Introduction to Portuguese Literature - 29120

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Introduction to Portuguese Literature - 29120 Syllabus Introduction to Portuguese literature - 29120 Last update 10-07-2018 HU Credits: 4 Degree/Cycle: 1st degree (Bachelor) Responsible Department: Romance Studies Academic year: 0 Semester: Yearly Teaching Languages: English Campus: Mt. Scopus Course/Module Coordinator: Ms. Joyce Silva Fernandes Coordinator Email: [email protected] Coordinator Office Hours: Thursday, 15:00-16:00 Teaching Staff: Ms. Joyce Silva Fernandes page 1 / 6 Course/Module description: In this course, students will read poems, short stories and novels written by Portuguese, Brazilian, Angolan, Mozambican and Cape-Verdean writers of the 20th and 21st centuries. The exception to the chosen period is the Portuguese poet, Luiz adas (published in 1572) is fundamentalםes, whose epic poem Os LusץVaz de Cam to understand the Portuguese Literature and Culture. The study of the literary texts will be preceded by an introduction to the historical, cultural and social context of the period when the texts were published. Course/Module aims: The most important goal of this course is to have students reading Literature that is, mainly, unknown to them. Through the study of these works, students will enlarge their cultural horizons, by getting acquainted with historical facts and characters, literary and cultural movements and phenomena of the past or present society of the Lusophone world, focusing on Brazilian literature. Learning outcomes - On successful completion of this module, students should be able to: Analyze poems, short stories and novels of the selected Lusophone Literature; Identify the most important themes of the selected Lusophone Literature; Compare different texts written in the same period in different countries that share the same language; Describe the historical, cultural and social conditions that led to the most important changes in the literature of the selected countries in the 20th century; Relate the literary works studied in the course to other works of other literatures (when possible). Attendance requirements(%): 75% Teaching arrangement and method of instruction: Lecture, close reading, debate, presentation in class, film screening. Course/Module Content: 1. General Introduction: the Lusophone world. 2. Portuguese Literature: .(adasםes (Os LusץLuiz Vaz de Cam .2.1 2.1.1. A brief study of the historical and cultural context: the Renaissance, the Portuguese Discoveries and Empire; 2.1.2. Close reading of some episodes of the epic poem: the construction of the epic page 2 / 6 / national hero. 2.2. Fernando Pessoa and the heteronyms: Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis and lvaro de Campos. 2.2.1. A brief study of the historical and cultural context: the Portuguese Modernism. 2.2.2 Reading and analysis of poems written by Fernando Pessoa and heteronyms; reading and analysis of some poems of Pessoa's Message and comparison with .adasםes' Os Lusץsome parts of Cam .Saramago יJos .2.3 2.3.1. A brief study of the historical and cultural context; the postmodern historical novel. 2.3.2. Study of the novel: historical and invented characters; historical facts and imagined events; the symbolic elements of the novel; the criticism of the present through the past. 3. Brazilian Literature: 3.1. 1500's: formation literature. .rio de Mattos GuerraףBaroque: Greg .3.2 .udio Manuel da CostaבArcadian Literature (Arcadismo): Cl .3.3 .(de Alencar (novel יalves Dias (poetry); JosחRomanticism: Gon .3.4 3.5. Realism: Machado de Assis. 3.6. "Parnasianismo": Olavo Bilac. 3.7. Symbolism: Cruz e Sousa. 3.8. Pre-Modernism: European Avant Guard Movements; Monteiro Lobato. .rio de Andrade and Oswald de AndradeבModernism (1920's): M .3.9 3.10. Modernism (1930's): Carlos Drummond de Andrade. .es Rosa; Jorge AmadoדModernism (1945): Guimar .3.11 3.12. Modernism (50's and 60's): concrete poem; Paulo Leminski. 3.13. Fiction in the 70's: Rubem Fonseca; Lygia Fagundes Telles. 3.14. Contemporary writers: Milton Hatoum. 4. African Literatures of Portuguese Language: 4.1. Introduction: from colonial literature to national literature. 4.2. Angola: a brief study of the historical and cultural context. .Eduardo Agualusa: The Book of Chameleons. The construction of identity יJos .4.2.1 4.3. Mozambique: a brief study of the historical and cultural context. 4.3.1. Mia Couto: selected short stories of Every Man is a Race and the novel Sleepwalking Land. The construction of the Mozambican identity in the post-colonial and civil wars. 4.4. Cape Verde: a brief study of the historical and cultural context. joתGermano Almeida, The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Ara .4.4.1 (film screening). Criticism on the hypocrisy of the Cape Verdean society. Required Reading: ANGOLA: AGUALUSA, JOS EDUARDO, The Book of Chameleons, transl. by Daniel Hahn, Simon & Schuster, 2008 page 3 / 6 BRASIL: :Martiniano de. Iracema. Transl. By Clifford E. Landers. New York יALENCAR, Jos Oxford University Press, 2000. ASSIS, Machado de. The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas. Transl. By Gregory Rabassa. New York: Oxford Universiy Press, 1997. sio. The Slum. Transl. By David Rosenthal. Oxford: Oxford UniversityםAZEVEDO, Alu Press, 2000. QUEIROZ, Rachel de. The Three Marias. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1963. LISPECTOR, Clarice. Discovering the World. Transl. by Giovanni Pontiero. Manchester: Carcanet, 1992. .es. The Thrid Bank of the River and other stories. New York: Aדo GuimarדROSA, Jo A. Knopf, 1968. .o Paulo: Record, 1998דes da Areia. SדAMADO, Jorge. Capit SUASSUNA, Ariano. The Rogues Trial. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963. TELLES, Lygia Fagundes. The Girl in the Photograph. Transl. by Margaret A. Neves. New York: Avon Books, 1982. .o Paulo: Editora Objetiva, 2008דia. SיBRITO, Ronaldo Correia de. Galil FONSECA, RUBEM, The Taker and Other Stories, transl. by Clifford E. Landers, Open Letter Books / University of Nebraska Press, 2008 CABO VERDE: .jo, translתALMEIDA, GERMANO, The Last Will and Testament of Senhor da Silva Ara by Sheila Faria Glaser, New York: New Directions, 2004 MOAMBIQUE: COUTO, MIA, Every Man is a Race, transl. by David Brookshaw, London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1994 COUTO, MIA, Sleepwalking Land, transl. David Brookshaw, London: Serpents Tail, 2006. PORTUGAL: :s de, The Lusiads, transl. by William Christopher Atkinson, LondonםCAMES, Lu Harmondsworth / Penguin Books, 1952. PESSOA, Fernando, A Little Larger than the Entire Universe: Selected Poems, sel. and transl. by Richard Zenith, New York: Penguin Books, 2006. Various Authors, A Centenary Pessoa, Manchester: Carcanet, 2003. Additional Reading Material: AFOLABI, NIYI, Golden Cage: Regeneration in Lusophone African Literature, Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 1999. ARENAS, FERNANDO, Lusophone Africa: Beyond Independence, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011. Saramago, (Blooms Modern Critical Views), Chelsea יBLOOM, HAROLD (ed.), Jos House Publications, 2005. CHABAL, PATRICK et al., The Post-Colonial Literature of Lusophone Africa, Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press, 1996. FERREIRA-PINTO, CRISTINA, Gender Discourse and Desire in the 20th Century page 4 / 6 Brazilian Womens Literature, (Purdue Studies in Romance Literatures, v.29), Purdue University Press, 2004. FITZ, EARL; BROWER, KEITH; MARTINEZ-VIDAL, ENRIQUE (edts.), Jorge Amado: New Critical Essays (Latin-American Studies), London: Routledge, 2001. :s de Camoens and the Epic of the Lusiads, NormanםHART, Henry Hersch, Lu University of Oklahoma Press, 1962 NUNES, MARIA LUISA, Becoming True to Ourselves: Cultural Decolonization and National Identity in the Literature of the Portuguese Speaking World (Contributions to the Study of World Literature), Praeger, 1987. PARKINSON, STEPHEN; ALONSO, CLUDIA PAZOS; EARLE, THOMAS FOSTER, A Companion to Portuguese Literature, Tamesis, 2009 ROTHWELL, PHILLIP, A Postmodern Nationalist: Truth, Orality and Gender in the Work of Mia Couto, Bucknell University Press, 2004. SARAIVA, ANTNIO JOS, Initiation into Portuguese Literature, transl. by Christopher C. Lund, Santa Barbara, CA, Center for Portuguese Studies, UCSB, 2006. es: Epic and Lyric, Manchester: Carcanet, 1990ץs de CamםTAYLOR, R. C. (ed.), Lu WASSERMAN, RENATA MAUTNER, Central at the Margin. Five Brazilian Women Writers, Bucknell University Press, 2007. .o Paulo: Martins, 1967דrio de. Aspectos da Literatura Brasileira. SבANDRADE, M ,o Paulo: Cultrixדria concisa da literatura brasileira. 2. ed. SףBOSI, Alfredo. Hist 1975. a da literatura brasileira. I. DasחAderaldo. Presen יnio & CASTELO, JosפCNDIDO, Ant .o Paulo: DIFEL, 1985דorigens ao Realismo. S ,o Paulo: EDUSPדAderaldo. Literatura brasileira: origens e unidade. S יCASTELO, Jos 2 V., 1999. ,יo Josדliteratura no Brasil. 3. ed. Rio de Janeiro: S א oחדnio. IntroduגCOUTINHO, Afr 1966. ______. A literatura no Brasil. 2 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Sul Americana, 6 v., 1977 a 1971. ria da literatura brasileira: seus fundamentosףSODR, Nelson Werneck. Hist .o Brasileira, 1964חדmicos. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Civilizaפecon ,ria da literatura brasileira. 5. ed. Rio de Janeiro: J. OlympioףHist .יVERSSIMO, Jos 1969. o Paulo: Cultrix, 7 v. , 1977 aדncia brasileira. Sךria da inteligףMARTINS, Wilson. Hist 1979. .o Paulo, Cia das letras, 1998דo. Sחדtica da ColonizaיBOSI, Alfredo. Dial .o Paulo, Duas Cidades, 1975דCAMPOS, Augusto et alii. Teoria da Poesia Concreta. S .o Paulo, Ed. 34, 2002דCNDIDO, Antonio. O discurso e a cidade. S .o Paulo, Cia das Letras, 1988דSANTIAGO, Silviano. Nas malhas da letra. S ,tico-culturais. Rio de Janeiroםes polץVale quanto pesa: ensaios sobre quest .______ Cir. Brasileira, 2000. Course/Module evaluation: End of year written/oral examination 0 % Presentation 20 % page 5 / 6 Participation in Tutorials 0 % Project work 60 % Assignments 20 % Reports 0 % Research project 0 % Quizzes 0 % Other 0 % Additional information: Extra bibliography will be provided to students on Moodle. All bibliography cited is available in The Hebrew University main Library. Written essay - end of first semester: 30% Written essay - end of second semester: 30% Presentations in class: 20% Readings and Assignments throughout the year: 20% page 6 / 6 Powered by TCPDF (
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