. • xtmtk HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAGAZINE, REPRESENTING THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL INTERESTS OP THE UNITED 'STATES VOL. 34. NEW YORK, MARCH 18, 1882. NO. 873. Financial. Financial. Financial. J. W. MlDDENDOKr, W. B. OLIVRB. O. A. ALBSRTI. AMERICAN Members Baltimore Stock ExchanRe. Bank Note Company, DIAMONDS. Middendorf,01iver& Co BANKERS AND BROKERS, 143 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 8, W. Comer German Sc ISoatb Sts., BrSINCSM Kot'NOID 1T95. Alfred H. Smith & Co., P.O. Box 227. BALTIMORE, mo. tncorponUtd utuier Latva of State of N«ia Torky 1806. Special attention siren to the nrgotlatlon of jtFor- liEUKUANlKBU 18TD. eign Bills of Rzcbange, Collateral Loans and Com- Bnoravkhs and printiks or No. 14 JOHN ST., NEW YORK, BOUDS. POarAOB AKU RBVByVB STAUPi, IMPORTERS OF fND^CA^ttS AND TELEPHONE IN OrFICK. fiEQAL TSyDElt 4 tfATlONAL BANK NOTES tf a< UlfUED STATES and /or many Rire<«* Diamonds, Fine Rubies, Sapphires, E. W. Clark & Co., 4aMnMiwnt«. and otiier Precious Stones, KNQBAVINO AND PRINTING BANKERS, or BANK NOTES. STATS AND RAILROAD EXCLVSIVELY. BONDS. SUARE CERTIFICATES. BILLS 01 No. 33 Soath Third Street, Pkiladelphia. MXCBANOE, DRAFTS. CHECKS. STAMPS, ic LONDON, 33 HOI<BORN TIADUCT. DEALERS IN CAR TRUSTS AND OTHHR l»- Uf TOE FINEST AND MOST ARTISTIC STTLB VESTSiENT UiWIg H. TAYLOR, Jr. LlNDLSr HAINES SECURITIES. !«TEEL. FROM PLATES. Stocka and Bonds bought and sold on Cosunlaslon. With ipecUl aafesuarda to prerent CoanterftUlnt •r AtUratiam. Specttil papers maoufaolured exolu- L. H. Taylor & Co., (or uaa of the Cumpanr. ilTelr Bankers and Brokers, Safety Tints. Safety Papers. Henry Bros. & Warfield, 140 BOUTH THIRD 8TREET, BROKERS IN Work Executed In Fireproof Bnlldinca. PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS AND BONDS, CNT.ISTKD SB- BAILWAY PRINTING A SPECIALTY Deposits received sublect to check at slsht, and CCKITIES AND MINING STOCKS, interest nllow>3d on daily balances. 62 BEOADWAY. Railway Tickets of Improved Styles, Stocks, Bonds, Ac, bought and sold on commtflslOD In Philadelphia and other cities. DauOLAS Hrnry. Charles Seton Hrnbt, tnUJuml Colors, and Tiekett of all Kindi Particular attention (liyea to Information reffard- Member N.T. Stock Ex. Member N. Y. MIn. Stock Be WUhor tng Investmeat Securitiea^ Daniel WAKrixu). TUUSrSBS: Ja.s. whitblt, n. Oaklet Oooaall, Frealdent, Joa. W. Drezel, J D. Prince, Cruokr A. a. C. SYRB. Macdonotufb, Vlca-Preat., A. V. Stout, IlAKKY C. IjOOAN, MAYNARD JuiM W. R. Traters, special Partner. Geo. H. Whipple, A. D. Sbepard, vIce-PrcaldeQt, T. il. Porter, Wm. Malo Smillle. Vtce-Preat., Chris. Meyer, No. 96 WALL STREET, J. T. Kobertaon. Vlea-PresldeDt, u. U. Danrorth, Prince & Whitely, d. H. SUyner, Treaaurer, P. C. Leunsbarj. NEW YORK. Theo. U. Kreelmad. SecretarT. \o 64 BROAI>\rAY, NEXT YORK, ELECTRIC LIGHT STOCKS. (Branch Office* 180 Fifth Avenue). Banque All classes of ilailwayand Mining Stocks bought FORvn-a SALEa.Tiri Brush (Parent Company), American. and sold on Commission. J United SUtes. iiaatern. Private Tolenraph Wires to Philadelphia, Wllm tag- WANTED.-Bmsh (N. Y. Co.). roller. Centrale Anversoise, ton, Biiltiniore, Washlnfcton, Boston, Bridgeport acd New Haven. A N T M^ E R P E. A. Mauriac & Co., ekid-Up Capital, '^,000,000 Franca. R. A. Lancaster & Co., BANKERS AND BR0KBR8, BANKERS AND BKOKBRS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS No. r Wall Street. 66 BKOADWAY, NEW YORK, Fn-IX ORiitAK, President. Railroad, Mining, and other Stocks, Bondj, Ma., ALracD MAtiLiiXAr ((ir»ff4 Maqulnar), Vlco-Prta DEALERS IN bouKtit and sold on Commission. j. B. Von i>ek Becks (Von der Uecke k Marsllr). Plrst-Ciaoa Invealment Secnrltlea. Orro UtTNTUBUiCoraetlle-Uarld). B. A. MAURIAC, Member N. T. Stock KxchanM aOVKRNMENT BONDS, STATK, CITY, COUNTY SYDNEY BISUOP. M. U. HOWLANO. Smile i>i uottal. BALLUOAD & MISCGLLANKOUS SKCUKITIKS Ai>. KHAN'K (PrmnK, Model A Cie.) Bought and Sold on Conimlsslofi. Acq. Nottebohm (Noltebohm Krerea). Virginia Tax- HfodvabU Coupons Bought. n. UOA-sis (MIoblaia Loos). aOOJHERN NKCURITIES A SPECIALIY. JOH. Dak. PirHiu<A.V!<, Jr. (Job. Daa. FnbnuaaJ John A.Hambleton&Co LociS WBBEB(ltd. Weber * Cle.) LOANS NKOOTIATED. JoiMa Rautbmstbadcu (C. Scbmld A Cle.) lNTEitE8T Allowed on Depositb. BANKERS AND BROKERS, TKAM8ACTS A No. 6 SOVTH STREET, GENEKAL BANKINO BUSINESS. Sam'l A. Gaylord, BALTinORE. ASA P. PoTTIK. Preat. J. J. Kddt, Caahter. I.ODIS, ST. Oonnecfed by Spectol inns wUk Nev York and PMI^ Maverick. National Bank, DEALER IN d«l|Ato OerrcavandMKs. WESTERN SECUBITIES Transact a Oeneral BanWng Bnalneaa. BO«»TO.\, Defaulted Countr. Toirtubip and Cltr Bond* of Bar and sell on Commtaaion la this and other cttlea all deacrlptlons of Stocks, Bonds and Securities. CAPITA L, $400,000 Mlaaourl. Kansas and IlUnola bought at best rmtea* XCUPLUS, 400,000 Inreatment Sacnrltlea for aal*. Corraapondonoe Special Attention ^iven to Investments. Aoooontaof Bankaand Bankers solicited. Iioana negotiated and adrances made on tmprorad Collections made apon favorable temu. aoltdted. Strictly flraVdaas loTeatment Securities Nego- collaterala. Simon Borg, DepoalU recelTOd rabjeot to check at sight. Collections on all polnta In U. 8. and I Aug. T. Post, Banker, No. 8 WAI.I. STREET. NEW TOKK. »i NASSAU STREET, DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Caldwell, Hay & Washburk BUYS AND BBIXS Railroad and Investment Securities, BANKERS & BROKERS, 4Uate, City and County Socurltlet. UNITED BANK BUILDING, 80DTHERN BBOCBITIES A SPECLILTT. OOBRKSPONDENCS 80IJCITHD. Broadway and Wall St. Lummis & Day, Transact a general Banklog Boalneaa, Inoladlagtho Samuel M. Smith, Parohaaeand Sale of all SecurlUea dealt la at the 40 WALL HTKEET, Nos. M and 8S DREXEL BniLDtNO, Cor. WALL New York Stock Exchange. and BROAD STREETS, Intereat allowed on depoaltaanbjeet to atght draft DEALEU IN BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS. CRAB. B. Caldwell, late Weat A QUdwalL !^II.AS C. IlA r. Member N. <Cllr Ballwar 8ecnrltlea, Gas and WILUAH LDHMIS. IIENRT DAT, Y. Stook Bxeimage. LANSixa C. WAgBRDBU, Ist* WktttttghaiB—— A t^cocka, luaunuieo Hcrip. Mambora o( New York Stook Bxohaac*. Waahbora. — - ; : THE 0H110NK1.E [Vou XXXIV. Forelim Exchange. Foretern Excliaiiijc. Foreign Excliango. Drexel, Morgan & Co., August Belmont & Co., Schulz & Ruckgaber, WALI. 8TRE8T, BANKERS, BANKERS, 22 William Strret, NKW YORK. New York. OOBIIXR OP BKOAD, Noa. 19 & 21 Nnaaau Street, COBRESPONDENTS OF THE Issue Travelers' Credits, available In all parts of the InternntlouRl Bank ol London (Llmlled> Co., Drexel, Harjes & Co London. Drexel & world, through the M BoiTTB Tbiu> St. 31 BoQlevard HaussmaDi) ROTHSCHILD Mesara. John Bcrrnborg, Gosaler Sc Co., o niESSRS. DE Haiiibui-g. Pb<lad«lpbla. Parla. and their correapondents. Commercial and Travelers' fredits. Bills of B^ change, Cable Transfers. OOMSSTIC AND FORKIQN BANKERS .Vlso Commercial Credits and Transfers of Money DepoelU received Bufiject to Draft. Securities. God, on California, Europe and Havana^ •0„DO0«htandBoMonCommi88ion. Interest allowed Hilmers,McG()wan&Co Ml Deposits. Foreign Kxchange. Cominerc-iftl Credits, 0«bl» Tnuisfers. Circular Letters for Travelers, BROKKUS IN parts of the world. Morton, Bliss & Co., •nU>t>le In all Foreign Exchange, Stocks and ATTOBNSTB ^WD AeXNTfl OF 25 NASSAU ST., COR. OF CEDAR, Bond8> nesara. J. 8. mOROAN dc CO., NEW YORK. 63 Wall Street, New York, No. S2 OLD BROAD ST.. LONDON Special Issue Circular Notes and Letters of Credit for attention paid to oriera at the New York 8tncl< Klchantre and Vew Yori^ \linini' B >')^^ In all Travelers ; also. Commercial Credits, available Brothers Co., Negotiate flrst-class Railway, Brown & parts of the world. J. H, GOADBT & B. E. WALKER, IXTALL ST., N. City and State Loans; make telegraphic transfers No. 69 ¥., JOINT AGENTS BtJT AND 8KLL of money and draw Exchange on BILLS OF EXCHAlVCiE MORTON, ROSE & CO., LONDON. Canadian Bank of <;ommerce, HOTTINGUER & CO., ON GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, FRANOB, J PARIS 16 EXCHANGE PLACE, OBRMANY. BKLGIUM. SWITZBRLAND, NOR- CREDIT LYONNAIS > SELL WAY, DENMARK, SWEDEN AND HOLLAND. BANK, - - AMSTERDAM. BUY AND STERLING EXCHANGE, CABL» AM8TERDAMSCHK TRANSKKRS, ETC. Commercial and Travelers' Credits Issue ISSUE COMMERCIAL CREDITS. AVAILABLK ly SIERLINO, IN ALL PARTS OK TUE WORLD. ATAtLABLS IN ANT PART OF THE WORLD. And In Franca, In Martinique and Gnadaloupe. Jesup, Paton & Co., Forci$;ii Bankers. HAKE TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFERS OF MONEY BANKERS, BETWEEN THIS AND OTHER COUNTRIES. Bank of Australasia, 63 William Street, New York. IHAKE COLLKCTION-i OF DRAFTS drawn (INCORPORATED 1836.) abroad on all Doints In the United States and No, 4 Threadneedle St., London, England.^ Canada, and of Drafts drawn In the Accounts and Agency of Banks, Corporations, United States on Foreign Countries. PAID-UP CAPITAL, jEl.iOO.OOO. Individuals received upon favorable terms. Brms and UNDIVIDED PUOWT8 (ineliirting Guarantee «n4 Dividends and Interest collected and remitted. Reserve Funds) £441,089. S. G. & G. C. Ward, Act as agents for corporations in paying coupons Letters of Credit and Drafts Issued on the 8T branches of the Banli in the Colonies of Queensland, and dividends ; also as transfer agents. Aesirrs pox New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasma- COiHPANT, Bonds, Btoclts and securities bought and sold on nia, and New Zealand. Bills negotlHted or sent for BARING BROTHERS & commission. Collection. TeieKraphlc tran.sfers made. Deposits received in London at interest for fixed periods 53 WALL 8TRBET. NEW YORK, Sound railroad and municipal bonds negotiated. on terms which may be ascertained at the office. as 8TATK 8TRBRT. BOriTON. Sterling exchange bought and sold. Drafts
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