MYANMAR: FSS Gap Analysis – SO 1 Food Assistance* January to May 2021 *This map is based on data available at Township level. Information visualized on this map is based on data collected from 31 of partners which shared the 5Ws reports. Highlights KEY FACTS & FIGURES • Total 16 Townships (Kyaukkyi Township in Bago Region, Chipwi and Injangyang Township in Kachin State, Hlaingbwe and Hpapun Townships PEOPLE IN NEED in Kayin State, Kyethi, Larshio and Muse Townships in Shan State, and Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U, Minbya, Myebon, Ann, Ponnagyun and Rathedaung Townships in Rakhine State) have not been reached while 583 K achievements in some other 9 townships (Puta-O, Bhamo, Myitkyina, Tanai and Mohnyin Townships in Kachin State, Pauktaw Township in PEOPLE TARGETED Rakhine State, Namhkan, Namtu, Hsipaw Townships in Shan State) are beyond the targets as defined in HRP 2021. These townships require more accurate FSS coordination at ward/village level to avoid 514 K duplication while townships not being assisted require a specific attention from FSS partners. PEOPLE REACHED Total Numbers of Implementing 248 K Partners 15 S O 48% 52% 1 % of Reached and Gap by State/Region Types of Beneficiary Reached 100% 80% 39% 31% 33% Returnees 23, 0.01% 56% Non-displacement Stateless 125912, 60% People in Rakhine State 100% 100% 51% 40% Internally Displaced Persons 72325, 29% 61% 69% 67% 20% 44% Host/local Community 49782, 20% 0% 0% 0% Bago Chin Kachin Kayin Rakhine Shan Reach% Gap% CASH BASED TRANSFER Response Modality $ 1.2 M (individual) % of Beneficiaries Reached 38% 48% 58% 4% GAP Total (Reached Vs HRP Target) Cash Hybrid (In-kind & Cash) In-kind 266 K Contact: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official Production date: 06-Jun-2021
[email protected] endorsement or acceptance by the UN.