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IMPACT ANALYSIS OF BLENDED MOBILITY ON “GREEN EMPLOYMENT” LAND DEGRADATION AND REHABILITATION IN MEDITERRANEAN ENVIRONMENTS (LANDCARE). ERASMUS +. KEY ACTION 2 – STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP (KA203). HIGHER EDUCATION (2015-1-ES01-KA203-016214). October 2015-September 2018‐project..html JULY, 2018 1 The people who collaborated in the preparation of this report are the following UNIVERSITY OF SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, SPAIIN (PROJECT COORDINATOR) Agustin Merino, Coordinador, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Beatriz Omil, Manager, Department of Soil Science and Agriculttural Chemistry Ana Garcia Arias, Department of Applied Economics Ana María Ramos Caruncho, Exterior Relations Service Beatriz Cebreiro, Department of Didactics and school organization Beatriz Sempere, Exterior Relations Service Carmen Fernandez-Morante, Department of Didactics and School organization Carol Jena Gillanders, Department of Didactics and School Organization Cesar Perez-Cruzado, Department of Soil Science and Agriculturral Chemistry Collen Fugate, Landcare Studeent Diego Martiña, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Eva López Barrio, Woman Emprende Enrique Lopez Veloso, Head of the Exterior Relations Service Fernando Cobo, Department of Animal Biology Gloria Cruz Amil, Employment Unit Inés Rodriguez, Landcare Student Jacobo Feás, Deparment of Financial and accounting economy José Manuel Rebolo, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area María L. Fernandez-Marcos, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry María Teresa Barra Silva, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry Noemi Santiago, Landcare Student Pablo Ramil, IBADER Pablo Ríos, Landcare Student Patricia Gonzalez Alonso, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area Ramon Díaz Varela, IBADER Rufino Vieira Lanero, Department of Animal Biology Santiago Vazquez, Department of Didactics and School Organizaation Veronica Piñeiro, RIAIDT FOREST RESEARCH CENTRE OF LOURIZÁN, SPAIN José A.
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