Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania

PERTINENT COORDINATES Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania 330 Manor Road, Miquon, Pennsylvania 19444 40.070206, -75.252716
















This has been a year marked by big changes and great accomplishments at Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania. In May 2015, we elected a new Chair of the Board of Directors, and in September 2015, our CEO announced that she would be taking on a new role at Girl Scouts of the USA. As the new Board Chair and CEO, we want to thank Ann Thornton Field and Natalye Paquin for their dynamic leadership. We look forward to building on the past while creating even more opportunities to engage our Board of Directors, inspire our volunteers, expand our alumnae, attract talented staff — and, most importantly, grow and support our girl leaders.We can’t wait for you to read this annual report, which features many of the exciting things we have accomplished together and are planning for the year ahead.

This is volume two of our Field Notes trio, where we have documented the progress of our Outdoor Program Vision, spotlighted some of the past year’s accomplishments, and showcased the tremendous impact our girls continue to make in our nine-county footprint and beyond. As always, GSEP is committed to being the premier leadership organization for girls, and 2015 provided us with many shining examples. We sent 16 girl delegates out West for our National Convention in Salt Lake City. We hosted #GirlPOP2015, an all-day celebration that featured inspiring speakers like NASA’s Dr. Aprille Ericsson and Little League sensation Mo’ne Davis, who taught us all how to aspire to do things “Like a Girl.” In addition, we focused on important internal operations work designed to improve the volunteer experience and make it easier to join our organization.

We also remained focused on our eight strategic priorities: innovation, diversity and inclusion, girl leadership, girl and adult membership, volunteer experience, partnership funding, staffing, and infrastructure systems and communication. The outcomes of each are highlighted below:

Innovation, Diversity & Inclusion Girl & Adult Membership • Introduced Digital Cookie program +1.8% 3.1% • New hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, increase in vs. decline Engineering, and Math) activities at camp adult nationwide • Developed an adaptive race option for girls membership with disabilities to participate in Girl Scouts Duathlon/Triathlon Funding 3.6% • Contributed revenue 17% over budget Increased Latina participation +3.6% • Corporate and foundation grants up 350% over 5 years Staffing • Launched $9 million three-year • Formed cross-department work teams to comprehensive Campaign for Girls focus on council priorities • Developed full-time/seasonal hybrid positions to retain and engage key summer staff Girl Leadership Program Partnership • Co-hosted Girl Scout Cookie Crunch 10 thousand+ girls engaged event with our partner ArtsQuestTM at in Girl Scout Leadership SteelStacksTM Experience Programming • Featured 30+ partners in the Hall of Experience at #GirlPOP2015 girl attendees at #GirlPOP2015 • Partnered with KidzTri3 on 2nd Annual 1.5K girl expo Girlz Tri.Du.Rule! Duathlon/Triathlon

1,027 girls ages 9-11 earned Bronze Award Infrastructure Systems 135 girls ages 12-14 earned Silver Award & Communications 49 girls ages 14-18 earned Gold Award 37% increase in Facebook followers

22% increase in Twitter followers

 Launched Instagram account Volunteer Structure @GirlScoutsEPenn & Experience Revamped Website

• Developed new Volunteer “Roadmap”  Hired full-time IT Director • Provided enhanced volunteer resources • Offered more online trainings • Created new volunteer enrichment trainings Outdoor Program on contemporary issues Investments • Implemented new criminal background check processes and requirements • Implemented adventure elements at three camps: Shelly Ridge, Laughing • Offered additional reports and data for volunteers Waters, and Mosey Wood • Broke ground on new buildings at Shelly Ridge, Laughing Waters, and Mosey Wood

As we look ahead, there is so much more we can learn and accomplish by working together. Thank you to all of our supporters, volunteers, donors, partners, and friends for your commitment to GSEP. Together, we are impacting the lives of so many amazing young women and girls who are taking action and working to make the world a better place.

Yours in Girl Scouting,

Mary Stengel Austen Kim E. Fraites-Dow Board Chair CEO


It’s great to be a girl. That is, until somewhere between middle and high school. That’s when girls start to remove themselves from leadership positions, experience a rapid decline in confidence, and develop a poor self-image. This is what makes the work of Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania so important.

GSEP is committed to building girls of courage, confidence, and character, which puts us in the unique position to guide young women on the path to success in many areas of their lives. Studies show that as girls emerge from adolescence, they aren’t leaning into the challenges and opportunities they face, but rather opting out altogether. Often, girls underestimate their valuable skills, so they retreat, taking with them all their untapped talent and potential.

Complicating matters more is a pervading belief that girls today have so many activities to choose from and are often forced to select one over another. When we look at our data, however, it consistently demonstrates the opposite result. Girls who participate in GSEP also play soccer, sing in the choir, and join the band. And they don’t just stop there. Many go on to hold leadership roles such as team captain, first chair, or band leader. Time and again, GSEP provides a space where girls can discover who they are and gain increased confidence in their abilities. With every Girl Scout experience, girls are encouraged and empowered to find the things that make them sparkle.

Moving forward, GSEP will stay on top of national trends, as well as solicit feedback directly from girls to inform the direction of our programming. One such report, More Than S’Mores, recently published by our very own Girl Scout Research Institute, documents why getting girls outdoors is crucial to their development. When girls spend time outside, they unplug. They learn about nature, experience the environment, become resourceful, and develop healthy relationships with other girls. Girl Scout camp is just one way girls spend time outdoors, but according to the study, it is by far the most popular. As Girl Scout Roxanna W. put it, “Camp is one of the most magical, amazing, special, and beautiful places in the world. You learn to be outgoing, independent, and a leader. The skills you learn don’t just help you at camp. They are more like life lessons.”

GSEP is also poised to benefit from the latest trends around working mothers and women in the workplace. It’s no secret that women are waiting until later in life to start families, and when they do, 75 percent return to work after having children. Research conducted by McKinsey & Company found that women today are looking for “centered leadership experiences,” or ones that are inspiring, positive, engaging, and collaborative. That’s true for the work they do and the volunteer

6 | MEMBERSHIP opportunities they seek out. What that means for GSEP is that there is an entire population of women, ages 18 to 30, searching for meaningful ways to share and connect. We know about 40,000 girls who would welcome them with open arms.

We have been fortunate enough to see this in action with some of our partners. For the last few years, women leaders from , Penske, and PPL have been hosting Take the Lead Trainings for our girls, helping them polish their presentation skills and make connections. We hope to expose more Girl Scouts to women professionals who can serve as role models and mentors—women who can attest to one very real fact. It is great to be a girl.

It is great to be a girl!

GSEP at the 2014 National Council Session In October 2014, 16 girl and adult delegates traveled to Salt Lake City to attend the 53rd National Girl Scout Convention. The girls spent time sightseeing before getting down to business at the National Council Session.

It all kicked off with the Girl Scout Leadership Institute (GSLI), where the delegates learned how to plan a Take Action Project before being challenged to develop one of their own. Each of the intrepid girls from GSEP focused on body image for their project but decided to approach it from different perspectives. Shannon tackled media bias and how it affects a girl’s self-image, Kelly explored peer pressure and its affect on self-confidence, and Katrina drew up plans for an app that would help girls who suffer from depression find support and connect. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the girls to gain new leadership and advocacy skills alongside thousands of other Girl Scouts from around the world. #GirlPOP2015 – The Power of One Day It was a nonstop celebration of girl power. More than 1,000 girls gathered at the Pennsylvania Convention Center to take part in hands-on exhibits, listen to inspiring speakers, and dance the night away at #GirlPOP2015. This Girl Scout-led event was open to all girls and featured everything from science to fashion, all with the goal of empowering young women to love themselves just as they are while setting out to change the world for the better.

8 | MEMBERSHIP Some of the highlights of the day included a speech by Jenna Bush Hager, a book signing with Little League champion Mo’ne Davis, girls rocking out to electric guitars courtesy of the School of Rock, and archery lessons inside the PA Convention Center. During the closing ceremonies, Shiza Shahid, cofounder of the Malala Fund, talked about how she followed her dream of going to college in the United States before moving back to Pakistan to help girls there who have been forced out of school. You can visit girlpop to view a full list of speakers and workshops, photos, and a video recap of this incredible day.

MEMBERSHIP | 9 Spotlight on the Silver Award Kayla D. was one of 300 Girl Scouts to earn her Silver Award, the highest achievement in Girl Scouting earned by girls ages 12-14. In 2015, Kayla helped raise awareness about youth violence by hosting three local workshops and organizing a community walk at Malcolm X Park in the Germantown neighborhood of Philadelphia. More than 130 people attended the workshops and rally, where they created posters and flyers to post throughout the park. “I wanted to focus on this topic because it’s really affecting my community,” Kayla said. “Afterward, I felt inspired to do more because the people I talked to and met really care about what happens to today’s youth.”

GSEP Staff Working Together in New Ways Over two dozen GSEP employees were engaged in priority work teams, which brought staff members from various departments together on an ongoing basis to focus on several key operational issues. This work enabled individuals and teams to collaborate with colleagues, and provided highly visible leadership opportunities for staff at various levels in the organization. A team consisting of Membership, Marketing & Communications, Volunteer Intake, and Finance staff members developed a new process for Early Bird Troop Leader Recruitment, which significantly improved adult member retention and enabled waiting girls to be placed into troops over the summer. LAND

Ask any Girl Scout and she’ll tell you. Camp is a special place to relax, have fun, and step away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s a safe space where girls learn the value of taking risks. It’s where friends are made and traditions are formed.

Over the last three years, our camper weeks have continued to increase, largely due to high quality camp staff and innovative programs made possible through new investments at our properties developed through the Outdoor Program Vision. This means even more girls will get to experience the adventures that await at Girl Scout camp. Below is a snapshot of the progress made on our Outdoor Program Vision in 2015, with even more exciting developments underway.

Outdoor Program Vision – Implementation Phase 1 Camp Shelly Ridge STEM & Intro to Camp Shelly Ridge saw several new improvements, including renovated accommodations for our ranger and his wife, who have 10 years of experience living and working at GSEP camps. We also installed a new low-ropes course for girls (fourth grade and above) to allow for fun team-building exercises and collaboration. Next up for the 2016 camping season: a 64-bed year-round lodge and Activity Center!

low-ropes course

LAND | 11 activity center at camp laughing waters

Camp Laughing Waters Health & Wellness Phase one of Outdoor Program Vision implementation at Laughing Waters included installing both low ropes (fourth grade and above) and high ropes (sixth grade and above) courses, two nine-hole disc golf courses, and resurfacing the multi-use outdoor court to encourage fun physical activity. Other elements included new male accommodations for troops and service units camping with dads or other male volunteers, and renovations at Murphy House, which functions as the camp office and staff quarters during the summer months. Murphy House can also be rented by troops during the off-season. Next up for the 2016 camping season: a state-of-the-art year-round Activity Center complete with climbing wall and garage door walls that roll up and provide wide-open space! Also exciting for winter usage will be an ice-skating rink on our seasonally-converted outdoor court.

Camp Mosey Wood Adventure & Water With supercool dueling zip lines over the lake (sixth grade and above), a new low-ropes course (fourth grade and above), and a three-story challenge tower, Camp Mosey Wood now lives up to its reputation as our adventure camp! Groups of girls can experience fun together as they scale the adventure tower, hang out at the new swimming dock, and enjoy the lakeside. In 2015, we also renovated the changing hut, added new waterfront equipment, and renovated the camp director’s quarters for year-round usage. Next up for the 2016 camping season: a 64-bed year-round lodge and additional adventure elements!

12 | LAND adventure tower at Camp Mosey Wood

WOW! Factors Each year, GSEP also introduces WOW! factors at all of our camps. New WOW! factors for 2015 included: • Western horseback riding and an • Interactive STEM activities, overnight additional week to camp at Wood Haven options, and soft archery for Brownies • A pottery kiln, gaga pit, and more at Shelly Ridge cooking and traveling programs at • Karaoke, soft archery for Brownies, Mountain House overnight options, and more campfire cooking at Valley Forge

Plus, we added even more opportunities for girls to earn badges and segments of the new council-created Adventurer, Archery, and Waterfront patches at camp!

LAND | 13 N

In 2015, GSEP launched the Campaign for Girls, a three-year $9 million comprehensive campaign to build a brighter future for every girl through innovative experiences, outreach, and investment in our outdoor leadership centers.

Goal #1: Inspire leadership through access to innovative experiences Total $2 million Our primary focus is to retain current members and reach new ones through consistently high-quality programs that support the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, an outcomes- based model that engages girls to discover their own abilities, connect with others, and take action to make the world a better place.

Goal #2: Advance the values of diversity and inclusion through outreach Total $2 million We believe that every girl deserves the opportunity to become the leader she wants to be and the world needs her to be. Through targeted outreach, GSEP serves thousands of girls each year through a variety of signature programs including funded troops, Girl Scouts Beyond Bars, funded themed series, camperships, and financial aid.

Goal #3: Improve GSEP outdoor leadership centers to expose girls to environmental stewardship, adventure, and fun. Total: $5 million

Investments Investments in our outdoor centers at Camp Shelly Ridge, Camp Laughing Waters, and Camp Mosey Wood will:

• Maintain Girl Scout traditions • Inspire a new generation of girls • Serve girls today and tomorrow • Build a financially sustainable with excellence business model

14 | CAMPAIGN FOR GIRLS Campaign for Girls Cabinet Members Chair Berks County Cabinet Dianne Rotwitt Carolyn Holleran – Advisory Paula Barrett Philadelphia Region Cathy Beaver Cabinet Sue Perrotty Shawn Bort Ann T. Field Berks County Steering Deborah Hassan Committee Carey Babczak Cabinet Angel Helm Anne Baum Joanne Judge Pam DeCampli Chris Pruitt Ilene Wood Michele Richards Gregg Riefenstahl Sallie Weaver


One of the top 10 Girl Scout councils in the nation, Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania works hard to produce a fiscally strong, and stable operating budget and investments. GSEP’s operating budget has increased in size by nearly 20% over the past five years.

2015 Product Program Revenue Total Revenue: $15,160,800

Troop Benefits: $2,726,813 Cost of Goods: $3,767,076

Girl & Adult Recognitions: $483,218

Other Direct Costs: $398,523

Benefits all Girl Scouts of in our council $7,785,170 2015 Revenue Total Revenue: $17,341,903

Product Program: $11,989,246 Contributions, Bequests, Grants & Events: $1,697,918 Merchandise Sales & Other: $1,926,438

Program Service Fee: $1,588,204 United Way: $140,097

2015 Expenses Total Expenses: $17,168,107

Member Services: $4,609,532 General & Admin: $3,628,001

Fund Raising: Camp Other Girl $1,188,657 Programs: Programs: $2,887,005 $4,854,912


Celebrating outstanding women leaders in our communities. Berks Lehigh Valley Co-Chairs Co-Chairs Alison Snyder Pamela DeCampli Ramona Turner Turpin David G. DeCampli Honorees Honorees

Heather Chandler, Dr. Ann Bieber Esq. President President Lehigh Carbon Sealstrip Corporation Community College

Laurie Gostley Karen Marsdale Hackett Senior Vice President Manager, Community Greater Reading Relations & Chamber of Philanthropy Commerce & Industry Air Products

Toni Miller Senior Executive Kassie Hilgert Vice President, Chief President & CEO Administrative Officer ArtsQuestTM at & Chief Financial SteelStacksTM Officer Boscov’s, Inc.

Miriam Huertas Tammy White Senior VP, Allentown President Initiatives United Way of Berks Greater Lehigh County Valley Chamber of Commerce

18 | TAKE THE LEAD 2015 Thank you! Thank you to the Greater Philadelphia generous donors Co-Chairs who supported these Maria T. Kraus fundraising events Julia M. Rafferty, Esq. Honorees

Im Ja P. Choi Kathy Killian Founder/Executive Vice President, Human Director Resources & Customer Penn Asian Senior Services Services

Mary K. Dougherty Hon. Diane M. Welsh Owner (Ret.) Mary K. Dougherty Mediator & Associates JAMS Nicole Miller at The Bellevue Nicole Miller Manayunk

$20,000+ $9,999-$5,000 Philadelphia Phillies Air Products Aldridge Electric Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano AmeriHealth Caritas Services LLC Tierney PECO Becker & Frondorf Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. BioClinica, Inc. $19,999-$15,000 Boscov’s Department Store, Inc. $4,999-$2,000 Comcast NBC10 Telemundo 62 Console Law Offices, LLC ABC Interbake Foods Comcast Spectacor East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. , Inc. Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. Firstrust Bank Ms. Hallee Adelman PPL Corporation Kenny Construction Company- Alvin H. Butz Company A Granite Company Anixter Inc. $14,999-$10,000 Kline & Specter Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. Capital BlueCross Leo Niessen, Jr. Charitable Trust Asplundh Foundation Crayola Lockton Companies BB&T Corp. Jerlyn Foundation, In Memory of Montgomery County District Gertrude K. McGonigle Attorney Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney P.C. Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Patrick and Marie O’Connor Burns & McDonnell

TAKE THE LEAD 2015 | 19 Carpenter Technology Corporation Ms. Karen Collins R.M. Palmer Co. Comcast - Reading Redner’s Markets, Inc. Citizens Bank-Plymouth Mtg. Ms. Nancy Conrad Mr. Paul Rigby Mr. and Mrs. David DeCampli , Inc. Honorable Annette M. Rizzo (RET.) Ernst & Young LLP Ms. Emily Day R-Way Gasket and Supply Co., Inc. Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Delaware Investments Sheller Family Foundation Network Dilworth Paxson, LLP Spector Gadon & Rosen, P.C. Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hecht DLS International Inc. St. Joseph Regional Health Network Henkels & McCoy Inc. Ms. Mary Dougherty Stevens & Lee JAMS, The Resolution Experts Drexel University TempStar Staffing Keystone Savings Foundation Drucker & Scaccetti, P.C. The Haverford Trust Company DSS The Honickman Foundation Lehigh Valley Health Network Duffy Law Firm The Kinser Group M&T Bank Easton Coach Company The Leslie Miller and Richard Worley McCarter & English, LLP EnerSys Foundation Chris & Toni Miller Feldman Sheperd The UPS Foundation Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Fox Rothschild LLP Tompkins VIST Bank National Penn Bancshares, Inc. Fulton Bank Tucker Law Group, LLC National Penn Bank Gage Personnel Services United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Norris McLaughlin & Marcus Gibbons P.C. Southern Oliver Wyman Gordon & Rees LLP VA Productions, Inc. Penn Asian Senior Services Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Visit Philadelphia PF Foundation Commerce Walsky Investment Management, Inc. Precision Medical Products, Inc. Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Carol and Nick Watters Ms. Catherine A. Pullen Coalition Ms. Laurie Waxler QSP/Ashdon Farms Greater Reading Chamber of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP Commerce & Industry West Side Hammer Electric Ross Feller Casey, LLP Grove Dental Group White and Williams LLP Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barret & Bendesky, Ms. Pamela Harris-Williams White Star Tours PC Ms. Kit T. Hower Ms. Gladys Wiles Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP H. T. Lyons, Inc. William G. Koch & Associates TD BANK Suburban PA & DE IBM Corporation Mrs. Ilene Wood UGI Utilities, Inc. Independence Foundation WPVI-TV Hon. Diane M. Welsh, Ret. Just Born, Inc. Mr. Joseph Wolfson Ms. Kathy Killian YWCA of Bethlehem $1,999-$350 Andrea R. Kramer, Esq. Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Aesculap, Inc. Mrs. Mary Lou Kline Toddy P.C. Frances A. Aitken, CPA KPMG LLP All About Children Pediatric Partners L.F. Driscoll Co. Alternative Consulting Enterprises Lafayette Ambassador Bank Inc. Lavin, O’Neil, Cedrone & DiSipio Alvernia University Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lawn ArtsQuest Center Legacy Advisors, LLC B. Braun Medical Inc. Lehigh Carbon Community College Ms. Patricia Beldon Lesavoy Butz & Seitz LLC BB&T Corp. Ms. Charisse R. Lillie Ms. Helen R. Bosley The Honorable Linda K. Ludgate Boyle Construction Management Dr. Jerome Marcus Buckley Muething Capital Masano Bradley Management Co. Master Weinstein Schatz Moyer, P.C. Buckno Lisicky & Company CPA’s Judge James Melinson Mr. Timothy Canfield Ms. Donna Miller Carlino Development Group, Inc. Ms. Susan P. Mucciarone Ms. Heather Chandler NSM Insurance Group Charon Planning an NFP Company Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Oppenheimer Coca-Cola Bottling Company of the Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Lehigh Valley Raspanti, LLP


Thank you to our generous supporters during the 2014-2015 membership year. Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania was supported by more than 1,000 donors who contributed up to $99, too many to list in this report. We appreciate every gift to the Girl Scouts, and regret not being able to list them all. *Denotes those donors who are also members of the Juliette Gordon Low Society.

$100,000+ American Airlines Ms. Andrea A. Agnew AmeriHealth Caritas Services LLC Angela Ahmad Comcast NBC10 Telemundo 62 Bank of America Alvin H. Butz Company Comcast Spectacor Becker & Frondorf Anixter Inc. Lenfest Foundation BioClinica, Inc. Aqua Pennsylvania, Inc. United Way of Berks County Boscov’s Department Store, Inc. Asplundh Foundation Carpenter Technology Corporation Ms. Mary Stengel Austen $99,999.99-$50,000 Citizens Bank Charitable Foundation Brad and Anne Baum BB&T Corp. The Pew Charitable Trusts Console Law Offices, LLC Beneficial Bank Toyota Financial Services *Mr. and Mrs. David DeCampli Boeing Company East Penn Manufacturing Co., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Delight E. Breidegam $49,999.99-$25,000 Firstrust Bank Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney P.C. Frances Strayer Trust Girl Scouts of the USA Burns & McDonnell Franklin H. Markley Charitable Trust Independence Blue Cross Cedar Crest College GM/Chevy Mattel, Inc. Citizens Bank-Plymouth Mtg. IronPigs Charities Ernst & Young LLP PECO John Templeton Foundation Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Just Born, Inc. Network $24,999.99-$10,000 Kenny Construction Company- Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hecht Anonymous (1) A Granite Company Henkels & McCoy Inc. Air Products Kline & Specter Hersha Hospitality Trust Capital BlueCross Leo Niessen, Jr. Charitable Trust JAMS, The Resolution Experts Century Fund Lockheed Martin Information Crayola Systems and Global Solutions Keystone Savings Foundation Ms. Grace Killelea CRW Graphics Lockton Companies Lafayette Ambassador Bank Dove/Unilever US, Inc. Maurice Seltzer Trust Lehigh University Ann Thornton Field, Esq. Montgomery County District Attorney Lehigh Valley Health Network Jerlyn Foundation, In Memory of Patrick and Marie O’Connor M&T Bank Gertrude K. McGonigle Philadelphia Phillies McCarter & English, LLP Lehigh Valley Community Foundation Pond Lehocky Stern Giordano Merck Foundation Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. Saint-Gobain Corporation Morgan, Lewis & Bockius The Nelson Foundation TD Charitable Foundation Ms. Susan P. Mucciarone PPL Corporation The Donley Foundation National Penn Bancshares, Inc. Dianne and Jeffrey Rotwitt The Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith National Penn Bank Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young, LLP Memorial Fund Norris McLaughlin & Marcus United Way of Bucks County The UPS Foundation Oliver Wyman (UW MAIN) Tierney Natalye Paquin, Esq. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. PF Foundation $4,999.99-$2,500 Precision Medical Products, Inc. $9,999.99-$5,000 Ms. Catherine A. Pullen Annoymous (1) QSP/Ashdon Farms Ms. Hallee Adelman ABC Interbake Foods Reinsel Kuntz Lesher LLP Aldridge Electric ACME Markets, Inc. Ross Feller Casey, LLP

DONORS | 21 Saltz, Mongeluzzi, Barret & Bendesky, PC Ms. Kathy Killian Ms. Patricia Beldon Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis LLP All About Children Pediatric Partners BNY Mellon Community Partnership Mr. Vincent Sorgi KPMG LLP Ms. Ann Marie Bodi Michael and Leslie Stiles Andrea R. Kramer, Esq. Ms. Helen R. Bosley Sue and Stan Tantsits Maria Kraus Mr. Gary Boyer TD BANK Suburban PA & DE Mr. John Kristel Boyle Construction Management The Eden Charitable Foundation L.F. Driscoll Co. Buckley Muething Capital The Philadelphia Foundation Lavin, O’Neil, Cedrone & DiSipio Management Co. UGI Utilities, Inc. Legacy Advisors, LLC Buckno Lisicky & Company CPA’s United Way of Boyertown Area Lehigh Carbon Community College Ms. Nickoya D. Bundick *Carol and Nick Watters Ms. Charisse R. Lillie Ms. Leslie Caldwell Hon. Diane M. Welsh, Ret. Masano Bradley Ms. Kim Capers Master Weinstein Schatz Moyer, P.C. Carlino Development Group, Inc. $2,499.99-$1,000 Chris & Toni Miller Luce Carvalho Mr. and Mrs. James Miller Ms. Heather Chandler Frances A. Aitken, CPA Mr. Karl Miller Charon Planning an NFP Company Ally Financial Inc Moreys Piers Coca-Cola Bottling Company of the Alvernia University NSM Insurance Group Lehigh Valley Mr. Thomas L. Armstrong Penn Asian Senior Services Comcast - Reading ArtsQuest Center Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Community Recycling Avery Foundation Raspanti, LLP Marla K. Conley Ms. Maria Pajil Battle Mr. Chris Pruitt Corp Direct BB&T Corp. Julia M. Rafferty, Esq. Mark and Ghisele Curcio Ms. Sandra Bodnyk Rider-Pool Foundation Donna-Marie Daday, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Albert Boscov Ms. Barbara E. Ritchie Ms. Terri Dean Ms. Michele D. Box Samuel Marshall Trust Delaware Investments Ms. Barbara J. Brown Sheller Family Foundation Discover Lehigh Valley Mr. Christopher Cashman Sixers Strong Foundation DLS International Inc. Chester County Community Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spence Ms. Virginia Dodge Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation *Ann Donley, C.P.A. Ms. Karen Collins Stevens & Lee Drexel University Mr. Christopher Compher TempStar Staffing W. Wallace Dyer, Jr., Esq. Crown Holdings, Inc. The Benevity Community Impact Fund Easton Coach Company Ms. Emily Day The Honickman Foundation EF Institute For Cultural Exchange, Inc. Dilworth Paxson, LLP United States Tennis Association/MS Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Flamholz Ms. Martha Dodge United Way of Greater Philadelphia & Mrs. Jeanette W. Flood Ms. Marlene Dooner Southern New Jersey Gage Personnel Services Ms. Mary Dougherty United Way Of The Greater Triangle Ilze Gallich Drucker & Scaccetti, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Urban Ms. Elizabeth H. Gemmill, Esq. DSS USTA Middle States Gibbons P.C. Duffy Law Firm VA Productions, Inc. Gordon & Rees LLP EnerSys Victaulic Company of America Ms. Sue Gourley Cindy & Gregg Feinberg - Feinberg Visit Philadelphia Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Real Estate Advisors, LLC Walsky Investment Management, Inc. Commerce Feldman Sheperd Mr. Stephen Wanner Greater Philadelphia Urban Affairs Ferree Foundation White and Williams LLP Coalition Ms. Dona L. File White Star Tours Grove Dental Group Fox Rothschild LLP Ms. Gladys Wiles H. T. Lyons, Inc. Kim E. Fraites-Dow and Kevin Dow Dr. and Mrs. Sankey V. Williams Mrs. Barbara Hall Fulton Bank Youth Service America Ms. Irene Horstmann Hannan GAP Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John W. Zabilowicz Ms. Pamela Harris-Williams Ms. Carole H. Gravagno Mr. Robert P. Hauptfuhrer Greater Reading Chamber of $999.99-$500 Head House Books Commerce & Industry Ms. Cynthia L. Heimbach Mr. Michael Hanlon Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hickey Ms. Deborah Hassan Aesculap, Inc. Ms. Carla C. Hickey Ms. Allison Horne Mr. Wadud Ahmad Ms. Kit T. Hower IBM Corporation Ms. Margaret P. Allen IBM Employee Services Center Independence Foundation Alternative Consulting Enterprises Inc. Mrs. Lisa Jacobsen Junior League of the Lehigh Valley Mr. James B. Anderson Ms. Kathryn Jones Mr. Ted Kaminer B. Braun Medical Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Foundation

22 | DONORS Ms. Christina Kaba The Haverford Trust Company Mr. Raymond G. Capello Mrs. Mary Lou Kline The Kinser Group Ms. Mary M. Casey Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Lawn The Leslie Miller and Richard Worley Ms. Im Ja Choi Lesavoy Butz & Seitz LLC Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Christensen Mr. Brian Libby Tompkins VIST Bank Ms. Julie Coker Graham Lions Club of Boyertown Tucker Law Group, LLC Comedy Sportz Philadelphia The Honorable Linda K. Ludgate UltraCamp Foundation Connelly Foundation Mr. Reinaldo M. Machado United Way of Carbon County Connors Investor Services, Inc. Mr. Michael G. Magnan Verizon Foundation Ms. Nancy Conrad Dr. Jerome Marcus Villanova University Ms. Tanya Couch Rev. Dr. Lorina Marshall Blake Wal-Mart Foundation Ms. Jennifer Crawford Mr. Daniel McCarthy Ms. Carrie Ward Customers Bank Ms. Mary Jane Meconi Ms. Laurie Waxler Ms. Terry D’Alessandro Judge James Melinson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Welsh Mrs. Yolanda Dark Ms. Donna Miller West Side Hammer Electric Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Davidson Mrs. Doris C. Miraldo William G. Koch & Associates Ms. Jennifer Davis Montgomery Early Learning Centers Mr. Joseph Wolfson Mr. Lewton Andrew Deichert Ms. Loraine Ballard Morrill Mrs. Ilene Wood Ms. Jan DeMarzo Ms. Jean Morrow WPVI-TV Department of Making + Doing Mr. Benjamin J. Moyer WTS Philadelphia Transportation You Mr. and Mrs. Danny Diefenderfer Ms. Elizabeth Murphy Suzanne and Jonathan Yale Ms. Russell Diehm National Constitution Center YWCA of Bethlehem Ms. Nancy Dischinat Mr. Guy Niedorkorn Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Doc Breslers Cavity Busters Mr. and Mrs. D. Robert Oppenheimer Toddy P.C. Dolan Construction, Inc. Ms. Tricia Paniagua Ms. Amy Dorfmeister Mr. Anthony Paone $499.99-$250 Estate of Harold D. Duff Mr. Marc Paquin Ms. Genevieve Dunkle Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pellegrino Anonymous (2) Ms. Annette Durnack Philadelphia Area Combined Federal Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Achey Ms. Lynn Eagleson Campaign Mr. and Mrs. George Ahart Edwards Landscape & Nursery Albarell Electric Inc. Ms. Sara Jane Elk Philadelphia Zoo American Red Cross - Eastern Ms. Linda Engle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pride Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. William H. Engle, Jr. R.M. Palmer Co. American PowerNet Ms. Dawn R. Fahim Ms. Babette Racca Mr.& Mrs. R. Kline Ashton Mr. Jerry Fan Mr. Howard Rahmlow Mrs. Laura Azzalina Ms. Barbara V. Farley Mrs. Laura A. Rapp Ms. Elva L. Bankins Fashion Patrol Reading Eagle Company Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Barrett Ms. Anne Ferguson Realm Fine + Fashion Jewelry Ms. Mary L. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. T. Ritson Ferguson Redner’s Markets, Inc. Ms. April E. Beattie Risa V. Ferman Mr. Paul Rigby Mr. David Lee Berger Ms. Susan J. French Ms. Jennifer Riter Ms. Charlene Bergstresser Ms. Cathy Ganter Honorable Annette M. Rizzo (RET.) Birthday Fairies Gettysburg Battlefield Mrs. Gayle A. Rowland Blank, Rome, Cominsky & McCauley Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ghering R-Way Gasket and Supply Co., Inc. Mrs. Kimberly A. Blatt Mr. Tom Gibbons Sacred Heart Hospital Ms. Evelyn Blewitt Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gleason Ms. Cynthia J. Sattizahn Dr. Jennifer Booker Mrs. Carla Gonzales-Schwarz Ms. Jean E. Scherfcunningham & Mr. Jay M. Bornstein Ms. Jaclyn Goodballet Mr. Dennis Cunningham Mr. Jason Botzler Mr. George Gorge Ms. Helen L. Schneider Ms. Heather Boyer GSEP Service Unit #715 - River’s Edge Dr. Joan Schork Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brady GSEP Service Unit #614 -Penn’s Ms Judith Sharp Ms. Rachel Branson Ridge Ms. Eileen Shuter Ms. Karen A. Breen Joan L. Hannahoe Spector Gadon & Rosen, P.C. Ms. Amara Briggs Ms. Leigh Hansen Ms. Kelly J. Spletzer Stacy L. Broad, Esq. Mr. James A. Hare, IV St. Joseph Regional Health Network Mrs. Evelyn M. Broad Ms. Dionne Harrison St. Luke’s University Health Network Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brown, III Mr. Scott Hartman Ms. Denise Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Jim Buck Hartman, Valeriano, Magovern Mrs. Barbara S. Sussman Ms. Eileen Butler & Lutz, PC Mr. Jack Taylor Mr. Timothy Canfield Ms. Elsbeth G. Haymon Teen Works The Capello Family Ms. Jan S. Heller

DONORS | 23 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Higbee Ms. Erika R. Petrozelli Woodloch Resort Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilgert Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pfahler Mrs. Suzanne B. Yale Ms. Lew Hill Phila NOMA Ms. Renae Yeager Ms. Nancy Hippert Mrs. MaryAnn Piccolo Ms. Susan C. Yee Holiday Inn Conference Center Ms. Marian Young & Mr. Mark Lannan Ms. Amy Hollaman Ms. Mary E. Posner Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zebovitz Mrs. Ellen Horan Mr. and Mrs. John Pucino Ms. Lidia Zidik Ms. Miriam Huertas Ms. Sami Quazi Ms. Debra L. Zvanut Ms. Margaret Iannace Gina J. Range Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Irwin Reed Smith LLP $249.99-$100 Ms. Debbie Jacobson Mr. Girard Reilly Ms. Michelle Keegan *Ms. Susan D. Reitz Anonymous (2) Ms. Kathleen Killian Ms. Michele L. Richards Ms. Gina Adams Kimmel Center, Inc. Ms. Karen Rightmire Ms. Lisa D. Aimone Mr. and Mrs. James A. King Ms. Sandy Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Alderfer Ms. Renee King Ms. Sarah Rodriguez Ms. Donna Allie Ms. Karen K Kirby Roland Stock Mr. and Mrs. Harold Almond, Jr. Ms. Stacy J. Knight Rosemont College American Legion Auxiliary PP Unit Mr. & Mrs. James Knipe Ms. Sandra Ross 800 Ms. Ruth Kravitz Roundtop Mountain Resort Ms. Nancy Anderson Mr. Kenneth Lakin Ms. Maureen Rush Antanavage & Associates, LLP Ms. Julienne Lambert Cathy Rutman, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Apple Ms. Pat Langiotti Mr. John S. Salmento and Ms. Olivia Diana L. Applegate and Robert Ms. Jacque Lanning M. Carducci Applegate Ms. Susan A. Lawless Mr. Geoffrey D. Schmidt Dr. Peg Atwell Ms. Sharon Leskowsky Ms. Elayne Schmidt Ms. Rosemary Azeff Lincoln Caverns Inc. School Of Rock Mr. and Mrs. John L. Baker Lockheed Martin Employees’ Political Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schultz Bally Lions Club Action Committee Judy Schwank Mr. and Mrs. Gary Banzhoff Ms. Debra Loggia Security First, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Baselice Mr. William Long Ms. Meghan Silvia Mr. John Baselice Mr. James A. Lubas Ms. Alison Snyder Dr. Linda Batista Mr. Paul J. Lukes Springfield Lioness Club Ms. Louise A. Becker Mrs. Lisa Macaulay Ms. Laurie Stewart Ms. Michele M. Beekman Ms. Barbara Macczak Ms. Paula Sunshine Ms. Michele M. Bement Ms. Jennifer Mann Mr. and Mrs. Ian Swain Ms. Diane L. Beppler Heidi Masano, Esq. Mrs. Susan Swanson Berks County Community Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mazuchowski Sweet and Sassy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCormick, Jr. Ms. Stephanie Taylor Ms. Dene K. Bernstein Ms. Catherine Menendez The Da Vinci Science Center Ms. Karen Biddle Ms. Shirley Miller The First Tee of Greater Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Brian Birckbichler Ms. Dale M. Moelter The Salvation Army Black Women in Sport Foundation Morey, Nee, Buck & Oswald, LLC Ms. Pam Lott Ms. Judy Wilfinger Bogert Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mosher Mr. Rich Tocci Ms. Susan Borger Mr. & Mrs. Keith Nash Ms. Janet Ulman Ms. Renee Bosich National Liberty Museum United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley Mr. and Ms. Constantine F. Harris National Museum Of American United Way of Summit County Mr. Robert J. Brodrecht Jewish History Valley Forge Homestead Quilters Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brodt Ms. Joni Naugle Ms. Sandra Vanderslice Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brooks Next Level Sports, Inc. Ms. Nancy M. Veronesi Ms. Lynette M. Brown-Sow Ms. Carol Obando-Derstine Ms. Maeve Vogan Bruce & Merrilees Electric Company Olivet Boys & Girls Club Ms. Lucian Waddell Ms. Catherine M. Burkhardt Ms. Patricia Orr Thomas P. Wagner, Esq. Weeble’s Mom Mr. Samuel J. Pace Walden Capital Advisors Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cahall Mr. Peter Panageas Ms. Cynthia Ward Ms. Doris Cain Ms. Kimberly Ann Paris Ms. Eileen F. Warwick Dean R. Cave Mr. Stephen H. Patterson Waste Management Ms. Helen Chapman Wanda Paul Ms. Sallie Weaver Ms. Elizabeth B. Chesick PBS 39 Weidenhammer Systems Ms. Rosemarie T. Cimino People’s Light and Theatre Co. Ms. Stefanie Wexler Mr. David Conway Mr. and Mrs. Craig Perrotty Mr. Mark Wilten Ms. Alison Cook-Sather

24 | DONORS Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson Austra Gaige Mr. Terrence Kennedy Mr. Ronald Cope Ms. Mary P. Gallagher Mr. Richard Kern Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Corvo Ruth E. Ganister, Esq. Ms. Deborah Kerns Ms. Dawn Cote Ms. Ali Gathers Mr. John T. Kilcoyne Ms. Norma W. Coupe Ms. Gwen Gentile Mr. James King Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cox GEO Specialty Chemicals Ms. Kathryn B. Klein & Mr. Gerald D. Ms. Lucia Cox Ms. Shelly Georgescu Klein Ms. J. Louise Cramp Ms. Janet Ernst Gerner Ms. Amy Jo Knaper *Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Croft Giant Food Store Knights of Columbus Ms. Mary Cummings Dr. Brian Gibbs Ms. Gretchen S. Kolb Ms. Megan Cunningham Mr. Jake Gillis Mrs. Ayelet Koren Ms. Amy Czop-Bartley Mr. James Gilmartin Ms. Cheryl A. Kraemer Ms. Cheryl Dally Ms. Sandra Graffius Ms. Vicki W. Kramer, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Carl D’Angelo Ms. Andrea Graham Dr. David Krefetz Ms. Sharon Danks Mr. & Mrs. John Gray Mrs. Stephanie N. Kurtz Ms. Karen David Ms. Kathryn B. Gray Kutztown University Ms. Joan Davidson Greater Philadelphia Film Office Ms. Dolores A. Laputka Mrs. Michelle Davis Green Hills Family Medical Ms. Joan L. Law Ms. Karen Davison Associates, LLC Ms. Margaret A. Lawlor Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dellheim Ms. Linda M. Griffith Mr. Robert Leayman Ms. Lynn DelPorte Ms. Susan Groff Ms. Silvia A. Leblanc Mrs. Louise DeNight GSEP Troop #1064 Lehigh Valley IronPigs Derbyshire Marine Products, LLC Ms. Josephine Guerre-Chaley Ms. Susan G. Lenahan Mr. Robert B. Derbyshire Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hagy, III *Jeanne E. Lennon-Smith Ms. Sylvia Deye Ms. Lisa Hart Ms. Terri A. Lewis Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Mr. John Hartner Lincoln Investment Planning, Inc. Ms. Renee’ Dietrich Ms. Kathy Harvey Ms. Melanie London Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dilks Ms. Jo Harwood Mr. David Lyons Ms Heather Dillon Mr. Sean Healey Ms. Margaret Maher Ms. Nancy Dischinat Mr. and Mrs. David Healy Mr. and Mrs. Venard Mantegna Ms. Anna Belle Divelbiss Dr. Fredericka S. M. Heller Ms. Carol A. Marke Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Downey Ms. Jennifer Heller Ms. Cynthia H. Mascibroda Ms. Valerie Downing Mr. and Mrs. James M. Henderson Ms. Alison Matejczyk Ms. Marie Dukes Mrs. Rachel Herb Ms. Kathy Matthews Marj Eby Herbein + Co., Inc. Maureen Cavallucci State Farm Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Egan Ms. Robin Herndon Mr. Lawrence G. McCarthy Entech Engineering, Inc. Ms. Laura Herzog Ms. Barbara E. McCown-McClintick Ms. Linda Erickson Ms. Kassie Hilgert Mrs. Chalena McIlwain Mr. and Mrs. Richard Esrey Ms. Frances Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. McKitish Ms. Abra Evensky Mr. Marvin Hirschhorn Mr. Patrick McTeigue Ms. Sharon Eves Ms. Carol M. Hobday Dr. Afaf I. Meleis Ms. Marilee Falco Ms. Janet R. Hoffert Mrs. Laurie Melniczek Christopher C. Fallon, Jr., Esq. Mr. Christopher Hoffman & Ms. Amy Ms. Carole L. Mercaldo Ms. Barbara C. Faust Jo Knaper Michels Corporation Ms. Ruth S. Ferber *David and Pat Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Dr. Sarah Fernsler Ms. Stacy Holland Ms. Connie L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John Fielding Mrs. Jean R. Holt Mr. William E. Miller Ms. Amy Fields Mr. John E. Horn Ms. Linda S. Mills and Mr. Roger L. Mills Ms. Cynthia Figueroa Mrs. Florence Horsfield Mr. and Mrs. James Miltenberger Ms. Andrea Finocchiaro Hospital Central Services Ms. Kaylyn Mitchell FirstEnergy Corporation Ms. Diana Hower Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mitgang *Ms. JoAnne Fischer and Mr. Eric E. Ms. Grace Humbertson Denise Molzahn Hoffman I Do Wedding Consulting Mrs. Patricia Moore Ms. Colleen L. Fitzwater Fred W. Jacoby, Esq. Ms. Clair Moyer Ms. Edna Fleer Christopher and Carin Johnson *Sandra Moyer Ms. Tara L. Forbes Ms. Susan J. Jones Mr. D’s Tees Mr. Don Foster Ms. Gayle Kastenbaum Mr. Daniel Mueller Mr. and Mrs. John Frey Ms. Sheila M. Katz Ms. Patricia Mullin Ms. Andrea Friedman Mrs. Joanne M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. David E. Murphy Mrs. Brigid Fry Kelly Insurance Mr. James Murphy Ms. Sarah L. Gaffney Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Kempf Ms. Connie A. Muschko

DONORS | 25 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nelson Ms. Suzie Schneider Mr. Mark H. Weaver Rev. Chris Nelson Mrs. Sandra Sue Schrader Mr. Paul Weiner Ms. Kathy Nelson Mr. Lee Schreck Ms. Suzanne Weiss Ms. Kathleen A. Nemeth Ms. Carol Ann Schultz Ms. Sarah T. Werntz Ms. Kathleen Nemeth Mr. John D. Schwartz Westex Neshaminy Kids Club, Inc. Mr. Allan E. Schwenk Ms. Deborah D. White Mr. William P. Nickel Ms. Molly Scott Ms. Margaret Whittaker Mrs. Marianne Nikas Security Guards, Inc. Ms. Karen Wille Northampton Community College Brittany, Kenny & Madeline Sedler Ms. Brooke Williams Ms. Barbara Nothstein Ms. Georganne Seeley Alex Wilson-Radouane Shirley Nylund, D.M.D. Mrs. Gail D. Seeley Ms. Julie K. Wisler Ms. Ann O’Brien Ms. Ellen M. Seigfried Ms. Marie Witman Mrs. Debbie O’Donnell Ms. Sarala Shah Mr. Brian Wynn Ms. Elizabeth O’Neil Shoemaker-Bond Home Assoc., Inc. Ms. Kristine Yahaghi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Orndorf Fund of the LV Community Ms. Fran Yan Mr. and Mrs. David Oster Foundation Ms. Cynthia L. Yarnes Pagoda Electrical, Inc. Short’s Stoves, Chimneys & Yocum Institute For Arts Education Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Palmer Fireplaces, Inc. Ms. Bonnie N. Young Palmer Township Athletic Mr. Alan Shuman Your Part-Time Controller, LLC Association Ms. Kathleen M Sibre Mr. Michael Zarin Mr. John Panasiuk Mrs. Nancy Signorovitch Mrs. Ruth Zerbe Mr. and Mrs. James Pantano Ms. Mary Frances A. Slobodian Ms. Violet M. Zimmerman Mrs. Manal Z. Parada Ms. Denise Slough Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parillo Mr. David R. and Ms. Tina Smith Mr. William Pearson Mr. Stephen Smith We apologize in advance for any Mr. Jeffrey M. Peck Ms. Karen Smith incorrect listings, misspellings, or Ms. Susan W. Peck Ms. Sue Smith omissions. Mr. and Mrs. James Penta Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith Ms. Jane G. Pepper Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Snyder Ms. Nancy Pesti Ms. Anne-Marie Sotire Mr. and Mrs. David Peters *Mr. Thomas Stalnaker Mrs. Barbara Peters Ms. Anne Standley Ms. Joanne Petito Ms. Theresa A. Stephen Ms. Roberta D. Pichini Ms. Mary T. Stevenson Ms. Carol H. Picker Ms. Anne S. Stevenson Ms. Rosemary Polon Mr. David D. Stobart Ms. Sharon Pratt Dr. Karen Thacker Ms. Gene Pratter Mr. Neil Theobald Mrs. Shirley A Preston Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Quay Ms. Abby Trachtman Seetha Raju Trans-Bridge Lines, Inc. Reading Fightin Phils Mr. William Traub Ms. Donna M. Reagle Mrs. Deana M. Travetti Mr. Michael Rehrig Ms. Maria C. Trois Ms. Rachel Reynolds Truist Jennifer Richards & Italo Tempera Ms. Lisa Tullman Ms. Elizabeth Rieland Ms. Eileen Tyrala Ms. Sallie A. Rineer United Health Group Mr. Brad Roberson Urban League of Philadelphia Mr. Paul H. Robinson Mrs. Monica Verdi Ms. Mary Ann Rodda Victory Bank Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Rother Mr. Christopher Volz Mr. Michael Rowan W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Ms. Cathy L. Rynier Ms. Michele Wagaman Ms. Nicole Sakowitz Ms. Elizabeth L. Walker Mrs. Susan Saloma Ms. Michelle Wallace Ms. Theresa A. Santalucia *Deb Walters Ms. Nancy J. Sauers Karen D. Walton, Ph.D. Ms. Joyce A. Savage Mrs. Elizabeth D. Wanderer Mr. Adam J. Sawicki Mr. Jaime Ward Mr. David Schaper Mary F. Weaver, M.D.


($1,000+ to Annual Fund)

Anonymous (1) Ms. Martha Dodge Ms. Susan P. Mucciarone Ms. Andrea A. Agnew Ms. Marlene Dooner Natalye Paquin, Esq. Angela Ahmad Cindy & Gregg Feinberg - Julia M. Rafferty, Esquire Ms. Franki A. Aitken, C.P.A. Feinberg Real Estate Advisors, Ms. Barbara E. Ritchie Mr. Thomas L. Armstrong LLC Dianne and Jeffrey Rotwitt Avery Foundation Ann Thornton Field, Esq. Ms. Mary Stengel Austen Ms. Maria Pajil Battle Ms. Dona L. File Michael and Leslie Stiles Ms. Anne Baum Kim E. Fraites-Dow & Kevin Dow Sue and Stan Tantsits Ms. Sandra Bodnyk Ms. Carole H. Gravagno John Templeton Foundation Ms. Michele D. Box Mr. Michael Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Urban Mr. & Mrs. Delight E. Breidegam Ms. Debbie Hassan Hon. Diane M. Welsh, Ret. Mr. Christopher Cashman Ms. Allison Horne Dr. & Mrs. Sankey V. Williams Mr. Christopher Compher Ms. Grace Killelea Mr. & Mrs. John W. Zabilowicz Ms. Marla Conley Maria Kraus Mr. and Mrs. David DeCampli Mr. and Mrs. James Miller

DONORS | 27 Juliette Gordon Low Society Juliette Gordon Low Society members have designated Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania as a beneficiary of their estate through a planned gift, or by contributing to the GSEP endowment. For more information about how to make a planned gift, please call 215.564.2030 x1083.

Ms. Marjorie H. Adler *Marlene O. Fowler Mary Jane Adams Ms. Colleen S. Alexander Ms. Janet E. Garretson *Ms. Trean B. Matz Ms. Jennifer A. Alexander Robert Garrett *Ms. Barbara O. McAllister *Estate of Mildred E. Anders Mr. & Mrs. Maurice O. Gaukler, Jr. *Gertrude K. McGonigle Ms. Susan L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gaukler *Ms. Mary L. McMahon Ms. B. Jean Anwyll *Mrs. Elizabeth Gaumer Ms. Shelley M. Mincer Audrie Zettick Schaller Ms. Connie Girard-diCarlo *Mrs. Mary B. Montgomery Mrs. Veronica I. Backenstoe Ms. Ann D. Giunta Ms. Sandra Moyer *Ms. Helen T. Bartberger Mrs. Florence Glander *Trudy Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Beadle Mrs. Kay E. Goetz Ms. Lynn E. Musselman Ms. Kate Bech *Ms. Barbara J. Gohn Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Nikischer, Sr. Dianne Belk & Lawrence Calder Pastor Virginia Anne Goodwin Ms. Patricia A. Owens Legacy Fund Challenge in Honor of Ms. Brenda Graves *Mrs. Doris A. Paul Diane and Robert Roskamp Ms. Rosemarie B. Greco Ms. Merideth A. Perrone Ms. Phaedra D. Blocker Mrs. Marita Green Ms. Regina A. Pfeiffer Mrs. Frances Marie A. Bloom Ms. Catherine M. Guenzel *Estate of Arleen L. Pogue Mr. and Mrs. George Bonadio Ms. Joan M. Hagan Mrs. Shirley A Preston Mrs. Judith H. Borie *Marion Haubner *Janet Z. Purbrick Bernice K. Bricklin, Esq. Mrs. Barbara D. Hauptfuhrer Ms. Susan M.S. Rapp Ms. Ruth E. Brusstar Ms. Roberta Healy Garbisch Ms. Susan D. Reitz Ms. Dorothy Buchanan Ms. Diana Heiman Ms. Suzanne E. Rocheleau Ms. Regina Bunis *Estate of Marjorie S. Henshaw *Mrs. Georgia L. Sampson Ms. Joyce K. Burkley Ms. Barbara Hifferty Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schmura Ms. Sandra Y. Campbell-Jackson *Mrs. Violet M. Hoffman *Mrs. Leola D. Schurig Ms. Carole Chew Williams Green David and Pat Hoffman *Maurice Seltzer Trust Ms. Joyanne R. Christman Ms. Gloria A. Hoffner Ms. and Mr. Dolores Senchak Ms. Peggyanne Coleman Ms. Frieda P. Hollihan *Mrs. Elizabeth S. Sennott Ms. Mary E. Connell Ms. Betty M. Hollis Mrs. Eileen W. Sexton *Ms. Sara C. Coppes *Ms. Eileen E. Honert *Ms. Emma S. Sloss Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Croft Ms. Anne T. Huber Ms. Sharon A. Smith Mrs. Kay M. Croll Ms. Janie R. Hutchison Gill Ms. Susan J. Smith Ms. Jayne E. Cumiskey Ms. Jorene Jameson Mr. Davis and Ms. Karen E. Sommers Mrs. Donna Cutler *Ms. D. J. Jennings Sonia Foderaro Ms. Patricia D. Dannerth *Mrs. Frances W. Keebler Ms. Dorothy E. Speers Mr. and Mrs. David DeCampli Ms. Sandra Payne Kenton Rebecca Stalnaker Mrs. Leona Diamond Gloria and Joe Kern Thomas Stalnaker *Gladys E. Dickinson Ms. Ann O. Kerr Ms. Jane M. Stellwagen Dolores Swirin Lepley Kevin Holleran Ms. Elizabeth A. Stinson Ann Donley, C.P.A. Mrs. Sally A. Kinsey *Mary Strickler Donna McBride Mrs. Lydia P. Kirkland *Ms. Mary Ann Stuart Ms. Julia Dunmore Ms. Marsha H. Kitter *Ms. Marni Sweet Mrs. Patricia C. Dyer *Ms. Dorothy C. Klemmer Mrs. Ruth Van Duyne Tait *Estate of Alice D. Stehlik Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Kleppinger Ms. Judith Volk *Estate of Janet G. Russell Ms. Judith Kraines Deb Walters Ms. Katherine Kay Fabian Ms. Gerlinde R. Lauff Carol and Nick Watters *Mrs. E. Mildred Famous *Ms. Muriel Lehman *Ms. Joan Whiskeyman *Ms. Carolyn Wicker Field Jeanne E. Lennon-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. White Dr. Phyllis Finger *Ms. Jean Lind *Ms. Mary I. Wilkerson Ms. JoAnne Fischer and Mr. Eric E. Mrs. Katie Loeb-Schwab Ms. Norma Withsosky Hoffman Mrs. Margaret MacCrindle Ms. Brenda Wolfe Ms. Karen A. Forbes Ms. Catherine Malkemes Ms. Sue Ann Yocom Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Ford Ms. Barbara Markowitz Mrs. Alice Zaleski Mr. and Mrs. John Foreman *Ms. Dotti M. Martin Ms. Michele Zujkowski

*Deceased 28 | DONORS Matching Gift Companies Advanta Corporation Gap Foundation Peterson Worldwide LLC AIG Matching Grants GlaxoSmithKline Foundation PJM Interconnection, LLC Program GlaxoSmithKline-Corp. PNC Foundation Allstate Giving Campaign ING Foundation Prudential Financial ARCO Chemical Company J.P. Morgan Prudential Foundation ARCO Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co. Quaker Oats Foundation Boeing Company Foundation Saint-Gobain Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc. Kemper Insurance The Philadelphia Foundation Citibank Companies Verizon Foundation Citizens Bank MassMutal Financial Group Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Deutsche Bank Private Microsoft William Penn Foundation Wealth Management OppenheimerFunds

Memorial Tributes $100+ In Honor of Sharon Bornstein’s In Memory of Kathleen Hegarty Dill In Memory of Marjorie Derbyshire 60th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. John Cookson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Almond, Jr. Dr. David Krefetz Mr. Robert B. Derbyshire In Memory of Kathy Dill Derbyshire Marine Products, LLC In Memory of Eileen Honert Mr. and Mrs. David Healy Ms. Anna Belle Divelbiss Ms. Suzie Schneider Mr. David Schaper In Memory of Margaret Smith In Memory of Eleanor Tudo Masano Bradley In Memory of Thomas Doerner Ms. Lynn DelPorte Palmer Township Athletic Association In Memory of Thomas Broad In Memory of Gertrude Ms. Kathy Nelson Hingley Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parillo


Officers Mary Stengel Austen, Ilene Wood, Julia Rafferty, Esq., Chair Vice Chair Secretary Tierney Community Activist Stradley Ronon Stevens & Author & Young, LLP Anne Baum, First Vice Chair Maria Kraus, Kim E. Fraites-Dow, Capital BlueCross Treasurer CEO* BioClinica, Inc. *ex-officio Leslie Stiles, Vice Chair PA Conference for Women

Members-At-Large Angela Ahmad Michael Hanlon Susan Mucciarone PECO Buchanan Ingersoll & Glenmede Rooney PC Maria Pajil Battle Sue Perrotty Retired, AmeriHealth Deborah Hassan BAC Services, LLC Caritas Retired, Deloitte & Touche Catherine Pullen LLP Stacy L. Broad Savills Studley Friedman Law Group Ellen Horan Dianne Rotwitt Greater Reading Chamber Christopher Cashman Philanthropist Retired, Independence of Commerce and Industry Sandy Sheller Blue Cross Grace Killelea The Sheller Family The GKC Group Marla K. Conley Foundation Conley Fleming LLP Rita Lee Hon. Diane Welsh (Ret.) Retired, Shire Ann Donley JAMS Jebran & Abraham, PC Loraine Ballard Morrill iHeart Media Dona File L.F. Driscoll Co., LLC

Girl Advisors to the Board Eve A. Elizabeth S. Samantha W. Souderton Area High School Pennsbury High School Wyomissing Area JSHS

This list reflects the Board of Directors as of March 2016. USEFUL INFORMATION





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