Discovering Neruda: an Interview with H
of that text's own intentions it may be the translator's imagination that is best able to relate it to the intentions of others. Notes 6Rainer Schulte, "The Act of Translation: From Interpretation to Interdisciplinary Thinking," Translation Review, NO.4 (1979), pp. 3-8. , Octavio Paz, "Traduccion: literatura y literalidad," in Traduccion: Schulte's suggestions for translation as re-vitalized critical reading Iiteratura y literalidad (Barcelona: Tusquets, 1971), pp. 7-21. An complement very well Roger Shattuck's recent call for a English translation of this essay ("Translation: Literature and reexamination of "the relations between criticism and its host, Literality") by Lynn Tuttle appeared in Translation Review, No.3 literature." See "How to Rescue Literature," The New York Review of (1979), pp. 13·19. Books, (17 April 1980), pp. 29-35. 2George Steiner, After Babel (New York: Oxford University Press, 70ctavio Armand, Piet menos mia, Special number of the magazine 1975) and Serge Gavronsky, "The Translator: From Piety to Escolios (Los Angeles: California State University, 1976), p. 9. Cannibalism," Sub-Stance, No. 16 (1977), pp. 53-62. BRamon del Valle-lnclan, La lampara maravillosa (Buenos Aires: 3Jorge Luis Borges, "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote," trans. Espasa-Calpe, 1948), pp. 129-30. James E. Irby in Labyrinths. Selected Stories and Other Writings, ed. 9Ernst Robert Curtius, European Uterature and the Latin Middle Ages, Donald A. Yates and James E. Irby (New York: New Directions, 1975), trans. Williard Trask (1953; rpt, New York: Harper Torchbooks, 1963), pp.36-44. pp. 345-346 and Carol Maier, "The Concept of Language in La 4Marilyn Gaddis Rose, "Entropy and Redundancy in Decadent Style: lampara maravillosa," in Waiting for Pegasus.
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