Niuspepa Bilong Yumi Ol PNG Stret! K1 tasol Namba 2140 Septemba 17Wantok - 23, 2015 36 pes Gavman

Wantok ranim gut Niuspepa i Anivesari Aja Potabe i raitim “Tasol yumi olgeta i ken Mista O’Neill i tok PNG i wok manmeri i ken planim kaikai sanap wantaim, wokbung long bungim hevi bikos ais o gen taim ren i kambek gen,” tok, PNG:PRAIM Minista Peter O’Neill O’Neillwantaim na daunim ol dispela fros i kukim gaden kaikai. Mista O’Neill i tok. i tok planti kantri i wok long salens. “Tude ol famili i wok long “Na mipela i laik askim ol kisim taim bikos prais bilong “Global ikonomi i no ran gut wari bikos gaden kaikai bilong manmeri long noken kisim deti Hamamas na ol samting we gavman i save long dispela taim. Ol prais ol i pinis. Ais i bagarapim politiks bilong ol i kam insait salim na kisim mani long en bilong samting long salim na gaden kaikai. Ren i no bin kam long aninit long dispela hevi i go daun. kisim mani i no stap stret, long taim tu,”O’Neill i tok. yumi wok long kisim taim long stap wantaim Mista O’Neill i tok PNG i stap prais i wok long go daun. Mista O’Neill i tok gavman i en. gut long han bilong gavman na Tasol Mista O’Neill i tok long wok long givim ol kaikai long ol “I nogat taim long pilaim bai no inap kisim taim, tasol ol PNG tasol, gavman i wok long manmeri husat i kisim bikpela politiks. Draut o taim bilong belisi long narapela kantri i wok long lukautim gut ikonomi bilong bagarap long ais o fros. bikpela san na frost o ais i wok kisim bikpela bagarap bikos dispela kantri. “Tude taim yumi bung long long bagarapim laip na 40 Yias ikonomi bilong ol i wok long go “Maski sampela samting i hia, gavman i wok long sindaun bilong manmeri. daun. kamap, tasol ikonomik gro saplaim kaikai long ol ples we Global woming o ples I wok Mista O’Neill i bin mekim bilong yumi i stap long gutpela manmeri i kisim taim long en. long go tuhat na klaimet senis Independens dispela toktok aste monin taim mak. Ikonomi bilong yumi bai “Mipela i wok long givim ol i wok long kamapim dispela ol i apim plak long Indipendens gro yet,” em i tok. sid bilong kaikai bikos ol samting,”O’Neill i tok. Hil long Pot Mosbi long makim Anivesari namba 40 indipendens de bilong PNG. “Insait long 40 yia, PNG i bin Lukim ol poto bilong yumi bungim planti hevi na salens. Tasol ol dispela salens i mekim bilong 40 yias yumi kamap strongpela Papua manmeri,” Mista O’Neill i tok. “Tude kantri bilong yumi i Independens fleg wok long bungim sampela hevi Niugini! na salens. Ol dispela salens i reising seremoni stap ausait long boda bilong kantri bilong yumi na i wok long long pes 33... kam insait. P2 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen Gren Sif: Yangpela mas skul gut Sindaun bilong PNG stap long han bilong ol yangpela manmeri

Aja Potabe i raitim “Taim mi bin stap Pati Lida bilong Nesenel Alaiens Gavman namel GREN Sif Sir i long yia 2007 na 2012, gavman i tok sindaun bilong Papua bin stretim toktok wantaim Niugini (PNG) long bihain taim i ExxonMobil na ol arapela bikpela stap long han bilong ol yangpela kampani long kirapim K43 bilien manmeri. PNG LNG Projek,” Sir Michael i tok. Taim PNG i amamas long Em i tok dispela projek bai nidim selebretim 40 yia indipendens ol save manmeri long wok. anivesari, Sir Michael i laikim ol Wankain olsem tasol, Sir Michael i yangpela manmeri na skul pikinini bin stretim planti projek insait long long harim na bihainim gut dispela kantri. Wanpela bilong en i Ramu toktok. Nikel maining long Madang. “Bihain taim bilong kantri bilong Ramu NiCo em i namba faiv yumi i stap long han bilong ol bikpela nikel maining long wol. yangpela manmeri na skul pikinini. “Dispela kain projek i save nidim Mi laikim olgeta skul pikinini na ol saveman long wok. Mi laikim ol yangpela manmeri long skul gut na skul pikinini long skul gut. Kisim kisim save,” Sir Michael i tok. moa save na no ken larim ol ausait Sir Michael i tok taim kantri i bin manmeri i kamap bos long wok kisim indipendens long 16 ples. Septemba 1975, PNG i no bin gat “Nau em i taim ol manmeri PNG planti save manmeri long ronim i mas kamap bos. Taim bilong ol kantri. ausait man i kamap bos em i long “Tasol marimari bilong Papa God taim pinis. i bin stap wantaim mipela. Maski “Papua Niugini pikini i mas lukluk mipela i no bin gat planti save Gren Sif Michael Somare wantaim meri bilong em, Veronica Somare long yia 1975. Poto: Intanet go het na tingting bikpela. Noken manmeri, mipela i bin bilip strong sotim tingting na save bilong yu. long God long helpim mipela i Dispela em i indpendens toktok i ranim gut dispela yangpela kantri,” na raun nating nating long strit o Yumi gat planti dokta long haus sik, sindaun long komyuniti. kam long papa bilong dispela Sir Michael i tok. stap nating long ples. Ol i mas skul ol loya bilong yumi yet i tok Inglis Sir Michael i bin mekim dispela kantri, Sir Michael. Sir Michael em Gren Sif, husat i Gavana bilong gut na stadi strong long kisim save na harim kot. Na ol bikpela save toktok tupela wik i go pinis long i long taim man stret husat i winim Is Sepik, bai risain long politiks na na ranim gut dispela kantri. manmeri bilong yumi yet i kamap Katolik Bispos Konprens long Pot moa long 40 yia long politiks insait bai no moa sanap long 2017 “Bipo namba bilong manmeri leksara bilong ol yunivesiti. Mosbi taim em i bin autim tingting long Komonwelt. nesenel ileksen. Tasol em bai stap PNG stret husat i skul na kisim “Mi amamas stret long olgeta bilong en long Nesenel De bilong Sir Michael i tok em bai no inap yet olsem wanpela papa bilong save long mekim wok dokta, manmeri PNG husat i skul gut na tanim bel na beten long Ogas 26. sanap long 2017 Nesenel Ileksen. yumi olgeta manmeri PNG. akaunten, loya, na ensinia i no bin kisim save. Nau salens bilong yumi Em i tok kantri bilong yumi i gat “Mi bai risain na givim sans long Asde yumi amamas long makim planti. em long skulim gut ol pikinini na planti samting tru. Nesural risos ol yangpela long kisim ples bilong indipendens de bilong kantri PNG. “Ol waitman i bin les long yumi i yangpela manmeri. olsem gol, ges, wel na kopa i pulap mi. Taim yumi amamas long selebretim kisim indipendens bikos yumi no “Yumi mas skulim ol long gutpela long gruan na long solwara tu Sir Michael i tok em i no pilim sik. 40 yia indipendens anivesari bilong bin gat planti saveman long kantri,” pasin. Ol yangpela manmeri i no wantaim. Helt bilong em i stap klia. Tasol i luk kantri bilong yumi, Sir Michael i Sir Michael i tok. ken mekim pasin nogut. Ol i mas “Yumi nidim save manmeri bilong olsem em bai stap long ples putim ai long ol yangpela manmeri Em i tok ol lida bilong yumi olsem kamap stretpela manmeri long ai yumi yet. Nogut ol ausait manmeri wantaim ol pipel na mekim ol long skul gut, kisim gut save na Sir , Sir Matiabe bilong God na long ai bilong papa i kam na paulim yumi. Mi laik arapela komyuniti wok long stretim kamap gutpela lida manmeri bilong Yuwi, Sir Tei Abal, Sir mama na komyuniti wantaim,” Sir salensim ol yangpela manmeri long laip na sindaun bilong ol manmeri PNG long bihain taim. na ol arapela lida i save bungim Michael i tok. PNG long skul gut,”em i tok. bilong ples. “Toktok mi laik mekim long ol liklik save bilong ol long larim PNG Em i tok PNG em i yangpela Sir Michael i tok taim em i bin Wanpela namba wan toktok Sir yangpela manmeri em long skul gut i ran gut. kantri tumas. Tasol planti gutpela stap praim minista bilong PNG long Michael i laikim PNG manmeri long tasol. Edueksen em i bikpela “Nau mi amamas olsem ol mangi samting i wok long kamap long namba 8 Nesenel Palamen em i mekim em long bihainim Tok bilong samting. Mi bilip long edukesen. PNG yet i ken flaim balus. Ol mangi kantri na ol manmeri husat i bin bin kisim i wanpela bikpela risos God na sanap strong long pasin “Yangpela manmeri i noken les PNG yet i ken kamap sip kepten. skul i amamas na ol i gat gutpela projek i kam long kantri. bilong lotu tru long God.

Yumi amamas long pasin tumbuna wantaim indipendens

Aja Potabe i raitim kamap olsem nau yumi lapun papa bilong yumi stap,”Mista O’Neill i tok. husat i bin mekim PRAIM Minista Peter “Yumi mas amamas hatwok long larim PNG i O’Neill i tok yumi stap long moa long 800 kain kisim indipendens na long wanpela gutpela kain tok ples na pasin kamap olsem kantri na stailpela kantri tumbuna yumi i gat long bilong en yet long 16 Papua Niugini. dispela kantri bilong Septemba 1975. Mista O’Neill i tokim ol yumi. Yumi kam long “Yumi amamas long manmeri husat i bin kain kain ples na yumi wanem gutpela samting kam witnesim plak save bihainim kainkain kantri i bin lukim taim resing seremoni aste kalsa tasol yumi stap yumi wokbung wantaim we i bin kamap long siks aninit long wanpela long dispela 40 yia. kilok moning long kantri – Papua Niugini. “Tude em i taim bilong Indipendens Hil long “Tude yumi i ken lukluk i go bek na glasim sait bilong Nesenel amamas wantaim na wanem gutpela smting Palamen. lukluk i go bek long ol yumi mekim long nem “Tude em i de bilong gutpela samting yumi i bilong kantri bilong makim 40 yia bin sanap wantaim yumi. indipendens bilong olsem kantri na mekim “Nau em i taim bilong kantri bilong yumi. Yumi long nem bilong PNG. skelim gut ol samting mas amamas tu long ol “Yumi mas bilip strong yumi i in mekim na tu kainkain pasin tumbuna long yumi yet na skulim larim ol dispela samting na kalsa yumi gat long ol pikinini bilong yumi i helpim yumi long PNG. Ol dispela long sanap strong tu. kirapim PNG long Ol sumatin i amamas long lukim Paraim Minista Peter O’Neill na sekan wantaim long Inpendens Hill long kainkain kalsa na pasin “Yumi mas amamas kamap stronpela palamen haus taim praim minista i reisim fleg bilong 40 yia indpendens anivesary bilong yumi. tumbuna i mekim yumi na tok tenkyu long ol kantri,”PM O’Neill i tok. Poto: Nicky Bernard spesolsaplimen Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P3 Toktok i kam long Edukesen Seketeri long 40 yia Indipendens helpim na ol gavanens na senisim skul sistem. na Trening, TVET Ekspensen, na edukesen sistem mas wok long taim gutpela samting Dipatmen bilong Edukesen i pinisim Edukesen Infrastraksa, E-Lening na na wok gut na strong. olsem; wok bung nupela Nesenel Edukesen Plen 2015- Skul Sistem Straksa. “Mi tok tenkyu na amamas long na mekim disisen, 19. Dispela Plen i gat ol plen bai helpim Long ol dispela edukesen bihain long hatwok bilong ol tisa na pablik sevan olgeta edukesen long toktok long ol hevi na ol salens i 5-pela yia bai i mas kamap olsem, long las 40 yia. Sapos yupela i no stap atoriti i kamapim kamap long menesmen bilong Nesenel olgeta sumatin, maski wanem kain hap bai mipela no inap kam olsem. Mi tok plen, olgeta tisa bai Edukesen Sistem. ol i stap ol i mas pinisim skul na kisim tenkyu long ol mamapapa na pablik gat wankain tisa Ol i lukluk long wokim ol dispela kwalati edukesen, olgeta i mas lainim long sapot bilong yupela,” Dokta sevis, skulim bikpela samting olsem; Tisa Edukesen samting long standet olsem ol narapela, Kombra i tok. wanpela Karikulum, tisa trensfe na gutpela tisa trening. Edukesen sistem i bin lukim planti salens i Dokta Uke Kombra, Ekting mekim gut long Seketeri bilong Edukesen. kwalati bilong edukesen na “MI salim tok halo bilong olgeta pikinini i ken skul, 40 yia Indipendens i go gutpela trening bilong ol tisa, long ol pipel bilong Papua konstraksen bilong planti Niugini (PNG). Taim yumi skul na institusen long redi long amamas long bungim moa populesen na dispela impoten taim, givim sans long ol sumatin yumi mas lukluk bek long husat i no pinisim skul long ol samting yumi winim Gret 10 na 12 we i wankain long edukesen sekta,” long standet bilong wol. Ekting Seketeri bilong Wanpela bikpela rifom Edukesen, Dokta Uke bilong edukesen sistem i bin Kombra i tok. kamap long 1993 we i lukim Dokta Kombra i tok ol bikpela senis olsem edukesen, trening na litresi i kirapim ol elementri skul na bikpela samting long mekim gut ol hai skul i divelopmen, bel isi, na kamap sekenderi skul. gutpela sindaun bilong Planti ol bikpela samting i yangpela kantri, PNG. Em i kamap long las 40 yia i tok taim PNG i kisim groim na mekim sistem indipendens long 1975, kamap bikpela. Edukesen sekta i mekim Nesenel Edukesen bikpela senis na helpim long Sistem i bin kamap bikpela divelopim kantri. long enrolmen, planti skul na Edukesen i no bin stat ol institusen na namba wantaim Indipendens long bilong ol tisa long 1975 na 1975. Divelopmen bilong 2014. Em i givim ol namba i edukesen i bin stap long han soim olsem enrolmen i bin bilong ol sios. Ol namba senis na planti narapela wan Westen kain skul i bin senis insait long edukesen op long 1870 wantaim ol sistem i kamap long las 40 Misineri long Papua rijen. yia. Dispela em bipo long Ol hevi na ol salens i koloniel gavman i kamap kamap bikos no gat inap long rijon. mani na risos long inapim Ol dispela misineri i bin kwalati tisa na lainim givim ol besik edukesen samting long ol skul na long rit na rait. Ol lokal pipel institusen i kamap yet nau. i ken ritim Baibel, go pas Tasol mipela i tok tenkyu long ol samting bilong sios long olgeta patna na na mekim gut ol sindaun stekholda olsem Nesenel, bilong ol long ol viles. Provinsel na Lokal Level Trupela kamap bilong gavman, ol sios, ol edukesen i bin stat taim divelopmen patna, ol non- Dipatmen bilong Edukesen i gavman ogenaisen, na ol stat long 1946 olsem hap bisnis haus long go het long bilong Teritori sapot wantaim mani na ol Edministresen. PNG i narapela sapot long lukautim em yet stat long edukesen sekta. 1973 wantaim selp gavman, Nesenel Gavman tu i na kisim inidpendens long kamapim ol nupela polisi na 1975. tingting long mekim gut bai Sampela ol bikpela olgeta pikinini i ken skul na divelopmen long edukesen skul i ken kamap fri long em, yunifaid edukesen olgeta. Tuisen Fi Fri Polisi sistem, tisa sevis, tisa sevis (TFF) i bin kamap long 2012 komisin, standet salari skel i bin wanpela bikpela bilong olgeta tisa na trupela enrolmen long olgeta level patnasip long edukesen bilong edukesen. plening na mekim disisen. Introdaksen bilong Edukesen i bin skelim wok Stended Bes Edukesen namel long ol sios na (SBE) long dispela yia bai gavman. Ol sios i save mekim gut standet bilong lukautim olsem hap bilong ol skul karikulum, redim ol tisa skul na institusen inap nau. na profesenel divelopmen, Dispela i save givim eksem, inspeksen, skul Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 P4 spesolsaplimen Bihain long 40 yia, PNG i sindaun olsem wanem Insait long 40 yia, planti senis i kamap long kantri. Hia em sotpela ripot bilong sampela bilong ol dispela senis. Politiks nem moa. Kakao i wok Baset Helt long kamap strong gen I gat moa politikal Mak bilong mani Helt sevis long long sampela nambis pati tude i winim gavman i skelim kantri i gat moa provins. Planti ol namba bilong ol pati long baset long Papua Niugini bikpela plantesin i pas long taim bilong in- wan wan yia i sut i dokta na ol nes i bikos ol kain bisnis dependens. Tude i go antap na winim lukautim ol sik- olsem kopra na raba i gat moa memba i dai nabaut. Welpam planti bilien Kina. man. Tasol kantri stap long gavman bisnis i kisim ples nau Long taim bilong i nidim moa em Pipels Nesenel Kongres (PNC) i go na sampela provins i wok long givim independens na dokta na ol nes pas long en. Dispela pati i no bin kamap bikpela hap graun tru long planim dispela 30 yia bihain long en baset i stap long mak bikos populesen i bikpela moa we i winim long taim bilong independens. nupela bisnis diwai. bilong milien Kina tasol. I gat tok lukaut i mak bilong 7 milien na i wok long gro yet. Pangu Pati husat i bin go pas long sin- Ol didman opisa long taim bilong inde- kamap long gavman i mas was gut long ol Helt bilong ol mama na bebi i no stap long gaut long kisim independens i stap laip yet pendens i dai pinis. Tude i no gat moa ol rot em i spendim kain bikpela mani olsem. tupela mak. Olgeta yia moa mama i save tasol tude ol i stap long Oposisen na i gat ekstensen opisa bilong dipatmen i raun Sampela saveman i mekim strongpela dai long taim ol i karim bebi na planti moa nupela lida bilong en. Sir Michael Somare long ol ples na toktok wantaim ol fama na toktok long gavman i mas spendim mani bebi i dai bipo long ol i winim 2 o 3-pela husat i bin lida bilong Pangu long taim bi- soim ol long nupela rot bilong lukautim ol long independens i stap long Nesenel long ol wok i stap insait long baset plen na krismas. bisnis diwai. Alaiens Pati. maski long putim bikpela mani long ol pro- Ol haus sik long kantri i nidim nupela Rais i kamap wanpela nupela bisnis ol Tude kantri i gat 22 provins na 89 distrik. jek i no stap insait long baset. masin, moa bet bilong ol sikman na moa pipel i stat long planim. I gat ol saveman Tupela nupela provins, Hela na Jiwaka em speselis dokta. Sampela haus sik i olpela bilong egrikalsa i traim long bringim dis- palamen i givim tok orait long kamapim tru na gavman i mas sanapim nupela haus pela bisnis I go long ol pipel. Edukesen long jisim ples bilong ol. long tupela yia i go pinis. Edukesen i wok Nesenel Divelopmen Benk tu i kirapim Olgeta yia planti sikman i save painim Not Solomons Provins i kamapim gav- long lukim bikpela tingting bilong ol pipel long planim rais na man bilong en yet insait long provins. Ol i mani na go long olo ovasis haus sik long salim long ol arapela pipel. PNG i wok long senis, sampela i bin vot long dispela ileksen bilong lukim ol speselis dokta long stretim sik bi- tromoi bikpela mani yet long baim rais long gutpela tasol i gat ol kamapim Atonomas Rijon bilong Bogenvil long ol. Australia na long ol nogut bilong en tu. long dispela yia. Dispela em i namba wan Bihain long 40 yia, PNG i sot yet long ol kantri long Esia. Ol papamama i rot bilong provins i bihainim long kamap speselis dokta na ol masin samting bilong amamas long fri stretim ol kain kain sik. I tru yumi gat ol gut- wanpela provins i sanap long strong bilong edukesen, tasol i no gat inap klasrum, tisa em yet. Pis pela PNG dokta i mekim ol speselis wok, na spes long ol skul. Ol arapela provins long kantri i bin gat PNG i gat bikpela tasol dispela namba i no inap. Kantri i Kwaliti bilong ol tisa tu i pundaun. I no provinsal gavman bihain long indepen- nem long bisnis bilong nidim moa. gat gutpela trening long ol tisa i skulim ol dens, tasol palamen i bin vot long rausim painim na salim pis, ol pawa na givim i go bek long han bilong moa yet long tuna o gret 7 na 8 long ol komyuniti skul. Lo na Oda nesenel gavman. Tude kantri i gat ol lokal atun bisnis insait long I no gat gutpela trening long ol tisa i Bikpela salens level gavman (LLG) we ol memba bilong Pasifik rijon. skulim ol elementeri skul, planti bilong ol long ol polisman na palamen na presiden bilong ol LLG i sin- Kantri i go pas long sindaun long bung em ol lain i pinis long gret 6 na gret 8 na i meri em long mekim daun long en. bilong ol kantri long rijon long paitim toktok no kisim gutpela trening bilong redi long ol pipel i bilip gen I gat tripela meri i winim sia bilong ol long long bisnis bilong tuna. Tude i gat tripela skulim ol liklik pikinini long elementeri. long ol. 2012 nesenel ileksen na ol i sindaun long tin pis faktori long kantri na gavman i gat Pasin bilong rit na rait long tok Inglis i I no gat inap kwaliti Palamen nau. Wanpela i minista bilong plen long sanapim sampela moa. Tasol pundaun. Planti skul i no wari long ol polisman na meri gavman, narapela i gavana bilong provins dispela ol faktori i bilong ol pikinini i no tok Inglis long skul, ol i yusim husat i gat gutpela trening long lukautim lo na namba tri i holim sia bilong Lae ilek- ovasis investa. Tok Pisin o tok ples. na oda. Olgeta de i gat ripot bilong ol poIis toret. Nupela sistem ol i kolim Autkams Beis i paitim o kilim ol manmeri. Forestri Edukesen i paulim planti tisa na sapos tisa Dispela pasin i mas senis. I gat gutpela Ikonomi Bisinis bilong katim ol i paul bai ol pikinini tu i paul nabaut. Gav- program i kamap nau long givim gutpela Wok mani bilong diwai na salim i slo man i laik rausim na putim olpela sistem i trening na stia long ol polis. Ol lain polis bi- kantri i kamap strong daun liklik bikos i gat lo kam bek tasol ol teks buk na wok bilong long Australia i wok long helpim long moa. Gavman i kisim i tambu long katim na skulim ol tisa long yusim dispela sistem i mekim dispela wok nau. gutpela mani long ol salim ol diwai. Long no redi yet. Olgeta yia long nesenel baset, gavman i save givim bikpela mani tru i go long ol neturel risos bilong taim lo i no stap, bikpela Dispela yia, 2015 gavman i tok save kantri na tu, i gat bus long kantri i bin wok bilong luaktuim lo na oda insait long olsem i no gat projek fi. Dispela lo bilong kantri. planti ol ovasis investa i kam wok bisnis. bagarap long taim ol gavman i kamapim bikpela hevi moa long Ol bikpela kampani bilong PNG tu i wok kampani i kam insait skul bikos ol i no gat mani long mekim ol long kirapim bisnis long ol narapela Pasifik katim diwai na salim i go aut long ol ovasis Envairomen kantri. maket. projek o baim ol saplai na arapela samting Wanpela bikpela Tude, namba wan benk bilong PNG, ol i nidim long ranim skul. hevi i kamap long Bank South Pacific i skruim wok i go long Ol Kaikai Ol studen husat i no inap go long yuni- kantri nau em ol ol arapela kantri long rijon. Ol supaenue- Kantri i wok vesiti o ol arapela bikpela skul i gat sans bagarap bilong klaimet sen fan na han bilong ol gavman i bosim long lusim long skruim edukesen bilong ol long ol senis i wok long royalti mani bilong ol papagraun tu i inves- bikpela mani yet praivet skul. Planti bilong ol dispela skul i kamapim. tim mani long ol ovasis bisnis. Ol ples long nambis long baim ol fres givim trening long kompiuta, bisnis, turis Ol rot bilong kisim mani long ol kain kaikai long ol na ailan i kisim taim long solwara i bagara- samting olsem gas, oil, gol na kopa i stap bisnis na planti arapela kain wok. ovasis kantri. Ol pim ples. Ol ples long Hailans i kisim hevi long gutpela mak na PNG i wok long salim Tasol ol dispela kain skul i dia moa na kain kaikai bilong long taim bilong bikpela san na ais i pun- gas i go long ol ovasis kantri. planti papamama i no inap long painim kamap long kol daun na kilim ol gaden kaikai. Long taim bilong independens no gat ples long Hailans mani long baim skul fi. Planti ol dispela Dispela hevi I soim olsem PNG i mas gat wanpela lida i ting olsem gas bai bringim i ken kisim ples kain praivet skul i stap long ol bikpela taun gutpela plen bilong skulim ol pipel long bikpela mani i kam insait long kantri. bilong ol kaikai i na siti tasol. stretpela taim bilong planim kaikai na wanem kain kaikai bai i gro gut. kam long ol ovasis kantri. Gavman i luksave tu long ol vokesenel I mas gat tu ol wok bilong helpim ol pipel Egrikalsa Gavman i tambu long sampela bilong ol skul o TIVET skul na i wok long kirapim i wokim banis long stopim solwara i PNG i no gat nem moa long ol kantri i dispela kaikai long strongim ol lokal fama program long pulim ol yangpela manmeri i save kamapim gutpela kwaliti kopi. long groim ol dispela kaikai. Tasol planti bagarap ples. Hevi bilong klaimet senis i go kisim trening long ol tred olsem Egrikalsa i no bringim bikpela mani tumas fama i tok ol i no redi yet long kamapim soim tu olsem lantri i mas gat ol saveman kapenta, plama, mekanik na ol kain wok i kam insait long kantri. Ol kain bisnis diwai bikpela kaikai fam long bihainim tingting bi- bilong ol kain kain hevi dispela samting i olsem kopi, kokonas, ti na raba i no gat long gavman. olsem. save kamapim. Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok spesolkomentri P5 Hepi Independens de i go KOMENTRI apua Niugini i winimlong 40 yia yumi olgeta long PNGLong eria bilong poli- na arapela samting bilong wok. nau. Long olgeta kona bi- tiks, wanpela gutpela Kantri i mas painim moa mani long long kantri bai i gat ol 40 yias nau na wanem taim senis insait long 40 yia stretim ol dispela samting. Yumi bikpela amamas na selebresen i em dispela lo bilong lukim ples klia tu olsem sapos i gat kamap.P Long ol bikpela taun na strongim ol politikal pati. gutpela edministreta bilong provins siti i gat ol program i kamap long bai korapsen i stop? Astingting bilong i wok gut wantaim helt dipatmen, wanpela wik i kam bungim Sep- kamapim dispela lo em i bai ol inap long wokim gut plen na temba 16. Sampela sios i gat pro- bilong stopim ol memba i baset bilong stretim haus sik na ol gram bilong lotu na tok tenku yu kalap i go i kam long ol arapela helt sevis insait long long Bikpela long ol blesing em i politikal pati. Tasol i mas provins. givim long kantri bilong yumi gat moa wok i kamap Lo na oda i narapela bikpela long 40 yia. long strongim gut dispela hevi. Tasol gavman i strong nau I gat bikpela senis tru i kamap. lo bikos ol memba i wok long kisim moa plisman na meri long wok. Gavman bilong Australia Sampela bilong ol i gutpela bikos i long kalap i go kam yet. Narapela bikpela senis i wok bung wantaim PNG long soim olsem kantri bilong yumi i wok mekim wok bilong strongim polis long muv i gohet. Na i gat sampela yumi lukim long politiks em wok bilong ol lokal fos bilong kantri. Dispela i wanpela senis i soim olsem kantri bilong gutpela senis we bai strongim wok yumi i wok long stap long mak level gavman i kamap strong. Long ol provins bilong ol polis na strongim gen bilip nogut. we ol lidai wok bung, i bilong ol pipel long gutpela wok ol Planti bilong yumi i save skelim gat gutpela senis i polisman na meri i mekim long strong bilong kantri long mak bilong kamap. Tasol long ol lukautim sindaun bilong pipel. ol kain samting olsem ol rot, bris, provins we ol lida i no Wok bilong go pas na stiaim kantri i go long gutpela rot, em i no haus sik, skul, ples balus, ol bisnis, wok bung, lokal level isi. Yumi tok tenk yu long gavman ol ovasis investa na kwaliti bilong ol gavman i no strong tumas. bilong tude long bikpela hatwok em tisa na ol arapela wokman bilong ol i mekim. gavman dipatmen. Sapos yumi Long wok bilong ol Yumi tok tenk yu long ol gutpela lukim olsem ol dispela samting i gavman sevis olsem helt, lida bilong yumi long palamen na orait, bai yumi tok kantri i stap long edukesen, lo na oda na long lokal level gavman. Yumi tok gutpela mak na i wok long muv i go pablik yutiliti, yumi lukim tenk yu tu long ol gutpela pablik het na ol pipel i kisim gutpela sevis ol gutpela senis na sam- sevan long Mosbi na long ol provins i kam long ol han bilong gavman. pela i no gutpela tumas. long bikpel hatwok ol i save mekim long sevim ol pipel. Tasol sapos yumi no lukim ol dis- Moa pikinini i go long PNG i Kristen kantri. Na yumi bi- pela samting em bai yumi tok kantri skul bikos gavman i hainim Kristen bilip bilong yumi na i bagarap na i no gat gutpela sevis givim fri edukesen. Dis- givim tenk yu na ona i go bek long na gavman i lusim ting long ol pipel. pela i gutpela tasol i no Olgeta dispela samting antap i Jada 015! gat inap spes long klas- Bikpela long ol blesing em i givim hangamap long kwaliti bilong gav- rum long putim olgeta yumi long 40 yia bilong indepen- man. Sapos kantri i gat kwaliti gav- pikinini. Tisa i skulim dens. Tru tumas PNG i wanpela laki PNG i wanpela laki kantri bikos long wok bung, sampela i smat long man we lida bilong kantri i strong na samting olsem 60 pikinini long klas- kantri we yumi gat gutpela sindaun insait long 40 yia, yumi bin gat ol bringim ol ovasis investa na mekim i yusim save na pawa bilong em rum. Dispela i no gutpela tumas na yumi holim graun bilong yumi na gutpela lida bilong gavman. Sam- pren wantaim ol narapela kantri. Na long mekim ol wok long kamapim bikos ol pikinini i no gat spes long yumi gat gutpela demokretim kantri. gutpela sindaun bilong pipel, bai pela lida i smat long pasin bilong sampela i yusim mani bilong kantri sindaun na lainim gut ol samting. Yumi prea bai God inap blesim yumi ol pipel i stap amamas na bosim mani, sampela i gat gutpela long helpim edukesen, helt sevis na Long helt sevis, yumi nidim moa kantri bilong yumi long narpaela 40 kantri bai i ran gut. pasin bilong bungim ol politisen strongim wok bilong lo na oda. helpim long stretim ol olpela masin yia i kam bihain.

1611. Now we the people international issues yet. Our must say enough is enough. diplomats were not proactive 40 years might not seem until recently. We take things Independence is a joy of activism long. But we have come this for granted. But not when By James Wanjik- Good The Speaker has sent out his making decisions for the majority from the exploitation of her natural far united in diversity. We world politics have changed Governance Advocate apostles to brag on about his view of the people. resources. have new issue of autonomy so much. Now PNG must of faith in God. They carried the PNG leaders are not working Recently PNG has been brewing in the hearts of reflect and reset her Global IN a place in the Pacific is a King James Version to the for people like leaders of increasing her influence in the leaders. We have Positioning System! Highlands and to Maprik in East Pacific. She is now Aid-giver. Bougainville Referendum for rugged mountainous and yesteryears. Today many leaders All said and done Sepik Province. Political leaders are drunk with power and Paying with labour PNG helped independence that was to swampy landmass covered congratulations Papua New and Evangelical church pastors authority. Now, how they brag on colonial powers. With Kina she is have been held this year. Guinea on her 40 years of with trees and plants. There are have been very arrogant. They buying love. She is rushing and about PNG is like false prophets. PNG leaders are not waking nationhood. many scattered islands. She is will not provide all the information. They are putting PNG at risk. not watching her steps. Rush is a up to big national and an archipelago. The Law of Sea When challenged they will deny or Since independence on 16 strategy of Lucifer. PNG leaders Convention of 1982 gave her explain with rationalisation. They September 1975, development are rushing without listening. Deaf the possibility of additional have not found the moral courage has been underpinned by the and blind are two worse space. to say they were wrong. In the mining sector. Just as it was conditions. PNG needs “Ephrata” She has a flag. Red, gold and eyes of arrogant leadership it turning 40 years old, PNG in her leadership. black with white stars. She has shows the strength of a leader. In Liquefied Natural Gas made a Leaders are reminded about the humble leadership of service, Genesis 3 and Mark 3 close resemblance to the creation show. Big leaders are stunned by pride and arrogance were bad very little to near nil foreign explanation. Adam did not admit narrative in the Holy Bible. Adam values. exchange to pay foreign debts. his failure. He was made to toil. and Eve co-created different is a very Where are the promised millions His labour was worse. Matthew tribes. At the fall of Tower of divine setting. It laid foundation on if not billions of Kina? Who has 6:22-24 explains PNG’s recent Babel, many languages were two feet; traditional culture and the data? Are we getting fair diplomatic efforts. She is blind and born. Over 800 they say. Christian values. Both are called return on our natural resources? using money for love. People must not be complacent In 40 years she toiled. Her Papua New Guinea Way in the Who in his or her right mind amended Oil and Gas Act 1998 to anymore. They are going to pay fortunes are mixed. Blessings and fifth National Goal. First National curses she experienced. She tried have credit allowance for and big time at that. Why? Goal is Integral Human Because a vision of a man Websait: some ideas and realised some petroleum royalties paid as Development. Holistic human deemed tax? covered in black hood riding on a Pe bilong wanpela yia, 52 niuspepa dreams. Nationalism is now very development is very vital. Without Royalty is a payment made to black motorbike over a leader’s fragile. Papua New Guinea is at understanding a human person the owner of an asset. Mineral house with only lights in the entire the cross roads. we will miss realisation of the first resource is an asset. Under PNG posh area of a city reminds us of Some people say they would National Goal. Indeed freedom is law all minerals, oil and gas Revelation 6: 5-6 and Daniel 5. A “cross to the other side”. At cross linked to the liberation of a human resources in PNG are the voice was calling telling a young lass not to read Revelation 6. A roads what side is the “other person. Independence is about property of the State. So royalty is a payment made to the State for red vehicle with cargo of three side”? Who has light? In John 2:1- freedom to think, form view and 12 Jesus Christ made first her resources. She then passes families from a particular region of express it. PNG were loaded in the trunk and miracle. He turned water meant on the benefit to landowners and Since 2011 the political the relevant local level waiting to depart. for ablutions into wine. And best impasse, PNG has had governments. While transfers of PNG pastors are busy with KJV Editor wine it was. It was last for best. leadership weakness clearly public funds are well within the of 1611 and not concerned about Veronica Hatutasi Papua New Guinea now has a exposed. In the 2012 election legal and moral authority of the the future of PNG. In the next 40 new wine. It is not a miraculous PNG witnessed probably the government, PNG has been years where we want PNG to be Published at wine. Rather it was from the worse election-related corruption. overly generous to the so-called is a question for all our leaders and people. We are at the cross Able Building winery in England and fermented Many election frauds were foreign investors. How can PNG in the United States of America. It be so proud of PNG LNG for roads now. The Speaker is not Complex, dismissed without trial. Strict rules Sec 58 Lot 02, is the King James Version Bible of instance yet she gets no royalty in going to assist with his reform of pleadings and rules of evidence agenda. Pastors will not assist Waigani Drive. 1611. real practical terms? In 40 years left PNG with unpopular leaders PNG has not learnt any new ideas PNG with their love for KJV of P6 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen Ol 5-pela atifek i kam long makim 40 yia indipendens By Esther Bralyn Wani save lukautim 5,000 samting. Long 1975, i bin gat 5-pela pipel i bin 1 NESENEL musium na At Galeri lukautim 25, 000 samting na 1985 i bai soim ol tumbuna samting ol bin gat olsem 16 inap 17 pipel i i bin bungim i stap longpela save lukautim 75, 000,” Dokta taim. Bai ol i soim ol dispela Moutu i tok. samting long dispela mun long Em i tok ol koleksen i bikpela makim 40 yia indipendens. tasol i no gat inap spes na i no save Ol i kolim dispela so, Built on wankain. Em i tok ol skop bilong Culture: The Art of Papua New lejisletiv wok i go bikpela tasol i no Guinea. Musium long Australia i gat haus o opis spes. Em i tok ol salim 5-pela atifek ol i bin kisim go hap ol i save sindaun na mekim ol long Australia long lukautim long wok bilong ol i save pas tru. 1916. Dokta Moutu i tok ol i sot tru “Musium bilong yumi i no longspes na painim gut ol rot long wankain olsem Australia, we yumi karim wok bilong kalsa na pasin save kamap olsem wanpela lo tumbuna long bihain taim. ejensi long was long ol kalsa na tumbuna samting long PNG. Sapos wanpela laik kisim ol samting ol 2 3 mas kisim tok orait long Musium,” Dairekta bilong Nesenel Musium na At Galeri, Dokta Andrew Moutu i tok. Dokta Moutu i tok “Musium i bin stat wantaim histori bilong kantri taim mipela i mekim wok painim aut wantaim ol koleksen olsem 128 krismas wantaim Hubert Murray na McGregor i wanpela bilong ol.” Em i tok nau ol i traim long mekim wanpela stori long lukim ol rot we ol dispela pipel i bin stap insait long en i no long edministretim Papua Niugini (PNG) tasol long mekim ol koleksen i stap yet long soim ol kalsa bilong yumi na em i impoten. “Ol salens mipela save lukim olsem wanpela intitusen em i no gat spes na ol risos. Long 1958, 1. Ol bai soim ol tumbuna samting i save stap long Nesenel Musium. 1959 na 1960 taim musium i bin kamap, i bin gat 5-pela pipel i bin 2,3. Piksa bilong tupela samting i bin go long Australia long 1916 na i kam bek long selebretim Indipendens. Poto: Esther Wani

UPNG i no lukim planti senis long infrastraksa long 40 yia

Esther Bralyn Wani i raitim planti namba stret, na i no gat inap projek i bilong gavman na sapos Dispela em driman bilong Din i no gat wanpela program i kamap senis i bin kamap long 40 yia pinis gavman givim sampela mani bai ol bilong skul long kirapim ol dispela long dispela. Ol i sekim olgeta YUNIVESITI bilong Papua Niugini bilong yunivesiti. gohet long pinisim. risets senta. yunivesiti tasol no gat wanpela i gat (UPNG) em i namba wan yunivesiti “Long sait bilong fisikel Mista Neimavil i tok ol i gat 3-pela Ol sumatin husat laik mekim kain program. Dispela i narapela long PNG na Pasifik tu tasol em i infrastraksa o no gat wanpela bilding na 6-pela divisen long skul. risets long hona, mastas, post kain stret. Dispela i namba wan yia gat sampela salens bilong em tu samting i senis,” Mista Neimavil i Sains wan bilding i save holim greduet ol bai aplai na kisim tok bilong en. long taim em i stat long 1965. tok. Kemistri na Fisiks, Sains 2 bilding i orait tasol bai ol i pas wantaim ol “Sains wan bilding, Sains 2 na 3 Ekseketiv Opisa bilong Skul “Tasol, long sait bilong akedemik hausim Baioloji na Sains 3 bilding i risets senta olsem long Motupore i tokim mipela long 50 yia i go pinis bilong Neturel na Fisikel Sains long las 40 yia i bin gat bikpela save holim Metemetik, Stetestiks Ailan. na nau mipela i gat driman olsem (SNPS) long UPNG, Pearrick senis. Taim mi bin kam na mekim na Kompiuta Sains aninit na long “Mipela laik lukim ol risets senta Sains 4 bai kamapim ol nupela Neimavil, i tok olsem ol i bin bildim sains faundesen bilong mi, planti ol antap level em ol Et Sains divisen I bilong mipela i kirap gen na bai ol tingting na kamapim ol nupela invensen. UPNG long skulim olsem 20 tisa em ol waitman tasol na liklik tru save stap. risets sumatin i ken stap pas Em i tok moa olsem long bihain sumatin. em ol PNG. Tasol, nau no gat planti Em i tok ol Envairomen Sains na wantaim long bihain long ol yia i taim bai ol i laik lukim ol sumatin i “Yu lukim ol leksa rum na ol ovasis man em ol PNG pulap. PNG Jiografi (ESG) i save stap long kam,” Mista Neimavil. kisim Basela bilong Kemistri na klasrum, mipela gat planti i kisim ples bilong ol ovasis man wanpela bilding long sait stret we i Long wankain taim, Din bilong Mets insait long ol kain kain divisen sekenderi skul i kirap long olgeta bilong bipo,” em i tok. no gutpela tasol ol i yusim tasol SNPS, Profesa Peter Petsul, i tok bilong ol na i no biknem Basela hap na namba bilong ol Gret 12 i Em i tok yunivesiti i kamapim bikos ol no gat ol bilding. Long skul i amamas olsem ol i kamapim bilong Sains tasol. Dispela i no go bikpela. Long dispela yia, planti saveman bilong kantri na nau dispela taim Sains 4 bilding i redi planti human risos na kontribut long soim gut stret husat dispela lain, ol mipela bai lukim olsem 25, 000 ol i ranim kantri stap em sampela bai ol ESG na Edministresen bai bildim kantri. indastri na pablik i long save stret Gret 12 sumatin liva tasol i no gutpela samting we em i lukim. yusim. Profesa Petsul i tok planti i long wanem wok bilong dispela olgeta bilong dispela 25, 000 bai go Dispela nupela Sains 4 bilding Em i tok edministresen nau ol i kamap dokta, ol akedemik, ol sumatin taim em i pinis. insait long ol yunivesiti na kolis we ol i wokim yet em i bikpela stap insait long liklik hap tru we ol i bisnis man long las 40 yia. “Sapos mipela i kisim dispela, mi bikos ol yunivesiti i no planti o no samting i kamap long skul. Em i tok hat long wok gut. Em i tok ol i no Tasol em i tok nau ol nupela ting bihain bilong skul i luk gut. gat nupela moa i kamap,” Mista i no bin gat bikpela infrastraksa gat wanpela rum bilong putim ol program i kamap olsem Basela Long las 50 yia em i bin Basela bilong Sains na mipela laikim Neimavil i tok. divelopmen bilong SNPS. wok o fail bilong ol. bilong Sastenebel Divelopmen. Basela insait long ol divisen na Em i tok long ol yunivesiti, no gat Ol i bin kisim sampela mani long Long ol yia i kam ol i tingting long Profesa i tok insait long wol i no gat wanpela program olsem Basela sapos mipela i bungim dispela bai nupela hap, ol wankain klasrum i wokim dispela projek na em inap divelopim ol risets senta bilong ol mipela kamap namba wan bilong Sastenebel Divelopmen bin stap long 1960, 1970 na 1980 i long pinis long mun Jun long we ol i gat 6-pela pinis. Ol i gat yunivesiti na pulap long save na stap yet taim ol i save skulim olsem dispela yia tasol bikos mani i sot, ol wanpela nupela nau em SNPS tasol UPNG. kamap smat we gavman i putim 20 sumatin. Em i tok tasol nau i gat i wok long em yet. Em i tok dispela Infomesen Teknoloji (IT) Risets. Em i tok ol pipel i toktok long long Visen 2050. divelopmen na planti samting tasol spesolsaplimen Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P9

By Esther Bralyn Wani really killing them on pricing. She said doing, as not many people today want to She thinks that one thing people didn’t even though they try to make the share business ideas. There are others realize in the past was women power. “VENTURING into the sales world is much more garments affordable, they make K5 to who may say otherwise, but for me she’s She said people overlooked that maybe convenient and affordable for customersA than newK20 for the garment without considering giving PNGaway so much on a golden plate. I because of the type of cultural working in the private business for others glory,” the labor cost and power bill. really acknowledge what she has done so background that we came from where says a single mother of four at the Arts and Crafts “We take extra care in what we do and that people like us can enjoy the benefit men always had the upper hand. market hosted by the Women in Business we give the best to our own people with them,” said Miss Nenta. She has seen men from her village Foundation. because these are our people,” she said. She has seen many changes take sending their wives to universities to Janet Nenta a former Sales Manager with the Coca “I really appreciate what Janet Sape is place in the last 40 years. further their studies to get a degree. Cola Company who is now running her own business the, Sprout Tailoring and Interior Designs, to cater for her children and provide better wear for the people of Papua New Guinea (PNG). Her former employer, Coca Cola, made the position which she was occupying redundant, so she decided to go into tailoring and start up something for herself. She chose tailoring because there was market for clothes which was everybody’s basic need. “I saw a lot of second hand clothing that came into the nation and I didn’t like it. I felt that our people deserve to wear brand new clothes and not cheap fabric brought in. Those cheap fabrics will tear so soon that we end up buying new ones again,” Miss Nenta said. She said she didn’t have any idea on how to sew, but she had the interest so once she left her job, she attended the sewing school Foundation for People for Community Development (FPDC). Her interest came through when she got her certificate. Miss Nenta said, “I operate from the house because rentals out there are really killing us but so far so good. I’m really excited to see people buying my garments and fabrics and wearing them. It looks good on them and makes me feel good and it’s affordable at the same time.” In terms of the women in business, she said it has been so quiet for many years but she’s very grateful for the government of the day to give the women an opportunity to go out there and expose what they do behind closed doors at home. “There are so many things that women can do such as weaving bags, doing arts and crafts and many more. But they have been suppressed or pushed to the back but 2014 to 2015 has been some good years. I can see women coming out and showing what they can do best and I’m really excited,” said Miss Nenta. Miss Nenta said her objective or her dream is to import fabrics and be in a competitive world out there. She said currently the people importing fabrics are

The Miss Global PNG, Noreen Pisa and Rachael Yandi from the PNG Women in Business posing with their bilum dress in PNG color. Noreen will leave after Independence to represent PNG in the Carribeans. P10 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen Independen Day message from Fr.Victor Roche General Secretary of Catholic Bishops Conference of PNG/SI (Sept. 2015)

community centres; developing taken the communication and in the rural areas of PNG are going are. The Government ministers and roads, bridges, airstrips etc. The entertainment for the people to from bad to worse. It is mainly leaders recognize the role of the government could not give the another level beyond their because of the deteriorating roads, churches in the development of the necessary services to the people in imagination. bridges, airstrips, school buildings, country. those rural areas. The Churches Wealth: PNG is rich with natural clinics etc. But in the recent past the did. They continue to play an resources such as gold, copper, Corruption: We are a fast churches have been divided in important role in the development nickel, gas and oil. We produce developing and democratic country certain issues. General Secretary of the Catholic of PNG. and export Coffee, Tea, palm oil, rich in wealth. The churches should stand Bishops Conference (CBC) , Fr Victor I like to reflect on the positives cocoa, coconut etc. We have But why are so many people united in giving services to the Roche SVD. and the challenges of PNG as it human resources of 7.3 million poor in the rural areas? Why do we people and also in playing a proudly celebrates its 40th people. We are a wealthy country. have many jobless youth? Why do prophetic role in the affairs of the PNG is now one of we have law and order problems in country. arrived in PNG in 1981, just 6 Independence Anniversary: Churches: the most Christian countries in the the country? One of the reasons years after PNG Independence. Positives: Hard Work: PNG can be proud world. More than of its The elected leaders and the why PNG is still poor in spite of its PNG was a young and thriving Democracy: 96 percent of its past 40 years of citizens identify as Christian, with government workers are becoming rich resources, is because of the country trying to establish its own I independence. It has held up its Catholicism the largest more corrupt. Corruption is like attitude of the people towards “hard independent presence with its democratic principles without major denomination at . The cancer spreading in all spheres of work”. neighbours and the world. It was 27 percent problems. It holds its head high as churches continue to contribute to PNG. We have to stop its growth We do not work hard enough. indeed flying high with its new a big brother to most of the small the development of the country to before it has serious We have the attitude of “mi les” ( I found freedom from the Australian island countries in the Pacific. We a large extent especially in the rural consequences. want to relax ). That has to change. colonisers. see many countries in Africa and areas. Unity of the Churches: Role of This change is brought about by The role of the churches in the the Middle East torn by political and Challenges: the churches have become more good families and family values. development before and after religious wars. We are fortunate to Rural Areas: The high level of important in the development after independence: be a peaceful country. Due credit development in PNG in the last 40 the independence. The mainline churches had gone I wish all the people of Papua goes to the government and the years is in the cities and the towns. The Government is not present th into the rural places to evangelise New Guinea a very happy 40 churches. Around 80% of the people who live in the rural areas but the churches the people. Missionaries went Independence Anniversary. The development in rural areas through many hardships and risks Development: in PNG in the past 40 years have do not reap the not only in bringing the Good News been very notable: better schools, fruits of but also in spiritual, social and hospitals; better roads and bridges. development. material developments: setting up Businesses are thriving; TV, The services churches, schools, health centres, Internet and Cell phones have to people living

Catholic Bishops of PNG& Solomon Islands during their AGM this year at the Emmaus Conference Centre, Port Moresby.

Family Life Apostulate is an important ministry in the Catholic Church today, dealing with social and family issues, giving advice and guidance both spiritually & physically to young people and families. Family life today is facing many challenges than ever before.

Catholic youths in Port Moresby perform during Mass to mark the opening of the CBC AGM in Port Moresby. spesolsaplimen Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P11 A MESSAGE FROM THE PAPUA NEW GUINEA COUNCIL OF CHURCHES TO THE PEOPLE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF OUR INDEPENDENCE 16th September, 2015.

ON the occasion of the 40th languages and beliefs choice of religion and can express our people into confusion that will Anniversary our political systems scattered all over that faith in their lives. This must be lead to conflicts and division. Independence, I take this time as the land and diverged into the basis of the existence of other PNGCC will maintain its the Chairman on behalf of the respective traditional tribal ‘faith religions’ in our country which independence as the prophetic Head of Churches and Executive and ethnic groups, we we Christians must understand and voice of the people, providing member of Papua New Guinea have allowed in time for respect. The gathering of Pacific pastoral and spiritual care through Council of Churches to convey Gods wisdom to use the Island Forum leaders, including ecumenical dialogue and service to the people of Papua New socio-economic, religious Australia and New Zealand, taking as well as representing churches in Guinea, that despite effects of and political systems, place on the eve of our various governments and other the El/Nino and the country-wide together with the natural independence in Port Moresby establishments. The churches will drought, we can still rise up, and ecological conditions reminds us that we are not just maintain its health and education hold our hand together, bring to merge us into a great Papua New Guinean people but services since pre-independence our hearts together to Melanesia nation in the part of the wider-global community times and will continue current acknowledge God for all his Pacific Region. So we and so have a responsibility of partnership with the government blessing upon our country and must no forget our demonstration our potential in and with the support from our her people in the first 40th years historical heritage as well every aspect as a growing nation. overseas friends. of our Independence. as the spiritual heritage We must be reminded that while May God who is faithful to his We acknowledge the efforts of from the arrival of the all systems are designed to bring promise to be with those who love our National and Provincial Word of God through the about good for the people, we have him continue to bless our political, Governments and their agencies, early missionaries, had and continue to have many religious, business and community NGO’s, charity organizations, creating an environment who misuse the trust the people leaders, all our children and unite churches, business communities, for early leaders of our have given them to provide us to continue to be One Country, other groups and individuals who nation to emerge from leadership and service of their own One People, One Nation. Happy are responding to the needs of the among our own people. benefit. As a result many innocent 40th Independence Anniversary people around the country. There is As we celebrate our 40 people are suffering. and May God the Father, God the no better way than to engage in years of Independence, As we celebrate 40th Son and God the Holy Spirit Bless serving our people in need as part we remind ourselves that Independence, I must warn our and keeps us all in His Eternal of our Independence celebrations. our National Constitution people to watch out for false Peace. On this occasion we must reflect Bishop. Denny Bray Guka is built on ‘Christian faith prophets using innocent citizens as on the foundations laid by our values’ which recognizes well as prominent political and Bishop. Denny Bray Guka ancestors and forefathers prior to eventual gaining of Independence. the freedom of religions. This religious leaders to promote their Chairman-Papua New Guinea the coming of the Gospel and the As people of many cultures, means that people must have a own religious ideas and misguide Council of Churches Taim bipo...

Cabinet members in Wewak in January 1975: From left are Julius Chan, John Poe, Iambakey Okuk, Sir Albert Maori Kiki, Ebia Olewale, Gavera Rea, Michael Somare, Reuben Taureka, John Guise, Paul Lapun and two unknown members.

A motuan village in year 1884. Photos: Internet P12 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen 40th Independence Anniversary Message By Archbishop Clyde Igara, Primate of Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea

AS we celebrate our 40 years of the country (New Guinea) was bringing our nation this far as one While we are so focused on to prepare PNG to become an Independence, I want to take this the Lutheran Church. These people one nation. trying to address the other national independent Christian nation. opportunity as the head of the early missionaries have gone We give thanks to God for our diseases and issues, we tend to The differences between Anglican Church today – to through some most difficult past which has shaped the present forget the materialism disease churches are creating doorways for acknowledge and thank the times- even some of them were and commit our future to him so which is washing away the satan the enemy to come in and destroy our nation in many ways churches for their great martyred during the Second that churches may continue to foundation of our Christian faith. and may lead the nation to religious contribution towards the World War and the eruption of maintain the ‘spiritual highways’ for Over the pas 40 years, war, especially with the the government to continue to Pentecostalism which is part of the development of our nation. Mt. Lamington in the Northern involvement of our political leaders. The missionaries from different Province. provide goods and services to all Western influence has grown Churches in PNG, traditional and churches who brought the Gospel The difficulties they went through the tribes and celebrate the outside the traditional churches Pentecostals will need to reconcile of Jesus Christ to the different parts in taking the Gospel of Christ to independence in own cultural claiming to be better and more and lead our people in our of the country have set the “fire of convert individuals and tribes contexts. righteous. It is becoming a threat to respective churches to make God’s love” which had spread over prepared the ‘spiritual highways’ In the last 40 years of our tribes and cultures. Instead of prayer as an important part of our the pas 100 years to liberate and across the country and allowed the independence, the nation has been helping the traditional churches, it celebration to destroy the power of going through rapid development. transform the heathen nation with government to bring goods and has become an enemy and devil that is at work and let the more than 800 languages, tribes service to the people. Our tribes are being sandwiched working against them. Some these between the two cultures – western tribes celebrate joyfully in their and cultures to become one That is the working relationship were evident in the recent times – and our own. colourful cultures as one people people and one nation Papua which has been enjoyed by These are the times when the the signing of the covenant, and one national Papua New New Guinea. Papua New Guinea churches and the government even churches need to work hard to removal of the totems from the Guinea. owes big thanks to the British to this day. maintain the spiritual highways and National Parliament, national Thank you, and God bless churches – London Missionary The churches have every reason repentance day and the program. th byways so that our nation’s Papua New Guinea! Society and the Church of to celebrate the 40 anniversary of development may not be hampered Like materialism, Pentecostalism is England which late became the our independence. It is a by greed and selfishness – undermining the foundation which Archbishop Clyde Igara Anglican Church and Methodists thanksgiving day for all Papua New breaking down our tribes and God had established through the Primate of Anglican Church of in the South. And to the north of Guineans, to give thanks to God for cultures. traditional churches past 100 years Papua New Guinea. spesolsaplimen Septemba 17 - 23 2015 Wantok P13 Joint Press Statement on Signing of the intent partnership agreement with the SPEI and NPCP Holdings Limited NPCP’s Kumul Petroleum Academy join forces with SPEI in Workforce Nationalisation Initiative ort Moresby, 19th August 2015 - The National “The Institute has a modern ethos with tunities for and empowering PNG Youth SPEI commends the foresight and Petroleum Company PNG (NPCP) is taking an a focus on creating an environment which and the existing workforce to participate commitment of the NPCP and its initiative interest, through sponsoring the development develops competencies and real employ- in roles that would normally be out of and leadership in the nationalisation of of a live plant training environment with the South ment outcomes through running courses reach and for which training would need the PNG workforce. The South Pacific PPacific Employment Institute (SPEI) in PNG; a con- based on industry and client demand,” Mr to be provided overseas at great expense Employment Institute will integrate with glomerate formed as part of a Public Private Part- Smith added. and investment. This training will now be other PNG educational institutions to nership to train the nation for the expanding PNG SPEI’s Chairman, Mr Isaac Lupari provided in country which will put PNG achieve the shared objective of training Oil and Gas and resources market. stated that, as part of the national Vision ahead of most of our Asia Pacific regional the nation and capitalising on the re- The conglomerate includes Orion Group, an innova- 2050 we are diligently developing oppor- counterparts. source industry development. tive global personnel and human resources company and Site Group International (SGI) as a global expert in the development of competent workforces, associated technology and immersive training and NPCP (Kumul Petroleum) A state-of-the-art process plant training facility is to be built in Port Moresby to cater for the rapidly growing re- gional resources, power and energy sectors including but not limited to upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas sector as well as catering for other process oriented industries and associated technical training. The facility will be the first of its kind for the region. It will recreate a full size process plant with real live process systems, centralised control room, emergency protection systems and electrical distribution centre, to provide a real life scenario training and assessment fa- cility in a safe, controlled environment. The plant will be built and operated by Brisbane- based training organisation, Site Group International, which already operates a similar process plant in Myan- mar, and large immersive training facilities in the Philip- pines and Indonesia as well as throughout Australia. SPEI have contracted Site Group International (SGI) to Engineer, Procure, Construct and Commission (EPCC) a Live Process Plant Environment for training across the energy sector for PNG. The turnkey training plant will be developed on behalf of SPEI teamed with (NPCP) to utilise the services of SGI with the objective of creating long term sustainable employment opportunities for PNG nationals to partici- pate meaningfully and including the higher end employ- ment opportunities surrounding the oil and gas industries. This forms a key component of NPCP’s Kumul Petro- leum Academy which will be located at the Idubada site, a future support hub for Oil and Gas Projects in PNG. NPCP Managing Director Mr Wapu Sonk stated that the development of capability to create world class com- petencies in-country is a critical requirement for PNG. “NPCP has carried out investigations into the neces- sary infrastructure required to best develop and train a highly competent national workforce. “Having had the benefit of researching the necessary componentry’s NPCP is working with SPEI to develop a suite of necessary facilities that currently do not exist in this country,” Mr Sonk said. He also stated that this nationally driven Academy for Oil and Gas Training will include all levels of industry learning, focussing on nationalising the workforces for the PNG Oil and Gas sector but with a particular focus on higher end job opportunities. “NPCP, soon to be Kumul Petroleum Company will continue to lead in PNG as a major contributor to the country’s Oil and Gas industry and expects IOC’S, ex- plorers, developers and contractors in the industry will follow suit with their own commitment to national work- force development and meeting national content re- quirements,” Mr Sonk added. Commenting on the announcement, Site CEO and Managing Director Vern Wills stated “the relationships forged with the National Petroleum Company PNG to- gether with SPEI marks a milestone in the provision of Process Plant services via the Site Group International operation” “This agreement is the culmination of over 12 months work to develop a truly-unique service offering.” he said. The plant will take approximately eight months to complete, with an agreement in place for the provision of training services under ‘a manage and operate agree- ment’. Orion’s Country Manager Nick Smith says; SPEI is a Private Public Partnership (PPP) focused on industry training and is a first not only for Papua New Guinea but for the whole South Pacific area. P22 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen Rt. Hon. Sir Julius Chan GCL GCMG KBE MP Governor for New Ireland On the Occasion of PNG’s 40th Anniversary have chosen this Honourable nial system, an exchange of mas- Chamber of elected and Ap- ters….” pointed Representatives of Let me conclude with what our the New Ireland people and in CPC Report says, and I quote in theI presence of our Senior Offi- part: cials and distinguished friends “The future of our country will de- to say a few words to mark our pend not only on the system of gov- 40 years of Independence in ernment established and the seven days time. This year our various institutions designed to fur- celebrations is already well ther and protect the well – being of planned for Konomatalik, New our people, but also on the quality Hanover – I look forward to of leadership shown by those who share many memorable mo- are placed in positions of power ments of joy and tribulations and authority, by election or other- with many of our leaders – many wise.” Unquote. have left us but the spirit and But for now, enjoy the 40th Inde- strengths of their support and pendence Anniversary. We brought friendship remain. you this far. We laid a solid consti- To all past and present leaders, tutional democratic foundation, a fellow workers, friends and sup- sound and strong financial institu- porters – then and now, thank you tion, and a united political nation- for the confidence and trust placed state carved out of our fragmented in me over this long and arduous tribal societies. Only two among period. Believe me there have your founding fathers are still been moments of tense, exciting around. I am lucky; you can say decisive periods of joy and tribula- blessed, to live to tell you this story. tions and I want to tell a short story When your turn comes to tell the – my friend and colleague, Grand younger generation tales of the old Chief Sir Michael Somare can Sir Julius making a point, 40 years on, together with Sir Michael Somare they are the only remaining MPs from day, point out to them that it has al- share with you another. the independence era. ready been written for them in the Our hearts and minds were filled National goals and Directives, Prin- with nation building how we would wealth has its roots in the days of leaders is entering the Promised ciples and Constitution. Tell them to build a strong constitutional democ- nation-building when many of us, Land where milk and honey flow. guard their constitutional system of racy that would be stable, progres- with little education or bureaucratic Will they be swallowed by the gi- government and take care to follow sive and able to meet the basic and industry ants of greed and selfishness? it through with action. And the ac- needs of our people. We were con- experience sought to ensure That should be our worry. tion is to transfer power back to the cerned about building a nation larger part of our natural resource Already the signs are telling: people, and harvest their national where no one was left behind, wealth were kept by our people. Constitutional provisions are resource wealth for their collective where our noble tradition of sharing This is quite distinct from the wheel changed easily like ordinary laws to benefit. and caring was preserved and pro- of change under current Leaders. centrally entrench power, instead of I hope the young generation will moted. Our aspirations are con- Looking back, I think I have transferring power to the rural always remain humble and keep tained in the National Goals and worked very hard in whatever I’ve areas through greater decentraliza- close to their hearts – the wise Directive Principles of our Constitu- been elected to do, as Finance tion. I see a generation motivated words in the book of Deuteronomy tion. Minister, as a Minister in other port- by material gain leading this nation Chapter 32 verse 7 God tells us. Let me point out two instances, folios, and as Prime Minister, to in the years ahead. “Remember the days of old; con- one in relation to Nation-Building bring our people through the wilder- If this trend continues, then ma- sider the generations long past. and the other in relation to Devel- ness. terialism will consume humanity. Ask your father and he will tell you, opment of Our People that truly re- Like the people of Israel who de- The rich will take over State power your elders, and they will explain to flect our hearts in those days and I pended on manna from heaven, we from the people, of course, through you.” quote: mostly depended on Australian aid the electoral process, but by ma- New Irelanders you should be “At this stage of our political his- to meet a large part of our national nipulating it with money power. proud because we have helped tory we must all be concerned with Sir Julius Chan - 40 years ago. budget. We did not have the oil They will then consolidate, central- built the 40 years of Independence the vital but difficult task of building fields, the gold and copper fields, ize and exercise perpetual control – go forth and enjoy the anniver- a nation. True nation building, and the gas, with which we led our and subjugation over our people. sary with peace, enjoyment and however, especially in a land with highest kind since my government people through the barren years of This will then unwind what we have serenity and tranquility you always people as diverse as ours, cannot came into office in 2007 is a testi- our wilderness experience. sought to remove years ago: “a displayed – God help us all. be achieved by the central govern- mony to this spirit of our old days in Today, the younger generation of mere continuation of the old colo- ment imposing its will through bu- nation building. reaucratic processes. That would Second, we pursued and empha- be a mere continuation of the old sized “development of the people colonial system, an exchange of rather than development of the masters, in which the gap between country”.” On this point, the CPC “they”, the government and we the Report in many different para- people remained as large and un- graphs has this to say: bridgeable as ever. True nation “It is development of the people building can come only through the rather than development of the active and meaningful involvement country that we have sought to em- of the people on their own. phasize. Such matters are given First, we the representatives who prominence in our recommenda- founded this nation have always tions on National Goals and Direc- sought to enable our people to ac- tive Principles, together with tively and meaningfully be involved personal liberation and self-fulfill- in their development. We did not ment, participation and equality, na- want the Central Government to tional sovereignty and impose its will through the bureau- self-reliance.” cratic processes because that Honourable Members, firstly, my would mean “a mere continuation government’s promotion of educa- of the old colonial system, an ex- tion comes from this historical spirit change of masters….” of people’s development. Secondly, my government’s concern about Sir Julius a respected leader of New Ireland with other traditional leaders. Our pursuit for autonomy of the fair distribution of natural resource Al photos: Internet P24 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen PNG is dormant, but facing immense change APUA New Guinea has ashes and the company lost its services that deal with lives of mine arrived.” power and health centers have been sleeping for the last properties worth millions of kina at people very often. “I can see many changes already reached some of the rural 40 years, but gradually, that time. “We have reached 40 years of occurred after independence areas and he believes it will taking strides to step out of the “Other shops that were Independence and we are still where roads and bridges were happen to those areas that are yet Pdark ages. positioned next to the warehouse stagnant in some aspects like smoothly built all around the to be connected with those Here is what people had to say were also burnt. mindset of the people.” Highlands region.” services, because the government on the changes and challenges in “The government owned fire Mister Eram elaborated further “Traditional lifestyles are no of the day is looking at the the last 40 years and the way emergency service truck was at the that, “The leaders are serving longer practiced because as far as infrastructure development. forward for this country. scene, but could not perform to the individual interest using public I know, highlands people were “As we reach the age of 40, I am A good citizen of PNG, James expectations since the fire truck funds. While seeing this, persons in dressed with traditional attires just happy because, political leaders Eram said, “When Australia left was not of the standard to control charge down the hierarchy are after the independence, but now who are fighting for power are not PNG in 1975, everything started to the flame.” following in their foot step despite they are adopting western suppressing the challenging party, collapse from infrastructure, farm The aviation fire truck from the they being intellectuals.” dressing. I think it applies to every but they want to serve the people, and business, but slowly picking up Kagamuka airport arrived late. “People achieve diploma and part of the country because I grew serve the country and its towards reaching success.” Mister Eram said the same thing degree out of tertiary institutions in that era when that was the norm, development for the better future,” “However, the structures in any applies to the hospitals that we are nothing when they behave with but began to wear shirts recently.” he said. foreign countries that were built have in the country, because the inhuman manners and have Mister Lea said, water supply, many years ago are still fresh, equipment are of low standard and attitude problems,” he said. while other modern ones are hitting many patients are travelling abroad Meanwhile, a village leader, the roof side by side. But in PNG, to seek better health at their own Yoponda Lea, from Wapunamanda many low and flat roofing cost. District, Enga, said he was 10 warehouses were burnt to the “Charges are set in the corridor years old when PNG got ground every year,” Eram said. of government, but shows that it independence. “In the month of December 2013, does not have the heart for its own “The famous Highland’s Highway a warehouse operated by Wood people,” he said. was sealed after the star Limited at the opposite of Mt “An emergency case comes independence, but ended at Tomba Hagen police station in Western about without notification and the in Tambul Distri, but sealed towards Highlands Province was burnt to government must look at the Wabag town later when Porgera

James Eram had expressed his view on some areas that need to be changed.

Village leader, Yoponda Lea, was glad to his views of the changes since independence. spesolsaplimen Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P25 Catholic Education since Independence Achivements and Challenges of the past 40 years

By Fr Paul Jennings

T this important time in the history of Catholic AEducation in Papua New Guinea, we want to do what the Constitution recommends and pay homage to our ancestors, the source of our strength. We want to look back over 140 years of Catholic education and to see the past 40 years in the light of a much longer history. It is common for educators today to be-little the first “mission schools” in the 1880’s as being focused mainly on conversion. Yet it was those first missionaries, and the first national teachers who worked together to write the dictionaries, grammars and stories of so many local languages. They worked to preserve language, First students in Tumleo Kindergarden school in 1905. Fr Jim Franks and Gary Roche in Alexishafen in 1988. which is the basis of preserving culture. As well as preserving languages by making them written languages, the first schools also decided that teaching and learning would happen with a combination of local language and English. When the Matane Committee, in 1986, looked at this history, that committee recommended that basic literacy be taught using both ples tok and English. Unfortunately the people who developed the education reforms in the 1990’s either did not read or did not understand the Matane Report. (A philosophy of education for Papua New Guinea). They Eillen Tugum, Mary Piafu, Steven Damien (seated on floor). and Fr Mlak in chose only ples tok as the DWI Siver Jubilee in 1993. language of instruction. Then, A language laboratory class in progress in 1965. when this was perceived by some and the different Provincial have referred to the Law and in government to be a major Education divisions. pointed out that the authority to reason for falling literacy Many people in government and charge fees is vested in Agencies, standards, the decision was made the Department and Divisions do School Boards and Provincial to teach only in English. not know their history. The authorities. The National It is very disappointing that the National Education Act and the Department and the Minister do not government cannot learn from Teaching Service Act were have any authority over fees, history, and from research, and developed after years of except in a few national institutions. understand that teaching basic negotiations with the mainline This would have avoided the literacy in both tok ples and English Churches, just before current problems in so many is the best way to teach literacy Independence, to build one unified schools with late payment of TFF and also preserve culture. system of education. Both the money, schools closing, ancillary Probably, in years to come, it will government and the Churches saw staff not being paid and so many be the Churches that are accused the importance of building a unified schools not able to complete of destroying culture. In historical system for a unified country and to projects they already started in the fact, government decisions about make the best use of scarce expectation of several years of language of instruction are the resources. project fees being available. biggest destroyer of culture today. In those days there were far At this time the National The growth of Catholic education more church schools than there Department is leading a revision of since Independence is built on the The original lecture - room block and the teachers volkswagon car. were government schools; the the National Education Act. At first sweat and tears of several Churches were the major partner in the Church Education Agencies were not invited to be part of this generations of teachers who went the system. Today the number of revision. It is clear that officers of schools owned and managed by into the wilderness, started the Department do not understand schools, were never well paid but the churches is about the same as that the Education Act is the were completely committed to the number of government schools. partnership agreement between educating the next generation of The Catholic Church is by far the the churches and the government children. Many thousands of these biggest single provider of to build the unified system of teachers committed their whole education, owning and managing education. lives to teaching. Their vision was about 25% of all schools. The church education agencies, to help the next generation Genuine partnership involves after several years of consultation participate in the new world that both consultations and and research, wrote 25 PNG was becoming, through negotiations about differences. recommended changes to the Act. numeracy and literacy, trade skills Too often, today, the Church We are waiting, now, to hear if and knowledge of God and Jesus education agencies are either not these recommendations will be Christ, who was their source of consulted, or are consulted and included in the new draft Act. We strength and courage. then our recommendations are are also waiting to see if we will be One of the greatest challenges ignored. treated as genuine partners and facing Catholic education today is For example, if the Church invited to enter into negotiations the issue of partnership with Education Agencies had been with the Department about any government through both the consulted about Project Fees at the matters about which there is a National Department of Education Peter and Leonie Meare, founder of teacher training in Fatima and Mt Hagen. beginning of this year, we could difference. Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 P26 spesolsaplimen Kamapim welt bilong bihain bilongl pipel bilong Papua Fainensel Ritaiamenlong taim bilong stat i kam nau kamapim bikpela senis long Niugini long kantri na long givim gutpela sevis long ol Nambawan Supa long givim long ausait bai apim han memba. Em i wok strong na stre- namba wan na wol klas sevis long bilong ol na amamas long tim planti program long givim ol memba, planti ol gutpela inisitiv OSeptemba 16 taim PNG i cele- bikpela na gutpela sevis long ol o wok i go het. Mipela i putim pinis bretim 40 aniverseri bilong kastoma. Planti ol gutpela inisitiv i SMS sevis, em i wanpela prodak Independens. kamap long ol dispela program. Ol we mipela i rolim aut na mipela bai Ol planti pipel, ol bai selebret sampela gutpela inisitiv em; 24 promotim aninit long Supa Smat e- wantaim planti tingting na em bai aua bilong baim mani long ol kas- sevis pletpom. Planti ples long tingting bilong wanwan long rot toma, mobail na onlain sevis, PNG i maunten, tais wara na ol kantri i bin ran olsem independen atomesen bilong kontribusen arapela hevi we i mekim hat long nesen long sait bilong sevis deliv- uplod bilong Sevings na Lons, na ol memba i go long ol senta we i eri, Infrastraksa, Egrikalsa, Sois Supa prodak bilong ol pipel gat opis bilong mipela, NSL i wok Divelopmen na kamapim ol welt ausait long fomol wokfos i ken strong long divelopim ilektronik na long fomol na infomol sekta. sevim mani. mobail sevis long mipela i ken go Kamapim welt bilong wanwan Sif Eksektiv Opisa (CEO) bilong long ol memba long wok ples, em i lukim olsem isi wok, tasol, Nambawan Supa,Garry Tunstall i haus na long wanem hap ol i go. long ol planti Papua Niugini pipel, tok “Ol planti gutpela program i Dispela sevis bai helpim ol memba em i hatpela na hetpen long sevim Nesenel Gavman i putim POSF, Supaanuesen Ekt 2000) helpim ol wok bilong Nambawan long kisim updet long ol sevis na ol mani na mani i save go aut long nau ol i kloim Nambawan Supafan Nambawan Supa long ol yia i go Supa na i mekim isi long ol wok i no inap long go long ol brens o ol benk akaun bilong ol na i wok long Ltd long ekt bilong palamen long pinis na i kam nau i gro strong bilong memba sevis na kamapim i ken kisim sevis long e-mel na ol i pinis hariap. 1971.Dispela i mekim ol wokman olsem bikpela na lida bilong gutpela Komyunikesen namel long ken kolim kol senta long kisim ol Long PNG, yumi i nogat “seving- meri long Papua Niugini long Supaanuesen Fan long kantri na ol memba na Supa Fan,” sevis.” kalsa o pasin bilong sevim mani na sevim mani long wanwan pe long menesim ritaiamen benefit bilong Mista Tunsatll i tok moa olsem “ Ol improvemen long sevis na ol askim i wok long kamap olsem ol bai yusim long bihain taim bilong moa long 150,000 memba bilong long Nambawan Supa, mipela i Komyunikesen bilong ol memba i bilong wanem na dispela pasin ritaiamen. praivet na pablik sekta wantaim. luksave olsem em i kosim ol soim olsem Nambawan Supa bai bilong sevim i no stap wantaim ol Ritaiamen em taim long laip Sais bilong Fun na stap long K4.8 memba taim na risos na i bungim go het long mekim ol wok olsem pipel bilong yumi. bilong yu we yu nidim liap bai bilien mani mak na i wok long gro. hatpela taim long go long ol taun wanpela Supaanuesen Fan we i I gat nid long divelopim pasin kamap isi taim yu bungim ritaia- Nambawan Supa i kamapim long kisim ol sevis bilong Supa gat wari long bihain bilong ol bilong “Seving Kalsa” i mekim men krisman long 55 (aninit long pinis long ol planti gutpela senis Fan. Long visin bilong mipela long memba. Taim bipo...

Bikpela lakatoi tru karim bikpela saksak kago long taim em i mekim hiri tred long ples Kerema na kambek long Ela bis long yia 1884.

Ol stail tatu bilong ol meri sentral long yia 1885. Ol poto: Intanet spesolsaplimen Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P27 National UNITY strong foundation & WORD OF GOD for the nation

By Revarend Bernard Siai We are not the only Papua New Guineans after we cele- important for us as a nation today to build on these principles brate these 40 years. of God so that our next 40 years generation of Papua New FIRSTLY, 40 years has a very important message to the No, there’s going to be a lot more people coming. So for Guineans will be prosperous. That’s why we celebrate our nation because it has a biblical meaning to it. When you the next generation to reach another 40 years, we the current first day in 1975, no blood-shed occurred, unlike some other read about the history of the nation of Israel, 40 years generation of Papua New Guineans have to set a very strong nations as in Africa where lives were lost as they attained in- for them was for freedom and for prosperity. And they foundation to build on. That’s very important for us. dependence, but for us we gained independence, peacefully. actually achieved that. Also our image is important. We know that our nation will And for us in PNG who claim to be a Christian nation under We have to work together. To do that, we are then true to achieve its goals if we work together. As no working together, the authority of God founded on the biblical principles, we as the past leadership of our nation. Including our tribal and, no prosperity. a church believe that 40 years, for us is also important. community leaders who have worked very hard to bring the Let us remember and think of what happened in the times nation to come this far and the challenge to us today is in the For the nation of Israel, when you read it very carefully, when the Israelites experienced the 40. next 40 years, the foundation that we are going to build on. you’ll see the deliverance for them, came when they all work I also must take this opportunity to thank the government together for them to settle on the milk and honey land on the There are two things I want to talk about and encourage for recognising the churches in the development of Papua other side of Jordan. They all fought the war together. They the country to ponder upon as we celelebrate our 40 years New Guinea to be partners in this journey of nation bulding. helped their brothers when one was not able to make it. They of independence. I want to acknowledge this government for recognising the all came together until they conquered the land. They fought importance of the Word of God. 9 wars under the leadership of Joshua. Firstly, what is our foundation as a nation? This is important for us as a nation. What really is our foundation that we have to build on? For During this 40 years anniversary, we will celebrate and take For us to have a good, prosperous future we need to be any organisation, any group, any family or tribe, that wants the Bible into the chamber of the Parliament, and putting the together, as we always say. We want to see our UNITY, our to prosper and achieve their goal, it is important for them to bible in the centre, in the midst of our members is a very, very ONENESS, our national anthem always say. build on a very strong foundation, a FOUNDATION that will important thing which reminds our leaders of our foundation. And let us bring ourselves together, forget about our differ- make them achieve what they want. It is a miracle for a nation to have more than 700 + lan- ences, forget about our culture to forgive if we have done A house cannot stand strong in times of wind and floods guages, meaning that we are not all the same. Our culture, anything wrong in the past and unite on our journey for the when it is not set on a strong foundation and for us or any or- our traditions, our languages are not the same but it is some- next 40 years. ganisation that wants to move on and achieve what it wants thing that we believe the Word of God will bring us together Everyone in Papua New Guinea, not only government, the for achieve, it has to be built on a strong foundation. That is as one nation. You know when in the past when our fore fa- churches, or the leaders of the nation but every citizen of what important to us. thers were called primitives they were head hunters, it was Papua New Guinea needs to work together. We need to the Bible that brought us together. come together as the government of the day has done that Secondly, it is our UNITY. You can have a strong founda- It is important for us to make the best choice, a good choice by recognising the partnership with churches and other tion but when you are not united, you can’t achieve what you to bring the bible into the midst of our leaders within the NGOs in worki together to bring service down to our people. want to achieve. Those are the two things I want to highlight chamber where all laws are made for this nation. That’s what we want to see in the minds of our people. to our nation as we look forward to celebrating our 40 years It wasn’t anything else that brought the Papua New Let’s be Papua New Guineans working together to achieve of being an independent nation. Guineans together. It was the Gospel of Jesus Christ. what we want to achieve and to bring prosperity to the next As we look into the future, we’ll need to have a strong foun- That as highlanders, coastal people, and islanders we all generation. dation to build on for our next generation of Papua New come together and today we share as a nation the 700+ lan- Guineans. guages of people from different background and culture, it is I pray that God will bless Papua New Guinea. P28 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen ‘PIONEER TARANGAU’ The first CS officer and designer of CS insignia – ‘The Tarangau’

into the new branch of police department. It was on September 4th 1959 they appointed us and on the 16th September I was into designing the ‘tarangau’ for the new branch logo. They looked around for more people, got Sergeant Major Ano Maraga from Hanuabada, Wanu from Waria, a Fin- schafen, Tobotol from Matupit, San Diwai from Kiwai, Daru, Langa and Saula came from Wewak while others of us from Port Moresby came in later. Mr. English told them that their powers as policemen were now withdrawn and no longer considered as policemen. They will look after prisoners but will not do the arresting. “You will follow a new officer who will come to see you,” he said. I thought who would be this officer. The men said, Mr. Glori will be the officer for the time being until they find a new good young officer and you will join him. It was the kiaps that look after us and not the police. Retired Sgt Francis Wakein, his wife and his children and grandchildren at his home in Wewak. Photo: Courtesy – CS Media Unit “You will stay and make new recruits. You look around in By CS Media Officers thing illegal, but she speaks only Motu. the streets and recruit new people, get them here and you I was called to translate for the old lady. Although I didn’t will train them. You will show them how to work and they will EX-SERGEANT Francis Wakein registered as ‘0003’ and really know Motu well, while I was in school I learnt some work with you,” I was told. stood third in rank and file among first seven originally words from the books I read which I could remember. So Thus my job of being in charge began. handpicked by Maprik District Patrol Officer, John Eng- when I was asked if I could understand this lady, I said yes. lish in 1959, was the third person signed in and regis- However, when I actually saw her, I said to myself ‘hey, she’s Bid on Birds tered as a member of what would later become another an old woman, now how am I going to translate for her? On Monday 15th September 1959, Mr. English met with the disciplinary force – Papua New Guinea Correctional She was not speaking Police Motu but pure Motu, real ‘tok- seven new corrective institution officers. Service (PNGCS). ples’ words like ‘idodo balaumi,’ many kinds of Motu words He asked us what kind of bird would be relevant for the It was the call of a new era when the administrators of like, uh, ‘asi egu,’ uh, ‘lau be asi be dibana,’ and this kind. new division. Papua and New Guinea decided to separate the duties and I signed to the old woman to tell them what happened. She The Hanuabada man said he didn’t know much about birds responsibilities of the Police Force, creating a new force with said she went to get firewood and she lit a fire, and the fire in the bush. I said, ‘Koki’ (Coccatoo), the Waria man sug- new powers and jurisdictions. spread into kunai grasses and they caught her red-handed. gested ‘Kokomo ( hornbill’), and the Tolai man said ‘Kalangar’ I thought some young ones must have escaped but unfor- (kingfisher’) Other birds were named too but nobody men- After 2nd World War tunately she got caught. They put her in the room guard (cell) tioned tarangau, (eagle) but it was in my mind. Francis Wakein was born on March 06th, 1926 in remote and they called me to translate for her. The Kiwai bloke suggested guria (peacock), but that would Maui village, Lumi District of West Sepik Province. She began to talk in the court and I listened. I asked her not match as I thought this bird lives on the ground. We want “I was about 12 years old when the 2nd World War broke and she said ‘we are cutting the firewood but I don’t know a kind of bird that moves above the ground and looks down out in 1942. We were in the bush between 1942 and 1945. how fire started’. And I asked her, if there was any other per- to see things below. We returned from our hiding when the war ended in 1945. It son, she said, no. I told her that there would not be any fires Seagull was named but I disputed it, because Navy already was in 1947 missionaries brought school to Lumi and they if she was alone. has it. I suggested kumul, but police already had it. Thus we called us to go for learning, both big and small alike. Most “Old lady, you have to tell the truth, if not you will go to jail brushed aside all these and decided to look for a new one. didn’t catch up easily, but I learnt very quickly.” for nothing,” I said. I told Mr. English that I was thinking of a bird called “In 1949 I was sent to Vanimo to do grades 6 to 8 then later And she finally said, yes, she was with two other ladies. ‘tarangau’. ‘This is a good one’, he said. ‘ transferred to Siule Island in 1952 and did my grade 9. I turned, talked to the judge and turned again and talked to Do you know how to design and draw’, he asked. I said In March, 1953 three recruiting officers from police, army the old lady. And so the court case went on but this was one yes, I could design it in pencil but you will have to do the and navy came to the island and recruited students. example of the challenges I had as a court translator. colouring. Many of us went through testing but only 26 were recruited In court there we were five policemen besides myself. and I was among them. We came to Wewak and were later There were one each from Kundiawa, Mt Hagen, Goroka, Tarangau Design flown to Port Moresby. We were medically tested and only 15 Wabag and Kainantu. Another one from Passam, Wewak I further explained about tarangau bird in this manner. passed including me. On 6th April, 1953 we signed in at the made it to seven, and I was tasked to be in charge because “The new work we are now going to do is like collecting un- headquarters in Port Moresby as policemen. My number in I understood and knew Motu, Pidgin and English languages. wanted people, just like this bird collecting rubbish on the the police force was 976.” road, a dead snake or carcasses on the road side and store “They sent us to Sogeri where we remained there for about First CS Recruitment them in its nest and feeds its babies. a year. I was still with the police in the sub-district office when I “Our job is similar, in getting those men that people reject; heard that a kiap who worked in Maprik, Mr. John English we lock them away and make them to become good people. Court Translator had arrived and he was looking for policemen from Sepik. We are not just making them cut grass but we will also teach “In 1954 I came back to Port Moresby when the District Mr. English said ‘I came from Maprik and I am looking for them some skills like carpentry, mechanic or other life skills.” Commissioner wanted a New Guinean who knew and under- people to work in the new branch of police called corrective Mr. English agreed and told the group that we put aside all stood English, Pidgin and Motu languages. institution branch. the birds and go for tarangau. I was sent down to sub-district office in Port Moresby. They I asked him how will it come about, and he said, ‘you will And so the Correctional Services Logo, the outstanding brought me books and tested me and I passed so they said be like police, you will have uniforms, but you will involve only yellow insignia ‘The Tarangau” was born and lived up to its when court come about they will call me to translate, so I re- in looking after ,you will have no power to arrest them’. name now for 56 years, as the Correctional Service now mained in Port Moresby. I was interviewed and after my personal file was checked strives as a department and having a government ministry of One day an old lady from Hanuabada was doing some- with five other candidates, I was successful so I was moved its own. P30 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 spesolsaplimen Ol pren i save gat

Frieda Sila Kana i raitim esen em i bilong ples Kira Kira, lik- wari longlik ples Vadavada insait long Ne- narapela FRIENDS That Care (FTC), WAN- senel Kepital Distrik. Em i tok PELA komyuniti beis ogenais- dispela orgenaisesen em i kamap esen long Pot Mosbi, bai tokaut long bungim ol yangpela lain husat i gat laikim bilong musik na ol singa long wanpela HIV/AIDs Awenes husat i gat laik long kamapim ol Kempein buk bilong en tude tingting bilong daunim HIV & AIDS long Pot Mosbi. long komyuniti wantaim ol lokal na Gavana bilong Benk bilong kontemporeri musik na vidio pro- Papua Niugini, Sir Loi Bakani tude daksen. bai opim dispela buk we Moore Pastaim Minista bilong Komyuniti Printing i bin prinim 12,000 ol kopi Divelopmen na Memba bilong Pot pinis. Mosbi Saut, Dame Carol Kidu i bin FTC i gat bikpela laik na plen bi- kamapim nem bilong dispela oge- long helpim ol skul pikinini long naisesen long Ogas 2002 na Ne- save moa long sik AIDS na wanem senel Aids Kaunsil Seketeriet i bin kain wei em i save kamap na givim luksave long en long wankain bagarapim sindaun bilong ol taim. pikinini na ol pipel long komyuniti. Minista bilong Helt na HIV/AIDS, Dispela grup i kamapim pinis wan- Michael Malabag i bin opim dispela pela edukesenel buklet, ‘LET CHIL- ogenaisesen long Desemba 2013. DREN BE AIDS FREE CITIZENS” , Nau i gat moa long 1,000 ol atis bilong ol pikinini i ken lainim long husat i kam long kain kain provins skul long lukautim gut ol narapela insait long kantri long strongim pikinini husat i kisim hevi long sik awenes wok bilong HIV/AIDS long Harvey Sebea Hoeke i holim wanpela bilong ol buklet, HIV/AIDs. redio na televisen stesin olsem ol “Let Children Be AIDS Free Citizens”. Poto: Frieda Harvey Segea Hoeke, Faunda bikpela rot bilong kisim yau na ai bi- Sila Kana na Dairekta bilong dispela ogenais- long ol yangpela lain bilong tude.

CTSL TRUSTEE FOR THE DEFENCE FORCE RETIREMENT BENEFIT FUND NOTICE TO PENSIONERS IN KIMBE GOROKA This is to advise all pensioners of the Fund located in Kimbe and Goroka that officers of CTSL will be on site per the schedule below;

Location Venue Data Time Goroka Bird of Paradise Hotel - Conference Room 29th September 12noon - 4.30pm 30th September 8.00 - 4.30pm Ol Benk Saut Pasifik Menesmen na Wokman na Wokmeri long Boroko Brens i sanap na givim luksave long gutpela kantri, Papua Niugini. Ol i singim nesenel entem na kolim nesenel tok promis pastaim long ol i opim benk long Tunde 15 The scope of issues to be covered will be general awareness and issue Septemba. of the membership identification cards. Please bring a long an existing Tupela brata, John na Tiri ID card to confirm identity. i bin skul long Finschaf- fen Vokesenel Skul long 1981-1982. Nau wanpela i We urge all pensioners to attend these presentations as it will be inform- wok long Simberi Main ative and also an opportunity for you to meet up with the team for a one long Nu Ailan na narapela on one discussion on any doubts that you may have surrounding your i wok long PNG Ports pension. long Pot Mosbi. Tupela i bung gen bihain long 33 yia tumas long de bipo For further information, please do contact the Member Service Pension long 40 yia Indipendens team on the following numbers; Eniverseri na tupela i amamas tru olsem tupela Telephone Number: 320 3455 Toll Free Number: 180 1007 Mobile Num- i stap strong yet long bungim dispela taim. ber: 7998 7900

Thank you Approved By Management ramunico Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P31

Ramu NiCo givim infomesin

Ol tisa bilong Holy Spirit Hai Skul fran long Madang Bes long ol hai skul tisa

OL SUMATIN long ol hai Koporet Opis bilong Mista Atio i givim toktok tu skul i mas save gut long Ramu NiCo i redim program long sait long dip si teilings wanem infomesin ol i bilong wokabaut bilong ol plesmen (DSTP) we ol tisa i kisim long ol tisa bilong ol dispela tisa i go long amamas long harim. long save long nupela Madang Bes na i lukim ol Prinsipal bilong Holy Spirit samting na divelopmen i tisa i harim ol toktok na Memorial Hai Skul, Mista kamap insait long Papua kisim infomesen long dis- Malangen i givim bikpela tok Niugini. pela bikpela nikel/kobalt amamas i go long Ramu Bihain long 40 Krimas bi- projek long Madang provins. NiCo (MCC) long givim tok long PNG i kisim politikol in- Pablik Rilesins Opisa orait long ol tisa long go dipendens, planti kain kain biong Ramu NiCo (MCC), long Madang Bes opis long senis i kamap long kantri, James Kila wantaim tupela kisim ol infomesen. na em moa gutpela long ol Envairomen Opisa bilong Planti taim ol tisa i save sumatin long kantri i save Ramu NiCo, Philip Atio wan- bihainim ol infomesen ol i Ol tisa i amamas tru long kisim poto insait long wanem kain senis i taim Steve Opur i soim vidio kisim long text buk we ol long ‘Glas Haus’ konfrens rum kamap long sait long long stat bilong Projek na ol arapela lain i redim pinis, ekonomi, bisnis na inves- teknikol eria bilong wok op- tasol em i moa gutpela long men i kamap long kantri bi- eresins bilong Kampani. ol tisa i go stret long ol long yumi. Bihain long vidio so Mista bikpela kampani we i wokim Long Mande dispela wik Kila i wokim wanpela pawa bikpela divelopmen na sin- Ramu NiCo Menesmen poin presentesin long soim daun gut na harim ol toktok (MCC) i amamas long ol piksa na givim toktok long na kisim infomesin. welkam long 7-pela tisa bi- wanem ol helpim kampani i Wanem ol infomesen ol long Holy Spirit Memorial bin givim i go long ol komyu- tisa i givim em ol bai bringim Hai Skul long Bogia distrik niti Kampani i wok klostu i go long skulim ol sumatin long go long Madang Bes long en long Raikos na long skul, na ol sumatin i bilong en long taun. Usino-Bundi distrik long ken lainim gut ol nupela in- Ol dispela tisa em Prinsi- Madang provins. fomesin. pal bilong Holy Spirit Hai Tupela envairomen opisa, Koporet Opis bilong Skul, John Paul Malangen i Mista Opur na Mista Atio i Ramu NiCo i givim ol dispela go pas long en na ol i bin go givim toktok long sait long 7-pela tisa ol nius leta bilong long kisim ol nupela infome- envairomen na i tok klia kampani em Ramu Gara- sen long save gut long long ol sevei i wok stadi we mut, em ol tisa bai karim i go Ramu Nikel Projek, long dipatmen bilong ol i save bek long skul na putim long nau yet em wanpela bikpela wokim long sait long kon- laibri bilong ol na ol sumatin invesmen bilong MCC Grup trolim na monitoarim en- i ken ridim na save moa long insait long PNG. vairomnen wok. Ramu NiCo Projek.

Ol tisa i bisi long lukim vidio bilong Ramu Nikel Projek

Ramu NiCo Management (MCC) Ltd, the manager of Ramu NiCo Project is proud to host the 5th NATIONAL MINING EMERGENCY RESPONSE CHALLENGE in Madang Date: August 22-25, 2015 An initiative of: Under the auspices of: ”Safer Mining, National Apex Mining Mineral Resources Authority Safer Communities” Venue: DWU & PNG Maritime College Safety Council P32 Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 bisnis Kantri i gat inap mani long baset o nogat?

Stanley Nondol i raitim leum bisnis. Ples i gat bikpela bus, planti tais bikpela tru na prais bilong oil long wol maket pela na bik-pela wara na bikpela maunten. i kam daun long 35 pesen na bai kam daun mani i lus long PAPUA Nigini i tanim kamap 40 yia pinis Gavman i lukluk long LNG projek olsem moa long 50 pesen long nels yia, 2015. pasin korapsen na ol pipel long planti hap long kantri i se- wanpela bikpela rot bilong kisim winmani na Lukluk long 2015 baset, gavman i tokaut bilong givim kontrak long ol wantok. lebretim independens. Bikpela lukluk bin sapotim baset bilong kantri. olsem dinau bilong kantri kam daun long K14 Em i tok planti wok kontrak gavman i stap long LNG projek. Ol pipel bin ting Taim gavman i tokaut long 2015 dinau bilien. mekim long pablik mani i no stap long plen olsem laip bilong ol bai orait taim kantri baset, em i tok 2016 tu bai gat dinau baset Tasol oposisen i tok dinau bilong kantri i bilong gavman olsem Visin 2050, MTDS, Ne- salim LNG i go aut long wol maket. na balens baset bai kamap long 2015 na sanap long K19.76 bilien bihain long gavman senel Stretejik Plen na Fiskel Streteji na dis- Tasol askim nau em olsem, yumi i gat inap saplas baset long 2018. Gavman i mekim i tokaut long 2015 mani plen. pela i soim klia pablik mani i lus long pasin mani long akaun bilong gavman? Na win mani dispela tok bikos bikpela bilip na lukluk i stap Mausman bilong oposisen, taim korapsen. bilong PNG LNG i stap long wanem akuaun long LNG projek bai pulim bikpela win mani em i bekim baset toktok long palamen i tok Taim gavman i tokaut long 2015 baset na bilong gavman, na wanem taim bai ol pipel i kam insait long stretim ol dinau baset. dinau bilong kantri i sanap long K19.76 bilien taim Minista bilong Treseri givim baset tok- kisim sevis long winmani bilong LNG. Prais bilong oil long wol maket i pundaun na kantri bai no inap mekim dispela mani tok, ol baset buk i no bin redi. Gavman i tokaut long bikpela bilien kina bihain long 2015 mani plen. Na LNG prais i long 2015 long yusim long mani plen. Oposisen bin singaut long spika long long 2015 baset na ol pipel long kantri i kisim kam daun bikos LNG i kam aninit long wan- Oposien i tok kantri i gat K3 bilien dianu stopim Mista Pruaitch inap baset buk i redi ol wanem kain sevis. Na ol pipel long ol rurel pela oil prais long wol maket. long UBS, k2.3 bilien dianu long 2015 baset tasol Minista Pruaitch i go het bihain long ples i kisim sevis o ol i wet yet long lukim Ol sampela saveman na Oposisen i sin- na K14.2 bilien dinau stap pinis. spika Theo Zurenuoc i larim em long toktok kaikai bilong bikpela baset na winmani bilong gaut long gavman i mas kwiktaim senisim Mista Polye i tok kantri mekim planti win- Oposisen i tok ol i lukluk long putim kom- PNG LNG. mani plen bilong 2015 bikos prais bilong oil i mani na gavman inap long mekim winmani plen agensim Minista blong Treseri, Patrick Bikpela lukluk long dispela yia em kantri pundaun long wol maket na kantri bai no inap baset long K500 milien sapos gavman i no Pruaitch na Praim Minista O’Neill long tupela bin salim namba wan PNG LNG ges i go aut mekim inap mani long sapotim mani plen bi- yusim mani ausait long baset olsem 2015 i giamanim palamen long 2015 baset. Ol long wol maket long Esia. Na kantri tu bin long 2015. Pasifik Gems na ol rot projek long Mosbi siti oposisen lida i tok rot gavman i mekim baset tokaut long bikpela baset bilong 2015 long Bikpela singaut long ol saveman i go long long K879.3 milienna i no kisim UBS dinau. i no stret na i gat planti asua i stap. Tasol mani mak bilong K16.2bilien wantaim K879 gavman long mas yusim mani bilong kantri Gavman bekim UBS K204.3 milien long Oposisen i tok ol bai kisim ligel klairens long milien saplimentri baset. long ol projek we bai givim sevis long planti 2014. 2015 baset pastaim long ol loya bilong ol. Gavman i tok dispela em bikpela baset tru pipel bilong kantri olsem, rot, bris, stretim Mista Polye i tok long 2014 gavman yusim Tasol Praim Minista O’Neill i tok oposisen i long histri bilong PNG. Tasol K16.2 bilien skul, haus sik na sapotim egrikalsa projek. moa long K16 bilien tasol mani plen bilong wok long giaman na paulim pabilk bikos ol i baset em gavman i mekim dinau baset long Prais bilong Oil i pundaun long wol maket kantri bin K15.14 bilien. Na ol rot gavman no gat gutpela infomesen wantaim evidens K2.3 bilien. Na em i bikpela dinau baset long long 35 pesen. Na prais bilong LNG long wol yuism bikpela mani em ausait long 2014 long soim olsem 2015 baset i gat asua. histori bilong PNG. maket i pundaun kam daun long US$60 long mani plen na i no helpim kantri long iknomik Sampela gavman minista na ol bekbensa Kantri i salim PNG LNG ges go aut long wan wan barel. Taim LNG stat salim namba grot na mekim moa mani. i sapotim O’Neill Dion gavman long 2015 wol maket bihain long divelopa, Exxon Mobil wan ges long mun me, prais bin stap long Mista Polye i tok bikpela milien kina gav- baset bihain long Mista Polye i mekim ol wantaim ol joinvensa patna i mekim bikpela US$ 100 na i bin go antap long us$120. man i yusim long ol infrastraksa wok i no bi- strongpela toktok olsem i gat bikpela asua hat wok long taim bilong konstraksen. PNG PNG Semba bilong komes i tok prais bi- hainim rot bilong kontral, na kos bilong ol wok stap long baset na dua i op long pablik mani em i no isi ples long mekim ol ges na petro- long mineral long wol maket i pundaun em dia tumas tasol gavman i save long dis- bail us long pasin korapsen. olindipendenspoto Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P33

Ol lotu lain i mas go long Palamen.

PLES I SENIS: Wanpela lapun waitman i bin stap long PNG bipo long 1975 kantri I kisim indipendens i kam raun long amamasim 40 yia aniveseri. Em I lukim planti senis i kamap long kantri.

PULIM TAIT: Ol ami, polis na woda polis pulim tait pilak long redi long pasim long rop long pulim go antap long bik moning long Indipenden Hil.

Ol poto: Nicky Bernard

STRETIM GUT: Tupela nevi soldia stretim pilak taim ol i pulim i go antap. Dispela pilak em bikpela na hevi tru. KALA EM MIPELA YA: Mama na pikinini i soim tru kala bilong PNG wantaim bilum dres bilong Wantok Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 P34 spesolsaplimen The PNG Crest and Flag HE story of the crest and Flag the people. Many groups particularly commenced during the life of the in the New Guinea Islands region, first House of Assembly when the submitted that some object Select Committee on Constitutional representing their particular area be DevelopmentT under the Chairmanship of represented on the crest but it would late Dr. John Guise called upon the not be practicable to include a people and schools throughout PNG for representation from all areas on the submissions about their country’s flag. crest. As there was widespread Hundreds of entries were submitted which, support for the crest as it stands, your due to time restraints, were handed over to Committee recommends that it be the Second Select Committee of adopted.” Constitutional Development under the “51. The Committee suggested a Chairmanship of Paulus Arek. flag for the country and showed it to Armed with this information, The PNG Crest PNG Flag the people on its recent tour. Your Committee in October 1970 had its executive committee received numerous staff analyse these designs to find the most representations to either alter the suitable colours and symbols for a crest and Flag. They found the popular colours were gold, green and blue and the symbols – birds, drums, spears and stars. This information was passed to Mr. Holman, an artist with the Dept of Information and Extension Services, for him to design a crest and flag using these colours and symbols. The committee ran with Mr. Holman’s designs, a tricolor flag in green, gold and blue with Southern Cross and a white bird of paradise superimposed. The design was shown to the House of Assembly on 17 November 1970.

Paulus Arek told the House: The Committee will also seek the people’s views on a flag and a crest. The flag and crest do not represent the ideas of one single person but rather have been designed taking into account the overwhelmingly popular colours, designs and ideas submitted by the people to your Committee. Mr. Speaker, with your approval I would like to show members of the House of Assembly the flag and crest the Committee proposes to show to the people. In relation to the flag: Current photo of Susan Karike near the flag. The BLUE represents the islands of our country and the sea, which surrounds them. The Cross lies above our whole country and on 1 March to consider the suggested flag or replace it. Because of the guides our people in their travel on land and findings from its fact finding tour wide variety of views about the colour and sea. and finalise that report. Both design of the suggested flag, your The GOLD represents the coastal areas of groups found that the proposed Committee has decided to choose one of the our country, its past and future mineral flag was not acceptable to the submission made to it on its recent tour.” wealth and unity. people as the flag for a future “52. The Committee has chosen a design The GREEN represents the mainland and independent PNG and decided submitted by a young Papuan girl named highland areas of our country and a Bird of to recommend one of the Susan Karike. In her submission to the Paradise, our unique bird, is turned towards alternatives submitted to the Committee Susan described the colours of the islands to represent one unified country. committee during its tour. the flag as being the colours most commonly Mr. Speaker, your Committee proposes to The choice was narrowed used by our people in their traditional make an extensive tour of the Territory in down to two designs. Susan’s ceremonies. The Committee recommends January and February 1971. The people will design I had already presented that this flag be adopted as the flag for be shortly notified when the committee will to the meeting. The other, Niugini” be visiting their areas and will be provided somewhat larger, from New Evan Evans Pty Ltd of Melbourne supplied with sufficient time to think about and prepare Ireland group, was submitted by the first Papua New Guinea flag. I offered it answers to the committee’s proposals, the Mr. Wally Lussick 1. The to Dr. John Guise, Speaker of the House, to main ones of which I have outlined in this Committee adjourned that fly at the House of Assembly. He gracefully statement. evening without having come to refused the offer as he thought it was The Committee divided into two groups to a decision. I felt a little premature. Mr. Les Johnson, the tour the country in Jan/Feb 1971. As Deputy despondent, as I needed more Administrator flew this flag in front of his Chairman of the Select Committee I led one than a page from an exercise office in Konedobu. It was the first PNG flag of the groups. The people universally Old 1977 magazine clippings showing Susan Karike book to do full justice to Susan’s to be flown in the country. I visited PNG in design. That evening Ross accepted the crest although there was some with former Australian prime minister Bob Hawke and August 2003 and noted the respect shown to Johnson2 took the initiative and parochial discussion about the design of the below with family with our flag. Photos: Internet their flag. This reinforced that the decision we spear and drum. had his wife, Pat, put Susan’s made was the correct one. However, the people were quite outspoken design onto a piece of cloth when shown the proposed design for the slightly larger than a tea towel. Geoff Littler: flag. Mostly they regarded the design as a book. It had instant appeal and I immediately When this was shown to the Official Member, The Second House of mechanically contrived outcome designed by thought, ‘This is the flag.’ Committee next day a consensus was soon Assembly, Territory of Papua New Guinea the Select Committee and not produce by a Susan replaced the tricolor by making the reached. Ross and Pat’s flag gave support real person. It lacked warmth and charisma. lower segment of the flag black with stars of to my presentation and the committee 1. The Regional Member for New Ireland Our group visited Yule Island on the 12 the Southern Cross in white. The top accepted Susan’s design. February 1971. At the Yule Island meeting a segment was red with the stylised bird of The report was presented to and adopted 2. Deputy Executive Office of the Select school girl, Susan Karike, a pupil of the Paradise in gold. Susan described the by the House on 4 March 1971. It said this Committee Catholic Mission School, gave me a colours as those most commonly used by about the crest and flag: revamped designed of the proposed flag people in their traditional ceremonies. “50. The crest suggested by your Source: Una Voce, September 2015 drawn on a page taken from an exercise The Committee next met in Port Moresby Committee is acceptable to the majority of spotpoto Septemba 17 - 23, 2015 Wantok P35 OL SPOT POTO BILONG BIPO

OFC RESIS: OFC Soka resis save kamap olgeta yia taim ol top Pasifik Ailan soka tim STAT BILONG NRL: NRL Bid i stat long 2010 na 2011. Dispela poto i bilong 2011 taim Gavana, i save resis long go insait long OFC resis long Oceania Kap. Poto i soim top tim bilong Powes Parkop i stap siaman bilong NRL bid. Nau dispela kempen bilong yumi PNG long stap PNG, Hekari i pilai wantaim top tim bilong Solomon Ailan long Pot Mosbi long 2011. insait long NRL resis i wok long go strong taim tim Hunter i stap insait long Kwinslen Kap resis long tupela yia nau. Poto i soim Gavana Parkop wantaim ol bod bilong NRL Bid wantaim tupela bik nem pilaia bilong Brisbane Brocos long taim bilong tokaut NRL Bid long 2011.

PMs 13: Olgeta yia PNG save kisim ol pilai bilong Australia NRL long kam long PNG long pilai na mekim awenes bilong helpim ol meri. Dispela pilai i save kamap long Septemba o Oktoba. Dispela yia, salens bai kamap long Septemba. Planti long ol bek nem pilaia bilong Australia save kam na pilai long PNG. Poto i soim bek nem pilaia bilong Sydney Rooster, Michael Jemings, i ran wantaim bal long 2012. NETBAL: Ol tim bilong praivet kampani netbal i save pulapim Bisini long taim praivet kampani netbal resis i save kamap long olgeta yia. Dispela yia ol i no statim pilai yet long wanem ples bilong pilai i no redi yet. GURIAS: Rabaul Gurias i winim pinis 6-pela taitel long SP Kap na nau i kamap Digicel Kap. Dispela wanpela tim long Niugini Ailans i save karim SOFBAL nem bilong ol NGI stret na olgeta Niugini Ailan i save stap long baksait long : Sofbal resis taim bilong sapot. Dispela piksa i soim nau namba 9 bilong PNG Hunters, long Pot Mosbi na ol- Wartovo Puara, i mekim namba wan fainel bilong em wantaim Gurias na geta narapela hap long ol bin winim Muruks long gren fainel bilong Digicel Kap long 2012. provins save putim ol nambis lain long wanem dispela pilai em kaikai bilong ol stret. Ol tim long Hailans tu save gat resis bilong sofbal long wanem planti ol nambis lain save wok antap long Hailans. Dispela Indipendens De i gat sofbal tonamen long Mosbi na olgeta senta long kantri bai kam pilai. Ol poto: Nicky Bernard Isu 2140 Wan wik: Fonde, Septemba 10 - 16, 2015.

PAPUA Niugini SP Hun- ting em i wanpela malo- ters i gat wanpela sans malo tim, tasol Black- tasol i stap yet long go hawks i daunim ol. insait long gren fainal Las sans bilong Hunters long Septemba 27. Hunters em lonmg semi Hunters SP Hunters i bin lus fainal gem wantaim Ip- long kwalifai fainal wan- swich Jets long Sarere. taim Townsville Black- Ol Jets i daunim Easts hawks long las wik Sarere Tigers 44-18 long kwalifai long Jack Manski pilai fainal long las wik Sarere. graun long Townsville. Ol Hunters i go bek gen Skoa i sanap olsem 26- long Kokopo long las wik 12 we Blachawks i win Sande long redi long pi- i gat wantaim 14 poin na i stap laim las sans i stap yet. i gat sambai long pilai long Hunters i bin daunim ol gren fainal. Jets tupela taim pinis Kosa bilong Hunters, olsem ol i bin mekim long Michael Marum, i bin Blackhawks. tokim ol pilaia bilong em I gat tupela as tingting olsem, ''SP Hunters em i we Hunters i lus bikos tim we i daunim Black- namba wan fowod pilaia hawks tupela taim pinis na bilong ol, Enoch Maki, i las dispela rekot i ken karim bin kisim bagarap long las skru bilong em. gutpela kaikai long Sarere we mipela i gat strong Maki i save soim sam- long daunim ol gen.'' pela kala bilong em long ''Mipela i wok hat long ol Hunters i ken win, tasol ol eria we mipela i save em i no pilai long kwalifai slek, tasol nau mipela i fainal resis. redi gut long daunim ol Ol Blackhawks i kisim Blakhawks olsem mipela moa strong long pilai i bin ssaannss i save mekim pastaim,'' kamap long asples bilong Marum i tok. ol na i no gat wanpela Ol Hunters i ting olsem sapota bilong PNG i bin ol bai winim ol Black- stap long dispela taim Thompson Teteh bai traim strong bilong hawks bikos ol i winim ol long givim sapot na em long dispela wiken wantaim ol Jets. tupela taim pinis na ol i strongim ol Hunters.

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