HMS OPOSSUM ASSOCIATION SPRING NEWSLETTER 2016 1945-1958 Welcome to our Spring Newsletter. Despite repeated requests for Newsletter stories, sorry to report none has been received, as a consequence this edition lacks the usual human element. So I have had to fill the pages with a variety of articles that I hope will be of interest to members. This edition includes a revised Membership List and an earlier than usual Reunion Questionnaire of who will be attending, those wishing to lodge their apologies and a request for their £15 subscription. Sorry to tell of the passing of member Ian Janes whose funeral I attended in February. Again a further appeal for your personal stories for later Newsletters. Ed. CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS Greetings to all members. To remind you of our coming reunion, the highlight of our year. [See separate sheet for details] Not only urging you to attend but to bring along, if still around, your Grand Dad and Grand Mum. Joking apart – the price is right, the company good, come ye all and enjoy. With Best Wishes Lewis Trinder Chairman Chairman Lewis Trinder 108 North Lane, Aldershot, Hants GU12 4QT 01252-323861
[email protected] [45] Secretary/Editor Eddie Summerfold 28 Greymont Road, Limefield, Bury BL9 6PN 0161-764-8778
[email protected] Treasurer Sam Edgar 21 Heathlawns, Fareham, Hants PO15 5QB 01329-235732
[email protected] [57] Website 1 TREASURER’S REPORT Brought Forward £1,388.57 Income – raffle/subs £670.00 [plus donatiions] Funeral expenses £493.79 Balance £1,564.72 Roll of Honor