AGENDA - SHOREWOOD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Village Board Meeting 7:30 P.M. – Monday, November 20, 2017 Shorewood Village Hall, 3930 North Murray Avenue Shorewood, Wisconsin 53211

Public comments on items not on the agenda are permitted and welcome at the beginning of the Village Board meeting under “Citizens to be Heard.” Public comments on agenda items may be invited after the item has been opened to discussion. Individual speakers should raise their hand so they may be recognized by the Village President and are asked to begin their comments by stating their name and address. Discussion may follow comment on non-agenda items or discussion and action may come at future meetings.

1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Statement of Public Notice 4. Consent Agenda Items (Items under the Consent Agenda may be acted upon by one motion. If in the judgement of any Village Board Member, a consent agenda item needs discussion, the item can be placed in the items removed from the consent agenda.) a. Presentation of Accounts – November 20, 2017 b. Consider Approval of Village Board Minutes of November 6, 2017 c. Consider Approval of Agreement with Accurate Appraisal, LLC for Assessment Services for the Village of Shorewood for assessment years 2018-2021 d. Consider Recycling Contract Implementation Schedule 5. Items removed from the Consent Agenda 6. Citizens to be Heard – This item is for matters not on the agenda. Discussion may follow comment on non-agenda items or discussion and action may come at future meetings. 7. Public Hearing – Proposed Village of Shorewood 2018 Budget a. Staff Presentation b. Citizens to be Heard 8. New Business a. Community and Business Relations i. Consider Approval of 2018 Bike Criterium Event as Recommended by the Business Improvement District Board b. Budget and Finance i. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-15 for the Shorewood Business Improvement District 2018 Operating Plan and the 2017 Special Assessment Levy ii. Consider Approval Resolution 2017-25 for the 2018 North Shore Fire Department Fees for Service Schedule iii. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-26 Authorizing an Exception to the Levy Limits for Charges for the North Shore Fire Department Pursuant to 2005 Wisconsin Act 484 iv. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-16 Adopting the 2017 Budget and Authorizing the 2017 General Property Tax Levy against all Taxable Property in the Village of Shorewood v. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-17 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Water and Sewer Bills

vi. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-18 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Grass Cutting Bills vii. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-19 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Special Refuse Collections and Disposals viii. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-20 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Snow Removal Fees ix. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-21 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Private Alarm Charges x. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-22 Authorizing a Special Assessment for the Cost of Replacement of Sidewalks, Carriage Walks, Driveway Approaches, Streets and Alleys to be Levied Against Each Lot Affected for the 2017. xi. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-23 Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Re-Inspection Fees xii. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-24 Authorizing the Carry Forward of any Allowable Prior Year Unused Levy Capacity on the 2017 Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet 9. Reports from Village Officials a. Village President b. Village Trustees c. Village Manager 10. Items for Future Consideration 11. Adjournment

DATED at Shorewood, Wisconsin this 16th day of November 2017.

VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Diane DeWindt-Hall Interim Village Clerk

Should you have any questions or comments regarding any items on this agenda, contact the Manager's Office at 847-2702.

It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information; no action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice.

Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals.


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that meetings of STANDING COMMITTEES of the Village Board will be held in the 2ND Floor of Village Hall, 3930 N. Murray Avenue, Shorewood, Wisconsin, as follows:

JUDICIARY, PERSONNEL AND LICENSING COMMITTEE – Tr. Ann McKaig, Chairperson Monday, November 20, 2017, at 5:30 p.m. – to consider: 1. Discuss appointments to and next steps of formation of the Human Relations Commission

BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE – Tr. Michael Maher, Chairperson Monday, November 20, 2017, at _5:30_p.m. – to consider: 1. Review of Accounts – November 20, 2017 2. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-15 for the Shorewood Business Improvement District 2018 Operating Plan and the 2017 Special Assessment Levy 3. Consider Approving the 2018 North Shore Fire Department Fees for Service Schedule 4. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-26 Authorizing an Exception to the Levy Limits for Charges for the North Shore Fire Department Pursuant to 2005 Wisconsin Act 484 5. Consider Approval of Agreement with Accurate Appraisal, LLC for Assessment Services for the Village of Shorewood for assessment years 2018-2021 6. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-16 Adopting the 2017 Budget and Authorizing the 2017 General Property Tax Levy against all Taxable Property in the Village of Shorewood 7. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-17 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Water and Sewer Bills 8. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-18 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Grass Cutting Bills 9. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-19 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Special Refuse Collections and Disposals 10. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-20 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Snow Removal Fees 11. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-21 Authorizing a Special Charge to be Levied for Delinquent Fire Alarm Charges 12. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-22 Authorizing a Special Tax for the Cost of Replacement of Sidewalks, Carriage Walks, Driveway Approaches, Streets and Alleys to be Levied Against Each Affected Parcel. 13. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-23 Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Re-Inspection Fees 14. Consider Approval of Resolution 2017-24 Authorizing the Carry Forward of any Allowable Prior Year Unused Levy Capacity on the 2017 Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE – Tr. Paul Zovic, Chairperson Monday, November 20, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. - to consider: 1. Discuss and Consider Recycling Contract Implementation Schedule

COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS RELATIONS COMMITTEE – Tr. Allison Rozek, Chairperson Monday, November 20, 2017 at 7 p.m. – to consider: 1. Consider Approval of 2018 Bike Criterium Event as Recommended by the Business Improvement District Board

2. Discussion of proposed change to the pilot parklet program for seating within the public right- of-way

DATED at Shorewood, Wisconsin, this 16th day of November, 2017.


Diane DeWindt-Hall Interim Village Clerk

Should you have any questions or comments regarding items on this agenda, please contact the Manager's Office 847-2702. It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality may be in attendance at the above stated meeting to gather information; no action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to above in this notice. Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of disabled individuals.


DATE: November 20, 2017 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Finance Office COPY TO: Village Board RE: Accounts Payable and Payroll Vouchers for Presentation and Approval

Presented for your approval are the following accounts payable vouchers:

100 - General Fund 407,722.26 200 - Library 20,362.23 210 - Senior Services 7,942.50 220 - Marketing & Communications Fund 5,079.00 230 - Shorewood Today Magazine - 240 - Special Funds 2,808.28 250 - Public Art Funds - 300 - Debt Service Fund 25,985.75 400 - Capital Projects Fund 344,933.02 410 - TIF #1 82,821.25 430 - TIF #3 62,481.72 440 - TIF #4 - 450 - TIF #5 395.35 600 - Parking Utility Fund 5,630.47 610 - Water Utility Fund 77,670.87 620 - Sewer Utility Fund 230,871.99 700 - CDA 12,224.00 800 - Property Tax Fund 2,047.81 900 - Cash Fund - Subtotal: $ 1,288,976.50 PLUS: Payroll vouchers per check register dated 11/10/2017 180,915.13

Grand Total $ 1,469,891.63

Begin Ck # End Chk # Accounts Payable Checks: 27700 27894 Accounts Payable Electronic Checks: 1966 1979 Payroll Checks: 2700 2702 Payroll Direct Deposits: DD13389 DD13483 Payroll Electronic Check Remittances: EFT789 EFT792 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 1/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 0000 100-0000-17130 NLP - Duplex Conversion LoansVELOCITY CONSULTING LLC4023 N LARKIN HOUSE REMODEL FINAL INV2017528 11/15/17 10,000.00 27884 100-0000-21150 Other Accrued Payables LAW, INC. HEALTH TRUST VEBA HEALTH TRUST CONTRIB. AND MEMBER1938 FEES 11/01/17 192.00 27743 100-0000-21520 ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS WI DEPT OF EMPLOYEE TRUSTMONTHLY FUNDS RETIREMENT PREMIUMS-SEPTEMBER0046033 2017 10/31/17 1,050.00 1978 100-0000-21520 GENERAL CLASS WI DEPT OF EMPLOYEE TRUSTMONTHLY FUNDS RETIREMENT PREMIUMS-SEPTEMBER0046033 2017 10/31/17 38,132.60 1978 100-0000-21520 PROTECTIVE SERVICE WI DEPT OF EMPLOYEE TRUSTMONTHLY FUNDS RETIREMENT PREMIUMS-SEPTEMBER0046033 2017 10/31/17 39,541.35 1978 100-0000-21530 HEALTH VILLAGE PORTION UNITED HEALTH CARE OF WIHEATH INSURANCE PREMIUMS-NOVEMBER 20170044553014 10/31/17 121,186.46 1972 100-0000-21531 DENTAL VILLAGE PORTION DELTA DENTAL PLAN OF WI,DENTAL INC PREMIUMS 10/1-10/31/17 1075720 10/31/17 5,330.70 1966 100-0000-23400 Due to Duncan PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 2,271.50 27857 100-0000-24100 Due to MADACC MILW AREA DOMESTIC ANIMALMADACC CONTROL REBATE C DOGS/CATS 10-2017 2017 OCTOBER 11/15/17 0.80 27846 Total For Dept 0000 217,705.41 Dept 1100 Board 100-1100-53140 Communications/PublicationsJOURNAL SENTINEL JT. REVIEW BD NOTICE MD48643 11/01/17 20.20 27740 100-1100-53140 Communications/PublicationsJOURNAL SENTINEL BD OF APPEALS NOTICE 2017-10-10 4758871 11/01/17 31.55 27740 100-1100-53900 budget meeting dinner THE MEAL MOBILE 414-763-1budget meeting dinner 09/25/2017 10/31/17 77.90 1967 100-1100-53900 budget meeting snacks/ WAL-MART #2452 MILWAUKEEbudget meeting snacks/ 09/25/2017 10/31/17 24.69 1967 100-1100-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses DEWINDT-HALL, DIANE REFRESHMENTS FOR ICC MEETING 2017-11-13 11/15/17 34.01 27818 Total For Dept 1100 Board 188.35 Dept 1410 Manager 100-1410-52910 manager's enewsletter CTC*CONSTANTCONTACT.CO manager's855-22955 enewsletter 09/25/2017 10/31/17 50.00 1967 100-1410-53100 Office Supplies NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURENAMEPLATE REPLACEMENT ZJ980565-NBF 11/15/17 34.00 27852 100-1410-54130 customer service appreciationACG*CS gift WEEK PRODUCTS 800-232-4customer service appreciation gift 09/25/2017 10/31/17 185.80 1967 Total For Dept 1410 Manager 269.80 Dept 1421 Elections 100-1421-51900 Professional Education WMCA WMCA TRAINING - ELECTIONS 2018 2017-12-13 11/01/17 15.00 27789 Total For Dept 1421 Elections 15.00 Dept 1430 Customer Service 100-1430-52930 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE POINT N PAY CREDIT CARD FEES WEB AND COUNTER-SEPTEMBER58230917000004 2017 10/31/17 410.34 1970 100-1430-53100 Office Supplies RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES, PANICLTD. BUTTONS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AND0003533-IN LIBRARY 11/15/17 241.34 27860 Total For Dept 1430 Customer Service 651.68 Dept 1510 Finance 100-1510-53100 Paper and index tabs OFFICE DEPOT #141 MILWAUKEEPaper and index tabs 09/25/2017 10/31/17 96.94 1967 100-1510-53100 Office Supplies ENVIRONMENTAL INNOVATIONSHP LASERJET 4250 TONER 246639 11/15/17 80.00 27820 Total For Dept 1510 Finance 176.94 Dept 1900 Other General Admin 100-1900-52120 Professional Fees Legal CRIVELLO- CARLSON S.C. LEGAL SERVICES-MUNICIPAL COURT PROSECUTION1302-105189 11/01/17 2,649.50 27716 100-1900-52120 Professional Fees Legal CRIVELLO- CARLSON S.C. GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES-SEPTEMBER 20171302-105190 11/01/17 325.50 27716 100-1900-52120 Professional Fees Legal CRIVELLO- CARLSON S.C. GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES-SEPTEMBER 20171302-105247 11/01/17 1,922.00 27716 100-1900-52120 Professional Fees Legal CRIVELLO- CARLSON S.C. GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES-SEPTEMBER 20171302-105255 11/01/17 5,984.00 27716 100-1900-52200 Electric - Village Hall WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 1,163.96 1976 100-1900-52210 Gas - Village Hall WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 30.41 1976 100-1900-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 1,142.08 27725 100-1900-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 1,142.08 27825 100-1900-53150 Postings for 3 separate positionsMWW*MONSTER.COM (Plann 800-MONSTPostings for 3 separate positions (Planning09/25/2017 Director,10/31/17 Village Clerk, Court798.00 Clerk) 1967 for recruitment 100-1900-53150 Job Posting/Testing/HiringGOVTEMPSUSA, LLC INTERIM VILLAGE MANAGER HOURS & MILEAGE2370361 10/1 11/01/17 1,779.75 27728 100-1900-53150 Job Posting/Testing/HiringGOVTEMPSUSA, LLC INTERIM VILLAGE MANAGER HOURS & MILEAGE2370362 10/8 11/01/17 2,094.75 27728 100-1900-53150 Job Posting/Testing/HiringGOVTEMPSUSA, LLC INTERIM VILLAGE MANAGER HOURS & MILEAGE2381461 10/15 11/15/17 1,867.25 27827 100-1900-53150 Job Posting/Testing/HiringGOVTEMPSUSA, LLC INTERIM VILLAGE MANAGER HOURS & MILEAGE2381462 10/22 11/15/17 1,849.75 27827 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 2/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 1900 Other General Admin Total For Dept 1900 Other General Admin 22,749.03 Dept 2100 Police 100-2100-45120 Court Fines MILW CNTY TREASURER COURT FINES AND FEES TO THE COUNTY OCT2017CO 11/15/17 762.90 27847 100-2100-45120 Court Fines STATE OF WISCONSIN COURT COSTS AND FEES TO THE STATE OCT2017ST 11/15/17 2,114.39 27868 100-2100-46210 Warrant Fees NEW BERLIN POLICE DEPT.BAIL FOR LEEVAN ROUNDTREE 17-010133 11/01/17 124.00 27751 100-2100-51330 Schmidt earphone lapel GALLS 859-266-7 Schmidt earphone lapel 09/25/2017 10/31/17 97.61 1967 100-2100-51330 flashlight battery and chargerSTREICHER'S for Schmi MO PLYMOUTHflashlight battery and charger for Schmidt09/25/2017 10/31/17 174.22 1967 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense PETER NIMMER UNIFORM SHOES NIMMER 10/27/17 11/01/17 126.11 27757 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR KADELRIKINC FLEECE LIER , ALTERANTIONS,OOW67753 CHEVRONS 11/01/17 140.49 27762 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense STREICHERS ORMSBY PANT I1284157 11/01/17 49.99 27771 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense TARABOI, NICHOLAS DANNER WINTER BOOTS ND UNDER ARMOUR TARABOISHIRT AND 102017 LEGGINGS11/01/17 437.84 27773 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense LARK UNIFORM OUTFITTERSORMSBY BLACK LACES AND BOOTS 253639 11/15/17 26.49 27841 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense LARK UNIFORM OUTFITTERSKADERLIK SHIRTS 254051 11/15/17 133.90 27841 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR BEARDINC SHIRT AND TROUSERS 00W67629 11/15/17 101.98 27859 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense RED THE UNIFORM TAILOR SMITHINC TROUSERS 00W67854 11/15/17 74.95 27859 100-2100-51330 Uniform Expense THOMAS LIEBENTHAL UNIFORM PANTS LIEBENTHAL1111201711/15/17 218.56 27874 100-2100-51355 EMPLOYEE PENSION - POLICE WI DEPT OF EMPLOYEE TRUSTMONTHLY FUNDS RETIREMENT PREMIUMS-SEPTEMBER0046033 2017 10/31/17 503.09 1978 100-2100-51900 lunch for Nimmer and LiebenthalCULVER'S training OF SHOREW SHOREWOODlunch for Nimmer and Liebenthal training09/25/2017 10/31/17 22.89 1967 100-2100-51900 Lodging for Rekuski DOJ trainingGREEN LAKE CONFERENCE GREENLodging LAK for Rekuski DOJ training 09/25/2017 10/31/17 445.00 1967 100-2100-51900 Lodging for Rekuski DOJ trainingGREEN LAKE CONFERENCE GREENLodging LAK for Rekuski DOJ training 09/25/2017 10/31/17 249.00 1967 100-2100-51900 Professional Education WI FBINAA HOLIDAY LUNCHEON FOR CHIEF FBI NIMMER 11/01/17 28.00 27787 100-2100-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - POLICE POLICE BLDG ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER74255330193ELECSEP17 2017 10/31/17 653.32 1975 100-2100-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - POLICE POLICE BUILDING GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 7425530193GASSEP172017 10/31/17 30.70 1975 100-2100-52230 Phone and Internet TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENT10/20/-11/19/2017 COMPANY 715431401101417 11/01/17 146.19 27775 100-2100-52230 Phone and Internet US CELLULAR 09/24-10/23 USAGE 0217178051 11/15/17 72.00 27881 100-2100-52230 Phone and Internet VERIZON WIRELESS OCT 2- NOV 1 USAGE 9795478064 11/15/17 176.26 27885 100-2100-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts WI DEPT OF TRANS TV & RPREGISTRATION UNIT SUSPS FOR SEP/OCT 2017 PRKINGSUSP10/201711/01/17 1,000.00 27786 100-2100-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts WI DEPT OF TRANS TV & RPPARKING UNIT CITATION SUSPENSION PROCESSINGNOV2017SUSP FEES FEE 11/15/17 1,500.00 27888 100-2100-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 2,283.34 27725 100-2100-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control CINTAS CORP SERVICE FOR OCTOBER 184104774 11/15/17 89.36 27809 100-2100-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 1,148.73 27825 100-2100-52990 Duncan Contracts & Fees PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 148.00 27857 100-2100-52990 Duncan Contracts & Fees PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 54.25 27857 100-2100-52990 Duncan Contracts & Fees PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 338.97 27857 100-2100-52990 Duncan Contracts & Fees PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 194.61 27857 100-2100-52990 Duncan Contracts & Fees PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 6,142.69 27857 100-2100-53100 extension cable AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/Bextension cable 09/25/2017 10/31/17 9.99 1967 100-2100-53100 Privacy screen for front officeAMAZON computer MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BPrivacy screen for front office computer/surge09/25/2017 protectors10/31/17 31.09 1967 100-2100-53100 surge protectors and extensionBEST cordBUY 00006544 FOX POINTsurge protectors and extension cord 09/25/2017 10/31/17 87.94 1967 100-2100-53100 pizza for movers FALBO BROS PIZZERIA SHOREWOODpizza for movers 09/25/2017 10/31/17 20.98 1967 100-2100-53100 pizza for movers FALBO BROS PIZZERIA SHOREWOODpizza for movers 09/25/2017 10/31/17 87.47 1967 100-2100-53100 bagels and water for NS chief'sMETRO mtgMARKET #893 SHOREWOODbagels and water for NS chief's mtg 09/25/2017 10/31/17 29.99 1967 100-2100-53100 DVD-R for videos QUILL CORPORATION 800-982-3DVD-R for videos 09/25/2017 10/31/17 36.78 1967 100-2100-53100 moving boxes and stapler QUILL CORPORATION 800-982-3moving boxes and stapler 09/25/2017 10/31/17 52.97 1967 100-2100-53100 6 surge protectors QUILL CORPORATION 800-982-36 surge protectors 09/25/2017 10/31/17 101.94 1967 100-2100-53100 moving boxes and 3 hole puncherQUILL CORPORATION 800-982-3moving boxes and 3 hole puncher 09/25/2017 10/31/17 135.95 1967 100-2100-53100 coffee for NS chief's mtg STARBUCKS STORE 09859 MILWAUKEEcoffee for NS chief's mtg 09/25/2017 10/31/17 16.92 1967 100-2100-53100 lunch for moving crew The Glen Cafe Glendale lunch for moving crew 09/25/2017 10/31/17 16.87 1967 100-2100-53100 water for moving into bldgVILLAGE PETROLEUM SHOREWOODwater for moving into bldg 09/25/2017 10/31/17 3.38 1967 100-2100-53100 staplers, tape dispensers WAL-MART #2452 MILWAUKEEstaplers, tape dispensers 09/25/2017 10/31/17 55.69 1967 100-2100-53100 windex for desktop cleaningWAL-MART #2452 MILWAUKEEwindex for desktop cleaning 09/25/2017 10/31/17 15.52 1967 100-2100-53100 VGA cable, cable, trash canWAL-MART #2452 MILWAUKEEVGA cable, cable, trash can 09/25/2017 10/31/17 40.78 1967 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 3/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 2100 Police 100-2100-53100 water for PD WAL-MART #2452 MILWAUKEEwater for PD 09/25/2017 10/31/17 3.98 1967 100-2100-53100 surge protectors, and cleaningWM SUPERCENTER supplies #2452 MILWAUKEEsurge protectors, and cleaning supplies09/25/2017 for new PD bldg10/31/17 107.01 1967 100-2100-53100 lg wastebaskets, mousepads,WM broom, SUPERCENTER paper #6394 BROWNlg wastebaskets, DEE mousepads, broom, papertowel09/25/2017 holdr for10/31/17 PD 175.35 1967 100-2100-53100 small wasebaskets for new PDWM bldgSUPERCENTER #6394 BROWNsmall DEE wasebaskets for new PD bldg 09/25/2017 10/31/17 78.34 1967 100-2100-53100 Office Supplies OFFICE DEPOT PURCHASES THRU 09/28/17 11072017OD 11/01/17 257.75 27754 100-2100-53100 Office Supplies SHOREWOOD PRESS PD ENVELOPES AND BUSINESS CARDS 21175 11/01/17 185.00 27768 100-2100-53100 Office Supplies AURORA HEALTH CARE EVIDENCE COLLECTION ON A CASE 144434450 11/15/17 351.00 27798 100-2100-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEPOLICE CO INCSUPPLIES CLEANING-SEPTEMBER 201713285 POL SUPP 11/01/17 247.29 27725 100-2100-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEPOLICE CO INCSUPPLIES CLEANING OCTOBER 201713337 POL SUPP 11/15/17 91.69 27825 100-2100-53120 Copy & Print Costs JAMES IMAGING SYSTEMS INCCOPY AND PRINT FOR OCTOBER 2017 21528846 11/15/17 421.85 27836 100-2100-53131 certified mail USPS PO 5675850211 MILWAUKEEcertified mail 09/25/2017 10/31/17 8.77 1967 100-2100-53200 amazon membership AmazonPrime Membership membership 09/25/2017 10/31/17 11.08 1967 100-2100-53200 Flight to PA for Chief NimmerAMERICAN to IACP 0012145983273 FlightFORT WORT to PA for Chief Nimmer to IACP09/25/2017 10/31/17 382.40 1967 100-2100-53200 notary for Simandl WI DEPT OF FINANCIAL I notary608-26172 for Simandl 09/25/2017 10/31/17 20.00 1967 100-2100-53200 Memberships & SubscriptionsPETER NIMMER CHIEF'S MEALS AND TRAVEL TO IACP IN IACP2017PHILADELPHIA 11/15/17 96.47 27856 100-2100-53400 Vehicle Maintenance GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS SQUAD 6 LIGHT BAR 246656 11/01/17 12,800.80 27724 100-2100-53400 Vehicle Maintenance HOLTON BROTHERS INC TUCKPOINT 4850 11/01/17 916.00 27735 100-2100-53400 Vehicle Maintenance JIMBOS CAR WASH OCTOBER CAR WASHES 13732 11/15/17 20.49 27838 100-2100-53420 Radio Expense VIKING COMMUNICATIONS RADIO BATTERIES 104764 11/01/17 1,011.50 27782 100-2100-53500 ADD--credit AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/ADD--credit 09/25/2017 10/31/17 (36.10) 1967 100-2100-53500 ADD--credit AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/ADD--credit 09/25/2017 10/31/17 (34.40) 1967 100-2100-53500 N95 breathing masks AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BN95 breathing masks 09/25/2017 10/31/17 17.90 1967 100-2100-53500 protective eyewear for hazmatAMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/Bprotective eyewear for hazmat 09/25/2017 10/31/17 26.30 1967 100-2100-53500 hazmat coveralls AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/Bhazmat coveralls 09/25/2017 10/31/17 156.00 1967 100-2100-53500 garage door openers AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/Bgarage door openers 09/25/2017 10/31/17 153.96 1967 100-2100-53500 Monitor for admin asst AMAZON MKTPLACE PMTS AMZN.COM/BMonitor for admin asst 09/25/2017 10/31/17 190.00 1967 100-2100-53500 2 refrigerators for new PDBESTBUYCOM108 800-373302 refrigerators for new PD 09/25/2017 10/31/17 992.58 1967 100-2100-53500 6 monitors for police deptBESTBUYCOM326 800-373306 monitors for police dept 09/25/2017 10/31/17 899.94 1967 100-2100-53500 sterile water ampules and sealingEVIDENT tapeINC 540-576-3f sterile water ampules and sealing tape09/25/2017 for dective bureau10/31/17 189.10 1967 100-2100-53500 chairs for locker rooms GIH*GLOBALINDUSTRIALEQ 800-645-2chairs for locker rooms 09/25/2017 10/31/17 375.72 1967 100-2100-53500 keyboards, toner, garbage bagsOFFICE DEPOT #141 MILWAUKEEkeyboards, toner, garbage bags 09/25/2017 10/31/17 142.15 1967 100-2100-53500 moving evidence from 3936 toU-HAUL 4057 MOVING & STORAG movingMILWAUKEE evidence from 3936 to 4057 09/25/2017 10/31/17 28.37 1967 100-2100-53500 batteries WALGREENS #15188 SHOREWOODbatteries 09/25/2017 10/31/17 8.44 1967 100-2100-53500 card readers WM SUPERCENTER #2452 MILWAUKEEcard readers 09/25/2017 10/31/17 16.88 1967 100-2100-53500 Dept/Program Supplies GIERACH'S SERVICE INC TOW OF NISSAN MAXIMA 2006 65000 11/01/17 115.00 27726 100-2100-53500 Dept/Program Supplies STREICHERS BALLISTIC VEST FOR ORMSBY I1284154 11/01/17 650.00 27771 100-2100-53500 Dept/Program Supplies LARK UNIFORM OUTFITTERSBROCKMAN VEST 254050 11/15/17 775.00 27841 100-2100-53500 Dept/Program Supplies M&M OFFICE INTERIORS INCLATERAL FILE FOR FRONT OFFICE 155126 11/15/17 211.07 27843 100-2100-53500 Dept/Program Supplies SIMANDL, KARL RANGE SUPPLIES-SPOTTING SCOPE FOR RIFLESSIMANDL10092017 11/15/17 84.51 27865 100-2100-53500 Dept/Program Supplies WCPA ENTRY LEVEL EXAMS AND MANUAL KC 09062017 11/15/17 344.50 27887 Total For Dept 2100 Police 43,047.78 Dept 2400 Planning and Development 100-2400-44330 Plumbing Permits A-TEAM SERVICES PERMIT REIMBURSEMENT - PERMIT CANCELED17-1528 11/15/17 60.00 27790 100-2400-48900 Miscellaneous Revenue SHEILA LONG BOA FEE REIMBURSEMENT 17-1933 11/15/17 150.00 27862 100-2400-52230 Phone and Internet AT&T WIRELESS DATA CHARGES 287244812582X10251711/01/17 55.46 27702 100-2400-52230 Phone and Internet US CELLULAR CELLULAR PHONE WIRELESS CHARGES 0213136817 11/01/17 141.24 27778 100-2400-52230 Phone and Internet US CELLULAR CELLULAR AND DATA CHARGES 0217876593 11/15/17 124.39 27880 100-2400-52910 Software Purch/Maint MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICESGIS INCSERVICES 8/27-10/28/17 23 11/15/17 41.25 27851 100-2400-52990 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE POINT N PAY CREDIT CARD FEES WEB AND COUNTER-SEPTEMBER58230917000004 2017 10/31/17 69.96 1970 100-2400-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesLANG BUSINESS CONSULTANTNEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT LOAN ADMIN-9/15-10/15/17103 11/01/17 500.00 27742 100-2400-53100 Office Supplies NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITUREOFFICE CHAIR - D HENSON ZJ983479-OFF 11/15/17 230.10 27852 100-2400-53100 Office Supplies ULINE BLUEPRINT SUPPLIES 92113438 11/15/17 225.73 27879 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 4/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 2400 Planning and Development 100-2400-53400 Vehicle Maintenance DAVID HENSON INSPECTOR CAR MAINTENANCE CVCS382792 11/15/17 51.95 27816 100-2400-54620 Loan Program Expenses TRANS UNION CORPORATIONNEIGHBORHOOD LOAN PROGRAM 09741554 11/01/17 80.00 27777 100-2400-54620 Loan Program Expenses TRANS UNION CORPORATIONNEIGHBORHOOD LOAN PROGRAM 10741444 11/15/17 80.00 27878 Total For Dept 2400 Planning and Development 1,810.08 Dept 2900 Other Public Safety 100-2900-51355 EMPLOYEE PENSION - FIRE WI DEPT OF EMPLOYEE TRUSTMONTHLY FUNDS RETIREMENT PREMIUMS-SEPTEMBER0046033 2017 10/31/17 4,158.68 1978 100-2900-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesWISCONSIN PERSONAL PROTECTIONCROSSING SERV GUARDS 10/09-10/15 2577 11/01/17 1,584.24 27788 100-2900-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesWISCONSIN PERSONAL PROTECTIONCROSSING SERV GUARDS 10/16-10/20 2624 11/01/17 2,074.60 27788 100-2900-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesWISCONSIN PERSONAL PROTECTION10/23-10/29/17 SERV CROSSING GUARD SERVICE2666 11/15/17 1,848.28 27890 100-2900-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesWISCONSIN PERSONAL PROTECTION10/30-11/05/2017 SERV CROSSING GUARD SERVICE2713 11/15/17 2,074.60 27890 Total For Dept 2900 Other Public Safety 11,740.40 Dept 3100 Public Works Admin. 100-3100-46420 Recycling Rebate WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNRESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE RECYCLING 6139202-2275-9 11/15/17 (5,128.27) 27886 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense HEYEN, DAN UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 10/15/17 11/01/17 131.95 27733 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense HEYEN, DAN UNIFORM REIMBURSMENT 101417 11/01/17 224.90 27734 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense KOLSTE, JOEL SAFETY BOOTS JOEL KOLSTE 100717 11/01/17 163.53 27741 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense FALKOWSKI RUSSELL UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 110217 11/15/17 131.75 27822 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense FALKOWSKI RUSSELL UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 110117 11/15/17 160.21 27822 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense FALKOWSKI RUSSELL UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 110917 11/15/17 36.05 27822 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense HEYEN, DAN UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 102517 11/15/17 43.15 27833 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense STREIM, MATT UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 111017 11/15/17 62.20 27870 100-3100-52230 Phone and Internet US CELLULAR DPW PHONE CHARGES 0215414470 11/01/17 50.51 27779 100-3100-52230 Phone and Internet AMERICAN MESSAGING SERVICESPAGECOPY LLC USAGE 1850354RK 11/15/17 2.50 27794 100-3100-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesMSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICESGIS INCSERVICES 8/27-10/28/17 23 11/15/17 41.25 27851 100-3100-53100 Office Supplies PROFESSIONAL ID CARDS NEW EMPLOYEE ID BADGES 11328 11/01/17 32.30 27758 100-3100-53100 Office Supplies SHOREWOOD PRESS WORK LOGS 21157 11/01/17 28.33 27768 100-3100-53120 Copy & Print Costs OFFICE COPYING EQUIPMENTB&W, LTD COLOR COPIES 39496 11/15/17 18.36 27854 100-3100-54150 Safety Expenses CINTAS SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL 5009120221 11/01/17 10.96 27709 100-3100-54150 Safety Expenses NORTH SHORE HEALTH DEPARTMENTHEP B SHOTS 17-0000307 11/01/17 50.00 27753 100-3100-54150 Safety Expenses US HEALTHWORKS MEDICAL DRUGGROUP TESTING OF WI FOR KUNZE AND PINZER 0051827 11/01/17 37.00 27780 100-3100-54150 Safety Expenses CINTAS SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL CABINET 5008809096 11/15/17 16.36 27808 100-3100-54450 Property Damage - reimbursableCUSTOMS BY RAZ REPAIRS TO SQUAD 5 2017-10-02 11/15/17 5,937.79 27815 Total For Dept 3100 Public Works Admin. 2,050.83 Dept 3230 Bldg Maint - Public Works 100-3230-53500 bullbs, base for new PD buildingLIGHTING SUPPLY 800-544-2bullbs, base for new PD building 09/25/2017 10/31/17 56.15 1967 100-3230-53500 ADD--credit PICK N SAVE ADD--credit 09/25/2017 10/31/17 (71.54) 1967 100-3230-53500 repairs to library electricPLATT ELECTRIC 800 503-641-6repairs to library electric 09/25/2017 10/31/17 501.26 1967 100-3230-53500 rug cleaning village hall SHABAHANG AND SONS MILWAUKEErug cleaning village hall 09/25/2017 10/31/17 464.64 1967 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies J&H HEATING, INC. REPAIRS TO HVAC AT DPW 29963 11/01/17 224.00 27738 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies MENARDS SUPPLIES FOR BLDG MAINT 41395 11/01/17 204.90 27746 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies AT&T SECURITY LINE CHARGES 102817 11/15/17 164.64 27797 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies COMDATA SUPPLIES FOR ALL DEPTS 110117 11/15/17 71.54 27811 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies CTC SUPPLIES FLANNEL CLOTHES FOR ALL 0048577 11/15/17 90.00 27813 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICESVARIOUS SUPPLIES FOR DEPTS 102717 11/15/17 313.80 27834 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITYMONITORING SOLUTIO CHARGES FIRE DPW 15041997 11/15/17 328.44 27866 Total For Dept 3230 Bldg Maint - Public Works 2,347.83 Dept 3300 Municipal Garage 100-3300-51170 pump and switch for mechanicsSPRAYER DEPOT 877-755-4pump and switch for mechanics 09/25/2017 10/31/17 423.44 1967 100-3300-52200 INCINERATOR WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 1,209.93 1976 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 5/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 3300 Municipal Garage 100-3300-52200 DPW GARGAGE WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 133.53 1976 100-3300-52210 DPW GARAGE GAS WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 69.40 1976 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS FUEL FILTER #57 SEWER AND WATER 2514-557119 11/01/17 16.62 27700 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 2514-557175 11/01/17 12.42 27700 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PARTS FOR #76 GARBAGE 2514-557246 11/01/17 37.10 27700 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 2514-557172 11/01/17 55.88 27700 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 2514-557174 11/01/17 50.88 27700 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ALSCO SHOP TOWELS 1254797 11/01/17 27.54 27701 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance AUTO BRAKE CLUTCH & GEARSUPPLIES CO FOR MECHANICS 434819 11/01/17 9.96 27704 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance BADGER TRUCK CENTER INCPARTS FOR #45 STREETS 711699 11/01/17 56.82 27705 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance BRUCE MUNICIPAL EQUP INCREPAIRS TO #88 TRACTOR STREET DEPT 04866 11/01/17 1,444.43 27706 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance HOMERS TOWING TOW #57 FOR SERVICE 149088 11/01/17 350.00 27736 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance HUMPHREY SERVICE PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 1146553 11/01/17 161.42 27737 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance SAFELITE AUTO GLASS WNDSHEILD #44 FORESTRY 101717 11/01/17 421.89 27765 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 2514-558199 11/15/17 267.34 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS AIR FILTER FOR SQ 5 2514-558403 11/15/17 6.27 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS WASHER PUMP FOR SQ 5 2514-558414 11/15/17 19.43 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS MECHANICS SHOP STOCK 2514-558047 11/15/17 23.91 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 2514-558046 11/15/17 23.91 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS STOCK FOR MECHANICS 2514-558025 11/15/17 36.17 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ADVANCE AUTO PARTS PARTS FOR SQ 4 2514-558726 11/15/17 108.01 27791 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance FABCO EQUIPMENT INC NEW INJECTOR FOR #57 WATER 32275 11/15/17 1,345.09 27821 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance GENERAL FIRE EQUIPMENT LIGHTCO INC FOR SQ 4 136822 11/15/17 55.00 27824 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance GENERAL FIRE EQUIPMENT CAPCO INCWITH SWITCH FOR SQUADS 137190 11/15/17 16.66 27824 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance GENERAL FIRE EQUIPMENT PARTSCO INC FOR SQUADS 137271 11/15/17 80.00 27824 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance GIELOW'S LAWN AND GARDENIGNITION EQUIPMENT FOR STOCK 188943 11/15/17 11.38 27826 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance JOHN PAUL'S GMC HOSE FOR #45 STREETS 422259 11/15/17 55.76 27839 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance JOHN PAUL'S GMC RADIATOR FOR SQ 10 423199 11/15/17 398.65 27839 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance JUNIORS TOOLS LLC SHOP TOOL 110317 11/15/17 559.99 27840 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance MATHESON TRI GAS INC CYLINDER RENTAL FOR MECHANICS 16398950 11/15/17 120.00 27845 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance WI STEAM CLEANER SALES CLEANINGCO SOLUTION FOR MECHANICS 47111 11/15/17 411.00 27889 100-3300-53410 2 cycle gas SHELL OIL 57426364402 EAST2 cycle TROY gas 09/25/2017 10/31/17 15.25 1967 100-3300-53410 Fuel and Oil HERBST OIL INC UNLEADED FUEL 65771 11/01/17 2,197.76 27731 100-3300-53410 Fuel and Oil HERBST OIL INC DIESEL FUEL 65842 11/01/17 1,324.88 27731 100-3300-53410 Fuel and Oil HARTLAND LUBRICANTS ANDOIL CHEMICALS FOR STOCK 127278 11/15/17 3,055.65 27831 100-3300-53410 Fuel and Oil HERBST OIL INC UNLEADED FUEL 65944 11/15/17 2,074.83 27832 100-3300-53410 Fuel and Oil HERBST OIL INC DIESEL FUEL 65908 11/15/17 2,249.40 27832 Total For Dept 3300 Municipal Garage 18,937.60 Dept 3410 Street and Alley 100-3410-53500 Dept/Program Supplies STARK PAVEMENT CORP COLD PATCH FOR STREETS 42117 11/01/17 175.00 27770 100-3410-53500 Dept/Program Supplies SHERWIN INDUSTRIES INC COLD PATCH FOR STREETS 039455 11/15/17 492.45 27863 Total For Dept 3410 Street and Alley 667.45 Dept 3430 Street Lights 100-3430-52200 STREET LIGHTING WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 5,783.91 1976 100-3430-52200 ALLEY LIGHTING WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 2,368.60 1976 Total For Dept 3430 Street Lights 8,152.51 Dept 3440 Street Signals 100-3440-52200 TRAFFIC LIGHTS WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 1,326.47 1976 100-3440-52200 FLASHERS WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 12.30 1976 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 6/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 3440 Street Signals Total For Dept 3440 Street Signals 1,338.77 Dept 3450 Street Signs 100-3450-53500 Dept/Program Supplies TAPCO SUPPLIES FOR SIGNS 581397 11/01/17 192.00 27772 Total For Dept 3450 Street Signs 192.00 Dept 3460 Winter 100-3460-53500 Dept/Program Supplies GIELOW'S LAWN AND GARDENSNOWBLOWER EQUIPMENT 186942 11/15/17 749.00 27826 Total For Dept 3460 Winter 749.00 Dept 3510 Refuse Disposal 100-3510-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNSOLID AND YARD DISPOSAL 0052309-2286-5 11/01/17 8,567.39 27784 100-3510-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNSOLID AND YARD PICKUP 0052396-2286-2 11/15/17 15,523.96 27886 100-3510-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNRECYCLING, SOLID VILLAGE BUILDINGS AND6135945-2275-7 SCHOOL 11/15/17 1,261.19 27886 Total For Dept 3510 Refuse Disposal 25,352.54 Dept 3520 Recycling 100-3520-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNROLLOFF RECYCLING 61396872275-1 11/15/17 3,143.56 27886 100-3520-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNRECYCLING, SOLID VILLAGE BUILDINGS AND6135945-2275-7 SCHOOL 11/15/17 981.93 27886 100-3520-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNRESIDENTIAL CURBSIDE RECYCLING 6139202-2275-9 11/15/17 9,859.20 27886 100-3520-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNOAKLAND AVE RECYCLING 6139203-2275-7 11/15/17 349.14 27886 Total For Dept 3520 Recycling 14,333.83 Dept 3530 Yard Waste / Leaf 100-3530-51100 Salaries and Wages SERVICE FIRST STAFFING TEMPORARYINC STAFFING FOR LEAF COLLECTION193360 11/01/17 123.60 27767 100-3530-51100 Salaries and Wages SERVICE FIRST STAFFING TEMPORARYINC SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 193486 11/15/17 1,236.00 27861 100-3530-51100 Salaries and Wages SERVICE FIRST STAFFING TEMPORARYINC SEASON HELP 193618 11/15/17 1,112.40 27861 100-3530-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNSOLID AND YARD DISPOSAL 0052309-2286-5 11/01/17 2,130.49 27784 100-3530-52950 Disposal Contracts WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MNSOLID AND YARD PICKUP 0052396-2286-2 11/15/17 3,539.91 27886 100-3530-53500 Dept/Program Supplies SHOREWOOD PRESS RESIDENTIAL LEAF FLYERS 21057 11/01/17 650.00 27768 Total For Dept 3530 Yard Waste / Leaf 8,792.40 Dept 3610 Forestry 100-3610-53500 Dept/Program Supplies JENSEN EQUIPMENT CO INCSUPPLIES FOR FORESTRY 599014 11/01/17 78.01 27739 100-3610-53500 Dept/Program Supplies JENSEN EQUIPMENT CO INCSAW COVER FORESTRY 599014-1 11/15/17 9.45 27837 Total For Dept 3610 Forestry 87.46 Dept 3620 Parks and Beautification 100-3620-52200 HUMBOLDT PARK WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 18.55 1976 100-3620-52200 GHOST TRAIN PARK WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 260.33 1976 100-3620-52200 HUBBARD PARK WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 138.41 1976 100-3620-52210 RIVER CLUB WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 15.40 1976 100-3620-52940 Landscaping Contracts GREEN TEAM MOW TRIM VILLAGE 8074 11/15/17 6,109.16 27829 100-3620-52940 Landscaping Contracts GREEN TEAM MOW TRIM VILLAGE 8075 11/15/17 2,964.16 27829 100-3620-52940 Landscaping Contracts GREEN TEAM DELIQUENT PROPERTY CLEANUP 8077 11/15/17 212.50 27829 100-3620-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesGREEN TEAM SHOREWOOD BED MAINTENANCE 7895 11/15/17 3,599.38 27829 100-3620-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesGREEN TEAM SHOREWOOD BED MAINTENANCE 7982 11/15/17 3,599.38 27829 100-3620-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesGREEN TEAM CAPITOL DR. BED MAINTENANCE 8062 11/15/17 3,599.38 27829 Total For Dept 3620 Parks and Beautification 20,516.65 Dept 4000 Health 100-4000-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER 20172847051434SEPT17 10/31/17 472.97 1974 100-4000-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 2017 1215377040SEPT17 10/31/17 27.13 1974 100-4000-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 180.26 27725 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 7/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 100 General Fund Dept 4000 Health 100-4000-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control BATZNER PEST, INC. VILLAGE CENTER PEST CONTROL 2350267 11/15/17 6.19 27800 100-4000-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 180.26 27825 100-4000-53101 TELEPHONE EXPENSE AT&T VILLAGE CENTER ALARM LINES OCTOBER 2017414967240510 OCT1711/01/17 21.08 27703 100-4000-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING-SEPTEMBER 132852017 LIB SUPP 11/01/17 21.11 27725 100-4000-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING OCTOBER 201713337 LIB SUPP 11/15/17 35.55 27825 Total For Dept 4000 Health 944.55 Dept 5140 Village Center 100-5140-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER 20172847051434SEPT17 10/31/17 329.98 1974 100-5140-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 2017 1215377040SEPT17 10/31/17 18.93 1974 100-5140-52230 Phone and Internet AT&T VILLAGE CENTER ALARM LINES OCTOBER 2017414967240510 OCT1711/01/17 14.71 27703 100-5140-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 106.97 27725 100-5140-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control BATZNER PEST, INC. VILLAGE CENTER PEST CONTROL 2350267 11/15/17 4.32 27800 100-5140-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 106.97 27825 100-5140-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses DEMCO ROOM RESERVCE PURCHASE MAINTENANCE INV00003188 11/15/17 437.00 27817 Total For Dept 5140 Village Center 1,018.88 Dept 5200 Atwater Beach and Park 100-5200-52200 ATWATER BEACH WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 79.05 1976 Total For Dept 5200 Atwater Beach and Park 79.05 Dept 5300 Village Celebrations 100-5300-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING-SEPTEMBER 132852017 LIB SUPP 11/01/17 14.73 27725 100-5300-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING OCTOBER 201713337 LIB SUPP 11/15/17 24.80 27825 Total For Dept 5300 Village Celebrations 39.53 Dept 7000 Shared Expenses 100-7000-51325 Flexible Benefit ContributionDIVERSIFIED BENEFIT SERVICESOCTOBER INC 2017 FSA ADMIN SERVICES 250406 11/01/17 296.94 27720 100-7000-52230 Phone and Internet TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENTDPW COMPANYPTP CIRCUIT ACCT 706976601 10/22-11/21/17706976601101717 11/01/17 661.46 27775 100-7000-52230 Phone and Internet TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENTVHALL COMPANY INTERNET ACCT 706976501 10/22-11/21/17706976501101717 11/01/17 431.90 27775 100-7000-52230 Phone and Internet TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENTPRI COMPANYSERVICE ACCT 706845701 10/18-11/17/17706845701101217 11/01/17 542.12 27775 100-7000-52230 Phone and Internet TIME WARNER ENTERTAINMENTVHALL COMPANY DIGITAL ADAPTER 11/17-12/16/17104040380876016001NV11/15/17 4.42 27876 100-7000-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEVILLAGE CO INC HALL SUPPLIES CLEANING-SEPTEMBER13285 2017VH SUPP 11/01/17 64.18 27725 100-7000-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEVILLAGE CO INC HALL SUPPLIES CLEANING OCTOBER13337 2017 VH SUPP 11/15/17 81.89 27825 100-7000-53131 Shared Postage Costs TOTAL FUNDS BY HASLER POSTAGE REPLENISH FOR MACHINE-OCTOBER10 2017 10 17 10/31/17 1,000.00 1971 Total For Dept 7000 Shared Expenses 3,082.91 Dept 7200 Village Center Shared 100-7200-52200 Electric WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER 20172847051434SEPT17 10/31/17 5,499.69 1974 100-7200-52210 Gas WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 2017 1215377040SEPT17 10/31/17 315.51 1974 100-7200-57900 Expenditures Charged To OthersWE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 2017 1215377040SEPT17 10/31/17 (315.51) 1974 100-7200-57900 Expenditures Charged To OthersWE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER 20172847051434SEPT17 10/31/17 (5,499.69) 1974 Total For Dept 7200 Village Center Shared 0.00 Dept 7300 Public Safety Shared 100-7300-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - POLICE POLICE BLDG ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER74255330193ELECSEP17 2017 10/31/17 1,306.63 1975 100-7300-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - POLICE POLICE BUILDING GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 7425530193GASSEP172017 10/31/17 61.39 1975 100-7300-57900 Expenditures Charged To OthersWE ENERGIES - POLICE POLICE BLDG ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER74255330193ELECSEP17 2017 10/31/17 (653.32) 1975 100-7300-57900 Expenditures Charged To OthersWE ENERGIES - POLICE POLICE BUILDING GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 7425530193GASSEP172017 10/31/17 (30.70) 1975 Total For Dept 7300 Public Safety Shared 684.00

Total For Fund 100 General Fund 407,722.26 Fund 200 Library 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 8/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 200 Library Dept 0000 200-0000-24213 Sales Tax Due State WI DEPT OF REVENUE - SALESSALES TAX AND STADIUM TAX - SEPTEMBER 2017SEPT 30 2017 10/31/17 59.44 1979 Total For Dept 0000 59.44 Dept 5110 Library 200-5110-46710 Library Fines GREGORY, RUTH B REFUND OF PAYMENT FOR LOST ITEM FOUNDLIR AND GREGORY RETURNED W/IN11/01/17 90 DAYS 26.95 27729 200-5110-46710 Library Fines MCNALLY, VICTORIA REFUND OF PAYMENT FOR LOST ITEM FOUNDLIR AND MCNALLY RETURNED W/IN11/01/17 90 DAYS 8.99 27745 200-5110-51900 YA Symposium for L. QuinteroAMER LIB ASSOC-IMIS 312-280-4YA Symposium for L. 09/25/2017 10/31/17 199.00 1967 200-5110-51900 Lodging for R. Collins WLA KALAHARIConference RESORTS WISCONSINLodging for R. Collins WLA Conference09/25/2017 10/31/17 99.00 1967 200-5110-51900 2017 WLA Conference RegistrationWISCONSIN R. CollLIBRARY ASSO 2017608-24536 WLA Conference Registration R. 09/25/2017Collins 10/31/17 217.00 1967 200-5110-51900 Professional Education COLLINS, RACHEL REIMBURSEMENT FOR MILEAGE EXPENSES -RC CUDAHY MILEAGE10 AND WI17 DELLS11/01/17 138.02 27713 200-5110-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER 20172847051434SEPT17 10/31/17 4,234.77 1974 200-5110-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 2017 1215377040SEPT17 10/31/17 242.95 1974 200-5110-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts MILW CNTY FEDERATED LIBNOTICE SYSTEM FORMS AND CALLS, POSTAGE, ECOMMFL 03049FEE, RECEIPT PAPER,11/01/17 LABELS, BARCODES931.80 27749 200-5110-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 280.00 27725 200-5110-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 1,513.38 27725 200-5110-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control BATZNER PEST, INC. VILLAGE CENTER PEST CONTROL 2350267 11/15/17 55.44 27800 200-5110-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 1,513.38 27825 200-5110-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 280.00 27825 200-5110-52910 Monthly Charge for Web statisticsHTTP GIMLET report DOT US 608-535-9Monthly Charge for Web statistics reporting09/25/2017 tool 10/31/17 20.00 1967 200-5110-53100 Office Supplies RESPONSE TECHNOLOGIES, PANICLTD. BUTTONS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AND0003533-IN LIBRARY 11/15/17 120.66 27860 200-5110-53101 TELEPHONE EXPENSE AT&T VILLAGE CENTER ALARM LINES OCTOBER 2017414967240510 OCT1711/01/17 188.74 27703 200-5110-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING-SEPTEMBER 132852017 LIB SUPP 11/01/17 188.98 27725 200-5110-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING OCTOBER 201713337 LIB SUPP 11/15/17 318.33 27825 200-5110-53120 Copy & Print Costs CDW GOVERNMENT ADULT PRINTER BLACK, STAFF PRINTER MAGENDAKQC0836 AND BLACK 11/15/17OCT 2017 481.87 27804 200-5110-53200 Charge for accessing ALA salaryAMER LIBsurvey ASSOC-IMIS 312-280-4Charge for accessing ALA salary survey09/25/2017 10/31/17 150.00 1967 200-5110-53720 Wall Street journal subsriptionD J*WALL renewal ST JOURNAL 800-568-7Wall Street journal subsription renewal09/25/2017 10/31/17 110.97 1967 200-5110-53720 Periodicals WT COX INFORMATION SERVICESREMAINING PAYMENT FOR LIBRARY MAGAZINE3010819 SUBSCRIPTIONS OCT2017 11/15/17 122.79 27891 200-5110-54000 Gift Card - YA ProgrammingBOSWELL BOOK COMPANY MILWAUKEEGift Card - YA Programming 09/25/2017 10/31/17 20.00 1967 200-5110-54000 Gift Card - YA ProgrammingCITY MARKET SHOREWOOD SHOREWOODGift Card - YA Programming 09/25/2017 10/31/17 25.00 1967 200-5110-54000 Gift Card - YA ProgrammingFOX BAY CINEMA GRILL WHITEFISHGift Card - YA Programming 09/25/2017 10/31/17 25.00 1967 200-5110-54000 Gift Card - YA ProgrammingGAMESTOP #5178 MILWAUKEEGift Card - YA Programming 09/25/2017 10/31/17 25.00 1967 200-5110-54000 Gift Card - YA ProgrammingSTARBUCKS STORE 02268 MILWAUKEEGift Card - YA Programming 09/25/2017 10/31/17 5.00 1967 200-5110-54000 Gift card - iTunes YA ProgrammingWALGREENS #15188 SHOREWOODGift card - iTunes YA Programming 09/25/2017 10/31/17 25.00 1967 200-5110-54000 Programming DEMCO BOOKMARKS FOR CHILDREN'S PROGRAMMING6232590 11/01/17 87.45 27717 200-5110-54000 Programming MITCHELL, DR. JACK PAYMENT FOR SPEAKER AT SHED TALK PROGRAMSHED PUBNOV RADIO14 2017 11/15/17 150.00 27849 200-5110-54510 Auermiller Expenses BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS PURCHASED WITH AUERMILLER GRANTAUERM FUNDS OCT17 OCT2017 11/15/17 1,784.40 27799 Total For Dept 5110 Library 13,589.87 Dept 5111 Adult Materials 200-5111-53730 Materials BAKER & TAYLOR CIRC CONTINUATIONS / ANF OCT 2017 CIRC OCT17 11/15/17 104.92 27799 200-5111-53730 Materials BAKER & TAYLOR ADULT FICTION BOOKS OCT 2017 AF OCT17 11/15/17 923.97 27799 200-5111-53730 Materials BAKER & TAYLOR ADULT NON FICTION BOOKS OCT 2017 ANF OCT17 11/15/17 1,537.87 27799 200-5111-53740 DVD's BAKER & TAYLOR DVDS / MOVIES OCT 2017 ADVD OCT17 11/15/17 801.33 27799 200-5111-53750 Audiobooks BAKER & TAYLOR AUDIO BOOKS OCT 2017 ABKCD OCT17 11/15/17 244.85 27799 200-5111-53770 Music BAKER & TAYLOR MUSIC CDS OCT 2017 ACD OCT17 11/15/17 560.84 27799 Total For Dept 5111 Adult Materials 4,173.78 Dept 5112 Childrens Materials 200-5112-53730 Materials BAKER & TAYLOR CHILDREN'S CONTINUATIONS OCT 2017 JUV CONT OCT17 11/15/17 212.88 27799 200-5112-53730 Materials BAKER & TAYLOR CHILDREN'S BOOKS OCT 2017 JUV OCT2017 11/15/17 1,371.78 27799 200-5112-53740 DVD's BAKER & TAYLOR CHILDREN'S MOVIES / DVDS OCT 2017 JDVD OCT17 11/15/17 103.15 27799 200-5112-53780 Early Learning Center COBB, DAVID MATERIALS REIMBURSEMENT FOR BUILDINGELC OF BKYARDBACKYARD COBB PLAY11/01/17 AREA IN LIBRARY EARLY343.07 LEARNING 27712 CENTER 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 9/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 200 Library Dept 5112 Childrens Materials Total For Dept 5112 Childrens Materials 2,030.88 Dept 5113 Young Adult Materials 200-5113-53730 Materials BAKER & TAYLOR YOUNG ADULT MATERIALS OCT 2017 YA OCT17 11/15/17 508.26 27799 Total For Dept 5113 Young Adult Materials 508.26

Total For Fund 200 Library 20,362.23 Fund 210 Senior Services Dept 4600 Senior Services 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees DEWITT CLINTON, LLOYD YOGA CLASSES OCTOBER 2017 11/01/17 86.00 27718 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees ENGSTROM, SUSAN JANE BRUCKNERFIVE WISHES PROGRAM RESCHEDULED FR. NOVEMBEROCT. 2017 11/01/17 60.00 27722 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees MILEWSKI, SHERROD QIGONG CLASSES OCTOBER2017 11/01/17 225.00 27748 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees WATTS, MEREDITH YOGA CLASSES OCTOBER2017 11/01/17 344.00 27785 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees CURRAN, CAROLYN MASSIE ARTISTIC DIRECTION OCTOBER2017 11/15/17 200.00 27814 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees MARIA VIALL LLC HOLISTIC HEALTH NOVEMBER 2017 11/15/17 75.00 27844 210-4600-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER 20172847051434SEPT17 10/31/17 461.97 1974 210-4600-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE WE ENERGIES - LIBRARY LIBRARY GAS USAGE-SEPTEMBER 2017 1215377040SEPT17 10/31/17 26.50 1974 210-4600-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 180.26 27725 210-4600-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control BATZNER PEST, INC. VILLAGE CENTER PEST CONTROL 2350267 11/15/17 6.05 27800 210-4600-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 180.26 27825 210-4600-52990 Cookies for mailing team CITY MARKET SHOREWOOD SHOREWOODCookies for mailing team 09/25/2017 10/31/17 6.25 1967 210-4600-52990 refreshments for Mens MorningMETRO MARKET #893 SHOREWOODrefreshments for Mens Morning 09/25/2017 10/31/17 32.79 1967 210-4600-52990 sandwich luncheon PANERA BREAD #601558 GLENDALEsandwich luncheon 09/25/2017 10/31/17 234.79 1967 210-4600-53100 stamps USPS PO 5675850211 MILWAUKEEstamps 09/25/2017 10/31/17 29.40 1967 210-4600-53100 stamps USPS PO 5675857500 MILWAUKEEstamps 09/25/2017 10/31/17 98.00 1967 210-4600-53101 TELEPHONE EXPENSE AT&T VILLAGE CENTER ALARM LINES OCTOBER 2017414967240510 OCT1711/01/17 20.59 27703 210-4600-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING-SEPTEMBER 132852017 LIB SUPP 11/01/17 20.62 27725 210-4600-53101 Shared Office Costs GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCELIBRARY CO INC SUPPLIES CLEANING OCTOBER 201713337 LIB SUPP 11/15/17 34.73 27825 210-4600-53120 Copy & Print Costs CLARK GRAPHICS DECEMBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS 159274 11/01/17 201.00 27711 210-4600-53200 NISC membership NISC MEMBERSHIP NCOA.ORGNISC membership 09/25/2017 10/31/17 145.00 1967 210-4600-53200 Memberships & SubscriptionsAMERICAN SOCIETY ON AGINGMEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 461124 11/15/17 204.00 27795 210-4600-53500 Five Wishes forms AGING WITH DIGNITY INC Five850-68120 Wishes forms 09/25/2017 10/31/17 60.00 1967 210-4600-53500 Tickets for China Lights CHINA LIGHTS 414-35040 Tickets for China Lights 09/25/2017 10/31/17 360.00 1967 210-4600-53500 prizes for volunteer partyCULVER'S OF SHOREW SHOREWOODprizes for volunteer party 09/25/2017 10/31/17 150.00 1967 210-4600-53500 prizes for volunteer partyMETRO MARKET #893 SHOREWOODprizes for volunteer party 09/25/2017 10/31/17 200.00 1967 210-4600-53500 prizes for volunteer partyWALGREENS #15188 SHOREWOODprizes for volunteer party 09/25/2017 10/31/17 157.42 1967 210-4600-53500 Dept/Program Supplies PAT MIKKELSEN BOOK BINDING CLASS OCTOBER 11/01/17 105.00 27755 210-4600-54000 ADD--credit STONE HARBOR STURGEON ADD--credit 09/25/2017 10/31/17 (67.13) 1967 210-4600-54000 Programming GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - SEPTEMBER,201713282 11/01/17 130.00 27725 210-4600-54000 Programming PAT MIKKELSEN BOOK BINDING CLASS OCTOBER 11/01/17 40.00 27755 210-4600-54000 Programming BOEHM, MICHELLE COORDINATE FALL YARD CLEANUP 2017 FALL 2017 11/15/17 1,020.00 27801 210-4600-54000 Programming GIBB BUILDING MAINTENANCEMONTHLY CO INC JANITORIAL SERVICE - OCTOBER,201713332 11/15/17 130.00 27825 210-4600-54000 Programming ORMSBY, MEGHAN M TECH HELP OCTOBER 2017 11/15/17 105.00 27855 210-4600-54000 Programming SWEERS, CAROLYN JANE LIVING WISELY NOVEMBER 2017 11/15/17 25.00 27872 210-4600-54000 Programming TOM WEISENBURGER MUSICAL PERFORMANCE NOVEMBER 2017 11/15/17 150.00 27877 210-4600-54140 Shorewood Connects SHOREWOOD PRESS SENIOR FRIENDLY BUSINESS POSTERS 21262 11/15/17 55.00 27864 210-4600-54140 Shorewood Connects SUE KELLEY CONSULTING LLCSHOREWOOD CONNECTS OCT2017 11/15/17 450.00 27871 210-4600-54900 Other Programming BURGHARDT SPORTING GOODSYARD CLEANUP DAY TSHIRTS BAG011475 11/15/17 2,000.00 27803 Total For Dept 4600 Senior Services 7,942.50

Total For Fund 210 Senior Services 7,942.50 Fund 220 Marketing & Communications 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 10/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 220 Marketing & Communications Dept 6700 Marketing & Communications 220-6700-52100 Professional Fees PRWORKS LLC SEPTEMBER 2017 MEDIA RELATIONS 10 16 17 11/01/17 270.00 27759 220-6700-52100 Professional Fees SAVAGE SOLUTIONS MARKETING SERVICES-9/13-10/10/17 2981 11/01/17 4,750.00 27766 220-6700-56120 Used to store photos, articlesBC.BASECAMP and archi 2 2870262 312-281-5Used to store photos, articles and archived09/25/2017 issues of10/31/17 Shorewood Today 20.00 1967 220-6700-56120 Used to showcase Shorewood ISSUUToday 844-477-8magazin Used to showcase Shorewood Today magazine09/25/2017 10/31/17 39.00 1967 Total For Dept 6700 Marketing & Communications 5,079.00

Total For Fund 220 Marketing & Communications 5,079.00 Fund 240 Police Special Dept 2100 Police 240-2100-54200 Federal Equitable Sharing ASSOCIATED TECHNICAL SERVICES,ADDITION INC.OF 2 CAMERAS TO BOOKING ROOM0000002309 11/15/17 2,808.28 27796 Total For Dept 2100 Police 2,808.28

Total For Fund 240 Police Special 2,808.28 Fund 300 Debt Service Fund Dept 8000 Debt Service 300-8000-58200 Interest JP MORGAN CHASE 2013 BONDS JP MORGAN CHASE - 10/31/1720113 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 40,702.50 1968 300-8000-58200 Interest JP MORGAN CHASE 2013 BONDS JP MORGAN CHASE - 10/31/1720113 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 3,693.75 1968 300-8000-58200 Interest WELLS FARGO 2010B BONDS, WELLS FARGO, 10-31-17 37629 10/31/17 42,118.75 1977 300-8000-58200 Interest WELLS FARGO 2010B BONDS, WELLS FARGO, 10-31-17 37629 10/31/17 25,635.75 1977 300-8000-58900 Other Finance Charges BOND TRUST SERVICES CORPPAYING AGENT FEE GO BONDS SERIES 2010B37699 11/15/17 350.00 27802 Total For Dept 8000 Debt Service 112,500.75 Dept 9000 Other Financing Sources/Uses 300-9000-49401 Transfers from TID #1 JP MORGAN CHASE 2013 BONDS JP MORGAN CHASE - 10/31/1720113 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 (40,702.50) 1968 300-9000-49401 Transfers from TID #1 WELLS FARGO 2010B BONDS, WELLS FARGO, 10-31-17 37629 10/31/17 (42,118.75) 1977 300-9000-49403 Transfers from TID #3 JP MORGAN CHASE 2013 BONDS JP MORGAN CHASE - 10/31/1720113 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 (3,693.75) 1968 Total For Dept 9000 Other Financing Sources/Uses (86,515.00)

Total For Fund 300 Debt Service Fund 25,985.75 Fund 400 General Capital Projects Dept 1100 Board 400-1100-56360 Streetscape (Lights,Signs,Benches)SHOREWOOD PRESS WILSON POSTCARD PIM#2 20660 11/01/17 485.00 27768 400-1100-56360 Streetscape (Lights,Signs,Benches)TAPCO STREET SIGNS AND SUPPLIES 581399 11/01/17 4,091.65 27772 400-1100-56360 Streetscape (Lights,Signs,Benches)GRAEF WILSON DRIVE SERVICES 0095106 11/15/17 75,464.00 27828 400-1100-56360 Streetscape (Lights,Signs,Benches)TAPCO STREET SIGNS AND POSTING 583327 11/15/17 3,438.69 27873 Total For Dept 1100 Board 83,479.34 Dept 1410 Manager 400-1410-56120 Other Technology DIGICORP INC BALANCE-VILLAGE WIRED AND WIRELESS UPGRADES319948 11/01/17 15,873.00 27719 400-1410-56120 Other Technology DIGICORP INC EMAIL FILTERING SUBSCRIPTION 319946 11/15/17 109.00 27819 Total For Dept 1410 Manager 15,982.00 Dept 2100 Police 400-2100-56200 WILSON DR PD BLDG GAS WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 44.82 1976 400-2100-56200 WILSON DR PD BLDG ELEC WE ENERGIES - VILLAGE HALLVILLAGE BUILDINGS GAS/ELECTRIC USAGE-SEPTEMBER0000417818SEP2017 2017 10/31/17 2,548.51 1976 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements CARPETLAND USA KENOSHA WORK DONE THRU 07/25/17 11652-200JUL25 11/01/17 28,942.20 27707 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements CARPETLAND USA KENOSHA WORK DONE THRU 10/26/17 11652-200OCT26 11/01/17 4,305.80 27707 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements CORNERSTONE PLUMBING LLCWORK THRU 07/31/17 14797 11/01/17 5,393.30 27715 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements HERITAGE GLASS INC. DRYWALL AND STANDARD AND BRACKET INSTALLATION18996 11/01/17 4,048.00 27732 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements HERITAGE GLASS INC. DRYWALL 06/21/17 18964 11/01/17 5,322.00 27732 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements MARED MECHANICAL CONTRACTORSHVAC MODIFICATIONS CORP A17236-2 11/01/17 19,236.60 27744 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 11/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 400 General Capital Projects Dept 2100 Police 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements MARED MECHANICAL CONTRACTORSHVAC MODIFICATIONS CORP A17236-3 11/01/17 2,182.50 27744 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements MARED MECHANICAL CONTRACTORSRETAINGE CORP BILLING JOB A17236R 11/01/17 5,240.90 27744 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements QUALITY CEILINGS INC WORK DONE THRU 08/31/17 11652-200-09/30/1711/01/17 17,298.00 27760 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO WORK DONE THRU 10/31/17 617503-4OCT31 11/01/17 66,688.46 27764 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements STAFF ELECTRIC CO INC ELECTRICAL WORK THRU 10/31/17 120026 11/01/17 10,938.70 27769 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements TMI COATINGS, INC. WORK DONE THRU 10/03/17 11652-200 OCT3 11/01/17 2,075.20 27776 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements WALL-TECH, INC WORK DONE THRU 10/12/17 1751220-10/12/17 11/01/17 5,005.00 27783 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements WALL-TECH, INC WORK DONE THRU 10/06/17 1751220-10/06/17 11/01/17 99.90 27783 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements ASSOCIATED TECHNICAL SERVICES,BASE PROJECT INC. W/ALT2-7 CAMERAS 8 CARD1134 ACCESS DOORS 11/15/17 26,904.00 27796 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements DIGICORP INC NEC SV9100 IP VOICE SERVER SYS PER AGREEMENTR76135 DATED 05/14/1711/15/17 8,077.62 27819 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements QUALITY CEILINGS INC WORK DONE THRU 09/30/17 09/30/2017 11/15/17 4,522.00 27858 400-2100-56400 Vehicles GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS MTRA TOGGLE SWITCH & MAGNETIC MIC SINGLE246892 UNIT CONVERSION11/15/17 FOR SQD 6 3,319.95 27823 400-2100-56400 Vehicles MORPHOTRAK, LLC MORPHOIDENT SQD #6 138468 11/15/17 2,060.00 27850 Total For Dept 2100 Police 224,253.46 Dept 3210 Bldg Maint - Village Hall 400-3210-56200 Building Improvements J&H HEATING, INC. REPLACE PNEUMATIC CONTROL PANEL AT LIBRARY30046 11/15/17 6,844.00 27835 400-3210-56200 Building Improvements THUEMLING INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTSPARTS FOR HVAC 53516-0 11/15/17 1,596.82 27875 Total For Dept 3210 Bldg Maint - Village Hall 8,440.82 Dept 3410 Street and Alley 400-3410-56310 Regular Maintenance STARK PAVEMENT CORP 2016 ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PAYMENT # 7 11/01/17 5,380.85 27770 400-3410-56310 Regular Maintenance STOMPER CONCRETE LLC CONCRETE REPAIRS IN VILLAGE 891 11/15/17 5,700.00 27869 400-3410-56320.17-03 MAPPING CLARK DIETZ INC 2017 GENERAL ENGINEERING 421969 11/01/17 435.00 27710 Total For Dept 3410 Street and Alley 11,515.85 Dept 3830 Storm Maintenance 400-3830-56600.17-04 PPII AND MMSD COORDINATIONCLARK DIETZ INC 2017 GENERAL ENGINEERING 421969 11/01/17 1,145.00 27710 400-3830-56600.17-04 Utility Infastructure CHRISTENSEN, NOAH REIMBURSEMENT OF SEWER AND CONNECTION51717 CHARGES 11/15/17 116.55 27807 Total For Dept 3830 Storm Maintenance 1,261.55

Total For Fund 400 General Capital Projects 344,933.02 Fund 410 TID No. 1 Capital Dept 9000 Other Financing Sources/Uses 410-9000-59300 Transfers to Debt Service JP MORGAN CHASE 2013 BONDS JP MORGAN CHASE - 10/31/1720113 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 40,702.50 1968 410-9000-59300 Transfers to Debt Service WELLS FARGO 2010B BONDS, WELLS FARGO, 10-31-17 37629 10/31/17 42,118.75 1977 Total For Dept 9000 Other Financing Sources/Uses 82,821.25

Total For Fund 410 TID No. 1 Capital 82,821.25 Fund 430 TID No. 3 Capital Dept 6650 TID Projects 430-6650-54610 Developer Subsidies HARBOR SHOREWOOD DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPER LLC GRANT 3Q 2017 INSTALLMENT HRA 11-8-17 11/15/17 55,517.97 27830 430-6650-56500 RIVER TRAIL PERMIT CLARK DIETZ INC 2017 GENERAL ENGINEERING 421969 11/01/17 3,270.00 27710 Total For Dept 6650 TID Projects 58,787.97 Dept 9000 Other Financing Sources/Uses 430-9000-59300 Transfers to Debt Service JP MORGAN CHASE 2013 BONDS JP MORGAN CHASE - 10/31/1720113 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 3,693.75 1968 Total For Dept 9000 Other Financing Sources/Uses 3,693.75

Total For Fund 430 TID No. 3 Capital 62,481.72 Fund 450 TID No. 5 Capital 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 12/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 450 TID No. 5 Capital Dept 6600 TID Administration 450-6600-52920 OAKLAND AVE TRAFFIC STUDY CLARK DIETZ INC 2017 GENERAL ENGINEERING 421969 11/01/17 395.35 27710 Total For Dept 6600 TID Administration 395.35

Total For Fund 450 TID No. 5 Capital 395.35 Fund 600 Parking Utility Dept 0000 600-0000-24213 Sales Tax Due State WI DEPT OF REVENUE - SALESSALES TAX AND STADIUM TAX - SEPTEMBER 2017SEPT 30 2017 10/31/17 1,635.57 1979 600-0000-24213 Sales Tax Due State PECH, JOEL REFUND - BUMPER W - ASFAW BEYENE 2017-10-17 11/01/17 5.31 27756 Total For Dept 0000 1,640.88 Dept 3900 Parking 600-3900-46331 Wilson - W PECH, JOEL REFUND - BUMPER W - ASFAW BEYENE 2017-10-17 11/01/17 94.69 27756 600-3900-48900 Miscellaneous Revenue WI DEPT OF REVENUE - SALESSALES TAX AND STADIUM TAX - SEPTEMBER 2017SEPT 30 2017 10/31/17 (10.00) 1979 600-3900-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesPROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 241.90 27857 600-3900-52990 Other Service Contracts & FeesPROFESSIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGEMENTCITATIONS AND PARKING MANAGEMENT OCTOBERMSB0001128 17 11/15/17 3,663.00 27857 Total For Dept 3900 Parking 3,989.59

Total For Fund 600 Parking Utility 5,630.47 Fund 610 Water Utility Dept 3710 Water Administration 610-3710-52100 Professional Fees CITY WATER LLC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OCTOBER 2017 459 11/15/17 2,187.50 27810 610-3710-52230 Phone and Internet US CELLULAR DPW PHONE CHARGES 0215414470 11/01/17 50.19 27779 610-3710-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts MILW WATER WORKS PURCHASED WATER - OCTOBER 2017- 42,9831-0113.300 CCF OCT 1711/15/17 58,647.60 27848 610-3710-52910 Software Purch/Maint MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICESGIS INCSERVICES 8/27-10/28/17 23 11/15/17 41.25 27851 610-3710-52930 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE POINT N PAY CREDIT CARD FEES WEB AND COUNTER-SEPTEMBER58230917000004 2017 10/31/17 1,175.75 1970 610-3710-53100 Office Supplies SHOREWOOD PRESS WORK LOGS 21157 11/01/17 28.33 27768 610-3710-53121 Shared Copy Costs OFFICE COPYING EQUIPMENTB&W, LTD COLOR COPIES 39496 11/15/17 18.36 27854 610-3710-54150 Safety Expenses CINTAS SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL CABINET 5009120221 11/01/17 10.96 27709 610-3710-54150 Safety Expenses FEHR-GRAHAM & ASSOCIATESCONFINED LLC SPACE TRAINING 76988 11/01/17 975.00 27723 610-3710-54150 Safety Expenses US HEALTHWORKS MEDICAL DRUGGROUP TESTING OF WI FOR KUNZE AND PINZER 0051827 11/01/17 58.00 27780 610-3710-54150 Safety Expenses CINTAS SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL CABINET 5008809096 11/15/17 16.36 27808 Total For Dept 3710 Water Administration 63,209.30 Dept 3730 Maint Mains 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies HALQUIST STONE COMPANY STONEINC FOR WATER DEPT 424440 11/01/17 436.92 27730 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies HALQUIST STONE COMPANY STONEINC FOR WATER DEPT 126097 11/01/17 348.23 27730 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies RCM CLEAN FILL 172310 11/01/17 125.00 27761 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies RCM CLEAN FILL 172368 11/01/17 125.00 27761 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies AMERICAN LEAK DETECTIONLEAK DETECTION AT 2642 BEVERLY 7839 11/15/17 395.00 27793 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies STARK PAVEMENT CORP SUPPLIES FOR MAIN BREAK 42293 11/15/17 906.70 27867 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies USA BLUE BOOK SUPPLIES FOR WATER DEPT 405300 11/15/17 47.01 27882 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies VALENTE TRANSPORT, INC.WATER UTILITY SPOILS 2017-324 11/15/17 855.00 27883 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC MAIN BREAK AND SEWER CONCRETE 80962 11/15/17 216.00 27894 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC MAIN BREAK DOWNER 80960 11/15/17 524.00 27894 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC MAIN BREAK MENLO AND MURRAY 81300 11/15/17 524.00 27894 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC GATE VALVE REPAIR MENLO AND MURRAY 81299 11/15/17 524.00 27894 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC MAIN BREAK STOWELL 80316 11/15/17 524.00 27894 610-3730-57420 Equipment Usage STAFF ELECTRIC CO INC INSTALLATION OF RECEPTACLE FOR CHLORINE001934453 EQUIPMENT 11/01/17 200.00 27769 Total For Dept 3730 Maint Mains 5,750.86 Dept 3740 Maint Services 610-3740-53500 Dept/Program Supplies MID CITY PLBG-HTG INC REPLACED WATER SERVICE AT 3921 STOWELL83423 11/01/17 5,800.00 27747 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 13/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 610 Water Utility Dept 3740 Maint Services 610-3740-53500 Dept/Program Supplies HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICESVARIOUS SUPPLIES FOR DEPTS 102717 11/15/17 44.89 27834 610-3740-53500 Dept/Program Supplies LINCOLN CONTRACTORS SUPPLYHAND INCHELD DRILL 24146A 11/15/17 89.12 27842 610-3740-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC SERVICE REPAIR JARVIS 80640 11/15/17 524.00 27894 Total For Dept 3740 Maint Services 6,458.01 Dept 3770 Maint Misc Plan 610-3770-53400 Vehicle Maintenance ALSCO SHOP TOWELS 1259505 11/15/17 27.54 27792 610-3770-53400 Vehicle Maintenance YES EQUIPMENT & SUPPLY PARTS FOR #91 WATER DEPT JCB 00303081 11/15/17 765.91 27893 610-3770-53500 tool set for water dept SEARS.COM 9300 800-349-4tool set for water dept 09/25/2017 10/31/17 137.25 1967 Total For Dept 3770 Maint Misc Plan 930.70 Dept 3790 Other Water 610-3790-54740 Water Testing NORTHERN LAKE SERVICE INCWATER SAMPLES 324764 11/15/17 240.00 27853 Total For Dept 3790 Other Water 240.00 Dept 8000 Debt Service 610-8000-58200 Interest WELLS FARGO 2010B BONDS, WELLS FARGO, 10-31-17 37629 10/31/17 1,082.00 1977 Total For Dept 8000 Debt Service 1,082.00

Total For Fund 610 Water Utility 77,670.87 Fund 620 Sewer Utility Dept 3810 Sewer Administration 620-3810-51330 Uniform Expense YENTER, ROBERT UNIFORM REIMBURSEMENT 102717 11/15/17 29.18 27892 620-3810-52230 Phone and Internet US CELLULAR DPW PHONE CHARGES 0215414470 11/01/17 186.95 27779 620-3810-52320 MMSD Sewer MILW METRO SEWERAGE DISTMMSD TREATMENT FEES 6/1-8/31/17 199-17 10/31/17 178,531.06 1969 620-3810-52910 Software Purch/Maint MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICESGIS INCSERVICES 8/27-10/28/17 23 11/15/17 42.75 27851 620-3810-52930 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE POINT N PAY CREDIT CARD FEES WEB AND COUNTER-SEPTEMBER58230917000004 2017 10/31/17 1,175.74 1970 620-3810-53100 Office Supplies SHOREWOOD PRESS WORK LOGS 21157 11/01/17 28.34 27768 620-3810-53100 Office Supplies OFFICE COPYING EQUIPMENTB&W, LTD COLOR COPIES 39496 11/15/17 18.36 27854 620-3810-54150 Safety Expenses CINTAS SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL CABINET 5009120221 11/01/17 10.98 27709 620-3810-54150 Safety Expenses FEHR-GRAHAM & ASSOCIATESCONFINED LLC SPACE TRAINING 76988 11/01/17 975.00 27723 620-3810-54150 Safety Expenses CINTAS SUPPLIES FOR MEDICAL CABINET 5008809096 11/15/17 16.35 27808 Total For Dept 3810 Sewer Administration 181,014.71 Dept 3820 Sewer Maintenance 620-3820-53500 spot light for sewer and AMZN.COM/B spot light for sewer and water 09/25/2017 10/31/17 84.22 1967 620-3820-53500 Dept/Program Supplies CORE & MAIN LP SUPPLIES FOR SEWER DEPT 930342 11/01/17 209.00 27714 620-3820-53500 Dept/Program Supplies NOAH CHRISTIANSEN SEWER UTILITY FEE REFUND 10 2 17 11/01/17 116.55 27752 620-3820-53500 Dept/Program Supplies CORE & MAIN LP ADJUSTING RINGS FOR UTILITIES 913421 11/15/17 6,878.00 27812 Total For Dept 3820 Sewer Maintenance 7,287.77 Dept 3830 Storm Maintenance 620-3830-53500 Dept/Program Supplies DONLEVY, KAE M 2017 WATERS PROJECT 103017 11/01/17 2,149.00 27721 620-3830-53500 Dept/Program Supplies VEOLIA WATER MILWAUKEE SEPTEMBER SEWER DEBRIS 90126166 11/01/17 927.40 27781 620-3830-53500 Dept/Program Supplies CERTIFIED PRODUCTS INC CAPITOL DR. BIOFILTER RECONSTRUCTION265590 11/15/17 340.52 27805 620-3830-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC MAIN BREAK AND SEWER CONCRETE 80962 11/15/17 216.20 27894 620-3830-53500 Dept/Program Supplies ZIGNEGO READY MIX INC SUMP REPAIR CRAMER 80961 11/15/17 524.00 27894 Total For Dept 3830 Storm Maintenance 4,157.12 Dept 3890 Other Sewer 620-3890-56600.15-06 COMBINED AREA STUDY REPORTCLARK DIETZ INC 2017 GENERAL ENGINEERING 421969 11/01/17 1,170.00 27710 620-3890-56600.16-08 Utility Infastructure GLOBE CONTRACTORS INC 2016 COMBINED SEWER PAYMENT #7 FINAL 11/01/17 3,200.00 27727 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 14/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # Fund 620 Sewer Utility Dept 3890 Other Sewer Total For Dept 3890 Other Sewer 4,370.00 Dept 8000 Debt Service 620-8000-58200 Interest US BANK 1998 CLEAN WATER FUND INTEREST, NOVEMBER15640 1, 2017 10/31/17 1,250.14 1973 620-8000-58200 Interest WELLS FARGO 2010B BONDS, WELLS FARGO, 10-31-17 37629 10/31/17 1,111.00 1977 620-8000-58200 Interest WELLS FARGO 2016B BOND PAYMENT SEWER REV BONDS 2016B10/31/17 BONDS 10-3110/31/17 31,681.25 1977 Total For Dept 8000 Debt Service 34,042.39

Total For Fund 620 Sewer Utility 230,871.99 Fund 700 Community Development Authority Dept 6800 CDA Activities 700-6800-52120 Professional Fees Legal CRIVELLO- CARLSON S.C. COMMUNITY DEV AUTHORITY LEGAL SERV-SEPTEMBER1302-105258 2017 11/01/17 224.00 27716 700-6800-54630 Façade Program Grants MILWAUKEE BRAT HOUSE FACADE GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 10 15 17 11/01/17 12,000.00 27750 Total For Dept 6800 CDA Activities 12,224.00

Total For Fund 700 Community Development Authority 12,224.00 Fund 800 Tax Agency Fund Dept 0000 800-0000-23000 Deposits BESTBUYCOM803628011484 refundRICHFIELD of tax charges for lobby monitor09/25/2017-2 10/31/17 (21.28) 1967 800-0000-23000 Deposits CHEMISTRY IN PLACE GHOST TRAIN LIFETIME PASS CARDS INVOICE 1 11/01/17 509.00 27708 800-0000-23000 Deposits REINHART, BOERNER, VAN SEPTEMBERDEUREN S.C. 2017 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES-GHOST465114 TRAIN 11/01/17 153.75 27763 800-0000-23000 Deposits SHOREWOOD PRESS GHOST TRAIN EVENT 21053 11/01/17 1,279.00 27768 800-0000-23000 Deposits CHEMISTRY IN PLACE 3 NIGHT OF THE GHOST TRAIN BANNERS 2-GHOST TRAIN BANN11/15/17 127.34 27806 Total For Dept 0000 2,047.81

Total For Fund 800 Tax Agency Fund 2,047.81 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 15/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck #

Fund Totals: Fund 100 General Fund 407,722.26 Fund 200 Library 20,362.23 Fund 210 Senior Services 7,942.50 Fund 220 Marketing & Communications 5,079.00 Fund 240 Police Special 2,808.28 Fund 300 Debt Service Fund 25,985.75 Fund 400 General Capital Projects 344,933.02 Fund 410 TID No. 1 Capital 82,821.25 Fund 430 TID No. 3 Capital 62,481.72 Fund 450 TID No. 5 Capital 395.35 Fund 600 Parking Utility 5,630.47 Fund 610 Water Utility 77,670.87 Fund 620 Sewer Utility 230,871.99 Fund 700 Community Development Authority 12,224.00 Fund 800 Tax Agency Fund 2,047.81

Total For All Funds: 1,288,976.50 --- TOTALS BY GL DISTRIBUTION --- 100-0000-17130 NLP - Duplex Conversion Loans 10,000.00 100-0000-21150 Other Accrued Payables 192.00 100-0000-21520 ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS 78,723.95 100-0000-21530 HEALTH VILLAGE PORTION 121,186.46 100-0000-21531 DENTAL VILLAGE PORTION 5,330.70 100-0000-23400 Due to Duncan 2,271.50 100-0000-24100 Due to MADACC 0.80 100-1100-53140 Communications/Publications 51.75 100-1100-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses 136.60 100-1410-52910 manager's enewsletter 50.00 100-1410-53100 Office Supplies 34.00 100-1410-54130 customer service appreciation gift 185.80 100-1421-51900 Professional Education 15.00 100-1430-52930 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE 410.34 100-1430-53100 Office Supplies 241.34 100-1510-53100 Office Supplies 176.94 100-1900-52120 Professional Fees Legal 10,881.00 100-1900-52200 Electric - Village Hall 1,163.96 100-1900-52210 Gas - Village Hall 30.41 100-1900-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control 2,284.16 100-1900-53150 Job Posting/Testing/Hiring 8,389.50 100-2100-45120 Court Fines 2,877.29 100-2100-46210 Warrant Fees 124.00 100-2100-51330 Schmidt earphone lapel 1,582.14 100-2100-51355 EMPLOYEE PENSION - POLICE 503.09 100-2100-51900 lunch for Nimmer and Liebenthal training 744.89 100-2100-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 653.32 100-2100-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE 30.70 100-2100-52230 Phone and Internet 394.45 100-2100-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts 2,500.00 100-2100-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control 3,521.43 100-2100-52990 Duncan Contracts & Fees 6,878.52 100-2100-53100 extension cable 1,902.69 100-2100-53101 Shared Office Costs 338.98 100-2100-53120 Copy & Print Costs 421.85 100-2100-53131 certified mail 8.77 100-2100-53200 amazon membership 509.95 100-2100-53400 Vehicle Maintenance 13,737.29 100-2100-53420 Radio Expense 1,011.50 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 16/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # 100-2100-53500 ADD--credit 5,306.92 100-2400-44330 Plumbing Permits 60.00 100-2400-48900 Miscellaneous Revenue 150.00 100-2400-52230 Phone and Internet 321.09 100-2400-52910 Software Purch/Maint 41.25 100-2400-52990 Other Service Contracts & Fees 569.96 100-2400-53100 Office Supplies 455.83 100-2400-53400 Vehicle Maintenance 51.95 100-2400-54620 Loan Program Expenses 160.00 100-2900-51355 EMPLOYEE PENSION - FIRE 4,158.68 100-2900-52990 Other Service Contracts & Fees 7,581.72 100-3100-46420 Recycling Rebate (5,128.27) 100-3100-51330 Uniform Expense 953.74 100-3100-52230 Phone and Internet 53.01 100-3100-52990 Other Service Contracts & Fees 41.25 100-3100-53100 Office Supplies 60.63 100-3100-53120 Copy & Print Costs 18.36 100-3100-54150 Safety Expenses 114.32 100-3100-54450 Property Damage - reimbursable 5,937.79 100-3230-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 2,347.83 100-3300-51170 pump and switch for mechanics 423.44 100-3300-52200 INCINERATOR 1,343.46 100-3300-52210 DPW GARAGE GAS 69.40 100-3300-53400 Vehicle Maintenance 6,183.53 100-3300-53410 Fuel and Oil 10,917.77 100-3410-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 667.45 100-3430-52200 STREET LIGHTING 8,152.51 100-3440-52200 TRAFFIC LIGHTS 1,338.77 100-3450-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 192.00 100-3460-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 749.00 100-3510-52950 Disposal Contracts 25,352.54 100-3520-52950 Disposal Contracts 14,333.83 100-3530-51100 Salaries and Wages 2,472.00 100-3530-52950 Disposal Contracts 5,670.40 100-3530-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 650.00 100-3610-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 87.46 100-3620-52200 HUMBOLDT PARK 417.29 100-3620-52210 RIVER CLUB 15.40 100-3620-52940 Landscaping Contracts 9,285.82 100-3620-52990 Other Service Contracts & Fees 10,798.14 100-4000-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 472.97 100-4000-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE 27.13 100-4000-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control 366.71 100-4000-53101 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 77.74 100-5140-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 329.98 100-5140-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE 18.93 100-5140-52230 Phone and Internet 14.71 100-5140-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control 218.26 100-5140-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses 437.00 100-5200-52200 ATWATER BEACH 79.05 100-5300-53900 Miscellaneous Expenses 39.53 100-7000-51325 Flexible Benefit Contribution 296.94 100-7000-52230 Phone and Internet 1,639.90 100-7000-53101 Shared Office Costs 146.07 100-7000-53131 Shared Postage Costs 1,000.00 100-7200-52200 Electric 5,499.69 100-7200-52210 Gas 315.51 100-7200-57900 Expenditures Charged To Others (5,815.20) 100-7300-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 1,306.63 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 17/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # 100-7300-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE 61.39 100-7300-57900 Expenditures Charged To Others (684.02) 200-0000-24213 Sales Tax Due State 59.44 200-5110-46710 Library Fines 35.94 200-5110-51900 YA Symposium for L. Quintero 653.02 200-5110-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 4,234.77 200-5110-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE 242.95 200-5110-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts 931.80 200-5110-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control 3,642.20 200-5110-52910 Monthly Charge for Web statistics report 20.00 200-5110-53100 Office Supplies 120.66 200-5110-53101 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 696.05 200-5110-53120 Copy & Print Costs 481.87 200-5110-53200 Charge for accessing ALA salary survey 150.00 200-5110-53720 Wall Street journal subsription renewal 233.76 200-5110-54000 Gift Card - YA Programming 362.45 200-5110-54510 Auermiller Expenses 1,784.40 200-5111-53730 Materials 2,566.76 200-5111-53740 DVD's 801.33 200-5111-53750 Audiobooks 244.85 200-5111-53770 Music 560.84 200-5112-53730 Materials 1,584.66 200-5112-53740 DVD's 103.15 200-5112-53780 Early Learning Center 343.07 200-5113-53730 Materials 508.26 210-4600-52100 Professional Fees 990.00 210-4600-52200 ELECTRIC EXPENSE 461.97 210-4600-52210 GAS AND HEAT EXPENSE 26.50 210-4600-52900 Cleaning and Pest Control 366.57 210-4600-52990 Cookies for mailing team 273.83 210-4600-53100 stamps 127.40 210-4600-53101 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 75.94 210-4600-53120 Copy & Print Costs 201.00 210-4600-53200 Memberships & Subscriptions 349.00 210-4600-53500 Five Wishes forms 1,032.42 210-4600-54000 Programming 1,532.87 210-4600-54140 Shorewood Connects 505.00 210-4600-54900 Other Programming 2,000.00 220-6700-52100 Professional Fees 5,020.00 220-6700-56120 Used to store photos, articles and archi 59.00 240-2100-54200 Federal Equitable Sharing 2,808.28 300-8000-58200 Interest 112,150.75 300-8000-58900 Other Finance Charges 350.00 300-9000-49401 Transfers from TID #1 (82,821.25) 300-9000-49403 Transfers from TID #3 (3,693.75) 400-1100-56360 Streetscape (Lights,Signs,Benches) 83,479.34 400-1410-56120 Other Technology 15,982.00 400-2100-56200 Building Improvements 218,873.51 400-2100-56400 Vehicles 5,379.95 400-3210-56200 Building Improvements 8,440.82 400-3410-56310 Regular Maintenance 11,080.85 400-3410-56320.17-03 MAPPING 435.00 400-3830-56600.17-04 Utility Infastructure 1,261.55 410-9000-59300 Transfers to Debt Service 82,821.25 430-6650-54610 Developer Subsidies 55,517.97 430-6650-56500 RIVER TRAIL PERMIT 3,270.00 430-9000-59300 Transfers to Debt Service 3,693.75 450-6600-52920 OAKLAND AVE TRAFFIC STUDY 395.35 600-0000-24213 Sales Tax Due State 1,640.88 11/15/2017 10:14 AM INVOICE GL DISTRIBUTION REPORT FOR VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD Page: 18/18 User: ashamburek INVOICE DUE DATES 10/31/2017 - 11/15/2017 DB: Village Of Shorewood BOTH JOURNALIZED AND UNJOURNALIZED BOTH OPEN AND PAID

GL Number Inv. Line Desc Vendor Invoice Desc. Invoice Due Date AmountCheck # 600-3900-46331 Wilson - W 94.69 600-3900-48900 Miscellaneous Revenue (10.00) 600-3900-52990 Other Service Contracts & Fees 3,904.90 610-3710-52100 Professional Fees 2,187.50 610-3710-52230 Phone and Internet 50.19 610-3710-52300 Other Intergov'tal pymts 58,647.60 610-3710-52910 Software Purch/Maint 41.25 610-3710-52930 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE 1,175.75 610-3710-53100 Office Supplies 28.33 610-3710-53121 Shared Copy Costs 18.36 610-3710-54150 Safety Expenses 1,060.32 610-3730-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 5,550.86 610-3730-57420 Equipment Usage 200.00 610-3740-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 6,458.01 610-3770-53400 Vehicle Maintenance 793.45 610-3770-53500 tool set for water dept 137.25 610-3790-54740 Water Testing 240.00 610-8000-58200 Interest 1,082.00 620-3810-51330 Uniform Expense 29.18 620-3810-52230 Phone and Internet 186.95 620-3810-52320 MMSD Sewer 178,531.06 620-3810-52910 Software Purch/Maint 42.75 620-3810-52930 CREDIT CARD EXPENSE 1,175.74 620-3810-53100 Office Supplies 46.70 620-3810-54150 Safety Expenses 1,002.33 620-3820-53500 spot light for sewer and water 7,287.77 620-3830-53500 Dept/Program Supplies 4,157.12 620-3890-56600.15-06 COMBINED AREA STUDY REPORT 1,170.00 620-3890-56600.16-08 Utility Infastructure 3,200.00 620-8000-58200 Interest 34,042.39 700-6800-52120 Professional Fees Legal 224.00 700-6800-54630 Façade Program Grants 12,000.00 800-0000-23000 Deposits 2,047.81 DRAFT

MINUTES - SHOREWOOD BOARD OF TRUSTEES Village Board Meeting November 6, 2017

1. Call to Order President Johnson called the meeting of the Village Board to order at 7:44 p.m. in the Village Hall Court Room.

2. Roll Call President Johnson called the roll. Present: Trustees Davida Amenta, Tammy Bockhorst, Michael Maher, Ann McKaig and Allison Rozek. Excused: Trustee Paul Zovic

Others Present: Village Attorney Nathan Bayer, Village Manager Rebecca Ewald, Interim Village Clerk Diane DeWindt-Hall, Chief Peter Nimmer and Director of Public Works Leeann Butschlick

3. Statement of Public Notice Interim Village Clerk DeWindt-Hall stated that the meeting had been posted and noticed according to law.

4. Consent Agenda Items a. Presentation of Accounts November 6, 2017 b. Presentation of 3rd Quarter Financial Report c. Consider Approval of Village Board Minutes, October 16, 2017 d. Consider Appointment of Sydney Shimko to Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Committee, term to expire May 31, 2020 e. Consider Approving 2018 Weights and Measures f. Consider Disallowance of Claim – Noah Christensen, Shorewood Press g. Consider Disallowance of Claim – Mara Kuehmichel

Tr. Maher moved, seconded by Tr. Bockhorst to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Tr. Maher requested the removal of item 4.c. Approval of Village Board Minutes of October 16, 2017 from the Consent Agenda.

Tr. Amenta requested the removal of item 4.f. Disallowance of Claim – Noah Christensen from the Consent Agenda.

Motion carried 6-0.

5. Items removed from the Consent Agenda Item 4.c. Approval of Village Board Minutes of October 16, 2017 – Under item 6 related to health insurance plan changes, the last sentence in the first paragraph was stricken. Under item 4 related to the update on the long range plan, the Board directed Finance Director Mark Emanuelson to clarify the language in the second paragraph related to debt capacity. (That language was provided to the Interim Village Clerk and the minutes were amended accordingly.

Tr. McKaig moved, seconded by Tr. Maher to approve the Village Board minutes of October 16, 2017 as amended.

Item 4.f. – Tr. Amenta asked to be updated on the Noah Christensen claim. Tr. Maher summarized the claim. The sewer lining contractor (October 2016) uncovered a plugged lateral so they did not reopen the lining at that connection. The new owner of the building started experiencing backup issues in May 2017. The contractor’s insurer reviewed the claim and agreed to cover the costs to replace the sump pump and the cleanup costs (approx. $3000), but because the original lateral was not functioning, they did not cover the cost of replacing the already non-functioning lateral (approx. $6500). In a separate action, the Village agreed to reimburse the property owner for the sewer fees (approx. $135) that were charged during the period that the lateral was not connected. Discussed possible change to how owners are notified when contractors identify a problem during the course of their work. DPW is working on implementing a process.

Trustee Maher moved, seconded by Tr. McKaig to approve the disallowance of claim of Noah Christensen, Shorewood Press . Motion carried 6-0.

6. Citizens to be heard – Annie Tasse, 2027 E. Lake Bluff – concerned about the “sweet” chemical smell in her house during the lateral lining project. Her research and conversation with the contractor identified the smell from the chemicals being used and that the chemical is styrene. She provided a handout that identified styrene as a human carcinogen. She was concerned about her own health and that of the community. She felt there was a response from Public Works indicating the chemical was safe was not correct. She followed the instructions to pour water down drains and sump pump crock. Public Works Director Leeann Butschlick noted that Ms. Tasse was directed to the contractor so that she would be able to get her questions/concerns thoroughly addressed by going to the source. Ms. Butschlick noted that residents were instructed to pour water into open floor drain or drains not regularly used because gases and odors can travel through the pipe if they are dry. Previous notices did not provide instructions to pour water into the sump pump crock because legally there should be no connection between the sump pump drain and the lateral; those instructions are now included. The product is an industry standard and is used universally. Ms. Tasse wants the village to investigate alternative methods.

7. Oath of Office – Rebecca Ewald Village Manager Rebecca Ewald was sworn in as the new Village Manager.

8. New Business a. Budget and Finance Committee i. Consider Approval of Professional Services Agreement for Milwaukee Water Works Wholesale Customer Group Rate Case Order Assistance

The purpose of this PSA is for Milwaukee Water Works wholesale customers (nine municipalities) to work with the City of Milwaukee to resolve two issues: 1) how to calculate the peak usage/average usage so that the PSC does not have to litigate between parties and 2) to renew the fire allocation protection cost among the members. The group has worked together in the past and in renegotiating the 2012-2014 wholesale rate saved approx. $615,000.

Tr. Maher moved, seconded by Tr. Rozek to approve the Professional Service Agreement with Baxter Woodman for the Milwaukee Water Works Wholesale Customer Group rate case order assistance with anticipate cost to the Village at maximum $3,497.50. Motion carried 6-0.

ii. Presentation of Phase 2 Construction of Police Building Chief Nimmer provided clarification, a visual, related to the Phase 2 construction of the Police Building as requested by the Board. Phase 2A includes the completion of the office spaces—interview rooms, roll call room, evidence work up room and storage rooms ($522,000) and 2B is the garage space and Phase 3 is the community room. Experiencing issues with the roof that must be addressed and since the HVAC units are in need of replacement as well, it might as well be done at the same time as the roof which would bring the Phase 2A costs to approx. $874,000. Phase 2B and Phase 3 would be a separate discussion.

Concerns were raised whether an inspection was done prior to purchase and whether the roof and HVAC issues were identified at that time. Eric with Riley was asked to put together the total costs for all phases for what is identified as “selective demolition.” Clarification was requested on some of the costs for Phase 2A to understand what items are needed and to possibly identify areas to downsize in order to reduce costs.

The Board will have make decisions along the way with regard to the Phase 2A construction, roof and HVAC systems. The Board will need to authorize Zimmerman to complete the design schematics for 2A so that Riley will have detailed documents to use to formulate their budget.

Tr. Rozek requested that the long range plan be updated to reflect the additional construction costs. b. Consider Ordinance #2087 Establishing Equality and Human Relations Commission Tr. Amenta introduced this topic. The Strategic Initiatives Committee recommended to change the name of the commission to the Human Relations Commission. School Board is interested and supportive of the commission, however, their governing model does not allow appointments to citizen committees. They are interested in participating, so the superintendent will attend and they will appoint a school board member as an ex-officio member of the Human Relations Commission.

The Committee recommended the following edits: 1) remove “equality” from the name of the Commission and any reference within the document; 2) § 26-1, B.5. Change to read “Provide, coordinate and support educational . . . events, including those of community partners, to strengthen. . .”; 3) § 26-2, A. strike the last sentence; 4) § 26-2.C. add “a representative from the Shorewood Police Department”; 5) § 26-2.A. change second sentence to read “The Judiciary, Personnel and Licensing Committee. . . .be responsible for screening applications, recommending members, and considering the . . .”

Tr. Amenta moved, seconded by Tr. Bockhorst to approve Ordinance #2087 to Establish the Human Relations Commission.

Board discussed additional changes, including the term “underrepresented groups.” The Board determined to change §26-1, B.(9) to simply state “Report to Shorewood Village Police Commission, on an as needed basis.” And to substitute “underrepresented groups” with the phrase “groups identified in §26-1, B.2.”

Tr. Amenta withdrew her original motion.

Tr. Amenta moved, seconded by Tr. Bockhorst to approve Ordinance #2087 establishing the Human Relations Commission for the Village of Shorewood with amendments as discussed.

Motion carried 6-0 on a roll call vote.

c. Public Safety i. Consider Approving Police Union Contract Language Change Regarding Health Insurance Board determined that closed session was not required for this item.

Tr. Bockhorst introduced this item. This contract language change is to offer the police union employees an additional health insurance option, the high deductible health plan.

Tr. Bockhorst moved, seconded by Tr. Maher to approve the side letter agreement with the Police Union to all the employees to choose coverage under the High Deductible Health Plan to contribute 10% of the premiums.

9. Reports of Village Officials a. Village President – Welcome to new Village Manager Rebecca Ewald b. Village Trustees 1. Tr. Amenta reported that the Conservation Committee has a survey out regarding going solar. They are looking for 500 respondents. Please take the survey and encourage others to do so. 2. Tr. Rozek addressed the process for permitting the area underneath the trellis at the Metro Mart that the Booster Club was going to coordinate. The BID has now taken ownership and have already scheduled the tree lighting event on December 2. Space will be available to anyone who would like to showcase their art, etc. It is free this year. 3. Trs. Rozek and Amenta met with the Hunger Task Force and North Shore Health Department received grant to produce information on exposure to lead. Those brochures are available at the North Shore Health Department. They will be coordinating distribution of these materials at businesses in the district. 4. Tr. Maher reported that the Milwaukee River Greenway Committee met and they are putting stairs down to the river on the Humboldt Street side. Friends of Lincoln Park have a Sierra Club agreement to work with the neighborbood groups to increase use of the riverway in the Lincoln Park Creek area. 5. Tr. McKaig reported that Attorney Bayer reported on the status of our liquor licenses. Currently, we have 2 full licenses available. Will have discussion with current license holders in advance of next year’s renewals to see if there is any opportunity to interest them in changing their license status. Tr. McKaig will follow-up with the Village Manager and other staff. 6. Tr. McKaig commented on improving board relations and fostering community relations and the comments on the Shorewood is Talking Facebook page. Tr. McKaig requested trustees to encourage residents to contact her directly if they have any questions, concerns in order to alleviate any misunderstanding. 7. Tr. McKaig noted that the Riverworks neighborhood has a new brewery called the Happening Place Brewery.

8. Tr. Bockhorst noted that the League Conference was enlightening. Arts in the Community Award for poetry in public places received a $2,500 grant. Keynote speaker from non-profit organization that studied longevity and wellness in communities that promote healthy lifestyles. 9. Tr. Bockhorst will be delivering the Veteran’s Day address at the elementary schools and middle school. 10. Tr. Bockhorst commented on correspondence received from Common Ground which is encouraging gun manufacturers to adopt more common sense practices to reduce the number of deaths related to firearms. Common Ground is requesting communities to sign on to the campaign as elected officials.

c. Village Manager 1. .

10. Items for Future Consideration a. Tr. Bockhorst request that discussion of email from Common Ground regarding the Don’t Stand Idly By campaign regarding firearms be placed on Public Safety Committee agenda. b. Tr. McKaig requested that JP&L Committee address steps to adjust the volunteer application to reflect the new Human Relations Committee and the process for filling those positions. c. Tr. Rozek fiscal impacts section of the Board memo and to discuss any modifications. d. Tr. Rozek requested an update on the Bublr bikes. e. Tr. Rozek reported that the CDA also has interest in the status of our liquor licenses and would like to be update on the options. f. Tr. Amenta asked that the Budget & Finance Committee consider for the 2019 budget adopting capital project budgets that are more specific and clear and what has been allocated to specific projects.

11. Adjournment Tr. Maher moved, seconded by Tr. Bockhorst to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane DeWindt-Hall Interim Village Clerk


Date: November 20, 2017

Presenter: Mark Emanuelson Department: Finance

Overview – As an option discussed during the 2018 Budget Workshop sessions, staff had indicated that Accurate Appraisal would be willing to enter into a new 4 year agreement with the Village of Shorewood to provide Market Revaluation services on an every other year basis for a significant cost savings to the Village.

The Village’s current agreement with Accurate Appraisal includes a Market Revaluation for 2018 at a cost of $70,500 for assessing services. This new agreement would provide for assessing maintenance services in 2018 and 2020, and then full Market Revaluation services in 2019 and 2021. The cost to the Village per year under this new agreement would be $46,750 per year.

While completing a full Market Revaluation assessment update every year does provide the most up‐to‐date valuations for the Village, staff believes that completing a full Market Revaluation on an every other year basis would still provide an enhanced level of service compared to historical practices when revaluations were only completed in consideration of the requirements under state law. The state requires a revaluation when the assessed values are more than 10% difference for the equalized values for 5 consecutive years.

The Village’s current equalized value ratio for 2017 is 98.46%

Vision 2025 Plan – Financial Responsibility

Sustainability – N/A

Recommended motion – Move to approve a new assessing agreement from 2018‐2021 with Accurate Appraisal.

Fiscal Note / Budget Impact – Annual savings of $23,750.

Attachments: Proposed Agreement for Assessment Services

VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS TO VILLAGE BOARD Agenda Item: Discussion and consideration of recycling contract implementation schedule

Date: November 20, 2017

Presenter: Leeann Butschlick Department: Public Works Overview – Your November 20 Village Board meeting agenda includes discussion and consideration of an implementation schedule for the recently approved curbside recycling collection contract.

It is necessary to coordinate the implementation of the contract (due to the switch to cart‐only collection and alley service) with the delivery of the carts to residents. As the DPW facility does not have the space to store the necessary quantity of carts, staff requested earlier in the year that the cart manufacturer hold a fall spot in its production schedule for the manufacture of the Shorewood carts based upon our estimate of Waste Management’s ability to begin alley collection.

Since the Board’s approval of the contract, DPW staff and the Village Attorney have been working with Waste Management on a final document format. Executed documents were finally submitted to the Village and signed by President Johnson in early November. Staff received confirmation on Monday that Waste Management was able to begin alley collection immediately. Unfortunately, that information came too late to authorize cart production in the reserved slot and provide an adequate communication campaign to Shorewood residents before carts would be delivered in mid‐December.

In an attempt to avoid delivering carts during the snow season, staff is proposing that the contract implementation be delayed to April 2, 2018. Recycling carts would be delivered to Route 1 residents the week of March 26 in advance of their recycling collections the week of April 2. Carts would be delivered to Route 2 residents the week of April 2 in advance of their recycling collections the week of April 9.

Please see the attached communication plan which staff proposes to provide information to residents regarding the changes to curbside recycling collection under the new contract.

Vision 2025 Plan – This request supports Vision 2025 Plan Element 4 which speaks to an ecologically‐ responsible community with a commitment to sustainability and Element 5 which addresses a competitive tax rate and a commitment to public service excellence.

Sustainability – This request support the Sustainability Action Plan goals related to the disposal of materials using environmentally friendly methods.

Action Required / Recommended – Staff requests your approval to delay the implementation of the new curbside recycling contract to April 2, 2108 with delivery of carts scheduled to begin in late March.

Fiscal Note / Budget Impact – The 2018 operating budget assumes the new contract costs to be applied to the full calendar year. Staff estimates that delay of the contract implementation to the second fiscal quarter will be approximately $1,500 (cost difference of $492*3).

2017 actual 2018 estimated Monthly collection costs $14,334 $12,400 Average monthly rebate 3,525 $2,083 Average monthly net cost $10,809 $10,317 Monthly average cost difference ($492.00)

Rehrig Pacific, the cart manufacturer, has indicated they will hold the price quoted and approved at the October 16, 2017 Village Board meeting.

Attachment – Communication plan outline COLLECTIONS COMMUNICATION PLAN


• All RECYCLING collection from karts • Alley collections • Kart distribution dates/methods • Implementation date o To include trial/warning period TBD • No items outside karts (recycling or refuse) • No change to collection schedules




TO: Village Board/Finance Committee

FROM: Mark Emanuelson, Finance Director

RE: 2018 Budget and 2017 Tax Levy Resolutions

For the Village Board’s review and consideration, the following items have been provided:

- A copy of the public hearing PowerPoint presentation slides. - A summary of the property tax levy by fund from 2009 to the proposed 2018. - An overview of the proposed budget tax levy impact. - A summary of the budget workshop action items included in the proposed 2018 budget. - A summary comparison of the delinquent and special charges to be placed on the tax roll. - All of the resolutions for the 2018 budget and 2017 Tax Levy, and various Special Tax Charges/Assessments and Delinquent Bills to be placed on the tax roll.

Recommended Motions:

1. Approve resolution 2017-16 adopting the 2018 Budget and authorizing the 2017 General Property Tax Levy against all taxable property in the Village of Shorewood. 2. Approve resolution 2017-17 authorizing a Special Assessment to be levied for Delinquent Water and Sewer Bills. 3. Approve resolution 2017-18 authorizing a Special Assessment to be levied for Delinquent Grass Cutting Bills. 4. Approve resolution 2017-19 authorizing a Special Assessment to be levied for Delinquent Special Refuse Collections and Disposals. 5. Approve resolution 2017-20 authorizing a Special Assessment to be levied for Delinquent Snow Removal Fees. 6. Approve resolution 2017-21 authorizing a Special Assessment to be levied for Delinquent Private Alarm Charge. 7. Approve resolution 2017-22 authorizing a Special Assessment for the Cost of Replacement of Sidewalks, Carriage Walks, Driveway Approaches, Streets, and Alleys to be levied against each lot affected for the year 2017. 8. Approve resolution 2017-23 authorizing a Special Assessment to be levied for Delinquent Re-Inspection Fees. 9. Approve resolution 2017-24 authorizing the carry forward of any allowable prior year unused levy capacity on the 2017 Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet.

Village of Shorewood 2018 Budget Public Hearing Presentation November 20, 2017  Budget Process

 Budget Overview  Summary of Funds ◦ General Fund ◦ Special Revenues ◦ Debt Service ◦ Capital Projects ◦ Enterprise Funds

 Resolutions

2018 Budget Public Hearing 2  June – July: ◦ Capital needs assessment completed by staff ◦ Long Range Plan developed in preparation for annual budget process  July - August: ◦ Staff prepares departmental preliminary operating budget requests ◦ Current year capital requests submitted for review and consideration  September - October: ◦ Village Board and Finance Committee held 3 workshops to review all department operating and capital budget requests. ◦ Budget revisions and other staff updates incorporated in to the proposed budget  November: ◦ Proposed budget presented for public hearing ◦ Any final revisions made by Village Board, then budget is adopted.

2018 Budget Public Hearing 3 The total tax levy is composed of the School District, Village, Milwaukee County, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD), Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) and the State of Wisconsin The Village tax represents approximately 28% of the total levy. Tax Levy Composition School Districts Village County MMSD MATC State

42% 28%

1% 5% 18% 6%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 4 Below are the estimated costs for Village Services to a homeowner ($300,000 home) for the next ten years.

Estimated Average Residential Property Owner Payments

Budget Projected Payment Type 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027

Tax Bill (Village Portion)$ 2,273 $ 2,381 $ 2,429 $ 2,506 $ 2,597 $ 2,653 $ 2,798 $ 2,845 $ 2,994 $ 3,026 $ 3,079

Water Bill 267 267 307 307 338 338 372 372 409 409 450 Sewer Bill 321 321 321 353 353 406 406 467 467 537 537 Sub-total Utility Bill 588 588 628 660 691 744 778 839 876 946 987

Total $ 2,861 $ 2,969 $ 3,057 $ 3,166 $ 3,288 $ 3,397 $ 3,576 $ 3,684 $ 3,870 $ 3,972 $ 4,066

Change from Prior Year$ 76 $ 108 $ 88 $ 109 $ 122 $ 109 $ 179 $ 108 $ 186 $ 102 $ 94 % Change from Prior Yea 2.72% 3.77% 2.97% 3.57% 3.84% 3.31% 5.26% 3.02% 5.05% 2.64% 2.36%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 5 The graph below shows the tax levy growth over the last ten years. The average village tax levy increase over the past decade is 1.89%.

Tax Levy Budget Years 2009-2018


$12,000,000 Total Tax Levy $10,000,000

$8,000,000 General Fund




$0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

2018 Budget Public Hearing 6  The property tax levy for all Village purposes is $11,418,306 Composition of 2018 Tax Levy which is an increase of 1.5% or $1,745,799 $168,284 over 2017. 15.3%

 The Village only tax rate is estimated at $7.69 per $1,000 Debt Service of assessed value, a $0.063 Fund decrease over 2017. Operations & Capital  Owner of a $300,000 home would pay $2,308 in Village only taxes, $51.00 less than 2017. $9,672,507 84.7%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 7 Budget Highlights:

 The proposed tax levy increase for non-debt is 0.89% or $85,151 over the 2017 levy.

 The debt service tax levy increased by 5.00% or $83,133 over the 2017 levy.

 The total proposed tax levy increase is 1.50% or $168,284 over the 2017 levy.

 The net tax impact for the Village portion of a property tax bill on a $300,000 home will be an decrease of approximately $51.00 for 2018 services.

2018 Budget Public Hearing 8  Property taxes ($8,152,737) make up 70% of general fund revenues 2018 Revenue Composition

 2018 General fund property tax increase of 0.22% 2% 5% 5% Property Taxes  Intergovernmental revenues are 4% expected to increase 26.3% or PILOT Revenues $291,813 as more State Aids are Intergovernmental being shifted from the Capital fund 12% to the General fund in 2018. Licenses and Permits  Other Revenues and Financing 70% 2% Fines, Forfietures are expected to increase by and Penalties $130,976 due to a 5% debt Charges for service stabilization initiative. Services Other Revenues and Financing

2018 Budget Public Hearing 9  Total expenditures increased by 4.2% to $11,674,342 from the 2017 budget. Expenditures by Service Area

 Salaries increased by 2.1% or 2% 1% $84,097 due to union contract 4% changes and a 1.5% general wage increase. 11% 33%  Fringe Benefit costs decreased by Other 1.1% or $20,850 due to enrollment Health changes and a change in benefit Planning plans and health insurance carriers General Government for 2018. Public Works  Other Governmental payments 23% Other Public Safety increased by 2.5% or $74,253. Police and Court

 Other Financing uses are expected to increase by $130,976. 26%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 10 General Fund Expenditures

12 11.5 11 10.5 10 Millions 9.5 9 8.5 8 Proposed 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 General Fund Budgeted $10,732,463 $11,003,632 $11,039,078 $11,208,514 $11,674,342 Expenditures percentage increase 1.52% 2.46% 0.32% 1.51% 4.20%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 11 The chart below shows the average cost per month to a homeowner ($300,000 home) for each function supported by the tax levy. The monthly total for Village purposes is $192.37.

Monthly Cost to Household $250

$200 $192.37


$100 $54.99 $42.17 $50 $27.26 $29.41 $14.76 $10.66 $9.27 $2.27 $1.47 $0

2018 Budget Public Hearing 12 Library Fund • 2018 library budget is $1,008,401 – of which 87% is funded by property tax revenue. • The Library operating budget decreased $4,716 or 0.5%. • The 2018 budget includes an tax levy increase of $17,290 or 2.0%

Elder Services Fund • 2018 expenditures of $172,823 – of which 51% or $87,339 is funded by property taxes. • Other funding sources include $31,828 in fees, and $35,056 from the William Benjamin Fund

Shorewood Today Fund • 2018 expenditures of $95,000 – of which 75% or $71,600 is funded by advertising fees. • Other funding includes $5,850 each from the Shorewood School District, BID, CDA, and property taxes.

2018 Budget Public Hearing 13 Debt Service Fund Summary 2018 Debt Service Fund Revenue

 Total Expenditures of $4,946,719 Composition for payment of principal and interest due on Village debt. Transfer from TIF  Of the total amount, $2,854,179 38% is TID supported. General Property  The increase in property taxes for Taxes debt is 5.0% or $83,133 in 2018. 62%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 14 Debt Service Tax Levy 2014-2018 $2,500,000










$0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Debt Service Tax Levy $1,336,030 $1,511,274 $1,583,492 $1,662,666 $1,745,799

2018 Budget Public Hearing 15 General Government Capital Project expenditure highlights (over $50,000):

◦ $87,000 – IT Network equipment ◦ $129,000 - Replace 3 squad cars ◦ $105,584 - North Shore Fire Department ◦ $240,000 – Replace DPW Heavy equipment ◦ $865,000 – Phase 2 Police Facility renovations ◦ $235,350 – Replace salt shed ◦ $3,500,000 – Wilson Drive reconstruction ◦ $450,000 – Lake Drive resurfacing ◦ $100,000 - Alley program engineering ◦ $110,000 – Atwater Beach stairs replacement ◦ $200,000 - PPII lateral replacement program ◦ $2,400,000 – Anticipated 2019 project bonding

◦ * Does Not Include Utility Projects

2018 Budget Public Hearing 16 Parking Utility Fund • Budget for 2018 is $270,955 in operating expenses, a $3,777 or 1.4% increase. • Revenues are based on current trends and forecasts for permit sales. • No surplus applied is included in the 2018 Parking Utility budget.

Water Utility Fund • Budget for 2018 is $1,861,229 in operating expenses, a $1,027 or 0.1% decrease • Revenues are based on sales of 433,000 ccf, with no anticipated rate increases in 2018. • Purchased water from the Milwaukee Water Works accounts for 38% of expenditures or $700,000.

Sewer Utility Fund • Budget for 2018 is $1,783,451 in operating expenses, a $17,604 or 1.0% increase • Revenues are based on sales of 433,000 ccf, with no rate increases in 2018. • MMSD wastewater fees account for 39% of total expenditures, or $700,000.

2018 Budget Public Hearing 17 Summary of Total Taxes - Currenty Known

2017 2018 Taxing Body Taxes Taxes Change % Chg Shorewood School$ 21,714,112 $ 22,646,796 $ 932,684 4.3% Whitefish Bay School 33,684 33,850 166 0.5% Village 12,350,833 12,444,840 94,008 0.8% County (estimate) 7,989,920 8,283,259 293,339 3.7% MMSD 2,744,721 2,821,102 76,381 2.8% MATC 1,974,831 2,055,646 80,815 4.1% State (estimate) 266,032 275,000 8,968 3.4% School Credit (estimate) (3,399,146) (3,500,000) (100,854) 3.0% Total$ 43,674,987 $ 45,060,492 1,385,505 3.2%

Assessed Value 1,543,805 1,618,758 74,953 4.9% Assessed Tax Rate 28.2905 27.8365 (0.45) -1.6% Tax Bill on a $300,000 Home$ 8,487 $ 8,351 ($136) -1.6%

TID revenue in above 3,526,283 3,973,349 447,066 12.7%

2018 Budget Public Hearing 18  THANK YOU to all department heads for their efforts in preparing this budget, and to all Trustees for their vision and dedication to the Village of Shorewood!

2016 Budget Public Hearing 19 At tonight’ s Village Board meeting the Village will review the following resolutions related to the 2018 budget , tax levy and assessments:

1. Adopt the 2018 Budget and authorize the 2017 Property Tax Levy

2. Levy a special tax for delinquent Water and Sewer bills

3. Levy a special charge for delinquent grass cutting bills

4. Levy a special charge for delinquent refuse pick-up charges and disposals

5. Levy a special charge for delinquent snow removal charges

6. Levy a special charge for delinquent re-inspection charges

7. Levy a special charge for delinquent private alarm system charges

8. Levy a special tax for delinquent sidewalk special assessments

2016 Budget Public Hearing 20 2018 Budget

Revenue Overview Property Tax Levy by Fund

Property Tax Levy by Fund 2018 % Chg 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Proposed Budget Tax Levy Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget '16 to '17

General Fund $ 7,344,531 $ 7,521,390 $ 7,715,996 $ 7,874,719 $ 7,985,022 $ 7,827,198 $ 7,997,921 $ 8,113,600 $ 8,134,779 $8,152,737 0.22% TIF Levy Tax Adjustment - - - (1,460,298) 1,460,298 - - - - - Net General Fund Levy 7,344,531 7,521,390 7,715,996 6,414,421 9,445,320 7,827,198 7,997,921 8,113,600 8,134,779 8,152,737 0.22% Debt Service Fund 1,098,343 1,137,994 1,137,994 1,258,424 1,382,006 1,336,030 1,511,274 1,583,492 1,662,666 $1,745,799 5.00% Gen. Capital Projects 291,583 320,737 406,418 301,303 251,292 539,960 410,406 363,387 443,673 550,486 24.07% Library Fund 768,828 784,205 784,205 784,205 784,205 795,984 812,514 829,890 858,805 876,095 2.01% Elder Services Fund 70,334 84,283 81,246 85,396 86,578 96,481 100,003 105,033 105,499 87,339 -17.21% Shorewood Today - - 4,500 4,500 4,500 5,100 5,100 5,600 5,600 5,850 4.46% Marketing Fund 30,000 30,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 30,000 45,000 45,000 39,000 --100.00% Total Village Tax Levy $ 9,603,619 $ 9,878,609 $ 10,165,359 $ 8,883,249 $ 11,988,901 $ 10,630,753 $ 10,882,218 $ 11,046,002 $ 11,250,022 $ 11,418,306 1.50%

Total Property Tax Levy Ave % Change for Operations 3.89% 2.15% 2.04% 1.60% 1.26% -1.17% 1.94% 1.27% 0.40% -0.19% 1.28% % Change for Debt 2.11% 0.41% 0.00% 1.18% 1.39% -0.38% 1.65% 0.66% 0.72% 0.74% % Change for Capital -2.12% 0.30% 0.87% -1.03% -0.56% 2.41% -1.22% -0.43% 0.73% 0.95%

Net Assessed Value * (in $1,000's) $ 1,500,407 $ 1,503,438 $ 1,489,050 $ 1,488,713 $ 1,478,051 $ 1,481,542 $ 1,501,627 $ 1,423,952 $ 1,430,447 $ 1,483,908 4.21% Village Only Tax Levy Rate per $1,000 6.400677 6.570678 6.826742 5.967066 8.111290 7.175465 7.246951 7.757286 7.864690 7.694753 -2.16%

Village portion of tax bill for a $300,000 home $ 2,359.41 $ 2,308.43 $ (50.98) 2018 Budget

Revenue Overview Impact of Village Property Tax Increase on a $300,000 Home

Tax Levy Net Village Home Village Tax Percentage Total Increase in Assessed Mill Assessed Portion of Bill Notes Increase Tax Levy Dollars $$ Value Rate Value Tax Bill Change

2017 Actual 0.00%$ 11,250,022 $ - $ 1,430,447,000 7.86469 300,000 $ 2,359 $ - 0.50% 11,306,272 56,250 1,483,908,000 7.61925 300,000 2,286 $ (73) 1.00% 11,362,522 112,500 1,483,908,000 7.65716 300,000 2,297 $ (62) 2018 Proposed 1.50% 11,418,768 168,746 1,483,908,000 7.69506 300,000 2,309 $ (50) 1.75% 11,446,897 196,875 1,483,908,000 7.71402 300,000 2,314 $ (45) 1.85% 11,457,810 207,788 1,483,908,000 7.72137 300,000 2,316 $ (43) 2.00% 11,475,022 225,000 1,483,908,000 7.73297 300,000 2,320 $ (39) 2.25% 11,503,204 253,182 1,483,908,000 7.75197 300,000 2,326 $ (33) 2.70% 11,553,773 303,751 1,483,908,000 7.78604 300,000 2,336 $ (23) 3.00% 11,587,523 337,501 1,483,908,000 7.80879 300,000 2,343 $ (16) 3.50% 11,643,773 393,751 1,483,908,000 7.84669 300,000 2,354 $ (5) 4.00% 11,700,023 450,001 1,483,908,000 7.88460 300,000 2,365 $ 6 4.50% 11,756,273 506,251 1,483,908,000 7.92251 300,000 2,377 $ 18 5.00% 11,812,523 562,501 1,483,908,000 7.96041 300,000 2,388 $ 29

* A $5,000 tax levy increase equates to approximately $1.00 of property taxes on a $300,000 home. Summary of 2018 Budget Workshops updates Amount Original Proposed Levy in Revised Department Page Action items Budget Impact Budget Notes

1 2018 proposed budget 8 tax levy change 11,554,243 304,221 11,554,243 2.7% increase from 2017

Budget Wrap-up Staff updates 2 Village Manager 43 Shared Revenue higher than proposed budget 250,000 (3,949) 253,949 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

3 Village Manager 43 Expenditure Restraint less than proposed budget 300,000 10,688 289,312 TAX LEVY INCREASE

4 Police 60 Duncan citation fees - metrics reviewed 74,400 12,000 86,400 TAX LEVY INCREASE

5 Other Public Safety 67 Tri-Comm fees higher than proposed budget 351,860 4,375 356,235 TAX LEVY INCREASE

6 Other Public Safety 67 NSFD fees (net) less than proposed budget 2,157,232 (10,553) 2,146,679 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

7 Public Works 71 Transportation Aids higher than proposed budget 490,000 (42,979) 532,979 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

8 Health dept 82 Rental income higher than proposed budget 12,275 (3,225) 15,500 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

9 General Fund 28 Health insurance change - 0% to 3.6% net decrease 922,445 (36,629) 885,816 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

10 General Fund 28 Health insurance enrollment change 24,046 (24,046) 0 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

11 Library 93 Health insurance change - 0% to 3.6% net decrease 92,156 (3,354) 88,802 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

12 SRC 104 Health insurance change - 0% to 3.6% net decrease 22,467 (807) 21,660 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

13 Utilities 185/202 Health insurance change - 0% to 3.6% net decrease 156,968 0 150,779 NO LEVY IMPACT (Utility)

14 Shorewood Today 112 Add CDA contribution / adjust taxes in fund 7,500 (1,650) 5,850 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

15 Capital Project - Tri-Comm 67 Tri-Comm fees higher than proposed budget 21,835 942 22,777 TAX LEVY INCREASE

16 Capital Project - DPW 125/153 Wilson Stairs - part of Police facilities phase 2 18,000 0 0 NO LEVY IMPACT (bonded)

17 TID #3 177/178 Budget for Grants to complete Bluff project 0 0 150,000 NO LEVY IMPACT (TID)

18 TID #3 177/178 Budget for Costs to complete for Bluff project 0 0 300,000 NO LEVY IMPACT (TID)

19 Parking Utility 185 Add Metro Market lot to 2018 budget (net $5,000) 0 0 5,000 NO LEVY IMPACT (Utility)

20 Sewer 201 Add Television costs from detail sheet 0 0 32,500 NO LEVY IMPACT (Utility)

21 Sewer 202 Add Wilson Drive project costs to Infrastructure 225,000 0 625,000 NO LEVY IMPACT (Utility)

Tax Levy (savings) / increase - Staff adjustments (99,187) TAX LEVY REDUCTION 22 2018 adjusted budget 8 tax levy change 205,034 0 1.83% increase from 2017 Summary of 2018 Budget Workshops updates Amount Original Proposed Levy in Revised Department Page Action items Budget Impact Budget Notes

Budget Wrap-up Workshop items

23 Village Board 36 Add funding for Team Building ($4,000) 3,000 0 3,000 TAX LEVY INCREASE

24 Village Manager 43 Increase sustainability funding ($1,000) 1,500 500 2,000 TAX LEVY INCREASE

25 Clerk 47 Add $10,000 to Liquor License revenues 15,000 0 15,000 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

26 OGA 56 revised assessor contract to EOY reval at $46,750 70,500 (23,750) 46,750 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

27 Planning 64 Code Compliance (discussion) 92,125 0 92,125 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

28 Beach 86 Lifeguards 17,000 0 17,000 TAX LEVY INCREASE

29 Library - Capital 101 Defer programming room upgrades 4,100 0 4,100 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

30 Marketing 109 Consider funding / service alternatives 40,000 (20,000) 20,000 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

31 Capital Project - VB 124 Add iPad replacement ($3,500) 0 0 0 TAX LEVY INCREASE

32 Capital Project - VB 124 Add funding for Parking study 0 0 0 TAX LEVY INCREASE

33 Capital Project - VM 124/136 Remove VM office furniture 5,000 0 5,000 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

34 Capital Project - Police 124/140 Review Squad 1 replacement 32,000 6,500 38,500 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

35 Capital Project - DPW 125/156 Village Center - HVAC options - choice 300,000 0 0 NO LEVY IMPACT (bonded)

36 Capital Project - DPW 126 Add funds for Morris street alterations ($20,000) 0 20,000 20,000 TAX LEVY INCREASE

37 DPW (Staff item) 73/162 Add $20,000 to operations for street marking 0 0 0 TAX LEVY INCREASE

38 Capital Project - DPW 126/166 Review Parks landscape design 20,000 (20,000) 0 TAX LEVY REDUCTION

39 Parking Utility 185 Consider adding $2 fee for single night permissions 0 0 50,000 NO LEVY IMPACT ($50,000)

40 Parking Utility 185 Increase fee for RCA permits from $5 to $20 per year 2,500 0 5,000 NO LEVY IMPACT ($7,500)

Tax Levy (savings) / increase - Workshop adjustments (36,750) TAX LEVY REDUCTION

41 Total Adjusted Proposed Tax Levy (savings) / increase (135,937)

42 2018 adjusted budget 8 tax levy change 11,554,243 168,284 11,418,306 1.50% increase from 2017


TO: Village Board/Finance Committee

FROM: Mark Emanuelson, Finance Director

RE: Transfer to tax roll categories

Below is a summary of the amounts transferred to the tax roll, by category, in 2015 and 2016. The 2016 amounts are preliminary as customers may continue to make payments up until these items are removed from the current open receivable balances.

Preliminary transfer to tax roll comparison amounts

Type 2016 2017 Change Utility Charges 182,696 179,837 (2,859) Grass Cutting 416 830 414 Special Refuse 1,288 1,470 182 Snow Removal 235 230 (5) Re-inspections 15,525 3,250 (12,275) Private Alarms 304 1,100 796 Sidewalks 2,221 167,368 165,147

202,685 354,085 151,400


November 14, 2017


FROM: Business Improvement District Executive Director Ericka Lang

TO: Shorewood Village Board of Trustees

Cc: Village Manager Becky Ewald Public Works Director Leeann Butschlick Police Chief Peter Nimmer RE: 2018 Bike Criterium Event Duration & Route


Shorewood’s inaugural bike race event started back in 2004 and has become a staple event in the community. BID staff already started meeting with Tour of America’s Dairyland by Midwest Cycling Series, LLC about this year’s race and to get started on the 2018 event. During these discussions, we set next year’s race for Thursday June 28th – the second Thursday in the series‐ and we agreed that enhancing the event through additional races would be beneficial for the community, racers, sponsors and all stakeholders. We also discussed revising the race route.

The event series is 11 days with bike races each day at a different location in SE Wisconsin. The event starts on a Thursday June 2st and ends on a Sunday July 1st.

On September 20th the BID board members voted to extend the length of the bike criterium event from six races to eight races.


Midwest Cycling Series requested each community’s commitments by December 1, 2017 for date, time and route. The BID is asking for the village’s approval of the event duration and route revisions.

EVENT DURATION All participating municipalities, except Shorewood, host longer events. Shorewood’s races start at 2:30 p.m. The BID would like to see races begin at 11:45 a.m. and end at the same time, at 8:30 p.m. Roads are closed ideally two hours prior to the first event.

Additional races to add would be an open Category 4/5 and Masters 3/4 races (race categories range from Category 5 (beginner) to Pro). Open welcomes both female and male. Seven (7) competitive races plus the local event would consist of two (2) women’s races and five (5) men’s events plus the kids race ‐ this year we’re including the Fixed Gear race in the local event which has been highly successful at other race events.

Business Improvement District ‐ 4230 N. Oakland Ave #295, Shorewood WIS 53211 [email protected]

The cost of the event is a flat fee no matter the number of events. This year’s ToAD fees were $13,240 (includes the jumbotron sponsorship) and is the same for 2018.

The below table shows the 2017 event schedule with each communities’ times and how many events. Event durations range from six hours (Shorewood) to 12 hours.

Day Place Event Time # of Races HRS Thursday Kenosha 12:30 an – 8:30 pm 8 includes local event (part of larger 8 event) Friday East Troy 10:15 am – 10:45 pm 11 w/ kids race 12 Saturday Grafton 11:10 am – 8:30 pm 10 includes local event 9 Sunday Waukesha 11:10 am – 8:30 pm 10 includes local event 9 Monday Bend 10:40 am – 8:30 pm 11 includes local event 10 Tuesday Port Washington 10:20 am – 8:30 pm 10 10 Wednesday Schlitz Park MKE 10:40 am – 8:00 pm 11 includes local event 9 Thursday Shorewood 2:30 pm – 8:30 pm 6 includes local event 6 Friday Bay View MKE 11:20 am – 10:00 pm 12 11 Saturday East Side MKE 9:35 am – 8:30 pm 12 includes local event 11 Sunday Wauwatosa 12:10 am – 8:10 pm 8 includes local event 8


The route traditionally is bound by Oakland, Wood, Maryland & Kensington. The proposed change shortens the route from 1.4 miles to 1.2 miles, moving the southern boundary to Olive Street. The routes current distance is not ideal‐ a shorter course is safer and more engaging and it decreases the number of businesses and homes within the route.

There are about 86 businesses (includes four vacant spaces) along the bike route equating to 32 commercial buildings.

Along Route Route Revision # businesses 86 # Storefronts # food/bev 76 East side Oakland 26 23 8 21 West side Oakland 60 32 10 55 % Food/Bev Tot Storefronts 33% # commercial buildings 32 27

Business Improvement District ‐ 4230 N. Oakland Ave #295, Shorewood WIS 53211 [email protected]


The BID and sponsors pay for the event and the Village contributes via public works and police involvement. Last year the BID contributed half of the barricade expenses. In speaking with Midwest Cycling, no other community places barricades outside of the direct route, which could lower expenses. Other communities split police presence with police academy graduates. These are some of the items the BID would like to speak with the board and village management about at a future date.


Consider approval of the Village of Shorewood’s commitment to hosting the 2018 Midwest Cycling Series event on Thursday June 28, 2018 as presented.


Copy of draft 2018 agreement with BID and Midwest Cycling

Business Improvement District ‐ 4230 N. Oakland Ave #295, Shorewood WIS 53211 [email protected]


This Cycling Race Agreement (the “Agreement”) is by and between Midwest Cycling Series, LLC, a Wisconsin Limited Liability Company (the “Promoter”), and the Shorewood Business Improvement District, a BID (the “Local Sponsor”) (Promoter and Local Sponsor are collectively referred to in this Agreement as the “Parties”).

Whereas Promoter is engaged in the business of organizing and staging competitive cycling events to promote cycling and a healthy lifestyle; and

Whereas Promoter is the organizer of a bicycle racing series in Wisconsin titled Tour of America’s Dairyland (the “Series”); and

Whereas Local Sponsor, desires to enter into this Agreement to provide the community of Shorewood, Wisconsin with a competitive cycling event involving the participation of racers, community volunteers and businesses; and

Whereas the Parties desire to identify in this Agreement the duties and responsibilities of Promoter and Local Sponsor for the competitive cycling event set forth below (the “Races”); and

Now, wherefore, for the consideration set forth in this Agreement, which the Parties agree is sufficient, the Parties agree to organize and stage the Races as follows:


1. Name, date and location of Races. The Parties agree that the Races shall be named the Shorewood Criterium Cycling Classic. The Races shall take place, rain or shine, on June 28, 2018 (“Race Day”) in Shorewood, Wisconsin. Local Sponsor recognizes that the Shorewood Criterium Cycling Classic is part of the Series organized by Promoter. Local Sponsor further recognizes that Promoter has secured sponsors (“Series Sponsors”) to support the entire Series, and that such Series Sponsors shall appear in marketing materials and Race Day signage for the Shorewood Criterium Cycling Classic.

2. Schedule for Races. The schedule for Race Day is set forth in the attached Exhibit A. Promoter retains the right to alter the time or distance of any race on Race Day to allow Promoter to maintain the schedule.

3. Sponsorship and Prime Fee. Local Sponsor agrees to pay Promoter a sponsorship fee of $9240.00 (the “Sponsorship Fee”) for Promoter to organize and stage the Races, and the performance of the services that Promoter has agreed to perform in this Agreement, along with $2000.00

for primes for a total cost of $11,240.00. The Sponsorship Fee shall be paid by Local Sponsor in three (3) equal payments of $3080.00 as follows: the first and second payments are due on April 1, 2018; the third payment is due on Race Day. The full $2000.00 for primes shall be paid on or before Race Day. Payments shall be made in the form of a check made payable to “Midwest Cycling Series, LLC.”

4. Duties of Promoter. Promoter shall provide services necessary to stage a well-organized competitive cycling event for the Local Sponsor and the local community. Promoter shall provide and pay for the following services to organize and stage the Races:

A. Obtain and pay for all necessary USA Cycling permits and bicycle racing insurance to hold the Races;

B. Organize one (1) training session (optional at Local Sponsor’s discretion) for Local Sponsor and volunteers for the organization and safe staging of the Races with timing and length at Local Sponsor’s choice and mutually agreeable to Promoter.

C. Online and Race Day registration services, including staffing for registration service, and race numbers for racers;

D. A start/finish area with set-up and tear down, including a series banner (Local Sponsor banner can be hung below this), an awards stage, and a finish line camera and scoring system;

E. A race announcer and race officials;

F. Cycling specific regional and national media advertising;

G. Pace car for the Races;

H. Twenty-five (25) tee-shirts for volunteers. Additional tee-shirts may be purchased separately by Local Sponsor at cost not to exceed $7.00 per shirt;

I. Prize money to racers;

J. Coordination and distribution of Prime prizes to racers;

K. Bicycle race photographer;

L. Optional Expo area appropriate for maximum crowd exposure agreeable to both Parties, provided that no vendor or Series Sponsor shall offer products or services competitive with any Local Sponsor without their express permission. A list of the

vendors in the expo shall be provided by Promoter to Local Sponsor 30 days prior to Race Day. Local Sponsor shall have the right to approve or disapprove any Expo vendor or Series Sponsor proposed by Promoter within reason.

M. Creation and maintenance of a website for the Series that contains a link to the Races, and if requested by Local Sponsor, links to Local Sponsor and local supporters of the Races;

N. First Aid and EMT coverage for the Races;

O. Placement of barricades in the start/finish area, along with placement of safety fencing and safety bumpers on the remainder of the course for the Races;

P. Creation and submission of results to racers and USA Cycling along with posting on the Series website;

Q. Toilet and hand wash facilities (4 minimum) for racers and officials/organizers;

R. Twenty five (25) four-color Series posters for distribution by Local Sponsor. Additional posters may be purchased separately by Local Sponsor at cost not to exceed $3.00 per poster.

5. Duties of Local Sponsor. Local Sponsor recognizes that the success of the Races requires Local Sponsor to participate in the organization and staging of the Races. Local Sponsor shall provide the following services to organize and stage the Races:

A. Recruit and assist in the training of volunteers to perform various assigned tasks at the Races. Promoter recommends that Local Sponsor provide adequate volunteers to perform the required tasks of Local Sponsor under this Agreement. Volunteers may be assigned by Promoter to any of the following required tasks on Race Day:

i. Course marshalling;

ii. Trash collection; and

iii. Set up and tear down of traffic and pedestrian barricades on the course outside the start/finish area;

B. Secure the closure of the Course on Race Day, including police services where required;

C. Secure an umbrella insurance policy as stated in paragraph 9 of this Agreement;

D. Develop working relationships with local media to promote the Races;

E. Plan and provide, at Local Sponsor’s discretion, entertainment and family activities at the Races;

F. Coordinate interaction between on-site first aid and EMT services provided by Promoter and local public EMT services;

G. Provide a local representative or representatives to participate with the announcer to present winners at the end of each race;

H. Provide a press release to local media at the conclusion of the Races containing results and stories;

I. Distribute tee-shirts provided by Promoter for volunteers (Local Sponsor may also choose to imprint blank tees provided by Promoter), and distribute all posters for the Races provided by Promoter (Local Sponsor may also choose to print own posters);

J. Provide necessary toilet and hand wash facilities along with trash receptacles for spectators and volunteers.

K. An area for the Expo allowing for maximum crowd exposure and large enough to accommodate a minimum of ten (10) tents (10'x10' each).

6. Course Approval, Permit, and Road Surface Repairs.

A. The Parties agree that the Races shall be held on the course (the “Course”) proposed by Local Sponsor and designated in Exhibit B to this Agreement. In the event that Promoter or Local Sponsor requests a change to the Course, the Parties shall discuss in good

faith the proposed change. The Parties agree that Promoter has the right to refuse to make any change in the Course if Promoter concludes that the proposed change would have an impact on the safe conduct of the Races. Any change in the Course is subject to the ability of Promoter and/or Local Sponsor to obtain all required permits.

B. Local Sponsor shall be responsible for obtaining and paying for a permit or permits from the appropriate local authority or authorities to conduct the Races on the Course. Promoter agrees to provide, if requested by Local Sponsor, reasonable assistance to Local Sponsor during the process of obtaining any necessary permit.

C. On or before April 1, 2018, Promoter and Local Sponsor shall inspect the road surface of the Course to determine whether any repairs to the road surface are necessary for the safe conduct of the Races. If necessary, Local Sponsor and Promoter must mutually agree to work with the appropriate local authority to make the necessary repairs. Promoter agrees to assist Local Sponsor in any effort to obtain repairs to the road surface.

7. Signage in the Start/Finish Area. If selected by Local Sponsor, at the Local Sponsor’s sole discretion, Promoter will assist Local Sponsor in the printing of all signs for placement in the start/finish area by providing a list of signs for purchase by Local Sponsor. All signs that Local Sponsor sells in the start/finish area shall be installed and removed by Promoter on Race Day. Promoter will install and remove all Series Sponsor signs in the start/finish area as well.

8. Organizational Meetings. Local Sponsor agrees to attend at least two organizational meetings for the Races to be scheduled by Promoter, at a location and time to be announced by Promoter.

9. Insurance. Local Sponsor agrees that it shall obtain comprehensive general liability insurance policy with a policy limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence. The insurance policy obtained by Local Sponsor shall include Midwest Cycling Series, LLC, and its members, officers, staff and agents as additional named insureds. Local Sponsor shall provide Promoter with a certificate showing such insurance coverage by March 1, 2018. Promoter shall obtain a comprehensive general liability insurance policy with a policy limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, and such policy shall name Local Sponsor and City of Shorewood as additional

insureds. Promoter shall also obtain insurance coverage for the Races as typically provided by USA Cycling, which coverage shall include Local Sponsor as an additional insured. Promoter shall provide Local Sponsor with certificates showing such coverage by June 1, 2018.

10. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Promoter shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Local Sponsor, its parents, subsidiaries and affiliates, and the shareholders, officers, directors, employees and agents against and from any and all claims, demands, judgments, costs and liabilities whatsoever which may arise or be alleged to arise out of (a) the breach by Promoter of any obligation under this Agreement and, (b) Promoter’s organization, operation or management of the Races.

Procedure for Indemnification: Local Sponsor agrees to give Promoter prompt notice of any event or any written claim by a third party which could give rise to any request for indemnification under this Agreement. If Promoter acknowledges in writing its obligation to indemnify for such claim, Promoter may select counsel to direct the defense of the claim. Local Sponsor shall cooperate with Promoter in determining the validity of any such claim and in the defense of the claim. Local Sponsor shall not settle any claim for which it has or will request indemnification under this Agreement without the written consent of Promoter.

11. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties. This Agreement may not be amended except in a writing signed by Promoter and Local Sponsor.

12. Choice of Law and Venue. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, without regard to any choice of law rules. Any action brought by Local Sponsor or Promoter to enforce this Agreement, or for breach of this Agreement, shall be brought in the Circuit Court for Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

Left Intentionally Blank

Signature Page

Shorewood BID

By: Ericka Lang

Signature: ______

Its: Executive Director

Date: ______

By: William M. Koch Jr.

At: Midwest Cycling Series, LLC 2510 N. 86th Street Wauwatosa, WI 53226

Signature: ______

Its: Managing Member

Date: ______


To: Rebecca Ewald, Village Manager From: Peter A. Nimmer, Chief of Police Date: November 15, 2017 Re: 2018 Bike Criterium Race Police Overtime Costs

Village Manger Ewald,

I have reviewed the memo from Ericka Lang regarding the request to extend the hours of the 2018 Shorewood Bike Criterium Race. Below is the financial impact for our department to provide the needed traffic control and site security for the proposed event.

1. Event hours 9:30 am. to 8:30 p.m. 2. Hours of needed police presence: 11 hours 3. Average OT rate with benefits is: $79 per hour 4. Number of officers needed per hour: 5 officers 5. Cost per hour for four officers: $395 per hour 6. Cost for the entire event: $4345

In further review of the document under the Fiscal Impact it discusses reducing the amount of barricades “outside of the direct route.” I recommend that we do not reduce the amount of barricades and would argue we need increase the amount of barricades. This matter could be further discussed in the future.

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Peter A. Nimmer Chief of Police

 Page 1


Date: November 20, 2017

Presenter: Leeann Butschlick Department: Public Works Overview – Your November 20 Village Board meeting agenda includes consideration of a request to extend the hours of the annual Shorewood Criterium. DPW staff was asked to provide information related to impact of the request.

From a financial aspect, this has limited impact on DPW. The department provides significant assistance with traffic control, which is not anticipated to change with a longer event. Generally three DPW staff provide after-hours assistance to the event; this number is not anticipated to change (estimated average of $800.00 annually).

To the Department of Public Works, the issue is more so one of opportunity cost. Any time put in during regular working hours does not factor as an extra cost or fiscal impact, but certainly has an operational impact as that staff will not be performing their regular duties.

Vision 2025 Plan – N/A

Sustainability – N/A

Action Required / Recommended –

Fiscal Note / Budget Impact – If additional barricades are necessary and/or requested, the rental cost will increase. The cost is dependent upon the additional number and is not known at this time. For reference, the 2017 rental cost was $2,2000 for approximately 100 driveway type barricades and 60 road closure barricades.

Attachment – none

VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD REPORTS AND PRESENTATIONS TO VILLAGE BOARD Agenda Item: Discussion and consideration of recycling contract implementation schedule

Date: November 20, 2017

Presenter: Leeann Butschlick Department: Public Works Overview – Your November 20 Village Board meeting agenda includes discussion and consideration of an implementation schedule for the recently approved curbside recycling collection contract.

It is necessary to coordinate the implementation of the contract (due to the switch to cart‐only collection and alley service) with the delivery of the carts to residents. As the DPW facility does not have the space to store the necessary quantity of carts, staff requested earlier in the year that the cart manufacturer hold a fall spot in its production schedule for the manufacture of the Shorewood carts based upon our estimate of Waste Management’s ability to begin alley collection.

Since the Board’s approval of the contract, DPW staff and the Village Attorney have been working with Waste Management on a final document format. Executed documents were finally submitted to the Village and signed by President Johnson in early November. Staff received confirmation on Monday that Waste Management was able to begin alley collection immediately. Unfortunately, that information came too late to authorize cart production in the reserved slot and provide an adequate communication campaign to Shorewood residents before carts would be delivered in mid‐December.

In an attempt to avoid delivering carts during the snow season, staff is proposing that the contract implementation be delayed to April 2, 2018. Recycling carts would be delivered to Route 1 residents the week of March 26 in advance of their recycling collections the week of April 2. Carts would be delivered to Route 2 residents the week of April 2 in advance of their recycling collections the week of April 9.

Please see the attached communication plan which staff proposes to provide information to residents regarding the changes to curbside recycling collection under the new contract.

Vision 2025 Plan – This request supports Vision 2025 Plan Element 4 which speaks to an ecologically‐ responsible community with a commitment to sustainability and Element 5 which addresses a competitive tax rate and a commitment to public service excellence.

Sustainability – This request support the Sustainability Action Plan goals related to the disposal of materials using environmentally friendly methods.

Action Required / Recommended – Staff requests your approval to delay the implementation of the new curbside recycling contract to April 2, 2108 with delivery of carts scheduled to begin in late March.

Fiscal Note / Budget Impact – The 2018 operating budget assumes the new contract costs to be applied to the full calendar year. Staff estimates that delay of the contract implementation to the second fiscal quarter will be approximately $1,500 (cost difference of $492*3).

2017 actual 2018 estimated Monthly collection costs $14,334 $12,400 Average monthly rebate 3,525 $2,083 Average monthly net cost $10,809 $10,317 Monthly average cost difference ($492.00)

Rehrig Pacific, the cart manufacturer, has indicated they will hold the price quoted and approved at the October 16, 2017 Village Board meeting.

Attachment – Communication plan outline COLLECTIONS COMMUNICATION PLAN


• All RECYCLING collection from karts • Alley collections • Kart distribution dates/methods • Implementation date o To include trial/warning period TBD • No items outside karts (recycling or refuse) • No change to collection schedules



November 13, 2017


FROM: Business Improvement District Executive Director Ericka Lang

TO: Shorewood’s Village Board of Trustees

REGARDING: 2018 Operations Plan Approval


On October 18th, 2017 Shorewood Business Improvement District Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve the proposed 2018 BID Operating Plan that includes special assessments for parcels identified within the BID boundaries. There are 107 participating parcels within the BID.


This year’s operating plan special assessments totaled $122,112 – the highest since the Shorewood BID creation in 1999. The proposed 2017 special assessment total decreased to $116,234 due to several reasons: removal of the Police Department building; adjustment of the mixed‐use building participating percentage (The Mosaic 4175 Oakland); and decrease in assessments for two commercial buildings.


The Business Improvement District Board of Directors respectfully requests your approval of Resolution #2017‐15 of the 2018 BID Operating Plan and 2017 Special Assessments Levy.


 2018 operating plan & budget  Resolution 17‐15  2016 Audit

Business Improvement District ‐ 4230 N. Oakland Ave #295, Shorewood WIS 53211 [email protected]


RESOLUTION NO. 2017-15 A Resolution approving the Shorewood Business Improvement District 2018 Operating Plan and the 2017 Special Assessment Levy

WHEREAS, the Village Board established a Business Improvement District on November 22, 1999, pursuant to Wisconsin Statute Section 66.1109; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute 66.1109 (3)(b) requires the Shorewood Business Improvement District Board of Directors to annually submit its operating plan to the Village Board for approval; and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute 66.1109 (3)(b) further requires any change to the special assessment method applicable to the Shorewood Business Improvement District to be approved by the Village Board. NOW THEREFORE, at a meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, held on the 20th day of November 2017, a quorum being present and the majority of the Board voting, therefore, said Board did resolve as follows: BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Board does hereby approve the 2018 Shorewood Business Improvement District Operating Plan as attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Village Board hereby levies a special assessment contained in the plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, this 20th day of November 2017.

______Guy Johnson, Village President


______Diane DeWindt Hall, Acting Village Clerk

2018 Operating Plan ​ ​ ​ ​

1 Prepared October 2017 ​ ​ ​ ​




III. PROPOSED OPERATING PLAN ​ ​ ​ ​ A. Plan Objectives ​ ​ B. Proposed Activities ​ ​ C. Proposed Expenditures ​ ​

IV. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT ​ ​ ​ ​ A. Assessment Rate and Method ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ B. Excluded and Exempt Property ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​





Appendix A – 2017 Assessed Values and BID Assessments ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Appendix B – 1999 original BID District Map ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Appendix C -- 2018 operating budget ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Appendix D -- Wis Stat. §66.1109 Business Improvement Districts ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​



In 1984, the Wisconsin legislature created Sec. 66.1109​ ​​of the Statutes enabling cities to ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ establish Business Improvement Districts (BID) upon the petition of at least one property ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ owner within the proposed district. The purpose of the law is "to allow businesses within ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ those districts to develop, manage, and promote the districts and to establish an ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ assessment method to fund these activities." Upon petition from property owners within ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ the Shorewood Business Improvement District (hereafter “BID”), the Village Board ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ created the BID and adopted its initial operating plan in November of 1999. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Section 66.1109 (3) (b), Wis. Stats., requires that a BID Board "shall annually consider ​ and make changes to the operation plan. The board shall then submit the operating plan to the local legislative body for approval." The Board of the Shorewood BID submits this 2018 BID operating plan in fulfillment of the statutory requirement. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

This plan proposes a continuation and expansion of the activities described in the initial 1999 BID operating plan. Therefore, it incorporates by reference the earlier plans as adopted by the Village Board. In the interest of brevity, this plan emphasizes the elements, which are required by Sec. 66.1109,​ Wis. Stats. and the proposed changes for ​ 2018. This plan does not repeat the background information that is contained in the initial operating plan. ​ ​ ​ ​


A listing of the properties in the district and original map from the 1999 BID operating plan is provided in Appendix A and B. ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​


A. Plan Objectives ​ ​ The objectives of the BID are as follows: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ➢ Promotion of the BID through special events, marketing campaigns, and media exposure. ​ ​ ➢ Promotion of the BID as a great place to own and operate a business. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ➢ Act as a catalyst for private investment, attract new retailers and development to Shorewood, and assist the Village with its efforts to enhance the viability of the Village of Shorewood as a whole. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​


B. Proposed Activities ​ ​

Principal activities to be undertaken by the BID during 2018 include, but are not limited to: 1. Organize special events in 2018 that will drive traffic to the business district. These include, but are not limited to: Business networking/learning events, Tour of America’s Dairyland Bike Race, a Holiday event (Winter), Spring and Fall seasonal events, and smaller outdoor events. The BID will also partner with other Village of Shorewood organizations to enhance community events. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. Enhance Shorewood BID website and continue promoting, communicating, and engaging customers and stakeholders via social media and communications. 3. Actively promote the retail and redevelopment opportunities in the business district to commercial brokers, developers, and retailers in coordination with Village Manager, Community Development Authority, and Village Board. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 4. Administer and promote the façade program and business loan program. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 5. Act as a liaison to media, local and regional government, and Shorewood stakeholders. 6. Implement the 2017 Strategic Plan. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

C. 2017 Adopted Strategic Plan Summary ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Mission Statement: The Shorewood Business Improvement District creates a thriving ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ local & destination hub by branding and communicating both development and ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ promotion to its stakeholders in the private and public sectors. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Vision of Intended Future Impact: Shorewood is a vibrant and cohesive 18-hour urban ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ marketplace of distinctive, engaged and successful businesses. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Goals: 1. Marketing and Branding: Effectively and efficiently communicate the ​ Shorewood Business District’s unique value proposition to current and new customers, members, clients, users and influencers. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. Business Participation in the Business Improvement District: Deepen and ​ expand engagement of members of the business community to unify and grow. 3. Business Recruitment and Retention: Attract, retain and facilitate the development of a unique mix of sustainable businesses. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

4 D. Proposed Expenditures (see detail in attached budget, Appendix C) ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Income BID Assessment $116,234 ​ ​ CDA Contribution $5,000 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​ Event Sponsorship $15,000 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ Affiliate Memberships $1,200 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​ Other Events $3000 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​ Interest $50 ​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​ Total Income $140,484 ​ ​

Expenses Administration and Management $53,460 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ Marketing Program $63,660 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ Shorewood Today $13,800 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ Total Expenses $130,920 ​ ​

The BID Board will have the authority and responsibility to prioritize expenditures and to revise the district budget as necessary to match the funds actually available. Any funds unspent at the end of 2018 shall be carried over to 2019 and applied against future expenses. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​


A. Assessment Rate and Method ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ As of January 1, 2017, the properties in the district had a total BID assessable value of $142,417,973, excluding any residential units within mixed-use buildings. This plan proposes to assess the taxable property in the district at a rate of $1.10 per $1,000 of assessed value for the purposes of the BID. In 2016 the rate was increased from $1.06 to the current rate $1.10. Appendix A shows the projected BID assessment for each property included in the district. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

The principle behind the assessment methodology is that each property owner should contribute to the BID in proportion to the benefit derived from the BID. After consideration of assessment methods, it was determined that the assessed value of a property was the characteristic most directly related to the potential benefit provided by the BID. Therefore, a uniform rate applied on the assessed value of each property and a “cap” maximum contribution of $5,000 per tax parcel was selected as the basic assessment method for the Shorewood BID. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

The variables used to determine the regular BID assessments are: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 1) The total assessed value of each tax key commercial parcel within the district; and ​ ​ 5 2) The specific dollar amount per $1,000 of the assessed value of each tax key parcel.

B. Excluded and Exempt Property ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The State BID law requires consideration of certain classes of property. In compliance with the law, the following statements are provided: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

1) Sec. 66.1109 (5) (a): Real property used exclusively for residential purposes and real ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ property that is exempted from general property taxes under s. 70.11 may not be ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ specially assessed for purposes of this section. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

V. VILLAGE ROLE IN DISTRICT OPERATION ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The Village of Shorewood is committed to helping private property owners in the district ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ promote its development. To this end, the Village has played a significant role in the ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ creation of the BID and in the implementation of its operating plan. In particular, the ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Village will continue to: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

1) The Community Development Authority of the Village of Shorewood provides funding to the BID for administration and promotion of a Façade Improvement Grant program, business and development recruitment, the business loan fund, and other initiatives. This is on an annual basis and is reviewed each budget year. 2) Monitor and, when appropriate, apply for outside funds, which could be used in support of the district. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 3) Collect BID assessments; maintain the BID assessments in a segregated account; and disburse the BID assessments to the district. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 4) Receive annual audits as required per Sec. 66.1109 ​ (3) (c) of the BID law. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 5) Encourage Milwaukee County, the State of Wisconsin, and other units of government to support the activities of the district. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​


The Board's primary responsibility will be implementation of this operating plan. The current BID Board of Directors and staff are comprised as follows: ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Board of Directors ​ ​ ​ ​ Term Expires ​ ​ 1. Michael O’Brien, President, Edward Jones Investments 2017 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 2. Andrew McCabe, Vice-President, Allstate Insurance 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ 3. Becky Reinhardt, Treasurer, North Shore Bank 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 4. Karen Dean, Treasurer, Community Development ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ Authority rep ​ ​ 5. Kyle Feerick, Feerick Funeral Home 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 6. Allison Rozek, Swanky Seconds 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ 6 7. Anne Herrison-LePlae, Alliance Francaise 2017 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ 8. Elif Sen, Zen the Salon 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 9. Caroline Krietlow, Luxe 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​​ 10. Jake Bresette, Lake Effect Surf Shop 2018 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 11. Pat Algiers, Chemistry in Place 2018 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 12. Rachel Carter, Northwoods 2017 ​ ​ ​ ​​ 13. Scott Schwebel, The Ruckus 2019 ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ 14. Stephanie Sherman, resident 2018 ​ ​ ​ ​​ 15. Paul Zovic, Village Board Trustee rep ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​


Ericka Lang, Executive Director ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ Sarah DeNeve, Marketing Coordinator ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​

VII. FUTURE YEARS' OPERATING PLANS ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ It is anticipated that the BID will continue to revise and develop the operating plan annually in response to changing development needs and opportunities in the district, in accordance with the purposes and objectives defined in this operating plan. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Section 66.1109 (3) (a) of the BID law requires the BID Board and the Village to annually ​ review and make changes as appropriate in the operating plan. Therefore, while this document outlines in general terms the complete development project, it focuses upon 2018 activities. Information on specific assessed values, budget amounts, and assessment amounts are based on 2017 conditions. Greater detail about subsequent years' activities will be provided in the required annual plan updates. Approval by the Village board of trustees of such operating plan updates shall be conclusive evidence of compliance with this operating plan and the BID law. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

In later years, the BID operating plan will continue to apply the assessment formula, as adjusted, to raise funds to meet the next annual budget. The method of assessing shall not be materially altered, except with the consent of the Village of Shorewood. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​


The BID has been created under the authority of Section 66.1109 o​ f the Statutes of the ​ State of Wisconsin. Should any court find any portion of this statute invalid or unconstitutional, its decision will not invalidate or terminate the BID and this BID operating plan shall be amended to conform to the law without need of re-establishment. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Should the legislature amend the statute to narrow or broaden the process of a BID so as to exclude or include as assessable properties of a certain class or classes of properties, then this BID operating plan may be amended by Village of Shorewood

7 Trustees as and when it conducts its annual review and approval of the operating plan and without necessity to undertake any other act. This is specifically authorized under Sec. 66.1109 ​ (3) (b), Wis. Stats. ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

8 2017 Assessment for 2018 BID Values Page 1 of 2

2017 Assessment for 2018 BID Revenue BID RATES GROSS MIXED COMMERCIAL 1.10 TAX KEY ADDRESS OWNER ASSESSMENT USE % ASSESSMENT 1,000.00 Totals 0 0 0 240-9974 1100 E CAPITOL DR WI-MILWAUKEE 1100 E CAPITOL 3,760,000 100.00% 3,760,000 4,136.00 275-8993 1111 E CAPITOL DR HARBOR CHASE 15,877,600 100.00% 15,877,600 5,000.00 240-9977 1200 E CAPITOL DR KIVELY INVESTMENTS 863,700 100.00% 863,700 950.07 275-8999-001 1305 E CAPITOL DR 1305 CAPITOL LLC 1,234,600 100.00% 1,234,600 1,358.06 275-1088 1325 E CAPITOL DR 1325 CAPITOL LLC 2,111,700 100.00% 2,111,700 2,322.87 240-9983 1330 E CAPITOL DR EKL INVESTMENTS 604,000 100.00% 604,000 664.40 240-0412 1400 E CAPITOL DR WILLIAM HO 406,600 100.00% 406,600 447.26 275-1086-001 1409 E CAPITOL DR WINDERMERE PROPERTIES 1,043,500 100.00% 1,043,500 1,147.85 240-0413 1410 E CAPITOL DR VIRGINIA LITTLE 588,400 100.00% 588,400 647.24 275-1085 1421 E CAPITOL DR CAP LANE REALTY 579,500 100.00% 579,500 637.45 275-1084 1425 E CAPITOL DR MORRIS AVE PROPERTIES 483,400 100.00% 483,400 531.74 275-1083 1431-33 E CAPITOL DR DOMINION 1 LLC 1,103,300 14.33% 158,147 173.96 275-1069-001 1513 E CAPITOL DR E CAPITOL #2 LLC 1,041,400 100.00% 1,041,400 1,145.54 240-0358 1518 E CAPITOL DR JAMES PETR 206,700 100.00% 206,700 227.37 240-0359 1520-22 E CAPITOL DR CAPLAR LLC 195,900 100.00% 195,900 215.49 240-0360 1530 E CAPITOL DR WELLS FARGO BANK 274,400 100.00% 274,400 301.84 240-0136 1572 E CAPITOL DR NORTHWOODS ADVISOR HOLDIN 2,450,000 100.00% 2,450,000 2,695.00 240-0101 1602 E CAPITOL DR SPRING EAST LLC 748,700 100.00% 748,700 823.57 240-0020 1700 E CAPITOL DR MARTIN MERCEN 455,000 100.00% 455,000 500.50 240-0021 1706 E CAPITOL DR KEITH JOHNSON 350,600 100.00% 350,600 385.66 240-0022 1716 E CAPITOL DR MICHAEL YERUKHIMOVICH 461,500 100.00% 461,500 507.65 240-0190 1720 E CAPITOL DR GRIFFIN INVESTMENTS, LLC 457,400 100.00% 457,400 503.14 276-0730-001 1901 E. CAPITOL DR SETON TOWER CORP 1,827,300 100.00% 1,827,300 2,010.03 239-0680 1906-26 E CAPITOL DR KAGEL-SEGAL REAL ESTATE 659,500 100.00% 659,500 725.45 239-0681 1928-32 E CAPITOL DR GENEVIEVE CAHILL 580,000 100.00% 580,000 638.00 276-0764 2011 E CAPITOL DR 4TH CHURCH OF CHRIST EXEMPT 100.00% 0 0.00 276-0762-001 2025 E CAPITOL DR FEERICK INC 1,209,000 100.00% 1,209,000 1,329.90 276-0780 2101 E CAPITOL DR YUAN H HAN 340,200 100.00% 340,200 374.22 276-0779 2107-09 E CAPITOL DR NEW OWNER JULY 2016 1,155,100 100.00% 1,155,100 1,270.61 276-0777 2127 E CAPITOL DR THE MORRISON LLC 1,387,900 8.50% 117,916 129.71 276-0630 2201-13 E CAPITOL DR CAPITOL & MARYLAND LLC 1,234,000 100.00% 1,234,000 1,357.40 276-0605 2219-23 E CAPITOL DR EDMUND BK YUN 470,000 100.00% 470,000 517.00 276-0577 2317-23 E CAPITOL DR MICHAEL SCHRAM 602,300 100.00% 602,300 662.53 239-0113 2400 E CAPITOL DR LPT 45 LLC CAC 45 LLC 385,600 100.00% REMOVE. APTS 239-0114 2418 E. CAPITOL DR ROSE MARY D'AGOSTINO 170,000 100.00% 170,000 187.00 239-0255 2420 E CAPITOL DR ROSE MARY D'AGOSTINO 645,300 100.00% 645,300 709.83 239-0223 2500 E CAPITOL DR ROSENE LLC 669,900 100.00% 669,900 736.89 239-0222 2510 E CAPITOL DR 2510 CAPITOL RE 567,000 100.00% 567,000 623.70 239-0221 2514-16 E CAPITOL DR JOEL PECH 317,100 100.00% 317,100 348.81 239-0220 2520-22 E CAPITOL DR ANITA KRIER 586,600 100.00% 586,600 645.26 276-0036 2521 E CAPITOL DR DOWNER MOBIL 747,300 100.00% 747,300 822.03 276-0555-001 3506-14 N OAKLAND AVE KONSTATINE DIMITROPOULOS 1,680,000 100.00% 1,680,000 1,848.00 276-0556 3524-30 N OAKLAND AVE WILLIAM HO 958,200 100.00% 958,200 1,054.02 275-1180 3547-59 N OAKLAND AVE 3553 OAKLAND LLC 3,200,000 25.00% 800,000 880.00 275-1181 3575 N OAKLAND AVE 3575 OAKLAND LLC 3,100,000 20.00% 619,969 681.97 276-0170 3592-96 N OAKLAND AVE HONEST BLUE PROPERTIES 562,000 100.00% 562,000 618.20 276-0185 3600 N OAKLAND AVE SIK KIN NG 899,100 100.00% 899,100 989.01 275-1026 3601 N OAKLAND AVE DR J'S BONE GARDEN 997,400 100.00% 997,400 1,097.14 276-0186 3610 N OAKLAND AVE 3610 N OAKLAND LLC 476,600 100.00% 476,600 524.26 276-0187 3624 N OAKLAND AVE BEG ENTERPRISES 450,500 100.00% 450,500 495.55 275-1150 3723 N. Oakland Ave. SRD CORPORATION 357,800 100.00% 357,800 393.58 275-1120 3801-13 N OAKLAND AVE GOLDENBERG & ASSOCIATES 980,100 100.00% 980,100 1,078.11 276-0031-176 3840 N OAKLAND AVE #176 NOVASIC SHWD PROPERTIES 226,000 100.00% 226,000 248.60 275-8991 3900 N. ESTABROOK PKWY SHOREWOOD SENIOR APTS 2,000,000 100.00% 2,000,000 2,200.00 276-0576 3951-55 N PROSPECT AVE SCOTT ST PETER 423,600 100.00% 423,600 465.96 276-0765 3956 N MURRAY AVE CAPTIOL 48 LLC 297,800 100.00% 297,800 327.58 276-0749-006 3970 N OAKLAND AVE WI ROBINSON FAMILY 3,600,000 100.00% 3,600,000 3,960.00 240-0017 4000 N WILSON DR REHMAN PROPERTY LLC 407,400 100.00% 407,400 448.14 2017 Assessment for 2018 BID Values Page 2 of 2

2017 Assessment for 2018 BID Revenue BID RATES GROSS MIXED COMMERCIAL 1.10 TAX KEY ADDRESS OWNER ASSESSMENT USE % ASSESSMENT 1,000.00 Totals 0 0 0 239-0676 4000-06 N OAKLAND AVE 1800 E CAPITOL DR LLC 1,610,000 100.00% 1,610,000 1,771.00 239-0219 4001 N DOWNER AVE WILLIAM QUANDT 785,300 100.00% 785,300 863.83 240-0023 4009-15 N OAKLAND AVE NS APTS LLC 3,687,100 100.00% 3,687,100 4,055.81 239-0675 4010-14 N OAKLAND AVE CAMILLA AVERY 1,008,400 100.00% 1,008,400 1,109.24 240-0012 4012-26 N WILSON MONTROSE APTS 3,380,000 13.09% 442,341 486.57 239-0674 4016-22 N OAKLAND AVE OAKLAND AVENUE LLC 670,800 100.00% 670,800 737.88 240-0024 4023 N OAKLAND AVE SENDIKS II LLC 771,900 100.00% 771,900 849.09 240-0025 4027 N OAKLAND AVE SENDIKS II LLC 928,100 100.00% 928,100 1,020.91 240-0579-000 4041 N. OAKLAND AVE WALGREEN'S INC 5,620,000 100.00% 5,620,000 5,000.00 239-0647 4042-46 N OAKLAND AVE HACKBARTH COMMERICAL LLC 856,600 100.00% 856,600 942.26 239-0646 4050 N. OAKLAND AVE 315 GRANBY RDATE LLC 500,700 100.00% 500,700 550.77 240-9978 4057 N WILSON VILLAGE OF SHOREWOOD EXEMPT 100.00% 0 0.00 239-0645 4060 N OAKLAND AVE 1405 ELMDALE CTEN 522,900 100.00% 522,900 575.19 240-0054-003 4075 N OAKLAND AVE MDC COASTAL 7, LLC 25,253,500 100.00% 25,253,500 5,000.00 239-0565-001 4106-14 N OAKLAND AVE JOHN OGDEN 1,800,000 100.00% 1,800,000 1,980.00 240-0054-002 4115 N OAKLAND AVE MDC COASTAL 7, LLC 8,180,800 100.00% 8,180,800 5,000.00 239-0378 4144 N OAKLAND AVE PALMETTO 306,500 100.00% 306,500 337.15 240-0054-001 4154-4195 N OAKLAND AVE GENCAPP SHOREWOOD APARTM 10,800,000 16.00% 1,728,000 1,900.80 239-0379 4156-66 N OAKLAND AVE PALMETTO 1,181,700 100.00% 1,181,700 1,299.87 239-0380 4170 N OAKLAND AVE 4170 N OAKLAND LLC 500,000 100.00% 500,000 550.00 240-9994-001 4201-15 N OAKLAND AVE TCF BANK 999,000 100.00% 999,000 1,098.90 239-0307 4208-12 N OAKLAND AVE EUGENE KASPRZAK 469,000 100.00% 469,000 515.90 239-0308-0004214 N. Oakland Ave. GIBSON INVESTMENTS LLC 577,600 100.00% 577,600 635.36 239-0309 4230 N OAKLAND AVE FREDERIC WEIN 315,000 100.00% 315,000 346.50 240-9996 4231 N OAKLAND AVE BV SHOREWOOD LLC 880,000 100.00% 880,000 968.00 239-0291 4300 N OAKLAND AVE SHIRLEY CARLSON 488,200 100.00% 488,200 537.02 240-9997 4301 N OAKLAND AVE BLANKENSTEIN ENTERPR 980,000 100.00% 980,000 1,078.00 239-0292-001 4312-34 N OAKLAND AVE ERASTUS INVESTMENTS LLC 1,874,000 100.00% 1,874,000 2,061.40 240-0189 4401-11 N OAKLAND AVE BARBARA KUEHN 798,900 100.00% 798,900 878.79 240-0188 4413-17 N OAKLAND AVE BLACKBIRD MERCANTILE 341,700 100.00% 341,700 375.87 239-0154 4414 N OAKLAND AVE NORTH SHORE BANK 1,550,000 100.00% 1,550,000 1,705.00 240-0187 4419 N OAKLAND AVE BARBARA KUEHN 555,800 100.00% 555,800 611.38 240-0186 4425-29 N OAKLAND AVE MARQUIS LLC 518,700 100.00% 518,700 570.57 240-0185-001 4433-39 N OAKLAND AVE RALPH HOFFMAN 765,500 100.00% 765,500 842.05 236-9992 4447 N OAKLAND AVE PATRICIA MAGESTRO 482,200 100.00% 482,200 530.42 236-9993 4449-53 N OAKLAND AVE 4449 OAKLAND LLC 370,600 100.00% 370,600 407.66 236-0004 4465 N OAKLAND AVE JOSEPH ULLRICH 723,200 100.00% 723,200 795.52 236-0002-001 4473-79 N OAKLAND AVE BK OAKLAND 670,000 100.00% 670,000 737.00 237-0230 4484 N OAKLAND AVE GRAMOLL OAKLAND LLC 451,800 100.00% 451,800 496.98 237-0231 4488-92 N OAKLAND AVE 4488 LLC 602,800 100.00% 602,800 663.08 236-0610 4493 N OAKLAND AVE VALLIS LLC 1,000,000 100.00% 1,000,000 1,100.00 236-0611 4495 N OAKLAND AVE TLN SHOREWOOD LEASING 924,400 100.00% 924,400 1,016.84 237-0232 4496 N OAKLAND AVE TIM WICK 415,200 100.00% 415,200 456.72 236-0173 4501-03 N OAKLAND AVE DONALD WEISNER 225,000 100.00% 225,000 247.50 236-0172 4507 N OAKLAND AVE LORENZO DRAGHICCIO 191,800 100.00% 191,800 210.98 236-0171 4511-17 N OAKLAND AVE WINDERMERE PROPERTIES 1,322,000 100.00% 1,150,000 1,265.00 237-0233-001 4514 N OAKLAND AVE EXCHEQUER 7,500,000 22.40% 1,680,000 1,848.00 236-0167 4541 N. OAKLAND AVE CORELOGIC 7,000,000 17.40% 1,218,000 1,339.80 236-0250 4559 N OAKLAND AVE SHWD GROUP GEN PART 1,690,900 100.00% 1,690,900 1,859.99 236-0305 4601 N OAKLAND AVE 4601 NORTH OAKLAND LLC 1,050,000 100.00% 1,050,000 1,155.00 236-0304 4611 N OAKLAND AVE DAVID HICKEY 116,300 100.00% 116,300 127.93 173,682,400 142,417,973 116,234.68

Business Improvement District 2018 Budget 2018 Income Assessment $ 116,234 CDA $ 5,000 Affiliate Membership $ 1,200 Bike Race Revenue $ 15,000 Other Event Revenue $ 3,000 Reimbursed Expenses Other $ 50 Total Income$ 140,484

Expense Administrative Administrative/Event Asst Audit $ 1,125 Bank Service Charges $ - BID Management Fee $ 48,000 Dues and Subscriptions $ 990 Liability Insurance $ 425 Meals $ 520 Office Supplies/Printing $ 500 Constituent Relations $ 500 Seminars $ 500 Postage and Delivery $ 400 Miscellaneous $ 500 Total Administrative $ 53,460

Marketing Programs Marketing Shorewood $ - Marketing Coord Fees $ 28,000 Print Advertising $ 700 Bus Recruit Materials $ 400 Shorewood Today Mag $ 7,800 Writing Shorewood Mag $ 6,000 Bike Race $ 18,000 Fall Event $ 2,850 Civic Participation $ 2,250 Other Events $ 9,450 Networking Socials/Ann Mtg $ 1,400 Web Hosting & Updating $ 610 Website Redevelopment Total Marketing Programs $ 77,460

Total Expense $130,920

Net Income $9,564 Updated 2015−16 Wis. Stats. Published and certified under s. 35.18. September 20, 2017.

155 Updated 15−16 Wis. Stats. MUNICIPAL LAW 66.1109

(c) The political subdivision’s legislative body, by resolution, 1. It is an area in need of rehabilitation as defined in par. (a). dissolves the district. Upon dissolving the district, the political 2. It has a rate of owner−occupancy of residential buildings subdivision becomes liable for all unpaid eligible costs actually substantially below the average rate for the municipality as a incurred which are not paid from the separate fund under sub. (9). whole. (12) NOTICE OF DISTRICT TERMINATION. (a) A political subdi- 3. It is an area within which the market value of residential vision that creates an environmental remediation tax incremental property, as measured by the rate of change during the preceding district under this section shall give the department written notice 5 years in the average sale price of residential property, has within 10 days of the termination of the environmental remedia- decreased or has increased at a rate substantially less than the rate tion tax incremental district under sub. (11). of increase in average sale price of residential property in the (b) If the department receives a notice under par. (a) during the municipality as a whole. period from January 1 to May 15, the effective date of the notice 4. It is an area within which the number of persons residing is the date the notice is received. If the notice is received during has decreased during the past 5 years, or in which the number of the period from May 16 to December 31, the effective date of the persons residing has increased during that period at a rate substan- notice is the first January 1 after the department receives the tially less than the rate of population increase in the municipality notice. as a whole. (13) PAYMENT OF ELIGIBLE COSTS FOR ANNEXED TERRITORY, 5. It is an area within which the effect of existing detrimental REDETERMINATION OF TAX INCREMENTAL BASE; FEES. (a) If a city conditions is to discourage private lenders from making loans for or village annexes territory from a town and if the town is using and present or prospective property owners from investing in the an environmental remediation tax increment to remediate envi- purchase and rehabilitation of housing. ronmental pollution on all or part of the territory that is annexed, (2) DESIGNATION OF REINVESTMENT NEIGHBORHOODS OR the city or village shall pay to the town that portion of the eligible AREAS. A municipality may designate reinvestment neighbor- costs that are attributable to the annexed territory. The city or vil- hoods or areas after complying with the following steps: lage, and the town, shall negotiate an agreement on the amount (a) Holding of a public hearing by the planning commission that must be paid under this subsection. The department shall or by the local governing body at which interested parties are redetermine the environmental remediation tax incremental base afforded a reasonable opportunity to express their views on the of any parcel of real property for which the environmental remedi- proposed designation and boundaries of a reinvestment neighbor- ation tax incremental base was determined under sub. (4) if part hood or area. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a class of that parcel is annexed under this subsection. 2 notice, under ch. 985. Before publication, a copy of the notice (b) The department may impose a fee of $1,000 on a political shall be sent by 1st class mail to the Wisconsin Housing and Eco- subdivision to determine or redetermine the environmental reme- nomic Development Authority, and a copy shall be posted in each diation tax incremental base of an environmental remediation tax school building and in at least 3 other places of public assembly incremental district under this subsection or sub. (4). within the reinvestment neighborhood or area proposed to be des- History: 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9; 1999 a. 150 ss. 473 to 478; Stats. 1999 s. 66.1106; ignated. 1999 a. 185 s. 59; 2003 a. 126; 2005 a. 246, 418; 2009 a. 28, 66, 312; 2011 a. 260; 2013 a. 193; 2015 a. 256, 257; 2017 a. 15; s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. (b) Designation by the planning commission of the boundaries of a reinvestment neighborhood or area recommended by it to be 66.1107 Reinvestment neighborhoods. (1) DEFINI- designated and submission of the recommendation to the local TIONS. In this section: legislative body. (a) An “area in need of rehabilitation” is a neighborhood or (c) Adoption by the local legislative body of a resolution area in which buildings, by reason of age, obsolescence, inade- which: quate or outmoded design, or physical deterioration have become 1. Describes the boundaries of a reinvestment neighborhood economic or social liabilities, or both; in which these conditions or area with sufficient definiteness to identify with ordinary and impair the economic value of the neighborhood or area, infecting reasonable certainty the territory included in the neighborhood or it with economic blight, and which is characterized by depreciated area. The boundaries may, but need not, be the same as those rec- values, impaired investments, and reduced capacity to pay taxes; ommended by the planning commission. in which the existence of these conditions and the failure to reha- 2. Designates the reinvestment neighborhood or area as of a bilitate the buildings results in a loss of population from the neigh- date provided in the resolution. borhood or area and further deterioration, accompanied by added 3. Contains findings that the area to be designated constitutes costs for creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere; a reinvestment neighborhood or area. in which it is difficult and uneconomic for individual owners inde- History: 1977 c. 418; 1979 c. 361 s. 112; 1985 a. 29 s. 3200 (14); 1999 a. 150 s. pendently to undertake to remedy the conditions; in which it is 479; Stats. 1999 s. 66.1107; 2001 a. 104. necessary to create, with proper safeguards, inducements and opportunities for the employment of private investment and 66.1109 Business improvement districts. (1) In this equity capital in the rehabilitation of the buildings; and in which section: the presence of these buildings and conditions has resulted, (a) “Board” means a business improvement district board among other consequences, in a severe shortage of financial appointed under sub. (3) (a). resources available to finance the purchase and rehabilitation of (b) “Business improvement district” means an area within a housing and an inability or unwillingness on the part of private municipality consisting of contiguous parcels and may include lenders to make loans for and an inability or unwillingness on the railroad rights−of−way, rivers, or highways continuously part of present and prospective owners of housing to invest in the bounded by the parcels on at least one side, and shall include par- purchase and rehabilitation of housing in the neighborhood or cels that are contiguous to the district but that were not included area. in the original or amended boundaries of the district because the (b) “Local legislative body” means the common council, vil- parcels were tax−exempt when the boundaries were determined lage board of trustees or town board of supervisors. and such parcels became taxable after the original or amended (c) “Municipality” means a city, village or town. boundaries of the district were determined. (d) “Planning commission” means a plan commission created (c) “Chief executive officer” means a mayor, city manager, vil- under s. 62.23 or a plan committee of the local legislative body. lage president or town chairperson. (e) “Reinvestment neighborhood or area” means a geographic (d) “Local legislative body” means a common council, village area within any municipality not less than one−half of which, by board of trustees or town board of supervisors. area, meets 3 of the 5 following conditions: (e) “Municipality” means a city, village or town.

2015−16 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2017 Wis. Act 58 and all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders effective on or before September 20, 2017. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after September 20, 2017 are designated by NOTES. (Published 9−20−17) Updated 2015−16 Wis. Stats. Published and certified under s. 35.18. September 20, 2017.

66.1109 MUNICIPAL LAW Updated 15−16 Wis. Stats. 156

(f) “Operating plan” means a plan adopted or amended under the local legislative body disapproves the operating plan, the this section for the development, redevelopment, maintenance, board shall consider and may make changes to the operating plan operation and promotion of a business improvement district, and may continue to resubmit the operating plan until local legis- including all of the following: lative body approval is obtained. Any change to the special 1. The special assessment method applicable to the business assessment method applicable to the business improvement dis- improvement district. trict shall be approved by the local legislative body. 1m. Whether real property used exclusively for manufactur- (c) The board shall prepare and make available to the public ing purposes will be specially assessed. annual reports describing the current status of the business 2. The kind, number and location of all proposed expendi- improvement district, including expenditures and revenues. The tures within the business improvement district. report shall include an independent certified audit of the imple- 3. A description of the methods of financing all estimated mentation of the operating plan obtained by the municipality. The expenditures and the time when related costs will be incurred. municipality shall obtain an additional independent certified audit upon termination of the business improvement district. 4. A description of how the creation of the business improve- ment district promotes the orderly development of the municipal- (d) Either the board or the municipality, as specified in the ity, including its relationship to any municipal master plan. operating plan as adopted, or amended and approved under this section, has all powers necessary or convenient to implement the 5. A legal opinion that subds. 1. to 4. have been complied with. operating plan, including the power to contract. (g) “Planning commission” means a plan commission under (4) All special assessments received from a business improve- s. 62.23, or if none a board of public land commissioners, or if ment district and all other appropriations by the municipality or none a planning committee of the local legislative body. other moneys received for the benefit of the business improve- ment district shall be placed in a segregated account in the munici- (2) A municipality may create a business improvement dis- pal treasury. No disbursements from the account may be made trict and adopt its operating plan if all of the following are met: except to reimburse the municipality for appropriations other than (a) An owner of real property used for commercial purposes special assessments, to pay the costs of audits required under sub. and located in the proposed business improvement district desig- (3) (c) or on order of the board for the purpose of implementing nated under par. (b) has petitioned the municipality for creation of the operating plan. On termination of the business improvement a business improvement district. district by the municipality, all moneys collected by special (b) The planning commission has designated a proposed busi- assessment remaining in the account shall be disbursed to the ness improvement district and adopted its proposed initial operat- owners of specially assessed property in the business improve- ing plan. ment district, in the same proportion as the last collected special (c) At least 30 days before creation of the business improve- assessment. ment district and adoption of its initial operating plan by the (4m) A municipality shall terminate a business improvement municipality, the planning commission has held a public hearing district if the owners of property assessed under the operating plan on its proposed business improvement district and initial operat- having a valuation equal to more than 50 percent of the valuation ing plan. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a class 2 of all property assessed under the operating plan, using the method notice under ch. 985. Before publication, a copy of the notice of valuation specified in the operating plan, or the owners of prop- together with a copy of the proposed initial operating plan and a erty assessed under the operating plan having an assessed valua- copy of a detail map showing the boundaries of the proposed busi- tion equal to more than 50 percent of the assessed valuation of all ness improvement district shall be sent by certified mail to all property assessed under the operating plan, file a petition with the owners of real property within the proposed business improve- planning commission requesting termination of the business ment district. The notice shall state the boundaries of the proposed improvement district, subject to all of the following conditions: business improvement district and shall indicate that copies of the proposed initial operating plan are available from the planning (a) A petition may not be filed under this subsection earlier commission on request. than one year after the date the municipality first adopts the oper- ating plan for the business improvement district. (d) Within 30 days after the hearing under par. (c), the owners of property to be assessed under the proposed initial operating (b) On and after the date a petition is filed under this subsec- plan having a valuation equal to more than 40 percent of the valua- tion, neither the board nor the municipality may enter into any new tion of all property to be assessed under the proposed initial oper- obligations by contract or otherwise to implement the operating ating plan, using the method of valuation specified in the proposed plan until the expiration of 30 days after the date of hearing under initial operating plan, or the owners of property to be assessed par. (c) and unless the business improvement district is not termi- under the proposed initial operating plan having an assessed valu- nated under par. (e). ation equal to more than 40 percent of the assessed valuation of (c) Within 30 days after the filing of a petition under this sub- all property to be assessed under the proposed initial operating section, the planning commission shall hold a public hearing on plan, have not filed a petition with the planning commission pro- the proposed termination. Notice of the hearing shall be published testing the proposed business improvement district or its proposed as a class 2 notice under ch. 985. Before publication, a copy of the initial operating plan. notice together with a copy of the operating plan and a copy of a (e) The local legislative body has voted to adopt the proposed detail map showing the boundaries of the business improvement initial operating plan for the municipality. district shall be sent by certified mail to all owners of real property (3) (a) The chief executive officer shall appoint members to within the business improvement district. The notice shall state a business improvement district board to implement the operating the boundaries of the business improvement district and shall indi- plan. Board members shall be confirmed by the local legislative cate that copies of the operating plan are available from the plan- body and shall serve staggered terms designated by the local legis- ning commission on request. lative body. The board shall have at least 5 members. A majority (d) Within 30 days after the date of hearing under par. (c), every of board members shall own or occupy real property in the busi- owner of property assessed under the operating plan may send ness improvement district. written notice to the planning commission indicating, if the owner (b) The board shall annually consider and may make changes signed a petition under this subsection, that the owner retracts the to the operating plan, which may include termination of the plan, owner’s request to terminate the business improvement district, for its business improvement district. The board shall then submit or, if the owner did not sign the petition, that the owner requests the operating plan to the local legislative body for its approval. If termination of the business improvement district.

2015−16 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2017 Wis. Act 58 and all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders effective on or before September 20, 2017. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after September 20, 2017 are designated by NOTES. (Published 9−20−17) Updated 2015−16 Wis. Stats. Published and certified under s. 35.18. September 20, 2017.

157 Updated 15−16 Wis. Stats. MUNICIPAL LAW 66.1110

(e) If after the expiration of 30 days after the date of hearing statement of to whom the real property will be transferred if the under par. (c), by petition under this subsection or subsequent neighborhood improvement district is terminated. notification under par. (d), and after subtracting any retractions (f) A legal opinion that pars. (a) to (e) have been complied under par. (d), the owners of property assessed under the operating with. plan having a valuation equal to more than 50 percent of the valua- (3) A municipality may create a neighborhood improvement tion of all property assessed under the operating plan, using the district and adopt its operating plan if all of the following condi- method of valuation specified in the operating plan, or the owners tions are met: of property assessed under the operating plan having an assessed valuation equal to more than 50 percent of the assessed valuation (a) An owner of real property subject to general real estate of all property assessed under the operating plan, have requested taxes and located in the proposed neighborhood improvement dis- the termination of the business improvement district, the munici- trict designated under par. (b) has petitioned the municipality for pality shall terminate the business improvement district on the creation of a neighborhood improvement district. date that the obligation with the latest completion date entered into (b) The planning commission has designated a proposed to implement the operating plan expires. neighborhood improvement district and adopted its proposed ini- (5) (a) Real property used exclusively for residential purposes tial operating plan. and real property that is exempted from general property taxes (c) At least 30 days before creation of the neighborhood under s. 70.11 may not be specially assessed for purposes of this improvement district and adoption of its initial operating plan by section. the municipality, the planning commission has held a public hear- (b) A municipality may terminate a business improvement dis- ing on its proposed neighborhood improvement district and initial trict at any time. operating plan. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a class (c) This section does not limit the power of a municipality 2 notice under ch. 985. Before publication, a copy of the notice, under other law to regulate the use of or specially assess real prop- together with a copy of the proposed initial operating plan and a erty. copy of a detail map showing the boundaries of the proposed History: 1983 a. 184; 1989 a. 56 s. 258; 1999 a. 150 s. 539; Stats. 1999 s. 66.1109; neighborhood improvement district, shall be sent by certified mail 2001 a. 85. to all owners of real property within the proposed neighborhood improvement district. The notice shall state the boundaries of the 66.1110 Neighborhood improvement districts. (1) In proposed neighborhood improvement district and shall indicate this section: that copies of the proposed initial operating plan are available (a) “Board” means a neighborhood improvement district from the planning commission on request. board elected under sub. (4) (a). (d) Within 30 days after the hearing under par. (c), one of the (b) “Chief executive officer” means a mayor, city manager, vil- following has not filed a petition with the planning commission lage president, or town chairperson. protesting the proposed neighborhood improvement district or its (c) “Local legislative body” means a common council, village proposed initial operating plan: board of trustees, or town board of supervisors. 1. The owners of property to be assessed under the proposed (d) “Municipality” means a city, village, or town. initial operating plan having a valuation equal to more than 40 per- cent of the valuation of all property to be assessed under the pro- (e) “Neighborhood improvement district” means an area posed initial operating plan, using the method of valuation speci- within a municipality consisting of nearby but not necessarily fied in the proposed initial operating plan. contiguous parcels, at least some of which are used for residential purposes and are subject to general real estate taxes, and property 2. The owners of property to be assessed under the proposed that is acquired and owned by the board if the local legislative initial operating plan having an assessed valuation equal to more body approved acquisition of the property under sub. (4) (d) as than 40 percent of the assessed valuation of all property to be part of its approval of the initial operating plan under sub. (3) (e). assessed under the proposed initial operating plan. (f) “Operating plan” means a plan adopted or amended under (e) The local legislative body has voted to adopt the proposed this section for the development, redevelopment, maintenance, initial operating plan for the neighborhood improvement district. operation, and promotion of a neighborhood improvement dis- The local legislative body shall publish a class 2 notice under ch. trict. 985 regarding the meeting at which the local legislative body will (g) “Owner” means the owner of real property that is located vote on whether to adopt the proposed initial operating plan for the within the boundaries, or the proposed boundaries, of a neighbor- neighborhood improvement district. Before publication, a copy hood improvement district. of the notice shall be sent by certified mail to all owners of real property within the proposed neighborhood improvement district. (h) “Planning commission” means a plan commission under s. 62.23 or, if none exists, a board of public land commissioners (4) (a) 1. If the local legislative body adopts the proposed ini- or, if none exists, a planning committee of the local legislative tial operating plan under sub. (3) (e), it shall determine the size of body. board, which shall consist of at least 5 members, all of whom shall own or occupy real property in the neighborhood improvement (2) An operating plan shall include at least all of the following district. elements: 2. The number of board members who represent commercial (a) The special assessment method applicable to the neighbor- and residential property, respectively, shall be set by the local leg- hood improvement district. islative body, as closely as possible, in the same proportion as is (b) The kind, number, and location of all proposed expendi- the aggregate valuation of commercial property in the neighbor- tures within the neighborhood improvement district. hood improvement district to the total assessed value of all prop- (c) A description of the methods of financing all estimated erty in the district, and the aggregate valuation of residential prop- expenditures and the time when related costs will be incurred. erty in the district to the total assessed value of all property in the (d) A description of how the creation of the neighborhood district. improvement district promotes the orderly development of the 3. The local legislative body shall set the time and place for municipality, including its relationship to any municipal master a meeting at which members of the board will be elected, and shall plan. publish a class 2 notice under ch. 985 that contains this informa- (e) A statement as to whether the local legislative body autho- tion. The notice shall specify that all individuals who either own rizes the board to own real property and, if so, a description of the or occupy real property within the neighborhood improvement real property to be owned, the purpose of the ownership, and a district are eligible to serve on the board and vote at the election.

2015−16 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2017 Wis. Act 58 and all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders effective on or before September 20, 2017. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after September 20, 2017 are designated by NOTES. (Published 9−20−17)






Independent Auditor’s Report 2

Financial Statements Statements of Financial Position 4

Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets 5-6

Statements of Cash Flows 7

Notes to Financial Statements 8

Independent Auditor’s Report

Board of Directors Village of Shorewood Business Improvement District Shorewood, Wisconsin

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Village of Shorewood Business Improvement District, which comprise the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2016 and 2015, and the related statements of activities and changes in net assets and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion.

An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Village of Shorewood Business Improvement District as of December 31, 2016 and 2015 and the changes in its net assets and cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Krause & Associates, SC Grafton, Wisconsin February 15, 2017


2016 2015 ASSETS

Cash and cash equivalents $ 21,802 $ 31,849 Restricted – Façade Improvement Fund 35,316 30,248 Accounts receivable 5,600 15,050

TOTAL ASSETS $ 62,718 $ 77,147


LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 2,579 $ 7,698


NET ASSETS Unrestricted 24,823 39,201 Temporarily restricted: Façade improvements 35,316 30,248

TOTAL NET ASSETS 60,139 69,449


The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total REVENUE Tax levy $ 117,881 $ - $ 117,881 Façade improvement funds - 45,000 45,000 Grant 5,000 - 5,000 Event 4,200 - 4,200 Interest and other 849 210 1,059 Net assets released from restrictions 40,142 (40,142) -

Total revenue 168,072 5,068 173,140

EXPENSES Management 56,824 - 56,824 Special events and member programming 8,809 - 8,809 Advertising and marketing 43,965 - 43,965 Façade awards 40,142 - 40,142 Community donations support 32,710 - 32,710

Total expenses 182,450 - 182,450

Changes in net assets (14,378) 5,068 (9,310)

Net assets, beginning of year 39,201 30,248 69,449

Net assets, at end of year $ 24,823 $ 35,316 $ 60,139

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




Temporarily Unrestricted Restricted Total REVENUE Tax levy $ 109,163 $ - $ 109,163 Façade improvement funds - 45,000 45,000 Grant 10,000 - 10,000 Event 7,425 - 7,425 Interest and other 419 180 599 Net assets released from restrictions 56,131 (56,131) -

Total revenue 183,138 (10,951) 172,187

EXPENSES Management 53,740 - 53,740 Special events and member programming 7,164 - 7,164 Advertising and marketing 46,600 - 46,600 Façade awards 56,131 - 56,131 Donations 16,500 - 16,500

Total expenses 180,135 - 180,135

Changes in net assets 3,003 (10,951) (7,948)

Net assets, beginning of year 36,198 41,199 77,397

Net assets, at end of year $ 39,201 $ 30,248 $ 69,449

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.



2016 2015 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Changes in net assets $ (9,310) $ (7,948) Adjustments to reconcile changes in net assets to net cash provided by operating activities (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable 9,450 2,600 (Increase) decrease in restricted façade improvement fund (5,068) 10,951 Increase (decrease) in accounts payable (5,119) 4,196

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (10,047) 9,799

Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (10,047) 9,799

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 31,849 22,050

Cash and cash equivalents at end of year $ 21,802 $ 31,849

Cash paid for interest $ - $ -

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.




A summary of the significant accounting policies consistently applied in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements follows.

1. Organization and business activity

The Village of Shorewood Business Improvement District (BID) was created to allow businesses to develop, manage and promote the local economy. The BID is financed by special assessments on properties within the district.

Business Improvement Districts are authorized by Wisconsin Statutes Section 66.1109.

The BID is governed by a fifteen member board of directors who are appointed by the Village of Shorewood President. The Village government collects the special property tax assessments.

2. Accounting method

The BID follows the accrual method of accounting in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, wherein revenues and expenses are recorded in the period earned or incurred. Net assets and revenues, expenses, gains and losses are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets of the BID are classified and reported as follows:

Unrestricted net assets - Net assets that are not subject to donor- imposed restrictions. Temporarily Restricted net assets - Net assets subject to donor- imposed restrictions that may or may not be met, either by actions of the BID and/or the passage of time. When a restriction is met, restricted net assets are transferred to unrestricted net assets and reported in the statements of activities as net assets released from restrictions. Permanently Restricted net assets – Net assets subject to a donor imposed restriction that they be maintained permanently by the BID. As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, the BID has no permanently restricted net assets.

3. Cash and cash equivalents

The BID considers all highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less to be cash equivalents.




4. Income taxes

The BID is a quasi-public entity which is exempt from Federal and Wisconsin income taxes.

The BID evaluates it tax positions and assesses their uncertainty, if any, through review and application of various sources of tax authority including statutes, regulations, rulings, court cases and widely held administrative practices.

5. Use of estimates

The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

6. Subsequent Events

Management has evaluated subsequent events for recognition and disclosure in the financial statements through February 15, 2017, which is the date that the financial statements were available to be issued. No subsequent events were noted.


The BID is administering a façade program for the Village of Shorewood’s Tax Incremental Financing District Number 1 (TID). The façade improvement program has been funded by various grants from the TID. In 2016 and 2015, the TID contributed $5,000 and $10,000, respectively, for administration of façade grants, business recruitment and retention, developer recruitment, and administrative support for the Business Incentive Fund. In 2016 and 2015, the TID transferred grant funds to the BID segregated account for the façade program of $45,000 and $45,000, respectively, for future façade improvements.

As of December 31, 2016 and 2015, $35,316 and $30,248 of temporarily restricted net assets relates to the TID façade program, respectively. Unspent funds at the end of the grant period revert back to the TID.




The following donations were made by the BID in 2016 and 2015:

2016 2015

Shorewood Foundation: Ghost Train $ 15,000 $ - July 4th Celebration 1,000 - Marketing Shorewood 16,500 16,500 Other 210 -

Total $ 32,710 $ 16,500


As of December 31, 2016, the carrying value of the BID’s deposits was $57,118. The bank value was $57,277, the difference is due to outstanding checks and deposits in transit.




A Resolution Approving the 2018 North Shore Fire Department Fees For Service Schedule. ______

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the North Shore Fire Department has recommended that the 2018 North Shore Fire Department Fees for Services, attached to and made a part of this Resolution (hereinafter the "Service Fees"), be approved by each of the municipalities a party to the 1994 Amended and Restated North Shore Fire Department Agreement (hereinafter "the Agreement"); and

WHEREAS, the Agreement requires that all fees for service must be submitted to the governing bodies of the Villages of Bayside, Brown Deer, Fox Point, River Hills, Shorewood and Whitefish Bay and the City of Glendale for approval by not less than five (5) of these seven (7) municipalities; and

WHEREAS, upon approval by not less than five (5) of these seven (7) municipalities the appropriate North Shore Fire Department officials are authorized to charge and collect the Service Fees; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that the Village of Shorewoodhereby approves the Service Fees in the form presented as attached and directs the Village Clerk to provide a certified copy of this Resolution to the North Shore Fire Department.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Wisconsin this 20th day of November, 2017.


______Guy Johnson, Village President


______Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk

Item 2017 2018 BLS service and/or treatment without transport (Resident) 111.54 130.50 BLS service and/or treatment without transport (Non-Resident) 166.77 195.12 Paramedic service and/or treatment without transport (Resident) 138.61 162.18 189.51 221.73 Paramedic service and/or treatment without transport (Non-Resident) BLS service with transport (Resident) 674.12 788.72 BLS service with transport (Non-Resident) 778.61 910.98 Paramedic service with transport Level - ALS-1 (Resident) 769.45 900.26 Paramedic service with transport Level - ALS-2 (Resident) 845.75 989.53 Paramedic service with transport Level - ALS-1 (Non-Resident) 867.41 1014.87 Paramedic service with transport Level - ALS-2 (Non-Resident) 1000.61 1170.71 138.61 162.18 Paramedic service and invasive treatment without transport (Resident) 194.92 228.06 Paramedic service and invasive treatment without transport (Non-Resident) Defibrillation 111.54 150.00 IV and supplies 67.14 78.55 Intubation 83.38 97.56 ALS supplies 88.80 125.00 Oxygen and supplies 83.38 97.56 Mileage (rate per loaded mile) 17.02 21.00 EKG 111.54 130.50 Drugs, Group-1: Albuterol, Amioderone (30 mg), Aspirin, Atropine, Benadryl, Calcium Gluconate, Dextrose, Duoneb, D5W, Glucose (oral), 35.74 41.81 Nitroglycerin, Sodium Normal Saline (bags & carpujet), Versed, Zofran Tabs, Zofran IV Drugs, Group-2: Calcium Chloride, Dopamine, Epinephrine (IM or IV, not by 41.15 48.15 Epi-pen), Lidocaine, Sodium Bicarbonate Drugs, Group-3: Fentanyl, Ketamine, Medazolam, Narcan 53.06 62.08 Epinephrine by Epi-pen 106.13 124.17 Adenosine 99.63 116.56 Glucagon, up to 1 Mg 99.63 210.00 Solmedrol, 41-125 Mg 64.98 76.02 E-Z IO 133.20 155.84 Spinal Immobilization 138.61 162.18 Triage barcode wristbands 3.25 3.80 Cyano-kits 1000.61 1375.00 CPAP mask 49.81 70.00 Fire Prevention Permits/Inspections: 2017 2018 Fire Department Services for Vehicles $500 $500 $75.00 ($25/multi- $75.00 ($25/multi- Occupancy Inspection family unit family unit with $75 with $75 Work without Permit Double normal fee Double normal fee Re-inspection Fee $75 $75 Subject to actual Subject to actual Special Plan Review/Inspection cost cost Variance Requests $100/code section $100/code section $75/hr 2 hr. $75/hr 2 hr. Inspection Request (less than 72 hrs notice) minimum minimum $100/hr 2 hr. $100/hr 2 hr. Inspection Non-Business Hours minimum minimum

Plan Review (Includes Site Inspection): 2017 2018 $.07/sq. ft. ($75 $.07/sq. ft. ($75 Construction Compliance with Fire Code minimum) minimum) $.07/sq. ft. ($100 $.07/sq. ft. ($100 Performance Based or Alternative Design minimum) minimum) $.07/sq. ft. ($75 $.07/sq. ft. ($75 Fire Alarm and Detection Systems minimum) minimum) $250 up to 20 $250 up to 20 Audio/Visual Annunciation Systems devices, devices, Hood and Duct Suppression Systems $100 per system $100 per system Other Suppression Systems (FM200, Cardox, etc.) $100/plan $100/plan Smoke Evacuation $75/plan $75/plan Water-based Sprinkler Systems (new or altered <20 heads) $100 $100 $.07/sq. ft. ($100 $.07/sq. ft. ($100 Water-based Sprinkler Systems (new or altered >20 heads) minimum) minimum) Spray Booth Operations $100 $100 0 Acceptance Tests: 2017 2018 Hydro-test of Sprinkler Piping (2 hr. test) $125 $125 Fire Pump $100 $100 Fire Alarm and Detection System $100 $100 Hood and Duct Suppression System $100 $100 Other Suppression $100 $100 Smoke Evacuation System $100 $100 Spray Booth System $100 $100 0 Other Permit Items: 2017 2018 Bonfires, Cermonial Fires, Vegetation Burns $50 $50 Hot Work $25 $25 Indoor Vehicle Exhibits $25 $25 Building Demolition $250 $250 Tents for Public Assembly >400 sq. ft. $50 $50 Temporary Fuel Storage $50 $50 Fireworks Displays $125 $125 Code Consulting/Emergency Planning $75/hour $75/hour

Administrative/Other Fees: 2017 2018 CPR Certification Skill Check-Off Only $50/student $55/student CPR Certification $70/student $75/student Open Records Requests $.25/page $.25/page As determined by As determined by the record the record Record Locating Fees custodian only if custodian only if over $50 per over $50 per

Cost of personnel Cost of personnel (loaded wage), (loaded wage), Event Stand-by vehicles/supplies vehicles/supplies plus 25% plus 25% administrative fee. administrative fee.

Office of the Fire Chief Robert Whitaker

To: NSFD Member City Council/Village Boards Date: November 14, 2017 Subject: 2018 Fee Schedule

Enclosed is the proposed 2018 North Shore Fire Department Fee for Service Schedule. This proposed schedule is being forwarded to the seven-member municipal governing bodies with a recommendation from the North Shore Fire Department Board of Directors for adoption.

The Fee Schedule is annually updated by the Board of Directors and requires that at least five of the seven member municipalities pass a local resolution regarding the fee schedule at the Council/Board level. There are three different types of fees charged by the Department, fees for emergency services, fees for fire prevention permits/inspections and administrative fees.

Fees for Emergency Services

This area primarily consists of fees for emergency medical services provided by the Department. In order to meet budgeted revenue for 2018, EMS fees must be raised 17%. Additionally, several fees are being adjusted to reflect the actual cost to provide the service/item. Those fees are:

• Defibrillation: $150 • ALS Supplies: $125 • Mileage: $21 • Glucagon: $210 • Cyano-Kit: $1,375 • CPAP Mask: $70

These changes have been reviewed by our billing contractor and are within usual and customary charges for the area.

Fire Prevention Permits/Inspections

The fee schedule in this area has no changes from 2017.

Administrative Fees

The fee schedule in this area has no changes from 2017 with the exception of a $5 increase in CPR classes due to an increase in the cost of supplies to deliver the course.

Office of the Fire Chief Robert Whitaker

To: Administrator/Managers Date: November 14, 2017 Subject: North Shore Fire Department 2018 Fee Schedule

The North Shore Fire Department Board of Directors passed Resolution 17-03 which recommends a fee schedule to the seven member municipalities for 2018. In accordance with the North Shore Fire Services Agreement, each member municipality governing body must now take up the fee schedule for consideration. The fee schedule can be implemented upon adoption by five municipalities.

Enclosed is the adopted resolution, a resolution of use at the municipal level, a memo explaining the fee changes from 2017 and the actual fee schedule with a side-by-side comparison of the fees for 2017 and 2018.

As always, if your community would like a representative of the fire department to attend your Council/Board Meeting to answer questions regarding this item, please let me know. Our goal is to have each community consider the adoption prior to the end of 2017 so we can implement this as close to January 1, 2018 as possible, if passed by five municipalities, since the adopted budget included projected revenue from the recommended fee changes.


RESOLUTON NO. 2017-26 In the Matter of Authorizing an Exception to the Levy Limits for Charges for the North Shore Fire Department Pursuant to 2005 Wisconsin Act 484

WHEREAS, the Village of Shorewood is a participating member of the North Shore Fire Department under the North Shore Fire Services Agreement, and

WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Legislature has enacted 2005 Wisconsin Act 484 on May 30, 2006, published on June 13, 2006; and

WHEREAS, Act 484 creates Section 66.0602(3)(h), Wis. Stats., which statute provides that levy limits otherwise applicable do not apply to the amount that a city or village may levy in that year to pay for charges assessed by a joint fire department to the extent that the amount levied to pay for such charges would cause the city or village to exceed the limits imposed under Section 66.0602, Wis. Stats.; and

WHEREAS, the exception to the levy limit applies only if the total charges assessed by the joint fire department for the current year increase, relative to the total charges assessed for the previous year, by a percentage that is less than or equal to the percentage change in the US Consumer Price Index for all urban customers, US city average, as determined by the US Department of Labor for the 12 months ending on September 30th of the year of the levy, plus 2%; and

WHEREAS, the exception to levy limits under Act 484 further only applies if the governing body of each city and village served by the North Shore Fire Department adopts a resolution in favor of exceeding such levy limit as may be applicable;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Shorewood hereby authorizes a levy for charges assessed by the joint fire department which exceeds the limit as described and imposed by Section 66.0602, Wis. Stats., but only to the extent as authorized by Section 66.0602(3)(h)2a, Wis. Stats., and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall not be construed as authorizing the North Shore Fire Department to adopt any particular budget, but rather that the Act 484 budget formula shall be deemed a maximum limit on any budget increase which is duly adopted under all applicable procedures and requirements of the North Shore Fire Services Agreement.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, this 20th day of November, 2017.

______Guy Johnson, Village President Countersigned:

______Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk

Office of the Fire Chief Robert Whitaker

To: Board of Directors Date: November 14, 2017 Subject: Resolution 17-02

Section 66.0602(3)(h) provides that levy limits otherwise applicable to municipalities under Chapter 66 of Wisconsin Statutes do not apply to the amount that a city or village may levy in that year to pay for charges assessed by a joint fire department to the extent that the amount levied to pay for such charges would cause the city or village to exceed the limits imposed under Section 66.0602, Wis. Stats.

The exemption applies if the total charges assessed by the Department for the budget year do not exceed the previous year’s charges by a percentage that is less than or equal to the percentage change in the US Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, US City Average, as determined by the US Department of Labor for the 12 months ending on September 30th of the year of the levy plus 2%. Additionally, the Statute requires that for the exemption to be applicable, the governing bodies of all the cities and villages served by the Department must adopt a resolution in favor of exceeding such levy limit.

The applicable CPI change is 2.1%, so under State Statue, the allowable increase is 4.1%. The Department’s actual increase in charges is 2%.

It is my understanding that several member municipalities are interested in using the levy limit exemption for 2018. Enclosed is a resolution for consideration by the Board and a model resolution that can be used by each member municipality. It is important each community consider this resolution prior to December 1, 2017 if possible.

Office of the Fire Chief Robert Whitaker

To: NSFD Member City Council/Village Boards Date: November 14, 2017 Subject: Resolution 17-02

Section 66.0602(3)(h) provides that levy limits otherwise applicable to municipalities under Chapter 66 of Wisconsin Statutes do not apply to the amount that a city or village may levy in that year to pay for charges assessed by a joint fire department to the extent that the amount levied to pay for such charges would cause the city or village to exceed the limits imposed under Section 66.0602, Wis. Stats.

The exemption applies if the total charges assessed by the Department for the budget year do not exceed the previous years charges by a percentage that is less than or equal to the percentage change in the US Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, US City Average, as determined by the US Department of Labor for the 12 months ending on September 30th of the year of the levy plus 2%. Additionally, the Statute requires that for the exemption to be applicable, the governing bodies of all the cities and villages served by the Department must adopt a resolution in favor of exceeding such levy limit.

The applicable CPI change is 2.1%, so under State Statue, the allowable increase is 4.1%. The Department’s actual increase in charges is 2%.

It is my understanding that several member municipalities are interested in using the levy limit exemption for 2018. Enclosed is a resolution for consideration by each member municipality. It is important each community consider this resolution prior to December 1, 2017.


RESOLUTION NO. 2017 - 16

A Resolution Adopting the 2018 Budget and Authorizing the 2017 General Property Tax Levy Against All Taxable Property in the Village of Shorewood

WHEREAS, the Village Board did hold, on the 20th day of November, 2017, a public hearing on the proposed budget for the Village of Shorewood for the calendar year 2018; and

WHEREAS, the Village Board has reviewed the proposed revenues from all sources and the proposed expenditures for all purposes and has directed that the proposed budget be adjusted accordingly;

NOW, THEREFORE, at a meeting of the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, held on the 20th day of November, 2017, a quorum being present and a majority of the Board voting therefor, said Board did resolve as follows:

BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, as follows: 1. That the 2018 Annual Budget, a summary of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, be and is hereby approved; and 2. That there is hereby levied and assessed upon all the taxable property, real and personal, in the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, for the current year, 2017, $11,418,306. Fund details as follows: General Fund $8,152,737, Debt Service Fund $1,745,799, Capital Projects Fund total $550,486, Library Fund $876,095, Elder Services Fund $87,339, Shorewood Today Fund $5,850;

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, this the 20th day of November, 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President


Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk


RESOLUTION 2017 - 17

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Water and Sewer Bills

WHEREAS, the owners of certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land in the Village of Shorewood have failed to pay water and sewer bills, including penalties arising from failure to make payments of such bills on time, although statements have been sent to said owners in a timely manner and demands for payment made;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that a tax be and the same is hereby levied pursuant to Sec. 66.0809 and Section 66.0821(4)(d), Wisconsin Statutes against certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land which Village official records show to be delinquent in the amount of unpaid water and sewer charges imposed by the Village against said property; further that the Village Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized to place the same on the 2017 tax roll as a special assessment to be collected pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 68-19, as general taxes are collected, for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President


Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk


RESOLUTION 2017 - 18

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Grass Cutting Charges

WHEREAS, the owners of certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land listed in the official Village records have failed to pay grass cutting charges as provided in Sec. 220-2B of the Shorewood Village Code, although statements have been sent to them and demands for payment made;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that a special charge be and the same is hereby levied against certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land where grass cutting charges have been made by the Village and for which payment therefore has not been received according to official Village records; further that the Village Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized to place the same on the 2017 tax roll as a special assessment to be collected pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 68-19, as general taxes are collected, for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November, 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President


Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk


RESOLUTION 2017 - 19

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Special Refuse Collections and Disposals

WHEREAS, the owners of certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land listed in the official Village records have failed to pay special refuse collections charges as provided in Sec. 455-2 C (4)(c) of the Shorewood Village Code, although statements have been sent to them and demands for payment made;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that a special charge be and the same is hereby levied against certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land where special refuse collections have been made by the Village and for which payment therefore has not been received according to official Village records, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 455-2, Subsection C(4)(c)[4]; further that the Village Clerk be and is hereby directed to place the same on the 2017 tax roll as a special assessment to be collected, as general taxes are collected, for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this 20th day of November, 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President



RESOLUTION 2017 - 20

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Snow Removal Charges

WHEREAS, the owners of certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land listed in the official Village records have failed to pay snow removal from sidewalk charges as provided in Sec. 466- 27(C) of the Shorewood Village Code, although statements have been sent to them and demands for payment made;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that a special charge be and the same is hereby levied against certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land where snow removal from sidewalk charges have been made by the Village and for which payment therefore has not been received according to official Village records; further that the Village Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized to place the same on the 2017 tax roll as a special assessment to be collected pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 68-19, as general taxes are collected, for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November, 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President


Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk


RESOLUTION 2017 - 21

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Private Alarm Systems Charges

WHEREAS, the owners of certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land listed in the official Village records have failed to pay private alarm systems charges as provided in Sec. 180-8C of the Shorewood Village Code, although statements have been sent to them and demands for payment made;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that a special charge be and the same is hereby levied against certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land where private alarm systems charges have been made by the Village and for which payment therefore has not been received according to official Village records, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 180-8C, further that the Village Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized to place the same on the 2017 tax roll as a special assessment to be collected, as general taxes are collected, for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November, 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President



RESOLUTION 2017 - 22

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment for the Cost of Replacement of Sidewalks, Carriage Walks, Driveway Approaches, Streets, and Alleys to be Levied Against Each Lot Affected for the Year 2017

WHEREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, that the Director of Public Works of said Village, in accordance with the provisions of Section 66.0907(3), Wisconsin Statutes, has duly caused the removal and replacement of sections of sidewalks, carriage walks, and driveway approaches in front of and upon the premises abutting upon certain lots, parts of lots, and parcels of land referred to in the official records of the Village; and

WHEREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of said Village Board that the cost of said work completed in front of and upon the premises adjacent to said lots, parts of lots and parcels of land in the amount shown in official village records, is proper; and

WHEREAS, it appears to the satisfaction of said Village Board that the work was completed by the Village of Shorewood and that the cost of removal and replacement of sections of said sidewalks, carriage walks, and/or driveway approaches has not been paid or otherwise qualified for deferral by all of the property owners whose property abuts upon and is adjacent to those sections of sidewalk, carriage walk, and driveway approaches removed and replaced, as aforesaid;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a tax be and is hereby levied against and upon certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land adjacent to and abutting upon those sections of public sidewalk, carriage walk, and/or driveway approaches removed and replaced for which payment has not been received, as evidenced by the official records of the Village pertaining thereto, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 66.0907(3)(f), Wisconsin Statutes, that the same be placed on the 2017 tax roll and collected as other taxes are collected for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November, 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President



RESOLUTION 2017 - 23

A Resolution Authorizing a Special Assessment to be Levied for Delinquent Re-inspection Charges

WHEREAS, the owners of certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land in the Village of Shorewood have failed to pay re-inspection charges, including added charges arising from failure to make payments of such bills on time, although statements have been sent to said owners in a timely manner and demands for payment made;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood that a tax be and the same is hereby levied pursuant to Sec. 66.0627, Wisconsin Statutes against certain lots, parts of lots and parcels of land which Village official records show to be delinquent in the amount of unpaid re-inspection charges imposed by the Village against said property; further that the Village Clerk/Treasurer is hereby authorized to place the same on the 2017 tax roll as a special assessment to be collected pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 68-19, as general taxes are collected, for said year.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November 2017.

Guy Johnson, Village President



RESOLUTION 2017 - 24

A Resolution Authorizing the Carry Forward of Allowable Prior Year Unused Levy Capacity

WHEREAS, the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin seeks to preserve the maximum allowable levy limit capacity for future years; and

WHEREAS, Maintaining and managing the Village’s tax levy limits is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Villages Long-Range Financial Plan; and

WHEREAS, The Village may have an allowable unused levy capacity which may be carried forward on the 2017 Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet from the prior year; and

WHEREAS, It requires a vote of the Village Board to permit the carry forward of any allowable prior year unused levy.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, that the full amount of the allowable unused prior year levy amount is authorized to be applied as an adjustment to the levy limit on the 2017 Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet.

PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Board of the Village of Shorewood, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin this the 20th day of November 2017.

Vote: Aye _____ , Ney _____

Guy Johnson, Village President


Diane DeWindt-Hall, Interim Village Clerk From: Date: October 17, 2017 at 4:58:43 PM CDT To: , , Cc: , , , , Subject: RFI on Gun Manufacturer's capabilities and practices with respect to safety.

To: Davida Amenta

Tammy Bockhorst

Ann McKaig

Village of Shorewood Public Safety Committee

CC: Guy Johnson, Village President, Police Chief Peter Nimmer, Larry Arft, Interim Village Mgr. and Tyler Burkhart, Assist. Village Mgr.

Subject: RFI on Gun Manufacturer's capabilities and practices with respect to safety.

In recent months, members from Common Ground's DNSIB (Do Not Stand Idly By) team met with Chief Nimmer and President Johnson to discuss the Village of Shorewood joining a national initiative to work with gun manufacturers to reduce the number of deaths and injuries caused by firearms.

Public dollars account for 40% of the firearms purchased in the U.S. Our strategy is to use those dollars to influence gun manufacturers to do two things:

1) Create a first-rate network of dealers that meet high standards of security, record keeping, and cooperation with law enforcement. This would reduce the number of guns getting into the hands of criminals, making life safer for both citizens and members of our police forces.

2) Invest in research in child-proof and theft-proof firearms. Bringing user-authenticated guns (“smart guns”) to the market would have a significant impact on the number of suicides, accidental shootings, and thefts of firearms.

To encourage gun manufacturers to adopt these common sense ideas, we have been meeting with governmental decision makers and asking them to support this campaign. So far, mayors and police chiefs of 120 municipalities across the country have signed on, including Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, Madison Mayor Paul Soglin, County Executive Chris Abele, County DA John Chisholm, Wauwatosa Mayor Kathleen Ehley and Police Chief Barry Weber, South Milwaukee Mayor Erik Brooks, and (former) Oak Creek Mayor Steve Scaffidi.

It was suggested by President Johnson that a decision on this issue should ultimately be made by the Village Board, and the first place we might start would be with the Public Safety Committee who would make the decision to take it to the Village Board.

For your review, you will find attached the following documents:

1. Request for Information from Gun Manufacturers 2. Public Officials' Commitment

We are requesting that the Village Board authorize President Johnson and Chief Nimmer to sign it for the Village of Shorewood.

We would be happy to have representatives from Common Ground DNSIB attend your committee meeting to answer any questions.


Rod DePue [email protected]


1818 E. Shorewood Blvd. Unit 308

Shorewood, WI 53211


Local, state and other governmental bodies in the United States are conducting reviews of their firearms procurement practices to ensure that future purchases of firearms achieve the maximum benefit to taxpayers in terms of public safety. As part of this process, these jurisdictions are seeking information from companies that manufacture firearm models that are currently purchased by public-sector agencies or that are suitable for use by such agencies. The following information is requested regarding each manufacturer’s capabilities and practices with respect to safety.


1. What are the company’s standards and criteria for selecting dealers authorized to sell the company’s firearms? Please list any specific standards in terms of security, recordkeeping, employee training, and cooperation with law enforcement.

2. How does the company respond when one of its firearms is found to have been used in a crime? How does the company use its federal crime gun trace results to evaluate dealers with whom it does business? How does the company respond when gun traces show a pattern of disproportionate numbers of crime guns being sold by particular dealers?

3. Would the company be willing to work with public officials and law enforcement agencies to establish networks of authorized dealers in the United States that maintain high standards in the following areas?

a. Employee training to detect “straw buyers” b. Record keeping of inventory and all transactions c. Security measures to deter gun theft d. Education of buyers regarding gun safety and storage e. Prompt and complete responses to gun trace requests.

4. What efforts does the company currently undertake to prevent its firearms from being stolen from distributors, transporters or dealers, or from being sold or conveyed to individuals not legally permitted to own a firearm? Would the company be willing to establish, if it has not already done so, gun re-purchase or trade-in programs that reduce the number of its products sold second-hand on the internet and in other private sales?

5. What safety products (e.g. trigger locks), if any, does the company include with guns sold in the United States? Please provide descriptions of these products and how they are distributed.


1. Please provide a detailed overview of the company’s activities and goals with respect to gun safety technologies. Please include description of any technologies currently used by the company or now in development that would prevent or deter the use of a gun by unauthorized users, make a gun more difficult for a child to fire, or prevent accidental discharge of a gun. Please describe the extent to which these technologies are already incorporated into the company’s products, and projections for bringing new technologies to market.

2. Please provide an overview of the company’s activities and goals, if any, with respect to bullet microstamping capabilities and any other technologies that enhance ballistics tracing by law enforcement. Please include current uses of these technologies, and plans and projections regarding future use.

3. Would the company be willing to demonstrate its gun safety technologies and capabilities at a U.S. Gun Safety Expo?


Please provide any other information you would like public-sector firearms purchasers to be aware of regarding the company’s practices or capabilities in the area of safety, including any actions taken by the company that are intended to reduce the incidence of gun-related deaths (suicides, homicides and accidental deaths) and crimes in the United States.


Please direct responses to: Do Not Stand Idly By / Metro IAF P.O. Box 136 Jersey City NJ 07303 [email protected]

Do Not Stand Idly By will distribute all responses to each of the following individuals [or their successors]:

CALIFORNIA Mayor Curt Balzano Leng Mayor Cindy Lerner Town of Hamden Village of Pinecrest [Mayor Jean Quan] 2750 Dixwell Ave. 12645 Pinecrest Parkway City of Oakland Hamden CT 06518 Pinecrest FL 33156 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 3rd Floor Oakland CA 94612 [Mayor Pedro E. Segarra] GEORGIA City of Hartford

Mayor Kevin Johnson 550 Main Street, Room 200 Mayor Kasim Reed City of Sacramento Hartford CT 06103 City of Atlanta 915 I Street, 5th Floor 55 Trinity Ave. SW, Suite 2400 Sacramento CA 95814 Mayor Ben Blake Atlanta GA 30303 City of Milford Mayor Edwin M. Lee 110 River St City and County of San Francisco Milford CT 06460 ILLINOIS 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl. San Francisco CA 94102 Mayor Toni Harp [Governor Patrick Quinn] City of New Haven State of Illinois 165 Church Street James R. Thompson Center COLORADO New Haven CT 06510 100 W. Randolph St., Suite 16-100

Chicago IL 60601 Mayor Steven Skadron First Selectman Patricia Llodra City of Aspen Town of Newtown, Municipal Center Chief of Police Gerald S. Mourning 130 South Galena Street 3 Primrose Street Village of Arlington Heights Aspen CO 81611 Newtown CT 06470 33 South Arlington Heights Road

Arlington Heights IL 60005 Mayor Michael B. Hancock Mayor Harry Rilling City and County of Denver City of Norwalk Chief of Police Gary J. Schira 1437 N. Bannock St., Rm. 350 125 East Ave., P.O. Box 5125 City of Batavia Denver CO 80202 Norwalk CT 06856-5125 100 N Island Avenue Batavia IL 60510 CONNECTICUT Mayor John A. Harkins Chief of Police Patrick Ridenhour Public Safety Director John Rita Governor Dannel P. Malloy Town of Stratford Deputy Chief of Police Michael Cornell State of Connecticut 2725 Main Street City of Blue Island State Capitol – 210 Capitol Ave. Stratford, CT 06615 13051 Greenwood Ave. Hartford CT 06106 Blue Island IL 60406 FLORIDA Mayor Joe Ganim Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart City of Bridgeport Mayor Tomas Regalado Cara Smith, Executive Director 999 Broad Street City of Miami Cook County Department of Bridgeport CT 06604 3500 Pan American Dr. Corrections Miami FL 33133 3026 S. California Ave. First Selectman Michael C. Tetreau Chicago IL 60608 Town of Fairfield Mayor Frank C. Ortis Sullivan Independence Hall City of Pembroke Pines Chief of Police Jeffrey Swoboda 725 Old Post Road 10100 Pines Blvd. City of Elgin Fairfield CT 06824 Pembroke Pines FL 33026 151 Douglas Ave. Elgin IL 60120

Mayor Elizabeth Tisdahl Mayor Donna D. Holaday Mayor Mark Sokolich City of Evanston City of Newburyport Borough of Fort Lee 2100 Ridge Ave. 60 Pleasant St. 309 Main St. Evanston IL 60201 Newburyport MA 01950 Fort Lee NJ 07024

Mayor Kevin R. Burns Mayor Setti Warren Mayor Steven Fulop City of Geneva City of Newton City of Jersey City 22 S. First St. 1000 Commonwealth Ave. 280 Grove St. Geneva IL 60134 Newton MA 02459 Jersey City NJ 07302

State’s Attorney Joseph McMahon Mayor Joseph Curtatone Chief of Police Craig Handschuch Kane County City of Somerville Township of Livingston 37W777 Route 38 Suite 300 93 Highland Ave. 357 South Livingston Ave. St. Charles IL 60175-7535 Somerville MA 02143 Livingston NJ 07039

State’s Attorney Michael G. Nerheim Chief of Police Terrence Cunningham Mayor William Laforet Lake County Town of Wellesley Township of Mahwah 18 N. County St., 3rd Floor 485 Washington Street 475 Corporate Drive Waukegan IL 60085 Wellesley MA 02482 Mahwah NJ 07430

Chief of Police Richard Tanksley [Chief of Police Kevin Mooney] Mayor Theodore Burke Village President Anan Abu-Taleb Town of Weston Township of Millburn Deputy Village Manager Lisa Shelley 180 Boston Post Rd. By-Pass 375 Millburn Ave. Village of Oak Park Weston MA 02493 Millburn NJ 07041 123 Madison Street Oak Park IL 60302 Mayor Robert Jackson MICHIGAN Township of Montclair

Chief of Police Frank Kaminski 205 Claremont Avenue [Mayor Dayne Walling] City of Park Ridge Montclair NJ 07042 City of Flint 200 Vine Ave. Park Ridge IL 60068 1101 S. Saginaw St. Mayor Ras Baraka Flint MI 48502 City of Newark 920 Broad Street, Room 200 MARYLAND NEVADA Newark NJ 07102

Attorney General Brian Frosh Mayor Hillary Schieve Mayor Ed Piehler State of Maryland City of Reno Borough of Northvale 200 St. Paul Place 1 East First Street 116 Paris Ave. Baltimore MD 21202 Reno NV 89505 Northvale NJ 07647

County Executive Isiah Leggett Mayor Linda Schwager Montgomery County NEW JERSEY nd Borough of Oakland Executive Office Building, 2 Floor One Municipal Plaza 101 Monroe St. [Mayor Vince Barra] Oakland NJ 07436 Rockville MD 20850 Borough of Allendale 500 West Crescent Ave. Mayor Jose “Joey” Torres Allendale NJ 07401 MASSACHUSETTS City of Paterson

155 Market Street Sheriff Michael Saudino Attorney General Maura Healey Paterson NJ 07505 Bergen County State of Massachusetts 10 Main St. One Ashburton Place, 20th Floor Mayor Liz Lempert Hacksensack NJ 07601 Boston MA 02108 Borough of Princeton

400 Witherspoon Street Mayor Michael Venezia Mayor Martin J. Walsh Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Township of Bloomfield Police Commissioner William Evans 1 Municipal Plaza, Room 209 City of Boston [Mayor Joseph Blundo] Bloomfield NJ 07003 1 City Hall Plaza Township of River Vale

Boston MA 02201 406 River Vale Road Mayor John Glidden River Vale NJ 07675 Borough of Closter Chief of Police Daniel C. O’Leary 295 Closter Dock Rd. Town of Brookline [Mayor Alex Torpey] Closter NJ 07624 350 Washington St. Township of South Orange Village

Brookline MA 02445 101 South Orange Avenue County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo, Jr. South Orange NJ 07079 County of Essex Mayor E. Denise Simmons 465 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., City of Cambridge Mayor Peter Rustin Room 408 795 Massachusetts Ave. Borough of Tenafly Newark NJ 07102 Cambridge MA 02139 100 Riveredge Rd.

Tenafly NJ 07670 Mayor Colleen Mahr Chief William Walsh Borough of Fanwood Great Barrington Police Department Mayor Robert Parisi 75 North Martine Ave. 465 Main Street Council President Susan McCartney Fanwood NJ 07023 Great Barrington MA 01230 Township of West Orange

66 Main Street

West Orange NJ 07052

[Mayor Jeffrey R. Goldsmith] Mayor Stanley C. Koci Mayor Georgine Welo Borough of Woodcliff Lake City of Bedford City of South Euclid 188 Pascack Rd. 165 Center Road 1349 S. Green Road Woodcliff Lake NJ 07677 Bedford OH 44146 South Euclid OH 44121

Michael McGrath, Safety Director Mayor Bradley Sellers NEW YORK Martin Flask, Exec. Asst. to Mayor City of Warrensville Heights

Frank G. Jackson 4301 Warrensville Center Rd. Mayor Wayne J. Hall, Sr. City of Cleveland Warrensville Heights OH 44128 Village of Hempstead 601 Lakeside Ave. 99 Nichols Ct. Cleveland OH 44114 Hempstead NY 11550 PENNSYLVANIA

Mr. Gordon Snow District Attorney Kenneth Thompson Mayor Salvatore J. Panto, Jr. Director of Security Operations Kings County City of Easton Cleveland Clinic Foundation 350 Jay Street 1 South Third Street 9500 Euclid Ave. #A90 Brooklyn NY 11201 Easton PA 18042 Cleveland OH 44106

Mayor Noam Bramson Mayor William Peduto [Mayor Dennis R. Wilcox] Police Commissioner Patrick Carroll City of Pittsburgh City of Cleveland Heights City of New Rochelle 414 Grant St. 40 Severance Circle 515 North Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15219 Cleveland Heights OH 44118 New Rochelle NY 10801

Chief Community Safety & Protection VIRGINIA Comptroller Scott M. Stringer Officer Frank Bova City of New York Sheriff Clifford Pinkney Attorney General Mark Herring One Centre Street Cuyahoga County State of Virginia New York NY 10007 1215 W. 3rd St. 202 North Ninth Street

Cleveland OH 44113 VA 23219 Chief of Police Richard Conway

Village of Port Chester [Mayor Michael B. Coleman] 350 N. Main St. City of Columbus WASHINGTON Port Chester NY 10573 90 West Broad St.

Columbus OH 43215 Mayor Ed Murray Mayor Lovely Warren City of Seattle City of Rochester Mayor Nan Whaley 600 Fourth Avenue 30 Church St. City of Dayton Seattle WA 98104 Rochester NY 14614 101 W. Third Street

Dayton OH 45402 Mayor Joseph Sack WISCONSIN

Police Commissioner Michael Corcoran Mayor Gary Norton, Jr. City of Rye Mayor Paul Soglin City of East Cleveland 1051 Boston Post Rd. City of Madison 14340 Euclid Avenue Rye NY 10580 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., #403 East Cleveland OH 44112 Madison WI 53703

Mayor Paul S. Rosenberg Mayor Michael P. Summers Chief of Police Gregory Austin Mayor Tom Barrett City of Lakewood Village of Rye Brook City of Milwaukee 12650 Detroit Ave. 938 King Street 200 East Wells St. #201 Lakewood OH 44107 Rye Brook NY 10573 Milwaukee WI 53202

Mayor Susan Renda Mayor Michael Newhard District Attorney John Chisholm Village of Moreland Hills Village of Warwick Milwaukee County 4350 SOM Center Road 77 Main Street 821 W. State St., Room 405 Moreland Hills OH 44022 Warwick NY 10990 Milwaukee WI 53233

[Mayor Gary Gottschalk] Mayor Stephen Scaffidi NORTH CAROLINA Village of Oakwood City of Oak Creek 24800 Broadway 8422 S. Griffin Ave. Mayor Esther Manheimer Oakwood Village OH 44146 Oak Creek WI 53154 City of Asheville 70 Court Plaza Mayor Kathy Mulcahy Mayor Erik Brooks Asheville NC 28801 Orange Village City of South Milwaukee 4600 Lander Rd. 2424 15th Ave. Mayor William V. Bell Orange Village OH 44022 South Milwaukee WI 53172 City of Durham 101 City Hall Plaza Mayor Michael P. Byrne Mayor Kathy Ehley Durham NC 27701 City of Parma Heights Chief of Police Barry M. Weber 6281 Pearl Road City of Wauwatosa Parma Heights OH 44130 1700 N. 116th St. OHIO Wauwatosa WI 53226 Mayor Earl Leiken Mayor Merle S. Gorden City of Shaker Heights City of Beachwood 3400 Lee Road NOTE: Officials in [brackets] are no 25325 Fairmount Blvd. Shaker Heights OH 44120 longer in office Beachwood OH 44122 Rev. 10/19/16 COMMON GROUND



Please add my name to the growing list of public officials who are seeking answers from gun manufacturers to questions about their distribution practices, safety technologies, and cooperation with law enforcement.

I agree to be listed on the Request for Information submitted to gun manufacturers by officials from municipalities, counties and states across the United States.

I am committed to working together with citizens and with other public officials to:

• Encourage gun manufacturers to make safety a top priority.

• Develop purchasing practices that achieve the maximum public safety benefits from taxpayer dollars spent on firearms.

• Evaluate safer firearms technologies as they become available.

• Use all available data to measure and evaluate the safety practices of gun manufacturers and dealers.

Name: ______

Title: ______

Jurisdiction: ______

Email address: ______

Name & contact info for key staff person: ______


Date: ______