On the Oldest Aryan Element of the Sinhalese Vocabulary.1 2
[Reprinted from the “ Indian Antiquary 4 <Z 2$r / < 2831 /7>'V 'C~~Z- L ^y ^ 7 'Y-> <8 spy 1 ON THE OLDEST ARYAN ELEMENT OP THE SINHALESE VOCABULARY. BY PROFESSOR E. KUHN. TRANSLATED BY DONALD FERGUSON. * 61600 ON THE OLDEST ARYAN ELEMENT OF THE SINHALESE VOCABULARY.1 2 Among the more prominent languages of Tndin. which have had a literary culture, the Sinhalese is the only one to which it has not yet been possible to assign a fixed place in one of the great families of language. - While Rask, without adducing any reasons, assigns it a place in the Dravidian family (Singalesisk Skriftlcere, Preface, p. 1), and F. Muller in the linguistic portion of the work of the Novara, p. 203, is inclined to assume a remote family relationship to the Dravidian idioms, and in the Allgemeine Ethnogr aphie* p. 466, even more decidedly indicates the basis of the Sinha¬ lese as Dravidian, and Haas (Z. d. M. G. 30, p. 668) maintains at least an influence by the Tamil on the development of the language, any direct relation between Tamil and Sinhalese is brusquely set aside by such a scholar as Caldwell (Comp. Gramm. (2d. ed.) p. Ill of the Preface). More recently the opinion that Sinhalese deserves a place among the Aryan dialects is that which has received 1 Translated from the Munich Sitzungsberichte der philo s.-philol. hist. Classe der lc. Akademie der Wis- &enschaften, 1879, vol. II, pt. iii, pp. 399-434. 2 Cf. the same writer in the Transactions of the Philological Society, 1875-6, Part i, p.
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