University of Library Guide to the William Benton Papers 1839-1973

© 2019 University of Chicago Library Table of Contents Acknowledgments 4 Descriptive Summary 4 Information on Use 5 Access 5 Restrictions on Use 5 Citation 5 Biographical Note 5 Scope Note 14 Related Resources 23 Subject Headings 23 INVENTORY 24 Series I: General Files 24 Subseries 1: Personal Life 24 Sub-subseries 1: Family and Personal, 1839-1942 24 Sub-subseries 2: Family and Personal, 1941-1947 33 Sub-subseries 3: Family and Personal, 1948-1957 36 Sub-subseries 4: Family and Personal, 1958-1973 44 Sub-subseries 5: Travel Files 57 Subseries 2: General Correspondence 68 Sub-subseries 1: 1930-1940 68 Sub-subseries 2: 1941-1947 72 Sub-subseries 3: 1948-1957 82 Sub-subseries 4: 1958-1973 105 Subseries 3: Business Career 172 Sub-subseries 1: General 172 Sub-subseries 2: Benton & Bowles 174 Sub-subseries 3: Muzak 179 Sub-subseries 4: Encyclopaedia Britannica 184 Subseries 4: Public Life 199 Sub-subseries 1: Public relations and project ideas, 1958-1973 199 Sub-subseries 2: America First, 1939-1942 203 Sub-subseries 3: Committee for Economic Development 205 Sub-subseries 4: Politics 211 Sub-subseries 5: Campaigns 248 Sub-subseries 6: Senate 260 Sub-subseries 7: McCarthy 276 Subseries 5: Foreign Affairs 280 Sub-subseries 1: General 280 Sub-subseries 2: State Department 285 Sub-subseries 3: UNESCO 294 Subseries 6: Education and Philanthropy 308 Sub-subseries 1: University of Chicago 308 Sub-subseries 2: Benton Foundation 311 Series II: Speech Files 332 Series III: Autograph Correspondence with Notable Figures 581 Series IV: Memorabilia 583 Series V: Recordings - (Acetates) 590 Subseries 1: Record albums, music 590 Subseries 2: Record albums, political and business 591 Subseries 3: Record albums, University of Chicago Radio Office, World Theatre592 series Subseries 4: Record Albums, unidentified 593 Subseries 5: Record albums, music 593 Subseries 6: Record albums, University of Chicago Radio Office, Human Adventure594 series Subseries 7: Record albums, political and business 595 Series VI: Scrapbooks 596 Series VII: Addenda 603 Subseries 1: Personal 603 Subseries 2: Correspondence 605 Subseries 3: Speeches and Writing 606 Subseries 4: Career 608 Subseries 5: Audiovisual 613 Subseries 6: Oversize 617 Descriptive Summary


Title Benton, William. Papers

Date 1839-1973

Size 384 linear feet (613 boxes)

Repository Special Collections Research Center University of Chicago Library 1100 East 57th Street Chicago, Illinois 60637 U.S.A.

Abstract William Benton (1900-1973) was an advertising executive, publisher, university administrator, U.S. senator and diplomat. Contains personal and professional correspondence, reports, legal documents, account books, diaries, manuscripts, speeches, research notes, transcripts of radio and television broadcasts, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, photographs, awards, and mementos. Papers highlight Benton's business and investment successes as well as his contributions to education and public affairs. Includes material relating to Encyclopaedia Britannica (1941-1973); Encyclopaedia Britannica Films (1939-1973); America First Committee; the Committee for Economic Development (1942-1973); Muzak (1941-1973); Benton & Bowles (1925-1973); the U.S. State Department (1941-1973); UNESCO (1946-1973); the McCarthy era; the establishment of Voice of America; the University of Chicago Board of Trustees; the Benton Foundation (1958-1973) commitments to Brandeis University, the University of Bridgeport, the University of , the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and the American Shakespeare Festival; and Connecticut and national politics (1948-1973).

Acknowledgments In December 1981, Benton's four children, Charles Benton, Louise Benton Wagner, Helen Benton Boley, and John Hemingway Benton, presented their father's papers to the University of Chicago Library. Complemented by an additional gift of letters and memorabilia from the family in December 1982, the William Benton Papers constituted the single largest body of manuscripts ever accepted by the Library at that time. The task of organizing and describing the Papers was undertaken by two historians, Lamar Riley and James Grubb, both of them doctoral candidates in the University's Department of History. Their work was made possible by a grant from Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., which understood the magnitude of the enterprise at hand and the importance of preserving the Papers and making them available for the broadest possible

4 scholarly use. A typed copy of their original finding aid can be found in the accession files for this collection; please consult with Special Collections staff.

Information on Use Access The collection is open for research.

Restrictions on Use Series V and Series VII do not include an access copy for most film and audio recordings. Researchers should consult with Special Collections staff before requesting any of these items.

Citation When quoting material from this collection, the preferred citation is: Benton, William. Papers, [Box #, Folder #], Special Collections Research Center, University of Chicago Library.

Biographical Note A dynamic man of broad interests and innovative flair, William Burnett Benton achieved distinction in many fields during his seventy-three years. He was blessed with a nearly unerring talent for the marketplace, but he is remembered especially for broad-ranging contributions in education and public affairs.

Born in Minneapolis on April 1, 1900, Benton was the first child of Charles William Benton, a Congregationalist clergyman and University of Minnesota professor, and Elma Hixson Benton, a country school superintendent. Benton and his younger brother, Daniel Hixson, grew up in a close-knit family which prized its activist heritage; their paternal grandparents had been missionaries in Lebanon from the 1840s through the 1870s, and the Hixsons were prominent in Democratic reform politics in Minnesota. Particularly through the forceful example of his mother, Benton early was imbued with humanitarian and public service ideals which his later life exemplified.

When Benton was thirteen his father died, and the family's situation changed radically. Young William entered Shattuck Academy in Faribault, Minnesota, on a partial scholarship, spending most vacations helping his mother in an ill-fated Montana homesteading venture undertaken with her father and brother. Though Benton disliked the isolated summers and the military regimen of the academic year, he was buoyed by the prospect of following a long line of Yale- educated Bentons who had been ministers, teachers, and professionals. Each year he stood close to the top of his class, but he always found time for extracurricular activities. In addition to sports, he supplemented his meager funds as Shattuck's sole agent for memory books, class pins, stationery, and a binder he invented for the new school paper. Through his schoolboy enterprise he began to discover entrepreneurial and selling talents which were to alter the direction of his ambitions.

5 In June 1917 Benton confidently took his final exams at Shattuck and the entrance exams for Yale. The college's English and mathematics requirements presented no difficulty, but he was shocked when he failed the French and Latin exams. Suddenly his dreams seemed unattainable, forcing the high school graduate to reevaluate the future.

In the meantime Elma Benton, seeking to improve her long-range career possibilities in teaching, had decided to earn a master's degree in education at Columbia University's Teachers College. Her solution to her elder son's predicament was to enroll him at Carleton College, where his aunt, Dr. Mary Benton, was dean of women. To his surprise Benton found all aspects of Carleton life congenial, and he weighed the notion of going against his mother's wishes by finishing his undergraduate work there. The dilemma disappeared when Congress passed a draft law covering ages 18 to 45, for Benton immediately left for Yale, where he was inducted into the Student Army Training Corps. Benton's hopes for military service were dashed only two months later with the signing of the armistice.

He stayed at Yale to retake the entrance examinations and in 1918 entered as a sophomore. Although quickly recognized as a prize debater and a frequent contributor to the Yale Record, it was a trying year for Benton academically and socially. He felt his Midwestern background and schooling branded him an outsider, and he resented the handicap as he adjusted to the social and intellectual atmosphere of the eastern institution. In early 1919 Benton began to make decisions which pointed him toward a business career. First came involvement in a college- calendar franchise, by which he impressed classmates with his promoting and selling techniques. Soon thereafter Benton was offered a Rhodes scholarship and had to confront the implications of his marketing aptitude. To his mother's dismay, he rejected it, instead accepting a prestigious summer training position in international trading and finance with National City Bank of .

That year brought major changes in his family situation as well. Elma Benton finished her degree work and was named headmistress at Hosmer Hall, a private girls' school in St. Louis, where she was to remain until her death in 1942. Dan Benton joined her there after spending the summer in New York City with his brother; but within a few months he had contracted an unidentified sleeping sickness, and he died in late December of 1919.

Benton had been elated to start his second year at Yale as one of the editors of the Yale Record, and soon after Dan's death he was elected chairman of the editorial board. Under his direction the staff solicited more advertising, and the magazine grew to boast the largest newsstand circulation of any college magazine in history. In addition to honing his writing and promotional skills, Benton formed important and long-lasting friendships during his college days. Among these men were Henry Luce, Jr., Robert M. Hutchins, Ralph Ingersoll, Galen Van Meter, and Reginald Marsh.

6 Graduating in 1921, Benton accepted a job with the National Cash Register Company, renowned for the quality of its salesmanship and the leadership of President John H. Patterson, the father of "scientific salesmanship." Within the earlier system, "drummers" had carried samples or catalogues demonstrating a range of products made by various manufacturers. Selling relied not only on the salesman's persuasiveness and personality but also on the customer's loyalty. The salesman had little incentive to improve performance since only novice or incompetent employees sold on commission; any good agent was tied to a set salary. Patterson revamped the system by assigning NCR salesmen specific territories, sales quotas, and a single product to be sold by creating a need for it among prospects. Another novel characteristic of Patterson's system was rewarding salesmen with generous prizes and more lucrative sales territories.

Benton's hiring violated two of Patterson's rules-of-thumb; he was under 25 and a college graduate. At first limited to menial or over-flow office work, Benton won an early chance to develop his selling skills because of his industriousness and aptitude. Despite being saddled with a notoriously unpromising trial territory, he exceeded his quota during his first month in the field. The auspicious beginning was insufficient inducement for company officials to waive minimum age requirements for NCR special training classes compulsory for advancement. Impatient and disenchanted, Benton decided to shift to advertising.

He broke into the new field with a $25-a-week job with the New York branch of Lord and Thomas, then the world's largest and most profitable advertising agency. Albert D. Lasker, its head and owner, brought to advertising the same dynamism and creativity that John H. Patterson infused into the world of scientific selling. Benton's dissatisfaction with the agency mounted rapidly, however, as his requests to learn copywriting were repeatedly denied. After a brief period of discontent he moved to the George Batten Company, staying there until fired as a result of policy disagreements a tumultuous five years later. Before returning to Lord and Thomas he married Helen Hemingway, a teacher he had met while at Yale. Their first child, Charles William, was born three years later. Several years later the Bentons adopted two baby girls, Louise Hemingway and Helen Orr, and in 1942 another child, John.

In 1929 Benton resigned as assistant general manager and partner at Lord and Thomas, and with former assistant Chester Bowles, from whom he borrowed $5,000 for the purpose, started the Benton and Bowles agency. Despite the Great Depression, Benton and Bowles quickly became the sixth largest single-office advertising firm in the United States. The Depression itself fostered the agency's success, for it encouraged the re-examination of advertising policies and outmoded techniques, facilitating the rise of a new wave of creative executives. The fledgling agency also benefited from Benton's introduction into New York of the consumer research surveys he had devised at Lord and Thomas in Chicago. These surveys gave clients more systematically compiled data for marketing decisions, particularly appealing at a time when consumer purchasing power was drastically reduced. In addition, while other top agencies still were depending almost totally on newspapers and national magazines, Benton and Bowles pioneered in radio advertising. Two shows were especially important;" Amos 'n Andy," which Benton bought for Pepsodent 7 while still at Lord and Thomas; and the "Maxwell House Show Boat." Among the innovations on the latter were the use of the live studio audience, cue signs for laughter and applause, and commercials with sound effects.

The partners had agreed verbally from the outset that Benton would be free to leave with fair compensation when he chose, and in 1935 Benton began making arrangements to quit advertising. Newspapers seized the rags-to-riches story: Yale scholarship student reaches goal of earning a million dollars before his thirtieth birthday-and during the Depression. It is true that the eventual value of his stock made him a millionaire; but because his return was pegged to the firm's well-being, only if the agency continued to prosper would his total assets mount. Benton, in fact, was destined for some financially rocky periods before his wealth was assured.

When Benton announced his retirement from advertising, President Robert M. Hutchins, his former Yale debating partner, invited him to undertake public relations and fund-raising work for the University of Chicago. After Benton turned down the offer, Hutchins countered by proposing a shorter-term project; surveying University programs and suggesting improvements. As further inducement he stressed opportunities for directing and expanding the University's commitment to radio broadcasting and educational films, both areas which had already whetted Benton's interest.

Overcoming his initial hesitation, Benton agreed to spend two to three months assessing the situation and producing a "consumer research" survey for the institution. It was unprecedented for a university to adopt such techniques to measure its "acceptance" or "sales resistance." Indispensable assistance came from John Howe, then part of the University's public relations office and Benton's right-hand man for the ensuing three decades.

The University's public relations in the mid-thirties were in a poor state. Though it was outside the purview of his assignment, Benton managed to solve two of the institution's most vexing problems. The University was perceived as a nest of subversion, a situation which had been exacerbated by the publicity surrounding Charles Walgreen's withdrawal of his daughter from classes. Benton could uncover no factual basis for these accusations, so he got permission from Hutchins to approach the drugstore magnate personally. Their meeting laid the groundwork both for the resolution of the immediate problem and for Walgreen's underwriting of the University's Charles R. Walgreen Foundation for the Study of American Institutions. Benton was equally successful in neutralizing the chronic hostility shown the University by Chicago by newspapers, especially Colonel Robert McCormick's Chicago Tribune.

Late in 1936 Benton completed The University of Chicago's Public Relations, his analysis of the University's image problems and recommendations for improvement. Pinpointing Hutchins's role in public relations as crucial, he also underlined essential contributions to be made by faculty, students, trustees, and alumni. In line with his own interests and vision, he 8 also emphasized the largely untapped capacity of radio and film to promote the University. Fifty confidential copies of the controversial report were printed for circulation to the trustees, and the University's public relations now so intrigued Benton that he agreed to assume a half-time position as vice-president.

He lost no time in implementing the ideas he had outlined in his report. In addition to producing and commissioning scores of promotional articles and pamphlets about the University, Benton lectured widely and urged others in the academic community to do the same. Much of this work was aimed at the Chicago business community, a group whose ties to the University the new vice president sought to strengthen and expand. Benton's greatest interest, however, was in radio and film. He put "The University of Chicago Round Table" on a permanent footing, arranging a grant from the Alfred Sloan Foundation for that purpose. Begun modestly in 1931 as an occasional seminar on current economic, political, and social issues, by the fall of 1936 the "Round Table" had a national following. Under Benton's tutelage it was for twenty years the most popular radio discussion program in the United States, drawing many of its participants from the University faculty. Benton further heightened the University's national visibility when he inaugurated another radio series, "The Human Adventure," which linked faculty research to dramatic advances in human knowledge.

Prospects for developing educational films were more complex. In 1932 the University had entered into a five-year contract with an AT&T subsidiary, Electrical Research Products, Inc. (ERPI), under which ERPI provided the financial and technical resources for film-making while the University supplied its faculty and endorsement. In 1936 Benton learned of the conglomerate's desire to sell ERPI and to abandon the educational film business. Despite the trustees' interest and Benton's strong encouragement, the University chose not to acquire ERPI. Benton's faith in the potential of the educational film business remained undiluted, and he was to have another chance to purchase ERPI only five years later.

During his years of service to the University, Benton continued to look for personal investment opportunities. In 1939 he bought Muzak, an ailing and obscure company which sent music into restaurants and hotels over leased telephone lines. The company's managers conceived of Muzak as a substitute for live orchestra and band music, but Benton revolutionized the business by envisioning it primarily as background music. Within a few years he had turned Muzak into a thriving concern, but he was stymied in his simultaneous efforts to introduce subscription radio, a scheme in which special FM channels would be made available to citizens on a subscription basis. By the late 1940s Benton was devoting his energies primarily to other concerns, though he retained ownership of the company until 1958.

Benton's association with the University led directly to another and even more profitable investment. Sears, Roebuck and Company had acquired Encyclopaedia Britannica after having been involved in its management during World War I, but the corporation was increasingly anxious to get rid of it. Benton knew General Robert E. Wood, chairman of Sears, from working 9 closely with him on the America First Committee, and he suggested to Wood that Sears give the Britannica company to the University of Chicago as an endowment. The General agreed, but the University trustees balked at accepting the gift, worried about the lack of working capital and the appropriateness of a university's operating an essentially nonacademic book business. After months of negotiating, Hutchins, Benton, and Wood reached a compromise whereby Benton would supply $100,000 of working capital and assume risks of ownership and operation.

In early 1943 Benton thus became the owner, publisher, and chairman of the board of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., and at the insistence of the University trustees he took two-thirds of the common stock. The University retained the option to buy one-half of his stock without interest, which would have given it two-thirds and control; when the time came to take up the option, the trustees were unwilling to tamper with a such a lucrative business arrangement. Benton eventually retired the University's holdings, but the institution continued to receive substantial royalty payments.

Shortly after assuming control of Britannica, Benton learned that ERPI was still available. To him it seemed natural for Encyclopaedia Britannica to acquire an educational film company, but it was a business gamble since all Benton's predecessors in that field had failed. The newborn Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc., however, soon occupied an unexpectedly strong position in the field. Not only did its principal competitor, Eastman Kodak, withdraw from the business, but it donated its library of silent films to Encyclopaedia Britannica and the University of Chicago.

Another of Benton's projects grew out of his relationship with the University and Britannica. During his vice-presidential years, Benton became involved in Robert Hutchins's Great Books program, and in his enthusiasm he resolved to publish the works as a set. His Britannica associates were skeptical, reminding him of the ready availability of standard editions. Discounting their fears, he subsidized Mortimer Adler and an ever larger group of subeditors to compile the Syntopicon, a thesaurus of ideas within the Great Books of the Western World. Costs skyrocketed and deadlines were postponed again and again, but Benton's belief in the project never wavered. The 54-volume series finally appeared in 1952, its enormous commercial success vindicating Benton's judgment. In 1961 Britannica began publication of The Great Ideas Today, an annual supplement to the Great Books; two years later a companion set, the ten- volume Gateway to the Great Books, was published.

During his years at Chicago Benton also embarked on his career as a public servant. In 1939, as advisor to Nelson Rockefeller, then Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, he became engaged in the early U. S. ventures in international cultural exchanges. Three years later he was a founding member of the Committee for Economic Development, an organization of top businessmen devoted to planning postwar employment and production. In 1945 Benton severed his administrative connection with the University of Chicago to become Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. His responsibilities included consolidating the wartime 10 information agencies within the State Department and launching the first major U. S. programs for peacetime international information and educational exchanges. Benton was ideally suited to these tasks, but he knew that success would depend on his ability to educate Congress and the American public.

Under his direction the State Department began the Voice of America broadcasts, established the United States information offices, and promoted international visits of professors and students. Benton also led U. S. participation in organizing UNESCO, which he later served as representative under the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. He was busy on the legislative front as well, guiding through Congress the Foreign Service Act of 1946 and the Fulbright Act for international educational exchange programs.

Benton resigned from the State Department in 1947 and planned to give his attention to Britannica affairs. Soon thereafter, however, because of his international experience and his years of work with the Commission on the Freedom of the Press, the State Department asked him to lead the American delegation to the 1948 United Nations Conference on Freedom of Press and Information. Until his death twenty-five years later Benton continued his work with American delegations to numerous international conferences.

Late in 1949 a new path of service opened up to Benton when his old business partner, Chester Bowles, then governor of Connecticut, appointed him to fill a vacant U. S. Senate seat. The next year Benton ran to win the two years remaining in the term. His energetic and creative promotional skills once again found an appropriate arena; he introduced the helicopter into political campaigning and used radio and television extensively. The new techniques were effective; Benton was elected, while Bowles and the rest of the state ticket were defeated.

In the Senate Benton joined other liberal Democrats in supporting Truman's Fair Deal. He became a member of the Banking and Currency Committee, the Rules Committee, the Select Committee on Small Business, and the Joint Committee on the Economic Report. Benton introduced and saw enacted a Mutual Security Act amendment stipulating that the act's administrators when purchasing foreign-made materials give preference to factories with noncommunist leadership. He was especially disappointed to have failed with his "Marshall Plan of Ideas," a six-part program designed to combat communism and promote freedom of information.

Benton's voting record supported civil rights and other liberal policies, with a single exception which was to be a lasting source of regret to him. He had been steadfast in his opposition to the Internal Security Act (also known as the McCarran Immigration Act) on the grounds that it was pointedly restrictive of eastern and southern Europeans. Political considerations within the Senate convinced him to swallow his objections and to cast his vote with the overwhelming majority in its favor. It was vetoed immediately by Truman, only to be overridden by Congress. 11 In early 1952 Benton returned to his original stance, joining Senators Lehman and Humphrey in opposing a more extreme version; however, this bill too was enacted over presidential veto. Benton continued to work on immigration after leaving the Senate, primarily by helping organize and finance the National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship. The committee's efforts were rewarded by the 1965 adoption of an immigration policy it deemed liberal and humane.

Benton is seldom remembered for his most significant action in the Senate: challenging the nationwide communist paranoia fuelled by Senator Joseph McCarthy. Particularly incensed by charges that the State Department had been infiltrated by disloyal, card-carrying communists, soon after winning election Benton began a careful investigation into McCarthy's own activities. By the late summer of 1951 he had collected enough evidence to introduce a strong resolution demanding McCarthy's expulsion from the Senate. Amidst an atmosphere of intimidation and mistrust, Benton was subjected to attack from all sides. Support for his position slowly grew, particularly after McCarthy's decision in the late spring of 1952 to sue Benton for libel.

Many Connecticut Democrats regarded Benton's attack on McCarthy as a grave political mistake. McCarthy retaliated by campaigning against Benton in his home state, but polls suggested Benton was benefited as much as he was hurt by his fight against McCarthy. After his loss in the Eisenhower landslide of 1952, Benton continued his battle against McCarthy from outside the Senate. It was not until three years later that the Senate finally voted to censure McCarthy.

Benton's defeat marked the end of his service in elected positions, but he remained active in state and national Democratic politics. His concern about campaign methods led him to become a director of the Fair Campaign Practices Committee; he also worked vigorously on behalf of his close friends Adlai Stevenson and Hubert Humphrey, and he served on the Platform Committee for the Democratic National Conventions in 1952, 1956, and 1964.

In the final three decades of his life, Benton concentrated on Britannica's affairs together with various educational and public projects. The two were often intertwined, as was the case with his frequent trips abroad to study developments in education and communications. Benton's lifelong fascination with the and Latin America was deepened by an acute consciousness of the American public's ignorance on these topics. Determined to educate as large an audience as possible, Benton published widely about his tours abroad and mailed reprints regularly to scores of political and business leaders.

Benton was particularly intrigued with the Soviet educational system. "The Voice of the Kremlin," which first appeared as a feature in the 1956 Britannica -Britannica Book of the Year, was a comprehensive analysis based on his 1955 trip to the U.S.S.R. It was reissued two years later as This Is the Challenge. The 1965 Britannica Book of the Year contained "The Teachers 12 and the Taught in the U.S.S.R.," which Benton wrote after his fifth trip. The same title was used when the essay was published as a book the following year. A similar tour of Latin America with Adlai Stevenson resulted in "The Voice of Latin America," which appeared in book form soon after being printed in the 1961 Britannica Book of the Year.

Under Benton's aggressive leadership, Britannica expanded its foreign and domestic operations. In 1957 the Spanish-language Enciclopedia Barsa was published, to be joined seven years later by a Portuguese translation. Benton also embarked on ambitious plans for Britannica's British subsidiary, focusing on strengthening management and production and more closely integrating its activities with those of its American parent.

On the domestic front Benton engineered the 1961 acquisition of Compton's Pictured Encyclopedia. Aimed at the secondary school level, Compton's complemented the Britannica Junior Encyclopedia, a reference set in print since 1934. In 1964 Britannica bought the G. and C. Merriam Company, a leading producer of English-language dictionaries and best known for its Merriam-Webster series. Two years later the company purchased Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., a firm distinguished for its international publications and resources.

Also in 1966 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc. was reorganized and renamed. The new Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation (EBEC) was designed to meet rapidly changing needs in the development, production, and marketing of educational films, instructional materials, and reference books. Other modifications in corporate structure followed. William Benton's son Charles resigned the presidency of EBEC to form an independent, non-profit company, the Fund for Media Research. He next assumed sole ownership of Films, Inc., an EBEC subsidiary which distributed 16-millimeter versions of entertainment motion pictures produced by major Hollywood studios.

All of Benton's Britannica stock went in 1958 to establish the Benton Foundation, a vehicle for funding worthwhile projects in communications and education, the areas which he had always consumed his attention. During Benton's lifetime the Foundation supported a broad range of endeavors, including several enterprises in which Benton himself was actively involved. For instance, the Foundation aided a number of policy research organizations with which Benton was closely associated: the American Assembly at Columbia University, the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. Political causes in which Benton believed also received Foundation assistance. These included the Committee for a National Trade Policy, the Commission on the Frame of Government, the American Foreign Service Association, and the Adlai Stevenson Memorial. The Foundation also helped underwrite numerous cultural projects. Most prominent among these was the American Shakespeare Theatre and Festival, to which Benton gave a great deal of time as trustee and patron. Others were the Wadsworth Athenaeum, the Noah Webster House Foundation, the Committee for the Preservation of the White House, and the Kennedy Library Corporation.

13 Benton earmarked a significant portion of the Foundation's resources for educational endeavors. The Foundation contributed to ongoing seminar and lecture programs such as the Cleveland Conference, the Yale Conference, and the Institute of International Education, while also giving substantial aid to institutions which Benton served as trustee; the University of Chicago, University of Connecticut, University of Bridgeport, Brandeis University, Hampton Institute, and Carleton College.

Benton received many accolades during his lifetime, including eight honorary degrees. Because of the University of Chicago policy restricting the awarding of honorary degrees to scholars, Benton's contributions were seldom publicly recognized by the University until it conferred on him the first William Benton Medal for Distinguished Service in 1968.

Honors continued to accumulate. In 1972 the University of Connecticut renamed its art museum in Benton's honor. Long a benefactor of the school, Benton also prided himself on his valuable private collection of American paintings from the first half of the twentieth century. Works by Yale friend Reginald Marsh, whom Benton largely supported during the Depression, formed the richest part of his collection, but he also boasted numerous works by Ivan Albright, Jack Levine, Bellows Hassam, and Kuniyoshi.

Benton died on March 18, 1973. He was survived by his widow, Helen Hemingway Benton, and their four children, Charles Benton, Louise Benton Wagner, Helen Benton Boley, and John Benton.

Scope Note The organization of the William Benton Papers has followed wherever possible the original divisions made by Benton's staff. The material has accordingly been arranged in seven series.

Series I: General Files comprises the greater part of the collection and contains letters to and from Benton, together with supporting documentation such as reports, memoranda, articles, etc. It is divided into six subseries.

Subseries 1 documents the Benton family from the mid-nineteenth century to 1973. Of special interest are the diaries and letters of William A. and Loanza Goulding Benton, William Benton's grandparents who were missionaries in Lebanon from the 1840s through 1870s. Papers and memorabilia of his mother, Elma Hixson Benton, are preserved together with an extensive mother and son correspondence providing valuable information on Benton's childhood and youth. Letters to, from, and about Benton's immediate family - aunts and uncles, cousins, his wife Helen Hemingway and children Charles, Louise, Helen and John - form an extensive part of subsequent files. Here, too, is correspondence pertaining to Shattuck School, Benton's

14 secondary school; those relating to the places of his higher education, Carleton and Yale, are located in the general correspondence section.

Papers relating to Benton's houses and travels, classmates and neighbors, social events and holidays, comprise the second major part of the Personal Life section. Included here is correspondence only with those persons whose relationship to Benton was entirely social, not connected with his business, educational, or political activities.

Benton's lifelong love for the arts produced a large body of correspondence which has been placed in this subseries. A long friendship with and patronage of Reginald Marsh is recorded here; so, too, are Benton's friendships with Carl Sandburg, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Richard Rodgers.

The personal correspondence closes with files relating to Benton's travels throughout the world, itemizing the planning, finances, itineraries, equipment, and companions of each expedition. Much of the material gathered here has an importance beyond that of Benton's private life. Several trips, notably those to Russia and Latin America, and the long-sought but never-realized trip to China, were largely or wholly fact-finding missions, and the information gathered was used as the basis for subsequent articles, speeches and policy statements.

Subseries 2: General Correspondence, is by far the largest subseries of the William Benton Papers. It is organized alphabetically by subject within the four chronological periods 1930-1940, 1941-1947, 1948-1957, 1958-1973. The bulk of the material and number of correspondents make generalization difficult, but a few comments may illuminate the nature and possible uses of this material.

"General correspondence" denotes material which Benton's staff did not include in topical files such as State Department, Senate, etc. This does not imply that letters so classified are unconcerned with specific areas of Benton's career. In some cases individual letters were not put into the topical files because the correspondence of which they form part is concerned with a range of subjects; in other cases, because topical files had not yet been created. For example, Box 69 holds eight folders of Benton's correspondence with Chester Bowles. The letters relate variously to the advertising business, national politics, World War II, business and finance, and purely personal matters. Similarly, the Paul Hoffman correspondence in Box 73, though touching on the Committee for Economic Development, also addresses a multitude of quite different subjects and therefore, in the judgment of Benton's staff, was inappropriate for inclusion in the CED files.

The net result is that neither the general correspondence files nor the topical files should be used independently. Much material on the arts, politics, foreign affairs, and the University of 15 Chicago was originally placed in general rather than topical files, and it was deemed best to respect Benton's original ordering. The significant figures of Benton's life - Bowles, Hoffman, Adlai Stevenson, Robert Hutchins, Beardsley Ruml, Anna Rosenberg, Galen van Meter - appear in several places in the general files. The researcher is advised to identify key figures and organizations in the topical files and in Sidney Hyman's biography, The Lives of William Benton (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1969), and use these to locate further material in the general correspondence.

While, then, not sharply focused, this section is one of the richest of the William Benton Papers. There is extensive correspondence on national affairs and the media with Henry and Clare Boothe Luce, Harold Lasswell, Norman Cousins, members of the Sulzberger and LaFollette families, and DeWitt Wallace. Benton's study of governmental regulation of the economy is illustrated in correspondence with Cyrus Eaton, Bruce Gould, and John Kenneth Galbraith. International relations are the primary subject of letters to and from Geoffrey Crowther, David Hardman, and Harlan Cleveland. Files relating to many organizations (such as the ACLU, NAACP, and Council on Foreign Relations) and institutions (Columbia University and Connecticut College) are located in this section. Letters to Laird K. Bell, Edward Levi, Robert Hutchins, William McCormick Blair, and Gaylord Donnelley attest to Benton's ongoing ties to the University of Chicago. The Leigh Dannenberg correspondence holds a wealth of information on Connecticut politics. The CED story is told in the Hoffman, Clarence Francis, Marion Folson, and Jay Hormel files. Most of the key figures in Benton's other major commitments- UNESCO, State Department, Britannica, higher education, politics-are represented in the general correspondence. Finally, this section preserves a large body of letters and memoranda on Benton's life, career, and accomplishments filed under names of Benton staff members: John Howe, Anne Cronin, Kay Hart, Catherine Flynn, Bertha Tallman.

Subseries 3 documents several phases in Benton's wide-ranging business career. The first group of files covers the years 1935-1945, after Benton's departure from Benton and Bowles when he was looking for new business ventures. Many were in publishing, most notably the unsuccessful PM newspaper produced by Ralph Ingersoll. Benton was also a major investor in his classmate William Joyce's Pasadena Slipper Company (later Joyce Shoes), and in Dehydration, Inc. (later Birdseye). Much later, after he had left the Senate and had put his major business interests (Encyclopaedia Britannica and Muzak) on a firm footing, Benton became interested in buying a Connecticut newspaper. His attempts to acquire the Hartford Times and Hartford Courant are also detailed here.

Benton was active partner of the agency of Benton and Bowles from its foundation in 1929 until 1935, and a second group of papers here date from that era. There is full documentation not only of the original terms of incorporation, but also of reorganizations after Benton's departure; many of the original ad campaigns-General Foods, General Motors, Alka-Gum, Safeway-are preserved, from initial ideas through market research to final product. Benton continued to monitor the agency after 1935, and there is scattered material on its later history.

16 After his resignation from Benton and Bowles, Benton's next major business venture was Muzak, which he purchased in 1939. Most of the Muzak correspondence comes from the first six years of Benton's ownership, when he was aggressively restructuring, strengthening, and expanding the company. Until the sale of the company in 1958, he continued to receive reports on Muzak and to correspond with top officers such as John Andrus, Charles Cowley, and Ethel MacLean (Houghton).

The final section of subseries 3 is of particular interest for the history of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. during an extraordinary period of growth and diversification, as Benton guided Britannica into myriad projects, including yearbooks, foreign language editions, and purchase of Compton's, Merriam, and Praeger. Day-to-day operations of Encyclopaedia Britannica are not covered, but there is ample material on Benton's projects for expansion. Benton's acquisition of Encyclopaedia Britannica common stock and the ERPI film company are well documented; so, too, are his close associations with officers in the British subsidiary, especially Hector McNeil, Stanley Morison, and A. E. and E. T. Dolphin. There is a large body of correspondence with editors and managers: Clyde Arnspiger, Miller McClintock, Harry Grubbs, Lou Shoenwald, John Armitage, Walter Yust, Harry Houghton, Paul Seaman, Foster Wygant, and Robert Preble. Protracted research and negotiations for the unconsummated purchase of the Curtis Publishing Company are detailed in Boxes 239-240. Benton's advocacy of English as a world language through the Britannica Institute is documented, as is his promotion of the Great Books series.

Subseries 4 collects materials on aspects of Benton's public life. After 1958 Benton and his staff began to assemble files covering possible commitments, memoranda on future positions, courses of action, and consultants' reports on specific projects. The main subjects addressed were business and economics, communications, education, and politics and government. This section is, then, an idea file, containing the preliminary stages of what were in many cases to become the major commitments of Benton's later career. As such, these papers should be consulted along with the topical files, in particular those of the Benton Foundation through which many of the projects outlined here were realized.

Subseries 4 also documents Benton's involvement with the America First Committee. He was closely associated with such key Committee members as Robert Bliss, G. A. Borgese, General Robert Wood, and Robert Hutchins, and he was kept closely informed of Committee activities. This attempt to keep the U.S. out of war collapsed with the December 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor, but the Committee was significant in stimulating Benton's interest in politics and in bringing him into contact with several figures - notably the LaFollettes - who were important to his later career in public life.

Established by business and academic leaders to plan for the peacetime economy, the Committee for Economic Development was a natural field for Benton's expertise in business, higher education and management, and became his most important wartime activity. His role in drafting by-laws, recruiting staff, and writing "The Economics of a Free Society" are described 17 here. Benton's vice-chairmanship of the CED and of its Research Division put him in close touch with government and business leaders who were to be his colleagues in public service and propelled him into the highest levels of American political life. Benton served until his death as a trustee of the CED, and later CED reports and material on trustees' meetings are preserved in Subseries 4.

Subseries 4 also documents Benton's political career. Included are materials on his activities in Connecticut Democratic politics, dating from his 1949 appointment to the U. S. Senate. His swift establishment and consolidation of ties to state politicians, ethnic groups, party officers, union officials, and civic leaders is thoroughly documented in correspondence with Anthony Arpaia, John Bailey, Robert Claffey, Mike Cieplinski, Leigh Dannenberg, John Dempsey, Thomas Dodd, Richard Lee, Abraham Ribicoff, and others. The preservation of incoming and outgoing mail, and of strategy memos, publicity, statements, advertisements, reports, and documentation regarding the Democratic Party and state elections make this a rich repository for Connecticut politics in the period 1949-1973. During these years Benton was, if anything, even more involved with national politics. Before his Senatorial term he had worked closely with many statesmen and politicians; afterward, it could fairly be said that he was well acquainted with-and corresponded voluminously with-most important Democrats and many leading Republicans. His attempt to win Dwight Eisenhower over to the Democratic Party is a fascinating chapter in American political life. The correspondence with close friends and political allies such as Paul Douglas, Adlai Stevenson, and Hubert Humphrey is particularly complete, and offers unusual insight into Democratic issues, policies, proposals, reforms, and personalities.

Another group of documents political campaigns, not only in Connecticut state politics but also Benton's own political positions and analyses in the 1950-1962 period. Included are his assessments of state and national politics, along with accounts of his pioneering campaign techniques, political polls, lists of supporters and contributors, and financial data. In addition to material pertaining to Benton's 1950 and 1952 Senatorial campaigns and subsequent efforts to win party nomination, there are two boxes of correspondence on the 1968 presidential campaign, particularly useful in regard to Hubert Humphrey's candidacy and Benton's Platform Committee experiences at the Democratic convention.

Material in subseries 4 related to the U.S. Senate provides the best documentation of Benton's career from 1949 to 1952. Besides copious correspondence with other Senators concerning legislation and national issues, there are letters and position papers which testify to Benton's efforts to shape national policy. Particularly revealing are John Howe's memos and reports, the "issues and legislation" section, and six boxes of memoranda. Here can be seen not only the evolution of Benton's thought on current issues, but also the process by which he shaped rough ideas into public statements. Although Benton's tenure in the Senate was not long, it was active; recorded here is his work on behalf of the Voice of America and world freedom of the press, service on the Small Business Subcommittee, work on the amendment to the Mutual Security Act, and promotion of the interests of Connecticut residents and businesses.

18 Benton's pioneering stand against Joseph McCarthy grew out of the latter's violent and unwarranted attacks on State Department personnel and programs. In calling first for McCarthy's resignation and then for his expulsion from the Senate, Benton stood almost alone in the Senate throughout most of 1951. McCarthy in turn launched not only a series of personal attacks but also a lawsuit (later dropped) against Benton. Benton's defense of his position and his orchestration of nationwide campaigns ("Joe Must Go," "I Believe") is fully documented in these papers. Here, too, are copies of depositions, testimony, newspaper clippings, letters, and reports on the early fight against McCarthy and McCarthyism. Although Benton left the Senate before McCarthy's fall, he did not abandon his battle against McCarthy.

Subseries 5: Foreign Affairs. Benton's first major involvement in foreign affairs came through his appointment as consultant to the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Nelson Rockefeller. His entry into the highest levels of government, the experience stimulated a lifelong involvement in international relations and diplomacy. Filed here, as well, is correspondence between Benton and world leaders, most notably Harold Wilson. This material testifies not only to the breadth of Benton's associations - Golda Meir, Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Yuri Zhukov - but also to his ceaseless work for international understanding through diplomatic and personal channels.

Benton's 1945 appointment as Assistant Secretary of State came at a crucial and dynamic point in American foreign policy. Placed in charge of the State Department's Information Program, he was able to translate into action his conviction that American ideals and policies had to be promoted through a vigorous campaign of information and persuasion. His work in establishing the Voice of America, educational exchanges, and the Fulbright fellowship program is documented in the State Department files. Correspondence with diplomatic and government officials after his 1947 resignation is ample, as Benton continued to gather information for his own use and to exercise a behind-the-scenes voice in foreign policy.

Benton had been instrumental in founding UNESCO during his State Department years, and he continued to monitor its growth. His appointment as United States ambassador to UNESCO from 1963 to 1969 was a fitting tribute to his unique talents, combining as he did experience in foreign affairs and diplomacy with expertise in education and cultural issues.

The records of his six-year term are among the most complete in the William Benton Papers. Proposals, draft reports, and final papers of Executive Board meetings have been preserved, as well as extensive correspondence with Director-General Rene Maheu and with delegates. The education, issues, and projects files are an important record of the problems which Benton addressed and his proposals for UNESCO action. Other files record his efforts to make UNESCO an efficient, non-politicized body and his attempts to present U.S. policy. His trips to evaluate UNESCO field operations give a detailed picture of the realization of policy decisions. At the same time, Benton knew that American public opinion had to be mobilized in support of UNESCO if the organization were to function effectively and were to act in the American

19 interest; his work for the National Commission is another fine example of his skill and energy in bringing foreign policy issues to the American people.

Subseries 6: Education and Philanthropy includes material on the University of Chicago and the Benton Foundation. The University-related material in the William Benton Papers begins after Benton's departure from the University administration, and consists largely of letters to other University trustees such as Laird K. Bell, Harold H. Swift and William McCormick Blair. The triangular relationship between Benton, the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the University is a frequent theme; so, too, are University finances and expansion projects in the post-Hutchins era. Additional material on the University of Chicago can be found in the Benton Foundation subseries.

After 1958 most of Benton's ongoing and new institutional commitments were maintained through the Benton Foundation rather than his personal office, making the detailed records in this subseries the most important source for Benton's later career. In its early years, in particular, the Foundation was the direct extension of Benton himself, the funding and supervising mechanism for his interests and projects. The range of topics here reflects the wide variety of Benton's interests; education, politics, foreign affairs, business and trade, and culture. Particularly strong are the files of those educational institutions which Benton served as a trustee; the Aspen Institute, Brandeis, Carleton, the Hampton Institute, the University of Bridgeport, the University of Chicago, and the University of Connecticut. Organizations such as the American Assembly, the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, and the Committee for a National Trade Policy reveal Benton's continued devotion to the reform of political institutions and trade laws. The Foundation provided support, too, for more partisan bodies such as the Democratic Advisory Committee. Benton's work for the United Nations, the Institute of International Education, and the U.S. Committee on the Atlantic Congress was carried on through the Foundation. His lifelong interest in and patronage of the arts can be seen in the Foundation's support for the American Shakespeare Festival, which Benton also served as a trustee.


In this series are Benton's public statements; articles, speeches, books, reports, form letters, transcripts of radio and television appearances, preliminary research notes, drafts, and revisions.

The Speech Files hold some 2345 separate entries, each typically consisting of extensive documentation on Benton's public statements. Here are filed research notes, drafts, photos, and related correspondence as well as record copies of articles, books, reports, and broadcasting transcripts. A large part of the series is devoted to works by Benton's associates - such as a complete set of Adlai Stevenson's campaign speeches - and works supporting Benton's policy positions. A noteworthy feature is the series of detailed memoranda on and transcripts of 20 interviews with business, political, and cultural leaders in Russia and Latin America. Found here, too, are public statements by close associates such as Robert Hutchins, Adlai Stevenson, and Paul Hoffman; source materials for Benton's own writing; background information on major interests; and documents about or referring to Benton. The files are arranged numerically, following the roughly chronological organization originally devised by Benton's staff; access is facilitated by an alphabetical index which was compiled from the exhaustive cross-indexing system used by Benton's office.


Maintained separately by Benton's staff, these are letters received from distinguished public figures, with politicians predominating.

Benton's staff designated items from selected dignitaries for preservation in separate files, and their organization has again been maintained. This correspondence is heavily political, featuring letters from such prominent men as Eisenhower, Truman, Nixon, Marshall, and John and Robert Kennedy. As with other sections of the William Benton Papers, however, researchers will find it advisable to explore other series in conjunction with this material.


This series contains photographs, gifts, awards, and mementos. Oversize items are shelved separately.


Series V includes record albums from the 1940s and 1950s. The recordings include speeches by Benton, music, productions from the University of Chicago Radio Office.


These 130 large bound volumes, combining Benton's public statements with photographs and papers relating to his family, chronicle William Benton's life and career up to 1962.

The scrapbooks were created under Benton's direction in 1962. Arranged according to the principal divisions of his life (Senate Years, McCarthy, etc.), the scrapbooks display copies of 21 Benton's articles and speeches; original letters from great men of the day; photographs of Benton and associates; and a wide assortment of legal papers, memoranda, transcripts, family papers, newspaper clippings, etc. Some copies of speeches are annotated or edited by Benton; there are also marked article drafts. Many volumes of the scrapbooks also contain notes and explanations written in the margins by Benton; some marginalia of possible interest to researchers has been noted in the inventory section of this guide. The scrapbooks contain information related to nearly all aspects of Benton’s public career.


Addenda to the William Benton Papers includes memorabilia, biographical materials, photographs, reports, publications, correspondence, audiovisual materials, prints, artworks, and the text of several public statements. It contains materials related to many of the earlier series, some donated by Charles Benton, and should be consulted in addition to the other series by the researcher. The addenda is organized into six suberies:

Subseries 1: Personal

Subseries 2: Correspondence

Subseries 3: Speeches and Writings

Subseries 4: Career

Subseries 5: Audiovisual

Subseries 6: Oversize.

Subseries 1, Personal, contains biographical materials, memorials, and obituaries for William Benton.

Subseries 2, Correspondence, consists of letters, including from well-known personages.

Subseries 3, Speeches and Writings is made up of speeches and articles by William Benton; it includes some drafts and revisions.

Subseries 4, Career, contains materials related to much of Benton’s career, including the CED, Muzak, UNESCO, Encylopaedia Britannica, the Senate, and various Democratic National

22 Conventions. There are copies of Benton’s notes and interviews from several of his overseas trips; these include his interview with Krushev.

Subseries 5, Audiovisual, is made up of photographs related to Benton’s family life and his career; many are of well-known individuals. Recordings, reels, and films related to Benton, politics, and Benton’s foreign projects are also represented; please consult with staff as access copies are generally not available.

Subseries 6, Oversize, contains materials related to most of the previous series and should be consulted along with them. It also contains original drawings of political cartoons by Sid Hix, Herb Block, and Reg Manning; many are inscribed to Benton.

Additional information about the content and arrangement of Series VII is found in the Inventory section of this guide.

Related Resources The following related resources are located in the Department of Special Collections:

Benton Family Collection

University of Chicago. Office of the Vice President. Records

Subject Headings • Adler, Mortimer Jerome, 1902- • Benton, William, 1900-1973 • Benton, Charles, 1931-2015 • Bowles, Chester, 1901- • Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1908- • Hoffman, Anna Rosenberg, 1902-1983 • Hoffman, Paul G. (Paul Gray), 1891-1974 • Humphrey, Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio), 1911-1978 • Hutchins, Robert Maynard, 1899- • Lasswell, Harold Dwight, 1902- • Levi, Edward Hirsch, 1911- • Luce, Henry Robinson, 1898-1967 • McCarthy, Joseph, 1908-1957. 23 • Stevenson, Adlai E. (Adlai Ewing), 1900-1965 • Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 • Wilson, Harold, Sir, 1916- • America First Committee • American Shakespeare Festival Theatre and Academy • Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies • Benton & Bowles • Benton Foundation • Brandeis University-Benefactors • Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions • Committee for Economic Development • Democratic Party (Conn.) • Democratic Party. National Convention • UNESCO • University of Bridgeport.-Benefactors • University of Chicago. Board of Trustees • University of Chicago. Office of the Vice President • University of Chicago-Public relations • University of Connecticut-Benefactors • United States. Congress. Senate • United States. Dept. of State • Voice of America (Organization) • Encyclopaedia Britannica • Cartoons, Political • Advertising executives • Advertising • Advertising agencies-United States-History-20th century • Legislators-United States • Muzak (Trademark) • Philanthropists-United States • Connecticut-Politics and government • United States-Politics and government-20th century • Diaries • Photographs • Scrapbooks • Speeches INVENTORY Series I: General Files Subseries 1: Personal Life Sub-subseries 1: Family and Personal, 1839-1942 Box 1 Folder 1 A-H, general

24 Box 1 Folder 2 Adoption, 1940 Box 1 Folder 3 Benton, Charles W., 1890-1913 Box 1 Folder 4 Benton, Elma H., account books, 1895-1904 Box 1 Folder 5 Benton, Elma H., 1911-1918 Box 1 Folder 6 Benton, Elma H., 1934-1938 Box 1 Folder 7 Benton, Elma H., 1939-1942 Box 1 Folder 8 Benton, autobiography, original Box 1 Folder 9 Benton, autobiography, copies Box 2 Folder 1 Benton, correspondence, 1891-1899 Box 2 Folder 2 Benton, correspondence, 1927 Box 2 Folder 3 Benton, correspondence, 1928 Box 2 Folder 4 Benton, correspondence, 1929-1937 Box 2 Folder 5 Benton, correspondence, 1938 Box 2 Folder 6 Benton, correspondence, 1939 Box 2 Folder 7 Benton, correspondence, 1940 Box 2 25 Folder 8 Benton, correspondence, 1941 Box 3 Folder 1 Benton, correspondence, 1942 Box 3 Folder 2 Benton, diary, 1892 Box 3 Folder 3 Benton, diary, 1894-1895 Box 3 Folder 4 Benton, diary, 1896 Box 3 Folder 5 Benton, diary, 1933-1937 Box 3 Folder 6 Benton, doctors, 1939-1941 Box 3 Folder 7 Benton, memorabilia, address book Box 3 Folder 8 Benton, memorabilia, autograph album Box 3 Folder 9 Benton, memorabilia, "History of Benton vs. Bertin case in the University of Minnesota" Box 3 Folder 10 Benton, memorabilia, newspaper clippings Box 4 Folder 1 Benton, memorabilia, passport Box 4 Folder 2 Benton, memorabilia, personal papers Box 4 Folder 3 Benton, memorabilia, personal papers Box 4 Folder 4 Benton, memorabilia, wedding album Box 4 Folder 5 26 Benton, memorabilia, William Benton's childhood Box 5 Folder 1 Benton, mother-son letters, 1913 Box 5 Folder 2 Benton, mother-son letters, 1914 Box 5 Folder 3 Benton, mother-son letters, 1915 Box 5 Folder 4 Benton, mother-son letters, 1916 Box 5 Folder 5 Benton, mother-son letters, 1917 Box 5 Folder 6 Benton, mother-son letters, 1918 Box 5 Folder 7 Benton, mother-son letters, 1919 Box 6 Folder 1 Benton, mother-son letters, 1920 Box 6 Folder 2 Benton, mother-son letters, 1921 Box 6 Folder 3 Benton, mother-son letters, 1922 Box 6 Folder 4 Benton, mother-son letters, Jan.-June 1923 Box 6 Folder 5 Benton, mother-son letters, July-Dec. 1923 Box 6 Folder 6 Benton, mother-son letters, Jan.-Aug. 1924 Box 6 Folder 7 Benton, mother-son letters, Sept.-Dec. 1924 Box 7 Folder 1 Benton, mother-son letters, Jan.-May 1925 27 Box 7 Folder 2 Benton, mother-son letters, June-Dec. 1925 Box 7 Folder 3 Benton, mother-son letters, Jan.-May 1926 Box 7 Folder 4 Benton, mother-son letters, June-Dec. 1926 Box 7 Folder 5 Benton, mother-son letters, 1927 Box 7 Folder 6 Benton, mother-son letters, 1928 Box 7 Folder 7 Benton, mother-son letters, 1929 Box 8 Folder 1 Benton, mother-son letters, 1930 Box 8 Folder 2 Benton, mother-son letters, 1931 Box 8 Folder 3 Benton, mother-son letters, 1932 Box 8 Folder 4 Benton, mother-son letters, 1933 Box 8 Folder 5 Benton, mother-son letters, 1934 Box 8 Folder 6 Benton, mother-son letters, 1935 Box 8 Folder 7 Benton, mother-son letters, 1936 Box 9 Folder 1 Benton, mother-son letters, 1937 Box 9 Folder 2 Benton, mother-son letters, 1938 Box 9 28 Folder 3 Benton, mother-son letters, Jan.-Mar. 1939 Box 9 Folder 4 Benton, mother-son letters, Apr.-Dec. 1939 Box 9 Folder 5 Benton, mother-son letters, 1940 Box 9 Folder 6 Benton, mother-son letters, 1941 Box 9 Folder 7 Benton, mother-son letters, 1942 Box 10 Folder 1 Benton, Loanza Goulding (Mrs. William A.), diary, original, incomplete, 1847-1857 Box 10 Folder 2 Benton, Loanza Goulding (Mrs. William A.), transcription, 1847-1869 Box 10 Folder 3 Benton, "Messengers of Peace," manuscript, chapters 1-11 Box 10 Folder 4 Benton, "Messengers of Peace," manuscript, chapters 12-21 Box 10 Folder 5 Benton, "Messengers of Peace," typescript, 155 pp. Box 10 Folder 6 Benton, "Messengers of Peace, typescript, 101 pp. Box 10 Folder 7 Benton, "Diary and Papers of Loanza Goulding Benton" Box 10 Folder 8 Benton, Loanza and William A., letters to her father Box 10 Folder 9 Benton, Mary (Aunt Mary), 1937-1942 Box 11 Folder 1 Benton, William A., Lebanon letters, 1851-1853 Box 11 Folder 2 29 Benton, William A., 1854-1862 Box 11 Folder 3 Benton, William A., 1863-1871 Box 11 Folder 4 Benton, copies of letters, 1852-1869 Box 11 Folder 5 Benton, diary, 1839-1844 Box 11 Folder 6 Benton School Box 11 Folder 7 Birthday books, 1936-1940 Box 11 Folder 8 Bradley, Blossom, 1939-1940 Box 11 Folder 9 Clark, Harriet Benton (Aunt Hattie), manuscript and copies, ca. 1921 Box 11 Folder 10 Clark, 1935-1941 Box 11 Folder 11 Cornwall, Laurence M., 1938 Box 11 Folder 12 Cox, Beneta, 1937-1940 Box 11 Folder 13 Derrick, Ida and William, 1939-1940 Box 12 Folder 1 Dugan, Rita, 1940 Box 12 Folder 2 Gould, Jay, 1935-1940 Box 12 Folder 3 Helme, James B., 1938-1939 Box 12 Folder 4 Hemingway, Helen (Mrs. William Benton), 1923 teaching certificate 30 Box 12 Folder 5 Hixson, Daniel W., 1918-1920 Box 12 Folder 6 Hixson, 1921-1922 Box 12 Folder 7 Hixson, 1923-1924 Box 12 Folder 8 Hixson, 1926 Box 12 Folder 9 Hixson, 1928-1932 Box 12 Folder 10 Hixson, Mrs. Edwin S. (Aunt Flo), 1939-1950 Box 12 Folder 11 Hixson, Edwin and Helen, 1891-1921 Box 12 Folder 12 Hunter, Mrs. John, 1941-1942 Box 12 Folder 13 J-P, general Box 12 Folder 14 Jones, Duane, 1935-1939 Box 12 Folder 15 Lathrop, Mrs. F. B. (Aunt Dite), 1936-1942 Box 12 Folder 16 Miscellaneous letters Box 13 Folder 1 Otis, Courtland Box 13 Folder 2 Patterson, Betty, 1938 Box 13 Folder 3 Personal finances, 1940 Box 13 31 Folder 4 Potter, Miriam and Zenas, 1937-1942 Box 13 Folder 5 Ricketts, Henry T., 1939 Box 13 Folder 6 Riddle, Lewis W., 1937-1938 Box 13 Folder 7 Robison, Jane and Clarence, 1938-1958 Box 13 Folder 8 S-Z, general Box 13 Folder 9 Shanahan, Kathryne, 1937-1938 Box 13 Folder 10 Shattuck School, general, 1938-1940 Box 13 Folder 11 Shattuck School, Allen, Philip S., ca. 1940 Box 13 Folder 12 Shattuck School, Bronson, David, 1939-1940 Box 13 Folder 13 Shattuck School, Keeler, Stephen, 1938-1940 Box 13 Folder 14 Sherry, Steve, 1938-1940 Box 14 Folder 1 Sutherland, Beth and Charles, 1938-1940 Box 14 Folder 2 "The Early History of Tolland, Connecticut" Box 14 Folder 3 Tramposch, Emil, 1940 Box 14 Folder 4 Visscher & Burley, 1934-1935 Box 14 Folder 5 32 Works, Philip O., 1934-1938 Box 14 Folder 6 Works, 1939-1940 Box 14 Folder 7 Yale Record Sub-subseries 2: Family and Personal, 1941-1947 Box 15 Folder 1 A-B, general Box 15 Folder 2 Adams, Taylor, 1941-1947 Box 15 Folder 3 Benton, Mary (Aunt Mary), 1943-1951 Box 15 Folder 4 Benton School Box 15 Folder 5 Berger, Mrs. Ed, 1942 Box 15 Folder 6 Billings, Mrs. Cecil R., 1941-1946 Box 15 Folder 7 Breen, J. P., 1941 Box 15 Folder 8 C-E, general Box 15 Folder 9 Continental Forwarders Company, 1946-1947 Box 15 Folder 10 Cox, Beneta, 1941-1945 Box 15 Folder 11 Dugan, Rita, 1941-1945 Box 15 Folder 12 F, general Box 15 33 Folder 13 G, general Box 15 Folder 14 Gale, Richard P., 1944-1947 Box 15 Folder 15 H, general Box 15 Folder 16 Hixson, Mrs. Edwin S., 1943-1947 Box 15 Folder 17 Hixson, June, 1942-1948 Box 15 Folder 18 Hixson, Ned and Olga, 1941-1948 Box 16 Folder 1 Hutchins, Maude Phelps, 1942-1944 Box 16 Folder 2 I-L, general Box 16 Folder 3 Klaeber, Dr. Frederick, 1945-1947 Box 16 Folder 4 Lloya, Roland, 1944-1947 Box 16 Folder 5 M, general Box 16 Folder 6 Maltby, Joseph, 1941-1945 Box 16 Folder 7 Marsh, Reginald, 1941-1946 Box 16 Folder 8 Marvin, Dr. H. M., 1941-1947 Box 16 Folder 9 N-O, general Box 16 Folder 10 34 Otis, Courtland, 1941-1947 Box 16 Folder 11 P, general Box 16 Folder 12 Potter, Miriam and Zenas, 1943-1949 Box 16 Folder 13 Procter, Frederic W., 1941-1942 Box 16 Folder 14 R, general Box 17 Folder 1 S, general Box 17 Folder 2 Shattuck School, 1941 Box 17 Folder 3 Shattuck School, 1942 Box 17 Folder 4 Shattuck School, 1943-1944 Box 17 Folder 5 Shattuck School, 1945-1947 Box 17 Folder 6 Smith, Margaret Potter (Mrs. Philip H.), 1941-1947 Box 17 Folder 7 Smith, Marjorie K., 1943-1945 Box 17 Folder 8 Sommi, Marquise Blanche Picinardi, 1943-1947 Box 17 Folder 9 Sutherland, Beth Benton (Mrs. Charles), 1941-1947 Box 17 Folder 10 T, general Box 17 Folder 11 Tramposch, Emil, 1941-1944 35 Box 17 Folder 12 U-Z, general Box 17 Folder 13 Walsh, William and Dolly, 1941-1947 Box 17 Folder 14 Wheeler, Gertrude, 1941 Box 17 Folder 15 Williams, Margaret, 1945-1947 Box 17 Folder 16 Works, Philip O., 1941-1945 Box 17 Folder 17 Sub-subseries 3: Family and Personal, 1948-1957 Box 18 Folder 1 A, general Box 18 Folder 2 Anderson & Shepard, Ltd., 1952-1955 Box 18 Folder 3 Ba-B1, general, #1 Box 18 Folder 4 Ba-B1, #2 Box 18 Folder 5 Benton, Mary (Aunt Mary), 1952-1955 Box 18 Folder 6 Billings, Mrs. Cecil R., 1948-1953 Box 18 Folder 7 Bimson, Walter, 1949 Box 18 Folder 8 Bo-Bz, general, #1 Box 18 Folder 9 36 Bo-Bz, general, #2 Box 19 Folder 1 Bridgman, Juliet Box 19 Folder 2 Ca-Ce, general Box 19 Folder 3 Carras, Maria Box 19 Folder 4 Ch-C1 Box 19 Folder 5 Chelnov, Anatole and Jean, 1953-1956 Box 19 Folder 6 Christmas gifts, 1953-1954 Box 19 Folder 7 Christmas gifts, 1955 Box 19 Folder 8 Christmas gifts, 1956-1957 Box 19 Folder 9 Co-Cz, general, #1 Box 19 Folder 10 Co-Cz, #2 Box 19 Folder 11 Cummings, Willard Box 20 Folder 1 Da-De, general Box 20 Folder 2 DeContades, Daisy Box 20 Folder 3 Di-Dz, general Box 20 Folder 4 Dotzel, Mrs. Capitola (Aunt Cap), 1948-1957 37 Box 20 Folder 5 E, general Box 20 Folder 6 Fa-F1, general Box 20 Folder 7 Fo-Fz, general Box 20 Folder 8 Ga-Go, general Box 20 Folder 9 Gacesa, Katherine Box 20 Folder 10 Garrett, Ruth Box 21 Folder 1 Gilbert, A. M., 1948-Mar. 1953 Box 21 Folder 2 Gilbert, Apr.-July 1953 Box 21 Folder 3 Gilbert, Aug.-Oct. 1953 Box 21 Folder 4 Gilbert, Nov.-Dec. 1953 Box 21 Folder 5 Gilbert, Jan.-Mar. 1954 Box 21 Folder 6 Gilbert, Apr.-June 1954 Box 21 Folder 7 Gilbert, July-Sept. 1954 Box 21 Folder 8 Gilbert, Oct.-Dec. 1954 Box 22 Folder 1 Gilbert, Jan.-June 1955 Box 22 38 Folder 2 Gilbert, July 1955-1957 Box 22 Folder 3 Giles, Marjorie Box 22 Folder 4 Goldsmith, Diana Box 22 Folder 5 Gr-Gz, general Box 22 Folder 6 Graves, Eben Box 22 Folder 7 Ha, general Box 22 Folder 8 Hawes & Curtis Box 22 Folder 9 He-Hi, general Box 22 Folder 10 Hixson, Mrs. Edwin S. (Aunt Flo), 1948-1954 Box 22 Folder 11 Hixson, 1955-1960 Box 23 Folder 1 Ho-Hz, general Box 23 Folder 2 Hutchins, Maude Phelps Box 23 Folder 3 J, general Box 23 Folder 4 K, general Box 23 Folder 5 Kaye, Sylvia F. (Mrs. Danny) Box 23 Folder 6 39 Klaeber, Dr. Frederick Box 23 Folder 7 La, general Box 23 Folder 8 Lax, Dr. Henry Box 23 Folder 9 Le-Lz, general Box 23 Folder 10 Ma-Mar, general Box 24 Folder 1 Marsh, Felicia (Mrs. Reginald) Box 24 Folder 2 Marsh, Reginald, 1948-1951 Box 24 Folder 3 Marsh, 1952-1954 Box 24 Folder 4 Martin, Annette Box 24 Folder 5 Mas-Maz, general Box 24 Folder 6 Mc, general Box 24 Folder 7 Me-Mz, general Box 24 Folder 8 Montgomery, Douglass Box 24 Folder 9 N-O, general Box 24 Folder 10 Pa-Pe, general Box 24 Folder 11 Ph-Q, general 40 Box 25 Folder 1 Postumous-Meyjes, W.C. Box 25 Folder 2 Potter, Miriam and Zenas, 1950-1951 Box 25 Folder 3 Potter, 1952 Box 25 Folder 4 Potter, 1953-1955 Box 25 Folder 5 Potter, 1956-1957 Box 25 Folder 6 Ra-Re, general Box 25 Folder 7 Reed, Horace and Florence Box 25 Folder 8 Ri, general Box 25 Folder 9 Ro, general Box 25 Folder 10 Ru-Rz, general Box 25 Folder 11 Russell, David W. Box 26 Folder 1 Sa, general Box 26 Folder 2 Sandburg, Carl Box 26 Folder 3 Sasowsky, Norman Box 26 Folder 4 Sc, general Box 26 41 Folder 5 Scribner's Bookstore Box 26 Folder 6 Se, general Box 26 Folder 7 Sh-Si, general Box 26 Folder 8 Shattuck School Box 26 Folder 9 Silvercruys, Baroness Rosemary McMahon Box 26 Folder 10 Sk-Sm, general Box 26 Folder 11 Smallzried, Kay Box 26 Folder 12 So-Sp, general Box 27 Folder 1 St, general Box 27 Folder 2 Stevens, Roger Box 27 Folder 3 Stout, Delores Roule Box 27 Folder 4 Su-Sz, general Box 27 Folder 5 Sutherland, Beth Benton and Charles, 1948-1952 Box 27 Folder 6 Sutherland, 1953-1957 Box 27 Folder 7 Ta-Te, general Box 27 Folder 8 42 Taylor, Dr. Howard C. Box 27 Folder 9 Th-Tz, general Box 27 Folder 10 Tucker, Robert Box 27 Folder 11 U-V, general Box 27 Folder 12 Van Heuven Goedhart, G.J. Box 27 Folder 13 Vogel, Frank Box 28 Folder 1 Wa, general Box 28 Folder 2 Wallington, Olive Box 28 Folder 3 Walsh, Dolly Box 28 Folder 4 We, general Box 28 Folder 5 Wh, general Box 28 Folder 6 Wi, general, #1 Box 28 Folder 7 Wi, #2 Box 28 Folder 8 Wo-Wz, general Box 28 Folder 9 Wo-Wz, #2 Box 28 Folder 10 Y-Z, general 43 Box 28 Folder 11 Zupnick, Louis E., 1955 Box 28 Folder 12 Zupnick, 1956-1957 Sub-subseries 4: Family and Personal, 1958-1973 Box 29 Folder 1 A, general Box 29 Folder 2 Allgoewer, Herman and Virginia, 1958-1971 Box 29 Folder 3 Ba-Be, general Box 29 Folder 4 Benton, Thomas Hart, 1958-1965 Box 29 Folder 5 Benton, 1966-1973 Box 29 Folder 6 Benton genealogy, #1 Box 29 Folder 7 Benton genealogy, #2 Box 29 Folder 8 Benton genealogy, #3 Box 29 Folder 9 Benton genealogy, #4 Box 30 Folder 1 Benton genealogy, #5 Box 30 Folder 2 Benton genealogy, #6 Box 30 Folder 3 Benton genealogy, #7 Box 30 Folder 4 44 Benton genealogy, #8 Box 30 Folder 5 Benton genealogy, #9, miscellaneous Box 30 Folder 6 Benton genealogy, #10, miscellaneous relatives Box 30 Folder 7 Berger, Agnes and Ed, 1959-1973 Box 30 Folder 8 Bi-Bo, general Box 30 Folder 9 Biddle, George, 1962-1969 Box 30 Folder 10 Bignell, Kenneth, 1958-1963 Box 30 Folder 11 Bilderback, Gordon, 1958-1973 Box 30 Folder 12 Bohen, Frederick and Midge, 1966-1972 Box 30 Folder 13 Bowles, Sally and Samuel, 1958-1966 Box 30 Folder 14 Boyden, Frank, 1962-1972 Box 31 Folder 1 Bra-Bu, general Box 31 Folder 2 Brashears, Arthur and Rita, 1958-1972 Box 31 Folder 3 Bridgeport Hospital, 1965-1972 Box 31 Folder 4 Bristol, Lee Jr. and William McClaren, 1959-1971 Box 31 Folder 5 Burkhard, Arthur, 1969-1970 45 Box 31 Folder 6 Burnham, Grace, 1958-1966 Box 31 Folder 7 Burr Homestead, 1960-1961 Box 31 Folder 8 Ca-Cl, general Box 31 Folder 9 Chapman, John, 1960-1962 Box 31 Folder 10 Chelnov, Anatole and Jean, 1958-1960 Box 31 Folder 11 Chelnov, 1961-1963 Box 31 Folder 12 Chelnov, 1964-1966 Box 31 Folder 13 Chelnov, 1967-1970 Box 31 Folder 14 Chelnov, 1971-1972 Box 32 Folder 1 Coa-Cos, general Box 32 Folder 2 Cornwall, Laurence, 1957-1971 Box 32 Folder 3 Cosgriff, Stuart W., 1966-1969 Box 32 Folder 4 Cot-Cz, general Box 32 Folder 5 Cotter, The Rev. John F., 1958-1966 Box 32 Folder 6 Cummings, Willard W., 1963-1970 Box 32 46 Folder 7 D, general Box 32 Folder 8 Davis, A. M., 1958-1971 Box 32 Folder 9 Davis, Lew and Mathilde, 1958-1966 Box 32 Folder 10 Demakos, Nicholai, 1961-1970 Box 32 Folder 11 Der Harootian, Koren, 1959-1972 Box 32 Folder 12 Deutsch, Richard and Ronnie, 1958-1963 Box 32 Folder 13 Di Martini, Contessa Blanche, 1958-1972 Box 32 Folder 14 Ditson, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Box 32 Folder 15 Dorr, William Ripley, 1958-1968 Box 32 Folder 16 Dotzel, Mrs. Capitola (Aunt Cap), 1958-1961 Box 32 Folder 17 E-F, general Box 32 Folder 18 Emory, German H. H., 1961-1973 Box 32 Folder 19 Esquirol, John H., 1958-1971 Box 33 Folder 1 Events, social, 1959 Box 33 Folder 2 Events, social, 1960 Box 33 Folder 3 47 Events, social, 1961 Box 33 Folder 4 Events, social, 1962 Box 33 Folder 5 Events, social, 1963 Box 33 Folder 6 Events, social, 1964 Box 33 Folder 7 Events, social, 1965 Box 33 Folder 8 Events, social, 1966-1967 Box 33 Folder 9 Events, social, 1968-1972 Box 34 Folder 1 Events, invitations declined, general, 1958-1963 Box 34 Folder 2 Events, invitations declined, A-B, 1958-1959 Box 34 Folder 3 Events, invitations declined, A-B, 1960-1962 Box 34 Folder 4 Events, invitations declined, A-B, 1963-1968 Box 34 Folder 5 Events, invitations declined, C, 1958-1960 Box 34 Folder 6 Events, invitations declined, C, 1961-1968 Box 34 Folder 7 Events, invitations declined, D-L, 1958-1959 Box 34 Folder 8 Events, invitations declined, D-L, 1960-1962 Box 34 Folder 9 Events, invitations declined, D-L, 1963-1968 48 Box 34 Folder 10 Events, invitations declined, M-N, 1958-1960 Box 35 Folder 1 Events, invitations declined, M-N, 1961-1968 Box 35 Folder 2 Events, invitations declined, O-R, 1958-1968 Box 35 Folder 3 Events, invitations declined, S, 1958-1968 Box 35 Folder 4 Events, invitations declined, T-Z, 1958-1960 Box 35 Folder 5 Events, invitations declined, T-Z, 1961-1968 Box 35 Folder 6 Events, Christmas, 1958-1960 Box 35 Folder 7 Events, Christmas, 1961-1962 Box 35 Folder 8 Events, Christmas, 1963 Box 35 Folder 9 Events, Christmas, 1964 Box 35 Folder 10 Events, Christmas, 1965 Box 36 Folder 1 Events, Christmas, 1966-1967 Box 36 Folder 2 Events, Christmas, 1968-1969 Box 36 Folder 3 Events, Thanksgiving, 1958-1959 Box 36 Folder 4 Events, Thanksgiving, 1960-1969 Box 36 49 Folder 5 Events, politics, Connecticut, 1960-1965 Box 36 Folder 6 Events, politics, Connecticut, 1966-1972 Box 36 Folder 7 Events, politics, national, 1960-1962 Box 36 Folder 8 Events, politics, national, 1964 Box 36 Folder 9 Events, politics, national, 1965-1969 Box 36 Folder 10 Events, politics, national, 1972 Box 37 Folder 1 G, general Box 37 Folder 2 Gervasi, Frank, 1958-1961 Box 37 Folder 3 Gervasi, Sean, 1958-1963 Box 37 Folder 4 Gilbert, A. M., 1958-1964 Box 37 Folder 5 Gilbert, 1965-1972 Box 37 Folder 6 Goldstein, Robert, 1958-1967 Box 37 Folder 7 Goldstein, 1968-1972 Box 37 Folder 8 Goren, Charles H., 1960-1972 Box 37 Folder 9 Graebner, Walter, 1958-1969 Box 37 Folder 10 50 Graebner, 1970-1973 Box 37 Folder 11 Granger, Ernest R., 1963-1972 Box 37 Folder 12 Graves, Eben and Marion, 1958-1973 Box 38 Folder 1 H, general Box 38 Folder 2 Hebald, Milton, 1960-1973 Box 38 Folder 3 Henkel, Lotte, 1958-1969 Box 38 Folder 4 Hirsch, Joseph, 1959-1972 Box 38 Folder 5 Hixson, Ned and Olga, 1959-1967 Box 38 Folder 6 Hixson, 1968-1972 Box 38 Folder 7 Hyman, Sidney, 1959-1972 Box 38 Folder 8 I-K, general Box 38 Folder 9 L, general Box 38 Folder 10 Largey, Joan and Louis, 1958-1973 Box 38 Folder 11 Lax, Henry and Clara, 1959-1973 Box 38 Folder 12 Lewis, Robert J., 1958-1972 Box 38 Folder 13 Lowry, Patsy Palmer, 1958-1967 51 Box 39 Folder 1 Ma-Mc, general Box 39 Folder 2 Marsh, Felicia (Mrs. Reginald), 1958-1973 Box 39 Folder 3 Marvin, H. M., 1957-1973 Box 39 Folder 4 Me-O, general Box 39 Folder 5 Montgomery, Douglass and Kath, 1958-1968 Box 39 Folder 6 Morton, Katherine, 1963-1971 Box 39 Folder 7 Moss, Kathryn, 1958 Box 39 Folder 8 Newhall, Evangeline and Charles Watson, Jr., 1962-1970 Box 39 Folder 9 P-Q, general Box 39 Folder 10 Parsons, David, 1959-1972 Box 39 Folder 11 Peabody, Celia, 1958-1973 Box 39 Folder 12 Peters, Brandoch, 1963-1967 Box 39 Folder 13 Peters, William Wesley, 1959-1973 Box 40 Folder 1 Poor, Henry Varnum, 1958-1969 Box 40 Folder 2 Poor, Mrs. Henry Varnum, 1970-1971 Box 40 52 Folder 3 Popham, Melinda and family, 1966-1972 Box 40 Folder 4 Potter, Greta L., 1970-1972 Box 40 Folder 5 Potter, Miriam and Zenas, 1958 Box 40 Folder 6 Potter, Miriam, 1959 Box 40 Folder 7 Potter, 1960-1961 Box 40 Folder 8 Potter, 1962-1964 Box 40 Folder 9 Potter, financial, 1960-1963 Box 40 Folder 10 R, general Box 40 Folder 11 Ricketts, Henry T., 1961-1973 Box 40 Folder 12 Rochford, Daniel, 1961-1973 Box 40 Folder 13 Rodgers, Dorothy and Richard, 1958-1973 Box 40 Folder 14 Rosenberg, James N., 1958-1961 Box 40 Folder 15 Rosenberg, 1962-1969 Box 41 Folder 1 Sa-Sc, general Box 41 Folder 2 Sandburg, Carl Box 41 Folder 3 53 Sanderson, Alice, 1958-1967 Box 41 Folder 4 Sanderson, 1968-1973 Box 41 Folder 5 Sasowsky, Norman, 1960-1963 Box 41 Folder 6 Sasowsky, 1964-1969 Box 41 Folder 7 Sasowsky, 1970-1971 Box 41 Folder 8 Sasowsky, 1972-1973 Box 41 Folder 9 Se-Sk, general Box 41 Folder 10 Shamres, Arnold Box 41 Folder 11 Silk, Anne Box 41 Folder 12 Silvercruys, Baroness Rosemary McMahon Box 41 Folder 13 Sm-Sp, general Box 41 Folder 14 Smellie, Richard Box 41 Folder 15 Smith, Margaret Potter, 1958-1971 Box 41 Folder 16 Snow, Isabelle Box 42 Folder 1 Spears, Edward and Mary Box 42 Folder 2 Spring, George and Barbara 54 Box 42 Folder 3 St, general Box 42 Folder 4 Storm, Langdon Box 42 Folder 5 Stout, Doloret Roule, 1958-1959 Box 42 Folder 6 Stout, 1960-1973 Box 42 Folder 7 Su-Sz, general Box 42 Folder 8 Sutherland, Beth and Charles, 1958-1961 Box 42 Folder 9 Sutherland, 1962-1964 Box 42 Folder 10 Sutherland, 1965-1966 Box 42 Folder 11 Sutherland, 1967-1968 Box 42 Folder 12 Sutherland, 1969-1970 Box 42 Folder 13 Sutherland, 1971-1972 Box 42 Folder 14 Sutherland, Peter and Barbara Box 42 Folder 15 T-W, general Box 42 Folder 16 Thurston, Lorrin and Barbara, 1958-1972 Box 43 Folder 1 Tree, Marietta, 1959-1964 Box 43 55 Folder 2 Tree, 1965-1967 Box 43 Folder 3 Tree, 1968 Box 43 Folder 4 Tree, 1969-1973 Box 43 Folder 5 Trinity Parish, 1958-1971 Box 43 Folder 6 Ullman, Mr. and Mrs. George, 1958-1972 Box 43 Folder 7 Vieta, John O. and family, 1969-1973 Box 43 Folder 8 Wadely, Anne and Harold, 1959-1972 Box 43 Folder 9 Wheeler, L. C. (Roy), 1958-1972 Box 43 Folder 10 Williams, Anne, 1959-1970 Box 43 Folder 11 Williams, David and Deedie, 1958-1966 Box 43 Folder 12 Williams, 1967-1968 Box 43 Folder 13 Williams, 1969-1973 Box 43 Folder 14 Williams, David H., 1970-1971 Box 44 Folder 1 Williams, Howard, 1968-1973 Box 44 Folder 2 Wright, Frank Lloyd and projects, 1958-1969 Box 44 Folder 3 56 Wright, Iovanna Lloyd, 1961-1971 Box 44 Folder 4 Wright, Olgivanna, 1957-1973 Box 44 Folder 5 X-Z, general Sub-subseries 5: Travel Files Box 45 Folder 1 Baltic cruise 1960, general Box 45 Folder 2 Baltic cruise 1960, finance Box 45 Folder 3 Baltic cruise 1960, resource file Box 45 Folder 4 Baltic cruise 1960, itinerary Box 45 Folder 5 Baltic cruise 1960, lists Box 45 Folder 6 Baltic cruise 1960, guests, A-L Box 45 Folder 7 Baltic cruise 1960, guests, M-Z Box 45 Folder 8 Baltic cruise 1960, travel arrangements Box 45 Folder 9 Canada, Expo '67 Box 45 Folder 10 Chicago, 1959-1961 Box 45 Folder 11 Chicago, 1962-1971 Box 45 Folder 12 Chicago, 1965-1971 Box 46 57 Folder 1 China trip 1955-1957, general Box 46 Folder 2 China trip 1955-1957, general Box 46 Folder 3 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, general, #1 Box 46 Folder 4 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, general, #2 Box 46 Folder 5 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, general, #3 Box 46 Folder 6 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, Boorman, Chauncey, Clubb, Doak Box 46 Folder 7 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, Britannica editors Box 46 Folder 8 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, Ford, Hu, Lee, Lui Box 46 Folder 9 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, Mills, Preece Box 46 Folder 10 China trip 1955-1957, consultants, Roads, Stone, Reiner, Winters, Chen Box 47 Folder 1 China trip 1955-1957, February 19, 1959 dinner Box 47 Folder 2 China trip 1955-1957, admission, general Box 47 Folder 3 China trip 1955-1957, admission, passport Box 47 Folder 4 China trip 1955-1957, admission, passport Box 47 Folder 5 China trip 1955-1957, admission, visa, general, 1959 Box 47 Folder 6 58 China trip 1955-1957, admission, visa, general, 1960-1966 Box 47 Folder 7 China trip 1955-1957, admission, visa, general, 1969-1971 Box 47 Folder 8 China trip 1955-1957, visa efforts Box 47 Folder 9 Chinese officials, general, 1971-1972 Box 47 Folder 10 Chinese officials, Academy of Science and Chou-en-Lai correspondence Box 48 Folder 1 Crimea Conference 1961, lists, agenda, and resources Box 48 Folder 2 Crimea Conference 1961, pre-conference Box 48 Folder 3 Crimea Conference 1961, post-conference Box 48 Folder 4 Dartmouth Conference, 1960 Box 48 Folder 5 Dartmouth Conference, #2 Box 48 Folder 6 Britannica field trip, 1958 Box 48 Folder 7 1969, #1 Box 48 Folder 8 England 1969, #2 Box 49 Folder 1 Europe, Spain and Portugal trip, 1954-1957 Box 49 Folder 2 Europe, Brussels Fair, 1958 Box 49 Folder 3 Europe, 1959 59 Box 49 Folder 4 Europe, 1960 Box 49 Folder 5 Europe, 1961-1962 Box 49 Folder 6 Europe, 1965-1969 Box 49 Folder 7 Europe, 1970-1972 Box 50 Folder 1 Far East and Israel 1969, planning, #1 Box 50 Folder 2 Far East and Israel 1969, #2 Box 50 Folder 3 Far East and Israel 1969, #3 Box 50 Folder 4 Far East and Israel 1969, #4 Box 50 Folder 5 Far East and Israel 1969, #5 Box 50 Folder 6 Israel, 1970 Box 50 Folder 7 , 1958-1961 Box 50 Folder 8 Florida, 1963-1968 Box 50 Folder 9 Florida, 1971-1972 Box 51 Folder 1 General travel, 1953-1956 Box 51 Folder 2 General travel, 1958-1973 Box 51 60 Folder 3 Greek Islands 1953-1955, #1 Box 51 Folder 4 Greek Islands 1953-1955, #2 Box 51 Folder 5 Greek Islands 1953-1955, #3 Box 51 Folder 6 Greek Islands cruise 1961, general Box 51 Folder 7 Greek Islands cruise 1961, finance Box 51 Folder 8 Greek Islands cruise 1961, resource file Box 51 Folder 9 Greek Islands cruise 1961, itinerary Box 51 Folder 10 Greek Islands cruise 1961, lists Box 51 Folder 11 Greek Islands cruise 1961, guests, A-L Box 51 Folder 12 Greek Islands cruise 1961, guests, M-Z Box 51 Folder 13 Greek Islands cruise 1961, travel arrangements Box 52 Folder 1 Japan, 1970 Box 52 Folder 2 Kenya safari, 1958-1962 Box 52 Folder 3 Latin America trip, background, general Box 52 Folder 4 Latin America trip, background, advisers and consultants, general Box 52 Folder 5 61 Latin America trip, background, advisers and consultants, Britannica and Britannica Films, Holland, Jorrin Box 52 Folder 6 Latin America trip, background, advisers and consultants, McCullough, Prewitt Box 52 Folder 7 Latin America trip, background, advisers and consultants, Silvert Box 52 Folder 8 Latin America trip, background, advisers and consultants, Smith, State Department Box 52 Folder 9 Latin America trip, Britannica and Britannica Films, business Box 52 Folder 10 Latin America trip, publicity, Benton Box 53 Folder 1 Latin America trip, publicity, Britannica Box 53 Folder 2 Latin America trip, accounts payable Box 53 Folder 3 Latin America trip, equipment and services Box 53 Folder 4 Latin America trip, scheduling Box 53 Folder 5 Latin America trip, Argentina Box 53 Folder 6 Latin America trip, Brazil Box 53 Folder 7 Latin America trip, Chile Box 53 Folder 8 Latin America trip, Colombia Box 53 Folder 9 Latin America trip, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala Box 53 Folder 10 62 Latin America trip, Mexico Box 53 Folder 11 Latin America trip, Panama, Peru, Uruguay, Venezula Box 54 Folder 1 Los Angeles, 1959-1960 Box 54 Folder 2 Mediterranean cruise 1959 Box 54 Folder 3 Mediterranean cruise 1959, "Flying Clipper" Box 54 Folder 4 Mediterranean cruise 1959, guests Box 54 Folder 5 Mediterranean cruise 1959, invitations declined Box 54 Folder 6 Mediterranean cruise 1959, guests, Charles and John Benton Box 54 Folder 7 Mediterranean cruise 1959, guests, Stevensons Box 54 Folder 8 Mediterranean cruise 1959, legal Box 54 Folder 9 Mediterranean cruise 1959, schedules and itinerary Box 54 Folder 10 Mediterranean cruise 1959, reservations and travel arrangements Box 55 Folder 1 Mediterranean cruise 1963, general Box 55 Folder 2 Mediterranean cruise 1963, finance Box 55 Folder 3 Mediterranean cruise 1963, itinerary Box 55 Folder 4 Mediterranean cruise 1963, resource file 63 Box 55 Folder 5 Mediterranean cruise 1963, yachting party, general Box 55 Folder 6 Mediterranean cruise 1963, yachting party, arrangements and reservations Box 55 Folder 7 Mediterranean cruise 1963, yachting party, A-L Box 55 Folder 8 Mediterranean cruise 1963, yachting party, M-Z Box 55 Folder 9 Offut (SAC) Base, 1958-1959 Box 56 Folder 1 Pre-1940 travel, Europe, 1935 Box 56 Folder 2 Pre-1940 travel, general, Jan.-June 1937 Box 56 Folder 3 Pre-1940 travel, general, July-Dec. 1937 Box 56 Folder 4 Pre-1940 travel, letters of introduction Box 56 Folder 5 Pre-1940 travel, Europe, 1938 Box 57 Folder 1 Reservations and arrangements, 1958-1959 Box 57 Folder 2 Reservations and arrangements, 1960 Box 57 Folder 3 Reservations and arrangements, 1961 Box 57 Folder 4 Reservations and arrangements, 1962 Box 57 Folder 5 Reservations and arrangements, 1963 Box 57 64 Folder 6 Reservations and arrangements, 1964-1966 Box 57 Folder 7 Reservations and arrangements, 1967-1969 Box 58 Folder 1 Rome, Olympics, 1958-1960 Box 58 Folder 2 Russian trip 1955, background Box 58 Folder 3 Russian trip 1955, advisers and consultants, general Box 58 Folder 4 Russian trip 1955, advisers and consultants, Kennan, Grace Box 58 Folder 5 Russian trip 1955, advisers and consultants, Roddan, Salisbury Box 58 Folder 6 Russian trip 1955, advisers and consultants, Smogorzewski, Taurer, Tucker Box 58 Folder 7 Russian trip 1955, advisers and consultants, Zinner Box 58 Folder 8 Russian trip 1955, Britannica and Britannica Films, business Box 58 Folder 9 Russian trip 1955, publicity Box 59 Folder 1 Russian trip 1955, administration, general Box 59 Folder 2 Russian trip 1955, administration, finance, apparel, equipment Box 59 Folder 3 Russian trip 1955, administration, passport, visas Box 59 Folder 4 Russian trip 1955, countries visited, itinerary Box 59 Folder 5 65 Russian trip 1955, countries visited, A-T Box 59 Folder 6 Russian trip 1955, countries, U.S.S.R. Box 59 Folder 7 Russian trip 1962, background Box 59 Folder 8 Russian trip 1962, administration Box 59 Folder 9 Russian trip 1962, pre-trip development Box 60 Folder 1 Russian trip 1962, post-trip development, general, Britannica and Britannica Films Box 60 Folder 2 Russian trip 1962, post-trip development, Russian officials Box 60 Folder 3 Russian trip 1962, post-trip development, U. S. government Box 60 Folder 4 Russian trip 1964, pre-trip planning Box 60 Folder 5 Russian trip 1964, publicity Box 60 Folder 6 Russian trip 1964, post-trip developments, general Box 60 Folder 7 Russian trip 1964, post-trip developments, Britannica and Britannica Films Box 60 Folder 8 Russian trip 1964, post-trip developments, Russian officials Box 60 Folder 9 Russian trip 1964, post-trip developments, U. S. government Box 61 Folder 1 South Seas cruise, 1958 Box 61 Folder 2 South Seas cruise, 1963 66 Box 61 Folder 3 South Seas cruise, 1967 Box 61 Folder 4 South Seas cruise, 1968-1969 Box 61 Folder 5 Summer 1962 Box 61 Folder 6 Summer cruise, proposed, 1968 Box 62 Folder 1 Turkish coast cruise, general Box 62 Folder 2 Turkish coast cruise, yachting party, A-L Box 62 Folder 3 Turkish coast cruise yachting party, M-Z Box 62 Folder 4 Turkish coast cruise 1971, general Box 62 Folder 5 Turkish coast cruise 1971, finance Box 62 Folder 6 Turkish coast cruise 1971, resource file Box 62 Folder 7 Turkish coast cruise 1971, itinerary Box 62 Folder 8 Turkish coast cruise 1971, yachting party, general Box 62 Folder 9 Turkish coast cruise 1971, yachting party, guests Box 63 Folder 1 Yachts, 1963-1967 Box 63 Folder 2 Yachts, 1968-1972 Box 63 67 Folder 3 Yachts, Doxiadis, 1969 Box 63 Folder 4 Yachts, Tritona, 1958 Subseries 2: General Correspondence Sub-subseries 1: 1930-1940 Box 64 Folder 1 A, general Box 64 Folder 2 B, general Box 64 Folder 3 Bowles, Chester, 1936-1937 Box 64 Folder 4 Bowles, 1938 Box 64 Folder 5 Bowles, 1939 Box 64 Folder 6 Bowles, 1940 Box 64 Folder 7 Brown, Lewis, 1937-1940 Box 64 Folder 8 C, general Box 64 Folder 9 Childs, Helen, 1939 Box 64 Folder 10 D, general Box 64 Folder 11 Delacorte, George, 1935-1940 Box 64 Folder 12 E-F, general Box 64

68 Folder 13 G, general Box 64 Folder 14 Goldstein, Robert, 1936-1940 Box 65 Folder 1 Ha-Hi, general Box 65 Folder 2 Hale, E. V., 1938-1941 Box 65 Folder 3 Hartwell, Jobson and Kibber, 1940 Box 65 Folder 4 Ho-Hz, general Box 65 Folder 5 Hurd, Arthur M., 1940 Box 65 Folder 6 I, general Box 65 Folder 7 J, general Box 65 Folder 8 K, general Box 65 Folder 9 L, general Box 65 Folder 10 LaFollette, Philip, 1937-1939 Box 65 Folder 11 LaFollette, 1940 Box 65 Folder 12 LaFollette, Robert M., 1937-1940 Box 65 Folder 13 Lasswell, Harold D., 1936-1940 Box 65 Folder 14 69 Lemmon, Guy, 1935-1940 Box 65 Folder 15 Little, Edward H., 1939-1940 Box 65 Folder 16 Luce, Henry R., 1938-1939 Box 65 Folder 17 Lyon, George H., 1940 Box 66 Folder 1 M, general Box 66 Folder 2 Marsh, Reginald, 1939-1940 Box 66 Folder 3 Merrill, Charles, 1936-1939 Box 66 Folder 4 Na-No, general Box 66 Folder 5 Needham, Maurice H., 1936-1937 Box 66 Folder 6 O-Q, general Box 66 Folder 7 R, general Box 66 Folder 8 Rochford, Daniel, 1938-1940 Box 66 Folder 9 Rubicam, Raymond, 1936-1940 Box 66 Folder 10 Ruhm, Herman, 1937-1940 Box 66 Folder 11 Ryan, T. L., 1938-1940 Box 66 Folder 12 S, general 70 Box 66 Folder 13 Schleiter, Walter B., 1935-1940 Box 66 Folder 14 Strauss, Helen Box 67 Folder 1 T, general Box 67 Folder 2 Tallman, Bertha, 1940 Box 67 Folder 3 Thurston, Lorrin P., 1937-1940 Box 67 Folder 4 Time, Inc., 1936-1940 Box 67 Folder 5 Tracey, Eugene A., 1937-1940 Box 67 Folder 6 U-V, general Box 67 Folder 7 Van Meter, Galen, 1933-1936 Box 67 Folder 8 Van Meter, 1937-1940 Box 67 Folder 9 W, general Box 67 Folder 10 Wattley, Joan, 1940 Box 67 Folder 11 X-Z, general Box 67 Folder 12 Yale University, 1931-1940 Box 67 Folder 13 Young, James W., 1936-1939 Box 67 71 Folder 14 Young, John O., 1936-1940 Sub-subseries 2: 1941-1947 Box 68 Folder 1 A, general Box 68 Folder 2 Ba-Be, general Box 68 Folder 3 Barton, Bruce, 1941-1947 Box 68 Folder 4 Bell, Laird, 1944-1947 Box 68 Folder 5 Bi-Bri, general Box 68 Folder 6 Bingham, Alfred, 1942-1947 Box 68 Folder 7 Birk, Louis, 1945 Box 69 Folder 1 Bowles, Chester, 1941 Box 69 Folder 2 Bowles, 1942 Box 69 Folder 3 Bowles, 1943 Box 69 Folder 4 Bowles, 1944 Box 69 Folder 5 Bowles, 1945 Box 69 Folder 6 Bowles, 1946 Box 69 Folder 7 Bowles, Jan.-June 1947 72 Box 69 Folder 8 Bowles, July-Dec. 1947 Box 70 Folder 1 British Museum proposal, 1940-1941 Box 70 Folder 2 Bro-Bz, general Box 70 Folder 3 Brown, Lewis H., 1943-1946 Box 70 Folder 4 Buchbinder, Hazel, 1944-1945 Box 70 Folder 5 Buck, Pearl S., 1944-1947 Box 70 Folder 6 Burns, Robert K., 1944-1945 Box 70 Folder 7 Bye, George T., 1942-1944 Box 71 Folder 1 C, general Box 71 Folder 2 Cheyfitz, Edward Box 71 Folder 3 Cole, A. L., 1942-1947 Box 71 Folder 4 Colgate, S. Bayard, 1941-1947 Box 71 Folder 5 Cowles, Gardner, 1944-1945 Box 71 Folder 6 Coyle, Joanne, 1942-1943 Box 71 Folder 7 D, general Box 71 73 Folder 8 David, Donald, 1944-1945 Box 71 Folder 9 Davis, Smith, 1942-1947 Box 71 Folder 10 Delacorte, George, Jr., 1941-1945 Box 71 Folder 11 Dodd, John, 1943-1945 Box 71 Folder 12 R. R. Donnelley and Sons, 1945-1947 Box 71 Folder 13 E, general Box 71 Folder 14 Emmerich, Herbert, 1944-1945 Box 72 Folder 1 F, general Box 72 Folder 2 Field, Marshall, 1942-1947 Box 72 Folder 3 Fizdale, Tom, 1941-1945 Box 72 Folder 4 Fly, James Lawrence, 1941-1945 Box 72 Folder 5 Francisco, Don, 1941-1946 Box 72 Folder 6 Ga-Gl, general Box 72 Folder 7 Gager, Curt, 1940-1947 Box 72 Folder 8 Galbraith, J. Kenneth, 1944-1945 Box 72 Folder 9 74 Go-Gz, general Box 72 Folder 10 Goldstein, Robert, 1941-1947 Box 72 Folder 11 Gould, Bruce, 1945-1947 Box 72 Folder 12 Gould, Jay, 1941-1947 Box 72 Folder 13 Guinness, Arthur, 1941-1947 Box 73 Folder 1 Ha-Hi, general Box 73 Folder 2 Hale, Edward V., 1941-1947 Box 73 Folder 3 Hard, William, 1944-1946 Box 73 Folder 4 Harrison, Wallace K., 1941-1947 Box 73 Folder 5 Ho-Hz, general Box 73 Folder 6 Hoffman, Paul, 1941-1947 Box 73 Folder 7 Hormel, Jay, 1944-1947 Box 73 Folder 8 Hutchinson, Paul, 1944-1947 Box 73 Folder 9 I, general Box 73 Folder 10 Ingersoll, Ralph and Elaine, 1941-1947 Box 73 Folder 11 J, general 75 Box 73 Folder 12 Janeway, Eliot, 1944-1945 Box 73 Folder 13 Jessup, John K., 1944 Box 74 Folder 1 Johnson, Robert L., 1941-1945 Box 74 Folder 2 Johnston, Eric A., 1943-1947 Box 74 Folder 3 Jones, Owen, 1943-1946 Box 74 Folder 4 Ka-Ke, general Box 74 Folder 5 Kanzler, Ernest, 1945 Box 74 Folder 6 Kauffmann-Grinstead, Dr. Kurt, 1941-1945 Box 74 Folder 7 Kaye, Sydney M., 1942-1944 Box 74 Folder 8 Keiffer, Elaine Brown, 1943-1945 Box 74 Folder 9 Kesten, Paul W., 1944-1945 Box 74 Folder 10 Ki-Kz, general Box 74 Folder 11 Krause, William W., 1941-1943 Box 74 Folder 12 La, general Box 74 Folder 13 LaFollette, Philip F., 1941-1947 Box 74 76 Folder 14 LaFollette, Robert M., 1941-1947 Box 74 Folder 15 LaRoche, Chester, 1942-1947 Box 75 Folder 1 Lasswell, Harold, 1941-1944 Box 75 Folder 2 Lasswell, 1945-1947 Box 75 Folder 3 Le, general Box 75 Folder 4 Leffingwell, R. C., 1944-1945 Box 75 Folder 5 Lemmon, Guy, 1941-1947 Box 75 Folder 6 Levi, Edward H., 1944-1945 Box 75 Folder 7 Lf-Lz, general Box 75 Folder 8 Lindbergh, Charles, 1941-1947 Box 75 Folder 9 Logan, Harlan, 1944-1947 Box 75 Folder 10 Lovenstein, Meno Box 75 Folder 11 Luce, Clare Booth, 1941-1947 Box 75 Folder 12 Luce, Henry R., 1941-1947 Box 76 Folder 1 Ma, general Box 76 Folder 2 77 Maverick, Maury, 1944-1947 Box 76 Folder 3 Mazur, Paul, 1941-1942 Box 76 Folder 4 Mc, general Box 76 Folder 5 McCormick, Robert, 1941-1946 Box 76 Folder 6 Me-Mi, general Box 76 Folder 7 Miller, Allan, 1941-1947 Box 76 Folder 8 Mo-Mz, general Box 76 Folder 9 Montague, Gilbert, 1944-1946 Box 76 Folder 10 Montgomery, Douglass, 1941-1942 Box 76 Folder 11 Moore, Ray W., 1942-1947 Box 76 Folder 12 Motley, Arthur H., 1944-1947 Box 76 Folder 13 Muldowney, Silvester, 1941-1947 Box 76 Folder 14 N-O, general Box 77 Folder 1 National Committee on Maternal Health, Inc., 1942 Box 77 Folder 2 Nichols, William, 1945-1947 Box 77 Folder 3 O'Brien, Philip, 1945-1947 78 Box 77 Folder 4 Pa, general Box 77 Folder 5 Patton, James G., 1945-1947 Box 77 Folder 6 Paul's Tax Proposals, 1942 Box 77 Folder 7 Pe-Q, general Box 77 Folder 8 Porter, Paul A., 1946-1947 Box 77 Folder 9 Pritchard, Edward, 1944-1945 Box 77 Folder 10 Ra-Ri, general Box 77 Folder 11 Revere, Tom, 1941-1947 Box 77 Folder 12 Richardson, H. Smith, 1941-1942 Box 78 Folder 1 Ro-Rz, general Box 78 Folder 2 Rochford, Daniel, 1941-1945 Box 78 Folder 3 Rockfeller, David, John, Laurance, Nelson, 1941-1947 Box 78 Folder 4 Rogers, James, 1941-1946 Box 78 Folder 5 Rosenberg, Anna, 1941-1947 Box 78 Folder 6 Rubicam, Raymond, 1941-1947 Box 78 79 Folder 7 Ruhm, Herman D., 1941-1947 Box 78 Folder 8 Ruml, Beardsley, 1941-1947 Box 78 Folder 9 Sa-Sk, general Box 78 Folder 10 Scherman, Harry, 1941-1946 Box 78 Folder 11 Schuster, M. Lincoln (Max), 1941-1946 Box 78 Folder 12 Schleiter, Walter, 1941-1947 Box 79 Folder 1 Shaw, Alejandro, 1944-1946 Box 79 Folder 2 Shaw, Arch W., 1944-1947 Box 79 Folder 3 Sheperdson, William, 1945 Box 79 Folder 4 Shubart, Harry E., 1942-1947 Box 79 Folder 5 Siepman, Charles, 1944-1946 Box 79 Folder 6 Sl-Sp, general Box 79 Folder 7 St-Sz, general Box 79 Folder 8 Stebbins, Frances F., 1943-1947 Box 79 Folder 9 Sterling, John C., 1947 Box 79 Folder 10 80 T, general Box 79 Folder 11 Tallman, Bertha, 1941-1942 Box 79 Folder 12 Taylor, Howard C., 1942-1946 Box 79 Folder 13 Thomas, Norman, 1942-1945 Box 79 Folder 14 Thurston, Lorrin P., 1941-1945 Box 79 Folder 15 Tracey, Eugene A., 1941-1947 Box 79 Folder 16 Trammell, Niles, 1941-1947 Box 80 Folder 1 U-V, general Box 80 Folder 2 Van Meter, Galen, 1941-1944 Box 80 Folder 3 Van Meter, 1945-1947 Box 80 Folder 4 Vansittart, Lord, 1943-1945 Box 80 Folder 5 Vogel, Frank, 1941-1947 Box 80 Folder 6 Wa, general Box 80 Folder 7 Wallace, DeWitt, 1941-1947 Box 80 Folder 8 Walsh, J. Raymond, 1944-1947 Box 80 Folder 9 Wanger, Walter F., 1941-1947 81 Box 80 Folder 10 Warren, Lingan A., 1944-1945 Box 80 Folder 11 War-related correspondence, general Box 80 Folder 12 We, general Box 80 Folder 13 Wh, general Box 80 Folder 14 White, Thomas J., 1941-1944 Box 80 Folder 15 Wi, general Box 81 Folder 1 Wo-Wr, general Box 81 Folder 2 Wood, Gen. Robert E., 1941-1947 Box 81 Folder 3 X-Z, general Box 81 Folder 4 Young, James W., 1941-1947 Box 81 Folder 5 Zimmerman, Herbert P., 1942-1947 Box 81 Folder 6 Zurcher, Arnold J., 1945 Sub-subseries 3: 1948-1957 Box 82 Folder 1 Aa-Ad, general Box 82 Folder 2 Adams, Taylor, 1947-1956 Box 82 Folder 3 82 Adler, Mortimer, 1948-1950 Box 82 Folder 4 Adler, 1951-1957 Box 82 Folder 5 Ag-Ai, general Box 82 Folder 6 Al, general Box 82 Folder 7 Allen, C. Stanley, 1951-1954 Box 82 Folder 8 Allen, 1955-1957 Box 82 Folder 9 Altschul, Frank, 1950-1957 Box 83 Folder 1 Am, general Box 83 Folder 2 American Assembly, 1957 Box 83 Folder 3 American Association for the United Nations, 1950-1957 Box 83 Folder 4 American Civil Liberties Union, 1949-1957 Box 83 Folder 5 American Committee on United Europe, 1956-1957 Box 83 Folder 6 American Foreign Service Association, 1947-1956 Box 83 Folder 7 American Heritage Foundation, 1956-1957 Box 83 Folder 8 American Political Science Association Box 84 Folder 1 An, general 83 Box 84 Folder 2 Ap-Ar, general Box 84 Folder 3 Ascoli, Max, 1949-1954 Box 84 Folder 4 As-Az, general Box 84 Folder 5 Ba-Ban, general Box 84 Folder 6 Balch, Richard, 1950-1957 Box 84 Folder 7 Bar, general Box 84 Folder 8 Baron, Sydney, 1956-1957 Box 84 Folder 9 Barton, Bruce, 1949-1957 Box 85 Folder 1 Bas-Baz, general Box 85 Folder 2 Bea-Bel, general Box 85 Folder 3 Ben-Bez, general Box 85 Folder 4 Berkson, Seymour, 1948-1956 Box 85 Folder 5 Bh-Bj, general Box 85 Folder 6 Bimson, Walter R., 1948-1957 Box 85 Folder 7 Bl, general Box 85 84 Folder 8 Bo, general Box 86 Folder 1 Bowles, Chester, Jan.-June 1948 Box 86 Folder 2 Bowles, July-Dec. 1948 Box 86 Folder 3 Bowles, 1949 Box 86 Folder 4 Bowles, 1950 Box 86 Folder 5 Bowles, Jan.-June 1951 Box 86 Folder 6 Bowles, July-Dec. 1951 Box 86 Folder 7 Bowles, Jan.-June 1952 Box 86 Folder 8 Bowles, July-Dec. 1952 Box 87 Folder 1 Bowles, 1953 Box 87 Folder 2 Bowles, 1954 Box 87 Folder 3 Bowles, Tibetan scroll Box 87 Folder 4 Bowles, 1955 Box 87 Folder 5 Bowles, 1956 Box 87 Folder 6 Bowles, Jan.-June 1957 Box 87 Folder 7 85 Bowles, July-Dec. 1957 Box 88 Folder 1 Br-Bz, general, #1 Box 88 Folder 2 Br-Bz, #2 Box 88 Folder 3 Br-Bz, #3 Box 88 Folder 4 Br-Bz, #4 Box 88 Folder 5 Br-Bz, #5 Box 88 Folder 6 Br-Bz, #6 Box 88 Folder 7 Braden, Spruille Box 88 Folder 8 Brown, Sevelon Box 89 Folder 1 Ca-Ce, general, #1 Box 89 Folder 2 Ca-Ce, #2 Box 89 Folder 3 Ca-Ce, #3 Box 89 Folder 4 Ca-Ce, #4 Box 89 Folder 5 Canham, Erwin D. Box 90 Folder 1 Carleton College, 1948-1949 Box 90 Folder 2 Carleton College, 1950-1952 86 Box 90 Folder 3 Carleton College, 1953 Box 90 Folder 4 Carleton College, 1954 Box 90 Folder 5 Carleton College, 1955 Box 90 Folder 6 Carleton College, 1956-1957 Box 90 Folder 7 Cavers, David Box 90 Folder 8 Cerf, Jay Box 90 Folder 9 Ch-Ci, general Box 90 Folder 10 Chafee, Zechariah Box 91 Folder 1 Charles, Joseph Box 91 Folder 2 Chevalier, Willard Box 91 Folder 3 Childs, Marquis Box 91 Folder 4 Cl, general Box 91 Folder 5 Clark, Cameron Box 91 Folder 6 Clark, William Box 91 Folder 7 Clayton, William L. Box 91 87 Folder 8 Co, general, #1 Box 91 Folder 9 Co, #2 Box 91 Folder 10 Co, #3 Box 91 Folder 11 Co, #4 Box 91 Folder 12 Co, #5 Box 92 Folder 1 Cohn, Dr. Alfred E. Box 92 Folder 2 Colgate, S. Bayard Box 92 Folder 3 Council on Foreign Relations (Chicago) Box 92 Folder 4 Council on Foreign Relations (New York) Box 92 Folder 5 Council on World Affairs Box 92 Folder 6 Cousins, Norman Box 92 Folder 7 Cr-Cz, general Box 92 Folder 8 Cronin, Anne, 1956 Box 92 Folder 9 Cronin, Jan.-May 1957 Box 92 Folder 10 Cronin, June-Dec. 1957 Box 92 Folder 11 88 Crowther, Geoffrey Box 93 Folder 1 Da-De, general, #1 Box 93 Folder 2 Da-De, #2 Box 93 Folder 3 David, Donald K. Box 93 Folder 4 Davis, A. M. Box 93 Folder 5 Delacorte, George Box 93 Folder 6 Di-Do, general Box 93 Folder 7 Donovan, William J. Box 93 Folder 8 Dr-Dz, general, #1 Box 93 Folder 9 Dr-Dz, #2 Box 93 Folder 10 Dulles, John Foster Box 94 Folder 1 E, general, #1 Box 94 Folder 2 E, #2 Box 94 Folder 3 Eisenhower, Milton Box 94 Folder 4 Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Box 94 Folder 5 Ernst, Morris L. 89 Box 94 Folder 6 Ethridge, Mark Box 94 Folder 7 Eurich, Alvin C. Box 94 Folder 8 Evans, Luther Box 95 Folder 1 Fa-Fl, general, #1 Box 95 Folder 2 Fa-Fl, #2 Box 95 Folder 3 Faust, Clarence Box 95 Folder 4 Ferry, W. H. (Ping) Box 95 Folder 5 Field, Marshall Box 95 Folder 6 Finkelstein, Louis Box 95 Folder 7 Finletter, Thomas Box 95 Folder 8 Fletcher, C. Scott Box 95 Folder 9 Flynn, Catherine Box 96 Folder 1 Fo-Fz, general, #1 Box 96 Folder 2 Fo-Fz, #2 Box 96 Folder 3 Folsom, Marion Box 96 90 Folder 4 Ford, Henry Box 96 Folder 5 Foster, William C. Box 96 Folder 6 Frances, Clarence Box 96 Folder 7 Ga, general, #1 Box 96 Folder 8 Ga, #2 Box 96 Folder 9 Gager, Curtis H. Box 96 Folder 10 Gi-Go, general Box 96 Folder 11 Goldstein, Robert Box 97 Folder 1 Gould, Bruce, 1948-1952 Box 97 Folder 2 Gould, 1953-1957 Box 97 Folder 3 Gould, Jay Box 97 Folder 4 Gr-Gz, general, #1 Box 97 Folder 5 Gr-Gz, #2 Box 97 Folder 6 Graebner, Walter Box 97 Folder 7 Greenfield, Edward Box 97 Folder 8 91 Griswold, A. Whitney Box 97 Folder 9 Guinness, Arthur Box 98 Folder 1 Ha, general, #1 Box 98 Folder 2 Ha, #2 Box 98 Folder 3 Hale, Edward V. Box 98 Folder 4 Hardman, David, 1948-1957 Box 98 Folder 5 Hardman, 1953-1957 Box 98 Folder 6 Haydon, Brownlee Box 98 Folder 7 He-Hi, general, #1 Box 98 Folder 8 He-Hi, #2 Box 98 Folder 9 Hecht, George J. Box 98 Folder 10 Hicks, Orton H. Box 99 Folder 1 Ho, general, #1 Box 99 Folder 2 Ho, #2 Box 99 Folder 3 Hoffman, Michael L. Box 99 Folder 4 Hoffman, Paul G., 1948-1949 92 Box 99 Folder 5 Hoffman, 1950-1952 Box 99 Folder 6 Hoffman, 1953-1954 Box 99 Folder 7 Hoffman, 1956-1957 Box 99 Folder 8 Holland, Kenneth Box 99 Folder 9 Hormel, Jay Box 100 Folder 1 Hu-Hz, general Box 100 Folder 2 Hutchins, Robert M., 1948-1952 Box 100 Folder 3 Hutchins, 1953 Box 100 Folder 4 Hutchins, Jan.-June 1954 Box 100 Folder 5 Hutchins, July-Dec. 1954 Box 100 Folder 6 Hutchins, Jan.-April 1956 Box 100 Folder 7 Hutchins, May-Dec. 1956 Box 100 Folder 8 Hutchins, Jan.-June 1957 Box 100 Folder 9 Hutchins, July-Dec. 1957 Box 100 Folder 10 Hutchinson, Paul Box 100 93 Folder 11 Hyde, Anthony Box 101 Folder 1 I, general Box 101 Folder 2 Ingersoll, Ralph Box 101 Folder 3 International Trade Organization Box 101 Folder 4 J, general Box 101 Folder 5 Jacoby, Neil Box 101 Folder 6 Jessup, John K. Box 101 Folder 7 Johnston, Eric Box 101 Folder 8 Joyce, Jean Box 101 Folder 9 Joyce, William H. Box 101 Folder 10 Ka-Ke, general, #1 Box 101 Folder 11 Ka-Ke, #2 Box 102 Folder 1 Ki-Kl, general Box 102 Folder 2 King-Hall, Stephen Box 102 Folder 3 Kintner, Robert Box 102 Folder 4 94 Kl-Kz, general Box 102 Folder 5 La, general Box 102 Folder 6 LaFollette, Isen, Philip, Robert Box 102 Folder 7 LaRoche, Chester J., 1948-1950 Box 102 Folder 8 LaRoche, 1951-1957 Box 102 Folder 9 Larsen, Roy E. Box 102 Folder 10 Lasswell, Harold, 1948-1950 Box 103 Folder 1 Lasswell, 1951-1952 Box 103 Folder 2 Lasswell, 1953-1954 Box 103 Folder 3 Lasswell, 1956-1957 Box 103 Folder 4 Lazarus, Fred Box 103 Folder 5 Le, general Box 103 Folder 6 Levine, Joshua Box 103 Folder 7 Levitan, David M. Box 103 Folder 8 Li-Lo, general Box 103 Folder 9 Lu-Lz, general 95 Box 103 Folder 10 Luce, Clare Booth Box 103 Folder 11 Luce, Henry Box 104 Folder 1 Ma-Mar, general Box 104 Folder 2 MacLeish, Archibald Box 104 Folder 3 Markel, Lester Box 104 Folder 4 Martin, Harry Box 104 Folder 5 Mas-Maz, general Box 104 Folder 6 Mayer, Milton Box 104 Folder 7 Mc, general, #1 Box 104 Folder 8 Mc, #2 Box 104 Folder 9 McCabe, Thomas B. Box 105 Folder 1 Me, general Box 105 Folder 2 Means, Gardiner Box 105 Folder 3 Merrill, Charles Box 105 Folder 4 Meynell, Alix Box 105 96 Folder 5 Mi, general Box 105 Folder 6 Mo, general, #1 Box 105 Folder 7 Mo, #2 Box 105 Folder 8 Mu-Mz, general Box 105 Folder 9 Na, general Box 105 Folder 10 Ne, general Box 106 Folder 1 Ni, general Box 106 Folder 2 Nichols, William Box 106 Folder 3 No-Nz, general Box 106 Folder 4 Nuveen, John Box 106 Folder 5 O, general Box 106 Folder 6 O'Meara, Walter Box 106 Folder 7 Pa, general Box 106 Folder 8 Pe-Pf, general Box 106 Folder 9 Ph, general Box 106 Folder 10 97 Pilgrims of the U. S. Box 106 Folder 11 Pioda, Mary Emma, Apr.-Sept. 1955 Box 106 Folder 12 Pioda, Sept.-Dec. 1955 Box 107 Folder 1 Po, general Box 107 Folder 2 Porter, Paul Box 107 Folder 3 Pr-Pz, general Box 107 Folder 4 Ra, general Box 107 Folder 5 Randall, Clarence Box 107 Folder 6 Rather, Victor Box 107 Folder 7 Re, general Box 107 Folder 8 Reed, Philip Box 107 Folder 9 Reid, Ogden Box 107 Folder 10 Reuther, Walter Box 107 Folder 11 Ri, general Box 108 Folder 1 Roa-Rol, general Box 108 Folder 2 Rockefeller, Nelson 98 Box 108 Folder 3 Rollins College Box 108 Folder 4 Rom-Roz Box 108 Folder 5 Romulo, Carlos Box 108 Folder 6 Rosenberg, Anna, 1948-1949 Box 108 Folder 7 Rosenberg, 1950-1952 Box 108 Folder 8 Rosenberg, 1953-1955 Box 108 Folder 9 Rosenberg, 1956-1957 Box 108 Folder 10 Rosenberg, James Box 108 Folder 11 Rosten, Leo Box 109 Folder 1 Ru-Rz, general Box 109 Folder 2 Rubicam, Raymond Box 109 Folder 3 Ruhm, Herbert, #1 Box 109 Folder 4 Ruhm, #2 Box 109 Folder 5 Ruml, Beardsley, 1948-1949 Box 109 Folder 6 Ruml, 1950-1952 Box 109 99 Folder 7 Ruml, 1953-1955 Box 109 Folder 8 Ruml, 1956-1957 Box 109 Folder 9 Rusk, Dean Box 109 Folder 10 Russell, Reverend Galen Box 109 Folder 11 Russell, Paul S. Box 110 Folder 1 Sa, general, #1 Box 110 Folder 2 Sa, #2 Box 110 Folder 3 Sc, general, #1 Box 110 Folder 4 Sc, #2 Box 110 Folder 5 Scherman, Harry Box 110 Folder 6 Schleiter, Walter, 1950-1955 Box 110 Folder 7 Schleiter, 1956-1957 Box 110 Folder 8 Schwartz, Harry Box 110 Folder 9 Scudder, Townsend, 1952-1955 Box 110 Folder 10 Scudder, 1956-1957 Box 110 Folder 11 100 Se, general Box 111 Folder 1 Sh, general Box 111 Folder 2 Shehan, Bishop Lawrence J. Box 111 Folder 3 Shubart, Harry E. Box 111 Folder 4 Shuster, George Box 111 Folder 5 Si, general Box 111 Folder 6 Skouras, Spyros Box 111 Folder 7 Sl-Sm, general, #1 Box 111 Folder 8 Sl-Sm, #2 Box 111 Folder 9 Sloan, Harold S. Box 111 Folder 10 Smith, W. Bedell Box 111 Folder 11 So, general Box 111 Folder 12 Sp, general Box 112 Folder 1 Sta-Ste, general Box 112 Folder 2 Stanton, Frank Box 112 Folder 3 Stein, Harold, 1949-1950 101 Box 112 Folder 4 Stein, 1956-1957 Box 112 Folder 5 Stewart, Robert B. Box 112 Folder 6 Sto-Sty, general, #1 Box 112 Folder 7 Sto-Sty, #2 Box 112 Folder 8 Stoddard, George, 1948-1954 Box 112 Folder 9 Stoddard, 1955-1957 Box 112 Folder 10 Strelsin, Alfred Box 113 Folder 1 Stuart, John Box 113 Folder 2 Su-Sz, general Box 113 Folder 3 Ta, general Box 113 Folder 4 Taylor, John W. Box 113 Folder 5 Testut, Richard Box 113 Folder 6 Th, general, #1 Box 113 Folder 7 Th, #2 Box 113 Folder 8 Ti-To, general Box 113 102 Folder 9 Tr-Tz, general Box 113 Folder 10 Tracey, Eugene A. Box 113 Folder 11 U, general, #1 Box 113 Folder 12 U, #2 Box 113 Folder 13 University City Realty Co. Box 113 Folder 14 University of Connecticut Box 114 Folder 1 V, general, #1 Box 114 Folder 2 V, #2 Box 114 Folder 3 Van Voorhies, Rousseau Box 114 Folder 4 Van Meter, Galen, 1948-1949 Box 114 Folder 5 Van Meter, 1950-1952 Box 114 Folder 6 Van Meter, 1953 Box 114 Folder 7 Van Meter, 1954 Box 114 Folder 8 Van Meter, 1955 Box 114 Folder 9 Van Meter, 1956 Box 114 Folder 10 103 Van Meter, 1957 Box 115 Folder 1 Wa, general, #1 Box 115 Folder 2 Wa, #2 Box 115 Folder 3 Wallace, DeWitt Box 115 Folder 4 Wanger, Walter Box 115 Folder 5 We, general, #1 Box 115 Folder 6 We, #2 Box 115 Folder 7 Wh, general, #1 Box 115 Folder 8 Wh, #2 Box 115 Folder 9 Wheeler, Walter Box 115 Folder 10 Whitney, John Hay Box 115 Folder 11 Whitney, Robert A. Box 115 Folder 12 Wi, general, #1 Box 115 Folder 13 Wi, #2 Box 116 Folder 1 Wilkins, Kathleen Box 116 Folder 2 Williams, Chester 104 Box 116 Folder 3 Wilson, Howard Box 116 Folder 4 Wo-Wz, general, #1 Box 116 Folder 5 Wo-Wz, #2 Box 116 Folder 6 Wood, General Robert E. Box 116 Folder 7 Workman, Donna Box 116 Folder 8 Wright, Louise Box 116 Folder 9 Wriston, Henry Box 116 Folder 10 Y-Z, general, #1 Box 116 Folder 11 Y-Z, #2 Box 116 Folder 12 Yale University, #1 Box 116 Folder 13 Yale University, #2 Box 116 Folder 14 Yale University, #3 Box 116 Folder 15 Young, James W. Sub-subseries 4: 1958-1973 Box 117 Folder 1 Aa-Add, general Box 117 Folder 2 105 Abram, Morris, 1968-1972 Box 117 Folder 3 Abrams, Harry N., 1958-1969 Box 117 Folder 4 Abrams, 1970-1973 Box 117 Folder 5 Adam, Arthur S., 1959 Box 117 Folder 6 Adams, Betty, 1958-1959 Box 117 Folder 7 Adams, Taylor, 1957-1968 Box 117 Folder 8 Ade-Agu, general Box 117 Folder 9 Ades, Leslie, 1972-1973 Box 118 Folder 1 Adler, Mortimer, 1958-1961 Box 118 Folder 2 Adler, 1962-1964 Box 118 Folder 3 Adler, 1965-1968 Box 118 Folder 4 Adler, 1969-1973 Box 118 Folder 5 Agronsky, Martin, 1958-1970 Box 118 Folder 6 Ahe-Ale, general Box 118 Folder 7 Aledort, Louis M., 1970-1971 Box 118 Folder 8 Alf-All, general 106 Box 118 Folder 9 Alinsky, Saul, 1960 Box 118 Folder 10 Allen, C. Stanley, 1958-1969 Box 119 Folder 1 Allen, James E., Jr., 1958-1972 Box 119 Folder 2 Alm-America-Italy, general Box 119 Folder 3 Alsop, Stewart, 1959-1965 Box 119 Folder 4 American A-American B, general Box 119 Folder 5 American Association for the United Nations, Inc. Box 119 Folder 6 American C-American E, general Box 119 Folder 7 American Civil Liberties Union, 1958-1973 Box 119 Folder 8 American Committee for Liberation, 1958-1964 Box 119 Folder 9 American Committee to Preserve Abu Simbel, 1965-1967 Box 120 Folder 1 The American Council for Judaism, 1958-1965 Box 120 Folder 2 American Council for Nationalities Service, 1959-1963 Box 120 Folder 3 American Educational Theatre Association, Inc., 1967 Box 120 Folder 4 American F-American K, general Box 120 107 Folder 5 The American Heritage Foundation, 1958-1972 Box 121 Folder 1 American L-American Social, general Box 121 Folder 2 The American Library in Paris, 1965-1971 Box 121 Folder 3 The American Museum of Natural History, 1961-1972 Box 121 Folder 4 The American Political Science Association, 1967-1972 Box 121 Folder 5 American Society-Amo, general Box 121 Folder 6 American Universities Field Staff, 1959-1969 Box 121 Folder 7 The American University, 1961-1972 Box 121 Folder 8 Americans for Democratic Action, 1958-1963 Box 121 Folder 9 Americans for Democratic Action, 1964-1973 Box 122 Folder 1 An-Aq, general Box 122 Folder 2 Anderson, Jack N., 1959-1972 Box 122 Folder 3 Andrews, Alexander S., Jr., including Avery, Hand & Co., 1969 Box 122 Folder 4 Annan, Noel, 1964 Box 122 Folder 5 Ar, general Box 122 Folder 6 108 Arnold, Stanley, 1962-1968 Box 122 Folder 7 Arnspiger, Clyde and Fay, 1962-1971 Box 122 Folder 8 Arpaia, Anthony, 1958-1973 Box 122 Folder 9 As, general Box 122 Folder 10 Ashmore, Harry S., 1958-1973 Box 122 Folder 11 The Asia Foundation, 1959-1972 Box 122 Folder 12 The Asia Society, 1969-1971 Box 122 Folder 13 At-Az, general Box 122 Folder 14 The Atlantic Council of the United States, 1962-1972 Box 123 Folder 1 The Atlantic Institute, 1960-1962 Box 123 Folder 2 Attwood, William, 1965-1972 Box 123 Folder 3 Aubry, Alan, 1967-1972 Box 123 Folder 4 Ault, Bromwell, 1965-1970 Box 123 Folder 5 The Authors Guild, 1958-1971 Box 123 Folder 6 Bailey, Stephen K., 1958-1963 Box 123 Folder 7 Bailey, 1964-1968 109 Box 123 Folder 8 Bailey, 1969-1972 Box 123 Folder 9 Ba-Ban, general Box 123 Folder 10 Bap-Bars, general Box 123 Folder 11 Bard College, 1958-1960 Box 123 Folder 12 Barnard, Harry, 1958-1972 Box 123 Folder 13 Barrett, Edward V., 1958-1964 Box 123 Folder 14 Barrett, 1965-1972 Box 124 Folder 1 Bart-Baz, general Box 124 Folder 2 Baruch, Bernard, 1959 Box 124 Folder 3 Bea-Bel, general Box 124 Folder 4 Beaverbrook, Lord, 1958-1966 Box 124 Folder 5 Becker, Stephen, 1962-1965 Box 124 Folder 6 Behuncik, Edward, 1958-1971 Box 124 Folder 7 Bell, Laird and Nathalie, 1958-1967 Box 124 Folder 8 Ben-Bez, general Box 124 110 Folder 9 Benjamin, Curtis P., 1959-1972 Box 124 Folder 10 Bennet, Douglas J., 1958-1972 Box 124 Folder 11 Benny, Jack, 1959-1968 Box 124 Folder 12 Bereday, George Z. F., 1964-1973 Box 124 Folder 13 Bernays, Edward, 1958-1969 Box 124 Folder 14 Bernays, 1970-1972 Box 124 Folder 15 Bessie, S. Michael, 1961-1972 Box 125 Folder 1 Bi-Blo, general Box 125 Folder 2 Bimson, Walter R. and Nancy, 1958-1972 Box 125 Folder 3 Bingham, Alfred, 1958-1970 Box 125 Folder 4 Bingham, Barry, 1960-1972 Box 125 Folder 5 Biow, Milton, 1958-1968 Box 125 Folder 6 Blair, Edwin Foster, 1960-1970 Box 125 Folder 7 Blair, William McCormick, Jr., 1958-1960 Box 125 Folder 8 Blair, 1961-1963 Box 125 Folder 9 111 Blair, 1964-1966 Box 125 Folder 10 Blair, 1967-1973 Box 125 Folder 11 Bliss, Robert L., 1958-1973 Box 125 Folder 12 Block, Herbert L., 1958-1971 Box 125 Folder 13 Bloomgarden, Hank, 1959-1971 Box 126 Folder 1 Blu-Bn, general Box 126 Folder 2 Bo, general Box 126 Folder 3 Bok, Cary and Curtis, 1960-1961 Box 126 Folder 4 Bologna, Sando, 1958-1973 Box 127 Folder 1 Bowles, Chester, 1958 Box 127 Folder 2 Bowles, 1959 Box 127 Folder 3 Bowles, 1960 Box 127 Folder 4 Bowles, 1961 Box 127 Folder 5 Bowles, 1962-1963 Box 127 Folder 6 Bowles, 1964-1965 Box 127 Folder 7 Bowles, 1966 112 Box 127 Folder 8 Bowles, 1967 Box 127 Folder 9 Bowles, 1968 Box 127 Folder 10 Bowles, 1969-1970 Box 127 Folder 11 Bowles, 1971-1973 Box 128 Folder 1 Bra-Bri, general Box 128 Folder 2 Brackman, Arthur, 1968 Box 128 Folder 3 Braden, Thomas W., 1968 Box 128 Folder 4 Braden, Spruille, 1961-1970 Box 128 Folder 5 Branscomb, Harvie, 1963-1971 Box 128 Folder 6 Breech, Ernest R., 1958-1961 Box 128 Folder 7 Brewster, Kingman, 1968-1972 Box 129 Folder 1 Bro-Bru, general Box 129 Folder 2 Brodshaug, Melvin, 1958-1965 Box 129 Folder 3 Brookman, Laura Lou, 1961 Box 129 Folder 4 Brower, Charles H., 1958-1971 Box 129 113 Folder 5 Brown, Cecil, 1958-1972 Box 129 Folder 6 Brown, Courtney C., 1958-1971 Box 129 Folder 7 Brown, Harrison, including Rudd Brown, 1958-1967 Box 129 Folder 8 Brownlee, James F., 1958-1961 Box 129 Folder 9 Brucker, Herbert, 1958-1973 Box 129 Folder 10 Bu-Bz, general Box 129 Folder 11 Buchwald, Arthur, 1959-1968 Box 129 Folder 12 Buckley, William F., Jr., 1964-1973 Box 129 Folder 13 Buckner, William G. (Pete), 1966 Box 130 Folder 1 Budds, John J., 1959-1973 Box 130 Folder 2 Bulger, Neil J., 1959-1962 Box 130 Folder 3 Burden, Mr. and Mrs. William A., 1959-1972 Box 130 Folder 4 Butler, Ralph Starr, 1958-1971 Box 130 Folder 5 Ca, 1958-1963 Box 130 Folder 6 Ca, 1964-1973 Box 130 Folder 7 114 Canfield, Cass, 1958-1961 Box 130 Folder 8 Ce-Ci, general, 1958-1962 Box 130 Folder 9 Ce-Ci, 1963-1967 Box 130 Folder 10 Ce-Ci, 1968-1973 Box 131 Folder 1 Chandler, Norman and Otis, 1962-1971 Box 131 Folder 2 Chase, Stuart, 1958-1972 Box 131 Folder 3 Cherne, Leo, 1958-1970 Box 131 Folder 4 Childs, Marquis, 1958-1963 Box 131 Folder 5 Childs, 1964-1973 Box 131 Folder 6 Churchill, Winston, Memorial and Library, 1967-1969 Box 131 Folder 7 Cieplinski, Michael, 1958-1966 Box 131 Folder 8 Cl, general Box 131 Folder 9 Clark, Alexander and Frances, 1958-1967 Box 131 Folder 10 Clark, 1968-1973 Box 132 Folder 1 Clayton, William L., 1959-1967 Box 132 Folder 2 Clemow, Bice, 1959-1965 115 Box 132 Folder 3 Cleveland, Harlan, 1958-1964 Box 132 Folder 4 Cleveland, 1965-1967 Box 132 Folder 5 Cleveland, 1968-1973 Box 132 Folder 6 Clifford, Clark, 1960-1973 Box 132 Folder 7 Clinchy, Everett, 1958-1971 Box 132 Folder 8 Clurman, Richard, 1967-1973 Box 132 Folder 9 Coa-Col, 1958-1965 Box 132 Folder 10 Coa-Col, 1966-1973 Box 132 Folder 11 Cohen, Benjamin V., 1958-1961 Box 132 Folder 12 Cohen, Herbert L., 1958-1972 Box 133 Folder 1 Cole, Albert L., 1959-1965 Box 133 Folder 2 Coleman, P. Evans, 1969-1973 Box 133 Folder 3 Colgate, S. Bayard and Beatrice, 1958-1964 Box 133 Folder 4 Colgate-Palmolive Company, 1958-1965 Box 133 Folder 5 Colonial Williamsburg, 1958 Box 133 116 Folder 6 Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., 1958-1963 Box 133 Folder 7 Columbia University, 1958-1961 Box 133 Folder 8 Columbia University, 1962-1963 Box 133 Folder 9 Columbia University, 1964-1967 Box 133 Folder 10 Columbia University, 1968-1972 Box 133 Folder 11 Colwell, Ernest C. (Pomp), 1959-1968 Box 134 Folder 1 Com-Con, general, 1958-1964 Box 134 Folder 2 Com-Con, 1965-1973 Box 134 Folder 3 Committee for International Economic Growth, 1958-1960 Box 134 Folder 4 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1958-1960 Box 134 Folder 5 Committee to Strengthen the Frontiers of Freedom, 1959-1960 Box 134 Folder 6 Compton, Arthur and Nattalie, including Arthur and Betty Compton, 1960-1967 Box 134 Folder 7 Compton, 1968-1973 Box 134 Folder 8 Conant, James B., 1964-1967 Box 134 Folder 9 Conference for Corporation Executives, 1962-1973 Box 134 Folder 10 117 Conference on Reduction of World Tensions, 1960 Box 135 Folder 1 Conn-Cos, general, 1958-1965 Box 135 Folder 2 Conn-Cos, 1966-1973 Box 135 Folder 3 Connecticut Citizens for the Public Schools, 1958-1961 Box 135 Folder 4 Connecticut College, 1958-1968 Box 135 Folder 5 Connecticut College, 1969-1973 Box 135 Folder 6 Connecticut Commission on the Arts, 1966-1971 Box 135 Folder 7 Connecticut Symphony Orchestra, 1958-1960 Box 135 Folder 8 Coombs, Philip, 1958-1963 Box 135 Folder 9 Coombs, 1964-1971 Box 135 Folder 10 Cot-Cow, general Box 135 Folder 11 Cote, Brownie, 1966-1971 Box 136 Folder 1 Council on Communications, 1970 Box 136 Folder 2 Council on Foreign Relations, 1958-1962 Box 136 Folder 3 Council on Foreign Relations, 1963-1967 Box 136 Folder 4 Council on Foreign Relations, 1968-1972 118 Box 136 Folder 5 Council on World Tensions, Inc., 1960-1965 Box 136 Folder 6 Cousins, Norman, 1958-1960 Box 136 Folder 7 Cousins, 1961-1962 Box 136 Folder 8 Cousins, 1963-1965 Box 136 Folder 9 Cousins, 1966-1967 Box 136 Folder 10 Cousins, 1968 Box 136 Folder 11 Cousins, 1969-1970 Box 136 Folder 12 Cousins, 1971-1972 Box 137 Folder 1 Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Louis G., 1958-1972 Box 137 Folder 2 Cowles, John, 1958-1970 Box 137 Folder 3 Cowles Communications, Inc., 1959-1971 Box 137 Folder 4 Cr-Cz, general Box 137 Folder 5 Crane, Barbara, 1968-1971 Box 137 Folder 6 Crockett, William J., 1965-1973 Box 138 Folder 1 Cronan, Carey, 1958-1972 Box 138 119 Folder 2 Crowther, Charles, 1958-1973 Box 138 Folder 3 Crowther, Sir Geoffrey, 1958-1960 Box 138 Folder 4 Crowther, 1961 Box 138 Folder 5 Crowther, 1962-1964 Box 138 Folder 6 Crowther, 1965-1968 Box 138 Folder 7 Crowther, 1969-1972 Box 138 Folder 8 Crowther, Nicola, 1973 Box 138 Folder 9 Culkin, Reverend John M., S. J., 1966-1968 Box 138 Folder 10 Cummings, Nathan, 1967-1972 Box 138 Folder 11 Current, 1959-1961 Box 138 Folder 12 Current Digest of the Soviet Press, 1958-1964 Box 138 Folder 13 Curtis, Isobel, 1965-1966 Box 139 Folder 1 Da, general, 1958-1963 Box 139 Folder 2 Da, 1964-1973 Box 139 Folder 3 Dalrymple, Jean, 1958-1972 Box 139 Folder 4 120 Danciger, Jack, 1959-1962 Box 139 Folder 5 Danenberg, Bernard, 1971-1972 Box 139 Folder 6 Danenberg, Darryl, 1960-1966 Box 139 Folder 7 Danenberg, Elsa, 1966-1971 Box 140 Folder 1 Danenberg, Leigh, 1958 Box 140 Folder 2 Danenberg, 1959 Box 140 Folder 3 Danenberg, 1960 Box 140 Folder 4 Danenberg, 1961 Box 140 Folder 5 Danenberg, Home Front Family Peace Corps, 1961 Box 140 Folder 6 Danenberg, 1962 Box 140 Folder 7 Danenberg, 1963 Box 140 Folder 8 Danenberg, 1964 Box 140 Folder 9 Danenberg, 1965 Box 140 Folder 10 Danenberg, 1966 Box 140 Folder 11 Danenberg, 1967 Box 140 Folder 12 Danenberg, 1968 121 Box 140 Folder 13 Danenberg, 1969-1970 Box 140 Folder 14 Danenberg, 1971-1973 Box 141 Folder 1 Dartmouth College, 1960-1972 Box 141 Folder 2 David, Donald K., 1958-1971 Box 141 Folder 3 Davies, John Paton, 1963 Box 141 Folder 4 Davis, Jerome, 1958-1964 Box 141 Folder 5 De, general Box 142 Folder 1 Dean, Abner, 1959-1969 Box 142 Folder 2 Debevoise, Eli Whitney, 1961-1970 Box 142 Folder 3 Declaration of Atlantic Unity, 1960-1962 Box 142 Folder 4 Declaration of Atlantic Unity, 1963-1965 Box 142 Folder 5 Declaration of Atlantic Unity, 1966-1970 Box 142 Folder 6 Deerfield Academy, 1958-1972 Box 142 Folder 7 Delacorte, George, 1958-1972 Box 142 Folder 8 Delos Symposium, 1964-1969 Box 142 122 Folder 9 De Mille, Agnes, 1960-1961 Box 142 Folder 10 De Roquemaurel, I., 1963-1973 Box 142 Folder 11 Di, general Box 142 Folder 12 Dibner, Bern, 1959-1971 Box 142 Folder 13 Dick, Jane (Mrs. Edison), 1958-1972 Box 142 Folder 14 Diebold, John, 1966-1973 Box 142 Folder 15 Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired (DACOR, Inc.), 1971-1972 Box 143 Folder 1 Do, general Box 143 Folder 2 Donahue, Alphonsus J. and Virginia, 1958 Box 143 Folder 3 Donahue, 1959 Box 143 Folder 4 Donahue, 1960 Box 143 Folder 5 Donahue, 1961 Box 143 Folder 6 Donahue, 1962-1965 Box 143 Folder 7 Donahue, 1966-1967 Box 143 Folder 8 Donahue, 1968-1969 Box 143 Folder 9 123 Donahue, 1970-1973 Box 144 Folder 1 Donnelley, Gaylord, 1958-1973 Box 144 Folder 2 Donovan, Hedley, 1960-1966 Box 144 Folder 3 Donovan, 1967-1973 Box 144 Folder 4 Douglas, James H., 1959-1971 Box 144 Folder 5 Douglas, Justice and Mrs. William O., 1962-1968 Box 144 Folder 6 Doxiadis, C. A., 1964-1970 Box 144 Folder 7 Dr-Dz, general, 1958-1963 Box 144 Folder 8 Dr-Dz, 1964-1973 Box 144 Folder 9 Draper, William H., 1960-1970 Box 144 Folder 10 Driscoll, Margaret and John, 1958-1973 Box 145 Folder 1 Duhar, Karla, 1964-1965 Box 145 Folder 2 Dunbaugh, Frank, 1962 Box 145 Folder 3 Dunham, Donald, 1958-1972 Box 145 Folder 4 Durrell, Richard, 1970-1971 Box 145 Folder 5 Dutton, Frederick G., 1964-1973 124 Box 145 Folder 6 Ea-Em, general Box 145 Folder 7 Eagan, Edward and Peggy, 1958-1968 Box 145 Folder 8 Eason, Mr. and Mrs. Myles, 1969-1971 Box 145 Folder 9 Eaton, Cyrus, 1958-1973 Box 145 Folder 10 Eby, Mrs. Kermit, 1966 Box 145 Folder 11 Eccles, Marriner S., 1961-1973 Box 145 Folder 12 Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies, 1970 Box 145 Folder 13 Edison Foundation, 1958-1966 Box 145 Folder 14 Edson, Peter, 1958-1972 Box 146 Folder 1 Eisenhower, Milton S., 1960-1972 Box 146 Folder 2 Elias, Grace and Wallis, 1960-1970 Box 146 Folder 3 Ellinger, John, 1971-1972 Box 146 Folder 4 Emmerich, Herbert, 1958-1968 Box 146 Folder 5 En, general Box 146 Folder 6 Encampment for Citizenship, 1959-1967 Box 146 125 Folder 7 Engel, Irving M., 1958-1973 Box 146 Folder 8 Engle, Paul, 1962-1965 Box 146 Folder 9 The English-Speaking Union, 1965-1973 Box 146 Folder 10 Ernst, Morris, 1958-1973 Box 146 Folder 11 Es-Ez, general Box 146 Folder 12 Esquire, 1958-1969 Box 147 Folder 1 Eurich, Alvin C., 1958-1973 Box 147 Folder 2 Evans, Luther, 1958-1966 Box 147 Folder 3 Everett, John, 1958-1965 Box 147 Folder 4 Fa-Fn, general Box 147 Folder 5 Fadiman, Clifton, 1958-1973 Box 147 Folder 6 Fairbanks, Douglas and Mary Lee, 1960-1965 Box 147 Folder 7 Fairbanks, 1966-1972 Box 148 Folder 1 Flanders, Ralph, 1961-1965 Box 148 Folder 2 Fleming, Robert, 1968 Box 148 Folder 3 126 Fletcher, Scott, 1961-1972 Box 148 Folder 4 Flicker, Raymond, 1958-1967 Box 148 Folder 5 Fo, general, 1958-1964 Box 148 Folder 6 Fo, 1965-1973 Box 148 Folder 7 Foreign Policy Association, 1958-1973 Box 148 Folder 8 Foreign Service League, 1958 Box 148 Folder 9 Forkner, Claude E., 1960-1961 Box 148 Folder 10 Fortas, Mr. and Mrs. Abe, 1965-1971 Box 149 Folder 1 Foster, Norman and Sally, 1958-1972 Box 149 Folder 2 Foster, Gretchen, 1970-1971 Box 149 Folder 3 Foundations Group, 1959 Box 149 Folder 4 Fr, general Box 149 Folder 5 Frank, John P., 1958-1967 Box 149 Folder 6 Frank, 1968 Box 149 Folder 7 Frank, 1969-1973 Box 150 Folder 1 Frankel, Charles, 1965-1973 127 Box 150 Folder 2 Frankel, Stanley, 1961-1969 Box 150 Folder 3 Freedom House, 1959-1971 Box 150 Folder 4 Freedom House Bookshelf Committee, 1959-1961 Box 150 Folder 5 Friendly, Fred W., 1961-1972 Box 150 Folder 6 Friends of the Kennedy Center, 1967-1968 Box 150 Folder 7 Fritchey, Clayton, 1961-1968 Box 150 Folder 8 Fro, general Box 150 Folder 9 Fromberg, Bernard, 1958-1973 Box 150 Folder 10 Fulbert, Brother, 1962-1963 Box 150 Folder 11 Fuller, Alfred C., 1959-1964 Box 150 Folder 12 Fuller, Walter D., 1958-1964 Box 150 Folder 13 Fund for Adult Education, 1958-1960 Box 150 Folder 14 Fund for Peace, 1970-1972 Box 151 Folder 1 Ga, general Box 151 Folder 2 Gager, Curtis H., 1958-1962 Box 151 128 Folder 3 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 1958-1966 Box 151 Folder 4 Galbraith, 1967-1968 Box 151 Folder 5 Galbraith, 1969-1972 Box 151 Folder 6 Gale, Richard P., 1958-1972 Box 151 Folder 7 Gardner, John W., 1958-1973 Box 151 Folder 8 Gardner, Richard N., 1963-1965 Box 151 Folder 9 Gardner, 1966-1973 Box 151 Folder 10 Ge, general Box 152 Folder 1 Gi-Gz, general Box 152 Folder 2 Gideonse, Harry D., 1958-1972 Box 152 Folder 3 Gilbert, Carl, 1961-1969 Box 152 Folder 4 Gilligan, John J., 1969-1971 Box 152 Folder 5 Gitlin, Irving, 1959-1967 Box 152 Folder 6 Go, general, 1958-1962 Box 152 Folder 7 Go, 1963-1973 Box 152 Folder 8 129 Goldberg, Arthur, 1965-1966 Box 152 Folder 9 Goldberg, 1967-1972 Box 152 Folder 10 Goodrich, Lloyd, 1958-1972 Box 153 Folder 1 Goodwin, Richard N., 1961-1968 Box 153 Folder 2 Gould, Bruce and Beatrice, 1958-1961 Box 153 Folder 3 Gould, 1962-1968 Box 153 Folder 4 Gould, 1969-1973 Box 153 Folder 5 Gould, Jay, 1958-1969 Box 153 Folder 6 Gould, Laurence M., 1958-1969 Box 153 Folder 7 Gra, general Box 153 Folder 8 Grafton, Samuel, 1966-1967 Box 153 Folder 9 Graham, Katharine, 1958-1973 Box 153 Folder 10 Graham, Sheilah, 1958-1967 Box 153 Folder 11 Gray, Barry, 1958-1972 Box 154 Folder 1 Gre, general Box 154 Folder 2 Greenleaf, Charles W. and Charles W., Jr., 1958-1966 130 Box 154 Folder 3 Gri, general Box 154 Folder 4 Griswold, A. Whitney, 1959-1963 Box 154 Folder 5 Gro-Gz, general Box 154 Folder 6 Gross, Ernest, 1958-1971 Box 154 Folder 7 Gruliow, Leo, 1958-1959 Box 154 Folder 8 Guinness, Patience and Loel, 1959-1963 Box 154 Folder 9 Gullion, Edmund A., 1959-1965 Box 154 Folder 10 Gunther, John and Jane, 1958-1973 Box 154 Folder 11 Gurewitsch, David and Edna, 1958-1973 Box 154 Folder 12 Gurewitsch, Grania, 1963-1964 Box 154 Folder 13 Guthman, Jack, 1961-1968 Box 155 Folder 1 Ha-Har, general, 1958-1961 Box 155 Folder 2 Ha-Har, 1962-1965 Box 155 Folder 3 Ha-Har, 1966-1973 Box 155 Folder 4 Haggerty, Patrick E., 1967-1970 Box 155 131 Folder 5 Hale, E. V., 1958-1969 Box 155 Folder 6 Hale, 1970 Box 155 Folder 7 Hale, 1971-1973 Box 155 Folder 8 Halle, Louis J., 1963-1964 Box 156 Folder 1 Hamilton, Fowler, 1958-1969 Box 156 Folder 2 Hampshire College Planning Bulletin, 1970 Box 156 Folder 3 Hangen, Mr. and Mrs. Welles, 1958-1962 Box 156 Folder 4 Hangen, 1963-1965 Box 156 Folder 5 Hangen, 1966-1969 Box 156 Folder 6 Hangen, 1970-1973 Box 156 Folder 7 Harden, Ken and Lou, 1963-1969 Box 157 Folder 1 Hardman, David, 1958-1959 Box 157 Folder 2 Hardman, 1960-1961 Box 157 Folder 3 Hardman, 1962-1963 Box 157 Folder 4 Hardman, 1964-1965 Box 157 Folder 5 132 Hardman, 1966-1968 Box 157 Folder 6 Hardman, 1969-1970 Box 157 Folder 7 Hardman, 1971 Box 157 Folder 8 Hardman, 1972-1973 Box 158 Folder 1 Harper, Marion, 1968-1973 Box 158 Folder 2 Harriman, Averill, 1958-1965 Box 158 Folder 3 Harriman, 1966-1973 Box 158 Folder 4 Harrington, Gerard, 1959 Box 158 Folder 5 Harris, Leonard, 1964-1973 Box 158 Folder 6 Harris, Seymour, Ruth, Dorothy, 1964-1973 Box 158 Folder 7 Hart, Kay, 1958 Box 158 Folder 8 Hart, Jan.-June 1959 Box 159 Folder 1 Hart, July-Dec. 1959 Box 159 Folder 2 Hart, 1960-1962 Box 159 Folder 3 Hart, 1963-1965 Box 159 Folder 4 Hart, 1966-1973 133 Box 159 Folder 5 Hartford, Huntingdon, 1960-1971 Box 159 Folder 6 Harvard University, 1959-1972 Box 159 Folder 7 Haussamen, Crane and Carol, 1958-1968 Box 159 Folder 8 Haydon, Brownlee, 1959-1972 Box 160 Folder 1 Hea-Hed, general, 1958-1963 Box 160 Folder 2 Hea-Hed, 1964-1973 Box 160 Folder 3 Heald, Henry, 1962-1964 Box 160 Folder 4 Hechinger, Fred, 1958-1973 Box 160 Folder 5 Hecht, George, 1958-1972 Box 160 Folder 6 Heffner, Richard, 1958-1963 Box 160 Folder 7 Heffner, 1964-1966 Box 160 Folder 8 Heffner, 1967-1968 Box 160 Folder 9 Heffner, 1969-1973 Box 160 Folder 10 Heindel, Richard H., 1958-1960 Box 160 Folder 11 Heiskell, Andrew, 1962-1972 Box 160 134 Folder 12 Hennings, Josephine and Thomas, 1958-1972 Box 161 Folder 1 Her, general Box 161 Folder 2 Hersey, John, 1960-1971 Box 161 Folder 3 Herzberg, Donald G., 1958-1966 Box 161 Folder 4 Hesburgh, Father Theodore M., 1962-1970 Box 161 Folder 5 Hexter, Maurice B., 1963-1968 Box 161 Folder 6 Hi, general Box 161 Folder 7 Hicks, Orton, 1958-1960 Box 161 Folder 8 Hicks, 1961-1964 Box 161 Folder 9 Hicks, 1965-1970 Box 161 Folder 10 Hicks, 1971-1973 Box 161 Folder 11 High, Stanley, 1958-1960 Box 161 Folder 12 Hill, Thomas S. (Tim), 1960-1968 Box 162 Folder 1 Ho-Hoq, general Box 162 Folder 2 Hobson, Laura Z., 1960-1965 Box 163 Folder 1 135 Hoffman, Paul and Anna Rosenberg, 1958-1959 Box 163 Folder 2 Hoffman, 1960-1961 Box 163 Folder 3 Hoffman, 1962-1963 Box 163 Folder 4 Hoffman, 1964-1965 Box 163 Folder 5 Hoffman, 1966 Box 163 Folder 6 Hoffman, 1967 Box 163 Folder 7 Hoffman, 1968 Box 163 Folder 8 Hoffman, 1969 Box 163 Folder 9 Hoffman, 1970-1971 Box 163 Folder 10 Hoffman, 1972-1973 Box 164 Folder 1 Holland, Kenneth, 1959-1972 Box 164 Folder 2 Mary Holmes College, 1969-1971 Box 164 Folder 3 Holt, Guy, 1962-1968 Box 164 Folder 4 Hor-Hoz, general Box 164 Folder 5 Horowitz, William, 1960-1971 Box 164 Folder 6 Houghton, Harry, 1958-1972 136 Box 164 Folder 7 Hoving, Thomas P. F., 1966-1972 Box 164 Folder 8 Howard, Bailey K., 1963-1972 Box 164 Folder 9 Howard, Elliott and Marian, 1969-1971 Box 164 Folder 10 Howard, Jack, 1971-1972 Box 164 Folder 11 Howard, Lee, 1963 Box 164 Folder 12 Howard, 1964-1966 Box 164 Folder 13 Howard, 1967-1973 Box 165 Folder 1 Howe, Arthur, 1972 Box 165 Folder 2 Howe, Barbara (Mrs. John), 1968-1969 Box 165 Folder 3 Howe, John, general, 1958 Box 165 Folder 4 Howe, John, 1959 Box 165 Folder 5 Howe, John, 1960-1961 Box 165 Folder 6 Howe, John, 1962-1964 Box 165 Folder 7 Howe, John, 1965-1966 Box 165 Folder 8 Howe, John, 1967 Box 165 137 Folder 9 Howe, finance, 1958-1967 Box 165 Folder 10 Howe, medical, 1961 Box 166 Folder 1 Howland, Richard, 1961-1973 Box 166 Folder 2 Hoyt, Ed, 1958-1971 Box 166 Folder 3 Hu-Hz, general Box 166 Folder 4 Hudson Institute, 1964-1972 Box 166 Folder 5 Hughes, Emmet John, 1959-1965 Box 166 Folder 6 Hughes, Thomas L., 1967-1972 Box 166 Folder 7 Hulbert, Sir Norman, 1958-1969 Box 166 Folder 8 Hulten, Charles, 1958-1967 Box 166 Folder 9 Huntley, Chet, 1968-1972 Box 167 Folder 1 Hutchins, Robert M., 1958 Box 167 Folder 2 Hutchins, Jan.-June 1959 Box 167 Folder 3 Hutchins, July-Dec. 1959 Box 167 Folder 4 Hutchins, 1960 Box 167 Folder 5 138 Hutchins, 1961 Box 167 Folder 6 Hutchins, 1962 Box 167 Folder 7 Hutchins, 1963 Box 168 Folder 1 Hutchins, 1964 Box 168 Folder 2 Hutchins, 1965 Box 168 Folder 3 Hutchins, 1966 Box 168 Folder 4 Hutchins, 1967 Box 168 Folder 5 Hutchins, 1968 Box 168 Folder 6 Hutchins, 1969 Box 168 Folder 7 Hutchins, 1970 Box 168 Folder 8 Hutchins, 1971 Box 168 Folder 9 Hutchins, 1972-1973 Box 169 Folder 1 Huxley, Sir Julian, 1958-1972 Box 169 Folder 2 Hyde, Anthony (Toby), 1958-1972 Box 169 Folder 3 I, general, 1958-1961 Box 169 Folder 4 I, 1962-1966 139 Box 169 Folder 5 I, 1967-1973 Box 169 Folder 6 Ingersoll, Ralph, 1959-1972 Box 169 Folder 7 Ingersoll, Robert S., 1961-1972 Box 169 Folder 8 Institute on Man and Science, 1965-1973 Box 169 Folder 9 Interfaith Movement, Inc., 1962-1963 Box 169 Folder 10 International Living Museum, 1963 Box 169 Folder 11 International Rescue Committee, Inc., 1958-1973 Box 170 Folder 1 Interplay, 1967-1968 Box 170 Folder 2 Ja-Ji, general Box 170 Folder 3 Jackson, Barbara Ward, 1958-1973 Box 170 Folder 4 Jackson, C. D., 1958-1964 Box 170 Folder 5 Jackson, Frederick H., 1961-1962 Box 170 Folder 6 Japan Society, 1970-1972 Box 170 Folder 7 Jessup, John K., 1959-1972 Box 170 Folder 8 Jo, general Box 170 140 Folder 9 Johnson, Joseph E., 1961-1967 Box 170 Folder 10 Johnson, Nicholas, 1968-1972 Box 170 Folder 11 Johnston, Eric, 1958-1964 Box 170 Folder 12 Jones, Joseph M., 1958-1962 Box 170 Folder 13 Jones, Turner, 1958-1968 Box 170 Folder 14 Joseph, Tedd, 1965-1972 Box 171 Folder 1 Josephs, Devereux C., 1963-1968 Box 171 Folder 2 Josephs, Ray, 1958-1969 Box 171 Folder 3 Josephy, Alvin M., Jr., 1958-1961 Box 171 Folder 4 Jovanovich, William, 1967-1973 Box 171 Folder 5 Joyce, William H., Jr., and Thirza, 1958-1973 Box 171 Folder 6 Ju-Ka, general Box 171 Folder 7 Kafka, Barbara Poses, 1967-1968 Box 171 Folder 8 Kander, Allen, 1958-1959 Box 171 Folder 9 Kaplan, J. M. (Jack), 1958-1968 Box 171 Folder 10 141 Kapp, Edgar B., 1959-1970 Box 171 Folder 11 Ke, general Box 172 Folder 1 Keating, Kenneth B., 1959-1971 Box 172 Folder 2 Kelly, Frank, 1958-1962 Box 172 Folder 3 Kelly, 1963-1972 Box 172 Folder 4 Kempton, Murray, 1959-1970 Box 172 Folder 5 Kennan, George F., 1959-1973 Box 172 Folder 6 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1964-1971 Box 172 Folder 7 John F. Kennedy Library, 1964-1966 Box 172 Folder 8 Kent, Rockwell, 1963-1965 Box 172 Folder 9 Kerrigan, Edward J., 1958-1965 Box 172 Folder 10 Ki, general Box 172 Folder 11 Kiermaier, John, 1958-1972 Box 173 Folder 1 Kimball, Penn, 1958-1973 Box 173 Folder 2 King, David S., 1962-1969 Box 173 Folder 3 Kirk, Grayson and John, 1960-1968 142 Box 173 Folder 4 Kl-Ko, general Box 173 Folder 5 Kogan, Herman, 1961-1972 Box 173 Folder 6 Kovago, Jozsef, 1961-1966 Box 173 Folder 7 Kr-Kz, general Box 173 Folder 8 Kramer, Sidney B., 1958-1972 Box 173 Folder 9 Kronholm, Conrad and Louise, 1960-1972 Box 173 Folder 10 La-Laq, general Box 173 Folder 11 Lamb, Edward, 1970-1972 Box 173 Folder 12 Lamb, award, 1961-1962 Box 174 Folder 1 Lane, Nathaniel and Tiny, 1960-1964 Box 174 Folder 2 Lar-Laz, general Box 174 Folder 3 LaRoche, Chester, 1958-1963 Box 174 Folder 4 LaRoche, 1964-1967 Box 174 Folder 5 LaRoche, 1968-1972 Box 174 Folder 6 Larsen, Roy E., 1958-1966 Box 174 143 Folder 7 Larsen, 1967-1973 Box 174 Folder 8 Lasker, Mary and Albert, 1958-1972 Box 175 Folder 1 Lasswell, Harold, 1958-1963 Box 175 Folder 2 Lasswell, 1964-1967 Box 175 Folder 3 Lasswell, 1968-1970 Box 175 Folder 4 Lasswell, 1971-1973 Box 175 Folder 5 Laubach, Frank, 1959-1968 Box 175 Folder 6 Laves, Walter and Ruth, 1957-1973 Box 175 Folder 7 Le, general Box 175 Folder 8 Leestma, Robert, 1967-1972 Box 176 Folder 1 Lehman, Herbert and Edith, 1958-1962 Box 176 Folder 2 Lehman, 1963-1973 Box 176 Folder 3 Lehman, Robert and Orin, 1960-1966 Box 176 Folder 4 Lewis, Orme and family, 1958-1972 Box 176 Folder 5 Li, general Box 176 Folder 6 144 The Library of Presidential Papers, 1966-1969 Box 176 Folder 7 Lindbergh, Charles and Anne, 1958-1973 Box 176 Folder 8 Linen, James A., 1960-1972 Box 176 Folder 9 Linowitz, Sol M., 1963-1973 Box 176 Folder 10 Lloyd, David, 1958-1962 Box 177 Folder 1 Lo-Lz, general, 1958-1961 Box 177 Folder 2 Lo-Lz, 1962-1973 Box 177 Folder 3 Loescher, Samuel M., 1968-1971 Box 177 Folder 4 Lovenstein, Meno, 1958-1972 Box 177 Folder 5 Lubin, Isador, 1959-1969 Box 177 Folder 6 Luce, Clare Booth, 1967-1968 Box 177 Folder 7 Luce, Henry, 1958-1963 Box 177 Folder 8 Luce, 1964-1967 Box 177 Folder 9 Luce, Henry III, 1967-1970 Box 177 Folder 10 Ludgin, Earle, 1958-1973 Box 177 Folder 11 Lyford, Joseph, 1958-1962 145 Box 177 Folder 12 Lyford, 1963-1972 Box 178 Folder 1 Lyons, Joseph, 1958-1972 Box 178 Folder 2 Mac, general, 1958-1963 Box 178 Folder 3 Mac, 1964-1973 Box 178 Folder 4 Macalester College, 1959-1972 Box 178 Folder 5 MacLeish, Archibald, 1959-1972 Box 178 Folder 6 MacLeish, William H., 1960-1966 Box 178 Folder 7 MacLennan, Sir Hector, 1968 Box 178 Folder 8 MacNeal, Robert E., 1959-1966 Box 178 Folder 9 Mannes, Manya, 1960-1962 Box 178 Folder 10 Manning, Robert, 1959-1970 Box 178 Folder 11 Manno, Vincent, 1961-1962 Box 179 Folder 1 Mar-Maz, general, 1958-1965 Box 179 Folder 2 Mar-Maz, 1966-1973 Box 179 Folder 3 Markel, Lester, 1958-1972 Box 179 146 Folder 4 Marschak, Robert E., 1962-1963 Box 179 Folder 5 Matthews, Thomas and Martha, 1958-1961 Box 179 Folder 6 Mayer, Martin, 1958-1962 Box 179 Folder 7 Mayer, Milton, 1958-1972 Box 179 Folder 8 McA-McJ, general Box 179 Folder 9 McCormick, Joseph R., 1963-1971 Box 179 Folder 10 McK-McZ, general Box 179 Folder 11 McKeever, Porter, 1960-1972 Box 180 Folder 1 McLean, Joseph Ed., 1962-1971 Box 180 Folder 2 Mea-Meq, general Box 180 Folder 3 Meany, George, 1958-1971 Box 180 Folder 4 Mer-Mez, general Box 180 Folder 5 Merchant, John, 1970-1971 Box 180 Folder 6 Meridian House, 1969-1971 Box 180 Folder 7 Merriam, John F., 1961-1968 Box 180 Folder 8 147 Meyer, Agnes, 1958-1970 Box 180 Folder 9 Meyer, Karl E., 1969-1970 Box 180 Folder 10 Meyerson, Martin, 1969-1971 Box 180 Folder 11 Mi, general Box 180 Folder 12 Micocci, Antonio A., 1958-1962 Box 180 Folder 13 Miller, Allan and Nancy, 1958-1971 Box 180 Folder 14 Miller, Edward, 1958-1968 Box 180 Folder 15 Miller, Paul, 1963-1972 Box 181 Folder 1 Miller, Tam, 1963-1964 Box 181 Folder 2 Milton, William H., Jr., 1961 Box 181 Folder 3 Miner, Mr. and Mrs. George, 1958-1971 Box 181 Folder 4 Minow, Newton N., 1958-1964 Box 181 Folder 5 Minow, 1965-1967 Box 181 Folder 6 Minow, 1968-1973 Box 181 Folder 7 Mitchell, Ulyss S., 1961-1962 Box 181 Folder 8 Mo-Moq, general 148 Box 181 Folder 9 Moe, Henry Allen, 1958-1968 Box 181 Folder 10 Monocle, 1962-1963 Box 181 Folder 11 Montagu, Ashley, 1970-1973 Box 181 Folder 12 Moore, Maurice and Beth, 1959-1970 Box 181 Folder 13 Mor-Moz, general Box 181 Folder 14 Morgan, Edward P., 1967-1972 Box 182 Folder 1 Morgenthau, Hans, 1959-1967 Box 182 Folder 2 Morrisette, Lloyd, 1966-1973 Box 182 Folder 3 Morros, Boris, 1958 Box 182 Folder 4 Morse, David, 1964-1971 Box 182 Folder 5 Mortimer, Charles G., 1958-1971 Box 182 Folder 6 Motley, Arthur (Red), 1958-1966 Box 182 Folder 7 Motley, 1967-1973 Box 182 Folder 8 Moyers, Bill, 1964-1971 Box 182 Folder 9 Mu, general Box 182 149 Folder 10 Murphy, Francis S., 1958-1971 Box 182 Folder 11 Murrow, Edward and Janet, 1958-1961 Box 182 Folder 12 Murrow, 1962-1972 Box 183 Folder 1 Na-Nd, general, 1958-1964 Box 183 Folder 2 Na-Nd, 1965-1973 Box 183 Folder 3 Nelson, John W., 1959-1966 Box 183 Folder 4 Nathan, Robert R., 1958-1969 Box 183 Folder 5 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1958-1964 Box 183 Folder 6 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 1965-1972 Box 183 Folder 7 National Book Committee, Inc., 1963-1970 Box 183 Folder 8 National Civil Liberties Clearing House, 1959-1965 Box 183 Folder 9 National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing, 1962-1966 Box 183 Folder 10 National Committee for an Effective Congress, 1958-1972 Box 183 Folder 11 National Committee for Immigration Reform, 1965-1973 Box 183 Folder 12 National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, Inc., 1958-1965 Box 184 Folder 1 150 National Committee for Support of the Public Schools, 1962 Box 184 Folder 2 National Committee for Support of the Public Schools, 1963 Box 184 Folder 3 National Committee for Support of the Public Schools, 1964-1970 Box 184 Folder 4 National Committee on the United States-China Relations, Inc., 1967-1972 Box 184 Folder 5 National Conference of Christians and Jews, 1958-1973 Box 184 Folder 6 National Conference on International Economic and Social Development, 1959-1964 Box 184 Folder 7 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U. S. A., 1960-1963 Box 184 Folder 8 National Council of Women of the United States, Inc., 1958-1967 Box 184 Folder 9 National Council on the Arts, 1964-1965 Box 184 Folder 10 National Cultural Center, 1961-1963 Box 184 Folder 11 National Education Association, 1958-1966 Box 184 Folder 12 National Urban League, Inc., 1958-1962 Box 185 Folder 1 Ne, general, 1958-1963 Box 185 Folder 2 Ne, 1964-1973 Box 185 Folder 3 Nehemkis, Peter R., Jr., 1962 Box 185 Folder 4 Newcomb, Elliott, 1958-1959 151 Box 185 Folder 5 Newcomen Society in North America, 1960-1972 Box 185 Folder 6 Newhouse, Samuel I., 1959-1960 Box 185 Folder 7 New School for Social Research, 1958-1959 Box 185 Folder 8 New York Public Library, 1961-1972 Box 185 Folder 9 New York Times, 1958-1968 Box 185 Folder 10 Ni-Nz, general Box 185 Folder 11 Nichols, William I., 1960-1971 Box 185 Folder 12 Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1960-1963 Box 185 Folder 13 Nielsen, Waldemar A., 1959-1970 Box 186 Folder 1 Nobel Anniversary Committee, 1958-1963 Box 186 Folder 2 Norman, John, 1958-1970 Box 186 Folder 3 Nuveen, John, 1958-1968 Box 186 Folder 4 Oa-Oj, general Box 186 Folder 5 Oates, Mr. and Mrs. James F., Jr., 1957-1969 Box 186 Folder 6 Oakes, John, 1958-1973 Box 186 152 Folder 7 Ol-Oz, general Box 186 Folder 8 O'Meara, Walter, 1958-1965 Box 186 Folder 9 O'Meara, 1966-1971 Box 186 Folder 10 Oram, Harold L., 1958-1970 Box 186 Folder 11 Organization of American States Association, 1967-1968 Box 187 Folder 1 Pa, general, 1958-1961 Box 187 Folder 2 Pa, 1962-1973 Box 187 Folder 3 Pace, Frank, 1958-1969 Box 187 Folder 4 Paepcke, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, 1958-1971 Box 187 Folder 5 Paley, William S., 1958-1967 Box 187 Folder 6 Patterson, William D., 1960-1972 Box 187 Folder 7 Pe-Pes, general Box 187 Folder 8 Peace Corps, 1961-1962 Box 187 Folder 9 Pearson, Drew, 1958-1964 Box 187 Folder 10 Pearson, 1965-1969 Box 187 Folder 11 153 Peet, Sarita, 1958-1971 Box 187 Folder 12 People-to-People Program, 1959-1969 Box 187 Folder 13 Pequot Library, 1957-1972 Box 187 Folder 14 Perkins, James A., 1960-1969 Box 188 Folder 1 Pet-Pez, general Box 188 Folder 2 Peterson, Mrs. John (Betty), 1958-1962 Box 188 Folder 3 Pi-Pn, general Box 188 Folder 4 Pick, Albert, Jr., 1959-1971 Box 188 Folder 5 Piel, Gerard, 1959-1972 Box 188 Folder 6 Pifer, Alan, 1968-1969 Box 188 Folder 7 Plaut, James S., 1958-1970 Box 188 Folder 8 Plimpton, Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. P., 1959-1972 Box 188 Folder 9 Po-Pq, general Box 188 Folder 10 Poole, George A., 1958-1970 Box 188 Folder 11 Porter, Paul A., 1958-1973 Box 188 Folder 12 Poses, Lillian and Jack, 1958-1973 154 Box 189 Folder 1 Pr-Pt, general Box 189 Folder 2 Probst, George, 1958-1967 Box 189 Folder 3 Pryor, Samuel F., 1963-1972 Box 189 Folder 4 Pu-Q, general Box 189 Folder 5 Ra-Rd, general Box 189 Folder 6 Radcliffe College, 1958-1965 Box 189 Folder 7 Radio Liberty Committee and Radio Free Europe, 1972 Box 189 Folder 8 Radziwill, Stanislaus and Lee, 1963-1972 Box 189 Folder 9 Randall, Clarence B., 1959-1967 Box 189 Folder 10 Ratner, Victor M., 1958-1966 Box 189 Folder 11 Re-Rh, general Box 190 Folder 1 Re, Edward D., 1968-1969 Box 190 Folder 2 Reed, Joseph Verner, Jr., 1960-1972 Box 190 Folder 3 Reitmeyer, John R., 1958-1969 Box 190 Folder 4 Reliance Building, 1966-1971 Box 190 155 Folder 5 Ri-Rn, general Box 190 Folder 6 Rickover, Hyman G., 1958-1963 Box 190 Folder 7 Ripley, S. Dillon, 1965-1973 Box 190 Folder 8 Ro-Ror, general, 1958-1963 Box 190 Folder 9 Ro-Ror, 1964-1973 Box 190 Folder 10 Roads, Mr. and Mrs. David J., 1959-1973 Box 190 Folder 11 Robb, Felix C., 1965-1970 Box 190 Folder 12 Robbins, Bernard, 1958-1969 Box 190 Folder 13 Robinson, Thomas, 1962-1968 Box 191 Folder 1 Rockefeller, David, 1959-1971 Box 191 Folder 2 Rockefeller, John D., IV (Jay), 1967-1973 Box 191 Folder 3 Rockefeller, John D., III, 1967-1972 Box 191 Folder 4 Rockefeller, Laurance S., 1961-1969 Box 191 Folder 5 Rohatyn, Felix, 1971 Box 191 Folder 6 Roots, John McCook, 1964-1967 Box 191 Folder 7 156 Ros-Roz, general Box 191 Folder 8 Roseman, Alvin, 1963-1970 Box 191 Folder 9 Rosenberg, Anna, including Thomas Rosenberg, 1958-1960 Box 191 Folder 10 Rosenberg, 1961-1965 Box 191 Folder 11 Rosenberg, Sam Box 191 Folder 12 Rosten, Leo, 1958-1962 Box 191 Folder 13 Rosten, 1963-1965 Box 191 Folder 14 Rosten, 1966-1967 Box 192 Folder 1 Rosten, 1968-1970 Box 192 Folder 2 Rosten, 1971-1973 Box 192 Folder 3 Rostow, Eugene, including W. W. Rostow, 1958-1967 Box 192 Folder 4 Rostow, 1968-1971 Box 192 Folder 5 Rothschild, Herbert, 1965-1968 Box 192 Folder 6 Ru-Rz, general Box 192 Folder 7 Rubicam, Raymond and Bettina, 1958-1973 Box 192 Folder 8 Ruhm, Herman and Martica, 1959-1973 157 Box 193 Folder 1 Ruml, Beardsley and family, 1958 Box 193 Folder 2 Ruml, 1959 Box 193 Folder 3 Ruml, 1960-1968 Box 193 Folder 4 Ruml, Mr. and Mrs. Treadwell (Barbara Howe), 1958-1973 Box 193 Folder 5 Sa, general, #1 Box 193 Folder 6 Sa, #2 Box 193 Folder 7 Sa, #3 Box 193 Folder 8 Sa, #4 Box 193 Folder 9 Saba, Michael Box 193 Folder 10 St. John's College Box 193 Folder 11 Salisbury, Harrison Box 193 Folder 12 Salomon, Irving Box 193 Folder 13 Saturday Review Box 194 Folder 1 Sc, general, #1 Box 194 Folder 2 Sc, #2 Box 194 158 Folder 3 Sc, #3 Box 194 Folder 4 Sc, #4 Box 194 Folder 5 Sc, #5 Box 194 Folder 6 Scheetz, Frances Box 194 Folder 7 Scherman, Harry, 1958-1961 Box 194 Folder 8 Scherman, 1962-1968 Box 194 Folder 9 Scheuer, Sidney, 1958-1963 Box 194 Folder 10 Scheuer, 1964-1971 Box 194 Folder 11 Schiff, Dorothy Box 194 Folder 12 Schleiter, Walter, 1958-1959 Box 194 Folder 13 Schleiter, 1960-1961 Box 194 Folder 14 Schleiter, 1962-1963 Box 194 Folder 15 Schleiter, 1964-1965 Box 194 Folder 16 Schleiter, 1966 Box 194 Folder 17 Schleiter, 1967-1968 Box 195 Folder 1 159 Schleiter, 1969-1970 Box 195 Folder 2 Schleiter, 1971-1973 Box 195 Folder 3 Scoll, David, 1958-1962 Box 195 Folder 4 Scoll, 1967-1968 Box 195 Folder 5 Scott, J. B. Box 195 Folder 6 Scudder, Townsend, 1958 Box 195 Folder 7 Scudder, 1959-1960 Box 195 Folder 8 Scudder, 1961-1971 Box 195 Folder 9 Se, general, 1958-1960 Box 195 Folder 10 Se, 1961-1965 Box 195 Folder 11 Se, 1966-1972 Box 195 Folder 12 Seaman, Paul, 1959-1961 Box 195 Folder 13 Seaman, 1962-1965 Box 195 Folder 14 Segal, Charles Box 195 Folder 15 Sevareid, Eric Box 195 Folder 16 Seydoux, Roger 160 Box 196 Folder 1 Sha, general Box 196 Folder 2 Shaw, Alejandro, Sr. and Jr., 1958-1965 Box 196 Folder 3 Shaw, 1966-1968 Box 196 Folder 4 Shaw, 1969-1971 Box 196 Folder 5 She, general Box 196 Folder 6 Sheehan, Lawrence J. Box 196 Folder 7 Sherrod, Robert Box 196 Folder 8 Shi-Shu, general Box 196 Folder 9 Shimkin, Leon Box 196 Folder 10 Shuster, George, 1958-1964 Box 196 Folder 11 Shuster, 1965-1972 Box 196 Folder 12 Si-Sk, general, 1958-1962 Box 196 Folder 13 Si-Sk, 1963-1966 Box 196 Folder 14 Si-Sk, 1967-1969 Box 196 Folder 15 Si-Sk, 1970-1973 Box 197 161 Folder 1 Silvert, Kalman H., 1958-1961 Box 197 Folder 2 Silvert, 1962-1969 Box 197 Folder 3 Simon, Stanley Box 197 Folder 4 Skouras, Spyros Box 197 Folder 5 Sl, general Box 197 Folder 6 Slater, Joseph, 1958-1966 Box 197 Folder 7 Slater, 1967-1973 Box 197 Folder 8 Sm, general, #1 Box 197 Folder 9 Sm, #2 Box 197 Folder 10 Smiley, Joseph Box 197 Folder 11 Smith, Carleton S. Box 197 Folder 12 Smith, Hermon D., 1959-1960 Box 197 Folder 13 Smith, 1961-1965 Box 197 Folder 14 Smith, 1966-1973 Box 198 Folder 1 Snyder, John Box 198 Folder 2 162 Sp, general, #1 Box 198 Folder 3 Sp, #2 Box 198 Folder 4 Sp, #3 Box 198 Folder 5 Sta-Ste, general, #1 Box 198 Folder 6 Sta-Ste, #2 Box 198 Folder 7 Sta-Ste, #3 Box 198 Folder 8 Stanton, Frank Box 198 Folder 9 Starr, Mark Box 198 Folder 10 Stegmaier, John L. Box 198 Folder 11 Stein, Herbert Box 198 Folder 12 Stern, Philip M. Box 198 Folder 13 Stevens, Edmund Box 198 Folder 14 Stevens, George Box 198 Folder 15 Stevens, Roger L., 1958-1963 Box 198 Folder 16 Stevens, 1964-1967 Box 198 Folder 17 Stevens, 1968-1973 163 Box 199 Folder 1 Stevenson, John, #1 Box 199 Folder 2 Stevenson, #2 Box 199 Folder 3 Stewart, Jack Box 199 Folder 4 Sti-Sto, general, #1 Box 199 Folder 5 Sti-Sto, #2 Box 199 Folder 6 Stoddard, George Box 199 Folder 7 Stone, Donald Box 199 Folder 8 Stone, Shepard Box 199 Folder 9 Str-Stu, general Box 199 Folder 10 Streit, Clarence Box 199 Folder 11 Strelsin, Alfred, 1958-1963 Box 199 Folder 12 Strelsin, 1964-1972 Box 199 Folder 13 Stuart, John Box 199 Folder 14 Stuart, Robert, Sr. and Jr. Box 199 Folder 15 Stuten, Christian Box 199 164 Folder 16 Su-Sz, general, #1 Box 199 Folder 17 Su-Sz, #2 Box 200 Folder 1 Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, Arthur Ochs, Iphigene, 1956-1964 Box 200 Folder 2 Sulzberger, 1965-1967 Box 200 Folder 3 Sulzberger, 1968-1972 Box 200 Folder 4 Sulzberger, Cyrus Box 200 Folder 5 Swanberg, W. A. Box 200 Folder 6 Swing, Raymond Box 200 Folder 7 Syracuse University Box 201 Folder 1 Ta-Td, general Box 201 Folder 2 Taft, Charles P., 1959-1973 Box 201 Folder 3 Tallman, Bertha, 1960-1973 Box 201 Folder 4 Taylor, Harold, 1959-1969 Box 201 Folder 5 Taylor, Howard and Caroline, 1959-1966 Box 201 Folder 6 Taylor, 1967-1973 Box 201 Folder 7 165 Te-Tg, general Box 201 Folder 8 Th-Tq, general, 1958-1962 Box 201 Folder 9 Th-Tq, 1963-1973 Box 201 Folder 10 Thomas, Lowell, 1965-1972 Box 201 Folder 11 Thomas, Norman, 1958-1972 Box 201 Folder 12 Time, Inc., 1959-1965 Box 202 Folder 1 Tr-Tt, general Box 202 Folder 2 Trueblood, Edward G., 1958-1973 Box 202 Folder 3 Tu-Tz, general Box 202 Folder 4 Tucker, Robert C., 1958-1971 Box 202 Folder 5 Tyroler, Charles, II, 1961-1963 Box 202 Folder 6 U, general, 1958-1963 Box 202 Folder 7 U, 1964-1973 Box 202 Folder 8 United Nations, 1958-1965 Box 202 Folder 9 United Nations, 1966-1969 Box 202 Folder 10 United Nations, 1970-1973 166 Box 203 Folder 1 United Nations Association of the United States of America, 1968-1970 Box 203 Folder 2 United Nations Association of the United States of America, 1971-1973 Box 203 Folder 3 United Negro College Fund, Inc., 1958-1972 Box 203 Folder 4 University of Michigan Business Hall of Fame, 1967 Box 203 Folder 5 Urrows, Henry, 1958-1960 Box 203 Folder 6 Urrows, 1961-1971 Box 203 Folder 7 V-Vh, general Box 203 Folder 8 Valenti, Jack, 1966-1973 Box 203 Folder 9 Van Meter, Galen and Janet, 1958-1959 Box 203 Folder 10 Van Meter, 1960-1961 Box 203 Folder 11 Van Meter, 1962 Box 203 Folder 12 Van Meter, 1963 Box 203 Folder 13 Van Meter, 1964-1970 Box 204 Folder 1 Van Voorhies, Rousseau, 1958-1966 Box 204 Folder 2 Vi-Vz, general Box 204 167 Folder 3 Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, 1960-1973 Box 204 Folder 4 Vogel, Frank, 1958-1973 Box 204 Folder 5 Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, Inc., 1966-1968 Box 204 Folder 6 Wa-Wd, general, 1958-1963 Box 204 Folder 7 Wa-Wd, 1964-1973 Box 204 Folder 8 Wade, Robert and Eleanor, 1963-1973 Box 205 Folder 1 Wallace, De Witt, 1961-1963 Box 205 Folder 2 Wallace, 1964-1965 Box 205 Folder 3 Wallace, 1966-1967 Box 205 Folder 4 Wallace, 1968-1973 Box 205 Folder 5 Washington Post acquisition, 1963 Box 205 Folder 6 We, general, #1 Box 205 Folder 7 We, #2 Box 205 Folder 8 Webb, James E., 1958-1971 Box 205 Folder 9 Noah Webster Foundation, 1965-1973 Box 206 Folder 1 168 Wechsler, James, 1958-1972 Box 206 Folder 2 The Weizmann Institute of Science, 1958-1972 Box 206 Folder 3 Wh, general Box 206 Folder 4 Wheeler, John N., 1957-1968 Box 206 Folder 5 Wheeler, Thomas, 1958-1972 Box 206 Folder 6 Wheeler, Walter H., Jr., 1958-1973 Box 206 Folder 7 White, Glenn, 1958-1968 Box 206 Folder 8 White, Nate, 1960-1962 Box 206 Folder 9 White, Theodore and Nancy, 1958-1964 Box 206 Folder 10 White, 1965-1969 Box 206 Folder 11 White, 1970-1973 Box 206 Folder 12 The White House Conference on International Cooperation, 1965 Box 207 Folder 1 Whitney, John Hay (Jock), 1959-1967 Box 207 Folder 2 Wi-Wn, general, 1958-1959 Box 207 Folder 3 Wi-Wn, 1960-1964 Box 207 Folder 4 Wi-Wn, 1965-1968 169 Box 207 Folder 5 Wi-Wn, 1969-1973 Box 207 Folder 6 Wilde, Frazar B., 1957-1969 Box 207 Folder 7 Wilkie, Philip H., 1959-1968 Box 207 Folder 8 Wilkins, Roy, 1963-1970 Box 207 Folder 9 The Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 1960-1963 Box 207 Folder 10 Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1970 Box 207 Folder 11 The Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc., 1961-1972 Box 207 Folder 12 Wisdom Society, 1967 Box 208 Folder 1 Wo-Woq, general Box 208 Folder 2 Wofford, Harris, 1968-1972 Box 208 Folder 3 Wood, Robert E., 1958-1972 Box 208 Folder 4 Woodward, Robert, 1963-1972 Box 208 Folder 5 Wor-Woz, general Box 208 Folder 6 Works, Philip O., 1958-1972 Box 208 Folder 7 World Brotherhood, 1958-1959 Box 208 170 Folder 8 World Peace Through Law Center, 1965-1972 Box 208 Folder 9 Wr-Wz, general Box 208 Folder 10 Wright, Quincy and Louise, 1960-1971 Box 209 Folder 1 X-Z, general, #1 Box 209 Folder 2 X-Z, #2 Box 209 Folder 3 Yale University, 40th anniversary Box 209 Folder 4 Yale University, 50th anniversary Box 209 Folder 5 Yale University, groups, 1958-1961 Box 209 Folder 6 Yale University, groups, 1962-1964 Box 209 Folder 7 Yale University, groups, 1965-1967 Box 209 Folder 8 Yale University, groups, 1968-1970 Box 209 Folder 9 Yale University, groups, 1971-1973 Box 209 Folder 10 Yale University, Russian Chorus, 1958-1973 Box 210 Folder 1 Yale University, general, 1961-1965 Box 210 Folder 2 Yale University, general, 1966 Box 210 Folder 3 171 Yale University, general, 1967-1969 Box 210 Folder 4 Yale University, general, 1970-1973 Box 210 Folder 5 Yntema, Theodore, 1959-1966 Box 210 Folder 6 Yntema, 1967-1969 Box 210 Folder 7 Yost, Charles, 1963-1966 Box 210 Folder 8 Yost, 1967-1971 Box 210 Folder 9 Young, James Webb Box 210 Folder 10 Young, Whitney Box 210 Folder 11 Zeckendorg, William Box 210 Folder 12 Zeiss Foundation Box 210 Folder 13 Zenkl, Peter Subseries 3: Business Career Sub-subseries 1: General Box 211 Folder 1 A-Z, general Box 211 Folder 2 Joyce, Inc. (formerly Pasadena Slipper Co.), 1934-1940 Box 211 Folder 3 Parent-Teacher Magazine, 1934-1937 Box 211 Folder 4

172 Picture Magazine, 1937-1939 Box 211 Folder 5 Publications Research, Inc., 1940 Box 211 Folder 6 P. M. Magazine, A-Z, general Box 211 Folder 7 P. M. Magazine, Annenberg Report, 1940 Box 211 Folder 8 P. M. Magazine, Bliss, R. L., 1940 Box 211 Folder 9 P. M. Magazine, Cushing, Charles, 1940-1941 Box 211 Folder 10 P. M. Magazine, directors' meetings, 1940 Box 211 Folder 11 P. M. Magazine, Feldman, Harry, 1940-1942 Box 211 Folder 12 P. M. Magazine, Fizdale, Tom, 1940 Box 211 Folder 13 P. M. Magazine, Ingersoll, Ralph, 1939 Box 211 Folder 14 P. M. Magazine, Ingersoll, Jan.-Apr. 1940 Box 211 Folder 15 P. M. Magazine, Ingersoll, May 1940-1941 Box 211 Folder 16 YOU Magazine, 1938-1940 Box 212 Folder 1 A-L, general Box 212 Folder 2 Dehydration, Inc. (Birdseye), 1942-1947 Box 212 Folder 3 Haynes, Eldridge, 1944-1945 173 Box 212 Folder 4 Hudson, Edward F., 1941-1945 Box 212 Folder 5 Joyce, Inc., 1941-1947 Box 213 Folder 1 Hartford Courant, general, 1956-1957 Box 213 Folder 2 Hartford Courant, general, 1957 Box 213 Folder 3 Hartford Courant, financial reports, 1957 Box 213 Folder 4 Hartford Courant, general, Jan.-May 1958 Box 213 Folder 5 Hartford Courant, general, June-Dec. 1958 Box 213 Folder 6 Hartford Courant, general, 1964-1971 Box 213 Folder 7 Hartford Times, 1961-1971 Box 213 Folder 8 Jewelers Acceptance Corporation, 1958 Sub-subseries 2: Benton & Bowles Box 214 Folder 1 Benton & Bowles papers, Benton prior to Benton and Bowles, 1925-1929 Box 214 Folder 2 Benton & Bowles papers, partnership agreement, July 9, 1929; supplement, March 1931 Box 214 Folder 3 Benton & Bowles papers, agreement between W. B. Benton, C. B. Bowles, A. W. Hobler, and certificate of incorporation, May 24, 1932 Box 214 Folder 4 Benton & Bowles papers, employment contract, May 27, 1932; supplement agreements, June 3, 1932 174 Box 214 Folder 5 Benton & Bowles papers, stock sale agreement, Dec. 31, 1934; memorandum dated Jan. 5, 1934 Box 214 Folder 6 Benton & Bowles papers, drafts of stock sale agreement of Dec. 31, 1934 Box 214 Folder 7 Benton & Bowles papers, draft of memorandum of Jan. 5, 1934 Box 214 Folder 8 Benton & Bowles papers, legal papers, general, 1934-1935 Box 214 Folder 9 Benton & Bowles papers, legal papers, general, 1936 Box 214 Folder 10 Benton & Bowles papers, amended Benton stock sale agreement, Dec. 14, 1936 Box 214 Folder 11 Benton & Bowles papers, stock contract, 1937-1939 Box 215 Folder 1 Benton & Bowles papers, second amended Benton stock sale agreement, Jan. 2, 1938 Box 215 Folder 2 Benton & Bowles papers, stock contract, 1940 Box 215 Folder 3 Benton & Bowles papers, modification agreement, July 1940 Box 215 Folder 4 Benton & Bowles papers, stock contract, 1941 Box 215 Folder 5 Benton & Bowles papers, cancellation of stock agreement of Jan. 1938; stock agreement of Aug. 18, 1942 Box 215 Folder 6 Benton & Bowles papers, stock contract, 1942-1943 Box 215 Folder 7 Benton & Bowles papers, stock agreement of Dec. 7, 1943 Box 215 Folder 8 175 Benton & Bowles papers, financial and stock data Box 216 Folder 1 Advertising accounts, Chrysler, 1932-1933 Box 216 Folder 2 Advertising accounts, beer, 1933 Box 216 Folder 3 Advertising accounts, Fehlman Plan, 1934 Box 216 Folder 4 Advertising accounts, 4As, 1934 Box 216 Folder 5 Advertising accounts, general, 1934 Box 216 Folder 6 Advertising accounts, taxes, 1934 Box 216 Folder 7 Advertising accounts, Spencer Trask, 1934-1935 Box 216 Folder 8 Advertising accounts, Frigidaire, 1935 Box 216 Folder 9 Advertising accounts, General Foods, 1935 Box 216 Folder 10 Advertising accounts, General Motors, 1935 Box 216 Folder 11 Advertising accounts, general, 1935 Box 216 Folder 12 Advertising accounts, Alka-Gum, 1936 Box 216 Folder 13 Advertising accounts, general, 1936 Box 216 Folder 14 Advertising accounts, general post-retirement, 1936 Box 217 Folder 1 Advertising accounts, National Republican Committee, 1936 176 Box 217 Folder 2 Advertising accounts, politics, 1936 Box 217 Folder 3 Advertising accounts, Re-No, 1936 Box 217 Folder 4 Advertising accounts, F. D. Richardson, 1936 Box 217 Folder 5 Advertising accounts, Safeway Stores, 1936 Box 217 Folder 6 Advertising accounts, trust funds, 1936 Box 217 Folder 7 Advertising accounts, Seeing-Eye, 1936-1937 Box 217 Folder 8 Advertising accounts, general, 1937 Box 217 Folder 9 Advertising accounts, general, 1938 Box 217 Folder 10 Advertising accounts, general, 1939 Box 217 Folder 11 Advertising accounts, general, 1940 Box 218 Folder 1 A-Z, general, 1925-1940 Box 218 Folder 2 Adams, James S., 1937-1939 Box 218 Folder 3 Dempsey, Joseph F., 1935-1940 Box 218 Folder 4 Dobberteen, Harold H., 1939-1940 Box 218 Folder 5 Dudley, Chester W., 1936-1938 Box 218 177 Folder 6 Hobler, A. W. (Hobe) Box 218 Folder 7 Revere, Tom, 1937-1940 Box 218 Folder 8 Rogers, James C., 1940 Box 218 Folder 9 Roule, Doloret, 1938-1939 Box 219 Folder 1 A-Z, general, 1941-1947 Box 219 Folder 2 Ad accounts, description of agency service Box 219 Folder 3 Ad accounts, general, 1941 Box 219 Folder 4 Ad accounts, general, 1942 Box 219 Folder 5 Ad accounts, general, 1943 Box 219 Folder 6 Ad accounts, general, 1944-1945 Box 219 Folder 7 Baker, William R., Jr., 1946-1947 Box 219 Folder 8 Degner, Mickey, 1942-1944 Box 219 Folder 9 Hobler, A. W. (Hobe), 1941-1947 Box 220 Folder 1 A-K, general, 1948-1957 Box 220 Folder 2 Hobler, A. W. (Hobe) Box 220 Folder 3 178 L-Z, general, 1948-1957 Box 220 Folder 4 A-K, general, 1958-1963 Box 220 Folder 5 A-K, 1964-1968 Box 220 Folder 6 A-K, 1969-1973 Box 220 Folder 7 Baker, William R., Jr., 1959-1968 Box 220 Folder 8 Hobler, A. W. (Hobe), 1958-1973 Box 220 Folder 9 Lusk, Robert, 1959-1971 Box 220 Folder 10 Steele, Ted Sub-subseries 3: Muzak Box 221 Folder 1 A-Z, general, 1941-1948 Box 221 Folder 2 A-Z, 1941-1948 Box 221 Folder 3 Andrew, John, 1945-1947 Box 221 Folder 4 Andrus, John, 1941-1948 Box 221 Folder 5 Barth, Chester, 1944-1947 Box 221 Folder 6 Catchings, Waddill, 1940 Box 221 Folder 7 Catchings, Jan.-Aug. 1941 Box 221 179 Folder 8 Catchings, Sept.-Dec. 1941 Box 221 Folder 9 Catchings, contract, 1941 Box 221 Folder 10 Catchings, 1942 Box 221 Folder 11 Catchings, contract, 1942 Box 222 Folder 1 Cowley, Charles, 1947-1949 Box 222 Folder 2 DiLorenzo, Chris, 1947-1948 Box 222 Folder 3 Expense accounts, 1942-1943 Box 222 Folder 4 Financial reports, 1942-1950 Box 222 Folder 5 Finney, Clinton, 1941-Aug. 1942 Box 222 Folder 6 Finney, Sept.-Oct. 1942 Box 222 Folder 7 Finney, Nov.-Dec. 1942 Box 222 Folder 8 Finney, Jan.-Feb. 1943 Box 222 Folder 9 Finney, Mar.-Dec. 1943 Box 222 Folder 10 Finney, 1944 Box 222 Folder 11 Finney, 1945 Box 222 Folder 12 180 Flanders, Mrs. Ralph, 1945 Box 222 Folder 13 Fly, James, 1943-1945 Box 222 Folder 14 Fly, 1945-1948 Box 223 Folder 1 Freeman, Herbert, 1943-1947 Box 223 Folder 2 Gilpan, L. N., 1946-1952 Box 223 Folder 3 Hembrooke, E. M., 1943-1957 Box 223 Folder 4 Herdman, William, 1942-1945 Box 223 Folder 5 Kerner, Anna M., 1942-1952 Box 223 Folder 6 Maclean, Ethel, 1945-1948 Box 223 Folder 7 Miller, Allan, 1941-1943 Box 223 Folder 8 Minutes of meetings and notices, 1941-1943 Box 223 Folder 9 Minutes of meetings and notices, 1944-1948 Box 223 Folder 10 Morrison, A. W., 1944-1945 Box 223 Folder 11 Ratner, Victor, 1943-1947 Box 223 Folder 12 Reports, 1943 Box 223 Folder 13 Reports, 1944 181 Box 223 Folder 14 Reports, 1947 Box 223 Folder 15 Selvin, Ben, 1942-1945 Box 223 Folder 16 Silverstone Record Club, 1946-1948 Box 223 Folder 17 Smith, Robert, 1942-1948 Box 223 Folder 18 Stevenson, T. K., 1942-1943 Box 224 Folder 1 Tallman, Bertha, 1942 Box 224 Folder 2 Tallman, 1943 Box 224 Folder 3 Tallman, 1944-1947 Box 224 Folder 4 Tracey, E. A., 1942-1943 Box 224 Folder 5 Urban, Gretl, 1942-1947 Box 224 Folder 6 Weiner, Joseph, 1944 Box 224 Folder 7 Weiner, 1945-1948 Box 225 Folder 1 A-E, general, 1948-1957 Box 225 Folder 2 Administration, finance, 1957-1958 Box 225 Folder 3 Administration, miscellaneous, 1951-1960 Box 225 182 Folder 4 Administration, personal, 1957-1958 Box 225 Folder 5 Andrus, John, 1949 Box 225 Folder 6 Andrus, 1950-1954 Box 225 Folder 7 Andrus, 1955 Box 225 Folder 8 Andrus, 1956 Box 225 Folder 9 Andrus, 1957 Box 225 Folder 10 Cowley, Charles, 1950-1957 Box 225 Folder 11 F-L, general Box 226 Folder 1 Financial reports, 1951 Box 226 Folder 2 Financial reports, 1956 Box 226 Folder 3 Financial reports, 1957 Box 226 Folder 4 Hockhouser, Edward, 1956-1957 Box 226 Folder 5 Houghton, Ethel Maclean, 1950-1957 Box 226 Folder 6 M-P, general Box 226 Folder 7 Minutes of meetings and notices, 1949-1957 Box 226 Folder 8 183 R, general Box 226 Folder 9 Reports, 1949 Box 226 Folder 10 Reports, 1956 Box 226 Folder 11 Roberts, Joseph, 1956-1957 Box 227 Folder 1 S, general Box 227 Folder 2 Sale of Muzak, 1957, #1 Box 227 Folder 3 Sale of Muzak, #2 Box 227 Folder 4 T-Z, general Box 227 Folder 5 Wilson, Richard, 1948-1949 Box 227 Folder 6 Wiswell, Andrew M. Box 228 Folder 1 Administration, 1961-1964 Box 228 Folder 2 Andrus, John, 1958-1972 Box 228 Folder 3 Cowley, Charles, 1958-1972 Box 228 Folder 4 Publicity, 1958 Box 228 Folder 5 Sale of company, 1958 Sub-subseries 4: Encyclopaedia Britannica Box 229 184 Folder 1 General, 1941 Box 229 Folder 2 General, 1942 Box 229 Folder 3 General, 1943 Box 229 Folder 4 General, 1944 Box 229 Folder 5 General, 1945 Box 229 Folder 6 General, 1946 Box 229 Folder 7 A-C, general Box 229 Folder 8 Arnspiger, Clyde Box 229 Folder 9 Board of Trustees, Special Committee on Encyclopaedia Britannica Box 229 Folder 10 Collections Box 229 Folder 11 Corey, Stephen M. Box 230 Folder 1 D-G, general Box 230 Folder 2 Daly, Rose H. Box 230 Folder 3 Debevoise, E. Whitney Box 230 Folder 4 Disney, Walt Box 230 Folder 5 185 Dunham, Franklin A. Box 230 Folder 6 Eleff, G. I., 1943 Box 230 Folder 7 ERPI, 1932-1936 Box 230 Folder 8 ERPI, 1937-1939 Box 230 Folder 9 ERPI, general, #1 Box 230 Folder 10 ERPI, general, #2 Box 230 Folder 11 Fellowships Box 230 Folder 12 Gacesa, Katherine, 1946-1947 Box 230 Folder 13 General Education Board Box 230 Folder 14 Grubbs, Harry Box 230 Folder 15 H-L, general Box 230 Folder 16 Hansen, C.F., 1947 Box 231 Folder 1 M-P, general Box 231 Folder 2 McClintock, Miller Box 231 Folder 3 McGilvray, John Box 231 Folder 4 McGraw, James H., 1943-1946 186 Box 231 Folder 5 McNeil, Hector, 1948-1951 Box 231 Folder 6 McNeil, 1952 Box 231 Folder 7 McNeil, Jan.-Apr. 1953 Box 231 Folder 8 McNeil, May-Aug. 1953 Box 231 Folder 9 McNeil, Sept.-Dec. 1953 Box 231 Folder 10 McNeil, Jan.-Mar. 1954 Box 231 Folder 11 McNeil, Apr.-June 1954 Box 231 Folder 12 McNeil, July-Sept. 1954 Box 231 Folder 13 McNeil, Oct. 1954-1957 Box 232 Folder 1 Movies Box 232 Folder 2 Negotiations, #1 Box 232 Folder 3 Negotiations, #2 Box 232 Folder 4 Operating Committee Box 233 Folder 1 Powell, E. H., 1942-1943 Box 233 Folder 2 Powell, 1944 Box 233 187 Folder 3 Powell, 1945 Box 233 Folder 4 Promotion, 1943-1944 Box 233 Folder 5 R-T, general Box 233 Folder 6 Schoenwald, Lou C., 1943 Box 233 Folder 7 Schoenwald, 1944-1945 Box 233 Folder 8 Schuster, Max L. Box 233 Folder 9 Stuber, A. Box 233 Folder 10 Tams, W. G. Box 233 Folder 11 Tompkins, Lionel Box 233 Folder 12 Wood, Robert E. Box 233 Folder 13 U-Z, general Box 233 Folder 14 Yust, Walter Box 234 Folder 1 A, general Box 234 Folder 2 B-Bi, general Box 234 Folder 3 Bo-Bz, general Box 234 Folder 4 188 Brodshaug, Melvin Box 234 Folder 5 Browne, Barbara Box 234 Folder 6 Brubaker, Robert Box 234 Folder 7 Ca-Ce, general Box 234 Folder 8 Ch-Cl, general Box 234 Folder 9 Co-Cz, general Box 234 Folder 10 Colmes, Walter Box 234 Folder 11 Corson, John J. Box 234 Folder 12 Cox, Paul Box 235 Folder 1 Da-De, general Box 235 Folder 2 Di-Dz, general Box 235 Folder 3 Dolphin, A. E. and E. T. Box 235 Folder 4 E-F, general Box 235 Folder 5 Economic Cooperation Administration Box 235 Folder 6 Foster, Norman Box 235 Folder 7 Ga-Go, general 189 Box 235 Folder 8 Gr-Gz, general Box 235 Folder 9 Great Books Foundation, 1949 Box 235 Folder 10 Ha, general Box 235 Folder 11 Hart, Lidbury and Associates Box 236 Folder 1 He-Hi, general Box 236 Folder 2 High, Stanley Box 236 Folder 3 Ho-Hz, general Box 236 Folder 4 I-K, general Box 236 Folder 5 Kapp, Edgar Box 236 Folder 6 L, general Box 236 Folder 7 Ma, general Box 236 Folder 8 Mc, general Box 236 Folder 9 Me-Mz, general Box 236 Folder 10 N-O, general Box 236 Folder 11 O'Brien, Dale Box 236 190 Folder 12 P-Q, general Box 237 Folder 1 Ra-Ri, general Box 237 Folder 2 Ro-Rz, general Box 237 Folder 3 Sa-Sc, general Box 237 Folder 4 Se, general Box 237 Folder 5 Sh-Si, general Box 237 Folder 6 Sm-Ste, general Box 237 Folder 7 Sti-Sz, general Box 237 Folder 8 T, general Box 237 Folder 9 U-Wa, general Box 237 Folder 10 Waugh, George M. Box 237 Folder 11 We-Wh, general Box 237 Folder 12 Wi, general Box 237 Folder 13 Wo-Z, general Box 237 Folder 14 Wygant, Foster, #1 Box 237 Folder 15 191 Wygant, #2 Box 238 Folder 1 A-C, general Box 238 Folder 2 Allen, Lewis, 1960 Box 238 Folder 3 American Cancer Society, 1964-1972 Box 238 Folder 4 Ankerman, Gerard J., 1962 Box 238 Folder 5 Armitage, John, 1958-1971 Box 238 Folder 6 Ba-Be, general Box 238 Folder 7 Bassow, Whitman, 1964-1968 Box 238 Folder 8 Bi-Bri, general Box 238 Folder 9 Brandt, Harry, 1958-1970 Box 238 Folder 10 Bro-Bu, general Box 238 Folder 11 Ca-Col, general Box 238 Folder 12 College of Advanced Science, 1958 Box 238 Folder 13 Conger, Dorothy and Robert, 1958-1970 Box 238 Folder 14 Cowan, Lester, 1963 Box 238 Folder 15 Craner, Lawrence, 1965-1966 192 Box 239 Folder 1 Curtis acquisition, pros and cons, 1959-1960 Box 239 Folder 2 Curtis acquisition, pros and cons, 1961 Box 239 Folder 3 Curtis acquisition, pros and cons, 1962 Box 239 Folder 4 Curtis acquisition, pros and cons, 1963-1964 Box 239 Folder 5 Curtis acquisition, pros and cons, 1965 Box 239 Folder 6 Curtis acquisition, negotiations, 1959-1960 Box 239 Folder 7 Curtis acquisition, negotiations, Jan.-Sept. 1961 Box 239 Folder 8 Curtis acquisition, negotiations, Oct.-Dec. 1961 Box 240 Folder 1 Curtis acquisition, negotiations, 1962 Box 240 Folder 2 Curtis acquisition, negotiations, 1963-1964 Box 240 Folder 3 Curtis acquisition, negotiations, 1965 Box 240 Folder 4 Curtis acquisition, Cecil King, 1965 Box 240 Folder 5 Curtis acquisition, corporate structure, 1958-1962 Box 240 Folder 6 Curtis acquisition, financial analysis, 1959-1960 Box 240 Folder 7 Curtis acquisition, financial analysis, 1961 Box 240 193 Folder 8 Curtis acquisition, financial analysis, 1962-1965 Box 241 Folder 1 Curtis acquisition, financing, 1960-1962 Box 241 Folder 2 Curtis acquisition, financing, Benton stock, 1960-1962 Box 241 Folder 3 Curtis acquisition, financing, 1964-1965 Box 241 Folder 4 Curtis acquisition, Holiday Magazine, 1961-1965 Box 241 Folder 5 Curtis acquisition, Saturday Evening Post, 1961-1965 Box 241 Folder 6 Curtis acquisition, Culligan, Matthew J., 1962-1971 Box 242 Folder 1 D, general Box 242 Folder 2 D'Alton, V., 1960-1961 Box 242 Folder 3 Davies, Ernest, 1960-1969 Box 242 Folder 4 Dawson, Frank, 1961 Box 242 Folder 5 Del Solar, Charlotte, 1969-1972 Box 242 Folder 6 D'Huc, Count, 1958 Box 242 Folder 7 Downs, James C., Jr., 1958-1969 Box 242 Folder 8 Doyle, John and Angela, 1958-1972 Box 242 Folder 9 194 Draper, Dorothy, 1961 Box 242 Folder 10 Dudley, C. W., 1968-1972 Box 242 Folder 11 Dumbrill, Richard, 1970 Box 243 Folder 1 E-F, general Box 243 Folder 2 English language and Britannica Institute, Jan.-Sept. 1966 Box 243 Folder 3 English language and Britannica Institute, Oct.-Dec. 1966 Box 243 Folder 4 English language and Britannica Institute, 1967 Box 243 Folder 5 English language and Britannica Institute, 1969-1970 Box 243 Folder 6 English language and Britannica Institute, resources, 1969-1970 Box 243 Folder 7 Evans, Carol, 1958-1965 Box 243 Folder 8 Franklin Book Programs, Inc., 1967-1970 Box 243 Folder 9 G, general Box 243 Folder 10 Gassaway, F. Drennan, 1964 Box 243 Folder 11 Goldenson, Lenoard, 1962-1972 Box 243 Folder 12 Goldsen, Joseph M., 1961-1972 Box 244 Folder 1 Goodlad, John I., 1964-1969 195 Box 244 Folder 2 Goodman, Lord, 1966-1968 Box 244 Folder 3 Granik, Theodore, 1958-1971 Box 244 Folder 4 Great Books Foundation, 1958-1968 Box 244 Folder 5 Guth, Oscar A., 1967-1971 Box 244 Folder 6 H, general Box 244 Folder 7 Haley, Sir William, 1967-1972 Box 244 Folder 8 Harari, Robert, 1965 Box 244 Folder 9 Hiatt, Bert, 1958-1959 Box 244 Folder 10 Hiraizumi, Wataru, 1968-1970 Box 244 Folder 11 I-J, general Box 244 Folder 12 Johnson, T. Loftin, 1958 Box 244 Folder 13 Jolson, Marvin and Betty, 1968-1971 Box 244 Folder 14 Jones, Randolph, 1962 Box 244 Folder 15 Jones, William J., 1959-1962 Box 244 Folder 16 K, general Box 244 196 Folder 17 Keetch, John, 1958-1973 Box 244 Folder 18 L, general Box 244 Folder 19 Lubell, Samuel, 1958 Box 245 Folder 1 Ma-Mc, general Box 245 Folder 2 Macy, John W., Jr., 1969-1970 Box 245 Folder 3 Marin, Allan, 1961-1962 Box 245 Folder 4 Martin, David, 1968-1971 Box 245 Folder 5 McNeil, Sheila (Mrs. Hector) and Craig, 1958-1964 Box 245 Folder 6 McNeil, 1965-1972 Box 245 Folder 7 Me-Mz, general Box 245 Folder 8 Michaelis, Arnold, 1958-1968 Box 245 Folder 9 Miller, Edwin B., 1965-1966 Box 245 Folder 10 Morison, Stanley, 1960-1962 Box 245 Folder 11 Morison, 1963 Box 245 Folder 12 Morison, 1964-1965 Box 245 Folder 13 197 Morison, 1966-1967 Box 246 Folder 1 N-O, general Box 246 Folder 2 National Library Week, 1958-1961 Box 246 Folder 3 Nelson, David D., 1962-1968 Box 246 Folder 4 Nerber, John, 1958-1960 Box 246 Folder 5 P-Q, general Box 246 Folder 6 Plaut, Ed, 1958-1964 Box 246 Folder 7 Polk, Louis F., Jr., 1969-1972 Box 246 Folder 8 Preble, Robert C., Sr. and Jr., 1958-1971 Box 246 Folder 9 R, general Box 246 Folder 10 Rhodes, John and Irena, 1958-1962 Box 246 Folder 11 Rhodes, 1963-1964 Box 247 Folder 1 Rhodes, 1965-1966 Box 247 Folder 2 Rhodes, 1967-1969 Box 247 Folder 3 Rhodes, 1970-1973 Box 247 Folder 4 S, general, #1 198 Box 247 Folder 5 S, #2 Box 247 Folder 6 S, #3 Box 247 Folder 7 Semenko, Serge Box 247 Folder 8 Simon, Stanley Box 247 Folder 9 Stavrianos, L.S. Box 247 Folder 10 T, general Box 247 Folder 11 Theobald, Robert, 1962-1965 Box 247 Folder 12 Thompson, Paul, 1962-1973 Box 247 Folder 13 V, general Box 247 Folder 14 Wh-Wz, general Box 247 Folder 15 Wiser, Ralph E., II, 1961-1962 Box 247 Folder 16 X-Z, general Subseries 4: Public Life Sub-subseries 1: Public relations and project ideas, 1958-1973 Box 248 Folder 1 Administration, general, 1961-1970 Box 248 Folder 2 Administration, general, 1971

199 Box 248 Folder 3 Administration, general, 1972 Box 248 Folder 4 Administration, general, 1973 Box 248 Folder 5 Administration, consultants, Christman, Henry, 1960-1962 Box 248 Folder 6 Administration, consultants, Hyman, Sidney, 1961-1966 Box 248 Folder 7 Administration, consultants, Josephs, Ray, 1961-1962 Box 248 Folder 8 Administration, consultants, Sonnenberg, Benjamin, 1959-1962 Box 248 Folder 9 Administration, consultants, Trace, Arthur S., Jr., 1961-1962 Box 249 Folder 1 Administration, consultants, Urrows, Henry, 1961-1964 Box 249 Folder 2 Administration, consultants, Wilson, William, 1959-1961 Box 249 Folder 3 General projects, 1958-1961 Box 249 Folder 4 General projects, 1962 Box 249 Folder 5 General projects, 1963-1964 Box 249 Folder 6 General projects, 1965-1966 Box 249 Folder 7 Benton firsts, 1955-1964 Box 249 Folder 8 Biography project, 1961-1965 Box 249 200 Folder 9 Business and economics projects, general, 1959-1969 Box 249 Folder 10 Business and economics projects, image, 1959-1962 Box 249 Folder 11 Business and economics projects, boards of directors, 1959 Box 249 Folder 12 Business and economics projects, entrepreneurship, 1964 Box 249 Folder 13 Business and economics projects, selling, 1959-1963 Box 250 Folder 1 Communications projects, general, 1949-1967 Box 250 Folder 2 Communications projects, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information (Geneva Conference), 1947-1948 Box 250 Folder 3 Communications projects, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information (Geneva Conference), 1948 Box 250 Folder 4 Communications projects, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information (Geneva Conference), 1951-1953 Box 250 Folder 5 Communications projects, Information Program, 1955-1963 Box 250 Folder 6 Communications projects, Information Program, 1965-1969 Box 250 Folder 7 Communications projects, Smith-Mundt Act, 1958-1961 Box 250 Folder 8 Communications projects, mass media, 1959-1962 Box 250 Folder 9 Communications projects, Voice of America, 1957-1962 Box 251 Folder 1 201 Education projects, general, 1958-1965 Box 251 Folder 2 Education projects, image, "William Benton, Educationist" Box 251 Folder 3 Education projects, image, 1957-1962 Box 251 Folder 4 Education projects, image, 1963-1969 Box 251 Folder 5 Education projects, Benton's book Box 251 Folder 6 Education projects, honorary degrees Box 251 Folder 7 Education projects, liberal arts, 1954-1960 Box 251 Folder 8 Latin America, 1960-1961 Box 251 Folder 9 McCarthy project, 1959-1973 Box 252 Folder 1 Politics and government projects, general, 1958-1964 Box 252 Folder 2 Politics and government projects, general, 1965-1970 Box 252 Folder 3 Politics and government projects, image, 1959-1964 Box 252 Folder 4 Politics and government projects, America First Committee, 1964 Box 252 Folder 5 Politics and government projects, Campaign, 1964 Box 252 Folder 6 Politics and government projects, Democratic administration appointments, 1960-1961 Box 252 Folder 7 Politics and government projects, Democratic administration appointments, 1962-1967 202 Box 252 Folder 8 Politics and government projects, presidential elections, 1960-1961 Box 252 Folder 9 Politics and government projects, presidential elections, Schlesinger book, 1960 Box 252 Folder 10 Politics and government projects, campaign practices reforms, 1950-1959 Box 252 Folder 11 Politics and government projects, campaign practices reforms, 1960-1970 Box 253 Folder 1 Politics and government projects, reforms, 1958-1962 Box 253 Folder 2 Politics and government projects, reforms, 1963-1968 Box 253 Folder 3 Politics and government projects, reforms, federal salary system, 1963 Box 253 Folder 4 Radio and TV interviews, 1960-1964 Box 253 Folder 5 Soviet challenge, 1958-1962 Box 253 Folder 6 Soviet challenge, 1963-1966 Box 253 Folder 7 General image, 1959-1967 Sub-subseries 2: America First, 1939-1942 Box 254 Folder 1 Advertisements, 1941 Box 254 Folder 2 Bliss, Robert L., 1940-1941 Box 254 Folder 3 Borgese, G. A., May 1939-Feb. 1940 Box 254 Folder 4 203 Borgese, Mar.-June 1940 Box 254 Folder 5 Borgese, Aug.-Nov. 1940 Box 254 Folder 6 Bowles, Chester, Dec. 1940-July 1941 Box 254 Folder 7 "Copperhead" advertisement, 1941 Box 254 Folder 8 General files, Nov. 1940-Jan. 1941 Box 254 Folder 9 General files, Feb. 1941-Mar. 1941 Box 254 Folder 10 General files, Apr. 1941-May 1941 Box 254 Folder 11 General files, July 1941-Dec. 1941 Box 254 Folder 12 Hutchins/Samuel E. Gill poll, 1941 Box 254 Folder 13 LaFollette, Robert and Philip, 1940-1941 Box 254 Folder 14 Charles A. Lindbergh speeches, 1941 Box 254 Folder 15 Stuart, R. Douglas, Jr., Oct. 1940-Apr. 1941 Box 254 Folder 16 Stuart, May 1941 Box 254 Folder 17 Stuart, June 1941-Jan. 1942 Box 254 Folder 18 University of Chicago Round Table, May 1941 Box 254 Folder 19 Wood, Gen. Robert E., Jan. 1941-Jan. 1942 204 Sub-subseries 3: Committee for Economic Development Box 255 Folder 1 General correspondence, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 2 General correspondence, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 3 General correspondence, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 4 General correspondence, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 5 General correspondence, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 6 A-C, general, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 7 A-C, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 8 A-C, 1941-1957 Box 255 Folder 9 Auditor Box 256 Folder 1 Benton, William Box 256 Folder 2 Board of Trustees Box 256 Folder 3 Brady, Robert Box 256 Folder 4 By-laws Box 256 Folder 5 Calkins, Robert Box 256 Folder 6

205 D-G, general, #1 Box 256 Folder 7 D-G, #2 Box 256 Folder 8 D-G, #3 Box 256 Folder 9 Dodd, Norman Box 256 Folder 10 Dooley, Edwin B. Box 256 Folder 11 Field development: divisional chart, 1945 Box 256 Folder 12 Financial statements, 1942-1944 Box 256 Folder 13 Flanders, Ralph, 1942-1945 Box 256 Folder 14 Fletcher, C. Scott, 1944-1945 Box 256 Folder 15 Folsom, Marion B., 1942-1943 Box 256 Folder 16 Fortune article, 1942-1943 Box 256 Folder 17 Francis, Clarence, 1942-1945 Box 256 Folder 18 Gager, Curt Box 257 Folder 1 Grant, Will C., 1943 Box 257 Folder 2 H-L, general, 1942-1943 Box 257 Folder 3 H-L, 1944-1945 206 Box 257 Folder 4 Hoffman, Paul G., 1942-1945 Box 257 Folder 5 Hormel, Jay C., 1942-1943 Box 257 Folder 6 Hyde, Anthony, 1944-1945 Box 257 Folder 7 I-L, general, 1942-1943 Box 257 Folder 8 Inter-American Committee, 1942-1943 Box 257 Folder 9 Jacoby, Neil, 1942-1943 Box 257 Folder 10 Johnson, Henry, 1944-1945 Box 257 Folder 11 Lasswell, Harold D., 1942-1943 Box 257 Folder 12 M-P, general, #1 Box 257 Folder 13 M-P, #2 Box 257 Folder 14 M-P, #3 Box 258 Folder 1 Meetings Box 258 Folder 2 R, general Box 258 Folder 3 Regional chairmen Box 258 Folder 4 Research Advisory Board Box 258 207 Folder 5 Research Committee, #1 Box 258 Folder 6 Research Committee, #2 Box 258 Folder 7 Riis, Roger William Box 258 Folder 8 Ruml, Beardsley Box 258 Folder 9 S, general, #1 Box 258 Folder 10 S, #2 Box 258 Folder 11 Scherman, Harry, 1942-1943 Box 258 Folder 12 Schleiter, Walter B., 1943 Box 258 Folder 13 Slichter, Sumner, 1942-1943 Box 258 Folder 14 Stauffer, Grant Box 259 Folder 1 T, general Box 259 Folder 2 Test cities, 1942 Box 259 Folder 3 U-W, general Box 259 Folder 4 Y-Z, general Box 260 Folder 1 General correspondence, 1949-1952 Box 260 Folder 2 208 General correspondence, 1953 Box 260 Folder 3 General correspondence, 1954 Box 260 Folder 4 General correspondence, 1955 Box 260 Folder 5 General correspondence, 1956 Box 260 Folder 6 General correspondence, 1957 Box 260 Folder 7 Ralph Flanders bill Box 260 Folder 8 J-L, general Box 260 Folder 9 M-R, general Box 260 Folder 10 Myers, Howard Box 261 Folder 1 S, general Box 261 Folder 2 T-Z, general Box 261 Folder 3 Thomson, J. Cameron Box 261 Folder 4 White, Nate Box 261 Folder 5 Wilde, Frazar B. Box 261 Folder 6 Williams, Walter Box 262 Folder 1 Board of Trustees meetings, 1958 209 Box 262 Folder 2 Board of Trustees meetings, 1959 Box 262 Folder 3 Board of Trustees meetings, 1960-1961 Box 262 Folder 4 Board of Trustees meetings, 1962 Box 262 Folder 5 Board of Trustees meetings, 1963-1964 Box 262 Folder 6 Board of Trustees meetings, 1965-1966 Box 262 Folder 7 Board of Trustees meetings, 1967-1968 Box 262 Folder 8 Board of Trustees meetings, 1969 Box 262 Folder 9 Board of Trustees meetings, 1970-1971 Box 263 Folder 1 Board of Trustees meetings, 1972 Box 263 Folder 2 Reports, 1958-1960 Box 263 Folder 3 Reports, 1961 Box 263 Folder 4 Reports, Jan.-June 1962 Box 263 Folder 5 Reports, July-Dec. 1962 Box 263 Folder 6 Reports, 1963 Box 264 Folder 1 Reports, 1964 Box 264 210 Folder 2 Reports, 1966 Box 264 Folder 3 Reports, 1967 Box 264 Folder 4 Reports, 1968-1969 Box 264 Folder 5 Reports, 1970 Box 264 Folder 6 Reports, 1971 Box 264 Folder 7 Reports, 1972 Box 264 Folder 8 Reports, The Economic and Social Impact of the New Broadcast Media, 1971-1972 Box 264 Folder 9 Research and Policy Committee and Advisory Board, 1958-1960 Sub-subseries 4: Politics Sub-sub-subseries 1: 1948-1957 Box 265 Folder 1 Acheson, Dean, 1948-1950 Box 265 Folder 2 Acheson, 1951 Box 265 Folder 3 Acheson, 1952-1957 Box 265 Folder 4 Anderson, Clinton P., 1948-1957 Box 265 Folder 5 Arpaia, Anthony, 1950-1957 Box 265 Folder 6 Ba-Bl, general Box 266 Folder 1 211 Bailey, John M., 1949 Box 266 Folder 2 Bailey, Jan.-June 1950 Box 266 Folder 3 Bailey, July-Dec. 1950 Box 266 Folder 4 Bailey, Jan.-June 1951 Box 266 Folder 5 Bailey, July-Dec. 1951 Box 266 Folder 6 Bailey, 1952 Box 266 Folder 7 Bailey, 1953 Box 266 Folder 8 Bailey, 1954-1955 Box 266 Folder 9 Bailey, 1956-1957 Box 267 Folder 1 Bailey, Stephen K., 1951-1957 Box 267 Folder 2 Barkley, Alben W., 1948-1955 Box 267 Folder 3 Barrett, Edward W., 1948-1949 Box 267 Folder 4 Barrett, Jan.-June 1950 Box 267 Folder 5 Barrett, July-Dec. 1950 Box 267 Folder 6 Barrett, Jan.-May 1951 Box 267 Folder 7 Barrett, June-Dec. 1951 212 Box 267 Folder 8 Barrett, 1952-1956 Box 267 Folder 9 Barrett, 1957 Box 267 Folder 10 Baruch, Bernard M., 1950-1952 Box 268 Folder 1 Bennett, Douglas, 1948-1954 Box 268 Folder 2 Bernays, Edward L., 1950-1957 Box 268 Folder 3 Biffle, Leslie L., 1948-1957 Box 268 Folder 4 Bingham, Alfred M., 1948-1952 Box 268 Folder 5 Birkhead, Kenneth, 1951-1956 Box 269 Folder 1 Bo-Bz, general Box 269 Folder 2 Butler, Paul M. Box 269 Folder 3 Ca-Cl, general Box 269 Folder 4 Chase, W. Howard Box 269 Folder 5 Claffey, Robert Box 269 Folder 6 Co-Cz, general Box 269 Folder 7 Coombs, Philip H. Box 270 213 Folder 1 Da-De, general Box 270 Folder 2 Dannenberg, Leigh, 1949-1951 Box 270 Folder 3 Dannenberg, 1952-1953 Box 270 Folder 4 Dannenberg, 1954-1955 Box 270 Folder 5 Dannenberg, 1956-1957 Box 270 Folder 6 Democratic National Committee Box 270 Folder 7 Di-Do, general Box 270 Folder 8 Dodd, Thomas J., 1952-1955 Box 270 Folder 9 Dodd, 1956 Box 270 Folder 10 Dodd, 1957 Box 270 Folder 11 Dr-Dz, general Box 271 Folder 1 E, general Box 271 Folder 2 Edelstein, Julius Box 271 Folder 3 Edson, Peter Box 271 Folder 4 Eisenhower, Dwight Box 271 Folder 5 214 Fa-Fl, general, #1 Box 271 Folder 6 Fa-Fl, #2 Box 271 Folder 7 Flaherty, Leo Box 271 Folder 8 Fo-Fz, general Box 271 Folder 9 Frank, John Box 272 Folder 1 Ga, general Box 272 Folder 2 Ge-Gz, general Box 272 Folder 3 Golden, John Box 272 Folder 4 Ha, general, #1 Box 272 Folder 5 Ha, #2 Box 272 Folder 6 Harriman, W. Averell, 1948-1952 Box 272 Folder 7 Harriman, 1953-1957 Box 272 Folder 8 He-Hn, general Box 272 Folder 9 Henderson, Leon Box 273 Folder 1 Ho-Hz, general Box 273 Folder 2 Hobby, Oveta Culp 215 Box 273 Folder 3 Hull, Cordell Box 273 Folder 4 Humphrey, Hubert, 1950-1952 Box 273 Folder 5 Humphrey, 1953-1954 Box 273 Folder 6 Humphrey, 1956-1957 Box 273 Folder 7 I-J, general Box 273 Folder 8 Jackson, John Day Box 273 Folder 9 Johnson, Robert Box 273 Folder 10 Jones, Jesse Box 274 Folder 1 K, general Box 274 Folder 2 Kander, Allen Box 274 Folder 3 Kaplan, Jack M. Box 274 Folder 4 Kefauver, Estes Box 274 Folder 5 Kelly, John P. Box 274 Folder 6 Krock, Arthur Box 274 Folder 7 La, general Box 274 216 Folder 8 Le, general Box 274 Folder 9 Lee, Richard C. Box 275 Folder 1 Lehman, Herbert H., 1950-1954 Box 275 Folder 2 Lehman, 1956-1957 Box 275 Folder 3 Li-Lo, general Box 275 Folder 4 Lodge, Henry C. and John D. Box 275 Folder 5 Lovett, Robert Box 275 Folder 6 Lu-Lz, general Box 275 Folder 7 Lyford, Joseph Box 275 Folder 8 Ma, general Box 275 Folder 9 Mansfield, Mike Box 276 Folder 1 Mc, general, #1 Box 276 Folder 2 Mc, #2 Box 276 Folder 3 Mc, #3 Box 276 Folder 4 McCormick, Anne O'Hare Box 276 Folder 5 217 Me-Mi, general Box 276 Folder 6 Merrow, Chester Box 276 Folder 7 Mitchell, Stephen Box 276 Folder 8 Mo-Mz, general Box 276 Folder 9 Murphy, Francis S. Box 276 Folder 10 N, general Box 276 Folder 11 National Committee for an Effective Congress, 1952-1957 Box 276 Folder 12 Neusner, Samuel Box 277 Folder 1 O, general Box 277 Folder 2 Pa, general Box 277 Folder 3 Pe-Pl, general Box 277 Folder 4 Pearson, Drew Box 277 Folder 5 Po-Pz, general Box 277 Folder 6 Poses, Lillian Box 277 Folder 7 Q, general Box 277 Folder 8 Ra-Ri, general 218 Box 277 Folder 9 Reston, James Box 277 Folder 10 Ribicoff, Abraham, 1948-1954 Box 277 Folder 11 Ribicoff, 1955-1957 Box 277 Folder 12 Riis, Roger William Box 278 Folder 1 Ro-Rz, general Box 278 Folder 2 Roddan, Edward Box 278 Folder 3 Roosevelt, Eleanor Box 278 Folder 4 Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr., including Roosevelt, James, David, Elliot, and John III Box 278 Folder 5 Franklin D. Roosevelt Foundation Box 278 Folder 6 Roper, Elmo Box 278 Folder 7 Rosenblatt, Maurice, 1951-1953 Box 278 Folder 8 Rosenblatt, 1954-1957 Box 278 Folder 9 Rourke, Joseph M. Box 279 Folder 1 Sa, general Box 279 Folder 2 Sc, general Box 279 219 Folder 3 Scheuer, Sidney Box 279 Folder 4 Schmitt, Leonard Box 279 Folder 5 Se, general Box 279 Folder 6 Sh-Si, general Box 279 Folder 7 Sm-Sp, general Box 279 Folder 8 Snow, Wilbert, #1 Box 279 Folder 9 Snow, #2 Box 279 Folder 10 Sta-Ste, general Box 279 Folder 11 Stevenson, Adlai, 1949-1952 Box 279 Folder 12 Stevenson, 1953-1955 Box 279 Folder 13 Stevenson, 1956 Box 279 Folder 14 Stevenson, 1957 Box 280 Folder 1 Su-Sz, general Box 280 Folder 2 Sulzberger, Arthur Hays and Cyrus L. Box 280 Folder 3 Symington, Stuart Box 280 Folder 4 220 Ta-To, general Box 280 Folder 5 Thexton, Arthur Box 280 Folder 6 Thomas, Norman Box 280 Folder 7 Tr-Tz, general Box 280 Folder 8 Truman, Harry S, 1948-1950 Box 280 Folder 9 Truman, 1951 Box 280 Folder 10 Truman, 1952-1954 Box 280 Folder 11 Truman, 1955-1957 Box 280 Folder 12 Truman, Library Box 281 Folder 1 Tunis, John R. Box 281 Folder 2 Tyroler, Charles Box 281 Folder 3 U, general Box 281 Folder 4 V, general Box 281 Folder 5 Van Arkel, Gerhard, 1948-1953 Box 281 Folder 6 Van Arkel, 1954-1957 Box 281 Folder 7 Wa, general 221 Box 281 Folder 8 Waldo, George Box 281 Folder 9 We-Wh, general Box 281 Folder 10 Wheeler, Thomas, 1952-Mar. 1953 Box 281 Folder 11 Wheeler, Apr.-June 1953 Box 281 Folder 12 Wheeler, July 1953-1957 Box 282 Folder 1 White, Walter, 1950-1951 Box 282 Folder 2 White, 1952-1954 Box 282 Folder 3 Wi, general Box 282 Folder 4 Wo-Wz, general Box 282 Folder 5 Woodhouse, Chase Going Box 282 Folder 6 Wyatt, Wilson Box 282 Folder 7 Y-Z, general Sub-sub-subseries 2: 1958-1973 Box 283 Folder 1 A, general Box 283 Folder 2 Acheson, Dean, 1958-1970 Box 283 Folder 3 Aiken, George D., 1959-1967 222 Box 283 Folder 4 Albert, Carl, 1964-1966 Box 283 Folder 5 Altobello, Henry D., 1958-1970 Box 283 Folder 6 American Council, 1967 Box 283 Folder 7 Anderson, Clinton P., 1960-1972 Box 283 Folder 8 Anderson, Eugenie, 1959-1968 Box 283 Folder 9 Andreas, Dwayne, 1959-1972 Box 283 Folder 10 Arvey, Colonel Jacob M., 1958-1971 Box 284 Folder 1 Ba, general Box 284 Folder 2 Bailey, John M. and family, 1958-1959 Box 284 Folder 3 Bailey, 1960 Box 284 Folder 4 Bailey, 1961 Box 284 Folder 5 Bailey, 1962 Box 284 Folder 6 Bailey, 1963-1964 Box 284 Folder 7 Bailey, 1965 Box 284 Folder 8 Bailey, 1966 Box 284 223 Folder 9 Bailey, 1967 Box 284 Folder 10 Bailey, 1968 Box 284 Folder 11 Bailey, 1969 Box 284 Folder 12 Bailey, 1970-1971 Box 284 Folder 13 Bailey, 1972-1973 Box 285 Folder 1 Balch, Richard H. and family, 1958-1963 Box 285 Folder 2 Balch, 1964-1973 Box 285 Folder 3 Ball, George, 1958-1972 Box 285 Folder 4 Bandler, Ned W., Jr., 1966-1971 Box 285 Folder 5 Barbieri, Arthur, 1958-1972 Box 285 Folder 6 Baseball for Europe, Inc., 1961 Box 285 Folder 7 Battle, Lucius D., 1962-1972 Box 285 Folder 8 Be, general Box 285 Folder 9 Beckwith, Ethel, 1959-1969 Box 285 Folder 10 Beckwith, Robert, 1958-1968 Box 285 Folder 11 224 Bengston, Nelson, 1959-1963 Box 285 Folder 12 Benjamin, Robert S., 1958-1962 Box 285 Folder 13 Bergin, Edward D. and Mary, 1958-1970 Box 285 Folder 14 Berkman, Florence, including Berkman Award, 1961-1965 Box 285 Folder 15 Bi-Bo, general Box 285 Folder 16 Bingham, Jonathan B., 1961-1973 Box 285 Folder 17 Birkhead, Kenneth, 1959-1972 Box 286 Folder 1 Blair, Ann Page, 1964 Box 286 Folder 2 Blansfield, Michael V., 1958-1966 Box 286 Folder 3 Boggs, Hale, 1959-1973 Box 286 Folder 4 Bolling, Richard, 1964-1970 Box 286 Folder 5 Bra-Bu, general Box 286 Folder 6 Brademas, John, 1962-1972 Box 286 Folder 7 Brant, Francis and Gerard, 1958-1962 Box 286 Folder 8 Briscoe, John, 1958-1970 Box 286 Folder 9 Brislin, Tom R., 1960-1969 225 Box 286 Folder 10 Bronfman, Edgar, 1968-1972 Box 286 Folder 11 Brooks, Jack, 1958 Box 286 Folder 12 Brown, Jack E., 1972-1973 Box 286 Folder 13 Bruce, James, 1958-1971 Box 286 Folder 14 Bundy, McGeorge, 1961-1969 Box 286 Folder 15 Burdick, Quentin N., 1960-1970 Box 286 Folder 16 Burlant, William, 1958-1962 Box 286 Folder 17 Bush, George, 1969-1973, including Prescott Bush, 1960-1962 Box 286 Folder 18 Horace Bushnell Memorial Hall Corporation, 1958 Box 286 Folder 19 Butler, Paul M., 1958-1971 Box 286 Folder 20 Byrnes, James F., 1959-1972 Box 286 Folder 21 Byrnes, Robert D., 1958-1969 Box 287 Folder 1 Ca-Cl, general Box 287 Folder 2 Christman, Henry, 1958-1959 Box 287 Folder 3 Church, Frank, 1960-1968 Box 287 226 Folder 4 Citizens Committee for International Development, 1961 Box 287 Folder 5 Claffey, Robert, 1958-1963 Box 287 Folder 6 Claffey, 1964-1965 Box 287 Folder 7 Claffey, 1966 Box 287 Folder 8 Claffey, 1967-1969 Box 287 Folder 9 Claffey, 1970-1971 Box 287 Folder 10 Claffey, 1972-1973 Box 287 Folder 11 Clark, Joseph F., 1959-1968 Box 287 Folder 12 Clements, Earle C., 1958 Box 287 Folder 13 Co-Cz, general Box 287 Folder 14 Coles, Albert L., 1958-1965 Box 287 Folder 15 Collins, LeRoy, 1960-1968 Box 288 Folder 1 Comollo, Norman C., 1958-1962 Box 288 Folder 2 Connell, William, 1964-1969 Box 288 Folder 3 Cotter, John P., 1961-1966 Box 288 Folder 4 227 Cotter, William R., 1970-1973 Box 288 Folder 5 Curran, Hugh C., 1965-1972 Box 288 Folder 6 Curtis, Thomas B., 1966-1969 Box 288 Folder 7 D, general Box 288 Folder 8 Daddario, Emilio, 1958-1968 Box 288 Folder 9 Daddario, 1970-1973 Box 288 Folder 10 Daly, Paul G. and T. F. Gilroy (Roy), 1958-1970 Box 288 Folder 11 Davidson, Alfred, 1969 Box 288 Folder 12 Define, John, 1958-1965 Box 288 Folder 13 Democratic A-Democratic Z, general, 1958-1973 Box 288 Folder 14 Democratic National Committee, 1958-1959 Box 288 Folder 15 Democratic National Committee, 1960-1963 Box 288 Folder 16 Democratic National Committee, 1964-1969 Box 288 Folder 17 Democratic National Committee, 1970-1971 Box 288 Folder 18 Democratic National Committee, 1972-1973 Box 289 Folder 1 Democratic State Central Committee, 1958-1972 228 Box 289 Folder 2 Dempsey, John, 1958-1961 Box 289 Folder 3 Dempsey, 1962-1963 Box 289 Folder 4 Dempsey, 1964-1965 Box 289 Folder 5 Dempsey, 1966 Box 289 Folder 6 Dempsey, 1967-1968 Box 289 Folder 7 Dempsey, 1969-1970 Box 289 Folder 8 Dempsey, 1971-1973 Box 289 Folder 9 Dilworth, Richardson, 1958-1972 Box 289 Folder 10 Dirienzo, Anthony, 1958-1965 Box 289 Folder 11 Dirksen, Everett M., 1958-1969 Box 290 Folder 1 Dodd, Thomas, 1958-1959 Box 290 Folder 2 Dodd, 1960 Box 290 Folder 3 Dodd, 1961 Box 290 Folder 4 Dodd, 1962-1963 Box 290 Folder 5 Dodd, 1964-1965 Box 290 229 Folder 6 Dodd, 1966 Box 290 Folder 7 Dodd, 1967 Box 290 Folder 8 Dodd, 1968 Box 290 Folder 9 Dodd, 1969 Box 290 Folder 10 Dodd, 1970-1973 Box 290 Folder 11 Dodd, Thomas, Jr., 1961-1973 Box 291 Folder 1 Douglas, Paul H. and Emily, 1958-1965 Box 291 Folder 2 Douglas, 1966-1973 Box 291 Folder 3 Doyle, James E., 1960-1962 Box 291 Folder 4 Duffey, The Reverend Joseph, 1969-1973 Box 291 Folder 5 E, general Box 291 Folder 6 Edelstein, Julius C. C., 1958-1969 Box 291 Folder 7 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1958-1969 Box 291 Folder 8 Ellender, Allen J., 1961-1972 Box 291 Folder 9 Elliott, Carl, 1960-1967 Box 292 Folder 1 230 F, general Box 292 Folder 2 Fairfield Democratic Town Committee, 1958-1973 Box 292 Folder 3 Flaherty, Leo, 1958-1968 Box 292 Folder 4 Food for Peace Committee, 1961 Box 292 Folder 5 Former Members of Congress, Inc., 1970-1973 Box 292 Folder 6 Frassinelli, Attilio R. (Pop), 1958-1966 Box 292 Folder 7 Freeman, Orville, 1958-1969 Box 292 Folder 8 Fulbright, J. William, 1958-1965 Box 292 Folder 9 Fulbright, 1966-1973 Box 293 Folder 1 G, general Box 293 Folder 2 Garofalo, Ralph, 1958-1972 Box 293 Folder 3 Gelormino, Anthony C., 1958-1970 Box 293 Folder 4 Gerety, Pierce, 1961 Box 293 Folder 5 Giaimo, Robert N., 1958-1973 Box 293 Folder 6 Gill, Joseph N., 1958-1971 Box 293 Folder 7 Golden, John M., 1958-1968 231 Box 293 Folder 8 Goldwater, Barry, 1958-1964 Box 293 Folder 9 Googel, Samuel S., 1958-1961 Box 293 Folder 10 Gore, Albert, 1958-1973 Box 293 Folder 11 Grasso, Ella, 1958-1973 Box 293 Folder 12 Greenfield, Edward L., 1958-1970 Box 293 Folder 13 Gruening, Ernest, 1958-1968 Box 294 Folder 1 H, general Box 294 Folder 2 Harris, Fred R., 1964-1973 Box 294 Folder 3 Hart, Philip A., 1963-1973 Box 294 Folder 4 Hartke, Vance, 1961-1973 Box 294 Folder 5 Hayden, Carl, 1958-1970 Box 294 Folder 6 Henderson, Loy W., 1958-1973 Box 294 Folder 7 Hewitt, Norman, 1958-1972 Box 294 Folder 8 Hill, Lister, 1958-1969 Box 294 Folder 9 Hilsman, Roger, 1972 Box 294 232 Folder 10 Hodges, Luther H., 1960-1964 Box 294 Folder 11 Hull, T. Clark, 1971-1973 Box 295 Folder 1 Humphrey, Hubert H., 1958 Box 295 Folder 2 Humphrey, Jan.-June 1959 Box 295 Folder 3 Humphrey, July-Dec. 1959 Box 295 Folder 4 Humphrey, 1960 Box 295 Folder 5 Humphrey, 1961-1962 Box 295 Folder 6 Humphrey, 1963 Box 295 Folder 7 Humphrey, 1964 Box 295 Folder 8 Humphrey, 1965 Box 296 Folder 1 Humphrey, 1966 Box 296 Folder 2 Humphrey, 1967 Box 296 Folder 3 Humphrey, 1968 Box 296 Folder 4 Humphrey, 1969 Box 296 Folder 5 Humphrey, 1970 Box 296 Folder 6 233 Humphrey, 1971 Box 296 Folder 7 Humphrey, 1972-1974 Box 297 Folder 1 I-J, general Box 297 Folder 2 Irwin, Donald, 1958-1972 Box 297 Folder 3 Ives, Mrs. Ernest (Buffie), 1965-1973 Box 297 Folder 4 Jackson, Henry M., 1958-1972 Box 297 Folder 5 Javits, Benjamin A., 1962-1966 Box 297 Folder 6 Javits, Jacob K., 1959-1973 Box 297 Folder 7 Jefferson-Jackson Dinner, 1959-1973 Box 297 Folder 8 Johnson, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird, 1958-1963 Box 297 Folder 9 Johnson, 1964 Box 297 Folder 10 Johnson, 1965-1966 Box 297 Folder 11 Johnson, 1967 Box 298 Folder 1 Johnson, 1968 Box 298 Folder 2 Johnson, 1969-1973 Box 298 Folder 3 Jones, Clare, 1958-1961 234 Box 298 Folder 4 K, general Box 298 Folder 5 Kampelman, Max, 1958-1972 Box 298 Folder 6 Kane, John, 1968-1973 Box 298 Folder 7 Kefauver, Estes, 1958-1963 Box 298 Folder 8 Kellis, James G., 1967-1970 Box 298 Folder 9 Kellis, 1971-1973 Box 298 Folder 10 Kelly, Peter G., 1958-1963 Box 299 Folder 1 Kennedy, Edward M., 1963-1972 Box 299 Folder 2 Kennedy, Jacqueline, 1963-1965 Box 299 Folder 3 Kennedy, John F., 1958-1960 Box 299 Folder 4 Kennedy, 1961-1963 Box 299 Folder 5 Kennedy, Robert F., 1962-1968 Box 299 Folder 6 Kennelly, Mr. and Mrs. James J., 1960-1972 Box 299 Folder 7 Keyserling, Leon H., 1958-1968 Box 299 Folder 8 Killian, Robert, 1964-1972 Box 299 235 Folder 9 Kintner, Robert and Jean, 1958-1965 Box 299 Folder 10 Kintner, 1966-1969 Box 299 Folder 11 Kintner, 1970-1973 Box 300 Folder 1 Kowalski, Frank, 1958-1966 Box 300 Folder 2 Krim, Arthur, 1960-1972 Box 300 Folder 3 Krock, Arthur, 1960-1972 Box 300 Folder 4 L, general Box 300 Folder 5 LaFollette, Isabel (Isen), 1966-1970 Box 300 Folder 6 LaFollette, Philip F. and family, 1958-1968 Box 300 Folder 7 Lamb, Gerald, 1964-1972 Box 300 Folder 8 Lane, John D., 1958-1960 Box 300 Folder 9 Lane, 1961-1973 Box 301 Folder 1 Lee, Mrs. John G., including League of Women Voters, 1958-1971 Box 301 Folder 2 Lee, Richard, 1958-1963 Box 301 Folder 3 Lee, 1964-1967 Box 301 Folder 4 236 Lee, 1968-1972 Box 301 Folder 5 Lee, Robert G., 1960-1965 Box 301 Folder 6 Lennon, Frank, 1962 Box 301 Folder 7 Lindsay, John V., 1964-1973 Box 301 Folder 8 Linsley, Harold, 1958-1961 Box 301 Folder 9 Lumbard, Edward J., 1960-1968 Box 301 Folder 10 Lumbard, 1969-1973 Box 302 Folder 1 Ma, general Box 302 Folder 2 Mansfield, Mike, 1958-1972 Box 302 Folder 3 Marcus, Edward L., 1968-1970 Box 302 Folder 4 Mc, general Box 302 Folder 5 McCarthy, Eugene J., 1958-1973 Box 302 Folder 6 McCarthy, John T., 1958-1961 Box 302 Folder 7 McCormack, John W., 1958-1971 Box 302 Folder 8 McLarney, Thomas J., 1958-1968 Box 302 Folder 9 McMahon, Patricia, 1958-1965 237 Box 302 Folder 10 McPherson, Harry, 1964-1972 Box 302 Folder 11 Me-Mi, general Box 302 Folder 12 Merrow, Chester E., 1958-1972 Box 302 Folder 13 Meskill, Thomas J., 1969-1972 Box 302 Folder 14 Metcalf, Lee, 1960-1972 Box 303 Folder 1 Miller, Mayne W., 1958 Box 303 Folder 2 Mo-Mz, general Box 303 Folder 3 Monagan, John S., 1958-1973 Box 303 Folder 4 Monroney, A. S. (Mike), 1958-1972 Box 303 Folder 5 Morse, Wayne, 1958-1973 Box 303 Folder 6 Moss, Frank E., 1964-1970 Box 303 Folder 7 Mott, Stewart Rawling, 1971-1972 Box 303 Folder 8 Mulcahy, Leo J., 1959-1967 Box 303 Folder 9 Mundt, Karl E., 1958-1972 Box 303 Folder 10 Muskie, Edmund S., 1958-1972 Box 304 238 Folder 1 N, general Box 304 Folder 2 National Democratic Senatorial Committee, 1958 Box 304 Folder 3 Nelson, Gaylord, 1958-1972 Box 304 Folder 4 Neuberger, Richard L. and Maurine B., 1959-1962 Box 304 Folder 5 Nixon, Richard M., 1959-1973 Box 304 Folder 6 O, general Box 304 Folder 7 O'Brien, Lawrence F., 1960-1971 Box 304 Folder 8 O'Brien, William J., Jr. and Ruth, 1958-1971 Box 304 Folder 9 Olmstead, Alan, 1958-1972 Box 304 Folder 10 Olson, Harvey, 1963-1967 Box 304 Folder 11 Owens, Joseph A., 1971-1973 Box 304 Folder 12 P-Q, general Box 304 Folder 13 Pallotti, Rocco and Marianne, 1958-1963 Box 304 Folder 14 Pardridge, William, 1964 Box 304 Folder 15 Parser, Lyn and Edgar, 1958-1970 Box 304 Folder 16 239 Parskey, Leo, 1958-1965 Box 305 Folder 1 Patterson, Richard C., Jr., 1959-1966 Box 305 Folder 2 Peabody, Endicott, 1959-1966 Box 305 Folder 3 Pell, Claiborne, 1960-1972 Box 305 Folder 4 Pepper, Claude, 1958-1973 Box 305 Folder 5 Percy, Charles H., 1958-1966 Box 305 Folder 6 Percy, 1967-1973 Box 305 Folder 7 Phelan, Nicholas J., 1958-1968 Box 305 Folder 8 Pitt, William, 1958-1972 Box 305 Folder 9 Potofsky, Jacob S., 1958-1969 Box 305 Folder 10 Powell, Theodore, 1958-1971 Box 305 Folder 11 President's Club, 1964-1967 Box 305 Folder 12 Price, Margaret and Hickman, 1959-1968 Box 305 Folder 13 Proxmire, William, 1958-1970 Box 305 Folder 14 Quinn, Katherine, 1958-1973 Box 306 Folder 1 Ra-Ri, general 240 Box 306 Folder 2 Rayburn, Sam, 1958-1968 Box 306 Folder 3 Raza, Haider, 1963 Box 306 Folder 4 Reid, Ogden R., 1959-1973 Box 306 Folder 5 Reston, James, 1958-1973 Box 306 Folder 6 Reuther, Walter P., 1958-1970 Box 306 Folder 7 Ribicoff, Abraham and family, 1958 Box 306 Folder 8 Ribicoff, 1959-1960 Box 306 Folder 9 Ribicoff, 1961-1962 Box 306 Folder 10 Ribicoff, 1963-1967 Box 306 Folder 11 Ribicoff, 1968-1973 Box 306 Folder 12 Rigo, Elizabeth, 1958-1965 Box 306 Folder 13 Rigo, 1966-1967 Box 306 Folder 14 Rigo, 1968-1969 Box 306 Folder 15 Rigo, 1970-1973 Box 307 Folder 1 Ro-Rz, general Box 307 241 Folder 2 Robertson, A. Willis, 1958-1960 Box 307 Folder 3 Rockefeller, Nelson, 1958-1969 Box 307 Folder 4 Roddan, Edward, 1958-1969 Box 307 Folder 5 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1958-1967 Box 307 Folder 6 Roosevelt, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D., including Curtis Roosevelt, 1959-1965 Box 307 Folder 7 Franklin D. Roosevelt Foundation, 1958-1969 Box 307 Folder 8 Roper, Elmo, 1958-1961 Box 307 Folder 9 Roper, 1962-1966 Box 307 Folder 10 Roper, 1967-1968 Box 307 Folder 11 Roper, 1969-1973 Box 307 Folder 12 The Roper Public Opinion Research Center, 1968-1971 Box 308 Folder 1 Rosenberg, Marvin, 1960-1968 Box 308 Folder 2 Rosenberg, 1969-1972 Box 308 Folder 3 Rosenblatt, Maurice, 1958-1961 Box 308 Folder 4 Rosenblatt, 1962-1972 Box 308 Folder 5 242 Rosenthal, Beatrice Holt, 1958-1971 Box 308 Folder 6 Rourke, Joseph, 1958-1969 Box 308 Folder 7 Russell, David W., 1958-1968 Box 309 Folder 1 Sa, general Box 309 Folder 2 St. Claire, Darrell Box 309 Folder 3 Salinger, Pierre Box 309 Folder 4 Samuel, Alan Box 309 Folder 5 Sandahl, Eric Box 309 Folder 6 Sanders, William J. Box 309 Folder 7 Sanford, Terry Box 309 Folder 8 Sargeant, Howland, 1958-1959 Box 309 Folder 9 Sargeant, 1960-1961 Box 309 Folder 10 Sargeant, 1962-1963 Box 309 Folder 11 Sargeant, 1964 Box 309 Folder 12 Sargeant, 1965-1966 Box 309 Folder 13 Sargeant, 1967-1968 243 Box 309 Folder 14 Sargeant, 1969-1970 Box 309 Folder 15 Sargeant, 1971-1973 Box 310 Folder 1 Sc, general Box 310 Folder 2 Schaffer, Gloria, 1962-1966 Box 310 Folder 3 Schaffer, 1967-1970 Box 310 Folder 4 Schaffer, 1971-1973 Box 310 Folder 5 Schlesinger, Arthur, 1958-1967 Box 310 Folder 6 Schlesinger, 1968-1973 Box 310 Folder 7 Schlesinger, Stephen Box 310 Folder 8 Se, general Box 310 Folder 9 Sh, general Box 310 Folder 10 Shriver, R. Sargent Box 310 Folder 11 Simon, Paul Box 310 Folder 12 Sm-Sq, general Box 310 Folder 13 Smith, Howard K. Box 310 244 Folder 14 Sparkman, John J. Box 310 Folder 15 Sta-Ste, general Box 311 Folder 1 Stevenson, Adlai, Jan.-June 1958 Box 311 Folder 2 Stevenson, July-Dec. 1958 Box 311 Folder 3 Stevenson, Jan.-Mar. 1959 Box 311 Folder 4 Stevenson, Apr.-June 1959 Box 311 Folder 5 Stevenson, July-Sept. 1959 Box 311 Folder 6 Stevenson, Oct.-Dec. 1959 Box 311 Folder 7 Stevenson, Jan.-Feb. 1960 Box 311 Folder 8 Stevenson, Mar.-Apr. 1960 Box 311 Folder 9 Stevenson, May-June 1960 Box 311 Folder 10 Stevenson, July 1960 Box 311 Folder 11 Stevenson, Aug.-Dec. 1960 Box 311 Folder 12 Stevenson, Jan.-Feb. 1961 Box 311 Folder 13 Stevenson, Mar.-Aug. 1961 Box 311 Folder 14 245 Stevenson, Sept.-Dec. 1961 Box 312 Folder 1 Stevenson, Jan.-Apr. 1962 Box 312 Folder 2 Stevenson, May-Dec. 1962 Box 312 Folder 3 Stevenson, 1963 Box 312 Folder 4 Stevenson, 1964 Box 312 Folder 5 Stevenson, 1965 Box 312 Folder 6 Stevenson, Adlai III, 1961-1964 Box 312 Folder 7 Stevenson, 1965 Box 312 Folder 8 Stevenson, 1966-1968 Box 312 Folder 9 Stevenson, 1969-1973 Box 312 Folder 10 Stevenson, Borden Box 312 Folder 11 Stevenson, John Fell Box 312 Folder 12 Stock, Jack Box 312 Folder 13 Str-Stu, general Box 313 Folder 1 Su-Sz, general Box 313 Folder 2 Sullivan, John J. 246 Box 313 Folder 3 Sviridoff, Mitchell Box 313 Folder 4 Symington, Stuart Box 313 Folder 5 Ta, general Box 313 Folder 6 Tedesco, Samuel J., 1958-1969 Box 313 Folder 7 Travel Program for Foreign Diplomats, Inc., 1966-1971 Box 313 Folder 8 Truman, Harry S, 1958-1959 Box 313 Folder 9 Truman, 1960-1964 Box 313 Folder 10 Truman, 1965-1972 Box 314 Folder 1 U-V, general Box 314 Folder 2 Udall, Stewart L., 1958-1969 Box 314 Folder 3 United States government, 1958-1967 Box 314 Folder 4 Urbinati, Alfio, 1958-1963 Box 314 Folder 5 Van Dyk, Ted, 1968-1970 Box 314 Folder 6 Wa-We, general Box 314 Folder 7 Wagner, Robert F., 1958-1972 Box 314 247 Folder 8 Wh-Wz, general Box 314 Folder 9 Williams, G. Mennen, 1958-1968 Box 314 Folder 10 Williams, Harrison A., 1958-1972 Box 314 Folder 11 Wirtz, Willard, 1960-1971 Box 314 Folder 12 Wolf, Herman, 1958-1973 Box 314 Folder 13 Woodhouse, Chase Going, 1958-1972 Box 315 Folder 1 Worthington, Elmer H., 1958-1968 Box 315 Folder 2 Wyatt, Wilson, 1958-1969 Box 315 Folder 3 X-Z, general Box 315 Folder 4 Yarborough, Ralph Box 315 Folder 5 Yates, Sidney Box 315 Folder 6 Zaiman, Jack, 1958-1965 Box 315 Folder 7 Zaiman, 1966-1972 Sub-subseries 5: Campaigns Box 316 Folder 1 1950, administration Box 316 Folder 2 1950, contributions, A-B 248 Box 316 Folder 3 1950, contributions, C-D Box 316 Folder 4 1950, contributions, E-J Box 316 Folder 5 1950, contributions, K-L Box 316 Folder 6 1950, contributions, M-N Box 316 Folder 7 1950, contributions, O-R Box 316 Folder 8 1950, contributions, S Box 316 Folder 9 1950, contributions, T-Z Box 316 Folder 10 1950, contributors, #1 Box 316 Folder 11 1950, contributros, #2 Box 317 Folder 1 1950, contributions, refused Box 317 Folder 2 1950, fundraising, #1 Box 317 Folder 3 1950, fundraising, #2 Box 317 Folder 4 1950, fundraising, #3 Box 317 Folder 5 1950, fundraising, #4 Box 317 Folder 6 1950, general, A-D Box 317 249 Folder 7 1950, general, E-L Box 317 Folder 8 1950, general, H Box 317 Folder 9 1950, general, M-Z Box 317 Folder 10 1950, general, miscellaneous Box 318 Folder 1 1950, issues, general Box 318 Folder 2 1950, issues, foreign policy Box 318 Folder 3 1950, issues, McCarran Bill Box 318 Folder 4 1950, issues, research material Box 318 Folder 5 1950, issues, socialized medicine Box 318 Folder 6 1950, minority groups Box 318 Folder 7 1950, policy and analysis, general Box 318 Folder 8 1950, policy and analysis, Bowles, Chester Box 318 Folder 9 1950, policy and analysis, Bush, Prescott Box 318 Folder 10 1950, publicity, general Box 318 Folder 11 1950, publicity, films Box 318 Folder 12 250 1950, publicity, literature Box 319 Folder 1 1950, publicity, radio and television Box 319 Folder 2 1950, publicity, schedule Box 319 Folder 3 1950, publicity, speeches and press Box 320 Folder 1 1952, administration Box 320 Folder 2 1952, Connecticut, potential help Box 320 Folder 3 1952, contributions, A-B Box 320 Folder 4 1952, contributions, C Box 320 Folder 5 1952, contributions, D-F Box 320 Folder 6 1952, contributions, G-I Box 320 Folder 7 1952, contributions, J-K Box 320 Folder 8 1952, contributions, L Box 320 Folder 9 1952, contributions, M Box 320 Folder 10 1952, contributions, N-P Box 321 Folder 1 1952, contributions, Q-R Box 321 Folder 2 1952, contributions, S-U 251 Box 321 Folder 3 1952, contributions, T-Z Box 321 Folder 4 1952, contributors Box 321 Folder 5 1952, fund raising, #1 Box 321 Folder 6 1952, fund raising, #2 Box 321 Folder 7 1952, fund raising, #3 Box 321 Folder 8 1952, general, miscellaneous Box 321 Folder 9 1952, general, A-K Box 322 Folder 1 1952, general, J-L Box 322 Folder 2 1952, general, M-Z, #1 Box 322 Folder 3 1952, general, M-Z, #2 Box 322 Folder 4 1952, issues, general Box 322 Folder 5 1952, lists of supporters Box 322 Folder 6 1952, minority groups Box 322 Folder 7 1952, policy and analysis, general Box 322 Folder 8 1952, policy and analysis, William Purtell Box 322 252 Folder 9 1952, political advertisements Box 322 Folder 10 1952, post-campaign, A-C Box 322 Folder 11 1952, post-campaign, D-F Box 323 Folder 1 1952, post-campaign, form letters Box 323 Folder 2 1952, post-campaign, G-J Box 323 Folder 3 1952, post-campaign, K-M Box 323 Folder 4 1952, post-campaign, N-Q Box 323 Folder 5 1952, post-campaign, negatives Box 323 Folder 6 1952, post-campaign, R-S Box 323 Folder 7 1952, post-campaign, T-Z Box 323 Folder 8 1952, publicity, general Box 323 Folder 9 1952, publicity, correspondence Box 323 Folder 10 1952, publicity, events Box 324 Folder 1 1952, publicity, films Box 324 Folder 2 1952, publicity, invitations Box 324 Folder 3 253 1952, publicity, literature Box 324 Folder 4 1952, publicity, press Box 324 Folder 5 1952, publicity, radio and television Box 324 Folder 6 1952, schedule Box 325 Folder 1 1952, Senate, nomination Box 325 Folder 2 1952, Senate, results Box 326 Folder 1 1953-1954, Benton, William Box 326 Folder 2 1953-1954, Democratic National Committee Box 326 Folder 3 1953-1954, Douglas, Paul, fund raising Box 326 Folder 4 1953-1954, Douglas, general, #1 Box 326 Folder 5 1953-1954, Douglas, general, #2 Box 326 Folder 6 1953-1954, Douglas, general, #3 Box 326 Folder 7 1953-1954, fund raising lists Box 326 Folder 8 1953-1954, Humphrey and Douglas Box 326 Folder 9 1953-1954, Humphrey, Hubert Box 326 Folder 10 1953-1954, Ribicoff, Abraham 254 Box 327 Folder 1 1955-1957, Anderson, Clinton Box 327 Folder 2 1955-1957, Connecticut, miscellaneous Box 327 Folder 3 1955-1957, Connecticut, A Box 327 Folder 4 1955-1957, Connecticut, B Box 327 Folder 5 1955-1957, Connecticut, C Box 327 Folder 6 1955-1957, Connecticut, D-E Box 327 Folder 7 1955-1957, Connecticut, F Box 327 Folder 8 1955-1957, Connecticut, G Box 327 Folder 9 1955-1957, Connecticut, H Box 328 Folder 1 1955-1957, Connecticut, I-K Box 328 Folder 2 1955-1957, Connecticut, L Box 328 Folder 3 1955-1957, Connecticut, M Box 328 Folder 4 1955-1957, Connecticut, N-O Box 328 Folder 5 1955-1957, Connecticut, P Box 328 Folder 6 1955-1957, Connecticut, Q-R Box 328 255 Folder 7 1955-1957, Connecticut, S Box 328 Folder 8 1955-1957, Connecticut, T Box 328 Folder 9 1955-1957, Connecticut, U-Z Box 328 Folder 10 1955-1957, Stevenson, Adlai Box 329 Folder 1 1958, analysis, general Box 329 Folder 2 1958, analysis, Jan.-Apr. 1958 Box 329 Folder 3 1958, analysis, May-June 1958 Box 329 Folder 4 1958, analysis, newspapers Box 329 Folder 5 1958, Benton, William Box 329 Folder 6 1958, Benton for Senator Committee Box 329 Folder 7 1958, Benton for Senator Committee, finances Box 329 Folder 8 1958, Bergin, Edward Box 329 Folder 9 1958, Bowles, Chester, general Box 329 Folder 10 1958, Bowles, Jan.-June 1958 Box 330 Folder 1 1958, Claffey, Robert Box 330 Folder 2 256 1958, contributions Box 330 Folder 3 1958, contributors Box 330 Folder 4 1958, convention Box 330 Folder 5 1958, Dodd, Thomas, general Box 330 Folder 6 1958, Dodd, Jan.-Mar. 1958 Box 330 Folder 7 1958, Dodd, Apr.-June 1958 Box 330 Folder 8 1958, Dodd, voting record Box 330 Folder 9 1958, events and activities, general Box 330 Folder 10 1958, events and activities, A-L Box 330 Folder 11 1958, events and activities, M-Z Box 330 Folder 12 1958, Fitzpatrick, Ray Box 331 Folder 1 1958, Hart, Kay Box 331 Folder 2 1958, Howe, John Box 331 Folder 3 1958, ideas Box 331 Folder 4 1958, issues, education Box 331 Folder 5 1958, issues, #1 257 Box 331 Folder 6 1958, issues, #2 Box 331 Folder 7 1958, issues, #3 Box 331 Folder 8 1958, issues, #4 Box 331 Folder 9 1958, issues, #5 Box 331 Folder 10 1958, legal rules Box 332 Folder 1 1958, lists Box 332 Folder 2 1958, miscellaneous, #1 Box 332 Folder 3 1958, miscellaneous, #2 Box 332 Folder 4 1958, political poll Box 332 Folder 5 1958, Preece, Warren Box 332 Folder 6 1958, Purtell, William Box 332 Folder 7 1958, quotations Box 332 Folder 8 1958, Roddan, Edward Box 333 Folder 1 1958, special groups Box 333 Folder 2 1958, statistics, #1 Box 333 258 Folder 3 1958, statistics, #2 Box 333 Folder 4 1958, supporters, #1 Box 333 Folder 5 1958, supporters, #2 Box 334 Folder 1 1962, Claffey, Robert Box 334 Folder 2 1962, events and activities Box 334 Folder 3 1962, invitations declined Box 334 Folder 4 1962, miscellaneous Box 334 Folder 5 1962, pre-campaign Box 334 Folder 6 1962, supporters Box 334 Folder 7 1962, Wolf, Herman Box 335 Folder 1 1968, general Box 335 Folder 2 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, general, Mar.-June Box 335 Folder 3 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, general, July-Nov. Box 335 Folder 4 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, contributions and fund-raising Box 335 Folder 5 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, publicity, Apr.-June Box 335 Folder 6 259 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, publicity, July-Nov. Box 335 Folder 7 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, publicity, campaign literature Box 335 Folder 8 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, supporters, advisors and staff, general Box 335 Folder 9 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, supporters, A-G Box 336 Folder 1 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, supporters, H-Q Box 336 Folder 2 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, supporters, R-Z Box 336 Folder 3 1968, candidates, Hubert Humphrey, proposed N. Y. Times advertisement Box 336 Folder 4 1968, candidates, Eugene McCarthy, general Box 336 Folder 5 1968, candidates, Eugene McCarthy, letters of support, #1 Box 336 Folder 6 1968, candidates, Eugene McCarthy, letters of support, #2 Box 336 Folder 7 1968, candidates, Eugene McCarthy, letters of support, #3 Box 336 Folder 8 1968, Democratic Convention Box 336 Folder 9 1968, Democratic Convention, Platform Committee Box 336 Folder 10 1968, Democratic Convention, resources Sub-subseries 6: Senate Box 337 Folder 1 A, general Box 337 260 Folder 2 Administration Box 337 Folder 3 Ba-Bl, general Box 337 Folder 4 Baldwin, Raymond, 1948-1955 Box 337 Folder 5 Bo, general Box 337 Folder 6 Br-Bz, general, #1 Box 337 Folder 7 Br-Bz, #2 Box 338 Folder 1 Ca-Ce, general Box 338 Folder 2 Ch-Cl, general Box 338 Folder 3 Clements, Earle C. Box 338 Folder 4 Co-Cz, general, #1 Box 338 Folder 5 Co-Cz, #2 Box 338 Folder 6 Congratulations, A Box 338 Folder 7 Congratulations, B Box 338 Folder 8 Congratulations, C Box 338 Folder 9 Congratulations, D Box 339 Folder 1 261 Congratulations, E-F Box 339 Folder 2 Congratulations, G Box 339 Folder 3 Congratulations, H Box 339 Folder 4 Congratulations, I-K Box 339 Folder 5 Congratulations, L Box 339 Folder 6 Congratulations, M Box 339 Folder 7 Congratulations, Mc-O Box 339 Folder 8 Congratulations, P-R Box 340 Folder 1 Congratulations, S Box 340 Folder 2 Congratulations, T-V Box 340 Folder 3 Congratulations, W-Z Box 340 Folder 4 Congratulations, general, A-L Box 340 Folder 5 Congratulations, general, M-Z Box 341 Folder 1 Connelly, Matthew Box 341 Folder 2 Constituents, general, #1 Box 341 Folder 3 Constituents, general, #2 262 Box 341 Folder 4 Constituents, foreign language groups, #1 Box 341 Folder 5 Constituents, foreign language groups, #2 Box 341 Folder 6 Cosgriff, Walter E. Box 341 Folder 7 Cox, Eugene E. Box 341 Folder 8 Da-De, general Box 341 Folder 9 Dawson, Donald Box 342 Folder 1 Di-Dz, general Box 342 Folder 2 Douglas, Paul H., 1948-1952 Box 342 Folder 3 Douglas, 1953-1954 Box 342 Folder 4 Douglas, 1955-1957 Box 342 Folder 5 E, general Box 342 Folder 6 Events and activities, general Box 342 Folder 7 Events and activities, New York labor meetings Box 342 Folder 8 Fa-Fl, general, #1 Box 342 Folder 9 Fa-Fl, #2 Box 342 263 Folder 10 Flanders, Ralph Box 342 Folder 11 Fo-Fz, general Box 342 Folder 12 Fulbright, J. William Box 343 Folder 1 Ga, general Box 343 Folder 2 Ge-Go, general Box 343 Folder 3 Gr-Gz, general Box 343 Folder 4 Ha, general Box 343 Folder 5 He-Hi, general Box 343 Folder 6 Henderson, Laurance Box 343 Folder 7 Ho-Hz, general Box 344 Folder 1 Howe, John, Jan.-Mar. 1950 Box 344 Folder 2 Howe, Apr.-June 1950 Box 344 Folder 3 Howe, July-Sept. 1950 Box 344 Folder 4 Howe, Oct.-Dec. 1950 Box 344 Folder 5 Howe, Jan.-Mar. 1951 Box 344 Folder 6 264 Howe, Apr.-June 1951 Box 344 Folder 7 Howe, July-Aug. 1951 Box 344 Folder 8 Howe, Sept.-Dec. 1951 Box 345 Folder 1 Howe, Jan.-June 1952 Box 345 Folder 2 Howe, July-Aug. 1952 Box 345 Folder 3 Howe, Sept.-Dec. 1952 Box 345 Folder 4 Hunt, Lester Box 346 Folder 1 I-J, general Box 346 Folder 2 Issues and legislation, banking and currency Box 346 Folder 3 Issues and legislation, Hoover Commission Box 346 Folder 4 Issues and legislation, MacArthur, Douglas Box 346 Folder 5 Issues and legislation, miscellaneous, #1 Box 346 Folder 6 Issues and legislation, miscellaneous, #2 Box 346 Folder 7 Issues and legislation, miscellaneous, #3 Box 346 Folder 8 Issues and legislation, miscellaneous, #4 Box 346 Folder 9 Issues and legislation, Mutual Security Act 265 Box 346 Folder 10 Issues and legislation, small business, #1 Box 346 Folder 11 Issues and legislation, small business, #2 Box 347 Folder 1 Issues and legislation, socialized medicine Box 347 Folder 2 Issues and legislation, Taft, Robert A., #1 Box 347 Folder 3 Issues and legislation, Taft, Robert A., #2 Box 347 Folder 4 Issues and legislation, television resolution Box 347 Folder 5 Issues and legislation, United Nations Freedom of Information Box 347 Folder 6 Issues and legislation, Voice of America, #1 Box 347 Folder 7 Issues and legislation, Voice of America, #2 Box 347 Folder 8 Issues and legislation, Voice of America, #3 Box 347 Folder 9 Issues and legislation, Voice of America, #4 Box 347 Folder 10 Issues and legislation, West Point Box 347 Folder 11 Issues and legislation, World Freedom of Information Box 348 Folder 1 Johnston, Felton M. Box 348 Folder 2 Jorgensen, A. N. Box 348 266 Folder 3 Ka-Ke, general Box 348 Folder 4 Ki-Kz, general Box 348 Folder 5 La, general Box 348 Folder 6 Le, general Box 348 Folder 7 Levy, Philip Box 348 Folder 8 Li-Lz, general Box 349 Folder 1 Ma-Mal, general Box 349 Folder 2 Man-Maz, general Box 349 Folder 3 Mc, general, #1 Box 349 Folder 4 Mc, #2 Box 349 Folder 5 McMahon, Brien, 1948-1950 Box 349 Folder 6 McMahon, 1951 Box 349 Folder 7 McMahon, 1952-1956 Box 349 Folder 8 Me-Mi, general Box 350 Folder 1 Mo-Mz, general Box 350 Folder 2 267 Monroney, Mike Box 350 Folder 3 Morse, Wayne Box 350 Folder 4 Mundt, Karl E. Box 350 Folder 5 Na-Ne, general Box 350 Folder 6 Ni-Nz, general Box 350 Folder 7 O, general Box 350 Folder 8 Pa, general Box 350 Folder 9 Pe-Pl, general Box 350 Folder 10 Po, general Box 351 Folder 1 Pr-Q, general Box 351 Folder 2 Publicity, radio and television Box 351 Folder 3 Ra-Ri, general Box 351 Folder 4 Rigo, Elizabeth Box 351 Folder 5 Roa-Rol, general Box 351 Folder 6 Rom-Roz, general Box 351 Folder 7 Ru, general 268 Box 351 Folder 8 Sa, general Box 351 Folder 9 St. Claire, Darrell, 1948-1951 Box 351 Folder 10 St. Claire, 1952-1955 Box 351 Folder 11 St. Claire, 1956-1957 Box 351 Folder 12 Saltonstall, Leverett Box 352 Folder 1 Sc-Se, general Box 352 Folder 2 Scamporino, Vincent Box 352 Folder 3 Sf-Si, general Box 352 Folder 4 Short, Dewey Box 352 Folder 5 Sm, general, #1 Box 352 Folder 6 Sm, #2 Box 352 Folder 7 Sm, #3 Box 352 Folder 8 Smith, Alexander H. Box 352 Folder 9 So, general Box 352 Folder 10 Socialized medicine Box 352 269 Folder 11 Sp, general Box 352 Folder 12 Sparkman, John Box 352 Folder 13 Sta-Ste, general Box 353 Folder 1 Staff memos, general Box 353 Folder 2 Staff memos, Allen, Stan, #1 Box 353 Folder 3 Staff memos, Allen, #2 Box 353 Folder 4 Staff memos, Allen, #3 Box 353 Folder 5 Staff memos, Allen, #4 Box 353 Folder 6 Staff memos, Allen, #5 Box 353 Folder 7 Staff memos, Allen, #6 Box 353 Folder 8 Staff memos, Bailey, Stephen, #1 Box 353 Folder 9 Staff memos, Bailey, #2 Box 353 Folder 10 Staff memos, Bailey, #3 Box 353 Folder 11 Staff memos, Bailey, #4 Box 353 Folder 12 Staff memos, Bailey, #5 Box 354 Folder 1 270 Staff memos, Claffey, Bob, #1 Box 354 Folder 2 Staff memos, Claffey, #2 Box 354 Folder 3 Staff memos, Claffey, #3 Box 354 Folder 4 Staff memos, Claffey, #4 Box 354 Folder 5 Staff memos, Claffey, #5 Box 354 Folder 6 Staff memos, Claffey, #6 Box 354 Folder 7 Staff memos, Claffey, #7 Box 354 Folder 8 Staff memos, Claffey, #8 Box 354 Folder 9 Staff memos, Claffey, #9 Box 355 Folder 1 Staff memos, Flynn, Catherine, #1 Box 355 Folder 2 Staff memos, Flynn, #2 Box 355 Folder 3 Staff memos, Flynn, #3 Box 355 Folder 4 Staff memos, Flynn, #4 Box 355 Folder 5 Staff memos, Garner, Mary K. Box 355 Folder 6 Staff memos, Hart, Kay, #1 Box 355 Folder 7 Staff memos, Hart, #2 271 Box 355 Folder 8 Staff memos, Hart, #3 Box 355 Folder 9 Staff memos, Hart, #4 Box 356 Folder 1 Staff memos, Hart, #5 Box 356 Folder 2 Staff memos, Hart, #6 Box 356 Folder 3 Staff memos, Hart, #7 Box 356 Folder 4 Staff memos, Hart, #8 Box 356 Folder 5 Staff memos, Hart, #9 Box 356 Folder 6 Staff memos, Henderson, Larry, #1 Box 356 Folder 7 Staff memos, Henderson, #2 Box 357 Folder 1 Staff memos, Herzberg, Don, #1 Box 357 Folder 2 Staff memos, Herzberg, #2 Box 357 Folder 3 Staff memos, Herzberg, #3 Box 357 Folder 4 Staff memos, Herzberg, #4 Box 357 Folder 5 Staff memos, Howe, John, #1 Box 357 Folder 6 Staff memos, Howe, #2 Box 357 272 Folder 7 Staff memos, Howe, #3 Box 357 Folder 8 Staff memos, Kimball, Penn, #1 Box 357 Folder 9 Staff memos, Kimball, #2 Box 358 Folder 1 Staff memos, Kimball, #3 Box 358 Folder 2 Staff memos, Kimball, #4 Box 358 Folder 3 Staff memos, Kusaila, Joe, #1 Box 358 Folder 4 Staff memos, Kusaila, #2 Box 358 Folder 5 Staff memos, Kusaila, #3 Box 358 Folder 6 Staff memos, Kusaila, #4 Box 358 Folder 7 Staff memos, Kusaila, #5 Box 358 Folder 8 Staff memos, Kusaila, #6 Box 358 Folder 9 Staff memos, Levy, Philip, #1 Box 358 Folder 10 Staff memos, Levy, #2 Box 358 Folder 11 Staff memos, Levy, #3 Box 359 Folder 1 Staff memos, Lyford, Joe, #1 Box 359 Folder 2 273 Staff memos, Lyford, #2 Box 359 Folder 3 Staff memos, Mann, Ralph, #1 Box 359 Folder 4 Staff memos, Mann, #2 Box 359 Folder 5 Staff memos, Mann, #3 Box 359 Folder 6 Staff memos, McKenna, William, #1 Box 359 Folder 7 Staff memos, McKenna, #2 Box 359 Folder 8 Staff memos, McKenna, #3 Box 359 Folder 9 Staff memos, Mosel, Fred Box 359 Folder 10 Staff memos, Rigo, Elizabeth, #1 Box 359 Folder 11 Staff memos, Rigo, #2 Box 359 Folder 12 Staff memos, Rigo, #3 Box 359 Folder 13 Staff memos, Wheeler, Tom Box 360 Folder 1 Stefan, Karl Box 360 Folder 2 Sto-Sz, general Box 360 Folder 3 Ta, general Box 360 Folder 4 Television, letters soliciting support 274 Box 360 Folder 5 Television, general, #1 Box 360 Folder 6 Television, general, #2 Box 360 Folder 7 Television, general, #3 Box 360 Folder 8 Television, reactions Box 360 Folder 9 Television, statements Box 360 Folder 10 Television, subscription radio Box 360 Folder 11 Television, surveys Box 361 Folder 1 Th, general Box 361 Folder 2 To-Tz, general Box 361 Folder 3 Tydings, Millard Box 361 Folder 4 U, general Box 361 Folder 5 V, general Box 361 Folder 6 Voting record Box 361 Folder 7 Wa, general Box 361 Folder 8 We, general Box 361 275 Folder 9 Wh, general Box 361 Folder 10 Wi, general, #1 Box 361 Folder 11 Wi, #2 Box 361 Folder 12 Wo-Wz, general Box 361 Folder 13 X-Z, general, #1 Box 361 Folder 14 X-Z, #2 Sub-subseries 7: McCarthy Box 362 Folder 1 Committee to Study Censure Box 362 Folder 2 McCarthy vs. Post-Standard Box 362 Folder 3 Subcommittee hearing, 28 Sept. 1951 Box 362 Folder 4 Subversive Activities Control Board Box 363 Folder 1 Articles, comments Box 363 Folder 2 Background Box 363 Folder 3 BBC interview Box 363 Folder 4 Committee for an Effective Congress Box 363 Folder 5 Depositions, McCarthy, Joseph, #1842 276 Box 363 Folder 6 Depositions, Whitaker, James K. et al. #1843 Box 363 Folder 7 Depositions, Hoffman, Paul, #1844; Allen, Charles S., #1845 Box 363 Folder 8 Depositions, Benton, William, #1846; Williams, E. B. and Kiendl, T., #1847 Box 363 Folder 9 Depositions, Tydings, M. E. and Morgan, E. P., #1848 Box 363 Folder 10 Depositions, Benton, William, #1849 Box 363 Folder 11 Depositions, Smith, W. B., #1850 Box 364 Folder 1 Elections, general Box 364 Folder 2 Elections, Bean Report Box 364 Folder 3 General, 1951 Box 364 Folder 4 General, 1952 Box 364 Folder 5 General, Jan.-June 1953 Box 364 Folder 6 General, July-Dec. 1953 Box 364 Folder 7 General, Jan.-June 1954 Box 364 Folder 8 General, July-Dec. 1954 Box 364 Folder 9 General, 1955-1960 Box 365 277 Folder 1 "I Believe," ads Box 365 Folder 2 "I Believe," correspondence Box 365 Folder 3 Injustice study Box 365 Folder 4 "Joe Must Go" campaign Box 365 Folder 5 Lawsuit, 1951 Box 365 Folder 6 Lawsuit, Jan.-June 1952 Box 365 Folder 7 Lawsuit, July-Dec. 1952 Box 365 Folder 8 Lawsuit, 1953-1954 Box 365 Folder 9 Lawsuit, finance Box 365 Folder 10 Lists, #1 Box 365 Folder 11 Lists, #2 Box 366 Folder 1 Lists, #3 Box 366 Folder 2 Lists, #4 Box 366 Folder 3 Lists, #5 Box 366 Folder 4 Miscellaneous, #1 Box 366 Folder 5 278 Miscellaneous, #2 Box 366 Folder 6 Miscellaneous, #3 Box 366 Folder 7 MSA amendment Box 366 Folder 8 Press Box 366 Folder 9 Press releases Box 366 Folder 10 Radio Reports, Inc. Box 367 Folder 1 "See It Now" Box 367 Folder 2 Senate, Flanders-Watkins Box 367 Folder 3 Senate, Hennings, Thomas Box 367 Folder 4 Senate, Army hearings Box 367 Folder 5 Senate, privileges and elections Box 367 Folder 6 Speech Box 367 Folder 7 Subcommittee hearings, 14 Sept. 1951 Box 367 Folder 8 Subcommittee hearings, 28 Sept. 1951 Box 367 Folder 9 Subcommittee hearings, 12 May 1952 Box 367 Folder 10 Subcommittee hearings, 13 May 1952 279 Box 367 Folder 11 Subcommittee hearings, 14 May 1952 Box 368 Folder 1 Subcommittee hearings, 15 May 1952 Box 368 Folder 2 Subcommittee hearings, 16 May 1952 Box 368 Folder 3 Subcommittee hearings, 3 July 1952, #1 Box 368 Folder 4 Subcommittee hearings, 3 July 1952, #2 Box 368 Folder 5 Subcommittee hearings, 8 Sept. 1954 Box 368 Folder 6 Subcommittee hearings, 9 Sept. 1954 Box 369 Folder 1 Subcommittee hearings, 10 Sept. 1954 Box 369 Folder 2 Subcommittee hearings, 11 Sept. 1954 Subseries 5: Foreign Affairs Sub-subseries 1: General Box 370 Folder 1 A-Be, general Box 370 Folder 2 Belgian-American Educational Foundation, 1959, 1963 Box 370 Folder 3 Ben-Ami, Oved, 1970-1972 Box 370 Folder 4 Benitez, Jaime, 1961-1963 Box 370 Folder 5 Berle, Adolf, Jr., 1958-1962

280 Box 370 Folder 6 Betancourt, Romulo, 1961-1969 Box 370 Folder 7 Blo-C, general Box 370 Folder 8 Blumgart, John D., 1958-1961 Box 370 Folder 9 Borgese, Elisabeth Mann, 1958-1972 Box 370 Folder 10 Brady, Leslie S., 1960-1972 Box 370 Folder 11 Broadcasting Foundation of America, 1958-1972 Box 370 Folder 12 Business International S. A., 1966 Box 370 Folder 13 Center for Inter-American Relations, Inc., 1967-1973 Box 370 Folder 14 Chagas, Carlos, 1969-1973 Box 370 Folder 15 Clark, William, 1958-1972 Box 371 Folder 1 Cookey, Samuel, 1963-1972 Box 371 Folder 2 Cooper, Charles I. and Michele, 1963-1972 Box 371 Folder 3 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, general, 1940 Box 371 Folder 4 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, general, 1941-1943 Box 371 Folder 5 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, general, 1944-1945 Box 371 281 Folder 6 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, A-F, general Box 371 Folder 7 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Boyer, Edith Box 371 Folder 8 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Brooks, Walter Box 371 Folder 9 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Caldwell, Robert G. Box 371 Folder 10 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Franklin, George Jr. Box 371 Folder 11 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Harrison, Wallace Box 371 Folder 12 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, I-M, general Box 371 Folder 13 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Moe, Henry Box 371 Folder 14 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, O-Y, general Box 371 Folder 15 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Policy Board minutes Box 371 Folder 16 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Poynter, Nelson Box 371 Folder 17 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Rockefeller, Nelson, 1940 Box 371 Folder 18 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Rockefeller, 1941-1943 Box 371 Folder 19 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Rockefeller, 1944 Box 371 Folder 20 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Rockefeller, 1945-1947 Box 371 Folder 21 282 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, Rovensky, Joseph and Young, James Webb Box 371 Folder 22 Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs, University of Texas memo Box 372 Folder 1 D-M, general Box 372 Folder 2 Eddy, Donald B., 1963-1972 Box 372 Folder 3 Gaitskell, Hugh, 1959-1962 Box 372 Folder 4 Gandhi, Indira, 1964-1970 Box 372 Folder 5 Herzog, Yaacov, 1970-1972 Box 372 Folder 6 International Broadcasting (and Fight for Funds), 1947 Box 372 Folder 7 Labouisse, Henry R., 1957-1968 Box 372 Folder 8 Mackenzie, A. R. K., 1958-1970 Box 372 Folder 9 Maud, John, 1959-1972 Box 372 Folder 10 Maxwell, Robert, 1959-1968 Box 372 Folder 11 Meir, Golda, 1970-1973 Box 372 Folder 12 Miller, John Duncan, 1963-1969 Box 372 Folder 13 Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1963-1965 Box 372 Folder 14 Ormerod, Sir Berkeley, 1958-1966 283 Box 372 Folder 15 Ormerod, 1967-1973 Box 373 Folder 1 P-W, general Box 373 Folder 2 Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 1958-1971 Box 373 Folder 3 Patenotre, Eric, 1967-1971 Box 373 Folder 4 Romulo, Carlos P., 1965-1972 Box 373 Folder 5 Soviet-U. S. cultural exchange: Russian officials Box 373 Folder 6 Soviet-U. S. cultural exchange: Russian officials, U.S.S.R.-U. S. diplomatic relations Box 373 Folder 7 Soviet-U. S. cultural exchange: Russian officials, Zvorykine, Anatoli Box 373 Folder 8 Stone, William T. Box 373 Folder 9 T-V, general Box 373 Folder 10 Vilfan, Joza and family, 1960-1966 Box 373 Folder 11 Vilfan, 1967-1973 Box 374 Folder 1 Wilson, Harold, 1959-1961 Box 374 Folder 2 Wilson, 1962 Box 374 Folder 3 Wilson, 1963 Box 374 284 Folder 4 Wilson, 1964 Box 374 Folder 5 Wilson, 1965 Box 374 Folder 6 Wilson, 1966-1967 Box 374 Folder 7 Wilson, 1968-1969 Box 374 Folder 8 Wilson, 1970-1973 Box 374 Folder 9 Wood, Basil, 1957-1972 Box 374 Folder 10 Yelutin, Vyacheslav Box 374 Folder 11 Zhukov, Yuri Sub-subseries 2: State Department Sub-sub-subseries 1: 1941-1947 Box 375 Folder 1 General, Sept.-Dec. 1945 Box 375 Folder 2 General, Jan.-June 1946 Box 375 Folder 3 General, July-Dec. 1946 Box 375 Folder 4 General, Jan.-June 1947 Box 375 Folder 5 General, July-Dec. 1947 Box 375 Folder 6 A-L, general Box 375 Folder 7 285 Amerika Box 375 Folder 8 Appointments Box 375 Folder 9 Byrnes, James F., 1945 Box 375 Folder 10 Byrnes, 1946-1947 Box 375 Folder 11 Chautemps, Camille, 1946-1947 Box 375 Folder 12 Curran, Ruth, 1946-1947 Box 375 Folder 13 Evans, Luther H., 1946-1947 Box 375 Folder 14 Klauber, Edward, 1941-1947 Box 375 Folder 15 M-Z, general Box 375 Folder 16 Marshall, George C. Box 376 Folder 1 Personal Box 376 Folder 2 Press excerpts Box 376 Folder 3 Reports Box 376 Folder 4 Resignation, #1 Box 376 Folder 5 Resignation, #2 Box 376 Folder 6 Resignation, #3 286 Box 376 Folder 7 Resignation, #4 Box 377 Folder 1 Resignation, #5 Box 377 Folder 2 Resignation, #6 Box 377 Folder 3 Resignation, #7 Sub-sub-subseries 2: 1948-1957 Box 378 Folder 1 General, 1948 Box 378 Folder 2 Allen, George V., 1948 Box 378 Folder 3 Art collection Box 378 Folder 4 B, general Box 378 Folder 5 C, general Box 378 Folder 6 Curran, Alice, 1948-1949 Box 378 Folder 7 Curran, 1950-1952 Box 378 Folder 8 Curran, 1953-1954 Box 378 Folder 9 Curran, 1955 Box 378 Folder 10 Curran, 1956-1957 Box 378 Folder 11 D, general 287 Box 378 Folder 12 Douglas, Lewis Box 379 Folder 1 E-F, general Box 379 Folder 2 Fosdick, Dorothy Box 379 Folder 3 Free, Lloyd Box 379 Folder 4 G, general Box 379 Folder 5 H, general Box 379 Folder 6 Henderson, Loy Box 379 Folder 7 Hulten, Charles, #1 Box 379 Folder 8 Hulten, #2 Box 379 Folder 9 I-J, general Box 379 Folder 10 Jones, Joseph M. Box 380 Folder 1 K-L, general Box 380 Folder 2 Kerrigan, Edward J. Box 380 Folder 3 Kotschnig, Walter Box 380 Folder 4 MacKnight, Jesse Box 380 288 Folder 5 Mc, general Box 380 Folder 6 McFall, Jack Box 380 Folder 7 Me-Mz, general Box 380 Folder 8 N-O, general Box 380 Folder 9 P-Q, general Box 380 Folder 10 Peurifoy, John E. Box 380 Folder 11 R, general Box 380 Folder 12 Reid, Luther Box 380 Folder 13 Russell, Francis H. Box 381 Folder 1 Sa-Sh, general Box 381 Folder 2 Sargeant, Howland, 1948-1949 Box 381 Folder 3 Sargeant, 1950 Box 381 Folder 4 Sargeant, 1951 Box 381 Folder 5 Sargeant, 1952 Box 381 Folder 6 Sargeant, 1953-1954 Box 381 Folder 7 289 Sargeant, 1955-1957 Box 381 Folder 8 Si-Sz, general, #1 Box 381 Folder 9 Si-Sz, #2 Box 382 Folder 1 T-U, general Box 382 Folder 2 Thomson, Charles A., #1 Box 382 Folder 3 Thomson, #2 Box 382 Folder 4 Thorpe, Willard L. Box 382 Folder 5 Trueblood, Edward G. Box 382 Folder 6 Tyler, William R. Box 382 Folder 7 U.S.I.A. Box 382 Folder 8 V, general Box 382 Folder 9 W-Z, general Box 382 Folder 10 Webb, James E. Box 382 Folder 11 Wilkinson, Robert Sub-sub-subseries 3: 1958-1973 Box 383 Folder 1 Advisory Committee on International Book Programs, 1962-1964 Box 383 Folder 2 290 B-C, general Box 383 Folder 3 Berding, Andrew, 1962 Box 383 Folder 4 Bohlen, Charles and Avis, 1959-1968 Box 383 Folder 5 Briggs, Ellis O., 1961-1968 Box 383 Folder 6 Bruce, David, 1961-1973 Box 383 Folder 7 C-M, general Box 383 Folder 8 Curran, Alice T., 1958 Box 383 Folder 9 Curran, 1959 Box 383 Folder 10 Curran, 1960 Box 383 Folder 11 Curran, 1961-1962 Box 383 Folder 12 Curran, 1963 Box 383 Folder 13 Curran, 1964 Box 383 Folder 14 Curran, 1965 Box 384 Folder 1 Curran, 1966 Box 384 Folder 2 Curran, 1967 Box 384 Folder 3 Curran, 1968-1971 291 Box 384 Folder 4 Drumm, Thomas Edward, 1967-1970 Box 384 Folder 5 Duke, Angier Biddle, 1959-1972 Box 384 Folder 6 Foster, William C., 1958-1970 Box 384 Folder 7 Hills, Carter, 1967-1968 Box 384 Folder 8 Kaiser, Philip M., 1958-1969 Box 384 Folder 9 Katzenbach, Nicholas deB., 1965-1967 Box 384 Folder 10 Knight, Frances G., 1963-1970 Box 384 Folder 11 Kohler, Foy D., 1961-1973 Box 384 Folder 12 Kotschnig, Walter and family, 1958-1966 Box 384 Folder 13 Kotschnig, 1967-1973 Box 385 Folder 1 Lindley, Ernest K., 1958-1966 Box 385 Folder 2 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1958-1968 Box 385 Folder 3 Lodge, John Davis and Francesca, 1961-1972 Box 385 Folder 4 Lyon, Cecil B., 1963-1968 Box 385 Folder 5 Mann, Frederic R., 1967-1971 Box 385 292 Folder 6 Marks, Leonard, 1965-1972 Box 385 Folder 7 McKiernan, Thomas D., 1969-1972 Box 385 Folder 8 N-Q, general Box 385 Folder 9 Patterson, Albion, 1961-1962 Box 385 Folder 10 Purcell, Victor, 1959 Box 385 Folder 11 R, general Box 385 Folder 12 Rogers, William D., 1966-1972 Box 385 Folder 13 Rusk, Dean, 1959-1965 Box 385 Folder 14 Rusk, 1966-1973 Box 385 Folder 15 Russell, Francis H., 1963-1968 Box 386 Folder 1 S, general, #1 Box 386 Folder 2 S, #2 Box 386 Folder 3 Scott, Elizabeth Box 386 Folder 4 Sisco, Joseph Box 386 Folder 5 T-W, general Box 386 Folder 6 293 Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn E., 1960-1972 Box 386 Folder 7 Tregaron Center, 1960-1961 Box 386 Folder 8 Tubby, Roger, 1961-1970 Box 386 Folder 9 U.S.I.A., 1958 Box 386 Folder 10 U.S.I.A., 1959 Box 386 Folder 11 U.S.I.A., 1960 Box 386 Folder 12 U.S.I.A., 1961 Box 386 Folder 13 U.S.I.A., Executive Reserve, 1958-1964 Box 386 Folder 14 Voce, Violet, 1959-1973 Box 386 Folder 15 Voice of America, 1958-1961 Box 386 Folder 16 Wine, James, 1964-1969 Sub-subseries 3: UNESCO Sub-sub-subseries 1: 1946-1957 Box 387 Folder 1 A-Bi, general Box 387 Folder 2 Bo-Bz, general Box 387 Folder 3 Boston, 1948, background Box 387 Folder 4 Boston, reports 294 Box 387 Folder 5 Boston, summary Box 387 Folder 6 C-L, general Box 387 Folder 7 CARE Box 387 Folder 8 Chicago, 1947 Box 387 Folder 9 Cleveland, 1949, correspondence Box 387 Folder 10 Cleveland, reports Box 388 Folder 1 Correspondence, 1948-1949 Box 388 Folder 2 Correspondence, 1949-1950 Box 388 Folder 3 Correspondence, 1951 Box 388 Folder 4 Correspondence, 1952 Box 388 Folder 5 Correspondence, 1953-1955 Box 388 Folder 6 Correspondence, 1956-1957 Box 388 Folder 7 Denver, 1947 Box 388 Folder 8 Eisenhower, Milton, 1946-1948 Box 388 Folder 9 Geneva, 1948 Box 388 295 Folder 10 Laves, Walter H. Box 388 Folder 11 M-R, general Box 388 Folder 12 McCullough, Max Box 389 Folder 1 Mexico, 1947, background Box 389 Folder 2 Mexico, correspondence Box 389 Folder 3 Mexico, draft report Box 389 Folder 4 Mexico, documents Box 389 Folder 5 Paris, 1946 Box 389 Folder 6 Paris, 1947, correspondence Box 389 Folder 7 Paris, documents, #1 Box 389 Folder 8 Paris, documents, #2 Box 390 Folder 1 Paris, 1950 Box 390 Folder 2 Paris, 1952 Box 390 Folder 3 S, general Box 390 Folder 4 Schneider, Douglas Box 390 Folder 5 296 T-Z, general Box 390 Folder 6 Thomson, Charles, 1948-1952 Box 390 Folder 7 Washington, 1948, background Box 390 Folder 8 Washington, reference Box 390 Folder 9 Washington, 1949, Committee on Awards Box 390 Folder 10 Washington, Executive Committee Box 390 Folder 11 Washington, miscellaneous Box 390 Folder 12 Washington, 1951 Sub-sub-subseries 2: 1958-1973 Box 391 Folder 1 A-C, general Box 391 Folder 2 Agency for International Development Box 391 Folder 3 Appointment, congratulations, A-E Box 391 Folder 4 Appointment, congratulations, F-H Box 391 Folder 5 Appointment, congratulations, I-N Box 391 Folder 6 Appointment, congratulations, O-S Box 391 Folder 7 Appointment, congratulations, T-Z Box 391 Folder 8 297 Appointment, general Box 391 Folder 9 Appointment, U. S. government Box 391 Folder 10 Appointment, White House/State Department, 1963-1965 Box 391 Folder 11 Appointment, White House/State Department, 1966 Box 391 Folder 12 Appointment, White House/State Department, 1967-1968 Box 392 Folder 1 Baez, Albert Box 392 Folder 2 Beeby, C. Edward, 1963-1971 Box 392 Folder 3 Behrstock, Julian, 1963-1973 Box 392 Folder 4 Benton, William, 1963-1964 Box 392 Folder 5 Benton, 1965-1968 Box 392 Folder 6 Bo-Bz, general Box 392 Folder 7 Budget, 1963 Box 392 Folder 8 Budget, 1964 Box 392 Folder 9 Budget, 1965 Box 392 Folder 10 Budget, 1966 Box 392 Folder 11 Budget, 1967-1968 298 Box 393 Folder 1 Cassirer, Henry Box 393 Folder 2 Coombs, Philip Box 393 Folder 3 D-M, general Box 393 Folder 4 De Vries, Vitus, 1964 Box 393 Folder 5 Education, 1963-1964 Box 393 Folder 6 Education, 1965 Box 393 Folder 7 Education, 1966-1968 Box 393 Folder 8 Executive Board Box 393 Folder 9 Fobes, John E., 1963-1971 Box 393 Folder 10 General Conference presidency Box 393 Folder 11 Gjesdahl, Tor Box 393 Folder 12 Graham, Pierre R., 1971-1972 Box 393 Folder 13 Hayman, D'Arcy Box 394 Folder 1 Issues, 1963 Box 394 Folder 2 Issues, 1964 Box 394 299 Folder 3 Issues, 1965 Box 394 Folder 4 Issues, 1966 Box 394 Folder 5 Issues, 1967 Box 394 Folder 6 Issues, 1968 Box 395 Folder 1 Issues, general, #1 Box 395 Folder 2 Issues, general, #2 Box 395 Folder 3 Issues, general, #3 Box 395 Folder 4 Lists, #1 Box 395 Folder 5 Lists, #2 Box 395 Folder 6 Kotschnig, Walter, 1963-1965 Box 395 Folder 7 Kotschnig, 1966-1968 Box 395 Folder 8 Maheu, Rene, 1963-1965 Box 395 Folder 9 Maheu, 1966-1968 Box 395 Folder 10 Maheu, 1970-1973 Box 396 Folder 1 Mass communications Box 396 Folder 2 300 Meetings, general Box 396 Folder 3 Meetings, Executive Board, 1963-1964 Box 396 Folder 4 Meetings, Executive Board, 1965-1966 Box 396 Folder 5 Meetings, Executive Board, 1967-1968 Box 396 Folder 6 Meetings, National Commission, Chicago, 1963 Box 396 Folder 7 Meetings, National Commission, 1963 Box 396 Folder 8 Meetings, National Commission, 1964 Box 396 Folder 9 Meetings, National Commission, 1965 Box 397 Folder 1 Meetings, National Commission, 1966 Box 397 Folder 2 Meetings, National Commission, 1967-1968 Box 397 Folder 3 Member states, general, 1963-1964 Box 397 Folder 4 Member states, general, 1965-1966 Box 397 Folder 5 Member states, general, 1967-1968 Box 397 Folder 6 Member states, A-H, miscellaneous Box 397 Folder 7 Member states, Brazil Box 397 Folder 8 Member states, I-M, miscellaneous 301 Box 397 Folder 9 Member states, Morocco Box 398 Folder 1 Member states, N-O, miscellaneous Box 398 Folder 2 Member states, P-Z, miscellaneous Box 398 Folder 3 Member states, U.S.S.R. Box 398 Folder 4 Member states, Box 398 Folder 5 N-Z, general Box 398 Folder 6 National Commission, 1963 Box 398 Folder 7 National Commission, 1964 Box 398 Folder 8 National Commission, 1965 Box 398 Folder 9 National Commission, 1966 Box 398 Folder 10 National Commission, 1967-1968 Box 398 Folder 11 National Commission, appointments, 1964-1966 Box 398 Folder 12 National Commission, appointments, 1967-1968 Box 399 Folder 1 National Commission, Branscomb, Harvie Box 399 Folder 2 National Commission, public relations Box 399 302 Folder 3 Otetea, Andrei, 1969-1971 Box 399 Folder 4 Personal, general Box 399 Folder 5 Personal, Crillon suite Box 399 Folder 6 Personal, personnel Box 399 Folder 7 Population control Box 399 Folder 8 Projects, general, 1964-1966 Box 399 Folder 9 Projects, general, 1967 Box 399 Folder 10 Projects, general, 1968 Box 399 Folder 11 Projects, Bellagio meeting Box 400 Folder 1 Projects, field offices, 1964-1965 Box 400 Folder 2 Projects, field offices, 1966-1968 Box 400 Folder 3 Projects, Florence-Beirut agreement Box 400 Folder 4 Projects, Ford Foundation Box 400 Folder 5 Projects, Freedom of Information Conference Box 400 Folder 6 Projects, Haussamen, Crane, #1 Box 400 Folder 7 303 Projects, Haussamen, #2 Box 400 Folder 8 Projects, human rights (Roosevelt Foundation), 1963 Box 400 Folder 9 Projects, human rights (Roosevelt Foundation), 1964 Box 400 Folder 10 Projects, management survey Box 400 Folder 11 Projects, Rome center Box 401 Folder 1 Projects, Task Force Box 401 Folder 2 Public relations, general, 1963 Box 401 Folder 3 Public relations, general, 1964 Box 401 Folder 4 Public relations, general, 1965 Box 401 Folder 5 Public relations, general, 1966 Box 401 Folder 6 Public relations, general, 1967 Box 401 Folder 7 Public relations, general, 1968 Box 401 Folder 8 Public relations, American Embassy (Paris) Box 401 Folder 9 Public relations, Britannica Box 402 Folder 1 Public relations, British officials Box 402 Folder 2 Public relations, classified documents 304 Box 402 Folder 3 Public relations, ideas and criticisms Box 402 Folder 4 Public relations, miscellaneous, #1 Box 402 Folder 5 Public relations, miscellaneous, #2 Box 402 Folder 6 Public relations, miscellaneous, #3 Box 402 Folder 7 Public relations, United Nations, 1963-1965 Box 402 Folder 8 Public relations, United Nations, 1966-1968 Box 402 Folder 9 Public relations, U. S. Congress Box 403 Folder 1 Publications, 1964 Box 403 Folder 2 Publications, 1965-1966 Box 403 Folder 3 Publicity, 1963-1965 Box 403 Folder 4 Publicity, 1966-1968 Box 403 Folder 5 Schramm, Wilbur Box 403 Folder 6 Secretariat, general, 1963-1964 Box 403 Folder 7 Secretariat, general, 1965-1966 Box 403 Folder 8 Secretariat, general, 1967-1968 Box 403 305 Folder 9 Secretariat, applicants, 1963-1964 Box 404 Folder 1 Secretariat, applicants, 1965 Box 404 Folder 2 Secretariat, applicants, 1966 Box 404 Folder 3 Secretariat, applicants, 1967 Box 404 Folder 4 Secretariat, applicants, 1968 Box 404 Folder 5 Secretariat, applicants, miscellaneous Box 404 Folder 6 Social engagements, 1963-1964 Box 405 Folder 1 Social engagements, 1965-1968 Box 405 Folder 2 Travels, general Box 405 Folder 3 Travels, Africa, 1964, #1 Box 405 Folder 4 Travels, Africa, #2 Box 405 Folder 5 Travels, Europe Box 405 Folder 6 Travels, Mexico Box 405 Folder 7 U. N. Development Program Box 405 Folder 8 U. S. delegation, general, 1963 Box 405 Folder 9 306 U. S. delegation, general, 1964 Box 405 Folder 10 U. S. delegation, general, 1965 Box 406 Folder 1 U. S. delegation, general, 1966 Box 406 Folder 2 U. S. delegation, general, 1967 Box 406 Folder 3 U. S. delegation, general, 1968 Box 406 Folder 4 U. S. delegation, applicants, 1963-1966 Box 406 Folder 5 U. S. delegation, applicants, 1967-1968 Box 406 Folder 6 U. S. delegation, appointments Box 406 Folder 7 U. S. delegation, Cleveland, Harlan Box 406 Folder 8 U. S. delegation, Frankel, Charles Box 406 Folder 9 U. S. delegation, Haussaman, Crane Box 407 Folder 1 U. S. delegation, miscellaneous, A-C Box 407 Folder 2 U. S. delegation, miscellaneous, D-L Box 407 Folder 3 U. S. delegation, miscellaneous, M-R Box 407 Folder 4 U. S. delegation, miscellaneous, S-Z Box 407 Folder 5 U. S. delegation, policy, 1965-1966 307 Box 407 Folder 6 U. S. delegation, policy, 1967-1968 Box 407 Folder 7 U. S. delegation, voting Box 407 Folder 8 U. S. delegation, Wade, Robert, 1963 Box 407 Folder 9 U. S. delegation, Wade, 1964 Box 407 Folder 10 U. S. delegation, Wade, 1965 Box 407 Folder 11 U. S. delegation, Wade, 1966 Box 407 Folder 12 U. S. delegation, Wade, 1967-1968 Subseries 6: Education and Philanthropy Sub-subseries 1: University of Chicago Sub-sub-subseries 1: 1948-1957 Box 408 Folder 1 A-B, general Box 408 Folder 2 Bell, Laird, 1948-1957 Box 408 Folder 3 Blair, William McCormick Box 408 Folder 4 Ca-Cl, general Box 408 Folder 5 Cleveland Conference Box 408 Folder 6 Co-Cz, general Box 408 Folder 7

308 D, general Box 408 Folder 8 E-F, general Box 408 Folder 9 G-H, general Box 408 Folder 10 Hall, J. Parker Box 409 Folder 1 J-L, general Box 409 Folder 2 Kimpton, Lawrence A. Box 409 Folder 3 M-O, general Box 409 Folder 4 Morgenstern, William Box 409 Folder 5 P-Q, general Box 409 Folder 6 Paepcke, Walter Box 409 Folder 7 Probst, George Box 409 Folder 8 R, general Box 409 Folder 9 Sa-Sh, general Box 410 Folder 1 Si-Sz, general Box 410 Folder 2 Smith, Hermon D. Box 410 Folder 3 Stutzman, Frances 309 Box 410 Folder 4 Swift, Harold Box 410 Folder 5 T-Z, general Box 410 Folder 6 Tyler, Ralph W. Box 410 Folder 7 Williams, Lynn A. Box 410 Folder 8 Zimmerman, Herbert P. Sub-sub-subseries 2: 1958-1973 Box 411 Folder 1 A-Z, general Box 411 Folder 2 Axelson, C. F., 1962-1971 Box 411 Folder 3 Beadle, George and Muriel, 1968-1972 Box 411 Folder 4 Blair, William McCormick, 1958-1972 Box 411 Folder 5 Cone, Fairfax, 1958-1971 Box 411 Folder 6 D-M, general Box 411 Folder 7 Nef, John, 1958-1973 Box 411 Folder 8 S, general Box 411 Folder 9 Schultz, Theodore Box 411 Folder 10 Stutzman, Frances, 1958-1965 310 Box 411 Folder 11 Stutzman, 1968-1972 Sub-subseries 2: Benton Foundation Box 412 Folder 1 American Assembly, general, 1958-1959 Box 412 Folder 2 American Assembly, general, 1960-1961 Box 412 Folder 3 American Assembly, general, 1962-1964 Box 412 Folder 4 American Assembly, general, 1965-1966 Box 412 Folder 5 American Assembly, general, 1967-1968 Box 412 Folder 6 American Assembly, general, 1969-1971 Box 412 Folder 7 American Assembly, general, 1972-1973 Box 412 Folder 8 American Assembly, broadcasting program, 1964-1970 Box 413 Folder 1 American Assembly, Board of Trustees, 1958-1960 Box 413 Folder 2 American Assembly, Board of Trustees, 1961-1963 Box 413 Folder 3 American Assembly, Board of Trustees, 1964-1966 Box 413 Folder 4 American Assembly, Board of Trustees, 1967-1968 Box 413 Folder 5 American Assembly, Board of Trustees, 1969 Box 413 Folder 6 311 American Assembly, Board of Trustees, 1970-1972 Box 413 Folder 7 American Assembly, fund raising and contributions, 1958 Box 413 Folder 8 American Assembly, fund raising and contributions, 1959-1962 Box 414 Folder 1 American Assembly, fund raising and contributions, 1963-1964 Box 414 Folder 2 American Assembly, fund raising and contributions, 1965 Box 414 Folder 3 American Assembly, fund raising and contributions, 1966 Box 414 Folder 4 American Assembly, fund raising and contributions, 1967-1972 Box 414 Folder 5 American Assembly, lists, releases and publications, 1959-1962 Box 414 Folder 6 American Assembly, lists, 1963-1964 Box 414 Folder 7 American Assembly, lists, 1966-1968 Box 414 Folder 8 American Assembly, lists, 1969-1972 Box 415 Folder 1 American Committee on United Europe, 1958-1960 Box 415 Folder 2 American Foreign Service Association, #1 Box 415 Folder 3 American Foreign Service Association, #2 Box 415 Folder 4 American Foreign Service Association, #3 Box 416 Folder 1 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1958 312 Box 416 Folder 2 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1959 Box 416 Folder 3 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1960 Box 416 Folder 4 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1961 Box 416 Folder 5 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1962 Box 416 Folder 6 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1963-1964 Box 416 Folder 7 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1965 Box 416 Folder 8 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1966 Box 416 Folder 9 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1967-1968 Box 416 Folder 10 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1969-1970 Box 416 Folder 11 American Shakespeare Festival, general, 1971-1973 Box 417 Folder 1 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1958-1960 Box 417 Folder 2 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, Yale merger proposal, 1960-1962 Box 417 Folder 3 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1961-1962 Box 417 Folder 4 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1963-1965 Box 417 Folder 5 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1966 Box 417 313 Folder 6 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1967 Box 417 Folder 7 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1968 Box 417 Folder 8 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1969-1970 Box 417 Folder 9 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1971 Box 417 Folder 10 American Shakespeare Festival, Board of Trustees, 1972-1973 Box 418 Folder 1 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1958-1959 Box 418 Folder 2 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1960-1961 Box 418 Folder 3 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, Jan.-June 1962 Box 418 Folder 4 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, July-Dec. 1962 Box 418 Folder 5 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1963 Box 418 Folder 6 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, Jan.-June 1964 Box 418 Folder 7 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, July-Dec. 1964 Box 418 Folder 8 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1965 Box 418 Folder 9 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1966 Box 419 Folder 1 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1967 Box 419 Folder 2 314 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, 1968-1969 Box 419 Folder 3 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, Feb.-May 1970 Box 419 Folder 4 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, June-Dec. 1970 Box 419 Folder 5 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, Jan.-May 1971 Box 419 Folder 6 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, June 1971-May 1972 Box 419 Folder 7 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, June-Aug. 1972 Box 419 Folder 8 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, general, Sept.-Dec. 1972 Box 420 Folder 1 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1959-1960 Box 420 Folder 2 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1961-1962 Box 420 Folder 3 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1963-1964 Box 420 Folder 4 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1965 Box 420 Folder 5 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1966-1967 Box 420 Folder 6 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1968-1969 Box 420 Folder 7 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1970 Box 420 Folder 8 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Board of Trustees, 1971-1973 Box 420 Folder 9 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, contributions, 1959-1967 315 Box 420 Folder 10 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Aspen College proposal, 1962-1963 Box 420 Folder 11 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Aspen College proposal, 1964-1965 Box 420 Folder 12 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Aspen College proposal, 1966-1970 Box 421 Folder 1 Brandeis University, general, 1958-1962 Box 421 Folder 2 Brandeis University, general, 1963 Box 421 Folder 3 Brandeis University, general, 1964-1966 Box 421 Folder 4 Brandeis University, general, 1965-1967, Stevenson memorial Box 421 Folder 5 Brandeis University, general, 1967 Box 421 Folder 6 Brandeis University, general, 1968 Box 421 Folder 7 Brandeis University, general, 1969-1970 Box 421 Folder 8 Brandeis University, general, 1971-1972 Box 422 Folder 1 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1961 Box 422 Folder 2 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1962 Box 422 Folder 3 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1963 Box 422 Folder 4 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1964 Box 422 316 Folder 5 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1965 Box 422 Folder 6 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1966 Box 422 Folder 7 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1967 Box 422 Folder 8 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1968 Box 422 Folder 9 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1969 Box 422 Folder 10 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1970 Box 423 Folder 1 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1971 Box 423 Folder 2 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, 1972-1973 Box 423 Folder 3 Brandeis University, Board of Trustees, minutes, 1972 Box 423 Folder 4 Brandeis University, contributions and fund raising, 1961-1964 Box 423 Folder 5 Brandeis University, contributions and fund raising, 1965-1968 Box 423 Folder 6 Brandeis University, contributions and fund raising, 1969-1972 Box 423 Folder 7 Brandeis University, events and activities, 1961-1964 Box 423 Folder 8 Brandeis University, events and activities, 1965-1967 Box 423 Folder 9 Brandeis University, events and activities, 1968 Box 423 Folder 10 317 Brandeis University, events and activities, 1969-1970 Box 423 Folder 11 Brandeis University, events and activities, 1971-1972 Box 424 Folder 1 Business Committee for the Arts, Inc., 1970-1971 Box 424 Folder 2 Business Committee for the Arts, Inc., 1972-1973 Box 424 Folder 3 Carleton College, general, 1958-1959 Box 424 Folder 4 Carleton College, general, 1960-1961 Box 424 Folder 5 Carleton College, Board of Trustees, 1958-1961 Box 424 Folder 6 Carleton College, contributions and fund raising, 1959-1961 Box 424 Folder 7 Carleton College, administration and policy, 1958-1960 Box 424 Folder 8 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, general, 1959 Box 424 Folder 9 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, general, 1960 Box 424 Folder 10 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, general, 1961-1964 Box 424 Folder 11 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, general, 1965-1967 Box 424 Folder 12 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, The Center Club, 1965-1970 Box 424 Folder 13 Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, general, 1968-1971 Box 425 Folder 1 Cleveland Conference, 1958 318 Box 425 Folder 2 Cleveland Conference, 1959 Box 425 Folder 3 Cleveland Conference, 1960 Box 425 Folder 4 Cleveland Conference, 1961 Box 425 Folder 5 Cleveland Conference, 1962-1964 Box 425 Folder 6 Cleveland Conference, 1965-1966 Box 425 Folder 7 Cleveland Conference, 1967-1970 Box 425 Folder 8 Cleveland Conference, 1971-1973 Box 426 Folder 1 Commission on the Frame of Government, 1968 Box 426 Folder 2 Commission on the Frame of Government, 1969 Box 426 Folder 3 Commission on the Frame of Government, 1969, Zwick memorandum Box 426 Folder 4 Commission on the Press, general, 1957-1959 Box 426 Folder 5 Commission on the Press, Gould, Bruce and Luce, Harry, 1960-1961 Box 426 Folder 6 Commission on the Press, Markel, Lester and Shep Stone, 1959-1961 Box 426 Folder 7 Commission on the Press, affiliate institutions, 1960-1961 Box 426 Folder 8 Commission on the Press, affiliate institutions, 1962 Box 426 319 Folder 9 Commission on the Press, affiliate institutions, 1963 Box 426 Folder 10 Commission on the Press, affiliate institutions, 1964-1968 Box 426 Folder 11 Commission on the Press, finance, 1959-1965 Box 426 Folder 12 Commission on the Press, progress reports, 1961-1963 Box 427 Folder 1 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1961-1962 Box 427 Folder 2 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1963 Box 427 Folder 3 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1964-1966 Box 427 Folder 4 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1967-1968 Box 427 Folder 5 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1969 Box 427 Folder 6 Committee for a National Trade Policy, 1971-1972 Box 428 Folder 1 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 1964 Box 428 Folder 2 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 1965 Box 428 Folder 3 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 1965, Webster portrait acquisition Box 428 Folder 4 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 1966 Box 428 Folder 5 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 1967 Box 428 Folder 6 320 Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 1968-1969 Box 428 Folder 7 Congressional Awards, 1958-1960 Box 428 Folder 8 Congressional Awards, 1961-1963 Box 428 Folder 9 Congressional Awards, 1964-1967 Box 428 Folder 10 Congressional Awards, 1968-1972 Box 429 Folder 1 Democratic Advisory Council, 1958 Box 429 Folder 2 Democratic Advisory Council, 1959 Box 429 Folder 3 Democratic Advisory Council, 1960-1961 Box 429 Folder 4 Fair Campaign Practices Committee, Inc., 1958-1965 Box 429 Folder 5 Fair Campaign Practices Committee, Inc., 1966-1970 Box 429 Folder 6 Fair Campaign Practices Committee, Inc., 1971-1973 Box 429 Folder 7 Foreign Relations Committee Testimony, planning and development, 1958 Box 429 Folder 8 Foreign Relations Committee Testimony, planning and development, post-project data, 1958 Box 430 Folder 1 Hampton Institute, general, 1958 Box 430 Folder 2 Hampton Institute, general, 1959-1961 Box 430 Folder 3 321 Hampton Institute, general, 1962-1967 Box 430 Folder 4 Hampton Institute, general, 1968 Box 430 Folder 5 Hampton Institute, general, 1969-1972 Box 430 Folder 6 Hampton Institute, Board of Trustees, 1958-1961 Box 430 Folder 7 Hampton Institute, Board of Trustees, 1962-1965 Box 430 Folder 8 Hampton Institute, contributions and fund raising, 1960-1964 Box 431 Folder 1 Institute of International Education, general, 1962 Box 431 Folder 2 Institute of International Education, general, 1963 Box 431 Folder 3 Institute of International Education, general, 1963-1966, Pandit lecture tour Box 431 Folder 4 Institute of International Education, general, 1964 Box 431 Folder 5 Institute of International Education, general, 1965 Box 431 Folder 6 Institute of International Education, general, 1966 Box 431 Folder 7 Institute of International Education, general, 1967 Box 432 Folder 1 Institute of International Education, general, 1968 Box 432 Folder 2 Institute of International Education, general, 1969 Box 432 Folder 3 Institute of International Education, general, 1970 322 Box 432 Folder 4 Institute of International Education, general, 1971 Box 432 Folder 5 Institute of International Education, general, 1972-1973 Box 433 Folder 1 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, bank statements Box 433 Folder 2 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, charter and by-laws Box 433 Folder 3 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, contributions Box 433 Folder 4 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, finance Box 433 Folder 5 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, finance committee Box 433 Folder 6 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, general, 1954 Box 433 Folder 7 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, general, 1956, #1 Box 433 Folder 8 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, general, 1956, #2 Box 434 Folder 1 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, general, 1957-1959 Box 434 Folder 2 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, invoices Box 434 Folder 3 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, miscellaneous, 1955-1963 Box 434 Folder 4 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, tax reports Box 434 Folder 5 National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship, vouchers Box 434 323 Folder 6 Olynyk, Stephen, 1960 Box 434 Folder 7 Reading Reform Foundation, 1962 Box 434 Folder 8 Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation, general, 1963-1969 Box 434 Folder 9 Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation, 1970-1972 Box 434 Folder 10 Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation, Board of Trustees meetings, 1963-1966 Box 435 Folder 1 Adlai Stevenson Memorial, general, 1965-1967 Box 435 Folder 2 Adlai Stevenson Memorial, general, 1968-1973 Box 435 Folder 3 Adlai Stevenson Memorial, biography Box 435 Folder 4 Adlai Stevenson Memorial, collected papers Box 435 Folder 5 Adlai Stevenson Memorial, Institute of International Affairs Box 435 Folder 6 Adlai Stevenson Memorial, Institute of International Affairs, contributions and fund raising Box 436 Folder 1 United Nations, United States public and the U. N., 1956-1957 Box 436 Folder 2 United Nations, United States public and the U. N., 1958 Box 436 Folder 3 United Nations, report on a survey of U. N. motion pictures, television and filmstrip programs, 1956 Box 436 Folder 4 U. S. and U. N. study, general 324 Box 436 Folder 5 U. S. and U. N. study, AIPO, Boise studies Box 436 Folder 6 U. S. and U. N. study, DPI, Detroit studies Box 436 Folder 7 U. S. and U. N. study, miscellaneous studies Box 436 Folder 8 U. S. and U. N. study, Muncie study Box 436 Folder 9 U. S. and U. N. study, NGO, Raleigh study Box 436 Folder 10 U. S. Committee for the Atlantic Congress, general Box 436 Folder 11 U. S. Committee for the Atlantic Congress, London conference, 1959 Box 436 Folder 12 U. S. Committee for the Atlantic Congress, meetings, 1958-1959 Box 436 Folder 13 U. S. Committee for the Atlantic Congress, releases and reports Box 436 Folder 14 U. S. Committee for the Atlantic Congress, lists of delegates Box 437 Folder 1 University of Bridgeport, general, 1958 Box 437 Folder 2 University of Bridgeport, general, 1959-1960 Box 437 Folder 3 University of Bridgeport, general, 1961 Box 437 Folder 4 University of Bridgeport, general, 1962-1964 Box 437 Folder 5 University of Bridgeport, general, 1965 Box 437 325 Folder 6 University of Bridgeport, general, 1966 Box 437 Folder 7 University of Bridgeport, general, 1967 Box 437 Folder 8 University of Bridgeport, general, 1968 Box 437 Folder 9 University of Bridgeport, general, 1969-1970 Box 438 Folder 1 University of Bridgeport, general, 1971-1972 Box 438 Folder 2 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1959-1961 Box 438 Folder 3 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1962 Box 438 Folder 4 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1963 Box 438 Folder 5 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1963, policy on outside speakers Box 438 Folder 6 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1964 Box 438 Folder 7 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1965 Box 438 Folder 8 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1966 Box 438 Folder 9 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1967 Box 438 Folder 10 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1968 Box 439 Folder 1 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1969 Box 439 Folder 2 326 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1970 Box 439 Folder 3 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1970, presidential search committee Box 439 Folder 4 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1971 Box 439 Folder 5 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1972 Box 439 Folder 6 University of Bridgeport, Board of Trustees, 1973 Box 439 Folder 7 University of Bridgeport, contributions and fund raising, 1958-1960 Box 439 Folder 8 University of Bridgeport, contributions and fund raising, 1961-1962 Box 439 Folder 9 University of Bridgeport, contributions and fund raising, 1963-1966 Box 439 Folder 10 University of Bridgeport, contributions and fund raising, 1967-1968 Box 440 Folder 1 University of Bridgeport, contributions and fund raising, 1969-1972 Box 440 Folder 2 University of Bridgeport, events and activities, 1963-1965 Box 440 Folder 3 University of Bridgeport, events and activities, 1966 Box 440 Folder 4 University of Bridgeport, events and activities, 1967-1968 Box 440 Folder 5 University of Bridgeport, events and activities, 1969 Box 440 Folder 6 University of Bridgeport, events and activities, 1970-1971 Box 440 Folder 7 University of Bridgeport, events and activities, 1972 327 Box 441 Folder 1 University of Chicago, Nef, John, 1958-1960 Box 441 Folder 2 University of Chicago, Nef, 1961 Box 441 Folder 3 University of Chicago, Nef, 1962 Box 441 Folder 4 University of Chicago, Nef, 1963-1968 Box 441 Folder 5 University of Chicago, contributions and fund raising, 1960-1961 Box 441 Folder 6 University of Chicago, contributions and fund raising, 1962-1964 Box 441 Folder 7 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1958-1960 Box 441 Folder 8 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1961-1963 Box 442 Folder 1 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1964-1965 Box 442 Folder 2 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1966-1967 Box 442 Folder 3 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1968-1970 Box 442 Folder 4 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1971-1972 Box 442 Folder 5 University of Chicago, events and activities, 1972, Hoffman dinner-Benton award Box 442 Folder 6 University of Chicago, events and activities, publications, 1963-1964 Box 442 Folder 7 University of Chicago, events and activities, publications, 1966-1967 Box 442 328 Folder 8 University of Chicago, events and activities, citizens board, 1958-1961 Box 442 Folder 9 University of Chicago, events and activities, School of Business, 1958-1963 Box 442 Folder 10 University of Chicago, events and activities, Law School, 1958-1961 Box 443 Folder 1 University of Connecticut, general, 1958 Box 443 Folder 2 University of Connecticut, general, 1959 Box 443 Folder 3 University of Connecticut, general, 1960 Box 443 Folder 4 University of Connecticut, general, 1961-1962 Box 443 Folder 5 University of Connecticut, general, 1963 Box 443 Folder 6 University of Connecticut, general, 1964 Box 443 Folder 7 University of Connecticut, general, 1965 Box 443 Folder 8 University of Connecticut, general, 1966 Box 444 Folder 1 University of Connecticut, general, 1967 Box 444 Folder 2 University of Connecticut, general, 1968-1969 Box 444 Folder 3 University of Connecticut, general, 1970 Box 444 Folder 4 University of Connecticut, general, 1971 Box 444 Folder 5 329 University of Connecticut, general, 1972-1973 Box 444 Folder 6 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1958 Box 444 Folder 7 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1959 Box 444 Folder 8 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1960 Box 445 Folder 1 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1961 Box 445 Folder 2 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1961-1962, president's replacement Box 445 Folder 3 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1962 Box 445 Folder 4 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1963 Box 445 Folder 5 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1964 Box 445 Folder 6 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1965 Box 445 Folder 7 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1966 Box 445 Folder 8 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1967 Box 445 Folder 9 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1968 Box 446 Folder 1 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1969 Box 446 Folder 2 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, minutes Box 446 Folder 3 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1970 330 Box 446 Folder 4 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, minutes, Jan.-May 1970 Box 446 Folder 5 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, minutes, June-Dec. 1970 Box 446 Folder 6 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1971 Box 446 Folder 7 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, minutes Box 447 Folder 1 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1971-1972, presidential search committee Box 447 Folder 2 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, 1972 Box 447 Folder 3 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, minutes, Jan.-Feb. 1972 Box 447 Folder 4 University of Connecticut, Board of Trustees, minutes, Mar.-June 1972 Box 447 Folder 5 University of Connecticut, contributions and fund raising, 1966-1972 Box 447 Folder 6 University of Connecticut, events and activities, 1967-1972 Box 448 Folder 1 Woodrow Wilson School, 1958-1959 Box 448 Folder 2 Yale Conference, 1958, administration Box 448 Folder 3 Yale Conference, invitations Box 448 Folder 4 Yale Conference, planning and development Box 448 Folder 5 Yale Conference, post-project development Box 448 331 Folder 6 Yale Conference, thank-you letters Series II: Speech Files The following is an alphabetical index to materials in the file of Benton's public statements. Each file has been assigned a number. This index should be used in conjunction with the inventory for boxes 449-583.

Abel, Elie, Our Troubled Press, 1971; #2281

Acheson, Dean, "A Career in Government," New York Times, 2/2/58; #139

Acheson, Present at the Creation, 1969; #2242

Acheson, Benton letter, Information Program and budget needs, 5/16/46; #690A

Acheson, Benton letter, revising Voice of America, 1/31/51; #536

Acheson, Benton speech, "Defense of Secretary of State Dean Acheson," 9/13/51; #448A

Acheson, Benton speech, "A Tribute to Dean Acheson," 9/14/51; #475

Acheson, testimony, "Marshall Plan of Ideas," 7/5/50; #882

Adiseshiah, Malcolm, tribute to the National Academy of Sciences Centennial; #1347

Adler, Mortimer, "Education; An Appraisal," Chicago Sunday Times, 1/19/58; #224

Adler, Great Ideas from Great Books, 1961, #1759

Adler, photo, Great Books of the Western World Presentation Dinner, 4/52, #1438

Advertising, article, Benton, "Madison Avenue Takes Undeserved Credit for Electing Politicians," Advertising Age, 8/19/57; #5

Advertising, article, Benton, "Why Admen Should Go into Politics," Printer's Ink, 9/22/55; #147

Advertising, article, "Dairymen's League Cooperative Association," ibid., 5/15/24; #2236

Advertising, article, Arthur Brashears, "Sequel to Success," digest from This Week Magazine, 10/15/39; #479

Advertising, article, Carl Spielvogel, "Advertising; Hard Sell No News to Benton," New York Times, 5/25/58; #975

332 Advertising, book, Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders, 1957; #1941

Advertising, book about Albert Lasker, John Gunther, Taken at the Flood, 1960; #1770

Advertising, certificate of tribute, Advertising Club of Washington; #1469

Advertising, editorial, "Goodby Benton-Bowles," 4/24/61; #1805

Advertising, Benton letter to editor, advertising and elections, Herald Tribune, 11/12/58; #1033

Advertising, photo, Industrial Advertisers' Convention, 5/43; #855B

Advertising, photo, Advertising and Sales Executive Club, 4/56; #1482

Advertising, presentation, American Tobacco Company; #894

Advertising, presentation, correspondence, 1925; #2316

Advertising, presentation, biscuit industry, undated; #991

Advertising, presentation, Certo (General Foods Corporation), 12/13/29; #669

Advertising, presentation, grocery business, 1931; #1225

Advertising, presentation, Lorillard Tobacco Company, 7/18/24; #756

Advertising, presentation, Maxwell House Coffee, 9/16/32; #1226

Advertising, report, radio broadcasting, 1931; #1857

Advertising, speech, "Ideas in World Politics," Advertising Federation, 6/15/48; #271

Advertising, speech, "How to Build a Radio Program," Association of National Advertisers, 5/7/35; #192

Advertising, speech, Benton & Bowles 35th anniversary dinner, 7/15/64; #1985

Advertising, speech, Benton & Bowles 40th anniversary dinner, 7/31/69; #2234

Advertising, speech, "Growing Interest in Advertising Displays," Window Display Convention; #1069

Advertising, speech, "Politics Versus Advertising Careers," 4/9/56; #74

Allen, Stan, appointment as Benton's administrative assistant, 7/23/51; #624

333 Allen, book review, New Republic, 7/62; #1767-#1767B

Allen, deposition, McCarthy lawsuit, 9/3/52; #1845

Allen, radio, 9/19/51; #1126

Allen, television, "'s Academy Award Performance," 10/13/52; #434

America First Committee, book, Wayne S. Cole, America First; The Battle Against Intervention, 1940-1941, 1953; #2003

America First Committee, Benton interview, 10/72; #2296

American Assembly, Benton elected trustee, 12/8/57; #30

American Assembly, photo, 10/58; #1110

American Committee for Liberation, photo, 4/28/56; #1460

American Committee for Liberation, radio, "190th Anniversary of the Encyclopaedia Britannica," 6/6/58; #1104

American Committee for Liberation, radio, "Aims of Education," number 2, 3/20/59; #1269

American Committee for Liberation, radio, "Free Parliaments in Free Societies," 4/56; #1100

American Forum of the Air, photo, "Do We Need a New Foreign Policy?," 7/8/50; #1578

American Forum of the Air, photo, "Our Foreign Policy," 3/8/47; #1527

American Forum of the Air, photo, "Our Foreign Policy; Benton-Taft Debate"; #1525

American Forum of the Air, photo, "What Have the MacArthur Hearings Proved?," 7/8/51; #1526

American Forum of the Air, photo, 10/26/52; #1542

American Forum of the Air, radio, "Do We Need a New Foreign Policy?," 7/8/50; #1064

American Forum of the Air, radio, "Do We Need Tighter Price-Wage Controls?," 3/9/52; #1781

American Forum of the Air, radio, "Foreign Policy; What's the Answer?," 1/21/57; #537

American Forum of the Air, radio, "Should West Point Be Abolished?," 8/26/51; #439

334 American Forum of the Air, radio, "What Have the MacArthur Hearings Proved?," 7/8/51; #1058

American Forum of the Air, radio, "What Should Our Tax Program Be After the War?," 11/14/44; #737

American Forum of the Air, television, "Which Party Has the Greatest Appeal to the Grass Roots?," 10/26/52; #416

American Political Science Association. See Congressional Distinguished Service Awards.

American Shakespeare Festival Theater, photo, 7/58; #1583

Anderson, Clinton, Outsider in the Senate, 1970; #2270

Anderson, Chicago speech, 5/13/50; #1910

Anderson, Eugenie, Benton tribute, Connecticut Federation of Democratic Women's Clubs, 10/52; #1393

Anderson, Jack, McCarthy; The Man, The Senator, The Ism, 1952; #1747

Anderson, USA; Second Class Power?, 1958; #1933

Arden, Dawne, "Modelling; Guide to Beginners," Ladies Home Journal, 8/29/55; #1280

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, Russian trips.

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, announcement, Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift of Contemporary Collection of American Paintings to American schools, 4/16/50; #893

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, announcement, purchase of Contemporary Collection of American Paintings, 4/7/48; #844

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, announcement, gift of books about Collection to U. S. missions abroad, 6/1/58; #476

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, announcement, University of Connecticut art museum named for Benton, 4/72; #2285

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, announcement, Metropolitan Museum of Art Fellow for Life, 11/10/59; #1363

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, article, Katherine Kuh, "The Fine Arts; In the American Grain," Saturday Review, 10/30/65; #2073

335 Art. See also Reginald Marsh, article, Elmo Roper, "A Non-Poll by a Famous Publisher," Art in America, 3/68; #2164A

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, catalog, William Benton's America, Osaka Art Fair Exhibit, 1970; #2245

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, editorial, "Ballet Oops," Theatre Arts, 3/56; #87A

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, Marsh, Reginald. See Reginald Marsh.

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, photo, New York Art Show Exhibit of Refugee Artists; #1439

Art. See also Reginald Marsh, questionnaire, Art in America; #2164

Askwith, Herbert, Pitt letter to editor endorsing Benton for Senator, 5/12/58; #492

Askwith, Atlantic Digest, "Enemies of European Recovery," 1/52; #457A

Askwith, Atomic Energy Act, "Exchange of Scientific Information with NATO and the Inaccuracy of Washington News Releases," 10/28/57; #46

Awards, Connecticut high school students, 1950-1952; #685

Awards, Connecticut high school students, photo, 5/21/50; #685A

Awards, Connecticut high school students, "Television; A Prescription," Syracuse University School of Journalism Award, 4/10/60; #1384

Bailey, John, Benton letter, Benton's ability to get votes, 4/20/61; #1814

Bailey, John, series of question-and-answer programs for Connecticut Senatorial candidates, 4/3/58; #302

Bailey, John, series of question-and-answer programs for Connecticut Senatorial candidates, 5/17/58; #395

Bailey, Connor resolution to pay tribute to Benton Foundation for contribution to scientific advancement, Yale Conference, 2/4/58; #152Q

Bailey, Benton statement, London trip, 7/25/56; #20

Battle, Lucius, "Profile of a Donor," Foreign Service Journal, 10/1964; #2033

Bean, Louis H. See Politics.

336 Benton, Charles, William Benton speech at Deerfield Academy commencement exercises, 6/49; #733

Benton, Elma Hixson, photo, late in life; #1415

Benton, Elma Hixson, 1906; #1402

Benton, Elma Hixson, 1934; #1507

Benton, Helen H., article, "Children Teach Parents to Never Stop Growing Up"; #1187

Benton, Helen H., "On Collecting by Three Discerning Alumnae," Connecticut College Alumnae News, Spring 1971; #2310

Benton, photo, 1958; #1420

Benton, photo, passport, 1960; #1674

Benton, photo, ca. 1952; #1324

Benton, photo, Russian trip, 12/55; #1523

Benton, photo, Russian trip, 12/55; #1510

Benton, photo, Italian trip, 1950; #1514

Benton, John, article, "Pope Gives Audience to Senator Benton and Son," Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 9/18/60; #1777

Benton, John, "John Benton's Travelogue; Audience with Pope John," ibid., 10/7/60; #1777

Benton, "Mediterranean Sail; A Wondrous Journey," ibid., 8/30/59; #1253A

Benton, photo, audience with Pope John XXIII; #1584

Benton, Mary, Alice Sanderson article, "Torch Carrier Who Cannot See," Pilgrim Home, 1948; #514

Benton, William, article, "Too Busy to Think," American Library Association Journal, 3/20/58; #281

Benton, William, "Pace of Change," Atomic Scientist Bulletin, 2/3-4/58; #152S

Benton, William, "Our National Purpose," Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 6/26/60; #1614A

Benton, William, "The FCC Comment," Columbia Journalism Review, Fall 1965; #2106 337 Benton, William, "Socialist Realism-Artists and Agitprop," Commonweal, 11/23/56; #36

Benton, William, "Freedom's Newest Weapon," Connecticut State CIO Yearbook, 1952; #1151

Benton, William, "What I See for 1948," ibid., 1/48; #712

Benton, William, "Giving a Name to a Memorable Dinner," Courier, 6/39; #866

Benton, William, "Secrecy and Security," Editor and Publisher Magazine, 9/26-10/3/53; #204

Benton, William, "Dare to Be Different," Family Weekly Magazine, 10/2/55; #141

Benton, William, "Protects the Rights of Individual Beliefs," Hartford Courant, 6/25/57; #22

Benton, William, "Why Hoover's Proposals Have Rough Sledding in Congress," ibid., 6/11/57; #158

Benton, William, "Time to Speak Up," Instructor, 6/57; #35

Benton, William, "Think Alone and Like It," ibid., 3/39; #846

Benton, William, "We Are Slowing Up-Declining Population," ibid., 8/38; #842

Benton, William, "Business in Britain," Life Magazine, 10/25/43; #213

Benton, William, "Middletown, Connecticut," Middletown Bulletin, 1958; #305

Benton, William, "Minnesota's Next Century," Minneapolis Tribune, 1954-1958; #270

Benton, William, "Are We to Live or Merely Survive?" Moderator, 1962; #1863

Benton, William, "Candor Seen as Basis for Better United Kingdom-United States Relations," ibid., 4/19/59; #1249

Benton, William, "Party Line from A to Z," ibid., 1/22/56; #26

Benton, William, "Be Glad You Were Fired; A Day I'll Never Forget," Printer's Ink, 9/20/57; #1

Benton, William, "Sale I Never Forgot," ibid., 3/3/50; #137

Benton, William, "Failure of Our Business Courses," Reader's Digest, 5/61; #1765B

Benton, William, "To Speed Up Your Reading," ibid., 9/38; #663A

Benton, William, "Young Man Be Your Own Boss," ibid., 9/44; #172 338 Benton, William, "Should We Buy More British Goods?," ibid., 8/1/49; #1356

Benton, William, "Failure of the Business Schools," Saturday Evening Post, 2/18/61; #1765

Benton, William, "How Shall We Trade with Britain?," ibid., 6/10/44; #637

Benton, William, unpublished, Saturday Review, 1956; #301

Benton, William, "Television with a Conscience," ibid., 8/25/51; #608

Benton, William, "Twelve Axioms with Which No One Will Agree," ibid., 1969; #2256

Benton, William, "Election of United Nations Delegates as Opposed to Appointive Procedures," unpublished, Scholastic Magazine, 4/58; #389

Benton, William, "To Speed Up Your Reading," Scientific Monthly, 1938; #663

Benton, William, "The Times in Review," New York Times, 1973; #2301

Benton, William, "Eyes of the Future," ibid., 8/20/38; #668

Benton, William, "Off to Opportunity," ibid., 9/3/38; #670

Benton, William, "They Had Their Worries Too," ibid., 6/11/38; #845

Benton, William, "You Can Learn How to Sleep," ibid., 1/14/39; #248

Benton, William, "Mutual Goal for the Americas," Wholesale Grocer News, 8/44; #769

Benton, William, "Back Court Doubles; Tennis," World Tennis Magazine, 11/55; #173

Benton, William, pending, Middletown Bulletin, 1958; #305

Benton, article about Benton, "Richest of the American Rich," Fortune, 1/68; #2186

Benton, article about Benton, Carl Bodoni, "Shoot the Works; Want to Make a Million Dollars? Take Bill Benton's Advice," Mark Trail Magazine, Winter 1951; #1086

Benton, award, Distinguished Public Service Award, Connecticut Bar Association, 1971; #2272

Benton, award, Kajima Peace Award, 10/24/69; #2247

Benton, biographical materials, 1949-1961; #142

Benton, biographical materials for Latin America, Ray Josephs, 1960; #142A

339 Benton, book about Benton, Max Gunther, The Very, Very Rich and How They Got That Way, 1972; #2294

Benton, book about Benton, Charles Sopwith, Successful Businessmen, 1963; #1335

Benton, Benton book review, Robert Townsend, "Up the Organization," Saturday Review, 4/70; #2250

Benton, chapter about Benton, Marie Beynon Ray, How Never To Be Tired, 1961; #1821

Benton, editorial, "Man Without a Country," Ladies Home Journal, 7/38; #641

Benton, editorial, "New Continents Ahead," 10/38; #634

Benton, interview, Columbia University Oral History, 1970; #2263

Benton, interview, News Front, 2/61; #1798

Benton, interview, Edward Rosenheim, "Opportunities in Broadcasting," 3/3/72; #2279

Benton, interview, Studs Terkel, Great Depression in America, 1969; #2232

Benton, interview, "Voice of America; History," Voice of America, 1/28/60; #1606

Benton, letter, to Ray Josephs, friendship, 3/27/58; #1068

Benton, letter, to Paul V. Kesten, rule of exclusiveness in networks, 12/6/45; #436

Benton, letter, John Taber to Benton, Hedgerow Community Theater operated by Jasper Deeter, 9/30/47; #369

Benton, letter, to editor, "Recoined Phrase; Treadmill to Oblivion," Hartford Courant, 12/30/71; #2315

Benton, letter, to editor, New England steel mill, New Haven Register, 9/7/51; #762

Benton, letter, to editor, action of Board of Education in deleting Huckleberry Finn from the approved list, New York Times and Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 9/18/57; #150

Benton, letter, to editor, better television, 6/23/63; #1331

Benton, letter, to editor, public attitudes and television, 11/11/59; #1279

Benton, letter, to editor, U. S. Information Agency report, unpublished, 11/3/60; #1748

Benton, letter, to George Waldo, Benton biography, 12/3/49; #142 340 Benton, letter, to Charles Wilson, New England steel mill, 7/10/51; #493

Benton, membership, American Committee for a United Europe, Board of Trustees, 7/2/57; #21

Benton, membership, chairman of Connecticut National Library Week, 4/58; #281

Benton, membership, Committee for a United Europe, 7/3/53; #21

Benton, membership, University of Connecticut trustee, 7/1/57; #1465

Benton, membership, Democratic Advisory Council, Committee on Foreign Policy, 9/26/57; #56

Benton, membership, Democratic National Committee, Democratic Party Sustaining Committee; #223

Benton, membership, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information, 4/5/48; #450

Benton, membership, lists; #800

Benton, memo, visit with Harold Wilson, 9/63; #1349

Benton, memo, Bergen Evans, "Editor's Choice; You Couldn't Do Woise," Associated Press Managing Editors Association, 1963; #2302

Benton, notes, Ray Josephs on Benton in communications; #1366

Benton, photo, autographs; #1597

Benton, photo, autographs; 9/64; #2013

Benton, photo, 10/58; #1110

Benton, photo, 1952; #1490

Benton, photo, 1952; #1506

Benton, photo, 1950; #1210

Benton, photo, 5/20/48; #1436

Benton, photo, 11/56; #1492

Benton, photo, 7/52; #1464

341 Benton, photo, miscellaneous, infancy through 1915; #1402C

Benton, photo, 6/60; #1753

Benton, photo, 4/52; #1447

Benton, photo, 5/43; #855B

Benton, photo, 4/28/56; #1460

Benton, photo, Karsh portraits, 4/59; #1754-1758

Benton, photo, 6/6/60; #1763

Benton, photo, Marsh portrait, 1948; #1535

Benton, photo, 10/26/58; #1142

Benton, photo, 4/25/57; #1473

Benton, photo, newspaper mats; #1209

Benton, photo, 1958; #1456

Benton, photo, 2/59; #1440

Benton, photo, 4/58; #1520

Benton, photo, 5/58; #1429

Benton, photo, for passport, 1960; #1673

Benton, photo, #1599

Benton, photo, 3/72; #2277

Benton, photo, 4/15/70; #2258

Benton, photo, 1/60; #1597-1599

Benton, photo, 1/60; #1609

Benton, photo, 8/52; #1441

Benton, photo, 8/51; #519A

342 Benton, photo, 9/43; #1402E

Benton, photo, ca. 1952; #1445

Benton, photo, 12/55; #1163

Benton, photo, 11/57; #742

Benton, photo, 1957; #1512

Benton, photo, 2/3/58; #1562

Benton, photo, "Meet the Press," 8/24/52; #1485

Benton, photo, USS Connecticut, 1950; #1477

Benton, photo, Dover, England, 8/43; #1519

Benton, photo, Italian trip, 1950; #1450

Benton, photo, Italian trip, 1951; #1592

Benton, photo, Italian trip, 1952; #1508

Benton, photo, Eleanor Roosevelt luncheon, 10/57; #1462

Benton, photo, Greek Islands trip, 1954; #1582

Benton, photo, England trip, 1969; #2257

Benton, photo, U. S. Coast Guard Academy, 5/3/57; #1575

Benton, photo, Frank Lloyd Wright's 90th birthday, 1957; #1586

Benton, photo cartoon, TV board meeting and Benton, 1951; #1585

Benton, radio, 2/10-11/64; #1939

Benton, radio, "United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information," 5/5/48; #528D

Benton, radio, no text, May or June 1955; #189

Benton, radio, no text, 9/55; #188

Benton, radio, no text, 12/57; #286

343 Benton, radio, no text, 9/17/54; #198

Benton, radio, no text, 2/19/57; #129

Benton, radio, cultural exchange, 7/47; #1107

Benton, radio, tribute to George Shuster, 6/16/59; #1248

Benton, radio, Institute of Graphic Arts, fifty books of the year, 4/5/49; #825

Benton, radio, Western Europe's economic growth, 8/7/57; #41

Benton, release, Ray Josephs, "Statesman for Education," 1959; #1289

Benton, speech, "Tribute to William Fitzgerald," William Fitzgerald Apprentice School, 6/30/51; #384

Benton, speech, "What Every Young Businessman Should Know," Newspaper Advertising Executives Association, 10/13/41; #1302

Benton, speech, "Public Relations; Science of Selling Ideas," Public Relations Society, 11/30/49; #1106

Benton, speech, "Tribute to Anna Rosenberg," Eleanor Roosevelt Foundation Dinner, 4/16/64; #1949

Benton, speech, Class of 1921 Reunion, Yale University, 6/46; #833

Benton, speech, Class of 1921 Reunion, Yale University, 6/26/71; #2266

Benton, background summary, Catholics; #322

Benton, background summary, civil rights; #309

Benton, background summary, Connecticut industry; #323

Benton, background summary, economics; #323

Benton, background summary, education; #325

Benton, background summary, farmers; #319

Benton, background summary, government reorganization; #314

Benton, background summary, Greek people; #315

344 Benton, background summary, Hungarian people; #310

Benton, background summary, immigration; #316

Benton, background summary, industry; #323

Benton, background summary, international relations; #320

Benton, background summary, Italian people; #313

Benton, background summary, Jewish people; #311

Benton, background summary, labor; #326

Benton, background summary, medical profession; #321

Benton, background summary, miscellaneous national groups; #324

Benton, background summary, Negro people; #309

Benton, background summary, Polish people; #312

Benton, background summary, postal workers; #308

Benton, background summary, small business; #323

Benton, background summary, veterans; #307

Benton, background summary, women; #317

Benton, background summary, youth; #318

Benton, television, no text, 10/63; #100

Benton, television, no text, 7/28/62; #1304

Benton, television, no text, 7/64; #2010

Benton, television, no text, 6/61; #1806

Benton, television, interview, 8/21/66; #2116B

Benton, television, interview, 2/20-21/57; #3

Benton, television, interview, no text, 12/12/57; #154

345 Benton, television, interview, 1/31/58; #175

Benton, television, interview, 2/13/57; #108

Benton, television, "Soviet-American Meeting at Dartmouth," 11/15/60; #1793

Benton, television, "Editorial Page Conference," 1/19/64; #1935

Benton, television, "Our National Purpose," 6/26/60; #1614

Benton, television, "Are We Giving Bright Students a Fair Chance?," 12/29/57; #29

Benton, television, "Educated Man," 8/30/59; #1273

Benton, television, profile, 2/64; #1948

Benton, television, no text, 11/22/54; #193

Benton, television, no text, 9/28/54; #197

Benton, Benton tribute, 1/29/51; #541

Benton & Bowles. See Advertising.

Benton family, photo, Charles William Benton, 1900; #1402A

Benton family, photo, Christmas, 1957; #1449

Benton family, photo, early family pictures; #1402D

Benton family, photo, 30th reunion of Yale Class of 1921, 6/51; #1539

Benton family, photo, 35th reunion of Yale Class of 1921, 6/56; #1449

Benton family, photo, Montana homestead, ca. 1914; #1500

Benton family, photo, Montana homestead, ca. 1915; #1421

Benton family, photo, paternal and maternal grandparents; #1402B

Benton family, photo, Southport home, ca. 1953; #1212

Benton family, photo, Syrian homestead, 1840; #1421A

Benton family, photo, Syrian homestead, 1840; #1588

346 Benton family, photo, Thanksgiving at the Bentons, 11/58; #1822

Benton Foundation. See also Congressional Distinguished Service Awards.

Benton Foundation. See also Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, Foreign Service Association Award, 1957-1958; #1090

Benton genealogy, History of Tolland, 8/3/1861; #992

Bowles, Chester, announcement of availability as Senatorial candidate and Benton's statement, 3/7/58; #209

Bowles, article, "An American in Asia," Commonweal, 4/24/53; #259B

Bowles, article, "A Fresh Look at Free Asia," Foreign Affairs, 10/54; #259B

Bowles, article, "Brown Man's Burden Analyzed," New York Times, 9/5/54; #259B

Bowles, article, "Call for a New Immigration Policy," Survey, 11/51; #259B

Bowles, article, "Chester Bowles on Appointment of Ambassadors," Washington Post, 12/72; #2318

Bowles, A. H. Olmstead, "Connecticut Yankee; Benton vs. Bowles," Bridgeport Telegram, 7/10/58; #837

Bowles, Promises to Keep, 1971; #2271

Bowles, drafts of speeches prepared for Adlai Stevenson in 1956 political campaign; #555

Bowles, Benton letter to Bowles and Tom Dodd, request for debates, 4/24/58; #236

Bowles, photo, autographed; #1408

Bowles, photo, autographed; #1802

Bowles, speech, question-and-answer period with Benton and Tom Dodd, Fairfield County Federation of Women's Clubs, no text, 5/20/58; #396

Bowles, speech, with Benton and Dodd, "Republican Curtailment of Urban Renewal Funds," Fairfield County Federation of Women's Clubs, 5/19/58; #396

Bowles, speech, "America's First Order of Business," B'nai B'rith, 1/8/58; #259A

Bowles, speech, "America's Urgent Need for a New Foreign Economic Policy," Convention of the Tea Association, 9/21/54; #259A 347 Bowles, speech, "Does Brien McMahon's Vision Point the Way to Peace?," Human Rights Day luncheon, 1/30/58; #259A

Bowles, speech, "Not Enough Trust in the American People," Naugatuck Young Democrats, 1/6/58; #259A

Bowles, speech, "Soviet Challenge," Oberlin College, 6/10/57; #259A

Bowles, speech, "What Are We Americans Afraid Of?," St. Mary's. 1/15/58; #259A

Bowles, speech, "Labor Unions," Testimonial Dinner for Walter Reuther, 12/16/49; #259A

Bowles, speech, election victory, 11/50; #1867

Bowles, testimony, "Rent Control," Senate Banking and Currency Committee, 4/24/49; #259C

Brownlee, Jim, photo, autographed; #1407

Byrnes, James. See State Department.

Campaign 1950, appointment, Robert F. Claffey as Benton's Connecticut field representative, 2/10/50; #625

Campaign 1950, appointment, John J. Fitzpatrick as Benton's personal campaign advisor, 10/20/52; #594

Campaign 1950, Benton article, "Desegregation in Connecticut Armed Forces," New Haven Register, 1950; #891

Campaign 1950, campaign contribution from University of Chicago faculty and letters of support, 11/3/50; #1012

Campaign 1950, endorsements, miscellaneous; #480

Campaign 1950, letter, Benton to Walter George, state need for tax reduction, 6/13/50; #839

Campaign 1950, photos, 6/50; #1504

Campaign 1950, photos, 6/50; #1506

Campaign 1950, political release collection; #1011

Campaign 1950, promotional release, Gallup poll, 4/28/50; #1122

Campaign 1950, radio, 10/10/50; #953

348 Campaign 1950, radio, John McCormack supports Benton; #943

Campaign 1950, speech, "Introduction of Senator Benton to Democratic Party in Connecticut," Democratic State Central Committee, 10/30/49; #776

Campaign 1950, speech, "Politics," League of Women Voters, 10/23/50; #455

Campaign 1950, speech, election victory, 11/50; #1867

Campaign 1950, speech, "Progress Under the Democratic Party," Teamster's Union, 8/11/50; #1239

Campaign 1950, speech, Young Democrats State Convention, 5/27/50; #1087

Campaign 1950, speech, Abe Ribicoff, nomination of Benton for Senate, Democratic State Convention, 7/26/50; #441

Campaign 1950, speech, nomination acceptance, 7/29/50; #1987

Campaign 1950, statement, "Gift of Nichols Painting as Campaign Contribution," 11/4/50; #1238

Campaign 1950, statement, "Portable Movies as a Campaign Weapon," 10/16/50; #1189

Campaign 1950, statement, "Congratulations to the Convention", American Hungarian Federation Conference, 10/7/50; #1147

Campaign 1950, statement, "Czechoslovakia's Independence Day," Czechoslovakian people, 10/28/50; #462

Campaign 1950, summary, recount activities; #1232

Campaign 1950, television, Helen Benton, "Scrapbook of Senator Benton's Activities," 9/12/50; #182

Campaign 1950, Benton television, "Campaign 1950; Senator Benton, the Candidate," 10/50; #101

Campaign 1950, Benton television, 10/16/50; #911

Campaign 1950, Benton television, 10/23/50; #910

Campaign 1950, Benton television, 10/24/50; #973

Campaign 1950, testimonial, "Bill Benton Blitz," Newsweek, 6/5/50; #659

349 Campaign 1950, testimonial, "Buzz-Saw Bill Benton; Idea Man," Waterbury Republican, 6/25/50; #430

Campaign 1952, advertisement, Independent Committee versus Communism in Government, 11/2/52; #559

Campaign 1952, appointment, Anthony Bianca, State Coordinator for Ethnic Groups in Connecticut, 10/2/52; #597

Campaign 1952, appointment, Francis and Nance Brant as co-chairmen, 9/27/52; #827

Campaign 1952, appointment, Henry J. Gwiazda as state chairman of Polish-American Committee for the Re-Election of Benton, 10/4/52; #598

Campaign 1952, article, Edward B. Lockett, "What Makes a Good Senator," Coronet, 10/52; #212

Campaign 1952, endorsements; #480

Campaign 1952, letter, Alfred McCormack to Connecticut lawyers, 10/20/52; #1040

Campaign 1952, letter, Walter E. Cosgriff, government reorganization and campaign support, 7/3/52; #1034

Campaign 1952, letter, Fred Gutmann, Connecticut mine, mill, and smelter workers and Communist influences, 4/25/52; #1037

Campaign 1952, literature; #827A

Campaign 1952, photos; #1490

Campaign 1952, photos; #1533

Campaign 1952, photos; Benton addressing Connecticut delegation, 7/52; #1464

Campaign 1952, photos; #1423

Campaign 1952, photos; presidential campaign; #1499

Campaign 1952, plank, Democratic National Convention, American foreign policy, 7/19/52; #472

Campaign 1952, plank, Democratic National Convention, civil rights and anti-filibuster, 7/19/52; #795

350 Campaign 1952, plank, Democratic National Convention, second "Hoover Commission" on government reorganization, 7/19/52; #664

Campaign 1952, plank, Democratic National Convention, morality and politics, 7/19/52; #42C

Campaign 1952, plank, Democratic National Convention, small business, 7/19/52; #697

Campaign 1952, political release collection; #827

Campaign 1952, radio, Helen Benton, 10/31/52; #746

Campaign 1952, Benton radio, "Atomic Weapons No Substitute for Moral Power," 10/21/52; #1180

Campaign 1952, Benton radio, "Why I am a Democrat," 10/25/52; #415

Campaign 1952, Benton radio, "Social Security Program Threatened by Republican Policy," 10/29/52; #969

Campaign 1952, Benton radio, John McCormack in support of Benton, 10/31/52; #943

Campaign 1952, script, "Bill Benton; Fighting Senator," Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 7/21/52; #1236

Campaign 1952, speech, Helen Benton, Salisbury; #1186

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Challenges in the Coming Elections," Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 5/2/52; #1231

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Communist Threat," Baltic people, 6/15/52; #219

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Domestic Economy," Cathedral Holy Name Society, 10/14/52; #242

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Taft-Hartley Act; A Critique," CIO banquet, 10/9/52; #1188

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Senator Benton's Record in the Senate," CIO Convention, 1/13/52; #687

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Connecticut Federation of Labor, 9/4/52; #1183

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic National Convention, "Anti-Filibuster (Cloture) Plank before the Democratic National Convention Committee," 7/19/52; #580

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic National Convention, "Tribute to Brien McMahon," 7/25/52; #707 351 Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic National Convention, "Tribute to Paul Dever," 7/22/52; #419

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic State Convention, acceptance of the Senatorial nomination, 6/14/52; #429

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic State Convention, Hubert Humphrey keynote, 6/13/52; #442

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic State Convention, Abe Ribicoff nomination of Benton for Senator, 6/13/52; #564

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Democratic State Convention, "Connecticut Democratic Candidates of 1952 Campaign," 9/6/52; #418

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Women Possess the Balance of Power," Democratic Women's Clubs of Connecticut, 5/13/52; #1144

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Communistic Influences in Connecticut Labor Unions," 17th Senatorial District, 5/32/52; #422

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Fairfield County Young Democrats, 5/27/52; #424

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Politics," Glastonbury Democrats, 6/2/52; #425

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Democratic Party Achievements," Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 5/3/52; #560

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Opportunities Ahead," Litchfield High School commencement exercises, 6/20/52; #218

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Economic Issues of the 1952 Campaign," National Industrial Conference Board's 333rd Annual Meeting, 9/18/52; #417

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Politics," New Haven City Democratic Convention, 5/19/52; #590

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Achievements of the Democratic Party," New London County Democrats, 5/24/52; #423

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, "Campaign 1952; Economic Issues," Waterbury Rotary Club, 9/23/52; #1050

Campaign 1952, Benton speech, Benton tribute on 173rd anniversary of General Pulaski's death, 10/11/52; #654

352 Campaign 1952, Nelson H. Cruikshank speech, "Connecticut's Great Service to the Nation and the World," Connecticut Federation of Labor, 9/4/52; #1203

Campaign 1952, statement, support for Connecticut's option on three television channels, 10/30/52; #977

Campaign 1952, statement, "Social Security for Professional Persons," 10/20/52; #1192

Campaign 1952, statement, "McCarran Immigration Act and Bush's Evasion of It," 10/24/52; #155

Campaign 1952, statement, "How to Use Television in Politics," 9/10-24/52; #1234

Campaign 1952, statement, "Communism; Republican's Hot Air Method of Attack versus Democratic Party's Positive Steps," 10/17/52; #1023

Campaign 1952, statement, national fund-raising campaign for reelection of Benton, 10/17/52; #1191

Campaign 1952, statement, "Civil Rights; Republican Party Countenances Second Class Citizenship," Democratic rally, 10/16/52; #990

Campaign 1952, television, Helen Benton, 9/52; #1230

Campaign 1952, Benton television, "Benton versus Bush as Candidates," 10/20/52; #938

Campaign 1952, Benton television, "Benton's Qualifications," 10/24/52; #939

Campaign 1952, Benton television, "Achievements under the Democratic Party," 10/29/52; #936

Campaign 1952, Benton television, 10/31/52; #933

Campaign 1952, Benton television, Robert Claffey, "Richard Nixon's Academy Award Performance," 10/13/52; #434

Campaign 1952, testimonial, Cyril Coleman, 10/52; #937

Campaign 1954, introduction of John F. Kennedy, Democratic State Convention, 6/25/54; #199

Campaign 1954, speech, "Victory of the Election of Democratic Representatives in Congress," Democratic Victory Dinner, 12/2/54; #167

Campaign 1954, television, "Lyford for Congress Campaign," 10/6/54; #195

353 Campaign 1956, photo; #1448

Campaign 1956, photo, Democratic National Convention, 7/56; #1422

Campaign 1956, photo, 1956; #1498

Campaign 1956, photo, 1956; #1444

Campaign 1956, photo, Democratic State Central Committee, 6/56; #1530

Campaign 1956, photo, 7/1/56; #1478

Campaign 1956, plank, "Federal Employee Security Program," 8/7/56; #104B

Campaign 1956, plank, "Immigration," 8/7/56; #104C

Campaign 1956, radio, "Presidential Campaign," 4/18-19/56; #91

Campaign 1956, speech, Dodd's availability as candidate for Senatorial nomination, no text, 7/7/56; #64

Campaign 1956, speech, "Foreign Policy," Democratic Closed Circuit TV Dinner, 10/20/56; #62

Campaign 1956, testimony, "Immigration" (long version), 8/7/56; #104

Campaign 1956, testimony, "Immigration" (short version), 8/7/56; #104A

Campaign 1958, campaign literature, "Bill Benton Because," 5/27/58; #401

Campaign 1958, editorial, "Keep Your Eyes on J. F. Smith; Key Supporter of Tom Dodd," Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 7/6/58; #837C

Campaign 1958, editorial, "Lee for Governor in 1962," ibid., 7/6/58; #837D

Campaign 1958, editorial, Irwin Ross, "Battle of Connecticut," New York Post, 5/18/58; #558

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Senatorial nomination at Democratic State Convention, 6/30/58; #848

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, to Charles and Marjorie Benton, Senatorial nomination at Democratic State Convention and post-Convention analysis, 6/30/58; #848

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, to Connecticut Democrats, availability as candidate, letter #1, 1/13/58; #107

354 Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, to delegates to Democratic Convention, 5/5/58; #381

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, to Ribicoff, Ribicoff's statement of neutrality on Senatorial candidates, 1/31/58; #186

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, to Adlai Stevenson, Senatorial nomination, 6/58; #849

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Bob Claffey to Connecticut Democrats, seven reasons why Benton would be a good candidate, 5/16/58; #393

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Al Donahue and Ed Bergin to delegates to party convention, seven reasons why Benton would be a good Senatorial candidate, 6/25/58; #709

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Ray Fitzpatrick to Benton and reply, "Benton Can Win," 1/15/58; #285A

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Joe Kusaila to Connecticut press, Benton veto of postal workers' raise, 10/20/50; #460

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, John Lane and Ed Roddan to Connecticut Democrats, Benton's foreign relations testimony and attachments, 4/21/58; #372

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, John Lane and Ed Roddan to Connecticut Democrats, "Benton Can Win," #3, 3/24/58; #285

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Nick Phelan to Connecticut town chairmen, support for Benton's candidacy, #2, 2/24/58; #247

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, William Pitt to Associated Press editors, endorsement of Benton as Senatorial candidate, 5/12/58; #492

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, William Proxmire to Benton, campaign strategy in 1956 Proxmire Senatorial election, 10/4/57; #1235

Campaign 1958, Benton letter to Ethel Beckwith, Chase Going Woodhouse to delegates to Party Convention, appeal to candidates on behalf of Benton's candidacy, 6/20/58; #651

Campaign 1958, radio, "Senatorial Nomination and Post-Convention Analysis," 7/1/58; #903

Campaign 1958, radio, "Democratic State Convention," 7/6/58; #803

Campaign 1958, radio, 10/10-11/58; #1041

355 Campaign 1958, radio, Senatorial nomination at Democratic State Convention and This Is the Challenge, 7/1/58; #802

Campaign 1958, speech, "Old Politics Is Replaced by New; Rise of Public Relations Techniques," Boston University School of Communications and Public Relations, no text, 11/18/58; #1215

Campaign 1958, speech, "Scholar and Public Policy," University of Connecticut Honors Day Convocation, 5/19/58; #391

Campaign 1958, speech, "Inadequacy of Southern Educational Facilities to Meet Selective Service Requirements and the Resultant Burden Placed on Connecticut," Connecticut labor leaders, 4/24/58; #373

Campaign 1958, speech, primary campaigning, Democratic Town Committee of Bristol, no text, 4/11/58; #375

Campaign 1958, speech, "Great Issues in the 1958 Campaign," Democratic Town Committee of Manchester, 4/15/58; #306

Campaign 1958, speech, "American Economy," Democratic Town Committee of New London, no text, 4/16/58; #95

Campaign 1958, speech, "Senator William Purtell's Record," Democratic Town Committee of Norwich, no text, 2/28/58; #16

Campaign 1958, speech, "Tax Reduction," Democratic Town Committee of Waterbury, no text, 4/22/58; #374

Campaign 1958, speech, "Missiles as an Issue," Democratic Women's Club of Westport, no text, 1/16/58; #117

Campaign 1958, speech, with Tom Dodd, "America's Economic Growth," Democratic Women's Club and Democratic Town Committee of East Hampton, no text, 5/14/58; #387

Campaign 1958, speech, "Nine-Point Attack on Unemployment," Exchange Club, 3/3/58; #244

Campaign 1958, speech, Eugene McCarthy testimonial dinner, 10/23/58; #1065

Campaign 1958, speech, "Employment," Litchfield County Democrats, 6/5/58; #518

Campaign 1958, speech, "Federal Support of Education," New Britain, no text, 6/17/58; #588

Campaign 1958, speech, "Education; Key Political Issue for 1958," Tolland County Democratic Association, no text, 5/8/58; #386

356 Campaign 1958, speech, "Teachers' Salaries," Tolland County Democrats, no text, 6/1/58; #491

Campaign 1958, speech, "Seven-Point Memo," West Haven Democratic Town Committee, no text, 4/28/58; #400

Campaign 1958, speech, "Tax Reduction," Windham County Democratic Delegates and Town Chairman, no text, 4/28/58; #377

Campaign 1958, speech, Wisconsin fund-raising dinner, 10/25/58; #752

Campaign 1958, speech, nomination acceptance speech, not used, 6/28/58; #708

Campaign 1958, speech, Al Donahue nomination of Benton for Senate, 6/28/58; #546

Campaign 1958, speech, question-and-answer period with Chester Bowles and Tom Dodd, Fairfield County Federation of Women's Clubs, no text, 5/20/58; #396

Campaign 1958, speech, with Bowles and Dodd, "Republican Curtailment of Urban Renewal Funds," Fairfield County Federation of Democratic Women's Clubs, 5/19/58; #396

Campaign 1958, speech, "Flood Control; Federal Responsibility," 7th Senatorial district, no text, 3/8/58; #253

Campaign 1958, speech, "Common Market for Latin America," 2nd Congressional district, 5/22/58; #397

Campaign 1958, speech, "Need for Federal Support of Schools," 32nd Senatorial district, 5/24/58; #399

Campaign 1958, statement, "Senatorial Campaign and Benton's Pledge to Carry Fight through to Convention Floor," 6/22/58; #643

Campaign 1958, statement, John H. Norton, in favor of accepting Benton's proposal for a compromise to avoid a bitter primary fight, 4/2/58; #297

Campaign 1958, television, 7/2/58; #811

Campaign 1958, television, "Current Administrative Policy," 1/13-14/58; #135

Campaign 1960, photo, Democratic National Committee; #2307

Campaign 1960, plank, Democratic National Committee, "Education," 7/8/60; #1751A

Campaign 1960, speech, Democratic National Committee; #2307

357 Campaign 1960, speech, seconding Congressman Frank Kowalski's nomination, Democratic State Convention, 6/18/60; #1760

Campaign 1960, testimony, Democratic National Committee, "Education," 7/60; #1752

Campaign 1960, testimony, Democratic National Committee, "Red China's Educational System," 7/8/60; #1751

Campaign 1962, speech, seconding Governor Dempsey's nomination, Democratic State Convention, no text, 7/14/62; #1310

Campaign 1964, plank, "Report of the Committee on Resolutions and Platforms," Democratic National Committee, 8/64; #2002

Campaign 1964, radio, Democratic National Committee, 8/24/64; #2009

Campaign 1968, speech, Democratic National Committee, 1968; #2304

Campaign 1968, speech, "Democratic National Convention," American Club of Paris, 9/12/68; #2207

Campaign 1968, speech, against resolution calling for withdrawal of troops from Vietnam, Democratic State Convention, 6/22/68; #2196

Careers in government, announcement, "Congressional Awards for Distinguished Service," 10/18/57; #163

Careers in government, "For Distinguished Service in Congress," New York Times, 7/24/55; #163

Careers in government, "For Distinguished Service in Congress," "Why Admen Should Go into Politics," Printers' Ink, 9/2/55; #147

Careers in government, Harold Stein report, "Foreign Service Act of 1946"; #1610

Careers in government, speech, "Politics versus Advertising Careers," Advertising and Sales Executive Club, no text, 4/9/56; #74

Careers in government, speech, "Rewards and Penalties of Public Service," University of Bridgeport, 1/15/52; #237

Careers in government, speech, " and the Liberal Arts," Brooklyn College, 6/5/60; #1603

Careers in government, speech, "Rewards and Penalties of Public Service," Claremont School of Theology, 12/13/60; #1780 358 Careers in government, speech, "Rewards and Penalties of Public Service," College of the City of New York, 2/9/52; #235

Careers in government, speech, "Rewards and Penalties of Public Service," Congressional Distinguished Service Awards luncheon, 9/11/59; #163A

Careers in government, speech, "Scholar and Public Policy," University of Connecticut Honors Day Convocation, 5/19/58; #391

Careers in government, speech, "Foreign Service as a Career," Foreign Service Association, 10/20/55; #140

Careers in government, speech, "Public and Private Relations of Foreign Service," Foreign Service Association, 10/6/49; #1093

Careers in government, speech, "Is Public Service for You?," Hartford College Mock Legislators, 2/19/52; #233

Careers in government, speech, "Public Service and the Liberal Arts," Hunter College, 6/16/59; #1233

Careers in government, speech, "What Price Public Service; Is It Worth It?," Institute of Practical Politics, 11/50; #1057

Careers in government, speech, "Cold War and the Liberal Arts," Knox College, 6/6/60; #1604

Careers in government, speech, "What Makes a Good Politician?," Yale Political Union, no text, 10/6/54; #196

Careers in government, speech, "Politics; Its Penalties and Rewards," Young Democrats of New Haven, no text, 2/26/58; #246

Carleton College, Merril E. Jarchow and Leal A. Headley book, Carleton College; The First Century, 1966; #2153

Catholics, "Soviet Lesson for Catholic Schools," Catholic Digest, 4/58; #55A

Catholics, Catholic World, unpublished article, 1961; #1794

Catholics, photo, National Catholic Education Association, 4/25/57; #1451

Catholics, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," Catholic War Veterans, 11/10/57; #50

Catholics, speech, "Tribute to Irish People," Irish American Home Society, 3/17/50; #116

359 Catholics, speech, "Challenge to Catholic Educators," National Catholic Education Association, 4/25/57; #55

Catholics, speech, "Principles of Christianity and Patriotism," Postal Workers' Communion Breakfast, 5/18/52; #228

Catholics, speech, Reverend Lawrence J. Shenan, "Education and the Modern Media of Communication," National Catholic Educational Association, 4/23/57; #49

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, speech, "Responsibilities of the Mass Media," 1/22/63; #1318

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Newton Minow speech, "Television; Four New Dimensions," 1/22/62; #1318

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, statement, "Benton Gives $25,000 for Study of Television and Press in Free Society," 11/2/59; #1285

Chase, Stuart, "Five Year Plan for Egg Heads," Progressive Magazine, 7/56; #183

Chase, Money to Grow On, 1964; #1995

Childs, Marquis, "Another Benton Plan," Washington Post, 9/12/50; #1026

Childs, Moderator, "Marshall Plan of Ideas," 7/23/50; #513

China, Benton article, "Education in Red China," Child and Family, 4/62; #1778A

China, Benton article, "Education in Red China," Saturday Review, 7/15/61; #1778

China, Benton letter to the editor, "Education in Red China," New York Times, unpublished, 9/20/60; #1179

China, Warren Preece manuscript, "Education in China," 1960; #1764

China, Warren Preece manuscript, "Education in China," updated, with 1961 article, 1961-1962; #1764A

China, pamphlet, "Education; Our Ultimate Weapon," 2/61; #1751B

China, photos, education; #1241

China, Benton testimony, "Red China's Educational System," Democratic National Convention, 7/8/60; #1751

CIO, speech, "Taft-Hartley Act; A Critique," 10/9/52; #1188 360 CIO, speech, "Morality in Government," 6/18/52; #729

CIO, speech, "Progress under the Democratic Party," 5/26/50; #790

CIO, speech, "Request for Labor's Guidance and Cooperation," 1/14/50; #681

CIO, speech, "Senator Benton's Record in Senate," 1/13/52; #687

CIO, statement, "Toward a Prosperous New England," 6/15/50; #1049

Civil rights, appointment to Hampton Institute Board of Trustees, 12/1/57; #277

Civil rights, footnote, Committee for Economic Development, Distressed Areas in a Growing Economy, 6/61; #1800

Civil rights, Benton letter to University of Connecticut, Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity's stand on discrimination, 9/28/50; #582

Civil rights, Benton letter and Truman reply, civil rights and F.E.P.C. for defense industry, 10/51; #98

Civil rights, plank, Democratic National Convention, F.E.P.C., 8/7/56; #104B

Civil rights, radio, "Civil Rights; F.E.P.C."; #899

Civil rights, radio, "Civil Rights," 5/3/50; #925

Civil rights, radio, "Civil Rights; F.E.P.C.," 5/9/50; #962

Civil rights, radio, "Cloture and Civil Rights," 10/10/51; #1128

Civil rights, radio, "Latin American Trip," 4/7/60; #1730

Civil rights, radio, "Civil Rights and the Party Platforms," 9/2/52; #581

Civil rights, radio, "Tribute to Walter White," 6/4/55; #176

Civil rights, speech, "Advocating the Fair Employment Practices Commission and Rule XXII," B'nai B'rith, 10/28/51; #764

Civil rights, speech, "Anti-Filibuster (Cloture) Plank before the Democratic National Convention Committee," Democratic National Convention, 7/19/52; #580

Civil rights, speech, "Full Equality of Educational Opportunity for Negro People," Hampton Institute, no text, 4/25/58; #304

361 Civil rights, speech, "McCarran Immigration Act and F.E.P.C.," Liberal Party Dinner, 6/11/52; #283

Civil rights, speech, "Cloture; Prior Issue on Civil Rights," National Leadership Council for Civil Rights, 2/17/52; #579

Civil rights, speech, "East and West; The Twain Must Meet," Service Bureau for Women's Organizations, 10/21/57; #51

Civil rights, speech, "One Hundred Years of Liberia's Independence," 9/20/46; #545

Civil rights, background summary; #309

Civil rights, television, 7/21/52; #692

Civil rights, television, "Civil Rights; Republican Party Countenances Second Class Citizenship," Democratic Party rally, 10/16/52; #990

Civil rights, television, "Democratic Platform Discussed," 8/23/64; #1891

Cogley, John, speech, "Religion," Center Club, 6/22/65; #2012

Committee for Economic Development, appointment to Executive Committee, 5/29/58; #402

Committee for Economic Development, Benton article, "Johnny Will March Home to a Job," Liberty, 7/24/43; #810

Committee for Economic Development, Benton article, "Economics of a Free Society," Fortune, 10/44; #171

Committee for Economic Development, Benton article, "Postwar Planning and Rugged Individualism," Future Magazine, 1/45; #744

Committee for Economic Development, "Opportunity; Dynamics of a Free Society," Industrial Marketing, 6/43; #855

Committee for Economic Development, editorial, "Opportunity for Pro and Con Discussions," Opportunities in World of Tomorrow, 1943; #33

Committee for Economic Development, editorial, "Opportunities in the World of Tomorrow," Freedom of Opportunity; Keystone of All the Freedoms, 1944; #433

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, An Adaptive Program for Agriculture, 1962; #1864

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Budget and Economic Growth, 4/59; #1256 362 Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Cooperation for Progress in Latin America, 2/61; #1796

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Defense Against Inflation, 5/58; #1266

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Distressed Areas in a Growing Economy, 6/61; #1800

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, East-West Trade, 5/65; #2056

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Economic Development of Central America, 11/64; #1989

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Economic Literacy for Americans, 2/62; #1835

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Educating Tomorrow's Managers, 10/64; #2011

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Financing a Better Election System, 12/68; #2214

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Growth and Taxes, 2/61; #1792

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Guiding Metropolitan Growth, 8/60; #1619

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Improving Executive Management in the Federal Government, 1964; #1988

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Innovation in Education; New Directions for the American School, 7/68; #2198

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, International Trade, Foreign Investment, and Domestic Employment, 6/45; #755

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, International Trade Organization and Reconstruction of World Trade, 6/49; #1115

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Modernizing Local Government, 6/1966; #2131

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Monetary and Fiscal Policy for Greater Economic Stability, 12/48; #1245

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, The National Economy and the Vietnam War, 4/68; #2185 363 Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Paying for Better Public Schools, 1/60; #1296

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Presidential Succession and Inability, 1/1965; #2031

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Problem of Changeover Unemployment, 8/45; #1244

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Raising Low Incomes Through Improved Education, 9/65; #2067

Committee for Economic Development, footnote, Union Powers and Union Functions; #1942

Committee for Economic Development, interview, "Reminiscences about CED's Early Days," 7/68; #2199

Committee for Economic Development, memo, Harold Lasswell, "American Policy Commission," 6/3/41; #2068

Committee for Economic Development, pamphlet, reprint of "Economics of a Free Society," 1964; #171

Committee for Economic Development, photo, visit to Strategic Air Command; #1521

Committee for Economic Development, photo, trustees' luncheon, 5/20/48; #1436, #818

Committee for Economic Development, photo, 25th anniversary celebration, 11/67; #2172A

Committee for Economic Development, photo, Washington luncheon, 5/12/49; #1446

Committee for Economic Development, photo, 11/56; #1492

Committee for Economic Development, photo, meeting, 9/43; #620

Committee for Economic Development, radio, "What Should Our Tax Program Be After the War?," 11/14/44; #737

Committee for Economic Development, radio, "Postwar Jobs; Responsibility of Business," 9/13/43; #843

Committee for Economic Development, radio, "Should Industry Attempt to Guarantee Labor a Minimum Wage?," 10/7/44; #736

Committee for Economic Development, radio, "Post War Jobs; Responsibility of Business," 11/15/43; #843

364 Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Commerce and Industry Look Ahead," 5/43; #280

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Johnny, Get Your Job," 5/43; #1206

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Economic Planning in England," 11/8/43; #619

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Economics; America's Responsibility," 1/29/44; #595

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Economics of a Free Society," 10/14/44; #1306

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Liberal Education for Business," 10/2/44; #211

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Crowther is Right-We Hope," 1945; #763

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Business Begins to Look Ahead," 10/20/43; #257

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Opportunity; Dynamics of a Free Society," 5/7/43; #855

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Business Strikes a Trial Balance," 10/28/43; #1307

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Business Looks at War and Peace," 11/5/43; #602

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Future Aims of CED," 25th anniversary banquet, 11/16/67; #2172

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Information Program," 5/20/48; #622

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Tribute to Ralph Flanders," 1/17/47; #886

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Tribute to Paul Hoffman," ca. 1947-1948; #818

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Tribute to Jesse Jones," 5/20/48; #59

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Postwar Efforts by General Industry and Business," Producers' Council, Inc. and American Association of Architects, 5/26/43; #603

365 Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Brass Tacks of Free Enterprise," Sales' Managers Club of Hartford, 10/9/43; #1005

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "How to Raise Real Wages," 6/19/50; #629

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Role of Commerce and Industry in Preventing a Postwar Depression," Temple University, 2/17/43; #895

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Platform for a Free Enterprise System," New York Town Hall, 1/15/45; #808

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Commerce and Industry Look Ahead," Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, 4/10/43; #799

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "CED in the Post War World; New Relationship Between Businessmen and Politicians and Implications of Russian Propaganda," 5/11/49; #1055

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Postwar Developments in Britain," 9/17/43; #620

Committee for Economic Development, speech, "Paul Hoffman; On His Retirement," 5/20/48; #723

Committee for Economic Development, A. R. Guinness speech, "Welcome to Eric Johnston and William Benton," British National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce, 8/11/43; #873

Committee for Economic Development, Senate testimony, "Strengthening Reciprocal Trade Agreements," 6/1/46; #710

Congress of Industrial Organizations. See CIO.

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, announcements, 1957-1959; #163B

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, announcements, 1961; #1817

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, article, "For Distinguished Service in Congress," New York Times, 7/24/55; #163

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, pamphlet; #163E

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, photo, 9/11/59; #163C

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, photo, 9/11/59; #163H

366 Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, photo, 9/11/59; #163I

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, radio, "Educational and Subscription Television and Congressional Awards," 8/29/59; #1275

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, radio, "Kruschev Visit and Congressional Awards," 9/13/59; #1282

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, radio, "Rewards and Penalties of Public Service," 9/11/59; #163A

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, radio, Pendleton Herring, "Benton Foundation Award," 9/11/59; #163F

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, radio, Hugh L. Elsbree, "Political Scientist and the Congress," 9/11/59; #163G

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, speech, "An American Suggestion to British Business Men," American Chamber of Commerce, 7/26/48; #273

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, speech, "Can Britain Compete?," American Chamber of Commerce, 5/26/49; #552

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, speech, "Economic Stumbling Blocks; Britain and the United States," Civic and Commerce Association and Advertising Club, 2/17/44; #706

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, speech, "America's Economy," Kiwanis Club of Phoenix, 3/8/49; #1782

Congressional Distinguished Service Awards, television, 9/11/59; #163E

Council of Europe, meeting with British industrialists, 7/30/57; #19

Council of Europe, photo, 1951; #1509

Council of Europe, report, 11/51; #1228

Cousins, Norman, Present Tense; An American Editor's Odyssey, 1967; #2190

Cousins, "Scientific Rivalry; United States Versus U.S.S.R.," Open Mind Series, 11/3/57; #12

Coy, Wayne, speech, "Future Broadcasting in America," 11/5/51; #984

Crowther, Geoffrey, appointment to board of Britannica, 4/12/56; #47

Crowther, article, "Economic Controls Versus Cartels," Economist Magazine, 9/45; #1080 367 Crowther, speech, "Education; Contrast Between American and English Systems," 10/9/59; #1294

Cultural exchange. See Senate, State Department, UNESCO, etc.

De Madariaga, Salvador, Blowing Up of the Parthenon; #1799

Democratic. See Politics, Senate, etc.

Democratic Advisory Council, Seymour Harris, "Educational Policy for Democratic Party," 12/9/57; #184

Democratic Advisory Council, appointment of Benton to Foreign Policy Committee, 9/26/57; #56

Democratic Advisory Council, "Where We Are; The World of Today and How It Got That Way," pamphlet #1, 1958; #444

Democratic Advisory Council, "Education and Freedom's Future," pamphlet #3, 1/60; #1257

Democratic Advisory Council, "How to Pierce the Iron Curtain," unpublished pamphlet, drafts and correspondence, 1959-1960; #1227

Democratic Digest, "Our International Information Services," 11/46; #823

Democratic Digest, "Education and Freedom's Future," 1/60; #1257

Democratic Digest, "Soviet Challenge; Education," 3/6/56; #75

Democratic Digest, "Business and Its Political Mythology," 4/4/55; #39B

Dempsey, John. See University of Bridgeport.

Djilas, Milovan, "Storm in Eastern Europe," New Leader, 11/19/56; #272

Dodd, Tom, Benton's comments on Dodd's announcement of candidacy, 9/5/57; #15

Dodd, Benton speech, "Tom Dodd's Availability as Candidate for Senatorial Nomination," no text, 7/7/56; #64

Dodd, Benton speech, question-and-answer period with Benton and Bowles, Fairfield County Federation of Women's Clubs, no text, 5/20/58; #396

Dodd, Benton speech, with Benton and Bowles, "Republican Curtailment of Urban Renewal Funds," Fairfield County Federation of Women's Clubs, 5/19/58; #396

368 Donnelly, Raymond L., endorsement of Benton for Senator, undated; #382

Douglas, Paul, In the Fullness of Time, 1971; #2298

Douglas, radio, "Economy through Government Reorganization," 4/10/52; #881

Douglas, "Government Reorganization"; #928

Dulles, Allen, Russell Baker article, "The Other Mr. Dulles; Of the CIA," New York Times Magazine, 3/16/58; #266

Dulles, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Technology," Yale Conference, 2/3-4/58; #152K

Dulles, television, "Democratic Platform Discussed," 8/23/64; #1891

Dulles, Benton's commentary on Penn Kimball memo analyzing Convention and Senatorial nomination, 6/58; #1169

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, 6/16/51; #731

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, photos, 6/16/51; #731A, #1477, #1483

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, Carleton, 6/61; #1808

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, Dartmouth, photo, 6/68; #2193

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, Knox College, photo, 6/6/60; #1763

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, Montana State College, 6/16/57; #96

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, Montana State College, photo, 6/10/57; #1540

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, Notre Dame, 6/68; #2189

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, University of Louisville, 6/48; #1493

Education, awarding of honorary LID from Bard College, University of Montana, 6/10/57; #1429

Education, Benton article, "Television; Trivia or Trivium? Is It a Choice?," Academy Magazine, 12/51; #388

Education, Benton article, "How Can Radio Educate?," Know, 10/41; #79

369 Education, Benton article, "Why Do United States Schools Fail to Create Scientists?," New York Post, 10/24/57; #288

Education, Benton article, "Biggest Reward; A Tribute to Education," New York Times, 5/21/38; #466

Education, Benton article, "United States Education and the Liberal Arts," Yale Political Union, Summer 1962; #1809

Education, Lester David, "Are You Fed Up with TV Trivia?," 4/60; #1380

Education, Barbara Kerr, "William Benton's Role in Education," 5/14/57; #1177

Education, Ethel Beckwith, "TV as a Teacher; Quotations of William Benton," Bridgeport Sunday Herald Magazine, 10/18/59; #1292

Education, book, The Teachers and the Taught in the U.S.S.R., 1966; #2080

Education, book, H. G. Rickover, Education and Freedom, 1960; #2088

Education, book, Edward M. Tuttle, Education by Will Versus Education by Order; #876

Education, book, Edward M. Tuttle, School Board Leadership in America; #1214

Education, Benton review of Arthur Trace, Jr., What Ivan Knows that Johnny Doesn't, 11/12/61; #1826

Education, Benton letter, to editor, foreign aid and federal support to education for training scientists, New York Times, 5/31/56; #675

Education, Benton letter, to editor, suggesting a council of educational advisors, New York Times Magazine, 3/30/62; #1862

Education, Benton letter, to Eisenhower, television quiz scandal and need for citizen's advisory commission, 11/18/59; #1299

Education, Benton letter, #2, 11/21/59; #1299A

Education, Benton letter, #3, 11/30/59; #1299B

Education, Benton letter, to Sigurd Larmon, television quiz scandal and the need for citizen's advisory committee, 12/1/59; #1299C

Education, Benton letter, to Glen Lloyd, appraisal of University of Chicago, 11/20/59; #1362

370 Education, Benton letter, to Charles Percy, television quiz scandal and the need for citizen's advisory committee, 12/2/59; #1299D

Education, Warren Preece manuscript, Education in China, 1960; #1764

Education, photo, Institute for International Education, 1969; #2303

Education, photo, Open University, 5/16/72; #2287

Education, radio, "Is Our Educational System Failing the Individual?," 2/6/58; #152U

Education, radio, 4/11/60; #1605

Education, radio, 4/5/61; #1394

Education, speech, "Education; Liberal Arts versus Business Schools," 2/15/61; #1765A

Education, speech, "Educational Radio Broadcasting," Commonwealth Edison, 3/14/38; #862

Education, speech, "Television; Subscriptional and Educational," Dinner Club, no text, 4/13/59; #1287

Education, speech, "Television; How Can the Public Interest Best Be Served?," Institute for Education by Radio and Television, 5/3/52; #501

Education, speech, "Television," Overseas Press Club, 2/13/64; #1937

Education, speech, "Radio Broadcasting; Educational and Otherwise," Parents' Association, 10/24/39; #865

Education, speech, "Tribute to William Carr," National Education Association, 6/19/67; #2154

Education, speech, "Private School in a Changing World," Taft School alumni, 12/12/41; #1301

Education, speech, "Education; Expansion of University of Connecticut," Tolland County Democratic Association Picnic, no text, 8/18/57; #54

Education, speech, "Improving Education in Our Schools," United Parents' Association, 1/13/62; #1815

Education, summary of efforts on behalf of education; #325

Education, television, shortage of educational facilities, 11/6/59; #1364

Education, testimonial, Institute for International Education, 4/15/70; #2252 371 Education, testimony, proposal for a citizens' board on broadcasting, Carnegie Commission on Educational Television, 4/15/66; #2114

Education, in Britain, "English Education through the Looking-Glass; A Comparative Journey into American High Schools," report financed by Benton Foundation, 4/30/58; #414

Eisenhower, Dwight D., letters to Benton, television quiz scandals and need for Citizen's Advisory Committee, 11/59; #1299-1299B

Eisenhower, letter to Nickolai Bulganin, atomic weapons, summit meeting, and strengthening the U. N., 2/18/58; #255

Eisenhower, photo, testifying in favor of Smith-Mundt bill, 5/20/47; #1488

Eisenhower, statement, two speeches, "Science and Security" and "Future Security," 11/16/57; #187

Eisenhower, Benton testimonial, Information Program, 6/6/47; #1202

Eisenhower, Exchange Fellowships, Inc., Benton's appointment to Board of Trustees, 11/17/52; #1184

Eisenhower, Exchange Fellowships, Board of Trustees pay tribute to President on his birthday, 10/14/53; #1470

Election laws, article, Ann Ferebee, "Political Campaigns," Commonweal, unpublished, ca. 1958; #1038

Election laws, guide book, Summary of Federal and State Laws Regulating the Nomination and Election of United States Senators, 1952; #1028

Election laws, guide book, Federal Corrupt Practices and Political Activities Laws; #1027

Election laws, Benton letter to Alexander Holmes, abolishing the vice presidency, Connecticut newspapers; #1927

Encyclopaedia Britannica, announcement, "William Benton Returns as Chairman of the Board," 10/9/47; #806

Encyclopaedia Britannica, announcement, "Hubert Humphrey Joins EB Board of Directors," 1/9/69; #2217

Encyclopaedia Britannica, announcement, "Purchase of Merriam Webster Co.," 9/11/64; #2008

Encyclopaedia Britannica, announcement, "Purchase of the Praeger Publishers," 4/22/66; #2118

372 Encyclopaedia Britannica, announcement, "William Benton Announces Gifts of EB Collection of American Paintings to American Schools," 4/16/50; #893

Encyclopaedia Britannica, announcement, "Encyclopaedia Britannica Collection of Art to Be Shown in Sacramento," 3/1/48; #1179

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Robert Alden, "Benton Sees Vast Publishing Gains," New York Times, 1/14/60; #1392

Encyclopaedia Britannica, John Benton, "First Sales Experience," EB News, 9/1/59; #1246

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "In Memoriam; Adlai E. Stevenson," Book of the Year, 1966; #2110

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1966; #2110

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1967; #2138

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1968; #2167

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1969; #2213

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1970; #2244

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1971; #2260

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1972; #2290

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1973; #2313

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "The Teachers and the Taught in the U.S.S.R.," ibid., 1965; #2000

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Voice of the Kremlin," ibid., 1956; #31

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Voice of Latin America," ibid., 1961; #1740

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," Compton's, 1971; #2261

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1972; #2311

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1973; #2289

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Russian Trip," EB News, 1/56; #105

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Reginald Marsh," Know, Summer 1967; #113A 373 Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Meet John Y. Brown II," ibid., 1972-1973; #2293

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," EB Roundtable, 1/73; #2308

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," ibid., 1972; #2309

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Shaping Our Lives Through Science and Technology," ibid., 1972; #2280

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Thank God for Salesmen," Salesman's Opportunity, 1968; #2184

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "1973; The Year of the Salesman," ibid., 2/73; #2320

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Mikoyan vs. Britannica," Saturday Review, 10/27/62; #1312

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Publisher's Message," Yearbook of Science and the Future, 10/69; #2229

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Shaping Our Lives Through Science and Technology," ibid., 1968; #2192

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Shaping Our Lives Through Science and Technology," ibid., 1970; #2255

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Shaping Our Lives Through Science and Technology," ibid., 1972; #2265

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William Benton, "Shaping Our Lives Through Science and Technology," ibid., 1973; #2288

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Clay Cole, "How the Britannica Sells One Out of Three," Sales Management, 6/3/60; #1615

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Harvey Einbinder, "Straight Look at the Encyclopaedia Britannica," Columbia University Forum, Winter 1960; #1398

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Harvey Einbinder, "The Britannica; An American Critique of the Encyclopedia Business," Encounter, 1961; #1398B

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Harvey Einbinder, letters to editor, Hutchins's refutation and Einbinder's response, Columbia University Forum, Spring 1960; #1398A

374 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Harvey Einbinder, "Our Imperfect Encyclopedias," Progressive, 3/61; #1398B

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Harvey Einbinder, The Myth of the Britannica, 1964; #1940

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Bruce Felknor, "William Benton; Looking Back," Know, Fall 1972/ Winter 1973; #2293A

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Paul Hoffman and others, "World Without Want," ibid., 1962; #1859

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Arthur Bartlett, "Bill Benton; Idea Man on the Run," Coronet, 9/48; #149

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ray Josephs, "The Great EB," Christian Science Monitor, 6/58; #292C

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Dorothea Kahn, "Encyclopaedia Britannica; A Long Time Newspaper," Christian Science Monitor, 7/10/43; #1010

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Allan Keller, "Filed But Never Forgotten," World Telegram and Sun, 2/10/62; #1855

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Michael Lazare, "The Marvelous Encyclopedia Business," Forbes, 2/15/65; #2048

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Arthur M. Louis, "The Friendly Britannica," The Nation, 3/1/65; #2051

Encyclopaedia Britannica, William A. Lydgate, "Britannica," Reader's Digest, 6/42; #1584

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Kent MacDougall, "Facts for Sale," Wall Street Journal, 2/19/68; #2182

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Jessie Matson, "Britannica in Eighteenth-Century America," Metropolitan Museum of Art Library Bulletin, 6/43; #898

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Richard A. Smith, "Ceiling on Selling," Fortune, 8/58; #368

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Carl Spielvogel, "Advertising; Hard Sell No News to Benton," ibid., 5/25/58; #975

Encyclopaedia Britannica, John Tebbel, "Two Hundred Years of Progress," Saturday Review, 2/10/68; #2183

375 Encyclopaedia Britannica, John H. Thompson, "University of Chicago Aide's Action Saves Britannica Bonanza," Chicago Tribune, 10/8/72; #2321

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Walter Yust, "That's a Fact-Or Is It?," Catholic Library World, 3/57; #258

Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Future Encyclopedias," 1964; #1986

Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Bill Benton's Knowledge Empire," Fortune, 1/68; #2186

Encyclopaedia Britannica, "Growth of EB," Fortune, 7/58; #368

Encyclopaedia Britannica, "This Was the 'Athens of America,'" New Haven Register, 3/20/60; #1608

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, commemorating 200th anniversary, 1/69; #2211B

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, Franklyn H. Hooper, Story of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1939; #1071

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, Harcourt F. Kitchin, Moberly Bell and His Times, 1925; #1838

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, Herman Kogan, The Great EB, 4/58; #292

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, Joseph McCabe, Lies and Fallacies of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1947; #1928

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, Board of Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1962; #1303

Encyclopaedia Britannica, book, Carl F. Stover, edited, The Technological Order, proceedings of EB Conference, 1963; #1334

Encyclopaedia Britannica, booklet for Board of Editors; #1303

Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, Contemporary American Painting catalogs to U. S. missions abroad, 6/1/58; #476

Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, 5 sets as Christmas presents to Soviet Presidium members, 12/25/55; #112

Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, 5 sets to Israel Projects Program as Zionist Organization of America, 12/14/50; #507

Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, presentation to German newspapers, 7/19/48; #1352

376 Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, Rumanian Five Language Technical Lexicon, to reciprocate for 3 sets to Rumanian libraries, 8/26/60; #1771

Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, 50 sets to news agencies of Germany, 7/19/48; #1353

Encyclopaedia Britannica, gift, 50 sets to German newspapers and DENA, 4/27/49; #791

Encyclopaedia Britannica, editorial revisions, 1/4/63; #1319

Encyclopaedia Britannica, John Benton letter to parents about EB sales experience, 8/27/62; #1246A

Encyclopaedia Britannica, memo, transfer, 7/59; #292B

Encyclopaedia Britannica, memo, General Robert E. Wood, "Monument for the World; Building of the Panama Canal," 11/63; #1333

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, Great Books presentation, 4/52; #1434

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, publication of The Great EB, 5/58; #1568

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, Benton tribute, 5/24/49; #1511

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, meeting of Board of Directors, 1957; #1529

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, Canadian Medal presentation, 10/68; #2216

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, First Edition replica, 10/68; #1497

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, Kennedy Memorial Library, 3/3/65; #2055

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, Adlai Stevenson at Geneva cocktail party, 7/8/65; #2089

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, 3/60; #1182A

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, reception by British Prime Minister and Guildhall dinner, 10/15/68; #2211A

Encyclopaedia Britannica, photo, EB sales convention, 5/18/70; #2253

Encyclopaedia Britannica, promotional literature, Benton, "Message to College Men," 1/59; #1182

Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, 2/21/64; #1943

Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, Benton's account of Russian trip, 7/22/62; #1305 377 Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, discussion of television quiz shows, payola, Latin American trip, and EB, 1/23/60; #1601

Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, 6/25-26/64; #1984

Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, forthcoming Russian trip and EB, 10/11/55; #980

Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, overseas broadcast, 190th anniversary of EB, 6/6/58; #1104

Encyclopaedia Britannica, radio, Benton's views on business, 12/61; #1795

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, "Academy for Adults," 10/9/62; #1906

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Compton Achievement Conference, 10/7/72; #2295

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, "Decade Ahead," 190th anniversary of publication of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 6/10/58; #511

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, dinner commemorating Benton's 25th anniversary as publisher, 2/1/68; #2179

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Preble's retirement, 9/30/59; #1277

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, "UNESCO; The Dream Comes of Age,"" 10/11/67; #2163

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, EB international sales division meeting, 6/26/67; #2158

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, two short speeches in Scotland at reception honoring Britannica's 200th anniversary, 5/15/68; #2197

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Encyclopaedia Britannica International Sales Conference, 10/13/68; #2212

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Benton's response to Prime Minister's toast, 10/15/68; #2211

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Harvard Business School Club, 6/1/65; #2065

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, introducing The Annals of America, 2/26/69; #2220

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Wisconsin sales convention, 5/18/70; #2253

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Magazine Writers Society, no text, 6/6/57; #97

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, presentation to President Johnson of books for 700 elementary schools, 12/14/67; #2174

378 Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Temac meeting, not delivered, 10/4/62; #1905

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, Young Executives in Sales Club, outline, 2/9/61; #1791

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, "In Memoriam; Robert Redfield," 11/18/58; #1035

Encyclopaedia Britannica, speech, sales meeting for Encyclopaedia Britannica Canada, Ltd., 7/29/65; #2085

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Clifton Fadiman speech, conference of division managers, 2/3/65; #2050

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Robert Preble speech, "Ethics in Selling," 4/13/59; #485

Encyclopaedia Britannica, statement, physics film course, 2/16/57; #45

Encyclopaedia Britannica, statement, sales training film, 12/59; #1381

Encyclopaedia Britannica, statement, year-end statement, 12/59; #1382

Encyclopaedia Britannica, statement, Geoffrey Crowther appointed to board of EB, Ltd., 4/12/56; #47

Encyclopaedia Britannica, television, panel discussion of English language word usage, 6/22/59; #1213

Encyclopaedia Britannica, tribute, Benton and the Great Books, 3/60; #1224A

Encyclopaedia Britannica, tribute, "Tribute to William Benton and Encyclopaedia Britannica," Wisdom Magazine, 7/59; #1224

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, announcement, "Adlai Stevenson Accepts Chairmanship of Advisory Board," 4/10/57; #24

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Benton, "Sound Movies for Sound Education," University of Chicago Magazine, 11/43; #771

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Paul F. Healey, "They Make the Strangest Movies," Saturday Evening Post, 3/7/59; #1240

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Robert Hutchins, "Founding of Company," University of Chicago Alumni Bulletin, 10/44; #778

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Maurice Mitchell, "Communications," Britannica Book of the Year, 1958; #517

379 Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, memo, Charles Benton, "Russian Trip," 9/64; #2042

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, memo, Milan Herzog, Russian trip, 9/64; #2043

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, photo, Adlai Stevenson accepts Advisory Board chairmanship, 4/57; #1537

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, script, "Bill Benton; Fighting Senator," 7/21/52; #1236

Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, speech, "McCarthy's Lies in Regard to Communist Employees of Encyclopaedia Britannica Films," Waterbury Democrats, 10/29/52; #935

Encyclopedia history, Richard McKeon manuscript, "History of Encyclopedias and the Functions of Encyclopedia," 1950; #466

English language, "English Spoken Here, There, Everywhere," Think, 1/2/67; #2116C

English language, "King's English; Taken for a Ride," This Week Magazine, 6/25/38; #896

English language, Japan American Society, 10/69; #2241

Evans, Luther H., "Almost Half the World's Adults Can't Read," New York Times Magazine, 3/16/58; #268

Evans, Benton letter about Russian propaganda and distortions of history, 12/1/55; #131

Explorer's Club, autographed tribute to Benton from several members, 1/7/39; #1534

Marshall Field III: A Biography, Stephen Becker book, 5/64; #1907A

Field, Benton interview with Becker, 10/17/62; #1907

Fitzpatrick, Raymond J., appointed to staff for Benton Senatorial nomination, 1/2/58; #28

Fitzpatrick, letter and Benton reply, "Benton Can Win," 1/15/58; #285A

Fitzpatrick, memo, "Senatorial Nomination; Convention Analysis," 6/58; #1072

Fitzpatrick, memo, "Quick and Easy Reforms, or DeGaulle Showed the Way," drafts, 7/59; #1089

Flanders, Ralph E., Senator from Vermont, 1961; #2005

Flanders, letter to Arthur Watkins, McCarthy's refusal to answer charges in Hennings-Hayden- Hendrickson Report of January 1953, 8/30/54; #1007

380 Flying Clipper, Jack Zaiman, "Needle's Eye; Cheapest Vacation," Hartford Courant, 9/59; #1290

Flying Clipper, reunion party monologue, Adlai Stevenson, 10/24/59; #1293

Flying Clipper, reunion party monologue, Marietta Tree, 10/24/59; #1286

Flying Clipper, reunion party monologue, Suzette Zurcher, 10/24/59; #1295

Flying Clipper, photo, Venice cruise, 6/61; #1001

Flying Clipper, photo, "Visit to Leningrad," 8/21/60; #1766

Foreign policy, announcement of Benton's membership in Committee for a United Europe, 7/3/53; #21

Foreign policy, appointment to Democratic Advisory Committee on Foreign Policy, 9/26/57; #56

Foreign policy, Benton article, "Education and American Foreign Policy"; #2133

Foreign policy, Award for Distinguished Contribution to International Relations, New York Federation of Women's Clubs, 10/27/50; #454A

Foreign policy, debate, University of Minnesota, 10/22/56; #61

Foreign policy, debate, World Affairs Council, 10/15/56; #63

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to Acheson, budget needs of Information Program, 5/16/46; #690A

Foreign policy, Benton letter, and Warren Austin reply, Marshall Plan of Ideas, 10/50; #151H

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to editor, summit conference for Middle East and expanded Information Program, New York Times, 8/10/58; #759

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to editor, training scientists and foreign aid and federal support for education, ibid., 5/31/56; #675

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to Kenneth McKellar, budget needs for Voice of America, 9/2/50; #523

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to Kenneth McKellar, fund slash for Voice of America, 4/17/51; #1039

381 Foreign policy, Benton letter, to Robert McLean, press disputes and the State Department, 1/17/46; #1155

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to Sabath and members of Rules Committee, grain to India, 4/20/51; #467

Foreign policy, Benton letter, to Truman, grain to India, 8/18/50; #556

Foreign policy, memo, Russian trip, "Interview with Chairman Nikita Khrushchev," 5/28/64; #1960

Foreign policy, memo, European trip, "Political Analysis of Europe in 1935, 4/35; #1613

Foreign policy, pamphlet, "How to Pierce the Iron Curtain," unpublished, 1959/60; #1227

Foreign policy, panel discussion, "Foreign Service Education," Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs, no text, 11/2/56; #132

Foreign policy, report, Conference of Strasbourg, Debates Between the Congress of the United States and the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe, 11/51; #1171

Foreign policy, speech, "Russian Education and the Role of Education in Foreign Policy," Agriculture Department, no text, 4/15/66; #2113

Foreign policy, speech, "Republicans and Foreign Policy," Glastonbury Democrats; #1911

Foreign policy, speech, "Goals We Seek," Conference of Commissions of Inter-American Development, 5/10/44; #591

Foreign policy, speech, "U. S. Immigration Laws and Economic Policy in Europe," Conference of Strasbourg, 11/51; #1171

Foreign policy, speech, "Making the World Safe for Diversity," George School graduation, 6/11/55; #166

Foreign policy, speech, "European Immigration," Kiwanis Club of Westport, no text, 8/7/57; #127

Free trade area, Benton meets with leaders of British industry about Common Market for Western Europe, no text, 7/8/57; #19

Free trade area, Benton meets with leaders of British industry about Common Market for Western Europe, 8/57; #19A

Freedom of Information, photo, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information, 3/48; #1484 382 Freedom of Information, photo, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information, 4/48; #821

Freedom of Information, photo, United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information, 1948; #1524

Freedom of Information, photo, report, confidential, Benton's impressions, 3/23-4/24/48; #528B

Freedom of Information, photo, report, U. S. delegates, 5/9/48; #528C

Freedom of Information, speech, "Geneva Conference Thus Far," 4/7/48; #450

Freedom of the press, Robert M. Hutchins, Free and Responsible Press, 4/47; #816

Freedom of the press, Peoples Speaking to Peoples. 1946; #816A

Freedom of the press, speech, Oveta C. Hobby, Alabama Press Association, 2/10/50; #407

Freedom of the press, tribute to Benton during National Newspaper Week, 10/5/50; #521

Gandhi, Mahatma, autographed photo, 1936; #1528

Gandhi, "Gandhi Jubilant Over Party's Gains," New York Times, 7/25/37; #126

George, Lloyd, autographed photo; #1419

Goldstein, Robert, 65th Birthday Tribute to William Benton, 4/1/65; #2058

Great Ideas, Mortimer Adler, with Benton preface, Great Ideas from Great Books, 1961; #1759

Great Ideas, Mortimer Alder, photos, publication and presentation dinner, 4/52; #1433-#1435, #1437-#1438, #1447, #1452, #1513, #1515-#1517, #1541

Great Ideas, Mortimer Alder, "Tribute to William Benton and the Great Books," Wisdom Magazine, 3/60; #1224A

Great Ideas, Benton article, "Great Ideas Today," 1964; #1994

Great Ideas, "There Are Only 102 Great Ideas," Look, 2/48; #1247

Great Ideas, "There Are Only 102 Great Ideas," Ray Josephs, "The Great EB," Christian Science Monitor, 6/58; #292C

Great Ideas, Herman Kogan, "Benton Gambles on the Britannica," University of Chicago Magazine, 1958; #292-292A 383 Great Ideas, photos, 5/58; #1568-#1570

Great Ideas, photos, Robert Hutchins, 1948; #1413

Great Ideas, Benton preface, Development of Political Theory and Government, 1959; #1804

Great Ideas, promotional literature; #292B

Great Ideas, Benton speech, Great Books division managers' conference, 2/11/64; #1938

Great Ideas, Benton speech, Great Books presentation dinner, 4/15/52; #238

Gross, Gerald, The Responsibility of the Press, 1966; #2151

Gunther, John, Inside South America, 1966; #2223

Gunther, Taken at the Flood, 1960; #1770

Gunther, preface to This Is the Challenge; #282A

Hampton Institute. See Civil rights.

Harris, Seymour, "Educational Policy for Democratic Party," Democratic Advisory Council, 12/19/57; #184

Harris, "Education on the Cuff"; #115

Herblock, photo cartoon, "That Odor Around Here Isn't Coming from West Point"; #1454A

Herblock, photo cartoon, "We Ain't Giving No Information to No Foreigners"; #1454

Herblock, speeches, "State of Our Free Press"; #1617

Herzberg, Donald G., "Wells Phillips Eagleton and Florence Reshine Eagleton Foundation," Douglass College, 4/19/56; #72

Hobby, Oveta Culp. See Marshall Plan of Ideas, freedom of the press.

Hoffman, Paul, all speeches and articles except those about Benton or Encyclopaedia Britannica; #120

Hoffman, with others, "World Without Want," Britannica Book of the Year, 1962; #1859

Hoffman, deposition in McCarthy-Benton lawsuit, 8/19/52; #1844

Hoffman, photo, autographed; #1404 384 Hoffman, photo, 5/48; #818

Hoffman, photo, with Hutchins at Ford Foundation, 3/51; #1459

Hoffman, photo, with Benton, 1951; wedding, 1962; #1453

Hoffman, press release, "Mr. Benton's Documentary Film, 'Italy Rebuilds,'" 1950; #404

Hoffman, radio, "Government and Business," 4/23/50; #719

Hoffman, radio, "Problems of Prosperity; Government and Business," 4/23/50; #1054

Hoffman, radio, "ECA," 5/17/50; #923

Hoffman, speech, retiring as chairman of Committee for Economic Development, 5/20/48; #120

Hoffman, speech, presentation of William Benton Medal for Distinguished Service, 4/13/72; #2278

Hoffman, speech, tribute dinner, 9/66; #2134

Hoffman, speech, "How to Bring about Economic Growth for all Nations," Kiwanis International Convention, 6/27/60; #120

Hoffman, speech, "Prospects for Progress Toward Peace," New School for Social Research, 1/14/58; #120

Hoffman, speech, tribute, 5/48; #818

House of Representatives, report, "National Defense Education Act," 1958; #1376

House of Representatives, testimony, Appropriations Committee, "Information Program; Budget Needs," 10/17/45; #680

House of Representatives, testimony, Appropriations Committee, "Information Program," 2/28/46; #549

House of Representatives, testimony, Foreign Affairs Committee, "Information Program," 10/16/45; #616

House of Representatives, testimony, Foreign Affairs Committee, "UNESCO; Functions, Responsibilities, Goals," 4/3/46; #1078

House of Representatives, testimony, Resolution #3342, "Smith-Mundt Act," 5/6/47; #1193

385 House of Representatives, testimony, Resolution #13247, "National Defense Education Act," 7/58; #1378

House of Representatives, testimony, Select Subcommittee on Education, "Establishing a National Institute of Education," 6/14/71; #2267

House of Representatives, testimony, Ways and Means Committee, "Implementation of the Florence and Beirut Agreements," 6/6/66; #2119

House of Representatives, testimonial to Benton and Information Program, 6/6/47; #1202

Howe, John, letter to recipients, undated; #282C

Howe, memo, "How Does War Affect the Round Table?," 12/15/41; #857

Howe, "Memorial Service," 10/12/67; #2166

Howe, "A Tribute," 6/9/38; #864A

Hoyt, Edwin P., The Golden Rot, 1964; #2053

Hoyt, Supersalesmen, 5/62; #1820

Hoyt, Benton letter, How to Make Money, 4/58; #589

Humphrey, Hubert, announcement, "Hubert Humphrey Joins the Encyclopaedia Britannica Board of Directors," 1/9/69; #2217

Humphrey, "Eight Hours with Kruschev," Life, 1/12/59; #1190

Humphrey, "Tribute to Hubert Humphrey," ADA Roosevelt Dinner Journal, 1/28/65; #2047

Humphrey, Russell Baker, "Humphrey; Thunder and Lightning," New York Times, 1/11/59; #1162

Humphrey, Rudy Williams, New York Post, 7/15/68-7/20/68; #2195A

Humphrey, Rudy Williams, Benton interview, 5/29/68; #2195

Humphrey, photos, 1969; #2228, #2257

Humphrey, radio, "Civil Rights; F.E.P.C.," 5/9/50; #962

Humphrey, radio, "Cloture and Civil Rights," 10/10/51; #1128

386 Humphrey, Benton speech, "Democratic National Convention in Chicago," American Club of Paris, 9/12/68; #2207

Humphrey, Humphrey speech, "Honorary Degree for Senator Humphrey," University of Bridgeport, 6/6/71; #2264

Humphrey, Humphrey speech, "Toward a Unified Policy in the Middle East," Conference on Middle East Development, 2/1/58; #249

Humphrey, Humphrey speech, keynote address, Democratic State Convention, Connecticut, 6/13/52; #442

Humphrey, Humphrey speech, "Humphrey Campaign Contribution," 5/9/60; #1612

Humphrey, Benton testimony, Chairman of Senate Labor and Management Subcommittee, "Civil Rights; In Behalf of Compulsory F.E.P.C. Legislation," 5/6/52; #1016

Hutchins, Robert, Benton article, "Boy Veteran," Ladies Home Journal. 9/38; #461

Hutchins, Hutchins, "Are Our Teachers Afraid to Teach?," Look, 3/9/54; #633D

Hutchins, Hutchins, "United States Education Worse Than Ever; Is Get ting into Cafeteria Stage," New Haven Register, 11/13/55; #633D

Hutchins, Hutchins, "A Liberal Calls for Aid to Church Schools," Saturday Evening Post, 6/8/63; #856

Hutchins, Hutchins, "Dissenting Opinion as a Creative Art," Saturday Review, 8/12/61; #633D

Hutchins, Hutchins, "How to Blunder into War with Russia," Western World, 3/59; #633D

Hutchins, Hutchins, "Autobiography of an Uneducated Man," 1943; #1321

Hutchins, Free and Responsible Press, 4/47; #816

Hutchins, Humanistic Education and Western Civilization, 1964; #1946

Hutchins, "Memorial to Walter Paepcke," 1960; #1062

Hutchins, photo, 1929; #1401

Hutchins, photo, 1948; #1413

Hutchins, photo, 4/52; #1435

Hutchins, photo, with Hoffman at Ford Foundation, 3/51; #1459 387 Hutchins, radio, "Atomic Force; Its Meaning for Mankind," 8/12/45; #1083

Hutchins, report, with Nelson Rockefeller, "Motion Pictures in the Field of Public Education," 9/37; #1208

Hutchins, Benton speech, Hutchins tribute dinner, 2/20/65; #2046

Hutchins, Benton speech, Hutchins tribute dinner, 12/5/62; #1908

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "State of the University, 1929-1949"; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Administrator Reconsidered," American College of Hospital Administrators, 9/19/55; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Freedom," American Jewish Congress, 1/31/56; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Observations on an Anniversary," Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies, 7/69; #2233

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Education and a Free Society," University of Bridgeport, 11/6/63; #1920

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Higher Education and the National Defense," Chicago Association of Commerce, 1/28/41; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "New Realism," University of Chicago convocation, 6/15/45; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Science and Wisdom in the Atomic Age; Uses of Knowledge," University of Chicago, 12/45; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "V-E Day," University of Chicago, 5/8/45; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Morals, Religion, and Higher Education," 10/48; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, Great Books, 4/52; #815

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Is Democracy Possible?," Sidney Hillman Award acceptance, 1/21/59; #633A

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Foundations of World Order," Modern Forum, 11/17/47; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Fund for the Republic; A Defense," National Press Club, 1/26/55; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "America and the War," 1/23/41; #633B

388 Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Good News of Damnation," Publicity Club of Chicago, 1/8/47; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Proposition Is Peace," 3/27/41; #633C

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Robert Redfield; In Memoriam," 11/18/58; #1035

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Freedom of the Press," Society of Newspaper Editors, 4/22/55; #633

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, "Politics," Young Democratic Club, 6/27/32; #633E

Hutchins, Hutchins speech, Robert Preble's retirement from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9/30/59; #1277

Hyman, Sidney, The Lives of William Benton, 2/70; #1750

Hyman, William Benton's America, Osaka Fair Art Exhibit, 1970; #2245

Hyman, The Lives of William Benton, "Book Scene," 3/16/70; #1750A

Israel, Benton article, "Nation Must Advance Human Rights," Jewish Ledger, 3/30/50; #1076

Israel, award, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (includes photo), 3/23/52; #1426

Israel, certificate of appreciation, Light of the World Dinner, 4/15/56; #1427

Israel, gift, 5 sets Encyclopaedia Britannica to Zionist Organization of America, 12/14/50; #507

Israel, Benton letter to editor, "Soviet Treatment of Jews," Christian Science Monitor, 4/15/58; #503

Israel, speech, "Joint Defense Appeal and Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith," American Jewish Committee, 6/19/52; #1497

Israel, speech, receiving the Human Relations Award of the American Jewish Committee, 10/9/68; #2194

Israel, speech, "Tribute to the Jewish People," American Jewish Committee and the Anti- Defamation League, 6/19/52; #1150

Israel, speech, "Economic Aid to Israel," Connecticut Histadrut Campaign, 9/23/51; #639

Israel, speech, "Why We Should Aid Israel," Temple Beth Israel, 4/16/51; #428

389 Israel, speech, "Israel Ten Years Later," Key Club of the Bridgeport Jewish Community Council, 5/9/58; #385

Israel, speech, receiving National Human Relations Award, National Conference of Christians and Jews, 4/28/69; #2224

Israel, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Economics and Education," American Jewish Congress, 1/22/56; #83

Israel, speech, "Advocating the Fair Employment Practices Commission and Rule XXII," B'nai B'rith, 10/28/51; #764

Israel, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Sports," B'nai B'rith, no text, 2/29/56; #77

Israel, speech, "U. S. A.; Wasteland or Wise-Land," Brandeis University, 10/22/62; #1861

Israel, speech, "The key to Freedom," 2nd Annual Hadassah Convention, 8/16/66; #2116

Israel, speech, "Wanderers of the World," Hebrew Immigration Aid Society, 3/23/52; #232

Israel, speech, tribute, to Jewish people on Hebrew New Year, 9/12/50; #496

Israel, speech, Jewish National Tree Fund for Reforestation of Israel, trees planted in honor of Benton; #1487

Israel, speech, Jewish National Tree Fund for Reforestation of Israel, 1952; #446

Israel, speech, Jewish National Tree Fund for Reforestation of Israel, 7/56; #1431

Israel, speech, "Infant Republic of Israel," American Committee for Israel's Tenth Anniversary, 3/3/58; #119

Israel, speech, National Committee for Labor Israel, Honor Scroll Presentation, 9/23/51; #1472

Israel, speech, Weizmann Institute, honorary degree conferred, 5/1970; #2259

Italy, articles, Connecticut newspapers cover Po Valley floods and plead for relief funds, 1950; #279

Italy, articles, "Conditions in Italy," il Progresso, 7/5/50; #520

Italy, honorary membership in musicians and printers union conferred by Senor Pastore, Italian Labor Society, 6/50; #1474

Italy, Benton letter to Anthony Arpaia, Soviet propaganda to discredit American aid to flood- damaged Italy, 1/13/52; #488 390 Italy, Count Carlo Sforza letter to Benton, Benton's legislative record and postwar Italy's welfare, 6/18/51; #652

Italy, photos, presentation of Boys Town Scroll of Honor to Benton, 11/1952; #1589

Italy, presentation, Italian Order of Solidarity, 5/20/54; #1496

Italy, presentation, Italian Order of Solidarity, photo, 5/20/54; #1518

Italy, press conference, Benton's visit to the 43rd Division and the need for revision of McCarran Immigration legislation, 11/29/51; #713

Italy, press conference, "Postwar Italy," 6/14/50; #532

Italy, documentary film script, "Italy Rebuilds," 9/15/50; #404A

Italy, speech, "Italy's Rebuilding," American Chamber of Commerce for Italy, 6/7/50; #534

Italy, speech, "Tribute to the Italian People," Italian Flood Relief Society, 1/31/52; #1059

Johnson, Lady Bird, A White House Diary, 1970; #2268

Johnson, Lyndon, "Visit to the LBJ Ranch," United Press International, 1/73; #2300B

Johnson, photo, inaugural ball, 1964; #2305

Johnson, speech, "Realities of the Modern World," United Jewish Appeal, 6/9/57; #128

Johnson, Nicholas, How to Talk Back to Your Television Set, 1970; #2248

Johnston, Eric, America Unlimited, 1944; #1315

Jones, Jesse, Bascom N. Timmons book, Jesse H. Jones; The Man and the Statesman, 1956; #2004

Jones, photo, autographed; #1414

Jones, photo, Houston Chamber of Commerce Dinner, 12/9/48; #1455

Jones, speech, "Tribute to Jesse Jones," Committee for Economic Development, 5/20/48; #59

Jones, speech, "Where Are We and Where Are We Going?," Houston Chamber of Commerce, 12/9/48; #548

Kempton, Murray, "Buckley's National Bore," National Review, 7/1/56; #971

391 Kennedy, John F., "Shame of the States," New York Times, 5/18/58; #1047

Kennedy, Benton interview for John F. Kennedy Library Oral History Project, 7/64; #1990

Kennedy, letter, Benton appointed U. S. member of Executive Board of UNESCO, 3/11/63; #1320

Kennedy, letter, Profiles of Courage, 2/18/56; #1912

Kennedy, memorial tribute, Compton house organ, 12/63; #1913

Kennedy, photos, 1963; #2225

Kennedy, photos, Kennedy Memorial Library check presentation, 3/3/65; #2055

Kennedy, photos, inauguration, 1960; #2306

Kennedy, photos, signing bill, 4/23/63; #1326

Kennedy, speech drafts for 1960 campaign prepared by Hyman and other Benton staff, probably unused; #1776

Kennedy, Benton speech, support for Kennedy's foreign aid program, Operation Support, 8/22/61; #1816

Kennedy, Benton speech, introduction at Connecticut Democratic Convention, 6/25/54; #199

Kennedy, television, "Courageous Senators," 11/24/57; #291

Keyserling, Leon, "Eggheads and Politics," New Republic, 10/27/58; #515

Keyserling, articles and drafts; #585

Kimball, Penn, appointed to Benton's Washington office executive secretary; #836

Kimball, Bobby Kennedy and the New Politics, 1968; #2239

Kimball, "Senatorial Nomination; Convention Analysis," Democratic State Convention, Benton's commentary, 6/58; #1169

Korea, Benton's proposal to President Truman to use portable movies to combat Soviet propaganda, 1950; #486

Korea, Benton letter and Warren Austin reply, Campaign of Truth for Korea, 10/13/50; #486A

Korea, radio, "What Have the MacArthur Hearings Proved?," 7/8/51; #1058 392 Korea, radio, "Connecticut Veterans at Walter Reed Hospital," 7/23/50; #1133

Korea, radio, 7/23/51; #1135

Korea, speech, "MacArthur's Dismissal," Chamber of Commerce of Middletown, 5/7/52; #1119

Korea, speech, VASA First District Convention, 9/30/50; #499

Korea, speech, "Korean War and Voice of America," Windham County Democratic Association, 7/19/50; #502

Korea, speech, "MacArthur and the United States Policy toward Korea," Young Democrats of Connecticut, 5/26/51; #788

Kovago, Joseph, manuscripts; #210

LaFollette, Phil, autographed photo, 1938; #1416

Lash, Joseph, Eleanor; The Years Alone, 1972; #2292

Lasswell, Harold, "Normative Impact of the Behavioral Sciences," Journal of Social, Political, and Legal Philosophy, 4/57; #478A

Lasswell, A Pre-View of Policy Sciences, 1971; #478B

Lasswell, memo, American Policy Commission, 6/3/41; #2068

Lasswell, radio, "What Freedom of Information Means to You," 2/5/50; #554

Lasswell, radio, "Can We Defeat the Propaganda of International Communism?," 8/20/50; #553

Lasswell, speech, "Political Science of Science," American Political Science Association, 9/6/56; #478

Lasswell, speech, "How to Preserve Our Freedom While Rearming," Committee for Economic Development, 12/10/48; #478

Latin America, article, "Voice of Latin America," Britannica Book of the Year, 1961; #1740

Latin America, article, Latin Americans Must Do Their Part," Challenge Magazine, 1/62; #1832

Latin America, Voice of Latin America, hardcover edition, 9/61; #1741

Latin America, Voice of Latin America, paperback edition, 12/65; #1741D

Latin America, footnote, Cooperation for Progress in Latin America, 2/61; #1796 393 Latin America, footnote, Economic Development of Central America, 11/64; #1989

Latin America, interview, "Hard Look at Our Latin Aid Program," New York World Telegram, 10/7/61; #1825

Latin America, radio, "Voice of Latin America," 12/4/61; #1831A

Latin America, radio, "Voice of Latin America," 10/3/61; #1737

Latin America, radio, "Voice of Latin America," 11/22/61; #1818A

Latin America, radio, "Voice of Latin America," no text, 2/62; #1858

Latin America, radio, 10/6/61; #1824

Latin America, radio, 10/15/61; #1823

Latin America, radio, "Press in Russia, the Congo, and Latin America," 2/2/62; #1851

Latin America, radio, 11/1/61; #1829

Latin America, radio, progress in Latin America, no text, 11/61; #1830

Latin America, speech, "Common Market for Latin America," Democrats of 2nd Congressional District, 5/22/58; #397

Latin America, speech, "For United States Leadership in Developing Latin American Common Market," Herald Tribune Book and Author Luncheon, 12/4/61; #1831

Latin America, speech, Overseas Press Club, no text, 10/4/61; #1818

Latin America, speech, Yale Law School Forum, no text, 10/25/61; #1827

Latin America, television, "Geography in Mid-Century," no text, 11/61; #1833

Latin America, television, "How Can We Strengthen Latin American Relations?," 10/29/61; #1819

Latin American trip, articles, unpublished drafts, 1960; #1738

Latin American trip, articles, "Communist Threat at our Back Door," New York Times, 7/17/60; #1746

Latin American trip, articles, series, North American Newspaper Alliance, 3/60; #1715

394 Latin American trip, articles, "Is United States Now Losing Out in Latin America?," U. S. News and World Report, 4/11/60; #1726

Latin American trip, articles, "Latin American Trip"; #1738

Latin American trip, articles, "Voice of Latin America," Hartford Courant, 10/11/61; #1741B

Latin American trip, briefing, Ken Holland, 1/25/60; #1744

Latin American trip, briefing, Wayne Morse on Latin American-United States relations, 1/18/60; #1625

Latin American trip, memo, "Conclusions about United States Policy Applied to Latin America," (#94), 4/18/60; #1735

Latin American trip, memo, "General Remarks about Schedules and Protocol throughout the Trip," (#42), 3/22/60; #1676

Latin American trip, memo, Antioquia, (#9), 2/24/60; #1641

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, production manager for Container Corporation of America, (#6), 2/29/60; #1638

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, labor leaders (#7), 2/23/60; #1639

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, students of National University, (#18), 3/1/60; #1650

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, "Good Monsignor," (#19), 3/1/60; #1651

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, "Bullfighting," (#20), 3/1/60; #1652

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, "Visit to the University of the Andes," (#17), 3/1/60; #1649

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, labor and embassy leaders, (#30), 3/2/60; #1662

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, government and embassy officials, (#21), 3/3/60; #1653

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, government and embassy officials, (#22), 3/3/60; #1654

Latin American trip, memo, Bogota, President Lleras, (#10), 2/29/60; #1642

Latin American trip, memo, Brasilia, (#95), 4/1/60; #1714

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, comments on ex-U. S. Ambassador Nufer and his alleged friendship with Peron, (#59), 3/21/60; #1693 395 Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Albion Patterson, (#63), 3/21/60; #1697

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Albion Patterson, (#64), 3/21/60; #1698

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Albion Patterson, (#65), 3/22/60; #1699

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Secretary of Treasury, 3/22/60; #1695

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, (#68), 3/22/60; #1702

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Minister of the Interior, (#58), 3/22/60; #1692

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, former Minister of Finance, (#60), 3/22/60; #1694

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, University of Buenos Aires and Bariloche Institute, (#69), 3/23/60; #1703

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Ambassador Beaulac, (#57), 3/22/60; #1691

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, communism in Latin America and Castro, (#62), 3/23/60; #1696

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, briefing at U. S. Embassy and comments on Stevenson's visit with General Aramburo, (#66), 3/23/60; #1700

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Foreign Minister, (#67), 3/28/60; #1701

Latin American trip, memo, Buenos Aires, Minister of Economy, (#79), 4/1/60; #1716

Latin American trip, memo, Caracas, miscellaneous, (#89), 4/7/60; #1728

Latin American trip, memo, Caracas, miscellaneous, Foreign Minister, (#88), 4/1/60; #1727

Latin American trip, memo, Cuzco, Bi-National Center, (#39), 3/9/60; #1671

Latin American trip, memo, Cuzco, train trip, (#56), 3/8/60; #1690

Latin American trip, memo, Guatemala City, (#16), 1/16/60; #1648

Latin American trip, memo, Guayaquil, "Reflections on Trip Planning," (#34), 3/7/60; #1666

Latin American trip, memo, Lima, USIA, (#31), 3/7/60; #1663

Latin American trip, memo, Lima, "Embassy Briefing; Intellectual and Political Leaders," (#36), 3/8/60; #1668

396 Latin American trip, memo, Lima, "Visit to the Slums," (#37), 3/9/60; #1669

Latin American trip, memo, Lima, "Embassy Briefing Session," (#35), 3/9/60; #1667

Latin American trip, memo, Lima, Premier, (#38), 3/9/60; #1670

Latin American trip, memo, Mexico City, Foreign Minister, (#3), 2/15/60; #1622

Latin American trip, memo, Mexico City, Finance Minister, (#4), 2/15/60; #1623

Latin American trip, memo, Mexico City, Education Minister, (#5), 2/15/60; #1624

Latin American trip, memo, Mexico City, briefing session at U. S. Embassy, (#1), 2/15/60; #1620

Latin American trip, memo, Mexico City, President, (#41), 2/16/60; #1675

Latin American trip, memo, Mexico City, administrative set-up of University of Mexico, (#2), 2/16/60; #1621

Latin American trip, memo, Micchu Picchu, Latin American universities by group returning from Santiago University conference, (#40A), 3/3/60; #1672A

Latin American trip, memo, Micchu Picchu, former rector at University of Cuzco, (#40), 3/9/60; #1672

Latin American trip, memo, Montevideo, general background notes, (#72), 3/24/60; #1706

Latin American trip, memo, Montevideo, motion pictures and Latin American economy, (#71), 3/25/60; #1705

Latin American trip, memo, Panama City, President and Ambassador, (#15), 2/18/60; #1647

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, Foreign Minister, (#23), 3/2/60; #1655

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, Central University officials, (#24), 3/2/60; #1656

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, Foreign Minister, (#25), 3/2/60; #1657

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, President and Ambassador, (#26), 3/2/60; #1658

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, head of USIA, (#33), 3/4/60; #1665

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, labor leaders, (#29), 3/4/60; #1661

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, USOM Industry Officer, (#28), 3/4/60; #1660 397 Latin American trip, memo, Quito, ex-President, (#27), 3/7/60; #1659

Latin American trip, memo, Quito, ex-President, (#32), 3/7/60; #1664

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, Ministry of Education, (#91), 3/26/60; #1732

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, briefing at the Embassy, (#81), 3/31/60; #1718

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, slums and miscellaneous comments, (#87), 3/31/60; #1724

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, Pan American operations, (#83), 3/31/60; #1720

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, Foreign Ministry, (#86), 3/31/60; #1723

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, U. S.-Latin American relations, (#84), 4/1/60; #1721

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, (#85), 4/1/60; #1722

Latin American trip, memo, Rio de Janeiro, comments at cocktail party announcing Brazilian Encyclopedia, (#90), 4/4/60; #1731

Latin American trip, memo, San Jose, briefing, (#11), 2/23/60; #1643

Latin American trip, memo, San Jose, President and Cabinet, (#14), 2/23/60; #1646

Latin American trip, memo, San Jose, briefing for Panama Canal, (#12), 2/23/60; #1644

Latin American trip, memo, San Jose, Jose Figueres, (#13), 2/23/60; #1645

Latin American trip, memo, Santa Cruz, agricultural problems and work of FAO, 3/60; #1733B

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, students and South American millionaires, (#54), 3/10/60; #1689A

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, miscellaneous notes mostly about agricultural problems, (#51), 3/14/60; #1686

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, Stevenson's conference with students and Benton's offer of Encyclopaedia Britannica yearbooks, (#55), 3/14/60; #1689B

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, cultural exchange program, (#53), 3/14/60; #1688

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, opposition leaders in the Congress, (#52), 3/16/60; #1687

398 Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, copper industry, (#50), 3/16/60; #1685

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, briefing sessions at U. S. Embassy, (#49), 3/16/60; #1684

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, University of Chile and University of Mexico, (#46), 3/16/60; #1681

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, economic conditions, (#47), 3/16/60; #1682

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, Labor Minister, (#43), 3/16/60; #1677

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, import controls on U. S. cars, (#45), 3/16/60; #1679

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, Chilean government officials, (#48), 3/17/60; #1683

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, President, (#44), 3/21/60; #1678

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, Foreign Minister, (#70), 3/28/60; #1704

Latin American trip, memo, Santiago, foreign relations, (#92), 4/11/60; #1733

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, labor situation, (#93), 3/60; #1734

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, industry, (#75), 3/25/60; #1709

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, political and economic conditions in Brazil, (#74), 3/28/60; #1708

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, Consul General and staff, (#78), 3/28/60; #1712

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, Hickman Price's dinner, (#73), 3/28/60; #1707

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, ranch of International Packers and lunch at Irwins, (#76), 3/29/60; #1710

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, economics and American capital in South America, (#77), 3/29/60; #1711

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, Mercedes Benz and General Motors plants, (#80), 3/31/60; #1717

Latin American trip, memo, Sao Paulo, briefing by Public Works Minister, (#82), 4/5/60; #1719

Latin American trip, Currie Lauchlin memo and Benton's comments about problems in Colombia, (#8), 2/29/60; #1640

399 Latin American trip, Edward Miller, Jr. memo to Stevenson, 2/27/60; #1739

Latin American trip, Raul Prebisch memo about need for economic development policy in Latin America, 3/60; #1733A

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Argentina #8, 2/60; #1633

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Brazil #10, 2/60; #1635

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Chile #7, 2/60; #1632

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Colombia #4, 2/60; #1629

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Costa Rica #2, 2/60; #1627

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Ecuador #5, 2/60; #1630

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Guatemala #12, 2/60; #1637

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Mexico #1, 2/60; #1626

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Panama #3, 2/60; #1628

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Peru #6, 2/60; #1631

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Uruguay #9, 2/60; #1634

Latin American trip, Kalman Silvert memo, Venezuela #11, 2/60; #1636

Latin American trip, Carleton Smith memos, 4/60; #1742

Latin American trip, Adlai Stevenson notes, 2-3/61; #1242

Latin American trip, photos; #1680

Latin American trip, press conference, Benton, 4/7/60; #1729

Latin American trip, press conference, Stevenson, Argentina, 3/19/60; #1725

Latin American trip, press conference, Stevenson, Venezuela, 4/4/60; #1743

Latin American trip, press conference, Stevenson, Uruguay, 3/21/60; #1745

Latin American trip, radio, 4/7/60; #1730

Latin American trip, statement, "Latin American Trip with Governor Stevenson," 2/7/60; #1399 400 Latin American trip, television, "Tightrope in Havana," 6/18/60; #1736

Latin American trip, television, 4/8/60; #1713

Latin American trip, television, "How Can We Strengthen Latin American Relations?," 10/29/61; #1819

Leacacos, John P., Fires in the In-Basket, 1968; #2231

Lehman, Herbert, Benton endorsements in 1952 campaign; #480

Lehman, Allan Nevins book, Herbert H. Lehman and His Era, 1963; #1926

Lehman, radio, "Civil Rights," 5/3/50; #925

Lehman, speech, "Challenge of Sputnik and What It Means; A Program of Action," Einstein College of Medicine, 11/24/57; #730

Lehman, speech, "Way to Peace and Security in the Middle East," National Council of Jewish Women Convention Banquet, 3/21/57; #103

Lehman, speech, "Government Reorganization," 3/29/50; #934

Lehman, speech, "McCarthy Challenge by Senator Benton," 12/14/54; #691

Lehman, Senate testimony, "Marshall Plan of Ideas; Resolution #243," 7/50; #882

Lieberman, Joseph, The Power Broker, 1966; #2137

Lilienthal, David E., The Journals of David E. Lilienthal, v. 3, 1966; #2159

Louchheim, Katie, By the Political Sea, 1970; #2262

Luce, Clare Booth, Stephen Shadegg book, Clare Booth Luce, 1970; #2291

Luce, "Flying Clipper" cruise, photo, 6/61; #1001

Luce, speech in House, "Information Program and State Department," 9/11/45; #1220

Luce, Henry, W. A. Swanberg, Luce and his Empire; #2237

Annes, Marya, "What's Wrong with Our Press?," American Society of Newspaper Editors, 4/21/60; #1616

Marsh, Reginald, miscellaneous articles, 1955-1956; #113

401 Marsh, Harry Gilroy, "Whitney May Get 239 Works by Reginald Marsh," New York Times, 10/3/67; #2168

Marsh, Theatre World Drawings of Reginald Marsh, 11/72; #133D

Marsh, Marsh portrait of Benton, 1948; #1535

Marsh, photo, 8/52; #1458

Marsh, photo, humorous note and sketch sent to Benton; #1587

Marsh, photo, #1412

Marsh, photo, postscript; #1587

Marshall Plan of Ideas, editorial, Christian Century, 4/50; #151I

Marshall Plan of Ideas, editorial, "Struggle for the Minds and Loyalties of Mankind," New York Times, 3/23/50; #151A

Marshall Plan of Ideas, hearings, Senate Foreign Relation Committee, 7/5-7/50; #151B

Marshall Plan of Ideas, interview, 6/11/50; #1060

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Benton letter and Warren Austin reply, 10/13/50; #151H

Marshall Plan of Ideas, letter, Lawton J. Collins to Benton, 7/50; #151E

Marshall Plan of Ideas, letter, Oveta Culp Hobby to Benton, 7/10/50; #151L

Marshall Plan of Ideas, letter, Cordell Hull to Thomas Elbert, 7/13/50; #151F

Marshall Plan of Ideas, photos, Senate hearings, 7/52; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, radio, 3/22/50; #926

Marshall Plan of Ideas, radio, reaction of Connecticut constituents, 4/50; #917

Marshall Plan of Ideas, radio, 7/23/50; #513

Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, 7/5-7/50; #151B-151J

Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, 7/5/50; #682

Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, 3/22/50; #151

402 Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, 7/11/50; #151J

Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, "Samuel Goldwyn's Offer of Services of Motion Picture Industry to Carry Out Marshall Plan of Ideas," 7/12/50; #483

Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, Venterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 6/24/50; #533

Marshall Plan of Ideas, speech, Woodbury Town Hall Meeting, 10/26/50; #453

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate statement, 7/5/50; #151C

Marshall Plan of Ideas, telegram, Samuel Goldwyn on behalf of motion picture industry, 7/12/50; #151D

Marshall Plan of Ideas, television, 8/2/50; #1056

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Acheson, 7/5/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Edward W. Barrett, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Dulles, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Eisenhower, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Mark Ethridge, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Ralph E. Flanders, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Frank P. Graham, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Robert C. Hendrickson, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Lehman, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Marshall, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Wayne Morse, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Mundt, 7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Stanley H. Ruttenberg, 7/7/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, David Sarnoff, 7/6/50; #882

Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, Walter B. Smith, 7/50; #882

403 Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate testimony, George Stoddard, 7/18/50; #882

Matusow, Harvey, False Witness, 1955; #2205

Mayer, Milton, "Four Lives of William Benton," Esquire, 7/58; #275

Mayer, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," Progressive Magazine, 6/59; #1120

Mayer, "William Benton; The Country's No. 1 No. 2 Man," Life Magazine, 1/14/46; #261

Mayer, with Benton, editorial and article ideas for University of Chicago, 1937-1939; #725

McCarthy, Joseph, Benton article, "Europe and Senator McCarthy," Fort-nightly Review, 4/54; #6

McCarthy, Joseph, "Europe and McCarthy," New Leader, 7/22/57; #9

McCarthy, Willard Edwards, "William Benton Tries a Comeback," National Review, 6/7/58; #557

McCarthy, Leo Flaherty, "Senator Benton's Courage in McCarthy Case," Commonweal, 2/4/55; #711

McCarthy, Larry Lader, "Who Really Stopped McCarthy?," 1959; #1360

McCarthy, Frank S. Meyer, "Meaning of McCarthyism," National Review, 6/14/58; #572

McCarthy, Drew Pearson, "McCarthy Challenge by Senator Benton," Denver Post, 12/12/54; #691A

McCarthy, Richard Rovere, "Last Days of McCarthy," Esquire, 8/58; #632

McCarthy, Edward B. Williams, "Final Irony of Joe McCarthy," Saturday Evening Post, 6/9/62; #1767

McCarthy, Henry Christman, History of Bigotry, 1960; #1316

McCarthy, Clinton Anderson and Milton Viorst, Outsider in the Senate; #2270

McCarthy, Jack Anderson and Ronald W. May, McCarthy; The Man, The Senator, The Ism, 1952; #1747

McCarthy, Robert Griffith, The Politics of Fear; Joseph R. McCarthy and the Senate, 1970; #2269

404 McCarthy, Paul Michael Rogin, The Intellectuals and McCarthy; The Radical Specter, 1967; #2157

McCarthy, James Rorty and Moshe Decter, McCarthy and the Communists, 1954; #2206

McCarthy, Richard Rovere, Senator Joe McCarthy, 1959; #632A

McCarthy, Arthur V. Watkins, Enough Rope, 1969; #2258

McCarthy, editorial, Stanley Allen, "One Man's Freedom," The New Republic, 7/62; #1767A

McCarthy, editorial, "Benton Invades Wisconsin," Christian Century, 7/16/52; #1109

McCarthy, editorial, "McCarthy; Wisconsin Senatorial Election Returns," Commonweal, 9/26/52; #996

McCarthy, editorial, "Financial Affairs of McCarthy," The New Republic, 3/30/53; #781

McCarthy, editorial, "McCarthy; A Documented Record," Progressive Magazine, 4/54; #1088

McCarthy, hearings, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Resolution #301, part I, 8/54; #569

McCarthy, hearings, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Resolution #301, part II, 8/54; #569A

McCarthy, hearings, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Resolution #301, volume VII, 9/10/54; #569B

McCarthy, hearings, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Resolution #301, 9/9/54; #569C

McCarthy, hearings, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Resolution #301, 9/8/54; #569D

McCarthy, hearings, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Resolution #301, volume VIII, 9/11/54; #569E

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, part I, 9/51 and 5/52; #519A

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, volume I, 9/28/51; #1372

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, volume IA, 5/12/52; #1367 405 McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, volume II, 5/13/52; #1368

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, volume III, 5/14/52; #1369

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, volume IV, 5/15/52; #1370

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #187, volume V, 5/16/52; #1371

McCarthy, hearings, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolution #304, volume I, 7/3/52; #1373

McCarthy, income tax return, 1948; #1004

McCarthy, Benton interview, Catholic reaction to McCarthy from 1950 to 1954, 2/72; #2283

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Stanley Allen, 9/3/52; #1845

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Benton, 6/4/52; #1849

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Benton, 6/5/52; #1846

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Millard E. Tydings and Edward P. Morgan, 9/3/52; #1848

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Walter Bedell Smith, 9/29/52; #1850

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Paul Hoffman, 8/19/52; #1844

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Whitaker, Myers, Miller, and Desmond, 8/23/52; #1843

McCarthy, lawsuit, deposition, Drew Pearson, 10/5/51; #1842

McCarthy, lawsuit, dropped, various newspapers, 3/54; #1204

McCarthy, lawsuit, proceedings before Honorable Burnita Shelton Matthews, 8/19/52; #1847

McCarthy, McCarthy letter to Guy Gillette, Benton Resolution #187, 3/6/52; #813

McCarthy, Benton letter, protesting Williams' article on McCarthy, Saturday Evening Post, 8/25/62; #1767B

McCarthy, Benton letter, to Guy Gillette, McCarthy's evasions of Privileges and Elections Subcommittee's hearings and subpoena, 7/4/52; #1834 406 McCarthy, Benton letter, to Howard McGrath, McCarthy's charges against Acheson and Phillip Jessup, 9/1/51; #1020

McCarthy, Benton letter, to editor, televised McCarthy hearings, New York Times, 6/29/54; #1222

McCarthy, Benton letter, Ralph Flanders to Arthur Watkins, McCarthy's refusal to answer charges in Hennings-Hayden-Hendrickson Report of January 1953, 8/30/54; #1007

McCarthy, Benton letter, Milton Fogelman to Benton, support in face of McCarthy threat to label Benton supporters as co-conspirators, 6/7/52; #774

McCarthy, Benton letter, Elmo Roper to Edward Fay, political attitudes in Connecticut toward the McCarthy issue, 5/14/58; #615

McCarthy, Benton letter, G. P. Van Arkel to Benton, 30,000 word testimony on McCarthy lawsuit, 1/53; #1841

McCarthy, Benton letter, William Proxmire to Benton, McCarthy influences in 1956 campaign, 9/1/57; #779

McCarthy, photo, "Benton Sees the Shadow of McCarthyism," Milwaukee Journal, 10/26/58; #1142

McCarthy, photo, 8/51; #519A

McCarthy, Benton press conference, postwar Italy, 6/14/50; #532

McCarthy, radio, Benton interview, 5/11/53; #1008

McCarthy, radio, Benton interview, 2/10-11/64; #1939

McCarthy, radio, "Ten Tricks of the Devil's Trade," 10/18/52; #703

McCarthy, radio, 10/8/51; #1138

McCarthy, radio, 8/20/52; #954

McCarthy, radio, "McCarthy's Stormy Career," 10/28/52; #942

McCarthy, report, Bean Report on McCarthy's influence in 1954 mid-term elections; #144

McCarthy, report, Privileges and Elections Subcommittee of Rules and Administration Committee, Resolutions #187 and #304, 1952; #1205

407 McCarthy, report, Select Committee to Study Censure Charges, Proposal of Senator Flanders to Oust McCarthy, Resolution #301, 8/2/54; #569

McCarthy, report, Resolution #187, 8/6/51; #948-948A

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Politics," Federated Democratic Women's Club, 5/3/52; #561

McCarthy, Benton speech, "People versus McCarthy Meeting," Hunter College, 5/24/54

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Democratic Party," Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 4/11/53; #207

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Principles of Christianity and Patriotism," Postal Workers' Communion Breakfast, 5/18/52; #228

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Exposing Communist Influences in Connecticut," 4/28/52; #699

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Congress; Morality and Responsibility," CIO Education Conference, 4/5/52; #231

McCarthy, Benton speech, "McCarthy's Lies in Regard to Communist Employees of Encyclopaedia Britannica Films," Waterbury Democrats, 10/29/52; #935

McCarthy, Benton speech, West Haven Democratic Town Committee, 8/51; #1866

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Politics, McCarthy, and Democratic Party Achievements," Wisconsin State Democratic Convention, 6/28/52; #421

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Democratic Perspective," Young Democratic Club of Storrs, 11/5/53; #203

McCarthy, Benton speech, "Creeping Corruption," University of Wisconsin Young Democrats, 1/13/54; #202

McCarthy, Benton speech, Senate, "Warning to the Senate," 2/1/51; #684

McCarthy, Benton speech, Senate, "Resolution #187 and McCarthy's Role in Maryland Senatorial Election of 1950," 8/6/51; #1053

McCarthy, Benton speech, Senate, Senate Resolution #187 calling for investigation, 9/28/51; #519

McCarthy, Benton speech, Senate, "Senator McCarthy's Slanderous Attacks on the Ed Murrow Show," 3/18/52; #566

McCarthy, Benton speech, Senate, in defense of expulsion resolution, 7/5/52; #949

408 McCarthy, Herbert Lehman speech, "McCarthy Challenge by Senator Benton," 12/14/54; #691

McCarthy, McCarthy speech, "Communists in State Department," Women's Republican Clubs, 2/9/50; #1006

McCarthy, McCarthy speech, "Communists in State Department," excerpts, 2/20/50; #941

McCarthy, Richard Neuberger speech, "William Benton as Statesman of Great Courage; McCarthy Challenge Cost him Senate Seat," 1/18/60; #1602

McCarthy, Margaret Chase Smith et al., "Declaration of Conscience; Smear Tactics of McCarthy," 6/1/50; #1840

McCarthy, statement, "Evils of McCarthyism," Public Affair Committee of Freedom House, 1952; #997

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Answers to Action Brought by Senator McCarthy," 1952; #994

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Joseph Come Lately in the Fight Against Communists," 10/8/51; #1032

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Employment of an Admitted Homosexual Ex-Communist on his Staff," 10/27/51; #1031

McCarthy, Benton statement, "McInerney Letter to Benton Stating McCarthy's Duty to Inform Department of Justice of Communistic Evidence in Government," 12/19/51; #1029

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Removal of Senators Smith and Hendrickson by Senator McCarthy," 1/16/52; #982

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Mr. Benton Waives his Immunity," 3/27/52; #1102

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Use of Tape Recordings in McCarthy Judicial Proceedings," 5/6/52; #787

McCarthy, Benton statement, pre-trial depositions, 8/52; #748

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Mr. Benton Repeats Demands for a Federal Per jury Prosecution, Citing 14 Examples of Knowingly False Testimony Given under Oath by McCarthy," 8/31/52; #775

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Like It or Not, the Entire Republican Party Is Now Saddled with Senator McCarthy," 9/10/52; #792

McCarthy, Benton statement, "Subcommittee on Privileges and Elections Stymied by McCarthy Tactics," 9/28/52; #995 409 McCarthy, Benton telegram to Arthur Watkins, McCarthy censure issue, 9/13/54; #753

McCarthy, television, panel discussion, 10/10/51; #724

McCarthy, television, McCarthy interview, 3/23/52; #987

McMahon, Brien, "Galloping Inflation Can Destroy Us, Too," Connecticut State CIO Yearbook, 1952; #245

McMahon, radio, "Congress; Its Coming Issues," 2/17/52; #967

McMahon, speech, "Atomic Energy; Peaceful Uses," Sir John Maud Lecture Series; #17

McMahon, Senate speech, "Government Reorganization and Senator Benton's Fight for It," 5/24/50; #630

McMahon, Senate speech, "Vital Needs for Foreign Aid," 4/23/51; #245A

McMahon, Benton statement, "Exchange of Scientific Information with NATO and Inaccuracy of Washington News Releases," 10/28/57; #46

McMahon, Benton statement, "Tribute to Brien McMahon on his Candidacy for Re-Election," 4/2/52; #1099

McMahon, Benton tribute, 12/61; #1837

McMahon, Benton tribute, Democratic National Convention, 7/25/52; #707

Meacham, Harry M., The Caged Panther, 1967; #2200

Meehan, Thomas, "Amos 'n Andy," New York Times, 12/72; #2319

Military policy, Benton letter to Connecticut constituents about Universal Military Training Act, 3/28/51; #798

Military policy, "Constitutional Powers of President and Bricker Amendment," 3/22/51; #469

Military policy, Benton testimony, Preparedness Subcommittee of Armed Forces Committee, reply to nine questions directed by Special Counsel to Committee, 1/28/58; #153

Mitchell, Maurice, "Communications," Britannica Book of the Year, 1958; #517

Mitchell, "Education; A New Era Begins," Fenn College, 5/20/58; #850

Mitchell, Senate testimony, Labor and Welfare Committee, "Educational Films," 3/58; #516

410 Montapert, Alfred Armond, Distilled Wisdom, 1964; #2150

Moore, Olga, I'll Meet You in the Lobby, 1950; #1868

Morgan, Edmund S., speeches and articles; #1283

Morison, Stanley, 65th Birthday Tribute to William Benton, 4/1/65; #2057

Morison, autographed photo, 1957; #1409

Morros, Boris, "My Ten Years as a Counterspy," Look Magazine, 11/26/57; #884

Morros, My Ten Years as a Counterspy; #884

Morse, Wayne, briefing on Latin American-U. S. relations, 1/18/60; #1625

Morse, speech and letter about promoting world peace through the rule of law and through economic aid, Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, 12/57; #162

Morse, television, 1952 campaign, 10/31/52; #933

Morse, Senate testimony, Marshall Plan of Ideas, 7/50; #882

Muzak, "Life Goes to a Party," Life Magazine, 11/17/48; #290

Muzak, Paul Lazarsfeld report, "Subscription Radio; Sampling Public Attitudes on Behalf of Muzak," 12/44; #33

Muzak, Benton statement, "Sale and Background," 9/20/57; #14

Muzak, Joseph Weiner testimony, "Subscription Radio; A Plea in Behalf of Muzak," Federal Communications Commission, 10/12/44; #727

Mynell, Francis, My Lives, 1971; #2284

National Defense Education Act, Senate hearings, Reorganization Subcommittee of Government Operations Committee, part 2, 6/58; #1377

National Defense Education Act, Language Development Program, 1958; #1375

National Defense Education Act, report, House Education and Labor Committee, 1958; #1376

National Defense Education Act, Resolution #13247, House Education and Labor Committee, 7/58; #1378

National Defense Education Act, summary and analysis, 1958; #1379 411 Nehru, Jawaharlal, autographed photo, 1936; #1476

Nelson, Charles A., Developing Responsible Public Leaders, 1963; #1929

Ogburn, William, manuscripts and articles; #494

PM Magazine, announcement, art contest, 4/40; #1174

PM Magazine, announcement, Ingersoll, no-advertising policy, 3/40; #1216

PM Magazine, by-laws, 2/9/40; #1173

PM Magazine, edition, first, 6/18/40; #1000

PM Magazine, edition, Sunday, 6/16/40; #1159

PM Magazine, edition, preview, 6/14/40; #1160

PM Magazine, Max Annenberg dynasty, circulation wars conference, 5/31/40; #1175

PM Magazine, interviews, 5/7/40; #1167

PM Magazine, letters; #1170

PM Magazine, mailing pieces, 6/4/40; #1172

PM Magazine, prospectus, 1940; #1161

Palgunov, lectures, in Russian only, 1955; #1048

Palmer, Gretta, "If I Were 21," Ladies Home Journal, 1/7/47; #1252

Pearson, Drew, "McCarthy Challenge by Senator Benton," Denver Post, 12/12/54; #691A

Pearson, USA; Second Class Power?, 1958; #1933

Pearson, L. B., discussion about non-governmental organizations, 6/27/55; #983

Platt, John R., "Step to Man," Science Magazine, 1965; #2117

Politics. See also Advertising, Campaigns, Democratic Advisory Council.

Politics. See also Advertising, Louis H. Bean, "Benton's Chances in 1962," 6/61; #1813

Politics. See also Advertising, Louis H. Bean, How to Predict the 1950 Elections," 8/21/50; #612 412 Politics. See also Advertising, Louis H. Bean, "Influences in the 1954 Mid-Term Elections," Public Affairs Institute, 1954; #144

Politics. See also Advertising, Louis H. Bean, "Vote Getting Record; Benton, Bowles, Dodd," 4/58; #394

Politics. See also Advertising, Benton article, "Join a Party-Either Party but Join," Ladies Home Journal, 5/52; #239

Politics. See also Advertising, Benton article, "Salesman and Politician," New York Sales Executive, 9/49; #263

Politics. See also Advertising, Benton article, "Why More Businessmen Should Be Democrats," Progressive Magazine, 10/56; #39

Politics. See also Advertising, article, Irwin Ross, "Battle of Connecticut," New York Post, 5/18/58; #558

Politics. See also Advertising, article, Mennen G. Williams, "Can Businessmen Be Democrats?, "Harvard Business Review, 3-4/58; #256

Politics. See also Advertising, book, G. William Domhoff, Fat Cats and Democrats, 1972; #2299

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, photo, 2/25/56; #1461

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, speech, "Politics," 3/25/50; #1118

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, speech, "MacArthur," 5/16/51; #530

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, speech, "Accomplishments under the Democratic Party," 4/19/51; #695

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, speech, "Democratic Party Achievements," 5/3/52; #560

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, speech, "Unacknowledged Parents," 2/26/55; #179

Politics. See also Advertising, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, "Democratic Party," 4/11/53; #207

Politics. See also Advertising, letter, Benton to John Bailey, Benton's vote-getting ability, 4/20/61; #1814

413 Politics. See also Advertising, letter, Benton to Frank DiLoreto, creating state scholarships to Connecticut colleges, 4/18/61; #1803

Politics. See also Advertising, letter, Benton to editor, "Big Job for Bush," New York Times, 1/6/73; #2302

Politics. See also Advertising, Galbraith and Schlesinger letter to Harvard president and Fellows, honorary degrees denied worthy Democrats, 12/59; #1383

Politics. See also Advertising, Benton memo, political analysis of Europe in 1935, 4/35; #1613

Politics. See also Advertising, radio, 2/10-11/64; #1939

Politics. See also Advertising, radio, "Ten Tricks of the Devil's Trade," 10/18/52; #703

Politics. See also Advertising, radio, 8/9/64; #1997

Politics. See also Advertising, radio, "Defense Contracts and Connecticut's Share under the Democratic Party," 10/24/52; #830

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Ideas in World Politics," Advertising Federation, 6/15/48; #271

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Labor's Achievements under the Democratic Party," Connecticut Federation of Labor, 9/21/50; #568

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, draft of introduction of John Sparkman, Democratic Women's Club of Greenwich, 4/15/55; #169

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Tribute to Ralph Garofalo," 11/15/57; #1772

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Ethics and Politics," Harvard Law School Forum (includes photo), 2/18/55; #180

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Tribute to Congressman Frank Kowalski," testimonial dinner, 4/15/61; #1801

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Commemoration of Independence of Lithuania," Marianapolis (Connecticut) School, 7/4/51; #610

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Politics in General," Stratford Democratic Victory Dinner, 3/1/56; #76

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Everything Is Going According to Plan," Westport Democrats, 6/27/53; #206

414 Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "European Integration," Westport Kiwanis Club, 8/7/57; #127

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Education," Windham County Democratic Association, no text, 9/23/57; #53

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Politics and McCarthy and Democratic Party Achievements," Wisconsin State Democratic Convention, 6/28/52; #421

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Our School Needs; Federal Responsibility," Women's National Democratic Club, 10/7/57; #52

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Subscription Television for Education," Women's National Democratic Club, 10/1/59; #1274

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "In Support of Governor Dempsey on Tax Issue," Young Democratic Club of Connecticut, no text, 11/17/61; #1828

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Democratic Perspective," Young Democratic Club of University of Connecticut, 11/5/53; #203

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Democrats, Republicans, and Businessmen," Young Democrats of Trinity College, 5/17/55; #379

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Why More Businessmen Should Be Democrats," Young Presidents' Organization, 10/23/56; #39A

Politics. See also Advertising, speech, "Business and Its Political Mythology," Young Presidents' Organization, 4/4/55; #39B

Politics and ethics, Benton article, "Ten Commandments for Congressmen," Everybody's Digest, 4/52; #627

Politics and ethics, Benton article, "Big Dilemma; Conscience or Votes," New York Times, 4/26/59; #1092

Politics and ethics, Benton article, "For Distinguished Service in Congress," ibid., 7/24/55; #163

Politics and ethics, Benton article, "Decalogue for Members of Congress," New York Times Magazine, 7/51; #627

Politics and ethics, Benton article, "To Stem the Tide of Political Dollars," ibid., 12/9/51; #1775

Politics and ethics, Margaret Halsey, "Beware the Tender Trap," New Republic, 2/58; #299

Politics and ethics, Federal Corrupt Practices and Political Activities Laws; #1027 415 Politics and ethics, radio, "Ten Commandments for Congress," 8/22/51; #1129

Politics and ethics, radio, "Corrupt Practices Act; Federal Government," 9/17/51; #1127

Politics and ethics, speech, "Is Politics a Dirty Business? They Say It Is," Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, 12/4/72; #2297A

Politics and ethics, speech, "Challenge of Public Service," Claremont School of Theology, 12/13/60; #1780

Politics and ethics, speech, "Congress; Morality and Responsibility," CIO Education Conference, 4/5/52; #231

Politics and ethics, television, "How Should Political Campaigns Be Conducted?," 1/15/56; #89

Politics and ethics, television, 1952; #222

Potter, Charles E., Days of Shame, 1965; #2094

Publications, Incorporated, articles of incorporation, 12/22/34; #1281

Quant, Mary, Quant by Quant, 1965; #2221

Radio. See specific names, such as American Forum of the Air, University of Chicago Round Table.

Reader's Digest, "Mr. Benton, You Have Started a Revolution," 9/59; #1258

Reader's Digest, Urrows draft on reading; #1288

Reader's Digest Foundation Awards, Benton testimonial, 4/15/70; #2252

Redfield, Robert, "Talk with a Stranger," Overbrook Press, 12/58; #791

Redfield, "Wisdom of Huckleberry Finn," University of Chicago, 6/16/50; #1243

Redfield, Hutchins speech, "Robert Redfield; In Memoriam," 11/18/58; #1035

Ribicoff, Abraham, speech, "Legislation," Chamber of Commerce of Elkins, West Virginia, 5/22/61; #382

Ribicoff, Abraham, "Youth," Conference on the National Committee for Children and Youth, 5/24/61; #382

Ribicoff, Abraham, nomination of Benton for Senate, Democratic State Convention, 7/26/50; #441 416 Ribicoff, Abraham, nomination of Benton for Senate, 7/52; #564

Ribicoff, Abraham, "Health," Health and Welfare Association, 5/23/61; #382

Ribicoff, Abraham, "Social Welfare," National Conference on Social Welfare, 5/14/61; #382

Ribicoff, statement, "Future of Higher Education in Connecticut," Connecticut Council on Higher Education Conference, 2/12/57; #92

Rockefeller, John D., IV, "Students of Japan; An Intimate Challenge," New York Times Magazine, 6/5/60; #1762

Roddan, Edward L., announcement, joins Benton's personal staff, 11/21/57; #194

Roddan, manuscripts, 1958; #512

Romulo, Carlos P., I Walked with Heroes, 1961; #2152

Roosevelt, Patricia Peabody, I Love a Roosevelt, 1967; #2165

Roper Elmo, "A Non-Poll by a Famous Publisher," Art in America, 3/68; #2164A

Roper, letter to Edward Fay, political attitudes in Connecticut toward the McCarthy issue, 5/14/58; #615

Roper, Benton questionnaire, Art in America, 7/67; #2164

Roper, survey, political attitudes in Connecticut, 3/58; #615A

Ruml, Beardsley, biography, 1964; #1950

Ruml, four essays, 1956; #526A

Ruml, Benton footnote, Committee for Economic Development, Paying for Better Public Schools, 1/60; #1296

Ruml, speech, "What Is the CED? How Does It Work?," Princeton University, 5/1/50; #526

Ruml, speech, "Aspiration for Freedom," American Association of School Administrators, 2/28/50; #526

Ruml, speech, "Memo to a College Trustee, II," Hofstra College, 11/6/59; #1108A

Ruml, speech, "Perpetuating Private Higher Education in America," Middle States Association of College and Secondary Schools, 11/27/59; #526

417 Russia, Benton article, "We're Fooling Ourselves about Russia," American Engineer, 1/57; #7

Russia, Benton article, "Cold War in Education," American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Administrative Officers, Journal, Fall 1956; #42

Russia, Benton article, "Soviet-U. S. Talks," Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 6/26/60; #1614A

Russia, Benton article, "Soviet Challenge Demands U. S. Reply," ibid., 4/20/58; #378

Russia, Benton article, "U. S. Science Lagging," ibid., 10/31/57; #125

Russia, Benton article, three-part series on education and cultural exchange with U.S.S.R., Christian Science Monitor, 3/9/62, 3/11/62, 3/20/62; #1327

Russia, Benton article, "Trade with Soviets," ibid., 3/29-4/2/60; #1278

Russia, Benton article, "U. S.-Soviet Trade Action," 8/25/52; #1313

Russia, Benton article, "Three Soviet Challenges," Connecticut State CIO Yearbook, 1958; #1769

Russia, Benton article, "Soviet Tekhnikum; Ominous Threat to the West," Coronet, 12/56; #8

Russia, Benton article, "Are We Losing the Sheepskin War?," Democratic Digest, 7/56; #37

Russia, Benton article, "Russian Trip," Encyclopaedia Britannica News, 1/56; #105

Russia, Benton article, "Big Brother's TV Set," Esquire, 3/64; #1314

Russia, Benton article, "Soviet Decentralization," Herald Tribune, 3/14/57; #10

Russia, Benton article, "Soviet Use of Sports as Part of the Cold War," ibid., 3/8/56; #86

Russia, Benton article, "Trip Behind the Iron Curtain," ibid., 12/18-21/55; #106

Russia, Benton article, "Why Ivan Can Read," ibid., 11/2/57; #67

Russia, Benton article, "Our Best Weapon; Exchange of Students," Ladies Home Journal, 12/46; #289

Russia, Benton article, "Why Soviet Propaganda Misfired," New Republic, 12/24/56; #34

Russia, Benton article, "Communist Threat at our Back Door," New York Times, 7/17/60; #1746

Russia, Benton article, "How Strong Is Russia-And How Weak?," ibid., 6/10/56; #38 418 Russia, Benton article, "Now the Cold War of the Classrooms," ibid., 4/1/56; #90

Russia, Benton article, "Russian Artist's Training," ibid., 12/4/55; #383

Russia, Benton article, "To Train Scientists," ibid., 6/3/56; #109

Russia, Benton article, "What Soviet Artists May Paint," ibid., 12/18/55; #1784

Russia, Benton article, "Big Red Threat; Education," New York World Telegram, 9/10-13/62; #1311

Russia, Benton article, "Russia Revisited," North American Newspaper Alliance, 10/60; #1768

Russia, Benton article, "Russian Students in America," Parade, 6/12/60; #1298

Russia, Benton article, "What Ivan Thinks of Us," ibid., 8/25/57; #4

Russia, Benton article, "What Ivan Thinks of Us," Russian translation, Moscow Literary Gazette, 12/19/57; #159

Russia, Benton article, "Coexistence," Playboy, 12/65; #2015A

Russia, Benton article, "No Sex Appeal in Russian Ads," Sales Management Magazine, 1/15/56; #114

Russia, Benton article, "Inside the Siberian Science City," Saturday Evening Post, 12/22-29/62; #1904

Russia, Benton article, "Satellite Culture and Mr. Marx," Theatre Arts Magazine, 11/56; #133

Russia, Benton article, "Race of Our Lives," This Week Magazine, 12/28/58; #1044

Russia, Benton article, "Russia's Quiet Weapon; Education," United Press International, 9/10-13/62; #1311

Russia, Benton article, "Strange Encyclopedia," Yale Review, 1958; #181

Russia, Benton article, "Voice of the Kremlin," Britannica Book of the Year, 1956; #31

Russia, Benton article, "The Teachers and the Taught in the U.S.S.R.," Britannica Book of the Year, 1965; #2000

Russia, John Nerber, "Warning of Soviet Challenge in Education," Education Summary, 6/5/56; #809

419 Russia, John Norman, "Defects of Soviet Education," Teacher Education Quarterly, Spring 1958; #786

Russia, Benton book, The Teachers and the Taught in the U.S.S.R., 3/66; #2080

Russia, Benton book, This Is the Challenge; #282

Russia, Benton book review, "What Ivan Knows that Johnny Doesn't," New York Herald Tribune, 11/12/61; #1826

Russia, book, Donald Dunham, Kremlin Target; U. S. A., 1961; #1856

Russia, book, Frank O'Brien, Crisis in World Communism, 1965; #2162

Russia, editorial, "Trade War with Soviets Will Get Hotter as Russians Start Gaining," Printer's Ink, 4/24/59; #1268

Russia, editorial, "Endorsement of Benton's Proposals in 'Five Ways to Breach the Iron Curtain,'" America, 3/29/58; #376

Russia, hearings, Atomic Energy Committee, "Shortage of Scientific and Engineering Manpower," 4-5/56; #110

Russia, Benton interview, "Soviet Trade with Western Powers," British Board of Trade Officials and British Businessmen, 10/29-11/2/59; #1284

Russia, Benton interview, "Why Do U. S. Schools Fail to Create Scientists?," New York Post, 10/24/57; #288

Russia, Benton interview, Russian press in the United States, 8/13/50; #1865

Russia, Benton letter to Warren Austin, Soviet attempt to block American participation in Genocide Convention, 10/9/50; #435

Russia, Benton letter to editor, Allen Dulles speech declared warning of Russian potential, New York Times, 4/24/59; #1152

Russia, Samuel Cookey memo, 10/23/67; #2079

Russia, Benton pamphlet, "Education; Our Ultimate Weapon," 2/61; #1751B

Russia, photo, Crimea Conference, 5/61; #1002

Russia, photo, Madame Furtseva; #2312

Russia, photo, U.S.S.R. Minister of Culture, 1/72; #2312 420 Russia, radio, "Aims of Education; Number 2"; #1269

Russia, radio, "Khrushchev and the U. S. A.," 9/27/59; #1276

Russia, radio, "Education; Russian Versus United States and the Conant Report," 1/26-27/59; #1218

Russia, radio, "Soviet Challenge; Education," 10/23-24/57; #44

Russia, radio, "Soviet Challenge; Education, Great Books, Politics, and Ethics," 10/21/58; #1067

Russia, radio, "Russian Trip," 11/16/55; #981

Russia, radio, "Image Russia I," 2/3/59; #1260

Russia, radio, "Image Russia II," 2/3/59; #1261

Russia, radio, "Education," 1/31/58; #157

Russia, radio, This Is the Challenge and Senatorial nomination, 7/2/58; #880

Russia, radio, "Soviet versus U. S. Education," 6/16/65; #2072

Russia, radio, Radio-Moscow, U. S.-Soviet relations, 5/61; #1811

Russia, radio, 10/17/57; #411

Russia, radio, with John Benton, 11/18/57; #1115

Russia, speech, "Public Policy and the Liberal Arts," American Conference of Academic Deans, 1/6/59; #1154

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Economics and Education," American Jewish Congress, no text, 1/22/56; #83

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," Association for Higher Education, 3/6/56; #75

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Sports," B'nai B'rith, no text, 2/29/56; #77

Russia, speech, "U. S. A.; Wasteland or Wise-land?," Brandeis University, 12/22/62; #1861

Russia, speech, "Cold War and the Liberal Arts," Brooklyn College, 6/5/60; #1603

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge in Education," Catholic War Veterans, no text, 11/10/57; #50

421 Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," University of Chicago alumi dinner, no text, 5/2/56; #85

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Education," University of Colorado, no text, 12/13/57; #122

Russia, speech, "Soviet Progress in Education," Council on Foreign Relations, 4/26/56; #71

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Education," Democratic Club of Manchester, 11/23/57; #123

Russia, speech, "Red Technological Imperialism," Democratic Club of Westport, 2/10/56; #81

Russia, speech, "Russia's Sputniks," Democratic gathering, no text, 11/23/59; #123

Russia, speech, "Are We Underestimating the Soviet Economic Challenge?," Economic Club of Chicago, 4/8/59; #1262

Russia, speech, "Soviet Education; Will America Meet the Challenge?," Educational Records Bureau and the American Council on Education, 11/1/56; #58

Russia, speech, Educators and Editors Conference, 12/9/55; #94

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Economics," Exchange Club of Waterbury, 2/27/56; #78

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," Fairfield University, no text, 1/16/58; #145

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," Foreign Policy Association, 12/12/58; #102

Russia, speech, "Duel for Men's Minds," Foreign Policy Conference, 7/14/55; #165

Russia, speech, "Education," Foreign Service Institute, 2/4/66; #2107

Russia, speech, "After the Geneva Spirit, What?," Freedom House, 1/24/56; #82

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Cartography and Education," Hartford Get-Together Club, no text, 1/24/58; #99

Russia, speech, "Cold War and the Liberal Arts," Knox College, 6/6/60; #1604

Russia, speech, "Junior College Education in the Soviet Union and Higher Education in Connecticut," Mitchell College, 4/17/58; #48

Russia, speech, "Soviet Education; Challenge to America," National Association of State Universities, 5/7/56; #13

422 Russia, speech, "Challenge to Catholic Educators," National Catholic Educational Association, 4/25/57; #55

Russia, speech, "Russian and American Library Methods," National Library Week Dinner, 3/20/58; #281

Russia, speech, "Russia's Political Capitalism," Overseas Press Club, 12/7/55; #170

Russia, speech, "Soviet Propaganda," Overseas Press Club, 4/30/56; #69

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Economics," Sales Executive Club of New York, 6/5/56; #66

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education and Economics," Small Town Democrats, no text, 3/21/58; #287

Russia, speech, "Soviet Education; Will America Meet the Challenge? Higher Education in Connecticut," Stamford Forum on World Affairs, 1/30/57; #57

Russia, speech, "Information Program and Cultural Exchange," Teachers College of Connecticut; #720

Russia, speech, "Stalin Myth," Town Hall, 4/18/56; #136

Russia, speech, "Russia's Ousting of John A. Baker, Jr., of Westport," Windham County Democratic Association, 5/21/58; #398

Russia, speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," Women's National Democratic Club, 2/13/56; #80

Russia, speech, "U.S.S.R.'s Political Capitalism," Yale Law School, no text, 12/14/55; #93

Russia, speech, "Soviet Economic Challenge," Union League Club of Chicago, 6/14/56; #65

Russia, speech, "Sputnik; Handwriting on the Sky," Young Democratic Club, no text, 11/15/57; #124

Russia, statement, "Russian A-Bomb Explosion and Implications in Civil Defense," 10/4/51; #805

Russia, telegram, Benton to Adlai Stevenson, Tass article on West's armed intervention in Suez and Egypt, 11/1/56; #43

Russia, television, "American Versus Soviet Education," no text, 4/20/58; #371

Russia, television, "Where Do We Go from Here? Sputnik," 10/20/57; #40

423 Russia, television, "Cultural Exchange; Does It Help?," 2/21/64; #1944

Russia, television, "How Should the United States Compete with Russia?," no text, 2/1/57; #11

Russia, television, "Soviet versus U. S. Education," 6/16/65; #2072

Russia, television, "Big Red Schoolhouse," 3/1/59; #1250

Russia, television, "Scientific Rivalry; United States versus U.S.S.R.," no text, 11/3/57; #12

Russia, television, "Soviet and American Education," no text, 11/18/57; #134

Russia, television, "Are the Russians Out-Reading Us?," no text, 3/18/58; #276

Russia, television, "Soviet Challenge; Education," 6/22/56; #2

Russia, television, "Soviet Challenge; Education," 12/25/57; #121

Russia, television, "Soviet Challenge; Education," 7/1/58; #801

Russia, television, "Soviet Union Training Two Million Youngsters as Semi-Professional Craftsmen," 1/12/58; #32

Russia, television, "U. S. versus Soviet Education," 3/21/66; #2111

Russia, television, "Education in the Soviet Union," no text, 1/12/58; #27

Russia, television, "Philosophy of Communism," no text, 11/58; #1112

Russia, television, Benton's arrival from Crimean Conference, 6/61; #1812

Russia, testimony, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Technology," 1/28/58; #153

Russia, testimony, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Technology," 5/1/56; #42

Russian trip 1955, announcement of Benton's planned trip to Russia and the satellites, 7/22/55; #164

Russian trip 1955, article, Helen Benton, "Experiences Behind the Iron Curtain," Connecticut College Alumnae News, 3/56; #1003

Russian trip 1955, article, Helen Benton, series in Connecticut newspapers, 1/56; #773

Russian trip 1955, article, John Benton, "I Went to School in Moscow," Life, 12/5/55; #191

424 Russian trip 1955, article, John Benton, "John Benton's Travelogue; Sweden, Finland, U.S.S.R.," Capital Times, 9/13/60; #1797

Russian trip 1955, article, John Benton, several newspaper articles, 1955; #252

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, series of Connecticut newspaper articles, 3/56; #106

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, Encyclopaedia Britannica News, 1/56; #105

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "We're Fooling Ourselves About Russia," American Engineer, 1/57; #7

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "Trip Behind the Iron Curtain," Herald Tribune, 12/18-21/55; #878

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "How Strong Is Russia-and How Weak?," New York Times, 6/10/56; #38

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "Russian Artist's Training," ibid., 12/4/55; #383

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "What Soviet Artists May Paint," ibid., 12/18/55; #1784

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "Russia Revisited," North American Newspaper Alliance, 10/60; #1768

Russian trip 1955, article, William Benton, "Satellite Culture and Mr. Marx," Theatre Arts Magazine, 11/56; #133

Russian trip 1955, article, Lawrence M. Gould, "Education and Survival," Carleton College Bulletin, 8/58; #1051

Russian trip 1955, article, Harrison Salisbury, 6/15/58; #282A

Russian trip 1955, article, Harrison Salisbury, "To Counter Russian Propaganda," New York Times Magazine, 2/9/58; #168

Russian trip 1955, article, Dorothy Thompson, "Challenge of Soviet Education," Ladies Home Journal, 5/56; #148

Russian trip 1955, Democratic National Committee campaign publicity tips for 1958, sample release mentions Benton's trip; #1114

Russian trip 1955, editorial, "Benton Report Bares Soviet Press System," Editor and Publisher, 12/17/55; #1221

425 Russian trip 1955, interview, "Russian Trip and Television in the Soviet Orbit," Billboard, 12/15/55; #716

Russian trip 1955, memo, Helen Benton, 10-11/55; #772

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Budapest, U. S. Minister and other diplomats, (#8), 11/15-18/55; #334

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Budapest, film, (#9), 11/17/55; #335

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Budapest, education, (#10), 11/16/55; #336

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Budapest, theater, (#11), 11/17/55; #337

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Crimean Conference, 5/61; #1807

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, meeting with Mayor, (#14), 11/1/55; #340

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, miscellaneous topics, (#15), 11/55; #341

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, languages, (#16), 11/55; #342

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, visit to collective farm, (#20), 11/55; #346

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, higher education, (#23), 11/55; #349

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, polytechnical education, (#24), 11/2/55; #350

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, film, radio, and television, (#31), 11/1/55; #357

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, motion pictures, (#34), 11/15/55; #360

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, art and art schools, (#36), 10/12-28/55; #362

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, visit to Leningrad Library, (#44), 10/27/55; #366

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Soviet art, (#35), 11/55; #361A

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Moscow, education, (#21), 11/8-10/55; #347

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, U. S. Minister about Soviet propaganda and foreign relations, (#12), 11/55; #338

426 Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, annual Kremlin reception for diplomatic corps, (#13), 11/7/55; #339

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Swiss legation, (#17), 11/55; #343

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, party by Ethiopian ambassador, (#18-#19), 11/3/55; #344-#345

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, University of Moscow, (#22), 11/55; #348

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, education in grade schools, (#25), 11/55; #351

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, history textbooks in Russia, (#26), 11/55; #352

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, advertising in the Soviet Union, (#27), 11/55; #353

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, conversations with Pravda editors, (#28), 11/55; #354

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, conversations with Izvestia editors, (#29), 11/55; #355

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, conversations with Tass officials, (#30), 11/55; #356

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, radio and television, (#32), 11/10-11/55; #358

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, television and films, (#33), 11/10-11/55; #359

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Deputy Minister of Culture, (#42), 11/55; #361B

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, influence of Stalin and Lenin on Soviet art, (#37), 11/55; #363A

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Soviet culture, (#38), 11/11/55; #363B

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, (#43), 11/55; #364

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Directress of Bolshoi Ballet School, (#39), 11/55; #365A

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, Russian ballet, (#40), 11/13/55; #365B 427 Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Kiev, cathedrals and churches, (#41), 11/55; #367

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Prague, (#1), 11/18-19/55; #327

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Prague, (#2), 11/19/55; #328

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Prague, (#3), Minister of Culture, 11/19/55; #329

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Prague, Chief of Book Publishing in Ministry of Culture, (#4), 11/19/55; #330

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, , miscellaneous topics, (#5), 11/14/55; #331

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Warsaw, miscellaneous topics, (#6), 11/13-14/55; #332

Russian trip 1955, memo, William Benton, Warsaw, dinner at U. S. Embassy, (#7), 11/55; #333

Russian trip 1955, photo, Helen Benton, 12/55; #1523

Russian trip 1955, photo, John Benton, 11/55; #1571

Russian trip 1955, photo, miscellaneous scenic shots taken by John Benton, 11/55; #1590

Russian trip 1955, photo, Bentons in Budapest, 11/55; #1579

Russian trip 1955, photo, John Benton in Russian school, 11/55; #613

Russian trip 1955, photo, Bentons in Moscow, 11/55; #1153

Russian trip 1955, photo, negatives, 11/55; #1581

Russian trip 1955, photo, Bolshoi Ballet taken by John Benton, 11/55; #1580

Russian trip 1955, photo, miscellaneous; #2049

Russian trip 1955, photo, Institute for the Study of the U.S.S.R., 4/28/56; #1460

Russian trip 1955, radio, Helen and John Benton, 11/21/55; #723

Russian trip 1955, radio, John Benton, Moscow school days, 1/17/56; #1271

Russian trip 1955, radio, John Benton, Moscow school days, 11/23/55; #18

Russian trip 1955, article, Benton, forthcoming trip and Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10/11/55; #980 428 Russian trip 1955, article, Benton, trip plans, 9/29/55; #1272

Russian trip 1955, article, Benton, 11/22-23/55; #178

Russian trip 1955, article, Benton, Radio-Moscow, 11/16/55; #981

Russian trip 1955, Gurewitsch Report, "Organization of Medicine in the Soviet Union," 1/7/58; #303

Russian trip 1955, speech, William Benton, "U.S.S.R.; Some Elements of Strength and Some of Weakness," Institute for the Study of the U.S.S.R., 4/28/56; #70

Russian trip 1955, speech, "Soviet Progress in Education," Council on Foreign Relations, 4/26/56; #71

Russian trip 1955, speech, "Introducing Yuri Zhukov," 2/19/69; #2219

Russian trip 1955, speech, "Introducing Yuri Zhukov," trip plans, 11/22/55; #1355

Russian trip 1955, speech, "Introducing Yuri Zhukov," upcoming trip, 9/15/55; #190

Russian trip 1962, article, Helen Benton, "Russians Never Had It So Good, But Still Under- privileged," Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 7/29/62; #1309

Russian trip 1962, article, Helen Benton, "The Evolution of a Soviet Playwright," Saturday Review, 10/27/62; #1309A

Russian trip 1962, article, John Benton, "Tour of Moscow and Tashkent and Visit to a Collective Farm," North American Newspaper Alliance, 10/7/62; #1903

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Education in the U.S.S.R.; Cultural Exchange with the U.S.S.R.," Christian Science Monitor, 3/9/62, 3/11/62, 3/20/62; #1327

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Soviet and American Movies; Can They Co-Exist?," 1963; #1336

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "United States and Soviet Trade Action," Christian Science Monitor, 8/25/62; #1313

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Big Red Threat; Education," New York World Telegram and Sun, 9/10-13/62; #1311

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Art for Nikita's Sake," North American Newspaper Alliance, 6/63; #1328

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Crimean Conference," ibid., 6/61; #1810 429 Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Educational TV; A New Soviet Challenge," 1963; #1337

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Inside the Siberian Science City," Saturday Evening Post, 12/22-29/62; #1904

Russian trip 1962, article, William Benton, "Should We Continue the Cultural Exchange with the U.S.S.R.?," Saturday Review, 10/27/62; #1312

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Chairman of State Committee of Radio and Television, 6/25/62; #1870

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Minister of Public Education, 6/25/62; #1872

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, cultural exchanges, 6/25/62; #1871

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, motion pictures, 6/30/62; #1873

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Moscow University, 6/25/62; #1874

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Mme. Khrushcheva, 7/6/62; #1876

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Deputy Premier, 7/6/62; #1877

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Sovietskaya Hotel, 6/23/62; #1879

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Chief Secretary of U.S.S.R. Academy of Science, 6/25/62; #1880

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Mme. Popova, 6/23/62; #1881

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, cultural exchanges, 6/27/62; #1882

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Simonov and son, 6/23/62; #1883

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Minister of Higher Education, 6/25/62; #1884

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, visit to art studios, 6/27/62; #1885

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, tour, 6/25/62; #1886

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Bolshoi Ballet, 6/62; #1887

430 Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, President of Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, 6/29/62; #1888

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, editor of Ogonek, 6/28/62; #1889

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, notes, Khrushchev book, On the Communist Programme, 7/1/62; #1899

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, staff of Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 6/26/62; #1900

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, U. S.-Soviet relations, 6/27/62; #1901

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Director of U.S.S.R. Radio and Television, 6/28/62; #1902

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Novosibirsk, city square, 7/5/62; #1878

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Novosibirsk, miscellaneous topics, 7/4-5/62; #1892

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Samarkand, furs, 7/3/62; #1890

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Tashkent, officials from Institute of Transportation, 7/2/62; #1893-#1894

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Tashkent, tour of city, 7/2/62; #1895

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Tashkent, Minister of Culture for Uzbekishan, 7/3/62; #1896

Russian trip 1962, memo, William Benton, Tashkent, Minister of Education for Uzbekishan, 7/3/62; #1897

Russian trip 1962, memo, photos, 6-7/62; #1317

Russian trip 1962, memo, radio, 7/22/62; #1305

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "America from Far and Near," Great Ideas Today, 1964; #1994

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "Soviet Art; How Real Is Soviet Realism?," 8/64; #1991

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "Education in the U.S.S.R.," 8/64; #1999

431 Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "Soviet Artists Branch Out," Christian Science Monitor, 1/7/65; #1991

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "The Teachers and the Taught in the U.S.S.R.," Britannica Book of the Year, 1965; #2000

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "Comments on Adzhubei Article," Great Ideas Today, 1964; #1994

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, "What Worries the Men in the Kremlin," Look, 4/20/65; #1993

Russian trip 1964, article, Alexei Adzhubei, four-article series, North American Newspaper Alliance, 8/64; #1992

Russian trip 1964, The Teachers and the Taught in the U.S.S.R., 3/66; #2080

Russian trip 1964, This Is the Challenge; #282

Russian trip 1964, Harry W. Nerhood, To Russia and Return, 1968; #2238

Russian trip 1964, George Alexander Lensen, Russia's Eastward Expansion, 1964; #1892A

Russian trip 1964, interview, "Benton's Russian Visit," Izvestia, 5/64; #1959

Russian trip 1964, memo, Charles Benton, 9/64; #2042

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Soviet-American relations, 5/18/64; #1961

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, cultural exchange, 5/20/64; #1963

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Khrushchev, 5/28/64; #1960

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, miscellaneous topics, 5/29/64; 1962

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, British Ambassador, 6/2/64; #1971

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, miscellaneous topics, 6/4/64; #1964

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, visit with head of State Committee on Publishing, 6/4/64; #1965

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, visit with head of State Committee on Publishing, medal-giving ceremony, 6/4/64; #1965A

432 Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, editorial staff of Soviet Encyclopedia, 6/5/64; #1966

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Institute of Soviet-American Relations, 6/5/64; #1976

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Simonov, 6/5/64; #1977

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, miscellaneous topics, 6/5/64; #1967

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Communism, leadership in Russia, and Soviet goals, 6/5/64; #1968

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, senior editor of Pravda, 6/5/64; #1969

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Allen Dulles's comments on Benton's 1955 memo, 6/5/64; #1982

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Minister of Higher Education, 6/5/64; #1981

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, television appearance, 6/5/64; #1980

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, the Mamedovs, 6/5/64; #1979

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, U. S. Ambassador, 6/5/64; #1970

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, visit to dacha, 6/9/64; #1974

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, directors of Institute of Soviet-American Relations, 6/8/64; #1978

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Minister of Culture, 6/8/64; #1972

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, miscellaneous topics, 6/10/64; #1973

Russian trip 1964, memo, William Benton, Moscow, Vice President of State Committee for Cinematography, 6/10/64; #1975

Russian trip 1964, memo, Milan Herzog, 9/64; #2043

Russian trip 1964, photo, Russian intellectuals visit Benton home, 11/26/64; #2052A

Russian trip 1964, radio, 6/25-26/64; #1984

Russian trip 1964, Soviet television, 5/28/64; #1954 433 Sahl, Mort, and James Thurber, "State of Nation's Humor," New York Times, 12/7/58; #1101

Sandburg, Carl, book, Herbert Mitgang, Letters of Carl Sandburg, 1968; #2222

Sandburg, photo, 1942; #1418

Sandburg, photo, autographed; #1403

Sandburg, record, 1942; #1259

Schlesinger, Arthur M., A Thousand Days, 1965; #2099

Schlesinger, "Death Wish of the Democrats," The New Republic, 9/15/58; #905

Schriftgiesser, Karl, Business and Public Policy, 1967; #2178

Schriftgiesser, Committee for Economic Development, Business Comes of Age, 1/60; #1374

Senate, amendment, Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, 8/1/51; #642B

Senate, appointment, to Banking and Currency Committee, 4/3/51; #443

Senate, appointment, to Joint Committee on Library of Congress, 1/17/51; #577

Senate, appointment, as Senator, 12/17/49; #1425

Senate, appointment, to Small Business Committee, 12/5/50; #1176

Senate, appointment, Charles M. Gallagher, to Benton's Senatorial staff, 4/23/58; #380

Senate, article, Edward B. Lockett, "What Makes a Good Senator," Coronet, 10/52; #212

Senate, certificate, Senate election, 11/7/50; #1424

Senate, election law guide book, 1952; #1028

Senate, government reorganization, Ernest K. Lindley, "Frank Words on Economy," Newsweek, 3/3/52; #661

Senate, government reorganization, summary of efforts on behalf of; #314

Senate, government reorganization, Leadership Award of Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report, 6/20/52; #1468

Senate, hearings, Appropriations Committee, Appropriations Bill for 1947, 5-6/46; #690B

434 Senate, hearings, Atomic Energy Committee, shortage of scientific and engineering power, 4-5/56; #110

Senate, hearings, Foreign Relations Committee, U. S. Information Program-Resolution #74, part I, 11/52; #208A

Senate, hearings, Foreign Relations Committee, U. S. Information Program-Resolution #74, part II, 3/53 and 5/53; #208B

Senate, hearings, Foreign Relations Committee, review of foreign policy, part I, 2-3/58; #60

Senate, hearings, Government Operations Committee, government security, 3/55; #986

Senate, hearings, Government Operations Committee, National Defense Education Act, 6/58; #1377. See also National Defense Education Act.

Senate, hearings, Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, use of television frequencies for educational purposes-Resolution #127, 5/31/51; #689A

Senate, hearings, Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, establishment of Citizen's Advisory Board on radio and television, volume I, 9/51; #506

Senate, hearings, Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, establishment of Citizen's Advisory Board on radio and television, volume II, 9/51; #506A

Senate, hearings, Judiciary Committee, nomination of President and Vice President, 3-4/55; #1098

Senate, hearings, Labor and Public Welfare Committee, establishment of Commission on Ethics in Government-Resolution #21, 6-7/51; #483

Senate, hearings, Labor and Public Welfare Committee, limitation on debate in Senate, amendment of Rule XXII, 10/2-23/51; #1111

Senate, Benton interview, Russian press in the United States, 8/13/50; #1865

Senate, letter, Benton to Connecticut constituents, Universal Military Training Act, 3/28/51; #798

Senate, letter, Walter E. Cosgriff to Benton, support via campaign contribution for government reorganization, 7/3/52; #1034

Senate, letter, Justice Department to Benton, ownership of land under island waters and the marginal sea, 8/9/51; #822

Senate, letter, Jack McFall to Benton, Archbishop Grosz of Hungary, 7/5/51; #976 435 Senate, letter, James W. Murphy to Benton, 7/19/51; #1543

Senate, letter, S. Abbot Smith to Benton on problems of small business, 8/8/50; #698

Senate, letter, State Department to Benton, Bishop Padewski and Polish National Catholic Church, 1/25/51; #874

Senate, Marshall Plan of Ideas. See Marshall Plan of Ideas.

Senate, photo, Boys Nation, 1950; #1577

Senate, photo, Congressional luncheon, 1950; #1573

Senate, photo, 1950; #1576

Senate, photo, Barkley greets new Senators, 1/3/50; #1531

Senate, photo, Girls Nation, 1951; #1572

Senate, photo, miscellaneous for Senate years, 1950-1952; #1443

Senate, photo, Congressional radio room, 5/52; #1480

Senate, press conference, "Benton Amendment to the Mutual Security Act," 11/16/51; #452

Senate, radio, "Foreign Policy," 1950; #583

Senate, radio, "Domestic Policy," 10/24/50; #628

Senate, radio, "Immigration Laws and Connecticut Responsibility," 1950; #916

Senate, radio, "Congress's Record; Current Session"; #921

Senate, radio, "Legislative Accomplishments of Second Session of 81st Congress," 1950; #922

Senate, radio, "Immigration Legislation," 3/8/50; #964

Senate, radio, "Letters from Constituents," 3/9/50; #920

Senate, radio, "Current Issues in Washington," 3/26/50; #1121

Senate, radio, "Tidelands Oil Bill," 3/27/50; #965

Senate, radio, "Small Business," 4/5/50; #929

Senate, radio, "Small Business," 4/10/50; #854 436 Senate, radio, "Economy in Government," 4/19/50; #657

Senate, radio, "Substitute Displaced Persons Act," 5/15/50; #961

Senate, radio, "ECA," 5/17/50; #923

Senate, radio, "Control over Prices, Wages, and Materials; Defense Production," 6/27/50; #912

Senate, radio, "Government Reorganization," 2/25/51; #927

Senate, radio, "Government Reorganization; Letters from Constituents," 3/24/51; #930

Senate, radio, "Women in Politics," 5/19/51; #960

Senate, radio, "Aid to India," 6/11/51; #1043

Senate, radio, "Defense Production Act; Emergency Economic Controls," 6/13/51; #1140

Senate, radio, "Defense Production Act; Emergency Economic Controls," 7/9/51; #1139

Senate, radio, "Emergency Economic Controls," 7/17/51; #1134

Senate, radio, "Emergency Economic Controls," 7/11/51; #1141

Senate, radio, "Letters from Constituents," 8/6/51; #931

Senate, radio, "Government Reorganization," 9/3/51; #918

Senate, radio, "Benton Amendment to Mutual Security Act and Monopolistic Nature of European Economy," 9/19/51; #1126

Senate, radio, "Record of First Session of 82nd Congress," 10/22/51; #1130

Senate, radio, "Achievements of First Session of 82nd Congress," 10/24/51; #1131

Senate, radio, "Congress; Its Coming Issues," 2/17/52; #967

Senate, radio, "Government Reorganization; Hoover Proposals," 2/20/52; #900

Senate, radio, "Government Reorganization; Internal Revenue Department," 3/13/52; #1137

Senate, radio, "Government Reorganization," 3/23/52; #963

Senate, radio, "National Budget Versus Connecticut's Needs," 3/23/52; #899

Senate, radio, "Defense Production Act; Defense Against Inflation," 4/7/52; #1181 437 Senate, radio, "Economy through Government Reorganization," 4/10/52; #881

Senate, radio, "Copper Shortage in Connecticut and Immigration," 5/26/52; #959

Senate, radio, "Foreign Aid," 5/29/52; #957

Senate, radio, "Mutual Security Program," 6/2/52; #956

Senate, radio, "Summary of 2nd Session of the 82nd Congress," 6/9/52; #955

Senate, report, Expenditures Committee, Benton's views on reorganization in Department of Commerce, 5/16/50; #1046

Senate, report, Expenditures Committee, reorganization of Interstate Commerce Commission, plan #7, 3/29/50; #1125

Senate, report, Expenditures Committee, reorganization of Treasury Department, 4/25/50; #1045

Senate, report, Foreign Relations Committee, U. S. Information Program-Resolutions #74 and #44, 6/53; #208C-#208E

Senate, report, Foreign Relations Committee, Information Program of Great Britain, 11/17/52; #1097

Senate, report, Foreign Relations Committee, Soviet propaganda program, 11/17/52; #1096

Senate, report, Labor and Public Welfare Committee, ethical standards in government, 6-7/51; #483A

Senate, report, Select Committee on Small Business, small business, 1/52; #481

Senate, report, limitation on Senate debate-amendment of Rule XXII, 2/25/52; #1111A

Senate, report, Small Business Committee, 1/4/50; #1219

Senate, report, Small Business Committee, 1/8/51; #1223

Senate, speech, "Voice of America," 10/30/45; #662

Senate, speech, "MacArthur's Dismissal," Chamber of Commerce of Middletown, 5/7/52; #1119

Senate, speech, "Senate; Responsibilities of a Senator," Hartford Businessmen's Club, 12/30/49; #834

438 Senate, speech, Benton's views on constitutional powers of executive opposed to Taft's views, 1950; #693

Senate, speech, "Government Reorganization," League of Women Voters 1/20/50; #700

Senate, speech, "Continuation of Rent Control," 3/13/50; #1773

Senate, speech, "Marshall Plan of Ideas," 3/22/50; #151

Senate, speech, "Beach Erosion; Control of Connecticut Shoreline," 4/14/50; #735

Senate, speech, "ECA Program Support," 5/4/50; #535

Senate, speech, "Small Business; Heart of American Free Enterprise System," Connecticut Junior Chamber of Commerce, 5/7/50; #989

Senate, speech, "In Support of Fair Employment Practice Act," 5/9/50; #445

Senate, speech, "Hoover Government Reorganization Plans #1, #7, #12," 5/22/50; #626

Senate, speech, "How To Raise Real Wages," 6/19/50; #629

Senate, speech, "Social Security Amendments; Aid to Dependent Children," 6/19/50; #635

Senate, speech, "Accomplishments in Italy under Marshall Plan," 6/23/50; #531

Senate, speech, "Voice to the World," 7/19/50; #504

Senate, speech, "Opposition to Budget Cuts in Voice of America Program," 8/23/51; #765

Senate, speech, appointment of Lt. Gen. Walter Bedell Smith as Director of Central Intelligence, 8/29/50; #409

Senate, speech, "Tribute to ," 9/1/50; #505

Senate, speech, "Establishment of United Nations Information Center in Tokyo for Korean War Communications," 9/5/50; #524

Senate, speech, "Defense Housing," 9/13/50; #1395

Senate, speech, "Truman Point Four Program," Rotary Club, 9/26/50; #522

Senate, speech, "Admission of Italy into Full Membership of United Nations," 11/4/50; #426

Senate, speech, "In Praise of Anna Rosenberg," 12/21/50; #575

439 Senate, speech, "Tribute to Eric Johnston and Charles Wilson," 1/29/51; #541

Senate, speech, "How We Can Win the Peace by Improving the Voice of America," 2/19/51; #474

Senate, speech, "In Defense of Dean Acheson," 3/15/51; #448

Senate, speech, "In Defense of Dean Acheson," 9/13/51; #448A

Senate, speech, "Communism in Unions and in Business as a Danger," Connecticut Federation of Labor, 9/13/51; #1149

Senate, speech, "Constitutional Powers of the President and the Bricker Amendment," 3/22/51; #469

Senate, speech, "Defense Housing," 4/9/51; #828

Senate, speech, exploration of impact of television on various aspects of American life, 4/13/51; #574

Senate, speech, "MacArthur," 4/18 & 23/51; #567

Senate, speech, "MacArthur," 5/8/51; #500

Senate, speech, "Tribute to Pat Sullivan," 5/5/51; #1909

Senate, speech, "State Television Networks to Aid Education," 5/15/51; #683

Senate, speech, "Operating Efficiency of the Senate," 6/6/51; #660

Senate, speech, "Defense Production Act; A Pandora's BOX," 6/23/51; #829

Senate, speech, "Defense Production Act," 6/30/51; #831

Senate, speech, "Federal Aid to Medical Education Bill," 6/26/51; #650

Senate, speech, West Haven Democratic Town Committee, 8/51; #1866

Senate, speech, "Basing Point Bill," 8/2/51; #728

Senate, speech, "Restoration of Citizenship Rights to Italian-Americans Who Voted in Italian Elections," 8/6/51; #563

Senate, speech, "West Point Football Scandal," 8/7/51; #439

Senate, speech, "Proposed Citizen's Advisory Board for Radio and Television," 8/13/51; #642A 440 Senate, speech, "Proposed Citizen's Advisory Board for Radio and Television," 10/20/51; #642

Senate, speech, "Reconstruction Finance Corporation; Views of Minority Report," 8/20/51; #638

Senate, speech, "Economic Aid to the Middle East," 8/30/51; #1124

Senate, speech, "Benton Amendment to the Mutual Security Act," 8/31/51; #1052

Senate, speech, "Parcel Post Regulations Amendment," 9/6/51; #653

Senate, speech, "A Tribute to Dean Acheson," 9/14/51; #475

Senate, speech, "Cloture; Limitation of Debate," 10/51; #449

Senate, speech, "Emergency Professional Health Training Act of 1951; Shortage of Medical Personnel and Facilities," 10/3/51; #565

Senate, speech, releasing government information, 10/3/51; #722

Senate, speech, "Advocating the Fair Employment Practices Commission and Rule XXII," 10/28/51; #764

Senate, speech, "Benton Amendment to the Mutual Security Act and Foreign Aid," Anglo- American Press Association, 11/7/51; #457

Senate, speech, "New U. S. Mutual Security Act and Tribute," National Productivity Committee, 11/28/51; #451

Senate, speech, "Domestic Economy," Norwich Chamber of Commerce, 1/28/52; #432

Senate, speech, "Congress vs. Good Government," Second National Convention of Citizens Committee for the Hoover Report, 2/18/52; #234

Senate, speech, "Government Reorganization," 3/12/52; #655

Senate, speech, "Postal Workers' Legislation," Postal Workers' Convention, 4/26/52; #230

Senate, speech, "Communist Influences in Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers in Connecticut," 4/28/52; #699

Senate, speech, "Introducing a Resolution to Establish a Temporary Advisory Commission on the Senate's Rules," 5/9/52; #714

Senate, speech, "Postal Workers' Legislation," Connecticut Association of Letter Carriers, 5/17/52; #229 441 Senate, speech, "Italian Elections and Aid to Italy," 5/22/52; #458

Senate, speech, "Economy and Efficiency in the Federal Government," Combined Service Clubs of Meriden, 5/22/52; #226

Senate, speech, "McCarran Immigration Act," AHEPA Initiation, 5/25/52; #293

Senate, speech, "Efficiency in Government," 5/26/52; #225

Senate, speech, "Benton Amendment," 5/28/52; #757

Senate, speech, "America's Immigration Curtain," 5-6/52; #562

Senate, speech, "Past, Present, and Future of Poland," Polish Constitution Day, 5/18/52; #227

Senate, speech, "Economy in Government," Stratford Chamber of Commerce, 5/29/52; #185

Senate, speech, greeting, Polish-American Newspaper Groups convention, 5/31/52; #296

Senate, speech, "Tribute to the Armenian People," Armenian Independence Day, 6/1/52; #944

Senate, speech, "Wanted; Immediate Action to Organize a Second Hoover Commission," 6/5/52; #1237

Senate, speech, "McCarran Immigration Act and F.E.P.C.," Liberal Party Dinner, 6/11/52; #283

Senate, speech, "Introduction to Benton Amendment," 6/52; #758

Senate, speech, "Benton Amendment to the Mutual Security Act," 6/20/52; #573

Senate, speech, "Veterans' Legislation," Veterans of Foreign Wars Connecticut Convention, 6/21/52; #217

Senate, speech, "Communist Threat," Legion of Polish Veterans, 6/22/52; #216

Senate, speech, "Support of Truman's Veto of McCarran Immigration Bill," 6/25/52; #437

Senate, speech, "Katyn Forest Massacre by Soviets," 7/2/52; #405

Senate, speech, "Work Ukrainian Congress of America Is Doing Against Communism," 7/5/52; #241

Senate, speech, "Inequities of McCarran Act," Rhode Island Democrats, 9/7/52; #438

Senate, speech, "Veterans Legislation," American Legion Convention, 8/7/52; #214 442 Senate, statement, report on the West Haven Veterans Administration; #1308

Senate, statement, McCarran Immigration Act, 1950; #1397

Senate, statement, mail service to Connecticut military personnel in Italy to be improved, 1950; #908

Senate, statement, substitute Displaced Persons Act, 2/27/50; #665

Senate, statement, continuation of rent controls, 3/9/50; #704

Senate, statement, urging passage of F.E.P.C. Bill, 5/9/50; #1017

Senate, statement, creation of New England-New York resources, 6/6/50; #718

Senate, statement, plea for support of President's message on Korea and possible need for price controls, 7/19/50; #947

Senate, statement, small business clinics to be held in New Haven and Hartford, 7/24/50; #1146

Senate, statement, budget slash as proposed in Benton-Douglas Amendment to implement the Hoover proposals, 8/1/50; #1014

Senate, statement, reason for call to duty of 43rd Division, 8/1/50; #1013

Senate, statement, Spanish loan, 8/18/50; #498

Senate, statement, eleventh anniversary of Nazi invasion of Poland, 9/1/50; #1785

Senate, statement, defense housing shortage, 9/12/50; #410

Senate, statement, Benton plans to ask Congress to approve an additional $300,000,000 appropriation, 9/14/50; #1113

Senate, statement, New England's fuel supplies and needs of small business, 9/21/50; #1185

Senate, statement, New England fuel shortage, 10/50; #656

Senate, statement, Korea and Operation Truth, 10/10/50; #1095

Senate, statement, vote against special bonus for postal workers, 10/20/50; #715

Senate, statement, Campaign of Truth, 10/25/50; #151G

Senate, statement, Czechoslovakia's Independence Day, 10/28/50; #462

443 Senate, statement, Saint Lawrence Seaway Resolution, 2/1/51; #694

Senate, statement, "Voice of America Has a Frog in its Throat," 2/9/51; #767

Senate, statement, India Emergency Food Act of 1951 and authorization of food appropriation for India, 2/15/51; #477

Senate, statement, Small Business Committee to draft policy's harmful effect on small business firms, 2/26/51; #1021

Senate, statement, Benton files one-man minority report to dissent from majority vote on cloture, 3/6/51; #793

Senate, statement, need for public support for government reorganization, 3/16/51; #666

Senate, statement, opposing Kerr Bill, 3/17/51; #870

Senate, statement, Joint Economic Report calls for crusade against inflation, 4/2/51; #607

Senate, statement, Voice of America fund slash, 4/4/51; #463

Senate, statement, praise for Truman for his leadership in firing MacArthur, 4/11/51; #500A

Senate, statement, small business clinics in Connecticut, 4/16/51; #701

Senate, statement, urgent need for extension of Defense Production Act, 6/27/51; #1025

Senate, statement, Benton-Wiley resolution to operate Voice of America, as independent agency, 6/28/51; #1396

Senate, statement, report on New England economy prepared by Council of Economic Advisers, 7/2/51; #1168

Senate, statement, Benton hails U. S. decision to reject U. N. Convention on Freedom of Information, 8/15/51; #821

Senate, statement, explanation of vote against extending Sugar Act of 1948, 8/22/51; #1063

Senate, statement, effect of mobilization on small manufacturers in Connecticut, 8/23/51; #780

Senate, statement, Civil Defense inadequacies, 10/4/51; #805

Senate, statement, Benton exchange with Wilbert Snow about football, 10/27/51; #1024

Senate, statement, revision of international Information Program, 1/18/52; #538

444 Senate, statement, protest against rent increase in public housing, 1/19/52; #1019

Senate, statement, Wherry rule on cloture ineffective, 1/29/52; #754

Senate, statement, Connecticut Chamber of Commerce budget, 2/14/52; #1030

Senate, statement, offshore oil royalties for defense and educational needs, 3/23/52; #822A

Senate, statement, tribute to Brien McMahon on his candidacy for reelection, 4/2/52; #1099

Senate, statement, Connecticut's three television channels, 4/19/52; #946

Senate, statement, Benton's offer of assistance with Connecticut's television channels, 5/11/52; #1178

Senate, statement, explanation of dissenting vote on Dirksen-Bricker Amendment, 5/29/52; #1036

Senate, statement, streamlining Senate's standing rules, 6/12/52; #714A

Senate, statement, white pine blister rust in Connecticut, 6/16/52; #1211

Senate, statement, Small Business Committee Report, 6/30/52; #945

Senate, statement, postwar German climate as reported by U. S. Commissioner Donnelly, 9/14/52; #509

Senate, statement, protest against cutback in facilities at Newington Hospital, 9/17/52; #508

Senate, statement, USS Connecticut moved from Washington to Hartford, 9/20/52; #618

Senate, statement, Truman's proposed budget justified in terms of defense cost, 10/52; #1783

Senate, statement, opposition to government controlled medical and health services, 10/26/52; #879

Senate, statement, Benton questions equity of rental increases in public housing, 11/14/52; #1070

Senate, statement, "Freedom of Enterprise and the Hoover Proposals Should Be the Concern of Every Business Man," Bridgeport Chamber of Commerce, 5/1/52; #1018

Senate, television, "ECA; Its Effect on Italy," 1950; #932

Senate, television, "Defense Production Act," 6/30/51; #914

445 Senate, television, "On Trial; Should Controls over Prices, Wages, and Materials Be Continued?," 7/2/51; #909

Senate, Benton testimony, budget needs of Information Program, 5/8/46; #690

Senate, Benton testimony, Armed Service Committee, 1/28/58; #153

Senate, Benton testimony, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Technology," 5/1/56; #42

Senate, Benton testimony, Defense Production Act a Pandora's BOX, 6/23/51; #829

Senate, Benton testimony, urges extension of rent control, 4/25/50; #1015

Senate, Benton testimony, campaign finances, 1/13/57; #118

Senate, Benton testimony, morality in government, 6/19/51; #627

Senate, Benton testimony, campaign finances and Corrupt Practices Act, 9/14/51; #611

Senate, Benton testimony, strengthening reciprocal trade agreements, 6/1/46; #710

Senate, Benton testimony, Foreign Relations Committee, 7/17/46; #985

Senate, Benton testimony, importance of reaching Russian people, 2/17/58; #68

Senate, Benton testimony, information and propaganda, 4/20/53; #208

Senate, Benton testimony, Thomas Bill as basic authority for information and cultural exchange program, 7/17/46; #968

Senate, Benton testimony, supports compulsory F.E.P.C. legislation, 5/6/52; #1016

Senate, Benton testimony, need for exploration in field of subscription television and broadcasting, 9/5/51; #689

Senate, Benton testimony, "Toward a More Prosperous New England," 6/29/50; #696

Senate, Benton testimony, small business taxation, 3/13/52; #596

Senate, Benton testimony, need for exploration of field of subscription broadcasting and television, 5/31/51; #689A

Senate, Benton testimony, Ten Commandments for Congress, 7/19/51; #627

Senate, tribute, Greek independence anniversary day, 3/25/51; #487

446 Senate, voting record, 1/3/50-8/9/50; #1103

Shuster, George, The Ground I Walk On, 1961; #1860

Shuster, UNESCO; Assessment and Promise, 1963; #1348

Slichter, Sumner, "Passing of Keynesian Economics," Atlantic Monthly, 11/57; #146

Smith, Walter Bedell, Benton testimonial on Information Program, House of Representatives, 6/6/47; #1202

Smith, Senate testimony, Marshall Plan of Ideas, 7/50; #882

Smith, deposition, McCarthy lawsuit, 9/29/52; #1850

Smith, Benton speech, Smith's appointment as Director of Central Intelligence, 8/29/50; #409

Smith-Mundt Act, photo, Eisenhower testifies in favor, 5/20/47; #1488

Smith-Mundt Act, press conference, reorganization of Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs, 7/31/47; #796

Smith-Mundt Act, Resolution #3342, 5/6/47; #1193

Smith, Page, Daughters of the Promised Land, 1970; #2274

Smith, Richard A., "Ceiling on Selling," Fortune, 8/58; #368

Snow, Wilbert, appointed as campaign chairman for Benton's re-election, 9/26/52; #599

Snow, Benton exchange of correspondence regarding football, 10/27/51; #1024

Snow, television, Benton's qualifications in 1952 campaign, 10/24/52; #939

State Department, appreciation for Benton's wartime service, CIAA, 1940-1944; #1430

State Department, appreciation for Benton's wartime service, Information Program, 6/6/47; #1202

State Department, appreciation for Benton's wartime service, Distinguished Honor Award, 12/7/67; #2173

State Department, article, Frederick Lewis Allen, "Must We Tell the World?," Harper's, 12/45; #1077

State Department, Benton article, "Let's Speak Up," American Legion Magazine, 5/46; #734 447 State Department, Benton article, "United States Mission Reports on Education in Germany," American Teacher, 2/47; #853

State Department, Benton article, "Information Program and UNESCO; Way to International Peace," Coronet, 1948; #1254

State Department, Benton article, "This Can Stop Russia," ibid., 10/50; #497

State Department, Benton article, "Our International Information Services," Democratic Digest, 11/46; #823

State Department, Benton article, "We'll Tell the World," Everybody's Weekly, 4/14/46; #264

State Department, Benton article, "Understanding Is Also a Force," General Federation of Women's Clubs Bulletin, 1946; #885

State Department, Benton article, "As Others See Us," New York Times; #998

State Department, Benton article, "Five Ways to Breach the Iron Curtain," New York Times Magazine, 3/16/58; #68C

State Department, Benton article, "Self-Portrait by Uncle Sam," ibid., 12/2/45; #265

State Department, Benton article, "Uncle Sam Tells the World," Senior Scholastic, 2/18/46; #888

State Department, Benton article, "A New Kind of Diplomat," This Week Magazine, 3/3/46; #262

State Department, Benton article, "Major Tasks for Schools in 1947," Virginia Journal of Education, 3/47; #1196

State Department, Benton article, "Good Manners Are Vital Abroad," Washington Star, 6/47; #1197

State Department, Benton article, "Voice of America Around the World," World Week, 2/18/46; #887

State Department, Benton article, Joan David, "Mr. Benton's Proposal that Information Program Be Transferred from the State Department to an Independent Agency," American Foreign Service Journal, 4/51; #464

State Department, Benton article, Robert J. Donovan, "Where Are They Now?," Herald Tribune, 1948; #1442

448 State Department, Benton article, Henry James, Jr., "Role of the Information Library in the U. S. International Information Program," Library Quarterly, 4/23/53; #459

State Department, award to Benton for distinguished contributions to international relations, New York Federation of Women's Clubs, 10/27/50; #454A

State Department, Benton discussion, permanent organization for U. S. short wave broadcasting, 1/9/46; #1217

State Department, "Do We Make Ourselves Clear?," quotations from observers who have studied Information Program; #609

State Department, editorial, "State Department Press Disputes," Christian Science Monitor, 1/16/46; #640-640A

State Department, editorial, "Dangers to Press Freedom," Fortune, 4/47; #1091

State Department, editorial, "Press Disputes; Private Press Associations Versus State Department," Newsweek, 1/28/46; #1082

State Department, editorial, "Effective Information Program Must Speak Abroad in Languages that Will Be Understood," Parade, 1/18/48; #974

State Department, editorial, "Cancellation of News Service for Government Purposes," Saint Louis Post Dispatch, 1/29/46; #951

State Department, foreign affairs background summary, "America; A Full and Fair Picture," 6/46; #1198

State Department, foreign affairs background summary, "International Broadcasting," 2/47; #1199

State Department, foreign affairs background summary, "Organization of Office of Information and Cultural Relations Program," 1/47; #1157

State Department, chronology and supporting documents, International Radio Foundation, 5/3/49; #783

State Department, letter, Richard Balch to New York Times, suggesting Benton for Secretary of State, unpublished, 10/24/60; #1749

State Department, Benton letter, to Dean Acheson, budget needs of Information Program, 5/16/46; #690A

State Department, Benton letter, to Dean Acheson, revising Voice of America program, 1/31/51; #536 449 State Department, Benton letter, to David Bruce, report on luncheon with Prime Minister Harold Wilson, 4/29/67; #2147

State Department, Benton letter, to James Byrnes, 14 Point Program for Secretary of State Byrnes, 2/6/47; #1166

State Department, Benton letter, to James Byrnes, international broadcasting and role of State Department, 1/4/47; #913

State Department, Benton letter, to James Byrnes, organization of international broadcasting by U. S., 11/3/46; #906

State Department, Benton letter, to James Byrnes, education mission to Germany, 9/46; #542A

State Department, Benton letter, to Kent Cooper, press disputes with State Department, 6/13/47; #794

State Department, Benton letter, to editor of New York Times, book ban protested, 6/28/53; #254

State Department, Benton letter, to editor of New York Times, federal security and Information Program, 11/5/55; #1789

State Department, Benton letter, to editor of New York Times, summit conference on Middle East and for expanded Information Program, 8/10/58; #759

State Department, Benton letter, to Luther Evans, Russian propaganda and distortions of history, 12/1/55; #131

State Department, Benton letter, to Kenneth McKellar, Voice of America fund slash, 4/17/51; #1039

State Department, Benton letter, to Kenneth McKellar, Voice of America budget needs, 9/2/51; #523

State Department, Benton letter, to Robert McLean, press disputes versus State Department, 1/17/46; #1155

State Department, Benton letter, to George Marshall, resignation as Assistant Secretary of State, 9/3/47; #370

State Department, Benton letter, to State Department members, Associated Press public statement and Benton's reply, 1/17/46; #1085

State Department, Benton letter, Byrnes to Truman, budget needs for Information Program, 12/31/45; #571 450 State Department, Benton letter, Mark Etheridge to Benton, Information Program, 7/3/50; #510

State Department, Benton letter, Marshall to Benton, acceptance of resignation, 9/22/47; #370

State Department, Benton letter, William Nichols to Benton, suggestions for improving Information Program, 7/16/46; #978

State Department, Benton letter, Russian writers to Benton, State Department visit, 7/12/46; #826

State Department, organization chart, 1947; #543

State Department, organization manual, 3/47; #1158

State Department, pamphlet, "How To Pierce the Iron Curtain," unpublished, 1959-1960; #1227

State Department, photos, 1945-1947; #1532

State Department, photos, CIAA Conference on War and Peace, 2/45; #1503

State Department, photos, presentation of Distinguished Honor Award to Benton, 12/7/67; #2173A

State Department, photos, farewell party for Benton, 10/1/47; #1501

State Department, photos, Herblock, "We Ain't Giving No Information to No Foreigners"; #1454

State Department, photos, Information Program fund hearings in Congress, 1946; #1574

State Department, photos, James Byrnes, autographed; #1406

State Department, press conference, "Associated Press Versus State Department and Role in International Broadcasting," 1/18/46; #877

State Department, press conference, "Cultural Affairs Division; Its Organization," 7/31/47; #904

State Department, press conference, "Information Program," 12/28/45; #251

State Department, press conference, "Fulbright Act," 7/17/47; #785

State Department, press conference, "Motion Picture Industry's Role in the Information Program," 3/20/46; #768

451 State Department, press conference, "Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs; Its Reorganization," 7/31/47; #796

State Department, press conference, "Press Introduction of Benton as New Under Secretary of State," 9/17/45; #420

State Department, press conference, "Press, Radio, and Movie People on ECO," 10/2/46; #797

State Department, press conference, "UNESCO's Role in International Broadcasting," 9/24/46; #1788

State Department, press conference, Clare Booth Luce, "Information Program and the State Department," 9/11/45; #1220

State Department, radio, "Adventures in Science," 5/10/47; #770

State Department, radio, "Free Parliaments in Free Societies," 4/56; #1100

State Department, radio, "Do We Need a New Foreign Policy?," 7/8/50; #1064

State Department, radio, "What Freedom of Information Means to You," 2/5/50; #554

State Department, radio, "Can We Defeat the Propaganda of International Communism?," 8/20/50; #553

State Department, radio, "Conference on Freedom of Information," 5/5/48; #809

State Department, radio, "Foreign Aid," 3/30/50; #915

State Department, radio, "Our Foreign Policy," 10/17/50; #456

State Department, radio, "Campaign of Truth; Russia Versus the Free World," 10/31/50; #490

State Department, radio, "Soviet Challenge," 2/12/59; #1261

State Department, radio, "Foreign Policy," 3/2/51; #470

State Department, radio, "Uncle Sam Speaks; German Re-Education," 11/4/46; #847

State Department, radio, "Khrushchev Visit and Congressional Awards," 9/13/59; #1282

State Department, radio, "International Understanding," 1/7/46; #777

State Department, radio, "People's Job in UNESCO," 9/25/46; #1061

State Department, radio, "America; As Others See Us," 1/3/46; #551 452 State Department, radio, "Can UNESCO Help To Prevent a Third World War?," 11/9/46; #999

State Department, radio, "Freedom of the Press World Wide," 1/26/46; #440

State Department, radio, "National Intelligence Program," 12/22/45; #841

State Department, radio, "Our International Information Program and the Significance of the Bloom Bill," 12/14/45; #586

State Department, radio, "Post-War Jobs; Responsibility of Business," 11/15/43; #843

State Department, radio, "What other People Think of Us," 3/8/47; #544

State Department, radio, inaugural broadcast of Voice of America to Greece, 5/14/47; #1201

State Department, radio, inauguration of relay station in Manila; #817

State Department, radio, Voice of America broadcasts presentation of Encyclopaedia Britannica to German newspapers, 7/19/48; #1352

State Department, report, "Press Disputes; Wire Services Versus State Department," American Society of Newspaper Editors, 10/1/46; #1200

State Department, report, "Mass Media and UNESCO," 9/20/46; #679A

State Department, report, "Outline of Art Project Controversy," 7/46; #1066

State Department, report, "Postwar International Information Program of the U. S.," 1945; #761

State Department, report, "U. S. Education Commission to Germany," 9/46; #542

State Department, report, "U. S. Education Commission to Japan," 3/30/46; #835

State Department, report, "Summary of 2nd General UNESCO Conference," 12/22/47; #1156

State Department, report, "First General UNESCO Conference," 12/46; #1165

State Department, report, "Information Service International and Its Merger into the State Department," 12/27/46; #1074

State Department, report, "Press Disputes," 2/5/46; #950

State Department, report, Harold Stein on Foreign Service Act and Benton's role in passage; #1610 453 State Department, speech, "Ideas in World Politics," Advertising Federation, 6/15/48; #271

State Department, speech, "International Understanding; An Undeveloped Human Resource," American Association of School Administrators, 3/3/47; #604

State Department, speech, "Decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind," American Club, 12/6/46; #482

State Department, speech, "UNESCO's Goal," American Club of Paris, 12/6/46; #482

State Department, speech, "Art and Cultural Exchange," American Federation of Arts, 5/16/46; #747

State Department, speech, "New Instrument for U. S. Foreign Policy," American Hospital Association," 10/1/46; #605

State Department, speech, "Can American Afford To Be Silent?," American Platform Guild, 1/3/46; #413

State Department, speech, "Understanding Is Also a Force," American Public Relations Association, 3/29/46; #972

State Department, speech, "Information Program; State Department's Philosophy," American Society of Newspaper Editors; #804

State Department, speech, "Revision of State Department's Procedures for Handling the News," American Society of Newspaper Editors, 4/18/46; #540

State Department, speech, "Information Program for the U. S.," American Veterans Committee, 5/16/46; #901

State Department, speech, "International Understanding; A Mission for All of Us," Associated Church Press, 4/24/46; #539

State Department, speech, "Geneva Conference Thus Far," Anglo-American Press Association, 4/7/48; #450

State Department, speech, "Information Program," Association of Women Broadcasters, 6/23/47; #1105

State Department, speech, "Ideas and International Understanding," Audio-Visual Association of Southern , 10/29/48; #743

State Department, speech, "Role as Assistant Secretary of State," Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 11/27/45; #1618

454 State Department, speech, "Ideas as a Path to Peace," Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs, 1/17/49; #726

State Department, speech, "UNESCO's Role in Mass Communications," Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 9/12/47; #1786

State Department, speech, Committee for Economic Development, 5/20/48; #622

State Department, speech, "CED in the Postwar World; New Relationship between Businessmen and Politicians and Implications of Russian Propaganda," 5/11/49; #1055

State Department, speech, "Educational Radio," Conference on High School Principals, 3/27/41; #688

State Department, speech, "International Freedom of Information," Connecticut Editorial Association, 2/4/50; #527

State Department, speech, "Foreign Policy," Connecticut Education Association, 10/26/51; #471

State Department, speech, "Soviet Economic Challenge," Economic Club of Chicago, 4/8/59; #1262

State Department, speech, "Duel for Men's Minds," Foreign Policy Conference, 7/14/55; #165

State Department, speech, "American Position on International News and International Libel," Foreign Press Association, 3/19/47; #592

State Department, speech, "Design for Survival," Industrial Designer's Institute, 10/10/58; #988

State Department, speech, "Freedom of Information; The Role of the State Department," Inland Daily Press Association, 2/11/47; #484

State Department, speech, "Equal Opportunity on World's Air Waves," International High Frequency Broadcasting Conference, 8/15/47; #412

State Department, speech, "International House; A Symbol for Today," International House, 11/7/46; #897

State Department, speech, "Information Program and Cultural Exchange," 3/6/46; #883

State Department, speech, "New Tools for International Understanding," Los Angeles Town Hall, 2/24/48; #547

State Department, speech, "Role of Ideas in World Politics," Milwaukee Torch Ad Club, 9/48; #37 455 State Department, speech, "Understanding Among Peoples," Motion Picture Industry, 3/6/46; #883

State Department, speech, "Greetings from Assistant Secretary of State," UNESCO, 9/25/46; #1787

State Department, speech, "Information Program," UNESCO Mass Media Meeting, 12/13/45; #584

State Department, speech, "Our Foreign Policy and UNESCO," 4/16/51; #1094

State Department, speech, "Information Program," New York Federation of Women's Clubs, 10/27/50; #454

State Department, speech, "Voice of America Abroad," New York Herald Tribune Forum, 10/30/45; #721

State Department, speech, "Freedom of the Press and Responsibilities of the Press," New York Newspaperwomen's Club, 3/31/46; #550

State Department, speech, "Summit Conference," Overseas Club, 3/6/58; #250

State Department, speech, "Education for Peace," Phi Beta Kappa Association of Southern California, 2/20/48; #740

State Department, speech, "Republican Misrepresentation of Yalta Agreement," Polish-American groups, 10/19/50; #717

State Department, speech, "United States Program for Polish People," Polish Falcons National Convention, 7/5/52; #215

State Department, speech, "Information Program," Public Affairs Program of State Department, 11/4/46; #902

State Department, speech, "Public Opinion and World Affairs," Public Opinion Research Conference, 9/2/47; #840

State Department, speech, "Revision of Our State Department," Rockville Young Democrats, no text, 2/27/58; #243

State Department, speech, "Soviet Propaganda," Rotary Club of Fairfield, no text, 4/16/57; #73

State Department, speech, Senate speeches. See Senate.

State Department, speech, "Cultural Foundations of the Peace," State Department, 6/5/47; #889

456 State Department, speech, "New International Frontier," Sunday Evening Forum, 2/20/49; #749

State Department, speech, "Information Program and Cultural Exchange," Teachers College of Connecticut; #720

State Department, speech, UNESCO speeches. See UNESCO.

State Department, speech, "Word Is Freedom," U. N. Conference on Freedom of Information, 3/25/48; #528

State Department, speech, "Korea," VASA First District Convention, 9/30/50; #499

State Department, speech, "U. N. Conference on Freedom of Information," Voice of America presentation ceremony, 7/19/44; #766

State Department, speech, "Party Responsibilities," West Haven Federated Democratic Women's Club, 9/28/50; #427

State Department, speech, "Korean War and Voice of America," Windham County Democratic Association, 7/19/50; #502

State Department, speech, "National Defense and National Reputation," Women's Patriotic Conference on National Defense, 1/25/47; #636

State Department, speech, "Comments on UNESCO's Draft Constitution," 10/1/45; #1471A

State Department, speech, "Meeting of Organizations," 9/24/45; #403

State Department, speech, "American Veterans' Committee," open forum on International Information and Cultural Affairs, 5/16/46; #901

State Department, speech, "Public Affairs Program," 11/4/46; #902

State Department, speech, "Cultural Foundations of the Peace," 6/5/47; #889

State Department, speech, final remarks to staff, 9/47; #907

State Department, Elmer Davis, "State Department; Press Service Disputes," Rotary Club, 2/26/46; #1022

State Department, statement, "Appointment of U. S. delegation to UNESCO London Conference," 10/199/45; #1471B

State Department, statement, "Radio Broadcasting Company Practice of Exclusive Rights," 1/4/46; #824 457 State Department, statement, "Appointment of Five Special Consultants to Advise State Department on UNESCO," 1/26/46; #1084

State Department, statement, "Press Dispute; Attitude of Various Publications and Press Groups toward State Department," 2/9/46; #1073

State Department, statement, "International Short Wave Broadcasting and Appointment of Advisory Committee," 5/11/46; #1079

State Department, statement, "International Broadcasting and Program Fund Slash," 5/18/46; #820

State Department, statement, "Fulbright Bill," 8/1/46; #617

State Department, statement, "Cultural Exchange Program Sent to Congress," 3/24/47; #741

State Department, statement, "State Department's Radio Advisory Committee Urges Strengthening of Department and Voice of America," 5/16/47; #621

State Department, statement, "Freedom of Information; Draft Agreement Prepared by Richard J. Finnegan," 9/5/47; #1164

State Department, statement, presentation of 50 sets of Encyclopaedia Britannica to German news agencies, 7/19/48; #1353

State Department, statement, "Russian A-Bomb Explosion and Implications in Civil Defense," 10/4/51; #805

State Department, statement, "Revisions of International Information Program," 1/18/52; #538

State Department, David Sarnoff statement, "Freedom to Listen-For All People of the World," NBC network, 4/2/46; #784

State Department, summary editorial support, Overseas Cultural and Information Program, 7/7/47 & 8/25/47; #1194-#1195

State Department, television, "Information, Communication, and Power," 1/14/68; #2177

State Department, testimony. See Marshall Plan of Ideas, Senate, etc.

Stevenson, Adlai, acceptance of Advisory Board chairmanship of Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, 4/10/57; #24

Stevenson, article, "Federal Support for the Schools," prepared by Benton's staff, 8/56; #138

Stevenson, article, "Korea in Perspective," Foreign Affairs, 4/52; #284B 458 Stevenson, article, "Putting Things First; A Democratic View," ibid., 1/60; #284B

Stevenson, article, "Our Plight in Latin America," Look, 11/22/60; #284B

Stevenson, article, "Dual Educational Problem; School and Home," New York Times, 4/6/58; #284B

Stevenson, article, "National Purpose," ibid., 5/26/56; #284B

Stevenson, article, "Education and American Aims," New York Times Magazine, 4/13/58; #192

Stevenson, article, "Talk of the Town; Adlai Stevenson," The New Yorker, 7/24/65; #2090

Stevenson, article, "Politics and Morality," Saturday Review, 2/7/59; #284B

Stevenson, article, "Choice by Hullabaloo," This Week, 2/28/60; #284B

Stevenson, article, "Plan for a Great Debate," ibid., 3/6/60; #284B

Stevenson, John Benton article, "Cruise with Adlai," Bridgeport Herald, 8/9/59; #1253

Stevenson, Benton article, "Stevenson's Last Hours," Bridgeport Sunday Herald, 7/18/65; #2081

Stevenson, Benton article, "In Memoriam; Adlai E. Stevenson," Britannica Book of the Year, 1966; #2110

Stevenson, Benton article, "As We Knew Adlai; Ambassador of Good Will," 1966; #2093

Stevenson, Max Ehrmann article, "Desiderata"; #2081A

Stevenson, book, As We Knew Adlai, 1966; #2093

Stevenson, book, Bert Cochrane, Adlai Stevenson; Patrician Among the Politicians, 1969; #2240

Stevenson, book, Walter Johnson, The Papers of Adlai Stevenson, vols. 1 and 2, 1973; #2134

Stevenson, book, Herbert J. Muller, Adlai Stevenson; A Study in Values, 1967; #2282

Stevenson, book, Alden Whitman, Portrait; Adlai Stevenson-Politician, Diplomat, Friend, 1965; #2100

Stevenson, book review, What I think, New York Times Book Review, 2/26/56; #284B

Stevenson, Benton interview, biographical reminiscences about Stevenson, 6/15/67; #2218

Stevenson, Benton interview, biographical reminiscences about Stevenson, 6/15/67; #2160 459 Stevenson, Benton letter to Stevenson, Senatorial nomination at Democratic State Convention, 7/1/58; #849

Stevenson, Benton letter to John Fischer, explanation of Stevenson's character, 1/66; #2108

Stevenson, memo, Latin American trip, 2-3/61; #1242

Stevenson, memo, conclusions about U. S. policy applied to Latin America, (#94), 4/18/60; #1735

Stevenson, monologue, Flying Clipper reunion party, 10/24/59; #1293

Stevenson, photo, autographed, 1957; #1411

Stevenson, photo, accepting chairmanship of EB Advisory Board, 4/57; #1537

Stevenson, photo, cocktail party for EB's Switzerland Office, 7/8/65; #2089

Stevenson, photo, Kennedy inauguration, 1960; #2306

Stevenson, preface drafts, Great Soviet Encyclopedia; #1365

Stevenson, preface drafts, This Is the Challenge; #282B

Stevenson, press conference, Argentina, 3/19/60; #1725

Stevenson, press conference, Venezuela, 4/4/60; #1743

Stevenson, press conference, Uruguay, 3/21/60; #1745

Stevenson, speech, "Foreign Policy," American Bar Association Convention, 9/1/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Statesmanship in Both Parties," American Society of Newspaper Editors, 4/22/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Youth and Their Role for the Future," Amherst College, 6/11/61; #284

Stevenson, speech, California Democratic Council State Convention, 2/4/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, 1960 campaign, "Foreign Policy," 10/3/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Nixon and the Republican Party," 10/30/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Nixon and the Republican Party", "Richard Nixon," 9/26/60; #284

460 Stevenson, speech, "Nixon and the Republican Party", "Foreign Policy and Disarmament," 9/29/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Nixon and the Republican Party", "Democrats versus Republicans," 9/27/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Paris Conference, U-2 Incident, World Tensions, and Latin American Politics," Conference on Reduction of World Tension, 5/13/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Political Relevance of Moral Principle," Davies Memorial Lecture, 1/18/59; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic luncheon, 2/15/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, "Election Eve; Implications of a Democratic Victory," 11/1/58; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, "Plan to Aid the Aged," 9/24/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, 10/29/55; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, "Accusing President of Failing to Provide Leadership," 9/27/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, "Accusing Appeasement," 9/25/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, "Disarmament," 9/30/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, 10/7/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, 2/17/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, 2/15/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Democratic rally, "Mobilization of U. S. Production," 9/28/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Wisconsin Democratic Convention, 10/7/55; #284

Stevenson, speech, Preble's retirement from Encyclopaedia Britannica," 9/30/59; #1277

Stevenson, speech, "Far East; Our Foreign Policy," Clair Engle Dinner, 10/1/58; #284

Stevenson, speech, Fairleigh Dickinson, 10/3/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Georgia legislature, 11/23/53; #284

461 Stevenson, speech, "Presidential Election of 1952," Gridiron Club Dinner, 12/13/52; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Politics in General," Gridiron Club Dinner, 3/2/57; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Foreign Policy," Harvard Alumni Association, 6/17/65; #284

Stevenson, speech, Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 3/10/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Politics,' Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 2/14/53; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Politics,' Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, 2/12/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Presidential Campaign," 10/27/52; #732

Stevenson, speech, "America's Responsibility Today," University of Louisville, 5/21/58; #832

Stevenson, speech, Minneapolis Labor Temple, 3/2/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Economic Challenge Facing the West," National Business Conference, 6/6/59; #284

Stevenson, speech, "International Trade Policies," National Conference on Organizations on International Trade Policy, 3/27/58; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Improving Education; A Free People's Responsibility," National School Boards Association, 1/26/59; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Political Liberties," Northwestern Law School, 5/13/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, Oakland Municipal Auditorium, 2/1/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, "U. S. Elections, Foreign Policy, and Canadian-American Relations," Primrose Club Dinner, 12/3/60; #284

Stevenson, speech, Queen's University, 10/15/55; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Americans for Democratic Action," Roosevelt Day Dinner, 1/31/58; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Politics," Southern Conference, 3/6/54; /3284

Stevenson, speech, Oklahoma State Fair, 9/25/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, Milwaukee, 9/29/56; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Strategy for Peace After the Summit Collapse," Textile Workers Union of America, 6/1/60; #284 462 Stevenson, speech, "Truman in Public Life and the Contrast with the Eisenhower Administration," Truman Dinner, 2/22/58; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Tribute to Harry Truman," Truman's 75th Birthday Celebration, 5/8/59; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Responsibilities of Parents and Educators," United Parents' Association Annual Conference, 3/29/58; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Foreign Policy," Williams College commencement, 6/12/65; #284

Stevenson, speech, Yeshiva University, 12/13/53; #284

Stevenson, speech, "Founder's Day Address," University of Virginia, 4/12/60; #284

Stevenson, television, Harold Wilson talks about his last luncheon with Stevenson, 7/19/65; #2084

Stevenson, television, Benton's last visit with Stevenson, 7/14/65; #2082

Stevenson, television, "Tribute to Adlai Stevenson," 7/15/65; #2083

Stevenson, television, Latin American trip, 4/8/60; #1713

Stevenson, telegram to Eisenhower, congratulations on presidential victory, 11/6/56; #284A

Stevenson, Benton telegram to Stevenson, Middle East and Tass article on West's armed intervention in Suez and Egypt, 11/1/56; #43

Thurber, James, "He doesn't know anything except facts"; #2087

Thurber, and Mort Sahl, "State of Nation's Humor," New York Times, 12/7/58; #1101

Tito, photo, 7/54; #1479

Trollope, Anthony, excerpts from autobiography; #623

Truman, Harry, Cabell Phillips book, The Truman Presidency, 1966; #2132

Truman, Benton letter, authorization of food appropriation for India, 2/6/51; #477A

Truman, Benton letter, study of natural resources and low-cost power in the New York-New England area, 10/5/50; #718

Truman, Benton letter, resignation as Assistant Secretary of State and Truman's acceptance, 9/47; #370 463 Truman, Benton letter and reply, civil rights and F.E.P.C. for defense industry, 10/20/51; #98

Truman, Benton letter and reply, grain to India, 8/18/50; #556

Truman, Benton letter to Truman and Burnet Waybank, housing shortage at Camp Pickett, 12/50-1/51; #702

Truman, photo, 1952; #1410

Truman, photo, autographed; #1405

Truman, photo, Truman dinner, 2/58; #1538

Truman, photo, 4/56; #1482

Truman, photo, signing Fulbright Act, 8/1/46; #1522

Truman, speech, "Campaign of Truth," American Society of Newspaper Editors, 4/19/50; #525

Truman, speech, "Politics," 10/18/52; #406

Truman, speech, "Republican Administration of Today," Truman Dinner, 2/22/58; #205

Truman, statement, "Executive Order Abolishing Office of War Information," 8/31/45; #1081

Truman, Benton statement, "Truman Library Dedication," 7/6/57; #23

UNESCO, appointment, U. S. member of Executive Board, 3/19/63; #1320

UNESCO, appointment, Congressional adviser, 5/6/50; #1466

UNESCO, appointment, delegate to founding conference, 11/1/45; #1471

UNESCO, appointment, chairman of U. S. delegation to Mexico City conference, 11/3/47; #1432

UNESCO, appointment, chairman of U. S. delegation to Paris conference, 11/46; #1494

UNESCO, article, "Britannica's Publisher Serves as U. S. Ambassador to UNESCO," Know, 5/64; #1983

UNESCO, Benton article, "What Is UNESCO All About?"; #1936

UNESCO, Benton article, American Foreign Service Journal, 2/47; #852

464 UNESCO, Benton article, "International Program and UNESCO; Way to International Peace," Coronet, 1948; #1254

UNESCO, Benton article, "Appeal to Minerva," General Federation of Club-women Bulletin, 11/46; #1351

UNESCO, Benton article, "Understanding Is Also a Force," ibid., 1946; #885

UNESCO, Benton article, "My World, My Human Race," Library Journal, 3/1/47; #851

UNESCO, Benton article, "Coexistence," Playboy, 12/65; #2015A

UNESCO, Benton article, "That Nations May Know," Saturday Review, 12/3/66; #2135

UNESCO, Benton article, "The Defense of Peace; Progress Report on UNESCO," ibid., 3/7/64; #1339

UNESCO, Benton article, "Major Task for Schools in 1947," Virginia Journal of Education, 3/47; #1196

UNESCO, book, George Shuster, Ground I Walk On, 1961; #1860

UNESCO, book, George Shuster, UNESCO; Assessment and Promise, 1963; #1348

UNESCO, book, Charles A. Thomson and W. H. C. Laves, UNESCO; Purpose, Progress, Prospects, 1957; #1934

UNESCO, book, Charles A. Thomson and W. H. C. Laves, Cultural Relations and U. S. Foreign Policy, 1963; #2001

UNESCO, Benton letter to James Byrnes, report on UNESCO London Conference, 12/5/45; #1350B

UNESCO, Benton letter to James Byrnes, report on UNESCO Mass Media Conference, 9/28/46; #679

UNESCO, Benton letter to James Byrnes, UNESCO's founding and the London Conference, 1946; #1350

UNESCO, Benton letter to James Byrnes, report of UNESCO meeting, 9/28/47; #1076

UNESCO, Benton letter, to Luther Evans, Russian propaganda and distortions of history, 12/1/55; #131

UNESCO, Benton letter, to Ray Murphy, America Legion's misquotation on UNESCO's role in world peace, 4/6/55; #1270 465 UNESCO, Byrnes letter to Sol Bloom, UNESCO's responsibilities and potentialities, 4/2/46; #1078

UNESCO, John F. Kennedy letter to Benton, appointment as U. S. member on Executive Board, 3/11/63; #1320

UNESCO, memo, Helen Benton, "Outline and Critique of George Shuster's book on UNESCO," 10/19/63; #1348

UNESCO, memo, William Benton, Bellagio, "UNESCO's Contributions to Peace," 5/66; #2120A

UNESCO, memo, William Benton, Mr. Maheu, 5/28/66; #2134

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Paul Carneiro of Brazil, 5/28/63; #1330

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Chairman Beeby, 10/16/63; #1917A

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Maheu, 9/24/63; #1914A

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Mr. Sharif of Pakistan, 10/17/63; #1918

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Mme. de Tejeira of Panama, 10/7/63; #1919

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Chairman Beeby, 9/24/63; #1917

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Sharif, 6/3/64; #1957

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Maheu, 10/14/63; #1914

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Mr. Pompei of Italy, 10/18/63; #1915

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Carneiro, 10/18/63; #1916

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Mr. Roseman, 5/27/63; #1330

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Carneiro, 5/14/64; #1955

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Pompei, 10/12/64; #2044

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Carneiro, 10/2/64; #2093A

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Maheu, 5/4/64; #1956

UNESCO, memo, Paris, Maheu and Mr. John Fobes, 10/1/64; #2093

466 UNESCO, memo, Paris, Mme. Gandhi and Carneiro, 10/17/64; #2028

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Mr. Vakrouchev, and Carneiro, 10/16/64; #2017

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Pompei, 11/16/64; #2029

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Carneiro, 5/6/65; #2063

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Pompei, 5/13/65; #2064

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Maheu, 7/7/65; #2086

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Russian delegation, 10/9/65; #2078

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Pompei, 10/19/65; #2098

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Carneiro, 10/22/65; #2095

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Mr. Cookey of Nigeria, 10/23/65; #2079

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Maheu, 10/28/65; #2096

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Sharif and Carneiro, 10/30/65; #2097

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Pompei, 5/12/66; #2133

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Fobes, 4/25/67; #2145

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Carneiro and Chagas, 4/27/67; #2146

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Pompei, 5/8/67; #2148

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Pompei, 10/67; #2180

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Maheu, 5/9/67; #2149

UNESCO, memo, Academician Sissakian, Fobes, 10/29/67; #2181

UNESCO, photo, Brazilian Medal ceremony, 5/14/64; #1953A

UNESCO, photo, American delegation, 11/46; #1491

UNESCO, photo, reception for Benton, 5/65; #2226

UNESCO, photo, tribute dinner, 4/20/50; #1591

467 UNESCO, photo, Maheu with Rush and Gardner, 11/9/65; #2109

UNESCO, photo, Maheu with Johnson, 11/67; #2227

UNESCO, photo, Maheu with Kennedy, 10/63; #2225

UNESCO, photo, Benton with Johnson, 2/1/67; #2235

UNESCO, photo, Kennedy appoints Benton U. S. representative to Executive Board, 3/9/63; #1320A

UNESCO, photo, Truman signs Congressional resolution authorizing U. S. membership, 7/30/46; #1489

UNESCO, photo, American delegation, 9/46; #1505

UNESCO, photo, American delegation, 10/68; #2215A

UNESCO, press conference, "UNESCO's Role in International Broadcasting," 9/24/46; #1788

UNESCO, press conference, "Postwar Italy," 6/14/50; #532

UNESCO, radio, Paris Conference, 12/23/46; #677C

UNESCO, radio, 4/50; #924

UNESCO, radio, 25th anniversary, 11/11/71; #2275

UNESCO, radio, "What's the Answer?," 6/50; #658A

UNESCO, radio, "People's Job in UNESCO," 9/25/46; #1061

UNESCO, radio, Paris Conference Report, 12/23/46; #875

UNESCO, radio, "Can UNESCO Help to Prevent a Third World War?," 11/9/46; #999

UNESCO, radio, "UNESCO as the Realization of Woodrow Wilson's Dream," 12/27/46; #489

UNESCO, report, Abidjan Conference of African Ministers of Education, 3/64; #1958

UNESCO, report, Abidjan Conference of African Ministers of Education, 4/64; #1958A

UNESCO, report, London Conference, part I, 1946; #1350

UNESCO, report, London Conference, part II, 1946; #1350A

468 UNESCO, report, Mexico City Conference, 12/22/47; #1156

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/46; #1165

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/18/63; #1330

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/63; #1329

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/63; #1945

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/63; #2091

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 5-6/64; #1869

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 8/64; #2092

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/64; #2034

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/64; #2045

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/65; #2070

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/65; #2071

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/65; #2104

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/65; #2105

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/66; #2128

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/66; #2129

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/67; #2155

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/67; #2156

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/67; #2176

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 12/14/67; #2175

UNESCO, report, Paris Conference, 6/68; #2201

UNESCO, report, 78th Executive Board Session, 8/68; #2204

UNESCO, report, Henry J. Kellerman, "The United States and UNESCO," ca. 1961; #1332

469 UNESCO, speech, Miquel Aleman, "UNESCO's Role in Promoting International Culture and Education," UNESCO Second General Conference, 11/6/47; #570

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Education as an Instrument of U. S. Foreign Policy," American Academy of Political and Social Science, 4/16/66; #2115

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Freedom of Information," U. S. National Commission, 9/27/48; #529

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Preservation of Monuments," 5/30/66; #2121

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Introducing UNESCO's Director General Rene Maheu," 10/23/63; #1341

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Report on 66th Executive Board Session," 10/23/63; #1342

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO's Role and Its Goals," Chicago Council of Foreign Relations, 1/9/47; #646

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO; The Dream Comes of Age," University of Chicago, 10/11/67; #2163

UNESCO, Benton speech, "University and UNESCO," University of Chicago, 1/8/47; #645

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO's Role in Radio Broadcasting," 3/30/49; #880

UNESCO, Benton speech, Abidjan Conference of African Ministers of Education, 3/19/64; #1947

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO's Role in Mass Communication," Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, 9/12/47; #1786

UNESCO, Benton speech, audience with Pope Pius, 6/10/50; #658A

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO's Responsibility," 6/6/50; #658

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Our Foreign Policy and UNESCO," Industrialist Group of New Britain, 4/16/51; #1094

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO as a True International Force," 11/10/47; #644

UNESCO, Benton speech, panel discussion on implications of Soviet membership in UNESCO, 10/15/54; #705

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Understanding Among Peoples," Motion Picture Industry, 3/6/46; #883 470 UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Budget and Fund Raising for UNESCO," 12/10/46; #677B

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Cooperation with UNDP," 10/20 & 10/23/67; #2170

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "UNESCO's Role and Responsibility," 11/23/46; #677

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Disarmament," 9/25/63; #1924

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Budget, Education, and Disarmament," 9/26/63; #1923

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "U. S. Policy Toward UNESCO," 9/30/63; #1340

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Budget Policy," 10/9/63; #1343

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Human Rights and Science Program," 10/10/63; #1346

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, National Academy of Science Centennial, 10/17/63; #1347

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, remarks to Executive Board, 5-6/64; #1952

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, remarks to Executive Board, 4/29-5/17/63; #1325

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, remarks to Executive Board, 10/15/64; #2026

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, remarks to Executive Board, 10/14/64; #2022

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, remarks to Executive Board, 10/12/64; #2021

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, remarks to Executive Board, 9/30/64; #2019

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, budget discussions, 10/25/64; #2018

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, budget discussions, 10/15/64; #2023

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, budget discussions, 10/14/64; #2024

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, budget discussions, 10/27/64; #2014

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, nongovernmental organizations, 10/22/64; #2038

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, relationship between Executive Board and Secretariat, 11/12/64; #2039

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, explanation of U. S. vote on budget, 11/20/64; #2040

471 UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, explanation of U. S. vote on arrearages of Bolivia and Chile, 10/27/64; #2027

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, General Conference agenda and issue of peaceful coexistence, 10/21/64; #2037

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Plenary Session, 10/30/64; #2020

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, management study, 10/12/64; #2025

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, constitution of subsidiary organs to Executive Board, 11/21/64; #2036

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Peaceful Coexistence," 11/4/64; #2015

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Rule 24; Access to Tapes of Speeches," 11/19/64; #2035

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Sissakian's nomination to presidency of General Conference, 10/16/64; #2016

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, tribute to Nehru, 5/64; #2041

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Director-General's oral report, 5/4/65; #2060

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Point 5.2.2; Preliminary Conference of Experts," 5/10/65; #2061

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Important Innovations," 5/12/65; #2062

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Director-General's oral report, 10/5/65; #2074

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Ad Hoc Committee Report, 10/18/65; #2075

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, 1967-68 program and budget, 10/19/65; #2077

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, reserve for budget, 10/25/65; #2101

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, salary review of UNESCO Secretariat, 11/3/65; #2103

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, staffing of UNESCO's Secretariat, 11/3/65; #2102

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, postponement of budget ceiling vote, 11/4/65; #2076

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, geographic distribution of Secretariat, 5/10/66; #2122

472 UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, provisional agenda and proposed dates for next Executive Board meeting, 5/12/66; #2123

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Executive Board committee on NGOs, 5/13/66; #2124

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Item 4.1; Introduction to the Programme and Budget for 1967-68," 5/16/66; #2125

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Social Sciences, Human Sciences, and Culture," 5/18/66; #2126

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Mass Communications," 5/20/66; #2127

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, 10/21-24/66; #2136

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, 4/24/67; #2140

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Human Rights and NGOs," 10/19/67; #2171

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, U. N. Ad Hoc Committee of Experts (Committee of 14), 4/28/67; #2141

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, French government's communications about payment of turnover taxes, 5/3/67; #2142

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, Conference on the Application of Science and Technology in Asia (CASTASIA), 5/12/67; #2143

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, cooperation with U. N. Development Programme, 5/12/67; #2144

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, 9/6-12/68; #2209

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, budget ceiling, 9/12/68; #2210

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, farewell speech, 9/10/68; #2208

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, 78th Executive Board Session, 5/6/68; #2202

UNESCO, Benton speech, Paris, "Homage to Robert F. Kennedy"; #2203

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO; A Proposal to History," University of Pennsylvania, 3/24/47; #649

UNESCO, Benton speech, 4/24/63; #1323

473 UNESCO, Benton speech, on leaving UNESCO Executive Board and National Commission, 9/68; #2215

UNESCO, Benton speech, UNESCO's draft constitution, 10/1/45; #1417A

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Greeting from Assistant Secretary of State," 9/25/46; #1787

UNESCO, Benton speech, "How Far Can UNESCO Reach?," 4/13/50; #789

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Information Program," 12/13/45; #584

UNESCO, Benton speech, "Report of the Mass Media Convention," 9/24/46; #679

UNESCO, Benton speech, "UNESCO's Role and Its Goals," 9/23/46; #648

UNESCO, Archibald MacLeish speech, "UNESCO; Its Meaning," 9/25/46; #1075

UNESCO, Torres speech, "UNESCO's Responsibilities," 11/6/47; #678

UNESCO, miscellaneous speeches, 25th anniversary celebration, 11/4/71; #2276

UNESCO, Benton statement, "Constitution of UNESCO," 10/26/45; #647

UNESCO, Benton statement, "Conference of African Ministers of Education," 3/64; #1951

UNESCO, Benton statement, "Budget Vote," 10/10/63; #1344

UNESCO, Benton statement, "Resolution to Support U. N. in Korea," 8/28/50; #782

UNESCO, Benton statement, "Appointment of U. S. Delegation to UNESCO's London Conference," 10/19/45; #1471B

UNESCO, Benton statement, "Benton's Appointment of Five Special Consultants to Advise State Department on UNESCO," 1/26/46; #1084

UNESCO, Benton testimonial, key to Mexico City, 11/47; #1467

UNESCO, Benton testimony, "UNESCO; Functions, Responsibilities and Goals," 4/3/46; #1078

UNESCO, Benton testimony, "Implementation of the Florence and Beirut Agreements," 6/6/66; #2119

UNESCO, tribute to Benton, 4/20/50; #431

474 University of Bridgeport, Benton speech, presentation of award for best in-service program, 5/24/72; #2286

University of Bridgeport, Benton speech, Alumnus of the Year Award, 10/10/59; #1291

University of Bridgeport, Benton speech, "Tribute to Arthur Goldberg," 2/19/70; #2249

University of Bridgeport, Benton speech, "Tribute to the University and to Governor Dempsey," 4/19/67; #2139

University of Chicago, article, "University of Chicago's Public Relations," College and University Journal, Spring 1962; #993B

University of Chicago, article, "Sound Movies for Sound Education," University of Chicago Magazine, 11/43; #771

University of Chicago, Herman Kogan, "Benton Gambles on the Britannica," ibid., 2/58; #292

University of Chicago, Herman Kogan, Robert Hutchins, "Sears Roebuck's Gift of Encyclopaedia Britannica to the University of Chicago and Testimonial to Senator Benton and General Wood," University of Chicago Alumni Magazine, 7/3/45; #745

University of Chicago, Board of Trustees resolution, gratitude to Bentons for acquisition of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 10/19/44; #1265

University of Chicago, Board of Trustees resolution, 15th anniversary of affiliation with Encyclopaedia Britannica, 4/11/57; #130

University of Chicago, Benton book, The University of Chicago's Public Relations, 1/37; #993A

University of Chicago, contributions from faculty and letters of support, 11/3/50; #1012

University of Chicago, editorial ideas, Benton and Mayer, 1937-1939; #725

University of Chicago, Benton letter to Glen Lloyd, appraisal of University, 11/20/59; #1362

University of Chicago, Benton Medal, presented on occasion of Benton's 25th anniversary as publisher of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2/1/68; #2179-#2179C

University of Chicago, memo, "How Can the University Collaborate with the Federal Government?," 11/14 and 12/8/41; #1996

University of Chicago, memo, to trustees, Encyclopaedia Britannica editorial revisions, 1/4/63; #1319

475 University of Chicago, Frederick Gates memo, "How to Raise Funds," reprint of 5/26/1890 original; #1116

University of Chicago, pamphlet, "First Fifty Years," 1941; #1386

University of Chicago, pamphlet, "Forth to War Against Cancer," 1941; #1389

University of Chicago, pamphlet, "Great Men," ca. 1937; #1390

University of Chicago, pamphlet, "Men of Tomorrow," ca. 1940; #1387

University of Chicago, pamphlet, "New Stars in the Scientific Firmament," ca. 1940; #1385

University of Chicago, pamphlet, "These Hundred Years," 1936; #1388

University of Chicago, photo, miscellaneous, 1936-1945; #1481

University of Chicago, photo, trustees, 2/45; #1475

University of Chicago, photo, trustees and officers, 6/41; #1486

University of Chicago, photo, celebration marking Benton's 25th publishing anniversary, #2179C

University of Chicago, radio, "Education of a Businessman and the Role of the University in the Business World," 11/15/37; #600

University of Chicago, radio, "Further Education of a Business Man," 1/21/38; #601

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "How Does War Affect the Round Table?," 12/15/41; #857

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "After One Year of War, What Have We Learned?," 12/6/42; #682

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Are We Unprepared for Peace?," 8/19/45; #671

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Can the American Economy Meet the Post-war Challenge?," 10/8/44; #739

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Can We Defeat the Propaganda of International Communism?," 8/20/50; #553

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Cartels and the Peace," 7/11/43; #667

476 University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Economic System; Today and Tomorrow," 8/15/43; #673

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Government and Business," 4/23/50; #719

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Hemisphere Development and the Common Man," 5/14/44; #674

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Must American Taxpayers Support the British Economy?," 12/9/51; #631

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Post-War Air Policy," 11/14/43; #672

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Problems of Prosperity; Government and Business," 4/23/50; #1054

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Red China; Conflict in British and American Foreign Policy," 9/26/54; #751

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Small Business After the War," 6/18/44; #738

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "What Freedom of Information Means to You," 2/5/50; #554

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Atomic Force; Its Meaning for Mankind," 8/12/45; #1083

University of Chicago, radio, Round Table, "Information, Communication, and Power," 1/14/68; #2177

University of Chicago, Benton report (signed by Hutchins and Rockefeller), "Motion Pictures in the Field of Public Education," 9/37; #1208

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Careers for Boys," 11/30/39; #872

University of Chicago, Benton speech, Football Alumni Club, 12/8/37; #871

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Business Man Looks at the Law School," 6/10/38; #686

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Business Man Reports on a University," Rotary Club, 3/29/38; #863

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Football and Benton," football dinner, 6/7/39; #860

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Founding of the Committee for Economic Development," Citizens' Board, 10/26/43; #587 477 University of Chicago, Benton speech, Homecoming dinner marking Benton's vice-presidential appointment, 10/13/37; #298

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "A Tribute to John Howe," 6/9/38; #864A

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Memorial Service for John Howe," 10/12/67; #2166

University of Chicago, Benton speech, introduction as new vice-president, 12/8/37; #871

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Brien McMahon; A Retrospect," 5/23/65; #2066

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "My Life and Yours," Student Forum, 1/14/60; #1391

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Presentation of William Benton Medal to Paul Hoffman," 4/13/72; #2278

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Radio, an Educational Media," alumni, 6/9/39; #864

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Radio Broadcasting; Challenge to Educators," Women's Club, 1/26/38; #861

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "This Is My Life," no text, 1/14/60; #1391

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "UNESCO; The Dream Comes of Age," 10/11/67; #2163

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "University of Chicago; Role in the Field of Education," Dartmouth College, outline, 6/14/39; #858

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "The University and the City," Sponsor's Luncheon, 12/18/40; #867

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "University as a Pioneer," Student Forum, 12/6/39; #868

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "University as a Pioneer," Miami University, 2/23/40; #869

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Fund Raising for the University," New York alumni group, 4/17/41; #1300

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Soviet Challenge; Education," New York alumni dinner, no text, 5/2/56; #85

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "University as a Pioneer," South Bend alumni dinner given by Paul Hoffman, 1/8/40; #111

478 University of Chicago, Benton speech, "University of Chicago," Washington, D. C. alumni, ca. 1950; #161

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "Publicizing the Name of the University," Washington, D. C. alumni, no text, 1/9/38; #859

University of Chicago, Benton speech, "The University and UNESCO," Trustees' Dinner for Faculties, 1/8/47; #645

University of Chicago, Benton speech, Robert Hutchins, "State of the University, 1929-1949"; #633F

University of Chicago, Benton speech, Julian Huxley, "Evolutionary Vision," 11/27/59; #1607

University of Chicago, statement, "Introducing Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc.," 1/24/44; #1251

University of Chicago, tribute to Benton by Chancellor Kimpton on Encyclopaedia Britannica's 190th anniversary, 6/10/58; #511A

Walton, Clarence C., Business and Social Progress, 1970; #2243

Wilkie, Wendell, Robert Hagy memo, "A Study in Character," 11/17/45; #838

Wilkie, One Man's Freedom, 1962; #1931

Yale Conference, W. J. Cunningham article, "Human Resources," American Scientist, 6/58; #152E

Yale Conference, editorial, "Science and Education; The Call to Order," Monsanto Magazine, 4/58; #152E

Yale Conference, Connor Resolution to pay tribute to Benton Foundation for contribution to scientific advancement, 2/3-4/58; #152Q

Yale Conference, Benton introduction of Griswold, 2/3-4/58; #152F

Yale Conference, miscellaneous, 2/3-4/58; #152B

Yale Conference, photos, 2/3-4/58; #1544-#1567, #1593-#1595

Yale Conference, radio, no text, 1/30/58; #177

Yale Conference, radio, 1/31/58; #174

Yale Conference, release of text of Eisenhower telegram, 2/3-4/58; #152C 479 Yale Conference, summary by members of President's Committee, 2/3-4/58; #152F

Yale Conference, transcript, 2/3-4/58; #152R

Yale Conference, Benton speech, "Pace of Change," 2/3-4/58; #152H

Yale Conference, Bevis speech, "Soviet Scientific Challenge," 2/3-4/58; #152I

Yale Conference, Dubridge speech, "Education in the Age of Science," 2/3-4/58; #152J

Yale Conference, Dulles speech, "Soviet Challenge; Science and Technology," 2/3-4/58; #152K

Yale Conference, Killian speech, "Toward a New Level of Excellence; Education in Science," 2/3-4/58; #152L

Yale Conference, McBride speech, "Education," 2/3-4/58; #152M

Yale Conference, Meyer speech, "Educating Future Scientists in a Rounded Educational System," 2/3-4/58; #152N

Yale Conference, Waterman speech, "Soviet Challenge; Science," 2/3-4/58; #1520

Yale Conference, television, 2/2/58; #160

Yale Conference, television, Benton and scientists interviewed, 1/31/58; #175

Yale University, photo, Benton family at 35th reunion Class of 1921, 6/56; #1449

Yale University, photo, 30th reunion of Class of 1921, 6/51; #1539

Yntema, Ted, photo, autographed; #1417

Zaiman, Jack, "Needle's Eye; Cheapest Vacation," Hartford Courant, 9/59; #1290

Zaiman, "Senate Fight; Democrats Shaken by Intensity," ibid., 6/29/58; #837A

Zaiman, radio, "Senatorial Nomination," 5/14/58; #940

Box 449 Folder 1 1 Box 449 Folder 2 2 Box 449 Folder 3 480 3 Box 449 Folder 4 4 Box 449 Folder 5 5 Box 449 Folder 6 6 Box 449 Folder 7 7 Box 449 Folder 8 8.1 Box 449 Folder 9 8.2 Box 449 Folder 10 9 Box 449 Folder 11 10 Box 449 Folder 12 11 Box 449 Folder 13 12 Box 449 Folder 14 13.1 Box 449 Folder 15 13.2 Box 449 Folder 16 14 Box 450 Folder 1 15 Box 450 Folder 2 16 481 Box 450 Folder 3 17 Box 450 Folder 4 18 Box 450 Folder 5 19 Box 450 Folder 6 20-21 Box 450 Folder 7 22 Box 450 Folder 8 23 Box 450 Folder 9 24 Box 450 Folder 10 25 Box 450 Folder 11 26 Box 450 Folder 12 27 Box 450 Folder 13 28 Box 450 Folder 14 29 Box 450 Folder 15 30 Box 451 Folder 1 31.1 Box 451 Folder 2 31.2 Box 451 482 Folder 3 31.3 Box 451 Folder 4 31.4 Box 451 Folder 5 31.5 Box 451 Folder 6 31.6 Box 451 Folder 7 31.7 Box 452 Folder 1 32 Box 452 Folder 2 33 Box 452 Folder 3 34 Box 452 Folder 4 35 Box 452 Folder 5 36 Box 452 Folder 6 37 Box 452 Folder 7 38 Box 452 Folder 8 39 Box 452 Folder 9 39A Box 452 Folder 10 39B Box 452 Folder 11 483 39C Box 452 Folder 12 40 Box 452 Folder 13 41 Box 453 Folder 1 42 Box 453 Folder 2 42A Box 453 Folder 3 42C Box 453 Folder 4 43 Box 453 Folder 5 44 Box 453 Folder 6 45 Box 453 Folder 7 46 Box 453 Folder 8 47 Box 453 Folder 9 48 Box 453 Folder 10 49 Box 453 Folder 11 50 Box 453 Folder 12 51 Box 453 Folder 13 52 484 Box 453 Folder 14 53 Box 453 Folder 15 54 Box 453 Folder 16 55.1 Box 453 Folder 17 55.2 Box 453 Folder 18 55.3 Box 454 Folder 1 55A Box 454 Folder 2 56 Box 454 Folder 3 57 Box 454 Folder 4 58 Box 454 Folder 5 59 Box 454 Folder 6 60 Box 454 Folder 7 61 Box 454 Folder 8 62 Box 454 Folder 9 63 Box 454 Folder 10 64 Box 454 485 Folder 11 65 Box 454 Folder 12 66 Box 454 Folder 13 67 Box 455 Folder 1 68.1 Box 455 Folder 2 68.2 Box 455 Folder 3 68C Box 455 Folder 4 69 Box 455 Folder 5 70 Box 455 Folder 6 71 Box 455 Folder 7 72 Box 455 Folder 8 73 Box 455 Folder 9 74 Box 455 Folder 10 75 Box 455 Folder 11 76 Box 455 Folder 12 77 Box 455 Folder 13 486 78 Box 455 Folder 14 79 Box 455 Folder 15 80 Box 455 Folder 16 81 Box 455 Folder 17 82 Box 455 Folder 18 83 Box 455 Folder 19 84 Box 456 Folder 1 85 Box 456 Folder 2 86 Box 456 Folder 3 87 Box 456 Folder 4 87A Box 456 Folder 5 88 Box 456 Folder 6 89 Box 456 Folder 7 90 Box 456 Folder 8 91 Box 456 Folder 9 92 487 Box 456 Folder 10 93 Box 456 Folder 11 94 Box 456 Folder 12 95 Box 456 Folder 13 96 Box 456 Folder 14 97 Box 456 Folder 15 98 Box 456 Folder 16 99 Box 456 Folder 17 100 Box 456 Folder 18 101 Box 456 Folder 19 102 Box 456 Folder 20 103 Box 456 Folder 21 104 Box 456 Folder 22 104A Box 457 Folder 1 104B-104C Box 457 Folder 2 105-106 Box 457 488 Folder 3 107 Box 457 Folder 4 108 Box 457 Folder 5 110 Box 457 Folder 6 111 Box 457 Folder 7 112 Box 458 Folder 1 113.1 Box 458 Folder 2 113.2 Box 458 Folder 3 113.3 Box 458 Folder 4 113.4 Box 458 Folder 5 113A Box 458 Folder 6 113B Box 458 Folder 7 113C Box 458 Folder 8 113D Box 459 Folder 1 114 Box 459 Folder 2 115 Box 459 Folder 3 489 116 Box 459 Folder 4 117 Box 459 Folder 5 118 Box 459 Folder 6 119 Box 459 Folder 7 120 Box 459 Folder 8 122 Box 459 Folder 9 123 Box 459 Folder 10 124 Box 459 Folder 11 125 Box 459 Folder 12 126 Box 459 Folder 13 127 Box 459 Folder 14 128 Box 459 Folder 15 129 Box 459 Folder 16 130 Box 459 Folder 17 131 Box 459 Folder 18 132 490 Box 459 Folder 19 133 Box 459 Folder 20 134 Box 459 Folder 21 135 Box 459 Folder 22 136 Box 459 Folder 23 137 Box 459 Folder 24 138 Box 459 Folder 25 139 Box 459 Folder 26 140 Box 460 Folder 1 141 Box 460 Folder 2 142.1 Box 460 Folder 3 142.2 Box 460 Folder 4 142.3 Box 460 Folder 5 142A Box 460 Folder 6 143 Box 460 Folder 7 144 Box 460 491 Folder 8 145 Box 460 Folder 9 146 Box 460 Folder 10 147 Box 460 Folder 11 148 Box 460 Folder 12 149 Box 460 Folder 13 150 Box 460 Folder 14 151 Box 460 Folder 15 151A Box 460 Folder 16 151B Box 460 Folder 17 151C-151K Box 461 Folder 1 152.1 Box 461 Folder 2 152.2 Box 461 Folder 3 152A-152E Box 461 Folder 4 142F-142P Box 461 Folder 5 152R Box 461 Folder 6 492 152S-152U Box 461 Folder 7 153 Box 462 Folder 1 154-158 Box 462 Folder 2 159 Box 462 Folder 3 160 Box 462 Folder 4 161 Box 462 Folder 5 162 Box 462 Folder 6 163 Box 462 Folder 7 163A Box 462 Folder 8 163B Box 462 Folder 9 163C Box 462 Folder 10 163D Box 462 Folder 11 163E Box 462 Folder 12 163F Box 462 Folder 13 163G Box 462 Folder 14 163H 493 Box 462 Folder 15 164 Box 462 Folder 16 165 Box 462 Folder 17 166 Box 462 Folder 18 167 Box 462 Folder 19 168 Box 462 Folder 20 169 Box 462 Folder 21 170 Box 462 Folder 22 171 Box 463 Folder 1 172 Box 463 Folder 2 172A Box 463 Folder 3 173 Box 463 Folder 4 174 Box 463 Folder 5 175 Box 463 Folder 6 176 Box 463 Folder 7 177-178 Box 463 494 Folder 8 179 Box 463 Folder 9 180 Box 463 Folder 10 181.1 Box 463 Folder 11 181.2 Box 464 Folder 1 181.3 Box 464 Folder 2 181.4 Box 464 Folder 3 182-183 Box 464 Folder 4 184 Box 464 Folder 5 185 Box 464 Folder 6 186-190 Box 464 Folder 7 191 Box 464 Folder 8 192 Box 464 Folder 9 193-195 Box 464 Folder 10 196 Box 464 Folder 11 197-200 Box 464 Folder 12 495 201 Box 464 Folder 13 202 Box 464 Folder 14 203 Box 464 Folder 15 204 Box 464 Folder 16 205-207 Box 465 Folder 1 208 Box 465 Folder 2 208A Box 465 Folder 3 208B-208E Box 465 Folder 4 209-210 Box 465 Folder 5 211 Box 465 Folder 6 212-212A Box 465 Folder 7 213 Box 465 Folder 8 214-215 Box 465 Folder 9 216-218 Box 465 Folder 10 219 Box 465 Folder 11 220 496 Box 465 Folder 12 221-224 Box 465 Folder 13 225 Box 465 Folder 14 226 Box 465 Folder 15 227 Box 465 Folder 16 228-229 Box 466 Folder 1 230 Box 466 Folder 2 231 Box 466 Folder 3 232 Box 466 Folder 4 233 Box 466 Folder 5 234 Box 466 Folder 6 235 Box 466 Folder 7 236 Box 466 Folder 8 237 Box 466 Folder 9 238 Box 466 Folder 10 239 Box 466 497 Folder 11 240 Box 466 Folder 12 241 Box 466 Folder 13 242 Box 466 Folder 14 243 Box 466 Folder 15 244 Box 466 Folder 16 245 Box 466 Folder 17 245A Box 466 Folder 18 246 Box 466 Folder 19 247 Box 466 Folder 20 248 Box 466 Folder 21 249 Box 466 Folder 22 250 Box 466 Folder 23 251 Box 466 Folder 24 252 Box 466 Folder 25 253 Box 466 Folder 26 498 254-256 Box 467 Folder 1 257 Box 467 Folder 2 258 Box 467 Folder 3 259 Box 467 Folder 4 259A Box 467 Folder 5 259B Box 467 Folder 6 259C Box 467 Folder 7 260 Box 467 Folder 8 261 Box 467 Folder 9 262 Box 467 Folder 10 263 Box 467 Folder 11 264 Box 467 Folder 12 265 Box 467 Folder 13 266 Box 467 Folder 14 267 Box 467 Folder 15 268 499 Box 467 Folder 16 269 Box 467 Folder 17 270 Box 467 Folder 18 271 Box 467 Folder 19 272 Box 467 Folder 20 273 Box 467 Folder 21 274 Box 467 Folder 22 275 Box 467 Folder 23 276 Box 468 Folder 1 277 Box 468 Folder 2 278 Box 468 Folder 3 279 Box 468 Folder 4 280A-280B Box 468 Folder 5 281 Box 469 Folder 1 282.1 Box 469 Folder 2 282.2 Box 469 500 Folder 3 282.3 Box 469 Folder 4 282.4 Box 469 Folder 5 282.5 Box 469 Folder 6 282.6 Box 469 Folder 7 282.7 Box 469 Folder 8 282.8 Box 469 Folder 9 282.9 Box 469 Folder 10 282A Box 469 Folder 11 283 Box 470 Folder 1 284.1 Box 470 Folder 2 284.2 Box 470 Folder 3 284.3 Box 470 Folder 4 284.4 Box 470 Folder 5 284.5 Box 470 Folder 6 284.6 Box 470 Folder 7 501 284.7 Box 470 Folder 8 284.8 Box 470 Folder 9 284.9 Box 470 Folder 10 284.10 Box 470 Folder 11 284A Box 470 Folder 12 284B Box 471 Folder 1 285 Box 471 Folder 2 285A Box 471 Folder 3 286 Box 471 Folder 4 287 Box 471 Folder 5 288 Box 471 Folder 6 289 Box 471 Folder 7 290-291 Box 472 Folder 1 292.1 Box 472 Folder 2 292.2 Box 472 Folder 3 292.3 502 Box 472 Folder 4 292.4 Box 472 Folder 5 292.5 Box 472 Folder 6 292.6 Box 472 Folder 7 292.7 Box 472 Folder 8 292.8 Box 472 Folder 9 292.9 Box 473 Folder 1 292.10 Box 473 Folder 2 292.11 Box 473 Folder 3 292.12 Box 473 Folder 4 292.13 Box 473 Folder 5 292.14 Box 473 Folder 6 292.15 Box 473 Folder 7 292.16 Box 473 Folder 8 292.17 Box 473 Folder 9 292A Box 473 503 Folder 10 292B.1 Box 473 Folder 11 292B.2 Box 473 Folder 12 292C Box 473 Folder 13 292D Box 474 Folder 1 293-296 Box 474 Folder 2 297-300 Box 474 Folder 3 300A-300C Box 474 Folder 4 300D-300I Box 474 Folder 5 301-304 Box 474 Folder 6 305 Box 474 Folder 7 306-307A Box 474 Folder 8 308-309A Box 474 Folder 9 310-311 Box 474 Folder 10 312-314 Box 474 Folder 11 315-317 Box 474 Folder 12 504 318-321 Box 474 Folder 13 322-324 Box 474 Folder 14 325 Box 474 Folder 15 326 Box 474 Folder 16 327-327A Box 474 Folder 17 328-329 Box 475 Folder 1 330-339 Box 475 Folder 2 340-343 Box 475 Folder 3 344 Box 475 Folder 4 345-349 Box 475 Folder 5 350-352 Box 475 Folder 6 353-356 Box 475 Folder 7 357-361B Box 475 Folder 8 362-363B Box 475 Folder 9 364 Box 475 Folder 10 365A-367 505 Box 475 Folder 11 368 Box 475 Folder 12 369 Box 475 Folder 13 370 Box 475 Folder 14 371-372 Box 475 Folder 15 373 Box 475 Folder 16 374-381 Box 475 Folder 17 382 Box 475 Folder 18 383-384 Box 475 Folder 19 385 Box 475 Folder 20 386-390 Box 475 Folder 21 391 Box 476 Folder 1 391A-392 Box 476 Folder 2 393 Box 476 Folder 3 394 Box 476 Folder 4 395-396 Box 476 506 Folder 5 397-400 Box 476 Folder 6 401 Box 476 Folder 7 403-406 Box 476 Folder 8 407-414 Box 476 Folder 9 415-416 Box 476 Folder 10 417 Box 476 Folder 11 418-421 Box 476 Folder 12 422-425 Box 476 Folder 13 426-430 Box 476 Folder 14 431 Box 477 Folder 1 432-433 Box 477 Folder 2 434-437 Box 477 Folder 3 438-440 Box 477 Folder 4 441-445 Box 477 Folder 5 446-448A Box 477 Folder 6 507 449 Box 477 Folder 7 450-451 Box 477 Folder 8 452 Box 477 Folder 9 453-454A Box 477 Folder 10 455-457A Box 477 Folder 11 458-459 Box 477 Folder 12 460-465 Box 477 Folder 13 466-470 Box 477 Folder 14 471 Box 478 Folder 1 472-475 Box 478 Folder 2 476 Box 478 Folder 3 477 Box 478 Folder 4 478 Box 478 Folder 5 478A-478B Box 478 Folder 6 479 Box 478 Folder 7 480-481 508 Box 478 Folder 8 482-483A Box 478 Folder 9 484-490 Box 478 Folder 10 491-493 Box 478 Folder 11 494 Box 478 Folder 12 495-497 Box 478 Folder 13 498-499 Box 479 Folder 1 500-500A Box 479 Folder 2 501-503 Box 479 Folder 3 504-506 Box 479 Folder 4 506A Box 479 Folder 5 507-511A Box 479 Folder 6 512 Box 479 Folder 7 513-516 Box 479 Folder 8 517-518 Box 479 Folder 9 519-519A Box 479 509 Folder 10 520 Box 479 Folder 11 521-525 Box 480 Folder 1 526 Box 480 Folder 2 526A Box 480 Folder 3 527 Box 480 Folder 4 528 Box 480 Folder 5 528B Box 480 Folder 6 528C-528D Box 480 Folder 7 528E Box 480 Folder 8 529 Box 480 Folder 9 530-536 Box 480 Folder 10 537-540 Box 480 Folder 11 541-542 Box 480 Folder 12 542A-546 Box 480 Folder 13 547 Box 481 Folder 1 510 548 Box 481 Folder 2 548.1 Box 481 Folder 3 549-551 Box 481 Folder 4 552 Box 481 Folder 5 553-554 Box 481 Folder 6 555 Box 481 Folder 7 556-559 Box 481 Folder 8 560-564 Box 481 Folder 9 565-566 Box 481 Folder 10 567 Box 481 Folder 11 568-569E Box 481 Folder 12 570-574 Box 482 Folder 1 575-582 Box 482 Folder 2 583-584 Box 482 Folder 3 585 Box 482 Folder 4 586 511 Box 482 Folder 5 587-588 Box 482 Folder 6 589.1 Box 482 Folder 7 589.2 Box 482 Folder 8 589.3 Box 482 Folder 9 590-592 Box 482 Folder 10 593 Box 482 Folder 11 594-599 Box 482 Folder 12 600-603 Box 482 Folder 13 604-607 Box 482 Folder 14 608 Box 483 Folder 1 609-611 Box 483 Folder 2 612 Box 483 Folder 3 613-614 Box 483 Folder 4 615.1 Box 483 Folder 5 615.2 Box 483 512 Folder 6 616-619 Box 483 Folder 7 620-623 Box 483 Folder 8 624-627 Box 483 Folder 9 628-629 Box 484 Folder 1 630-631 Box 484 Folder 2 632 Box 484 Folder 3 632A Box 484 Folder 4 633.1 Box 484 Folder 5 633.2 Box 484 Folder 6 633A Box 484 Folder 7 633B Box 484 Folder 8 633C Box 484 Folder 9 633D-633F Box 484 Folder 10 634 Box 484 Folder 11 635-637 Box 484 Folder 12 513 638 Box 484 Folder 13 639 Box 484 Folder 14 640-640A Box 484 Folder 15 641 Box 484 Folder 16 642 Box 484 Folder 17 642A-642B Box 484 Folder 18 643-644 Box 484 Folder 19 645 Box 484 Folder 20 646 Box 485 Folder 1 647-648 Box 485 Folder 2 649 Box 485 Folder 3 650 Box 485 Folder 4 651 Box 485 Folder 5 652-654 Box 485 Folder 6 655 Box 485 Folder 7 656 514 Box 485 Folder 8 657 Box 485 Folder 9 658-658A Box 485 Folder 10 659 Box 485 Folder 11 660-660A Box 485 Folder 12 661-662 Box 485 Folder 13 663-663A Box 485 Folder 14 664 Box 485 Folder 15 665 Box 485 Folder 16 666-667 Box 485 Folder 17 668 Box 485 Folder 18 669 Box 486 Folder 1 670-673 Box 486 Folder 2 674-676 Box 486 Folder 3 677-678 Box 486 Folder 4 679-679A Box 486 515 Folder 5 680 Box 486 Folder 6 681-684 Box 486 Folder 7 685-685A Box 486 Folder 8 686-688 Box 486 Folder 9 689-689A Box 486 Folder 10 690-693 Box 486 Folder 11 694-699 Box 486 Folder 12 700-702 Box 487 Folder 1 703-705 Box 487 Folder 2 706-709 Box 487 Folder 3 710-713 Box 487 Folder 4 714 Box 487 Folder 5 715-719 Box 487 Folder 6 720-724 Box 487 Folder 7 725.1 Box 487 Folder 8 516 725.2 Box 487 Folder 9 726 Box 487 Folder 10 727.1 Box 487 Folder 11 727.2 Box 487 Folder 12 728 Box 487 Folder 13 729-731 Box 487 Folder 14 732-734 Box 488 Folder 1 735-736 Box 488 Folder 2 737-739 Box 488 Folder 3 740-741 Box 488 Folder 4 742-743 Box 488 Folder 5 744-745 Box 488 Folder 6 746-749 Box 488 Folder 7 750-751 Box 488 Folder 8 752.1 Box 488 Folder 9 752.2 517 Box 488 Folder 10 753-756 Box 488 Folder 11 757-758 Box 489 Folder 1 759 Box 489 Folder 2 760-761 Box 489 Folder 3 762-765 Box 489 Folder 4 766-769 Box 489 Folder 5 770-772 Box 489 Folder 6 773 Box 489 Folder 7 774-775 Box 489 Folder 8 776-779 Box 489 Folder 9 780-783 Box 489 Folder 10 784-788 Box 489 Folder 11 789-790 Box 489 Folder 12 791-795 Box 489 Folder 13 796-799 Box 490 518 Folder 1 800 Box 490 Folder 2 801-807 Box 490 Folder 3 808 Box 490 Folder 4 809-811 Box 490 Folder 5 812 Box 490 Folder 6 813-815 Box 490 Folder 7 816.1 Box 490 Folder 8 816.2 Box 490 Folder 9 816.3 Box 491 Folder 1 817-820 Box 491 Folder 2 821-826 Box 491 Folder 3 827-827A Box 491 Folder 4 828 Box 491 Folder 5 829-833 Box 491 Folder 6 834 Box 491 Folder 7 519 835 Box 491 Folder 8 836-837 Box 491 Folder 9 838 Box 491 Folder 10 839-841 Box 491 Folder 11 842-847 Box 491 Folder 12 848 Box 491 Folder 13 849-854 Box 492 Folder 1 855-857 Box 492 Folder 2 858-861 Box 492 Folder 3 862 Box 492 Folder 4 863 Box 492 Folder 5 864-864A Box 492 Folder 6 865-866 Box 492 Folder 7 867-868 Box 492 Folder 8 869-876 Box 492 Folder 9 877 520 Box 492 Folder 10 878 Box 492 Folder 11 879-881 Box 492 Folder 12 882 Box 492 Folder 13 883 Box 492 Folder 14 884 Box 492 Folder 15 884A Box 492 Folder 16 885 Box 492 Folder 17 886 Box 492 Folder 18 887 Box 492 Folder 19 888-889 Box 493 Folder 1 890 Box 493 Folder 2 891 Box 493 Folder 3 892-894 Box 493 Folder 4 895 Box 493 Folder 5 896-899 Box 493 521 Folder 6 900-903 Box 493 Folder 7 904-905 Box 493 Folder 8 906 Box 493 Folder 9 907 Box 493 Folder 10 908-909 Box 493 Folder 11 910-915 Box 493 Folder 12 916-919 Box 493 Folder 13 920-924 Box 493 Folder 14 925-929 Box 493 Folder 15 930-934 Box 493 Folder 16 935-939 Box 493 Folder 17 940-943 Box 494 Folder 1 944-948 Box 494 Folder 2 949 Box 494 Folder 3 950 Box 494 Folder 4 522 951-959 Box 494 Folder 5 960-969 Box 494 Folder 6 970-971 Box 494 Folder 7 972 Box 494 Folder 8 973-979 Box 494 Folder 9 980-985 Box 494 Folder 10 986 Box 495 Folder 1 987 Box 495 Folder 2 988 Box 495 Folder 3 989 Box 495 Folder 4 990 Box 495 Folder 5 991 Box 495 Folder 6 992 Box 495 Folder 7 993 Box 496 Folder 1 993A.1 Box 496 Folder 2 993A.2 523 Box 496 Folder 3 993B Box 496 Folder 4 994-999 Box 496 Folder 5 1000 Box 496 Folder 6 1001 Box 496 Folder 7 1002 Box 496 Folder 8 1003-1004 Box 496 Folder 9 1005 Box 496 Folder 10 1006 Box 496 Folder 11 1007 Box 496 Folder 12 1008-1009 Box 496 Folder 13 1010 Box 496 Folder 14 1011 Box 496 Folder 15 1012-1014 Box 496 Folder 16 1015 Box 497 Folder 1 1016-1017 Box 497 524 Folder 2 1018-1019 Box 497 Folder 3 1020-1021 Box 497 Folder 4 1022 Box 497 Folder 5 1023 Box 497 Folder 6 1024 Box 497 Folder 7 1025-1029 Box 497 Folder 8 1030-1032 Box 497 Folder 9 1033 Box 497 Folder 10 1034-1035 Box 497 Folder 11 1036-1037 Box 497 Folder 12 1038-1039 Box 497 Folder 13 1040 Box 497 Folder 14 1041 Box 497 Folder 15 1042-1043 Box 497 Folder 16 1044 Box 497 Folder 17 525 1045-1049 Box 497 Folder 18 1050-1052 Box 497 Folder 19 1053 Box 498 Folder 1 1054 Box 498 Folder 2 1055 Box 498 Folder 3 1056 Box 498 Folder 4 1057 Box 498 Folder 5 1058-1059 Box 498 Folder 6 1060-1061 Box 498 Folder 7 1062 Box 498 Folder 8 1063-1065 Box 498 Folder 9 1066 Box 498 Folder 10 1067 Box 498 Folder 11 1068-1071 Box 498 Folder 12 1072 Box 498 Folder 13 1073-1079 526 Box 498 Folder 14 1080 Box 498 Folder 15 1081-1083 Box 498 Folder 16 1084-1086 Box 498 Folder 17 1087-1088 Box 498 Folder 18 1089 Box 498 Folder 19 1090-1091 Box 499 Folder 1 1092.1 Box 499 Folder 2 1092.2 Box 499 Folder 3 1092.3 Box 499 Folder 4 1092.4 Box 499 Folder 5 1093-1094 Box 499 Folder 6 1095-1097 Box 499 Folder 7 1098-1098 Box 499 Folder 8 1100-1102 Box 499 Folder 9 1103 Box 499 527 Folder 10 1104-1107 Box 499 Folder 11 1108-1108A Box 499 Folder 12 1109-1110 Box 500 Folder 1 1111 Box 500 Folder 2 1111A-1115 Box 500 Folder 3 1116-1119 Box 500 Folder 4 1120-1125 Box 500 Folder 5 1126-1129 Box 500 Folder 6 1130-1139 Box 500 Folder 7 1140-1143 Box 500 Folder 8 1144 Box 501 Folder 1 1145-1149 Box 501 Folder 2 1150-1153 Box 501 Folder 3 1154.1 Box 501 Folder 4 1154.2 Box 501 Folder 5 528 1154.3 Box 501 Folder 6 1155-1157 Box 501 Folder 7 1158-1159 Box 502 Folder 1 1160 Box 502 Folder 2 1161 Box 502 Folder 3 1162 Box 502 Folder 4 1163-1165 Box 502 Folder 5 1166 Box 502 Folder 6 1167-1168 Box 502 Folder 7 1169 Box 502 Folder 8 1170-1171 Box 502 Folder 9 1172-1179 Box 502 Folder 10 1180-1181 Box 502 Folder 11 1182 Box 502 Folder 12 1183 Box 502 Folder 13 1184-1189 529 Box 503 Folder 1 1190-1193 Box 503 Folder 2 1194-1195 Box 503 Folder 3 1196-1199 Box 503 Folder 4 1200-1204 Box 503 Folder 5 1205 Box 503 Folder 6 1206-1207 Box 503 Folder 7 1208-1209 Box 503 Folder 8 1210 Box 503 Folder 9 1211-1214 Box 503 Folder 10 1215 Box 503 Folder 11 1216-1219 Box 503 Folder 12 1220-1223 Box 504 Folder 1 1224.1 Box 504 Folder 2 1224.2 Box 504 Folder 3 1224.3 Box 504 530 Folder 4 1224.4 Box 504 Folder 5 1224.5 Box 504 Folder 6 1224.6 Box 504 Folder 7 1224.7 Box 504 Folder 8 1224.8 Box 504 Folder 9 1224.9 Box 504 Folder 10 1224.10 Box 504 Folder 11 1224.11 Box 504 Folder 12 1224.12 Box 505 Folder 1 1224A.1 Box 505 Folder 2 1224A.2 Box 505 Folder 3 1224A.3 Box 505 Folder 4 1224B.1 Box 505 Folder 5 1224B.2 Box 505 Folder 6 1224B.3 Box 505 Folder 7 531 1225 Box 505 Folder 8 1226 Box 506 Folder 1 1227.1 Box 506 Folder 2 1227.2 Box 506 Folder 3 1227.3 Box 506 Folder 4 1227.4 Box 506 Folder 5 1227.5 Box 506 Folder 6 1227.6 Box 506 Folder 7 1228-1229 Box 506 Folder 8 1230-1232 Box 506 Folder 9 1233.1 Box 506 Folder 10 1233.2 Box 507 Folder 1 1234-1240 Box 507 Folder 2 1241 Box 507 Folder 3 1242-1245 Box 507 Folder 4 1246-1246A 532 Box 507 Folder 5 1247-1249 Box 507 Folder 6 1250-1253 Box 507 Folder 7 1256.1 Box 507 Folder 8 1256.2 Box 508 Folder 1 1257.1 Box 508 Folder 2 1257.2 Box 508 Folder 3 1257.3 Box 508 Folder 4 1257.4 Box 508 Folder 5 1257.5 Box 508 Folder 6 1257.6 Box 508 Folder 7 1257.7 Box 509 Folder 1 1257.8 Box 509 Folder 2 1257.9 Box 509 Folder 3 1258 Box 509 Folder 4 1259.1 Box 509 533 Folder 5 1259.2 Box 509 Folder 6 1260-1261 Box 509 Folder 7 1262.1 Box 509 Folder 8 1262.2 Box 509 Folder 9 1262.3 Box 510 Folder 1 1262.4 Box 510 Folder 2 1263-1265 Box 510 Folder 3 1266.1 Box 510 Folder 4 1266.2 Box 510 Folder 5 1267-1272 Box 510 Folder 6 1273 Box 510 Folder 7 1274 Box 510 Folder 8 1275-1276 Box 511 Folder 1 1277.1 Box 511 Folder 2 1277.2 Box 511 Folder 3 534 1278.1 Box 511 Folder 4 1278.2 Box 511 Folder 5 1278.3 Box 511 Folder 6 1279 Box 511 Folder 7 1280-1281 Box 511 Folder 8 1282-1283 Box 511 Folder 9 1284-1285 Box 512 Folder 1 1286-1288 Box 512 Folder 2 1289-1292 Box 512 Folder 3 1293-1294 Box 512 Folder 4 1295-1297 Box 512 Folder 5 1298.1 Box 512 Folder 6 1298.2 Box 512 Folder 7 1298.3 Box 512 Folder 8 1299 Box 512 Folder 9 1299A 535 Box 513 Folder 1 1300-1302 Box 513 Folder 2 1303 Box 513 Folder 3 1304-1305 Box 513 Folder 4 1306 Box 513 Folder 5 1307-1308 Box 513 Folder 6 1309-1310 Box 513 Folder 7 1311.1 Box 513 Folder 8 1311.2 Box 513 Folder 9 1311.3 Box 513 Folder 10 1311.4 Box 514 Folder 1 1312.1 Box 514 Folder 2 1312.2 Box 514 Folder 3 1312.3 Box 514 Folder 4 1313-1313A Box 514 Folder 5 1314.1 Box 514 536 Folder 6 1314.2 Box 514 Folder 7 1314.3 Box 514 Folder 8 1314.4 Box 514 Folder 9 1314.5 Box 514 Folder 10 1314.6 Box 514 Folder 11 1314.7 Box 514 Folder 12 1314.8 Box 515 Folder 1 1317 Box 515 Folder 2 1318.1 Box 515 Folder 3 1318.2 Box 515 Folder 4 1318.3 Box 515 Folder 5 1319.1 Box 515 Folder 6 1319.2 Box 515 Folder 7 1320 Box 515 Folder 8 1320A Box 515 Folder 9 537 1321-1322 Box 515 Folder 10 1323-1324 Box 515 Folder 11 1325.1 Box 515 Folder 12 1325.2 Box 516 Folder 1 1326-1328 Box 516 Folder 2 1329 Box 516 Folder 3 1330.1 Box 516 Folder 4 1330.2 Box 516 Folder 5 1331 Box 516 Folder 6 1332 Box 516 Folder 7 1333.1 Box 516 Folder 8 1333.2 Box 516 Folder 9 1333.3 Box 516 Folder 10 1333.4 Box 516 Folder 11 1334 Box 517 Folder 1 1335.1 538 Box 517 Folder 2 1335.2 Box 517 Folder 3 1335.3 Box 517 Folder 4 1336 Box 517 Folder 5 1337 Box 517 Folder 6 1338 Box 517 Folder 7 1339.1 Box 517 Folder 8 1339.2 Box 517 Folder 9 1339.3 Box 517 Folder 10 1340 Box 517 Folder 11 1341 Box 518 Folder 1 1342 Box 518 Folder 2 1343-1347 Box 518 Folder 3 1348 Box 518 Folder 4 1349 Box 518 Folder 5 1350-1350B Box 518 539 Folder 6 1351-1359 Box 518 Folder 7 1360.1 Box 518 Folder 8 1360.2 Box 518 Folder 9 1360.3 Box 518 Folder 10 1360.4 Box 519 Folder 1 1361-1366 Box 519 Folder 2 1374 Box 519 Folder 3 1375-1379 Box 519 Folder 4 1380.1 Box 519 Folder 5 1380.2 Box 519 Folder 6 1383 Box 519 Folder 7 1384.1 Box 519 Folder 8 1384.2 Box 519 Folder 9 1384.3 Box 519 Folder 10 1385-1387 Box 520 Folder 1 540 1388-1389 Box 520 Folder 2 1390.1 Box 520 Folder 3 1390.2 Box 520 Folder 4 1391 Box 520 Folder 5 1392-1397 Box 520 Folder 6 1398-1398A Box 520 Folder 7 1398B Box 520 Folder 8 1399 Box 521 Folder 1 1401-1402 Box 521 Folder 2 1402A Box 521 Folder 3 1402B-1402C Box 521 Folder 4 1402D-1402E Box 521 Folder 5 1403-1409 Box 521 Folder 6 1410-1419 Box 521 Folder 7 1420-1421A Box 521 Folder 8 1422-1429 541 Box 521 Folder 9 1430-1439 Box 521 Folder 10 1440-1444 Box 521 Folder 11 1445-1449 Box 521 Folder 12 1450 Box 521 Folder 13 1451-1459 Box 521 Folder 14 1460-1469 Box 521 Folder 15 1470-1479 Box 521 Folder 16 1480-1489 Box 521 Folder 17 1490 Box 522 Folder 1 1491-1499 Box 522 Folder 2 1500-1507 Box 522 Folder 3 1508-1509 Box 522 Folder 4 1510-1519 Box 522 Folder 5 1520-1529 Box 522 Folder 6 1530-1539 Box 522 542 Folder 7 1540-1549 Box 522 Folder 8 1550-1559 Box 522 Folder 9 1560-1569 Box 522 Folder 10 1570-1579 Box 522 Folder 11 1580-1589 Box 522 Folder 12 1590 Box 522 Folder 13 1591-1596 Box 522 Folder 14 1597-1599 Box 522 Folder 15 1600 Box 522 Folder 16 1601-1602 Box 522 Folder 17 1603 Box 523 Folder 1 1604.1 Box 523 Folder 2 1604.2 Box 523 Folder 3 1604.3 Box 523 Folder 4 1604A Box 523 Folder 5 543 1605-1609 Box 523 Folder 6 1610 Box 523 Folder 7 1611-1613 Box 523 Folder 8 1614-1614A Box 523 Folder 9 1615 Box 523 Folder 10 1616-1618 Box 524 Folder 1 1619 Box 524 Folder 2 1620-1623 Box 524 Folder 3 1624-1625 Box 524 Folder 4 1626-1629 Box 524 Folder 5 1630-1637 Box 524 Folder 6 1638-1639 Box 524 Folder 7 1640-1644 Box 524 Folder 8 1645-1647 Box 524 Folder 9 1648-1649 Box 524 Folder 10 1650-1659 544 Box 524 Folder 11 1660-1664 Box 524 Folder 12 1665-1669 Box 524 Folder 13 1670-1674 Box 525 Folder 1 1675-1679 Box 525 Folder 2 1680.1 Box 525 Folder 3 1680.2 Box 525 Folder 4 1680.3 Box 525 Folder 5 1680.4 Box 525 Folder 6 1680.5 Box 525 Folder 7 1681-1684 Box 525 Folder 8 1685-1688 Box 526 Folder 1 1689-1689B Box 526 Folder 2 1690-1694 Box 526 Folder 3 1695-1699 Box 526 Folder 4 1700-1703 Box 526 545 Folder 5 1704-1709 Box 526 Folder 6 1710-1712 Box 526 Folder 7 1713-1714 Box 526 Folder 8 1715.1 Box 526 Folder 9 1715.2 Box 526 Folder 10 1715.3 Box 526 Folder 11 1716-1719 Box 527 Folder 1 1720-1723 Box 527 Folder 2 1724-1725 Box 527 Folder 3 1726 Box 527 Folder 4 1727-1729 Box 527 Folder 5 1730-1732 Box 527 Folder 6 1733-1733B Box 527 Folder 7 1734-1735 Box 527 Folder 8 1736-1737 Box 527 Folder 9 546 1738-1739 Box 528 Folder 1 1740.1 Box 528 Folder 2 1740.2 Box 528 Folder 3 1740.3 Box 528 Folder 4 1740.4 Box 528 Folder 5 1740.5 Box 528 Folder 6 1740.6 Box 528 Folder 7 1740.7 Box 528 Folder 8 1740.8 Box 528 Folder 9 1740.9 Box 528 Folder 10 1740.10 Box 528 Folder 11 1740.11 Box 528 Folder 12 1740.12 Box 529 Folder 1 1740.13 Box 529 Folder 2 1740.14 Box 529 Folder 3 1740.15 547 Box 529 Folder 4 1740.16 Box 529 Folder 5 1740.17 Box 529 Folder 6 1740.18 Box 529 Folder 7 1740.19 Box 529 Folder 8 1740.20 Box 530 Folder 1 1740.21 Box 530 Folder 2 1740.22 Box 530 Folder 3 1740.23 Box 530 Folder 4 1740.24 Box 530 Folder 5 1740A Box 530 Folder 6 1741.1 Box 530 Folder 7 1741.2 Box 530 Folder 8 1741.3 Box 530 Folder 9 1741.4 Box 531 Folder 1 1741.5 Box 531 548 Folder 2 1741.6 Box 531 Folder 3 1741.7 Box 531 Folder 4 1741.8 Box 531 Folder 5 1741.9 Box 531 Folder 6 1741.10 Box 531 Folder 7 1741.11 Box 531 Folder 8 1741.12 Box 531 Folder 9 1741.13 Box 532 Folder 1 1741.14 Box 532 Folder 2 1741.15 Box 532 Folder 3 1741A.1 Box 532 Folder 4 1741A.2 Box 532 Folder 5 1741A.3 Box 532 Folder 6 1741B Box 532 Folder 7 1741C Box 532 Folder 8 549 1741D.1 Box 532 Folder 9 1741D.2 Box 532 Folder 10 1741D.3 Box 532 Folder 11 1741D.4 Box 532 Folder 12 1741E Box 533 Folder 1 1742 Box 533 Folder 2 1743-1744 Box 533 Folder 3 1745-1746 Box 533 Folder 4 1748-1749 Box 533 Folder 5 1750.1 Box 533 Folder 6 1750.2 Box 533 Folder 7 1750.3 Box 533 Folder 8 1750.4 Box 534 Folder 1 1750.5 Box 534 Folder 2 1750.6 Box 534 Folder 3 1750.7 550 Box 534 Folder 4 1750.8 Box 534 Folder 5 1750.9 Box 534 Folder 6 1750.10 Box 534 Folder 7 1750.11 Box 534 Folder 8 1750.12 Box 534 Folder 9 1750.13 Box 535 Folder 1 1750.14 Box 535 Folder 2 1750.15 Box 535 Folder 3 1750.16 Box 535 Folder 4 1750.17 Box 535 Folder 5 1750.18 Box 535 Folder 6 1750.19 Box 535 Folder 7 1750.20 Box 535 Folder 8 1750.21 Box 535 Folder 9 1750.22 Box 535 551 Folder 10 1750.23 Box 536 Folder 1 1750.24 Box 536 Folder 2 1750.25 Box 536 Folder 3 1750.26 Box 536 Folder 4 1750.27 Box 536 Folder 5 1750.28 Box 536 Folder 6 1750.29 Box 536 Folder 7 1750.30 Box 536 Folder 8 1750.31 Box 536 Folder 9 1750.32 Box 537 Folder 1 1750.33 Box 537 Folder 2 1750.34 Box 537 Folder 3 1750.35 Box 537 Folder 4 1750.36 Box 537 Folder 5 1750.37 Box 537 Folder 6 552 1750.38 Box 537 Folder 7 1750.39 Box 537 Folder 8 1750A Box 537 Folder 9 1751 Box 537 Folder 10 1751A-1751B Box 538 Folder 1 1752-1753 Box 538 Folder 2 1754-1759 Box 538 Folder 3 1760-1763 Box 538 Folder 4 1764.1 Box 538 Folder 5 1764.2 Box 538 Folder 6 1764.3 Box 538 Folder 7 1764.4 Box 538 Folder 8 1764.5 Box 538 Folder 9 1765.1 Box 538 Folder 10 1765.2 Box 539 Folder 1 1765.3 553 Box 539 Folder 2 1765.4 Box 539 Folder 3 1765.5 Box 539 Folder 4 1765.6 Box 539 Folder 5 1765.7 Box 539 Folder 6 1765.8 Box 539 Folder 7 1765.9 Box 539 Folder 8 1765.10 Box 539 Folder 9 1765.11 Box 539 Folder 10 1765A-1766 Box 540 Folder 1 1767 Box 540 Folder 2 1767A-1767B Box 540 Folder 3 1768 Box 540 Folder 4 1769 Box 540 Folder 5 1770-1771 Box 540 Folder 6 1772-1775 Box 540 554 Folder 7 1776.1 Box 540 Folder 8 1776.2 Box 540 Folder 9 1777 Box 541 Folder 1 1778.1 Box 541 Folder 2 1778.2 Box 541 Folder 3 1778.3 Box 541 Folder 4 1779 Box 541 Folder 5 1780 Box 541 Folder 6 1781-1784 Box 541 Folder 7 1785-1789 Box 541 Folder 8 1790 Box 541 Folder 9 1791 Box 542 Folder 1 1792-1793 Box 542 Folder 2 1794-1795 Box 542 Folder 3 1796 Box 542 Folder 4 555 1797-1798 Box 542 Folder 5 1799 Box 542 Folder 6 1800 Box 542 Folder 7 1801-1804 Box 542 Folder 8 1805-1806 Box 542 Folder 9 1807.1 Box 542 Folder 10 1807.2 Box 543 Folder 1 1808-1809 Box 543 Folder 2 1810-1 Box 543 Folder 3 1810-2 Box 543 Folder 4 1811-1812 Box 543 Folder 5 1813-1814 Box 543 Folder 6 1815.1 Box 543 Folder 7 1815.2 Box 543 Folder 8 1816 Box 544 Folder 1 1817 556 Box 544 Folder 2 1818-1819 Box 544 Folder 3 1820.1 Box 544 Folder 4 1820.2 Box 544 Folder 5 1820.3 Box 544 Folder 6 1820.4 Box 544 Folder 7 1821-1823 Box 544 Folder 8 1824-1826 Box 544 Folder 9 1827-1829 Box 544 Folder 10 1830 Box 545 Folder 1 1831.1 Box 545 Folder 2 1831.2-1831A Box 545 Folder 3 1832 Box 545 Folder 4 1833-1834 Box 545 Folder 5 1835 Box 545 Folder 6 1837-1839 Box 545 557 Folder 7 1840-1841 Box 545 Folder 8 1851-1856 Box 545 Folder 9 1857 Box 545 Folder 10 1858-1860 Box 546 Folder 1 1861.1 Box 546 Folder 2 1861.2 Box 546 Folder 3 1861.3 Box 546 Folder 4 1861.4 Box 546 Folder 5 1862-1864 Box 546 Folder 6 1865-1869 Box 546 Folder 7 1870.1 Box 546 Folder 8 1870.2 Box 547 Folder 1 1871-1873 Box 547 Folder 2 1874-1876 Box 547 Folder 3 1877-1879 Box 547 Folder 4 558 1880-1884 Box 547 Folder 5 1885-1889 Box 547 Folder 6 1890-1891 Box 547 Folder 7 1892-1892A Box 547 Folder 8 1893-1896 Box 548 Folder 1 1897-1899 Box 548 Folder 2 1900-1902 Box 548 Folder 3 1903 Box 548 Folder 4 1904.1 Box 548 Folder 5 1904.2 Box 548 Folder 6 1904.3 Box 548 Folder 7 1905 Box 548 Folder 8 1906 Box 548 Folder 9 1907-1907A Box 548 Folder 10 1908-1909 Box 549 Folder 1 1910-1919 559 Box 549 Folder 2 1920-1929 Box 549 Folder 3 1934-1936 Box 549 Folder 4 1937 Box 549 Folder 5 1938-1939 Box 549 Folder 6 1940.1 Box 549 Folder 7 1940.2 Box 549 Folder 8 1940.3 Box 550 Folder 1 1941-1942 Box 550 Folder 2 1943-1944 Box 550 Folder 3 1946 Box 550 Folder 4 1947-1949 Box 550 Folder 5 1950.1 Box 550 Folder 6 1950.2 Box 550 Folder 7 1950.3 Box 550 Folder 8 1950.4 Box 550 560 Folder 9 1950.5 Box 551 Folder 1 1951-1952-1 Box 551 Folder 2 1952-2-1953 Box 551 Folder 3 1954-1955 Box 551 Folder 4 1956-1959 Box 551 Folder 5 1960.1 Box 551 Folder 6 1960.2 Box 551 Folder 7 1960.3 Box 552 Folder 1 1961.1 Box 552 Folder 2 1961.2 Box 552 Folder 3 1961.3 Box 552 Folder 4 1961.4 Box 553 Folder 1 1962-1966 Box 553 Folder 2 1967-1973 Box 553 Folder 3 1974-1979 Box 553 Folder 4 561 1980-1982 Box 553 Folder 5 1983 Box 553 Folder 6 1984-1987 Box 553 Folder 7 1988.1 Box 553 Folder 8 1988.2 Box 553 Folder 9 1988.3 Box 553 Folder 10 1989 Box 554 Folder 1 1990.1 Box 554 Folder 2 1990.2 Box 554 Folder 3 1990.3 Box 554 Folder 4 1990.4 Box 554 Folder 5 1990.5 Box 554 Folder 6 1990.6 Box 554 Folder 7 1991 Box 554 Folder 8 1992.1 Box 554 Folder 9 1992.2 562 Box 554 Folder 10 1992.3 Box 554 Folder 11 1992.4 Box 555 Folder 1 1993.1 Box 555 Folder 2 1993.2 Box 555 Folder 3 1994.1 Box 555 Folder 4 1994.2 Box 555 Folder 5 1994.3 Box 555 Folder 6 1994.4 Box 555 Folder 7 1994.5 Box 555 Folder 8 1995-1996 Box 555 Folder 9 1997 Box 555 Folder 10 1999 Box 556 Folder 1 2000.1 Box 556 Folder 2 2000.2 Box 556 Folder 3 2000.3 Box 556 563 Folder 4 2000.4 Box 556 Folder 5 2000.5 Box 556 Folder 6 2000.6 Box 557 Folder 1 2000.7 Box 557 Folder 2 2000.8 Box 557 Folder 3 2000.9 Box 557 Folder 4 2000.10 Box 557 Folder 5 2000.11 Box 557 Folder 6 2001 Box 557 Folder 7 2002.1 Box 557 Folder 8 2002.2 Box 557 Folder 9 2003-2008 Box 557 Folder 10 2009 Box 558 Folder 1 2010-2011 Box 558 Folder 2 2012-2014 Box 558 Folder 3 564 2015 Box 558 Folder 4 2015A.1 Box 558 Folder 5 2015A.2 Box 558 Folder 6 2015A.3 Box 558 Folder 7 2016-2019 Box 558 Folder 8 2020 Box 558 Folder 9 2021-2029 Box 558 Folder 10 2031 Box 558 Folder 11 2032-2033 Box 558 Folder 12 2034-2035 Box 558 Folder 13 2036-2039 Box 559 Folder 1 2040-2043 Box 559 Folder 2 2044 Box 559 Folder 3 2045.1 Box 559 Folder 4 2045.2 Box 559 Folder 5 2046 565 Box 559 Folder 6 2047 Box 559 Folder 7 2048-2049 Box 559 Folder 8 2050-2051 Box 559 Folder 9 2052-2052A Box 559 Folder 10 2053-2055 Box 560 Folder 1 2056.1 Box 560 Folder 2 2056.2 Box 560 Folder 3 2057.1 Box 560 Folder 4 2057.2 Box 560 Folder 5 2057A.1 Box 560 Folder 6 2057A.2 Box 560 Folder 7 2057A.3 Box 560 Folder 8 2057A.4 Box 560 Folder 9 2057A.5 Box 560 Folder 10 2057A.6 Box 561 566 Folder 1 2058.1 Box 561 Folder 2 2058.2 Box 561 Folder 3 2058.3 Box 561 Folder 4 2059-2060 Box 561 Folder 5 2061-2063 Box 561 Folder 6 2064-2065 Box 561 Folder 7 2066-2067 Box 561 Folder 8 2068-2069 Box 562 Folder 1 2070 Box 562 Folder 2 2071 Box 562 Folder 3 2072 Box 562 Folder 4 2073-2075 Box 562 Folder 5 2076-2077 Box 562 Folder 6 2078-2079 Box 562 Folder 7 2080.1 Box 562 Folder 8 567 2080.2 Box 562 Folder 9 2080.3 Box 562 Folder 10 2080.4 Box 562 Folder 11 2080.5 Box 563 Folder 1 2081.1 Box 563 Folder 2 2081.2 Box 563 Folder 3 2081.3 Box 563 Folder 4 2081.4 Box 563 Folder 5 2081A Box 563 Folder 6 2082-2086 Box 563 Folder 7 2087 Box 563 Folder 8 2089-2090 Box 563 Folder 9 2091 Box 563 Folder 10 2092 Box 563 Folder 11 2093.1 Box 563 Folder 12 2093.2 568 Box 564 Folder 1 2093A-2099 Box 564 Folder 2 2100-2103 Box 564 Folder 3 2104 Box 564 Folder 4 2105 Box 564 Folder 5 2106-2107 Box 564 Folder 6 2108-2109 Box 564 Folder 7 2110-2111 Box 564 Folder 8 2112 Box 564 Folder 9 2113 Box 564 Folder 10 2114 Box 565 Folder 1 2115.1 Box 565 Folder 2 2115.2 Box 565 Folder 3 2115.3 Box 565 Folder 4 2116.1 Box 565 Folder 5 2116.2 Box 565 569 Folder 6 2116.3 Box 565 Folder 7 2116.4 Box 565 Folder 8 2116.5 Box 566 Folder 1 2116.6 Box 566 Folder 2 2116.7 Box 566 Folder 3 2116A-2116C Box 566 Folder 4 2117 Box 566 Folder 5 2118 Box 566 Folder 6 2119 Box 566 Folder 7 2120-2120A Box 566 Folder 8 2121 Box 566 Folder 9 2122-2127 Box 566 Folder 10 2128 Box 567 Folder 1 2129 Box 567 Folder 2 2131.1 Box 567 Folder 3 570 2131.2 Box 567 Folder 4 2132-2133 Box 567 Folder 5 2134.1 Box 567 Folder 6 2134.2 Box 567 Folder 7 2135 Box 567 Folder 8 2136-2137 Box 568 Folder 1 2138-2139 Box 568 Folder 2 2140-2144 Box 568 Folder 3 2145-2153 Box 568 Folder 4 2154 Box 568 Folder 5 2155 Box 568 Folder 6 2156 Box 568 Folder 7 2157-2159 Box 568 Folder 8 2160-2162 Box 568 Folder 9 2163.1 Box 568 Folder 10 2163.2 571 Box 569 Folder 1 2163.3 Box 569 Folder 2 2163.4 Box 569 Folder 3 2164-2165 Box 569 Folder 4 2166.1 Box 569 Folder 5 2166.2 Box 569 Folder 6 2166.3 Box 569 Folder 7 2167-2171 Box 569 Folder 8 2172.1 Box 569 Folder 9 2172.2-2172A Box 569 Folder 10 2173-2173A Box 570 Folder 1 2174.1 Box 570 Folder 2 2174.2 Box 570 Folder 3 2175-2176 Box 570 Folder 4 2177-2178 Box 570 Folder 5 2179.1 Box 570 572 Folder 6 2179.2 Box 570 Folder 7 2179.3 Box 570 Folder 8 2179.4 Box 570 Folder 9 2179.5 Box 570 Folder 10 2179.6 Box 571 Folder 1 2179.7 Box 571 Folder 2 2179.8 Box 571 Folder 3 2179A-2179C Box 571 Folder 4 2180-2183 Box 571 Folder 5 2184 Box 571 Folder 6 2185 Box 571 Folder 7 2186-2188 Box 571 Folder 8 2189 Box 571 Folder 9 2190-2192 Box 572 Folder 1 2193 Box 572 Folder 2 573 2194.1 Box 572 Folder 3 2194.2 Box 572 Folder 4 2194.3 Box 572 Folder 5 2195-2195A Box 572 Folder 6 2196 Box 572 Folder 7 2197 Box 572 Folder 8 2198 Box 572 Folder 9 2199 Box 572 Folder 10 2200-2203 Box 573 Folder 1 2204 Box 573 Folder 2 2207 Box 573 Folder 3 2208-2210 Box 573 Folder 4 2211.1 Box 573 Folder 5 2211.2 Box 573 Folder 6 2211.3 Box 573 Folder 7 2211.4 574 Box 573 Folder 8 2211A Box 573 Folder 9 2211B.1 Box 573 Folder 10 2211B.2 Box 573 Folder 11 2212-2213 Box 574 Folder 1 2214.1 Box 574 Folder 2 2214.2 Box 574 Folder 3 2214.3 Box 574 Folder 4 2214.4 Box 574 Folder 5 2215-2217 Box 574 Folder 6 2218-2219 Box 574 Folder 7 2220-2223 Box 574 Folder 8 2224-2228 Box 574 Folder 9 2229 Box 574 Folder 10 2232-2239 Box 575 Folder 1 2241.1 Box 575 575 Folder 2 2241.2 Box 575 Folder 3 2244 Box 575 Folder 4 2245.1 Box 575 Folder 5 2245.2 Box 575 Folder 6 2246-2247 Box 575 Folder 7 2248-2249 Box 575 Folder 8 2250.1 Box 575 Folder 9 2250.2 Box 576 Folder 1 2251 Box 576 Folder 2 2252 Box 576 Folder 3 2253 Box 576 Folder 4 2254 Box 576 Folder 5 2255 Box 576 Folder 6 2256-2259 Box 576 Folder 7 2260-2262 Box 576 Folder 8 576 2263.1 Box 576 Folder 9 2263.2 Box 576 Folder 10 2264-2265 Box 577 Folder 1 2266.1 Box 577 Folder 2 2266.2 Box 577 Folder 3 2267 Box 577 Folder 4 2268-2269 Box 577 Folder 5 2270-2271 Box 577 Folder 6 2272.1 Box 577 Folder 7 2272.2 Box 577 Folder 8 2272.3-2276 Box 577 Folder 9 2277 Box 577 Folder 10 2278.1 Box 577 Folder 11 2278.2 Box 577 Folder 12 2278.3 Box 578 Folder 1 2279.1 577 Box 578 Folder 2 2279.2 Box 578 Folder 3 2280-2282 Box 578 Folder 4 2283-2285 Box 578 Folder 5 2286-2289 Box 578 Folder 6 2290-2292 Box 578 Folder 7 2293-2293A Box 578 Folder 8 2294 Box 578 Folder 9 2295 Box 578 Folder 10 2296 Box 579 Folder 1 2297.1 Box 579 Folder 2 2297.2 Box 579 Folder 3 2297.3 Box 579 Folder 4 2297A-2299 Box 579 Folder 5 2300.1 Box 579 Folder 6 2300.2 Box 579 578 Folder 7 2300A-2300B Box 579 Folder 8 2301 Box 580 Folder 1 2302-2309 Box 580 Folder 2 2310-2313 Box 580 Folder 3 2314-2316 Box 580 Folder 4 2317-2319 Box 580 Folder 5 2320-2321 Box 581 Folder 1 2322 Box 581 Folder 2 2323 Box 581 Folder 3 2324 Box 581 Folder 4 2325 Box 581 Folder 5 2326 Box 581 Folder 6 2326A Box 581 Folder 7 2327 Box 581 Folder 8 2328 Box 581 Folder 9 579 2329 Box 581 Folder 10 2329A Box 582 Folder 1 2329B Box 582 Folder 2 2330 Box 582 Folder 3 2331 Box 582 Folder 4 2332 Box 582 Folder 5 2333 Box 582 Folder 6 2334 Box 582 Folder 7 2335 Box 582 Folder 8 2336 Box 582 Folder 9 2337 Box 582 Folder 10 2338 Box 583 Folder 1 2339 Box 583 Folder 2 2340 Box 583 Folder 3 2341 Box 583 Folder 4 2342 580 Box 583 Folder 5 2343 Box 583 Folder 6 2344 Box 583 Folder 7 2345 Series III: Autograph Correspondence with Notable Figures Box 584 Folder 1 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 1949-1967 Box 584 Folder 2 Hoover, J. Edgar, 1952 Box 584 Folder 3 Hull, Cordell, 1950-1951 Box 584 Folder 4 Johnson, Lyndon B. and Lady Bird, 1953-1973 Box 584 Folder 5 Kennedy, John F., 1952-1971 Box 584 Folder 6 Kennedy, Robert F. and Ethel, 1966-1968 Box 584 Folder 7 MacLeish, Archibald, 1972 Box 584 Folder 8 Marshall, George C., 1950-1951 Box 584 Folder 9 Miscellaneous Box 584 Folder 10 Nixon, Richard M., 1951-1973 Box 584 Folder 11 Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1969-1972 Box 584 Folder 12 581 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1948-1962 Box 584 Folder 13 Stevenson, Adlai, 1948-1959 Box 584 Folder 14 Stevenson, 1960-1965 Box 584 Folder 15 Truman, Harry S, 1945-1950 Box 584 Folder 16 Truman, 1951 Box 584 Folder 17 Truman, 1952-1956 Box 584 Folder 18 Truman, 1957-1972 Box 585 Folder 1 Eisenhower, Dwight E., 2 photos Box 585 Folder 2 Gandhi, Mahatma, photo Box 585 Folder 3 Humphrey, Hubert H., photo Box 585 Folder 4 Humphrey, with Johnson, yearbook cover Box 585 Folder 5 Johnson, Lyndon B., 6 photos Box 585 Folder 6 Kennedy, John F., 2 photos Box 585 Folder 7 Nehru, Jawaharlal, photo Box 585 Folder 8 Stevenson, Adlai, 2 photos Box 585 Folder 9 Truman, Harry S, 2 photos 582 Box 585 Folder 10 Truman, with Eleanor Roosevelt, photo Box 585 Folder 11 Truman, 73rd birthday party photo, menu, and letter Series IV: Memorabilia Box 586 Folder 1 Benton, Elma H., books to read, newspaper clippings and written lists Box 586 Folder 2 Benton, clippings, miscellaneous Box 586 Folder 3 Benton, jokes Box 586 Folder 4 Benton, travel articles, 1934-1936 Box 586 Folder 5 Benton family, photos, #1 Box 586 Folder 6 Benton family, photos, #2 Box 586 Folder 7 Benton family, photos, #3 Box 586 Folder 8 Benton family, photos, scrapbook Box 586 Folder 9 Benton family, book on Syria and Mount Lebanon Box 586 Folder 10 Benton, William, report cards, 1909-1913 Box 586 Folder 11 Benton, Yale Record Book of Verse, 1922 Box 587 Commemorative medals, UAW membership pin, undated Box 587 Commemorative medals, 200th anniversary of EB's publication, two Box 587 583 Commemorative medals, Britannica-Australia Awards, ca. 1968 Box 587 Commemorative medals, embossed with 1979 calendar, unidentified Box 587 Commemorative medals, 79th UNESCO Executive Board session, 1968 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Jesse H. Jones Hall for the Performing Arts, October 1966 Box 587 Commemorative medals, 200th anniversary of University of Cuyo, Argentina, presented 1960 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Mexican-American accord of October 28, 1967 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Lyndon Johnson inauguration, November 22, 1963 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Lyndon Johnson inauguration, January 20, 1965, two Box 587 Commemorative medals, Richard Nixon inauguration, January 20, 1973 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Vatican, two, undated Box 587 Commemorative medals, reaction en chaine, 1939 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Harvard Business School of New York, June 1, 1965 Box 587 Commemorative medals, Patron's Club of University of Bridgeport, undated Box 588 Commemorative medals, Siena, Italy, Azienda Autonoma Turismo, undated Box 588 Commemorative medals, UNESCO, Paris, 1946 Box 588 Commemorative medals, U.S.S.R., The Spirit of Moscow, undated Box 588 Commemorative medals, U.S.S.R., 400th anniversary of publishing, undated Box 588 Commemorative medals, U.S.S.R., 150th anniversary of Perogov's birth, ca. 1960 Box 588 Commemorative medals, 200th EB anniversary, Sir Walter Scott, 1968 Box 588 Pin, National Defense Executive Reserve, undated Box 588 Button, University of Chicago 50th anniversary, 1941 Box 588 Pamphlet, 200th EB anniversary, 1968 Box 588 Paperweight depicting DNA molecule, presented by Brandeis, undated 584 Box 588 Leather disk, presented to D. W. Hixson by University of Minnesota students, April 22, 1889 Box 588 Ribbon, Johnson inauguration, January 20, 1965 Box 589 Keys, three, unidentified and undated Box 589 Plaque, appreciation from Connecticut Senate, ca. 1970 Box 589 Keys, Old Shads' Citation, October 17, 1952 Box 589 Tribute, service as University of Connecticut trustee, February 1, 1968 Box 589 Barkley, Alben W., tape, undated Box 590 Folder 1 Honors, foreign, Italian Order of Solidarity with insignia first class, letter, May 15, 1952 Box 590 Folder 2 Honors, Jewish groups, American Jewish Committee, Appeal for Human Relations Award, metal plate, October 9, 1968 Box 590 Folder 3 Honors, Jewish groups, Hadassah Key to Freedom Award, unsigned document, 1966 Box 590 Folder 4 Honors, media groups, Institute of International Education and Reader's Digest Foundation Distinguished Service Award, signed document, April 15, 1970 Box 590 Folder 5 Honors, miscellaneous, Smaller Business of America Inc., signed document, December 11, 1951 Box 590 Folder 6 Honors, miscellaneous, Benton's 25th EB publishing anniversary, unsigned document, April 12, 1968 Box 590 Folder 7 Honors, miscellaneous, Kentucky Colonel commission, signed document, March 12, 1960 Box 590 Folder 8 Honors, miscellaneous, War Service Certificate, signed document, undated Box 590 Folder 9 Honors, miscellaneous, Explorers Club, signed greeting, January 7, 1939 585 Box 590 Folder 10 Honors, State Department, Distinguished Honor Award, signed document, December 1967 Box 590 Folder 11 Honors, UNESCO, State Department designation of Benton as Congressional Adviser on U. S. delegation to fifth session, UNESCO General Conference, April 28, 1950 Box 590 Folder 12 Photo, second unofficial Soviet-American conference, May 22-28, 1961 Box 590 Folder 13 Photo, 35th reunion of Yale Class of 1921, June 1956 Box 590 Folder 14 Photo, 50th Yale reunion, June 1971 Box 590 Folder 15 Benton, William (ancestor), and Sarah Benton, photocopies, 1 document and 2 letters, 1758 and 1760 Box 590 Folder 16 Crowther, Geoffrey and family, color print, undated Box 590 Folder 17 Great Books, production of first set, 2 photos signed by Robert Hutchins, April 1952 Box 590 Folder 18 Hardman, David, signed photo with long inscription, undated Box 590 Folder 19 Hixson, D. W., color portrait, undated Box 590 Folder 20 Hutchins, Robert, signed photo inscribed, in academic garb, undated Box 590 Folder 21 Hutchins, Robert, with Paul Hoffman, March 1951 Box 590 Folder 22 Huxley, Julian, signed photo with long inscription, 1960 Box 590 Folder 23 Johnson, Lyndon B., photo, Benton and others, ca. 1966 Box 590 586 Folder 24 Kennedy, John F., pen used to sign bill for Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation, with photo, April 23, 1963 Box 590 Folder 25 Lehman, Herbert H., photo, with Benton at Democratic National Convention, July 1960 Box 590 Folder 26 Rosenberg, Anna, signed photo with long inscription, January 16, 1953 Box 590 Folder 27 Stevenson, Adlai, photo, with Benton, Latin American trip, 1960 Box 590 Folder 28 Truman, Harry S, pen used to sign Fulbright Bill, with photo, August 7, 1946 Box 590 Folder 29 Thurber, James, copies of drawings for Hutchins, undated Box 591 Academic Gowns Box 591 Cap, gown, hood, affiliations unidentified Box 592 Hoods, three, affiliations unidentified Box 593 Hoods, three, affiliations unidentified Box 594 Unfoldered: UNESCO, signed document and medal, Huespedes de Honor, presented on the American delegation's visit to Mexico City for UNESCO's Second General Conference, 21 November 1947 Box 594 Unfoldered: Medal and certificate from Italy, Il Presidente della Reublica Italiana, Presidente dell'ordine della Stella della Solidarieta Italiana, Honors, Order of Solidarity with insignia first class, letter and medal, May 15, 1952 Box 594 Unfoldered: Honor-Sash, two medals (Order of the Southern Cross) and certificate from Brasil in honor of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 April 1968 Box 594 Folder 1 Certificate with seal from Abraham Ribicoff, Governor of Connecticut, appointing William Benton as a trustee of the University of Connecticut Box 594 Folder 2 Certificate with seal from the State of Connecticut, General Assembly, 7 May 1971 Box 594 Folder 3 587 Certificate with seal from James F. Byrnes, Secretary of State, giving William Benton, the Assistant Secretary of State, the power to serve on a delegation to London for a conference, 23 Oct 1945 Box 594 Folder 4 Certificate, The National Human Relations Award to William Benton from the National Conference of Christians and Jews, 28 1969 Box 594 Folder 5 Certificate from the Department of State marking the end of Senator William Benton's service as an Ambassador to UNESCO, 7 Oct 1968 Box 594 Folder 6 Sketch of Carl Sandburg by William A. Smith, dedicated by Sandburg to Bill Benton Box 594 Folder 7 Certificate from Brandeis University conferring and an honorary degree, Doctor of Laws, upon William Benton, 9 June 1968 Box 594 Folder 8 Tribute from the New York City Federation of Women's Clubs, 27 Oct 1950 Box 595 Folder 1 University of Chicago, enlargement of front page of New York Times for Benton's birth date, reporting President Harper's having raised $180,000 in one day to meet conditions of matching offer from John D. Rockefeller, April 1, 1900, mounted, notations on backside Box 595 Folder 2 Certificate with presidential seal from President Harry S. Truman, appointing William Benton as the Assistant Secretary of State, signed by Truman and Sec. Of State, Dean Acheson, 14 Sep 1945 Box 595 Folder 3 Certificate with presidential seal from Lyndon B. Johnson, appointing William Benton to the Fifteenth Session UNESCO conference, 5 Oct 1968, signed by Johnson Box 595 Folder 4 Certificate with presidential seal from Lyndon B. Johnson, appointing William Benton to the Thirteenth Session of UNESCO, 17 Oct 1964, signed by Johnson Box 595 Folder 5 Certificate with presidential seal from Lyndon B. Johnson, appointing William Benton to the UNESCO conference, 5 Oct 1968, signed by Johnson Box 595 Folder 6 588 Certificate with presidential seal from John F. Kennedy, appointing William Benton a member of the Advisory Committee on the Arts, 14 Nov 1961, signed by Kennedy and Sec. Of State, Dean Rusk Box 595 Folder 7 Scroll from the "Representatives of the Press of 14 Nations," expressing gratitude for William Benton's hospiltality upon their visit to the U.S. Box 595 Folder 8 Certificate with presidential seal from Lyndon B. Johnson, appointing William Benton to a member of the Committee for the Preservation of the White House, 17 March 1964, signed by Johnson and Sec. Of State, Dean Rusk Box 595 Folder 9 Certificate with presidential seal from President Harry S. Truman, appointing William Benton to the UNESCO First Session Conference, 16 Oct 1946, signed by Truman and Sec. Of State, Dean Achenson Box 595 Folder 10 Duplicate certificate of charter from the University of the State of New York, with university seal, incorporating the "National Committee on Immigration and Citizenship," 24 June 1955, Box 595 Folder 11 Decorative certificate from the International Broadcast Institute acknowledging the contributions of William Benton, 2 March 1971 Box 595 Folder 12 Certificate from W. Averall Harriman, Sec. Of Commerce, appointing William Benton the "Official Kibitzer of the Department of Commerce," Oct 1947 Box 595 Folder 13 Award of Honor from the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, to William Benton, 23 March 1952 Box 596 Folder 1 Certificate from the Trustees and the President of the University of Chicago, to William Benton,1 Feb 1968, establishing the "William Benton Medal" Box 596 Folder 2 Photograph of Certificate from the University of Chicago Box 596 Folder 3 Poster for Italian publication, dedicated to Mrs. William Benton, July 1973 Box 596 Folder 4 589 Scroll from the Weizmann Institute of Science conferring honorary fellowship on William Benton, Behovot, Israel, Nov 1969 Box 596 Folder 5 Certificates • From the State of Connecticut, with seal, appointing William Benton as a Senator representing Connecticut, signed by Governor, Chester Bowles, 29 Nov 1950 • From the State of Connecticut, with seal, appointing William Benton as a Senator representing Connecticut, signed by Governor, Chester Bowles, 17 Dec 1949 • Certificate of Naturalization from the Empire of Texas, to William Benton, 9 Dec 1948 • Honor Scroll from the National Committee for Labor Israel to William Benton, 23 Sep 1951 • Honorary certificate from Universitalis Dominae Nostrae a Laru, 1968 • Honorary degree from Dartmouth • Honorary degree from Collegii Carletonensis, 1961 • Honorary degree from Collegii Bardiani, 1860 Box 597 William Benton Scrapbook Box 598 "William Benton Social Sciences Reading Room," Plaque Box 598 "Flight," R.R. Donnelly representation of Encyclopedia Britannica, dedicated to William Benton and his wife, boxed commerative booklet, 12 June 1968 Box 598 Japanese award for peace given to William Benton Box 599 "A Memorial Resolution," 24 April 1973 Box 599 "A Memento of the World Congress of University Presidents," 11-19 July 1971 Box 599 The Diaries, Reminiscences and Letters of Loanza Goulding Benton (Mrs. William Austin Benton) and William Austin Benton, DD., Missionaries to Syria, 1847-1869 Box 600 Photo album of William Benton's trip to Israel, May 1970 Box 600 Photo album of "Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe," Strasbourg, 1951 Box 600 Scrapbook from workers at Benton and Bowles to William Benton Box 601 Scrapbook from workers at Benton and Bowles to William Benton Box 602 Book from Mexico, Mi Toauromaquia by Carlos Ruano LLopis en Boceto Series V: Recordings - (Acetates) Subseries 1: Record albums, music

590 Box 603 Folder 1 "The Stars Sing" with Vic Damone and "Music for America" (Muzak, for audition purposes) (42) Box 603 Folder 2 T 22-6469-P4#1 Box 603 Folder 3 Unidentified Box 603 Folder 4 Orchestras of the World Series, Austria, parts 1 and 3 (38) Box 603 Folder 5 Orchestras of the World Series, Austria, parts 2 and 4 (40) Box 603 Folder 6 Orchestras of the World Series, Norway, parts 1 and 3 (41) Box 603 Folder 7 Orchestras of the World Series, Norway, parts 2 and 4 (39) Subseries 2: Record albums, political and business Box 604 Folder 1 "The Personal Side of Radio Selling," by Maurice B. Mitchell, general manager of Associate Program Service (Muzak) (18) Box 604 Folder 2 Address by Benton, Columbia Broadcasting System, 5 May 1948 (19) Box 604 Folder 3 Address by Benton, Columbia Broadcasting System, 5 May 1948 (19A) Box 604 Folder 4 Independent Voters for Benton, cuts 1-6 (20) Box 604 Folder 5 Independent Voters for Benton, cuts 1-6, [cuts 3 and 5 are intact] (20A) Box 604 Folder 6 3:00 p.m. English news and commentary for Wednesday, 9 August 1950 (BBC relay) [from Department of State] (22) Box 604 Folder 7 591 3:00 p.m. English news and commentary for Wednesday, 9 August 1950 (BBC relay) [from Department of State] (22A) Box 604 Folder 8 "How to Force Radio Results," by Maurice B. Mitchell (23) Box 604 Folder 9 Labor's League for Political Education: What's the Answer (no. 16)-A Report from Italy by Senator William Benton, part 1 (24) Box 604 Folder 10 Labor's League for Political Education: What's the Answer (no. 17), part 2 (24A) Box 604 Folder 11 Meet the Press, 19 May 1950, part 1 (25) Box 604 Folder 12 Meet the Press, part 2 (25A) Box 604 Folder 13 World Politics, Set I C-9, #340 Box 604 Folder 14 Small Business Conference, with Senator William Benton as chairman, 17 July 1950 (27) Box 604 Folder 15 Senator Humphrey, Democratic State Convention, 13 June 1952 (28) Box 604 Folder 16 Special Events: William Benton Interview at UNESCO, 21 November 1947 (29) Box 604 Folder 17 Air check with Senator William Benton, 9 August 1950 (30) Box 604 Folder 18 D. C. Dateline, William Benton portion, 17 July 1947 (31) Box 604 Folder 19 Senator Benton interview, American Broadcasting Company, 23 July 1951 (32) Box 604 Folder 20 Radio Italiana interview with William Benton, 6 October 1950 (33) Subseries 3: Record albums, University of Chicago Radio Office, World Theatre series Box 605 592 Folder 1 "The Man of Destiny," Bernard Shaw, 9 January 1948, parts 2 and 4 (35) Box 605 Folder 2 "The Man of Destiny," parts 3 and 5 (36) Box 605 Folder 3 "The Man of Destiny," part 1 (37) Subseries 4: Record Albums, unidentified Box 605 Folder 4 Audiodisc, 8023, #278SF Box 605 Folder 5 45 Box 605 Folder 6 44 (N 22-6768-P2 #1) Box 606 Folder 1 8 Box 606 Folder 2 2 Box 606 Folder 3 6 Box 606 Folder 4 4 Box 606 Folder 5 #3, #4, 10 in. disc Box 606 Folder 6 #5, 10 in. disc Box 606 Folder 7 5 Subseries 5: Record albums, music Box 606 Folder 8 "The Jibers" (Muzak) (4) Box 606 593 Folder 9-11 Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff, Liszt (12) • Shostakovich (12) Box 606 Folder 12 Prokofiev (15) Box 606 Folder 13 Shostakovich (15) Box 606 Folder 14 Moussorgsky, Richter (15) Box 606 Folder 15 Prokofiev (15) Subseries 6: Record albums, University of Chicago Radio Office, Human Adventure series Box 607 Folder 1 "Basic English," 9 June 1946, parts 1 and 4 Box 607 Folder 2 "Basic English," parts 2 and 5 (49) Box 607 Folder 3 "Basic English," parts 4 and 1 (50) Box 607 Folder 4 "Tourists in America," 9 April 1946, parts 1 and 4 (51) Box 607 Folder 5 "Tourists in America," parts 2 and 5 (52) Box 607 Folder 6 "Tourists in America," parts 6 and 3 (53) Box 607 Folder 7 "Pepys," 9 April 1946, parts 4 and 1 (54) Box 607 Folder 8 "Pepys," parts 2 and 5 (55) Box 607 Folder 9 "Pepys," parts 6 and 3 (56) Box 607 594 Folder 10 "Socrates," 9 April 1946, parts 4 and 1 (57) Box 607 Folder 11 "Socrates," parts 5 and 2 (58) Box 607 Folder 12 "Socrates," parts 6 and 3 (59) Box 607 Folder 13 "John Milton," 9 June 1946, parts 4 and 1 (60) Box 607 Folder 14 "John Milton," parts 5 and 2 (61) Box 607 Folder 15 "John Milton," parts 6 and 3 (62) Box 607 Folder 16 "Machiavelli," 9 April 1946, parts 4 and 1 (63) Box 607 Folder 17 "Machiavelli," parts 2 and 5 (64) Box 607 Folder 18 "Machiavelli," parts 6 and 3 (65) Subseries 7: Record albums, political and business Box 608 Folder 1 American Forum of the Air, 8 July 1950, parts 1 and 4 (1) Box 608 Folder 2 American Forum of the Air, parts 2 and 5 (2) Box 608 Folder 3 American Forum of the Air, parts 2 and 5 (2A) Box 608 Folder 4 American Forum of the Air, parts 3 and 6 (3) Box 608 Folder 5 American Forum of the Air, parts 3 and 6 (3A) Box 608 Folder 6 Benton sound truck sports (5) 595 Box 608 Folder 7 Benton: election coverage Wednesday morning, 8 November 1950, part 2 (7) Box 608 Folder 8 Benton: election coverage Wednesday morning, part 1(7A) Box 608 Folder 9 Assistant Secretary of State Benton, 8 April 1947 (8) Box 608 Folder 10 American Forum of the Air, 8 July 1950, parts 1 and 4 (9) Box 608 Folder 11 Bill Benton radio: Russian spot (11) Box 608 Folder 12 N.Y. Herald Tribune student series with Assistant Secretary of State Benton, no date, part 1 (15) Box 608 Folder 13 Benton's nominating speech for McMahon, Chicago, July 1952 [one record, two numbers] (16/16A) Box 608 Folder 14 Jack Zaiman's Needle Club, including remarks about Senator Benton, 2 July 1953 (17) Box 608 Folder 15 Benton sound truck spots (46) Box 608 Folder 16 "A Bombing of London" (47) Box 608 Folder 17 Carl Sandburg, recording for Benton Series VI: Scrapbooks Box 609 The Early Business Years (1927-1940), Volume 1 Box 610 The Early Business Years (1928-1935), Volume 2 Box 611 The Early Business Years (1928-1935), Volume 3 Box 612 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 1 Box 613 596 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 2 Box 614 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 3 Box 615 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 4 Box 616 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 5 Box 617 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 6 Box 618 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 7 Box 619 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 8 Box 620 The University of Chicago Years (1936-1945), Volume 9 Box 620 Also contained in this volume is Addenda - Post-State Department Years (1947-1949). Box 621 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 1 Box 622 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 2 Box 623 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 3 Box 624 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 4 Box 625 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 5 Box 626 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 6 Box 627 The State Department Years (1945-1947), Volume 7 Box 628 The State Department Years Addenda (1945-1947), Volume 8 Box 629 The Post-State Department Years (1947-1949), Volume 1 Box 630 The Post-State Department Years (1947-1949), Volume 2 Box 630 This volume contains marginalia from William Benton giving the background and context to a copy of a speech he delivered on April 6, 1948 at the Freedom of Information Conference in which he "directly and vigorously attacked" the Soviet Union 12). Box 631 The Post-State Department Years (1947-1949), Volume 3 Box 632 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 1 Box 633 597 The Senate Years (1949-1952), Volume 2 Box 634 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 3 Box 635 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 4 Box 636 The Senate Years (1949-1952), Volume 5 Box 637 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 6 Box 638 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 7 Box 639 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 8 Box 640 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 9 Box 641 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 10 Box 642 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 11 Box 643 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 12 Box 644 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 13 Box 645 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 14 Box 646 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 15 Box 647 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 16 Box 648 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 17 Box 649 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 18 Box 650 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 19 Box 651 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 20 Box 652 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 21 Box 653 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 22 Box 654 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 23 Box 655 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 24 Box 656 598 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 25 Box 657 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 26 Box 658 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 27 Box 659 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 28 Box 660 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 29 Box 660 This volume contains an original drawing of William Benton by Harold VonSchmidt, inscribed to Helen Benton from Wiliam Benton. Box 661 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 30 Box 662 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 31 Box 663 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 32 Box 664 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 33 Box 665 The Senate Years (1950-1952), Volume 34 Box 666 The Senate Years Addenda (1950-1953), Volume 35 Box 667 The Senate Years Addenda (1950-1953), Volume 36 Box 668 The Senate Years Addenda (1950-1953), Volume 37 Box 669 The Post-Senate Years (1953-1954), Volume 1 Box 670 The Post-Senate Years (1955), Volume 2 Box 671 The Post-Senate Years (1955), Volume 3 Box 671 This volume contains memos from William Benton's trip to the Soviet Union; Benton wrote an explanation for the memos and his later publications from them at the beginning of the volume. Box 672 The Post-Senate Years (1955-1956), Volume 4 Box 673 The Post-Senate Years (1956), Volume 5 Box 674 The Post-Senate Years (1956), Volume 6 Box 675 The Post-Senate Years (1957), Volume 7 599 Box 676 The Post-Senate Years (1957-1958), Volume 8 Box 677 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 9 Box 677 This volume contains marginalia from William Benton about its contents in relation to the collection of his files and his explanation for its importance in relation to his larger career. A similar notation can be found in Volume 10 and Volume 11. Box 678 The Post-Senate Years (1959), Volume 10 Box 679 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 11 Box 680 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 12 Box 681 The Post-Senate Years (1957-1958), Volume 13 Box 682 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 14 Box 683 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 15 Box 684 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 16 Box 685 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 17 Box 686 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 18 Box 687 The Post-Senate Years (1955-1959), Volume 19 Box 687 This volume contains photographs of Eleanor Roosevelt with the Bentons. Box 688 The Post-Senate Years (1955-1959), Volume 20 Box 689 The Post-Senate Years (1958), Volume 21 Box 690 The Post-Senate Years Addenda (1953-1955), Volume 22 Box 691 The Post-Senate Years Addenda (1956-1958), Volume 23 Box 692 The Post-Senate Years Addenda (1958), Volume 24 Box 693 The Post-Senate Years Addenda (1959), Volume 25 Box 694 The Post-Senate Years Addenda (1959), Volume 26 Box 695 The Post-Senate Years (1959), Volume 27 600 Box 696 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 28 Box 697 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 29 Box 698 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 30 Box 699 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 31 Box 700 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 32 Box 700 This volume consists entirely of photographs from William Benton's trip to Latin America. Box 701 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 33 Box 702 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 34 Box 703 The Post-Senate Years (1961-1962), Volume 35 Box 704 The Post-Senate Years (1960), Volume 36 Box 705 The Post-Senate Years (1955-1960), Volume 37 Box 706 The Post-Senate Years (1953-1962), Volume 38 Box 707 The Post-Senate Years (1961), Volume 39 Box 708 The Post-Senate Years (1961), Volume 40 Box 709 The Post-Senate Years (1961-1962), Volume 41 Box 710 McCarthy (1950-1951), Volume 1 Box 711 McCarthy (1951), Volume 2 Box 712 McCarthy (1951), Volume 3 Box 713 McCarthy (1951), Volume 4 Box 714 McCarthy (1951), Volume 5 Box 715 McCarthy (1952), Volume 6 Box 716 McCarthy (1952), Volume 7 Box 717 McCarthy (1952), Volume 8 601 Box 718 McCarthy (1952), Volume 9 Box 719 McCarthy (1952), Volume 10 Box 720 McCarthy (1952), Volume 11 Box 721 McCarthy (1952), Volume 12 Box 722 McCarthy (1952), Volume 13 Box 723 McCarthy (1952), Volume 14 Box 724 McCarthy (1952), Volume 15 Box 725 McCarthy (1952), Volume 16 Box 726 McCarthy (1953), Volume 17 Box 727 McCarthy (1954), Volume 18 Box 728 McCarthy (1954), Volume 19 Box 729 McCarthy (1954), Volume 20 Box 730 McCarthy (1954), Volume 21 Box 731 McCarthy (1954), Volume 22 Box 732 McCarthy (1954), Volume 23 Box 733 McCarthy (1955-1960), Volume 24 Box 734 Photographs (1951-1956), Volume 1 Box 735 Photographs (circa 1906-circa 1960), Volume 2 Box 735 This volume contains two loose reproductions with signatures from Mahatma Gandhi and President Lyndon B. Johhson. Box 736 Photographs (1954-1960), Volume 3 Box 737 Family Memorabilia (1847-1962), Volume 1 Box 738 Family Memorabilia (1847-1962), Volume 2

602 Series VII: Addenda Subseries 1: Personal: This series contains family memorabilia, college memorabilia, oral history interviews, biographical information and other memorabilia. It also includes obituaries, tributes, and letters of condolence after the death of William Benton.

Subseries 2: Correspondence: This series contains letters, mostly written to Benton, arranged in chronological order. While there is not a lot of correspondence, there are letters from public figures in it. Some correspondence is also located in Subseries 6: Oversize.

Subseries 3: Speeches and Writing: This series contains articles, speeches, and interviews by William Benton, organized in chronological order.

Subseries 4: Career: This series is ordered chronologically, and includes materials related to the Democratic Party; politics; political campaigns; Benton's time in the State Department; Benton's time as a senator; the Council for Economic Development (CED); the Encyclopedia Britannica; Great Books of the Western World; Benton's trips to Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union, and Latin America; and UNESCO. Materials include press clippings, political cartoons, writings, speeches, publications, memos, collected publications, and memorabilia.

Subseries 5: Audiovisual: This series contains photographs and recordings, including cassettes, reel-to-reel films, and magnetic tape recordings.

Subseries 6: Oversize: This series contains posters, portraits, framed memorabilia, artworks, an attache case, and newspapers from Benton's career and family life. It contains materials relating to the other subseries and should be consulted in conjunction with them.

Subseries 1: Personal Box 739 Folder 1 The Yale Record, vol. 48 (October 1919-June 1920) Box 739 Folder 2 The Yale Record, vol. 49 (October 1920-June 1921) Box 740 Folder 1 The Yale Record - Correspondence to William Benton as editor - With clippings, 1920-1921 Box 740 Folder 2 The Yale Record - "Editors of the Life of Yale, The Yale Record" - Two copies that were inserted in The Yale Record, Vol. 49, 1920 Box 740 Folder 3 William Benton Visit to the Woman's National Democratic Club - Edmund Burke Quotation - With explanation, circa 1956 603 Box 740 Folder 4 "Milestone 65 - A Collection of Birthday Greetings Addressed to William Benton on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday," 1965 Box 740 Folder 5 "William Benton - 1965" - Endpapers for Sidney Hyman's Biography of Benton - Boxed set, 1965 Box 740 Folder 6 Interviews of William Benton with William Keylor, Columbia University - Includes foreward by William Benton, circa 1968 Box 740 Folder 7 William Benton Meal - "A Tribute to the Honorable William Benton on the Occasion of his Twenty-Fifth Anniversary as Chairman and Publisher of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc." - University of Chicago, February 1, 1968 Box 740 Folder 8 William Benton Medal - "The Record of a Tribute to the Honorable William Benton on the Occasion of his Twenty-Fifth Anniversary as Chairman and Publisher of Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc." - A memento of February 1, 1968 at the University of Chicago, 1968 Box 740 Folder 9 Hyman, Sidney - The Lives of William Benton - The University of Chicago Press, 1969 Box 741 Folder 1 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - A Tribute to William Benton from the Committee for Economic Development (CED), undated Box 741 Folder 2 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - "Congressional Record," 1973 Box 741 Folder 3 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - "The Connecticut Review," by Chester Bowles, 1973 Box 741 Folder 4 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - A Memorial Resolution from the California State Assembly, sponsored by John L. Burton, 1973 Box 741 Folder 5 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - A Memorial Resolultion from the State of Illlinois General Assembly, 1973 Box 741 604 Folder 6 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - "Memorial Address and Tributes in the Congress of the United States - Hon. William Benton, 1900-1973," 1973 Box 741 Folder 7 Memorials and Tributes to William Benton - Program from the Memorial Tribute at the University of Chicago, 1973 Subseries 2: Correspondence Box 741 Folder 8 Card with note signed "Jacqueline and Bobby," undated Box 741 Folder 9 Theodore White to William Benton - With book in Japanese, undated Box 741 Folder 10 Carl Hayden and Ernest W. McFarland to William Benton - With publication, Arizona: An Adventure in Irrigation, 1950 • Letter about Senate hearings on a dam on the Colorado River. Box 741 Folder 11 Harry S. Truman to William Benton, Copy - With exceprt from the Congressional Record, 1951 • Truman thanks Benton for putting a letter from Bela Kornitzer about him in the Record. Box 741 Folder 12 Materials identified as sent to Marjorie Craig from William Benton, 1951 Box 741 Folder 13 Letters to William Benton, 1953-1972 Box 741 Folder 14 Letters from William Benton, or a secretary on his behalf, 1955-1972 Box 741 Folder 15 Letter from constituent to Representative Wayne L. Hays with note and inter-office route sheet from Charles Benton, 1956 Box 741 Folder 16 Hubert H. Humphrey to William and Helen Benton - Letter refers to Humphrey's photograph sent separately, 1957 Box 741 Folder 17 Hubert H. and Muriel Humphrey to the Benton family, circa late 1960s-early 1970s 605 • Holiday card with picture of the Humphreys on it and handwritten note inside. Box 741 Folder 18 Presidential Invitation to the White House Conference on Education, 1965 Box 741 Folder 19 Condolence letters for William Benton [1/2], 1973 Box 741 Folder 20 Condolence letters for William Benton [2/2], 1973 Subseries 3: Speeches and Writing Box 742 Folder 1 "Draft of a Television Speech by Senator William Benton on the Subject of Corruption," undated Box 742 Folder 2 "Notes for Talk on 'Kremlinism'" - Forwarded by William Benton - Typescript, undated Box 742 Folder 3 "What's Ahead for Our Peace-time International Information Service?" - Typescript - For the Democratic Digest, undated Box 742 Folder 4 "The Economics of a Free Society," Fortune, October 1944 Box 742 Folder 5 "Learning and Peace; The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Starts its work," International Conciliation (October, 1946, No. 424) - With ephemera, 1946 • Includes "Statement of the Hon. William Benton, Assistant Secretary of State, July 30, 1946." Box 742 Folder 6 Address at the First Meeting of the General Conference of the UNESCO in Paris on November 19, 1946 - "Draft 11/6/46" written in margin of typescript, 1946 Box 742 Folder 7 "Education for Peace" - Address before the Phi Beta Kappa Association of Southern California, February 20, 1948 Box 742 Folder 8 Address of William Benton, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America to the United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information and the Press - Before the Anglo-American Press Association, Paris, France, April 7, 1948 606 Box 742 Folder 9 "Where We Are; And Where are We Going? - Address before the Houston Chamber of Commerce, December 9, 1948 Box 742 Folder 10 "The Struggle for the Minds and Loyalties of Mankind - Proposing a Marshall Plan of Ideas," Resolution 243, and Benton address on the resolution, 1950 Box 742 Folder 11 Statement to the Program and Budget Commission - Fifth General Conference of UNESCO at Florence, Italy, June 6, 1950 Box 742 Folder 12 Address on F.E.P.C Legislation, circa 1951 Box 742 Folder 13 "The Benton Amendment to the Mutual Security Act" - Address before the Anglo- American Press Association, 1951 Box 742 Folder 14 "A Decalogue for Members of Congress," 1951 Box 742 Folder 15 Speech on the resolution to strengthen Voice of America, 1951 Box 742 Folder 16 "Television with a Conscience" - Remarks in the Senate, August 27, 1951 Box 742 Folder 17 "The Congress versus Good Government; Some Frank Words on Economy," 1952 Box 742 Folder 18 Statement before the Subcommittee of the Foreign Relations Committee, 1953 Box 742 Folder 19 Articles and related memorandum from William Benton's trip to Eastern Eurpoe, 1955-1958 Box 742 Folder 20 "William Benton Reports on the Voice of the Kremlin" - 1956 Encyclopaedia Britannica Book of the Year - With memorandum, 1956 Box 742 Folder 21 "William Benton Reports" on the Soviet Union for the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1956 Box 742 607 Folder 22 Report on the Soviet Union in 1956; A Symposium of the Institute for the Study of the USSR - April 28-29, 1956 - Includes William Benton, "The USSR: Some Elements of Strength and some Weakness," 1956 Box 742 Folder 23 Addresses and remarks from William Benton on the Soviet Union, 1956-1959 Box 742 Folder 24 Testimony of William Benton before U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, February 17, 1958 Box 742 Folder 25 Radio interview with William Benton, 1960 Box 743 Folder 1 "A Tribute to Paul G. Hoffman" - Center for Democratic Institutions Dinner on September 29, 1966 • Includes comments by the Hon. William Benton. Box 743 Folder 2 "Memorial Service for John Howe" - The University of Chicago, October 12, 1967 • Includes reflections by William Benton. Box 743 Folder 3 "The Publisher's Message" - William Benton on his visit to Lyndon B. Johnson's ranch - Britannica Rountable Volume 2.3, 1973 Box 743 Folder 4 Adlai E. Stevenson, 1900-1965 - Complied under the direction of William Benton - With ephemera, circa 1965 • Includes a memorial essay by William Benton. Subseries 4: Career Box 744 Folder 1 "Minor Miracles Common in Air Force Handouts" - Typescript with handwritten note on the back, undated Box 744 Folder 2 "The Role of Television in Shaping Juvenile Norm-Violating Patterns; A Synchronized Intensive and Extensive Analysis," undated Box 744 Folder 3 CED - Statements on National Policy, War Years: Oct. 1943-Aug. 1945 Box 744 608 Folder 4 CED - Statements on National Policy, Postwar Years: Nov. 1945-Feb. 1948 Box 744 Folder 5 Muzak - Briefs, articles, and proceedings related to subscription radio and the Federal Communications Commission, 1944 • Includes interviews and comments from William Benton about his proposal. Box 744 Folder 6 UNESCO - Song lyrics and poems - Includes poems about Senator Margaret Chase Smith and Senator William Benton, undated Box 744 Folder 7 UNESCO - "A Tribute to Bill Benton" - Excerpts from Tribute Dinner for Senator Benton, April 20, 1950 Box 744 Folder 8 UNESCO - Memorandum from George D. Stoddard to Senator Margaret Chase Smith - Source materials for speeches related to UNESCO, 1950 Box 744 Folder 9 UNESCO - Pamphlets, advertisements, statements, 1961-1962 • Subjects include the new UNESCO headquarters in Paris, The UNESCO Courier Magazine, Human Rights Commission, and the World Plan for Information Media. Box 744 Folder 10 Encyclopaedia Britannica - Great Books of the Western World, memorial volume from formal presentation dinner on April 15, 1952 - With press release, background information, and memorandum, 1952 Box 744 Folder 11 Encyclopaedia Britannica - "The White Elephant that Paid Its Way," Business Week (May 9, 1953), 1953 Box 745 Folder 1 Senate - Personal Remarks of Hon. William Benton, 81st Congress, 2nd session, 1950 Box 745 Folder 2 Senate - Personal Remarks of Senator William Benton, 82nd Congress, 1st session, 1951-1952 Box 746 Folder 1 Senate - Personal Remarks of Senator William Benton, 82nd Congress, 2nd session, 1952-1953 Box 746 Folder 2 609 Senate - Connecticut State Register and Manual - Embossed with Hon. William Benton, 1951 Box 746 Folder 3 Senate - Rules and Manual - Embossed with William Benton, 1951 Box 747 Folder 1 Senate - Newspaper clippings about William Benton in the Senate, 1950-1952 Box 747 Folder 2 Senate - Letter to constituents from William Benton - With ephemera, 1951 • Benton's letter summarizes his actions in the Senate. Box 747 Folder 3 Senate - Congressional Record, excerpts, 1951-1952 Box 747 Folder 4 Senate - Materials about Joseph McCarthy, 1951-1952 • Includes a copy of a letter from William Benton to Attorney General James Howard McGrath about McCarthy and possibly indicting him and U.S. News and World Report, "What's McCarthyism?" Box 747 Folder 5 Election - Pre-Election literature - William Benton, Democratic Party in Connecticut, Prescott Bush - Includes autobiographical materials for William Benton - [Collected by Charles Benton?], 1948-1950 Box 747 Folder 6 Election - William Benton Senate campaign and materials, 1950-1952 Box 747 Folder 7 Election - Adlai Stevenson campaign and speech - With annotations [possibly by William Benton?], 1952 Box 747 Folder 8 Election - Adlai Stevenson - Public statements and campaign materials from Illinois, 1952 Box 747 Folder 9 Election - Democratic National Committee, Adlai Stevenson and General Eisenhower Campaign materials - [Collected by Charles Benton?], 1952 Box 747 Folder 10 Election - Democratic National Committee Handbooks, 1952 Box 747 Folder 11 Election - Adlai Stevenson - Public statements and campgain materials, 1956 610 Box 747 Folder 12 Election - Adlai Stevenson - "TV for Victory Fund" - Campaign materials - Chicago - With ephemera, 1956 Box 747 Folder 13 Election - - Mock Election Materials, 1956 Box 748 Folder 1 Democratic National Convention - Democratic Manual for the Democratic National Convention - Belonging to William Benton, 1952 Box 748 Folder 2 Democratic National Convention - With William Benton's speech and ephermera, 1956 Box 748 Folder 3 Democratic National Convention - William Benton Testimony on Platform, 1956 Box 748 Folder 4 Democratic National Convention - Memorabilia of the Benton family - With ephemera, 1956 Box 748 Folder 5 Democratic National Convention - Programs, speeches and platform, 1960 • Folder 6: Democratic National Convention - Publications distributed at the Convention, 1960 Box 748 Folder 7 Democratic National Convention - Temporary Roll of Delegates and Roll of Delegates, 1960 Box 748 Folder 8 Democratic National Convention - Press materials and photograph of Biltmore Hotel, 1960 • Includes a letter from Radio Station WNMP that Charles Benton and Victor Gotbaum will tape interviews from the Convention. Box 748 Folder 9 Democratic National Convention - Platform and presentation guidelines, 1972 Box 749 Folder 1 Eastern Europe Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in Russia, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia - Research for article in 1956 Britannica Book of the Year, [1/2] 1955 Box 749 Folder 2

611 Eastern Europe Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in Russia, Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia - Research for article in 1956 Britannica Book of the Year, [2/2] 1955 Box 749 Folder 3 Eastern Europe Trip - Articles written by Helen Benton, 1956 Box 749 Folder 4 Latin America Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in Argentina, 1960 Box 749 Folder 5 Soviet Union Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in the Soviet Union, [1/3] 1962 Box 749 Folder 6 Soviet Union Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in the Soviet Union, [2/3] 1962 Box 749 Folder 7 Soviet Union Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in the Soviet Union, [3/3] 1962 Box 750 Folder 1 Soviet Union Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in the Soviet Union - With index [1/2], 1964 • Memos are numbered and include a typewritten table of contents. The table of contents indicates that the interviews were held May 18-29, 1964, but that Benton's interview with Premier Kruschev is not included because it was classified by the State Department. The Kruschev interview is handwritten into the index as Memo A at the end of the table of contents, and can be found in folder 2. These reports include information about planning the visit of Russian artists to the Benton Compound in the United States. Box 750 Folder 2 Soviet Union Trip - Reports on William Benton's interviews in the Soviet Union [2/2], 1964 Box 750 Folder 3 Miscellaneous - "USSR Census," Population Bulletin Volume 15.4, 1959 Box 750 Folder 4 Miscellaneous - "China Goes to School" - Unidentified typescript that appears to be an updated manuscript of Warren Preece manuscript "Education in China" found in Box 538, circa 1960s Box 750 Folder 5

612 Miscellaneous - George Kennan - "Diary of Cruise Aboard 'M/V ARVI' June 21-July 15, 1971 - With letter to William Benton, 1971 Subseries 5: Audiovisual Box 751 Folder 1 Photograph - Helen Hemingway (Benton) as bridesmaid, undated Box 751 Folder 2 Photographs - Wililiam and Helen Benton and children, undated Box 751 Folder 3 Photograph - Willliam Benton, undated Box 751 Folder 4 Photograph - Helen Hemingway (Benton) - Connecticut College Graduation Picture, 1922 Box 751 Folder 5 Photographs - William Benton - Seven photos of Benton at the University of Chicago - With ephemera, 1944 Box 751 Folder 6 Photograph - Benton family - "In Vice President Barkley's Office, July 6, 1950" - With ephemera, 1950 • Includes a letter from William Bention to his son, Charles Benton from August 2, 1950. Box 751 Folder 7 Photographs - Democratic National Convention - With ephemera, 1952 • Typed caption: "Photographs taken from the television screen at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in the summer of 1952. (Sent to Senator Benton by Mr. Joseph Fisch of the Harvard Law School Forum shortly after Senator Benton addressed the Forum in February 1955.) Box 751 Folder 8 Photograph - Benton family - Visiting President Tito on Brioni, 1953 Box 751 Folder 9 Photograph - Governor Stevenson and family visiting the Benton family - Eze-Sur-Mer, August 5-19, 1953 Box 751 Folder 10 Photograph - William, Helen and John Benton in Moscow - November 7, 1955 - With ephemera, 1955 • Includes a typed press reslease about the visit and the photograph. 613 Box 751 Folder 11 Photograph - Hubert H. and Muriel Humphrey - With inscription to Helen and William Benton and ephemera, 1958 • Includes autograph letter from Hubert H. Humphrey to Helen Benton. Box 751 Folder 12 Photographs - William and Helen Benton with Adlai Stevenson - Bullfight in Valencia, Spain, July, 1959 Box 751 Folder 13 Photograph - William and Helen Benton with Adlai Stevenson and others on the "Flying Clipper," 1959 Box 751 Folder 14 Photographs - William Benton and Adlai Stevenson - Trip to Latin America, late 1950s Box 751 Folder 15 Photograph - William Benton, circa 1960 Box 751 Folder 16 Photograph - William Benton with Ambassador Blair and Mary Lasker - With caption and ephemera, 1961 Box 751 Folder 17 Photograph - UNESCO House, Paris - William Benton, 1963 Box 751 Folder 18 Photographs - Soviet writers visiting the Benton estate in Southport, CT - With ephemera, 1964 • Includes correspondence with Tamara Mamedova and newspaper articles, from Thanksgiving 1964. Box 751 Folder 19 Photograph - William Benton receiving the first William Benton Medal from the University of Chicago and University President George Beadle - With ephemera and caption, 1968 Box 751 Folder 20 Photograph - William Benton and Marjorie Craig Benton, circa late 1960s-1970s Box 751 Folder 21 Audio cassette tape - "Senator Benton's Speech, National Sales Meeting, 10/1/1961" - Encyclopaedia Britannica - Three copies, undated • Three copies; one copy says Part 1 - 36:49, Part 2 - 25:03. Box 751 614 Folder 22 Audio cassette tape - "How to Think about Mortimer" - Dr. Mortimer J. Adler's 80th Birthday Celebration - December 18, 1982, undated Box 752 Folder 1 Photograph - Grace and Tom Dodd - With Inscription to Helen and William Benton, undated Box 752 Folder 2 Photograph - Hubert and Muriel Humphrey - With inscription to Helen and William Benton, undated Box 752 Folder 3 Photograph - Man - Taken by Florence Homalka - With inscription from unidentified person on ephemera, undated Box 752 Folder 4 Photograph - U.S. Capitol Building - With ephemera, undated Box 752 Folder 5 Photograph - Benton family in Vice President Alben Barkley's Office - With caption, circa 1950 Box 752 Folder 6 Photograph - William Benton and Adlai Stevenson - Latin American Trip - Taken by Borden Stevenson, late 1950s Box 752 Folder 7 Photograph - Helen Benton - May 1961 Crimea Conference - Taken by Norman Cousins - With caption, 1961 Box 752 Folder 8 Photograph - Lady Bird Johnson with painting donated by Mr. and Mrs. Benton - With correspondence, 1967 Box 752 Folder 9 Photograph - Lady Bird and Lyndon Johnson - Inscribed ephemera to William and Helen Benton, 1968 Box 753 Folder 1 5-inch reel - "Hutchins, Stevenson, etc. Great Speech at EB Sales Dinner - Fall '59 - 2 sides - Speed 3 ¾" - With ephemera, mailing label from Encyclopedia Britannica to Mr. Charles Benton, 1959 Box 753 Folder 2

615 5-inch reel - "CBS Film with Senator Benton - Per Mrs. Hoffman's memo to Senator Benton of February 13, 1969" - Handwritten note - "Send to Pheonix" and "Pheonix," 1969 Box 753 Folder 3 7-inch reel - "From the EB - Fall of '59, Mortimer Adler on the Great Books (an unexpurgated of Hutchins, Stevenson Speech before EB salesmen)," 1959 Box 753 Folder 4 7-inch reel - "Interview in Sen. Benton's Office on Feb. 25, 1972, The interviewer is the Rev. Don F. Crosby, S.J who has written a book about McCarthy" - "7.5 IPS" - With ephemera "To Louise Benton, Thought you might want to keep this," sender name uncertain, 1972 Box 754 16mm film - Unlabelled - MGM logo visible on start of reel, undated Box 754 16mm film - Unlabelled - "JFK ASSASSINATION" visible on film in reel, undated Box 755 16mm film - Unlabelled - Ephemera - Original canister with crossed out mailing label from NBC to Mr. Hal Levinson - Canister had sticker with "#50" affixed to it, undated Box 756 16mm film - "Italy Builds Again - Benton" - Two copies, undated Box 757 16mm film - "Italy Rebuilds, Senator William Benton," undated Box 757 16mm film - "Sen. Benton - Italy Rebuilds 1950" - With ephemera, 1950. On label: "Return to Robert F. Claffey" and contained a note from 16mm Cinema Service. Box 758 16mm film - "New Italy," undated Box 758 16mm film - "New Italy, First Sample Print, Benton #1145," undated Box 759 16mm film - "The Third Hundred Years" - Encyclopaedia Britannica - With ephemera, undated. On label: Wilding, A Communications Agency Specializing in Marketing and Promotion; 18 minutes; note "w/ sollo tag." Identical label underneath, but last note replaced by "w/ sikking tag." Box 759 16mm film - "The Third Hundred Years" - Encyclopaedia Britannica, undated. On label: Wilding, Bell and Howell; Reel Size 615'; running time 16 ½ min. Box 760 16mm film - "Senator Benton's Campaign Spots," circa 1952 Box 760 16mm film - "Benton, Washington TV Spot, Release Print, for [3 or 4]/3/52," circa 1952 Box 761 16mm film - "Italy Rebuilds, TV (11:30)," undated. On label: Benton (wait for cue) 7:31 (11:30 minutes). 616 Box 761 16mm film - "Wm. Benton Introducing Italian Films" - With post-it note, "1952 Conn. Senate Campaign," undated Box 762 16mm film - "Fighting Senator," circa 1952 Box 762 16mm film - "Fighting Senator, (n50) Senate Campaign," 1952 Box 763 16mm film - "Sen. Benton: 1952 Campaign Film" - "2/16/53" written on original canister, 1952 Box 763 16mm film - "Here's Bill Benton" - Ephemera, letter affixed to original canister dated 2/1/1984, film undated. These two films were in the same box with the letter from 1984, which asks if two films can be spliced together. It is not clear if the second film contains the first, or if these were the two films the letter asks about putting together, of if the film from 1952 is unrelated to the letter and the second film. Box 764 16mm film - "Title: The Chicagoans - Senator Wm. Benton, For: Encyclopedia Britannica," 1961 Subseries 6: Oversize Box 765 Folder 1 Correspondence – William Benton to Charles Benton, 1948-1962 • This correspondence includes enclosed articles and speeches by William Benton and others. One letter contains Benton's explanation of Truman's victory in 1948. Box 765 Folder 2 Correspondence - Materials sent to Charles Benton by the William Benton Campaign, 1952 Box 765 Folder 3 Correspondence - Materials sent to Marjorie Craig (Benton) from the William Benton Campaign, 1952 Box 765 Folder 4 Correspondence - Archibald MacLeish to William Benton, 1972 Box 765 Folder 5 Campaign literature and memorabilia – [Collected by Charles Benton?], 1956 • Adlai Stevenson campaign memorabilia book of matches from the 1956 Democratic National Convention removed from folder. See staff. Box 765 Folder 6 Articles – Book review clippings of John Kenneth Galbraith's The New Industrial State, undated 617 Box 766 Folder 1 Political Cartoon - Herb Block - Drawing of William Benton - "The American Story" - With inscription to William Benton, 1950 Box 766 Folder 2 Political Cartoon - Herb Block - Drawing of McCarthy censure - With inscription to William Benton, 1954 Box 766 Folder 3 Political Cartoon - Herb Block - Print - "Children of Agnes Meyer" - With inscription to William Benton 1970 Box 766 Folder 4 Political Cartoon - Reg Manning - Drawing - "Demo. Platform Builders" - With inscription to William Benton and ephemera, 1972 Box 766 Folder 5 Political Cartoon - Sid Hix - Drawing of William Benton interrupting an NARTB-TV Board Meeting - With clipping of cartoon, undated Box 766 Folder 6 Political Cartoon - Sid Hix - Print of William Benton - With inscription to William Benton, undated Box 766 Folder 7 Newspaper - The Washington Post - "History of World War II," 1945 Box 766 Folder 8 Newspaper - The Pheonix Gazette - "The Atomic Future" by Howard Blakeslee, 1946 Box 766 Folder 9 Magazine - Life for March 1, 1948 Box 766 Folder 10 Articles about William Benton, 1948-1952 Box 766 Folder 11 Newspaper Clippings – Recipes and art, 1953 Box 766 Folder 12 Newspapers - Yale News, 1953 Box 766 Folder 13 Campaign newspapers - Democratic Party - "The New America" and "Stevenson Bandwagon," 1956 618 Box 766 Folder 14 Campaign Memorabilia – Democratic National Convention - Scorecard with notes, 1960 Box 766 Folder 15 Poster - Broadcast Advertising - "We Pay our Respects to William Benton" - Originally framed profile with photograph, 1938 Box 766 Folder 16 Certificate - Naming William Benton a senator from Connecticut, 1949 Box 766 Folder 17 Certificate - Appointing Helen Benton to Board of Trustees – Connecticut Child Society and Treatment House, 1958 Box 766 Folder 18 Certificate - Expression of thanks from UNESCO to William Benton, 1968 Box 766 Folder 19 Certificate - Lifetime membership of Helen Benton - Fairfield Democratic Women's Club, 1970 Box 766 Folder 20 Map - William Benton property in Southport, Connecticut, undated Box 766 Folder 21 Portrait - Laura Cornell - Drawing of Helen Benton, undated Box 767 Folder 1 Newspaper - The Arizona Republic - "V.E. Day," 1945 Box 767 Folder 2 Poster - William Benton - Senate campaign, circa 1950 Box 767 Folder 3 Newspaper articles - William and Helen Benton, 1950-1952 Box 767 Folder 4 Newspapers - National elections, 1952 Box 767 Folder 5 Articles and campgain materials - National Election, 1956 Box 767 Folder 6 Newspapers - National Elections, 1956, 1960 Box 767 619 Folder 7 Articles and obituaries - William Benton, 1973-1975 Box 767 Folder 8 Poster - Quotation from Old Saint Paul's Church in Baltimore, MD, undated Box 768 Folder 1 Photograph – State Department William Benton Farewell Party - With signatures, 1 October 1947 Box 768 Folder 2 Poster - "Kalendar of Principal Events in the early and middle life of William Benton," for his 65th birthday - Two copies, 1 April 1965 Box Oversize Memorabilia Portrait of William Benton by Ed Weiss, undated Box Oversize Memorabilia Monogrammed attache case, William Benton, undated Box Oversize Memorabilia Decoupage screen of letters to "Voice of America" presented to William Benton at his State Department farewill party, 1947