HMAS ’s Wreck 5 June 2008


(from Bardy Google, Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2012)

The mystery surrounding the fate of the HMAS Sydney has never been solved. Tim Akers says that HMAS Sydney lies two miles (3.2km) beneath the Indian Ocean, and that he pinpointed the ship’s location from the comfort of his home in Wetherby, Yorkshire. It is one of the world’s great maritime mysteries: how could Australia’s most distinguished warship fall prey to a poorly armed adversary. HMAS Sydney was a genuine light cruiser. A tiny, war-ravaged liferaft from the HMAS Sydney is our only physical link to Australia’s worst-ever naval disaster. Police in are investigating the vandalism at the memorial to HMAS Sydney. Of course, the greatest mystery in Australian maritime history is what happened to the HMAS Sydney. The sinking of the HMAS Sydney, and the loss of her 645 crew members, shocked Australians deeply. For a second time I have read in a Reuters piece a rather silly error about the HMAS Sydney II, the sunken Australian WWII cruiser. New clues to loss of warship as wreck is found off Australian coast. One of the ’s most grievous losses occurred in 1941. Jewish troops found on HMAS Sydney. HMAS Sydney was a battle-hardened Leander-class light cruiser of the Royal Australian Navy. This has been all over the news here today, though I suspect interest is somewhat less outside Australia:. This page is dedicated to the search for HMAS Sydney II. Is all really fair in love and war? It’s one of a raft of ethical posers surfacing from the newly discovered wreck of HMAS Sydney, the warship at the heart of Australia’s greatest maritime tragedy. After 66 years, Australia’s greatest maritime mystery is finally solved. Submersible robots will be sent to examine the presumed wreck of HMAS Sydney. From here you can use the SocialWeb links to save HMAS Sydney wreck found off WA coast to a social bookmarking site. Aussie WW2 ship’s tomb reveals the harsh truths of war. I’ll tell you now he is somewhat upset after almost 20 years of looking for the wreck. The recently discovered HMAS Sydney wreck shows that all lifeboats had been deployed. To read more about the HMAS Sydney check out ScienceNetwork WA. “I told them,” Carnarvon resident and HMAS Sydney researcher Lex Fullarton said after learning of the discovery of the World War Two wreck off Shark Bay. But there was no mistaking that the wreck before us was that of HMAS Sydney and that her damage matched perfectly to what we expected from the side-scan imagery. Famed shipwreck hunter David Mearns has located the HMAS Sydney in nearly 3 km of water off theWest Australian coast. The sad saga of the fate of the HMAS Sydney can finally be put to rest. Sunken wreck of HMAS Sydney reveals extent of the horrors suffered by the crew. The first dramatic pictures of have been released by the search team that found the wrecks of the lost Australian warship HMAS Sydney and the German raider Kormoran. Clear pictures of HMAS Sydney are expected to show massive damage to the decks of the sunken ship, but are unlikely to solve some of the enduring mysteries about the sinking with the loss of 645 lives. IN THE account of German Captain Theodore Detmers, the Kormoran lured HMAS Sydney to within “somewhat more than a mile” before it hoisted the German naval flag and unleashed the full brunt of its armaments at 5.30pm on November 19, 1941. FOUR former Northcote High students died when the HMAS Sydney was sunk in 1941. Edmund Büttner vividly remembers seeing shells from his ship smash into the bridge of the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney. The first photos of the ship were today released, with one showing a large deck-mounted gun. The first photos of HMAS Sydney have been released, and show the massive damage the warship suffered before sinking. The first dramatic pictures of have been released by the search team that found the wrecks of the lost Australian warship HMAS Sydney and the German raider Kormoran. The first images of a sunken HMAS Sydney reveal a shattered hulk with German shell holes clearly visible. The first photos of doomed ship the HMAS Sydney have been released, with its rescue team saying the images were taken about 2.5 kilometres below the surface. Experts who found the wreck of the HMAS Sydney, the Australian ship sunk duringWorldWar II, have released pictures of the vessel on the ocean floor. The legendary Australian warship HMAS Sydney has loomed out of the deep dark blue of the Indian Ocean to be captured on film for the first time in almost 67 years. That raises question now being asked by relatives—how did the Germans in life-boats survive while the Australians did not. It is an eerie sight sitting upright on the sandy bottom 2450m below the surface. Seeing the first images of the sunken HMAS Sydney was wonderful but emotional for the daughter of one of the sailors on board the ill-fated ship. GRIPPING, crystal-clear new pictures of HMAS Sydney reveal the devastating bombardment by the Germans—but are also testament to the heroics of Aussie gunners who never gave up. These developments had theWAMaritime Museum’s every support, for they represented a real opportunity for the wreck of HMAS Sydney and (as a necessary preliminary) the HSK Kormoran to be found in a specific-purpose search. Looking at the images of the HMAS Sydney that have been posted it is clear that the Kormoran’s “gunnery” was exemplary. After six decades on the seabed, the long-lost HMAS Sydney finally starts to give up her secrets. This is pretty much “Old News” (For us Aussies Anyway?). MORE dramatic pictures of sunken warship HMAS Sydney reveal how a few Australian gunners who fought on while the ship was shot to pieces around them may have averted an even more serious maritime disaster. Today new images were released showing five of the ship’s nine lifeboats lying near the wreck. ALMOST 70 years after our worst naval disaster, the mysterious sinking of HMAS Sydney is still provoking incendiary salvos between Germany and Australia. These all sat pale and ghostly on the sea floor, still proudly displaying their anchor emblem, white with a blue anchor on some boats and blue with red anchor on another. From 1991, academics from The University of Western Australia consistently predicted the location of the wrecks of HMAS Sydney and HSK Kormoran to within a few nautical miles of where they were found days ago. THE discovery of HMAS Sydney off theWest Australian coast has rekindled Phyllis Asquith’s grief for her long-lost brother. Wreck pictures to bear witness to Australian warship. The sinking of HMAS Sydney cannot be allowed to go unexplained. The discovery of the wreck of HMAS Sydney last month was met with excitement and jubilation for most Australians. News of the discovery of HMAS Sydney’s wreck has started a bit of a flurry of historical revisionism. For the purpose of this documentation, HMAS SYDNEY has been highlighted in uppercase white text, the German raider HSK KORMORAN in uppercase green text. The technology that found HMAS Sydney had to be brought in from overseas. I started thinking of a news story that broke here yesterday, a mystery finally solved with the discovery of the final resting place of HMAS Sydney. The mortally wounded HMAS “Sydney” limped off and her crew was never seen again. I remember my grandfather telling me stories of what every one thought had happend and the feats of the Sydney are almost legendary.