duties of these surprise, requiring due care. strategy in Afghanistan” in favor of the forces coordinator. In this case why does The most sensational element of the regional cooperation occurred, everybody not SCO undertake duties of Afghanistan strategy declared by Obama, as almost all agreed all at once. neighbors’ actions coordinator, with whom the observers admit, became the proposal And what was there to be done for Kabul has established good relations on the to create under the aegis of UN a contact Barack Obama in this situation? Naturally, basis of bilateral communications? By this group for Afghanistan that would include to declare creation of a new contact scenario NATO will have no formal reasons along with the NATO countries, Russia, group for Afghanistan and Pakistan to suspect Moscow and Beijing in striving China and Iran. Nobody expected this. that will consolidate everybody who to involve Afghanistan in their regional Because the USA does not merely state participates in maintenance of security organization. On the contrary, this is an readiness to “share responsibility” for in the region. According to Obama, this example of cooperation. Afghanistan alongside with its western group should include not only traditional At present these thoughts seem to be allies also with Russia, China and even allies of Washington from among the NATO idealistic. Nevertheless now the USA with its old opponent - Iran. The USA, countries and the States of the Gulf, seriously began to think over: why it needs actually, stated its readiness to “share” but also Central Asian countries, Russia, Afghanistan and how to exercise control Afghanistan with the regional states such China, India and Iran. Simply speaking – here? In any case, the”comprehensive as Russia, China and Iran. the Shanghai Cooperation Organization strategy” for Afghanistan comes for the All correct. But it is worth wondering countries (that the USA and NATO, to say first time on the initiative of the USA “in a what preceded this, and coming back to the least, often try not to notice, though regional context”. the Moscow conference. they should.) A peculiarity of the Moscow international “We understand the necessity of looking conference on Afghanistan is just that for collective solutions to the Afghan it was held under the aegis of SCO. And problems. It is of critical importance that it meant that in spite of the declared Russia and the USA should consider these “traditional” issues for discussion, i.e. two conferences as mutually supporting Petr Goncharov the threats of terrorism, drug trafficking each other, and not as competitive political observer America and Europe looked attentively at SCO a long time and wouldn’t understand, where to place this exotic, by Western standards, organization? Mixture of the Russian bear and the Chinese dragon, flavoured with “ Shakherezada tales” from the Central Asian part of the Silk Route. There was so much exotics in the new establishment, while distinctions between countries seemed so big, that it could make everyone pause... 24

The 2009 year seems to be critical since the beginning of the 1990s. And derstand, where to place this exotic, by for the Shanghai Cooperation Organiza- how Russia, China and attitude toward Western standards, organization? Mix- tion from every side. It will be a year of America changed as well; what new in- ture of the Russian bear and the Chinese transition to new quality standards. In ternational organizations are now. But dragon, flavoured with “Shakherezada all respects. there is another problem. Numerous tales” from the Central Asian part of the examples of history show that global Silk Route. There was so much exotism In 2008-2009 Russia is Chairman of crisis, generating new decisions, at the in the new establishment, while distinc- the SCO. According to the European same time give new instruments and tions between countries seemed so big, Union experience, where chairman- mechanisms. SCO is just the case. that it could make everyone pause. ship of member states is changeable too, the state, taking over the leading Any organization activity is deter- Many things were incomprehensible duty, always tries to draw attention mined by what it has “under its belt”, for the European mind. But as for the by something significant, to influence and what it is working on now. But there American one, in the Bush era that con- the organization development, further is another very important indicator, it firmed a primitive representation of the is necessary to take into account when movement vector. The President Dmitry world around to a wonder, almost noth- Medvedev and the Prime Minister Vladi- defining influence and efficiency of ing was understandable. Since 2001, mir Putin believe that the world finan- each international structure. Its sense when SCO was formed, the USA could cial crisis, ironically enough, will help is the following: who, what, how and not believe that these very “bear and the SCO to become firmly established how much is mentioned. Frequency of dragon” without prejudice to anyone in a new geopolitical situation. World’s abbreviation of any international or- can become established on the Silk remagnetization to multipolarity (and ganization’s name in the press, expert there is no doubt this process is getting circles, scholarly disputes, at seminars, Route and create something useful. That under way) must give an impetus to SCO in diplomats’ and state officials’ mouth? is why Washington reacted very slug- too: the Organization is obliged to get It is almost like a barometer: the more gishly to all SCO’s movements. However its special “polar” attraction. frequently a name is heard – the higher in 2005 the Americans made a lukewarm its authority is. attempt to become the SCO observer, And the fact is not somebody from the but the matter did not advance. “Six” tries to use “difficulties of the mo- I always liked to look at things through ment”, to practice on the fact that the “somebody else’s eyes” - in such a way When SCO became more serious than US previous administration has already they look more prominent, the good they thought, they made an attempt to left, and the new one has not come into and the bad become more apparent. So, pass it for something like a new “War- force yet. This thesis is advanced most- how does SCO look “sideways”? saw pact”, a counterbalance to NATO, ly by neoconservatives from the Bush and scare the whole Asian region. But administration that does not want to America and Europe looked attentive- eventually they had to refuse this un- understand, how far the world has gone ly at SCO a long time and wouldn’t un- justified postulate. Presently, the Americans assert that It is them which the USA starts hunting Alyson Bailes believes that SCO is a very as yet they can not understand at all, for. solid mechanism to maintain stability what SCO is and where it is going to. Under new administration of Presi- and security not only in Central Asia, “Ask the Russian, Chinese, Kirghiz or dent Barack Obama the Central Asia but in the Asian region as a whole. Uzbek, what the SCO agenda should becomes ever more important region be, and you will hear four quite differ- in geopolitical games of Washington. “However high or low we assess the ent answers. Somebody wants to focus There is something behind a sudden possibility of conflict between China on security, somebody on economics, change of his tone in his treatment of and Russia after the cold war period”, somebody on the “three evils” (narcot- this part of the world. A refrain is heard she writes in a special research for the ics, terrorism, smuggling), and some- from American diplomats like this: “to Council of the European Union, “SCO is body else – on pressure on international call all the Central Asian republics by constructed so that to avoid, either by organizations.” Such an assessment was a term “Central Asia” is pejoratively, a deterrent device, or positive manage- recently given by Evan Feigenbaum, As- disrespectfully” etc. Only those can do ment of both states and their common sistant Secretary of State for South and like this who practically do not respect interests in Central Asia. It is of some- Central Asian Affairs, and yet there are national sovereignty of original nations what ironic that SCO’s manageable for- no other opinions. being part of the region, and use them mat also offered Central Asia a basis for as pawns in their geopolitical chess. But accurate calculation of their traditional But without knowing what SCO is, the as for us (Washington), we do not do exercise in balancing between Mos- Americans begin to prescribe where it it; that is why they should reach for us cow and China, western and oriental is to go. “May be It would be best for solely. While Moscow and Beijing “uses” friends. them to begin with agenda, we and Central Asia. our partners carry out in the region.” SCO advanced much farther than oth- No more, no less. Feigenbaum further If to take the trouble to think over ers in the case of the Central Asian na- unscrambles, what exactly it means: to such assertions, their absurdity will be- tions’ involvement in real tasks perfor- offer comprehensive aid to the USA in come obvious at once. Generally speak- mance. If SCO manages to open channels Afghanistan and to abandon attempts ing, “art of use” is what diplomacy is all for Chinese investments in coordinated to create certain “energy clubs.” The about. On their part the Central Asian infrastructure projects and other plans USA understands by this the SCO coun- countries “use” Moscow, Beijing, Wash- of specific development in the whole tries integration with the view of mining ington, and the EU as well. Central Asia, then everybody will only activities in the Caspian and oil trans- gain from it. Moreover, a wide “cooper- mission pipeline construction towards Membership in SCO, for example, does ation menu” offered by SCO to its mem- China, India, and Pakistan. All that hap- not prevent Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Ta- bers, also means cooperation at “prior pens without the USA’s taking part in it jikistan and Uzbekistan from being the national” level – between businessmen, is already considered as foreign-policy most active partners of NATO’s “Part- parliamentarians, various types of play- and economic heresy, for it affects and nership for Peace”programme or others ers. And that is already “progressive infringes upon Washington’s interests, jointly with the USA or North Atlantic Al- versatility.” A western expert’s very ca- 25 so they begins to cross swords with it. liance in the field of military security. Ta- pacious thought. jikistan receives from the United States Actually neither of the SCO members a solid support for the development of After all, there is no use to have il- affirms that the Americans hold no in- its state border. To date Washington has lusions that “good Europe” unlike the terests in the Silk Route. Sure enough, granted to Dushanbe $40 million for re- USA, is ready to accept SCO as an equal they do. But nobody can understand construction, building and equipment international partner. Europe is just why Washington also wants to control purchasing for 15 frontier posts at the looking closely at it so far. traffic here? Tajik-Afghan border. American instruc- tors train Tajik border guard, and, at As a matter of fact, SCO, to be quite As far as SCO is concerned the USA be- the same time, supply their Kazakh and frank, has just confined itself to de- gins increasingly to bring up a subject of Uzbek colleagues with special cutters to claring its readiness to consolidate its absolute incompatibility of Russia’s and control the Caspian and the Aral. The relations with European organizations. China’s interests. There are two theses. USA has almost completed the Kirghiz For the time being links are formal- The first one: Moscow and Beijing, on and Tajik drug enforcement administra- ized only with UN and ASEAN Regional a stand-alone basis are no good match tion with hardware and equipment. It Forum on Security. Europe is informed as partners in view of deep difference also helps Kirghizia to upgrade Russian of SCO from its member states, and not of foreign-policy aims. And the second MI-8 helicopter gunship. In Kazakhstan from the very organization. Though, one: Moscow and Beijing together do not American companies altogether are on according to the European Commission suit all the other SCO members, so long a level with Russia and China by size of experts, Brussels is ready for relations as they would depress their national in- foreign investments - 30% of the whole development – just to the level of ob- terests, sovereignty and aspiration for portfolio... servers’ exchange. democracy... All the same the President Medvedev was absolutely right, when The Americans have never been no- Brussels, unlike Washington takes as he told that American Sovietologists are table for refinement of their foreign- positive the fact that Iran is an observer endangered species because they use policy propaganda, whereas Europe is in SCO. Europe believes that Tehran’s the last century’s templates. much more tactful in respect to SCO. participation in any multilateral organi- It has already begun the process of its zation can help to “cultivate” the Ira- In the offing China and Russia, no mat- relations reconsideration with Central nian regime. Therefore, if the Shanghai ter what reaction it can cause from out- Asia. Last year Brussels developed and Cooperation Organization takes step to- side, will remain major players of SCO. approved the “The EU and Central Asia: wards Europe in the future, it will only Their participation there is a principal Strategy for a New Partnership” long gain from it. benefit of the organization. To some de- term programme valid till 2013. One gree they resemble the two most volu- of the leading European experts of the minous passengers of one boat, which Central Asian region, former director of have to coordinate their bodily move- the well-established Stockholm Interna- Andrei Fediashin ments to prevent the boat’s turnover. tional Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) RIA Novosti political observer two countries were imposing others a certain The Special Representative of the President instruction. It was a free and plain exchange of of Russia for the Shanghai Cooperation opinions. Thereby both positive and negative Organization affairs and the national experience of other regional associations coordinator of SCO from Russia, Ambassador- was taken into account, say, that of EurAsEC. at-Large Leonid Moiseev gave an interview We did not seek after excessively ambitious to the Editor-in-Chief of InfoSCO Tatiana things, but we tried to do what was in the Sinitsyna. organization’s power at a particular stage of existence. If the economic integration SCO Has Already Taken is not today’s and even not tomorrow’s mission, perhaps, then infrastructure Its Place in World projects implementation, in the first place – auto-roads and railroads construction – is Architectonics a feasible task. And the matter is about an important thing at that – establishment of a communication element connecting all the SCO states in a single economic organism. - Within our sight a new world - Was not it a challenge to the same Except China, other countries in the times image is being created – the political unipolar policy imposing its standards, of the were integrated in one and economic one. What place in a desire to harmonize forces in the system. However in view of new realities it this architectonics can the Shanghai Global area? The nature of things, as is was necessary to create a new fabric of a Cooperation Organization take? known, seeks equilibrium. common space, intergovernmental relations L.M. – SCO is a quite young international L.M. - Maybe, subconsciously, hiddenly, it in the region. Certainly, without denying structure, it was created eight years ago, advanced the states as well. However none what had existed before. but I am sure, it has already taken its place of the participants of the first new format - SCO’s way is pioneer, and it is quite both in the regional and world architecture. meetings did not aim any opposition. That is, natural that it is covered by trial and First of all, on the strength of its uniqueness. there was no task to create an anti-western error. Not all of the declared projects The organization consolidates the two big coalition, as was no aim to create some sort are equally successful, some of them countries, Russia and China, and at the of “antiNATO” instead of the broken Warsaw are pending, and others, on the same time – four Central Asian countries Pact. Unfortunately, exactly these motifs are contrary, have got a good perspective. – Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan and often ascribed to SCO. The main task was What areas of cooperation would You Uzbekistan. And SCO propagates at that different, quite pragmatic. At that date in single out as successful? the philosophy of which the main point is the Central-Asian region a disturbing entity L.M. – Things are good enough in the the following: all countries, regardless of was formed: terrorism and extremism forces anti-terrorist direction. We have created a spatial quantity, economic power, political made a move. The regional situation in whole special structure engaged in quite specific culture, traditional peculiarities, should turned out to be very fragile. This is precisely things. The anti-narcotic cooperation is being have absolutely equal constituent power in why it was necessary to concentrate on some actively developed - a burning issue because world affairs and to participate fully and joint steps, foremost on opposition to these it concerns everybody. Cooperation between equally in discussion of paramount questions forces. It was these tasks that were made the the ministries of emergency situations is of the present. corner-stone. It was not without reason that worked out not bad, headquarters are being This philosophy is inevitably perceived the first elaborated documents underlined created to coordinate actions in this field; an 26 as a challenge to the tendencies that have the need for joint struggle against these emergency diplomatic response mechanism is lately especially distinctly appeared, when dangerous tendencies. The organization being established. A new area has appeared there were attempts to model all out-of- initially showed a new, unique for the - an opposition to epidemiological situation. doors by templates of a certain standard, unipolar international practice example It is paid more and more attention, so long by subjective yardsticks, when the only of communication, when the countries of as all the SCO member states are interested someone's value systems were imposed. various civilization traditions and cultures in it. Disaster medicine can also pronounce And SCO upholds the principle of parity were conducting equitable dialogue on a on, program of struggle against the outbreak when all the countries can fully cooperate wide range of questions. Apart from security of the odious diseases such avian influenza, not only on absolutely equal terms, in spite problems primordially brought to a focus, a non-typical pneumonia, enterovirus diseases of differences, but herewith also develop theme of cooperation development in other etc. is being actively filled with specifics. cultural traditions in cooperation with other areas naturally arose too. In this way an Specialist contacts in this field have been states. It is this philosophy that imparts economic dimension and a comprehensive considerably intensified. uniqueness to the organization, serves as the humanitarian component part appeared. Several big areas of cooperation within main attractive moment. The organization was harmonized, became the framework of SCO were initiated by - Intergovernmental alliances do universal. the Russian party. The question is, in the not appear for no particular reason; - It would seem, the SCO countries are first place, about creation of the SCO Youth everything has its causal relationship. not valent by their territorial dimension, association and University. The sense of the What passionaire forces have promoted historical experience, economic educational project is to create a network SCO’s idea, what objective conditions potential, integration possibilities, and of leading higher education institutions have predetermined the organization finally, by their mentality, and cultural of the organization member states that appearance? traditions. How is possible to count all should coordinate educational programs for L.M. – The point of SCO’s departure was that, to fairly order? Apparently, it is the students, train various specialists on behalf an intensive cooperation with China near most difficult task for the organization. of SCO. the common border that was in progress in What do You think? Certainly, not all the organization member last years of the Soviet Union. Then the two L.M. – Yes, indeed. It is not so easy to states are enthusiastic about particular states took the lead of working out unique combine everything in a single fabric. At projects; there are times when they are for the Asian Continent measures of military the very beginning of its existence SCO assessed differently, which is quite natural. In confidence and reduction in force near enunciated quite ambitious goals: say, a the meantime, cooperation can be developed the common border. There was no similar mission was officially set to create economic with a velocity of unequal significance – the precedent in Asia’s history (by the way, our conditions towards 2020 for capital, services, countries ready for cooperation can join one example was later used by China and India and investment free flow. Actually the matter project or another, while others can abstain at their borders). This absolutely new for was about a serious full-fledged economic and join in later. Asia process had an important result – it integration. However the reality showed that - And yet, it is no secret that at the was the start of creating an atmosphere of these missions are not so easy to solve. And SCO roundtable there is disagreement, mutual trust. And this atmosphere did not now, in conditions of global financial crisis, different points of view, and particular disappear at that following the breakup they can even become more complicated. opinions. How is possible here to reach of the Soviet Union. In Central Asia new Gradually what could be solved rather easily a consensus, the ideal SCO is striving sovereign states arose that also turned out at the first stage was singled out, whereas for? to be aimed at cooperating and trusting. This outstanding problems were adjourned. New L.M. There are different ways to do it. positive process contributed to creation of topics and unexpected points of contact Remember that on March 27 a conference on intergovernmental relations of new quality appeared. Things went naturally, with Afghanistan took place in Moscow initiated in the post-Soviet political realities in this application of various countries' efforts. by the Shanghai Cooperation Organization part of world. That is, it was not the situation when one or and turned out to be very successful – 34 countries and international organizations in order that consequences may not have a set in such a way that only “unstained” participated in it. Uzbekistan was not dramatic impact on the level of living in these countries should meet them. It was hardly presented at this conference. On the strength countries. Another important moment: it is no correct, but if to refer to other international of special approaches to the Afghan problem secret that in conditions of crisis demand for organizations’ example, say NATO or EC, it Tashkent considered it unreasonable to take labor migrants’ services slumped, and Russia is clear how much admittance procedure is part in this SCO initiative. In the meantime, and Kazakhstan are just the countries that complicated there. There is a strict rule set, the convocation of a conference coordinated had very actively involved labor migrants, a chain of preparatory stages, it is necessary with it. One of the documents that became in particular from Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, to undergo. So, the work on admittance the result of this special conference is the Tajikistan, i.e. its SCO colleagues. criteria in SCO that we had considered further SCO’s plan of actions in the Afghan This subject is serious and major for technical turned out to be more serious. area. I think that many things provided discussion. On the initiative of Russia we have However it must be done and we shall in this plan will be implemented with the specially created a group of experts including continue to work. If SCO enunciated the participation of Uzbekistan as well. all the migration-related departments’ Organization openness, then it is impossible - It may be said that SCO is a representatives. The scope of discussion in to be closed for ever in the existing frames. laid friendly table, but some of the this group is very wide – from struggle against The first results of the experts’ efforts are presents, for some reason or another, illegal migration – till creation of conditions already available, and they will, apparently, do not perceive, say, a spicy or a sweet for a normal civilized migration, first of all the be reported to the heads of state, that will dish. Is this image acceptable? labor one. This theme is now becoming one of give the further impetus. L.M. - Perfectly. I think the organization the major items on the economic agenda. We - De facto SCO is already an important must take into account each member’s have created an inter-departmental group, part of the Central Asian security system; specifics of the approach to one problem where not only the FMS representatives UN, NATO and other organizations or another, a peculiarity of international participate but also those of the Ministry of now have to accept the established organizations lies here. The consensus Internal Affairs, Business Council. This group principle – a single approach elaboration - will formulate conceptual approaches to the reality, communicate with SCO, take certainly, should be used, but at the same problem solution. By the way, SCO deals with into consideration its opinion and even time it is not improbable that various the migration problem as a pioneer; we felt jointly work out a common strategy in countries have a different speed of motion in the problem inevitable in the SCO countries the area of common interests, I mean a particular direction. If one of the parties is relationships just in time. Afghanistan. not ready to participate in one common goal - Not simple question – about the SCO L.M. – I would say that the conference or another (the SCO documents admit it), extension, new states joining, all the on Afghanistan SCO organized on March in the interested countries can participate in more so there are interested countries. Moscow has become a matter of principle. For it. And here is no need to seek contradictions What is SCO’s position here? the first time in SCO's history NATO, the USA, or any element of confrontation inside the L.M. - As far back as two years ago, after the Group of Eight countries, Turkey, OSCE organization. This is the essence of everyday the first SCO membership applications, at the that had taken SCO not very seriously until life where not everything can be ideal. And summit in Dushanbe it was decided to weigh recently, participated in the forum organized when the organization is increased, I do not and discuss this question very thoroughly. by SCO. And OSCE secretary general, NATO exclude these “discrepancies” the more Last year we created a special group that Deputy Secretary General even spoke at so. However different positions should not began to consider all aspects. Certainly, the the conference. The SCO ground is very impede work in those directions where the issue of the Organization extension is, first convenient for the Afghan subject discussion substantial part of countries does whish to of all, a political question. But technical at a regional angle. cooperate. It follows from SCO’s philosophy moments also require a serious attention. At the conference we did not challenge to propagating the respect to each member of For example, as regards the Organization solve all the Afghan problems. The mission 27 the organization, attention to each country’s budget and contributions. The SCO budget is was quite pragmatic and rather realistic – to voice and at the same time – calling not to formed on the principle of economic weight. see what can be done in the Afghan area from stop, but move towards promising areas. In compliance with the contribution rate each a perspective of the region. And in the first - What role, in Your opinion, can country has a quota for the representation place, not inside Afghanistan, but around it. SCO play in the member states safe in the continuing structures. The question And it turned out a very actual theme. CSTO overcoming the financial and economic arises of working languages. Today it is Secretary General Nikolai Borduzha, speaking crisis? It is clear that everybody would Russian and Chinese. When accepting new at the conference, absolutely correctly like to minimize his personal losses, but members SCO would have to pass to other noted that 8 big international structures and do the SCO states have any common working languages as well. organizations are functioning in the region approaches to the assessment of Here also emerges even the question we in the Afghan direction, and each of them actions? have never thought about before. When SCO is acting in accordance with its own plans, L.M. - Within the framework of SCO the was created, in its Charter the following not coordinating their efforts with other theme of crisis is ranked rather high. We was enunciated: the Organization is open structures, other countries. have a structure that consolidates the SCO for other countries admittance; it is not an It turns out that a lot of efforts are put countries’ economic authorities – the Business exclusive bloc. Only two admittance criteria into the “Afghan theme”, a large amount Council. It was it first of all that designated were designated. The fist one – a new of events are dedicated to it, the countries the “crisis problems” at its meetings, and member must recognize matters of principle contribute colossal sums, but the situation they are regularly discussed. By the way, at of the SCO activity, agree with them and on only becomes worse. It suggests that maybe the St. Petersburg international economic this ground to work within the framework of something is wrong. It turns out that all the forum early June, where SCO traditionally the Organization. The second criterion is to parties are working by individual algorithms; works as a separate section, a special session belong to the region. But, when we began to international organizations do not take into at a rather high presentation level of the SCO think over what the SCO region is, we faced consideration each other's actions. Whereas Business Council is planned to be held where the difficulties with definition of this term. looking for ways to harmonize economic The point is that the SCO region can SCO has just offered to try to find some joint relations in conditions of crisis will be be presented differently. In the narrow strategy, or at least - points of contact where considered. The question will be also about geographical “key” it is the Central Asia possible. what exactly business community can offer region. Then it turns out that besides the We have designated the directions that to enable the SCO countries to overcome the current members, only Turkmenia belongs seem priority to us: narcotics, terrorism, and crisis with minimal loss. to this region. When presenting the SCO organized crime. As concerns counter-drug - But the situation in the SCO space possible space to the widest extent, then it actions, everybody admit that efforts are to is not definite: some was affected by would include all the Eurasian territory, i.e. be consolidated. There are problems both the crisis more, some less... any Asian or European country could pretend for those who act inside Afghanistan - UN, L.M. – I would say as follows: within the to this organization membership under such NATO, Americans, West Europeans, and those framework of SCO there are countries, the interpretation. who work outside it. And everybody feels crisis affected more than others. They are, There is another criterion we have tried that something must be done. We suggested first of all, the countries, the most actively to apply; it is the availability of common a plan of SCO’s actions everybody can join in, involved in the international differentiation borders. However it can incredibly extend as was declared. And this found a response. of labor. On the other hand, in conditions of the SCO geography as well. Thus, we faced By the way, at the Hague Conference on the crisis the international aid will be inevitably a problem of definition of a fundamental Afghan issue that took place several days reduced for those countries that in recent meaning of the “SCO region” term. Some after the Moscow one, this approach received years have got accustomed to receive it. members of the organization immediately approval. It was also much said there about a That is why there need to be found solutions offered to tighten criteria, to make their regional approach and efforts coordination. In the Forefront of Fight with the “Three Malign Forces”


Director of the Executive Commit- tee of the SCO Regional Antiterror- ist Structure (RATS) Colonel Gen- eral Myrzakan Subanov answered questions of the InfoSCO informa- tion-analytical portal.

- This year is the Shanghai Cooperation Orga- nization Regional Antiterrorist Structure’s anni- versary – five years ago it officially started to work. What caused the appearance of this orga- nization and what are, in Your opinion, the main outcomes of its five-year activity, how success- ful is it?

M.S. – Activity of international terrorist, separatist and extremist organizations in recent years has become a reality of the world of today. The situation in the SCO member states in the sphere of counteraction to terrorism, separatism and extremism, has required a standing body creation within the framework of SCO that should successfully counter new chal- lenges and threats. That is why, in pursuance of missions of the heads of the SCO member states and for the purpose of implementation of the Agreement between the SCO member states on a Regional counter-terrorism struc- tee-1267). Specific ways of enhancement of I think that the gathered professional ex- ture dated June 7, 2002, RATS was created joint work efficiency have been planned. perience will help us to work out effec- and began to function since January 1, 2004 tive measures of assistance in these Win- in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. All the package of RATS SCO measures tak- ter Games security assurance. Naturally, in en with the UN antiterrorist units, is imple- this matter we will not be able to replace It is safe to say with hindsight that the five- mented in the context of the SCO member law-enforcement authorities and special year intense work of the associates group of states permanent representatives’ initiative services of Russia, but we are able enough six states achieved its certain results. The for inclusion of the item of cooperation be- to help with information, in particular, the main outcome of our activity is that we, tween UN and SCO on the agenda of the 64th operation one. jointly with the Parties’ competent authori- Session of the UN General assembly. ties, have established an effective exchange - In June 2004 an agreement was of information, which made it possible at With due consideration of the Dushanbe signed on creation of a common data the early stages to reveal, prevent and sup- declaration of the Heads of state of the SCO bank of international terrorist, separat- press the terrorist, separatist and extremist member states dated August 28, 2008 on ist and extremist organizations, as well organizations activity in various territories. deepening cooperation with CIS and CSTO on as of their sources of finance, including It should be noted that the Executive Com- basis of the memorandums signed in March the illicit traffic in narcotic drugs. How mittee of the RATS SCO counters terrorism, 2009, working meetings were held with of- is this agreement implemented and separatism and extremism exceptionally ficials of the CSTO and ATC CIS secretariat. what aid does the data bank grant in within the legal framework elaborated and The parties exchanged opinions on the daily routine? adopted in the form of completed legal doc- state, dynamics, and trends of the spread of uments by all the SCO member states. international terrorism in the SCO, CSTO and M.S. – We continue to work on creation of CIS space, sources and channels of financing a “List of terrorist, separatist and extrem- - How does RATS cooperate with the of terrorist, separatist and extremist orga- ist organizations, whose activity is prohib- SCO Secretariat and other international nizations, in particular, in the Afghan terri- ited in the SCO member states territories”. organizations, what does this coopera- tory. Ways of further cooperation were de- A piece of work has been executed on study tion specifically consist in? fined; “the Protocol of intentions between and analysis of the working regulatory legal RATS SCO and the Council of Commanders acts of the SCO member states, other in- M.S. - The SCO Council of Foreign Minis- of Border Guard Forces of countries of the ternational organizations in the sphere of ters has approved “Regulations on coopera- Commonwealth of Independent States” was struggle against terrorism, separatism and tion between RATS and the states and inter- signed. A working visit of the President of extremism. governmental international organizations the Coordinating service of the Council of that have obtained a status of the SCO ob- Commanders of Border Guard Forces of CIS For the purpose of developing an effec- server countries”. Within the Afghan prob- to the Executive Committee of the RATS SCO tive system of data exchange between the 29 lems the SCO Secretariat has received pro- has recently taken place, where ways of competent authorities of the Parties, appro- posals for involvement of the SCO observer implementation of this Protocol provisions priateness of creation of a specialized data states adjoining Afghanistan, with a view to were discussed. base (SDB) of firearms, ammunition and ex- creating “anti-narcotic security belts” with plosives (FAE) being in the illicit trafficking the coordinating role of UN. - It is clear that not everything may and on the wanted list within the existing be said of the RATS activity in the open Data Bank of the Executive Committee of Taking into account the Parties’ new pro- mass media. But could You tell of any the RATS SCO was examined. We have begun posals, as well as dynamics of cooperation successful operations of Your structure? to work out criteria of tracking FAE used in development in struggle against new chal- For example, of the participation in se- the commission of acts of terrorism. lenges and threats within the framework of curity assurance at the Olympic Games SCO, the “Programs of cooperation between in Beijing, whether you structure will - The terms of cyberterrorism and cy- the Shanghai Cooperation Organization conduct such missions at the Winter bercrime, unfortunately, have already member states in struggle against terrorism, Olympic Games in Sochi? solidly entered our vocabulary. Now we separatism and extremism for 2010-2012” are working on the draft of an Intergov- project has been developed. M.S. – Our structure does not conduct op- ernmental agreement on cooperation erations directly. But it took an active part in in the field of international information A special attention in RATS’s work is given working out measures for security assurance security assurance. Does RATS partici- to strengthening the intercourse with inter- at the Olympic Games in 2008, for which pate in it, what is the essence and nov- national organizations and diplomatic repre- the corresponding documents were elabo- elty of this document? sentations. Working meetings with heads of rated and approved, that made it possible competent authorities of the SCO member to create a legal basis for cooperation in this M.S. – You have touched upon a very im- states, representatives of CSTO, ATC and the sphere. As far as I know, in world practice portant and difficult subject that, to say Coordinating service of CCBGF CIS, Regional there is no analogue of it, nothing similar unequivocally, requires colossal efforts of a representative office of the United Nations has been done. The work, to say unequivo- majority of civilized countries. Office on Drugs and Crime in Central Asia, cally, was not easy; nevertheless, it was a foreign countries ambassadors in Uzbeki- success. The SCO member states security It is obvious that one of the most impor- stan are held on regular basis. In the course implementation at the Olympic Games-2008 tant features of modern times is rampant of meetings actual questions are discussed fully reflects the “Shanghai Spirit”, as well development and overall introduction of concerning problems of struggle against the as shows the entire world a positive expe- modern information and communications “three evils”, specific areas of cooperation rience of cooperation between the states technologies (ICT). If past experience is any in this field have been defined. A contact was in so significant and necessary thing on a guide, many international terrorist, extrem- established with the U.N. Security Council world-wide scale. ist and separatist organizations also “go with Committee in the case of sanctions on al- the times”. Alongside with that it should be Kaida and the Taliban movement (Commit- As for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, noted that the problem is not reduced to the mere cyberterrorism. Primarily it concerns - Within Your structure several exer- session of the heads of special services and the internet. The access simplicity, unlim- cises have been conducted in recent law-enforcement authorities of the SCO ited audience, instant communication of years. What countries participated in member states for development of practical information, possibility of transmission of them and what aims were made? coded messages etc. make it irreplaceable cooperation measures of special units of the terrorists’ helper. That is why for this prob- M.S. – We all have the only goal - en- SCO member states competent authorities lem solution, to our opinion, the old meth- hancement of efficiency of the activity of to be held in May 2009 in the territory of the ods both legislative, and technological ones the Parties competent authorities in revela- Russian Federation. are evidently insufficient. tion, prevention and suppression of unlawful activity of persons and organizations using The modern terroristic threats’ nature or intending to use terrorist activities to The draft Program of the SCO member with the use of ICT dictates the necessity for achieve their goals. states cooperation in struggle against ter- an in-depth and thorough study and analysis of this problem. Only after it has been done The conducted joint exercises show pos- rorism, separatism and extremism for 2010- it will be possible to begin working out spe- sibilities of security agencies and special 2012 has been approved. This draft Program cific measures for counteraction to cyber- services of the SCO member states in joint is planned to be submitted for consideration terrorism, as well as to use of the internet antiterrorist struggle, show the high level of and signing at the Council of Heads of SCO for terrorist or other unlawful purposes. We the crew training while conducting special see this problem; we are working on it and operations on revelation, prevention and Member States that will be held in June 2009 are ready for cooperation with all interested suppression of terrorist activities, as well as in Yekaterinburg. The goal of the Program is parties. in liquidation of individuals or armed opposi- enhancement of efficiency of the SCO coun- tion groups acting in the SCO member states tries cooperation in struggle against terror- - The draft Convention against terror- region. ism will be submitted for consideration ism, separatism and extremism. The Program of the forthcoming in June SCO summit For the SCO member states competent provides for organization and implementa- in Yekaterinburg. Please tell what is the authorities’ practical efficiency enhance- tion of prevention, investigation and search, necessity for this document approval? ment, with the assistance and coordinating role of RATS, in 2006, 2007 and 2008 in the anti-terrorist and other joint measures, as M.S. – The necessity for a new anti-ter- territories of Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyz- well as anti-terrorism exercises, data ex- rorist international legal instrument formu- stan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan joint change, the Parties’ personnel training. lation was conditioned by the extension of command and staff anti-terrorism exercises influence of terrorism ideology in a modern “East-Antiterror – 2006”, “Tien Shan-2006”, 30 form. There is a long-felt need for approval “Issyk Kul – Antiterror – 2007” The Council has made a number of deci- of such new legal documents that should and strategic command and staff exer- sions on further formation of the legal base make it possible to more efficiently counter- cises “Volgograd - Antiterror - 2008” were of the SCO member states cooperation in act terrorism in the current context. conducted. And not long ago, on April 17-19, anti-terrorism exercise of the SCO member struggle against terrorism, separatism and In the SCO draft Convention against ter- states competent authorities “Norak - Anti- extremism. They are of organizational and rorism it is suggested to give a better insight terror - 2009” was successfully conducted in personnel type, concern financial support of into terrorism as a politico-social phenom- the territory of Tajikistan. the Executive Committee of the RATS SCO enon, to define a sphere of application of the convention, to establish its jurisdic- - In March 2009 in Tashkent the 14th activity. tional limits, formalize the regulation of the session of the Council of RATS SCO was parties’ sovereignty protection, to give an held. What questions were on the agen- - Myrzakan Usurkanovich, and now, approximate list of domestic measures for da of this meeting? if You permit me, a personal question. prevention of terrorism, to establish what acts are rated among terrorism and can be M.S. – Representatives of all six states You are a military professional; You recognized crime. Furthermore, to deter- took part in the regular fourteenth session have gone the way from a platoon com- mine liabilities of juridical persons in case of of the Council of RATS SCO. In the course of mander to the Minister of Defense, and their complicity in terrorism, to formulate the meeting members of the Council were grounds and procedure of rendering legal as- informed of the status of implementation then Commander of the Kyrgyz Border sistance, in particular, in sequestration and of decisions of the Council of RATS SCO; a Guard Service. Do You like Your current confiscation of property used for the com- draft report of the Council of RATS SCO to work, does it give satisfaction to You? mission of acts of terrorism, and to work out the Council of Heads of SCO Member States a legal mechanism of surrender of persons about the RATS SCO activity in 2008 was en- suspected in terrorist activity. dorsed. Activity of the Executive Commit- M.S. – I am undoubtedly satisfied with tee of the RATS SCO was also estimated in my current work, it does give me satisfac- The main thing here, in our opinion, is to arrears. The Council noted that its activity tion. Its main goal, essential meaning, as I form the understanding of terrorism just as in implementation of predesigned events have already said, is assistance to the SCO a politico-social phenomenon, which will meets to modern threats and challenges in make it possible to work out remedial mea- the sphere of struggle against terrorism, member states competent authorities in as- sures to eliminate the main cause of terror- separatism and extremism. surance of a stable and projected situation ism - ideology that grounds the possibility throughout the whole space of the Shang- and necessity for the use of violence and For the purpose of implementation of the other deterrent effects to achieve some po- Program of cooperation the Russian Fed- hai Cooperation Organization. This matter is litical, social or other goals. eration’s proposal was supported on a Joint necessary and vital. Does Globalization Have New Leaders?

The process of globalization has and the East, after the deep economic lieve. Their forecast published in the until very recently developed in a collapse during the country transforma- London Guardian supposes a change of way that a narrow group of west- tion in the 90s of the last century, began the global economic landscape within ern industrial powers headed by the its new rise too. It is not an easy pro- the next five years. United States played a determin- cess, but the general long-term tenden- ing role in it, acted as a subject of cy is evident. The Washington G20 sum- The member of the RUIE Expert Coun- transformations, while the great mit noted (and even symbolized it by cil, Academician, Director of the Insti- majority of other countries turned itself) this “displacement eastward“. I tute of World Economy and Internation- into their operations objective and think that now in spite of the USA’s per- al Relations (IWEIR) of RAS Alexander had to drift in the intended direc- sisting power, one can not say that the Dynkin published not long ago his long- tion. But now, apparently, there globalization process is going on exclu- range forecast. According to it, the cap- came a time for new leaders. sively from their dictation, under their ital contribution to the world dynamics invariable control. Economists increas- will be made by China (GDP average an- “West is West, East is East and never ingly talk about the BRIC countries’ in- nual increase – 7.7%) and India (6.6%) 31 the twain shall meet.” These Rudyard creasing role. Thus, in the course of glo- – new leaders of globalization. Russia, Kipling’s words are widely known, and balization a very serious turn has been the CIS countries and the majority of many consider them an ageless truth. outlined. countries of Central and Eastern Eu- But is it so invariable? rope will develop at a faster pace than It is not difficult to suppose that in the world trend. And the EU countries’ It was assumed great while that this process the Shanghai Coopera- share in the world’s GDP, today exceed- among other things there was an as- tion Organization's role will grow. The ing the USA’s and China’s shares, by the sertion in this expression that the West question is, certainly, not only about end of the forecasting period in whole will be always ahead of the pack, and the member states, but also about the will prove to be below their indices. the high sophistication of the ancient countries participating in the SCO activ- Eastern civilizations is far and forever ity in the status of observers. Suffice it By 2020 the states rating by GDP vol- behind. The process of globalization has to mention the countries of the latter ume in prices and purchasing-power par- until very recently developed in such a group to understand the seriousness of ity of 2005 will be as follows (in terms way that a narrow group of the western SCO’s prospects as a possible alterna- of their share in the world’s GDP): PRC industrial powers headed by the United tive to the previous “managers of glo- (23%), the USA (18%), India (8.4%), Japan States played a determining role in it, balization”: India, Iran, Mongolia, and (4.6%), Russia (3.2%), Germany (2.9%), acted as a subject of transformations, Pakistan. There are news of the rising Brazil (2.4%). These different countries while the great majority of other coun- interest in SCO on the part of Japan are united by the active search for na- tries turned into their operations objec- whose participation in this organiza- tional and multilateral models of ad- tive and had to drift in the intended tion affairs would attach weight to it in aptation to the realities of global and direction. the sphere of policy and economy. And post-industrial economy. certainly – in influence on globalization However the ХХ century set examples processes. Thus, a question inevitably comes to of latter-day swift rise (above all, in mind: do not we observe the beginning economy) of many Eastern countries, Experts are observing these tenden- of some sort of renewal of the “leading including China – the most populated cies and, in spite of the still ongoing staff” in the global development? And, country in the world. And the XXI cen- crisis, are talking about them cautiously maybe, the East and the West are not tury set the most developed countries expressing the essence in figures. Asym- so hopelessly divided? Won’t they meet including the USA to thinking whether metric nature of economic recession just on this global site? they will stay at the side of the world means that the developing economies at development while the Orient makes its the head of China and India as early as way to the future. in five years will be able to leave behind the industrially advanced countries, the PricewaterhouseCoopers analysts be- Alexander Volkov Russia connecting by its body the West Doctor of Historical Sciences The foundation conference of the SCO Youth Council has completed its program on May 5 in Yekaterinburg. This new structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Orga- nization is the Russian idea’s brainchild. Appearance of a “youth component” is one of the main events of the period of Russia’s chairmanship of SCO; it forestalls Summit of the Heads of the SCO member states, scheduled for the middle of this June. “What necessity was to create a youth organization of SCO?” I asked the Head of the Chinese delegation Dong Xia, Deputy Secretary-General of the All-China Youth Federation. She answered: “SCO is in progress and, in the course of develop- ment, is searching for new forms of self-expression. Strong young blood will give it renewed impetus, enrich with ideas, and the young voice will become a good Blowing snow that came down to tuning fork that will help to maintain the right tone in that coordinated “sextet” Yekaterinburg on May day could not pre- vent airliners from the capital cities of SCO represents.” the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to establish yearly meetings of the SCO member states – Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, cultural exchange. The organization’s youth at Issyk Kul, there are excellent China, Russia and Tajikistan - from arriv- future outline and successors were seen on the SCO ground in the young people ing to Koltsovo airport. Envoys of these possibilities for this there.” that with the alternation of generation countries youth were on board – mem- will be able to take their place on the bers of national coordinating boards Young SCO members are ready to political arena and particularly in SCO. gathered for the foundation conference exchange of all the best to the full And is it bad, if they have known each extent. The Chinese delegation sug- of the SCO Youth Council in the largest other since a young age? center of the Urals. gested coming to the Celestial Empire to get acquainted with positive experi- 32 To enrich SCO with a youth compo- As one of the Kirghiz delegation mem- ence of employment assistance to young nent is an idea expressed by Vladimir people, aid program for the first-time bers joked, “winter like a woman seems Putin at the summit in Shanghai in 2006. to have forgotten something in Yekater- entrepreneurs. There were also image- But this innovation must have been so bearing appeals: “Let us join our fingers inburg, and now – bethought, returned.” called-for by the reality, that a similar But some of the local students welcom- – not to clench a threatening fist, but process absolutely independently start- to lend a helping hand each other,” said ing the guests gave his version: “Winter ed below too: the same proposal was has simply sent us its special regards”. at the signing ceremony Head of the submitted within the walls of the Youth Tajik delegation Shahnoz Benazir, Vice- Public Chamber of Russia consolidating Where there’s youth, there are jokes, Chairman of the Committee for Youth the leading youthful movements of the Affairs, Sports and Tourism under Tajiki- wittiness, laughter and gushing energy. country. The work has begun. The whole life is before them, and young stan’s government. The graduating stu- dent of Teheran University, judge of the people choose their way in it. Those They were suggested to work out a who arrived in Yekaterinburg are deter- Persian poetry, cited the great Saadi’s conception of the SCO youth organiza- wise words: “There are no roads on the mined to do endeavours in the sphere of tion (to see first, what they are capable the Shanghai Cooperation Organization earth; they are made by the people who to). They were daringly inventing, with walk.” activity. To my questions “What does the creative excitement, giving their attract you here?” I got answers, yet own interpretation of things, their own The theme was taken up by Head of worded differently, but containing the vision of place and destination of this same tenor: “Equal opportunities, equal structure in the SCO system. The cre- the Kazakh delegation Nurlan Sadykov rights, collective leadership, consensus, ative urge had effect: the conception who reminded another eastern wisdom: as well as a chance to try hand at this was judged on its merits in the Beijing “Slow and steady wins the race”. “Today interesting, very promising area.” headquarters of SCO. The creative au- we have made the first move, so let us thors group was invited for a serious move toward our goal!” he called on his Only one flight did not arrive in the talk to the meeting of plenipotentiaries peers. “Our main task is to learn each Yekaterinburg beautiful airport – that of the Heads of state of the Shanghai other, bridge the gap, establish confi- from Tashkent. Uzbekistan still refrains Cooperation Organization. dence, and win the sympathy of each from taking part in the youth area of other – through humanitarian dialogue, the SCO activity. Well then, the Charter “We worked on documents hard, put- cooperation in the field of culture and of this international organization admits ting much energy into this new cause, education, through personal friendly the option of variable-speed inclusion all the existing knowledge, we dis- contacts. We have no obstacles on this of the member states in one initiative cussed, argued, formed our organiza- way.” or another. tion image in common, and now here is culmination, transforming a dream into The foundation conference that ended However most of the heads of state reality: on May 4, in Yekaterinburg, we by the ceremony of signing documents welcomed the SCO youth vector already have signed a legal document on cre- on creation of the SCO Youth Council in the initial state. This instrument has ation of the SCO Youth Council. I am was held in the splendid residence of very naturally agreed with the SCO happy,” said Head of the Kirghiz delega- the Governor of Sverdlovskaya oblast tasks, the point of which is to estab- tion Aidarbek Zhorobekov. “The Kirhgiz Eduard Rossel who attended this official lish equal, harmonious mutual relations party already has concrete proposals action. Head of the oblast congratulat- with the countries of the region, mutu- approved by the President of the Kyrgyz ed the youth, told about its significance ally advantageous cooperation, active Republic Kurmanbek Bakiev. We want in the society, about local youth’s initia- tives. pressed his hope that the Council work will make a major contribution to the Eyewitnesses of the Shanghai Coop- establishment of personal ties between eration Organization Youth Council’s future and current political elites of the Denis Kravchenko: birth became over hundred of the fo- SCO member states. “I believe that the “Youth Wing” Can Play a rum participants, as well as represen- SCO Youth Council completely meets Consolidation Role in SCO” tatives of the Embassies of China, India the needs of the age and hope that such and Iran in Moscow, Consulates of Kir- a brilliant initiative will be adequately ghizia and Tajikistan in Yekaterinburg. developed.” The young SCO members were greeted by the Russian Presidential Envoy to the The participants of the youth associa- Ural Federal District Nikolai Vinnichen- tion forum convened in Yekaterinburg ko, Chairman of the Committee on In- were welcomed by the Uralians with all ternational Affairs of the State Duma their heart. They proudly showed their Konstantin Kosachev, Deputy Minister peers from the SCO countries round of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy Oleg their unique, transformed city that dur- Rozhnov. Congratulatory telegrams ing preparations for the SCO summit from Heads of the Federation Council had sewed a modern “full dress” we and the State Duma - Sergey Mironov could appreciate to the full only after and - were read out. the futile May snow had melted away: everything is spick-and-span in the capi- Since it is Russia that is currently tal city of summit, everything is shin- chairing SCO, then, accordingly, it is ing. Historic buildings are restored and the “Russian part” coordinator that functionally adapted, the overwhelm- will chair the newborn SCO Youth Coun- ing majority of houses’ facades are cil - Denis Kravchenko. Deputy Head of renovated, immense tall houses rose the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, skyward such as the Onegin hotel where Vice-Chairman of the Committee of the the SCO member states youth delega- Presidium of ’s Supreme tions stayed (the brand is clear and pre- Council for Youth Policy, he was elected cise: the famous Pushkin's hero was an

Creation of the SCO Youth Council is a definite milestone in the Organization development, a difficult process requiring tireless attention on the part of its participants. It is our countries’ youth cooperation, together with cultural and humanitarian one, that guarantees the further strengthening 33 of mutual understanding and respect between all the Shanghai Cooperation Organization members. as leader of the Youth Public Chamber. aristocrat and liked conveniences after all – so it became the hotel “style”). The SCO youth component, Speaking at the ceremony of sign- undoubtedly, makes it possible to ing documents of SCO’s new structure, All the participants of the foundation broaden the palette of ideas and Denis Kravchenko emphasized that “this conference waited with interest for the opinions available in SCO, take a new organization has appeared and been moving finale of the Yekaterinburg fes- acting as response to a number of es- tival – a trip to the pilgrim place where view of the facing problems and their sentially new threats and challenges, a border runs between Europe and Asia. issues – and in this context the field the world community faces. They are Formerly 1.5 billion years ago these two of activity for young politicians in international terrorism, international mainlands were freely migrating in the SCO is indeed unlimited. This work crime and drug menace, the world fi- ocean under the influence of the earth’s will require the closest cooperation nancial and economic crisis, the need powerful internal forces. But once they with other structures within the for construction of collective and ener- collided, having raised with their force gy security systems etc. These problems the Ural mountains ridge, and connect- framework of SCO – that is why go beyond the conventional paradigm of ed forever, turned into Eurasia. the “youth wing” will be also able block oppositions and narrow national to play a consolidation role in the interests, affecting the world commu- Standing on the sacral Europe-Asia organization. nity in whole.” line, Chinese Dong Xia said: “I know that this magic place favors the accom- To give real substance to the Denis Kravchenko believes that “cre- plishment of desires. I ask for peace on ation of the SCO youth component nat- our continent, peace of the world! Let Youth Council activity will require urally follows, on the one hand, from Europe and Asia go towards progress and consistent and laborious work – the the current requirements, on the other wellbeing equally in the Shanghai spirit new structure’s agenda must be also hand – from the “Shanghai Spirit”, i.e. of equal rights and cooperation.” connected with the SCO general from understanding the community of agenda, national interests of all goals and tasks, as well as providing the And everybody began to sing. And SCO member states with a wide range slim pines of the never-ceasing Uralian the member states, and priority of choice for collaboration.” According forest were rocking with their tops, directions of their national youth to the first chairman of the SCO Youth shaking off stray snowflakes from the policy. The work within the frame Council, this organization represent a crowns... must be professional and weighed, in special structure that will enable the order that the term “youth” should youth to conduct an effective exchange relate only to their participants’ age, of opinions on a wide range of vital in- ternational and national questions, as but not possibly to their professional well as to learn the experience and Tatiana Sinitsyna level or competence in solution of opinions of leading specialists among the Editor-in-Chief of InfoSCO – facing problems and tasks. senior citizens. Denis Kravchenko ex- from Yekaterinburg become notably more flexible too. Now A SEA? A LAKE? A “PARTICULAR RESERVOIR”? Russia, according to them, does not ob- ject if, let us say, Kazakhstan delivers its raw material by alternative routes to the European markets. For Russia the point is that these routes should be co- ordinated between the two countries, as strategic allies. Now it is already obvious that the common Caspian, regardless of its name - a sea, a lake or a “special reservoir”, The Caspian requires a close regional cooperation. At that some of its problems are so critical that their solution already can not wait for a new Convention on the Caspian. Requires Moreover, the Caspian - is a nice natu- ral transportation corridor. Already to- day specialists say that in the foresee- able future cooperation will be possible Regional Cooperation between such known transportation Now it is already obvious that the tary ones. The treaties in force were corridors as “Notrh-South” and TRASEKA “common” Caspian, regardless of its not enough for their implementation. that are intersecting at right angle just name - a sea, a lake or a “special reser- It turned out that Russia stands for the in the Caspian. voir”, requires a close regional coopera- status, whereby the Caspian remains a It is clear that the Caspian’s problems tion. The Caspian is not only 10 billion “special reservoir”, and all-round activ- should be solved, and its advantages tons of proved oil reserves, 5% of the ities related to it are regulated exclu- should be used. This requires means, fi- world natural gas reserves, as well as sively by reparian states, in particular, nances, a certain infrastructure, a spe- 90% of the world sturgeon population. while dividing the bottom in national cific organization. An important step in This unique reservoir is also a natural sectors along the coast lines with the this direction has been taken. There is a transportation corridor conveniently water column and plane remaining in hope that conducting of the first (for ten located at the junction of Europe and general use. and one half years!) intergovernmental Asia, North and South. In their turn, Azerbaijan and Kazakh- economic conference will impart a - Some problems of the Caspian are so stan would prefer to divide in national essary dynamics to the Caspian devel- critical that their solution already can sectors both the bottom, and the wa- opment. not wait for a new Convention on the ter column along the coast lines (status At this meeting, for example, it was Caspian. This is precisely why the Cas- of a “closed lake”), or leave the water decided to create a bank of joint in- vestment projects and to consider on 34 pian Sea countries returned again to in general use, but in case of the sta- the subject of a Caspian Economic Co- tus of an “open sea”, assuming an in- its basis the organization of a “joint operation Organization creation. It was evitable appearance in the Caspian of financial institute”. It is quite possible discussed in Astrakhan at the first inter- third countries, first of all “coming” by that it will be a common Caspian Sea governmental economic conference of Volga, through the channels connecting bank. The Russian State Duma intends the Caspian Sea states. this sea with Europe. to ratify the Intergovernmental agree- It is obvious that aligning positions of Whereas Turkmenia - stands for the ment on the Caspian Sea gas pipeline, the five Caspian Sea countries - Russia, bottom division in national sectors, but and its construction will begin in the Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turk- as concerns other aspects, it prefers second half of 2009. menia – is not an easy and fast task. It so far to take a neutral position. In its In their turn, ministers of transport is assumed that the main obstacle pre- turn, Iran would like to either leave in of the Caspian Sea states agreed to dis- venting the Caspian Sea countries from general use both - the bottom and the cuss joint projects at regular annular reaching a consensus relating the Cas- water column-, as it was in the Soviet- sessions. But the main thing is that the pian status became a question how to Iranian times, or divide on the principle Russian ministry of transport offers to share the bottom. It is so in part, but of condominium - 20% each. consider the opening of inland water- there are a number of other not less Was there an issue in such a situa- ways for foreign-flag vessels. burning problems. tion? Furthermore, Russia intends to make Actually they arose after the breakup It was Moscow and Astana that set a suggestion of the ten-year morato- of the Soviet Union. Having become a tone. Firstly Russia and Kazakhstan rium on catch of sturgeons in the Cas- sovereign the former union republics of signed a bilateral treaty on the lake pian after signing an intergovernmental Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenia bottom division between themselves by agreement of the Caspian Sea states on claimed their rights for the Caspian that so called modified median line, thereby preservation and rational use of water do not correspond to the still applicable solving the question of demarcation of bioresources of the Caspian Sea. Russian-Persian (1921) and Soviet- Ira- boundaries. Whereas the problem of Another detail of no small impor- nian treaties (1940). development of questionable hydrocar- tance. The conference main goal, along Under these documents the Caspian - bon accumulations (at the border) was with decision of creation of a Caspian is neither a sea nor a lake, but an inland solved very simply: fifty-fifty. Subse- Economic Cooperation Organization, water reservoir controlled exceptionally quently the same bilateral treaty was also was Astrakhan positioning as a re- by riparian countries and used by them also signed by both countries with Azer- gional economic center and a ground for jointly. These agreements were valu- baijan. investments. We have got everything to able because they did not admit third According to a number of observers, become both a “center and a ground”. countries’ appearance in the Caspian, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan may, cer- Moscow just had to open Volga for its but, unfortunately, poorly regulated the tainly, agree with the Russian version Caspian Sea partners. And Russia will do economical activity of the region states, of status, but having stipulated at that it, to all appearances. especially in the sphere of hydrocarbon a number of conditions being of impor- production. tance for them. In the first place, in the Since the advent of new internation- sphere of transcaspian projects execu- al entities new accents and needs ap- tion on their part. Petr Goncharov peared. And not only in the economic Experts have lately pointed out that a political observer – sphere, but also in the legal and mili- Moscow’s position in this matter has specially for InfoSCO a link between Europe and Asia. To strength- en its positions in the world community, it must settle down to an innovation “socially oriented” course that supposes multipolar development of the country's territory and formation of new regional and inter-regional zones of priority development. The Far East represents a “natural geo- graphical phenomenon” that is capable by using its advantageous location to take a unique position in the difficult architecton- “Far Eastern ics of the modern world, become a priority in creation of promising zones of priority development. Scientists and publicists have already said more than once of the Far East Dimension” of SCO potential as a forming cross-border region. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization - cording to the President Dmitry Medvedev’s The problem consists in an adequate correla- is a rather unconventional integration asso- statement at the summit in Dushanbe, “one tion of goals and means, search of effective ciation. This is the first organization in the of the key motives for the SCO creation was decisions and mechanisms for implementa- Asian-Pacific Region that did not incorporate perception of necessity for coordination of tion of elaborated strategies. neither the United States, nor Japan among efforts in strengthening of regional security The Shanghai Cooperation Organization founders and members. From the date of and stability. Today this task’s urgency has with its theoretical and practical groundwork foundation in 2001 the SCO activity has been just increased. We do and will proceed from in the field of creation of a “new model of aimed to create a favorable political climate the fact that achieving solutions of the most international relations”, “new concept of se- in the region contributing to the national burning problems must be carried out on the curity”, and a “new model of regional devel- economies growth, their complementarity, basis of compliance with the rules of Inter- opment” connected by ties of the “Shanghai and establishment of an independent geopo- national Law and renunciation of confronta- Spirit” can come forward with an initiative of litical Eurasian block of countries within the tional block mentality”. the Russian Far East integration into Eurasian transport, energy and educational projects. If the “Far Eastern dimension” is integrated into the SCO projects space, At the present time the SCO principal Russia will enlarge the arena for assertion of its national priorities activity is focused in the direction of Cen- in the Far East, China will get the opportunity to show the world in tral Asia, where four of the six Organization member states are situated. Alongside with practice the “novelty” of a new model of regional cooperation, and the that it would be wise to suggest designing Central Asian states will obtain preferential admittance to Pacific ports. a northeastern vector of cross-border co- operation within the framework of SCO – in multipolar world. There is no doubt that the SCO develop- addition to the southern and northwestern Russia’s role in this organization after ment and enhancement of efficiency cor- vectors. the chairmanship of SCO had passed to it respond to Russia’s interests. The Shanghai The Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s at the summit in Dushanbe in August 2008, Cooperation Organization with the best re- Far Eastern strategy development would gets prominent coverage in mass media alization of its political and economic po- make an additional impulse to this region and scientific literature. Upon this many tential can become a powerful international growth, would serve a convenient ground for 35 authors emphasize that the Shanghai Six is center of force, which entirely keeps within solution of the accumulated problems be- the most promising association of countries the concept of multipolar world. ing a stumbling block for implementation of in the former Soviet Union space. This is a Now, after launching the main institutions many Russian-Chinese initiatives. “The Far new type international organization formed of the organization, such as the SCO Secre- Eastern dimension” of SCO will make the or- in the “earthquake hazard zone” - at the tariat in Beijing, the Regional Counter-Ter- ganization itself more integral, integrated, intersection of Confucian, Orthodox-Slavic, rorism Structure (RATS) in Tashkent, the SCO and steady project, will permit to move it Hindu and Islamic civilizations. They also Business Council and Interbank Association in into a new “weight category”, form as a re- remember that Russia’s position support in Moscow, a question of ways and prospects of ally alternative pole of the world order. the conflict with Georgia by the SCO member further development came up before it es- A mechanism of the SCO cooperation with states allowed to avoid a regular escalation pecially urgently. Within past seven years of Japan - one of the leading players of the of tension and more confidently protect own the Organization existence accents of coop- Asian-Pacific Region - can be included in its interests in the international arena. eration priorities have somewhat changed: Far Eastern strategy. In the initial state the In whole the eastern vector of Russia’s for- firstly security cooperation was the priority, “dialogue partner” status could be tested, a eign policy in recent years has obtained the after 2005 economic cooperation was nota- working group could be created supervising real content in the form of regular personal bly made actual, now more and more atten- projects and information interchange in this contacts of the RF and Asian countries lead- tion is paid to humanitarian projects. format. Japan’s participation in the SCO ac- ers, active participation in SCO, ASEAN, OIC, A cornerstone of the SCO efficiency and tivity – within the framework of the Far East- signing significant agreements with China. prospectivity is a level of cooperation be- ern strategy implementation - seems to be After the breakup of the bipolar world sys- tween Russia and China. These countries an imperative factor for creation of a stable tem Beijing turned out to be an ideologically political guidance’s will to “codevelopment” energy resource supply system in the region natural ally for Moscow, because they regard will promote economic and political stability of Eastern Eurasia. In addition, Japan’s as- there our internal political originality with not only directly in Central Asia, where the sociated membership decision-making would favor. That is why PRC is considered as a sta- SCO principal activity is concentrated, but become a manifestation of SCO’s openness ble and good partner in all respects. also in the whole Eastern Eurasia. and this economically developed country’s Official opinions about the SCO develop- Russia positions itself as a leader and or- investments would help to widen the ener- ment prospects - are the most optimistic. Ac- ganizer of a big Eurasian economic space, as getic cooperation within the Organization, to realize the idea of the SCO Energy club creation. If the “Far Eastern dimension” is integrat- ed into the SCO projects space, Russia will enlarge the international arena for its na- tional interests and priorities assertion in the Far East, China will get the opportunity to show the world in practice a “novelty” of the new model of regional cooperation, and the Central Asian states will obtain a preferential admittance to Pacific ports that will make it possible to diversify its exports structure and routes. So, one and all will gain.

Natalia Zaderei, Research Officer of the Far East Institute of RAS 36

The nucleus of the “Shanghai Spir- and Jiang Jiemin’s “theory of three has a deep and laconic sense. The it” term consists of 20 hieroglyphs representations”. In 2001 at the SCO first eight hieroglyphs “mutual that mean – “mutual trust, mutual constituent summit the Chairman of trust, mutual advantage, equality, advantage, equality, mutual consul- the People's Republic of China Jiang mutual consultations” underlie the tations, respect to cultural diversity, Jiemin generalized this experience so-called “new security model”. pursuit of joint development”. The and for the first time advanced a conception of the “Shanghai Spirit” principle of compliance with the The “mutual trust” assumes sin- became a logical consequence of “Shanghai Spirit” in the same form cere relations built on mutual under- realization of the three PRC lead- it was included in its fundamental standing, execution of international ers’ generations’ advanced ground- documents. contracts and liability, commitment work in the field of international re- to universally recognized principles lations, in particular Dan Siaopin’s Each notion included in the of international law. They are rela- “international strategic thinking” “Shanghai Spirit” substantiation, tions of mutual trust, when there is no need to artificially create imagi- is why existence of military alli- international community, and none nary enemies or specially fabricate ances of countries and the constant has right to pretend to a special, a pretext for enmity. build of military forces by separate higher position in the international powers looked quite naturally in the affairs, as well as to resort to policy The principle of “mutual advan- tideway of this theory. of force and hegemony. tage” suggests a necessity to take into account and guarantee all par- The new model proceeds from the The “Shanghai Spirit” theory im- ties’ interests, and that the own fact that in conditions of formation parted a new perception of the five country’s security is inseparable of the world system of a high level principles of peaceful coexistence, form that of other states. of interdependency, a separate state for the first time advanced by the security acquires an international Chinese leadership in 1954. It clear- The “equality” of international and global dimension, gradually ly formulates that the world is not entities implies their equal status in approaching to the general secu- uniform, that without taking into the world community irrespectively rity. At the same time the majority account its multipolarity and civi- of a spatial quantity, standard of of problems, the modern mankind lization uniqueness of separate re- weld-being, state power. All of them faces, are of cross-border nature. gions, conflicts are inevitable. That have equal right for peace and tran- For example, financial and energy is why in international affairs it is quility, protection of their interests, crises, abuse of environment, ter- necessary to refuse intrusion of the counteraction to hegemonistic aspi- rorism and diseases dissemination. own models of political and social rations of certain countries. They can be solved only by versatile order. All the more so in Central Asia cooperation, and not by confronta- where borders of the four great civi- Imbued with the spirit of “cooper- tion of the international community lizations intersect: Islamic, Slavic, ation”, entities do not form allianc- members. Confucian, Hindu – community of es directed against the third party, our fortunes dictate the necessity they remove hidden threats, solve The mutual trust and equality as for joint actions. disputable issues, prevent armed component elements of the theory The Shanghai Cooperation Orga- conflicts by means of peaceful dia- about the “Shanghai Spirit” became nization guided by the “Shanghai logue and consultations, consolidat- ing versatile cooperation.

Let us consider the following 12 hieroglyphs: “respect to cultural di- versity” – this principle says of rec- ognition of diversity of cultures and 37 civilizations in the modern world, respect to each state’s history and culture, respect to each nation’s in- dependent choice of its social order and model of development.

The “pursuit of joint develop- ment” assumes a wish to borrow from others everything positive, as- piration for mutual prosperity in the course of cooperation, in order to reduce disproportion between the North and the South, to solve the problem of stratification of society.

The “Shanghai Spirit” answers the modern realities and reflects the combined position of the SCO mem- a concentrated expression of a new Spirit” is of strategic importance for ber states in the main questions of model of international relations. China. Firstly, it favors the forma- the world order. Outlines of a new In the world history there were tion of the “border security belt” on security conception appeared in the cases when separate countries, re- ¾ of continental borders of China. theory about the “Shanghai Spirit”. lying on policy of force and study- Secondly, the SCO development cre- In this model a separate state se- ing their selfish interests, exploited ates a favorable international atmo- curity is inalienable from that of other states, committed aggressions sphere around China, which has a against them, provoking permanent the region and even of the whole positive impact on the Chinese lead- world. and bloody international conflicts. The new conception of international ership’s efforts for the construction of a “society of moderate prosper- The conventional security concep- relations is based on its participants’ tion emerged during wars and revo- commitment to accept obligations. ity” and a “harmonious world”. The lutions periods and suggested secu- Its dinstinctive features are peace- “Shanghai Spirit” possesses a power- rity problems solution in a military ful settlement of intergovernmen- ful vital force, and the guided by it attache manner. It considered them tal conflicts and unacceptability of SCO is an example of an alternative as a game, when one wins, and an- armed pressure. In this model all model aimed at achieving peace and other inevitable suffers defeat. That countries are equal members of the development all over the world. Andrey Kisliakov, a scientific reviewer Kirghizia: Kyrgyztelecom OJSC

According to the ideas, the project will incarnate all primary competitive edge A Turnpike of the shortest transcontinental route of traffic exchange between Europe and for the Cooperation: Asia in the territory of the Russian Fed- eration. Besides, the HSIH transit chan- nel differs from conventional lines laid Motion Speed - Light Speed on the seafloor of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, by the high reliability and low Nowadays the high-quality informa- and purchases, will ensure reliability level of cross network delay. tion support has become an integral and transparency of work of the organs These advantages open wide possibili- part of the developed countries life. of government, will strengthen interna- ties for the participants of international And if it is remembered of the world tional cooperation at all levels. service provider and corporate mar- trend toward closer and closer inter- Politically the application of the elab- kets for the communication of differ- governmental cooperation, now the life orated in Russia technologies of cross- ent kinds of information (voice, data, of our planet’s vast territories depends border electronic cooperation with the video, IP applications etc.) between on the uninterrupted and high-speed use of electronic digital signature con- Europe and Asia. movement of information flows. siderably strengthen our country’s posi- The project infrastructural base are tions in international organizations, be- powerful main networks of Rostelecom It is nice to realize that this prob- cause this function is not limited by any OJSC (about 150 thousand km) and Tran- lem’s solution did not become an eco- narrow field but covers all spheres of sTeleCom CJSC (over 80 thousand km), nomic and political “protracted con- activity within the framework of SCO. built in compliance with up-to-date struction” for our countries-members of As a matter of fact, not everything standards, particularly with the use of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. is so easy in practice. The problem is the technology of wavelength-division Moreover, the SCO countries, judging by that questions of the electronic digital multiplexing, increasing the carrying the declared programs of the Organiza- signature use in the SCO member states capacity of optical fiber channels up to tion members’ information saturation are regulated in different ways. It takes 400 Gbit/s. and their implementation paces, have What has been already done? In 2006 gone on before as compared to other very long to adjust the document in accordance with legislations of all the Rostelecom together with a Chinese intergovernmental structures. operator modernized the Khabarovsk- Actually, what is at issue? It is that member states. That is why specialists from the Russian Ministry for Commu- Fuyuan border terminal and put into the SCO member states have decided operation the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe to create a global information network nications and Information Technology uniting these countries territories and suggested developing a joint agreement border terminal. Moreover, the com- allowing to minimize temporal and ma- that should make it possible to initiate pany organized a point of presence in terial losses during general economic the beginning of the cross-border elec- Hong Kong. It was created on the tech- business management. tronic cooperation already in the near nical ground of the HK Colo Company The comprehensive information pro- future. Practically it will be carried out with the participation of China Telecom gram has two directions of cooperation by the just formed by the Ministry ex- and secures reservation of the Asian 38 - information technologies and telecom- pert group including lawyers and tech- telecommunication routes, allowing to munications proper and infrastructure nical support agents. Moreover, it was increase the volume of the internation- projects. At that both directions are decided to create a so-called test zone al transmitting traffic. It also opens up technologically united by a single sys- and to conduct the first tests. new possibilities for cooperation with tem on basis of the forefront of modern Note that these ideas are approved new operators in Asia, Internet service research in the field of telecommunica- by all the SCO member states. Last year and other providers of telecommunica- tions. in the joint communique following the tion services. On the other hand, when it comes to results of the meeting of Heads of Gov- Last year Rostelecom and China Tele- practical results, then the information ernment of this organization member com signed an agreement on exchange project is the most advanced today. It states it was fixed that implementation of web traffic (peer-to-peer). Rostele- was initiated in 2006 at the meeting of of the pilot signature project selected com and Kirghizia's and Uzbekistan’s the SCO Officials Committee. The same by the modern telecommunication and operators - Kyrgyztelecom OJSC and year this project conception was ex- information technologies special work- Uzbektelecom JSC concluded an agree- ment on rendering of the “International pressed at the first meeting of the work- ing group will make it possible to acti- ing group in Beijing. And in March 2007 free call” service. vate the investment activity within the And then an additional agreement in Bishkek the Russian party submitted framework of SCO in the sphere of high the revised project already in the form was signed between Rostelecom OJSC technologies. Thus, a conclusion can be and Uzbektelecom JSC, pursuant to of an approach paper “International drawn that already at the political level information exchange with the use of which the parties agreed to substan- this area of cooperation has received a tially increase the output of the exist- electronic digital signature”, as well as general approval. a number of additional documents. ing Internet access-grant channel for High-Speed Information Highway Uzbektelecom on basis of Rostelecom’s It must be noted that electronic doc- (HSIH) creation within the framework ument management today penetrates own data-transmission network. into all spheres of life. Especially busi- of SCO seems not less interesting and Last September in Yekaterinburg ness is interested in it. Just imagine profitable. This structure suggested by within the framework of the first event that entrepreneurs from Nizhny Tagil or the Chinese party is created in order to of Russia’s chairmanship of SCO a ses- some long-distance settlement within solve the global problem of the Eurasian sion of the special working group took five seconds receives a merchandise traffic transit. Besides, HSIH acts as an place that made coordination of the coupon, with the merchandise being infrastructure base for the introduction HSIH project. purchased ten minutes before in Uz- of modern infocommunication technol- And in conclusion. It is known that bekistan and having general, absolutely ogies in the SCO region. any great undertaking (the comprehen- authentic signatures of the Uzbek party. sive program of the SCO member states And there is no need to cross borders The list itself of the eminent project information support is no exception) with a pile of documents to do it. How parties is impressive. acquires the proper significance only much time and means our business- Russia: Rostelecom OJSC and TransT- in case of a wide open discussion and men will save! Eventually, the economy eleCom CJSC heavy coverage. In this connection the speeds up, states get stronger, i.e. the China: China Telecom, China Network open access to information sources of purpose of SCO is realized. Communications Group (CNCG), China all perspective projects in the field of This technology will make it possible Unicom, China TieTong, Hutchison Glob- the SCO states policy and economy that to facilitate and speed up procedures of al Communications is submitted by Russian business struc- cross-border cooperation, for example, Kazakhstan: Kazakhtelecom OJSC, tures and information agencies, also customs clearance for goods, will en- KazTransCom, Transtelecom makes for success of the boldest plans hance efficiency of government orders Uzbekistan: Uzbektelecom JSC implementation. The Russian Atom in India: It is for a Long Time

One of the results of the President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev’s official visit to India became an intergovernmental Agreement on construction of 4 additional units at the Kudankulam nuclear power plant and cooperation on other sites. This promising document came into being in New Delhi where it was signed in the presence of both countries’ leaders by Head of the Russian Atomic Energy Agency (ROSATOM) Sergey Kirienko and the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India Anil Kakodkar.

There is no sensation in the Agreement, remains priority for Delhi. continue working for the future.” 39 it has been discussed for a long time among stakeholders of the two countries “The Agreement on new units Simultaneously with the Agreement on and was anticipated. Nevertheless, construction at the Kudankulam - APS new units construction another important the Russian experts call this document is the first signs after lifting sanctions document - was signed, a protocol of a “significant breakthrough”, “great by the Nuclear Suppliers Group in delivery of fuel for Indian nuclear power success”. No doubt, the assessment relation to India,” Head of Information- plants by the TVEL corporation. Amount is correct; it is substantiated by Analytical Department of Energocapital of the contract - is $700 million. Head several constituent parts. Primarily, IC Denis Demin believes. “More active of ROSATOM Sergey Kirienko specified, the Agreement on construction of participation in the Indian nuclear the matter is about delivery of fuel regular units of APS - is an important market development gives the Russian not only for the Kudankulam NPP, but step in development of Russian-Indian enterprises a possibility to diversify also for other plants, including heavy cooperation, a new level of nuclear markets, which is important in conditions water ones. In particular, TVEL plans to partnership of the two countries. On of global financial crisis,” he says. deliver uranium dioxide tablets (heat- the other hand, the fact stands high generating material, with which fuel that under severe competition in a Having become a reality, the assemblies are filled to be loaded in high tech market, Russia succeeded to Agreement gives Moscow an opportunity the reactor) for the Indian Tarapur NPP, win a part of this market (one should to participate in Delhi’s energy projects, located in the state of Makharashtra. not forget that India also has a civilian which strengthens Russia’s positions as “This contract is for several years,” nuclear pact with the USA). a power implementing atomic projects Kirienko emphasized. abroad. In addition - it is possible to According to the member of the use our own personnel and, finally, India has always had friendly attitude Nuclear Power Subcommittee of the raise money, the project is commercial. towards Russia, both countries’ relations Natural Monopolies Commission of the There is another important advantage: have deep historical background; it is Federation Council of RF Bato-Zhargal Russia lays the groundwork not only filled with quite voluminous content. Zhambalnimbuev, “the recently lifted for the current work but also for the Unfortunately, there was a time when by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) future one. Enterprises of the country Moscow made mistakes, in consequence restriction on nuclear materials and will get additional orders and will of which relations level came down. technologies delivery to India opens a have an opportunity to increase their Recently Kremlin's policy has been promising perspective in the sphere of possibilities. directed at recovery of lost ground. The peaceful uses of atomic energy”. It is Agreement with India on construction of a reminder that the embargo was put Experts also underline that lifting additional four units at the Kudankulam after India had conducted nuclear- of the embargo will become a bait for Nuclear Power Plant and cooperation weapon tests, and NSG agreed to lift it competitors. “But, as experience shows, on other sites ranks among serious only in September 2008. Though, it was the open competition only strengthens achievements on this way. greatly to be feared, that Delhi could us,” Bato-Zhargal Zhambalnimbuev change cooperation accents in the field believes. “In this regard I see absolutely of nuclear power towards the USA. But it clearly our competitive advantages in did not happen. The accomplished fact the sphere of nuclear technologies. of the Agreement on units construction They are that we issue a high quality at the Kudankulam APS testifies to the product at low cost. Of course, it is not Tatiana Sinitsyna effect that cooperation with Moscow allowed to relax here, it is necessary to the Editor-in-Chief of InfoSCO “China will make external economic ties with the SCO countries”


The deepening global economic crisis issues a lot of challenges to the SCO countries, including China: how will the situation in the global market affect it, how true is China’s economy assessment in new conditions, made at the XVII CPC Congress in October 2007? To be more precise: will the GDP growth rate change, what transformation will happen in foreign trade of China, what impact will the current crisis have on Chinese financial market (banks and equity market) and home market (customer demand and prices)?

According to main economic International Trade Organization, growth is expected to reach 8%. indicators – the volume of GDP and volume of foreign trade increased At present China’s crisis is still foreign trade, attracted foreign almost by four times, and first of practically not significant with the investments, gold and currency all – thanks to the growing export. exception of individual sectors reserves – China already represents In 2007 rapid growth of the volume of national economy (textile the force, all world countries have of foreign trade and significant and light industries), as well as to take into account. At present surplus of exports resulted in some seaboard provinces (e.g., it ranks fourth by the volume of increase of excess turnover and Kwangtung, Jiangsu, Shandong), GDP – 27.5 trillion yuans, and pressure on yuan. Besides, such a being under strong dependence volume of foreign trade averaged situation reflects insufficiency of on volume of exports of products out $2100 billion. Over a period of home demand, strains resources, manufactured by them. The State time between the XVI and XVII CPC does not favour economic macro- Council of the PRC worked out Congresses, in 2003-2006, annual regulation and increases economic a programme consisting of ten average growth rate of GDP in China risks. areas, for development of which reached 10,4%, what exceeded In 2008 there was no slowdown the government assigned 4 trillion average world indicator by 7%, and in GDP growth, and its increase yuans. It was represented at the during 2007– by 11,6%. averages 10% per annum. This meeting of the State Council of After RPC’s entry into the year the slowdown in GDP the PRC in November 2008. First- priority areas became agriculture, and Uzbekistan (roads, oil- and provision of infrastructure and new gas pipelines, storage rooms). All Russia and China are high technologies, construction these projects will be implemented Establishing Bridges of economical residential space. by PRC both on bilateral basis and Construction of the first cross- These spheres, as predicted by within the scope of SCO. border railway bridge across the Chinese authority, will involve other In spite of bright future of Amur River, connecting China ones and ensure the necessary Russian-Chinese trade development and Russia, will begin in 2009. It will be thrown from the village home demand increase. In addition (in 2007 the volume of foreign trade of Nizhneleninskoye (Jewish to it, in China the People’s Bank was $46 billion against $32 billion Autonomous Region) to the refinancing rate was reduced (it in 2006) the world financial crisis city of Tuntszian (province of Heilongjiang). An Agreement on fulfills a function of the Central negatively affected its dynamics. joint construction of this bridge Bank) to 3% per annum, and average According to estimates of the RF was accepted at the meeting of Lombard rate – to 5.58%, which trade representative in PRC Sergey the Prime Ministers of PRC and Russia in Moscow. ensures favourable conditions for Tsyplakov, its volume in 2008 was The railway bridge will connect the programme implementation. $48-50 billion. At present Chinese railroads of North-eastern China As far back as 2007 China’s prices are lower than Russian ones with the Russian Trans-Siberian Railway. Formation of the government assumed measures to practically for all commodity items Tuntszian-Suifenhe - Manchzhuria reduce the volume of foreign trade in consequence of state support of “golden triangle” will facilitate and exports. A law was passed key industries. It concerns those the development of external economic ties between the two setting equal income tax rates for all spheres where product pricing countries. businesses, which reduces expected also determines to a large extent The bridge is expected to be profit level for the enterprises with behavior of prices for other goods. set in operation in 2011. It will consist of a main part, passages the participation of foreign capital. But as concerns Russian business, and customs stations in the Since June 2007 in China tax refund practically any sphere is promising territory of both countries. The rates for export products began to for it. length of the main part is 2584 meters (1896 meters in China’s be reviewed, which affects first of One of the ways of Russian-Chinese territory, 688 — in that of Russia). all, export of primary goods. relations development is frontier China invests in the project 1.3 In the sphere of foreign economic trade, however it is required to billion yuans. As predicted, after completion relations China will scale down the improve its infrastructure, including of the bridge building the annual volume of foreign trade with the updating of border-crossing points, volume of cargo transportation United States and EU countries. construction of auto-roads, of the Tuntszian railway junction in 2015 will make up 13.5 million 41 However for the time being Chinese Amur, Argun and Ussuri bridges tons, in 2020 — 16.8 million, and goods export to the USA still keeps building, as well as rail transport in 2030 — 21 million tons. rising due to low prices for their development and formation of products, which attracts American necessary bank infrastructure, businessmen. So the USA is still capable to ensure free exchange Сooperative faced a question how to reduce of yuan into rouble and vice versa a growing deficit in foreign trade on the whole territory of Russia and Space Program with China. China. Russia needs a state support PRC is now actively developing to form this infrastructure on the At the present time Russia and China are studying the possibility trade with ACEAN countries and territory of Far East and Siberia, of joint development and economically developed countries to ensure coordination of regional implementation of large projects and APR territories – Republic of development strategy between the meeting the mutual interests and tasks of both countries’ Korea, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Russian Far East and Siberia and the space programs. The program that turned out to be susceptible to old industrial base of the Northeast of cooperation for 2007-2009 world financial crisis least of all. of China, as well as within the that became a follow-up of the previous three-year program is Thus China got a chance to save framework of SCO. being successfully executed. It yuan from the American dollar and includes 33 areas of cooperation. turn it into reserve currency in the Here are some of them. The countries of South East Asia and moon program provides for the East Asia. Luna Glob project joint works. In today’s situation China will The scheduled for this year mission of the Russian Phobos- enliven trade and economic Grunt spacecraft will help to find relations with the SCO countries out the origin of primary planets. through import of energy resources The project goal is to deliver to the Earth a soil column from the and export of both engineering martian satellite Phobos. In this and consumer finished products. case the Russian Zenit carrier Concurrently, for successful rocket will launch in the orbit of Mars not only the Russian Phobos- advance of all the projects for Grunt, but also the Chinese energy resources import, China Andrey Ostrovsky Yunguo-1. intends to invest in development Vice Director of the Far East Institute of of the SCO countries infrastructure the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Centre for Economic and Social – Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan Problems in China and East Asia lished in 2003, they wrote that Russian oil reserves would be exhausted not earlier than in 22 years. According to them the situation with gas was better – it would be exhausted only in 80 years. Whereas we were provided with coal for centuries. It is clear that crisis is making some allowances to these calculations. At the end of last year oil industry workers to- gether with the Ministry of Energy pre- pared a new prognosis for the industry. If Russia’s energy strategy till 2030 had expected to increase crude oil annual production and by the end of the second decade to reach 565-595 million tons, then today it is predicted that already this year it will drop to 472 million, and next year– to 454.5 million tons. Kazakhstan corrects its plans too. As reported by the Minister of Economy and Budget Planning of the republic Bahyt Sultanov, in 2009 oil production will be reduced by 4% - to 76 million tons. Oil and Gas Kazakhstan is the second big energy player in the SCO space. There are large oil, gas, coal and uranium reserves in Resources of SCO: this republic, which constitute a con- siderable part of world resources. It is mining operations and export of miner- How to Use in a als that contributed much to phenom- enal economic growth of this country. Kazakhstan’s share is about 3.3% of Reasonable Way? world oil reserves and 1% of that of gas. Majority of all predictable petroleum reserves, i.e. by some estimates 13-18 A well-known fantasist Arthure Clark had once predicted billion tons, is located in the Caspian that toward 2015 all national currencies would die out Sea basin, which will in the long term 42 become the main gas-producing coun- and a single world currency on the base of a kilowatt-hour tries. According to plans of the Ministry would appear. Well.. Many of his predictions have already of Energy of Kazakhstan, towards 2015 come true, so this one is likely to be realized too. Indeed, “black gold” production volume will the energy component in national both developed, and increase to 100, if not to 130 million tons, at that its major part will go for developing economies is growing from year to year. Though, export. presently, because of global crisis, power consumption The growing attention is also being began to come down, but sooner or later it will end and, in paid in Kazakhstan to natural gas ex- the estimation of experts, the curve will go up again. traction that becomes one of the es- sential export items as well. By 2010 Today this organization member how much are both our commitments, blue-sky fuel extraction is planned to states possess approximately a quarter and our optimism secured by the energy be increased to 40, and export – to 15 of oil world resources and production resources existing in the Russian terri- billion cubic meters. Thereby gas pro- volume, their share is from one-third tory? duction will be increased by half, and to one-half of gas resources and 50% of It is thought that the Russian subsoil its export – twice. the world explored stores of uranium. has one-third of world reserves of gas, In Uzbekistan oil and gas complex The most important is to be able to use one-tenth of that of oil and one-fifth does not play such an important role, these reserves to advantage and in a of that of coal. But it is just prognostic but its influence in the structure of the reasonable way. data for the most part; they need to be national economy after breakup of the Actually, the question is about three converted into protected, i.e. proved Soviet Union has considerably grown. SCO member states: in the first place – data. So today nobody can say precisely By some estimates, oil resources there about Russia and Kazakhstan, and to a what true mineral wealth of Russia is. make up over 5.3 billion tons, that of lesser degree — about Uzbekistan. As of As for information on oil and associated gas condensate - 480 million tons and Russia, it has more than once promised gas, it is actually a military secret be- that of natural gas - 6.25 billion cubic with confidence to completely provide hind seven seals. Though, sometimes meters. Europe (not only) in foreseeable future some information still filters both into Whatever appearances in general, but with oil and gas. It still promises to do scientific reports, and into the press. total hydrocarbon resources in these it even now, in spite of current finan- True, they noticeably differ. Thus, for three countries of the Shanghai Six cial and economic crisis and scandalous example, if it comes to the same oil, are huge. Certainly, they can be easily problems with Ukrainian transiters. And then different sources represent 7.1, 9 wasted too, as once Urengoi's resources , recently responding to and 12 billion tons. were. Funds received from them can be a question of a correspondent for the Nevertheless, even if one takes the also used for modernization and diver- Bloomberg information agency, declares mean value and divide it by the volume sification of their own economies, for that “with global economic recovery our of last year production (488.5 million transfer to high technologies and econ- natural advantages should also play in a tons), it will turn out that “black gold” omy of knowledge. In other words, to be new light, I mean our opportunities in will be sufficient for us for about two used in a reasonable way. That is why it materials sectors of the economy – they decades. By the way, a similar progno- is now important for Russia, Kazakhstan are oil, gas, metals, and some other di- sis was also made by the analysts of the and Uzbekistan not only join efforts in rections of our traditional activity.” But British Petroleum: in their report pub- oil and gas transportation but also coor- 43

dinate their energy strategies. Certain- rum of the Eurasian Economic Club of financial and economic crisis, world's ly, such work has been carried out not Scientists, which was held last year in need for energy carriers will begin to for the first year. But at a time when the Astana. Moreover, the question was not grow at the same rapid pace that at Western countries and big transnational only about coordination of long-term the beginning of this century. By 2030, companies seek to diversify sources and energy programs. A mutual opinion was routes of energy carriers’ deliveries and stated as follows: to survive in the age in the estimation of the International try their best to drive a wedge between of globalization and change of world Energy Agency analysts, it will increase their primary producers in the SCO economic structure, our countries’ joint by 60%. space, unity of action assumes special long-term economic strategy must be In the meantime the SCO member importance. developed. states possess today about a quarter of This idea agrees with many people. “No matter how we solve energy oil world reserves and production vol- That is why within the framework of strategy matters, until there is no gen- ume, their share is from one-third to the Shanghai Cooperation Organiza- eral strategy of socio-economic devel- tion a working group was formed for opment of our countries, we will reach one-half of gas resources and 50% of creating an Energy club, of which one an impasse anyway,” says chief research the world explored stores of uranium. of the tasks is just harmonization of scientist of the Institute of World Policy The most important is to be able to use energy strategies. Such a club could and Economy of the Fund of the First these reserves to advantage and in a favor deepening cooperation between President of Kazakhstan, Deputy Direc- reasonable way. And then, as noted by the energy resources producers (Russia, tor of the Centre of social problems SCO Deputy Secretary-General Vladimir Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran) and their analysis Kanat Berentayev. “If we act Zakharov, the Organization will have consumers (China, Tajikistan, Kirghizia, one at a time, we could get the most India, Pakistan, Mongolia), conducting pessimistic variant. Because you know, every chance to “become one of the coordinated foreign policy of the fuel in the age of globalization the economic economic centers of the world, attrac- and energy complex’ industries devel- borders of countries actually become tive for other states in terms of coop- opment. This idea implementation can transparent, and industrial and invest- eration.” make SCO a self-sufficient energy sys- ment policies begin to be dictated by tem both on a global and regional basis. large transnational companies. This is And the existing piping systems con- evidenced by both petroleum and all necting Russia, Central Asian countries other industries. To avoid this dictate, and China, create a foundation for a there need to be a general strategy.” single power market of SCO. There can be little doubt that after Maxim Krans It was also much said at the first fo- a forced pause connected with global InfoSCO analyst Risks Are Mounting, But the Shanghai Six Insures Them

Any crisis multiplies risks manyfold. And the current one, unprecedented in scale, apparently does it incomparably more. Nevertheless, insurance business in conditions of the present financial and economic storm, notwithstanding tense times, survived after all. Moreover, now more than ever, It is especially in demand. It was confirmed once again by the participants of the roundtable organized by 44 the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Business Council and the InfoSCO information-analytical portal jointly with the Insurance Group “SOGAZ” – one of the leading insurance associations of the modern Russia.

The theme of the meeting was the narrow professional, its initiators and Deputy Chairman of the Board of following: “The state and prospects participants tried to find the ideas SOGAS Sergey Okhotnikov reminded of the SCO reinsurance market”. The and subjects interesting not only for in his speech the “case history”, that dictionary of modern economics de- the specialized audience. is to say, when and why a new item fines the term “reinsurance” familiar arose on the agenda of the Shang- by no means to all as “relations com- As Executive Secretary of the SCO hai Organization – cooperation in plex between risk insurers”. Other Business Council Sergey Kanavsky the field of insurance. As long ago as ways of saying, it is when an insurer noted opening the meeting, today at the meeting of the SCO Business takes the risk exceeding his capabil- in each country of the Shanghai Six Council in 2007 in Bishkek its partici- ity, retrocede it. working groups are functioning en- pants supported the initiative of the gaged in cooperation, conjugation of Uzbek colleagues that were talking The roundtable was dedicated to efforts of insurance companies in the about the necessity of collaboration the problem of formation and devel- SCO space in insurance of both vari- not only in the fuel and energy sec- opment of reinsurance mechanisms ous projects and entrepreneurship in tor or, say, in transport infrastructure in the Shanghai Cooperation Organi- general. In Russia, Kazakhstan, Kir- development, but also in the field of zation area. The experts of national ghizia insurance pools have already insurance that at present does not parts of the SCO Business Council been created, which united many correspond today’s requirements. discussed the most burning and dif- leading insurance companies. ficult questions, arising in everyday In fact, business is now unlimited, as practice of the Organization member “We consider insurance not only as people’s movement from one country states insurers, and the problems that a specific type of business, but also to another in the SCO area is practi- so far impede formation of a single as an element that helps business in cally unlimited. Escalation of human reinsurance market of SCO. whole to act effectively,” said Ka- migration, increase of goods turnover navsky. “Insurance companies are an volume, widening of investment are Representatives of the SCO Business integral part of the process of eco- connected with certain risks. Without Council, the federal bodies of execu- nomic cooperation within the frame- their minimization it is not possible to tive power, insurance, financial and work of SCO, and, as a rule, are in achieve the sustainable development social organizations, diplomats from the forefront of business, because of relationships between the Shang- the SCO member and observer states while insuring risks it is them that of- hai Six member states in the socio- took part in the meeting. Though the ten define priorities of one area of its economic sphere. Whereas insurance roundtable theme seems to have been development or another.” is a serious mechanism both of finan- cial and economic risk management, ning on Russia’s borders with adjoin- from one another; there is stiff com- and social security. ing states, including China, Kazakh- petition in the national markets and stan and Mongolia, register pollutant access for foreign insurers is limited, The Uzbek insurers’ idea was gen- level of many of them up to 10 TLV by this insurance terms in different erally supported by their colleagues, and even higher. At the border with countries legislations often greatly and soon they passed from words to Kazakhstan particular concern is differ. So for the present reinsurance deeds. On April 2008 the first interna- aroused by water quality in Ishim, Ir- operations between companies from tional conference of SCO on insurance tysh, Tobol, at the Chinese border – in different countries are neither big problems was held in Moscow, where Amur, Argun, Ussuri and Razdolnaya, nor numerous. not only the member states took an at the Mongolian one – in Selenga and active part but also this organiza- Onon. And there are more difficulties to tion observers. In spite of the crisis, come impeding pooling of the SCO in- the process of insurers’ consolidation Environmental insurance, Yazhlev surers’ financial possibilities. Thus, at continues. Insurance and reinsurance is sure, can be used as a defense the last year’s conference in Moscow it issues were also discussed at the SCO mechanism against transboundary was noted that problems of the insur- Business Council working group regu- consequences of economical activ- ance market infrastructure improve- lar session on February 2009, and at ity in the SCO member states. By the ment, dessimination of the insurance the III International conference “In- way, many things in this area are al- culture among population, innovative surance in Central Asia” that took ready being done. In Russia the Envi- kinds of insurance acquirement also place on March in Alma Ata. ronmental Insurance Association has remain urgent. Besides, according become the initiator of a number of to the participants of the meeting, And, according to Sergey Okhot- regional projects of voluntary insur- joint struggle against insurance fraud nikov, it is logical. Because the SCO ance in this field, in Kazakhstan a law must be more active, it is necessary countries have huge potential: this was passed on compulsory environ- to create an information database of vast region’s territory is about 3/5 mental insurance, a pilot project of the SCO countries insurance industry, of the Eurasian continent, and the the same insurance is intended in PRC to exchange experience in personnel population that lives here reaches too. Now, according to Igor Yazhlev, training and retraining, as well as 1.5 billion people. China’s economy there came a time to join efforts of information of judicial and arbitral is making good headway and it has all the SCO states, and in the capac- practice, connected with legal inves- already come to the second place ity of the first “direction of attack” tigations in this field. after the USA, economies of Russia, he suggests to choose the Amur River Kazakhstan, and India have also at- basin that in recent years especially Generally speaking, the current tained great success. That is why often exposures to pollution. and previous discussions showed that the insurance business significance there are still enough problems and 45 differences in this field, and it will is growing up from year to year, and Many roundtable participants high- take a lot of efforts to overcome cooperation in this field assumes the lighted in their speeches that one of them. However all the participants priority value. the major tasks the Shanghai Six in- of the roundtable were at one in surers faces, is insurance legislation thinking that it is necessary to jointly It is not the first year it is referred and regulatory framework harmoni- create an insurance space within the to the necessity of a single insurance zation. According to them, this pro- framework of which needless barriers and reinsurance market creation on vides, first of all, elimination or mini- and obstacles could be removed, and the SCO territory. There are also mization of administrative or other real conditions created for its free promising examples of how the Or- obstacles in the development of the access to markets upon observance ganization member states actively insurance field, the SCO countries co- both of norms of national laws, and cooperate in this field. For example, ordinated insurance policy, working international standards. Russia is now constructing nuclear out of common insurance rules. power plant units in China, and the Next time the SCO countries insur- same SOGAS achieved an agreement In his speech at the roundtable ance companies’ representatives will with the Chinese colleagues-insurers Kenzhegul Sembayeva, Director of return to the subject of these prob- on reinsurance of a part of nuclear Reinsurance Department of the State lems removal or at least their mini- risks by the Russian companies. Insurance Corporation for Export mization, as well as consolidation of Large-scale joint investment proj- Credit and Investments (Kazakhstan), efforts within the framework of the ects are being implemented also by highly appraised the current state Organization. One of the roundtables SOGAS’ key clients – Gazprom and Ro- and prospects of this market seg- of the St. Petersburg economic forum satom under bilateral contracts with ment in the Shanghai Cooperation to be held in June will be dedicated Kazakhstan. All of them suppose the Organization countries. According exactly to these themes. joint participation of insurers from to her, today it represents a signifi- various countries to ensure a secure cant part of the world insurance and coverage. Among other things, the reinsurance market that has a high share of the Russian companies in this potential for growth. According to country is more than a tierce of all Sembayeva’s data now in China insur- reinsurance operations. ance activities volume is more than $143.3 billion, in Russia - $28.2 bil- And Executive Director of the As- lion, in Kazakhstan – $885 million, sociation for Ecological Insurance and in other Central Asian countries – Igor Yazhlev told about another quite about $100 million. Nevertheless, the promising initiative. He said that SCO countries’ insurance markets are Maxim Krans ecological surveys on 31 rivers run- still developing quite independently InfoSCO analyst and banking sectors. Therefore the Or- ganization is in position to implement large infrastructure projects that need state support. Currently Russia chairs in the SCO, and our country initiates many important projects of econom- ic cooperation. In so doing, in some cases cooperation of the SCO states, and first of all that of Russia and China, opens broad prospects for solution of problems urgent not only for relations within the SCO but also for the entire world community. For example, there is a problem of improvement, moderniza- tion and reforming of the Internet. Urgency of this problem is evident. By the way, in 2009 the mankind will mark the 40-th anniversary of the event when a team of scientists of the California University including Leonard Kleinrock, Vint Serf and Steve Cocker conducted the first successful comput- er-to-computer data transmission ex- periment. It opened an era of network technologies and literally a new page in the history of the modern civiliza- All-Russian Conference “Use of In- of users suffering in this particular case tion. September 2, 1969 is deemed to ternet Capabilities in Crisis Situations from spam and virus attacks. be considered “an unofficial birthday” – Administrative and Technological So- Let me hazard a guess that the cur- of the Internet. The forty year peri- lutions” held in Moscow inter alia dis- rent world financial crisis and difficul- od is long anough time to make first cused “the health” of the Internet. The ties facing the Internet development conclusions on successes and failures interesting and urgent discussion was have similar causes in their roots. in the life of the hero of the day. And initiated by Non-Commercial Partner- the hero of the day deserved these ship INFOFORUM involved in provision Is the “unipolar” Internet doomed to loud metaphors. But unfortunately, in of information security, as well as by failure? recent years the record of events looks the Security Committees of both Rus- more like a clinical chart. sian Parliament houses – the State Duma Besides the above-mentioned prob- and Council of Federation. The event In his Address to the Federal Assembly lems: viruses, spam, hackers, etc. was supported by the Federal Agency President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev experts predict depletion of data for Press and Mass Communications and speaking on the Russia’s suggestions for transmission channels resources and IP- other state agencies and partner-com- creating a new financial architecture address capacities in the near future as 46 panies. said that “these tasks should be distrib- well as a number of other technological Practically all speakers pointed out uted among existing or newly formed difficulties that will need radical TCP/ that in the present state the Internet international organizations … Having a IP upgrade that will make an end of the may perform as a potential source of monopoly in this sphere was not merely Internet in its present form. crisis situations. Development of Inter- inadequate for the realities of today's However, besides the evident prob- net-technologies opens new prospects global economy”. Similar ideas have lems facing every on-line user daily for response to and prevention of them. been expressed by China, India and there are also more critical conflicts in The Conference also discussed promis- other states. Oddly to say but UK Prime the roots of the present Internet struc- ing projects of the Shanghai Coopera- Minister Gordon Brown in his recent in- ture itself. First of all, it is the lack of tion Organization. terview also said in similar vein that it global network management system is necessary to develop “a concept of adequacy. In its present form the In- Development of Internet-technologies multilateral relations”. G8 is being re- ternet is based on a system of domain opens new prospects both for response placed by G20, hegemony of US Dollar names and IP-addresses completely to crisis situations and elaboration of is also vanishing. controlled by ICANN (Internet Corpora- an agreed policy for their prevention. Eventually, the unipolar world order tion for Assigned Names and Numbers) However, in its present state the Inter- model proved to be fraught with not and ultimately by the US Department net may become a potential source of only political turbulences that the Rus- of Commerce. Despite all efforts of crisis situations. And it may also ag- sian leaders have been spoken about the world community to make this gravate them due to the resonance ef- for this decade, but also with economic system more balanced, the Internet fect. crises. Evidently, proper stability is Purple key still remains in the hands of A recent example: an obscure Geor- attainable if the system has numerous the US President. Moreover, lately the gian on-line newspaper published an supports, load is distributed evenly, American stand has become tougher. In article on the fall in Russian Ruble ex- and balance of forces and interests is May 2008, Edward Markey, Charmin of change rate, this disinformation was provided. It seems that this universal Subcommittee on Telecommunications disseminated through several network formula is applicable also to the Inter- and the Internet, House Energy & Com- media outlets that resulted in people net-technologies. merce Committee, claimed that “since rushing to banks in panic. Meanwhile, Let me remind you that a multipolar the Internet was created in America, actually this rush had no reason at all. world concept is one of cornerstones the country should not lose its control Simultaneously, the current rules of of the Shainghai Cooperation Organi- over it”. the game in the cyberspace very often zation. Despite it young age the SCO Another problem consists in practical let the panic-monger come off clear. that as of 2001 includes Russia, China, inability to identify a source of informa- Sometimes it is difficult even to reveal Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia and tion since the access to the global net- the source of disinformation itself. Tajikistan as member-states and India, work is anonymous in principle despite Viruses, spam, hackers, network ex- Pakistan, Iran and Mongolia as observ- any reservations. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, tremism, false information, kids por- er-states plays more and more signifi- one of “the fathers” of the world-wide no… Debates on the lameness of the cant role in the international arena. web and author of the first web-site contemporary Internet, which list of The principle of equal dialogue laid and first Internet-browser, recently vices might be continued further, be- in the roots of “the Shanghai spirit” is expressed an unambiguous conclusion came a subject of many futurological welcomed and supported by more and regarding the future of the Internet. In philosophics. Social consequences of more states of the world. his opinion, the gravest threat is posed the technological progress often come It happened historically that the SCO by the phenomenon of network disin- into conflict with humanistic ideals of integrates the countries where the state formation, which is widespread and our civilization and interests of millions plays a significant role in the economy threatens to undermine credit to the Internet as the infomedia. Already to- provided with self-improving machine- ciples correspond to a greater extent day the Internet heads all the records translation programs”. to free-market concepts of the con- in terms of amount and variety of un- According to experts, a technological temporary economy and Adam Smith’s fair advertisement, commercial fraud breakthrough in improvement of the law of “invisible hand” as distinct from and deceptive practices, and as the current computer-translation programs the administrative regulation, which is e-trade turnover grows it may even be- may be provided for through generation advocated by the United States in this come an analogous of a dark gateway, of an array that would include correct particular case. However, it seems that which is better to be bypassed if you translations of maximum quantity of standard-worship epoch is close to its have money in your pocket. lexical elements. As a rule, the available end. The use of disinformation in informa- programs offer users to give a more ad- tion warfare is noteworthy separately. equate translation version versus that Mass mailing of messages with false re- offered by the computer, however the SCO may create its own model of turn addresses and publication of false users often ignore this function as they Global Network information on web-sites, which true believe that improvement of transla- owners are unidentifiable, became a tion programs is a private business of Consciousness of contemporary Inter- current practice. China had to create developer-corporations. net shortcomings has already initiated its own isolated national e-network to Thus, development of more sophisti- the search for new forms of global net- resist external pressure. Without any cated translation programs directly ac- work management. The respective R&D comments on rationale of this measure, cessible to the whole Internet-commu- activities in this field are performed it is worth paying attention to the use nity becomes a priority task. Probably, both by private corporations (Goolge) of the Internet as a weapon in the in- fulfillment of this task is possible on the and state institutions – in the USA (In- terstate confrontation in the fields of basis of a new technological platform ternet2 Project), Japan and other coun- information and propaganda. that makes it possible to integrate an tries. Yet, this is not the thing. Key features individual experience of each user into In this situation the SCO, an inte- of the Internet in its present form are a common knowledge bank. grated organization of a new type the use of English and Latin alphabet as The use of the collective-mind prac- basing on the concept of dialogue be- the main language and characters for tice is laid in the basis of the therapy tween cultures and civilizations, enjoys communications. Those who fail to use also of other Internet “birth diseases”. an opportunity to lay the foundations Latin letters for data transmission are First of all, it relates to response to of a leading edge global information in danger of becoming wrecks in the in- hacker attacks and viruses ulcerating network that will become a platform ternational data traffic. vulnerable spots of computer programs. for equal cooperation between coun- It relates not only and not merely to As a rule, such spots occur at the fault tries and nations rather than promote the mass communications media but of commercial-closed-source-software expansionism of Western values and also to the technological infrastructure developers. Such faults are reduced standards. This network may be cre- of its operation: computer programs, to minimum in open-source programs ated both as a certain superstructure programming languages, etc. This prob- (for - and -similar operating on the basis of contemporary networks lem also relates to the use of hardware systems). These software is distribut- and as an independent medium, and it and software of the leading world cor- ed mainly free of charge, their codes may have even an original name - e.g. porations: Windows- and IBM-compati- are accessible for analysis and update SCOnet, etc. ble solutions, establishing standards of to the maximum number of specialists The fact that English is not included technological integration in the world in various countries. By the way, the in the list of official SCO languages infospace, and the rules of the game. “open-source phenomenon” destroys probably suggests an intent of the SCO 47 Monopoly of the manufacturers re- the monopoly of worldwide software state leaders to develop cooperation in sults in predominance of their media leading manufacturers. the information field on the basis of a resources and consequently Western A similar situation is observed in certain new information paradigm of information and ideological standards the area of Internet access provision. direct cooperation only vaguely resem- and behavioral stereotypes. The available multilayer hierarchy of bling a multi-language family of the In a sense, further development of client-server links provides for only il- United Nations or European Union rath- the Internet in this scenario means not lusion of anonymity to Internet-users, er than on the basis of a unipolar model only preservation of the Anglo-Saxon at the same time it does not guarantee of the contemporary global infospace. West’s superiority in the information successful tracing of criminal sources. The SCO countries are able of tackling and technological fields in the short- There are several model-solutions of the task to create a more sophisticated term prospect, but also the degrading this problem. A majority of experts are analogous and may be an alternative to role of national languages and cultures led to believe that in future we will have the contemporary Internet. There is down to completely falling into neglect to reject the hierarchy architecture of a wide field here for activities of R&D in the long-term prospect. root servers controllable by private centers, private, state-owned national corporations and pseudo-government and international entities. Currently, Collective mind as Internet rescue structures, and advance to decentral- the SCO Business Council is discussing remedy ized distributed network (current op- feasibility to establish a special work- erating prototypes of such networks ing team to examine this subject. The countries of “the golden billion” include, for example, Japanese Netsu- In seems that in the long-term pros- still remain leading worldwide info- kuku). On the other hand, the need of pect the SCO states will be capable of product users. Meanwhile, the world certain certification of Internet-users facing even more wide-scale projects. rimland that includes a majority of becomes apparent. Eventually we will Internet and TV convergence and de- Asian, African and Latin American coun- have an efficient network with all us- velopment of wireless and satellite tries remains out of the global infofield ers placed on the same level without data transmission technologies gen- and on-line community. The Internet in preferences and restrictions but with erate a world-wide demand for new its present form may prove to be failing mandatory identification. science-intensive products including to meet their needs. International legal aspects of Inter- those for the personal use. Develop- A key vector in the development of net life also need restructuring. Poor- ment of free-for-all satellite commu- new-generation global networks is sup- ly-transparent and politically exposed nication means integrating capabilities posed be aimed at breaking-down of management basing on the US sole con- of the computer, telephone, TV set and language barriers. Igor Eidman, a Rus- trol is inadequate to the contemporary other gadgets is in the pipeline. Basing sian sociologist and “Internet-futurolo- realties. It should be replaced with a on the Chinese technological potential gist”, aptly said that modern network democratic collective system respect- and Russian missile and space achieve- technologies make it possible to create ing national interests of each country. ments the SCO would be in position to “a global space of free communication And what is about our beloved WWW? initiate development of new standards between various language speakers Probably, it will suffer the fate of a in the field of satellite communications and culture beams”. According to the unique virtual Jurassic park for those attractive to all regions of the world. expert, “a new epoch in development fans of the extremes who are ready to of the world-wide web will be opened sacrifice safety and reliability for the by wide-spread propagation of multi- sake of anonymity and jollies. language social international com- Finally, I would like to note that Denis TURIN munication and cooperation networks the collective self-organization prin- InfoRos CEO The most ambitious educational project ever implemented in the world – the SCO member states Network University – acquires visible features. For the participation in it a free-for all competition has been recently set up among Russia’s universities and higher education institutions of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization other countries. Whenever will the real start of this unusual university take place? What will it be? What priorities are here and what are “reefs”? These and other questions are answered by one of the SCO University concept designers, noted Russian orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor Aleksey MASLOV.


– You have said more than bitiousness? world standards. And the fact that once that You consider the SCO this project consolidates the states – First of all, its goal itself – cre- with different civilization communi- University project as unique ation of a single Eurasian educa- ties, culture and absolutely unequal and the most ambitious for tional space combining the best economies. It includes the countries many decades. What is the am- national traditions and accepted with different possibilities, ambiand educational potential. There are gi- be so universal? Tower of Babel crashed down ants such as China, Russia, quite – The most consistent one. It was just because its builders had considerable Kazakhstan, and there suggested by the Russian party and spoken a great number of dif- are, say, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kir- approved by all experts. The SCO ferent languages and could not ghizia… University network principle is understand each other. clearly prescribed in it. No single – Well, above all, we are con- – One must suppose that their center. The university administra- structing the SCO University not different interests and con- tion may be located anywhere. Stu- vertically but horizontally. And we tributions are quite tangible, dents get educated alternately in have only two official languages of which means that antagonisms different universities. Each country instruction – Russian and Chinese. and problems are inevitable. suggests on its behalf some leading However their knowledge is com- higher education institutions repre- pulsory. If a student goes to China, - A Chinese proverb runs like this: senting the best scientific schools he should study there in Chinese, if “A journey of a thousand miles be- (say, in energy – China, Russia and he goes from there to Russia, conse- gins with one step.” We have done Kazakhstan). Within their term of quently, he should study in Russian. already a lot of steps, which made apprenticeship, students will un- Say, a student-powerman can study it possible to remove many of them. dergo one third of study in one of in Kazakhstan or Uzbekistan, where For example, it was clear that the the SCO member states. It will en- there are series of electric power largest developments in all scien- able them to better know other plants and where the language tific areas were conducted in Rus- ethnoses’ culture, be filled with of instruction is Russian, but if he sia and China, and it is these coun- ideas of Eurasian cooperation. For wants to go on to do further study tries that very many people visit for example, having begun to learn on in China, then additionally he must education and training. There are his native soil, the Russian can go take without fail a Chinese course much less people willing to go to on then to do further study by the as well. To understand Chinese lec- other SCO countries. Thus, the con- same profession in China or Kazakh- tures there, it is necessary to inten- flict arises at the outset when main stan. Consequently he will receive sively and daily learn the language flows of students make their way to two diplomas. One is that of the for not less than three years. The these big countries (Kazakhstan can institution he entered, the other is student studies in the same groups be also included). It is necessary to the SCO University’s. And we mean with other students, but officially he 49 be aware that just these countries to train specialists not only of high is counted in a separate entry as a cover most of professions. And here proficiency, but also able to easy in- “student of the SCO University”. He it is very important that the SCO tegrate into the SCO joint economy can begin study in Moscow, continue University should not turn into a – that of the large part of the world, in Kazakhstan (also in Russian), and game of two or three large states. rapidly growing and having a very then in China – in Chinese. Thus, We tried that each country could good prospect. one more significant problem is re- find in it its own interest. moved – there is no need to create What is important in this concep- special groups, it is enough to co- But there are countries’ ambi- tion? Above all it is our using a very ordinate the universities’ academic tions and those of particular uni- well-tried system called a system of curriculums. If one goes to the Ce- versities. And they do not always intercalation study. For example, a lestial Empire for a year, then his coincide. Some universities do not student studies at MSU till his 3rd educational program there should understand absolutely what their year, for the 4th year he goes to Chi- match with the program of his stud- country’s interest here is. And first na, then he returns for the 5th year ies in Russia or Kazakhstan. And vice of all, it consists of creating of a in his university. This system is very versa. new generation of specialists that clear to everybody. It has been well will be able to work in the whole worked through both on the West, Furthermore, for the University Eurasian space with different cul- and in Russia. The second very im- students a system of study courses tures and approaches to reality. portant moment is a colossal scope will be used, it is clear to everybody And it is just one problem, whereas of professions, because the SCO and has been worked through long there were so much of them that countries biggest higher education ago in many countries. there were strong doubts whether institutions take part in the proj- it was possible at all to create such ect, possessing scientific schools, – In Russia two-level model a university. A single consolidation groundwork, personnel, workbooks, of higher education already idea was required, a model meeting textbooks, multimedia equipment, functions – Bachelor's program, all countries’ ambitions, and above and computer networks. The third Master's program. It has drawn all – those of universities, under the one is different languages of in- criticism of some specialists, aegis of which it will work. struction. because it is alien to our tradi- tional system of education. But – What model has proved to – It is recognized that the it was it that was chosen for the SCO University, wasn’t it? and somewhere as learning history 2012, there needs no hurry here. Al- and traditions. In MGU only it can ready existing courses of extended – The entire world passes on to it. be studied in equal measure at the education can become a prelimi- It is more efficient. A model of two faculties of geography, economics, nary stage. Say, you study to be a level education exists in the USA, history and philology. And there will power engineering specialist, but Indonesia, China. The reason for be different programs. Changing for you also need knowledge in the SCO that is simple. By no means all need a while the country of education countries economy. You can gain it so background knowledge requiring under the SCO University program, for 72 hours of a special course. All 5-6 years of education. Certainly, a student will certainly extend and that can be started at once, with- it will remain in medicine, math- expand his knowledge in the select- out any powerful structures. It is of ematics, or music, as will six years ed profession. importance to begin at least from education. But the world changes anything. and people often need to get not - By what criteria will univer- so much knowledge in general, as sities be selected for the par- – Won’t the current world cri- a specific course and attainments. ticipation in this University? sis become a stumbling block If one intends to become, for ex- Won’t become the prestigious for the project? ample, an economist in a particular international project another field, say, in small business, then 4 field for “kickbacks” and cor- – We have installed in this univer- years are sufficient for him. But it is ruption? sity a powerful anti-crisis “cush- very important to understand that ion”. The chief thing is that it does the main thing here is not merely – The SCO countries finance the not require any big financial invest- reduction of term of apprentice- University on a different basis. Rus- ments. If it had required a single ship, as it is carried out here in Rus- sia and China contribute 22% each. building, its logistic services, lec- sia, but also background knowledge Kazakhstan – 20% and so on down turers, hostels etc. i.e. everything acquisition by practically individual the line. In the competition set up needed to create a new educational training. For example, my masters by us only state universities take complex, then in this case the proj- in England have lessons only twice a part. Selection criteria are elabo- ect would have cost tens of millions week. We take up a certain subject, rated by me, and they are simple. of dollars. And then in the current sit down and discuss it. But they They are based on the American crisis situation we would have had 50 to abandon its implementation. But must have read specified subject- Yes-No question answering system. today the question is about mini- related literature for the lesson The simpler question and answer, mum amounts. And that is why the without assistance. the more difficult the corruption idea will not slow down. of the process. By this there is no – What special subjects will be point for corruption – no money will As concerns the crisis itself, then, taught in the SCO University? come automatically to the universi- in my opinion, one should ask oneself ties winning the competition. Fur- more often, not when, but by what – The ones most sought-for in all thermore – they will have to spend it will be over. And not in terms of the organization countries. And money themselves to start up their economy, but rearrangement of civ- those that cause the least contra- education under the SCO program. ilization values. Money has become dictions. They are five: regional They will also have to solve practi- the only sense of our civilization. studies, energetics, environmen- cal questions – comfortable hostel, Morality, culture, knowledge have tal science, nanotechnologies, and nourishment corresponding to WHO been sacrificed to it… If we do not IT– technologies. These professions quality standards etc. Moreover, the return to the priority of intellectual interest everybody. And each coun- university will also have to convince values, not elaborate new relation- try can submit for competition the future students why there is much ship ethics, a disaster is inevitable. universities training such special- to gain from their study in the SCO The world is sick. Its disease has ists. The experts will only have to University than just in the same reached a critical point. I would like coordinate a teaching program. higher education institution, with to hope that the crisis will cure and the same speciality. purify it. And make it listen to rea- – Single for everybody? son, at last. – When will the SCO Univer- – Of course not. But making it sity begin to really function? possible to supplement and expand knowledge. Take as an instance re- – I think it will be decided this gional studies learning language summer at the SCO summit in Yeka- and culture of countries. In differ- terinburg. Though, it does not mean ent universities regional studies that as early as September the Uni- are interpreted in different ways: versity will open. The launching Vladimir KUCHARIANTS somewhere as economic specialty, will be carried out step-by-step, till InfoSCO observer Tashkent's spirit and embedded codes

The city, as a living organism, has its own tempo, life cycles, activity and rest time. It has its respiration, energy, consciousness, identity, aspect, disposition, traditions, and ways of reaction to emergencies. In a word, each city has its own physical body, its personality and spirit. Now and then, the “body” is quite western, and the spirit is oriental. My city, Tashkent, this year celebrating its 2200th anniversary, belongs just to this kind of cities.

In three million Tashkent there are a prised and asked how he had guessed thing, having its own nuances, closely good many of oriental signs - mosques, it? “You see, it is difficult to explain, connected with architecture, roads, other monuments of Islamic architec- but I have driven for twenty years and parks, public systems and other mate- ture, traditional bazaars, however the learned to know passengers,” the cab- rial and social aspects of urbanism. extraordinary majority of its struc- man replied. tures, especially office and residential A city is his history, narrative, a cer- buildings, has the outlines typical for Another case comes to mind. One tain myth we create and bear in our- 51 the western cities. Nevertheless, Tash- day I looked in at one of the old book selves. Even true stories, having be- kent is the oriental city. Not long ago it stores of Tashkent with a Russian friend come a part of folklore and ordinary was even accorded international recog- of mine from Moscow. The saleswoman, awareness, acquire mythological ele- nition as a city of the Islamic culture. addressing to us, noticed at once that ments or outlines. Thus mythology turns What does make Tashkent eastern? he was not local, but had come, most out to a part of the urban reality. Some People do, certainly. Not individuals, probably, from Russia. I asked her, how urban myths are created or supported but the society. Each representing vari- she had guessed, because you know in consciously, because they bring charm ous cultural, religious, ideological and Tashkent there are a lot of Russians. “I and people like them, especially tour- other bases, individuals acquire all in don’t know, but your friend differ from ists, others appear spontaneously and one a certain integral feature – general the Tashkent Russians”, the saleswom- are unamenable to control. Writers, po- culture. an made a helpless gesture. ets and other workers of culture have a special place in formation of cities’ Traditionally Tashkent is a multina- Certainly, people living in different tional city. Those who come here, pay places, can differ from one another by attention to a great anthropological dress code or mode of dress, language variety of its people’s faces. The Tash- or dialect, coloration or hair color, per- kent community is also distinguished by sonal habits, different economic and specific culture, different from that of cultural signs. The city leaves traces on other communities. people’s psychology, their personality and identity, creating a behavioral ste- One can talk about some kind of gen- reotype, general culture, and general eral culture, collective psychology of image. the population of one street, settle- ment, district, state, continent and, A city’s spirit becomes a part of so- perhaps, planet. General culture has cial identity; it does not know obsta- its both open and embedded codes. The cles and penetrates through prisms of latters are difficult to be interpreted. different religious, ethnic, social and The whole, as is known, is not reduced professional groups. Coming back home to the sum of two elements. from other places, I immediately feel a special spirit of my city. This is beyond Once I took a cab and noted that the description - it can be only felt. I sup- driver did not react to a man “thumb- pose that everybody who returns home ing a lift” on the side of the road. “He from trips has a similar feeling. may be going our way and it is worth picking him up?” I asked the cabman. For me my city’s spirit represents, “No, he is from another district”, the above all, a cultural phenomenon. It driver noted with confidence. I was sur- is a very sophisticated and multilayer mythology. Myths created by them can after the breakup of the Soviet Union. citizens. A modern city, especially as big offer the same mite to the urban envi- Recently several novels dedicated to as Tashkent, undoubtedly, also develops ronment and identity, as can aspect of Tashkent have appeared. As a rule, an the culture of anonymity, a feeling of buildings formed by architects. attempt to understand and describe the loneliness in a crowd. But the Oriental own city contains elements of romanti- culture features hierarchical pattern of The mythical Old Russian city of Kite- cism, for address to the youth purifies social relations, people, including those zh, Jefferson Willliam Folkner’s city, the spirit and romanticizes the past. in cities, still remain oriented to social Laimen Baum's Emerald city, Frank and interpersonal attitudes to a large Miller’s City of Sins, Nikolai Nosov’s My city’s cultural aura, its spirit degree, at times even to the prejudice Flower city and other invented cities – and image, as it becomes, have been of their business opportunities. have not they transformed into reali- formed over the ages. I feel vital and ties of public conscience? Has not the cultural impulses of our remote ances- Originality of Tashkent’s sociocultural theme of vice of Sodom and Gomorrah tors who had lived here. The Silk Route aspect is formed from a large quantity become one of the main in modern lit- passed through these places – the most of details, many of which relate just to erature? Enumerating these real and important spatial and spiritual corridor, peculiarities of intercourse and com- invented cities, I thought that modern where cultures crossed, the peoples of munication between people. Here fairly Asian writers owe to their cities. the East and West met and mutually often one can see immediate relation- enriched. Our ancestors for centuries ship and smiles of people in the street, Myth is one of the most attractive communicated with merchants, trav- and at bazaars it is conventional to bar- elements of any city, without them it ellers, wandering scientists, poets and gain. If you enter into a conversation can not be an interesting place. In the thinkers from different countries and with a seller, he can incredibly bring 1930s when there was famine in the worked out in themselves enterprise, down the price of his goods. A person in country, many people tried to come tolerance, cordiality, a special style of the street, as a rule, greets a stranger,


to Tashkent that had become famous hospitality. prior to ask to give a hint about how to as a “lucrative city”. In the meantime, go somewhere. And in public transport in Tashkent the situation was not much Under the influence of the Islamic young people continue to politely give better, than in other parts of the coun- culture the art of courteous commu- place to elder people. try, however, coming to believe in the nication and behaviour gained a par- “lucrative city”, many people really ticular significance in the social life. In spite of the increasing tempo of found salvation here, because belief Many delicate communication codes living, many citizens succeed in engag- and installations supported by the spir- appeared requiring a corresponding ing in conversations over a cup of tea it of a cultural country possess power- education, instruction and environ- or simply in the street. Here people ful force. Not bread, but people, social ment to be mastered. The world out- usually start businesslike talk not im- relations made Tashkent a “lucrative look elaborated down the centuries and mediately, but speak in a roundabout city”. social skills became an important part way, for example, from detailed ques- of culture of modern generation of the tions about the interlocutor’s family, Now many cities of the world are Tashkent citizens too. affairs, and health. This is some sort of actively engaged in branding and re- psychological probing of the company’s branding, which is so necessary for cre- It is obvious that not all elements of state, his readiness to begin a serious ation of a positive image, tourists and culture can be visible at first view. Peo- conversation. In a word, it is manifes- investments attraction. Not only the ples’ culture, as well as cities’ spirit, tation of the Eastern style of encoding current citizens make their contribu- are created not at once and do not dis- and decoding of signals during commu- tion in the modern mythology of Tash- appear in an instant. But the modern nication. kent, but also representatives of cre- life brings, certainly, a lot of new things ative professions who had gone abroad in the urban culture, social behavior of On the occasion of family celebra- tions or on Memorial Day in Tashkent it Alongside with that the urbanization one. And poetry here is traditionally rich is customary to organize entertainment being one of our realities makes allow- in symbols, metaphor, allegories. A citi- of family and friends with national ances in the urban culture and spirit, zen of an eastern city keeps up demon- dishes - osh, i.e. pilau. In most cases social relations between citizens. Alas! strate its commitment to collective val- several hundred people come for the Many negative sides of urbanization are ues, trying to achieve his private ends morning osh. What makes these people particularly appreciable in the devel- at that, i.e. showing his individualism. to get up early in the morning, before oping world, including the countries of That is why words and actions at times work, almost straight after dawn, and Asia. Unfortunately, this tendency will seem multiple-valued, and the multiple go to this event? just grow on. In these conditions it is meaning allows surrounding people to important to appreciate the good that interpret information in their own way, The morning pilau is the whole system still remains in public consciousness of in compliance with their expectations. of encoded interactions, assessment, many Oriental peoples, above all, sig- The East teaches to agree with society, strengthening or consolidation of social nificance of family, a feeling of mutual but also supports manifestations of in- ties. Everything is meaningful here: support, and responsiveness to collec- dividualism, private entrepreneurship. who comes and meets, with whom one tive interests of a community. Those who talk about absence of in- comes and how he is welcomed, where dividualism in the East simply do not one is seated and what attention is paid It is assumed that collectivism is typi- notice many things. Culture of most to him. A whole theater of symbolic in- cal for the East, and individualism for peoples of Asia, spirit of the East con- teraction. the West. From the viewpoint of group tain a lot of embedded codes. This cir- or individual values prevalence in pub- cumstance paradoxically opens great Tashkent, especially its old part, lic consciousness it corresponds to real- opportunity before a writer for descrip-


maintains close social relationships ity. However the eastern individualism tion of his heroes’ personality and na- with people not least because of com- exists all the same, showing up in a pe- ture. munity-based organization of areas of culiar, often hidden form. the people compact settlement - ma- In Tashkent, as in many Asian cities, halli. Compact socialization, establish- The eastern individualism’s exte- everything is mixed: the eastern poetry and the western music, Mongoloid, Tur- ment of close relations with neighbors rior forms often show up in details kic, Slavic, Norman faces, the European and community inhabitants begin from of clothes and adornments. Women’s clothes in whole can vary little from and ethnic clothes, nations and reli- earliest infancy and develop during gions, cultures and styles, collectivism life. clothes of other women, but sepa- rate parts of their costume, especially and individualism. adornments, can give signals of a sta- One of the main differences between However it is not a chaotic mixture, tus, possibilities and individual taste. Tashkent and many western cities is but a harmonized integrity, having its Many women-citizens of Tashkent like uniform quality, single spirit, possessing that one can see a lot of children in its to dress themselves in bright colors, its embedded codes, issued with fine streets. Joint games and communica- which better favors, and not impede tion in the street, boys’ summer bathing yet strong threads of social relations, the disclosure of their individuality. But common energy of human feeling. in urban ponds or rivers are attributes also the nature itself, abundance of sun of the Tashkent childhood familiar to disposes to that. many. Children intercommunication fa- vors the formation of a peculiar code of But the East, as is known, is tricky, communication understandable in their and the eastern individualism in whole Alisher Faiz circle and obscure to strangers. shows up not so openly, as the western a writer Language and Literature Teachers (KAPRY- AL) and other are actively engaged in the “Second Spring” Russian language popularization in China. The Russian song culture is quite popular in China: in the country there are not less of the Russian Language than 40 large amateur choral societies, holding regular festivals of a Russian-lan- guage song. in the Celestial Empire Several social and political newspapers and journals, as well as business ones are The Russian language in China has its yet, so initially the Chinese Russianists published in Russian in Beijing and in the used the grammar of the times of Cath- special place, with which the fortunes of provinces. The Xinhua News Agency issues many generations of the Chinese Russian- erine the Great, and their teachers spoke a daily information bulletin. Every day the ists formed during the last three centu- the old dialect. China Radio International conducts twen- ries are connected. And three centuries It must be confessed that the Chinese ty-hours’ external and one-hour’s nation- is a quite impressive period of historical learned Russian more actively and tried al broadcasting. For five years on Beijing time, ample to put both relations and to speak in it in every possible way, television the “Russian pages” program traditions to the test. which made the Russians glad. As a con- has been weekly broadcast, having the sequence, Russian became the “basic” highest rating in China among television It will not be an exaggeration to say language in communication. Chinese was broadcasts in foreign languages. that interest in the Russian language, Rus- used less, therefore Chinese words’ entry All together in China the Russian lan- sian culture run in the Chinese blood. In into the Russian vocabulary turned out to guage is being learned by at least 12 the East there's a saying: “When you like be minimum. In whole, in the Russian vo- thousand students and graduate ones, a a girl, you like her language”. Of course, cabulary there are no more than 20 Chi- number of higher education institutions this adage can be extrapolated much wid- nese words. has rapidly grown, where the Russian lan- er. Interest in the great northern neigh- It is impossible not to remember anoth- guage teaching is maintained. If in 2003 bor, and the latter’s reciprocal interest in er epochal date in the “Chinese fortune” the number of such institutions did not the Celestial Empire, was mutually big, as of the Russian language. In the 30s of the exceed 60, then in 2008 they were 90 was the desire for strengthening of diplo- 20th century the Chinese writers Lu Xun and, according to experts’ estimates, this matic and economic cooperation. Russian and Ba Jin were the first to translate the number will grow. In 2009 among 7 mil- and Chinese are the two difficult for com- Russian literature into their native lan- prehension languages. However, there guage. This opened the way for Chinese lion graduating students in China about 5 was nothing to be done, because it was to the , Russian life, Bol- thousand will acquire a profession “the impossible to move towards each other sheviks’ revolutionary ideas, created So- Russian language”. in a different way. And then some began viet Russia. Annually the Russian language com- to comprehend hieroglyphs, and others - Declaration of the People's Republic of petitions are held in China between the Cyrillic alphabet. Thanks to all that the China in 1949, establishment of friendly Chinese institutes of higher education. 54 contacts became more energetic, the in- and good neighborly relations between And if before these events were regional terpenetration of cultures intensified. China and the Soviet Union favored the (according to the northern or southern real boom of Russian – it came to be region), then last year Chinese authority The Russian language teaching in Beijing learned everywhere in the country, at held already the China National Russian began as far back as at the beginning of multiple levels of society. Lessons were language competition (in Shanghai). the 18th century. In 1708 for the purpose compulsory in elementary and secondary The exchange Year of national language of the Russian diplomats and translators schools, in higher education institutions, is worthy of special attention in the two excellent pupils were sent to the USSR to countries. Now in China the Year of the go into higher education. It may be said Russian Language is being held, next year that it was the “first spring”, powerful the Year of the Chinese Language will be and nationwide wave of the Chinese’s in- held in Russia. Within the framework of terest in the Russian language, which ex- the Year of the Russian Language in China erted a strong influence on the whole life over 150 events will be carried out, which of the country. will certainly activate contacts between According to both Chinese and Russian the Russian and Chinese communities, specialists, the Russian language study will conduce to relations in the humani- in China today goes through the “second tarian sphere. spring”. As Chairman of the China’s Asso- The Year of the Russian Language offers ciation of the Russian Language and Lit- hope to the Chinese Russianists that the erature Teachers (KAPRYAL) Professor Liu national concept will change, according to Liming noted, “against the background of which only English is a foreign language. the world economic integration prospects “It is necessary that students could un- for the spread of Russian in China consid- derstand that Russian is an important for- erably depend on the level of the Chinese- eign language required by the country,” Russian economic ties development. The the Chinese linguists believe. training the Emperor Kansi the Illumina- current good economic relations between Amid extension of the Russian-Chinese tor of the Qing dynasty opened a branch the two countries allow to effectively ex- cooperation in many areas, demand for Russian speaking specialists has certainly of the Russian language study under the tend the demand for the Russian language increased, and this has already brought to department for education. This moment specialists in the country.” According to the Xinhua News Agency, a considerable upsurge in interest in its can be considered as the beginning of the in 2008 the turnover between China and learning. The growing number of Chinese Russian language “career” in China. On Russia exceeded $50 billion; the PRC was students tries to go into higher educa- their part, Russians took an active inter- visited by approximately 3 million citizens tion in the institutes of higher education est in the East too, particularly in China. of Russia. Toward 2010 it is planned to of Russia. Knowledge of the Russian lan- bring the bilateral trade to $60–80 billion. guage is considered by many Chinese as a The year when the Emperor Kansi or- So the Russian language teaching today certain guarantee of successful recovery dered to begin the Russian language study, meets the strategic interests of China. from the world financial crisis. At least, Alexander Pushkin, future founder of the At present the China Pushkin Society, experts’ predicted job placement of the modern Russian language, had not born the China’s Association of the Russian Russian speaking students remains opti- mistic. It is impossible not to mention the in- creased manyfold interest in the Chinese Meeting of the Heads of the SCO Countries language in Russia. There is a fair national Counter-Narcotics Agencies Held in Moscow foreign language school in whole and, in In Moscow a meeting took place be- agencies will be also formed and vested particular, that of the Chinese language. tween the heads of the relevant au- with the authority in counternarcotic Furthermore, numerous Confucius Cen- thorities of the Shanghai Cooperation actions, anti-narcotic strategy project Organization member states, vested development of the SCO member states ters further dissemination of the Chinese with the authority in counternarcotic for 2009-2014. culture and language, that Russian youth actions, as reported by the web site of FDCS of the Russian Federation. It was highlighted that over recent attends with a keen interest. years the international drug dealing’s China and Russia are friendly nations, The SCO Secretary-General Bolat pressure on the SCO member states has Nurgalijev, the Special Representa- the Chinese and Russian peoples are great. significantly increased. The unceasing tive of the President of Russia for the flow of drugs from Afghanistan has es- Knowledge of the neighbor’s and friendly Shanghai Cooperation Organization af- sentially complicated the criminogenic partner’s language allows not only get to fairs and the national coordinator of situation in the region. SCO from Russia Leonid Moiseev, the know more about each other, but create chairing SCO Russian Federation del- The participants of the meeting favorable conditions for closer relations. egation led by Director of the Russian pointed out that for eight years opi- Federal Drug Control Service Viktor That is why the Year of the Russian lan- ates production in Afghanistan has in- Ivanov took part in it. creased more than 40 times, and, as guage in China and that of the Chinese a consequence, drug abusers’ number Relevant authorities of other SCO Language in Russia must strengthen the has grown. The delegations elaborated member states were represented by proposals for activization of the fight- foundation of the two countries’ friend- the Kazakhstan delegations led by the ing drug menace coming from the terri- ship that had been created by many gen- Chairman of the Anti-Drugs Control tory of this country. In particular, it was Committee of the Ministry of Internal decided to successively persist in the erations. Affairs of Kazakhstan Zh. Suleimenov, common opinion that the International the Chinese delegation led by the Vice stability promotion forces situated in Aleksey Smirnov Minister of Public Security Zhang Xin- Afghanistan under the mandate of the feng, the Kirghizian delegation led UN Security Council must more actively by the Drug Control Agency Director struggle against illicit drugs produc- B.Nogoibaev, the Tajikistan delegation tion and trafficking. This work should led by the First Deputy Director of the be carried out jointly with the Afghan Drug Control Agency V.Azamatov, the government, neighbouring and other in- Uzbekistan Delegation led by the Di- terested states. rector of the National Information and 55 Analytical Center for Drug Control R. The SCO states intend to consolidat- Mukhamedov. edly favor strengthening of interna- tional cooperation in struggle against During the meeting the delegations illicit drugs production and trafficking heads informed of the results of the in Afghanistan within the framework of implementation in their countries of UN, including work on steadfast imple- the Agreement between the SCO mem- ber states on cooperation in the strug- mentation of clauses of the UN Security gle against the illicit traffic in narcotic Council resolution No. 1817 of June 11, drugs, psychotropic substances and 2008. their precursors dated 2004. The par- ties noted that the anti-narcotic co- It is decided to recommend to the operation between the SCO member Secretariat of the United Nations Office states is dynamically developing and on Drugs and Crime to examine ques- continually strengthening. tions of wider and more efficient use of human resources of the countries of The main outcome of the meeting the region in order to control illicit drug was creation of an effective mecha- trafficking and to actively cooperate nism of fighting drug menace, including with them in gathering and analysis of structures of SCO counter-drug activi- information about drug syndicates ac- ties coordination. tivity and their leaders.

Following the results of the meeting, The participants of the meeting stat- it was decided to create the SCO mem- ed that without destruction of the in- ber states counternarcotics agencies frastructure connected with illicit drugs Senior Officials Meeting in the capacity production in Afghanistan and an alter- of a standing experts working group. native agriculture development in the One of its tasks will be draft project country, it is not possible significantly development on strengthening the re- reduce the use of opiates in the world, gional and international cooperation in nor eliminate main sources of interna- struggle against drugs illicit production tional terrorism finance; without all and trafficking in Afghanistan. Working that there will be no settled peace in groups of experts are also being creat- Afghanistan, tranquility and security in ed for enhancement of the contractual all countries of the region. legal framework of cooperation, law protection activity and suppression of The parties unanimously declared narco-crime, precursors control, nar- that joint efforts of the SCO member cotics sales slowdown. states will facilitate to a large degree the elimination of drug menace com- Besides, a temporary experts work- ing from the territory of Afghanistan, as ing group of Senior Officials Meeting well as stability and security assurance of the SCO member states relevant in SCO responsibility zone. SCO Can Form Its 56 Eurasian “Gas OPEC”

The world crisis has had a with gas-producing countries of financing. Raw materials market, dramatic impact on post-Soviet Central Asia: from the beginning of especially the oil and gas one, territory and, first of all, Central 2009 gas release prices formed on considerably depends on extraneous Asian economies. According to the principle of “net back.” It was capital to be able to implement the data of IMF, they are suffering expected to raise gas prices for gas capital-intensive designs. One of the from crisis more than many other producing countries, and increase world crisis sensible consequences countries, which is connected with currency earnings. is a reduction in the availability of their exports orientation to oil foreign banks credits. Market of and gas and other raw materials. However, current events in the capitals is in frozen condition, that In conditions of global crisis not world market for hydrocarbons is why access to foreign financing only oil prices but also other raw show once again the downside of has considerably reduced. All in all materials’ ones have dramatically heavy dependence of raw-materials in 2009 volume of bank arrears, as dropped. Under developing world economies on world market predicted by S&P, for example, can recession resource demand keeps fluctuations. Sharp foreign currency reach in Russia 10% of all credit on falling. After oil and oil products earnings reduction boomerangs portfolio, in Kazakhstan – up to prices drop, natural gas prices will against state budget revenues of 20%. also begin to fall in the European these countries, and with it has market. an adverse effect on national Gloomy colours are added to currencies. joyless picture of severe economic In the gas market of the post- situation of raw materials economies Soviet space serious changes And what is more, many former by high corporate debts in currency occurred. It is connected with the Soviet countries linkage to raw of materials sector’s companies. fact that as far back as 2008 Russia materials in conditions of the After all, many companies require (in the name of “Gazprom”) had to deepening global crisis has another state support. make unprecedented arrangements downside. It is a problem of foreign Of course, the economic crisis frustrated a lot of plans. Today, new Cooperation Organization space, structure as the SCO Energy club, rules of game and market players’ at least, three major problems where observer countries could functions adjustment will be made - ecological, transport and also take part. It is within the in extreme conditions of economy energy ones. In this case, efforts framework of the Energy club that compression, investment programs combination of all the SCO member energy policy coordination of the and companies strategies review, states and observer countries is of Organization countries is possible. deficiency in financial resources. paramount importance to them. Until recently the issue of an Energy Yet the crisis introduces not only The third session of the SCO Forum club formation has been delayed. disharmony but also some positive. held in Beijing in May 2008 showed In the meantime, advantage of this It allows to appraise economies the Chinese party also began to place step is obvious. Such institutions prospects in a new way, as well primary emphasis upon necessity establishment in the SCO space as speed up their integration and for strategic studies enhancement (or, at least, in Russia and Central renovate cooperation in many within this organization. Asian region), becomes one of the structural sectors. It is also of great decisive factors for competitive importance to such an international To our opinion, there came a ability maintenance of Central integration group as the Shanghai time of new stage of the group Asian gas producing economies. A Cooperation Organization. development, when it is not coordinating organ will make gas productivity of individual though consumers deal with an alliance Global financial crisis negative large national corporations or of gas producing countries, where consequences manifestation in the countries that is of importance, Russia would be permitted to form real economy of the most world but overall efficiency of joint regional market and establish its countries requires urgent anti- investment projects, first of all, Eurasian “Gas OPEC”. crisis measures. Nevertheless, infrastructure ones. right now it is justified to create a Within the scope of the SCO foundation for long-term decisions, Today’s problem of universal Energy club it is also reasonable that must lead to stable economic importance in conditions of to create a new financial and development. deepening world crisis and uneven production energy and transport recession in demand for energy infrastructure for energy resources All that is associated with resources in different countries is market. New international financial 57 formulation of long-term strategic unbalance of interests of energy institutions formation is of great planning documents. That is not to resources manufacturers and importance here, that will ensure say that the SCO member states are consumers. financial flows against real barrels not engaged in this planning, but and gas real cubic meters of gas there are some particularities. On this basis, in conditions of producing countries. Construction developing world energy instability of a single pipeline and energy At present, Russia actively and increase of energy source infrastructure of the SCO space and improves long-term social and materials risk the SCO countries neighbouring Asian countries meets economic development concept, energetic cooperation is of outmost the SCO’ s strategic interests, in so called concept-2020, which is importance. Here is a series of particular, integration of oil and gas very important in the context of positive opportunities. They consist pipelines of Central Asia, Siberia the world financial crisis and ways of gas resources export coordination and Russia’s Far East, as well as of its overcoming. Kazakhstan on the ground of corresponding APR countries in order to provide also has its Country Development institutes and infrastructure free energy resources market. Strategy covering the period till development. As is seen from taken For these purposes Russia tries to 2030. Some other Central-Asian measures, Russia is determined conduct an active dialogue with countries have such documents as to and has a possibility to create individual countries of the Asian- well. China focuses on long-term such a coordinating organ of gas Pacific Region. strategy documents too. These exporting countries. strategies remain major datum The sense of any energy dialogue point for national courses. However, Countries coordination on a also consists of national energy they are acting severally. Thereby Eurasian scale is quite possible too. strategies compliance. The fewer a possible economic effect of It concerns not only gas exporting contradictions between them, the multilateral economic integration countries, but also consumer ones. higher level of regional energy of the SCO countries is missed. So much more that there is an cooperation. Meanwhile there are proposals for initiative advanced at the Shanghai high-efficiency prospective joint Summit of the Heads of the SCO projects development, above all in member states in 2006 by the then Vladimir Matveyev Leading researcher of the Center of power engineering and transport. President of Russia Vladimir Putin Northeast Asian Studies and SCO of the Far There are by now on the Shanghai on formation of such institutional East Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences SCO Role in Tajikistan Development


The increased significance of the SCO member states integration, particularly in Tajikistan economic problems solving, was mentioned at the International conference “Republic of Tajikistan and SCO: State and Prospects”. The main thesis of speeches underlined that at year-end the republic cooperation with the SCO countries came to a brand new level, and its further movement continues in conditions of good prospects. The Strategic Research Center billion. Import from China is Head of the Foreign Policy (SRC) under the President of particularly increasing at a fast Department of SRC under the Tajikistan held the International rate (as compared to 2000 it President of Tajikistan, professor conference “Republic of increased 32.3 times) and that Abdunabi Sattorzoda brought Tajikistan and SCO: State and from Russia (the figure increased out his opinion about Tajikistan’s Prospects” in the capital city during the same period 9.9 role in the Afghan problem of the republic, Dushanbe. Its times). settlement, having pointed out participants tried to objectively that it may be significant. He appraise the role of the Shanghai Trade with the SCO countries is shared the majority opinion Cooperation Organization in estimated optimistically. At 2008 that neither of the countries can development of the young year-end, statistics in finance manage the regional problems sovereign republic. terms is as follows: trade with alone and drew attention to the Russia reached $124.4 million, value of no small importance Scientists of National Academy with China $ 81.6 billion, with that is assigned to Iran, Pakistan of Sciences, senior staff of SRC, Uzbekistan - $73 billion, with and India in the Afghan problem as well as Deputy Minister of Kazakhstan - $ 9.8 billion, and solving. “We have common Foreign Affairs of India Divyab with Kirghizia - $5.8 billion. threats, risks and challenges, Machandr and Counselor of and that is why it is necessary to Embassy of Kirghizia in Tajikistan At present in commodity react on them jointly,” Abdunabi Urmat Saralaev presented composition of Tajik export Sattorzoda underlined. their points of view. Experts deliveries to Russia, Uzbekistan, considered specific examples of and Kazakhstan raw materials “To our opinion, in political and SCO’s contribution not only to resources and foodstuff prevail. economic cooperation between development of Tajikistan, but Whereas machinery and the SCO member states, as also to the whole Central Asia equipment, chemical products well as in the field of struggle region. and natural gas are mainly against security threats, an imported. appreciable success has been Divyab Machandr noted that at noted,” said in conclusion the present SCO shows a “bold scope In the economy of Tajikistan conference moderator, Director 59 and large scale of activity”. “We a discrete role is assigned to of SRC Sukhrob Sharipov. are interested in cooperation development of joint ventures. “Nevertheless, to implement with SCO both in economy and in The number of existing the regional economic struggle against terrorism. India registered in the republic joint integration’s far-reaching and is sure,” he underlined “that ventures increased during 2008 desired goals, the organization SCO is capable to have a serious by 55.4% and made up 157 units member states’ efforts constant impact on the Afghan problem (as compared to 2000). The SCO building is required. We need to settlement. India today invests countries entrepreneurs take an actively look for ways to pass over $1 billion in the Afghan active part in these enterprises from functional cooperation to economy strengthening thereby creation. Only by means of a system approach on basis of supporting its administration, the Kazakh entrepreneurs’ implementation of bilateral and and intends to continue to investments there were created multilateral trade and economic help.” 15 joint structures. At present and investment projects.” in Tajikistan, on account of The scientist underlined that The increased significance investments by “INTER RAO the successful economic of the SCO member states UES” (Russia), construction of development and social welfare integration, particularly in the Sangtuda-1 hydro-electric of the Shanghai Six nations is Tajikistan economic problems power station is carried out; the most efficient factor in solving, was also mentioned by cooperation with the Russian achievement of stability and Chief of Macroeconomic Research Gazprom joint-stock company security in the SCO space, and Department under the President was also begun. opposition to challenges and of Tajikistan Akbar Akbarov, who threats existing in the Eurasian underlined that last year the On account of investments region. republic cooperation with the of China, besides big energy SCO countries came to a brand projects, serious transportation new level. “In 2008 import in the communication projects are total trade of Tajikistan made up being implemented in the Irina Dubovitskaya $3.269 billion,” he said. “Share republic for an overall amount InfoSCO staff reporter in of the SCO countries is $1.569 of about $600 million. Dushanbe In the Moscow State Museum of Oriental Art a vernisage of the wonderful exhibition took place – “Children Paint Fairy Tales”. The phenomenon is uncommon in all respects - inestimable in terms of its humanism, moving as any gust of art.

Is it necessary to speak of that splendid “By learning fairy-tales we get to know The “Children paint fairy tales” beauty and bright energy existing at this each other” – with this motto children cultural programme idea appeared semiprecious holiday of talents standing from the six SCO countries began to within the walls of the State Pushkin on their own feet? Balzac called art a perform creative tasks on folktales of Museum of Visual Arts. Please tell “religion”. From this position children's various countries. Certainly, they were how an idea appeared to organize art can be considered as a religion helped by adult teachers, tutors, which such a large-scale cultural project, unaware of atheists. A smile lit up face gave an opportunity to get an idea of oriented to the Shanghai Cooperation 60 of every visitor viewing the exposition: other peoples’ history and culture. drawings, engravings, collages, ceramic Currently over five thousand children Organization area? objects, papier-mâché, painted wooden have already taken part in the project I.Z. – The SCO member states’ area, dolls, fans etc. Compliments to young implementation. In their sincere, both geographical and cultural, is quite masters were as usual generous and touching drawings they show how they interesting and diversified. An idea to interminable. Painting lovers discussed see the world, express their sense of acquaint children with all the richness in all seriousness lines, range of colors, beauty, view of their own and strange surrounding them came to me by using composition, harmony, personal style culture. the most accessible to them materials of young brush (felt-tipped pen or – folk tales. “Children paint fairy tales” pencil) masters. Each work of art (this The project’s author and curator is the first educational project within word seems to be the most suitable of the exhibition is senior research in this case) presented here is the scientist of the Moscow State Pushkin the framework of SCO, using innovative sacred revelation of a sweet soul, a Museum of Visual Arts, candidate teaching methods. I’ll explain the ray of children’s imagination in its of art criticism Irina Zakharova. For matter. Unfortunately, at present, spontaneous joy and, certainly, a the first time shown in rooms of the comics have come into the world of symbol of an incipient Personality. China National Museum of Fine Arts today instead of tales. They close, in Beijing on May 29, 2005, the young restrict a child by its appointed and “Children Paint Fairy Tales” is the “itinerants”’ works have already visited badly cut game subject. Entertaining Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s 18 cities in the five SCO member states. literature for children for the most part project. To be more precise, it is one And now the exhibition full of light and is quite aggressive. A tale makes a great of the most brilliant of its projects cheerfulness is again on Russian soil, difference; it is inherently harmonious, for it makes such a tremendous for the fifth time. contribution to prosperity of the main full of magic and lacks “spiteful and SCO idea “equality, mutual respect, ño- The vernisage of children's art was combative” content. Just as the sun development, mutual cognition. attended by a great number of solid is reflected in a water drop, popular grown-ups: senators of the Federation wisdom, their traditions and customs The fate of this undertaking proved Council, representatives of the are reflected in tales. Our programme’s to be happy. In 2004-2005 in the Russian Ministries and Agencies, the motto: “We read a fairy tale, we draw a State Pushkin Museum of Visual Arts a SCO member and observer states’ fairy tale, we get to know each other”. “Children Paint Fairy Tales” educational diplomats accredited in Russia, as well By fairy tales children began to know program was developed and actively as representatives of scientific and the SCO countries’ culture. Here it is supported by the SCO Secretariat, which creative community, businessmen and important to understand one thing: approached to the six Organization even oligarchs. member states (Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, our children will live just in the SCO China, Russia, Tajikistan and Children can give lessons too... area. My major task was to show them Uzbekistan) with a proposal to approve the world outside their native land is the “children’s project”. What leader extraordinary amazing and wonderful. could not welcome such a good cause! – Certainly, the SCO Secretariat has They all promised their support. accepted such an outstanding idea with enthusiasm. What is its role in project implementation? I.Z. – As of our project implementation, SCO was quite a young organization. Nevertheless, career diplomats initially worked in it and keep on working there. They understood at once, that the “Children paint fairy tales” programme “blends” in general cultural background of the Organization and can become a living embodiment of the SCO “spirit.” At that time Zhang Deguang was an Executive Secretary, and hotly supported the project. Now the Secretary-General Bolat Nurgaliev attends to our programme, too. In fact SCO is not a military block. Questions of military collaboration or territories occupation are not discussed here. The Organization’s activity is aimed at cooperating in political, economic and cultural fields. In addition, our programme allowed a large number of people from the SCO countries – I mean not only children but both of their parents and teachers - to get to know each other better by way of popular tales. How were preparations for the programme realization carried out? I.Z. – Already during discussion of some organizational points, regarding the project, it was decided that an experimental ground would be the 61 Children’s and Young People Educational Centre under the State Pushkin Museum of Visual Arts. Our lessons were attended by children and their parents, and all the work was done, essentially, in family groups. During lessons we did not merely tell other nations’ tales, but also “splashed” them, made them accessible for the children audience. For example, such a Chinese character as king of monkeys Sun Ukun for Moscow kids is something unimaginable. Just explain – is not always sufficiently for children’s perception, therefore at lessons I used my collection of folk toys. Here is another typical example: a house in the Russian traditional culture - izba, but a Chinese traditional house is a difficult thing to imagine, too. It was necessary to bring children photos, pictures, prepare visual materials, to enable them to feel all that deeply. When we studied tales of Central Asia, I Irina Zakharova, fine art expert, senior research assistant in the showed kids thick felt, this kind and soft Moscow State Pushkin Museum of Visual Arts, initiator and manager material used for yurta construction. of the SCO “Children paint fairy tales” cultural programme, has Work with Chinese children was quite interesting. Working in various expressed her ideas of children’s role in harmonious future formation cities of China, I gave master-classes in the SCO area. She is also an author of two books: “My Chinese folk and lectures. Chinese teachers and toy” and “Children’s encyclopedia of China.” Questions were asked parents from family groups helped me. My master-classes were taped by the InforSCO’s correspondent Yulia Kuznetsova. and transferred to schools and kindergartens, there were people willing to take part in the “Children paint fairy tales” programme. How did you make Russian popular tales understandable for Chinese kids? I.Z. – My major task was to make specifics and beauty of the Russian folk art clear for them. We played tales using toys, showed them wood carving, Zhostovo trays, Bogorodskaya toy. Chinese children could touch our Vologda lace. They listened with interest about how in the long winter evenings women, admiring tracery in windows, weaved this complicated design into lace. We acquainted them with Pavlovo Posad shawls, told them about motley grass and riot of colours, one can see only in the open of green meadows of Russia and on these shawls. These bright, visualized details filled the world of Russian tales in Chinese kids’ consciousness. Little by little they made themselves familiar with it and could start drawing. The “Children paint fairy tales” programme, besides its educational component, contains, in my opinion, another very important moral sense: exhibition of children’s drawings of a Previously you wrote a book “My broadening ethnic and geographical folk tale in Moscow, delegations from Chinese folk toy.” What did inspire you borders in children’s mind, arousing the SCO countries and observer ones to do it? interest in another culture, it tells visited our Children's center. We showed I.Z. - Everybody finds his way to join them about peaceful life with each not only kids’ drawings and handmade other culture. My way to China was other. What do you think, does this articles, but also real dances - Chinese through a folk toy. In 1981 I came for project help to overcome xenophobia? the first time to China with my husband 62 and Indian ones. Our performances after I.Z. – Within our programme it is better stories about Hodja Nasreddin were a and began to collect Chinese folk toys. to speak about feeling of friendship and success. I think our plan to arrange a To each toy there was a question. What respect for other peoples and cultures fairy-tale travel to the SCO countries it symbolizes, where it comes from, education. Actually, it is embodiment turned out well. what it is made in —I wanted to know of SCO’s spirit. We take a kid out from This spring our exhibition was everything. Listening to answers, I was its narrow geographical limits, break shown in Kazan. We were submitted immersed it culture of China, getting its living space. In our Children’s center an art gallery in the Kazan Kremlin. to know the country's customs and shows are performed after tales of the Afterwards we left for Yelabuga and soul. In 1988 I managed to organize an SCO countries, kids play in folk suits, Naberezhnye Chelny, where we stayed exhibition of the Chinese folk toy in the they transform into other countries’ till the middle of summer. In autumn State Pushkin Museum of Visual Arts. national heroes. Within the scope of the exhibition returned to Moscow. Within the framework of this exhibition the family club in the Children’s center It was partially shown in the Russian I gave lectures, acquainted people last year we began to carry out days of University of Peoples’ Friendship, with traditional culture of the Celestial national culture. Why do we refer to within the scope of a week of the SCO Empire. Many visitors asked me in their family groups first of all? What parents countries foundation. comments to write a book about it. It tell in families about other nationalities Scientists, diplomats, representatives was in 1999 that “My Chinese folk toy” people, form the child’s attitude of the SCO member states, the appeared. It is written both in Russian towards the world outside his house. Organization’s officials assembled there and Chinese simultaneously, which let The future generation will live in the to discuss ideas and proposals on the to use it as a material for language SCO area, and it is to be prepared for SCO university establishment. By the lessons. Bright illustrations help to it. way, our “Children paint fairy tales” keenly imagine the question at hand. The first exhibition of children’s project was recognized as innovative in As for “Children’s encyclopedia drawings was held in Beijing. Where the field of educational methods. of China”, we based on our work else have the “Children paint fairy Our Children’s center became popular experience with children and family tales” programme been to? – we constantly receive small parcels audience. My husband and I wanted to I.Z. – It was impossible to choose with kids’ handmade articles and acquaint the young generation with its a place for our children’s vernisage drawings from different parts of Russia, interesting geographical neighbor – its opening better than Beijing Museum of So, our project geography is widening, hieroglyphs, architecture, the Great Fine Arts. The kids were very glad to day by day number of children willing Wall, landscape architecture, colors exhibit their works in such a large and to participate in our programme is symbolism. These and many other outstanding museum. In such a manner, increasing. components of the Chinese culture are the SCO Secretariat emphasized once On the shelves of Moscow bookshops described in an easy manner accessible more the “Children paint fairy tales” “Children’s encyclopedia of China” has for kids. project’s importance and significance. recently appeared; you have written When last March we organized an it co-authored with your husband. Yulia Kuznetsova