. •



VOL. 34. NEW YORK, MARCH 18, 1882. NO. 873.

Financial. Financial. Financial.

J. W. MlDDENDOKr, W. B. OLIVRB. O. A. ALBSRTI. AMERICAN Members Baltimore Stock ExchanRe. Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS. Middendorf,01iver& Co BANKERS AND BROKERS, 143 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 8, W. Comer German Sc ISoatb Sts., BrSINCSM Kot'NOID 1T95. Alfred H. Smith & Co., P.O. Box 227. BALTIMORE, mo. tncorponUtd utuier Latva of State of N«ia Torky 1806. Special attention siren to the nrgotlatlon of jtFor- liEUKUANlKBU 18TD. eign Bills of Rzcbange, Collateral Loans and Com- Bnoravkhs and printiks or No. 14 JOHN ST., NEW YORK, BOUDS. POarAOB AKU RBVByVB STAUPi, IMPORTERS OF fND^CA^ttS AND TELEPHONE IN OrFICK. fiEQAL TSyDElt 4 tfATlONAL BANK NOTES tf a< UlfUED STATES and /or many Rire<«* Diamonds, Fine Rubies, Sapphires, E. W. Clark & Co., 4aMnMiwnt«. and otiier Precious Stones, KNQBAVINO AND PRINTING BANKERS, or BANK NOTES. STATS AND RAILROAD EXCLVSIVELY. BONDS. SUARE CERTIFICATES. BILLS 01 No. 33 Soath Third Street, Pkiladelphia. MXCBANOE, DRAFTS. CHECKS. STAMPS, ic LONDON, 33 HOI3d on daily balances. 62 BEOADWAY. Railway Tickets of Improved Styles, Stocks, Bonds, Ac, bought and sold on commtflslOD In Philadelphia and other cities. DauOLAS Hrnry. Charles Seton Hrnbt, tnUJuml Colors, and Tiekett of all Kindi Particular attention (liyea to Information reffard- Member N.T. Stock Ex. Member N. Y. MIn. Stock Be WUhor tng Investmeat Securitiea^ Daniel WAKrixu). TUUSrSBS: Ja.s. whitblt, n. Oaklet Oooaall, Frealdent, Joa. W. Drezel, J D. Prince, Cruokr A. a. C. SYRB. Macdonotufb, Vlca-Preat., A. V. Stout, IlAKKY C. IjOOAN, MAYNARD JuiM W. R. Traters, special Partner. Geo. H. Whipple, A. D. Sbepard, vIce-PrcaldeQt, T. il. Porter, Wm. Malo Smillle. Vtce-Preat., Chris. Meyer, No. 96 WALL STREET, J. T. Kobertaon. Vlea-PresldeDt, u. U. Danrorth, Prince & Whitely, d. H. SUyner, Treaaurer, P. C. Leunsbarj. NEW YORK. Theo. U. Kreelmad. SecretarT. \o 64 BROAI>\rAY, NEXT YORK, ELECTRIC LIGHT STOCKS. (Branch Office* 180 Fifth Avenue). Banque All classes of ilailwayand Mining Stocks bought FORvn-a SALEa.Tiri Brush (Parent Company), American. and sold on Commission. J United SUtes. iiaatern. Private Tolenraph Wires to Philadelphia, Wllm tag- WANTED.-Bmsh (N. Y. Co.). roller. Centrale Anversoise, ton, Biiltiniore, Washlnfcton, Boston, Bridgeport acd New Haven. A N T M^ E R P E. A. Mauriac & Co., ekid-Up Capital, '^,000,000 Franca. R. A. Lancaster & Co., BANKERS AND BR0KBR8, BANKERS AND BKOKBRS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS No. r Wall Street. 66 BKOADWAY, NEW YORK, Fn-IX ORiitAK, President. Railroad, Mining, and other Stocks, Bondj, Ma., ALracD MAtiLiiXAr ((ir»ff4 Maqulnar), Vlco-Prta DEALERS IN bouKtit and sold on Commission. j. B. Von i>ek Becks (Von der Uecke k Marsllr). Plrst-Ciaoa Invealment Secnrltlea. Orro UtTNTUBUiCoraetlle-Uarld). B. A. MAURIAC, Member N. T. Stock KxchanM aOVKRNMENT BONDS, STATK, CITY, COUNTY SYDNEY BISUOP. M. U. HOWLANO. Smile i>i uottal. BALLUOAD & MISCGLLANKOUS SKCUKITIKS Ai>. KHAN'K (PrmnK, Model A Cie.) Bought and Sold on Conimlsslofi. Acq. Nottebohm (Noltebohm Krerea). Virginia Tax- HfodvabU Coupons Bought. n. UOA-sis (MIoblaia Loos). aOOJHERN NKCURITIES A SPECIALIY. JOH. Dak. PirHiu

THE 0H110NK1.E [Vou XXXIV.

Forelim Exchange. Foretern Excliaiiijc. Foreign Excliango. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., Schulz & Ruckgaber, WALI. 8TRE8T, BANKERS, BANKERS, 22 William Strret, NKW YORK. New York. OOBIIXR OP BKOAD, Noa. 19 & 21 Nnaaau Street, COBRESPONDENTS OF THE Issue Travelers' Credits, available In all parts of the InternntlouRl Bank ol London (Llmlled> Co., Drexel, Harjes & Co London. Drexel & world, through the M BoiTTB Tbiu> St. 31 BoQlevard HaussmaDi) ROTHSCHILD Mesara. John Bcrrnborg, Gosaler Sc Co., o niESSRS. DE Haiiibui-g. Pb

Canadlwi Bnafcew. Boston Baakers. miUii BaakerB. B. B. ttoaaoaa, rraet. A. K. WALkaa. «;aaaiar Bank Brewster, Basset & Co., Merchants First National Bank, «>r i;A:v\i>\. BANKERS, WILBIINOTON, N. O. • - to.ttOO.OO* I>ald Up. Capital. Colleetlons made on all parts of the United Btataa nwMUllth* Uon JOHN HAMILTON. No. S5 OONCiRRKS HTRKBT, ^nH!S*f«iHH>nt.JOIlN Mcl,KNSAN. iaiq..M.P. WM.e.Co(;BTNir,Praa. BBUirrH.PBiifoLk.OMk nVAn OFFU'B, MONTUKAL. BOtt'TOS. BANK OF CHXbLESTON, ttaORAB HACCK. Oeneral Manuar. WU. J.INUHAM. A«al>tania«n«nl Manxtr. MBMBSBS or TUR NSW YOKA AMD BOSTON MATIOMAI. BANKIMO AmoCIATIDM. BANKKRS: STOCK BXCHANGBS. CHABLKMTON, M. C. LONDON, KNO.-Tho ayili'«.liil« Banking Comp'x. SPICtAL ATIINTIOlf OITUT TO COLLIOnOVI. H«W VOKK-Tho Bunk "f Nuw York. N. U. A. AI.ao, Th« Maw York Assnor bnjrs and aalU Btarllnc <- Oralrra In (Hanlclpnl, Htnir. Rallraad and B. U. HAURV A. CO., t'lMit Truni>for>. luuaa Cradlu a'allabla In ohanm, tinlled Hlalea Banda. STOCK BROKERS. all paru nf tho world, mukoa oollaotlona In Canada anifalMwhrrf. unil iimui'it Dnirti parabla at anr or RIOUMOND, VIK<;iMA, tn onicva l*> In Scotland and Iraland. and avatT Parker & Stackpoie, Kallrnad Bonds and Stocks. Ac. Virginia HtateTax. daaorlptlon of fi>rolKn biinkinic builneainndartakan. ReoelTabla Coopona boogbt and aold. All ordacs M»w Yark Aiencr. 4M KxchKBca Plae*. prumptlyaltanoad to. BANKERS, MawTork Corraapoodaat. VBRMILTB A 00. IIICNHY HAdUK. I Airsnil No. 60 DEVONSHIRE STREET, Ohlcm«« Branch, 13M Wnaklnstan Straat. MERCnANTS' NATIONAL BANK. J. 8. MKUEUITli. Manacar. , VIRGINIA. BOSTOX. Collections made on all Soaihera points on beat

terms : prompt retaraa. Imperial Bank of Canada JOUM P. BRANCn. Prealdaot. Tower, Giddings & Co., JonN K.Oi.CN.s, Casta. Kbcd. R. tlcoTT,Vtc».Preet. CaplUl. $1,000,000. BANKERS, a.B. aOWLANU. Prea't U. K. WILKIK. Caatalar THOMAS BRANCH A CO., HKAD OFPICK. TORONTO. Na. S3 DKVON.SIIIRK STREET, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BRAtfOBBS: BOSTON. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Port Colborno. 8t. ThomM. I nKenoll, Informstlon on all classes of Southern Secorltlaa. at. Cathaiinat. Stocks axeoutad In Boston. Naw York Walland. KerKUs, Woodxtock, VVinnlpfki. .Man. Orders for especially State Bonds. Tax Coupons. Ac Cor- and othpr mark*'.. respondence solicited. Oaalan In Amerloan Currancj ASiortlnK h^chawa.

Aienti In London : I A«ont« In New York: BSSANQDIT. aai.TftCo., Ba.vk Or MoNTasAI.. C.Kas. A. Sweet & Co., HARRIS A RHIND, Wall Street. TS Lombard Street. I M STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, Promptaat attention paid to collecUona parabla In BAHKKBB BT part of Canada. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ApproTed Canadian boilneia paper, parable Id Buy and sell all kinds of inrestment Securities old or ourrenor. dUoounted at the Head uracaon 40 STATE STREET, BOSTON. outrltfht or on commission. Information furnished. raaaonablu terms, and proceeds reiuiitmi to anr Order, and correspondence solicited. United State* br draft on New York. part of the DBAUKHS IN GOVERNMKNT SECURITIES State. Clky, Countr and Railroad Bonds. li^cstem Bankers. Bank of Montreal. Baltimore Bankers. P. F. Keleher & Co., OAPITAI., - $13,000,000, Cold. Garrett Sons, Robert & 805 OlilVK STREET, ST. LOUIS, mio^ •VRPLUS, • 6,000,000, Oold. BANKERS, First-olasfl Western Investment 8ecnrttle> for •ale. 8t. Louis City and Htaten of Missouri. Kant««, C. F. SMITHERS, President. No. 7 SOUTH STREET, Texaa, ArkHnsaa and Colorado Boiui.it a speclaltTe W. J. BUCHANAN, Oeneral Manager. Fall Information Kiven In reference to same on ap- BALTIMORE. lloatlon. Coupons and dividends collected. DOMESTIC AND I OR IfEir YORK OfFICS, TRANSACT A OENERAL EIQN BANKINO BUSINESS. No*. S9 & 61 WALL tiTREBT. John V. Hogan & Co., Waltkr Watson. ( .irani. Seth H. Whiteley, 113 Na Third Street, St. Lonla, Mo.. DEALEBa I.V Bnr and tall StarlInK Bzchanga. France and Cable BANKER AND BROKER, TnuufansKTant Commercial and Travelers Credits No. 27 GERMAN STREET, Western and Southwestern Municipal and Railroad Issne drafts Bonds or Stocks. •aliabU In anr part of the world : on P. 0.60x313. BtldTlinORE. and maka oolleetlons la Chlcaco and throushoiit Defaulted bonds a specialty. Choice Investment Depoaltfl recelTcd Babjcct to check at slfffat. and securities alwayn for sale. Write to us before you Ik* Dominion of Canada. Interest allowed on daily balances. buy or sell any Illinois. Missouri or Kansas bonds. Stocks, Bonds, ^c, bought and sold on commission la any city. Parlicftihir attention given to Infor- lOBdon Oflice, No. 9 BIrchIn Lane. mation re«ttrdtn« investment Becur.ltos. Leo.vabo Matthkws. Eowart^s Whitaker. Member N. V. Stock Exch. Gzowski & Buchan, Wilson, Colston & Co., Matthews & Whitaker, BANKERS AND BROKERS. ST. LOUIS. MO., BROKERS AND DBALKUS IN Babxsbs A5D Stock Bboeebs, BALTIMORE. State, City, County and RR. Uonda A: Sloeka. TOROSTO, ...... CANADA. INVESTMENT and VIRGINIA SECURITIES a Orders reoelye prompt and i^rsoaul attention. speolaltr. Correspondents, Messrs. MuxwelL A Uruves. New Correspondence solicited and Information fur* attention giTen to Collection of Coromer- Turk City, and Messrs. Blako BrotoTl-s A Co.. New Prompt nislied. Cunnd^an all points In Cana- York and Boston. elal Bills and Kunds on N. Y.(-uRa«:4P0N'n«VT»—McKIm Brothers Oo da; Amertcan Hnd Hterlina Exchange, and stocks. A Bonds, etc., bought and sold. Oorreapondenta—Bank of Mew York. Now York Philadelphia Baiiltcrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., •ad A iiianca 3ank. London. Oko. C. Tiicuas. Jos. M. shokmakeb. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. FIRST MORTOA«E LOANS upon ImprOTed CalUornia Baiiki. farms In the best portions of Kansas and MIMoncl. Thomas Shoemaker, w.irtb from three to six ttm-s the amoun* loaned. & IntereatTand 8 per cent seml-annuHl. and always The Nevada Bank BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS, co'lected and remitted to investor frt.>u of charge. Over a milll<->n dollars loaned and not adollsr loat- banks, c.'lleges, estatea and private indl- OF 134 Soutb Third St., rUILADELPUIA. Savlilgs SAN FHANCISCO. vlduals who want SAKE and PROKITaBLB invea*- Dealers In all Issues of United States Bonds. ment«, write for circular and full Information. Mew York Agency, 64 Wall St. InTestment Securities a specialty. Correspondence Pres. John FBAJfCIB, Cashier. InTlted and titU Information upon flnandal subjects A. Pbescott. BDBFLUB, nrVEBTED" IN U. 8. BONDS, P. I. BuXkduake. V-Pres. E. B.PB£8Con,As.Caah. •4,000,000 OOLX>. furnished. CENTRAL BANK OF KANSAS, eSOBOB t.. BRANDER, Acent. A. P. Turner & Co., sccciasoBs TO nsuas Commercial and Trurelers' Credits. araU* A. FRKSCOTT & CO., gbla In any nut of tha world. Draws Kxohanga, BANKERS, BANKERS, Foralgn and Inlan^and makes Transfers of Monar Capital, S100,000 kr TaTasrapb and (»Ma. No. 207 Walnut Place, PUILADELPDIA. Goremment. Mate. Municipal and Railwar Bonds TOPBKA, KANSAS. TUK and Stocks bouKht and sold at all the B. and Prlrate Sales. Bonds of good but not well- tentlon. _, (LIMITID). knows railroads always wanted for Inrestments at CoBBtsroN'KENTH.— Boston. Natloaai Bank of tbe beat rates. Orders on marslns not entertained Amertoao STehanga LONBON, Head Ofllca, 1 Anstf Court. North Amerloa; .New York, National Bank and Ninth National Bank: Chleago, BAN FHANCISCO Offloa. 4« CaUforala St Southern Bankers. Preston, Koan A Co.: St. Louis, Third Nattoaal ; City, Bank of Kanaaa City and Mar- RETV Agents, J. Bank Kansas YORK AW. aehsmaoAOe. ehants' National Bank BOSTON Oorrospond'U, MasaaoliiiMna N. BX TaOS.P.IUU.CB, B. D. WILLiaHS. JKO. W.MIIXIB OHAI. B. MIU.BB. S. K. PBXXBU f STATE BANK, {C.T. WALAM UTTS. Aathorfud Capital, • • $6,000,000. Presldaat. t Uoorporatad I OMhiar. Paid np and Reaarre, • 1,T00,000. Thos. P. ^^iller & Co., German Bank, Transact a general banking bnalnaea. Issn» Com. BANKERS, areial cradlu and Bills of Kzokanga. STaiiabla la nOBILE, ALABAnA. LITTLE BOCK, AKK. all parts of the world. CollaoUons and orders (or Bpeelal attention paid to ooltecttons, with prompt CAPITAL (Pald-la) 9TS,— ramltiaaoee omrrant rataa oods, Stocks, etc.. at of axefaaiiga on oay of executed upon tba most (aror payment SURPLUS, ...... »I,SO« FKKD'K r. LOW. 1 m.„„._ Oorraspondanta.—Natlooal Bank of State of New Promi>t attaotloa given to all baslnaas la oar Una * " York. New Tork : Louisiana National Baak. Maw N. T.CoaaaaposiDvrra—-Doaaail,DoanaiLl*lawsoa A Oa., r. K. lcluntuaC r Ortaaosi Bank of Urarpoal, UTCrpooL and Ika MauupoUtaa vaUooal Soak. ,

THE OHRONKJLE. [Vol.. xxxrv. rinaiiclal. Wc§teni Bankers. Financial. SCHMIDT, CMhler Oao. A. IiXWIB, Pr J8't. A. L. UNION Mortgages on Farms AND First National Bank, Mutual Life Insurance Co. I Kansas City Real Estate,. U. B. DEPOSrrOEY. O V MA NE. - - - PORTLAND.MAINE. L,om8VILI-K, KENTUCKY. DIKECTORS' OFFICK NETTING SEVEN PER CENT collectlonB. Proceed 1849. 8pecl«l attention ulvento ORGANIZED Semi-Annunl Interest to Inyestors. Accounts Asset. *7,OT8 720 T8 promptly remitted at best rates. We negotiate Ijanson Improved and producilve (N. y. Standard) 648,497 27 solicited.^ Surplus farms In the beat portlitns of Kansas and Missouri Banks and Bankers - - 62 Death Losses Paid 5,645.224 worth from 3 to 5 times the amount loaned. THOBNTON. Cash. 83 THOS. M. THORNTON. WM. W. Dividends Paid - - - 3,866,361 Acknowledged to be the most SAFE and PROF. SOM, Insuring W. F. THOKNTON & 15,776 Policies In force. ITABLE form of Investing money known. (Estaullshed 1859,) $28, 915, 136. In un experience of m-iny years and loaning over AlVD BROKERS, a million dollars, not one dollar lost. BANKERS since Organization, SHELBYVILLE, ILLFNOIS. Paid Death Losses, We assume the responsibility of MAKIN'aONLY DOLLARS, SAFB LOANS; of collecting the interest and prin- ColiectloDsmade In Shelby and adjoining Counties FOUB MILLION remitted on I>ay of ?«»«'''„„ And for Dividends, cipal and remitting to investor?. FREB OF wid Proceerts Banko*Cpniraerce,New„„ KKKERBNCES-Natlonal THREE AND ONE HAl-F MILLIONS. CHARGE, and in case of any tr,'uble or delay in York. Union National Bank < 'nSl"°i!'-'^h^l„* Traders' Bunk, Chicago. making such collections, AGREEING TO STAND Nat.'.Jnal Bank, St. l.uuis. JOHN eTTibWITT, PrcBiUeut. Indiana Bar.kinii Company. Indiiinapolis. ALL EXPENSE and SHIELD INVESTORS, DANIEL SHARP, Vice-President. QDAUANTiSEO. ALL HB.N 11 Y D. SMITH, Secretary. FROM LOSS. TITLES NICHOLAS DK OROOT, As8t Sec'y. BONDS PROMPTLY PLACBQ. Write for circu- Financial. Actuary. A. G. MILTON, and full particulars, s'ating :vmnunt you would THOMAS A. FOSTER, Medical Director. lar Kimball & Co., wish to inv ston sutisfactory evidence us to ?ecuri- R. J. tiee, titles, &c. Adress BANKERS AND BKOKEKS, Colbron, Day & Field, JARVIS, t;o\Ki>iv & CO.,- No. 25 Naiwau Street, New York. LOAN BROKERS, KANSAS ClfY, MISSOURI. Thirteen Years' Membership in New Tork Stoot BANKEBa AND BR0KEK3, Kxclianffe. A.B.LOUNSBBRT, p. E. BALLABD CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RB. B.J.EiaBAU., No. ir Now Street, 130 La. (ialle Street, Members of N. Y. Stock Exchange. COMPANY (EXTENSION) NEW TORK. CHICAGO. C. chew, FIRST MOKTGAGE PER CENT DOND.. ]• Stocks and bonds bought and sold for cash or an absolute fifty-year bond, No. 7 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. on margin. Due December, 1931. RAILWAYS, Interest allowed on deposits, BUbject to check at Issued at the rule of only $18,000 per mile on BONDS, LANDS, &c. sight. extension to a connection with tho DANVILLE Desirable Texas Securities lor Investment cor- OLNEY & OHIO RIVER RR., and a direct obliga- Btantly on han6 WESTERN MUNICIPAL AND BAIL- tion of the CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS RR, ^ Issue only Si30,000. A limited amount for TNDIANAP01.IS DECATUR »& SPRING- CO. KOAD BONDS: being re- 1 Vl\

KBPRKSENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATKP. fEntcrcd, aocordlng to Mt of ConKresB, In the ye»r 1882, by Wm. P. X>ii«A A Co., In tlie otBce of the Librarian o IConKmM, Wucbtnglo

VOL. 34. SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 1882. NO. 873.

CONTENTS. these probably the most important was the exhibit of securities made by Mr. Gould to a few friends THE CHBONICLK. interested The Financial SItuutlon 301 TiiB Next Ccttim Crop 306 to a greater or less extent with him in sustaining prices. On)wth In Trunk I,iiioTm(Bo. 303 .Monetary and Commercial Mr. Adania and Kallroad Man- KiiKlieh News 307 The certificates shown are said to consist of 230,000 shares ageninnt 304 Connneruial and Miscellaneous of Western Union, 120,000 of Missouri Pacific, 60,000 of The Now .Situation lu Egypt. . . 303 News 307 THE BANKERS' GAZETTE. Manhattan Elevated, and 20,000 of Wabash, besides Honey Market. Foreign Ex- QiintationsotStocksandBond!! 310 | $10,000,000 of bonds of the and change, U.S. Securities, State Nfw York l

seller of his own specialties, and moreover it was Thi Comiibboul and Financul Chboitiolb i» Uaued every Satur- alleged that he had disposed of his share property day morning, tcUh llie latest newt up to midnight of Friday. because he was really embarrassed by reason of the heavy Entered at the Post Oflloe. York, N. second-class mail matter. I New Y., as | load he was carrying. The decline in his specialties,

TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTiON-PAYABLE IN ADVANCEi noticed last week, gave color to these reports, for it was For One Year (iuoludlng postage) $10 20. naturally expected that, unless Mr. Gould had some ForBlxMonths do 6 10, Annaal suhseriptlOB in London (including postage) £2 78 motive for pursuing a contrary course, or unless, as was Blx mos. do do do 1 8s, alleged, he was compelled by necessity to abstain from eulMorlptlons will be continued' until ordered stopped by a written ardtr, or at the ptiblicalion oglee. The Publishers eauuot Ije responsible protecting his properties, he would exert his powerful for Remittances unless made by Draft-s or Pos^Oiilce Orders. Monev influence to arrest the decline. The fall in the Gould A neat lUe cover Is furnished at Is 50 cents ; postage on the same 18 cents. Volumes bound for snbscribers at $1 00. specialties was therefore having a very demoralizing Iilverpool Ofllee. effect upon the market. Even those who had been The once of the Crboniclb in Liverpool Is at No. 5 Brown's Build- endeavoring to check the semi-panic wore almost inclined ings, where subscriptions and advertisements will be taken at the regnlar rates, and single copies of the paper supplied at Is. each. to credit the stories which were current. It is related


lion is accumulating in the banks at all the principal and the assault upon it was so fierce that it yielded

centres of trade, and they are becoming even stronger than readily, and as it fell the whole market was more they were before the panic. Hence money is everywhere or less influenced. The object of the attack was

abundant, and apparently no solicitude is felt with regard soon made manifest, and, as it was not renewed, the

to the future, except perhaps growing out of the possi- market recovered, and it was generally strong on Wed-

bility of political disturbance, and that event is so improb- nesday. able, or at least so remote, as to have very little influence On Thursday there was another revelation. Mr. Van- in unsettling confidence. derbilt, in a pubhshed statement, declared that the railroad In our own markets there have been not only the ordinary war had been practically settled ; that a pooling arrange favorable influences acting, but special events have trans- ment for five years had been made; and that the decision of pired which have tended to rea^uro the public. Among the advisory commission will be so eminently just that th* .. . «

302 THE CHEONICLR [Vol. XXXIV. railroad managers will accept it without a word of dissent. gold has been sent to Europe and the domestic exchanges Furthermore, he gave his views of the value of his own at "Western and Southern points are so strongly in favor of properties, saying that he is prepared and intends to pro- this centre that currency and gold are flowing hither. tect the stocks of roads with which he is identified. This Still there have been some shipments, as will be seen was important and doubtless had and will have more or below, but they are almost wholly to near-by places less influence among investors. But Mr. Vanderbilt has The Treasury operations for the week resulted in a gain, been accused, —whether justly or not is at present of no which is a loss to the banks, of $353,331 04. The follow- particular moment since it is widely believed—of per- ing will show the extent of the interior movement. mitting a ruinous railroad war to be waged during nine Receipts at anil Shipmentsfrom y. T. Received. Shipped. months, while he not only took no step to protect the Currency $2,247,000 $1,142,000 properties with which he is identified but was freely Gold 20,000 105,000 selling them, and thereby exciting the distrust of investors Total $2,267,000 $1,247,000 not only here but in Europe. "We do not know how far these of received statements are true, but they are at least believed, and if The Bank America $2,400,000 gold during the associated banks. investors who are reminded of the conflict, its causes and the week for statement of last results, now hesitate about placing implicit confidence in The bank Saturday was again made up Mr. Vanderbilt's present judgment regarding the market on rising averages for specie. Taking into consideration value of his properties, surely they cannot be blamed. this fact and the export last Saturday of $750,000 gold, the give indication But if the market had to rely for its main support upon following will an of this week's return. the action of Mr. Gould or Mr. Vanderbilt, singly or Into Banks. Oulof Banks Net Sain. together, there might be little confidence felt in the $ $353,331 •$353,331 future. Fortunately, however, there are other important Interior xuoyexuent. ... 2,267.000 1,247,000 1,020,000 sustaining influences at work which are quite as potent as Total $2,267,000 $1,600,331 $666,669 individuals. interests those exerted by Business are pros- * Loss. in nearly every section of the country railroad pering ; Foreign exchange is weak for bankers' and firm for earnings are increasing, and promise to shew large gains commercial bills. This is good evidence that the supply of the large figures of last year, and especially the upon upon the former comes mainly from bills drawn against out- net totals immigration is unprecedented, and this must ; going securities. The rates have now been reduced to this its effect agricultural even year have upon our wealth. points which make the export of gold no longer profitable, Furthermore, investors see that good properties are low, and unless something entirely unexpected occurs, it is not and they are evidently making liberal careful selec- and likely that any more gold will be shipped to Europe for the tions. present. The following will show the margin of profit in Another favorable influence of no little force has begun operations by cable between this city and London, the to be felt this week, and that is a revival «t the foreign table exhibiting relative prices in both cities at the open- for demand our stocks. This is a natural result of the ing each day. restoration of confidence in Europe and of the accumula- tion of idle capital at financial centres. It operates favsr- March 13. March 14. March 15. March 16. March 17. ably in "Wall Street, not only by increasing the inquiry for Lond'n X.T. Lond'n N.T. Lond'n N.T. Lond'n N.T. LoTui'n N.T. stocks, but also by furnishing exchange, and thus taking prices.' vrica. prices.* prices. prices.' prices. prices.' prices. prices.* prices. H.8.4s,o. 11772 117-72 118 117-72 118 116-38 118 110-98 118 away the dread of gold exports, which has so long hung llSKi D.S.SJis 101-53 1029^ 102-02 1025^ 10202 ioa« 102-02 102J< 10202 102« over our markets. It seems that foreign investors have Brie 35-07 35V< 36-17 38 38-54 36M 37-40 37« 37-10 37 2d con. 93-19 93-68 95-64 B5)4 95-61 been 82 70 «2M 98« mt 95H industriously gleaning in the fields of Europe ever ni.Cent. 132-92 181 133-90 134 135-00 1S3« 135-37 135)^ 135 37 135« since the Paris panic until their demand has carried prices N. y. C. 130-71 12W 131-20 130Ji 131-45 131 131-20 131 131-33 130X Reading 27-22t 52 27-46t 64H 27-69t 64« 28-G3-I- 58 29-06t 57« ! too high for sure profit there. So now they are beginning Kich'ge, again to seek the better properties in our market. These cables. 4-B( 'A 4-(vm 4-C«« 4-S o« 4-9()H purchases are not as yet large in volume, but have been * Expressed In their New York equivalent. * Reading on basis sufiBciently so to turn the exchanges in our favor. Whether of $50, par value. Note.—The New York equivalent la based upon the highest rate for the takings will increase must of course depend upon cir- cable transfers, which ordin.trily covers nearly aU charges, such as int erest, insurance and comiuissions. cumstances; but we are not at all ambitious to see pnrely speculative properties finding their way to Europe, to be The Bank of England gained £879,000 bullion during the week 1 10-16 returned again on every financial flurry. "We have an and in the proportion of reserve to liabilities. abundance of good securities which the foreign investor The Bank of France shows an increase of 6,550,000 francs gold and 4,975,000 francs silver. The following exhibits can safely talfe, and in so doing would secure a profit for |' himself and benefit us. the amount of bullion in each of the principal European The suggestion we made last week that the authorship banks this week and at the corresponding date last year. of rumors calculated to unsettle confidence should be 3fareh 16, 1882. March 17, 1881. energetically traced, seems to have been adopted by some Gold. Silver. Oold. Silver. of those capitalists whose names have been too freely used by reckless speculators. It is hoped that the investiga- S. Bank of England 23,172,220 27,890,189 tion wiU be thorough, and that it will result in putting an Bank of France 33,924.240 45,539,227 23,151,806 19,116,594 end to the circulaiion of such disturbing, damaging and Bank of Germany .. 6,758,000 20,274,000 7,285,750 21,837,250 baseless reports. It is probable that, if the investigation Total this week 63,854,460 65,813,227 58,327,745 70,973,844 Total previous week. 82.713.453 65,614,227 57,779,735 70,615,633 now in progress should fail to discover and punish the authors ly The above gold and silver division of the stock of coln»f the Bank of the particular calumnies complained of, the of Germany is merely popular estimate, as the Bank Itself gives do inquiry will at least have the effect of making people information on that point. more careful in future about repeating rumors of a dam- The payments by the Assay Ofiice through the Sub- aging character. Treasury have amounted to $48,235. The receipts by

Money has been in good supply during the week, rarely the Assistant Treasurer from the Custom House have been rising to the legal rate and evea then spasmodically. No as follows.

I .. .

MAnCH 18, 1882.] THE CMRONlCLli 303

OontUlIng of— LIKM KAitT or rrmDimo axi> khii, Dale. DulUt. V.8. aUver atlver Ootd. Tom mortd otu Pa—tngeri Natu. Dollar: Certljlealet. Xeart. Tom moted. Ptuungtn mil*. earrUd. carried on* m. $130,000 . •637.63S 4S $308,000 $21,000 Hut. 10 1875. .. 17.730.7'20 2,117,776,867 14,456,804 " 314.234,876 11. 563,818 47 407,000 1S,000 83.000 1870. . . IM.'JSl.OOl 2,300,553,656 18.363.367 023..0M.761 1877. ... 18,40.'..- " 13., 482,503 00 376,000 30,000 80,000 11 2,180.4i>».888 13,007,832 21IS.7.VJ.780 1879. ... l(t, 12 1.077 2.4;tl,M07,6.'i« 12,702.305 " 04 317,000 27.000 61,000 ^iw.^2\n^ 14.. 404.783 1879. .. li4,0T(l.fl7'J 3,l,330 10,578,042 382.787,1M • 10.. 471,337 19 362,000 27.000 81,000 1881. ... 32.606,204 3,700,811,378 18,08S,40» 446.316.555 UNMWMT OF rimBmo * ERIl Totftl... $2,814,801 44 $2.140.000 $182,000 $1,000 $533,000 Ton* The secretary of the Treasury has called $I.'>,000,000 Tear*. Ton$ moved. moved on* Pauengeri Pauengert miU. carried. earned on* m. extended 63, making three separate calls of $5,000,000 each, 1875. .. 11,000.073 6.909.503 218.270,502 187(1. .. 12.1'JIt,!>70 l,37:i,123,.360 maturing May 3, 1 and 1 7. The redemptions of bonds at 7,030.350 2.')0,3S3.848 1877. .. 14.M703H4 1,4.'-.!»,7«2,»31 7.758,123 244,314,440 the Sub-Treasury this week have been $1,500 of the 105th 1S78. . l«,M71,x:l7 1. Ml 1.100,152 8.041.074 247,27.5,166 1870. . 20,l(ili.r)34 .;,272,71«.185 8.261.565 20»,.M5.6e7 call, $22,900 of the 106th and $1,147,250 of the 107th. 1880. . 22,302,i;91 2,4-J(J,0:iH,73.% 9.805,i»«4 321,783,885 1881. .. 25,»14.3")2 2,90:t,85ti,Ml,'5 10,701..'i7« 364.805.113 We thus see that while in 1875 the company moved GROWTH IN TRUNK LINE TRAFFIC. only 2,100 million tons one mile over its eastern lines, in

Like all other railroad returns, the report of the Penn. 1881 it moved full 3,700 million tons, or 1,600 million sylvania Railroad for the year 1881 offers proof of a mar- tons more, a gain of 75 per cent in the short space TelloHS growth in business. Railway business reMects the of six years. On the western lines, running through a condition of general business, and this is quite generally country offering greater opportunities for development, recognized now; but it is only when we have the figures the ratio of gain is still greater. In 1875 1,218 million of a great corporation like that of the Pennsylvania, pre- tons were moved, in 1881 2,903 million tons, an increase of sented to us that we fully realize the magnitude of the 1,685 million tons, or 1 38 per cent. The passenger business progress we are making. The Pennsylvania may fairly does not exhibit such large percentages of improvement, be taken as typifying the general railroad system of the but there is a steady growth ; 344 million passengers were country, as respects the character and variety of the carried one mile in 1875 and 446 millions in 1881, a gain trafiBc which it commands. The system covers a wide of about 30 per cent. The total is not as large as in 1876, extent of territory, and its ramifications extend to nearly but that was the year of the Centennial Exhibition, when all the different sections of the country. The lines east the movement was swelled to exceptional proportions. of Pittsburg measure the course of trunk-line traffic, that Taking actual passengers carried the total is larger even of coal traffic, and the condition of a large and profitable than in that year, which offers the strongest evidence of local traffic ; while the lines west of Pittsburg, reaching growth. That mileage is not so great as in 1876, notwith- Chioago in the northwest and St. Louis in the southwest, standing the larger number of passengers, is explained by and all the leading lake and river ports in the section the fact that the Centennial travel was largely through bounded by those points, indicate the dimensions of travel, hauled the entire length of the company's line, through traffic influenced by the volume of agricultural making the average haul very much larger than it ordi- produce and the state of our manufacturing; industries. narily is, and adding more to the mileage than to the From the report, we find that on its eastern lines the namber of passengers. On the lines west of Pittsburg we company carried almost 2^ million more passengers and find that the number of passengers carried one mile has more than 5 million more tons of freight in 1881 than risen from 218 millions in 1875, to 364 millions in 1881, in 1880. On its western lines it carried over a million a gain of 67 per cent.

more passengers, and 2^ million tons more freight. This is All this relates to the Pennsylvania alone —one system of certainly a heavy increase in one single year. But when roads. Suppose we take one or two other roads, like we come to the mileage movement, which is a better indi- the Central and the Erie, which furnish similar traffic

cation of a road's total traffic, the increase is even more statistics, and see if the same results are shown. Turning striking. Thus on the lines east of Pittsburg the com- to the report of the Central we find that in 1874-5 that pany carried in 1881 446,316,555 passengers one mile, road's tonnage mileage was 1,404 million tons; in 1880-1 against in tons, million 382,787,186 1880, a gain of 63,529,369 ; on the it was 2,705 million or 1,301 tons more. lines west of Pittsburg 364,865,113, against 321, 783,884, The passenger movement shows 338 million passengers a gain of 43,081,228—together a gain of 106,610,597 carried one mile in 1874-5 and 373 millions in 1880-1. passengers one mile. The tonnage mileage, or tons moved On the Erie the tonnage movement was 1,016 million one mile, was 3,708,811,373 in 1881 and 3,292,991,330 tons in 1874-5 and 1,984 million tons in 1880-1, a gain of in 1880, an expansion of 407,820,043 ton miles on the 968 millions. The passenger mileag;e was 165 million lines eastern ; on the western lines 2,903,856,815 tons in passengers in 1874-5 and 200 millions in 1880-1. In the 1881 and 2,426,038,735 in 1880, ai expansion of 477,- following we have placed the figures of the Central and 818,080 tons. On the entire lystem, therefore, the Erie side by side with those of the Pennsylvania, and company moved 885,638,123 more tons one mile in have also added a column showing the aggregate each year 1881 than in 1880. A gain of 885 million tons of for all three systems. The figures are for the year ended freight in one year ! It is to be remembered, too, that September 30 in the case of the Central and Erie, and for the ctops could not have been an element in this increase. the calendar year in the case of the Pennsylvania, and As is well known, the crops in 1881 were deficient, which represent thousands, three ciphers being omitted. OMITTED.] of course diminished this description of traffic on the rail- TON8 MOVED ONE HIUI f.OOCS

roads during the last five months, while during the first Peniuyhania. yet* York part of the year the grain movement (remnant of the crop of Tear*. Ert: Total of all. Baiiof West of Central. 1 889) was also smaller than in the previous year. If we PtUtburg. PUUbure. would, however, see the full measure of the development 1875 2.117,776 1,218.020 I.404.0O8 1.016.618 5.756.423 1876 2,808,653 1,373.123 1.674.447 1,040,431 6.S97.554 that has taken place, we must compare the present figures 18T7 2.180.459 l,439,7ti2 1.619.948 1,114.586 6,374,755 1878 2.481.807 1.H14.100 9.084.355 1.324.763 7.555.025 with those of a few years back. The following tables exhibit 1879 3,06 1, 478 2.272.71(1 2.341.473 1.569.222 9.244.880 1880 3,29-,991 2.426.038 2.576.768 1.721.112 10.016.909 the Pennsylvania's traffic statistics for seven years past. 1K81 3.7"". .ill '2 !>o3.a")rt 2 70r,.16.1 1. 9*4.394 ll.2fl4.226 30i THE CHRONICLE. [Vol. XXUV-

PAaSBNOBBa CARRIED ONE MILE | ,OO0S OMITTKDl. to represent the worst form of political exclusivenees has PcKTuylvania. become their champion and leader. ifetc York Tears. OetUral. Srie. Total of all. We get, however, a glimpse of the East of West of difficulties to bo PiUKtnirg. Pittsburg. overcome by following the effoft making, through the 218,279 333,934 155,396 1.056,843 1875. 344,234 Advisory Commission of the trunk Imes, to 1876. 62a,208 2.>;».353 353,136 163,074 1,398,771 determine 244,314 316,847 1877. 298,7o2 170,888 1,030,831 even one point affecting railroad management. S«verai 1878. 292,725 247,27.7 300,303 140,326 980.628 269,515 290,953 1879. 314.260 149,115 1,023.843 months may be consumed in the work, and it is idle 1880. 382,787 321.783 330,802 180.460 1,215,832 to 1881. 44t),316 864,865 373,768 200,483 1,385,432 speculate on what may be the compromise which the Commission, whose members are probably Probably in no way^could the wonderful growth which as competent as could have been named, will has taken place in the business o£ the country be more advise, although it is certain that if their advice is either forcibly brought out than in a tabulation like the above. rejected, or fails upon trial, the work will not have been all The expansion is truly surprising, when we consider each wasted, because it will further illustrate the gravity and road separately; but when we take the aggregate of all, perplexity of the "differential rates" and even the most stoical must own to a feeling of astonishment. proportional freight problem. In fact the more the whole railroad situation When one has such big figures to deal with, it is diEScult is investi- gated, the more difficult it will always to grasp their full meaning; but they will serve to be seen to be to legislate remedies for the evils that are believed to show that statements that the business of the country is exist. Probably there is no assuming ever-increasing proportions, are supported by one who has studied these ques- tions more earnestly than Mr. indisputable facts, patent and to hand. When we say Charles Francis Adams, or whose opinions are entitled to that the aggregate traffic of the above roads has pretty greater consideration. And yet his suggestions made a few nearly doubled during the last six years, this may appear weeks since in a carefully prepared speech to the Boston a very trifling matter; but when we say that that traffic in merchants, at a public dinner, show that he is not 1875 amounted to no less than 5,756 million tons (one mile), ready to advise any exact regulations. He proposed a and that it has swelled to 11,294 millions, an addition of Natienal Commission of Inquiry, presenting a draft 5,538 million tons, we begin to understand what this means. of a bill which may be briefly

summarized as follows : Section 1 An increase of 5^ thousand million tons on these lines since provides for a board of three, appointed by the President 1875—that is the tale these figures tell. Even our most without the Senat^ to hold office five years, despondent friends, who see nothing but disaster in store at a salary of $10,000 per year. Section 2 provides that the for us, must acknowledge that a country that can show board ekall supervise inter- State railroad transportation, or that an exhibit liko the above, through a few of its leading to or from a foreign

country ; this supervision to be limited roads, has some vitality back of it. to questions of commerce between the States In the passenger traffic we do not expect any such and the operating methods which affect such commerce. Section 3 expansion as in the freight trafBc. But that there is a makes it the duty of the board to investigate constant upward tendency does not admit of dispute. The all complaints of discrimina- passenger mileage for 1881 on the roads here embraced tions or of methods made to it, in such inter-State commerce, and if the charges are is 330 millions above that of 1875. It is a trifle made or approved by any State or city below that of 1876, but, as already said. Centennial travel government, or by any incorporated board of trade, added greatly to the movement of that year. There the investigation, at the option of th« complainant, shall be would, however, be an increase even on that year, if the made at the place where Pennsylvania's eastern lines were excluded, for the Cen- the trouble originated; the commissioners shall be empowered to witnesses tral, the Erie and the lines west of Pittsburg all show summon and cause production of books larger figures than in 1876. Passenger trafBc quickly and papers relating to the subject. Section 4 provides reflects any change in the prosperity of the people, falling that the commissioners "shall in all wayt endeavor ofi in times of depression and rising again when a change to procure the data neressary to the gradual enactment of a» intelligent system legislation for the better takes place, so the movement in it from of national regulating inter- Stite year to year oSers a better guide to the condition of the railroad commerce" and shall report to the Interior country than that of freight. Leaving out the Centen- Department annually; whenever investigation of any complaint is made, special of it its nial year, this class of trafBc on the roads above fell from a report and findings shall be 1,056 millions in 1875 to 1,030 millions in 1877, and made and sent to the complaining parties, and in case of any violation then to 980 millions in 1878, which was the lowest point; of, or failure in, performance of duty as a common carrier in inter-State it in 1879 there was a small increase, to 1,023 millions; in commerce, or in case appears that in 1880 and 1881 there was a very decided increase, to any change in the methods of such work is 1,215 millions and 1,385 millions respectively. Compared desirable for the common interests, the commissioners shall give public notice to all parties concerned, shall therefore with the low-water mark of 1878, there is a rise and include in the matter, with of over 400 millions, or more than 40 per cent, which is next annual report the whole certainly a satisfactory ratio of gain to record within a specific recommendations for legislation. period of three years. This is all. There is nothing iron-clad about it. There is no attempt at coercion ; no making of "just and reaa enable rates ;" punish nothing to in- no power to ; but MR. ADAMS AND RAILROAD MANAGEMENT.. vestigate, listen, digest, report and recommend. Inno- The public mind grows more instead of less confused cent as it is, this measure has taken Mr. Adams a good under the continued attempts to solve the problem of many years to prepare ; and it will perhaps be pooh- regulating railroads. Of course this is due largely to the poohed by the slapdash people, any of whom could draft political movement, or rather the agitation which is excited a coercive bill, full of commands, prohibitions and penal- for political eSect against corporations. No intelligent ties, in less than half an hour. view of the subject is attempted in such cases, for they But Mr. Adams, although a few men are his superiors are efforts simply to gain popularity by attacking capital, in mastery of details of railroad management, is the and are very faithfully caricatured in the present New best qualified man in America to discuss the railroad York Legislature, where the party that haa been supposed problem, and what audi a man proposes must bar* March IS, 1882. CHRONICLE. 305 | THE respect. His scheme is a modification of the Massachu- those who " know it all " now, or those who think the only is only setts supervision we have often referred to, which thing wanted is to let drive at the railroads and make moral suasion—investigating; dispassionately, reporting them do thus and so, or those who look only for facts to quietly, and applying publicity, without other coercion fit some preconceived theory, would bo worse than useless, than what comes from the right in a case. It has for they would only confound the subject more. been of use in Massachusetts, and there is a fair Is the work of the right men probably worth to the probability that it might be useful on the larger aountry thirty thousand dollars a year for five years ? scale. Beyond this, the important part of his scheme The question seems ridiculous. The necessity for pre- is the acquirement of data for the gradual enactment liminary inquiry is more and more evident, for the of an intelligent system of regulative legislation. problem grows more and more serious. Transportation At first sight this seems a slight result of so much and distribution become more and more important factors experience as Mr. Adams has had, and so much time as he in our industries, the difficulties increasing, and their has given to its preparation, but it is always held to be settlement being not apparently any nearer than in 1872. the work of half a life-time to discover one's own igno- The only question seems to be, by whom and how shall rance, and what are known as "radical" measures seldom the preliminary inquiry be made ? The objection to any class, and accomplish their object. Usury laws are one new government undertakings is understood, and it was is laws of a prohibitory their failure notorious ; sumptuary never so great as now but, the other hand, interstate ; en another, and they have poorly succeeded character are ; commerce cannot be touched by any one other than the '' granger ' laws are another, and if they had been success- general government, and the tendencies of the times seem ful the railroad problem would have been disposed of to be slowly carrying us towards federal intervention of laws for regulating wages, the profits of capital, long ago ; some sort, whether we will or not. The fact is that the the contracts of corporations, and many that are supposed railroad has revolutionized everything. to be in the interest of " the people," have proved futile in just so far as they were violent and coercive.

There is no doubt that one great want in this THJi NEW SITUATION IN EGYPT. Within the last few weeks a change of quite a radical country is a better knowledge of the limits of legisla- kind has taken place in the management of the affairs of tion. Statute is far from supreme. It is itself subject to Egypt. The change was as unexpected as it was radical. unwritten laws which it cannot override, and our fiscal It was that matters in a very unsatisfactory and tax legislation might have been much freer from mis- known were

condition ; that what was called the National party had chievous erroi-s had the popular notion of the potency of risen in rebellion against foreign interference that the " be it enacted " been less freely held. Mr. Adams, with as ; Khedive was little better than a puppet in the hands of the much truth as sarcasm, remarks that it is not the usual way the that for Congress to understand the disease before prescribing so-called notables and army, and England and country.. the remedy, but that, although he has been accused of sub- Prance were meditating the occupation of the delay, however, in the threatened occupatioDr serviency to corporations, he still believes in understand- There was and now the National party is absolutely master of the- ing a subject before legislating about it. He quotes with France, if they not virtually much effect what Robert Stephenson said as long ago as situation. England and have let go their hold, have greatly loosened their grasp. The- 1856, speaking for railroad interests :

comptrollers, it would appear, have ceased to exist ; and " What we want is a tribunal upon these subject"!, competent direct interference France and England are " to judge, aud willing to devote its attention to railroad sub- whatever now " iectJi only. We do not impute to Parliament that it is dis- making in the affairs of Egypt is through their respectiv» " honest, but we impute that it i.s Incompetent. Neither its consulates. " practical experience, nor it-s time, nor its system of prr cedure " * » • are adapted for railwaj' legislation." » What we It wo aid be premature te say that the present condition*. " ask i.s knowledge. Give us a tribunal competent to form a is to regarded as a permanent settlement. " sound opinion. Cummit to that tribunal, with any restric- of things be A "tions j'ou think neceasary, the whole of the great questions clear light has been thrown upon the situation by a docu- " appertaining; to our system. Let it protect private interests " ment published a few days ago in the Republique Francaise apart from railways ; delegate to it the power of enforcing " Huch rei^ulatioDS and restrictions as may be thought needful and signed by the two comptrollers MM. do Bligni^res and '* tosecuretherighlsof private persons or of the public; devolve Colvin. When the decrees regulating the 4)0wers of the " on il the dnty of consolidating, if possible, the railway laws, •' and of making such amenameuts therein as the public comptrollers were promulgated, the real power belonged " interests and the property now depending on the system may to the Khedive and, by delegation, to his ministers. The " require. Give it tuU delegated power over ns in any way " you pli-ase. All we ask i.s that it shall be a tribunal that is comptrollers, who were, in point of fact, active administra- " is imparl iai and that thoroughly informed ; and if impar- tors, were supposed to be confined to the right of giving " tiality and intelligence are secured, we do not fear for the " result." advice. It was always presumed, however, that their This almost prophetic language seems as applicable now advice would have weight. The arrangement, it would as it was thirty years ago, and the railroads are probably seem, worked well, as is proved by the improved financial willing to adopt it as expressing their case, for they do condition of thei country. Two years ago Egypt was, to-

not fear the conclusiens of "impartiality and intelli- all intents and purposes, hopelessly bankrupt. Relatively,, "gence;" on the other hand, the most pronounced at least, she is now prosperous. For this improved con- opponent of theirs could not demand more than the dition of things the comptrollers claim all the praise.

application of those qualities to the problem. Mr. Adams, The centre of power is, however, as already stated, however, is as positive about the feasibility of this as now changed. It is said by the comptrollers that about its indispensableness. A commission made up of the Khedive and his ministers have been gradually men with claims on the party he pronounces a nuisance; losing their influence since the February riots of 1880. but the men wanted are —one with a thorough knowl- There was always, however, at least a show of authority, edge of constitutional and statute law, one thoroughly and they were able to go on witli their work and carry practical railroad specialist, and one political economist; out their plans. Now, since the uprising of the National as such, he names three good men; but he adds that the party, and the advent to power of Ai-aby Bey, the Premier only diflBculty is in getting the right men appointed— not in and Minister of War, the comptrollers can do nothing. finding out who they are. Men who are not impartial, or They are confronted no longer with the Khedive and hia S08 THE CHRONIC ;LE. [Vol, XXXIV.

the army and the merchants realized the imprndince of their Ministers, but with the Chamber and ; they nor the course it too late; but when disasters befell the crop, and it CharaVer and the army have not only refused to allow until was was evident the damage was irreparable, the merchants became them to collect and to ^dispose of the revenue, but have alarmed at the serious condition of affairs, and from the very assumed the management of the finances of themselves commencement of the picking season put forth their utmost strenuous opposition of the the country. Tn spite of the efforts for getting the control of what cotton was made, and comptrollers, backed up, as they were, by their respective under this universal pressure the crop was moved with unprece- governments, the Chamber assumed and exercised the dented rapidity. In regard to the influences that have affected the production right of voting the budget. From that moment the func and movement of this crop, no crop has been more generally tions of the comptrollers were at an end. They were not misinterpreted by people outside the South, except possibly that they were not driven from the dismissed from office ; of 1874. The drouth of that year was very severe in some had no more work to perform. Such country ; but they localities, but embraced a much smaller territory than that of tken, is the present situation. Egypt has shaken herself last year. Therefore, any comparison of the two years will cer- tainly mislead; besides, the planters that year free from the help of the foreigner and has assumed con- had not gone so deeply in debt; consequently the pressure en the part of the trol of herself. merchant)* in forwarding the crop was not so great, and it It is not wonderful that MM. de Bligni6res and Colvin should be remembered that this is an important factor in deter- indignant, but there is no evidence that France should feel mining the movement of any crop. When it is generally and England feel disposed, for the present at least, to believed to be large, and the estimates are continually being take any decided action. So long as the Egyptian Gov- increased, the merchants take it rather quietly, and the planters devote the time possible to picking storing in ernment continues to pay th e interest on the foreign debt, all and away gin houses, to be ginned at a more convenient season. But when and keeps free from internal strife and bloodshed, the crop is known to be short, every effort and device is used to and England will hold ofi. There can be no France encourage and coerce the planters to gather, gin and deliver in course doubt that England and France, the they their crops, and the cotton is hurried to market, where it can took, deferred to the public sentiment of Europe. be made available in paying the debts due the merchant. And Egypt for the Egyptians is in harmony with that Pan- as the last crop has not been sufficient to nearly pay the debts incurred by the planters, the efforts of creditors to get hold of Islamic idea which is giving a sort of temporary unity to it have been unusually urgent. all the whole Mohammedan World ; and if we could see The interruption in the movement of the small amount of the secret movements which control the affairs of nations, cotton still on the plantations by the excessive rains and over- we might discover in this new departure the working of flow, is of shght importance compared to the serious drawback that skilful German hand which is now all-powerful in to planters in getting ready for another crop. At this time last the palace at Constantinople. The occupation by France year a great deal of land was in a forward state of prepara- tion throughout the South, but up to this time little or nothing and England would have been in the last degree distaste- has been done in any section, and generally the land is so satur- ful to the Sultan. It remains to be seen whether the ated with water it will be weeks before any effective vvork can are equal to the task which Egyptian people themselves be done, even should the unprecedentedly rainy season give they have assumed. No one will regret their success ; place to the most genial weather. but should they fail, the final disposition of the country But this is not the worst feature of the prospect, for I do not will be a necessity. hesitate to say, and to emphasize it most positively, that for years past the South has not beem ia a worse condition finan- cially, into which it has been gradually led by the ease with TIIU NEXT COTTON CROP* which credit was to be obtained. The crops of 1879-80, To the Editor of the Chronicle: 1880-81 and 1881-82 were commenced, and the first two carried There are some considerations worth keeping (in view if we through, with credit at high-tide. Merchants were not only would estimate rightly the probabilities as to the next cotton willing, but anxious, to furnish planters all they would buy, and crop. under the influence of greatly inflated credit the acreage was

First, in comparing this overflow with that of 1859 it must largely increased, and all other influences combining favorably, be remembered that planting then was carried on by men of enormous crops were produced, going so far beyond the most large means and unlimited credit, who had 200 to 1,000 laborers sanguine expectations that extravagant figures made at ran- under personal control, perfectly disciplined and thoroughly dom, and often for effect, proved to be most accurate, and has organized. Now each of those laborers must make arrange- led to the adop tion of the most exaggerated ideas as to the ments for himself, and with most of them it would have been unbounded capacity of the South for the production of cotton; a difficult matter before the overflow, and it will be impossible and many people have jumped to the conclusion that the acre- for a large part now, as they have lost the stock upon which age will be increased every year 10 to 15 per cent, and hence they would have based their claim for credit. I of course do they predict with much confidence, before the crop is planted, not mean that no cotton will be raised in the overflowed sec- that it will be half a million to a million bales larger than the tion, for it 19 possible that a fair crop may yet be grown; but preceding crop; and so generally has this idea been inculcated the chances are very largely against it. Another point in that nothing but severe experience will correct it. To properly regard to an overflow, it is well to know, is this: If it comes comprehend the question it must be remembered that the cot- before the land has been "bedded up" it is much worse than ton is made almost entirely on credit; therefore, when times when it occurs after that work has been completed. If before, are flush and credit to be had not merely for the asking, but then planters have to wait about two weeks for the ground to absolutely pressed on the planters, as it has been for the past dry out sufficiently to admit of planting, but when it occurs three years, the crop (with reasonable weather) will be enor- after the land has been "bedded up" cotton can be planted as mous ; but when the reaction is such that it is difficult for even fast as the water recedes and will spring up quickly. planters in good circumstances to get advances, the crop, under Then, again, the preparations for the last crop were begun the most favorable conditions as to weather, will be a small one. when the "boom" was in full blast, the future was bright, and The South at present is beginning to feel severely the effect of merchants, through whose assistance planting operations were a reaction, dUe mainly to the actual inability of a majority of mainly carried on, were liberal in their offers of advances, and merchants to furnish the necessary supplies; while others who planters were equally liberal in accepftngr, and exerted every have the ability are so discouraged by the results of the last crop effort to put in all the cotton possible. The agents of commer- they will enter into ^engagements with unosual caution. The cial fertilizers were also especially active, and pushed their position of the planter now is one of extreme embarrassment; business with an energy never before equaled; and thus, en- for not only is he confronted by diminished credit, but having couraged by the freedom with which every description of sup- last year reduced the acreage of grain and having had it cut short PUm was offered, the planters went deeply into debt, and neither also by the drouth, he finds his actual wants greater, his resources

* In giving precarious, and prices of what he must have so high that a this commanlcatlon from an esteemed correspondent It mngt not be supposed that we agree with his conclusions.—En. dollar will not go near so far as it did before. Under soeh CUKOnCLK. difflcultiea the inevitable result will be a large decrease in aere-

I U .

March 18, 18S8.] THE CHRONICLE. 307

will &ff«ct that quM- The followiuK is a atatement of the aiports (eielaaira of are. Nor is this the only infloence that for three years specie) from the port of New Torii to foreign ports for the tion. More grain will be plantt^ than arrangements for week ending March 14, and from Jaanary 1 to date : past, and much of the labor unablo to make railroads XPURTS rROM raw YORK FOR THR WRBS. farming will And employment, at good wages, on the now under conntruction, and will not return to agricultural 1879. 1880. ISSl. 1S83. pnrenitH ho long as they can find more work on the railroads, For the week.. ».1.90«,.')75 •6,032.979 (8.32.^,390 •6.180,100 disposed Prev. reported. 55,664.242 95,521,068 67,393,592 57,939,563 which will be for fully two years. If any should be of the 19.991 •04.10a,663 to criticise the statements in rogard to the condition Total 1 weeks «61,.^04.S17 •81e.454,047 k75.7 their error; South a.H overwrought, time will contince them of The following table shows the exports and imports of specie extent and for that I am content to wait. In determining the at the port of New York for the week ending March 11, and possibly three, years, a of cotton crops for the next two, or since Jan. 1, 1882 : close and watchful study of the influences referred to will EXPORTS AXO IMPORTS OF SPSOia AT IIBW TOSX. largely increase the probability of the estimates approximat- Bxportt. Imporlt. Oold. results. For the preseut and near future we have ing actual Week. Since Jan.l, Week. Since Jan. 1 for time certainly reached the maximum of production ; and a the crop will Great Britain •T.-iO.OCO 90.602,298 $100,131 those who adopt moderate figures in estimating France 1S0.00O be most accurate. Respectfully, Jomi F. Wheless. Uennany West Inales 10.838 112.603 Nashville, March, 1882. Mexico 1,100 76,533 South America 05,000 20,453 83.917 All other countries. 16,700 4,035

piouctarBiClJammcvctallttglisTtllewjs Tetal 1832., f750,000 $0,863,098 $32,441 $377,219 Total 1881., 116,210 1,482,877 6,283,547 Total 1880., 128.6o6 1,252.200 31,608 873,257 Bnzllati .Market Keport*—Per Cable. The daily closing quotations for securities, &c., at London Silver. Great Britain $190,403 $2,078,151 $11,103 and for breadstuff* and provisions at Liverpool, are reported France 286,600 3,000 cable as follows for the week endintr March 17: Germany by West Indies 6.686 99,986 Mexico 9,455 176.126 London. Sat. 3lon. Tuet. Wed. Thurs. Fri. South America 6,175 25,540 All other countries. 4,684 51 Silver, per o» d. .Ml5l» 511516 5115n 51^8 Si's '8 Consols for money 1001 'is lOOIl,, lOO's IOII16 1013,8 1011,8 Total 1882. $190,403 $2,367,751 $22,316 $318,398 Consols tor account 10013,6 10016,e 100>e 1013,8 10139 1013,- Total 1881. 361.024 2,331,871 72,333 643,533 1,398,295 284.661 1,310,733 IVch rentfs (in Purls) fr. 83-90 83«0 83'95 S3-B0 X8315 83121a Total 1880. 93,220 5s ext'uM into3>3S 103^1 103% 104 101 104 104 U. B. the week in 1882, $7,852 were D.8. 4>«sof 1891 nsig 11J% 115% 1151a 115% 11513 Of the above imports for 4« of 1907 I2014 I2OI9 120>4 i2n>4 xll9>4 II9I8 U.S. 38I4 American gold coin and $7,404 American silver coin. Of the Erie, common stock 36 35% 37 87ie 37% nUuois Central 137% 133iu 137 138 139 138 exports for the same time $750,000 were American gold coin. Pennsylvania eiH omj 61% 62 6'.' la 6314 2733 27'8 23 29-'8 29=9 Anction Sales.—Messrs. A. H. Muller & Son sold the follow- Fhlladelphia & Reading 281a 1 135 xl34 131 , 1331a 134% New York Central 133% ing at anction this week : Shares. Sliares. 1 Merchants' Exch. Nat. Bk. 96 Liverpool. Sat. ifON. Tuet. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 100 N. Y. & Harlem RR 205 x 6 264 Jefferson Fire Ins. Co..l52iax 2 Bowery Ins. Co 216 Ins. Co. .191*193 42 Mech. & Traders' Ins. Co.l40 rt. «. d. I. d. t. d. t. d. t. d. 50 Broadway Trad's Nat. Bauk.250i4 30 Merchants' Ins. Co IIO Flour (ex. State.. 100 lb. 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 13 9 70 Imp. & " 134 Merchants' Nat. Bank. ... 132 Sonde. Wheat, No. 1. wh. 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 " the Repnblic.lSo $12,077 70 Jefferson Fire Ins. Siirinit, No. 2... 75 Nat. Bk. of Co. scrip 77ia»85 West., n " 10 2 10 1 10 1 10 2 85 Nassau Bank 101®100 Winter. 175 $8,000 Rome Watertown & Cal. white " 9 5 910 9 10 9 6 6 Leather Mfs. Nat. Bank.. I5OI4 Oirdens. RU. 78, duo 1891.110 Com. mix., West. " 6 2 6 3 6 3»a 6 41a 6 2 12 M.inhattan Co.,N.Y $1,130 New York Mutual Ins. Pork, West. mess..y bbl 71 O 74 74 74 5 Great Western Ins. Co... 51 Co. Oo. scrip of 1867 75ifl Bacon, long clear, new.. 44 6 45 45 6 47 7 Cin. Ham. & Ind. RB. . scrip 2OI4 $620 Indiana Bloom. & West. Beet. pr. mess.new.Vtc. 75 O 5 75 75 Pref and $49 5 San. Maubf.A Newark RK 30 BR. stock scrip 20«23 I^arcl. prime West. S ewt. 52 i2 53 33 6 54 25 Nat. Bank of Commerce. 1.50 $10,000 Western of Alabama Cheese. Am. elinice. new 00 (iO (iO 60 60 .235I2 13 iManUattan Gas-L. Co. . . 2d 8s, duo 1890 114 10 Metropolitan Gas-L. Co.. 165 Commercial autl ptisceHaucous^cMis. —Attention is called to the Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad Company's dividend of IJi per cent on the capital stock of the company, payable April 20, 1882. National Banks.—The following national banks have been —^The Homestake Mining Company announces its forty-third organized : dividend (for February), payable at the office of Wells, Fargo* 2,645.— Tlic First National Bank of -MitcheU. Dakota Territory. Capi- Co. on the 25th inst. Transfer books close on the 20th. tal, $30,000. 8. F. OoodykuonU, President; J. F. Kimball, Cashier. 2,646.—The First National Bank of Topeka, Kwsas. Capital, $100,000. BANKINIJ AND FINANCIAL. Theodore Curran, President : D. A. Monlton, Cashier. 8,647.—The National Exohanf;e Bank of Wankesba, Wis. Capital, 850,000. Keuben M. Jameson, President ; Walter P. Sawyer, Bonds. Cashier. 2,648.—The Fereus Falls National Bunk, Minnesota. Capital, $50,000. The policy of the Government in making successive calls of E. D. Dyar. I'rcsldent : E. A. .lewett. Cashier. 2,619.—The Clti7.ens' National Bank of Parkersbnrg, West Va. Capital. bonds for redemption will render it necessary for many holders $100,000. Arthur I. Boreman, Pi-csldcut; C. H. Shattuck, Cashier. to re-invest, during the coming year, money now lying in safes In accordance with act of Congress, approved February 17, 1882. the and vaults in the form of old issues of bonds, which have Dame of " The National Mechanics' Bunking Association of New York " il changed to " Wall Street National Bank.'' ceased, or will soon cease, to bear interest.

Imports and Bxpobts foe the Wkbk.—The imports of last Government Bonds can be obtained at our office In any auionnt, at market rates, with no charge week, compared with those of the preceding week, show for commission. a decrease in both dry goods and general merchandise. The total imports were $3,223,247, against $10,912,977 the pre- Banking. ceding week and $11,175,252 two weeks previous. The exports in standing We receive deposit accounts of parties good ; for the week ended March 14 amounted to against $6,180,100, satisfactory references reqoired from those not already known. 96,676,353 last week and $5,965,154 two weeks previous. The Interest allowed at 3 per cent per annum on following are the imports at New York for the week ending average monthly balances of $1,000 or over. No Interest on accounts averaging lees than $1,000. (for dry goods) March 9 and for the week ending (for general merchandise) March 10; aho totals since the beginning of first Stocks. week in January : roBEien imports at nisw tork. We do a general commission business in Stocks and Bonds other sound For Week. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882. dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange, and Hi^on Pities Dry Kowls «2.739,551 «2.76-*.8l5 $3,244;629 $2,315,992 Especial attention given to orders by Mail aad Oen'l mer'diso.. 4.336,2«d 7.142.102 6.285,.^63 5.907.255 Telegraph from Banks, Bankers and othar lustitn- tious and from Investors out •f the city. Total $7,075,817 $9,910,917 $9,580,182 $8,223,247 Since Jan. 1. Bonds for 1882, cont«ining Do'ROOiIs (21.310.633 #29.175.271 »2fl.458.41.1 3 1.210.509 Our Memoranda of Government Oen'l mer'dlse.. 39,295,651 04.234.498 33.518.067 64.348,768 valuable information on many subjects, can l>e obtained by all for any Total 10 weeks $30,612,284 $93,409,769 79.976,480 t95.595.: desiring to make investments or to consult its pages P"P°'"- In our report of the dry goods trade will be found the imports F»K * HATCH, of dry goods for one week later- 5 Naann Street, New York. . : :: ; : .


March 17. Sixty Days. Demand.

Prime bankers' sterling bills on London. 4 85 ®4 86 4 881234 sgjj Prime commercial '. 4 83J2»4 84 4 M7i2®4 88 DIVIDBNDS: Docnmoutary commercial 4 83 ®4 83^3 4 87 ®4 87ia 205883 The foUowlna dividends have recently been aunoanoed Paris (francs) 5 IS^fl 6 le^aas 13% Amsterdam (guilders) SO'sS 4018 4014® 40i« Per When Books Closed. Frankfort or Bremen (reiclimarksl 9459 a 9,-, 9339® gs^ Kame of Company. cent. Payable. (Days inclusive.) United States Bonds. —Government securities have met with Batlruadci. a good demand and prices have been steady, except that the Mar. 31 to April 17 •Chic. Mil.

but the gentlemen were satisfied. . It followed that there were * This is the price bid at the morning board : no sale was made. various comments on this original action, and many believed in State that it was taken with some shrewd purpose; but however that State and Railroad Bonds.—The transactions bonds on another may be, there is little doubt that it has had a good deal of influ- have been moderate, and the quotations are given Legislature ence on the market, since it appeared as a virtual declaration page. The Governor of Tennessee has called the that Mr. Gould was a bull on stocks. together to meet next month and consider the debt question. The money market has been quite easy at 4@6 per cent for Railroad bonds have been reasonably active at advancing .call loans to stock borrowers, and 2@3 per cent to government prices. The bonds of a speculative character have advanced the bond dealers. Prime commercial paper quoted at 5@8 per cent. most.with the large rise in stocks, but with regard to many of The Bank of Enj^land weekly statement on Thursday showed the good bonds it is worth while for investors to observe that ;a gain of f879,000 in specie, and the percentage of reserve was their prioes are now low as compared with the range of the 42 7-16, against 40 3-16 last week; the discount rate remains at whole year 1881, and when confidence is fully re-established in 4 per cent. the stock market, bonds are likely to advance. Off our Board The Bank of France gained 6,550,000 francs gold and 4,975,- list the new 6 per cent first mortgage bonds of N. Y. Chic. & 000 francs silver. St. Louis are quoted at 79@80 for $10,000 lots, and Mexican The statement of the New York City banks, issued on March 11, Central first mortgage 7s at 77 in Boston. «howed a gain of $3,305,875, they having a surplus reserve of Railroad and Miscellaneons Stocks.—This has been a week .$687,825 above the legal requirement, against a deficiency of of pretty steady recovery, the tone growing stronger in the .$2,618,050 on March 4. past two days and the market closing active to-day.with a feel- The following table shows the changes from the previous week ing that was akin to buoyancy It is impossible to say how far *nd a comparison with the two preceding years the leading bears have covered their short sales, but while some may stand out we are inclined to believe that there has been a 1882. JOiffer'nces fr*ni 1881. 1880. large buying for the short account in the past two days. Some March 11. previous week. March 12. March 13. of the foreign banking houses report that there has recently lioansanddi^. $313,715,800 Dec.$6,962,000 $296,252,900 $297,256,900 been a good demand for American stocks and bonds from Bpeole 55,888,500 Inc. 2,608,700 53,863,000 57.927,900 the better supply of bankers' bills CSroulatlon... abroad, and this accounts for 19.990.600 Deo. 35,600 13,466,100 20,967,100 buyers were Set depoBltt! 236.012,700 Deo. 4,631.100 271,668,800 270,381.000 here. But it has wholly been the case that foreign I/egal tenders. 16,310,000 Deo. 400,600 12,466,600 11,652,400 most active when securities were high here and not when our confidence JLegal reserve. $71,510,673 Deo.$l ,157.775 $67,917,200 $67,595,250 markets were depressed, as the English have so much Beserve held 72,198.500 Inc. 2,148,100 68,334,600 69,580,300 in Yankee shrewdness that they are inclined to take what is in good demand among the home purchasers. Aside from the Surplus $687,825 Inc .$3,305,975 $447,400 $1,985,050 points noticed in the introductory remarks above, there have Exchange.—There has been more activity in exchange, and been few developments of fact this week having any import- from the larger supply of bankers' bills there is every reason to ant bearing on the actual value of stocks. The Chicago Mil- conclude that the outward movement of stocks and bonds is con- waukee & St. Paul statement for 1881 is very good, and the siderable. To-day, on usual business, the rates for prime dividend on both classes of stock is better than had been bankers' sterling are 4 84?4@4 85, and for demand 4 88^(g) rumored a short time ago. The railroads of the Northwest are 4 88%, with cable transfers 4 89^@4 89%. The actual rates for doing a remarkably good business, and, when compared with •Continental bills are as follows: Francs, 5 14%@5 15% and the small earnings of the winter months in 1881, their reports 5 19%@5 205/8; marks, 9iYe@9i% and 95>^@95%; and guilders present a marvellous increase. The annual dividend paid to the 40 and 40^. New York & Harlem stockholdsrs from the profits of the city In domestic bills, New York exchange was quoted to-day as lines (Fourth Avenue horse cars), not leased to the New York follows at the places named: Savannah, buying %, selling ^@ Central & Hudson River Railroad, is this year 2 per cent. It %; Charleston, buying %@3-16 premium, sellmg % premium; was 3 per cent annually in prior ysars. New Orleans, commercial 50(gi75 premium; bank, 200 premium The New York Lake' Erie & Western Road has given out no Chicago, 758180 premium; Bohton, 17®20 discount. report of earnings since September last, and this very circum- Quotations for foreign exchange are as follows, the outside stance enabled the parties makinj? evil reports of the company k prices being the posted rates of leading bankers finances to gain credence more easily. ..

Maboh 18, 1H82.1 THE CHRONICLK 30»


Por FaU DAILY HIOHB8T AND LOWRHT PRIOBB, Rang* RinM Jan. 1, iwn. Year 1881. STOCKS. Sales nf Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. TharBl 4}^ 46 46% 47 46% 47% 47% 49 6,710 44 Feb. 5asi Jan. 50 80

I riiAi Fiitu .\: Mtniicsota 15 Feb. 21 Jan. 16 40% i'lnlittt Iowa 20% 29% 28% Mar. 37 % Jan. 31 45 C'iMiii-ulot New Jersey 80 86 74>t 80 78% 7!) . 76% 83 80% 84 . 81 86% 249.676 74% Mar. 87% Feb. 82% 113 <'<>nlr»l I'aiino a7S 88 87% 88^ 88% 89% 88% 90 89% 80% 88% 91 17,770 80 Feb. 84% Jan. 80% 1 ^% 70 Feb. Feb. Charlotte Cdliimbia <)t Angasta "21 76% Gbesapuake A Ohio "•ii" "n sT'iiH "ii" •J'i "iji" "2'i%'2i% 23', ii2"6"6 19% Mar. 26 Jan. 2'6"< 33V Do latpret •JS>i 83 29>t 2'JS: 30% 30% 30 31 •30 32 33 33 980 28 Mar. 37% Jan. 82 »4 48% Uo ad pre! •JO", 'JM 22 22 ••22% 25 •21% 24 •21% 22% '22% 22% 71 21 Mar. 26% Jan. 23 88 V idt Alton ViT-, I'^BKi l'27Sll30 •127 .... 1'28 130 120% IJH", 130 181 632 127% Mar. 135% Feb. 127 168 129 130 1'28% 130 130^4 131 1.30% 138 B,8.S0 > Burlington A Qnlncy 128 rj«>, l'27Sl 129 127% Mar. 138 Jan. 1.33% 182 S> 110 > Milwaukee * Bt. Paul lOH'slOlti* 108Vi!0»'» 109% 110% 111% 111% 112% 111% 113% 103.032 104% Jan. 113% Mar. 101% 128% Do pr«( lia-a 1111% 119Sll'20 l'20% 1-Jl 121 121 121% 121% 121% 123 1,500 119% Jan. 123 Jan. 110', 140 '.2:' 131 Obleago A Northweetem VJH\ VM'i 13(1% 130% '4 131% 131% 131% 133 24,310 121 Jan. 136 Feb. 117 130 Do pref.. 138 I^IS 137H 13!l 139% 140 138% 140 139 139% 139% 140% 4,460 136% Jan. 145 Feb. I31'i 147 *» 130 l.'JO OhIeacoKook Ul. A Paclho Via I'.'l) 130 131% 131% 132 131 133% 466 129 Mar. 133 Jan. 1'29 148S QiloaKoHt. L.A Newurleana.. •70 7,) •72 75 77 79 3S0 68 Mar. Feb. 40 88 .36 OhloacoStb Paul Mlun. A Oin.. 303 30 -s .S2 32% 32% 32 33% 33% 33% 33% S, 14,2(M) 29% Feb. ;t7%.Iau. 33% 61 Do prof 83 >s !>» 9SV 89Sl 99% 100 100 101% 101% 101% 101% 103 20,745 87 % Feb. 1(13 Mar. 81 109 <» 46 45 47 48--, 48% 48% Cincinnati SMirtnaky A ('lev "74" "74' 1,700 44 Mar. 57% Jan. 41% 88%. Clovt'liiml (.'ol. (-'in. A 1ml , 79 75', 76% 78 77% 78% 78 80 78% 78% 2,850 74 Mar. 84 Jan. 81 101>« Clevi'lniiiWi: i'litnlitiiK i^iiar 133 135 132 135 >133 134% 133% 136 30 133 Jan. 137% Jan. I '27% 143 Solumbta A (-Irceiiville.pref... 70 70 74 74 300 70 Mar. 104 Feb. 82 86%. Dluiubus Chic. A lud. Central 9's 10>« 10% los 10% 10% 10 10', 10 10', 1,700 8% Feb. 21% Jan. 18% 33 V JMuibury A Norwalk 63 6.5 100 65 Jan. 66 Jan. 60 77 Delaware L.aukawanna A Weat. llu-j IIH'4 II6S1II9 113% 120% 119% 122s 121% 122% 121% 123% 374,172 116% Mar. 128% Feb. 107 181 Denver A Jtlo iiramle 65 Si iTu 6H\ 5S>c 52% 5i% 52% 56 !S 54% 57 66% 60% 279,8'28 62% Mar. 74 S Jan. 66 113^ •80 •80 •80 82 DabuqaeA slonxClty , 87 87 80 83 Feb. 84 J«u. 76% 88 Kaat Tennesaeo Va. A Ua 1..., 11^ nu 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 11% 12 6,600 10 Feb. 18 Jan. 13 31 Do pref. 18 lU •IT^ 18S; 18% 19 19 19 18% 19% 19% '20% 1,734 16% Mar. 2(1% Jan. 23 33 Oreen Bay Win. A St. P., pref 20>« 20'4 200 20 Mar. 20% Mar. Hannibal A tiu Joseph •90 01 •90 91 •90 91 •90 91 •90 01 •90 91 00 Mar. 110 Fob. 44% alio" Do pref 80 81 Si 80 82 83 84 82% 84 83 84% 82% 85 7i2"di 76 Mar. 111% Jan. 94 121 Booaton A Texas Central 61 63 m 66 >s 65 Si 04 65'. 61% 64% 66% 67 68% 70 i,;oo 61 Mar. HO Jan. 63 106 Illinois Central 131 13:(s, 131 133 133% 131% 133% 13514 131%135% 135% 130% 11.101 1'27'4 Jan. 137% Fob. I '24 148>» Indiana Illooiu'u A West., new 87 "a 3T>-j 37 37 38 38 38% 38 39% 40% 40% 40% 2,700 36 Mar. 48% Jan. 38% 67 >» Keokuk A Due Moines 13% Feb. 16 Feb. 14 30>* 1)0 pref 48 Jan. 49 Jau. 41 66 Lake Erie A Western 28 28 28>4 29 29 28 >4 29% 30 'a 29% 80% 30 33 4,3.10 27% Mar. 37% Jan. 32 86 V Lake Shore 110Hill3°s 111 112^ 112% 114% 114 114% 114% 116% 115% 116% 202,220 108 Feb. 116% Fob. 112% 136>4 iMOg Island 201) 48% Feb. 52% Fell. 44 63 IjOuTslana A Missouri River... 16% 163., 16 16 16% 16% 300 16 Mar. 16=4 Mar. 16% 38 LoalavlUe A Nashville 70 •« 74 73>4 74 H, 73 74% 70% 73% 72% 74% 72% 75', 150,340 66 Mar. 100% Jau. 79 110>» ItonlsTllle New Albany A Chlo 64 s« 64 ^ 64% 66 65 67 f.00 61 Feb. 75 Jau. 60 117'a Muibattaii 47 49 48 'a 52 61% 63 63% 52% 63 Si 53% 63% 30,800 44 Mar. 00% Feb. 15% 68>s •93 Dt Istpref , 04h 94>4 •93% 05 XP3 93 93 82 Mar. 88% Jan. Manhattan 'each Co 30 30 30 30 30 30% 31 1,141 25 Jan. 34 Feb. 18 68 V Marietta A cLcinnatl, Istpref. 10 11% 1,100 10 Mar. 15% Jau. 9 24 Do 2d pref 6 6 6 6 6 6 6% 800 6 Mar. 9% Jan. « 16 Memphis A ('harieston 47 49 47H 5OS1 61 82 52% 52% 62 63 63 65% 10,700 46 Mar. 82% Jan. 41 93 Metropolitan Kl**'t led 84 Si 86 •85 88 87 87 •86% 00 88 88% 89% 90% l,3'2i 84 Jan. 92 Feb. 77% 128 MU'hiKaii (.'entral 78's 80 Si 7l»'» 80% 80% 81% 80% 82 81% 82% 81% 83% 20,692 78% Mar. 90 Jau. 84% 126 1^ Mllwaukt'u I.. Hh. A West., pref 4ia« 4JSl 43% 44% 600 41% Mar. 52 Jan. 42 64% Uluueapolts A tit. Louis 20 20 19 19 20 20 100 18 Mar. 21 Jan. 23 30%. Do pref.. 60 60 60 • 60 60 59 Feb. 6 1 Jan. 62% 70V Mlaaourl Kauniw A Texae •26H '27 'i 27 28 >a 28 '29 28% 29% 29% .30 28% 31% 59,980 26% Mar. 39% Jan. 34% 64 Mifl.sourt I'.'icillc 87'* UO 88 92 91% 93% 93% 95 94% 96% 85 87% 241,900 87% Mar. 104% Jan. 86 114% A- ••23 MolilU' oliio 26 25 25 25 25 26 23% 400 22 Feb. 35% Jan. 18% .??'»• 1'20 MoniH .t l-'.wsex 21 119%1I9>« 120% 120% 122 122 Si 1,402 118% Mar. 124 Mar. 118 131 Kashvillo cliattauoofra A .St. L. 6S 5liS; i6>« 69 68% 59 59% 60 60% 60% 60 63 12,200 64 Mar. 87% Jan. 63 103 .30 New York Contral A Hudson . 12'J '1 129% 130 Si 130% 131", H29% 131% 180 131 130% 131% 63,841 128% Jan. 133% Jan. 1.30% 16S New York Klevat4;4l Mi •102 106 104 104 •104 107 105 103 215 104 Feb. ]09%Ja'j. 9« 130% New York LAke Krie A West. 3i\ 331.J 34% 35% 35% 3'j% 36% 37 37 37% 37 38 163,910 34 Mar. 43% Jan. 38% 62V Do pref. 69 >4 70», 73 74% 75 75% 2,830 I 67 Mar. 85 Jan. 80% 86V Hew York New Haven A Hart, •163 170 165 170 170 165 170 168 170 169% 170 36 168 Feb. 172 Feb. 164% 180 Ontario •2-i •22'.; new York AWesteru . 22% 22% 22 M 23 '22% 24 '23% 21% 23% 24% 13,420 21% Mar. 28% Jan. 25% 43% Norfolk A Western 22% 22% 20 Jan. 24 Feb. 23% 26% Do pref 48 Si 47 46% 48 47 47 48 48 48 49 48% 5U 3,680 44 '4 Mar. 08% Jau. 53 70 aclflo 29=1 30', Northern f 30 •V 30% 31 31. '4 31% 31% 32 32't 32=4 34% 10.093 28% Mar. 37% Jan. 32% 61 Do pref 6SS1 6»\ 68% 70^1 70 71 70% 71% 71% 72% 71% 75 12J.9.S6 66% F. b. 77% Jau. 64% 88% Ohio Central 18 19 18 18 18% 39 18% 19% 16% 16 16 16% 6,800 15% Mar. 23% Jan. 21 37% Ohio MiHHisslppl.... 30 iv A 30 30% 30% 31% 32% 32 32 Si 32% 33 33 34% 4,t00 27 Feb. 38% Jau. .35 60 Ohlo^iuiitlieru •17'-. 13 Fob. 23 % Jan. 18 37 "6,;"'^ 62"' "65" '"68"' "6'7% V Oregon A Trans-Coiitlnental .. 61 6lSi "63% "tf3% "63% "eijii 64 1,900 60 Jan. 75 Jan. 64 83 Panama, Tnttti Co. certiiicates. 180 Jan. 195 Jan. 190 200 Peoria Decatur A KvAiisville... "25 ^ '2i\ '25% 27' "27" 27% "27% "28% "28"% "2"9"!4 '23"" "!2"9"% 6,900 25% Mar. 37% Jau. 27% 67% PhUadelphlu oc Kea^Uiix 51 Si ni-'t 61% 63% 63% 81% 63% 67% 57% 68% 67% 61 8i,620 61 S; Mar. 67% Jan. 60 74»« Plttaburg Ft. Wayne sll 111%111S: iV2"' 112% iV2 % il2'i.i 112%115 114% 119 3.9.10 108% Jan. 119 Mar. 88% 113>« Texas A I'atUrtu 31 Si 3J»4 34% 36Si 36 36 7( 36% 38% 37% .38% 37% 40% 84,725 34% Mar. 61%Jan. 41% 78V Toledo Delphos A BarliUKton .. 12 12- 12% 12»4 15% 18% 15% 16% 16 16% 1,200 10% Feb. IT'-i Jan. 15 88 VaionPacUlo 110", 112 1109% 112% 110%li;% 110% 112 111% 112% lll%113Si 63,283 109% Mar. 119% J.in. 105% iai*t, Wabash »t. Louis A PaclAo . . SOH 32 Si 31% 32% 33% 34 3( 36,975 27% Feb. 3SSiJan. 33% 60 Do 33% 33% 35 33% 34% 33% pref 65 56 Si 66 57% 66% 67% 56% 58% 67% 68% 67% 60 54,660 64% Feb. 71% Jan. 64% 9«%

AJnencaa l^iHtriei 'i'elogiuph .. 140 31 Jan. 38 60 Feb. 14 81 74% Colorado Coal A Iron 3H, 39 38 40 30 30 38 38% 38% 39% .38% 42% 2,913 38 Mar. 13 45'«Jaii. 13 35 87 Delaware A H mlsou Canal 103 104 '4 102% 104% 104 105 104% 105% 106% 106% 106% 106% 20,485 103% Mar. 13 109 -9 Feb. 20 88% 115 New York A Texas Laud 39 39 38 38 37 37 360 37 Mar. 17 48%Jan. 10 30 48.^ Orawm Railway dc Nar. Co i28" i29 130 130 130 130 132 133 1.026 128 Jan. 31 140 Jan. 18 i;u 180 PaeUlc Mall 3g>a 331^ 36% 39% 40 40% 40 40% 39% 40% 39% 40% 14,500 38 Feb. 23 46% Feb. 3 38 83% Futliiian I'liiace Car , 124 124 133 126 125% 123% 123 123 124 124% 134 12r 679 122 Feb. 23 146 Jan. 18 :'20 151 Bulro Tiiiiiiel % IS % % % 2,100 % Feb. 2 1 Jan. 3 4V WesLL lunii Tel., Mx-certlficates 70 « 77 »4 76% 78% 78% 80 81 82% 83% 234,627 76% Mar. 11 83 <% Mar. 17 77 93 £XPRK8t». 79Sl'8i% 81%

A4*in« , •140 144 140 143 140 140 139 140% 141%' 141% 140 140 285 139 Mar. 15 148% Jan. 10 120 153 American •82 93 93% 931, •02 93 92 82 "82 83 92% 93% 230 90 Feb. 18 87% Feb. 25 82% 88 tinlted states 731. 73'» •70 74 •73% 74 •70 74 72% 72% •72 74 86 72% Mar. 8 80% Jan. 26 51% 19 Wells, Fargo A Co 1'28 1-28 128% 126% •1-25 128 126 126 136% 126% 126% 126% 78 136 Feb. 24 130% Jan. 6 112 14a ^ COAL AMD MINING. Consoliilatlon Coal 29 >* 30 •26 29, •27% 29 •27%... •28 29% 586 28% Mar. 36% Jan. 30 4< Boaacatake Mining •17 18 •17% 18% •17 18 17% 18% 18 18 •17 18% 300 16% J an. 1»'4 Feb. 14 39V UtUe Pittsburg Mining •l-a l»s •1% 1% •1% 1% •1% 1% •1% 1% •1% 1% l%Msr. 2 Jan. 1% Karfpoaa Land A Mining.... 3 Jan. 2%J^.a. Xaryland Coal •16 16>s •14 16% if "ii •18 17 'IS 16% 100 16% Mar. 26 Jan. 17^ OnUrlo Sliver Mining x35 35 >i •36 36 •35 86 •38 88 SS 36 33 Jan. 36 Jan. 83% Penjisylviinia Cotd •237 343 345 245 340 Jan. 245 Jan. 340 Qaicksllver Mining •II 12 •11 11% 11% 11% 12 •11% 13% 11 .... 600 11% Feb. 14% Jan. 13 31V Do pref >56 68 58 60 •64 60 69 69 67 Jan. 6214 Jan. 68 BUndanl conaol. Mining .... •IS 15>g ii' 18 IS 15% 16% 16% 15% 15% 16% 16% "306 14 Jan. 17% Jan. 17% J?- Cameron Coal SO Mar. 37 Jan. 36 Central "•% Mining 1 •% 1 •% 200 %MU. l%Jaa. 1 Deadwood Mining •e-a 61. •6% 8% 6 •6 6 8% 8% •8 7 800 6 JaS 6% Feb. 4 14 Kxcelslor M Inine •1 ISi •1 1% •1 1% •1 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 100 % Jan. 1% Mar. 7 New Central Coal 16 16 '15 «18 17 100 16 Mar. 20 Jan. IS-* Robinaou Mining 18% S^ 8\ 8% S?, •3% •$% 3% •8 ... *S% 3% 6,660 2>4 Jan. 4 Jan. 3 RllvercUii Mining '.."'. 2 Mar. 3% Jan. 3H 'I* tofniont MInlny 1 ^ Feb. 1%F«». IW 4 • These are lu* prlooa biu and asked—no sale was made M the BwnL t Lowest price is ex.divldond. — . .. , .. .. —. .



Michigan— N. Carolina—6a, old, J.&J. 28 South Carolina— Alabama 28 Class A, 3 t« 5,1908.... 81 « 68, 1883 68, Act Mar. 23, 1869 ( RR., J.&J. 135 non-fuudable, 7 10 Class A, 2 to B, small. . . 82 78, 1890 No. Carolina 1888.. ) Class B, 5s, 1906 100 Missouri— Do A.&O 135 Brown con.sol'n 68, 1893 101 14 103 Class C, 48, 1906 84 "a 6s, due 1882 or 1883 100 Do coup, off, J.tfeJ. 115 Tennessee—Us, old, 1892.8 49 50 63,10-208, 1900 100 107 Do coup, off, A.&O. US 6s, new, 1882.8.1900.... 48>a 5S Arkansas— 6s, due 1887 108 Panding act, 1866-1900. 10 6s, new series, 1914 49 SO 6s, funded, 1899.1900... 27 40 110 Do 1868-1898. 10 S3 '92-8 18 78, L. Rock & Ft. S. iss. '20" 68, due 1889 or 1890-... 112 New bonds, J.&J., 6s, new, 1806 33 7s. Memo. & I,. Rock RR Asyl'm or Univ., due '92 113 Do A.a Tsl eDdorsed. 1886 108 6s, loan, 1883 Ohio— 7« irolil 1890 115 6s, loan 1S91 6s, 1886 RegLstored I^Qlsiana— Rhode Island— Funding 68, 1899 64 14 64 »4 6s, coupon, 1893-99 Do small ^,.. 60 Do registered"... RAILROAD BONDS AND MISCELLANEOUS SECURITIES. E.T.Va.

Sinking fund, 6s, 1903.. 115 2d mort., 7s, 1905 . 106 109 Ohio So.—1st M., 6s, 1921 85 871a Clarinda Br.—6s, 1919 100 Joliet Jt Chicago—1st m. G. BayW. & St. P.—1st. 6s 82 85 OregonACal.—l8t,6s,192I St Chas. Br.—l3t 6a.. t 100 La. & Mo.—1st m., guar. t... 117 Onll (5ol. & S. Fe-73, 1909 108 1091* Panama—S.F. sub. 68,1897 107 No. Missouri—Ist 7s. U19 119=4 2d mort., 78, 1900 t... 115 Han. & St. Jos.-8s. conv. 1041a 106 Peona Dec. A Ev.—Ist. 6s 1103 105 WeatU. Tel.-1900, coup. 117% 118 St. L. Jack.A Ch.—Ist ra 1151a Consolidated 6a, 1911... tl04 Evans. Div.,lat, 6s. 1920 1 102 1900, reg 117% 11814 l8t, guar. (584), 78, '94 II512 Houston & Texas Cent.— Pac. RRs.-C.Pac—G.,63. 1143. 114', N. W. TelBgrapli-7s, 1904 105 2dm. (3001,78, 1898.. lat mort., 1. gr.. 78 IUt, 112 San Joaquiu Branch.. 112 Spring Van W. W.—lat, 68 2d, guar. (188), 7s, '98. Ist mort.. West. Div., 7s 107 107 »4 Cal.A Oregon— 1st m.. 1031a Oregon RR. ANav.—lst,6s 106=8 106% Miss.R.Br'ge—l8t,8.(. Os 1st mort.,Waco & N., 7s till State Aid bond3,73,'84 BONDS. 103 INCOME C.B.&Q.—8p.c., Istm 14 104 2d, consol., main line, 83 115 Land grant bonds, 6s. 106 {Interest payable if earned.) Consol mort., 7b, 1903.. 125 126 2d, Waco & N., 89, 1915 West. Pac—Honda, 6s 1110 112 Ala. Cent—Inc. 8s, 1918. 101 lOl' 58, Binking fund, 1901 Gen. mort., Os, 1921-. So. Pac. of Cal.— Ist, 6a ,\tl. A Pac— Inc., 1910.. Iowa Div.—S.r.,5a,1919 Hous.E.&W.Tex.-lst, 107 Union Pacific- latmort. 1151^ Centrivlof N. J.—1908..-. 93 Iowa Div.—S.F.,48,1919 187 "a 88 Ill.Cent.—Dub.A S. C, Ist Land grants, 78, '87.9- 115 ChicStL.AN.O.-2,l,1907 100 1-29 '93 117=8 C. R.I.& P.-68,coup.,1917 Dab. & S. C, 2d Div., 7s , Sinking funds, 8s, Col.Chic.AI.C.-Inc.7s,'90 62 6s, 1917, registered tl27 Ced. F. & Minn.—Istm. tHO Registered 88, 1893... 118 Centla.—Coup. deb. certs 7S Keo.

MAiicn 18.1883.) THE OHRONIOLE. 311

New York Local SecnrltMk ({noUtloBB IB BostoB, PhllsdelphlB aad BaUlmor*. laanraoce Miock l>lal. aaotramn. BM Ask. asoirarma. BM. AAk. Bnak 8l«ck LlaC. [Quotations br K. 8. BAir.sr, Broker, No. 7 Pine Street.) Cam. A At ..roas., Ip. c lowi yam. A Uanlaatoa Co. •a,'*!. PUICK. BOBTON. OOMCANinl. Phioi. atob. A Topeka tst n.7s I1«H Cauwissa Ist, 's, oonv., 'n. . do chat, m., lOa, *W .. COMPAXIM. Par. do landgraotls For. land Inc. Da.. do new7s IWO ll«M tlarktd thut (•) an BM. Aik. Bid. A$k. do not NatUnuU. Atlantic raclB'-.ts Coanectlng (s, IM0-M04 1I8M A ghartlsra Val..Utm.1a.C.,IMr. o IBcome . BO 140 180 Amerlo* lOU IMH ttoston A Maine Is elaware mort.. te, vanoas. Am. KxohiuiKe. 100 lasw Amartoan Bxobaogfl 100 10} no jostons Albany 7s Dal. A Bound Br., Ist, 7s, 1MB US gowtty 100 Bowtrjr an aiiu do M Bast Pnnn. lat mort. 7b, "W .. ,. rondwur SB aao Broadwar an ISO luS doston A Loweina SLA W'maport, lat in.,7s,'W. 119 17 IW lOS do Sa.perp Butohars' & Dror'n' M Brooklyn do fts Ouitral 100 ritlMiu' ao I8U 101) boston A Providence 7s Bastoo A Am'i>oy, fla 70 ISO U'S "tut... 103 100 City iinrl. AMo.,landgrant7i.... Harrlaburg lat mor*. •s, Ch»M ISO Qjialblm M Cltnton 100 Ida do Nehr.Ss Ei 112 H. A B. T. Ist m. 7s, gold, 10. Onenilcal 100 80 BO do Nebr.Ss 104 do cons. m. OS, 19*5.... -so us US Citlsttiu* Ci>mnierclal do Nebr.ts IthacaA Athsnslst g I0. ISOM Kit.'.t Klvor as Kurravut Kltchborg UB.,«s do m. 7a, KleviMilh W»T<1«.... as Ftremea'B 17 ss »a 7s do con. m., Ia,rg,JUS 10 103 114 do ^fth 100 Klr«man's TniBt Scott 7s too do do aa,(p„lfd 100 120 Fort A OuK lot ilO« th Avenue* too Franklin A Bmp.... 110 Hartford A Krle 7a 48*< Little Hchnylklll, 1st m. 7s,*S American . 100 lf)S IM N.O. Pac. lit m..«a, 1990 ... lOU Q«rflUUi- K. City iJiwrence A So. Sa. .. 104 so IBS ItH) North. Penn. lat m. Ss, ep.t'SB ii»M'io«' mth.V....'."."!!!; 100 US Kan.(5lty,8t. Jo.AC. B.lB. . 119 BO laj 128 ilton 80 Globe Little Kit A Ft. 8ir.lth,'!s,lst 110 do ]dm.'s,cp.,'N. Uroenwlob as SJO 300 do gen. m. 7a, cp., 1908. su , is ?8>» 79 jllatio 70 Mexican Central •rman American* 79 100 New York A New Eng.ai....t io:t5!'.04 do gen.ro.7s,reg., IKH 18 .3S ISO as, .. Serman Kxohanjce* 100 do T ... !»«.... do new loan reg so ISO IBS 9enii«nla* 100 Hanover New Mexico A So. Pac. It...... Ill Narf*kAWest.,gen. m.,gdensburg A Lake Cfa. 6i. . HanoTcr 100 133 100 143 \t.U MtUb. Tltosv. A B., 7t, cp.,'9e Imp. an» Mercitntlle 100 Lorlllard as BO 65 101 • o do coip., 1920 100 105 120 Boston A Lowell. tOSH Mer<'hiint«* so 130 Manufac'rs' A Build. Maine Perklomen 1st m.8s,coup.,*8 Manhattan 100 ..*• 07 BostonA 114M Phll.Wilm.ABa t.,4s,Tr .certs 91 Merclmnls' Exch*Ke so Providence Mooh. ATraders'... 25 130 140 Boston A Phlla. Brie id 78. cp.,' 114 MetrDpoIts* 100 preferred A m. ies Mechanics' (B'klyn). 60 140 160 Cheshire do 6S.1920 notn.polltan 100 w. Michigan cons. mort. Mount Morris* Mercantile SO 70 SO Chic. A po do 5B,'.920 Cln. Sandusky A Clev Murray lllll* 100 Merchants' 80 110 120 lOlU Phlla. Newt'n A N .T., 1st m. .Montuuk (Brooklyn) 80 10 120 Concord Phll.A R. m., g.. C.1Sonds BOO 1,000,000 F.AA ...1106 109 BAltBOAD STOCKS.} Lehigh Navlga. m.,as, reg.,*g< 104H J 17 Mstaal, N. T 100 5,000.000 Qnar. IW Jan., •m 97 99 Allegheny VallVi; do mort. BR.,rg.*9^ do t>ODds 1,000 1,000,000 F.* A. 1882 1101 lOS Western 17 17« rg.jl9r U6H "3)t Buffalo Pitts. A do cons. m.7s, •Man. Brookl/n as 1,000.000 Var. Sept., fV, 19 61 do pref. .Morris, boat loan, reg., 1883. do scrip a-. 700,000 M.AN. Nov., 's 94 96 tJsmden A Atlantic... Pennsylvania 6s, coup. , 1910. New Tork 100 4,000,000 M.AN. Nov., *8l 185 do pref Schnylk. Nav.Ist mMJtt-.fl. '78 00 »« People's (Brooklyn) 10 1,000,000 J. A J. Jan., 29 30 (^lawlssa..... i«W do 2d m.6a,reg.,19ir; MM Bonds 1,000 879,000 M.AN. 1S»7 lOS 107 do pref..... BALTinOBB. Bonds Var. 18S,0«0 lUOOI ICSM Var. Ao_. VO_. 98 do new pref Harvland 6s, defense, J.A J Oentraloi 466,000 r.* JnlT, *80 12^ 13J New Tork 80 A. BB 75 Delaware A Bound Brook.... 00 6s, exempt, 1887 WlUlamsbarg 80 1,000^)00 Qnar, '82 -- 68 80 89 Feb.."- KastPenasvlvanla..... do 6a, 1890, quarterly, do l>onds 1,000 1,000,000 lUOO . 40 A.AO. IM Elmlra A WllUamsport.. . . . do 5s,qiurterly Metropolitan, Brooklyn 100 1,000,000 Jan., ;8 88 M.AN. do do pref., Baltimore (a, IS84. qnarterlr. Monlcrpal 100 8,000,000 Dec.^ 71 104 a05 ,210 Bar. P. Mt. Joy A Lancaster, do 6s,:8M, J.AJ 104W do bonds 780,000 si! AN. 18S^ 103 1110 108 Huntingdon A Broad Top. . do 6s,lB90,qaarterly... Pulton Mnnlclpal 'iob lljlOO.0001 'aS -I. so j 88 do do pref. do 6a,par&ri890,Q.-M. :i8W Lehigh Vallev... 61M 6s,\898,k.*s:..... lis 87 do iaa [QaoUttens hj H. L. OkAKT, Broker, 145 Broadway.] Little Schuylkill s« do 6s,exempt.*M,M.*8. lao Jilnehlll do Ss,U00, Q-J Nesquehonlng Valley do 6^1909, J.AJ BlMckerSt. A Fnlt. Ferry-Sfk 100 900,000 J. A J. .(an.. *t'2' 24 »< a7« Norrlstown.... do 5t, 1916, new 1st mortgage 1,000 094,000 J. A J. J'ly.luovilO 7 114 Norfolk A Western, pref Norfolk water, gs Broadway Seventh 100 a,iooMo ';'2 A Av.—Sfk . C-inioB aadarsad ^t mortgage *

This coluna shows last dlvUteoa on stocJis, but the date of maiiulty beaito. • In default. t Per share. — . . .. : . ,

312 THE CHKONICLE [Vol. XXXIV. as Bailroad Earnings.—^The latest railroad eamiaga and the New York City Ranks.—The tollowing statement shows th» condition of the Associated Banks of totals from January 1 to latest date are given below. The New York City for the week ending at the commencement of business on March 11. statement Inelades the gross earnings of all railroads from Average amount oj whioh returns oan be obtained. The oolumns under the head- Capital. r..«..7 -Net S>tvVi 1 to latest date" furniah the gross earnings from Specie. CXreulo. ing "January TtnOAfrt. (h„„ u_ g^ t47.54l $63,545 $118,116 $122,053 3.5)4.000 Ala.Gt. Southern. America 450.500 4.969.100 23,023 20.433 1.100 Bost.&N.Y.Alr-L.January... 20.438 23,023 Phoenix 41.000 8.010.000 367,690 Buir.Pitts.&Wcst. January... 53.084 39.832 53,084 39,832 City ssa.ooo 6.709.700 Bur.C.Kap.&No..l8twkMar 50.024 23,388 523.477 315,647 Tradesmen's 6.1.600 1.372.200 792,80« Cairo & 8t. Louis. 3rt wk Feb. 6.259 9,457 54.374 60.303 Fulton 131.700 1.203.300 Cent.Br.Un. racist wk Mar 18.127 13,044 147,634 126.633 Chemical 211,HOC 13.779,600 Rap. Mo. R.January... 255,445 194,259 255,445 194,239 Merch'nts' Exch. 342.100 3.215,300 731,700 Ced. A Qiitlatin Nation'l 18S.700 2.2)«,800 7«7.«00 Central Pacitte...February ..1.702,000 1,434,218 3,578,000 3,037.125 Butchera'ADrov. 60.800 1.518.500 210.453 162.540 248.100 Ches. AOhlo January... 210.455 162.540 Mechanics' Jit Tr. 117.000 1.055.000 174.000 Chioajto & Alton .Islwk Mar 122.996 105,446 1,232.913 1.078,884 Greenwich 152.001) 1.1103,100 2,80» Cliio.Burl.&Q... January.. .1,638.834 1,307.948 1,638.834 1.307.948 Leather Mun'f 'rs 137.60(, 2.2^7.800 471,800 Chic. AJSast. 111.. Istwk Mar 31.687 29.746 308,899 272,321 Seventh Ward... T.^.SOO 9ie.300 30.200 Chic.&G.Trk.Wk.cud.M.ar. 4 36.748 20.023 State of N. York. 19i.30tl 3,188,700 45,000 Exch . (505.UOO 9.92S.000 P.lstwkMivr 336.000 92.632 American Chlc.Mil.ay. January... 208,376 192,660 208,376 192, (jeo People's >-2,soo 1.574,400 S,400 an.Ind.8t. li.&O.Fpbruary.. 186,879 171.511 405,478 353,969 North America.. 139.0011 2.2. 3,400 Cincinnati South. February.. 174,177 138,310 Hanover PV7.300 7,228.700 CleT.Akron&Col.4thwk Feb 8.995 8.789 65.021 62,676 Irvinjr 23., '200 3.018.000

Col.Hock.V.&T..l8twk Mar 48.29.3 44.366 426.631 39>,036 Metrupslitan UaS.OO' I 10.128.00 5.770.800 Eur.&No.Amer... January... 36.122 31.399 30,122 31,3911 Oriental 3»0.400 l.,'*58.4on Evansv. &T.H... February.. 56.774 45.222 Marine 2a0.000 3,851.000 45,000 39.672 30.671 importers' & Tr.. 100.9110 20,936.600 1,107.900 Flint&PereMar.4thwkFeb 339,238 235.262 Park 1,321.600 19.!>74.60C 45.000 GraudTiimk.Wk.eud.Mar. 4 199,159 195,302 1,702,960 1,731. 19'> Wall St. Nation'l 72.b0u 948.200 Qr't Western. Wk.endMar., 3 90.554 102,702 812,341 829.723 North Uiyer 142. loc 1.092,600 Hannibal&St. Jo.lstwkMar 37,457 39,890 317,775 317,165 Bast Kiver 131.100 925,900 31«,»00 Houst.E.&W.Tex. January... 18.286 9.043 18.286 9.043 H'ourth National. 5 3.200 18.610.40(1 S00,00O Central Nat 1.097.000 7.462.0(hJ 1.369,0 10 Illinois Cen. (111.). February.. 535.143 443.679 1,115.875 955.132 iecond Nation'l S2ii.Oou 3.866.000 225.O0* (Iowa) February.. 1.54.243 Do 80.820 301.685 200,64ri .Ninth National. 3.jl.»0c) 5.313.000 591.000 •Indiana Bl. & W.lstwk Mar 55.226 46,391 426,805 397,367 First National.. 192.600 15.657.400 430.100 Int.&Gt. North.. 1st wk Mar 59.164 51,162 458,494 443,129 Third National 410.3,0 5.473,800 Iowa Central February.. 80.759 168,066 .v. V. Nat. Exch.. Uj.700 1,18.I,0,XI 207,9.')6 K. C. Ft. 8.* Gulf. 3 wks Feb. 93.426 54.790 233.426 17.3',790 Bowery National 174000 1.8 .'3.000 223.200 LakeErieA West. Istwk Mar 22.086 23.734 249,533 216,398 N. York County.. 4.t4 .»-]( 1.901,MOO 180.000 Long Island IstwkMar 34.918 iJerm'n Americ'n 65.2 ;SanFran. Istwk Mar 63,434 5i>.433 564,872 441.092 1883. t t i t t Bt.P.Mlnu.&.VIan. Istwk Mar 123.038 35.546 936.817 449,215 Feb. 27 76.lJ8.6'.l 19.305.036 71.122,890 11.035.455 45.871.6S0 Scioto VaUey IstwkMar 8.797 6,034 76.997 49.731 Mar. 6 76,831),457 lb.419,161 88.317.1n0 11.910.173 57.701.624 ".; 13 51.73-1,620 South Carolina. ..January... 125,467 107 328 125,467 107,328 75,067,639 18,175,324 63.2,)6,546 10,985.393 Texas .fePacillc.. Istwk Mar 76,945 71,477 643,374 613,434 Unlisted Stocks and Bonds. -The following are the prices Xol.Delp. &Buri. Istwk Mar 17,226 13 044 161,342 98,622 of securities that are not listed " at the Stock Kxchange as Onion Paoltio February ..1,759,863 1,374,740 3,720,931 2,714.539 W»b.8t.L.&Fac. Istwk Mar 291,255 213,915 2,655,983 1,814,434 quoted at 38 New Street: West Jersey Januan'.-. 53,447 48,549 53,447 48,549 Bid. Asked, Sid. Asked, Wtoconsin Cent ..February.. 157,700 102,157 288,636 191,709 Am. Cable Oonstr. Co. *29ia 35 North River Const. Co. 95 97 Bost. H. & E., new st'k 1 '9 2 N. Y. Ch. & St. L. subs. *22 271a. * Inoludin)!: Indianapolis Decatur ach day of the past week: strujt'n Co.(D.L.W.) 11 17 Oreftou Iniii. Co. latex 83 85 Dtn.A R. G..W. suh.ex. 82 Do stock 56 53 Do stock 17^1 26 Oreg. Short Line subs, loo's 100% Balances. Do bonds ti9 70 Oreg.lraus-l'oii.pt. pd 60 Stteipi*. Paymtnlt. Den.&R.G.unl'dcong. r'ens. ite Atlantic stuck Coin. Currency. 99% 101 Denv. & N. Orleans 80 Do bds.. 78 ii 314 Coins.—The following are quotationa Do A bonds 10 12is Do Incomes li» in gold for Tarious ( — Do B bonds 7 9 Standard W. Meter . . 1»8 3 Borerelgns $i 34 'i»$4 87 Silver 14s and 13s. — 99?ia par Mo. Pao.Cowdry certs I'e at. Jo. ii West. stock.. U 12 Napoleons 3 8-0 83 ® 3 87 Five frauos — 93 8 — Mex. Nat. bonds 50 82 St. Jo. & Pacific Ist M 85 X X Reichmarks. 4 95 74 a 4 78 Mexican dollars.. — 38>a* — sgia Do stock 8 13 Do 2d M 27»a 32 X Gnilders 3 96 3 ® 97 Do unoommerc'l. — 87 -a — 88 Mo.Kan.&Tex.K.mort. 75 80 Tex.St.L.RR.sb.,30 pd 75 821* Bnan'hDoubloons.l'i 60 •al5 90 English silver 4 73 ® 4 mO Mutual Un'u Tel. bds. 62 >« 65 Texas 4 Col, Imp 86 Hex. Doubloons.. l,'i 50 ®15 65 Prus. siiv. thalers. — 68 Do stock.. 14 30 U.S. Eleclricl^ightCo. 96 79 Fine silver liars 9—70 1 V3\a> 1 1414 U. S. trade dollars — Do scrip Vicksb. Mer'n st'k 13 Fine gold 99149 — 990. stk 14 19>« com. bars Ma^ ptem. U.B. silver dollars— 99 Nations! Express 106 DlK» A ig dimes. — ij* '8» p»r 90 par N. X. ^ Sorauton Cons. 85 * Preral i:u : . ;

March li, 1882.J THE CHRONICLE. 813

" This company owns all the bonds iiwoed on these lines, aad Juwestmients all the capital stock of these oonsolidatlog companies, exsept 240 share?." KTATE, CIT* AND CORPORATION FINANCES. ST. louiM wiciirTA a wsamsN kaii.wat. " The road and property of that company lOswego to Wichita, The InvaaroBs' Supplkmknt ennlaCiu a complete ex/Mit of the ICan,, 14S miles), is now leased to this ooaipiny for forty yuan, Fundtd D«bt of Stale* and UUies and of (A« Stocks and Bondt at an annual rental which is to be applied to the payment of ' the interest on the Wichita ' first *t Jtaitroadi aiid other Ootnpanies. It it published on the last mortgage txtods, endorsed b/ this company. proposition /Saturday of every other month— ti$., February, April, Jane, A has i)een Knbmitled for the con- Auffutt, October and Deetmber, aod i* furnished withmit extra solidation of the franchises and property of that company witli charge to 29,140 Rate per imasenxer per mile S-iJTcta. 3-59 ct«. solidate the St. L .luis Wichita & VVestern Railway, were favor- Freight (toiiH) moved 636,683 «83,.'>-M ably acted upon. Fi'ciKlit (tons) milcuw 109,178.009 123,867,774 The annual report shows that the net income over expenses, Avcra^o rate per tou per mile 1"9» ot». 1-80 ct*. taxes and improvements was .'?1.542,5.')8. From this surplus Earnings— $ Pa.iHcngor 424.102 605,331 there was appropriated $950,102 f.^r interest (and sinking fund) FrciKlit 2,lS0,:i33 2,:M-i,610 for the year on the bonded indebtedness of the company ; and Mail, express,

The report says : " Pursuant to the action of the stock- Net earnings. 1,192,202 1.512,557 holders at the last annual me«-ting (and subsequently of the INCOME ACCOUNT. 18.S0. 1.SS1. lireetpls— $ board of directors), the company has made and executed, under Net eaniiugs 1,192.202 1,512,557 date of July Ist, 1881, a general mortgage to the United States Otliei' receipts 23,598 50,618 Trust Company of New York, as trustee, to secure an issue of Total income 1,217,800 1,593,205 not exceeding $30,000,000 of flfty-year five per cent gold bonds. Oislnirsemenls— This amount was determined upon to provide for future require- Interest on debt 705,050 821.492 ments of the company, although, for the present, an issue of Interest accrued, not due, to Dec. 31. 101,2.54 10!».8(i5 bonds in excess of the amount of ihe capital stock of the company Dividends 157.500 313,000 Due leased lines 103,022 162,575 is not authorized by law. By the terms of the mortgage a suffi- cient amount of the bonds to be i.ssued thereunder is first set aside Total disbursements 1,069,726 1,408.932 and appropriated to provide for all the bonded indebtedness for Balance, surplus . 148.074 184,273 vrhich the company is liable, and over and above that sum a GENERAL BALANCE AT CLOSB OF EACH FISCAL TBAB. limited amount is devoted to pay for extensions now underway, 1880. 1881. and the rest for future extensions, A ssels— $ $ acquisitions and equipment. Railroad, buildings, equipment, &o 38.015,882 38,280,34a Thus far an issue of $1,000,000 of bonds under this mortgage Storkowued. cost 1,121,625 -1,121,585 has been made, in connection with and for the purpose of, the Bonds owned, cost 402.344 f483,551 Kills receivatile 710,685 710,685 «itension of the main line from Pacific to and into St. Louis Materials, fuel, Sic 138.407 154,656 <34 miles), the accjuisition of property in that city for station Caslionhand 873,428 271.911 fiTonnds and termmal facilities, the construction of the line from Sundry con.structlon account 3.245,232 4,426,135 100.092 82,653 Fayetteville to Fort Smith, Arkansas (65 miles), and the con- Accounts receivable MisceUaueous items 83,269 83,319 struction of the line from Joplin, Missouri, to Galena, Kansas (10 miles). Until the completion and operation of those lines, Total 44,690,464 45,615,134 the interest charge thereon forms a part of the construction Liabilities— account." Stock, cmninon 10,.500,000 10,.500.000 Stock, preferred lO.OiKJ.OOO 10,000,000 The report of the CommLssioner of the Land Department Stock, iHt preferred 4,500,000 4,500,000 shows that the aggregate sales of lands for the year amounted Funded debt (see SrPi'LEMF.NTl 17,900,000 18.6.')0,000 other dues and accounts, 96,643 286,992 to 210,717 acres, for $382,141. The quantity of land All remaining inteicst accrued to Dec. 31, not due 141,2.54 149,865 on hand unsold at the close of the year was 708,460 acres. Coupons due 223,394 229.145 The estimated value of these, at that date, together with con- Due for current operations 217,8*7 247,863 Dividends 144.694 144,735 tracts on hand for lands sold and the cash assets, was 7,509. $2,51 Construction accounts 841,627 ARKA.'VSAB DIVISION A.\D JOPLIN BAILBOAD. Balance of income accoimt 625,005 910,534 " The line of the Arkansas Division, from Plymouth, Mo., to Total liabiUties. 44.690,464 45,615,134 Fayetteville, Ark. (70 miles), was built by this company for the first mortgage ' seven per cent bonds and all of the capital stock Stocks owned as follows : St. Louis & San FrancUoo com., $526,700 «f the companies formerly owning these pref., $231,000: 1st pref., $363,285. franchises These first " t Bonds owned as follows : St. Louis & San Francisco 2d niort. A . mortgage boads, and all those of the Joplin Railroad Company $13,995; St. Louis Wicli. & West., $-109.556. hereafter mentioned, are lodged with the United States Trust The above balance sheet does not include the land depart- Company of New York as secority for the six per cent trust ment assets, wluch are estimated by the company as follows : bonds of this company. The difference in the interest on the 1880. 1881. two classes of bonds constitutes a sinking fund for the benefit $ $ of the trust bonds. The conaolidation of the franchises and Ijinds 2,036.318 1,749.455 50.240 44,720 properties of the companies owning the line Plymouth, Town lott from ContriKts 637.703 545.925 ^ssouri, to Fort Smith, Arkansas (135 miles), having been duly Cash ill St. Louis and New York 43,982 177,40» effected, this company has purchased the entire property from 2,S17,S0» the consolidated compw^." » * • " The results of the opera- 2,767.636 Less land deb. bonds outstanding 118,000 tit)!! of the Arkansas Division have been more favorable than was anticipated. This line should be complete^ to Van Buren or Valucofasaeto 2,619,636 2,517,909 Fort Smith in Angu.st of the present year, and a connection New York Pennsylvania & Ohio. formed with the Little Hock & Fort Smith Railway at that point, when an increase in traffic for this division and for our {For the year ending Dec. 81, 1881.) main line may bo expected." * • « The report of this reorganized company (formerly Atlantic & "Measures looking to the cimsolidation of the properties and Great Western) shows nst receipts in 1881 of $1,650,347, out of franchises of the companies owning the roads from Jiiplin, Mo., which were paid rental of leased lines, hire of cars and general to Girard, Kan., and from Joplin to Galena, Kan., were insti- expenses, leafing the actual net income for the year applicable tuted some time since and are now about completed." » * • to interest, fte., $776,780. The report says that if tlie bnainess . — : —


of 1881 could have been done at the same rate as in 1880, the ocomotive, 1 new passenger coach, 15 flat cars, 4 box cars and 1 earnings from freight would have been |1,012,515 larger. TJie mail and baggage car. The gross receipts for the past year business would have been done at the same cost, and tne cost of have been $57,469, against |41,855 in 1880. The operating operation, which was 70'35 per cent, would have been reduced expenses were $28,680, against $21,401 in the previous year to 69-39 per cent. The decrease in the cost of hauling tonnage an increase arising from the operation of a greater extent of was due largely to the new consolidation engines, wnich were road. The net receipts were |29,788, against $20,454 in the put upon the road in the latter part of 1880 and the early part previous year." * * "The company has met the interest on its of 1881, such engines hauling a much larger tonnage at a slight funded debt and maintained its creciit. It will be remembered increase of cost. It was due also partly to the large increase that the company executed two mortgages which are in part of tonnage, causing trains to run with a fall load. These ad- unsatisfied. One was for $200,000, which has been reduced by vantages were offset in a degree by the increased price of labor payments to $176,200 ; the other is for $600,000, but after and material in 1881 as compared with 1880. selling 127,500 only of the bonds secured thereby, it was deemed The 2.700 cars provided for in the car trust were delivered in best to sell no more. The balance, $572,500. is held by trus- 1881, mostly in the fall of the year, the last deliveries having tees, to be applied as far as may be required to the extinction been made in December. The full effect of this increased of the balance due on the $200,000 mortgage, and the bonds of equipment upon the car mileage balances was not realized dur- the City of Natchez, given in aid of the road by the City ing the year. of Natchez, amounting to $225,000. It was intended to use The stock bonds outstanding, including the amount of first the excess of these mortgage bonds, over what was re- mortgage bonds issued to the holders of those bonds for the quired for the above-named purposes, in construction. Since interest not paid in cash, are as follows: the last-mentioned mortgage was executed, it was discovered that, rules recently Common stock $34,999,350 I First mortgage bonds. $35,930,000 by reason of adopted by the New York Prefeirert stock 10,000,000 Second mortgage bds. 13,080,000 Stock Exchange, and of the general usage which now obtains

Prior lion bonds ... 8,000,000 | Tliird mortgage bonds. 29,000,000 in regard to railroad securities, it will be necessary to provide The statistics of operations and income for 1880 and 1881, new security and new bonds, in lieu of the old, as more in and the general balance, at the close of 1881, compiled for the accordance with the demands of capitalists. We have there- Cheosicle, are as follows : fore, after mature deliberation and much inquiry, determined KOAD AND EQUIPMENT. that ic would be advisable to bond the road at not less than 1880. 1881. $10,000 per mile, securing the bonds by the usual railroad owned 423 Miles 423 mortgage, with a trustee located in the city of New York. Miles ler.sed and controlled. 135 142 The bonds of this new issue would enable the company to Total operated 558 565 retire all previous bonds and to pay the debt of the city above Locomotives 209 215 referred to. The bonds of the City of Natchez, and those of Passenger, mail and express oars . 88 87 the $200,000 series, are payable at the option of the obligors. Freight and coal cars 4,504 7,228 All other cars 22 22 The new mortgage would enable us to put upon the market, 0PEKATION8 AND FISCAL REBtaTS. amply secured, nearly $1,000,000 in bonds, when the road is Operations— 1880. 1881. completed to Jackson, and would provide bonn4 Dividend paid Jan 15, 1881 $100,000 Stock, preferred 999,,350 V 10 ,000 ,000 Amounts chaiged against proUt and loss during Funded deht (see 8ui'Pi.EMENTJ..'." uti ,61o:,000 theycarl881 2,164— 102,164 Deterred warrants V' ^',479:.565 Bills payable '.'/_ 150, 000 $187,373 All other dues and accounts Add. Special funds 615, 737 148, 299 Net earnings for 1881 78,848 Interest on bonds .....1. Income account 179, 823 "I 86, 426 Balance to credit of profit and loss Dec. 31, 1881 $266,-22] Total UabillUeg., BALANCE SHEET DIG. 31, 1881. . $134,269,200 Lialilities. Real .". Natchez Jackson & Colnmbus. estate . . .$5,000,000 Capital stock $5,000,000 Personal {For the year prop, at mines. 75,497 Bills pa.vable 25,000 ending December 31, 1881.) Personal prop, at New Unsettled accounts 53,335 The President's York and Hoboken... Dividends unpaid 1,100 report has the following : 3,005 Barges 6.000 Balance to credit of ^^^. company now ^.*1H,°^. consist of sixty miles of Cash on hand profit and loss 266,221 Sa «° which the 18,848 iron is laicf. about thirty-two milesof graded Bills receivable 2,120 road,l^ the ties Coal on hand and timber for a large part of the unfinished 46,630 $5,315,656 Accounts receivable 193,493 °\ >^ayand'^depot grounds, i?on, cashe^h'/n°H''?^^'''°'^,"8^^«and ledger balances, valued at $954,350. The cash on $5,345,636 hand and a small sum in Hinds County bonds amount to $60,619 The capital stock is 614,809. The funded debt is $203,700 floating debt The GENERAL INVESTMENT NEWS. is $148 933. the greater part of which was incurred °' 2,500 tons of rails. In construction «inc« P°r*"«« of road, Arkansas Kailroads.—A press dispatch from Little Rock, 't«*/«P?rt *e have expended $261,373. ^^11 To our rolling March 18. says that "John McClure has filed a hill in the stock, duruig the same time, have been added one new Baldwin United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of Arkan- —

March 18, 1892 J THE CHKOMICLK 815

BM Agalnitt thr Little Rock A Fort Smith Railwar Comptny to Kxptiuti. Ntt rm - Mnm. Jannsry, 1883 compel the payment by that corporation of all overdue coa- il.6S8.8a3 •880,418 Junuiiry, 1881 I,a07,«47 711,888 SO«,OM pona of the booda itutued by the State to aid in itx conatniction, and known aH the 'Arkansas Itailroad Aid Bonds.' The com- Inoreaao 9300,880 •177,529 •17S35S plaint is tiled in the name of William H. Thomkins, of New Chicago k Grand Tmnk.—This railroad company has made Ycrk, and asks for the appr Treasury all the State aia bonds now Leid and owned by the annum, payable semi-annually. The company gives as security company, and whicli were puroh»sed for that purpose. This is all of it« property and franchise of every deacnption. a test case, and if successful is to be followe<) by suits against other road.-" to which Inrnds were issaed at the came time, viz.: Chicago Mllwankce & St. Paul.—The directors of the Chi- the Little Kock Pine HlulT & New Orleans, Mis-iissippi Ouachita cago .Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company have declared a & Ked River, Arkansas CenfTnl, and Memphis & Little liack. serai-annual dividend of 3>i per cent on both the common and All of these roads, with the exception of the Central, are in preferred stock, payable April 16. Transfer books will cIo8« good condition and worth many times the amount of the bonds March 30 and re-open April 18. The statement of the opera- isgned. The companies have bought up and hold a large por- tions of the road for the year ended Dec. 31, 1881, sabmitted tion of the bonos, with the view of returning them to the at the meeting was as follows: Treasurer if held liable. The complaint asks that a decree^be Oross earnings, 1881 •17.026,461 made compelling this to be done, and that the companies be I>css operating expenses, including taxes 10.317,031 held liable for the remainder of the outstanding bonds. The Net earnings. •6,707,530 case will be heard before Judges McCrary and Caldwell at the By Interest aiul other luconic profltt... •324,112 April terra of the United States Court." By cash received for sales of land 311,196— 033.308 Atrhliion Topcka & Santa Fe—Sonora.—The .Atchison Total...... •7,342.888 Interest on Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Company has purchased the bonds, Ibol ; 4,127.389 Sonora Railroad and secured an independent line to the Pacific. •3,213,449 The Tiaiuicript says: " The Sonora Company was organized Amount of 3 >« per cent on common and preferred stock by Thomas Nickerson mere than three years ago to build a paid October, 1881 992,41» line of road from Guaymas, on the Gulf of California, through •2,223,033 the Mexican State of "Sonora to the American border, there to Amount of capital stock- meet the Atchison system. The line bnally determined upon, Preferred •14.401,483 Common 20.404,261 and now within a lew m''nths of Its completion, went almost due north through Hermosilla, towards Tucson, and was to Total •34,805,741 meet the Atchison at Calabassas, 270 miles from Guayma.s. Tlirce and one-half per cent of that tunoont 1.21S.201 The company has a government subsidy of $11,270 per mile, or Balance •1.004,832 18.042,900 in Mexican silver—equal to '§2,608,200 in American The Sioui City says the gold. 01 this subsidy $610,000 in Mexican money has been — Journal management have decided to build a line of from paid to date. The road stands capitalized at $20,000 per mile road near Defiance, on the Council Bluffs line, to Jamestown, on Northern Paciric, of seven per cent gold bonds, of which only $15,000 per mile the a distance roughly estimated at 450 miles. Work will all are issued or contracted for, and $20,000 per mile of stock begin along the mammoth line during the season. It is not expected to issued or to be is-sued, a total of $.5,400,000 in stock and finish it this year, but some time next season $4,050,000 in bonds. The contract of sale to the Atchison Com- to have the entire dis- tance trackeS and in operation. pany provides that the Atchison shall guarantee the interest upon the first-mortgag^ seven per cent bonds and i-ssue one Chicago St. Paul Minneapolis & Omaha.—The directors share of Atchison stock for two shares of Sonora stock. This at their meeting la'lus income while the Atchison Road gives but $2,700,000 in stock at par for account Jan. 1, 1881 $400,650 Gross receipts in 18«1 4.326,100 the Sonora stock. This is one of the most important movements ever made by the Atchison Company. It gives the system an Total •4,926,750 independent.Paciflc-coast outlet, and completes the longsst con- Operating expenses and taxes •3,776,460 Interest tinuous line of railway in the world." 868,010 Dividends of 7 per cent on preferred stock 672,736—1,317.206 —The Sonora Railway Company Lssaed the following circu- lar: Balance Dec. 31, 1881 •609,544 Boston, March 10, _ ,, 1882. Cleveland Colnmbus Cincinnati Indianapolis.— Cin- To Ihe Sloekholdtn and Subterihtri : & The Gkxtlkmkn—TUe A. Top. A S. Fe RR. Co. offer* to imrcli.i*e tlic stock cinnati Qazette says "that immediately after the question of ana Income bonds of tills compaiiy, and to kItc iu exchange thrr for the legality of the Ohio Railway organization was referred to one dliare iif Atchison stock for two shares of Sonora stock, $'.'00 or the courts for adjudication, Mr. Jewett quietly set to work to (par) of income bonds; also to Kuarnutce the narment of interest upon thl8«• Tiios. NicKERSos, President. with the stock held by individuals friendly to Jewett, will give him the C. H. & D., and leased lines also. Once in possession of Boston A Lowell—Concord.—In consequence of the recent the C. C. C. & I., the C. H. & D. and the I. & St. Louis, Mr. Jewett decisiun of the New Hampshire Supreme Court, the directors of will bind them too tight to the Erie for Mr. Vanderbilt, )Ir. the Boston & Lowell and the Concord companies have agreed McHenry, or anybody else, to steal them away." upon a new contract for the joint operation of their lines. This contract will be submitted to the Court for its approval. Florida Central & Jacksonyille—Fensacola & Mobile. These roads having passrd under one management, the name Central of Georgia.—In regard to the issue of certificates has been changed to the Florida Central & Western, with to represent the steamship interests, a subscriber of the principal oflice at Jacksonville. Fla. The capital stock is fixed Chronicle writes as follows from Macon : " Permit me to cor- at $3,000,000. divided into 30.000 shares, of which Sir Edward rect an error in your February edition of the Isvestohs' Supple- Reed took 10,000; Wayne MacVeagh, 1,000; Reed and Mae- ME.NT, under head of Georgia Railroad & Banking Company. Veagh jointly, 11,000; Henry Amy. .S.OOO; W. T. Carter, 2,000; Certificates, 1882, $3,500,000, seven per cent;were never ifsued. Walter Hinchman, 1,500, and C. S. Hinchman, 1,500. The Central Railroad of Georgia mot Georgia Railroad & Bank- tialreston Harrisbnrg San Antonio.—Track on the ex- ing Company) proposed to issue these certificates, but the & tension of this road is now laid to Eagle Pass Junction. 140 directors were served with an injunction, and since, at a subse- miles northwest from San Antonio, Texas. Rails in lar^ quent meeting of the board, it has been decided to abandon road. the plan altogether for the present year." auantities have recently arrived at Galveston for Ihe On tne El Paso Division (built and operated by the Southern Central of New Jersey.—At Trenton, March 13, the rule Pacific) track is laid 235 miles southeast from El Paso. Work to show cau.se why an injunction should not be issued in the is progressing rapidly. case of Edward C. Knight against the Central Railroad Com- Grand Rapids &, Indiana.—The stockholders at their meet- pany of New Jersey and others, restraining the company and ing on the 4th inst. voted to guarantee the $500,000 bonds for Us directors from issuing any additional stock by virtue of the Mackinaw Extension. Senate bill 111, was postpon-'d until March 28 by consent Hannibal press disfNitch, dated of counsel. Ex-Chancellor Williamson appeared for the & St. Joseph Railroad.—A St. pniposition was submitted to the defendants. The temporary injunction granted on February Loiis. March 17, says a 24 was continued. Funding Commissioners of the State by the trustees of the H.tn- nibal & St. Joseph Railroad that if the State would pay back , Chicago Rnrllngton & (Jnlncy.—The following is a state- the $3,000,000 paid into the State Treasury by the railrt^ad com-' ment ot earnings for the month of January, 1882 and 1881, pany, the latter would pay $90,000 interest, due January 1, compared with corresponding time last year: 1882. This proposition was declined. Governor Crittenden has — : :


were filed with the Secretary of State of Nebraska St. Joseph Road in the in Missouri .^„o,fia»,1 Hifi Bale of the Hannibal & as the Missouri on March 9. The consolidation will be known The .sale is set for October 4. at ^sf^Zity Tribune PaciBc Railroad Company. It is ratifled and approved by the Louis. the Court House door in St. shareholders of each company. Texas.-This company's application Honston East & West Ohio Central Railroad.—A Cleveland (O.) dispatch says stated that the company is chartered ^»C Shirk Exchange " President Dan. P. Eels. Vice President Samuel Thomas and of Te.as. approved March 11, 1875 by act of tt Leglsfature Solicitor Calvin S. Brice, of the Ohio Central Railroad and operate a narrow-gauge (three General »Jd authoHzed to construct each a prominent member of the Seney Syndicate, route- vii!.: Western Division, Company, f«Pt, railway over the following here last week, the result of which will bs Kiver and to Corpus Chnsti held a conference Houston to the Eio Grande the management of the Ohio Central from commenced Eastern Division, to the amalgamation of construction not yet and the Ohio Central Coal Company. By Ba^- Houston, thence through Eastern Railroad Company nnm^ence at the City of upon the officers of the railroad company will Polk. Tyler, Angelina and the plan agreed counties o^f Liberty. company, Mr. the branch be placed in charge of the affairs of the coal Ki- River in Bowie County, with a ^^;.„L, tn the Red president until his successor is the Sabine River Eels consenting to act as rtTnfhfhmneh J^pe?Jasper Count?County to the east bank of branch through Shelby County to the east elected." «d with aZher reports to the Court at or near the town of Logansport. Ohio & Mississippi-—Receiver Douglas hankDanK ofoi theiiic Sabinea River TTnnafnn totn BurkeRnrke 109 miles.miles, February as follows: Completed and in operation from Houston 10? for it is to be 1881. 1882. to Nacogdochez, 142 miles, from where Vnfl^^raded Feb. 1 13,063 $41,088 La., instead of Marshall, Texas, as first Gael, tolanco f nu8h?d to Shreveport. from all sources. 498,213 ib3,0iS limited to for each mi e Receipts fntended The issue of bonds is $7,000 company hold a grant from the State Total $511,278 $407,661 of compl^t«d road. The 323,813 acres, of land for each and every Dl.Jm'kements;:::: 491.938 of sixteen sections, or 10.240 proceeds of land sales, as well mile of road constructed. The ^alauce March 1 $19,280 $83,848 earnings of the company, are used in the con- aa the surplus The receipts exceeded the disbursements by $39,759 74 for road. struction of the the month. LIABILITIES. <»hlo Railway.—The recent decision of the Supreme Court of . . $63,8*0 by July, 1882. . Notes and accounts to mature .•. Ohio, in the suit brought by the Attorney General against the payable Marcb 1, on account of 2,000 tons of Amount due, newly consolidated Ohio Railway Company, was based sub- eteel rails. stantially on the following points of law: J132,636 only con- 1. Two railroad companies owning lines of railroad The cpmp.any have issued 762 6£d-bearingb/iito incomeinorvmo bonds."hr,nHs " The mOStmost importantiUiDOrtant OUeStlOntjuestic tlie of the Supreme Court restrain- point, plaintiff demands a judgment in regard to income bonds is the determination of the ing the this action, Charles Kettleson, State Treas- and defendant to what is to be considered surplus income in any one year, said bonds, or declare, urer, from paying any interest on any of new practically this has rested entirely with the directors to from paying any coupons attached thereto. and they have usually treated income bonds as having no more ordinary preferred stock. Hissonri Pacific.—Articles of consolidation between the claim on surplus earnings than an this point to settle tne Missouri Pacific in Nebraska and the Missouii Pacific Railroad There is a demand for legal decisions on :

M^cn 18, ISdS J THE CHRONKJLE. 317

fineation whether a olt-ar fiarpluH income over and above operat- The company's pamphlet report, issned last week, mak<« thn ng eipt-nHi'i), mortgage intcrext, and every current liability, total earnings enly 24.2.')8,817, M our correspondent says. At the can be applied to permanei t improvementa on the properly company's office in this city the explaiution Toacbsftfed la rat hiT than lo paying intereet ou income bonds. It must be that this last aggregate does not inolade the earnings of the adinitlfd (IrKt that t^e property shall be fully Icept up to its whole system of Union Paoiflo lioM. The monthly flgures, it etandnrd, but after thm is done, can the HurpluH mcome is stated, are approiimate, and are baa«d on a larger mileage; be applied to gnch tbin){M U the laying of new track, baying bat even they, it appears, do not embrace all lines op«ratad, new rolliiif^ stock, replacing iron raila with titeel, replacing thoagh just what roads are lacking we are not informed. It la wooden bridges with iron, and to similar permanent iraprove- stated that on the entire system the eftrnings foot up more mentM which go to the benefit of the Htockboldern, while the than 30 millions. The company will, the Olivers say, shortly incoin-) bondholders for some years go without their interest ? issue a more extended report of the doings of its lines in whicn Pertinent to this snbiect then, had tne income bondholders of this distinction will be made clear, and we defer until then the New York Lake Krie & Western any claim for interest for further comment. the year ending Sept. 30, 1880 ? the Central Iowa income bond- —A press dispatch from Denver says that the Denver & holders for the year ending Dec. 31, 1880? the St. Louis Iron Boulder Valley Railroad Company has entered snit against the Mountain & Southern income (cumulative) bondholders for the Union Pacific Company to recover f500,000 damages, claimed to vears 1880 and IhSl ? and the holders of many other income be sustained by it through the non-payment of 1700,000 id Donds for other periods ? There i« mach need for new light the mortgatre bonds of the Boulder Valley Road. In 1871 th* on this subject, and income bondh. Iders ought to know whether Denver & Pacific bought the Boulder Valley Road, agreeing to they have any legal right to surplus income when it can be pay these bonds and protect them out of the gross earnings of shown that it was fairly and unquestionably earned. the company. The mortgage remains anpaia, and for the laat three years the coupons have not been paid. St. Lonis Iron Moiintnin & Sonthern Railway.—The St. The Denver tt Pacific has been consolidated with the Louis MUttuuri liepubliciin of JIarch 15th reports: "The stock- Union Pacific, bnt it ia operated under the old charter. Hence the holders of the Iron Mountain Koidmet yesterday and elected suit against the Union Pacific Company. the following directors : K. S. Hayes, R. C. Kerens and R. J.

Lackland, St. Lonis ; F. L. Ames, Boston ; Henry Wheelen, Wabnah St. Louis & Paclflc—Tl e stockholde'rs elected the Philadelphia ; T. T. Kckert, Jay Gould, J. T. Lowrv, H. G. following Harquand, Kussell Sage, b'amuel Shethar, Sidney Dillon and five directors to servo for three years: Solon Hum- ' phreys, Charles Ridcely, George L. Dnnlap, John T. Terry, New York. Adjourned to meet April 4. James F. Joy and Sidney Dillon. The other ten directors hold over. "It is rumored that JIatlhews & Whitaker, the bankers of —At Indianapolis, Ind., March 10, the ease of this city, called at the ofBce of the Iron Mountain, eipecting to Benjamin P. Ham and other holders of > find Jav Gould attending the meeting, in order to see what quipment bonds, against the Wabash St. Lonis Pacific action ne proposed to take in regard to interest on the Iron & Railway Company, came up in the United States Circuit Court, before Jadt-e Hoontain income bonds, as they are representing about $300,000 Gresham, on motion for a final decree. Charles Hassler of worth of those bonds. They insist that interest on the bonds W. New Y'ork appeared for the bondholders, and made argument, shall be paid before interest is paid on the present general con- and ex-Governor Hendricks replied fur the railway solidated mortgage bonds of the Iron Mountain Head. Unless company. —Regular trains began to run over the St. some arrangement is made for the payment of interest on these Louis Jerseyrille & Springfield Branch on March 6. It is said the income bonds, it is proposed to commence proceedings, either company will soon begin work on a branch into Atchison, Kan., by injunction against the payment of interest on the consoli- which will probably start from I'lattsburg, Mo., the dated bonds, or they will ask for an accounting, in order on St. Joseph to Branch. asoertaiu what surplus, if any, has been earned by the road that might be made applicable to the payment of interest on Western & Atlintic (Oa.)—Pursuant to a resolution of these income bonds." the Legislature of Georgia, Attorney-General Anderson has been Toledo Delphos & Bnrlington—Toledo Cincinnati & St. investigating the validity of the bond for $8,000,000 given by

Louis. : " —The Boston Transcript recently said The Toledo this company as security for its faithful performanc-' of the Delphos & Burlington is now consolidated with the Toledo conditions of the lea.se of the road from the State of Georgia. Cincinnati St. & Louis Railroad Company, under the He holds that the bond given by the company is not valid, for 11.- r I1-. name of the latter, and upon Tuesday next the follow the rea.son that the railroad companies, which are sureties on ing-named board of directors will be elected to manage the bond, became so without approval of their stockholders. the affairs of the consolidated company : John M. Corse, The Governor has served notice on the lessees requiring them R. M. Pomeroy, Oliver Ames, Charles W. Pierce, George to file a new bond within 60 days. It is supposed they will con- Ripley, W. D. Hubbs, W. D. Forbes, E. B. Phillips, Henry D. test the matter in the courts. Should a new bond not be filed Hyde, S. C. Blamhard, Pliny Nickerson, G. \V. Kneisly and the Governor will make a formal demand for the surrender of John McNabb. All the above-named, eicept the three VVest- the road and the matter can be taken into court at once. em directors, are well-known Boston ffentiemen, and it is need- less to say that their names will command the confidence of the West Jersey.—The stockholders of the West Jersey Rail- investing public. Supporting the new direction a syndicate of road Company held their annual meeting in Camden la.st week. capitalists has been formed, who take the assets of the con- The annual report showed that the earnings from ttie West struction company—mostly junior securities of the road—and Jersey, Swedesboro, and Atlantic roids ware $988,535; pay the railroad company *l,f)00,000 therefor. This million expen.se3, $560,953; net earnings from operating, $427,573. and a half of dollars is amply sufficient •'^f'*'" for all fixed charges and for various to complete and equip ! P^^ymg improve- """*° —'•--'= — **- -' - ' j:-:j -j ... Uie Toledo Delphos & Burlington system with terminals at ments, including the payment of a 4 per cent dividend," there^ Toledo, Ironton, Cincinnati & St. Louis. The securities taken remains a balance to the credit of the surplus earnings of by the syndicate will be placed with the American Loan & the company of $145,582. There has been an increase Trust Company, with Oliver Ames, R. M. Pomeroy and Henry in the number of passengers carried of 27J,531, p. Hyde as trustees for the subscribers, and negotiable cert- or 26 2-10 per cent, and an increase in the amount ificates of ownership issued therefor." of freight transported of 104,459 tons, or 60 8-10 per cent. The Stockton Hotel shows a decrease in gross Union Paclflc.—In reference to this company's statements earnings of $10,765, and a deficiency in net earnings of $5,540. of earnings we have received the following communication The work of constructing double tracks has been completed as from one of our subscribers far as Wenonah, at cost of contracts March a $143,965, and have been ibo.. •> n. ^ ^ 15, 1882. Mettn. Wm.v~ B. Dana <* Co.: given out for the extension of the track to Glassboro, a distance y*"" •*"« 0' Janaarx of seven miles, at cost of .. » '^VS' —J" 14, 1882, under the hea

.„- ., 2,528,82« 1.034 .21.'5 abont thirty miles from Milwaukee. The object is to get a £"SV"i-- 2,ti38.«59 1.913.03,-) paying independent line to Milwaukee and toward Chicag''. For Beptouitier. 2,844,357 2,270,179 *il0,000, subscribtrsare offered $10,000 first mortgage 6 per cent Total for nine months 919,540,424 $16,568,373 bonds, $2,000 5 percent (cnmnlative interest) income bonds, Corrected Ugure* for nine months $19,121 689 $16,619,702 $1,000 6 per cent (cumulative dividends) preferred stock, and S<""''«r 3.289,530 2,707.800 $2,00<) common stock, in all $15,000, at i>nr, of securities, stock- lfov6inl>er.....,.,...,,,.,,,,., ''773 . , 608 2,251,148 I>»oeinber holders have the right to subscribe in the proportion of 1 for $ 2i2«7ioo« 1,869,835 of tteir holdings of Wisconsin Central stock. The Wiiooa-iB $27,451,831 $23,448,549 Central will lease the new road for ninety-nine year*. [Vol. XXXIV. 318 THE (.'HRONIOLE. t== COTTON, I^Ixe ^ammtxcml ^imes. Friday. P. M., March 17, 1882. The MoTBUffirr of the Crop, as indicated by our telegrams EPITOME. from the South to-night, is given below. For the week ending COMMERCIAL this evening (March 17), the total receipts have reached 57,454 previous Feidat Nioht. March 17, 1882. bales, against 58,747 bales laat week, 51,980 bales the week and 60,168 bales three weeks since; making the total snow-storms over a considerable portion of There have been receipts since the 1st of September, 1881, 4,174,689 bales, against past week; the floods in the Ihe North and West during the 4 918,422 bales for the same period of 1880-81, showing a decrease Mississippi Kiver and its tributaries, while receding slowly since September 1, 1881, of 743,733 bales. hare increased further south, and trans- northof Vicksburg, Receipts at- Sat. Hon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. FH. Total. obstacles to portation is still more or less interrupted. These Galveston 301 1,302 285 931 791 782 4,392 of spring business have been felt; but the return the progress Indianola, &c 64 84 their early removal. In other re- of good weather promises New Orleans... 300 1,9S7 1.691 1.964 421 2,700 9,063 spects the conditions are favorable to a large trade. Specula- Mobile 493 P81 536 502 424 l,I3i 4,073 45 45 tion has been active in staples of agriealture, and they are all Florida , 1,871 2,309 1.496 1,929 1,530 9.S95 Savannah , 760 dearer, checking exports to some extent. The feeling in Brunsw'lc, &c has much improved. monetary circles Charleston 1,277 783 645 1,11 646 1,559 6,021 affairs and The provision market has shown a firmer state of Pt. Koyal, &c 218 218 in lard a brisk speculation ha.i taken place. The impetus has Wilmington ... 145 220 304 303 17 417 1,566 74 74 been derived from Chicago, where the packers have withdrawn Moreh'd C.,&c Norfolk 1,819 2,106 2,013 1,634 1,325 1.504 10,631 lines from the market. Pork here was higher at $16 75@ large CityPoint,&c. 1,477 1,477 17 00 for old and $17 75@18 25 for new; April contracts quoted New York 175 170 420 261 80 1 1,107 f17 50®17 60; May, |17 70@17 80. Bacon is quoted at d'%c. for Boston 585 403 1,034 1,074 1,070 1,066 5,282 long and 9%c. for short clear. Lard continued to advance to- Baltimore Phlladelp'a, &c 24 331 1,«13 1,013 11 481 3,526 day and prime Western was sold on the spot at 10-92>6@llc.; April options realized 10-92?^@10-95c.; May, 10-97?6@1105c.; Totals this week 5,909 10.201 10,900 10,239 7,077 13,072 57.4.54 June, ll-05@ll-12^o.; July, ll-12^@ll-17?6c.; August, 11-17^ For comparison, we give the following table showing the week's @ll-22j^c.; September, ll-25@llS0c.; seller year, 1072^® total receipts, the total since Sept. 1, 1881, and the stocks to-night and the same items for the corresponding periods of last year. 10-75C. Refined to the Continent, 1115c. Beef is quiet at f26 50@27 50 for East India mess. Beef hams, f21{a21 50. 1881-82. 1380-81. Stock. Receipts to Butter is now very firm, particularly for fine lots. Cheese is This Since Sep. This Siiice Sep. Uarch 17. 1882. 1881. steady at 9@12Mc. for State factory. Tallow sells fairly at Week. 1, 1881. Week. 1, 1380. 7^@7%c. Stearine is quoted at lie. Galveston 4,392 332,812 12,445 575,396 48,887 97,029 Kio coffee has been quiet but steadier of late, at 10c. for fair Indlanola,&c. 84 13,278 166 14,379 New Orleans... 9,063 1,095,489 42,447 ,303,226 291.222 310,986 cargoes, closing more active ; mild grades have met with a Mobile 4,073 238,861 5,362 349,268 26,959 46,518 fair demand at firm, and, generally, unchanged prices. Rice Florida 45 26,712 69 19,912 5,086 has been rather scarce, both here and at the South,

Refined sugar has been in the main firm of late, with a pretty Receipts at— 1882. 1881. 1880. 1379. 1878. 1877. good business; the closing quotations are 9%o. for orushed, Galvesi'n.&c. 4,476 12,611 4,396 4,237 6,092 3,476 a?4c. for powdered, 9Mc. for granulated, and 8%c. for standard New Orleans. 9,063 42,447 17,837 19,521 25,336 10,720 soft white "A." MobUe 4,073 5,562 3,337 4,682 8,063 3,173 Kentucky tobacco has been much more active, and sales for Savannah 9,895 10,186 5,368 4,436 9,251 3,211 Charl'st'n.&c 6,239 8,945 2,589 3,668 5,430 2,032 the week reach the comparatively large aggregate of 1,000 Wllm'gt'n, &c 1,610 922 563 1,114 3,166 932 hhds., of which 850 for export, and 150 for home consumption. Norfolk, Ac. 12,108 13,694 9,581 7,618 7,520 5,123 Prices have ruled firm, and the business done was at 6^@8c. All others.... 9,960 13,833 5,940 11,316 10,365 3.397 for lu^s, and 8^@10^c. for common and medium leaf; prime to choice queted 12@15c. Seed leaf has also been more active, Tot. this w'k 57,454 108,200 49,611 60,202 75,723 32,366 and sales for the week are 1,519 cases, including 200 cases ainee Sept. 1. 4174.689 4913.422 4394.250 4058,522 3827,933 3700,652 Pennsylvania fillers 6@6^c., as-sorted 10@16c., and wrappers Oalveetan includes Indianola; Charleston includes Port Royal, &c.. 18@40c.; 150 cases New England wrappers 14@35c.; 225 'cases Wllmligtan Includes Morehead City. &e.; Norfolk includes City Point. &e\ State 4^@l2c.; 600 cases fillers Ohio 4@4}6c., assorted 6(i7c., The exports for the week ending this evenins: reach a total and wrappers 10@13^c.; 300 Wisconsin fillers and cases 3^@ of 80,796 bales, of which 55,147 were to Great Britain, 839 to 4c., wrappers 9@12>6c., all from the crop of 1880; also 44 cases France and 24,810 to rest of the Continent, while the stocks as Pennsylvania, crop of 1881, on private terms, and 900 bales made up this evening are now 920,484 bales. Below are the Havana 88e.@$l 20. exports for the week and since September 1. 1881. Rosins have been firm, and a fair trade is reported at $2 37^ for good strained. Spirits turpentine has been sharply advanced Week EnAimi Mch. 17. From Sept. 1. 1881, to Mch. 17, 1882. by small offerings and higher Exportetl to— Exported to— London advices ; to-day fair Export* sales were made at 53;^@54c. for Southerns. Oreat ContI- Total Oreat Contt' Refined petroleum, from— Total. under a continued dullness, BrU'n. *Vo»K« ^„t_ Week. Britain. France „^^. has declined to 1%a. ; and resales of March are offered at 7c. Crude certificates closed lower at 80>i Oalveston r,750 1,750 112,526 13,7T; 55,400 211,703 April @80^c. options 8l%c.; May 83>^c.; June 8.5>^c.; July New Orleans.. 21,109 S.551 32,663 169.111 177,111 183,418 830,300 Ingot 87J^c. copper, though quiet, is steady at 19@19Mc for Mobile 3,512 8,6;2 23.507 6,313 3,231 33,031 Lake. Pig iron and steel rails are dull at the moment. Hops Florida 3,900 3,900 receiye fair attention from brewers, and in the interior exporters Savannah 7,201 7,201 121,589 15.4311 160,197 297.196 279.190 have taken a few lots at 20@22c. for crop of 1881. Wool at the CharlestoD*... e,llB 6,594 14,713 110,973 19." 23 118,994 Wilmington... 53,581 1,130 8,819 63.333 close is more active, and holders manifest more confidence. Norfolk «.572 6,572 252,117 2,5b0 15,810 270,837 Ocean freight room has continued to be sparingly taken and New York 8.3M 1,001 10.206 255.8 72 19,380 19,777 320,029 rates lack support and regularity. To-day graia to Liverpool, BOBtOD 4.1T9 4,1'U 99.655 1 99,656 by steam, was taken at 2%d.; bacon, 12s. 6d.; cheese, 17s. 6d.® Baltimore 1,387 1,397 60,081 29.667 79.751 20s.; flour, lOs.; cotton, ll-64@i4d.; grain to Avon-mouth, by Phlladelp'a,&c 600 600 10.279 200 40.479 steam, 3^d.; do. to London, by steam, quoted 3@3^d.; do. to Total 55,117 839 24.S10 80,796 1.053, 255,871 625.871 2,0.35,523 Cork for orders, by sail, quoted 4s. 4^d. per qr. ; refined petroleum was taken to Bristol TjUl 1880-81 69.371 11,900 50,035 13l.2T8r2.041,97; 113,130 769,695 3.221,802 Channel. 38. 3d. ; do. to Hamburg, 88- 4>2d.; do. to Amsterdam. 33. 5l4d ; if Rotterdam, 3s. 6d. •IBdndea exports from Port Roral, Ac ' . . . 8 ; « o »1 o^

MARcn 18. 18f«.J TMK CHRONICLE. bl9

In addition to abore exports, nor teWraras to-ni^ht alxo sriTe iM thH followin^r amoantd of ootton on 8nipbi>ard. nut cleared, at II the pi>rt4 named. We add similar flKorea for New York, which are prepared for oar special one by Messrs. Carey, Tale & Pl PI PI pip. LamDert'. 60 Beaver Street. : Rffa : 1|:- IK Igx IgK : : o.p? e.£.« St- • B,t| • St^ On Shipboard, nol eleareit—for I f • • •- Leaving : a: 5 : 3: 3; a 3: ^ : a: Heu. 17, AT— Oreat Olhtr Ooatl- Slock. France. Total. Srilain. Fareigtt Witt.

ew Orleuu. . 19,388 14.G18 23,280 140 57.474 Miiblle 7.050 None. None. 1.400 9.350 Cnwleston 3.810 1,020 1,900 1,050 7.780 BaTiuiDiib 3.000 None. 3,300 3,500 10.700 Salveoton lO.a.'iS None. 2.992 26 13.278 Norfolk 10.485 None. None. None. 19.485 Kxw York 4.300 Nono. 1,050 Nono. 5.350 OtburporU •l.OOO None. None. None. 4,000

Total ...^. 73,0S1 13,683 32.331 6.125 127,415

Total 1861 90,078 29,203 01,311 6.322 191,914 I

Total 1880 . 82.677 19.102 37.504 0.822 I 149.105

The market for cotton, though fluctuating somewhat, has been generally stronger, and prices show a material advance during the week. The specalation in futures has been at times quite active, and a full aggregate btisiness has been done. The advance on Saturday was based on the overflow of the Missis-

sippi River, the reduced visible supply, and the continued to small movement of the crop. Tuesday, better weather at the to g South, the falling of the rivers in middle latitudes, and sales to CO realize profits, caused a considerable decline, which was fol- M o lowed by a weak opening on Wednesday. But later in the day i 5 tsjpecnlation was reneweaon the general position of supply and demand, and especially the delay in carrying out the stop or M short-time projects It> to in Lancashire, and prices continued to Oi H- advance down to near the close of Thursaay's business. The M M on o highest prices for this crop, on Thursday, were 25@28 points o o above the lowest figures of Wednesday. To-day, the opening o o was at a smart decline, under a freer movement of the crop, tSIO to including overland shipments, better weather generally, and the to to to to to to 10 o\ M 00 00 CD CD ob-j •3ob continued fall of the Missis.sippi River, north of Vicksburg a ICll'CO to to— 09 00 «tc I I I «« and although the market \va.s subsequently steadier, the close »r> «r- o u was 6 points below Thursday, Cotton on the spot was less O to too to to o 2 dbcoo tocoo 0000 iSS ooobo •job active for export early in the week, but showed some improve- ^03 to — CO 00 ment on Thursday. For home consumption there has been a wto to to to to KtO to to fair business in progress. Quotations were advanced J^c. on 00b oboi 00b to 00 "?» wo — *<>'— —-to Saturday, l-16c. on Wednesday and l-16c. on Thursday. To- , I S.'i I I l»3> I *w »?> «» I day the market was unchanged, middling uplands closinsr at — — aa — — -1 ——a) to too totoS tOUo lOUp 12 3-16C. lis bb«0 eo© too* WCB 00 fO too The total sales for forward delivery for the week are 945,400 bales. For immediate delivery the total sales foot up this week to to tsto to to to to to to w*. t,021 bales, including 5,600 for export, 3,150 for consumption, too oto— »*• Too for I m?> I I Sto 271 speculation and in transit. Of the above, — bales I e." to — — — — 00 — — OS «»re to amve. The following are the official quotations and to to to too to too to top liS li-J-O sales for ?ach day of the past week. o cj,d,0 UPLANDS. NEW OKLEAN8. to TEXAS. Meh. 11 XQD to to 0000 Uarch 17 Sat. nou Toes Sat. non Tnea Sat. itton Tae* ODC^I 00 — Tot f'obyt aico «>o «» I «M I I I »- — — o> — — 0) Qrdln'y.yli 938 939 938 9=8 939 939 9»8 959 9»9 — — o aWctOrd.. 915l6 9'»ie 91»16 103,8 X03.. 103,8 103,8 103,8 103,8 ©toO obobo ««o «Joo

Ordln'v.^lb 97,8 9% 911,, I I « I •) I 9% 9% 9% 911,8 9% 9% — — Strict Ord.. 10 101,8 101,6 10% 10% 10«,8 .] Ord.. lOlSijIlO'g —— Good lO'g lUls lUie 11% rjis -i-jo Btr. G'd Ord im 1116,8 115,8 11% 11% — O Low .Midd'K 1111,8 11% 11% 1115,, 1115,6 Btr.L-wMidilli6,8l2 12 123,8 12% 12% 123,8 12% 12% i I 1 lUddllDK. 12% 123,8 1239 123,8 1238 127,8 127,8 CItOl 0) 12% 120,8 12% 12'3,8,1213,»ill. 121*18 12% 1213,8 I « l« I «: I «: 12% 12liJ, 121V13 131,8 131,6 13 131,6 131,8 13% 13»,8 13% 13»,8 13»,6 13% 139,8 13»,6 I 14 14?"" 18 :^is I I: ll'iB 14'ig 14% 145,8 Il46"IB 14% 145,8 U5,8 STAINED. Sat. non Toes Wed Th. Frl. 'Includes sales in September. 1881. for September, 314.000 : Septem- ber-October for October. 416.400; September-November for Oeed Ordinary k. 8'5,8 November, y 815,8 815,6 9 91,9 91,8 511.200; September December for December. 1.479.100; September- Strtei (?ood Ordloarr 915,8 9'5,8 916,6 10 101,8 101,8 January for January, 4,252,500 ; September- Februai? Low Middling 1059 10»g (or Febnarr. 10»8 1011,8 10% 10% 2,230.100. MldiUlnic 1159 11% 1111,. 11% 11% Transferable Orders—Saturday. 12-10o. ; Monday. 12- 15c. ; Tuesdaj, 12'05c.; Wednesday, 12' 15c.; Tborsday, 12'25o.: Friday. 12'20a. MABKBT AND BALBS Short Notices tor March—Monday, 12-07! Tuesday. 12-05; Friday, 1215312-19. 8AL«a OF SPOT AiTO TRASgrr. A Includes for February, 1882, 890 at 11-83311-96. POT MARKKT CLOSED. Oon- Spee- IVon- Deliv- The following exchanges have been made during the week: poH. ntmp. uem til. Total. Sales. cries. -19 pd.toexoh. 1.700 May for June, -39 pd. to szeh. 100 Apr. for June.

. 2«2l -39 pd. to oxoh. 100 April for June. -20 pd. to excb. 200 Apr. for May. . Firm at % adv. 2.762 3,041 164.200 300 I S*on .'Finn 300, 7721 36 1,108 190.000 500 Visiblb Supplt Cotton, as made op by cable and Tue«. Steady 646! ."565 100 1,311 119,600 400 Tbk op Wert .'Firm at 1,8 adv. 100 403 100 663 123,000 200 telegraph, is as follows. The Continental stocks are the flgnrea Thurs Firm at iicadv. 1,42.5 5«2l 33 2.022 187.700 200 of last Saturday, but the totals for Great Britain and the afloat Frl. .iSteady 367, 506 873 160,900 400 for the Continent are this week's returns, and consequently Total 5.000 3.1.10' 271 9,0211945.400 2.000 brought down to Thursday evening; h^nee. to make the totals tie Th* dully complete figures (or to-night i Mch. 17), we add the item of exports drtllverle^ Kiven above are soca.tUy delivered tlie day prt - TWOS to that on wliloti tUey are reported. from the United States, including in it the exports of Fridar only: IH82. 1381. 1880. Thb Sales a»d Pricks o» Futorm are shown by the follow 1879. Stookat Liverpool bales. 757.000 786.000 578.000 In^ ccmprehensive table. In this statement will be found the 567,0M Stjok at London 57.000 51.200 29.904 62.00O daily market, the prices of sales for >>ach month each day, anil „ the dosing bids, in addition to the daily and total sales. Total Qreat Britain ttook . 814.090 837,200 e«7,9ai 629.00a . :.

70L. XiXlV 320 THE CflROJSlGLK I

1882. 1881. 1880. 1879. I Becbiptb fbom thb Plahtations.—The following table !» purpose of indicating the actual movement each BtookatHaTre bales. 150,000 131,000 52,700 170,000 prepared for the 2,130 2,000 week from the plantation?. Receipts at the outports are some- Btook at MarseUlua 8.080 5,000 27,128 42,750 times misleading, as they are made up more largely one year Btook at Baroelooa 43,500 25,100 3,000 4,500 than another, at the expense of the interior stocks. "We reach, Btoek at HamDOTK 2,200 5,300 25,500 therefore, a safer conclusion through a comj)arative statement Bcook at Bremen 88,900 29,400 16,620 43,750 like the following. In reply to frequent inquiries we will add Btook at Amaterdam 20.000 36,900 28,600 8,750 '.hat these figures, of course, do not include overland receipts or Btook at Rotterdam 312 1,060 2,520 420 3,750 Southern consumption; they are simply a statement of the Btook at Antwerp 1,400 884 6.000 weekly movement from the plantations of that part of the crop Btook at other oontl'ntal ports. 10,733 6,700 3,541 which finally reaches the market through the out-ports. 270,125 241,364 136,659 307,000 Tatal continental ports. KECEIPT8 FROM PLANTATIONS. Total European stocks.. ..1,084,125 1,078.564 744,563 936,000 tama cotton afloat for Europe. 303,000 177.000 168.946 124,000 TFm* BtceifU at Vhe Porta. SVk atlnterior Towns. Kec'pttfram PIoiU'm. octtoa alloat for Eur'pe 366,000 650,000 538,110 692,000 •ndiKfl— Amer'n '79-'80. '80-'81. '81-'S2. •79-'80. •80-'81. '81.'82 '7t<-'S0. '80-'81. '31-'9a. Bgypt,BrazU,&o.,aflt for EVpe 46,000 21,000 22,862 16,000 Deo. 30 .... 154.306 196,4.35 195.808 381,163 363,025 466,586 144,984 206,973 205,370 Btook In United States ports .. 920,484 856.480 817,266 679,222 Jan. e :'«.48U 110.735 152,429 375,086 337,834 453,85U 1-13.422 85,374 139,50s Btook In V. S. Interior ports.. 252,673 287,314 281,047 141,612 " 13 129.489 129.601 114,868 376.412 309.550 435,050 130.812 101,490 96,2S» Btites exports to-day. 16,500 10,500 11,000 7,000 United " 20 168.280 138.879 99,990 383.923 309,262 419.043 175,791 138.51)1 83,986 " 125,070 92,081 3S6.701 306.321 400,986 13»,969 122,129 Total risible supply 2,988,782 3,080.858 2.583,794 2. 195,834 87 137.191 74,0*4 Feb. 8 112,383 147.129 95,057 882.531 317,866 390,019 108.196 158,674 84,080 Of the above, tbe totals of American and other descriptions are as follows: " 119,851 133,723 86,779 371,88-) 313,837 380.528 108,985 129,694 77,288 American— 10 " 17 115.3U7 14^,639 72,031 351,707 312.65a 372,454 95.349 145,232 63,sn stock 542,000 599,000 421,000 432,000 Uverpool •• 24 102.895 13^,359 60.160 341.028 317,588 382.430 92.310 1-! 3,397 60,138 166,000 188,000 118,000 264.000 Continental stocks Meh. 3 78,151 133.931 61,980 325.216 3a2.458 343,072 62,645 133,801 S2,«» American afloat for Europe.... 366,000 650,000 538,110 692,000 " 10 64.368 143,126 58.747 S11.087!S19 8)2 315.973 S0,23S 136,900 81,648 United States stock 920,484 856,480 817,266 579,222 " 17 49,611 103,200 57,4'4'300.793l820,500!2?4.3t'3l 39 317 109.468 25,87* United States Interior stocks.. 252,673 287,314 281,017 141,612 The above statement shows— 1. That the total receipts from the United States exports to-day.. 16,500 10,500 11,000 7,000 plantations since Sept. 1, 1881-82 were 4,413,657 bales; in Total American 2,263,657 2,591,294 2,180,423 2,115,834 1880-81 were 5,200,084 bales; in 1879-80 were 4,680,045 bales. Xa»l Indian,BrasU, de.— 2. That, although the receipts at the out-ports the past week IdTorpool stock 215,000 187,000 157,000 135,000 were 57,454 bales, the actual movement from plantations was london stock 57,000 51,200 29,904 62.000 only 25,874 bales, the balance being taken from the stocks at Continental stocks 104,125 53,364 18,659 43.000 the interior towns. Last year the receipts from the planta- India afloat for Europe 303,000 177,000 168,946 124.000 tions for the same week were 109,468 bales and for 1880 they Bgypt.BrazU, Ac, afloat 46,000 21,000 22,862 16.000 were 39,317 bales.

Total East India, Ao 725,125 439,564 397,371 380,000 Amoitot op Cotton in sioht SIakch 17—In the table below lotal American 2.263,657 2,591,294 2,186,423 2,115,854 we give the receipts from plantations in another form, and add to them the net overland movement to March 1, and vialble supply 2,988,782 3,080,858 2,583,794 2,495,834 Total also the takings by Southern spinners to the same date, ao as to 7oi6i. Price Mid. Upl., Liverpool .... tiHied. 63igd. 5»etl. give substantially the amount of cotton now in sight. We shall J5^The imports into Continental ports this week have been continue this statement hereafter bringing it down to the close- 67,000 bales. of each week. The above figures indicate a decrease in the cotton in sight to-night of 92,07t> bales as compared with the same date of 1881, 1881-82. 1880-81. an Increase of 401,988 bales as compared with the corres- Receipts at til© ports to March 17 bales. 4,17J,G89 4,918.422 bales ponding date of 1880 and an increase of 492,948 as com- Interior stocks in excess of Sept. 1 on Moh. L7 238,*)63 281.662 pared with 1879. Total receipts from plantationi. 4,413,fi57 5,200,084 At thb Inteeior Town3 the movement—that is the receipts Net overland to March 1 3n3,35> 415,047 for the week and since Sept. 1, the shipments for the week, and Southern consumptien to March 1.. 155,000 135,000 the stocks to-night, and the same items for the corresponding Total in sight March 17 4,922,012 5,750,131 period of 1880-81—is set out in detail in the following statement: It will be seen by the above that the decrease in amount is algbt - ^ — — ^c- to-night, as compared with last year, Is 823,119 bales. o 5? O P3 tts 3 O E E' fiii-lll E |ris|-i§'|g'3 Weather Reports by Teleoraph.—There has been less rain '^ ? ,.« *= ? = during the past week in most portions of the South, and in some o ?H.'^«?'- sections, more especially in the Southwest, planting has made

• tl''S?C^ t : : q; : : "I? some progress. Galveston, Texas.—It has been showery on two days of the

CO ^^^^^5^^* i^ ^ §4 past week, and the remainder of the week has been pleasant. O tC05*-'^lrO 'C C5~J^*'3*^-' W en CO cnVwi-'&sc.c.f 55? o-— 0'o:K>0">e». ci *-k'Cf)CocoCia:'X«50D»ooi^f-»xao-]^i&3 The rainfall reached eleven hundredths of an inch. Farmers are busy plowing, and in many sections corn has been planted. coco MM CO M Average thermometer 65, highest 77 and lowest 53. OWM

«-• (-» Indianola, Texas.—We have had drizzles on three days of H" OD X y» CJt Cilo'^iCMVicjM to'x'^tU'ioVooalCoo''I» -"-I ^ c: ::; (X C-, --J *. -.l*.^,^»o^-•o50oo'o:l^^^^oo^^*^oo -wj OS tt H* M o; to O; - J a 0; IX OJ QO M It" QD 1— Oi CO M to » »J CO H the past week, the rainfall reaching but two hundredths of an inch. Corn has been generally planted ia uplands, and much of cop *• MM M 00 M 0: *. it is up and growing finely. Some cotton has been planted. The Ci O Cd03>^|t^ %•"»(» '-OCT CO CO -l"(Orf». •M Oi^C>-^WWC0 ccoa>c;<^^lO^-'a)Q^oos; i3t-«ta> thermometer Cv CS K iF>> t5 O to 0003COQOtO)f^OOOi(^' |K<1<^OC&'^ICO has ranged from 39 to 80, averaging 69. Dallas, Texas.—The weather has been warm and dry during en •"• t-t M<] «-•»

CDtO l-'f-i i^M Kl^ M ing all of the past week, and all crop preparations are making iocst3c; i»-*4;c«^©co>-Mososco*cc;to>tv»b-to*iOi cotton. The thermometer has averaged 65, ranging from 5& toco M H« M (O M i^f* to 80. t;itOib"OtoC':*-tOMOiCO)t»'t0^1OOC0'i)'J»^t— OIM Palestine, Texas.—The weather has been warm and dry CC M *- CO (t- -^1 ti QL' O a; CO c; ti o-'cc w co':.'' i^to oc. coViTjid V^ Oi Orj W O O X 00 Cl (tk OOCO^lP^OO* ^ ^ ?^ W Co X ig O *- CO CO *- OS it-QO CS (^ during the past week. Plowing and other crop preparations are progressing well. The thermometer has averaged 68, the high- -• 1-4 MOO M i-ttO ?0J pco ^p ioc;'pii-'t3toi-i*.io>o^ioiij Shreveport, Louisiana.—The weather during the past week c; C-. (O o' cc tfk 00 CO •q-.o-;j'co*»-aao~icD'(t.'i*:o« receipts at all the towns are to 70, «14,B06 bales Ua

MAjtOB 18, 1889.1 THE CHRONICLE. 021

8tpttn,lj'r.\ ttct nbfr, f mtMrA IMt^mh'r, ^ \ Nav /ai ry. FthMWJf, -tb« pMt week, and the remaioder of the week hM been olear. Itatnralt. w On Wodnasday wn had hard rain, aocompaniwd with consfdHr- 1881 1881. 1880, lasi 1880. 1881. 1880, 1881. 1889. IflSl able hail. ThH rainfall reachfd Reventy-foiir hundn'dlhsof an VIHOINIA. A'or/l.Uc.- Inoh. AvHragH thermometer 64, higheHt 73 and lowest :!3. Kalnrall.ln . S-S7 407 8-48 •04 1-81 B-18 8-40 t-M S-84 «.?' Na.s/iville, Tennesste.—U has rained alightly on tlin-o days UnyM uf rain. 8 8 11 7 IS IS JO 18 ICI iSr W the past week, the rainfall reaching three hnndredlhH of an S.CMVtAifA. of Wilmington — and lowent 35. inch. Average thermometer 50, highest 74 Ilulnruil.ln S'BO 1-80 •«4 1-a* 1-08 SOS 108 have had showers on two days of Uikyt ut rain. 8 10 IW 17 10 Mobile, Alabama.—Wn Oreerubont.— remainder of the week has been pleas- the past week, and the Kalatall, In . I'lO ISO 100 110 970 890 8-90 2-lU 8-00 1-90 of an DitTD uf rain. « 7 7 8 •iT 14 7 IV S 7 e ant. The rainfall reached llfty hundredths inch. The irM.m.- thermometer has ranged from 4S to 78, aTeM«ing 63. Kniiii'ill.la.. 8-77 1-70 8'U 110 4-97 6-08 970 8^89 084 8'«4 8-«l 144 have rain on four days I my* r,f riln 8 8 4 8 S 11 7 6 18 6 11 8 Montgomery, A>'ibama.~\V« had KiUu lliiwk— of the past week, but as the week closes there has been a Itnlniiill, In., 0-4R 6'U S-W 417 0-98 8-90 B-74 7-84 4-88 897 Davnof rain, 4 14 7 IB 18 13 11 14 10 10 favornble change in the weather. The rainfall reached one OtarhUt— inch and fifty-eight hundredths. The thermometer has averaged Italnfttll.ln,. 1-84 8'«8 9-04 B'9« 477 8-49 7-»l a-81 5-88 896 I)By» rearwr— 1-78 1-31 8-47 1831 are Rainfall. In. 9-18 4-18 1-as and 1880. The figures from the records of the Signal Days of rain. 9 11 18 4 7 10 B 10 Service Bureau exoept at points where they have no station, Oatrxnmt— Ralofall.la.. S-14 3'OB 4-86 1-34 1-88 1-78 MS 1-78 and at those points tney are from the records kept by our own Dav* Af n%(n 17 8 19 19 10 agents. * iu« aiiur«8 tor D,;ctiiiO«r, 1881. a«a Fabraarr. 1888, »f» for PamtlaiT . ,...... — 1


'September.} October. Novemher. Decembrr. January. \ Fibrvuxry, TkermomeUr. Tlvrmonuter. 1881. 1880. 1881. 1880. 1881. 1880. 1881. 1880, 1882. 1881. 1882. 1881 VIBGINIA. 3femphM.— Highest 980 890 89-0 820 77-5 73-0 70-0 71-0 710 65-0 76-0 69-0 J^or/ollc.- 48-0 45-0 54-0 22-0 18-0 Hlghest.... Lowest S20 31-0 30 21-0 140 27-0 220 Lowest Average 76- 68-6 68-3 60-3 50-6 38-9 480 37-3 43-4 340 52-7 43-1 ATenige... Ashwood. Highest 100-0 840 87 780 78-0 84-0 68-0 88-0 670 62-0 72-0 6iS-0 N.CAR'LINA. Lowest 520 420 42-0 32-0 17-0 230 00-0 180 14-0 30 140 lFUmln»(«n.— Av«rage+ 76 63-0 64-.r 55-0 48-] 460 34-01 43-21 380 55-5 45-0 Highest Austin.— Lowest Highest 88-0 880 89-0 80-0 760 680 69-0 600 4-0 68-0 ATenwte Lowest 540 420 420 34-0 180 250 170 8-0 28-0 200 Or«n»6oro.— Average 782 66-4 612 68-8 ao-1 46-3 432 34-5 511 410 Highest. . . Iiowest TEXAS. Average Galrfston,.— IFeWon.— Highest 910 91 87-0! 83-0 79-4 78-5 74-0 72-0 75-0 68-0 75-0 680 Highest. Lowest 660 62-0 59-0 520 36-0 290 43-0 180 37-5 28-0 46-0 82-0 Ixiwest.. Average 81-2 78-0 61-7 54-1 588 53-5 58-6 47-2 63-1 54-8 ATera«e IruUanota.— XiUv Hawk— Highest 92-5 93-0 88-0 860 81-0 77-8 760 76-8 74-0 78-7 76-0 Highest Lowest 640 63-0 55-3 46-0 22-0 404 140 3-2-1 21-0 43-5 32-0 Lowest Average 80-4 79-9 77-1 69-3 52-3 596 53-9 68-8 45-4 65-3 55-3 Average. CorsUana.'- Charlotte— Highest 99-0 98-0 92 0' 860 79-0 75-0 78-0 800 Highest. Lowest 400 51-0 470; 41-0 140 6-0 8-0 2S-0 Lowest.. Average 78-9 74-8 72-3| 63-6 45-9 40-2 49-5 Average. New Ulm.— Port^iniuth- Highest 1000 970 910 88-0 73-3 69-3 80-0 82-0 81-0 79-0 820 SOO Highest.. Lowest 550 550 55-0 44-0 87-1 27-8 340 »-0 270 14-0 37-0 200 Iiowest... Average — 79-2 76-0 73-3 66-0 52-5 49-5 57-1 51-4 55-S 43-2 62-0 53-3 Average San Antonio— Murphy— Highest 980 930 90-0 870 84-0 80-0 78-0 790 75-0 77-0 54-0 46-0 41-0 21-0 Highest . Lowest 53-5 280 320 10-0 18 29-0 Lowest Average. ... 80-0 76-6 72-6 65-4 57 7 48-8 56-2 50-7 43-8 54-0

Average. . Denison— RaleiQh- Highest 1030 99-0 89-0 84-0 78-8 71-0 72-5 76-0 75-0 74-0 75-5 i 780 5-0 Highest.. . Lowest 48-0 510 440 370 24-4 320 2-0 16-0 2 29-0 .14-0 Lowest Average. ... 77-2 73-1 09-2 41-3 49-8 41-1 44-2, 88-7 53-7 43 6 .\verage Vecatiii— 82-0, 73-0 Watmr- Highest . .. 100-0 1000 9^0 78 720 78-0 75-0 76-0 750 Highest.... Lowest 49-0 54-0 480 37-01 27-0 5-0 2S-0 3-0 18-0, 5-0 160 Lowest Averawe. ... 78-1 76-0 69-0 65-5i 51-8 409 50-9 40-0 43-4 34-2 442 Average.... CastroviUe— TavtUtviUt— Highest.. .. 101-0 oo-o 84-0 820 79 82-0 78-0 87-0 800 Highest Lowest 53-0 53-0 44-0 38-0 27-0 230 29-0 270 30-0 16-0 240 Lowest Average — 77-0 74-5 67-5 61-0 85-6 52-5 55-8 »5 58-0 Average 8. CAROLINA station has been removed to Palejtine, Texas, Charleston.— •This from which point we Highest shall receive reports shortly. Lowest, Average. The following remarks accompany the month's reports for

GEORGIA January and February, 1882 : Augusta.— Highest, Norfolk, yo.—Very wet Surlng Jaunary, -with heavy suow on the l«t Lowest., Average and 5th. Heavy frost ou February 25. Atiantjx.— Charlotte. N. C—Frosts on February 1, 2. 3, 5, fi. 7. 22. 23, 2-1 and 25. Highest J'ortsmouth, iV. C— Ice on January 2 and 3. More southerly winde Lowest. for the month than for many years during same month. Average . Murp?ty, y. C.—Januiiry was one of the most roiny months on record, Savanmth,— consisting mostly of steady, drizzling rains without intermission. Highest. .. Scarcely any sunshine. The roads were in about the worst condition Lowest . Average. ever known here. Frum the 11th to the 19th inclusive the rainfall was Columbus.— 9-95 inches. Highest. Raleigh, -V. C—Six inches of sncw fell on January 1, and is included Lowest. in the rainfall as melted snow. Average, MtKon.- iri7«o;i. A'. C—January was a cold, wet and disasrceablo month, and Highest. on the 1st snow fell to the depth of 8 inches. February has been an Lowest. average month for out-door work ou farms, and considerable progresg Average. has been made. Boms.— Fai/elteville, .V. C—Lunar halo on night of January 24, followed by Highest. rain on the 25th, and on tlie 17th the mercury fell l."> degress in fifteen Lowest.. Average. minutes, and on the 28th it fell 9 degrees iu lifteen minutes. TlunnasviUe.— Augusta, :ht of ifashinlu.— fhe 27lh the rainfall was 3-30 inches. Highest.. in the memory lx)west -i««(in. Toin.—January was the most rainy January .. snow. It AvcniKi;.. of the oldest inhabitant. There were only 310 inches of rained or snowed on every day iu the month exceptfour, and there were two inches of snow ou the ground at close of month. During the monta .

Marob 18. 1882.] THE CHRONICLE. 823 lit wf< had rrMt nn tlircA liny*, anil tbn wrntlirr ban hvrti Kehnmry to the queation of registration of contracts, periodical i(flttl»- uiiuaiiitllv vrnriii niiil rl«u4y. On ilio '.:4lh we hiwl a very h«ary ralu, ments, power to close oontraots, quotations in tlie rnliiritll rcnnhlnK n|)aul i>n« inch In n frw oilnntfii. and decimals. hutiUHola. Tfj-fU.—\ notuMo aUiU'nrr fif frOMtn nnd onhl wonthcr Hint Minimum coininlHsion for non-members on all businem la iireclplUitlDU wii< not nlinvetlin iivmiiKr. Horthnni diirliiic Januiiry. TU« futures to be '4 per cent for buying and per cent for aelllDi^. of dnyn In nnn ciMlnn witn greuIiT. A mild, niwu % bat the nuuitxT nilny Members to make their own arrangements. January. A IrrrlHr noiilherly atonn )>nam'd ovrr tlilit station A.M. of February 2A, with IlKht rain for n aliDrC tinii>, iilau gmall hull und tnr- One-half per cent for buying and selling calculated on 854d. rtflo ilKzag Hichtnlu); lu thn mmth iind aoncheiint. Thn ntorm uinvcd per pound is equal to (30 for 100 bales. rroni Uio nurthwext. Thero baa been a notable absence or uorthora dur- loff the niiMith. No front. We understand that It ia the intention at the Exchange to 2>6c. for 1^ lbs., 8H®9c. which if attempted now would be mere estimate, and poor for Wi lbs., 9M@10c. for 2 lbs., and 10M®Uc. for sUndard at that. grades. Jute butts are doing fairly in a small way, but the market is not active. The "Senator" has arrived with a small The Livhepool Cotton Exchasob, Limited.—So long as quantity. There have been sales of about 1,500 bales part transactions in future deliveries remained small in number, the pa^er quality at 25'6®2?4c., and these are still the quotations, Liverpool Cotton Brokers' Association was found to work while bagging grades are still held at 2^@3c. to the satisfaction of the trade. But since the "future" Compaeative Poet Receipts asd Dailt Ceop Movembht. — system has become universal, and of vast and constantly pro- A comparison of the port movement by weeks is not accurate gressing proportions, it has been thought desirable that the as the weeks in different years do not end on the same day of association should enlarge its basis and introduce changes the month. We have consequently added to our other standing •'equired by the altered condition of the trade. AH efforts how. tables a daily and monthly statement, that the reader may ever to induce it to part from the old beaten track have constantly have before him the data for seeing the exact relative proved fruitless, and it has therefore been fonnd expedient movement for the years named. The movement each month to establish a Liverpool Cotton Exchange. since September 1. 1881. has been as follows: As has been well expressed in a circular accompanying the Monthly Tear Seginni/ig September 1. prospectus, the aim of the Exchange will be thoroughly to rep- Keeeipts. 1830. 1879. 1878. resent the cotton trade in its entirety, without antagonism to 1881. 1877. 1876. any class concerned, but simply to promote fair and equitable Bept'mb'r 425,770 458,47? 333,643 283,84S 98.491 236,868 rules October. 837,349 968,3 It- 888,492 689.261 578,533! 67.5,260 and free trade ; and that, although the business in Novomb'r 931,073 1.006,.iOI 942,272 779.237 822,493 901,392 " futures " would at first appear the chief consideration, the Decemb'r 933,440 1,020,802 956,464 893,664 900,119 787,769 Exchange intends at all times to watch over and promote all January . 543,912 571,701 647,140 618,727 689,610 500,680 other branches of the trade, including, of course, the specialities February. 291,992 572,7231 447,91? 560,824 472,054 449,686 of American, Indian, Egyptian, Brazil and other sorts of cotton. Total year 4,033,541 4,598,528 4,215,929 3,836,564 3,561,300 3,551,655 As will be observed the following by telegram received by Perc'tage of tot. port our Exchange on March 9, the Liverpool Cotton Exchange was receipts Feb. 23... 78-28 81-29 8627 81-«5 ' 87-95 on that successfully : day organized This statement shovt-s that up to Feb. 28 the receipts at the To Mr. RouEKT Tasnaiiii.l, President of the Now York Cotton Ex- ports this year were 561.987 baled less than in 1880-81 and change : The Uver|>ooI Cotton Exrhanite, orBiinized to-day with two hundred 182,388 bales less than at the same time in 1879-80. By adding member*. represoutluK one bundrrd and ilfty Liverpool and Manchester Feb. the daily receipts flrms, send Kreetlug. to the above totals to 23 since that time, Expect to bo ready for bugiueiu abuut Juue I. F. MciR, President. we shall be able to rea h an exact comparison of the movement This friendly commanication our Exchange replied to by the for the different years. following cable message : 1881-92. 1830-81. 1879-80. 1878-79. 1877-78. 1876-77. Mr. F. Ml'IR. President of the Llrerpoo! Cotton Exchuniro The meiuliers of ilie New York Cotton Exchauico heartily conffratulato Tot.Fb.23 4,033,541 4,598,328 4,215.926 3,836,564 3.561,300 3.551.655 the members of the Liverpool Cotton Eichaujfe ou tlielr successful Mch.l.... 6,519 20.473 16.279 10.547 17.754 0.386 organisation, and tender earnest wishes fur their prt>:)i>erU7 " 2.... 7,625 12,465 12.171 8. 9,363 9.782 KoBEkT Tassahill, President. " 8.... 10,803 16,503 12,432 19,628 S. 4.567 As it may interest our readers, we add the|main by-laws and " 4.... 6,913 22,125 10,056 19.653 32,985 8. rules as projected for the Exchange in the prospectus. " 6.... 8. 21.006 13.404 7.947 17.175 8,531 6.S73 The capital has been fixed at £50,000 in 500 shares of f 100 " 6.... 13,485 8. 9,839 9.860 9.746 each £25 to be " 3,582 23,943 8. 15,631 8.873 8.722 ; paid on allotment, remainder as decided here- 7.... after by the board of directors. The capital to be invested as " 8.... 11,056 24.435 ie.ti5 12,430 12.300 6.561 a permanent fund in securities " ».... 6,673 18.576 6,724 8. 8,7SS 16,338 and Exchange premises j the income to be available towards the annual expenses of the " 10... 12.039 19,011 6.711 18.764 8. 8.473 Exchange. First issue, 200 shares at par. "11.... 5,909 28,150 10,944 14,887 19.179 8. t^ persons of twenty-one years of age, havinar their place of "12.... 8. 17.258 13.745 8,298 11,487 8.391 bnsinesa in the United Kingdom, and of good character and -13... 10.207 B. 7.707 10.344 14,234 9,01T commercial standing, to be eligible aa members. Election of " 14.... 10.900 25,282 8. 13,767 13.992 6.758 members to be bv- the board of directors. " IS.... 10,289 19.161 13.435 7.531 14.641 7.692 Management by a b<5ard, consisting of a president, vice- " le.... 7,077 13,192 7,411 8. X1.210 6.341 president, trea.surer and secretary—the latter a paid official. " 17.... 13.072 14,900 6,660 12.019 8. 4.237 Suitable prfmi-ses to be provided, and all useful information 4,900,016 4,379,852 4,017.870 8.763.475 3,6e8.»4S to be supplied Entrance fee fixed at present at £10 per share. Total 4,174,639 Authurued forms of contracts for futures to be adopted, and Peroeutag e of total pnrt reo'i)UMch.l7 93-42 87-57 9034 8S60 90-88 ia framing the rules for such business, promin«o«e to be given . —


to direction, for each of the last four weeks; also the total exports • statement shows that the reoeipte since Sept. 1 up This direction since September 1, 1881, aud in the last eofamn bales less than they were to the same and lo-night are now 725,337 of the previous bales less than they were the total for the same period year: day of the month in 1881 and 205,163 1880 We add to the table Exports OF CorroN (bales) from New 'Xork since Sept. l. 1881. to the same day of the month in had been received to the percentages of total port receipts which Week ending— Same March 17 in each of the years named. Total period Exported to— Feb. Heh. Mch. Hch. since previ'vf flgnres which India CkmoN Movbmbht from all PoBTS.—The 22. 1. 8. IS. Sept. 1. year. of for ns. and forwarded by cable each Friday, are now coUected 13,840 10,135 8,397 7,756 249,165 228,646 Calcutta, Madras, ruticonn, Carwar, &c., the shipments from Other British porta 531 170 550 6,707 10,946 previously-received report from enable us, in connection with our full and complete India Britain 14,371 10,135 8,567 8,306 255,872 239,592 Bombay, to furnish our readers with a Total to Gbbat first give the Bombay statement movement for each week. We 130 101 509 839 19,330 27,&28 figures down to March lb. for the week and year, bringing the Other French ports UUMBAT RBOBIPTS AND SHIPMENTS FOR FOUR TEARS. 130 401 509 839 19,380 27,528 Shipmenit this week. Shipments since Jan. 1. Receipts. and Hanover 2,144 1,580 807 961 29.827 26,091 Since Bremen — fear Oreal Oonlir Great Conti- This 75b 260 369 100 14,084 16.744 Total. Total. Week. Jan. 1. Brlt'n. nenl- Britain nent. 50 300 50 4,829 5,090 514,000 30,000 11.000 11,000 253.000 141.000 394.000 59,000 TOTAL TO HORTH. EUROPE 2,952 2,140 1,226 1,061 48,710 48,825 21,000 32,000 71.000 143.000 21 1.000 38.000 320,000 11,000 311.000 6.000 6,000 72,000 112.000 184.000 13,000 Spain. Op'rto, Qlbralt'r.&c 837 460 19,00u 203,000 7.0(10 20 000 27,000 .^S.OOO 70,000 1 23.000 All other 200 1,203 Bombay appears to show an According to the foregoing, Total Bpain, &e 1,037 1,663 increase compared with last year in the week's receipts of 21,000 the 17.453'l2.07e 10.302 10.206 3a5.029 317.608 bales, and an increase in shipments of 9,000 bales, and Grand Total bales. shipments since January 1 show an increase of 180.000 Thb Followino are the Receipts of Cotton at New York,- Tuticorin, Carwar, &c., for The movement at Calcutta. Madras, Boston, Philadelphia and Baltimora for the past week, aud has been as follows. the same week and years since September 1. 1881: MADRAS, TUTICORIIf, OABWAR, RANQOOS AND KDRRACRKE. flALCDTTA, Baltimore. Kew York. \ Boston. i Philadelphia. \ Receipts 1. Shipments this week. \ Shipments since Januarn Since This Since This Since This Since This j 1 week. \Sept. 1. week. Sept. 1. weeHc. Sept. I. week. Sept. 1. Year. Conti- Great Oonlir Great Total. Total Britain. nent. Britain. nent. N. Orl'aus 3,990'l6i!.931 93,000 50,000 143,00e Texas.... 2.08.ii 96.783 3,676 1882 10,000 5,000 15,000 Savannah 2,015213.711 31,330 36 30,210 2,717 57,70* 16,000 76,000 57,000 133,000 1881 12,000 4.000 Mehile... 4,863 1880 11.000 2,000 13,000 30,000 8,000 38,000 Florida . . 30 7.198 10,000 1 41,000 23,000 63,000 1879 9,000 1,000 S.Car'lina 2,02«'l33,517 •. 18,3i5- Car'Una 38o! 53,339 10 18.205 above totals for this week show that the movement from N The Vlrgluia.. 2,357,164,633 630 45,565 1,306 67,246' ports other than Bombay is 1.000 bales less than same the North. pt8 1 1,832 1,493 82,344 56 week last year. For the whole of India, therefore, the total ship- Tenn., Ac, 1.107 138,016 3,779 165,221 291 40,298 I4,68»

. 47 '.',504 ments this week and since Jan. 1, 1882, and for the corresponding Foreign the previous years, are as follows. weeks and periods of two This year. 14,042 933,489 5,902 33:f,409 330 70,508 4,033 176,747 exports to edrope from all ihdia. Last year 21,94,-) 891,131 8.9S5 314.042 3.054 56.010 3,539 182.267 1882. 1881. 1880. Shippino News.—The ezports ot cotton from the United 10 all Europe This Since This Si)iee This Since States the past week, as per latest mail returns, have reached from— week. Jan. 1. week. Jan. 1. week. Jan. 1. 104,630 bales. So far as the Southern ports are concerned, these Bombay 41,000 394,000 32,000 214.000 6,000 184,000 are the same exports reported b.y telegraph, and published ia All other p'rta 15,000 143,000 16,000 133,000 13,000 33,000 the Chronicle last Friday. With regard to New York, we Include the manifests of all vessels cleared up to Wednesday Total 56,000 .137,000 48,000 347,000 19,000 222,000 night of this week: This la.st statement affords a very interesting comparison of the Total bates. 94 total movement for the week ending March 16, and for the three Hew York—To Liverpool, oer steamers Citv of Brueecls, Germanic, 1,849, .Egviit, 2,007,,, Lalse Chiimilaiu, 1,011 years up to date, at all India ports. ...Bcythia, 1,701,.. Wyoming, 1,094 7,756 Alexandria Receipts and Shipments.—Through arrangements To HuU, per et<-iiiuer Salerno, 150 150 To Glasgow, per steamer Fiimessia, 400 400 have with Mas-srs. Davies, Benachi Co., of Liverpool we made & To Havre, per steamer Amorique. 839 839 and Alexandria, we now receive a weekly cable of the movements To Bremen, per steamer Main, 961 961 of cotton at Alexandria, Egypt. The following are, the receipt* To Hamburg, per steamer Gelleit. 100 lOO Cadiz, 3 979 and shipments for the past week and for the coiresponding week New ORLEANS—To i.iveip"ol. per steamers Callforniaii, 2,900, ...Cella, 4,840. ,., Legislator, 5,120.... of the previous two years Mieslcsippi, 4.436,,.,Peconie, 4,600, .,,P. mbroke, 5,7b0 per ship Nettie Murphy, 5,090 per bafk Wimii.era, Atejandria, Jiijypt, 40,154 1881-«2. 1880-81. 187f-80 3,400 itarch 16. To Cork, jier bark Formosa, 2,230 2.230 To Havre, per steamer Suez, 1,754. .per ship EyerSon, 5,207 6.961 BeceiptB (cantars*)— ToReval, per bark KouKsbyrd, 906 966 This week 23,000 36.000 5,000 ToCronstadt, per baik Aiilesuiid, 924 9-.i4 Hinrt* rt«pt. 1 2.711,0,10 2.616.000 3.190,000 ToKarva, per bark Schiller, 1,640 1,640 per brigs Alfredo, This Since This Since This Since To Barceloua, per bark Adtlaute, 357 3:;4 . . . .PubiUii, 39 720 week. Sept. 1. week. Sept. 1. toeek. Sept. 1 CUARLES'roN—To Liverpool, per barks Josephine, 1,392 Uilaiid Exports (bales)- and 50 Sea Ifland . . . .Memeuto, 1 ,518 Upland . . . Yarmouth, 2,39 1 Upland 5,854 lo Llvei'iKH*!.. 4,500 •221,000 f>,ono 1-9.000' 7.51' 207,730 Savannah—To Liverpool, per ship Sueccss, 4,587... 4,587 To (Joiitiiieiit . ll.ooO 150,838 4.160 93.6241 2,000 I44,41i8 To Bremen, per bark Johaiino Marie, 2.431 . 2.431 Liverpool, Proposite, 1,339 1.331'' l.'i.^oo 176.338 9.1flO;2S2,6'2t' 2,750 !,218 Texas—To per barks Teuax To Cork, for urders, per barks , 1,550 Tauercd, ' A uautnr is 98 lbs. l,60o 3,21.5^ This statement shows that the receipts for the week ending To RevaL per bark Success, 1,187 1,187 To Vera Crux, per steamer Whitne.v, 773 77* March 16 wAe 28,000 cantars and the shipments all to Europe Wilmington—To Liverpool, per barks August. 1,592 Bern- •were 15,500 bales. hard and August©, 1,233. 2,82* Manche.stkr Market.—Our report received from Manchester Norfolk—To Liverpool, per barks John Hamneit, 2,117 Jessie Renwlck, 3,327 5,444 to-night states that prices have advanced for both twists and Bal'Timore-To Bremen, per steamer Strassburg, 3.227 3,227 shirtings, and that the market was active, but afterwards Boston—To Liverpool, per steamers Bavarian. 1,890.. .lUyrian, became quieter. We give the prices of to-day below, and leave 1,664. ...Iowa,3,480....Nova8cotia, 913 7,947 Philadelphlv— Liverpool, steamers British Crown, 1,500 previous weeks' prices for comparison: To per ....lUlnois, 500 2,000 1882. 1881. Total 104,630' Ootfn 32» Cop. Oott'n The particulars of these shipments, arranged in oar assal 8H lbs. Mi'l. 32» Cop. 8I4 lbs. Twist Shirtings. Mid. form, are as foUows: Vplds Iwist. Shirtings. Vplds Cork, Bremen Retal, d. d. 1. d. 8. d Bull it and Cron- d. d. d. s. d. B. rt. d. Liver- alas- stadt A Baree- Tent Jan 13 938810 6 '88 6"ia 9%®10i2 7 -88 3 659 Ham- " 20 9I38IO Is pool, gow. Bavre. burg. Narra. lona. Orus. TottU. « 7 88 6^ 9388IOI3 6 9'888 2^8 6»18 " 27 9i«810 6 71288 NewTorlc.. 7,756 550 839 1,061 - 10.208 B!>8 938 81012 6 9'8'a8 2'',^ O'le Feb. 3 938810 « 6 '88 068 938®10l4 N. Orleans. 40.1.54 2,230 6,961 3,530 720 53,595 " 6 978 98 2^8 6»„ 5,854 10 938810 6 6 '88 eis 038®10'-4 6 Charleston. 5,8£4 " o-^eas 2'8 7,018 17 9388 O's 6 5 '87101s n-''8 810l4 OlOHj-rfS Savannah.. 4,587 2,431 •< 24 9388 9Te 10i« 67'« a-'s e'lo Texas 1,339 3,215 1,187 773 6,514 6 6 '87 91a 810'8 6 10i2®8 2Vf, 638 Hcb. 3 938® 9'8 10i« Wilmington 2,825 2,825 6 6 »7 eia 912-81038 6 IOI383 2''8 638 •* 5.444 10 9-i6®lo 6 6 a? lOifl 6% 914® '87 Norfolk.... 5,444 " 9I5»8103,« 7i«®8 9'e 6 9 loH «3,« 3.227 17 6 en,. 9i4'ai ^Ih 6 9 '&7 Baltimore 3,227 lOHj 63,„ Boston 7,947 7,947 Phlladelp'a 2,000 2,000 Thb Exports op Corro.y from New York this week show a decrease, as compared with last week, the total reaehin? 10 206 Total... 77.900 5,995 7,800 6,719 4,717 720 773 104,630 bales, against 10,302 bales last week. Below we give our usual Below we give all news received to date of disasters to vessel* toWe Bhowing the exports of cotton from 2Tew York, aud their MiiTing oottOQ from United States ports, etc.: . ..

uadch 18, wen.} THE (;HR0NJ(JLE. 325

Elbr, atoamer (Oer.), WlUoserod, from New York, whioh anired at Dreitif II, March 7, had tire nn board, and damatced her oarico. BREADSTUFFS. RocaDAI.it, atnnmvr (Br.), relnnUliiKrarKii ut nnllfni, before reported. ratOAT. p. M., March 17, IMS. A RIOT*-dorr, with 20 iiioii, iirtlred lit lliiltriix, .Mareh 7, from The floar Hnvnniinli, to ri^-alow llio I'lirRO of ileaDior Kochdalo (Ur.), from market has been higher for the better gradet, CttirU'ntoii. 8. C, for HotniMtinMil. thoQgh some low grades of winter wheat brands have favored BOMBNi) Canti.k, aioanirr (Hi), from New Orlnana for Bremen, put Into flidtrux for pomI Afirr »hr luiil oiMilnd at.d waa rondv to autl buyers Hlightly. The bonineM for eiport here has been rather for IlriMiii'ii It wn« !i ! that llinni waa n tun o(r her pro- moderatH, as a role, though shipments of fair magnitude are p4-lti'r. f*\nt Ih ihiw •! , part of her t^HrKo to ralae hor •Ut1lri<'ii11v out of tlio >kn lliit noctiHaary ivimlrn. being made from the mills direct to foreign ports. The export MikRTtN 8rmi> -The Mi'inr n sua III Ter pocket Miirtlii Speeil, transactions here Ntriick :k HUitKoii Wwli iiiK lit PleaaaDt lAiKlliif;, l.", mlli'H latterly have been mainly for account of bi'low fine niiifT, ail'' -im hiiil 47 balca of eoitoii aboard. the British Provinces rather than for Bogiand. The receipts, The boat t» owned In Mnni'liH. miil wiia valiind at $1 1,000. TIUBlloaoitA, i>hi|i (Kr). ut Ilavii', froiii .New OileaiiH, before reported, however, have be^n liberal, and mainly of the better grades of w»e dlfCc'Te'vi! to Im on llr<> in the fonihnld, nlitbt of Pobritarjr 26. spring, while the patents this it It WU8 oxtluKiilKliod by lIooillnK the hiilil. t^ho had dl^tohargeu the of description, is asserted, ara ffrcuter pan of her ear^o, iilMiiit ^0 iialna cotton reiuiiluluff on to a considerable extent of donbtfnl quality; the common spring boaid when the lire waa dlHcovered. The reawl waa more or Irea extras are anliinerKPd ; her deeka uiipeared to IM) allgbtly li^urud and the plenty and slow of sale. In fact the receipts of floor foremast wuiiUl probably have to be reinored. here have been ho large within a week that Brooklyn ware- Cotton frei^rhts the pa.< aall c. taking a wider range every week. " " Bremen, ateam. .c. The shorts there have covered their contracts for April to Do sail t. some extent of late, and higher and excited markets have been Bamburx, ateam.d. the rale, the report that the Western clique are endeavoring to Do aail.-.d. " corner " the May and deliveries Amat'd'm, ateam.c. June adding to the uneasi- Do taU...ort«r8 took 3,100 3,700 2,600 5,500 Of which speptilatom took.. 1,1S0 •2.500 3.600 3,000 at $1 25(@$l 28 ; No. 2 red for April sold at ?1 36©$1 37, and Salea Aiuerieau 4:2.000 44.000 61,000 54,000 Actual export 3.600 G.200 5,300 4,200 for May at f 1 35?4@fl 38M- Ttorwarded .">,.';oo 13,000 9,700 12.500 Indian com has advanced materially. The statistical Vatalatocl' -iu.ooo 217,000 216,000 203,000 has generally been supposed, and that the apparent decrea.se The tone of the Liverpool market for spots and f uturfts eaoh day of tlie —'^ ending March 17. and Che dally oloslug prices of spot cotton, have in the visible supply at Chicago, latterly noticeable, was caused as follows: by a trick of the clique there, which chartered vessels at the lake ports, and took the corn of store so that the real state Saturday Uonday Tuetday. Wednes. Thursd'y. Friday. of Spot. the case would not be known until navigation opened and the Market, Actlre Kalr Dull and Harden '(. domand and Steady. Finn. increased supply at Buffalo told the story. To-day the market 12:30 p.M flrmer. froclr met easier. liiiu was q liet, at a slight advante ; No. 2 mixed sold at 74%c. illd.Upl-d*. 611,0 «5L'i« 6'li« 6il,a 6ili. tuo.Url'ns 6-8 U-s oV 6^8 for April, and 75%c. for May. Sales 12,000 15.000 12,000 8,000 12.000 12.000 Rye ha.s been irregular, at one time weak, but latterly more flpec.&exp. 1,000 2,100 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 steady. Barley has been quiet at a slight declin •. but closes Fututes. firmer. Oats have been in fair Market, demand and higher; to-day ( gnleter. ;2:30r.v. Steady. Flat. Flat. Strong. Quiet. prices were lowerfor mixed, with a fair bn^ness J on the basis

Market, ) of 50)ac. for No. 2 ou the spot, while optiont of this grade sold Steady. Qntet. Dull. Flat. ^p. « ( Qntet. Quiet. at 50^c. for March, 50Vic. for April, and 49M®-'>0c. for May.

The following are closing quotations : The actual aale.1 of future-! at. Uvorpool for the same week are given elow. Theae aalea are on the baKU of Uplands, Low Middling ol»u«r, nnlusa othcrwiae stated. No. 2 «prln!;...V bbl. *2 ^7^1^ 3.50 futents 96 ."lOa 8 25 8ATURDAT. No. 2 winter 3 OOa 3 75 City shipping extras. 6 0.<3 75 siipei-Hiie 4 00 4 ^iithei Drttver'y. tf. Deiirery. d, Detirery. d. Winter « 50 n bakera' and March 641^343,4 May-June ..6>I«49<>0,,^ Sept.-Oet 6»o<4 Spring siipeitiiie 3 70* 4 25 family biands 6 0)9 7 7."^ Mar-Anr. ..Br.-.d.iy B*»«4 July- Aug .. 6»»M»68,^ May- 66l»i 4 4 70 'ffiie^^u^^ Wis. & .Miin- r.veiiiiT. 5 7.ja 6 30 Ck>m meal— Aug.-S«j>t. . en^^it^ June-July o"«-4 MOHDAT. Minn, cleiir and Btra't 5 609 7 00 We«tem, Ac 3 S-.IS 360 Winter alilpp'g extras. 4 50» 5 00 Branilywine. Ac Karoh 3 6i>3 3 70 644,4 Ma.yjnne ..6Ug4SS2o, Ane-Sept 7 do XXandXXX... 9 509 7 50 Ruokw't flour, 100 Ibfl. 1909 2 35 Mar.-Apr 644^ June-July 6»5g. 8ept.-Oot._ 6M«4 OB'Ani. Apr-May .. 64Tm«4Sm Joly-Ang 8«0|j4l Apr.-May .. 647„ Wheat— 1 Oat«— TtTESOAT. .per $1 15 91 40 Mixed 50 9 5t>« Spring No. 2 March 644,^ Ang.-Sept 125 ®131 White 52 • 66-9 . 7«6««e4 Apr-May... 64S,4 winter 1 17 40 No. 2 Mar.-Apr 8ept.-Oct.. Red 91 mixed 50>4» .... G**m May-June. . eiiOg. 6»»i; Red winter. No. 2 136laei37^ No. 2 white 53Hl» .... Apr.-May . . .648,4*4«,4 Sept. -Oct.. Jnly-Aug.. 6S8„ May-Jane ..BS-iMaSig^ March Wliito 1 25 91 35 Bailey- 8ept.-Oct. .. 6M„ Com— Wcat. mixed 70 9 76 Canada No 1..,. 110 9111 Jtme-Jaly.. es'^^VM^^ Mar.-Apr.. Aor.-May «*««4®**64 Joly-Ang... 6<>M»«o,4 ....6«C West. mix. No. 2. 74"s* 7« Canada bright... 111 91 12 Aug-Sept 6M, Western yellow.. 80 9 82 State, 4-rowed... 95 9100 Wedhhdat. Western white ... 81 9 86 State, 2-rowed... 00 9 95 Southern white.. March ... ..-.641, July-Aiig 6'*«A March 640„ 82 9 95 Barley Malt- Mar.'Apr. Soul yellow. 72 75 6«:,«9102% May-June ..64«,4948,^ March 3ooat loads. 92 9 93 Stale, 4-rowed... 105 9112 641,. May-Jane S*^e4 June-July ..esistS'Su Mar.-Anr e4i,J tFrom the " !feu> Tork Produce Bxehanne Weekty.''^ THUUDAT, Receipts of flour and grain at Western take and rive; ports March Aug.-8ept 643u%"»( . OAJm^'^u May-June 6b>m for the week ending tiarch 11, 1882: Bfar.-Apr...«",4»44„. 8cpt.-Oct 6»»n June-July 6>c„ Flour, Wheai, Com, OalM, Barley, Rye, Apr.-May . . . Apr.-May 6^*t\'»**M. 6«7m July-Aug 6«tft4 MI*. bmk. bu*K. bu»h. hwA. buMk. May-June ..S»o„4#»3„ May-June 61^3^ Apr.-.May (196<»(.) (e0J««.) (56 U«.) (32(to.)(48tt«.) (WIUJ June-July 64«„ ..6>4u3Mm June-July tfittA. July-Anc 640(, OhlcaffO 40.075 60 02S 216,961 285,191 85,888 16,294 Joly-Aug .. 848„9S0„ Aug.-Sept 7 HUwaolMe..... 46,710 -|^'5 63.530 36,280 61.950 5,750 FsniAT. IMedo 120 58,272 1,968 2,100 Detroit 3,984 10.666 11,522 3.813 0,680 March 648^ 8ept.-Oct.. .6Hu*M,. Jane-July SM,, Cleveland 3,213 18,050 8,.V)0 33.700 4,779 50O Mar.-Apr 644,. June-July 6»»,4 Apr.-May 64a„ May-June 6"^ at. Louis 30.159 85.687 163.705 59,411 5,801 5,790 July-Aug 6«s„ Ang.-Sapt Peoria 1,420 6,350 169,000 87,350 14.300 May-.Iinie ..^^ulti^ft April-Mar 71m 34.4SO JuneJiily 6«»m Apr.-May 647„ Duluth 6(8,4 .May-.tuii" eM^ June-July 6»7„ July Aug.. Hay-Jane .6«3Ma«»M I S**,* Jnij-Aas OA^M Total 129,684 267,475 601,090 499,313 Au«.-6ept Apr.-May 181,494 SS,71« 7»M 64»JJ Same time 'SI. 94,215 551,999 1,50», 179 84«,92i 70,354 87,02«> : .


mostly governed by actual wants. Atlantic sheetings Total receipts at same porta from Dec 26, 1881, to March 11, been 1882, as compared with the previous three yaars : were reduced about )ic. per yard, and some of the lighter 1881-82. 1880-81. 1879-80. 1878-79. goods were closed out, and subsequently placed " at value.' Floor bbls. 1,677,927 1,023,786 1,077.8S1 1.247,477 Print cloths were more active at the manufacturing centres at 6,695,712 8,416.158 12.710,306 Wheat bnsli. 7,239,752 slightly improved prices, closing firm at 3 ll-16c. plus 1 per Oom 18,665.339 14.154,418 25,577,506 14,989,575 Oats 7,507.146 5,672,0ti4 3,962,391 4,123.381 cent offered for 64x64s, and 3M@3 5-16c. for 56x60s. Prints 2,979.305 2,257,171 1,435.124 1,458,809 Barley from a few of the most popular Eye 552,092 377,970 493,522 623,473 remain quiet aside makes, in which there was a fair business, and the outlook is so discour- TotaUraln.... 36,943,654 29,157,335 39,884,701 33,904,601 aging in this branch of the trade that a large curtailment of Comparative receipts (crop movement) at same ports from pre- already taken place. Ginghams were August 1, 1881, to March 11, 1882. as compared with the production has sluggish vious three years : in first hands, and there was very little animation in cotton 1880-81. 1879-80. 1878-79 1881-82. dress goods, but white goods, quilts, hosiery and knit under- Flour bbl8. 5,163,726 5,289,918 4,276,355 4,096,833 wear continued to move with considerable freedom at steady Wheat hush. 32,244,333 59.892.553 66.712,161 68,799,170 Com 77,697,414 74.943,326 67.268,036 53,035.970 prices. 23,322,631 26,801,569 17,383,646 20.984.363 OaM Wooleji Goods.— The general demand for men's- Barley 10,301,004 10,144,993 9,287,868 8,500,045 Domestic Bye... 3,216,487 2,839.776 3,316,203 1,579,816 wear woolens has been less active as regards personal selec-

Total Kraln.... 146,781,869 174.822.219 163,969,919 154,919,964 tions, but a fair business was done by traveling salesmen, and Comparative shipments of flour and grain from the same there was a good steady movement in execution of former ports from Dec. 26, 1881, to March 11, 1882, inclusive, for four orders. The best makes of heavy cassimeres, cheviots and years: largely sold to arrive, as 1881-82. 1880-81. 1879-80. 1878-79. worsted coatings are are several Floor bbla. 1,561,672 1,649,215 869,218 1,338.425 makes of union and cotton-warp cassimeres, and values are Wheat.. ...bush. 3,565,963 2,906,363 2,384,310 5.637,549 firmly maintained at opening quotations. Fur beavers and Oom 13,609,156 8,342,914 13,111,174 7,3-!4.923 fancy-back overcoatings are also under the control of orders Cats 5,896,353 5,096,888 2,510,912 2,734,743 Barley . 1,215,725 1,286,668 732.811 1,001,825 for some time to come, and altogether the condition of the Bye.... 552,445 460,135 356,184 273,826 market for clothing woolens is very satisfactory. Cloakings 18,293,018 Xotal (train.... 24,839,642 19.095,391 17,032,866 were less a«tive in demand, but agents are liberally supplied lake river for the Kail shipments from Western and ports with orders for future delivery. Satinets were somewhat weeks ended 1882. 1881, 3 880. 1879. quiet, and the demand for Kentucky jeans was light and dis- Week Week Week Week appointing but there was a fair business in dress flannels, Mar. 11. Mar. 12. Mar. 14. Mar. 15. ; Tlonr bbls. 148,179 113,996 114,784 120,965 carpets and certain styles of worsted dress fabrics. received fair share Wheat hush. 301,311 239,114 383,194 664,830 FoEEioif Dry Goods have a of attention ia Oom 653,750 990,375 1,741,181 774,422 first hands (though the volume of business was hardly up to Oats 366,366 330,077 356,836 422,523 Barley 89,816 47,733 84,496 115.023 expectations) and the jobbing trade was moderately active. Bye... 47.088 30.222 27,345 30,999 Black, colored and fancy silks, merveilleui, moires, etc., were in Tot^... 1,458,331 1,649,551 2,593,052 2,007,797 steady request at unchanged prices, but slight concessions were The Visible supply of grain, comprising the stocks in granary made on certain grades of satin de Lyon. Dress goods have at the principal points of accumulation at lake and seaboard done fairly well, and there was a steady call for moderate-sized ports, and in transit by rail and water, March 11, 1882, was as loUows: lots of linen and white goods, Hamburg embroideries and Wheat, Corn, Oats, Barley, Rye, laces. Men's-wear woolens were in moderate request, and there In store at— hush. bxish. bush. hush. hush. Hew York 3,097,509 2,507,169 322,372 37,252 96.818 was a fair business in hosiery and kid and fabric gloves. The Do. afloat (eet.) 480,000 300,000 110,000 54.000 auction rooms presented no features of special interest, and Albany 12,000 62.000 17.500 93,000 100.500 Buffalo 311,084 30,844 2,725 159,729 3,077 few of the sales resulted satisfactorily. Chioa«ro 3,743,018 5,348,874 678,741 252,167 420.515 Milwaukee 1,613,338 21,831 8,923 245,134 103,554 Importations of Dry Good*. Duluth. 732,279 Toledo 677,172 445,256 4,395 10,000 10,080 The importations of dry goods at this port for the week' Detroit 571,843 18.422 10,428 5,737 ending March 16, 1882, and since January 1, and the same facts Oswego 65,000 115,000 400,000 corresponding periods of 1881, are as follows: Bt. Louis 703,633 1,455.523 31,345 112.564 90,201 for the Boston 52,220 430,331 89,381 10,429 2,137 Toronto 352.985 6,223 230.486 15,774 O P Montreal 73,833 54,015 77,561 19,054 38,541 PhUadelphla 84.456 209,561 115,000 Peoria 8,794 232,898 163.588 7,118 84,707 of Indianapolis 238,100 123,700 61.100 16,600 §: : : Kansas City 206,920 83,135 29,813 8,253 5,614 i f Baltimore 1,089.114 531,397 p. Down Mississippi. 21.739 98,127 12; 290 On rail 417,311 821,070 391,300 103,960 49,588

Tot. Mar. 11,'82.. 14,452,348 12,928,173 2,022,885 1,869,803 1,091,706 Do, Mar. 4, '82... 16,118,519 14,200,219 2,283,241 2,348.300 1,100.086 aw w 01 QD Do.~ ~Feb." 25,~" '82."" .17,045,992 15,630,329 "io'h K) ,1^ M (b. COM M M — O 2,412,223 2,280.407 1,110,817 H-4- OOCXOC CO at o M CO ui coc;toc;a"

Do. Feb. 18, '82. . 17,800,344 17.215,243 2.811,383 2.544.944 1,145.309 IX tC M — CD 11, Do. Feb. '82... 18,134,223 17,887.770 2.933,208 2,071,880 1,167,792 '81. D9. Mar. 12, . 23,383,090 14,757,934 3,464,088 2,462.049 650,091 W-MIO MM ta K k; c; o: ** cx cc cji o; CO CitO C ti CS CD CS MO ppM*-CH«i OSM Ob»MC0O orf^cs'— "i* THE DRY GOODS TRADE. Cl 03 ff. 00 lO rf-M MMOiXOD M a 10 M M C'*.ooc:,c. <-o OS o- c ^ to M c a — w Feidat, p. M., March 17, 1882.

- o pf» a« OS CT to O ts CO It- CO O' »f>- C CSOIWMO satisfactory business was done in the jobbing branches of the trade. Accounts from the South and Southwest were some 0S0S**MO "toaD"ifc'mco what disquieting, the recent floods in those sections of the CD^SSOiOD C' OCO' coo (*»00t-0*^ w to C5 1-» in -g ;o coat atiP-oDc-O UtOSCS**© I? m o Ci "^ ! >-^ O&J •^1 X tS M M owing to a decline in Atlantic sheetings, bat later on there was o an Improved undertone, 'the upward tendency of the staple cot to CO o c: at ores ilH£) (-. 5C -o lutving contributed to this result. Domestic woolen goods a-cxi C:#.Mi**Mf6 were CDiKQOaCO tobxa'M MfcOMMOt MCOmOO K,«5 less active, but prices continued firm, and there was a fair if OJtUMMM not wholly satisfactory movement in imported fabrics. Domestic CO tOWMtOM Cotton Goods.—The exports of cotton goods from pptO_F-M this market during the week end^g March 14 comprised 2,402 coco xwaoootcD "iooslDM'rO (KM oocou w i»>-CD CXfCDWMC: CD C. M X GD 00 at OP o >i ta ^ OjCO .- at to X) OS tCXMCDM packages, mcludlng 1,132 to China, 475 to Great Britain, 232 to Brazil, 212 to U. S. of Colombia, 83 to Mexico, 73 to Central America, &c. Plain and colored cottons were in moderate vat Mt0i(*'O;M— — OCS^ •MX MO tOpt-pUOD yotppjuXm first pit demand , at hands, but no special degree of activity was 00 'O tOM«;^#* «kCoxw*:D MW COXO^IOI O CS "i -•. c noticed in any particular class of goods, transactions having MM tco-JWi* : : : .. :

MAitCR 18, 186S.J THE (mRONlCLE.

Bank Slatoment*. Bank Statement!. financial. KKPIIIIT OK TIIF. CONDITIUV 'vw Yurk, >l tuu clou* uf 18A« bailneH March II, : ItUOKHCM. Cor.of Montagu* A Clinton st«., Brrwklyn, N. T. I^«i>!>i»niinl» |8.'^in.M» Al ] Loitnn And dlacount 115,794 813 41 drr-'-' ifl lk^..' 4;l This Company la authorized byapaclal charter to -traftn , HA>0 03 ttlon sot as raoeWer, truat**, gnardlan I! - otidM to secure i^lronlttt Inn 900.000 no eieoator. or ad> I tttiMtoH. inlnlatralnr. I Htookii, bonds and murtgagta.. 108.801 nkS. !W It aet ' can ac agent In the aale or managament l>.h I 'Mil utliiT iiiitliinill bunkn 718.088 88 of 'iink-> iin.i hiinkom. real estate, oiknnnd bankers... IH,84I Ot oolleet Interest or dividends, reoelva nUiiru UTi'l tlxtiiro!*.. reirlstry and transfer bks, or pnrcnaae rt> and Bxtarei... eA7,ni8 make ana on •ale ••A nnil tnXL'H pikltl. . of Oovemment and other seourltles. aid taxes paid. .. 89.0WI on , .•„>.]) IttMud Kellglous and etaantabia Institutions, and penoae 81.180 00 onaocnstomed •i: lluuao iishltems 08.770 :« to the transaction of fanslnass, will 00 nnd this cftnvenlent ns.ni irlDg House 14,784.891 Company a safe and depository K-ncr.Dlckelaiuid M for money. CTIAB. K. VIoe-Prea't. I— Iss 18,800 00 MAHVIN. pvniil 1.004 as Kructluuul yu;jcr currency, nickels and TRUSTRBS iiKi.iKi ao Spael* pennies 4,881 13 Mpdtflnder note*, IttU.lHO 00 Wm. B. Kendall, Henry Sanger, Alex. . Specie 3.741,818 00 John P. Rolfe, Chaa.K. Marvin. A. A. Uiw. neoctJFmptlnn fund with V. 8. Trawur- Ifisgal tendernotes 007.808 00 IB. r. Knowlton, B.Baylis. K. er(ft perc«ntu( olrculatlon) a.Mo 00 with Abm. Henry Sheldon, Redemption fund U.8. Treasurer H, K. Pinrreponl, Dan'IChauncey. John T..Miirtln. (8 per cent of circulation) 40,800 00 ToUl 4,87»JW 40 Alex. M. White. Joslah O. I.,ow. Kdmund W.CorUee UABIUTIM. Frederic Cromwell. ToUl 837,488,888 07 R. BUWKBB. Secretary. CMtaJ stock paid In W92'5!5 95 LIABILITIU. WM. farplusfund lOO.OOOOO CaplUI stock paid In, *» tS.800,000 00 UniflTldod prollts 75 78 Doeto other national banks S3a,948 84 Cashier's ehecks outstanding 9,187., 94 5*7 NA8HAU ST., NEW YOKK, and banktra UU.IIO 51i Due to SUte banks Due to othor nutionitl banks 0,800.004 81 Due to Slate bunks and bankers 800,008 96 434 LIBUAKY ST.. FHIf.ADBLPHIA, Total »l,87«.gl6 4«

State of York. County of Now Y'ork. «« , PORTLAND New Total 137,486,693 07 BLOCK, CIIICAUO. 1. Jiiiix I), l-'i.sii. Cu-Hlilor of the hIhitc. named Slate of New York, County of New York at York, in the State York, the close of business, on thu 1 Ith day of March. 186:^- New of New at the ANIZATION of Railroad Compan'ea close of business March II, 1888: KXSOURCKa. and other RISOCBCX8. Loans and discounts $13,208,909 01 orposatlons whose property la In the hands of Overdriift;" - Loans and dlsconnta H.M03M 4S 8,219 02 Beoelvers or Trustees. Orerdrafts 8,mT 74 V B. bonds on hand (par value) 00,1100 00 U. 8. bonds to secure olronlatlon 886,000 00 Other stocks, bunds and mortgages 80,012 08 WILL BUT AND SELL INVESTMENT 8KCCB- Other stocks, bonds and mortgages 88>I0 14 Due from other national banks 916,891 48 1T1B8 on Commisilon. Due from other National banks 821.480 19 Due from State and private banks and ban kers WILL BUY OR SELL DEFAULTED BONDS Or Due from State banks and bankers 19.418 ft7 214,888 81 K«al estate, furniture aad Sztores 21S.90S 47 Other real estate 349.032 24 convert them Into interest-paying investments. Current expenses and taxes . . . Current expenses and taxes paid 33JS04 S8 paid 88 080 61 Circular* and other information furnished on ap- Premlumsuuld 86.418 rhecks and other cash items 687,067__.. 48.„ M Kxchangi'S for Clearing plication. Checks and other cash it ems IMV10 SO House 3,808,978 07 Kichances for Clearing Uoiua 408,788 48 Bills of ..ther banks 300,436 00 JOHN C. SHORT, Preeldent. Bills of other banks 14348 00 Sliver treasury certificates (Act Feb- Specie l^IsSra 78 , mary'JS, 1878) 2,424,201 04 JOHN C. NEW, Tlce-Prealdent. Ltgal-tender notes 884,«eo 00 Legal tender notes 632,000 00 WM. P. "WATSON, Scc>y and Treaa. HMemptlon fund with U. 8. Treasurer Due from U. S. Treasurer (oi her than (8 percent of circulation! 40,000 00 Oper cent of redemption fund). .. . 31,000 00 Due from 17. 8. Treasurer other than 8 per cent redemption fund 1.000 00 Total $28,093,218 88 „ LIABILITIIS. INTESTHENT SECURITIES. Total $8.007 884 88 Capital stock paid In $0,000,000 00 LIABILiniS. Surplus fund 1.280,000 00 CaplUI Stock paid In fl.OOO.OOO 00 Undivided profits 412,494 00 Surplussurpi fund. 144.800 00 Statebank circulation outstanding.... 6,817 00 An assortment of desiiable bonds L'ndlTlded pronts 111,788 87 Dividends unpaid 11,810 00 National bank notes outstanding 800,000 OO Individual deposits subject to check. 9,023,879 17 Dividends unpaid 840 00 Demand certificates of deposit 98,000 60 alwajB in hand Individual deposits subject to check 1.924,048 18 Certified che"k> 1,800,974 33 Demand certincotes of deposit 8,082 74 Due to other national banks 3,249,186 86 Cert lOed checks 141,740 31 Due to state and private banks and Ciorrespondence solicited. bankers 1,731,888 Cashier's checks outstanding 128,408, 68 86 Due to other National banks 8,884,148 89 Due to SUte banks and bankers 1390.»7B 93 „. Total $22JS93,2lF5 ADDRESS: SUueof New York, CityandCounlyof New York.ss: Total $8,007,864 88 I. DrMONT Clarke. Cashier of the American Bxebsnife National of .New Ynrk. 8ta*.e of New York. County of New York, u : Bunk in the State of New Terk, I, William P. St. John, Cashier of the above- do solemnly swear that the above A. W. Beasley & Co., nased bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement la true to tlie best of my knowledge and statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. DUMONT CLARKE, Cashier. belief. WM. P. ST. SOUS, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this lith day Sibaerlbed and sworn to before me this 10th day of ot March, 1882. Witness my hand and notarial seal. 98 BROADWAI, NBW YORK. March. 1888. K. A. K. Bkya.v, A. R. RoiiaiRS. Notary Public. Correct.— C >rreot-Attest : Notary Public. N. Y. (bounty. Attest KM. LEHMAN. 1 S. D. BABCOCK, KBNRYT. KNEELAND.f Director*. OEOUO.', RL18S. S. STANTON, ISAAC WaLLA<;H, ) MARTIN BATES, J. DEALER IN American Cable Construction Company, TIIF. Financial. REPORT OF CONDITION OK THE Continental Construction and Improvement Co., Tllllin NATION.VL HANK iiF llltUITV ok North River Construction Company, .Ntw lOilK, 111 the statu . if .New lurK, at the floontr, CItr&Ton-n liondaot Weet.State*. close of business March 11. 18S8: /Wl8con." of my knowledge and belief. Clay County, HI., 7*. defaulted, U. L. HCTCIil.StJS. Caahlar. _,»_,. .. ^ TRDST COMPANTS* STOCKS, DEALT IS BT t.na*etr-Atl«sl Notary Public. N.T. County. CitjandoUier Railroad Stocks ABoads WM A nooTU. ) SAHUEL H. IIARROW» PAIIKKK HANDY, AKS CHAULKSLANIK^,)/Director*. 38 BBOAD STREKT U8CU.I


Financial. FlnanciaL Financial. C. M. RUTTER, W. N. WALKnt. iBonds of B^uretysliip. Hatch & Foote, Member of N. Y. Stock Exchange. CO. FIDELITY & CASUAI.TY BANKERS, No. 13 IVALI. STREET, Rutter & Walker, NEW XOSK. OF .„,,„,,.^ Birr AND SBLL A,,B|:, tS75.oue 00 RANKERS AND RROKERS, 260O00 0O S?plt«rinVe3ted In U. 8. Bonds QOYEBNMKNT BONDS, STOCKS AND MISCBL* No. 80 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. On deposit with Insurance Department.. lOO.UW OU omcTals of Banks. Kuilroads and Tninsp rtatlon LANBOnS 8BCCB1T1B8. and and Clerks or Buy Sell on Commission, for cash or on mar- Conpanics. Manauors. Secretaries gin. iiM Securities dealt In at the and Commerc al New York Stock Pubfio Uompanlep. Institutions Joseph p. Lloyd. w. C. McKban Exchange. Interest allowed on dally balances. security from this Company at Member of N. Y. Stock Bzch'gc firms, can obtain Particular attention paid to orders by mall or tele- moderate chariics. graph. Theboniisof this Company are accepted by the courts of the Stati of New Tork. Lloyd & McKean, Full Inlormatlon as to details, rates, *c., can Be ohtalned on application to head otnce, 1»7 Broad- 34 WALL STREET, NEIV TORK. Buttrick & EUiman, 'wi'. M. BicnAHDS. Prest. .Tohn M. Cranb, Seo'y. Buy and sell—on commission—GoTernment, Rail BANKERS AND RROKERS, LEE, Inspector. W. HAltvBY way and Miscellaneous Securities. Receive deposits DiBECTont^George T. Hope.G. o. VVllIlams, Geo. balances. Nos. 3T dc 39 AVall St, New ITork. B. Coe, Charles Dennis, J. S. T. Stranahan, A. B. subject to check, and allow Interest ob. Chittenden, H. A. Hurlbut Hull, A. 8. Barnes. S. B. BONDS, STOCKS and INVESTMENT SECURITIB8 W. G. Low. David Dow«. J. D. Vermllye, Alex. WAL8TON H. BHOWN. PRED. A. BROWN. Mltchill. Wn;. M. Richards. HERBERT P. BROWN. BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION C. A. Buttrick, MemberoftheN.Y. Stock Exoh ge Wm. BLLIMAN, Member of the N.Y. Mining Exch'ge Bontls of Sixretyshdp Walston H . Brown & Bros FOB BANKERS, P. W. Gallaudet & Co., OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES HOLD- 11 Pine Mroet, NeHr ITork. ING POSITIONS OF TRUST. BANKERS, SPaCIAL ATTENTION GIVBN TO TUK .NEGO. VXITED BANK BVILDINO, The OKarantee Co. TIATION OF WALL STREET, COR. BROADWAY. RAILR0.4D SECURITIES. STOCKS, BONDS & COMMERCIAL PAPER. OF NORTH AMERICA. Stocks lind Bonds bought and sold on commission at N. Y. Stock Exchange. Caah capital 870,000 Taintor & Holt, Advances made on business paper and other Cash assets orer 320i000 securities' Deposit at Albany 200,000 BANKEBS, Alix. S. Clare. H. B. Bacon L. R. Bacor President General Manager: Sib Alex. T. Ualt. EDWAKD HAWLIHOS. No. 10 WALL STREET, NEW YOUK. Clark & Bacon, jTEir YORK orrioE: TRANSACT a QENEKAL BANKING business. BANKERS AND BROKERS, DEPOSITS reoeWed and INTEREST allowed on No. 4T WILLIAM STICEET. 3 Pine Street, NeTv balances. York. all lnf'>rraation and forms may be obtained, Where Buy and sell on commission all Securities dealt in Oitice, Montreal, Canada. Buy and sell GOTERNMENT, MUNICIPAL and or from the Uead it the New York Stock and the bonds. New York Mining RALLROAB Exchanges. Deposits received and interest allowed The business of this Company la solely that of Private telegraph wires to Providence and Boston on balances. O ua rantee. O. K. TAINTOR. GEO. H. HOLT G » 'i' .\ » L. I 8 U E D N. T. Beers, Jr., 1864. Geo. H. Prentiss, Coleman F3enedict & Co. Itrooklyn Sccnrities, City Bonds. No. 17 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. No. 24 BROAD ST., NEW YORK, Gas Stocks, &c.. Si04'.i«^ Ai\I> CAS STOCKXi BOXDS, No. 1 NEW STREET, IilKMBKUa Of TIIK N. Y SI OCK EXCHANOK. AND NEW YORK. A strictly comn'issi-in business conducted In the «.4S» SECVRITIKS, purchase and ;

C. I. Hudson & Co., Howard Lapslet, D. s. Willabd, Members N. Y. Stock Exchange. 8 EXCHANGE COUBT, NEW ¥ORK, Gilman, Son & Co., Branch OfBce and . .^,. .. Private Wire BANKERS, •t the CCMBEKLAND," Broadway and 22d Street. Howard Lapsley & Co., Buy and sell on commission, for investment or on 63 CEDAR STREET. msi'Kin, all securities dealt in at the New York BANKERS AND BROKERS, Slock Exchange. in addition to a General Banking Business, bry No. 5 WALL STREET, K. R. Lbak c. I. Ht'DsoN, T. u Curtis. and sell Government Bonds and Investment r^eourl. Member N.Y. Stock hich. NewT York. ties. W. C. Flotd-Jonks William Robison, Ww W. Farmer, C. E. Jackson & Co., Members of the N, T. Stock Exchange. MONROE, liOUISIANA. Counselor, Solicitor and Attorney. miDDLETOTTN, CONN., Floyd-Jones & Robison, Practices In the District Cli iuit and Supreme Buy and sell Government, State, Municipal BANKERS AND BROKERS, Courts of the United Statu ai.d of the State. In and all classes of cases. Has no other business, and de- Railroad Bonds and Stocks. Investments for Sav- No. a EXCHANGE COURT. TOtes his personal attention md all his tlmeKMlu- ^^velv to bis profession. Ko^crs io Bank of Monroe. ings Banks a specialty. Correspondence solicited. Stocks, Bonds and all Investment Securities bought and sold [strictly on commission] for caob Fred H. Smith, or on margin. WM. D. HATCH, Wm. B. Kendall. BANKER AND BROKER, Member N. Y. Stock Exch. No. 20 BUOAD 8TUKET, XEW YORK. J. P. RAILROAD SECURITIES WINTRINGHAM, GAS, INSURANCE, (An Intimate knowledge of all for the past 10 Tearsi BANK STOCKS, &o. A SPECIALTY. ' SECOBITIES BOCTOHT AT THE ACCTION BALES. No. 31 WALL STREET, No. Inyeators or Dealers wishing to bay or sell are 36 PINE STREET, Invited to communicate. State, Municipal and NEW YORK. Bonds and Coupons bought and sold at best BANKERS AND BROKERS, iy'y'yunrKet Kates. Lansdale Boardman, Refer to Messrs. Fisk k Hatch. Randall & Wierum, stock broker, -offices- D. Probst & Co., ."50 EXCHANGE PLACE, J. No. 80 BROADWAY, NEW Brokers in Railroad YORK, STOCK AND BOND BROKER Stocks and Bonds, Hall bcildino. Trot, n, y., aorBIttfilENTS

fflnanelal. FIOAnolal. FInaaetaL

Tniu. V. RjtNn. John BicKKLa. A. H. Brown & Co., John B. Manning, Max K. hand, Mcmbsr N. T. stock Hxoa. BANKKIIS AND BROKERS, BARKKII AND RIKlKKK,: No. 6 Wall Ntrei'.t, ».. Inrsatofsec taslers wlablag to Day or sell are larUod to eoaueeai. llONDS BOUUIIT AND BOLD ON cats with as. STOCKS AND Geo. K. Sistare's Sons, Member of the New York Moei Bzehanae. COMMISSION. 17 NA88AD ST.. NEW YORK, COJ^MKBCIAL PAt*KR NBOOTIATKD. DRALBR8 IN Wm. Fisher & Sons, FIRST-CLASS INVESTMENTS. BANKERS, UcuKOB BTAHK. JOHN r. STAMC. And Dealera in Oovrrnmenta, Stoeka Buy And Sell un Cummtiilon, for CMh or on ma*- and Inveatnient Necurltlea, irln. all securlttea dealt lu at the Orrotvn Sbconu St 8UUTII George Stark & Co., New York Stock , 3* STKKET, BxchanKO. BALTinORE, niD,, ItANKKRS, Interest allowed on dallf balances. are Western Union wires In their ofBeea, bj All dopoHlts subject to oheck at itght. means of which Immedtate comraunlcatloQ can be »o. 33 NA88AU 8TRKET, NEW YORK. had with all coininurclal points in the Particular attention to ordera country, B*> b7 mall or tele- pecial attention tclvon to purchase and sale of Ylr- Mid ull SMurttiM (or auh or on Buy InTedmant Krftph. frtnla Consols, Ten-fortlcs, Deferred and all Issoea eommliiHlon. A speclultr mttde of Wuarem Farm of the State, and to all classes of Southern State, t'ltjr and Securities. MortKiuivs botirlntf from 7 to to )ior ctMit mtoreftt. Railway Correspondence so- lldted. Will unilertiike the neuotlattun of loans nprn STOCKS and BONDS Western City propenr in larse or smaU amovnts. At Auction. Swan & Barrett, Securities a bankbrs and DROKBBS, Uncurrent me Undenlgned hold REOUI^AK AUCTION SALES ot all olasaes of 186 middle Street, Specialty. STOCKS ANI> BONDS PORTLAND, mAINE. Dealers in OROKBS AND COKKESPONDBNCB: PR0MPT1.T OJf Ooremment, State. County. City and Rallrrad Bonds, Bank Stocks, Ac. ATTKSDKD TO. WEDNESDAYS AND 8ATCRDAT8. Desirable InTOstment Securities constantly on band. JAMES KITCHEN, 70 Cedar St ADRIAN II. niIJLI.ER & SON No. 7 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. P. F. Keleher & Co., Wood, Huestis & Co., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 31 PINE ST., NEW YORK. R. T. Wilson & Co., BANKEK8 AND BROKERS, No. 305 Olive Street, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ST. LOUIS, no., 617CCKS.SOUS TO 2 Kxclianse Conrt, Neiv York. WOOD &. »AVI»t. But and sell Government, State, County. TownsbID sad Municipal Bonds, collected. JCxccute ordi'rs In all RccurUics listed at the New Coupons Missonrl Bonds a spedaltr. yoreten York Stock KxclianKC. Knr 8;ile. cxchanire bos^ntand sold riKST-Cl^ASS BAIUlOAI)"lMl MORTQAGBBl .VDC." Miller, Francis & Co., OBORGB C. WOOD. C. U. UUKSTIS. L. M.SWAN. BANKING HOUSE OP BANKERS AND BROKERS. G. W. Norton Co., H. L. Grant, 48 WALL STREET. NEW YORK. & No. 146 BROADWAY, CASB CAPITAL, ta»,0OO. ciiAa.A. Miixra. JAa. FRANCIS. kdwinj.Dakkb. NSW YORK. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. CUT RAILROAD STOCKS ft BtiM)>- Glazier, Kohn & Co., BOOUnT AND SOLD. BANKERS AND BROKERS, George Eustis & Co., Bee qnotsUoa* of CItr Railrosd* In this pap r. mt BROADWAY AND 19 NEW STREET, BB O K B K S ^LLij»JS,pouDEpf Ej^fipS. NEW YORK. y STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON -BUriKERS^ COMMISSION. OINCYNNATI, OHIO. E&NEST GB0I8BBCK, GRANT B. SOHUIT $>teHni Members N. 7. Stock Biobanxe

Pnrcfaaee and sell on Commission OOYKRNMENT Only Direct Line to France. knd RAILROAD BONDS and STOCKS, and all Groesbeck & Schley, classes of Securities dealt In at the NEW YORK GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC CO. STOCK EXCIiANOR, or all repnUhle Seonrttles B B K E R 8, BETWEEN NEW YORK ANO UAVRE. bouKbt and sold In the OPBN MARKET. LOANS From Pier (new) 42 North Kiver. foolof Morton St. TruTeieni this line aToid both transit and COMMERCIAL PAPBR naRotiated. Interest No. 13 WAIil, STREET, NEW YORK, by by Ena- llah Railway and the discomforts of crossing the paid on DEPOSITS, snbjeot to cheek. Clriannel in a small boat. ST. L\L'IIF:nt. Scrvan Wed.. March aS. 8 A. M. E. S. Bailey, Pit AN> K.I'crii r d'UauterlTe.Wed.. Mar. 1». » P. M. CANADA. KninKeul Wed.. April S.7A.M. 7 PINE STREBT. Price or t'As..tA(JC—(iricludlnir winO/: To UaTre— iBoodfft First cabin, tiuo and »HU; second cabin. (SO; steers DeallnKs In a^L-e. $2H. includins wine, betldinif and utensils. Re- turn tickets at very reduced rates, ("hecks drawn or. Credit. Lyonnals of Parts In amounts to suit. Insurance Stocks FOR I«IAR>!iEILLES, ^ SOe TonCHtNO AT CAniK. UlBRAI.TAK A BABCn.OHA. A SPECIALTl'. The foUowini: steamers wttl luuveNew Vork direct n A N K E U H , ror Cadiz, Glbmltar, Barcelona and Marseilles, tafe- Krindwir, cur. SH Excbanae Place, N. Y. Cash paid at once for the aboTe Secnrttirsi or Inji freitflit imd oiissengers: Brnucli ulUce, l-iH I.a »9nlle >*t., Chicago. tbefwlll be sold on commission, at seller's option. V. DF. MAKSl!:iLLBS.Crampton.Onoraboul Mar.SO TRA.NSACT A (iKNKItAI, BANKINC BUSINK8S. liATCs OF PASSAOr—For Cadis and Gibraltar^ INCI.l Dl.Mi THK I-UIICIIASK AM) SAl.K JohnPondib. EduardMertbns. avo. Natbak. flr»t oattin, t75 and (00; for Barcelona and Mav- Df (lOn. STOCKS AND BlJ.NDs KOK (Atill (II! UN JIAK- sotlles-Klrstcsbin, tso and steerHne. KB. WIN. ULV A.ND Sh.1.1. l.SVKSTilliNT BBCUIll- Throuith bills uf ladtnK issut'd to .Mediterranean TIES. 1NTKRE.ST ALLOW KI) ON DKPOSITS Pondir & Co., Ports. incIudinR Barcelona, AlKCrla, Tunis, Genoa, BOUJECT TO CilKCK AT SI(;UT. IjCKhorn, Naples, Messina; also, for Trieste and P. O. Box 447. stocks, Bonds & Inrestment Secnrities, Cunstantinuple. D. A. BOODT, O. W. MCLEU.A!«. JB. N. B.—No IrclKht taken for Gibraltar. Kbobin Lbuaitd. F. O. Saltunktai.u 30 EXCUANOB FLACK. NEW YORK. LOUIS DK BEBIAN, Aaenl, Orders ezecated on the London and European No. tf Bowllns tireea. Markets.

FoBDVrE D. Babkbr, Ubnbt C. Tinkib Member N. Y. Stock Bxchanxe. Wire Rope. BTBKLANO CnARCOAL Barker & Tinker, IRON of snperler qnallt STOCK BROKERS, nltable for MINING AlfU IIOI8TI.VO 11 dc 33 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK. PURPOan. La* BOOM & Inclined Planes. TnuwMl^ c^ ilea of PMrar, *•. Bar and sell on commission, for Inrestment or on aIml BANKERS, )alTaBlsad Oareoal aad all dealt in at the oiarKln, secnritles New York Stock B for 8hln> No. ExchunKH. 8 tOtgat, SS. 18 IVALL STREBT, snalon Brld(ea,~ OHTtak New York. ays. Fern Bopaa. Ae. A large stock cnnataatly on Transact a General Banklna Bnslness, laeladlba hand from whleh the purchase and sale of and aaj 4? STOCKS BONOS for Chronicle Volumes sired leuftha are oat» oash or on marttln. n.AT stIKL jJm rSai Bur uitf Sell InTeatiiient Seeurltlea. fVAMTED. Huk-Ktt ii>r AiiniBC pax Volumes p<^.r. manufactured to OT' P O. BOX a.847 Velnmel.lMS: 8.4,8 and 10, and sns- der. iA .lU. KiDsxB. WATi.A»r> thaik, U.i,Uoaa oeedinii YalnmefdoTn to IliTT. Appkf at PuMlca- JOHN W. MASON dc OOm W HIU, tXon OfflM, TV A

Pabllcatlou§. Publications. Commercial Cards. ^ THE GREATEST LIVING E8TABLl!^HED 1833. * Author8,8Uch n« Prof. Max Muiler, Rloht Hon. W. E. IHE Gludstoue, Jofi. A. Froude, ^ears & Cole, Prof. Huxley. K. A. Proctor Edward A. Freeman Prof, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS. Tyndali, Dr. n. Carpen- W. Supply Banks, Baniters, ter, Prof. Goldwin f^inith. Stock Brokers and Corpo- Avpyll, Win. rations with complete outdts of Account Books and The Duke ot Stationery. Black, Miss Thackeray, New Financial Review, Mrs. I>Iulock-Craiii, Ueo. IW~ conoernt organizing will have their or- MacDouald. iXm. Oliphant, ders promptly executed. Jean IubcIow, This. Hardy, Matthew Arnold. W. H. IWo. 1 niLLIAM STREET. sr^W M Mallock, W. W. Story, (ANNUAL.) _^sa^l Tourgeu^eir, Ruskin, Ten- (HANOVER SQUARE) nysoa, Browuiua:, and many others, are repre- pages of sented la the Whiting Papci- Co., Littell's Living Age. 1 8 8 2 o The LiriNO Agk haa been published for nearly HOLIOKE, MASS. forty years, and has met with continuous commen- dation and success. Bankers* l.edffer nnd Record Papers. A weekly magazine^ it gives more than Machine Haud-Itlade Papers. THREE AND A QUARTEB TH0T7SAND Antique Parchment Papers. A YEAR BOOK Plated Paperti. matter year- double-column octavo paces of reading Papers. ly. It presents in an inexpensive form, considering Bund OF Its great amount of mutter, with freshness. owinjE AGENTS to Its weekly issue, and with » satisfactory com- pleteness attempted by no other publication, the JAmiES D. WHIT.nuKE A CO., best Essavs. Reviews. Criticisms. Serial and Short Stories, Sketches of Travel and Discovery. Poetry, *5 BEEKMAN STREET. NEW VORK. FINANCIAL INFORMATION SclentlHc. Biographical. Historical and Political Iji- formation, from the entire body of Foreign Peri- FOB odical Literature. It Is therefore Invaluable to every American E.R.Mudge,Sawyer&Co reader, as the only siitis factor! ly fresh and COM- PLETE compilation of an indispensable current AGENTS FOR literature,—indispensable because it embraces the iVanlilngton Itlllls, Clilcopee Mfg. Co. Bankers, productions of Burlington AVooIeu Co., EUerton New Stills, THE ABLEST LIYING WRITERS Atlantic Cotton muia, Brokers, Iflfg. in all branches of Literature, Science, Politics and Saratoga Victory Co., Ocean miUn, Art- Peabody iflllis, " M) reader who makes himself familiar with its AND Merchants, contents can lack the means of a sound lite ary Hosiery and Knit Undenvear culture.*'—A>ifj York Tribune. From Various Mills. " An indispensable visitor."—Aew York Observer. new york. boston, "It is indispensable in every household where 43 & 45 White Street, 13 Chaukcey Sthkst Investors. any attempt Is made to keep up with the current pniLAnSLPHt.v. thought of the day." * * * "It is a thoroujfh J. w DAYTON. 246 Chestnut Street. compilation of what is best in the literature of the day, whether relating to history, biography, fiction, poetry, wit, science, politics, theology, criticism or art."—Hart/ord Courant. "it contains not only the best solid literature, but Herring's Safes. CONTENTS: also the best serial stories of the day." • • • "its pages are sufficient to keep any reader abreast with the best printed thoughts of the best of our con- THE CIIAinPIO^ RECORD Sletroapect of 1881. temporary writers."—£pi5Copai JtcffUfter, Philadel- phia. IN ALL GREAT FIRES. Bercantile Fallnres. " No other periodical can compare with The Liv- I'^O Age in Interest and value." • * "A veritable Banking and Financial- thesaurus of the best work of the most celebrated United States—National Bauk Fl)?ure8 and writers in literature, science, pollticH and art."— Currency Movements. Boston TYuvekr. " New York City—Bank Returns, &c. It supplies a better compendium of current dis- cussion, information and investigation, and gives a London—Money Market and Bank Betoms. greater amount and variety of reading matter, which it is well wortfi while to read than any other Oommerclal— pnblication."— Boston Journal. United States—Foreign Commerce, Trade "The ablest essays and reviews of the day are to • * invests Balance, V. S. Exports and Imports of be found here." "We know of no of in the world of literature that will yield Leading Articles. ment fS London—Eeview of equal returns."—T?ie Presbyterian, Philadelphia. year, Bank Beturns, &o. "It enables its readers to keep fully abreast of the best thought and literature of civilization."- Tbe Money jnarket— Pittsburg Christian Advocate. " Influences, and Prices of Call Loans and It being a weekly publication, is, comparatively cheapest Commercial Paper since speakiug, the magazine published."— 1874. Commercial Advertiser, Detroit. Gold and Silver- " As much a necessity as ever."—27ie Advance, Chicago. Production, Exports and Imports of Gold " The oldest and best."—Courier•Jowrnai, Louis- and Silver In the United States and abroad. ville. " The best and cheapest periodical in America."- Foreign Exchange- Evafigelical Chtirchman, Toronto. Market and Prices in New York, 1870-1881. Published weekly at $8 00 per year, free of XaTestments and Specnlatlon— postage; or for $10 50 The Living Age and any one Compound Interest Table, Showing Accu- of the American f4 Monthlies (or Harper's Weekly HEI?,R,I]VG^ & CO., mulations of Money in a Series of Years. or Bazar) will be sent for a year, postpaid ; or for Table Showing the Bate Per Bealized Cent 19 50 The Living age and the Si. Aic/iolas, or Lip 251 & 252 Brcidway, New York. on Securities Purchased at different prices pincott's Monthly. Address, (without regard to date of matuiity.) Stock Speculation In New York. I0-1881. Hallroads and ttaeir Securities— & Co., Bailroad Statistics of the United States. Railroad Earnings. Manufacturers and. Dealers in OOLO MEDAL, PARIS, 1378. Prices of Railroad Bonds, 1872-1881. Eis Celebraua yuvibers, The New York Stock Market, 1860-1881. COTTON SAILDUCK I Prices of Bailroad Stocks, 1860-1881. 303-404- I 70-35 -332, style* be Aad all kinds of andhiaoUur may had of ail deaivt ^ tkroughoMt the world, IPrlcc of the KeTle-v, bound In cloth, • OTTON CANVAS, PELTING DUCK, CAK S3 00 Joseph Gillott Sc Sons, New Tork. ?"!'?<='"•«,''•. "' 'be COVERING, BAGGING. RAVENS DOCK, SAIL *• CommerciRl ( , „„ mud Finaocial (Jlirouicle, - - - . ^ 3. UU TWINES, &C., " ONTARIO " SEAMLESS Foatuce (when sent by Mall,) . . . iQ BAGS, "AWNING 8TBIPB8." Also, Agents WILLIAin B. DAK.4 & CO, t'NVTED STATES BUNTING COMPANY. A full 8upi>ly, all Widths and Colors, always in stock. PUBLISHERS, No. 109 Duane Street. MDTDMIFI VS & ai iriUUm street, Neir Tork. IRSUEAKCE COMFAHT Bliss, Fabyan & Co., „ OF NEW YORK. Chronicle Numbers New York, Boston, Philadelphia, F.S .WmSION. PRUSIDETO: WANTED. SKLLINO AGENTS FOR LEADING BRANDS /SSUESEVfRr. DESCRIPTION OF BROWN AND BLEACHED 8HIKTING$ UfEANDENDOWMENTFOUCm^ Mumben 7B", 7(11, T03, Wt. 708, 88i, 338, 881, 836 AND SHEETINGS, ONTERMS ASEAVORABLE AS THOSE. Mib 847, 8M, Ses, sad Supplemocts for rebmarr sad PRINTS, DENIMS, TICKS, DUCKS, ., Tewels. Quilts, White Good* and Hosiery, ORGANIZED APRIL 147"184-Z^ ^ nwuUoaStrMt. Drillt, Sbutingi,


iDiunuice. CoUoii. 1 oiioa. XMMMA*, A laABAII * OO, {.SaMAII UVUM • Uo Msw Crlsaas, La. Ilosi omary.Ala. WALTER &KROHN, OFnOE OF THE BRO'S, LEHMAN COTTON BROHCRt,

_ ATLANTIC Cotton Factors «8 BKAVBR ilTJBEBT, AND NEW YORK , m ooimmssioN iiibrchants, Geo. Copeland & Co., Mutual Insurance Co., 40 KXCHANOB PLACB, OOTTOJI BROKERS, New York. 186 PEARL aYREBT. NEW YORK. Orders ezeeated st the Cotton Kzehcsffsa In A«» NEW YORK, January 2S, 1883. fork and Liverpool nnd lulTaDcet msde on Cotton HTMANB A DAKOT, snd other produce cosNigned to as, or to corrs Th« Tnut«ea, In conformity to tlie Cbarter of our NoBFOUl. TA. • s^ndenu In Liverpool, Mavtri. il. Mawxasa Co. the Company, aubmlt the foUowtng Statoment A and Ues«n. L. Koasnhelui A Sou. of Ita affulr« on the 3 lit Docembor, 1881 Dancy, Hyman & Co., Preuiiiimn Kit Miiriiui FiUlu from OBAS. r. HoaoRST, JOBN H. barrct: COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTB.

l*t Jmiuurj , 1681, lo Jlal )»« 07 Pearl St., New York. eember, 1881 M.OSO.tS? 10 C. F. Hohorst & Co., Special BtteotloD irlven to the Farehsse and sato Premluumou Polloliw not marked <;OTTO.^ of ouniraots for fnture delivery. off lat Jasuory, 1881 1,&87.534 47 COMMISSION MERCHANTS Dennis Perkins & Co., Total Marine Premlunu 90,027,021 67 No. lis PEARL STREET, COTTON BROKERS,' Premiums marked off from lat New York. 117 P«Arl street. New York. January, 1881, toSlstDeoem- Receive ConBlRnmeuta of Cotton and other prodnos Orders for Spot Cotton and Fotnres promptlv bor, 1881 $4,110,176 72 LIBERAL AOVANCB8 MADB. •itsd Special attention Klven to orders for the purchase LOMM paid during the same and sale of Contracts for Future Delivery of Cotton. H. Tileston & Co., period. »l,773,e82 80 F. Crumbie, COTTON, ST04;KS, BONDS, Ae. as Beturus of Fremlouu and £x- J. WILLIAM STREET, NKW YORK. 114 Pearl St., " penaes $924,227 02 COTTON, New York. Orders In Fatnrea" e«ecated at N.T.Oottow Hreh. Bpsdal attention given to orders for the bnylaK Tke Company baa the following Aaseta, viz.: and seinnK of Cotton for FoTirBB Dsurutr. Parisot & Campbell, United Bt»t«s and State of Mew Member of Cotton Kxchsnge. Cotton Factora, York Stock, City, Bank and otberStockg $8,965,738 00 E. S. Jemison & Co., lOKSBCRG, niSS. LotuM aeonred by Stocka and BANKERS Orders to Parohaae Cotton In our market solicited otherwlae 1,720,500 00 AND Refer to Messrs W.X>DWAB0 A 8T1LLMAN Baal Eatate and Claims due the NewTork. Company, eaUmated at 491,148 18 COTTON COMMiaSION MERCHANTS, Premium Nates and Bills Re- No. Fielding & Gwynn, eelTable 1,631,294 23 10 Old SUp, New York. OMtainBank 347,765 99 Jemison, COTTON FACTORS Amount $13,165,466 40 Groce & Co., Galyeston, Texas . WiCMOHS. U.W. HANIKANN. CLUfaNSFlBCBBB AND SIX PER CENT INTEREST on the ouUtand- eertillcates of profits will be paid to the holders COMMISSION MERCHANTS. thereof, or their legal repreacntatlres, on and Mohr, Hanemann& Co., Cter Tuesday, the Seventh of February next. 16 dc 18 Ezehance Plus,

THfi OUT8TANDINO CERTIFICATES of 133 PEABL ST. ltJ6 GBAVIEB ST., Post Bpildino. NKW TORK, the Issue of 1877 will be redeemed and paid to the holders thereof, or their legal represeota- New York. New Orleans, La. Waldron & Tainter, tlTes, on and after Tueaday, the Seventh of Feb- GENERAL COTTON MERCHANTfl, mary next, from which date all Interest thereon 97 PEARL STREET, SpBCIAL ATTENTIOH GlVBK TO THE EXECIITIOll NEW YORK. will cease. The certlfloates to be produced at "Fntnre " ordera execnte^ at N. Y. Cotton Wxeh'ge the OF ORDERS FOB FUTURE CONTRACTa time of payment and oanoelod. F. HofFmann, A DIVIDEND OF FORTY PER CENT U Wm. Felix Alexander, deolared on the net earned premiums of the COTTON BROKER AND AGENT, Company, COTTON BROKER, for the year ending Slat December, as RUE DE LA BOITRSE, HAVRE. 1881, for which oertihcates will be Issued on AVGCSTA, GEORGIA nd after Tuesday, the Second of May next. Bntlre attention riven to pnrctaase of COTTOn Geo.H.McFadden & Bro By order of the Board, UBDER for 8PINNKRS and EXPORTKR8 COTTON COKRISPOITDaKOX SOUCITSD. FACTORS J. H. CUAPJLAM, 8M»«t«rr. References :~Natlonal Banlt of Augusta, Geory) AND COMMISSION MERCHAHTS , Henry HenU Co., A Commlsalon Merchants New 121 Cbeatnnt St., Pblladelphla. York; William B. Dana A Co., Proprletora COMvn oiAL AKD FiSAHOiAi, CHBomoiJi, and other He- York Honsea. TBCSTKBSi THE BROWN Robert Tannahill & Co., J. D. JOBM, Horace Gray, Cotton Charles Dennla, Edmund W. Corllea, Gin Company, Cotton Commission Merchants, W. H. H. Moore, John Elliott, NEW LONDON, CONN., Lewis Curtis, Adolph Lemoyne. Cotton Eachaoce Buildlnc, Oharlw H. Russell, Bobc. B. Mlntum, MAittrFAcroitsRa of tha orlibratrd NSW YORK. James Low, Charles H. Marshall, Brown Cotton Gins, Gin Feeders] David Lane, George W. I.ane, and Special attentionjttven to the pnrohase and sale o< Condensers. Future Contracts. Oordon W. Bumham, Edwin D. Morgan, A. A. Raren, Bobert L, Stuart, COTTON (ilNS FOR EXPORT. A. L. Leman, Wm. Bturgis, James Q. De Forest, COTTON BetOamln H. Field, Samuel Wllletts, Works at Okicnt, L. I., and ' BURIKA" BROKER, Ult-HMUNU, VA. " Joslah O. Low Charles D. Lererioh, Orikht. No 160 SECOND STREET, William £. Dodge, WlUlam Bryce, The Atlantic & Virginia mACON, GEORGIA. Royal Phelps, WllUam H. Fogg. Entire attention paid to pnrtdiaseand ahlrmeat ctf Thomas F. Youngs, Thomas B. Ooddlni;ton, Fertilizing Co. Cotton on order tor Spinners and Kzporters. C, A. Hand. Best of references f>"Dlsliad. Corres|»ud sna« Horace K. Thurber, OITKR THKIR STANDARD BRANDS John D. Hewlett, William Uegroot, WlUlam B. Webb, Henry Collins, F. Wheless Co., AmiOKIATED Bone Sl!l-KKillIO<«I>HATB OF LniK John & Charles P. Burdett, Johu L. Rikor. COTTON J. D. JONE8, PKsldenL **0R1KNT COSIPLKTE MANDRK," And Want a Kood wnrklnic aj^ent In every thrlvina conmssioN ihbrchants, CBARIX8 DENNIS, Vice-President. cotton, tobacco, araln and truck growlna ooontr. Ap<>l7 (wllii relerencelto NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. W. H. n. MOORE, 2d Vloe-Presldenf. W. G. CRENSHAW, Prea>t, Sperlnl nttrnlinn alven to Spinners' orders. Cor Cbahbsaw WARcnotrss. ro«t>*'ii<1t'nca s

Cotton. Cotton. Mlsecllaneoas.

Walter T. Batch. Bcnry P. Raich. Woodward & Stillman, NaMl W. I. Hatch. Arthur it. Hatch, P08T BUILDING, INMAN,SWANN&Co W. T. Hatch & Sons, Oar, Ezohance Place, Hanover ds Beaver tita, COTTON MERCHANTS, BANKERS. CRKAB or Custom House], 14 NASSAU STREET, NEW TORE, NEW TOBK. COTTON EXCHANaE BUILDINQ, »'"'«»0'"'^««i.Jg2fi?a"p'el''s'Jf,TeVv^a^'e. eSKEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Personal attention given at the KXCHANGES to the purchase and sale of STOCKS and BONDS foe IiOAIVS HIAnE ON ACCEPTABIiB New Vork. cash or on marhrln. DEPOSITS KECEIVED-sub]ectto check at sight SECVRITT. —with Interest upon balances. Special attention paid to INVESTMENTS aa Liberal advances made on ConslKnmenta. LOANS MADE ON accounts of COUNTKY BANKERS. Special attention paid to the execution of orders for the purchase or sale of contracts for future SOVTHERN SECURITIES. dellTery of cotton. HOME A. B. OTATHlCXr. i. O. BLOSa. Wm. HamiT Woods. 8. O. MCBPHT Insurance Company Gwathmey & Bloss, OF NEW YORK, COTTON RIERCHANTJi, Woods & Murphy, OFFICE, 119 BKOADWAY. No. 123 Pearl Street, Mew York. (POST BuiLDnro,) FUty-SeTentb Seml-annnal Statement, Special attention glren to the execution of orders 16 & 18 Excbanee Place. 8H0WIN0 THI lor future delirerj contracts. CONDITION OF THE COMPANY ON THE FIRST COTTOIV, STOCKS AND BONDS. DAY OF JANUARY, 1888. ElWBT H. BVANS, CHAS. FBANCIS BIOBI, CASH CAPITAL Member N. T. Cotton Exchange. $3,000,000 00 ORDEBS IN FUTURB OONTltAOTS Keeerve for Unearned Premiums 1,943,733 00 Evans & Beebe, EXECUTED ItfNEW TOSK AND LIVERPOOL Reserve for Unpaid Losses 245,595 38 Net Surplus 1,806,180 90 ITo«. 42 A 44 NB\r STREET. P. O. Box 2343. NEW YORK. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO Cash Assets $6,995,509 26 SDMMARY OF ASSETS Parcbaae and gale at Contracta for Future Henry M. Taber, Held In the United Delivery. States, available for the PAY. MENT of LOSSES by FIRE and for the proteo- No. 141 PEARL STREET, NEW YOBK. tion of Folicy-Uolders of FIBE INSURANCE: Cash in Banks $130,172 31 P. Billups & Co., Bonds and mortgages, being first lien on J. COTTOP>if. real estate (worth 18.600,750) 1,555,858 00 United States stocks (market value) 4,079,500 00 Bank& RK. stocks&bds. (market value) 0(14,1125 COTTON - Adrances made en CoDsignments of Cotton. Con- 00 tracts for Future Delivery of Cotton bought and State and municipal b'ds (market value) 121,750 00 Bold on commission. Loans on stocks, payable on demand COMMISSION MERCHANTS, (market valueofcollater'ls,|S41,507 60) 289,760 00 Interest due on Ist January, 18b2 85,810 19 Premiums uncoH'ct'd & in h*nds of agts. 80,(iS6 08 Noa. 16 & 18 Exchange Place, William H. Beede & Co Real estate 47.399 68 POST BUILDING, NEW YOBK. COTTON BROKERS, Total »0,996,500 2« CHAS. J. MARTIN, President. Special attention given to the Purchase and Sale No. 114 PEARI. STREET. of Contracts for future delivery of Cotton. J. H. 'WASHBURN, Secretary. Geo. Henry Hentz & Co., Brennecke & Co., o eneral COTTON BROKERS, conmissiON merchants, JETNA No. 110 Pearl Street, New fork. 8 Sontb IVilllam St., New York. A drances made on Consignments to Insurance Company FUTUBK CONTBACTB A 8PICIALTT. nieaHrH. JAMES FINLiAY &, CO., ulVEBPOOL, LONDON AND GLASGOW. OF HARTFORD. J. W. HlNSON, A. R. BLOUNT, Also execute orders Uember Cotton bJxch*, e Member Produce Exoli'ge. for Merchandise through Assets H. January 1, 1881 $7,424,073 72 U. KoaXTHKE, Special. Messr*. FINI.AY, MUIR ic CO., CALCUTTA AND BOMBAY. LlabUitles for unpaid losses and re-insurance fund 1,694,80180 Hinson & Blount, CONTBACTS FOB FUTURE DELIVKBY COT- TON bought and sold on cotamlssion in New York Capital 3,000,000 00 COTTON FACTORS and Liverpool: also at New Orleans through Messrs. Samuel U. Buck & Co. NET SURPLUS $2,729,271 93 And General Commission MerchautB, Gardes & Wisdom, No. 2 Cortlandt St., New York. 89 PKARIi ST., NEW YORK. COTTON JAS. A. ALEXANDER, Agent. Special attention given to the execution of OR • COMMISSION MERCHANTS, X>BRS FOB FUTUBB DELIVERY OF COTTON AND PBODUCK. NEW ORLEANS, 1>A. Special attention paid to the execution of orders for the purchase or sale of contracts for future North British JOHN H. CLISBY CO., delivery of cotton in this market, New York and & Li verpool. COTTON BUYERa, & Mercantile Ins. Co MONTGOMERY, AL,A. B.F.BABCOCK&CO. OF XUMCaASK OKLT ON OHDERS, FOB A COMMISSIOH COMMISSION MERCHANTS, LONDON AND EDINBURftB. 17 Water Street, LIVERPOOL, United States Board of Management, Rogers & Pendleton, Eecclve consignments of Cotton and other Produce and execute orders at the Exchanges in Liverpool NMW TOBK : COMMISSION MBBCHANTS, Bepreaented In New York at the oJhce of NO. 9r PEARIi STREET, NEW YORK. BABCOCK BK0THEB8 & CO., SOLON HUMPHREYS, Ch'r'n,(B. D.Morgan A Co DAVID D0W8, Esq. (David Dows & CoO ..A''X¥"*fJ"¥'* °° consignmenU of Cotton, Grain 50 Wali. Stekkt. and other Produce. E. P. FABBRI, Esq. (Drexel, Morgan & Co.) '" """™ <"*""'' "^ Hon. S. B. CHITTENDBN. oSfJ.SdPr'SVlslSni.™"'' Jno. C. Graham & Co., EZRA WHITE, Esq. J.J. A8T0U, Esq. (Successors to B. M. WATBBS 4 CO.) Bennet & Foulke, BANKERS CHAS. E. WHITE, SAM. P. BLAGDENi conmissioN iherciiants, AUD MANAUEiiS, 121 PEARIi STREET, COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS Office Si WlUlam St., New York. NEW YORK. Special attention given to the execution of orders 18 WUllam Street, New York. for the purchase or sate of Contracts for Future delivery. INVESTMENT 8BCUBITIE8 BOUGHT AND tOLD FOB A COMMISSION. Commercial James F.Wenman& Co., HKNST H. WABE. OILLIAT SCHBOXDBB COTTON BROKERb, Ho. 146 Pearl Street, near Wall, N. S. Ware & Schroeder, Established (in Tontine Building) 1840. Union Ins. Uo. Wabbin ewcn, jb. John M. Bwur. COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, {OF LONDON), Ewen Brothers, 111 Pearl Street, New York. COTTON ALFRED PELL, BROKERS, Special attention paid to the execution of orders Manager, for the purchase or sale of contracts for future Resident •Hoe. 31 dr 33 Broad Street, de- Uverv of eotton. Liberal advances made on oon- HEW YORK. Igument*. 37 & 89 Wall Street