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Complete Issue _____________________________________________________________ Volume 6 May-October 1991 Number 2-3 _____________________________________________________________ Editor Editorial Assistants John Miles Foley David Henderson J. Chris Womack Whitney A. Womack Slavica Publishers, Inc. For a complete catalog of books from Slavica, with prices and ordering information, write to: Slavica Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 14388 Columbus, Ohio 43214 ISSN: 0883-5365 Each contribution copyright (c) 1991 by its author. All rights reserved. The editor and the publisher assume no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion by the authors. Oral Tradition seeks to provide a comparative and interdisciplinary focus for studies in oral literature and related fields by publishing research and scholarship on the creation, transmission, and interpretation of all forms of oral traditional expression. As well as essays treating certifiably oral traditions, OT presents investigations of the relationships between oral and written traditions, as well as brief accounts of important fieldwork, a Symposium section (in which scholars may reply at some length to prior essays), review articles, occasional transcriptions and translations of oral texts, a digest of work in progress, and a regular column for notices of conferences and other matters of interest. In addition, occasional issues will include an ongoing annotated bibliography of relevant research and the annual Albert Lord and Milman Parry Lectures on Oral Tradition. OT welcomes contributions on all oral literatures, on all literatures directly influenced by oral traditions, and on non-literary oral traditions. Submissions must follow the list-of reference format (style sheet available on request) and must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return or for mailing of proofs; all quotations of primary materials must be made in the original language(s) with following English translations. Authors should submit two copies of all manuscripts. Most contributions will be reviewed by at least one specialist reader and one member of the editorial board before a final decision is reached. Review essays, announcements, and contributions to the Symposium section will be evaluated by the editor in consultation with the board. Oral Tradition appears three times per year, in January, May, and October. Annual subscription charges are $18 for individuals and $35 for libraries and other institutions. All manuscripts, books for review, items for the annual bibliography, and editorial correspondence, as well as subscriptions and related inquiries should be addressed to the editor, John Miles Foley, Center for Studies in Oral Tradition, 301 Read Hall, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. Printed in the United States of America. Serbo-Croatian Oral Traditions Guest Editor John S. Miletich EDITORIAL BOARD Patricia Arant Joseph J. Duggan Brown University Univ. of Cal./Berkeley Russian French, Spanish, comparative Samuel Armistead Alan Dundes University of California/Davis Univ. of Cal./Berkeley Hispanic, comparative Folklore Ilhan Bașgöz Mark W. Edwards Indiana University Stanford University Turkish Ancient Greek Franz H. Bäuml Ruth Finnegan Univ. of Cal./Los Angeles Open University Middle High German African, South Pacific Roderick Beaton Donald K. Fry King’s College, London Poynter Institute Modern Greek Old English Dan Ben-Amos Joseph Harris University of Pennsylvania Harvard University Folklore Old Norse Daniel Biebuyck Melissa Heckler University of Delaware New York Storytelling Center African Storytelling Issa J. Boullata Elizabeth Jeffreys McGill University University of Sydney Arabic Byzantine Greek David E. Bynum Michael Jeffreys Cleveland State University University of Sydney East European, comparative Byzantine Greek Robert P. Creed Minna Skafte Jensen Univ. of Mass./Amherst University of Copenhagen Old English, comparative Ancient Greek, Latin Robert Culley Werner Kelber McGill University Rice University Biblical Studies Biblical Studies EDITORIAL BOARD Robert Kellogg Isidore Okpewho University of Virginia University of Ibadan Old Germanic, comparative African, Ancient Greek Victor Mair Walter J. Ong University of Pennsylvania St. Louis University (Emeritus) Chinese Hermeneutics of orality and literacy John S. Miletich Jeff Opland Las Vegas, Nevada Vassar College Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, African, Old English comparative D. Gary Miller Svetozar Petrović University of Florida University of Novi Sad Linguistics, Ancient Greek Serbo-Croatian, Critical theory Nada Milošević-Djordjević Burton Raffel University of Belgrade Univ. of Southwestern Serbo-Croatian Louisiana Translation Michael Nagler Alain Renoir Univ. of Cal./Berkeley Univ. of Cal./Berkeley Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, (Emeritus) comparative Old Germanic, Old French, comparative Gregory Nagy Bruce A. Rosenberg Harvard University Brown University Ancient Greek, Sanskrit, Folk narrative, Medieval comparative literature Joseph Falaky Nagy Joel Sherzer Univ. of Cal./Los Angeles University of Texas/Austin Old Irish Native American, Anthropology Jacob Neusner Dennis Tedlock Brown University SUNY/Buffalo Hebrew, Biblical StudiesFelix Native American Felix J. Oinas Jeff Todd Titon Indiana University Brown University Finnish, Russian Music EDITORIAL BOARD J. Barre Toelken Ruth Webber Utah State University University of Chicago Folklore, Native American (Emerita) Spanish, comparative Leo Treitler Michael Zwettler SUNY/Stony Brook Ohio State University Music Arabic Ronald J. Turner Univ. of Missouri/Columbia Storytelling Contents Editor’s Column...................................................................................... 143 John S. Miletich Introduction ..................................................................................145 Vladimir Bovan Yugoslav Oral Lyric, Primarily in Serbo-Croatian ......................148 Hatidža Krnjević Notes on the Poetics of Serbo-Croatian Folk Lyric .....................174 Tome Sazdov Macedonian Folk Poetry, Principally Lyric ................................186 Josip Kekez Bugaršćice: A Unique Type of Archaic Oral Poetry ....................200 Maja Bošković-Stulli Balladic Forms of the Bugarštica and Epic Songs ......................225 Zmaga Kumer The Folk Ballad in Slovenia .........................................................239 Jelka Ređep The Legend of Kosovo.................................................................. 253 Marija Kleut Concluding Formulas of Audience Address in Serbo-Croatian Oral Epic........................................................ 266 Novak Kilibarda The Montenegrin Oral Epic in a New Perspective ......................279 Đenana Buturović The Geographic Extent and Chronological Coordinates of South Slavic Moslem Oral Epic ...............................................284 Zdeslav Dukat Enjambement as a Criterion for Orality in Homeric and South Slavic Epic Poetry .......................................................303 Nada Milošević-Đorđević Continuity and Change in Folk Prose Narrative .........................316 About the Authors ...................................................................................325 Index to Volume 6 ...................................................................................327 Editor’s Column With the present double issue on Serbo-Croatian traditions, Oral Tradition comes to the end of its sixth year of publication. Devoting a special issue to this part of the world at this particular time is of signifi cance in at least two ways. First, as these essays go to press, the post war creation called Yugoslavia is in the throes of disunifi cation, with Croatia and Slovenia having declared independence and Serbia attempting to maintain the nation-state. Warfare has broken out; lives are being lost and cities destroyed. We can only hope that some solution to the long- standing ethnic hatred can be found, for the sake of all concerned. In the midst of this hostility, it may be diffi cult to remember that Yugoslavia was, with ancient Greece, the birthplace of what is historically one of the most important approaches to studies in oral tradition. In 1933-35 Milman Parry and Albert Lord undertook the fi eld expeditions throughout Yugoslavia that would lead to an unparalleled acoustic and dictated archive of traditional oral narrative, primarily epic. This region served in effect as the “living laboratory” in which, they theorized, Parry’s hypotheses about the dead-language tradition of Homeric epic could be tested. That beginning has led to investigations by hundreds of scholars in scores of different language areas,1 and we have the guslari of the South Slavic lands to thank for helping to make possible this way of understanding oral tradition. Thus it is especially poignant to report the recent death of Albert Lord, the co-founder of what has become known as the Oral Theory (but which by its demonstration in dozens of traditions has moved well beyond the status of a hypothesis).2 With his classic The Singer of Tales, the editions of Serbo-Croatian Heroic Songs, numerous articles, and the 1991 Epic Singers and Oral Tradition, Lord transformed the original juxtaposition of Homer and the Serbo-Croatian bards into a genuinely comparative fi eld of investigation, wherein today we can learn about similarities and differences among traditions from all over the world. Because it was Albert’s work that, more than that of any of his contemporaries, created a need for this journal, Oral Tradition will dedicate its next issue
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