The Curate CHURCH SCHOOL will resume Sunday, Notes for September 14th, and we are very excited for another great school year. If you know any the ministry children aged five or over who might like to join and life of us, please don't hesitate to let me know. Church Immanuel parish School meets from 9.45am to 10.30am most Sundays. Also, we will need teachers! Please consider helping us with this important and rewarding ministry. If you have questions or would like to know more, please catch me in church, or email
[email protected]. — Liz Plant, Church School Coordinator Curate for the weeks of August 17 & 24, 2014 NEXT MOVIE DISCUSSION NIGHT ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 23. We will gather together for our next Movie Discussion Night at 6pm on Saturday, August 23 at the home of Tom and Dianne Meyers, 245 Manchester Way in Middletown. The film to watch before you come is "Philomena", starring Judi Dench. The movie is based on a true story of a woman's search for her son who was taken away from her at his birth 50 years earlier. Find out what happens by watching the movie, then join us for discussion. Please bring a dish to share and come ready to talk about the social and religious questions raised by the story and the values it highlights. Contact Glenn Rill or Suzanne Souder (302/322-1692) for directions, or if you want to join a carpool as either rider or driver. ST. ANNE’S GUILD MEETING. St. Anne’s Guild will have the first meeting of the 2014/2015 year on Wednesday, September 3rd at 7pm in the Parish Hall.