SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGANIZATION MAGAZINE 2009 May №1 Event of the Year SCO Summit Investment as an Anti-Crisis Instrument /16/ In the Forefront of Fight with the “Three Malign Forces” /23/ Youth Wing Has Joined the Shanghai Cooperation Organization /32/ Children Paint Fairy Tales /60/ Dmitry MEDVEDEV “Russia Suggests That Priority Should Be To Consolidate Peace And Security...” Dear friends! You are keeping in hand a unique publication able not only arouse a keen interest, but also become a document of its time. The InfoSCO journal is an offering to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit. It was initiated and prepared by the Russian 3 journalists in the partnership with their colleagues from other SCO countries. The main advantage of this publication is a bright thematic palette providing nutriment to the mind and joy to the heart, and, certainly, obvious inspiration of the writing team that worked at this issue. The journal is entirely dedicated to SCO, its success and problems, values and ideals, as well as concrete projects. You will find here answers to many SCO-related questions, get an idea about the Organization, whose activity is noble in essence and so necessary by its sense, because there is nothing more valuable in the vast expanses of the human civilization, than peoples’ and states’ respect of each other, honest and open dialogue, even in difficult questions, mutual aid in dramatic situations, equal cooperation. As a matter of fact, this is just the “formula of peace” on the Earth, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization does its best to realize in its activity. I hope the journal will justify Your hopes. Bolat Nurgaliev The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretary-General www.infosco.org THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA DMITRY MEDVEDEV: “THE SHANGHAI COOPERATION ORGANIZATION HAS ALREADY REALLY BECOME AN AUTHORITATIVE FORCE” Russia is actively working with- ception of necessity for coordina- in various international organi- tion of efforts in strengthening of zations, and one of them is the regional security and stability. In Shanghai Cooperation Organiza- course of time this task’s urgency tion. Its potential grows from year has just increased. Our region is to year. This shows up in strength- not the easiest one and we can ening of our cooperation in vari- not set aside surrounding reali- ous projects, and in a number of ties that require cooperation in all states wishing to join SCO. Today it kinds of questions, naturally in- is considered, so long as it is able cluding maintenance of our states’ June 15-16 to draw up not only recommenda- security and defense on a collec- 2009 tions, but also real solutions. tive basis. We do and will proceed 4 Yekaterinburg In 2008–2009 Russia’s presidency from the fact that achieving solu- of SCO has taken place. We have tions of the most burning problems tried to fulfill such a high mission must be carried out on the basis with all responsibility and sound- of compliance with the rules of In- ness. We have elaborated propos- ternational Law and renunciation als for the further development of confrontational block mentality. of cooperation in the SCO. We are In addition, SCO has never under- hoping that our initiatives, made taken the function of a counterbal- with due account of the interests ance to NATO. NATO is a military of all member countries, will be block, and SCO is an organization received positively and be sup- that acts in its unique format. It ported by them. has different functions and a dif- Russia suggests that priority for ferent field of activity. the SCO member countries should Nevertheless, the Shanghai Co- SCO be to consolidate peace and se- operation Organization must in curity in the SCO space. It will be accordance with the constituent recalled that one of the key mo- documents help its member states SUMMIT tives for the SCO creation was per- to solve questions of security as- www.infosco.org surance, protection from the most called project activities, including cooperation with involvement of difficult, heaviest threats of today, those with the participation of big all SCO’s potential we have pos- such as terrorism, narco-crime, business, on development of direct sibilities for development of large other threats and challenges, our ties between entrepreneurs while energy projects. I am sure that states are now facing. enhancing the authority of the SCO they will be actual. A special heightened attention Business Council and Interbank is given to struggle against drug Consortium. We believe that deepening hu- trafficking that became one of The following areas of coop- manitarian ties, cooperation in ed- the main sources of the replenish- eration seem to be promising: ucation and health care, youth and ment of terrorist activities. Russia enhancement of ground infra- cultural exchanges are also of im- suggests developing the SCO joint structure, establishment of trans- portance for SCO. Many projects, actions strategy and program in continental routes, strengthening such as creation of the SCO Univer- struggle against drug trafficking. business connections between en- sity, establishment of a youth asso- 5 The mechanism of activity coordi- ergy companies of our countries, ciation, cooperation in the sphere nation of the counter-drugs servic- expansion of interbank coopera- of sanitation, infectious diseases es of ministries of home affairs and tion in financing so-called venture public security of the SCO member or other projects, proliferation prevention and epidemic control states is launched; in this field we of goods and modern information not only meet the SCO member will work together with Afghani- technologies. states’ interests, but also can be stan, counteracting to drug traf- I think that we can do much to attractive for the observer states. ficking and other threats. activate all kinds of projects to The Shanghai Cooperation Orga- Economic cooperation also ranks be implemented within the frame- nization has already really trans- among the most important and es- work of the Shanghai organization. formed into an authoritative force; tablished areas of the Shanghai Or- We have got several large energy it is necessary to continue to use ganization activity. Our actions in projects, and we can well arrange its increased potential in solving this sphere must take into account for new areas of cooperation, in- both this organization’s specific- cluding that in the energy sector. actual challenges of the present, ity and general trends of economic I also mean energy resources mar- tighten links with other interna- development. To our opinion, it ket and their further processing. tional associations acting for our would be wise to focus on so- Within bilateral and multilateral nations’ good. www.infosco.org CONTENTS DMITRY MEDVEDEV: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization Has Already Really Become 4 An Authoritative Force ANATOLY KOROLEV 7 Yekaterinburg. Capital of SCO Summit-2009. The City. The Energy 10 State Leaders about the SCO SERGEY LAVROV 12 Interview of Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs ILYA KRAMNIK SCO Ministers of Defense Intend to Strengthen Cooperation 15 Project Director MAXIM KRANS Denis TURIN Investment as an Anti-Crisis Instrument 16 Editor-in-Chief ANDREY VASILIEV Tatiana SINITSYNA 18 A Border that Unites Deputy Editor-in-Chief BOLAT NURGALIEV Maxim KRANS 20 The Organization is Developing Persistently and Steadily Executive Secretary of the PETR GONCHAROV Public Coordination Council Afghanistan. Barack Obama Could Not Do without SCO in Support of SCO, 23 SCO Business Council Expert ANDREI FEDIASHIN Alexander STARUNSKY SCO trough the Eyes of America and Europe 24 Information Programmes Director LEONID MOISEEV Vyacheslav GRANKIN 26 SCO Has Already Taken Its Place in World Architectonics Editor of the English Version MYRZAKAN SUBANOV Elena BOZHKO 28 In the Forefront of Fight with the “Three Malign Forces” Editor of the Chinese Version ALEXANDER VOLKOV Yulia KUZNETSOVA 31 Does Globalization Have New Leaders? Design and Typing 6 TATIANA SINITSYNA 32 Youth Wing Has Joined the Shanghain Cooperation Organization Dmitry ZYUZIN Project Manager PETR GONCHAROV Natalya MALTSEVA 34 The Caspian Requires Regional Cooperation Technical Support NATALIA ZADEREI 35 “Far Eastern Dimension” of SCO Mikhail KOBZAREV PAN GUANG Project Assistant 36 What the “Shangain spirit” is? Anastasia KIRILLOVA ANDREY KISLIAKOV Editorial Board: A Turnpike for the Cooperation: Motion Speed - Light Speed Andrey VASILIEV 38 Alexander VOLKOV TATIANA SINITSYNA Petr GONCHAROV The Russian Atom in India: It is for a Long Time Natalia ZADEREI 39 Andrey KISLIAKOV ANDREY OSTROVSKY Anatoly KOROLEV 40 China will make external economic ties with the SCO countries Vladimir KUCHARIANTS Aleksey SMIRNOV MAXIM KRANS Alisher FAIZ Oil and Gas Resources of SCO: How to Use in a Reasonable Way? 42 Andrei FEDIASHIN Pavel SHESTAKOV MAXIM KRANS Elena GOLUBEVA 44 Risks Are Mounting, But the Shanghai Six Insures Them DENIS TURIN New Paradigm of Internet 46 117218 Moscow, 13 Krzhizhanovskogo str. ALEKSEY MASLOV University Unique in the World Tel./fax: +7 495 718 84 11 48 www.infosco.org ALISHER FAIZ Tashkent’s spirit and embedded codes 51 FOR CITING AND REPRIntING OUR MATERIAls, WRITTEN PER- MISSION SHOULD BE OBTAINED. THE EDITORS' POSITION MAY ALEKSEY SMIRNOV NOT COIncIDE WIth thE AUthORS' VIEws 54 “Second Spring” of the Russian Language in the Celestial Empire VLADIMIR MATVEYEV 56 SCO Can Form Its Eurasian “Gas OPEC” YULIA KUZNETSOVA Children Paint Fairy Tales 60 MEDIAGROUP www.infosco.org YEKaterinBURG Capital of SCO Summit-2009 7 The City. The Energy. I have not been to my native land for 27 years. And now the train “Russia” (Moscow-Vladivostok) starts braking at the platform... I am already standing in the vestibule to be the first to get out of the coach. On the pediment of the station- house there are twelve scarlet neon letters of a man's height: YEKATERINBURG. It’s only five minutes stop.
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