Regional researchers Business & Human Rights Resource Centre – January 2013

There is no substitute for having someone in the region who understands the local context and speaks relevant languages. Our part-time regional researchers draw global attention to the human rights impacts (positive & negative) of companies in their region, and seek responses from companies when civil society raises concerns. They establish close contacts with grassroots NGOs, local businesspeople and others.

Sa’eda Al-Kilani ([email protected]) Middle East & North Africa Researcher & Representative, based in Amman, Jordan • national of Jordan; educated at University of Jordan (BA English Literature; minor French Literature); also took courses at Université de Bourgogne in France • founder and director of Arab Archives Institute for Human Rights Research • was Middle East & North Africa Director of Article 19, the NGO working to defend freedom of expression • represented Transparency International in Jordan; was correspondent for Reporters Sans Frontières • led campaigns that resulted in reform of Jordan’s Press Law and banning of Wasta in state-business relations • worked as journalist at Jordan Times • author of several books on media freedoms, transparency and human rights • fluent in Arabic, English & French • Saeda’s missions for Resource Centre: Tunisia (2012)

Lowell Chow ([email protected]) East Asia Researcher & Representative, based in Hong Kong • national of (Hong Kong); educated at Nottingham University Business School (MA, Corporate Social Responsibility), University of Hong Kong (BSc Honours, Biochemistry) • worked as East Asia Research Associate at UL-STR Responsible Sourcing, researching social compliance programmes, codes of conduct, and labour rights and labour law issues in the region • participated in Oxfam Hong Kong’s Youth Campaign Partners Programme • organised activities to promote corporate responsibility in Hong Kong after Oxfam mission to Cambodia • interned at Médecins Sans Frontières Hong Kong • fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese & English; proficient in the Chaoshan dialect • Lowell’s missions for Resource Centre: China - Shenzhen/Guangzhou (2012), China – Beijing (planned for 2013)

Aliou Diouf ([email protected]) Francophone Africa Researcher & Representative, based in Dakar, Senegal • national of Senegal; educated at Gdansk University in Poland (LLM International Law & Human Rights), Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva (PhD International Criminal & Humanitarian Law) • worked as a human rights lawyer in Geneva, before returning to Senegal in early 2009 • interned at International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Arusha, Tanzania), and Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva) • worked at Geneva for Human Rights • fluent in French, Serer & Wolof; strong English • Aliou’s missions for Resource Centre: Senegal/Kédougou (2010), Niger (2010), Dem. Rep. of Congo (2012)

Rania Fazah ([email protected]) Middle East Researcher & Representative, based in Beirut, • national of Lebanon; educated at Lebanese University (BA Political Sciences & Public Administration; BA Communication Arts & Journalism); studying for MSc Public Policy & Management, University of London External Programme • member of Executive Committee of the Lebanese human right organization ALEF (Act for Human Rights) • worked as Middle East Programme Officer of IKV Pax Christi • was Regional Monitoring & Documentation Officer at Save the Children Regional Office (Jordan) • served as Regional Coordinator of Child Rights Programme for Arab Resource Collective - Lebanon • as a freelance reporter, contributed to Beirut Times, Nahar Shabab (Lebanon), Ad-Dustour (Jordan) • fluent in Arabic & English; some French • Rania’s missions for Resource Centre: Egypt or United Arab Emirates (planned for 2013) continued → 2

Eniko Horvath ([email protected]) Europe Researcher & Representative, based in London, UK • national of Hungary; educated at Cambridge University (Masters in Sociology focused on human rights & corporate accountability); Harvard University (BA Government) • former intern at Business & Human Rights Resource Centre; also interned at Asociación Civil por la Responsabilidad Social AMARTYA (Argentina); Club De Madrid (Spain); Consortium for Street Children (UK); Cluster Munition Coalition (UK); International Centre for Democratic Transition (Hungary) • was Co-President of Harvard College Human Rights Advocates • helped coordinate Harvard Law School Human Rights Journal's Annual Symposium on Responsibility to Protect (2009) & Corporate Accountability (2010) • fluent in English, Spanish, French & Hungarian; some Russian

Harpreet Kaur ([email protected]) South Asia Researcher & Representative, based in Delhi, India • national of India; educated at University of Delhi (PhD Anthropology), National Law School of India University (Post Graduate Diploma Human Rights Law) • part-time at Panos South Asia as Project Director for Jammu & Kashmir project; as Project Manager & Researcher at BBC World Service Trust worked in Jammu & Kashmir, Bihar, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, etc. • worked with ActionAid India, Partners in Change, Voluntary Action Network India, Doordarshan (Indian public television), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment • interned at National Human Rights Commission of India • fluent in English, Hindi & Punjabi • Harpreet’s missions for Resource Centre: Bangladesh (2011); Harpreet was unable to join our Sri Lanka mission (2012)

Joseph Kibugu ([email protected]) Eastern Africa Researcher & Representative, based in Nairobi, Kenya • national of Kenya; educated at University of Notre Dame's Center for Civil and Human Rights (LLM, International Human Rights) where courses included “Transnational Corporations and Human Rights”; Kenya School of Law (post-graduate diploma in law); University of Nairobi (law degree) • was Kenya Field Office Director for International Justice Mission in Kenya, leading 18 staff addressing gender-based violence, illegal detention, unprosecuted rape and murder, land seizure, police accountability • worked in Freetown as intern at Special Court for Sierra Leone • volunteer lawyer at Morris Moses Foundation (Kenya), working to improve public health services • fluent in English & Kikuyu, and proficient in Swahili • Joe’s missions for Resource Centre: Kenya (2012), Uganda (2012), Malawi (2012)

Danielle McMullan ([email protected]) Researcher on UK, Ireland, and Israel & Occupied Palestinian Territories, based in London • national of UK; educated at University of Essex (LLM Distinction, International Human Rights), College of Law (Legal Practice Course), University of Reading (Law, LLB Hons) • former research intern Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, caseworker at Refugee & Migrant Justice, Research & Development Manager at Business in the Community (specialising in ethical supply chain issues), solicitor at Mayer Brown, pro bono adviser at Citizens Advice Bureau and at Islington Law Centre • six-month secondment at Unilever head office in London • was Secretary of the Amnesty International Group at University of Reading • fluent in English with some German & French

Nokukhanya (Khanya) Mncwabe ([email protected]) Anglophone Southern & Western Africa Researcher & Representative, based in Cape Town, • national of South Africa; studying for LLB at University of South Africa; educated at University of Cape Town (BSocSci, Politics & Philosophy ) • worked as Senior Researcher (Transitional Justice Programme) at Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR), and as Southern Africa Regional Coordinator of the African Transitional Justice Research Network • internships at Legal Resources Centre, and Centre for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) • author of “African Transitional Justice Research Network: Critical Reflections on a Peer Learning Process,” in International Journal of Transitional Justice (2010) • fluent in English, Zulu & Afrikaans, with some Setswana • Khanya’s missions for Resource Centre: South Africa (2012) • Missions for Resource Centre by Khanya’s predecessor, Abiola Okpechi: Zambia (2009), Ghana (2010), Nigeria (2010), Kenya (2012), South Africa (2012), Zimbabwe (2012) 3 continued →

Gregory Tzeutschler Regaignon ([email protected]) Research Director and North America Researcher & Representative, based in California • national of USA; educated at Columbia Univ. School of Law (JD); Parker School of Foreign & Comparative Law; Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Advanced Intl. Studies (MA African Studies), Amherst College (BA) • worked with Human Rights Watch and Legal Aid Institute of Indonesia • co-author of "Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)" • former associate at Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, a New York-based international law firm • fluent in English & French, some German, Indonesian & Spanish. • Greg’s missions for Resource Centre: USA-Gulf Coast (2010), Dem. Rep. of Congo (2012), Tunisia (2012), Uganda (2012)

Amanda Romero Medina ([email protected]) Latin America & Caribbean Researcher & Representative, based in Bogotá, Colombia • national of Colombia; PhD in Education at Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Colombia; Masters degree - Education; courses on human rights & humanitarian law • worked at two leading Latin American human rights organizations in Colombia: CINEP and ILSA • was American Friends Service Committee’s Quaker Intl. Affairs Representative for Andean Region • as independent consultant has worked on issues including indigenous peoples, Afro descendants, peace- building, displacement, “disappearances”, child soldiers, women’s rights, prisoners’ rights, refugees • provided human rights training to senior staff & trade union leaders at Ecopetrol petroleum company • fluent in Spanish & English; some Portuguese & French • Amanda’s missions for Resource Centre: Guatemala (2011), Peru (2011), Colombia (2011), Argentina (2012), Mexico (2012)

Ella Skybenko ([email protected]) Eastern Europe & Central Asia Researcher & Representative, based in Kyiv, Ukraine • national of Ukraine; educated at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in Ukraine (International law); University of Denver (MA International Human Rights); Yerevan State University in Armenia • interned at Corporate Accountability International • HIV/AIDS Program Manager at Holt International Children’s Services in Ukraine • was Program Coordinator for the American International Health Alliance in Ukraine, managing health care projects in Ukraine, Belarus & Moldova • fluent in Ukrainian, Russian & English • Ella’s missions for Resource Centre: Czech Republic (2011), Kazakhstan (2012), Kyrgyzstan (2012)

Bobbie Sta. Maria (starting work 1 February 2013) Southeast Asia Researcher & Representative, based in Bangkok, Thailand • national of Philippines; educated at University of Sydney (Master of Human Rights and Democratisation); University of Philippines (LLB Law; BS Business Administration and Accountancy) • worked at EarthRights International as Asia Legal Program Coordinator, based in Thailand - worked with advocates from Cambodia, , , Thailand, and China to seek redress for human rights and environmental abuses • was member of legal staff at SALIGAN (Alternative Legal Assistance Center, Philippines) • interned at Center for Constitutional Dialogue, Nepal • fluent in Filipino & English

We are in the process of recruiting a Brazil, Portugal and Portuguese-speaking Africa Researcher & Representative based in Brazil.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre [email protected]

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US office: 333 Seventh Avenue, 14th floor, NY, NY 10001; phone +1 (212) 564 9160 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in USA