pROgRaM OReSUND aRCHITeCTURe+ DeSIgN DaYS SepTeMBeR 10-12 page 1 page 2 INTRODUkTION: Oresund Add It’s 2010, and it has now been 10 years since the very first cars and trains crossed the Oresund, finally connecting the entire Oresund region by bridge. since that time, the region has undergone rapid development and in many ways has been a frontrunner for sustainable development across national borders. The clearest and most distinctive developments in the area have taken place within architecture, where sustainability is often integrated into materials, design, and interiors. At Oresund Architecture and design days, you can take part in more than 25 tours that will explore the architectural development in the region. The tours include discovering a brand-new urban area in Malmö, a bicycle tour focusing on sustainability, a guided tour of Christania’s naturally evolved path system, and a visit to the 54th floor of the famous Malmö landmark, the Turning Torso - all free of charge. FRee BUSeS aCROSS THe OReSUND We have free buses across the bridge on saturday and sunday to make it easier for you to experience architecture on both sides of the Øresund. Departing from konserthuset Malmo: 10 AM saturday 11th, Föreningsgatan 35, 12 AM saturday 11th, Föreningsgatan 35, 10 AM sunday 12th, Föreningsgatan 35 10 AM sunday 12th, Föreningsgatan 35. reserve your seat by mailing
[email protected]. Departing from Copenhagen Visitors Bureau: 11 AM saturday 11th, Vesterbrogade 4, 1 PM saturday 11th, Vesterbrogade 4, 11 AM sunday 12th, Vesterbrogade 4, 1 PM sunday 12th, Vesterbrogade 4 Tickets can be picked up at Wonderful Copenhagen Tourist Information at Vesterbrogade 4, 1620 Copenhagen V (Dk) This tour will take place in danish (Se) This tour will take place in swedish (Uk) This tour will take place in english pagepage 33 FlODHeSTe HUSeT kBH FReDag DeN 10.