Typical CaUeret Young Mothers Await Accolades Sunday

• I, MT unir Irrlh" ailu Buwn ol hfr mothrr, MRS. NANCY 11 Stima Avenur., mothrr of four. al!W m ther f MRS 1UDY RlSK()l l2 Slima Avenue sh WI1 oml)in lh(1 hilir nf •, u\,„!'v ° ° - - " * « Thomas. She has two MRS. JOYTK ('ASSH)Y. 3 Sc/urka Place, mother of fhre mab- son, children. Ing KOO-KOO ryrs at youngest, Townee, Photos by Windsor Lakln

\ iNcwspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, dearly u tlu- (.oiiimunity Interest And Impartially Each Week Full l^oral Coverage Complete News Pictures

XLU-52 rufellibrd Wrtkly On thd Knterrt u 2nd CUu Mall Carteret, New Jersey, Thursday, May 6, 1965 At P 0., CuUnt, M. 1, PRICE TEN CENTS People You Should Know Mayor And Boncelet In. KeasOR homestead at 612 Roosevelt Ave- .;. A showplace when It was erected by Dr K,M j. Reason in 1901. when Cartertt was a .::;,,:1 part of Woodbiidgp Township, has been Clash Over Naming . ;,i ind the retired phy«ician who will be 8H M December 31, has taken up his new abode vi, Mrs, Reason, the former Emma Marks at :vi Giiirgt Street, in thr W«rt CarteTet section. Dr Reason, a general practitioner here for Of Borough Planner wars; has retired from practice several years ;(•' He and his wife became quit*- depressed CARTERFiT —jfhe appointment iv i their only son. John Albert Rea.son died of a plynne? for Ihe Urban Rene*, jal P^f/jgram cjmie iftider heavy v I years ago. "pt»n Majfer Andrew Baniil,- V, tan Dr. ftguan began hi* practice in Carter- Carter Named New F^Q, last night at the Cotocti meetir.n e was the\paly Snyai ian X$\P Jived there, m&aitet.a heated diacussiw witV his Republican adversa'si;, Coun Diretijtotfj&f". Personnelctoait. Charles Boncelet, the j mayor said he would veto the ap the early lWO's, Dr. 8«Mor\ charged only pointment after it was passid ente for an Office call and $1 for a house along party lines. 4-2. His price for delivery of a child wa* S10 to CARTERET - The appoint- Banick made it clear that he He figures that he" delivered sornl 4,000 menl of James L. Carter as understood that a planner wis 1 needed but wanted time to discus; Persnnnel Supervisor at the lo- :• s He revei got paid for many of tht deliv- l.lXilON KSSAY WINNERS: from left to right, front row. Rose Marie Da (irara, Albert Zachik, and Patricia .Stojka, Hear row: the matter with the proposed firm He had a lot of unpaid bills on his books William V. l.arriwm, Contest Chairman; Jamas Skitka, I'nst Commander; Francis Toiuczuk, Contest Judge; and Robert S/igeli, cal plant of FMC Corporation of Kehayas Associates. When he I he retired, but never took the trouble to Contest Judjf. was announced by Edward J. 'said that he would like to find •ft them. Guididas, Industrial Rotations j out what the borough would have, to pay the company for its work, < was reminiscing about the borough the Manager. Mr. Carter has been r day He remembers the first industries 1 Boncelet said that Council had . Health Offieer Safety Essay Winners Union Ratifies employed by FMC since {'Ml at no control over the fee since It ii moved into Carttret and the old electric their Newport, Indiana plant. was fixed by the federal govern- ; pjarii which was owned by the borough; ment. Contract with He is a graduate of Indiana the public docks where excursion boats Issues Warning Feted by Legion Post University: with a B. S. degree When Councilman John Hutnick asked the mayor whether he had 'd leave from the Blazing Star Landing at CAKTERET - Nicholas J.( in Personnel and Labor Rela- Rice. Health Officer of the Bor-J CARTERET - "Wjith a pagean-|Family School. been consulted on the matter he ot of Roosevel1 t Avenue. jn add-on to Foster Wheeler Dr Heason was one of the original members ough of (Wrt. announced a'try befitting their achievements, the monetary awards each win- tions. replied "I was not." Banick tnen • t t « . 7u « L .. uii|jiimi uic^iucia ii:(fina_*_l t warnint__. ; to _delinquenui. mit es-'ou,nnpr )(W196S5 ,'modelsmnrtpl,. 1 navhave e j^,fcen, un-|neun-1ner receivereceived aann AmericaAmerican"Leeion Legiomn CARTERET - Ljcal 440 IUE-; went on to say that he did not Prior to joining FMC, Carter it staff of the Rahway Hospital when it was • tahlishments subject to licenses! veiled", commented Conbnander Safety Essay Medal.-. |AFL-CI0 today ratified a new onei want any "hassles after the man • 1; in the early 1900s and was a physician for bv h* Ornirtmeiii of Health.Barnes Skitka of the local Legion Chairman William V. Larrison.jyear contract with the Foster! served two years in the US starts his work — I want a clear- Wheeler Corporation in Carteret. < |KK>r of Woodbridge Township. He alao was j stated that all licenses issued Pust- in his address to the gathering, Army and as Production Fore- cut picture of what he is todo. The'new contract provided for •'••uient of the Carteret Board of Health in bv the neparjmeni expire thr The "models" were the to,p. citied the co-operation of Sister man at the General Motors Councilman Nicholas Del Vac- !| Mary Honorata and Sister Mary a nine to twelve cent increase for chio. who said he had ir|terviewed !i nut 1915 Just before entering the Army j3ist of December of each year, that' essayists whose themes. plant in Anderson, Indiana, tlis In noting laxitv on (he part "Safety at Home on the_ Street Uretta, principals of Holy Family|production workers and ten cents| the man, and Councilmen Thomas '•• • World Wfar I, he was (thief medical ex- wife, June, and their three sons of certain applicable individ- and in the School", should serve School and St. Joseph's Schoolifor salaried workers. In addition,; Devertn and Hutnick also got into « I U»:t Board N| 4. , luals Mr , Rice further stated;M models of safety awareness for respectively. the Company agreed to pay for soon will be moving to this area. JAMES L. CARTKK the argument. ii iyiy-1920, Dr. Reason was a member of the 'that II is not the responsibility everyone to follow The Chairman announced thatj any future increase in Blue Cross When the mayor said that he •"iouirh Council. A few years latefvhe was the The recipients of these aeco-|twoof the pupils who partiefpated and Blue Shield insurance. The would not sign for the appoint- 1 ' were Rose Marie De Gracain the contest at a special 'work- Corn,|>any also agreed to put a i'ublican candidate for mayor, losing by only nunil establishments to renew ment until "I think I am doing sixteen cent Cost of Living factor Patch and Scrape the, right thing," Boncelet the* '•votes. • intcjthe wage rates. In the event made a motion which passed to The flu epidemic of 19J7 and 19ls stand out (if any possible plant closing, the Of Boats Now On Banick In Plea the council president sign ins memory. Dr. Reason worked day and Bom|. and Patricia Stojka, 12 E. recipients were Shirley Schlian.tCompany and the Union will meet the measure. It was after this ~nt along with other physicians in their ef- ment of Health. • , • . „ *10 cash award. 590 Roosevelt Avenue, an eighth I to nesotiate a severance pay pro- that the mayor said he would In accordance with the Eating «* _ • js anj dghth grader ;lt Nathan Hale and Vic-Ivision. There were also Contract To Voters Asks "s to aave the lives of those affected. He said CARTERET-Ahoy, ail mates veto the appointment. I j I k Drinking frond Establishment,"'", , s, JosePh's School Mr toria Fisher, 1252 Roosevelt language modifications ^ind job riospitali were all overcrowded and that 1 improvements tthe season is upon us. Owners Acting on a letter from the F«- : Code, all establishments pre••f' " ' 'd Miss stojka also'Avenue, a sixth grade student at inequities ' v lacked the modern serum of today which Negotiations for the U.ion were! at the Carteret waterfront look Boncelet Defeat deral Housing Authority, theimuy- paring, serving or storing un- *' n tteml Holy'Minue School. , or set Monday night for a meet- •"'d have curbed the epidtmic before it reached b John mnk " - •! with dismay at the work which II packaged food or food products, ugn^i»»__PP__. TZ^tt ,VI»®«M V *< **<* ing between the local authority, ;ii a dbartroua stage. must be done before they put the governing body and the Plan- Ur are ie.|i>irecl to apply for license ~ I-atrtllnfJnil Fnr VFW Mav lvP'«W; Harold Cromwell, vice out to sea this year. ning Board to select an imme- - Reason enjoyed bicycle riding in his renewal without further notice.^ UlStflllHUOll * OF IT W lUdJ 1J |p | , . Michael Woynanjwski, CARTERET - In a public •unger days and baseball and boxing were a r(;sil L nl But nnce the major repairs diate site for the 110 unit senior deVi.Xi'ni 'wJre Beauty "par CAKTERET - Ajfred F«u*e ceronony for the post and ^S^^^fHabert'BeUteJr^i nrc made,, once they'vy e lamich- statement issued this week, fitizens building. favorite sports. In recent years he spa lors, HarlHT shops, Food trucks, win be installed n^w_comman-|auxiliary^ ^ _ _J ^ ^|(ei. ^^ .,nd Mi(;hael Capp. ed the suason with their first Mr. Fenske, a life1 member of Mayor Andrefw W. Btyilck, Re- The Council in a resolution, ]••'• summer at his lake-front rjome In La! Milk Delivery, Non Alcoholic der ol star Landing Posl 23l4 The ll'E-AFL-CIO was represent- spying trip, yiju can be^ they'll Lake the Post' and who has been a publican, ur^ed the defeat of condemned the Board of Free- Bncraiii's. Ice Cream. Plumb Veterans of Foreign Wars at a ed [by Samuel Irueba, Assistant hej back again and again — -jiiapee, N. H,, but abandonrd it because of the holder for the "short-sighted ac- int! and Rooming Houses. It is i day night, member for twenty years.1 is a to President Weilrauch. The Com- pajtchiim, scraping, cleaning and Councilman 'Charles Boncelet '"iHiHy inltraveling. frte t0 te he d Satur tion in its failure ijo provide I the inti'iilimi of the Department ]y[ ,. 15 at 8 " ' '" !i"n "th"e ~~"pos*t Marine Corps. Veteran Waving pa|iy Nt'uotiatdfs included the pampering the boat they call in the Republican June t pri- a served with the Third Marijies in funds for a Carteret Industrial '<'urtyret,' he said the other day "seams a to !«'j;in iisuing summons to lawyer, Harold Kennedy; John their pwn. 11 Harris Street and Per- tV Pacific in World War II for mary. Koad." V ofimy life. I meet men and women, who an> and all delinquent clas.sifi- ' ' Manniim, Personnel Director; and! more than three yearn and is a This was passed over the ob- ' f^andfathers and grandmothers and to think cations requiring licenses for!sn'"^ Emil Kovacs, STORY HOtljt The mayor declared that "the lt It Will be a joint installation recipient of the Purple Heart jections of Deverin who said thiit I delivered them when they were babies." 196.V among other awards, He has The contract had expired on people of the borough must per- such a resolution "might jeopan- negotiations had CAKTERET - Mrs. Audrey been active with the Post Honor April Zi, but form their civic duty and re- ilize us in Setting federal funth continued on the request of Com- Lane will be the story reader ior Suard and has served as Trustee, move Council President from — we should wait av^hile before missioner John Wagner of thy children at the Free Public Libr;i- taking such action." Junior and Senior Vice Comman- office in the primary." qpr. Federal Mediation Service. ry, Saturday from 1 to 2 P. M. Uoncelet in reply said that h-t ilicl not want "this to be an lslsni U'arti'ivti where we just pay t;n • Your Memories of Mama es lo the county and. jj''t Hull' '•', I in return" "Carleret's money ;i beini; used c!.sewhi"'e mil we ;;elli"K no Ivni'fil", he added unconcerned. Perhaps she was patient, a trifle In iimither action Coundinvn Will mark Mother's Day Sunday: • Charles Uoliunek moved i;nai lti.; •'"'"•- are m4ny kinda of mothers, all of them stern or completely elegant,. Cnuuril, which ran obtain a loni Ul)'«' in one way or unother. Some are young, Mama loved Sunday. Maybe in your house, ut $5,1100 lur sludy of the jew '"' £ your growing years you felt both her their young ones to one place or another. There lK w s the Carteret Jayceetj, is the same comfort and kindness and constant ffiduTMHahBOii.nluilwer. Mu» tiruhin. landlord; Mayor Biuk-k. Cumii-Uiiuu. Juhi Hutuitk, Shirtoy C Backett, cmnl*- to the proposed '"r will and her love. Maybe she was a little [|« !r ^'hai'll «rl «r«; Walter Sdufflumxr. exec u..« director, aud WUIiam Linde, , .wrther c«»mi«k»u,r. IM advice. n uaUU inflate looatiig to th»l ""'• always In a hurry or a bit too plump U the front it> Murrta 1. Uruhiu. nil high faahloa«v$n In her day but happily On Sunday, Remember Mama. Independent T,eac1er (EB) - Carteret PAfTC TWO Thursday, Hay 6, 1965

nu.. . Head Foster Wheeler Boros6 h Student Hear Teen-Agers Jewish Community News Ubituanes D . In Panel Review GEORGE ZOFCHAK Prize winner CARTKRET- A teen-age •>-.„, CARTERET-Michael Mmkaly, Carteret CARTERET - dtorRe Znfrhak, lisnisslnn was conducted a • Sr.. 191 Randolph Street died Ir, of 13 r,eorge Street, Cftrtwf April me»tlng of lheCart*mHi»!I \pril 27 at his home. He was born ha» won a Fourth Prlne In the SH,™,! r.T.A. Mri. Jowph R" in Czechoslovakia and hart Seen :th Annual Poster Contest spon kr>. program chairman wan nw>- •itnr »f the panel, :i resident of Carterpt for w years wred hy the American Maritime liofnre retiring eight years ago, r.irtii-ipants were wninr v 'in was employed nl Ihr Cities Industry in cooperation with the Mnritimp Administration and thr ilonti .Inseph Bodnar, who m, ^Tvioe Oil Refinery, Linden fnr nn curriculum In the schools SM :'<\ years a* n medianic l'n«t Office Iirpt.. It was annonnc run Holder, who di«nis«pd *yr,' fte is survived hy ttts wife Mary >•«ur«>s on teen-agerv and R ' Itinik Zrtfrhnk find one son. tiPurjp •larrl J. Patten 'D-NJ1 twi-i neightchew, who talVM »^ J Zofrhak, Jr., Carterct Mnskaly was on of 8.500 high rtxwerntion and communlontir,-, Funeral services werr l,e'd from vhnol students who entered th» nf the family. The itudentt v. Ilizub Funeral Home, 54 WhHer sw.'ml the parents questioni t intest Ust year he won FirM m Avenue. Saturday at JO on A. M. M.idnn. parties, and social ;iff,,. Mirahatn H. Album, RaMrt Interment was in family pint. Prire in the nation wide contest in -cer f«m Brnlow. Pr*». The pallbearers were jc'in Re He attends Carteret High School MK .l"hn Kllyk, prMident, rp^ F 1 v May 7 1MB - 5 :•<"=. Theodore lladynink. .tnspph ..lid designed the poster under the • irilmte to teflchw* In hwinr ,f »« Minute PTA Kohilak, .John Koitkoski. Michael r s liirertion of Michael Maskaly, Sr. ri-iirhcr Career Month, Mrs, K n t. nh! the abhnth candles Valko and Peter Skiba. fore 7:41 P M. F.ach poster submitted this yenr •iisn presented the PT.A, dnr.». S1DRA: Kedoshim, Lev. I*Names Staff CARD OF THANKS depicted the theme "For Trade linn for the Junior Prom to Hoh».( Oivinnell, acting Principal TV.. 20 27 SK. or Trip* — American Ships". CARTERET - Th« Pvt. Nicholas Prom will he heM on May i\ ,. HAFTORAH' Amos 9:7 - IS. We wish to express our limire CHAIRMAN: John E. Krn- Mlnue School PTA held Its PRESIDENT: E. F. Went- Young Michael was among SJ the Fllinbeth CartWtt Hotri, F.,, Friday evening Services at «:» "'"£, thanks to all our relative*, frhnd* ney. who was elected chairman worth, Jr., ha* bwn rlwtwl 1 Nlirhf winners in 41 states who took rnheth p.pm. 8t the Jewish Cwnmunltyj .j!^^ Jog^ WM a dMnonira- ,mn d neneighbor«nl»ri s 'fo"r t nthei r kind fo f "th«e toardboard »o'f dir^rtdii*rtoro « ;. id pmidrnt of Foster Wheeler ( part in the National high school Four dele|at«t will attend tht renter conducted by Rabbi Al-i., o.n imr pnDhviieay81call mn«gM• nrestnte1 d1 presiions of sytopathy, their miny chief executive officer of Corporation today. humhum, and dedicated to Israeli IBIn-- - - - "™ P™*" * --». «< <.,.L.L »v. .^...... i ..,...• art contest. MM. KENNETH JOHN KAIIORA Spring County Council by Mr. Sementa the Physical.*** «f k|"d""'' <""*'" Corporation. dependence Day, ets and Horal - on May «, at Arbor Inn, [ Education Teacher and some of ^" iu *» len Thosa sttendlm will t» An Oneg Shabbat, sponsored by hisn students„,„„„ . tributes they extended during our Carteret Chapter of Hadastah, will WUh^nTnew nominations from bereavement In the doath of our Kahora-teaf Marriage Kllyk. Mrt Reeko, Un, follow tht Servic*. Kllmlk, and Mrt. Jowph K:;i the floor, the final election or*"^ *!^ «!^*^ Sabbath morning Service* at fc The Ktddt* Katp Well Camp ^ officers for next year, (as orlgi- Dumansky to Attend 10- Week Summer 10:48 AJrt. at the Jewish Com- We •specl.lly wish to J> ,9° • 1 ; Justice on Saturday at 9:00 A.M.venture; second vice president, Johns Texaco Slal.nn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V * teacher wiU present a h< CARTERET - John Duman- sidentrhad done all his Russian Blanehard, 111 Church Street.; Miss Nancy Rapp; recording Plant But Trip sky, a Leonia High School studies at Columbia University i j Kenneth John Kahora, «on retary, Mrs. Norma Cohen; cor-i —•— — — ,7 „, JL anf CARTERET - tub Scout Pack; teacher, and a 1M2 graduate »itb exception to the NDEA j oF Police Sgt~ and Mrs. • John: Miss Steiner responding secretary, Mrs. Joan Carteret; Walt artf Genes Flow* 1,,^,* ... of St. Joseph's Church held •> . ni p Shop, Carteret; those who donate 1 of Carteret High School, has Russian study grants. Amrler; treasurer, Mrs. been selected, as one of 58 their ears; the pallbearers, the Prior to coming to Leonia, Carteret, 18wa Nesw solemrJtt Jersey dAvenue, SatU£|Bea^ r^. badg^e wa^ s^ awarde ^di toHal Anl |- DenKMXatS Blast Tindall. secondary School teachers, from 1 Engaged to fed Carteret Police Escort and the Dumansky taught two yean In day afternoon at St. Ehas C-"* Sthony Briguclio and wolf badge; Bizub Funeral Home for sitMac- the entire United States, to par- TAD HI * *i CARTERET - Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Springs, N. Y. and hasCatholic Church, Carteret, | to Joseph Boby. ' tory services rendered. ticipate in a 10-week summer taught In Leonia since 1953. A the Re». A. Medvisy officiating ^(Jp Majority Frank L. Steiner have announced! Russian language institute at Gold arrows were awarded to: Miss Bartos Family of the late resident of Leonia. he is mar- n the engagement of their daughter, Indiana University and in the at the double rag «™™ >/ I j ^ Bob^Kertn^kiarr^ CARTERW-The Renu»ur;-. Oeorire Zofchak. Sr. ried to the former Elizabeth Given In marriage by her tep- j ^ ^ mernbers of tte Carteret (^r- Miss Diane M. Steiner to Michael Soviet Union. Ro n m Wcnaei R. Pastor, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Vamos of Perth Amboy. The ing Body have failed in thrir •<• ChurchBride The Russian Institute is a father, the bride was '™™ "^Higgins, and William Gertistead. g Michael Pastor, 52S Leon Avenue JOSEPH GREGUS, SR. couple have two children, both a gown of silk crepe tnmmea!Rjlver ^^ ^m awarfed tQ. program conducted under the sponsibtlitiei to the people Woodbridge. CARTERET - Miss Marguerite CARTERET - Joseph Gregus, attending Leonia High School, with bugle beads featuring was the charge Trade at IV auspices of the United States i Joseph Boby, Gary Rumpf. Den h hg TOi V Bartos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Sr., 75 years old, of 10 John Street Christine, a junior and Jeffrey, to meeting of the Council by !> The couple will be married Office of Education and the scoop stripes were awarded October 16 in St. John the Baptist Jfiseph Bartos, became the bride died May 4th at home. He was a freshman. chapel lengtli train. Her jet veil mocratlc couDCunncn John H* horn in Czechoslovakia and hadNational Defense Education Act. Boyle. The Pack Greek Catholic Orthodox Church. of Carmen Margiotto, son of Mr. of Uorted English silk illusion nick and Thomas Devenr Perth Amboy. and Mrs. Ernest Margiotto, 27;been a resident of Carteret for In order to gain first-hand The Democrats poimed t • Graduate of Second Street, Port Reading on'three "years. He was formerly experience in talking with na- Miss Steineer Is Indifference and ax B Ud« ui Saturday at the st Michacl.B pmpiOye(] ,t,y the Nice Bearing tive Russians and visit many Carteret High School 1indTs"em- 3S& unconcern of the Rei-.v ployed at Indiana General Corp., Magyar Greek Catholic Church Co. in Philadelphia, as a press areas of the Soviet Union, Du- white orchid on a white missal. Scout Night at the Church Ba- in Perth Amboy. The Rev. Albert Stork Club cans in regards to a nuttp- Keasbey. Mr. Pastor, a Wood- operator, having retired eleven imnsky wJl then fly to Moscow Misa Janet Kahora, Carteret, zanr. Gaydos officiated at the 3 p. m.years ago. He was a parishioner via Copenhagen and. Helsinki. rolving many, many millions bridge High School graduate, serv- siiter of the bridegroom, was Borough Un ratable* ed four years in the U. 8. Navy double-ring ceremony. of St. .Elias Greek Catholic By- The second half of the Institute Warren G. Harding was the first Mr. Pastor, who attended Ne- Given in marriage by her fatli- zantine Rite of Carteret. is composed of a five-week tour : New arrivals as recorded at Because the Republican" h; wark Conservatory of Music is er'the bride wore a Chantillylace Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. of the Soviet Union, the Perth Amboy General Hospi- S^n Island?"^: courn of:I'- S. President to invite the vict to tend to public business gown featurin a Anna (Lorinc) Gregusi two owner of the Carteret School ofi S Sabrint neckline Attending Syracuse University the i . be We especially wish to thank the War between the States, but Student^ Attend Rev. Anthony M. Gaydos. O.S.M.: a battle during the War of 18U. Fettival Theater pastor; Rev. Vincent M. Ryan, CARTERET Y.OUTH JA WINNER; Joseph E. Pollack, sriiior at CarUrei High School, was recently Tht engagement, between forces OB.M., assistant pastor; the Altar selected from a field of 15WI area students to participate in OPERATION 8PACE AGE u a result CARTERET - A total of ST7 under General Andrew Jackson Happiness is »h«l charge and receive from i Boys; the organist and soloist of hit outstanding performance in the Junior Achievement Program. Shown with Pollack are Vuv permittee a recording fw of ll students from Carteret High and Creek Indians, was fought io for each pfrmlb lwued by him, indSchool Carteret, N. J. traveled to (Iss Eleanor Abaray; the Nuns of cent Kaehler, Resident Manager of the sponsoring FMC Corporation Carteret plani aad John Star Wall m.ke < monthff rWbrt ti$e Stratford, Connecticut on Thurs- th« Order of the Servants of Mary pec (standing*, JA adviser and a Supervisor at (be FMC plant. I what now is Alabama, Mayor »nd Oouiwu of J, lppUc! enjoying day, April 29 to view the American of the St. Joseph Roman Catholic SSSf. Church, Carteret; the Knights of W him and tatg collected, whlcb Shakespeare Festival's production few shill rx paid H Hie h Of "The Taming of the Shrew" Columbus Carey Council, No. 1280, Trejsurer, monthly. Carteret; Dr. Theodore Chenkin; Mother's Day, The tr ^ Which is being performed in rep- Miss Janice Kurtiak ertory with two other shows. Dur- Dr. M. A. Chodosh; the Carteret to MOTHER with love... oU of the Borough of O»rt«r«t h«ld ing the fourteen-week Student First Aid Squad; the Medical Audience Season this spring, over Staff and Curses at the Elizabeth Weds Stanley Kamienski and getting •will be further Oft Me- 160,000 students will wander the General Hospital; Sinclair Refin- ontt readtne for flni at g ing Co, Undent Oil, Chemical| CARTERET-Miss Janice . meetlnfi of mid the Spacious grounds, picnic by the iur- ^h of Housatonic River, and enjoy a and Atomic Workers Union Local tiak was married to Stanley Ka-EARNINGS INCREASE a Bulova! jw. it trviToStaaPo$l&& play by ' William Shakespeare. 337 Of Sinclair Refining Co. linmientki- , son of Mrs. Stanley Borough H»U. 069ke Av«nue Oaf- CABTERET - First-quarter t»r*t. H.J., »t wnich time Mid Btudents of Carteret High found den; Carteret School of Music; the Kamienski, 93 Dorothy Street and earnings for Central American plnct all p^rsoni Interested vrUl that acting is not all play and noneighbors on Sharst Street and the late Mr. Kamienski, Saturday Transportation Corporation of be given tk opportunity to be at noon'in St. Joseph's Church. AMortod heftrd.l [ work. They discovered that the East Oak Street, Cdrtoret; Sakson $6,063,695, or $1.06 per sharje. on members of this farrKVl renertory Flower Shop, Cart^et; those who The Rev. Victor M. Grabrian Chocolate* ; PATRICK porocma gross income of $81,210,004, were (Boroupi Clerk company go to school tool donated their cars; the pall bear- celebrated, the nuptial Mass and announced by T. M. Thompson, Of. V6/65 (fl.20 1 lb. $1.60 ers; the Carteret and Rahway Po- officiated at the double ring ce- chairman, at the company1!.an- lice Escorts and the Bisnflb Funenl remony. nual meeting of stockholders U> 21b* 346 Home for satisfactory services! The bride is the daughter of New York. rendered. Joseph Kurtiak, 448 Hazel Avenue, FAMILY OF THE LATE Perth Amboy, and the late Mrs. POLISH NIGHT MRS, JULIA ELKO GOZA KurtiaK. CARTERET - Polish Night DISCOUNT SPECIAL! Escorted to the altar by herwill be held at the American CARD OF THANKS uncle, Ernest Vernacbio, of Car-Legion Hall, May 15, at 9 P. M. Does Your Chevrolet Have LOUIS VEKNNACHIO teret, the bride wore a Chantjjly There will be dancing. We wish to express our sincere j lace guwn featuring a portrait AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION TROUBLE? thanks to all our relatives, friends! neckline, full bouffant skirt and a,nd neighbors for their kind en- chapel train". A crown of crystal I. Slippage t. Leaki 3. Abnormal Noiie 1 4. No Revere* i. No High or Low 6. Clunking Noise preBSions of sympathy, their ninny and pearl held the fingertip vel acts of kindness, the spiritual of French illusion. Hhe carried We have CHEVROLET Faotory Trained Specialists who bouquets and the many floral tri- orchids on a prayerbook. will give you a Free Estimate tor rapain II your AutonuUe butes they extended during our Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kamleil FUR Transmission needs any major work, bereavement In the death of our ski, Carteret, bmther and sister rt't: Will OVERHAUL ANY 1911 beloved husband, father, grand- in-law of the bridegroom, servei' father, great-grandfather and de- TO 1W CHEVROLET PASSED us best man and matron of honor .95 yoted brother and um-le, I/iuis, Bridesmaids were the Misse: STORAGE UVM CAK. AUTOMATIC TRANS' $49 Vernadiio. Debra Daukshus, Colonju, cousii plot M'omplrU, »»rf«-,-.i««.il MISSION, for only parti We espectnlly wish to thank of the bridi'gi'uimi, ami Rev. Anthony M. (inydos, O S.M.,Kamienski. Orli'ict, bridegroom'.- fnr .fr.Kii All Other Maka Auto. TraniralMlom U.M plus parti pastor; K*v. Vincent M. Kyan, sister. Miss Oniira Pettlnheo, There's no gift Ilk* a watch ... and no witch likt * All Repair* Guaranteed 100% O.S.M. assistant pastor; the Altar Carti'ivt, cousin of tin: bride was V R< lylm/- > 'i'U•iiiimi; Bulova One re«on: Bulova cuitonviflacU diamoi«J» Boys; the organist and soloist! f|,)W,.r gin with deep-dimuntion sparkle,., cuttWn-Mtt «»ch '""* Mis* Eleanor Abray, the Nuns ,,f .J1u, ushm Wl,rt) Ilk.han, lUp.iirmi; \ <•••«">•(: beauty in t cut highlighted with Rhod^m (pracioui the Order of the Servants of Mary miwiski, Ciuteret. brother of the jsHtlry tlloy nwr* oottly than gold). Result: <""1V° of the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Bulova blegnnce and value! fjhuri'h, Csrteret; Dr. Theodme bridegroom, Eusene Hchneldet WQODBKIOGF Ch#nkln; Dr. M. A. Chodosh; the and John Zawlslak, Jr. both cou »iJ.18 Chooso from our lirgt Dulofi diamond watch Ml»eU«n Carteret First Aid Squad; Em- sins of Ilia bridegroom of Culonla FUR SHOP lbs 4 25 • • • pricml Irom only 138.95, plui taa. ployees at tha Alto Manufacturing The bride Is a graduate of Car FREE ESTIMATES Co., Carteret; Employee* it Nat-t«r«t High School and is «m FORDS JEWELERS vir Corp, Wnodbrldge: the Neigh \MHOV Uuiutnl Mitwiu - VA M747 bon on Louis Street and Ixtwell ployed by Alto Manufacturing Co RAYMOND JACKSON Street. Ciiiteret. Iliriiik's Flower C'arteivt. Ui NEW HHUN8WICK AVE.t FORDS, N J Godeny Chevrolet Ctuteret and Woodbridge Mr. Kumitiiiikjl is :tiso a ijnid AND SON -DRUGGISTS U-ilr nil I Kn. 'ill I C1UM« WltlttlNi Puliia Escoils and the Biiub Fun- uate uf Carteret High School am 88 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIIMJE "When iivrieinJrtfl happr happm - Itt Butota VMch W 30 Roosevelt Avc, Carteret eral Home for gutisfactory «r- is employed by T. 1. rtionr HI 1-5128 vitei randerad "* T|i' '.ing Cimiu. uy, rhoue MK 1U554 UKN kkIM HvtNINii Till • I'M t\ttt-| FAMILY if I'lIK ' ' 'E IXJUlti VKHNAC1UO Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Carters Press Thursday, May 8, 1965 PAGE THOTS Jayccfe-Sisters Miss Karen Martin Wed Church Women Double Ring Ceremony Rutgers Student* Sponsor CCircui s Saturday to H. It. Drent Hootenany Feature!] RIDGE Sliters Plan Luncheon United Couple Saturday AVENEL _ Featured In the WOODRRIDGF, The wed- George Poncy, both of Chatham. WOODBRIDGE - The United "Hootenany", to be presented by will sponsor Great Gift for ding of Miss Karen \. Martin, The bride was graduated from Church Women have announced WOODBRIDGE - At a double ena and Miss Brunilda Diaz, St. Andrew's C. Y.O. Saturday || Brothers 258 Roanoke Street, daughter of Woodbridge High School aul plans for the May Fellowship ring ceremony Saturday at noon liece of the bride, both of Perth ivening, will be Rutgers Univer- ring circus, May 12, after Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Martin, Luncheon tomorrow at 12:30 P M Ihrrr Trenton State College. She is a at the Church La Asuncion, imboy. sity Students, Performing will bt im\ evening at Strawberry New I/ondon, N.H., and H. Rob- at the Woodbridge Methodist teacher in the Edison Towrahlp Perth Amboy, Miss Gloria Diaz, Ushers were Angel M. Rivera Ted Phillips, folk singer, The nodll •:-i(l. off Amboy Avenue. ert Drent, son of Mr. and "s. Jhurch. Mrs. Theodore Seamans School system. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ephew of t!- bridegroom, and Orange Mountain Boys and The Hill j Campel. chairman, Henry Drent, Verona, was sol- s chairman and Mrs. Frank Me- Mr Drent, a graduate of Ver- cadio Diaz, 358 Fulton Street, 1 „ the name Cristianl has Garrah is in charge of the pro- Edwin Rosa, both of Perth Am Blue Grass Pickin' Singin Group. emnized Saturday M the First ona High School and Lehlgh became the bride of Urbino Ser- MOTHER'S DAY! connected with the circus gram. oy. The show starts at 8:30 P.M. broil Presbyterian Church with the University, is an internal auditor rano, 85 Edwin Street, Carteret, ,,,, mo years This show is Rev. Alex Nemfth officiating it The Rev. Kim Jefferson, a Me- The bride attended schools in and admission can be gained at for " for Ciba Pharmaceutical son of Mr, and Mrs. Desdaro Ser- in) hv Pete Cristiani, who Com- lew York and is employed by the door. th» double ring ceremony. pany, Summit. thodist clergyman serving as ex- rano, San Sebastian, PIT o ono m the original troupe ecutive secretary of the Greater ilumber Sue Inc., Woodbridge, Given in marriage by her Rico, The Rev. Walter Mischke Proceeds will he forwarded to In thihis country byy and Newark Council of Churches, will r officiated. Mr. Serrano was graduated Father Francis X. Donovan, a ;~ the Ring1ln« Broth- father, the bride wore a silk chif- speak on the program theme, Given in marriage by her Irom San Sebastian High School priest of the Diocese of Trenton, ", fVimum and Bailey Circus fon dress, ballerina length, with "Poverty in the Midst of Plenty". Program Listed father, the bride wore a shnth 1959 and served three years serving with the Society of St. X(,r "riding Cristianls" present a full skirt, and featuring a Rev. Jefferson Is also a minis- style gown with long sleeves, em- in the U.S. Army. He is empl^ed James the Apostle in Chimbote,

BURNED-OUT RHODIE AS YOU LIKE THEM A letter from the sad owner of a once expensive rhododendron, AMERICA'S FINEST CUS- now brown and probably dead, TOM-FINISHED SHIRT COST holds a clue, for you If you're LAUNDERING AT AMERI- thinking of planting a rhodie this CA'S LOWEST PRICE - spring. data !• Ike She says she put her new rho- HOME perfect cwaMuiiM ftr die out last spring, and no*'?ed thrifty,


LAUNDERERS • CLEANERS WOODWUWJE OmCE XVENEUXILONIA anew «mea Moon Avernw 4 Berry fctrwt 1379 St Georg* Avenu« 7> WMkm Kmm H6-B MAIN ST., WOODBRIDGE AVBNEL OFFICE AHTOK OfFlCI Smith Stre* ONF OOFF fWKK 415 Avenei Street 875 King Georg« Road AND BK&T - Saving New Jersey, Nrw Vork and Pennsylvania! OUTLETS 110 „„„ ••"I!* What's Past Is Past (Eartmt ftaa* Letters to Editor Twenty-five years ago former Gov. Charles Edison and ti,P hl Qov Harry A. Moore attended ceremonies dedicating the i candidates who use good Judgment by On September 12, 1960 between busy, but I feel sure that none ofjganlttd s student' 8 P.M. and 8; 15 P.M., Mr. Ter- The time when a candidate for Mu- us is too bbus y to stot p and consideconsid r tee the conventional morale discussing the issues clearly and in an /.ella and Mr. Barbour conducted the plight of our fellow teen-agers, j. B., by Archibald Marb, nicipal Council could spout platitudes intelligent manner will find them- an election for the appropriation and Americans In the flood torn efforts were realiwHl S:1 and be elected Is long past gone. of $2,400 to build a fire house. selves in the winner's box. Midwest night »t Montclair State < The doors were locked, only Today's average voter is an intelli- 9 wnw Condemnation, denunciation, invec those who would vote Mr. Ter- " ApatfettK AftWricans' >' nw atadents an.! gent person. He wants to know just tive and castigation do not win elec- zella's way were admitted, then common subject these days. butiguesU witnessed thi« ]«,• the vote was by raising your here Is a chance to prove that we. play. the youth of America, are not so i This contemporary vc^, what the real Issues are and how. each tions in this enlightened age. hand. •pathetic Rodney Matto. 51 First the Book of Jok, otherwise, Superior Judge Ralph J. Smal- Street. Fords, is trying to orgnmzel as the Book W Wlndam. Iror ley voided the election. Mr. Ter- the youth in Middlesex County to Bible, points out man1 j react,. zella, today, laments that be A JVeif House of Worship solicit colotMng, tools, and fond njs fate. Performed in Mm: wants every one to vote, but not to aid these unfortunate people. I Auditorium by the Mnn: back on September 11,1950. "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock rewarded many times over when they am hoping that students In Ken-|p]aymi the story takes pi,,, I will build my church." find that the new church will give so- Mr. Tenella, cries dictator, be nedy will contribute their time and i a circus tent atmosphere should know what a dictator is. energy to this worthwhile propeet. p|ay opinion .. EXCEI.i KM A group of dedicated men from St. lace and comfort to BO many. In the various districts in the Rodney is planning an organixa- James Church, Woodbridge, during The successful campaign is un- Fifth Ward, Mr. Tenella hat tton May 14 Contact either him on Editor's Note: Our stv. picked his candidates to run on me If you are witting to work." world has Incited the mi',! the past few weeks conducted a cam- doubtedly a tribute to Rt. Rev. Msgf, the county committee ticket Friday. May 7, the Sophomore revised history courses. At'.— paign for funds for the construction of Under the Capitol Dome whom be hopes will act like Wil- .arty will be held from 8 to 11 ing to keep tip with Charles G. McCorristin who has la- mands, the Woodbridw s. a new church for the large parish. liam Barbour. P.M. In our gymnasium. Mr. Jo»-jula. - . . c .. • bored long and hard these many By J. Josepl Gribbiis Stanley T. Seabasty eph Avena, class advt«or. and the »* School SocW Sam, In short order the committee was years in St. James Parish for the bene- iphomore executives have been fWrnrt u consWerins th-, Editor's Note: This letter was working hard to make "Stardust" liihment of a new course i able to announce that donations and fit of his parishioners. The monsignor The following Item fn TRENTON - New Jersey farm- I, for one, bitterly resent being reached $53,160,588 as compared sent to us with the request that a success., Sophomoressopnomores,, donqmti mJ*in™s -•- ~"™r """ ' pledges have gone way over the goal it be published. AU HI must be greatly pleased with the re- ers are plagued this year with forced to have them on my pro- with $51,487,038 during the same your class party tomorrow. Also, ' NEWS, the month's : May S, IMS of $500,000. inadequate help on tie farms be- perty at the rift of losing my in- period list year. audition! hate begun for thetjw.Pff of Woodbridge. d-. sults of the drive. Confirming our telephone con- Sophomore Variety Show to be>»» new program In this day and age when so many cause Federal Agricultural offi- vestment. Alcoholic beverage taxes are versation, the Board of Fire given May M. Interested students; ~fj EMORY MtGlNMs As Abraham Lincoln said in a letter cials insist upon using unemploy "Let us have the British West also on the increase in New Jer- seem to be interested in the pursuit Commissioners of the 7th Fire should listen for announcements of I Our post-Spntnik work! ' ed and untrained city people to Indian boys. They come over sey, but the State Treasurer re- of pleasure, it is refreshing to find men dated May 14,1864: District of Fords unanimously ap- future auditions and rehearsals. | der gone a vast ttransfef r harvest the crops. eager to learn And anxious to fused to state whether this is proved your request to inoculate Youth Week will begin Wednes- Times have changed so who will give of their time and energy "Bless all the churches, and blessed work. They are not from the caused by more per capita drink- dogs la the Fords fire house on A giant yell is expected to go day, May 12. and will conclude «o v 57 'art |^ city streets; they are accustomed ing or more people In thetState June U and IS of this year. A» 1 - i to raise money to build a house of wor- be God, who, in this our great trial, up from the usually quiet farm- with elections on Wedoesda- to farm labor. On the whole they this year than last. The boost in previously explained, this appro- ship. Their efforts, it is certain, will be giveth us the churches." lands in the very near future. May 11 Petitions ftr and Edward V. Lipman, who owns are extremely orderly; they don't alcbolic beverage taxes ri- val is contingent upon, the /allow- ing conditions: Jeffrey's Branch Cranberry Com- drink; they dent fight They lected this fiscal year from July 1. The Board of Health shall be pany in Ocean County, is among earn their wages and when work to March inclusive reached riods; as it constantly ami responsible for the house Senior and Junior Classes have those who have written to Pre- assignment has been completed, $22,906,880 compared with been circulated for the past week. evolves, the more innrieqi: United Jewish Appeal cleaning in the are* used for methors and materials bee. sident Lyndon B. Johnson con- they go on to another farm." 121,371,164 last year. Two candidates for each office are the inoculation of! -dog* im- ss they are frequently r This week, the Jewish community, years are still waiting to be fully ab- cerning the situation. He blames POVERTY: - State Democrats, In addition to increased tax re- mediately after each night selected for each office in primary elections. Parties are formed, and! Our need to know mo,, under the leadership of Joseph Os- sorbed into Israel's social and econom- Secretary of Agriculture W. Wil- including Governor Richard J. ceipts for cigarettes and booze, inoculations. the candidates campaign for thenvfj"' ""J**0" •" «h;r '•, trower, has begun its drive to collect ic life. Of &at number, some 49,000 lard Wirtz for forcing fruit and Hughes, hope ttpublicana will (be State Treasurer also reported 2. the Board of Health will .dWa <*ui ttudr naHtM Our'the globe can be Illust™••>' vegetable farmers to participate not disturb the Fejerai-State war increases in transportation taxes, make arrangements" with the selves a^.thefc;iw«es. ^..J^. wW/lh madc 1t.,. funds for the United Jewish Appeal— are. aged or handicapped and must be school egSons are'modeled after ™«\ m m „„„ in his social experiments aimed on poverty in • legislative inves- corporation taxes, motor,fuels police department to handle national elections, and actual vnt< •"** * X**7 * K "C0 at placing great numbers of the taxes, motor vehicle the traffic problem ortslde a nation-wide effort.. cared for; 36,000 are young people in tigation about to get underway. tag macr-'-M are used in the flnaV 'Continued on unemployed back to work. He parl-mutuel taxes. The total in- the fire house during inoou: Woodbridge has set itself the enor- need of training. In addition there Part of the project, designed to tions. election, i.i's. in addition to as- charges Wirtz is forcing such quickly launch the program this crease adds up to $13,688,01)1 ever semblies featuring prominent mous task of raising $50,000 for the are some ,375,000 men, women and growers to do so by refusing to the same nine months of last 3. The Board of Health will In summer, needs $200,000 to get it writing, release the Board speakers, teaches the students children now living in Europe and allow off-shore labor into the year. UJA, an organization dedicated to the underway. This has been tagged Fire Commissioners and the about American government. NOW country except at extremely high saving and building of lives. Moslem countries who are dependent "Operation Head Start". Senate JERSEY JUSTICE: - Research Fords Fire Company from The Vocal Music Department wage rates. Republican Majority Leader Wil- has revealed that Jersey Justice any liability claims arising will present its first annual Spring During 1965, it is expected that im- upon UJA for food, shelter, medical 1 "Your government statisticians liam E. Oaard, Somerset, looks at times could become a mis- out of the inoculations Concert May 14. Under the dlrec- lion of Mta Nancy Rutkowskl, the; migration to Israel from other lands tare and training. se numbers to describe the un- upon the undertaking as "a mas- carrage of justice. dugs in the Fords fire bouse, vocal music classes, the Mixed employment pool — numbers of As you well know, the Board will be at its peak—with tens of thou- Although the local goal is a large sive baby sitting program.' Attorney General Arthur J. Sills Choir, a number'of smaller such magnitude as four and a Governor Hughes attacked Oi, has revealed that Professor Hugo Fire Commissioners last year i sands seeking to enter the country. one, the cause is worthy and with jected your request for use of the groups, and wloisU will perform half million nationally and on zard's statement is "cruel and Bedau, writing in 19Hutgers Law a variety of songs, from folk tunes Some 352,000 immigrants of previous God's help the $50,000 will be raised down to thousands locally," lip- uninformed." Review 1964, said evidence points fire house because '••(» We Can Learn now requires a permit, and in ad- communicate our .ideas any . PMHn f.ut'lano; Robert dition the importee must list the time you wish to do so. Kaufman, Seven Kunkes, and Hubert Wek, > Poverty, with all its concomitants- Paul Harvey makes that statement scientific name of each speeiei Sincerely vouik Perth Amboy Null"' imported on a declaration filed S. W. Hornsby r In the eBmlnation round th* ibstandard housing, Inadequate ed- In a column appearing In The Sub- with the Bureau of Customs. <'huirman, House'comniittBe'I: . ''" 8tllllt'll!s donned mini Bunk BUlg „ . . lml««« b..,ed cards as they , t in a semi urban & Lawrence Journal of Indian- However, under new regula- H a Perth Amboy. N. J HI : national and recreational facilitles, r. i. Mnce anumbtirofiieoplei'i11^ wine two show o'firials apolis. . tions. Piranha fi^h and poisonous fl our publie Th 11 nuest bsence of cultural opportunity, and snakes could continue to be im- ft? ^. meeti'igwhen , '""« were MM m t M. A. Weiaitt j as first discussed llu he rest-is commonly considered a Why Is it go? He quotes one Chinese ported, but their release into this subject was first discussed. ^ 'it«-r b-iMs and scores were am forwarding a copy of this ke'it »n the students' resixmseg tUwdent Faitnti I the wild would be strictly con- jiajor cause of Juvenile delinquency. leader as saying: "We keep a tight rein letter to the local newspapers for A'tw th- 35 minute session, one MYearslnrerUiA.il' trolled. publication so the uiterusted par- And there can be no doubt that en- 1 of thf Barronj, Phil (Jujitpno on our children until they are really The Piranha fish, which eats ties may be advised of the Board ! siKhed. "It challi.ngt your think- MAILCOUI'iA i /tronment U an Important factor, But, decision s (l responsible." Another says: "Oui humans, could not survive in New decision. ine oower In a very short period T. L. WATSON & i j perhaps, we tend to exaggerate Its Jersey, according to the scien- 1- The Board of Health sb*U be oflinw. You h-ive to think fast!" P. A. NittoM) B»»k "' children just naturally respect an tists. There is a slight possibility, Dear Taxpayer and Voter f-ood luck, all of you. Mav vou Ptrtti A«boy , weight. hqwever, these fish could survive obey their PMftnts. A boy or girl woul In my first successful attempt continue to 'think fast" in the in certain areas of Florida, but Itor example, most of the Chinese t0 file * Petition for public office !uture. You may make our school oldd timtime- be In trouble with the law this "Well, now you. can just UN-teach him!" ni rilDii Meiliuil (enter in tn»nd» iiinl ID. M'l.1 in the Hut Iwe'ti-.One" seniors at :i «'•.>••• tlly , not «oi ttg« 13) '"'•'•'"l" liti>l Krid-v :if- •« ndent-Leader (E.B.) - Cartewt Pn« Thursday, May 6,1WB PAOirrvi

all PTA memberi were being ask- for the first picnic which be hopes Port Reading. I BKimates reveal that 1.4 mill At °"« time' «U rrom the law ed to attend the s refei w Slate Elected will become an annual eTCnt. It Fund raisinf chairmanairman, MMello. jllon a«MWw ulcer cases arane treated!*treated * . POT**"* "»» P ™J meeting at St. CHECK TERMITE DAMAGE Mount is scheduled for June 17 at Mer-McMenamln, distributed chance end; year In the United States itn* Of (lM WStCffMS. Virgin School, Wednesday, from rill Park. Racrution and re-books for the raffle in October. 11 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. By Vianney PTA freshments will be provided and Volunteers an needed to sell I ,,,,y yrnr at this time, homeowners find winged injects that Mrs. Jerry Rij, reservation COMMA - Mn. the Middlesex County CYAC'i chances. Captains are as follows: f l ancl tnen x,^wMm - ran. itaymond chairmai n fof r thhe FFair in June ROCK .iiildi-nly fly °» ^op their wing* and crawl all will be on hand to keep the chil Metuchen area. Mrs. Mackeniie; Mother's Day Spangler, 9 Columbia Avenue was at North Stamfordfo,, ConnecticutConnecticut, , pident of St. John !Woodhridge area, Mrs, Goceljak; ",round. Those insects are termites and indicate that there are selected president of St. John snirsaidt hnbus0 rumsiMreservation^s »»••-must• ••be- dren busy with games. Reser- Vianney PTA at a meeting In the vations must be made and parents Colonia area, Mrs. Calvin Don- SALT olnpr term le8 Bl made, by May 15. nelly, ',|, iisiH»l'" °* * 'N eating the house causing cafeteria Other officers will be notified this month when! For Wnwr Sntu-nm o Mrs. Bart Crane, prizes chair- Irc CARDS & GIFTS are: First vice president, Mrs. ,, , ,, ,, M* •. i . i Th* e ne"<•w" slataiaixe; oinf officeruillv CIsS willwill! man said the fair will he held the notations will be sent out^ ^ , $2 CM) hundred Itw flirilirr destruction to the wood of the house. The cost of re- Thomas Doherty: second vice pre- eleded M u t st on the Villa Maria Retreat $1.15 fifty Ibft. sident, Mrs. Charles Tenella:. A list of volunteers follows and;Churct) - • » • '««J » Grounds. North Stamford. anyone else wishing to help at ,i,s fur exceeds the cost of treatment and goes higher with treasurer, Eugene Heiser; record-! Miller's s »«.,..«. muKene HCiser; record-; HeVi Waiter Radiiwon, pastor the picnic, may contact Mr. Go- SERVISOFT ot Ing »ecretart Mrs. Bart Crane; | tor of the PTA an- One female bullfrog may lay ilrlnv. and modera raljak, ME 4-5245: Charles Gia- correKnonHlnrf* secretary, Mrs. nounced that the library will be ratana, Iselin; Ray Spernal, anywhere from U.000 to tO.MOJI WOODBRIDGE Gerald Cteler. Gift Shop open one afternoon and one eve- Fords: Mrs. Goceljak, Wood- eggs in a season, according to I (;l|| IH for free inspection of your home by experienced per- Mrs. Geier, 118 Main Strert honor roll chair-; ing a week during the summer, bridge; Mrs. William Hoey, Me- man, announced that the attend- tuchen; Fred Mackeniie, Metu- the Britannica Junior Encyelo- [ 921 St. George Avenuf ,,'HIIM-I. Our work, which we guarantee for TEN year* is The library will be moved to the Woodbridge Unit llmjth nf < Inmltlf) ance award was won by Mrsbasemen. t with a .separate en chen; and Mrs. Marie Muller, paedia. rl|1,jiieeml to exceed specifications of existing regulations Sacked'* 4A class. The class trance from the outside which has won for the month the PTA will be built soon. Father Radii- meeting attendance award quite I us one of thhe leaderld s in thhe fieldfild. won also announced that 24 class- in: often this term. rooms in all wilt be completed by | Charles Wickham, candy sales September and two si*tn grades chairman, was thanked for a very will be added. TERMITE CONTROL SYSTEM successful Easter sale. Mr The money raised by the PTA 1895 CHRISTENSEN'S 1965 Wickham expressed his appre- will pay for all school desks for] PERTH AMBOY ISELIN ciation for the cooperation of allthe newly completed basement The Friendly Store" VA 6-8367 the children, the room mothers classrooms. j 549-7708 and chairman of room mothers, The next meeting of the PTA Mrs Anthony Rinaldl. will be May 17 when the newly] Mrs. Doherty announced selected officers will be installed. |jDelegate Chosen COLONIA - Mrs. Rollin B. Hubbard, at the annual husband's night meeting of the Federated Woman's Club at Colonia, First Presbyterian Church of Avenel, JUST A LITTLE WHILE LONGER... announced that Miss Sharyl By- ank, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Yg| It won't bt much longtr ond wt will havt oni of the moit modern Salt! and Service Charles BOtltta, 208 North Hill D«partm*ntt available to you our cuitomtn. The picturt below ii only th« drawing ... but wait Road hat been selected as the until Y sons, modern sports facilities, activity program for all DUSTERS and SHIFTS WATCHES ages, dancing, swimming meets^ special TEEN program,, free movies, social evenings. PRACTICAL GIFTS SJyl« Illustrated | PUINFIELD THAT EVERY MOTHER 1IKES TO GET • CANNON BOXKD FKftCAIJE SHtAiT SUMMER and P1IJ.OWCASK SETS • NOVKLTY Gll-T SKIS • I-OVtl.Y TOWEL 8ET8 • »'AN('Y l'lLIX)Wt ASKS • ST. MARY'S BLANKETS RUFFLES I VACATION MINUTES FROM HOME AT THE BEACH CLUB THAT • SUMMKK BMNKKTS and QUILTS ... the neckline and edges the sleevei on this all • TA»1.KU,OTII SKTS ,c ^ NEW JERSEY'S FINEST, SAFEST SWIMMING PLUS EXTENSIVE SO- American liberty print ... and you'll approve too, of A WONDERFUL SELECTION TO CHOOSE the attain button front. Full skirt; straw belt. All AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. 1,000 YDS. FROM prima cotton that washes like a hankie. ti j : PUBLIC GOLF FROM, ALL PURCHASES GIFT BOXED! Pink, blue or mail* . . . each on vhic. * * 10 WEEK summer FACILITIES Sizes 9 to U

«a ««*M »l.t. Hwr III) >M - »•»* M II. 11 Ml I. MIMH STOKE HOIKS; Vacation for your $ WH' Ava. Turn flitil. •• I Mi. Ulont IwiMn Anwwl) M HIIM DAILY FREE U iKtn Ufl M Mirrw Ut. I.Qik Ck* htm Ntw IIMMU - S;3i< O) »r.-k« Mid 125 «och. (E.B.V - Carter*, Pro,, PAOE RTX Thursday, May fi, 1065 B'nai B'rith Proposed Pedestrian Bridge Gets Women's Society Junior \\y WomenName Cooperation of Community Groups Names New Slate PTA to He FORDS - Mrs. Robert Tore; FORDS — The proposed pedes- as elected president of the Wo- JFKPrim Mrs. Gersten trian bridge over the Garden lan's Society of Christnn Sci'- State Parkway Into Fords Park ice of Wesley Methodist Church was discussed at a meeting of|Spring Bazaar Scheduled KOKDS - Miss M,-,rv rnVHl FORDS — Mrs. Joe Gersten of a snechl meeting of the cxrcu- principal of the. John F " fords was installed as president the Community Improvemrnt ve board. High School in Iselin, w, of Rarnot Chapter B'nai B'rith Committee of the Woman's Club Other officers elected were; speaker at Women for the 1965-66 administra- of Fords held recently in (he By St. John's, May 18th !rs. Howard Hi-m.ily. vice pre- (he Fords Junior IIm^ I"*' | clubhouse on Corrielle Street. M rs. tive year. sent; Mrs. Doris Kohonsky. PTA. on Monday, M * Bernard P. Scibiensfi. commiltce :IV Mrs. Gersten, a charter mem- FORDS - A Spring Bazaar served between II A. M. and 1 lecond vice president: Mrs. Einer H r. M. in the school ri|,, philanthropic projects. She has through the evening in the church resentative l'i ('unmi^™ of Installation of oflini, Since there are about 4fifl boys dolls, doll clothes, baby items, held-the office of corresponding: basement. The P.T.A.\s goal "or Mucation: Mrs. Sener ;ind Mrs. nmdiicled at the in the league who will be travelling aprons, towels, handmade quilts, secretary, vice president in the affair is to raise the $1,000 ;obert Fields, secretary nf Spi- cers to he installed arts and craft items, books, toys, charge of programming and vice to and from the park during the pledged during their last meeting itual Life: Mrs Jnhn fhrislof-i (lerald Cllick, presidf president in charge of member- summer months, to the teams' toward the church building fund. games, original paintings, grab •rsen, Christian Social Relations: l'r;ink I.iimatino, Mrs shipr playing fields located there, con- Mrs. Jenny Sandorff, chairman, bag. and coffee, cake and re- TS. Alex Marcy, Sr.. literature viilson, and Mrs, Huw< The new president Is a member struction of a pedestrian bridge announced that luncheon will be freshments. ind publications: Mrs. Clarence vice presidents; Mrs of (in.T. and an.officer of the|will eliminate niuch of the worry ellogg. missionary education; nan. treasurer; Ronald M',"| Sisterhood of Temple Beth Mor-jand Amcem about the boys' Irs. Edward Ostergaard. publici- v r 7,ie. recording secretary ;lly) > decai in Perth Amboy. She re-safety. ; Mrs. Hans Otsen, promotion. Howard Hill, corresponds •,' sides with her husband Joel, a Other civic organizations active- CommunionBreakfastSet Also, Mrs. Norman Beck, mem- tary. pharmacist in Newark, at 19 Elmly supporting the proposal are the iership cultivation: Mrs. Charles Avefltie, Fords They have a Lions Club of Fords. The Holy Donations of used bonks („, ? »n, goodwill: Mrs. Andrew palachia and sweaters ,, ri"i daughter. Susan, and son, Alan. Name Society of Our Lady of n Sunday for Mothers Day ilssen, sunshine: Mrs. Walter for Kiddie Keep Well c, . j Peace Church, the P. T. A of m lohensky, Naomi Circle: Mrs. »T C. OK C. , *,„.„>, OHM '-'' being collected in the Cchool #14, Our Ladv of Peace FORDS - Mothers' Day, the Vndrew Nilssen, Afternoon Cir- ,1,1.1. « MUM W. [MM Ihe P.T.A. School P,T. A., the Fords Fire third Sunday after Easter, will le; Mrs. Richard Nelson, Mrs. JFK Auxiliary Company, and the Joseph Nemyo be celebrated with a corporate Charles Larsen, Mrs. Leon Nel- Association. communion for women and girls Drive lon, Mrs. Alex Marcy, Sr. and Councilman Robert Smith com- at the 8:00 A. M. Holy Eucharist Mrs. Norman Beck, nominating JFK Auxiliary) \ Meets Pledge mented on the cooperative spirit committee for 1965-66. and Low Mass at St. John's Epis- speaker. EfflSON — The Women's Auxi- of the community in backing this copal Church, Hoy and Hamilton Nets $1,155.28 Mrs. Merle Matusi, past presi- proposal -and pledged his con liary of John F. Kennedy Com- Avenues. This will be followed FORDS - Albert J. Quadt, lent of the Society, was honored Has 500 Membel munity Hospital last night pre- ;inued assistance. Joseph Nemyo by a communion breakfast for it a surprise party held at the gave a report on the progress of Chairman of the March of Dimes EDISON - The Worn. sented the final check in pay- women and girls prepared and] Campaign in Fords, reports a lome of Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Mrs. Cadettes Take Tourist's araily Month ment of its $30,000 pledge for a he proposal beginning with the served by the Men's Club at 8:45 !Iore was weloomed as the new lliary to the John K Ko resolution passed by the Town otal Of $1,155.28 contributed by Memorial Hospital mm tv and gift shop for the A. M. in the diurch basement. residents of Fords. iresident and activities and the Council. Mr. Nemyo stated that Being Observed total membership of m m hospital The church school, all classes, Contributions received in the Dudget for the year wer dis-Junket of New York City he had been in contact with State adding 121 new memhe-, M Auxiliary President, Mrs. Ed will meet at 9:45 A. M. Mi mailers amount to $356.25; coin cussed. Plans were made for toe FORDS - During May. ChrU- war*Partenope gave the payment Senator John A. Lynch, Assem- prayer and sermon at a chi annual dinner to be held in Jane FORDS - Girl Scout Cad«tU jan Family Month, is being ob- Start of the year rcpurM containers, $34.76. $448.32 was 1 to Mayor Anthony M. Yelencsics blyman J. Edward Crabiel and Mass at 11:00 A. M". and evening it the Turf Restaurant. Mrs. Ma-Troop 179 under the leadership served at worship services at OurScott Macan, members ; p, Assemblyman Norman Tanzman received from the schools; $12.50 who 3s president rrf the Hospital's prayer, together with the Episco- rom local clubs; $147.00 from tun gave a report on her visit of Mrs. Al Hospodar and Mrs. Redeemer Lutheran Church. "The man, at the executive k,n| and is at present waiting to ar- Deborah to Fete 1 board of trustees. pal Young Churchmen's meeting local business and $5000 from the annual meeting of the George Baldwin and part of Mrs. Christian Family and Morality" ing at Edison Health (Yr.ur range an appointment with Dwight Southern District. ThJ mayor praised the women at 7:00 P.M. will complete the employees. The Mothers March- Gross' cadeL'e troop visited New s the topic for the coming Sun- Mrs. Vincent Scully. riv,r.;J R. G. Palmer of the N. J. State day's activities. lays, for taking on "a tremendous fi es, under the leadership of Mrs. York City. They took the ferry final report on the Imh nancaal responsibility and fulfill Highway Department to discuss Holy Eucharist will be celebrat- to the Statue of Liberty, toured Mothers May 13 ihe proposal of the pedestrian fohn Cline, collected $96.95. The This Sunday worship services ball heM at the Astw iHe| ing Jt with unbelievable speed." ed at 7:30 A. M. each morning und-Raising Event Chinatown with a stop at the FORDS - Mothers' Day will will be held at 8:15 and 10:45 bridge. Mr. Nemyo added that teen-agers, under the leadership October, stated net pro m\ He* said the group undoubtedly of the week following, on Wednes- of "TAP" Chairman, Julianne Re- Chinatown Museum and enjoyed be observed at the monthly meet- A. M. with Sunday school and upon the suggestion of John Egan, day honoring St. Pancras and Set by Mothers' Club 16,035. "is Ihe hardest working hospital the Police Department will be gan, held a tag-day and collected guided tour of the United Na- ing of Parkway Chapter of Debo- Bible classes at 9:30. auxijjary in the country and they Companions, Martyrs and on Fri-$9.50. FORDS - The Catholic Moth tion* Building. Mothers who went rah next Thursday evening, May The congregation is reminded Plans are progressi^ contacted to emplay traffic safety day, St, Pachomius, Abbot and ers Club of Fords has announced carnival June 22-77 at '-- don'f even have a hospital yet. guards at the crossing near the These contributions will be used alone as chaperooes were Mrs. 13, at the Edison House, Route 1. )f the concert by Concordia Col- Confessor. ilans for a fund-raising card Shopping Center. Route i. Accepting the gift with Yelene- Park. by the National Foundation — Penny Meyers, Mrs. Genevieve Members are requested to bring legiate Choir at Carnegie Hall. sicswere Lee Weiss, board chair- Boy Scout troop #51 will meet .larch of Dimes organization to >arty, May 12 7:30 p.m. at Elir Krall, Mrs. Marguerite Larsen, their mothen , grandmothers and New York, this Sunday at 8:30 bridge, Mrs. Elln ]•' Mrs. John Becker, secretary, man, and Leonard Berg, general Monday, May 10 at 7:00 P.M.xmtinue its fight against crippling ibethtown Gas Company, Perth «« Marilyn Btearo, Mrs. Doro- aunts. Each guest will^be present- H. man. reported men read correspondence received by chair/nan of the fund raising and the church school faculty at jirth defects, and continued aid Vmboy. MM. John Yocus, prest- thy VaoBlew and Mrs. A. Hoff- ed with a Mothers' Day gift. Mrs. called upon to man •• the Woman's Club of Fords from drive. 8:00 P. M. The Altar Guild will :o polio victims. Quadt expressed lent, appointed Mrs. Robert man. Lea Stoukas and Mrs. Irene Car- booths. various organizations and indi- litynh'ST shrdluuuu vbg meet Tuesday at 7:00 P. M.; theUs appreciation to those who help- h»enloop chairman. dino are in charge of the pro- viduals expressing interest and The Cadettes have been holding Mrs. Herbert ThJ group will operate the shop Acolytes, Order of St. Vincent ed conduct the campaign, and to Tickets may be obtained by gram. Church Services support of the pedestrian bridge j "Out-of-Doors Skill Day" in chairman, for Lns once* the hospital is built. and the executive committee on hose who contributed. ailing Mrs, Sheenloop at 541- A membership tea will be held proposal. their leader's back yard on Satur- Saturday at the Bit In .addition to Mrs. Partenope, Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. and 182. day afternoons for two junior May 16 at the home of Mrs. Car- Organizations or private citi- 8:00 P. M. On Thursday the choir stated tickets are othet officers of the auxiliary are The function of the Mothers troops as part of their emergency dino, 106 Tracey Drive, Fords, Set at Iselin zens interested in the project are rehearsals, junior, intermediate Mrs. Edward Part™.;* Mrs.- Jeremiah Gumbs, first vice 9 lub, under the direction of preparedness preps and have been vice president in charge of ways ISELIN - Rev. Harry W. invited by Mrs. Scibienski to join and senior and the parish coun- dent will lead the -f ing ; secretary; Mrs. Bernard Tha cadettes attended the ca- ty Campaign will begin its third COLONIA - "Green Thumbs" dette under-canvass council event tending win be Mrs Irw, Dwyer, assistant recording secre- week Sunday. The theme of the gel, Mn. Jeremiah fiumi* taryj Mrs. Irving Spiegel, cor- Oft To Carribbean May Crowning eigned throughout the evening as held this past weekend at James- campaign, which will end on burg. An emergency preparedness Matthew Drwal, Mr* V:« responding secretary; Mrs. Fre- ISELIN — Mary Ann Ahern, "•ack 45 held its monthly meeting Pentecost Sunday, June 6, ii Player! Offer •halknge was presented to seven Further Reunion Scully and Mrs. Philip deriek Bonsper, assistant corresr daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. it the Colonia Library. Under the, "Loyalty is Witnessing". luspices of Den 5 and Mrs. Paul girls and included first aid. com- Coming Twig activity ponding secretary, and Mrs. An-Ahern, 1Z7 Auth Avenue, will be Planned Sunday Services at the church Sunday. geles Paraskevas, treasurer. Wittreich, the pack picked differ- pass reading, what to tell a doc- nouneed by chairmen as <••$& sailing on a Carribbean Cruise COLONIA - St. John Viaimey Comedy, May IS Plans Are Told Delude: 9:45 A. M., Sunday School to the Virgin Islands on Saturday, ent vegetables and substituted the tor, giving instructions, stretch- An auction on May 15 at Kid This Saturday, the auxiliary is PERTH AMBOY - Well over with ten classes from Nursery May 8. CYO May Crowning will take word "the big green giant" in-l AVENEL - "Tunnel of Love", ing a menu to include five extra town Market sponsored hy tioldjnfca Las Vegas night at the adults and planning as hour's 100 members of the Class of 1945 through Adult; 11 A. M. Morning Brunswick Inn. Tickets are $1 Mary Ann, who is a fourth place, Sunday, 2 P. M., when Our stead of old McDonald, Different the hit comedy, written by Peter I; Soci.il \hy boys represented different vege- tntertainment for fiv« adulU. The Service; 11 per Jouple and the evening has grade student/ at St. Cecelia's Lady of Fatima Statue outride De Vries and Joseph Field, will Perth Amboy High School, have! |tl at the h.< tables in the farm of the big leader gave this challenge 6 A. M. drei's Church, for boys and girls; been- planned by the co-chairmen, School, win be accompanying her will be crowned and dedicated. be presented by the Lord Street made reservations for the 20th Mrs. Warren Ehrlich, » Vi green giant. Saturday morning to Amy Hoff- two through eight years of age; Mrs; Warren Ehrlich, Mrs. Hergrandparents- , Mr. and Mrs. AlAl- l are invited to attend. Players Saturday, May 15 and man, Barbara Wolff, Doreen year reunion, scheduled for May Road, Fords; social w^n Highlighting the evening wai bert»Weininger and Mrs. Herbert bert Williams, of Staten Island. 23, Curtain time is 8:30 P. M.Pringle, Dale Farrington, Lor- and 7 P. M., Evangelistic Cm Tomorrow a first Friday Mass the induction of four new mem' 29 at the Cobblestones, Route 35, Menlo Park Terrace Lev[he. Under the able direction of Ray- raine Hospodar, Judy Krkzar and sade Service. will be celebrated at 5:30 P. M bers by Cub Master Marion Haw- at the home of Miss Roi mond J. Keim, Old Bridge, the Pam Meyer and all successfully Middletown. Reservations have The church nursery will be All CYO members are urged to kins, Howard Breder, Jerry Bo kert, 1W Ethel Road 1 Democratic Club cast will star Adele Hoffman, passed the challenge. not closed, advised Edward Wro available, under the supervision attend. Sunday is communion bal, Richard Bogdanski, Josepr Sunday for the group at the 8-.30 Estelle and Morton Diamond of Mrs. Magne Lohne, during the Mrs. Lindley Henry Board To Convene Maxium. Tuesday night the troop attend- berl, chairman, who will accept A. M. Mass with a meeting sche- Shirley Salkin, Lee Baron and 11 A. W. Worship. TEMPLE SERVICES FORDS — Board members of ed the senior opportunity meeting them at 1288 Westfield Avenue Elected PTA 14 Head duled for 6 P. M. Awards were as follows: Gam Irving Shame*. Other services and activities for FORDS - Temple ha the Fords Women's Democratic lardner, silver arrow; William held in Bamberger'j community Rahway. FORDS - Mrs. Lindley Henry, On May 27 a trip to the World'i Estelle Diamond will be making the week include. Wednesday, W Pleasant Avenue. Vox> Club will meet tonight at 8 o'clock Hefele, wolf badge; Kenneth Ko room. On May U they are invited Further plans were discussed bjy hold regular Sabbath n< Jr. was elected president of School Fair is planned with buses leav- her acting debut with the Lord May 12, Mid-Week Service, with at the home of the president, Mrs. diila, two silver arrows; Airthon; to Alice Wall's senior troop meet the committee at a meeting at the vices tomorrow night at #14 P.T.A. Vincent Novaf, 30 Ling Street. ing after 7 A.M. Mass and re- Street Players. She is primarily prayer meeting beginning at 7:30 Other officers for the new school turning about midnight. Monej Petras, gold arrow and three sil- ing. Eleven cadettes from troop home of Mrs. Jean Fuchs Ross- service will mark ^' The regular club meeting will a dancer, having studied several P.M.. and Bible Study from 8:30 year are, Jarrot Parrish, first will be accepted no later thai ver arrows; Donald Alexa, silvei 179 will be capped at the senior ner, 60 Madison Avenue. Souve- pendence Day and *\~ be held Monday. May 10, at 8 P.M. years with the Hanya Holm Dance 1 vice president; Mrs. John Haba- May 16, A deposit may be made arrow; Glenn Anderson, Silver ar graduation to be held at St. to 9 P.M.; and Friday evening, lighted by t sp«UI P. ' in the St. Nicholas Church hall. Studio, N.Y.C. She is a member nirs, gifts and 'program booklets raclj second vice president; Miss with Toni Martorelli 371-8588. row; Ray Hawkins, silver arrow Francis' in Metuchen on May 18.have been arranged. Priies will May 14. 7:30 P. M., Christ's tenteHBttd by the fofourtu h Joseph Iorio, bear badge and gol Lorraine Sonday.recording secre- On June '5 a picnic will be held of an Israeli Folk Dance Troupe. Ambassadors meeting in theW religious school arrow; Eric Syborski, silver a: be awarded to the members: taryj Mrs. Mario Florentine, cor at Merril Park. Anyone interest- She was last seen in the Congre- church;- and 7:30 to 8:30 P. M , shabbat wW be lender-! i Auxiliary To Honor row; Raymond Zappulla, bear most recently married, most re- responding secretary; and Mrs, ed may contact Janet Garoniak, gation B'nai Jacob's successful badge, gold arrow; Wayne Bal cent mother, most recent father, Bible Crusaders, Junior youth, and Mrs. J. Stilur.an Vin<$nt LaFraeio, treasurer. 381-2168. production of "Old Time Revue.' Jewish Women . Former Presidents land, silver arrow; Keith Ballel meeting in the Parsonage, 184 Installation will take place at fl i\Ct* (traveling the farthest, and having FORDS — Past presidents of; The athletic committee will silver arrow; Alan Farer, go] Last seen m the Lord Street CCooper Avenue. FIRE OTET REPORTS hSM 19 meeting. 1 1 ay g the Mothers Auxiliary of the sponsor a trip to Shea Stadium, arrow, three silver arrows; Cha Players "Light Up the Sky", Shir- Elect Oiiiccrs^"™ "*. ^. , Friday, May 14. 7:30 P.M., KEASBEY - Ch:ei '»* Mrs. Wallace Daniels, member Fords-Clara Barton Boys Baseball New York City, to see the Dodgers Farer, gold arrow, three silvei ley Salkin was also in the "Old u mesh d the ProtedK' -• Guests will be Miss Margaret of the Board of Directors on Iteague will be honored at the vs. Mets. Anyone interested maj arrows; Gregory Ficarra, silw Time Revue." Center in Brooklyn will be pre-ptny 1 reported n> • • 1 COLONIA - Featured at the; Crockett, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fanjily Counciling, spoke on May 17th general meeting to be contact James'Boyle, 388-4559 a. arrow; Matthew Kane, two silvei Lee Baron who plays "Miss Me sent along with some converts as- i^wd during Marcr-.. H Irecent meeting of the Central; Rtofega and Joseph kerr. "What is Family Counciling?" held at the Clara Barton Fire- soon as possible. arrows; James Leathern, two si wen « bruah fife*. - l! U attendance award ttas re- Cracken", appeared in leading Parkway Section, National Coun-j Anyone needing transportation sociated , with the Center. The house at 8:30 P.M. Hostesses ver arrows; Edward Ncvak, tw< roles in "Brother, Rat" and "Sit film. "Teen Revolt", will be one regular drill ;n>i ceived by Mrs. Feucfytbaum's will be the Major, Minor and silver arrows; Thomas Tiernar cil of Jewish Women, was a re-;may call Mrs Charlotte Goldberg fifth grade. Mothers Club Get* san and God", when she attended port by this section's delegates tojvenook, 61 Hazelwood Avenue, shown. drill. CWrf Demesh •• "< Midget Tigers. wolf badge; Ronald Burnowsk; East Stroudsburg Teacher's Col- gular drilTwtu bf ' 93 Gordon theflvedaybiennml conyentjon|Metuclien y ^m mm on Mrs. A. Lukacs, Plaque From Council Weblos badge: Gary Garino. we lege, Pa. Shp is jj_member at 7 o'clock. Spring Bus Trip Set Avenue, Fords is chairman of the los badge; John David Pe^iez, Fire Chiefs Plan v FORDS — A plaque was award the Council Players and has ap- rs e y peter Hodan, w- - .cookbook. Recipes may be sent weblos badge. Gerald Maritifc Roselle, Mrs. Gerald Sandak. Co-^ - " |?. By Baseball League ed to (he Mothers Club'of Troop peared in several of their pro- loHia. Mrs. Nathan Parnase, Lin-iM"., Betty MiUrtsen Outowtki. Banquet Saturday nounces nomination to her or given to team mothers. cub scout graduation certific|t charlM panko will take place at !>• " FORDS -t A Spring bus trip to 52 for "Outstanding Table Decc Mr. Hawkins reminded the bo; ductions of children plays. She is deh and Mrs. Michael Lemerman, - Jack Brennan, AVENEL - The Central Jersey Colonia. Martin Gutowski and Deno Theop Ing. New* York City to see the movie, rations" at the annual PotjLucl of the proposed jaunt to Fort D now playing the lead role in their Fire Chiefs' Association has made, RUMMAGE SALE Supper sponsored by the Rpritan nilal "The Greatest Story Ever Told" r : !t for the Arme-i Forces Ds; production of "Prince Fairy Foot." The 14th annual donor Dinner *o»- final plans for Saturday's annual! J_-V»II on Junday. May 23, will be spon- FORDS — A rummage sale will Council held at the Holy °- - May 15. was held at the Short Hitls Cater-! banquet at the Hungariagn n AmerAmeri-,BAi R MrrzvAii_ be conducted by the Woman's So-Church, Perth Amboy. The Tickets may be obtained from sored by the Fords-Clara Barton ers, Short Hills. Theme of the ti... can Citizens' Club, Woodbridge. AVENEL - The i 1 ciety of Christian Service of Wes-featured a large feathered Mrs. Irving Shames, Fu. 8-2237. Mr. Bayj Baseball League, evening was "A Woman's Place\neM Area towns to be represented are, of Ronald Eig, »'< ley Methodist Church today and created by Mrs. Raymond Bases will leave from Our PERTH AMBOY - Hess Oil * Fords, Hopalawn, Keaiby, Wood- Mrs. MUton Eig, 4 ' tomorrow from 0:30 A. M. to 3:30 sen on a tablecloth with all the in the World." Ladjr of Peace Annex at 12:15 Sisterhood To Send Chemical Corporation today re- bridge. Metuchen, Morgan, Sayre- Cotonia, wlUJ* '•' P.M. at the Fellowship Hall. names of the members of the A slate of officers was elected ported earnings for the three- ville, Perth Amboy, South Aknboy at 9:30 A.M. a P- _. Mr. Helen Ostergaard and Mrsclu. b embroidered on it. Nine T» Conference as follows: President, Mrs. Gerald month period ended March SI, and North Strlton. The affair will B'nai Jacob. Lord s Connie Sabo is reserva- Milton Hansen are co-chairmen, AVENEL -I Nine members of Sandak; vice presidents, Mrs. Ar- ttonl chairman and may be con- Mrs. Steven Valla was chair- thur Plotkin, IMrs. Philip iLowy; 1965 were $5,268,794, equivalent start at 7 P.M. Philip Brand w>» "' Future Plans Sisterhood of Congregation B'nai 1 tacted at 442-4137. man; of the affair assisted by Mrs. to 57 centt per share. Ronald during th ' ' Jacob will attend the ninth an- recording secretary, Mrs. iaw- Guests will include William Du- TROOP TO MEET Eugene Antol. Eighteen parents ISELIN — Plans to march in the rence Friedland; assistant! re- In the comparable period last gan, president of the New Jersey Oneg Shabbott aft.r FORDS - Boy Scouts of Troop of Boy Scouts of Troop 52 attend- local Memorial Day parade were nual spring conference of the morrow wUI be BP"' SPECIAL SERVICES Central New Jersey Branch of cording secretary, Mrs. Arthur year, net income fit $4,938,371] State Firemen's Association, John FORDS - Special services inl52 were shown a movie on boat- ed the supper. made at a meeting of the Iselin Shalit; corresponding secretary, or 53 cents per share. Per-share Vanderputte, mayor pi MUltown and Mrs. Eig. '' ing--by the local Coast Guard Unit. Safety Club Inc. It was also de- National Women's League of lUiousservicessat «•- bonflr of St. Anne will be con- Unjted Synagogue of America. Mrs. Robert Steiner; assistant figures are based on 9,274,610 and James J Flynm mayor of The troop meets every Monday cided to begin the annual fund wiU stft at 8:30 1 ducted at Our Lady of Peace ATTENDING CONFERENCE The affair will be held May 13corresponding secretary, Mrs. shares of common and class A Perth Amboy. The Bev. Stanley evening from 7 to 9 at the club- raising campaign, May 15 to en- Sidney Levenson; treasurer, Mrs. Chuich on Wednesday, May 12, FOKDS - The Reverend Eldon from 10 A.M. to 3:15 P.M. at Tem- common stock outstanding In theA. Milos of St. Anthony's Church, at £30 P. M. by Father Eugene house of the Woman's Club of able the children to obtain club Gerald Fendler; dirictors, one Southwest Afrk- It. Stohs, pastor of Our Redeemer ple Ahavat Shalom, Lakewood. 1965 period and f,390,163 shares Port Reading, will give the invo- Lefevre, C. Ss R., "Directo' r of Fords. Members of the troop are emblems and jackets. year, Mrs. David Rudnick, Mrs. in the prior year's period. Conservation Lutheran Church, is representing Representing the local , sister- cation. Masters of ceremonies Pflgfimages at the Basilica of reminded Discussions were held concern- Arthur Lubin; Mrs. Stuart Iind. Sales and other revenues for will be Henry Anderson and Jack world's largest the church at thhe New Jersey mscussions were neia concern-jhood- will ^ -MrSi Harold/Meltz, Ste.-Anne, Quebec. Camp Cowaw will close soon. Directors, two years, Mrs. Melvinthe three-month period amounted Egan. ary, covering Pastoral Conference being held, g. a movie film t,o be shown at Mr, rjonald Rivers, Mr*' David a er Slater. Mrs. Milton Wasserman to $100,567,230 in the 1965 quarter!, this wt*k at Hotel FlaiidenJ? ' .meetin'""g and a iwu~n part^/'yy Leniberg, Mrs. Jarvis Main, Mrs. and Mrs. Murray Singer, Installa- 1 0 be hel ln r and $106,596,939 in the 1964 period | Ocean City. The conference comJ „, .. ,,1, :f.,„ Jh,e . ., ™ f\!j£tck Schneider, Mrs. Martin Li- tion will take place next Monday 1 The 1964 figure is restated tto re- prises 71! congregations of the Howell will supply Southern styl«jtinger «„. George Miller, Mrs. at Temple Anshe Chesed. Linden 1 fleet accounting changes. Lutheran Church — Missouri Sy- home-fned chicken at varioui Mortjmer WeU and Mrs. Sidney HOMEOWNERS! WATTS I Kemember nod and includes lectures on thesocial affairs to help in the fund j Nochimson early chapters of Genesis and a raising campaign. ANO ludy of selected uassagts »n tlioi Certificates of appret-ifetion will Of the ape family, the gorilb, Mother'* the Dearest, .Show Kesurrection. lbe 8lven to the Board >of Direc chimpanzee, gibbon and orangu NEW ROOFS tar have no tails. Your AtteyUon by Sending Her tors ut a future meeting. OPEN THIS SUNDAY Patricia Yapola was named pre- HURRICANE PROOF! Flower* on Mother's Day. sident succeeding Veronica Cul lem who resigned. WE VO NOT MAKE MOTHER'S DAY As low as • Bouquets DO IT WITH .Speakers included Raymond JOB^OB^OFF Smith, fire commtsiiiouer; Donald GMALL-- Se* our sekoHon of • Corsage* Walter, fire, chief, and Ml Cignore, assistant fire chief, all of Distrk" WEDC? • Potted Plaufe II Hook und Ladder Fire Com GOOD COSMETIC GIFTS HOWE5T • Plastic Flower 9 and 6 H.P. WORK, BEAITIFHLLY IOXEI CIOCOUTES For Kthteal 300 «n4 Riding Tractor*. THATS ALL, • FREE ESTIMAJI> Arrangements 1'rescrjptlon Service ALUMINUM KoUry Tillers Call Here MOTHER'8 DAY CARDS UCAUEK8 AND • TERMS ARRA> • •GUARANTEED • PUb Gardens Riding Mowers (iUTTEHfl FORDS PHARMACY *» low M m UO New Brunawick Ave. FRIX DELIVERY — CALL KI 1 5002 HILL PHARMACY WATI'S BROS. L ADLER & SONS I'huue: III t*m - Kurdi 6027] /.Ot.TAN M. S/.AI.AY K.V., "The Home of Sl'KI 1AMZK IN VA6: Highway 130 «. KATZ, r A I'.A STATE JEWELERS NKVV R(M)FS, Helen Slinsky, Florist ^v.ui ytiurbcli uf otit pruiupi U Main i>tr«l, 587 Kooseveh Aveuu« (!art«ret and ALCOA North Brunswick |JU k ll|j dllO llellvt-iy h'lte park ROOFI iu( niU II.IIHII I li.u[r H-rvlif^ r« rrvupt IMbtrr »«vkc HIOM tH 1 SIM ALUMINUM WATTS BROS. 16 l,anl» Slrtrt Carteret (Neil hi Stale Tbcalre) Phone AX 7-3474 nui . io ii SIDINti tu Stale fE.B.) • Carteret Press Thursday, Mai PAOI SBVBM f Mis. .John Casey, Roselle Park; Surviving are her husband, Ma- gramili that then wen 4toM« inddMM of dial** of two sons, Harmon, Woodbridge, cario; four daughter!, Mrs. Edith nf Mum In New Jemv lut 40 ytan of if* and «M« bib** and Roland, Edison) his mother. Florto, Avenel; Mrs. Joseph Orr, Programs For I per cent _ Mrs. William Conran, Carteret: Knoxville, Tenn.; Mrs. Emily Ke- year, Indicating a low tovtlo f one grandchild; three sisters, Mrs. leman, Woodbridge; and Mrs. Health Council immunity; tuberculosis ii itUl a TIM word "carat" mtut .IOSEI'11 C. RKINHARD John J. McDonnell, Port Read- Frances Drost, Elizabeth; a son, health hanrd, mainly amonf In- weight of a carob tre* mi, I ing; Mrs. Winifred Hanson, South Angelo, Wood Dalt, IH.. seven WOODBRIDGE-The Industrial dustrUl employ*! and that »h« ago uteri to weigh diamond!. MKNI,0 PARK TFiUWCE . . interment was In St. JamesRiver, and Mrs. James Willey, .mr-r:i] services for Joseph C. grandchildren; and a brother, Pe- 'ealth Council meets today to Cemetery, WoodbridRe. Tarryville, Long Island; and twoter Alonzo of Missoula, Mont. liscuss three medical programs Iti'iiilinnl, iff,, of 5 Van Ness Place, The pall bearers were Orlando •brotl"!rs, Earl William, Portland, o be presented by Dr. Antoine T. j who died April 27 nt Elizabeth Vernachio; Stanley DeNitto' Stan- Ore., and William H., San Jcse, MRS. GERTRUDE WllAJS Mtalla, director of the Town- Oi'iin.'il Hospit.-il, worfl hold Hat- ley Kamienski; Robert Pettinheo; Calif. ihip's Division of Henlth. NEW JERSEY'S uid'iy at Corny nnd Corny Mort- ISEMN - Funeral services for Ray Skokowskl and Felix Straga- Mrs. Gertrude Hill Willis, 75 Auth The meeting will be held in the Send Mom ii.-irics, Klirnbpth, with the Rev. pCOT U F. GERSTENMAYER committee room of the Municipal FAVORITE CLEANERS Ili-in/ Kuclor, pastor of St. Mark's Avenue, a registered nurse em- Prayer services were held Wed- AVENEL-Funeral services for ployed in the Woodbridge Town- Building on Main Street at 10 30 f.ntlirnm Church, Elizabeth, of- nesday at 3:30 P.M. led by Rev.Leopold K. Gerstenmayer, 60, ofship Health Department, who A.M. ficiating. Rurial was in Clover Anthony M. Caydos, O.S.M. pastor 55 D Street, Ideal Trailer Court died Monday at Perth Amboy Dr. Attalla said the programs I/'if Park Cemetery, Woodbridge. nf St. Joseph R. c. Church, Car-who died Monday at Marlboro FLOWERS lor General Hospital, were held yes- he will present are tetanus j Mr. Iteinhnnl was born in teret. 1 teret State Hospital, will be held this terday at First Presbyterian noculations, diabetic detection and from Cleaiiif Kli/abellt and hnd resided . morning at 10 A. M. at the DonChurch of Iselin with crematton tuberculosis screening. He said Shirt Meluchen in1 The nuns of the St. Joseph Con- McCracken Funeral Home, 2124 Every Day vwlt at Rosehill Crematory, Linden, at that his staff will aid in estab- Sine World fuWar manr II,y hyearse serve. dDur- In1 rhursda< Carterety nt 4:3, offere0 p.md. Rosarprayery sser on- St. George Avenue, I.lnden, with the convenience of the, family. lishing clinics for the throe pro- HIRIAK'S Uwdwiig ill,, cremation at HosehiU Crematory, liclidlig Sit U.S. Navy with the rank o( vices were held Wednesday nt Mrs. Willis had resided In Iselir grams in all of the industrial 1 Hbmlswnln's mate aboard the 9:00 p.m. led by Rev. Vinrent M Linden. firms which express an interest. Ml Lfcitlou Avaltahto The • deceased was a cost ac- 23 years. A graduate of Muhlen Hi; Fllio in the Pacific Ryan, O.S.M., assistant pastor of berg Hospital, Plainfield, Schoo He said the reason for the pro- was supervisor at St. Joseph R. C. Church, Carteret. countant employed for 20 years ITS CLOSET CLEANING TIME | at the Phelps Dodge Copper Corp., of Nursing in 1936, she was THIS SUNDAY - MOTHER'S DAY M Schoo' Amboy, he had resided In Wood POTTED PLANTI ! Thcitr-r. lie p MM. GOZA niNFRAI, Elizabeth, until retiring two years member of the Nursing bridge nine years. FRF.8H CUT FLOWERS • the Singer Manufacturing Com- Alumnae Association and of lh< SAVE NOW! : man, ago. Born in Vienna, Austria, he Survivng are his widow, Pearl; • CORSAGES • DISH GARDENS puny. 1Elizabeth, had bee. nA forme withr set-u^^f^^^Tp *came to the United States 35 First Presbyterian Church, Iselin his motheT, Mrs. Lcroy Spnrks 21 yearsh . hd h ith th fl East Ook Street were held from years ago. He formerly lived in Surviving are her husband, Johi CALL IN YOUR ORDER TODAY! He w,is a Softball pitcher Woodbridge; and a brother, Dr the Blrah Funeral Home, 54 Elizabeth 31 years and in Avonel H, Willis; a daughter, Patrici; Vemon Sparks of Annapolis, Md bad played with teams of the Wh«ler Avenue on April 2flth at the last four years. He served in Ann, at home; a sister, Mrs. M ALL WEEK SPECIAL Singer Manufacturing Company, bel H. Cook, Rahway; two brot Phone KI 1-5465 0:30 a.m. and at 9:00 A.M. a high the Pacific theater with the U, S Hie Hurry Biscuit Company, and requiem Mam was offered at St.Army during World War II. ers, Henry A. Hill, Clark, and THE WORLD BOOK MAY 10th thru MAY 15th John T. Hill, Daytona Beach, Fla. 1 the Hibernians of Elizabeth; the Joseph Roman Catholic Church, Surviving Ii his widow, Cecelia ENCYCLOPEDIA V'hite Birch Men's Club of Me-Carteret with Rev. Anthony M. HIRIAK'S Flower Shop (Petrl) Gmtenmayer. LEROY SPARKS • First In Sales ; tuchen, and the Giordano Truck- finydos, O.S.M. as celebrant. In- 10 Blanchard. Comer of Lowell, Carteret WOODBRIDGE - The funeral • Bndget Plan im; Company of Scwaren. :erment was in St. Mary Ceme- MRS. BENEDETTA RIVERA Call Martin Braun (t Blocks West of Borough Hall) '' Surviving are hip widow, Mary erv.Rahway. WOODBRIDGE - The funeral of Leroy Sparks, 44, of 47 Cutters' 'Pitulnl; two daughters, Mrs. The pall bearers were Thomas of Mrs. Benedetta Alow/) Rivera, Lane, who died Sunday at Perth VA 6-5868 Toni line Fiorello, Metuehen. and Hawk; Harry Elko: Richard 211 Metuehen Avenue, who died Amboy General Hospital, wi'.l be Kathleen C. Reinhard at Kite: John Ktafeienkl Jr.; Jto* Tuesday morning at Perth Amboy held this afternoon at 1:30 at the hoar; his mother, Mrs. Tessie eph Manhart and John Votar. General Hospital, will be held this Second Baptist Church, Perth Am Reinhard. Cranford; his grand- Rosary services were held Wed- morning, 8:30 at tfie Greiner boy, with burial in Alpine Ceme- Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, tery. Arrangement* are being mother, Mrs. Tessie Yankin, And nesday at 3:00 P.M. led bv Rev. made by the Henry J. James Fu- a brother, Richard B., Elizabeth Anthony M. Oaydos, O.S.M., pas- with a high Mass of requiem at 9:00 at St. Andrew's Church, Ave-neral Home, 87 Fayette Street, two sWetv Mrs, Sophie Zu- tor of St. Joseph Roman Catholic Perth Amboy. EA. boyce, Cranford, and Mrs. Ruth CHurcH: Cartefet. nel. Burial will bw in St. Ger- Sterns, La Porte, Ind The Nun§ of the St. Joseph Con- trude Cemetery, Colonia. Mr. Sparks had been employed vent, Carteret, offered prayer* on Mrs. Rivera wai a parishioner In the Woodbridge Township FRANK M. RUBADO Thursday at 4:00 P.M. Prayer ser- of St. Andrew's Church, Avenel. Parks Department. Born in Perth WOODBRIDGE The funeral vices were held Wednesday at of Frank M. Rubado, 273 Itoa- <>:30 P.M., led by Rev. Vincent M. [inok« Street, who died Friday at Ryan, O.S.M. Mslftant pastor of the Osteopathic General Hos a. Joseph R. C. Church, Carteret. It pital, Miami, Fla., was held Tues- JOHN A. MURRAY i day at the Natare Funeral Home, WOODBRIDGE - The funeral; [ Lyndhurtf. I n of John A. Murray, 87, of 254 FIRST SAVINGS men FASHION The deceased was the former Clinton Street, who died Thurs- REE f | owner of the Colonia Car Wash, day at home, was held Monday SHION |'Perth Amboy. A native of New morning at the Greiner Funeral SAVINGS MADE iRAFIA BAG ' | York, he also formerly resided Home, 44 Green Street, with a in Rutherford and Lyndhurst. solemn requiem Mass at St. • mJBimwn Hit** toy de«ahg Surviving are his widow, Rose James Church. Burial was in BY THE 15th OF Bird; a daughter, Mrs. Josephine Beverly National Cemetery. rDo«hna. Rutherford; two grand- A resident here for the pant 20 ANY MONTH | children; three brothers, Howard years, Mr. Murray was a retired j. FREE BOX STORAGE Syracuse, N.Y : Daniel, Shrew* shlppln? clerk with the Security RECEIVE DIVIDENDS FOR YOUR WINTER WOOLENS bury, Mass., ami Clarence, De- Steel Corp., Avenel, since 1990. P;Witt, N. Y. He was a U.S. Army veteran of FROM THE I MRS. MARY A. JURICA World War II and a member of M.UI CUANIMO CMAAOIU AVENEL — Funeral services Woodbridge Memorial Post 4410, i „,> pro tide yoi wMk a ^•rto< twngt bn . 1 VFW: ( K\M IT FILL ... tt HI (DM FREE! WORE ALL lor Mrs. Mary A. Jurica, 64, ofCouncil, I vorn WINTER WOOLENS . . . Drum, 8«ll*. | 373 Hyatt Street, who died Thurs- for the ..,•..-, Sweater*, HMMP, Satrt Mrii, irDut day at St. Michael's Hospital, ^Newark, was held Monday morn- rnember of Pup Tent 44, Military | Wladbrraken. M MU, €•**, fltc. ANYTHING | Order of Cooties of Woodbridge, Fun ant Ito-TriMMt OiMii ing at Gorny and Corny Mort I »r um. uiavi A BOX roii ibim rmivATi uu | ^iuary. Elizabeth, with a AND EARN AT I mix ii YOU r«i rnx *i foitt cowvinnwci .. requiem Mass at St. Andrew's nit itoali Church. Burial was in St. OUR HEW DIVIDEND I FVKKVTHtNG rWHaLf PMtMKD. RKAJJY TO I trudc Cemetery, Colonia. ishioner of St. James Church. In UK. RKTUKNSD «N HJWO.MM W PlAflT!C| j Born in'Eliiabeth, Mrs. Jurica Survivlnl af« hi* widow, Marfc KAI.S WHEN YOU CALL fOR THBM W THE | , had lived here (or 10 years. She (Huck); two daughters, Miss I KA11. jwas a member of St. Andrew's Marie Carol Murray, Perth Am- Per SAFK STORAGE NOW ... PAT LATER Church. Kathleen J. Murray, Annnm Surviving are hehusbandr , Woodbridge; two sons, Radioman (Anticipated) John; two daughters, Mrs. John Third Cla5s John G., USN, Nor- run OB in C folk, Va., and Joseph A., Wood- Recks and Mrs. Stanley Recksk , bridge; a sister, Mrs. Joseph both of Avenel; four brothers, CLOTH COAT STORES 95 Snyder, Rutherford, and a |t-l INklRUtCt . , , MM. I-T-Ttt » 1% CHATftS {Peter M.irctak, Avenel; Felix brother, George, Brick Township. Mareiak. Clark; Joseph Marrok, What's the Touch -Tone" phone got ANY FUR COAT STORED and Patrolman Michael Mar JOHN E. CONRAN „ i [XIIBAMCB . . Mfl 245i Cfak of linden; and four grand- WOODBRIDOE - Funeral se^; children. vices for John E. Conran. 14-A n COAT CLEMEI, lUZEl A95 BUMS Lane, who died Saturday that other phones haven't? IYERNACIUO FUNERAL Ml IIIAYIH, KVTBU, MOW rURKURI W ,„ at bom«, were held Tuesday after- CARTERET - Funeral services noon tt theGrfloer Funeral f for Louis Vernachio of U Louis Home, 44 Green Street, FIRST SAVINGS ILIXEFABRICCOATSCLEANED AQ5 Street wire held from the Blmb wai in Franklin Memorial Park; IJIQCUUKM « HUH JUMOT UMNEU AND rwuium Br TAB **#*^ i Funeral Home, 54 Wheeler Avenue i \ i t I'ltvi *ihl vfn MftrBii • Cemetery, North Brunswick. Hr.KK'S A BOND CLEANERS NEAR YOI"" on April Wth at 9:30 A.M. and at A resident here for the past 15 10 00 \ M a high requiem Mass Fur Information Call VA 6-3100 years, Mr. Conran formerly lived PERTH AMBOY WOODBRIDGE EDISON .was offered at the St. Joseph in Cart»ret and wai a retired 1 Human Catholic Church with Rey^, truck driver. He wai the husband 33( ton Strut MS Amboy Av.nu. 980 Amboy AVMW of the late Mr*. Ann Rudy Conran. [I All Offlctn bally. 9 M 4; Saturdays, 9 to 12 noon. Surviving are two daughters,! 'When First in the name meant You." Mrs. Russel Graser Edison, and | follow the "MAP" for Summer Fun... lor the ENTIRE FAMILY at "ASHBROOK i v rocks sports imports

Push buttons that let you "diaTtwice as fast! Here is the new way to telephone. You tap the buttons—faster B "' priced six-cylinder Mustang out- ^{"j," ^A0 kAUn than you now dial. And when you do, musical notes trigger elec-

2 out of 3 best selling imported mi 12-coMi IH Voii UHAHS tronic impulse^ to speed the connection. The cost? Add just $1.50 Plus its leading American coin- per month to the regular telephone charges, plus a one-tirrw con- Muttang ran only 35/100 sec. TEST-DRIVE nection charge, and you're enjoying Touch-Tone service on your « import that costs almost $300 MnaTAWG'S SIZZLING MUS1 O residence line-including Touch-Tone service on all extensions. "•• W weigh* 800 Ib less Mustang *™;. n ;2,Y, Ybu can order this amazing phone now in a wide variety of color* >i"Miw »rto^3. pe«dstickmodeL SfORTS-CAR SlA B 5 and styles, including the newly designed, streamlined well phon*. '* *""* *n wpervibed by U.S.A.C ^ yQUR Call the Telephone Business Office., i^^r^r.err:::irrMUlwt FORD DEALER'S €»

'OODBR1DGE FORD MOTORS, Inc New Jausy Bel rklut, N. J. M' IF Hi PACJF ma Thursday, May 6, 1965

Events Planner) ! TEMPORARY LOCATION OF By Pickwick WOODBRrDGE - Mrs. Bernard .lost. Jr. and Mrs, Noibert S. Josl InM of their experiences while compiling the cookbook, AM) U>AIN ASSOCIATION "An Historical Sampler", at Mon- day night's meeting of Pickwick 'riuh held at the homo of Mrs '.William Wright, Mrs. Daniel OR- den was nutating hostess. In their hook, the m-.iiiihnrs attempted In roller! re.-ines, ir I'idhitt: mtniscences ,-intl nnTdntes of . ., , . WnndbridRe in nrdrr to murk tho Still Accepting Ihrw Township residents have j^,, mtAnmn ot |hp T "" m ,' .S v" if « . p"?i*ip. Material for the nook «-n.< prrsrnted h. Newark State Col- gathered from resirtonts -.! (he IW> Thoalrr- (iuild Toniflht, O-||own HcsCPml,n(s flf ,h(, „,„;„.,, OR MOTHER'S i! (THIS SIM),\Y!) w and Saturday night 5OttiPr!J nnd dignitaries of thr Thcv :iii' Knbert Varney, 4 War-!stiit(, who werp mnst rn „„,,....yre wick ; Street, Iselin: William:jn niriin;: the prniert V si»s to ; Vsc\ !() Patricia Avenue, Colonia historic inns and reslaiirrit^ of Antoinette Napurano, 1221th,. state also mntriimt-d In the 10: CilF.AM nmt iT Avenue, Colonia . . rollecllon of recipes for !he houk. thai all the trees along, Mrs. William Ka'bhenn (ipeltd CAKE flrcciNnw i Street arc in leaf, it feels'the meeting with a reading ap- so sprinRjr to walk down 'hat propriate to Mother's Day Moth- l>fr street, especially early in the ors of members were quests morning. Wish we had a shade Arrangements for the annual GETS JAYCEE AWARD: Shown m-minx a 'Miivi'w <>l the tree commission which would, theater party are underway •vith Month" awnnl from Dnnnlil (1. Knrier, loft, prcsiriont of thr $ooo interest home owners to plant Mrs. Ogden and Mrs It-inert Woodbridge Township Jnycocs is Carmen Mflslriingrlo of Avenel, Mr. Mastrangrlo was rhosen fnr the award for his excellent per- ! trees in front of their property. Stephan in charge. UP | In a few years they would be so formance as chairman of thr .layrrrs Junior Howling Tourna- There were about 7.678.0M) plea- ment, a youth project. I rewarding. Any ideas on the sub (all In Your Order sure boats in use in the I'niled 2 -ijectlj.^?1 WilliaUIHU,™m V . norlotGadekr , IIIIII, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Gadek, States during 19R.1. All Business Is Now Being Conducted in this Air-Conditioned Trailer 50f Leonard Avenue, Woodbridge, Located at Larry Reagan's (lilies Service Metwood Chapter O.R.T.has been accepted by Davis and Storekeeper Third Class Roy P. Fox, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. COLONIA DAIRY Mi ElUns College, Elkins, W. Va., Corner of Amboy Avenue and Main Street, Woodbridge Roy P. Fox, 396 Hudson Boule- where he plans to enroll in the "The Quality Ice Cream Store vard, Avenel, are serving aboard (Riftht next door to our permanent location) fall. William is presently attend To Celebrate on Tuesday the attack aircraft carrier USS USUAL BUSINESS HOURS DURING EXPANSION WORK ing Fork Union Military Acad 1075 St. George Aveuue. ('.olnuj;, Independence, which will deploy emy, Fork Union, Va. DAILY 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-FRIDAY 9:W a.m. to 7:M p.m. ISELIN —The Metwood Chap- Arnold Cohen, Mrs. Edward to the Western Pacific with the Opra Daily awl Sunday 1! A. M. To .Mklni^hi ter of the Women's American Frank, Mrs. Herbert Goldstein, U. S. jSsvwth Flset Monday. PHONE ME 6-0100 • PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE AVAILABLE OJt.T. will have its 10th anni- Leo Eaker, Mrs. Maurice At the Typewriter? versary, installation of officers Gluck, Mrs. Stewart Gross. Mrs. Mario Bullo, 157 Lockwood Ave- and variety show, Tuesday 8:30 Lloyd Kalugin, Donald Wein- nue, Woodbridge and Charles F, P.M., at Temple Neve Shalom, traub, Mrs. ijarold Newman, Maurer, 55 Lehigh Avenue, Ave- Grove Avenue, Metuchen. Mrs. Mrs. Howard Zindel, and Ed nel, have been appointed home Seymour De Witt is chairman. ward Rashbaum. firearms safety instructors by the Mrs. Max Kellerman, first National Rifle Association president, will be installing of- Marine Pvt. Paul F. Conneely, ficer. Mrs. Kellerman has gone son of Mr. James F. Conneely, on from the local chapter to Jr., 695 Rahway Avenue, Wood- work in the North Central Jer- Woodbridge Oaks bridge, graduated recently from. sey Region. Marine recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Par- To be installed are Mrs. Dan- HOMES GROW BIGGER and BETTER with Alice CatlibertMi ris Island, S. C. He will now be iel Kivitz, president; Mrs. Sam- !«« Oak Tree Row! assigned to Camp Lejeune, N. C. uel Kaplan, vice-president; Mrs. belin, New Jersey for at least four weeks of ad- Joseph Holtzman, vice-presi- —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Happel vanced infantry combat training dent; Mrs. Donald Weintraub, BUILTO-MAT MATERIALS and SERVICE! and sons, Gary, Bruce, and before being assigned to a school vice-presiflent; Mrs. Morton La- Wayne, Adams Street, were din- or to a Marine combat or support zarus, vice-president; Mrs. Em- ner guests, Sunday, of Mr. and anuel Choper, treasurer; Mrs. unit Your navigator visited Mrs. Walter Meislohn, Ruther- Jerome Moskowitz, financial in Springfield, Mass., over the ford. secretary; Mrs. Sanford Gibian, weekend and noticed that the —Woodbridge Oaks residents recording secretary; Mrs. Mor- community's Urban Renewal pro- who attended a bridal shower ton Mandleberg, correspond- gram is really at a standstill. for Miss Karen Wolf, East Or ing secretary; and Mrs. Jack Houses were demolished a few ange, were-Mrs. Robert Fitz- Finklestein, parliamentarian. years ago, and stiy nothing has simmons, Sr., Mrs. Helen After the installation a variety been done to utilize the valuable Rohlfs, and Miss Barbara show, "This Was The Year That land. If the Springfield program Reeves, all of Spmel Avenue; Was", will be presented. Direc- is any kind of a model, we sure Mrs. Henry Happel, Adams tor is Mrs. Joseph Barg, with are lucky with our Project Bow- Street and Mrs. Joseph De Sena, local Hwdquartan Nn Mrs. Herman Davis, coreo- tie. West Arthur Street. Miss Wolf National Ho grapher. Mrs. Maurice Leib, will be married May 23 to Rob- Mrs. Sidney Dibossky and Jo- Here and There: ert Fitzsimmons, Jr. seph Raymond are in charge Two Woodbridge residents, Carl —Mr. and Mrs. Alexander 1 of Props. Bob EUis will be piano A. Kalinowski. a sophomore and Cuthbertson and children, Rich- accompanist. Michael J. Markow, a freshman, Coasrit a Linden Lumber Specialist are on the Dean's list at the; Massachusetts Institute of Tech-: MAHOGANY Mrs. Robert Cuthbertson, South nology. . . Melvin Melanson, 582 j Amboy, Saturday afternoon at for EXPERT and ECOWOMICAL Linden Avenue, Woodbridge, was! an open house in honor of the First Holy Communion of their elected first vice president of the son, Walter. Parents' Association of Rutgers College. Saturday the group gave PANELS'^ Solition of Your Remodeling Problem I SPRING its first "outstanding freshman PTA Board to Meet award" to two students — How- ard K. Rabinowitz, Pittsburgh VACATION ISELIN - Mrs. Carl Lun», c \ by tha Ocean awaits you. and Robert E. Shimshak, Pater- president of the PTA of Ken- warn*. E» (• imtaTL V«i- Swimisphere (enclosed & son. They shared a $100 award,.. r LINDEN LUMBER SSSSS nedy Park School 24, announced heated pool), brand-new Willie Y. Vaughn, who operates a nl I—* wrfoc*. Choia a meeting of the executive board Edwardian Lounge, sun service station on Port Reading •f cwtoM finfww . , . has been set for Monday, May decks, solaria. Evening en- Avenue, Woodbridge, was grad- Specializes In Remodeling... tertainment, dances, T.V,, 10, 8. p.m.. at the school. uated from Shell Oil's advanced movies, musicales. Mod- Plans will be made for the 1 ern wing, luxury afrts. regular monthly general mem- training course in dealer manage- Modernizing... Renovating. Twin beds with bath from' bership meeting to be held Mon- ment Charles Buleca, 103 $12.50 Mod; Am.; $6.50 day, May IT, 8 p.m., at' th""e Woodbridge Avenue, Sewaren, is SEEING IS European each person. school. articipating in New York Uni- Ask about Inclusive Plans. versity's Associate in Arts degree Phone 609-345-12U In VELIEYINGU N.Y., MU 2-4849. irogram. . , Sharon Levy Feted vwr MT «i|*>r* •* «•*»• ISELIN - Miss Sharon Levy Inttings: ••9 vmdt frrna oH conwn daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mil- Thomas Dunigan. Woodbridge, •f Hit wttM. MM** WIK- ONIHEtOiRDWUK • ATUKTICCITV ton Levy, 219 Julius Street, was inducted into Elizabethtown Ikw, Ownership Westbury Park, was guest of ias Company's 25 Year Club at management honor at a Sweet Sixteen lunch- an annual meeting held last Josiah White, eon, Sijnday, at the Brass Buc- Thursday at the Twin City rest- ket, Woodbridge. lf & Sons, aurant, Elizabeth.. .Henry D »rsi' Ltl Thirty guests att«nded the af- 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LEADERS & BUILD-O-GLASS fair from Union, Brpdley Beach, S. D'Orsi,' U Lee Street, Port Hillside, Irvington, and Iselin. Reading received an early pro- GUTTERS motion to Army pay grade pri- ate E-2 following completion of basic training at Fort Dix last Linden lumber week. D'Orsi was awarded the promotion two months earlier THE han is customary because of his is the proficiency in firing the M-14 INSURANCE rifle, his high score on the physi- LAWS HOW al combat proficiency test and EDITORS :iis military bearing and leader- hip qualities ... Ian Shrank WOOD SCALLOP FRONT ENTRANCE DOOiS :t74 New Dover Road, Colonia, i IMPROVEMENT CORNER ixth grader at Pingry School Hillside, was tops in his class COMBINATION DOORS WAKMOUSE SAUJ for selling the most candy for the UUmXtl tuiw, IDEA CENTER 1H65 scholarship drive. A profit link nm in, Guest Editor — Gerard (ireaux lurti, ua> 97 of $1,116 was realized . . . Robert 97 till 1W AkL LET US DO THE STERN & DUAMKSET Weis, son pf Mr. and Mrs. An- «•!• to Wft 8 16 At yowr hony H. iWeis, 107 Washington 54 Main Street, Woodbridge Avenue, Colonia, was promoted COMPLETE JOB! drop in - brow* *< 0 the rank of Corporal at Naval MSfGNMG (Kir -HOME SIZE" Oi> HOME AND AUTO INSURANCE Air Station, Willow Grove, Pa. . FMMCIK — Ask m»»l»n». ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN the hospital. ' Last But Not Least: ' NON-CIIMBABLE WROUGHT IRON RAILING "Is it possible for me to budget my insurapce Robert F. Swenson, 109 Wes I HEAVY GAUGE FENCE u* - SOON! premiums?" a reader inquires. Francis Street, Iselin. has com vWt Yes STERN & DUAUOSET can arrange a payment pleted 25 years of service with the Public- Service Electric and scheduled to fit your own financial situation. Payments may Gas Company and was presented 95 be made monthly, quarterly or annually. Installments can 97 with gold service emblem. He; i 8 EASY TERMS .range from ten monthly payments on a policy written for secretary to the General Coun- flSi L»»tJT rilCli MtllUII one year to 55 monthly payments on a five-year policy, sel, Law Department, General l*»«UWl«Vl, MUM HtlL I tl {furthermore, the down payments purposely are kept low Office, Newark. . , Dr. Charles Ho under these programs. J. Schwehla, 65 Second Street, Kurds, wws reelected first vice OAKft IHIIIB! I" lil-UII IH»I(.I nuu ilh»n,. iki Hi, a lilt •» ui m Policyholtters also save money when they buy a package president of the Society of New policy, such as the homeowners, instead of individual fire, Jersey Chiropractors, Saturday j theft and other polities. The homeowners policy combine* at the mutual convention in As-' property insurance with burglary and theft and comprehend bury Park, . . Miss Virginia l)il-| kes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. j Mve penonal liability coverage, at a 20 to 30 per cent saving, Edward Dilkes, 43 Juliet Street,' Automobile insurance savings are possible through safe Iselin, is a candidate for a B S.' degree in Chemistry from Uba driver plans and special automobile piukage policies. Other nun Valley College, Aimville, pa . J program* affonJ discounts to families owning two or more Commencement exercises will be intured private pusseuger ours, to fanners and to families held June 6. Miss Dilkes was a BUILD-O-MAT MATERIALS and SERVICES with male driven under age 25, who successfully complete member of the May Courfrfor the Convanmit a recognized driver education course More than 10,000 high annual May Day festivities last A1 K-hoob and college* throughout the country now offer these Saturday., . Navy Lieutenant 1 jgi at Your 1402 E. ST. GEORGES AVL, LINDEN - WA 51400 - « FAMILY max STORES - Robert A Weinstein. son of Mi- euur Mm 6 ami Mrs. Milton M. Weiiistein. 530 OHEN KVEKY MTE TIL » — SAT. Til, ti P.M. KATONTOWN - r Middlesex Avenue, Colouia, and > Independent - Leader Carteret Press A Newspaper Dedicated to the Best interests of the Residents of the EDISON-FORDS BEACON Communities We Serve

lJHlependcnMieader (E.B#- Thursday, May 6,1965 WINDOW PAGE NINE On Green Street Business and Professional W omen's Club Installs By fife Staff —

,. nf the aspersions cast agaimt tlic teonagers these days l\n'in almost impossible to «ay something good in their \,4 it took national recognition to find that the modern Mrs. Bartok is Elected GOP Session 1 „ s- wen the backbone nf a drive that helped in a crisis ,Miy had been ravaged by an earthquake to bring that Carteret BPW President Set For Tonight niu'bark to normalcy. ; .,. ,r MI much about the bmf.itfirvE* t&al th« tcenaRers do •:HKT - Mrs. Elsie H. its Board of Trustees and is pres-l ('A'«TERET - A irwting of !he Gcnet a Re .' I,,, ,-H ;ibout the many good deeds that g« unrecognized. was VIL Ul #as elected presidenf t of ently a member of the ChurchiChurch][.1 ' ' PuW>''' much thnt he had to tell us about it - and Joe we arecent meeting She mircpcds Mrs.ithIUc, nBoar dI ofr Trusteer.i . s O-f th- eCar - .I^irsi H IPl'tl Slova<«- I Minik* CitizenI .1.—..- s- Club nn no- jt m Ron r ; n.py I" Prin' tary Hila. Other officers elected; ten* Public Library. ' . ™^ A™""*;. '''- '.': were Mrs [K 1 re5ldent Jullus K v:ics A1 nil'i I ih;it last week a by of about J» w 1..3. ,.cam. e into the - <* Roffnvaki. First The Installation Dinner will be' ""* P ' " - " re Husin is employd Mi Wk«|i he knew the owneownerr yicc President; Mrs. .Judith1 held on Wednesday evening, Maylreport on the successful drive for ,ked in front of the"Ifor* * AftiMminif outside Rusin iS°l»aydn. Second Vice President; :26th. at Ix>u Homer's Ad Lib, withldistrict leaders and introduce Mrs ,r nvcr ami told the youngster tfilihc could not identi Elizabeth Hochfelder, Ree-|Miss Ginger Sherry in charge.|C(] „,, , OrdlnordmEg SeorPtarvSecretary-; MrMrss. W-.t,Wand^a An»» -.P-ii-...: Followin- g the Installation -Dinner,• .counci ..l candidates. . Edmund Ur-

„,. then said that while he was passing by on his bicycle Sct relaryi Eifihth Birttlda of the Club :rt Wilson. ^ ' °* y • 1 «Ma nr ,Andrew B:ln k ive !,' nii-nily sideswipod the car In question and had broken Treasuerer. ' jwiil bJTcciebrateTwItib lbd ! Mrs.Tn" ' " V A "' *'» » MTi !••«* He then went on through six or seven stores, . Bartok is graduate ol local iderson in chargeg . The Nominniingg a progress report on all party Is and has resided in Car-'Cnmmittorc miT . rnn<;c»«i nf MS™ tv,^ i;__._ „. lt,.(| in the block and trjed to fiW the owner - without « »ittec consisted of Miss Sher- crct th(1 issues "clear the air of the slan- UNION STAKI' SWORN IN: Newly olfrtrd nllicirs of IJH-HI 8:t7 hi-inR sworn in hy W. Morton. New International Representa- ™J°r portion of her ry, and the Misses Mary Mudrak tive, Left to right, Frank Kiila.v, Stanley Ziiclfski. .Inhii Kulrhma. Michael Mills. John Itrvcr. Thnniiis lit1 I'wlrrini, Anthony Sos» ,l( hour nowski, Anthony Casrnne, ('lenient Kskesrn and Krntst Jones. Kovacs, Anderson, Horowitz • .iiii'ii to .ir ! damages. * I Club at the State Federation con-'in the past weeks." n uiu are, vention in Atlantic City (ft May| ~— 14, 15 and 16 are Mrs." Hila and Sermon Listed k- for ynur intrroil - ,]ot Ru«in, TO PLAN REUNION I She also holdj) a real estat sales- Mrs. Bartok, with Mrs. Rogowski : man's licenslicen e aand iis associatei^ s and .Hiss, Sherry, ai Alternates. CABTEBET - A mooting of Has i.mhln ill < urtrrrt. in Id be complimented «• Uw ex- fiolilarb and Tanx- For Mother's Day M fiolilarb and Tanx- reunion committee of the Car- ,,,h he did in rrt«irbl»blng the offlcei of the Carteret The South Pole receives "lore CABTERET - A special order !man of Perth Amboy in this con- sunlight in midsummer than any teret High School class of 1940of service is being planned for It ,i,uin|inifn» Agency on ReoeweK VMM. I mm • hut :nection. A member of the First] place on earth, but 96 per cent is will be held at 8:30 tonight in theMother's Day in the Hungarian inli MI building he made the *rw home af UV agency into Presbyterian Church she is a reflected. Reformed Church including an ,',,,,,1,-rnWlr office comparable to «***»£ *»• "aiw* to former member and secretary of Borough hall. anthetn by an amplified youth i ("iHIIIt* • '• V • m t nunWrfkani Jot «l pUylajc hott choir. "On Mother's Day Let Us of the new qvarten Saturday, which will ipear- Speak About the Christian Home" will be Pastor Dr. Harsanyi's ser- , in, o* maklai Mtnethlac worthwhile Ml of the much Elementary, Secondary Mayor To Aid ( hrrnne tectiM of Carteret. mon topic to be preached in Eng- lish at 9:30 and in Hungarian at Summer School PlannedWilsonFamily 11 o'clock. , ,t to Koland Palko, Araboy Avenue. %oodhridge who ,..„,,„,,,_,., „ . , , , ... I Dr. Ilarsanyi was asked again .„- at his home after a stay at the Perth Amboy W0ODBKIW.K - Patrick A.I requested to bring pupils for re-| to conduct the Hungarian Radio WOODBRIDGE - Mayor "Wal- J1,,! Ho> Ian. Superintendent (if Schools,! gistration at 9:00 A.M. in one Service over WBNX (1380 on the ter Zirpolo said he would do .innounced today that the Board!of the schools listed that is near- dial) at 1:45 P, M, everything possible to assist the ** " uf Educatinn will again conduct ajest their homes. The pupil will The Junior Women's Guild will Wilson family at 112 Arthur Ave- summer school at both the Ele- be tested'to determine instruc- have a Mother and Daughter So- ,1s ,irr thai Jimmy Varady. wha Irm armt (he Forth nue, Colonia, who are in danger 1 mentary and Secondary levels. tional level for the Reading uro- cial tonight at 8 in Bethlen Hall. Hison l« the Mrit towwM* * polar bear nmnlnef. He of losing their home because In announcing the schedule for gram. Children interested in the Mothers of the Guild members , nnshbor. Jamet Peaka, tud a nun la Jlm'» pool last ihey missed two oaymcnls of and members of the I/orantfy So- - hut only alter I perttoteirt date from Uw jammer (oik. this year's summer program; Mr, Modern Mathematics Program $28.33 each for a new roof and fioylari said. "Last year we hadj will be accepted according to ciety and their daughters are in- AMERICAN other repairs. > approximately 550 students at-! grade levels, they must have com- [vited to attend. An investment corporation, Ir- .Ir, 9B Crampton Avenue, WimdbridKe. had nn old tending the summer school. Withplcted grades 3 or 4. p, itbid party with forme* fhjpmates..Midiaei Brennan 0/ the addition of some new courses The schedule for registration is vington,,obtained a judgment and TO MEET TONIGHT SHIPS put through. Al iff's sale. The .intl Lee Green vt.Jimmy Park. |thi* year, we are sure the en- as follows: CARTERET - The Holy Name! company " 'said it-would Society, of St Mary's Ukrainian roUment will go beyond that of School #22 Monday, June tB "•*• • •••• release Jhe ff the Wilsons Catholic.ChurcK:.'6f Carteret will last summer.' f children living in Colofila artH in.' muddy inoitf and bad tiilli (he WotibUdg* Eb or paid StjJoO'-t'Ahe. hce value of hold a re-organisational meeting | Last summer's elementarv de- Iselin. n ihui undw tke «re«iw at pf|l Utrtt and hit ctmnft- the Dote plus tfjtcrest and charges. tonight at 7 P, ,M. in the church WINNING mviER - Congressman Edward J. fatten (I).N.J.) is shown holding the priv:e winner' vclopmcntal reading program School #25, Monday, June 28 the Clyde BeaUr draw *H a lM| The mayor said ne has directed hall. poster of Michael Muskaly Jr. The student's lather is art teacher in the Cartcrct school system. proved very successful and it for children living in Fords, Hope- Bernard an, direct in of l will be offered again this sum-ihwn. Keasbey and Menlo Park welfare orman Robbins, mvI THEATRE PARTY Iu Art .irtivitie* in the Wi Lodge will be a carnival Modern mathematics will Terrace. head of tt* irtmenf of law, u(((;rC(l for e k., .. Urrtoeli will be giv<>n at Sevaren " ~eantime, l«,ave the High Street school at l CARTERET - The Udies Aux- .ifter maw yean of rrustraUoo and hard »«k plans WooabfaWSenSenioi r High School g : Woodbrii VFW Auxiliary P. M. on Saturday, May 8. iliary of the General Stefanilc let down any f?sid?nl In distress. •x; its ne« todgd t hfhafB inA August . i HeadinHead g will be available for: classes will start Tuesday, Those members going to see American-Slovak Citizens Cluh v'W j childreld n who have completed ;junf 29 and continue through "I recall", he .said, "before I CARTERET - Mrs. Ann Ciszak.iwill take place at the post rooms conduct a sale' of, homc-malo • • • • the performance "Funny Girl" .grade 3, 4, 5, or 6. Modrni!August 6. On June 19 all children was/mayor, tiff.'Jackson family president, presided at the meeting on May 15. Mrs. Mary Pluta will will leave on the first bus. and cakes, Saturday at the General of ill, next doarto theJVtlsons, • •- 0 lirlcn. tkalrmui «f the VIPft tflaaer oa May V. report* mathematics will be offered to;wlit report at 8:30 A. M. at which of the Ladies Auxiliary to Star be installing officer lor the iuaux.x"i thos- e members planning to see Stefanik American-Slovak CHI- was burned out&nd my y^fe serv- i<,i ih<- urkrti are i«4ag (ait u4 that h* mua han a Mtajle children who have completed time they will receive session as- Landing Post 2314 Monday eve- nir"i"I Had A Ball" will leave on the ed as chairman,to assist them. zens Club, 21 Pershing .Avenm • : •n.-r (ram the raemhert wWjta Ike mnt ten dayt - aUc* •srades S or 4. Class size will be sjgnment for the balance of the ning at the VFW post rooms. The man of refreshments for the eve-second bus. A dinner at the Ho- She and her 'jgjMnmittee raised were elected at this ning. The sale, under the chairman- •• u-im hall la WwdbrMft ea* aeewunodate hi«t to auwjr. limited to approximately 10 pu-!jurnmer term. following tel Picadilly will follow the ma- enough money.gbSltei'ials and la- Guard, Mrs. Eileen ;pils lor developmental reading! The daily' schedule will be in meeting: In charge of hospitality for thetinee performance. ship of Mrs. Mary Hadyniak, will and 15 pupils for modern mathc- ti,ref, sections. The early session bor to build a^fte new home for Stanzipg: Delegates to the disevenin- g were Mrs. Meta Larkiii, begin at 9:30 A. M. and continue of the towmbjp m4) not ** warv «f tkJa the Jacksons," trict, Mrs. Ruth Donovan and Mrs. Fenske and Mrs. Mary Czaj* FISH FRY FRIDAY will meet from 8:30 A.M. to until sold out according to UJ •.wr streereet light should goiuut at any time, call the| Arrangements have been made: 10:00 A.M., the middle session At that t: Independent- Mrs. Betty Mezey; Alternates, kowski. CARTERET - St. Joseph's announcement by Mrs. Eleanor Police 1 \ register Wwxlbridge Publicfrom 10:00 to 11:30 A. M-. and Leader co funds for re- Mrs. Gloria Goodrich and Miss The next meeting will be held Church will have a fish fry to- uu very fait lervice - we know «nd we would like School elementary pupils in their the late session from 11:30 to 100building the and approxi- Jean Lee; County Council Dele- on May 17 at the VFW post rooms. morrow from 5 to 7 P. M. Sabol, publicity chairman. Mlate both ^department and the Public Service for own schools by completing appli- P. M. Students may enroll in mately $7,500 was collected, gate, Mrs. Irene Bohanek and rcspunse cation forms and submission «f only one subject. money was used to purchase a alternate, Mrs. Rose Costello. payment. The secondary program of thepre-fabricated stall and materials Miss Lee, hospital chairman Application! Ready Soon summer school' will start on to finish off the'house." announced that a hospital party Srtrhtk. Ill Grate MIMI k **f a X* Applications will be available j June 28 and close on August 6. will be held on May 13 at the He > l.i» n ami h Irytac cat Mmal »*» paw wed*. for parents or guardians on June (Students from grades 9-12 maywill meet four fours daily. The Lyons Hospital for Disabled Ve Ready for trouble before it strikes Uacter af whrle 17. ' I register with ththeii r guidance; new courses are aln available for terans. Members are requestec Students needing a. new course (one of the secrets of providing dependable electric service) • • • • I Applications completed should 1 counselors in their respectivei'- to attend. Cars will be available for graduation. : •lollies are getting bigger and bigger, Fritt Van Dalen bo relurned tn the school the;schools" after the fifth marking at the VFW post rooms, leaving We could wait for a lightning storm to cause damage and then start working A tuition fee; of1 forty dollars 1 .uvepted a five-footer for nil team aftuf winning the -htld attends on or before June II.! period. New and review courses at 6 P. M. sharp. c ($40.00) is required for a new on repairs. But we don't. We start getting ready before it Hits. Thanks to a Night Commercial League championship, jwitn check or money order for I will be offered in all major sur> Mrs. Goodrich, chairman of re- subject, and twenty dollars ($20.00) KS/ payable to the Woodbridge ijects depending on enrollment. freshments at the honor guarc unique electronic warning system we know when a storm is approaching. Storm- for a review subject, The let is Students failing more than three dance held Saturday, expresses Hoard of Education payable only by check or money activated indicators, strategically located throughout our service area, pick up *in stwmid a mu Hkc Marty Mmdy, t< ** Amhoy Awiiut. of i periods during the school year her thanks to the ladies for theii Non-publi, c schoo_. l children p g order made payable to the Wood- "-Hindu*. wh» for a wunber «f »e*rt vaa chatrmaa tl the di d t tk th bjt assistance in making the dance j danger signals when a storm is many miles away. This is part of the system we use Woodbridge will register accord-iare required to take the subject bridge Board of Education. -Hinder Klkn Lo4(t III* CriffM KIMte* Coaunltt**' •>* ing to the schedule. Parents areover as a new subject. This class success. A delegation will attenc to mobilize our forces in advance when trouble is approaching. It costs money. It Students residing in Woodbridge 'i-iirjird ts ai« wark. • - I the County Council meeting or, Township but not attending public takes time and effort. And occasionally the standby emergency crews we call •n ihr surlict, Muts w*iU tBtwar aa W W Wher guy June 4th in Iselin at whicjh timt schools may register at Wood- 1 'i»n VMi delve dMper laU Ua feeli«P aboot O«U project nomination and election of offi- on are not even used. But this is one more way we can guarantee dependable bridge Senior HigW School in the •' - so rloM U Ua heart ym eaa roajUr awlentand cers will take place. Guidance Department, Monday, servjee to you — and one more reason why you can Live Setter... Electrically. • " .(Vint. point to a Tuesday or Wednesday fromE:00 An outing on June 10th is sehe ^ < vuunKKltr. bctweca the agca M two and three. Marty P.M. - 3:00P.M. or Saturday, duled to the Meadowbrook to set "trrly bttnwd in UL accMnUl Utefcea ita*« llr*. I" June 26 from 9:30 A. M. - 11:00 the performance "Can Can", < Ns burn* were tl the third fefree and adding to this A.M. A joint installation of officer; "•"• » Maiiiuin High School at a nahnr4T hi» teacher* Iwgw & SUPPLIES """••<• that tomethlu wai Dottier^ the ytwg W» W ML ROUTE 1, AVENEL itimli •If wai approached by the tcbool aunt »h» r»*|e»W lli.il lir K" Ui the prtacipal'i office a>d whta aaked hy a «oa»le INSURANCE INCLUDE!^ North ul Firehousa •^m, if he would Vkt lo have hU arm itralghtenod out Come in and see us with any plun»bing dumMouaded." or heating questionH and problems. 11 »a» told to go bomr u. bin parMla and get their 1 I' 11111 d taken to the Orange SAVE • SAVE • SAVE (>'»|"Hir HotplUI. Hli mom and dad were concerned a* to «'- Huuld pay the bill, which uulud«4 two major tain graft- 3-PIECE BATHROOM SET "ll- "IHTilllOM. "' -•t'tnl 13 week* In (he hotpKal, comla| out aa he describe* 5 ft. CAST IRON TUB 4 ''«lioni Indivldiul." LOAN 19x17 BASIN Mihou^i, it waa kept a dark aeent from him for Ihwc year*, and TQILET 1 u ""ally found wl that hia beoefaeion • the one* who (WHITE ONLY) '•"' "Hiorrd hi< outlook M Ufc h»d b*en the Crtpplod KlddlM W y«i*n chosei yoir car, sli us for ' :'j"me*- •>' Uw Madiaoa Elka Lodge. rmattflc fipnfacU Mm yu buy! "ll" 's Ihc Htory of Marty Muady and hl» de«lr« U do every- ALL PICTURES GRADE A | IMMEDIATE DELIVERY "^ "1 his power to help unfortunate youWiiteni 4* » lM>rt 1 " >i in dedlcatton to UHM* who helped Urn in l|f«. tOMI'LETE FINANCING CLEAUANCE AND INS'l'AliiA'I'lON PIUCED ALL EYE DOCTORS CARTERET BANK $99 CAN BK AltltANUEl) DESCRIPTIONS FILLED A.,11.1,1. uijiiti ^ w Mada while Van W«U AND TRUST CO. '/•"»<•». Unaea and Teiniles Kt HOT WATER l"ill'H| ' «»er 5WJ tframee to Cbooaa MAIN 01'TH'K Sulfty •ilamwa lor Vouag and UM 46 ^0 Cimke Avenue, BASEBOARD lUNHINd HOIKS 11.11I1 ;) AM lo 3 I'M.—Friday 9 AM t« ti f.M.-Ho I'iikiiu Lot hoc < Mini- RADIATION m Uh wiiti 6o°" Ifif •k BRANCH OFFICE * Carteret Shopping Center U.VNHINi; HOURS: No Down Payment - M> Mouths To Pay lUlly S A.M. tu 4 VM- Kriduy » A.M. u> 4 VM. (OMPUiTE MNANl'IMi i\HU INSTAU.AT1ON "M M. WEINSTEIN, OPTICIAN • ud * I'M. tu 8 P.M. 1 CAN UK AKKANGKU ''? MAIN ST. — METDCHK.N 54K 6215 Mrtnber of Irderal Huwrve Syiileiii .i--oT«ic; AND •*• COMPANY/ 4 'TI. tu tu a-Tuei.'Wed.-Thun. i« t- ' s ^ ! (>ueu Daily « A.M. tu 6 I'M. Open Thursday 'til 9 P.M. (•re* FarklBg In Keui PAGE TEN Thursday, May 3,1965 (••••> Scount Leaders Installation Final Meeting Set Monday ISKIJN - Mrs. John .7. Maho noy, Neighborhood fhnirmnn of Ifylladassnh Noighborhond fl, Crossroads Coun- cil of (iirls Scouts, annnunrert a COLONIA - The board nf ,], U.'iinbow Scout's Own, will hish- rectors of the Colonia Chapter ,,f ll.idnBsnh met with Mrs. .ic , l liRhf Hi? final meeting nf the n ni Herkntt'itZ. lenders next Thursday night, in Mrs. Bcrkowit* reports (,„ j 1/iurrtes Hall, St. Cecelia's School.' plans hnve own made fnr y.,<, Vnrinns colored candles will be insinuation of officers. Mi,.,,|V used in a ceremony to repres"nt :il Temple B'nai Jacoli |/r, the r.irl Scout Laws. Slrrvt, Avenel. A coekh'u \Wt "The Growing Up Tree", a film at 8 P. M. will begin the [Mj,' on Girl Scouts from Brownies through Seniors, will also bej A skit written by Mrs To, shown. The film will trace the filinn and Mrs. Martin !?,>.•,'« "My daughter Ihe Hadnss.ih \ii,,, mental, physical, and spiritunl hrr1' will highlight Hin pr,,,, ^ growth of the child from the time Ml members' husbands ,ir'(. ,„ she is registered in a Brownie viled. Troop until she graduates from Tiw eye bank nipper h:ii \ny- the Senior Troop when she grad- rpsohednled for June 14 ,-,( th, uates from high school. home of Mri. Edward str-m ^4 Although this Is the final lend- M.-iin Street, Fords, ami,,,m, r',,| er's meeting, several events have Mrs. Milton EIR, chairman, \v••>, been planned for the next two! hen, who have filled a fin- ,\,r\T months, culminating with the c'.irlj eye hank, are entitled to ,-iit,T,| Scout Rally Saturday, June 5. at Summer fund raisinn pro',,-, wore outlined by Mrs WoodbridRe Senior High School, ,-; KftRnff. fund raising vic p ,.- St. George's Avenue. The event r drni They Include, 3 \]lV ... is for all levels of the Girl Scout- IfMCue, set for Wedncid. •, .••,, ing. Fathers are to be speci.i nines to begin In .lime -,• 1 guests. Mnh Joncg tournament u ~; fur twelve wetki, also hfiiini. in .lune Mrs Sol Breshinskv, \H 1, SCENE FROM "THE CRUCIBLE": Ult to right, Torn Colure, OeUa Per** (on W) Kerry Alberts and Sabina Bonsh*. Obituaries mine BwkOVldtl. Mr* M HM«n(f, vIcHWesWent, Mi-i i,- Clinn. v!r» president, mvl vr Leaders Needed CLYDE HEWITT Seymour Hecht, reprewni, : |i Inter-Racial Colohia Residents Have COLONIA — The funeral of il,iss;ih at the Southern VA J,- Clyde Hewitt, 56, 54 Kimb-rly soy Regional Soring Cm',-. Group to Meet Top Roles in 'Crucible' By Cub Pack 30Road, who died Saturday at Rah- nt lJmrel-ln-the-Pines, LVi... way Memorial Hospital, was helc A final donor reoort »T C-.< COLONIA - The inter-racial, COLONIA - Cub Pack 30 held by Mrs. Herman Habcmvc. W00DBRIDOE - Circle Play- Othen who will co-star are yesterday at the I«hrer Furr al inter-faith group of Colonla met its meeting at School W, Wednes- TALENTED; bove are three »f Ibe seventh p-aden of St. OcfUa's School who enterttJllni ol a Mrs. Sol Breshinskv thank. .1 ers of Woodbridge will present Ocila Perach and Tom Colure. Home, 27S West Milton Avenue, Thursday morning with Mrs. Phi- day evening. Mike Hochrun variety show lor St. Cecelia's ITA groups. Left to right Joyce Adams, Romona SantlaRo and (hrts- board member! for their m,:^ their final production of Its i- Geila, a seventh grade student Rahway, with the Rev. Robert lip Peck. Over coffee and buns, chairman made several brief an- Wieman, pastor of the Second tine Partenope. tion and outstanding achio-.r-,:; son May 7,8, IS and 13 when they at Colonla Junior High School, members of the group discussed nouncements and comments. Presbyterian Church, officiating. this past year. offer Arthur Miller's, "The Cruc- will mate her stage debut in the Among them was an appeal for topics of current interest.Final Burial was in Hazelwood Cem- The next board of n,., ; ible." part of Betty Parrls. Geila is a additional den mothers and com- plans were made for an evening etery, Rahway. Badore -Masnick Nuptia Ismeeting is June 7 and uf: Ronald Platt, Linden Is director champion speller, plays the mitteemen as many are scheduled slst of the outgoing and in -; social for couples Saturday with Born in Amyville, Pa., the de- and Mary Rusxnak, Woodbridge, piano and clarinet and is a coin to leave this year, primarily be- board members. ceased was the son of the hte Mrs. Behneder. Producer. Charles Haythorn Is collector. A few years ago Geila cause their sons are going into every two Isaac and Martha A. Harris Held Saturday Afternoon The group meets stage and technical manager. journeyed alone to Israel to visit scouting. Jerome Albert!, a member of the Hewitt. He was a resident here weeks on Thursday morning. It relatives, When she returned The tentative date for the an- AAHW Branch Plnm Circle Playert for many yean, since 1949 and formerly lived in ISELIN - The wedding of Miss, is trying to overcome prejudice she wrote several papers on her nual picnic is June 26 at Merrill and promote understanding amdftg will have the top role. He has Park. Highlighting the picnic will Irvington. He had been employed Mary Ann Masnick, adopted Dinner ,W«v 20 trip for her school paper. daughter of Mrs, Christine Vesce, people of different races and re- appeared with the Circle Players be the PinwwPinpwwdd nerb/ =«••'" as a qqualityy , control engineeg r COLONIA - Colonia Hrr 128 Bloomfield Avenue, and the ligions. Those who participate in "Middle of the Night" "Tun- Tom Colure, also a resident of also be the last meeting until witi h the Radidio Corporation of Bike Safety Clinic American Association I'niu--••.- nel of Love", "Weeds Among the Colonia, will also make his first Sentember. America in Harrison since 1932. late Frank Vesce, and Frank Jo- feel that this can best be done seph Badore, Jr., eon of Mr. and ISELIN - Lt. Anthony > Rocks," "The Important of appearance with the circle play- Charles Mehle, chairman, an- Mr. Hewitt was a parishioner by meeting together for the pur- Mrs. Frank Badore of Scotch of the Woodbridge Police Depart- y^ , . ,, Being Earnest" and "Will Suc- ers. He la a graduate of Rutgers nounced a trip has been arranged of th Second Piwbyterian Church a| thelr vn M< n[ pose of learning more about one Plains, took place Saturday after- or th cess Spoil Rock Hunter." Mr. to visit McGuire Air Force Base of Rahway and a'member of the meat will conduct a Bicycle Knr respectively ' another and by getting to know where he majored in history and noon at St. Cecelia's Church with Alberts also appeared In "Mid- on Armed Forces Day, Mav 15. Ushers Association of the Church. Safety Program for the children two yean. people of all races and religions. education His hobbies inclrde the Rev. John Geroty officiating summer Nights Dream" with the Bus will leave 8:30 A.M. at He was also a .member of Laf- The meetings are most Informal sailing and ocea . racing and he at the double ring ceremony. of the area, Saturday. May BJ Speaker at • meeflne Woodbridge Shakespeare Festl' School 20 and leave the base at. ayette Lodge V T. h A.M. of and the discussion*, though lively is employed in Springfield as a Given in marriage by her broth- fro. 10 A.M. toU noon, a, £»- £*£ %'» val. 4 P. M. Committee members Rahway; past high priest of the s at times, are carried on In a re- model maker. er. Louis Vesce, Stelton, the bride School 16, Pershing Avenue. and den mothers will act as cha- Royal Arch Masons Lafayette ¥.. ErlekMD, associate laxed atmosphere. wore a gown of Chantllly lace The program is under the spon- perones, and onlv cub scouts are Chapter 26 of tRabway; past or chemlstrv it RutRerv permitted on this trip. featuring a portrait neckline, fit- sorship of the PTA of the "school. All are welcome to join any patron of RahwaN Chapter 72 Colonla Branch will h ;:•. ted bodice, long pointed sleeves The children will be given a test Thursday morning. For further Mr.? Mrs. Male ski Feted Victor Orazi. membership an- Order of Eastern Star (he was annual dinner meeting V nounced all dens are at full and a bouffant skirt which ex- and those who qualify will re- information call Mrs. Stanley installed last Thursday as worthy at the Gallery, Woodbri-i > strength. Carl Luna, neighbor- MISS LINDA KOTVAS tended into a chapel length train. ceive stickers. Volunteer fathers Rothman, 388-8316. patron); -a member of Crescent servatioM can be madr On Golden Anniversary hood commissioner, exprened Three tiers of imported silk il- are needed to help with th* pro- tadlng Mt«. Jom Mac K: The next meeting will be held 1 confidence in the nrogress of Pack Star Temple of Trenton; ENGAGED: Ml , and Mn. J«- lusion veiling fell from her double gram. » Union Avenue, Menlo r -k May 13 with Mrs. Joseph Toma. h Ancientt COLONIA - Mr.'.and Mrs. Ed recreation room with the collec- 3f and its leaders, the led Scottish eph Kotvu 131 Kart Street Cot map. of crystal and pearls and The executive board of the PTA of Trtjnt Matrons onia, awwonfe the eogapowat 3Wf carried a bouquet of carna- DEDICATION SET ward J. Malerid, 7 Country Club tion. He also is a crossword RaMi Fortunato was accepted will meet Monday, May 10,8 P.M. Safety Club Group into Troop 44 In ceremonies con- and Past Patrons Association of «< their daughter Linda to Clif- tion! with an orchid In the center. FORDS — John Amw: : Drive were honored at a surprise puzzle fan. at the school. All chairmen are ; ducted by August De Vico. In- the Order of Eastern Star of New ford F, gnjrder, tea ol Mn. Mrs. Frank Vesce, Jr., Avenel, mand^of Fords Memun ! ' • Plans Candy Drive buffet party at their home by The celebrants are gardeners : ducted into the Pack and present- Jersey; member and officer, of Wayne Boyifcr, H Coakfar was matron of honor for her reminded to bring (heir procedure 6090, VFW, announced thi- .'• ISELIN — Honorable mention their family in observance of their and maintain a small garden at ed bob cat pins were Alan H^ynes, the Royal and Selected Masters Street, Iselin, sister-in-law. Other attendants boob. tlofl of a plaoue bonorinj d" •• •• 50th wedding anniversary: their ColonU address. They have was given to (he children of the Russell Beinn and Craig Cutfos. idoniram Council No. 9 of Eliza- Miss Kotrai Is a gradute of were Miss Diane Badore, Scotch The regular monthly general member! will take place, Iselin Saftey Club who partici- Hosts were their sons-in-law and four grandchildren and three at thi Post Home, 4i Other awards included: Den 1, beth; Rahway Craftsmen's Club Woodbridge High 8d»ol UA Plains, sister of the bridegroom, membership meeting has been iet pated In the Loyalty Day Parade daughters, Mr* and Mrs. Joseph great-grandchildren. Donald Fragoso, Denner Bars; No. 691 and Lodge No. 1075 BPO John Robert Powen M«««Utt| and Mrs. James Matt, Sewaren, Brunswick Awnue, 7 pv fdr Monday, May 17, S P. M., at In Perth Amboy. They marched Pallotti, Kearney, Mr. and Mrs. John Popwich, Assistant Denner Elks of Rahway.. School, New Y«* aty. SU h cousta of the bride. public ii invited to Robert Frank, Egg Harbor City; the school ceremoniei. with units from the Iselin VFW Bars. Den 2, Robert Buettel, one Surviving are his widow, Marie currfntly employed at • legal Wayne Badore, Scotch Plains, Post. another daughter, Miss Carol Ma- Bernardine Sitters year pin. Den 3, James Taber, secretary la NeWttfc, New Jer- (Gehrke);; two tons, Clydy e Wil served his brother as best man, leski, who resides with her par- sey. Ushers were Robert Matullo, At a meeting of the Board of Plan Fair June 5th Greg McNelis one year pin; Den liam of Euclid, and Rich- Directors, the adult section of the ents; and their sons and daughters- 4, Charles Schwenzer, Alan Week Mr.' Snyder fa a gradoato «t Colonia, cousin W the bridegroom, COLONIA — The Bernardine ard C. Colonial three grand' in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ma- Btein, Bear badge; Kenneth Skjo- the same fchoo! aad ti employed and Frank Vesce, Jr., Avenel. club, it was reported that excel- Sisters," who staff St. John Vi- children; a sister, Mrs. Ida Me- lent results were attained by leski, Kearny, Mr, and Mrs. Adam dal, one year pin. Den 6, Phillip Dowan, Clariton, Pa,; and a as a reQabllity eaflaeer at Gea- Mrs. Badore wai graduated anney School, will conduct a (air Savickas, Denner Stripes; Robert the membership drive just com- Maleski, Clark. brother, William, Clariton, Pa. eral Motors Corporation in LU- from Woodbridge Senior High on their Villa Maria retreat Youguseskve, assistant denner den. pleted. Many new children have Mr. and Mrs. Maleski were born School. Her husband wu grad- TWENTY grounds in North Stamford; Conn., stripes; Edward Albrys, silver in an area of Austria which is LOUIS, SHEMKN8KI uated from Scotch Plain* High enrolled in the club. Mrs, Dzu- June S, , arrow. Edward was also inducted ISEON - Funeral services for In 19X0. IS million bones and School, Fanwood. Both are em- rell, a new member, was wel now part of Poland. They carte Among Colonla residents who into the Webelos. Louis Shemenski, 67, of 21 Diat mules lived in the U.S.; today, ployed by Hemingway Transport, corned by the board. to the United States in their early are serving on the local com- Since April's cubbing theme was Street, who died Tuesday at home, only about i million, according to Inc., Finderne, BONUS DAYS! Junior officer, Miss Veronica years and were married in 1915 mittee for the fair are Mrs. Green Thunto, Mrs. Perdock's will be held tomorrow morning, in Elisabeth. Thomas Doherty, PTA president; Britapnica Junior Encyclopaedia Cullen. resigned as president and Den 4 performed a skit appro- 9:00 at the Thomas J. Costella Miss Patricia Burns, vice presi- Before his retirement four years Mrs. Bart Crane, chairman of priately titled "Jolly, Green Funeral Home, Green Street and Grass has a wider range than dent moved up into the presi- ago, Mr. Maleski was chief head- booth "Home Sweet Home;" Mrs. Thumb". Cooper Avinue, with a high Mass The tuxedo was introduced to any other plant, occupying virtu- dency. Miss Penny Yapaola was line setter with the Daily Journal John Piga, co-chairman of prizes; of requiem at 9:30 at St. Cecelia's America by Griswold Lorillard ally all parts of the earth and selected as the new vice president. for nearly 30 years. Mrs. Jerry Rij, tickets and bus Coffee Kbtch Set Church. Burial will be in St. at the Tuxedo Club, Tuxedo Park, tolerating both torrid and ex- Announcement was made that Mr. Maleski has collected mort transportation; Mrs. Robert Post Gertrude /Cemetery, Colonia. N. Y., in 1886. tremely cold weather. arid Mrs. Edward Morley, poster For Ma\ 12 at Iselin the candy drive will begin n$xt than 20,0uO match box covers and The deceased was a retired publicity. ISELIN - Jt coffee klofeh will week. is planning to cover a Will in his crane operator for Capital Found Reservations may be made '>y be held at the home of Mr. and ries Corp. Born in Poland, Mri Mrs. Burton Katz, 65 Dundee calling any member of Ihe com- Shemenski had resided in Iselin|| Avenue, May 12 for the purpose mittee or Mrs. Rij at 382-1535. 35 years. of introducing John Cassldy, run- The "Home Sweet Home" booth Surviving are his widow, Anna;! nifig in the Fourth Ward for will feature, table lamps, radios, two daughters, Mrs. Henry Sepan- Councilman, Rae Lauer and Bur- clocks, bathroom sets end bed- sk, Edison, and Mrs. Martin Ha-1 ton KaU who are running for lamps. There will also be special gensen, Port Reading; three sons, | prises to interest the menfolk. County Committeemen, Fourth Frank, Iselin; Joseph, Astoria, L,| Ward, 12th District, I., and Theodore, White Stone, L.I. | THOMAS JOSEPH Seoul and U. S. aides foresee All are welcome to attend the and 12 grandchildren. Korean self-support. affair which begins at 9 P. M. FOR THE MONTH OF MAY ONLY! CHUftCH SERVICES ISELIN — Two. morning wor- SAVINGS J-iVKRY COSTELLO ship services will be held at the 'r.J CA1 PITTSBURGH First Presbyterian Church, 12i)5 Nad« On Or Before The 1 KKK MARY CARTER'S H/ARAMTKFJU Funeral Homes Oak Tren Road, Sunday, at 845 ami 10:15 A.M. Rev. Hoger 1). SUN-PROOF i Sidener, pastor, announctd the Green St. & Cooper Ave. State & Center Sts. ONE STOP HOME OWNER SERVICE church nursery will be available, HOUSE PAINT 20th of May iBelin, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. under supervision, during the 10:15 service. Tel. LI 8-4641 HI 2-0075 LADDERS BRUSHES Church school classes have been SALE OVER 1,000 STOKKS SAN1TAS WALL-TEX sot as follows: JXindergarten TILE «OA.S1' TO COAST STAINS through sixth gr^de, 8:45 and ROLLERS W(IKIJ)'S lAKtlKST SUNDRIES EARN DIVIDENDS 10:15 A. M.; Junior High and Sen- PANS UFUKAl'lON OK IT'S KINO VARNISH ior Hit;!) Classes, 11:20 A. M. and .98 From The SIIKLLAC 12:20 P. M Gal. 5W14U tod EXPERT 1st of May \Jver a J4alf- Centuru PAINT ADV1CK OVER 20% MARY • PHUUUtT APPUCATJON REG. $7.73 GAL. SAVING! * 1>W ORATING IDKAS 1 !0i LUt4)K MATCHING Uright Mew Colors For Loug Lasting CARTER Beuuty. For Most Repaint Work . . . ', 1 ONE (OAT COVERS! . . . REQUIRES ALL HOME REMODELING ON DISPLAY. NO PRIMERS! . . . PAINT OVER Jtt 3UL NO DOWN PAYMENMst PYMT., SEPT. 65 Throughout CHALKY SURFACES! . . . Pittsburgh • Modem Klkheus • Attic Apartment* Doiniris Paints k«-q» that JUST PAINTED look Count • Recreation Roomii • AM-A-Room lon^t-r. • Alvmlaunf HUUa< Stunt? Nawl He can't FRKK INTERIOR DECORATING HOOKS UNITED ROOSEVELT Swlnunlog roolt (On ASK FOR YOURS. GRCINER CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE come down until he FUNERAL HOME FULL UNI OF UNPAINTED FUURNITRE promises a GIST from THOMPSON SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N EX. MM - AUQUIT r. OIUUNIR, in s U I, AVWVl - hni U U»m U 15 Cuoke BUSINESS HARDWARE DAILY STATE JEWELERS rll J ME W&U l' ' ' CAKTKUKT OF FORDS A.M. tt ti Maiii Streot, 432 NEW BRUNSWICK AVENIIK III 2 3300 MARY CARTER dVil Ui Slate i'ueatre) Kl I 5113 7 F.M. lo -I .rarirr fF, R Hnrtrrrl Thursday, May 6, 1965 ——-— PAGE ELEVEN of the Knights of Columbus' fl 1 local Lions Club Hears Holy Name Sets Pfaff of Den 8, were inducted by act. It was announced that the' Ceramics Being Made Anniversary Marked L Akela Herbert Kasoff, who pre- Pack's annual picnic will be Sat- sion for Profit". A question and sented awards as follows: Den 1,unlay, June It. Merrill Park At a Dinner Party Barry Carlin, one year pin; Ron- By JFK Hospital Twig Talk on South Viet Nam Baseball Event answer period will be conducted. Grove 3. Section 1. ISELIN - Mr. and Mrs. N. Are Presented ald Kasnff. gold and silver ar- COLONIA - Members of Colo- j _ Life in South here today and another area COLONIA„ . - The St. j^n The group will again sponsor The Cub's first dinner-dance Tartajlia, 7 Emery Street, en- wool l L NIA HHighlightinl g rows; Den 7, Robert Asman. den nia Oak Twig, John F. Kennedy tertained at a dinner party re- particularly in Saigon, tomorrow. Vianney- Holy Name Society •CYO-teimin"the"wiodbridw| A "ril ° ~ Vie! Township Light Senior League.! P meeting of ner bars. Steven Weiss o( Den 2for parent* was held Sunday at ,,,hP(| in a talk by Charles will sponsor a trip t0 ,ee t Pack 48 atj Memorial Hospital, worked on cently honoring their daughter „ ,= rl "Guerrillas include women as became a Bear in a ceremony the Pines Restaurant. Route XI, and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. before his fellow mem- well ag men", he declared. "They preliminary meeting (or alii School 22, the Mothers' Club pre- cermeacis. one of their fund K ' interested boys will be held in which Mr. Malinchak officiated. Edison. J. Sheridan of Lyndhurst en thp Woodbridge Lions would cut the throat of a village the pack with raising projects, at a meeting lief. their first wedding anniversary. leader if he would not cooperate. Tlckets maV be obi The next meeting of the Pack held at the home of Mrs. Edward All boys 16 years of age through In his presentation messageg,, official mess kit and canteen for In attendance were Mrs. May I'.ml. who was in charge Then the Communist would bring by contacting Bob Gro- will be May 18. Partenope. with Mrs. William Mr 19, not yet 20 by June 8, are Charles Malinchek explained the| selling the most candy and jellyj Sheridan, Miss Debbie Morsef, ,,,j'i,n nnd real estate (or food and propaganda to the vil- Mrs. includes a box seat eligible. significance of the Charter injuring the Pack's recent sale. HeJ Conte as hostess. Romano, Nlchokl ,,,H forces - his predeces- lage. terms of the Pack's efforts sold $129.15 out of a total of Much of the earth's surface re- The May meeting will be held at Tartaglia. Mrs. Romano is vistt- ... tilled in the hotel bomb- transportation and refreshments! ing here from Miami, Fla. "When the Viet Nam attacked build a better Colonia. $1,002.45. mains unknown territory because nt Christmas, 1964 At the meeting Mnnriay 8:30 the home of Mrs A. Cerami where m S:iiann they would kill every Communist. ^_George Emery, chairman Three Ronald and Jack Entertainment was provided by three-fourths of it is covered by overall picture York harbor every 20 minutes. members will sew on articles for No prisoners of war were taken. iMintzof 1. and Douglas 1 in the form of a variety oceans. Vietcong exploiting unrest •^'ewnls'in South Viet Nam. Patrols were set up to guard the the hospital. Saigon. of IV nker said thaf the Viet- ,Pr; village and food wai brought in ,ve known nothing but After the town was secured, the for the past 20 year«. W ,r young men were taught how to ',',1 the people have never use a gun and how to guard and ,,l while their leaders live secure the town. The State De- 1 •e^ th* masses are con-partment would move in with ,„ h.ivc a roof over their more food and fill the warp- houses. After the Viet Nam army .,..,. „ no inyaHy to the gov-left, the Communist* would sneak back, loot the town and ,„,„, ;,s wn know it in the mffMBAY ,,,l st.itos. Mr. Paul stated, take over again and the same i,,, people do not care who fight would start all over again. the psivcrnment as long as YttUt Week Plant Take Mother to Dinnor h.ivi' food and shelter. Dr. Cyril I. Hutner, chairman • XIIIMT .ire no public schools of the Boys and Girls Committee on Mother's Day 1 he continued .. t|,r country' . announced that Rev. John Grauel

,,.,, ,,Mv;itp schools. Servicemen « who was executive officer on the

!u.s ntiyliicted classes, but now «hip"The Exodus," when it tried i.'.t ,|f|iciKlents have been evac- to land Jews in Palestine, will ii.it ,„! from Saigon, there is no be the kick-off speaker at both [ PERTH AMBOY 4 Ml, > Mr Paul told of his the Woodbridge Senior High in trying to acquire School and John F. Kennedy High nri>;*'Hy to house officer* and School May 11, for Youth Week. ,..-.Vo1 men. Election of Township officials and •\,, help was received from class officers will be held May 19. Take Mother ihi- Vietnamese government," he The elected candidates will be presented to their respective v,.n! on I had to d«a1 with the schools May II and on May 24 Out For Dinner ri,jn,ne who were the liitJonuen. For Elegant and Gracious Dining . . , •n-e«i' Chinese, were the wealthy they will be dinner guests of people who had to flee China the Woodbridge Lions Club, This Sunday ,hm the Communists took over Yes for Mothers of All Ages John Aquila announced that the 5-COURSE an,] they were very ihrewd in MOTHER'S DAY DINNER Woodbtidgt, Connecticut, Lions their Healings." Chib will visit the local club GALA 6 COURSE ^ gg at NOW Discussing the terror in Saigon. May 13, when a luncheon will be SERVING: MOTHER'S DAY Mr Paul said: "the Americans held at Howard Johnson Restau- Falheti Too! Wd tw wnrned when an intl- rant, Route 1. A tour to the " 1 MOTHER'S DAY FEAST*! Children's Dinners LUNCHEONS DINNERS fl.Mvp flOWARD jOHIKOn] Anim.-an demonstration wai wdaer plant, Newark will be held from nhnut to lake place and we were in the afternoon. Cocktails will AT THE Restaurant Cocktail Lounge From 11:80 tf.-,- m stay off the streets. be served at the home of Otto w< stayed about 10 feet apart Mayer and dinner will be held U. S. HWY. 1 WOODBRIDGE •,,>-,••• talking or waiting for a bus at Kenny Acres. *2.95 m s.it con and we never REO DINER Installation dinner-dance has DINNERS •.'•i- i grenade would be thrown been set for Sunday. May 30. at 392 Amboy Ave., Woodbridge Daily Including Srtmkyi Cobblestone Inn, Route ». Mid (half-block from traffic light) M: Paul .said he wai attacked dletown. Private Room From 5 P.M. m thr w;iy to the airport. The Free Parkins For C*tert*« In Our (2) For Enjoyable vphir'c in front of him wai bit Far AD Occasions! Private Areas f Of ItoMM'WfflORS h\ ,i ,:nn.Hle which was thrown First Aid Squad ,,i ., inuk carrying American Delightful Ml 4-9798 j.n."r\ in .i convoy. EVERY TV conflict, he detcribtd ai Drive Underway be;« one of guerrilla tactics — SUNDAY Wt Cittr to Weddings, Buiintu Matting*, Binqutfi Dining... and All Type* of Parties AVENEL - The Avenel & Colonii First Aid Squad has! DINNERS ENTERTAINMENT EVERY begun lU 1965 fund raising drive! MOTHER'S DAY DINNER From 12 Noon and membcri of the squad hivel FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING I'S urged all resident* to mail con- tributions to headquarter*. 105 RESERVATIONS LIQUORS Avenel Street. SUGGESTED, Louii J. Rossi, drive chair- FREE man, adviaad rcaidentt-to, "Dis- BUT NOT MtttwceU regard the notice printed on the GALLERY NECESSARY! CistMMr Nrklig receipt* (do not mail) and send in your donations. This will re-, Candlelight tieve a member from having! Cocktails to call at each home and hejl will be available to answer first | Entertainment Perailing at aid calls." LARGE OR SMALL For A Special Treat... Donations not mailed will be GROUPS ACCOMODATED Randolph picked by members beginning For A Delightful Surprise CARTERET May U and continuing until June IS. Take Mother To Dinner At CHRISTINE LEE'S in That GASLIGHT 66 Cherry St., Elizabeth DINNER at the BRASS BUCKET New Jersey's Personal Smartest Supper Club


Served From 12 Noon 'Til 10 P.M. APPETIZERS , TOMATO JUICE ORANGE JUICE FRUIT COCKTAIL SHRIMP COCKTAIL (50c extra) lake "MOM" To Stanley's Diner CHOPPED CHICKEN LIVERS with sliced onions (50c extra) , I SOUP , For A Fabulous ! FRENCH ONION CHICKEN GUMBO | • I ENTREE I ROAST YOUNG TOMiTURKEY, Sage Dressing, Cranbury Sauoc, 8.50 f ROAST LEG OF LAMB, with Mint Jelly, 3.50 '! BAKED VIRGINIA HAM, Fruit Sauce, 3.50 PRIME RIBS OR BEEF, Au jus, 5.00 TREAT MOTHER DELMONICO STEAK, 5.50 Filet Mignon, 6.75 DINNER To A Luxurious Dinner LOBSTER TAILS, 5.75 Professional Cleaning PEAS AND CARROTS BUTTER CORN ON HER DAY Baked. Idaho Potato, Candied Sweet Potatoes, Whipped White Potatoes Meet Jennie 8antoro, tailoring and alteration SALAD , 5lH'ciulist at Tide Cleaners. Jennie gives her BREAD BUTTEfR Personal attention to garments that require THIS SUNDAY! DESSERT i muior repair* at no extra charge to our patrons, A break from the kitchfen is something that APPLE PIE JELLO ICE CREAM A resident o! Port Reading, Jennie is active in "Mora" will really enjoy, the gracious service, , BEVERAGE UIL' Rosary and Altar Society at St. Anthony's congenial atmosphere and superb food at KEN- COFFEE MILK TEA ^ the P.T.A. at Barron Avenue and Fords Jr. NY ACRES. SPECIAL CHILDREN'S DINNERS HiRh Schools. Complete Dinners Served „ , TUR HAM 2.50 RIBS OF BEEF 3.50 LAMB 2.50 From 12 Noon till 9 P.M. Including Children's Dinners Full ft-Course FOR RESERVATIONS Dinners, from Call ME 4-9490 BRASS BUCKET $2.25 Charcoal Steakhou&e and Cocktail Bar

AMI Shirt Uwukrara KENNY ACRES U. S. No. 9 MAIN ST. WOODBRIDGE 364 Amboy Avenue DINER Resttiurant and Cocktail Lounge For reservations Call ME 4-9148 i, S, i, WOODBRIDG W00DBRID8E U.S. HIGHWAY 9 • WOODBRIDGE C Driwi, Service" Near Turupike Kutrance todependent-Letdor (B.B) • Cartmt Press 1 PAGB TWELVE Thursday, May 6, 1965 Jos. Sisko Trucking Pinners "artcret Upset Bill's Gulf Pinners Win Little Leagues Rambling Opened Speaking About Sports and Win Title in Major Pin Loop By Piscataway Title In 9 O'clock League By Meyer ies CARTERET - Joseph Sisko In First Meet CAUTERET — Action in the Ceremoni Rumbling Trucking clinched the champion final weeks in the Nine O'Clock CARTERET - Tho (•„,-,. CARTERET - The Carterft rs Loop was dominated by l.lttle I-eagueg officially „,>,.„, Carteret High School's baseball team, under ship In the Carteret Major Bowl- Kcclrrs Loop was o Track Squad ing League by defeating I-eo's O'Reilly Hurls ligh School trark team lost its the hvo top trams. Bill'Bill' s Gulf their IMS baseball season v\ impressive onenlnR day ,-,., head coach Dick Miglecz, Is red hot. The Ram- With B. I Inn, the defending champions, rst meet of the season recently and Oarteret B»r wound up in in two out of three games last a dead heat (tie) for first place Scores In Two monies, including a parade ,,, blers have won their last few games and at the s Piscataway scored n surprise speeches *ti& throwing i«n n Carteret Little Leafiuers open- Thursday night at the Carteret Carteret To Win In the playoff, Bill's Gulf 'Serv- current writing are 4-5. The team must have a Lanes. Pat Kratteroto, No. 1 ipsot victory over tho favorite ice raptured the championship first ball. ed the 1965 baseball .season Sat- r .500 record to qualify for the New Jersey State urday, preceeded by the usual bowler in the league who is ?ambler squad, 60-57, in a close by blasting their opponents, !>7.> Tough Relavs Mayor Andrew Banick n,,, fanfare, parade and speeches. sporting a brilliant average of Over Amboy 5-11 contested match. The meet to 889, followed by 915-840. Cap CARTERET - Coach Walter out the tint ball at the |n>, Interscholastlc Athletic Association baseball tain Lenny Talalai led the of fen national League opening ^,,Hl Only one game in each league 199 plus, turned in a hiu 603 CARTERET-In n surprise as held on a rain-soaked and Gasior's track team competed tourney and the deadline is Friday midnight. was played and defending round, followed by Joe Tirpak's win, Carteret, led by some ef- sivc with 212567. Dan Bolton Councilman John champs were the teams honored 234-208. For the losers Elmer muddy track. led the losers with 211-547. in two J'reitlohchilrman.dldthehr, We are sure the local lads will make it. Joe Sico fective hurling by Joe O'Reilly, l,i hy^^emanyduring Saturday again,, top rompneel l.- ,, » ^ ^^^ to play. In the American loague, Resko rolled 2M-601 and Lou Carteret captured five events. * J L*agiii- knocked off a favorite Perth the final night of competition, turn and scored points in *<* ^ and Joe O'Reilly have been the mainstays for defending champs, U.S. Metals Butikocy 606. Amboy High School nine, 5 to ?ith Harry Burton getting a dou Assistant Recreation l>,i,.,. 1 event. the Carteret team ! pitching department. i won from Jack Pages, as the The G & G Excavating pin- 1, at Waters Stadium last Fri- ble win in the hurdles. Mike Sterling Construction Swept the "• . , . H L,,,| BeHen 7-usman officially up,,,, team hit four homers; while Aprico pinners as Jos KraUar On Friday the squad took ,,art League by thin ners slipped by Leo's Inn, mov day. Turko, one of Csrteret's out losing Pages had only two hom- ing into second place by one O'Reilly fashioned out a neat rocked the pins for a 624 series in the County relays and came ing out the first ball. r standing performers, was upset ers. Mike Mesatvitz got a prize game, as the\ whitewashed our-hitter in recording his first on games of 189225-210. Team- home with eight points by tak- The opening game result- [ mate Tony Russo came through from Mayor Banick for hitting aggy's in UirW games, on a triumph this season. He struck in both dash events hi slow time. ing third place in the 440-yard low. Kay Istok and Helen tlszenskl, two Carteret the first homer, while Pete Sal- with a 602-set. Russo started Aawrlcu t«a|ar 610 by Frank Siekierka and a out a total of eight batters and However, Mike managed to take relay and third place in the D s. M»UU. I; aggio hit the homer that won with a big game of 257 followed gals, are having a royal battle all by themselves triple 183 rolled by his brother, walked only one batter. the broad jump event. 880-yard relay, while the Ram- titfrxr. Rkhinl ShanWj; by 163182. blers played fifth in the shot .„( palumba. the game. Mike. The games was close right up Hnm«ri - U.S.MH,, Mlkr in the Central Jersey Womens Singles Classic. The complete summaries: A three way tie resulted for nut event for a total of lainn/ Rinilili Defending champ, Babies The top individual bowler of to the seventh inning when Car- 120 high hurdle-1. H. Burton (('.); 2. poinU. Both times the Cartereti?,,,,. j, . p.... Patrick H Last Friday Kay turned in a nice performance lost to Ideal Liquor 18 to 4 and (C); 3. Dankaiulus (P.) Time third place. Booth's Electric c the night was Reggie Johnson teret, leading by 21, at that 6.9. new school .cc defending champ in the Inter- downed the Shore-Crest five in boys Mfal Umw, III Bablta Fumu . of Cutters Amoco who banged time, rallied for a big two-run ii12u0 loIOwW nuruwhurdl*-H- n,. Burtotiunon 11,1ic.i:; 21 , L *i_ 4 ma to build her lead over Helen to better-than five- ords. wmmr, K«in» Wrtihti kwi. i, national league, Rotary Club, out a 246 game and a 653 set attack on a triple by Joe Torre. Pie. Mam.™ ; 3. Blallck id. Tlnw: Ml Final meeting of the softball MO-yard ran- 1, R. Ederlt (P.): ] J. Mocciola rocked the wood for hurdles. Booth Electric won two games Richie Hefferan reached first 225-210 and a big 601 set. Round- leagues will take place tonight fr Clark Electrical. Carl Mar Ederle IP.); 3. K. Miller (C). Ttnw 1:17.5. The dull meets were post- Om on a fielder's chice. Al Fclauer I mile ran 1. SarfMt IP.)! 1. Grant inR out the three-way ti* wai Freshmen Lose at the borough hall. Both the P.); 3. H. TindDll (C.l. Tim* l;14.7. poned durinj the past wek due ciniak was high for the winners came through with a solid riou- Kay's Restaurant, scoring over slow pitch and the fast pitch Shot pul l R. Heigntclww ic.l: I Speaking about bowling, Carteret has a 615 with a steady 604 set. be into the right field bleachers White (P.I; 3. Barton lP>, DMaitM: Ideal Liquors. Hank Stcliman to rain. The Edison nwt was meet together at 7:30 p.m. for 40 It.. MH-j In. Andy Holenscak was the man —a ground rule two-bagger to was high scorer in this match rescheduled for Hay nth at To Amboy Nine pin league in action at trfe Carteret Lanes. The Scheduler md final few rules. Dbrua-l. White (P.I; 2, R Heifhlchew home. TUls week the team will »> of the hour, rolling 60S, to lead score Gallo. IP); 3. Jennlnga (P.I. Dtltanct: 1» ft.. [th 212-576. Expeot l«agu«« to get* started A. G. Milter's Masons to a three- w three CARTERET - The (HI Carteret Majors is one of the best leagues in The box score: 'ia'"rii» i wwi. (P.); j. p. smrierxa! Gene DeVito blasted a seriel by May 17 weather permitting. game sweep over the La Roe Caiteret 01 Pirtt Amboj 111 Monday at J. P. Scwns,, High School freshmen |. , Managers of Babe Ruth and Press keglers. AB»H AD It H ;C>; 3. Antowll* . DWan«: 14* rt..|of 622—On gail«S Of 201-180-235, close game to Perth Amt>" operation, in the county and some of the leading Torre II ] 0 WednesdaWdd y it South River and Joe Medwlck leagues, meet this 1 I fulton 2b Williams (P.); 2. Tit excellent performance went A 238-600 by Don Borbone fol Suroutkaaa 0 1 Chestnut! 1 0 In waste as his team lost two Friday at home against Rosellt week, 3 to 0. pin artists in this area are competing in the week to decide course to follow lowed by a 698 by Al Boros gave Sim (I 0 SSavlaoc 3 0 urton iC.I, Tarty . Helstlt: 4 It. One consolation for %• l:,• Fllepc 1 1 10 In. I games to the Woodbridge Olds. Park. At present the locals h«ve this season. The return to two Stan's Bar an odd-game win Gallo lb 1 I Batter rl J 0 Pole vault-1. WUHama (P.); I n>h a 1-2 record in dual metis. biers was thtt they outhit iv ••>, major circuit. To my knowledge, there is only rl 3 X.I; ]. Raiillard IC). Hfiuht: 9 II.. 6 in Gene Hayduk led the Trenton leagues ii Indicated, so that all over the Tami Contractors. 0 0 BonnartfO U| 3 0 Broad Jump-I. U. Turko KM; 2. M Amboy but unfortunate •• r Kelauer rf 0 1 BUlflf n } 0 one other league - a 959 average loop - in opera- players coming from the little Mod'antt JarnulMU (C.); ]. Bfenund* (P.). Oil Beverage team to a sweep win Guy's blanked Sitars Auto 1 1 Tnvtiukl » ! I tonce: IT 1L. 10 W. locals were unable to »rm \ leagues can play by themselves Service as Steve Simon rolled OTWIlj P 1 lltatro.ll 1 0 as he recorded scores of 244- runs. tion in the county which outranks the jnajors. in the Joe Medwick. H»rp 1 0 167-204 and a big 615 set. 597. For the losers Dan Semen- IwM 1 0 175BoatsNow Glen Turner was the ^n• •. In the Carteret Majors, Pat Fratterolcps cur- High ichool baseball team up xa's big 614 set went down the nil » I 4 In the final match Lou Valen- and losing pitcher for (;.r f • set favorite Perth Amboy team, drain. . Carter' * ..) - -1 1 I It tion was high was a set of 628 as He was relieved by JIM T rently averaging 199 plus. I r as Joe O'Reilly allowed four hits Walt Byram's 202-203 led the ^_^ r; ^j \ the Toppers scored three overilrt Letter to Sports Editor iKU beUki. and the team won 5 to 4 for Hollywood Barbers* to a double ToUN Northeast speedway stars represented by fine )e seen at home on Friday, 1M4-1965 Basketball Champions weekly. On Sale Here tries will close when 200 boats 'earn scored eight points on Senior League CARTERET — Announcement Sincerely, MATT OLENDZKI, have filed. Last ;ea; r 80 boats drivers and fast cars. Friday in the county relays, on was made this vtek by the Car WOODBRIDGE — Application League Champ—Decatholons y were doted out. Entry deadline; (»\S a third pltce to the 440 relay Playoff Champ-Decatholons teret RecTMtjan,j . Department t of League Secretary (9 O'Clock for tickets to the New Jersey is June 15. !Rutgers R md a third place in the 880 the complete roster for all three League). Jaycee Football Classic be relay, both letting new times Junior League Little Leagueg s for the coming tween the New York Giants and Top award for the heaviest! -. for the school. Team took part tuna caught during the contest! If* Carteret's track team has been doing well Lmgue Champ - A&O Sweet basebalbblll season. Each of the the Philadelphia Eagles are ll in the Newark Board of Educa- three leagues Is posed of ten Iis a graded wsett ooff eigheightt PenPennn ^ Shop now being accepted, it was an- lately. Participating In some of the outstanding tion meet on Saturday and teams. The three gues include JFK Archers nounced today by Sherwin R. rods and reels, vthied it $1,060. Harry Burton finished third in NEW BRUNSWICK- Freshmen-Sophomore League the American i gue, the Na Bausch. Football 'lassie chair- Next comes a color television relays in this area against a host of bigger the low hurdles. Entire squad Brown and Rut tier • League Champ—Harvard tional Ltogue the Interni man for the Woodbridge Jay stt followed bV eight other bia. to go to the Long Branch relays row a mile tnd three * schools, the Rambler stars have managed to Midget "A" League tional Uague. At Workshop tees. | awards to cover the ten largest on Saturday. The complete Jtat of sponsors course on the Raritan l> League Champ — Lincoln fish. There are three awards— walk off with a few honors. In dual resets, the. *nd managers Mlftws: ISEL1N - During the past The two teams will meet in fishing cbtks and marine Saturday, the only horm • School. Princeton University'^ Balmer '• ANKUUNUtAOCK week, twenty-two John V. Ken- pumps —for the bolts docking weight regatta for ihe > Carteret team has done exceptionally well. Walt Motorists planning vacation 1. UJ. aW«u3r7lial«*j. nedy High School students attend- Stadium on Saturday, August trips choose most frequently as Midget "B" League 2. Frank*! Dtpt.-1. Putilfo. the top loads and four cash this spring. (Moe) Oasior, director of athletics at Carteret 3. Knighti of Cohunbtto-W. Poatak. ed the three day intensive Archery 28, si 2 p.m. in t repeat of the Also on the weeks i-t »•• their destinations six large met- League Champ - St. Joseph t. Catnottd War VeU-C. PhUUpi. •wards totaling $300 for the Instructors Workshop at the State last three years' preseason agenda are three I- ropolitan areas and six huge na- ichool. 5. Food IWn-A. Crilf. captains and mates of the craft. High School, is track coach. 6, Godeay Chevrolet -A Weinxlcrl School of Conservation and Stoke* games[>-—"•. A<~s I"n• rpreviou>v»~>s j^<*'°,years, —. „ -. . 1 A. Farley games, the Metropolitan < • tional forest Area. So report the t, c. * C. FiwU-PFiw . Buxbaum. Forest in BranchvUle with latis- the Woodbridge Jayceei are co- . ™ ^f": "V * lfllt ; tro ln w1 to pionships in a»K ' more than 11,000 dealers of Cub "A" League fJf. Jack k PPaiw-C. BtlsbH. tying results, according to Patriot J operating with the New Jersey > >' " *° woman League Champ — Columbus Itt . SpcrUmaSU n OOnb-A catching the largest tuna and agaiust the Mount *>!•••' American Oil Company who dis- NATIONAL " OUE archery cokh Rosemary MeCar- Jarcees in the tponsorship of Monmouth Park will offer 21 stake events play the familiar "As You Travel, School. 1. Babfca 1 hy. tht game. Also repeating ii there are three other distaff Lacrosse Club In Balti" Cab "B" Lmgue Litre Co. prizes based on point per-pound Ask Us" sign. From West to t Ctrttrtt DtUratw*^ During the program, JFK stu PrtrJceton University who pro- ba»eb»U team worth a total of $680,000 during its 56-day sum- League Champ—76'ers 4. CraftimaB Club-*. Ptaino. dents, Joan Brooke and Pamelh vides the facilities. totals. East, the travel favorites ares i. SynmiecM Fmwni-j. Cost*. home only once, mer meeting which opens June 4th. Three San Francisco and Yosemite Na- 1 Republican Chfc-Wf. Hepwwtt. Vulo, were the recipents of arc-j Proceeds from the game will The clubs will be competing Pee Wee League . 7. WeCoKrVco.. NNoo. i-Wj( towta. ton Saturd.iy. v* tianal park; Grand Canyon; Yel S. A.M.T. Realty-R. fioUU. •ry scholarships to the Wooketi benefit a large variety of New for nine trophies donated by 100,000 events headline the 1965 stakes program. League Champ—Royals. ». Meal Uquor»-E. Wlumaai. Teelar Archery Camp in Roxbury, various municipalities and or- games will be-on thf lpwstone National park; the 16. Local No. 440--V. Monlllo Jersey charities. I ' year New Black Hills and the Badlands, in DttUWATIOHAl LE4G4 I Vermont, The awards were made Jersey charities realized 141,000 ganizations. where the Scarlet Tuf«!. They are the Monmouth Handicap (July 17) Girls Class "A" League 1. Carton* KcUry-T. DeatMio. by the camp's director, Myrtle dollars from the Gassic and a attempt to even the set: South Dakota; Chicago; Great League Champ-Mnstangs. Z Hill Fturnucr-A. karbato. for 3-year olds and upwards at iy« miles; the 3 luUaD-Americtn -J. Siymaull. Miller. Smoky Mountains National park, total of more than 445,000 dol- Druid(was the name given to a Cohimbia for an e«rlur 2 < Hebrew Mn'i Clok-V Mtkundrtcli. Dr. John Kirk, director of the lars since the Classic was ini- Sorority (July 31) and the Sapling (Aug. 7) in Tennessee and North Carolina; Girls Class "B" Leagae I. Food Mai*. Corp.—P. Rdkui. priest among trie Celts of ancient* 6. Jewish War Vet*-B. WMUet. N. J. State School of Conservation, tiated in 1962. Locally, the Gaul and Britain, according to! d t co Miami-Miami Beach; Washing- League Cbimp-Swtagers. 7. Grahto Phannac>-L. Sabo. are designed for 2-year old fillies and 2-year ton, D.C.; Philadelphia; and New a Tom Dererln Aasx-V Calabria. was pleased with the enormous Woodbridge C mmuntty Schol- BBritamuc a Junior Encyclopaedial , of Lafayette Girls Class "C" League » Kaaldw PlumMn«-H. Stleimaa. response to his program which York City. arship and the John F. Kennedy Iger s deflatedftdd the LW"' are designed for 2-year old fillies and 2-year olds, League Champs—Peaches. 10. Tony*! Stell-B. Nl«ro. included safety and range man- Memorial Hospital have re- When Tanganyika and Zanzibar'last month respectively at the six furlong distance. agement, introduction to target ceive(j grantJ m part mr| shooting, demonstration of tech- merged la 1964, a cash prize of *tt According to Mr. Rausch, all Mongo, Bold Experience and Bold Lad, the Barton Golfers niques, bow sight aiming, scoring was offered for the best name. Deadline Set and retriveing, modified Chicago seats for the game will be re- The winner: Tanzania. latter a favorite in the Kentucky Derby this round, modified flint round, bow served and will be sold on « STRIKES SPARES first - come, first • serve basis, Sir Francis Drake found the Engage 2 Teams fishing, archery games and the potato being aetan u • staple year, all won out in the 1964 stake races at Mon- selection and care of equipment. Blocks of tickets for organisa- By Rec. Dept. COLONIA-After breaking even food In: South America In 1577, ac- Hllk Gtmti: Ols« Enlk, 182; Joann tional use are available. mouth Park last year. YatM, 176; Virginia gtuton. 174. with Edison High at a M score, Rosemary McCarthy and phy- cording to Encyclopaedia Britan- Bilk Seta; Joenim Ytia, m, Olft WOOCBRIDGE - Teams the Woodbndge golf team, coach- sical education teachers Gloria Information and tickets can nic*. Enlk. 480; Virginia Stanlon, 471. Wanted — to participate in the be obtained from Sherwin R. Leadtn: Costello Funeral Horaei. 57m; ed by Erpie Dubay, is: looking Domez and Margaret Demarest Metro Motors, 83-46; Buurab Realty, Baseball and Softball League* for forward ii iU engagement wi»h accompanied tho JFK girls, and Rausch by writing him tt U 4M0. the coming season. The deadline were well satisfied with the pro- Wisteria Drive, Fords,' or by Ugka It Molt* Good coaching, good courts, good players and St. CwtUa'a Wram'i John F. Kennedy and Metuchen Hlfk Qamei: Hileo McGulnnej. 1*4 for individual contracts has this afternoon in a triangular gram which included an outdoor telephoning 5484305. In IMS, as part of Napoleon a long tradition of success have made the Prince- (clean); All* Ryan, 1st: Pee Hickej, been set for May 14. education. 173; Vera PUkiUi, 172: Millie \nola, 170. match at the .Colonia Country Ill's effort to establish the Aus- Hl|k Set: AUa Bran, 466. Summer leagues include the Club. When it came time to discuss Dogs became objects of wor- trian Maximilian on the Mexican ton tennis teams the most successful in the East. Laaden: Fryitock Ramblers; L.I'.C, Somillmts.tdoniin IK.,, H-H; Anthony's Flower .Shoppe following: Light Senior Baseball Thus far this season, the Bar her Patriot team, Coach McCarthy ship in some early civilisations, throne, the French Foreign Leg-; So successful have the Tiger netmen been that St-HJ Oak Tree Drugs, 49Vi-46W; Rarl for boys r. ' yet 20 years old said, "We have a group of very rons have won one match, los such as that of Egypt, according ion was sent to fight la Mexico, you Ukt bting m:; tan valley. 4Wi49Vi; Iselln Shop Kite, anxious youngsters and as a con- they have not been defeated in a regular season 45-Sls Mar/« Dress Shop. "" by June 8, 1965; Heavy Senior six and tied one for one of their to Britannica Junior Encyclopae- but the campaign ended in dis- VaUntlnt!" MortU Meat Market, 41Vi S4V Softball, age unlimited; Slow most dismal spring campaigns. sequence, we are all looking for dia. aster. play since May 18,1960 - almost five years ago. Malackin Ml: Biook Side Trophy. M',4 33M; I'honogrsph, Hatco Chemical _jre'« Uieas Shop, 55Wr3V',i; K. 0. Wiok- Another three winner lor Wood- and bWI Co, 5043; Hilltoli Uquora, 47Mi-45Vi. Corp., Hess Trading add Trans- bridge was Ron Panlto with a 5C R6.A. CHAM? BrooksWe Trophy i:lliieh«l the IcaBlK port, Natvar Corporation, Ron- Enter Events _j»mpioiuhlp, Wllh uue w«!k oi Uie ttlietf- card, which was sufficient U BUD'S HUT ula utlt Team memlien: Bob Sell), Capt.i 3 son Corporation, Valentine Brick down the Eagles' Gary Briant. $000/ aula ik'liueU, llaibaiti Sdiiisoc. Skip PEANUT ianuoe. Dot lturut. Company and Koppers Corn- Edison's Ed LaFontaine scored NEW BRUNSWICK - The,' /V/C tJljuii Ma)or Trio Company. a 3-0 victory over the1 Barrens' program of events for the 89th;| HAP B££H •|k Udiuea: Gloria ltuwill, 213; Nlta Joe Corallo with a 5J, while his annual outdoor track and field 5//1Ce LAST Sllbon, IM; Dot Multiu. 192. Any one interested in enter- Blab hrt»: Dot Mintm. 5Z7; tilorla ing a team may do so by calling teammate, Dave Koczan, edged championships of the Intercol-! TO Bowln. Ml; Nita Sllbon, 520. Johnny Bonnel of Woodbridae legate Association of Amateur ' Usiltr.; Homy Bee ft, XVi-Wi; Stan the Recreation (Department of- 1 CLAM BAKE Daly«'. 55'i 43',i; Shop Hlte. 63-t*i J. 2V.-2V* with a 55. In two addi- Athletes of America (ICAA) at fice at ME 4-45BO, Eit. 280-281. 1 tional dual clashes. Edison's Fred Rutgers Stadium, May 2829, has, Chelhert conquered l^arry Plat been announced. hand last week, another upward tell, 21, and Ron Morgan and On the 29th. 18 firW events All You Can Eat! surge is anticipated for the sea thi Eagles' Jim Lynch finished will be trials in 13 events, run- Record Purse son's third presentation which thtir round tied at IVi-VL ning from 1:30 to 5:10 fl.m. KVERV FRIDAY FROM 7 P.M. UNTIL CLOSING AND EVE1RV will get under way at 7 p.m. On the 29th, 18 fmalevcnts SATURDAY FROM NOON UNTIL CLOSING. ... Back for another try will Tw and two semifinals are on the Califon's George Hildebrant who • CLAMS ON THE HALF SHELL • AtFlemington crashed into the guard rail at HarterNamed schedule. Saturday's program tremendous speed last week • STEAMERS e CLAM BROTH • Kl,KMiN(iT()N — An all-time will begin at 1 p.m. with the escaping injury as did Hope- N.J. retoid siJtedway purse lias pole vault and ia scheduled to well's Joe Mt elevated purse the next time ordered by writing: Ticket Of-; heavy-footed performers. coach Jack McCioikey and su- 99cj out, lust Saturday. fife, Kutgers Gymnasium, Rut- The eight-event speed bill pervisor of freshmafl athletics. Racing director Bill Kinn» Harter'i duties tt Peon also in- gers University, New Bruns- AN packs two feature races, one at COCKTAIL LOUNGE . . . FACILITIES FOR WtDMNOI, •ANOUET'* " mon again increased the dri- cluded directing the recruiting ( 1 wick. ALL SOCIAL AftAlUfi . . . PRIVATE D1N1N0 ROOM WITH LUNCHEON AND N^ vers' moniti to • new high of 26 laps (won by Tasnady and program in all sports and coach- BKKVED f DAYS A WKKK. almost $2900, unprecedented in Wril Cagle In past weeks), the; ing the lightweight football and the freshman tennis teams. "Big 5" freshman cl Garden State racing uwtula, ( other kl J.S Ikps, plus six qual lI Puring his seven years as ship Harter also recruited six Vcltve thi» L-uiuiug Haturday ifyiiiK prelliii'""ries that I as t cuurl ppilot, Pt-'lm of the pant 12 recipients of unit out n, 0 shttied b> us BUD'S HUT AMPLE PARKING AREA lettms have won 71) per'ceat of coveted scholia athlete With uiauiy n«w euUiuiU uu many drivers. their games,' including take award.

U f,nfVnt-T,pnder (E B) • Csrteret Prwg Thursday, M«iv 6 .•ntnts say raccooM becausi tney PAOB THTftTRR .](,ir fwi.l Letters to Editor Plant of Douglass College, New, glandi. r s.-ilivnry Ward, Dlitrlct It

|1()>1K COOKED my life. My family hn» lived m Woodbridge proper for more than ; a nor, believes tax would aert A. fifty (SO) years. I was horn here i Drmocrnt NOW THHir TUIM. raised here, and In all probabi- I hope and pray that you, as John Clawlla lity, I will die here, for my life and nt Ol e Sl:lle becauae of similar eman by th name of Dinners 'bout the Vietnnmeso. Male belief th.it current history L ol " - * t*ri«topher. k *„«,-, i~ mav v« „ WiTBt Cardinal* sentiments are deeprooted j Vietnam^ Ho not wear •«,., world civil S K':MM in New York al>d Penn8y'- C°lumbul VMpUod *- m M^ * \ T Tl, forty-four (441 years old, »• and h a f givn me your vote in the'FYimnry lcs- this knm-iedw. However Tw'vanta • • • Governor Hughes hails Carter Highway, Newark, is run- "^as a font "nrt » hslf lnn8 c, rved Dally bachelor, with a home, I live In Election, so I may gnin the nomi- Curricula Revised ! subjects are oriented to the the X»m Federal Economic Op- nlng as an Independent candidate "CIRCUS , ,„ rm.in, IM» 4 at 1B3 Rowland Plnce, Woodhridije nation in November ,ind Western world. Only incidents in •nortun'ty grant for a statewide for Governor of New .Ifrscy . proper. I am not formnlly WORLD" y f th th Ward PrOmp lhe Enst wnie ,i,Til h concern the West herlth s rvices pro«ratn as a Governor Hughes is expected to in A cated. but in sincere their rur- lflboraled u n and will rinila. Woodhrid«p Trinl "* f P° - not the -reft project which wfjl provide sign the bill passed by the URis. TOUT fUntUU MTHF.NT1C consider myself to ho intelliRpnt'be one""of" wannn,p SenioSPnlnr HiRIliRh nlmnon-Wester.VMltrn n _„,„„ .^, .,..,. ^.^ cm hf olmo5t 4m ^ [alwt ^^ n g dlwn|CT|y ^_ 1 11 inl WED. TUTU' SAT. "8KVEN FACES OP DR. LAO" enough to nTowir, mMn, oj anr, ^"help „ ^ S^i™'* ''!; ?° m-p !)• • •[• 1 ment Ur<)er ttle ulvinhged young people .. Mln- sons violation to sniff KIIH or to (All SUr Kix-k N Roll Fettlnl) Impoftnnre thnt drnl with faith'for thf ^Z Thnr- - Miss • AT. * SUN. MAT1NR1 and morals I've hud n variety sent The needs of .1. Morrow, has own inwro retail milk prices in north- sell glue for that purpose . . . The :N r.M. cr Ne Jer5e hav8 1 "T.A.M.I. SHOW" of jobs since returning home from |.ire well known to ae.working„.... an„d studyinBg „fo„r ll thKe ,,„.pas„t /-. «i l n " * y dropped legislature plans to adjourn on Buch Boji', rhiick fitfij "CIRCUS WORLD" 1 SPAGHETTI the Nnvy In IM.'i mi| dim prc-'tpre o m.ike mvsetf nope two years to evolve a new course ti&DHOl Uomt lone cent a quart but will remain Mayy 25,, but thoso e in the know M»r»ln (!»j», t.nlrj COM "8EVEN FACK8 OF DR. UO" vour.to , ^ iundnnged in South Jersey Otrr; t The r*rrm»k«rt. II. Ptaa Pte» ientty employed in the Physicai'll angwer the nrrf fl knnwjl feel it will occur some time in Join t n»n, Tlir Huprttn'i " whose cul- l(ontlnued from Editorial Page>! , eight primary Ttit Rolllnj Honn init m»nj '„, (n|d Saoriwlcbe* -;mind. one Th; are or S::U mores, nd memory of the late Senator Ray- ' * s natorial nominations cm I'BOMPT in election Vlncfnl Ptlrt, rtiond"*. Bowkley, of Hunttrrion ' (ll»bpth ghephora , ,,viCE ON ALL R( vernOT * WALTIK ««*D1 ho triumph of onrtT There were 69 traffic fatali- ; . » Hughes has ap-jOlynipiC Park EDT.AR ALLEN POK/8 ui .oil ORDERS is Hint men r main sllmt In New Jersey during March ' ^oil !cd men "** members t0 ITKRLINO TBKATM n and do r ; be called C "TOMB OF LIGELIA" I-M.I ME with 80 in March \m ttle New Jersey cltiMns Coundl hope in Economic Opportunity bring- SUN. • MON. • TVKS. 1,-NCH. OINNER this coursp n-; the total membership to 45 Plans Monorail Rod TiTlnr In John Ford Film ItKKAKFAST i.M'Set' ^LT^ '•*"' ** «^«^<> hv to appropriate $100,000 to ...... „„.„ ,„„„„,„„„, M,.,^B1 ...„, ^.,^-, . monofall the bicentennial of RuteeK •lirlevaneGrievance macninermachinery Detweebetween MAPLEWOOD - A Julli Chriatlr Rdlth titnt ileache and l0Cal h ardS f edU aerialri(1 linkln Hngton and Sty nexTar CoEe " ° ° year"iMaplewoo«d ta « yj^ up constructed "YOUNG CASSIDY" .lt,nex yjar ^oll ge i „ W t m i 'at Olympic Park VILLAGE INN ||s !bytheLn BUSINESS an d SERVICE DIRECTORY thoiiRh Olympic again will be open to th« public. WOODBRIDTiK, H J "IT'S A MAD, MAI, Appliaaces Oelicatestei Main CiitrKtw PNtipaply Service Stations Watch Repairs The park is open Saturday and NOW PLAYING MAD, MAD WORLD" Sundays until May 22. after which Joha Wiyn« - •JNO BIG MIT — it will be in operation daily. Claudia Cardinal* JMnti 81*w«tt WATCH REPAIRS Other new and traditional ridel "MR. HOBBS TAKES All MAT SHOPPE TOWNE GARAGE plus scores of refreshment and GALLARD'S wiih Full OuanuiU'i' amusement itands will be avail- 111 lUhway Areaw Mason • Contractor J F Gardner & Son A VACATION" Fyj'tTt Repairs able for patrons. AL BORUP'S Builder PHOTO 485 AMBOY AVENUt The pool will open May 29. SUN. THRU TIES. AO Brich, 8(*M Nkl CMeretf ttoodbrldge on all Jewelry (On miu tkirtki Rod Iijlnr Work 547 Amboy Avenue HErcurj 4-15M • BALAO8 it Itoir Ben USED CARS FU 8 1667 First systematic exploration of Jiillt Chriitlt Nwaai Renin ME 4-Mtl Carlsbad Caverns, N. M.. wer«| • SODA FOUNTAIN We're Specialist* U "YOUNG CASSIDY" ttmni * QMmteed GOLDBLATTS made in 1901 by Jim White, a cow-[| • rum BAKERY GOOM • BEAR WHEEL ALIGN- boy. - 2ND BIO HIT — •AT.: t-M - t-M • 1:10 Down Call FU 1-9306 MENT and BALANCE Ptter Selleri Ofti I A. M. to t P. M. America'! hlgheit golf court*, SUN.: 2:0* - 4:2S • I:U • >M |Cp< • BRAKE SERVICE "SHOT IN THE DARK" 'tiff INCUDtNO gUNDATS (Colonia) more than !,0M (wt above »a MON. * TUM.: 1-M - t,» M K. illKURY ST., R\1IWAY el) Is located near CloudcrotU 50 SMITH ST. HXTRA COLOR CARTOONI On PICTURES STARTS WEDNESDAY M. PERTH AMBOt Slipcovers EVERY FKI. k SAT. U 6-1212 Mivtagl Stirue "CHEYENNE Shoe Repair CHILDREN ALWAYS FREE 3-8x10 RAHWAY AUTUMN" Bicycles Ftrtlfi Cm FASHION FABRICS SPECIAL 19.95 "lnurlM Bwnttn" JOSEPH PUSHAI BIG Sllpcoven iraouL rActtrriM AIM Hack ni ffklte Pletam Shoe Repair Skop LUNCBEONIDINNIM FOREIGN CAR Al Reawubie Pricea •unvuin • cocKtAit OPEN mis NOW IN NEW LOCATION: LOUHOLOUHII BIKES UCTAOU 21 Main St., Woodbridge CHIKE9B FOOD TO TAKI OUT AMP $*mm THAN COLU8ION WORE FREEFILM (IB 8Ut« Tbetttt Bldf.) CAU HI t-39M sKKVlCE - REPAIB (•national ntw riiti . . . new skill games IM m in Mcluiitii Bf DUMUU 1 ui Mower Serrie* frse Estimates WWiKaek iUD DtrelopeJ UINERS CLUB rtfreshments everywhere . . . Kiddielind . A CUBTAWa SpecUIUm l» . Vnd Repair CUII BLANCHE tut ror AMERICAN plenty ol fret forking tl til times « FILING KCBOPCA>i IHAXNCD SSE OALLAHD Orthopedic Settice IXPSE8S MOVING FU Tht Plac* for fun (or Everyoney#ryon« // \ r*t AH Tew PfctU Needf U Smith St., Perth Amboy $10 Per Hoar N* crantttlon With An; Otbit .SERVICE SuUunnt Day or Nlfht WHILE OLYMPIC AMIISWUT tktf Phckter Imported Auto Real Ettate YOU KEY SHOP ME440M NEWEST 1965 WATT (MV ft«on itirb M»y 22—Poof optns M§y 29) ''•'! (ireen St, LieUn SALES & SERVICE SLIP COVERS 1HI ». Q**n Ar MENLO PARK HEAL WAY MOVERS ? IS IT A SECRET ? CHOOSE FROM Laidscape Coitractor AVENEL You know it's for SALE! OUR LOVELY ONE DAY ONLY Clothesptles Wfcy N«t Let TW NOW THRU TUES. lour BROKER SELECTION OF » *. M U !*• f "7" McCaDep NEW FABRICS hW*I IM i. ML la IM r. Mm Yea KNOWS IT'S FOR SALE! Albert J. ME 1-9070 rnt BUT SCHAEFER, Sr. •MiauUt SULO BROS. ME 4-9752 Doe* Ike Barer kMw It'i 1850 Elizabeth Avenue hrtelet WED. STEEL Rahway LANDSCAPE UsMr Stsrss LET FU 8-1790 - WOODBRIDGE - CLOTHESPOLE AOKNW Ask For Dept B CONTRACTOR Strawberry Hill • Highway 35 (Amboy Ave. NATIONAL VANS Performanctti 4:00 and 8:00 P. M. SERVICE Ueal ail W«M Wl« Meter* MLS TOWNSHIP JAYCEES ladwtrial • KeildenUal W00IIRI06E UN W. OMtn An., ATOM! Slipcovers PROUDLY PRESENTS 'Ar'"..;hi I Tell Your Story COMPLETE LANDSCAPE TO Mill Umr Sttre, lie. PLANNING ReitaU GRADING ft SEEDING WK DKUVERt • HoiotiUlni Liwns aiiatlig FREE • Sodding • TrM> 3B2 0963 • Sbiubberr * Etcrfreeni TIIURS. ISc TIL 1 C«mileta ttoek ei BtfftM • Sale* INTERIOR PUlUn Coal S Fwj 0B awl Inpw(e4 Wto« Decorating Been awl With a HOMELITE SERVICE BY P. S. Express 174 AMBOY AVKNUE Smllf PUMPS . GENERATORS WOODBRIDGE, N. J. BUILDERS' HAMMERS ERNEST only ONE BUSES DECORATORS UN st Gtlrg* An. (Rt ») LMhar HOME - APARTMENT -minis Aalkfac ED FREY Rgttt •* WMOMl* CtornltU AND OFFICE Room Layout - There is ett«, Roosevelt I • Guui Dson FU 1-5797 WootfhlMf*. M. 4. Hudson St. 10:86 A.M. • BatMutf InpplU. JH AtOMl 0« • tartwiit • Muoa'i »uppU«« MlUoMl T. R STEVENS «.«ttovm TRIP XtBd l $ MM *«Ul *>•"> TRANSCENDING Jiul OUI Mt ST GEORGE AVE. Hrrtu Prom Woodbridge — BRILLIANCE & COLOR MErcury WOOOBRIDOK Main & School St., 10: IB A.M, 30 ye»r» 4-1738 Krpalra I K1B| Ceorjei Rd.. log (ood will Ii buslimi ud 13.60 ROUND TRIP 40-Spectacular Arcnic Diiplay»-40 »t All FREE 13-7 cuiiimunttv life. From Perth Amboy — Type;. Internationally Renowned Eqoine Stan . Mule littrictlei - SHOP AT HOME t'ttr P. fi. Garage. Kl Smith St., 10:2$ call SMITH Welcome g AM THE CRJSTIfl! RIDIMQ TROUPE SERVICE ROUND TRIP Plmiblig »* Heitlit /Ur-CaodlUonlm FBGHTDMPING "THOROBRED HORSES Hum Air Hut (OI.OMA Froni South Amboy — • raGH IK An. U4uilrial fxtuuit SJTSICQI Learn To Ptay Tb« Main St. & Stevens Ave, W;M AERIAL THRILLERS • JUGGLING MARVEL ME «-UH Motor Gunrdi AVKNEI PIANO-ORGAN FOB rKEI EST1MA1KS A.M. FLASjffljGJICRQBATS • HERDS OF ELEPHANTS Toilets Ml «-«!*» tS.M ROUND TRIP ACCORDION ISIXIIN Tint Time in America Rola Roll Kitchen F»uceU Prom Sayreville — tMtructtoM *j Gu Wtt«r Heatm Main St. b Washington Ro»d, CAKE8TRELLU Tcach«n IOKHS FLYING PADILLOS 1 10:45 A.M. On The Spanish Wflfi" g and Advanced REPAIRS «nd Henry Jaisoi & Son DRAPERIES J3.M ROUND TRIP Th« StudeDts Accepted. REPLACEMENTS JARDOT tw ooiir* ttmUf CM •%< to «UMd . mV** ¥* ** Urn N J. PUBLIC SERVICE "I AH PIANO COMPANY LI 9-9093 COORDINATED poruMK mem • *mr I*"«»I •+&*» >m. 'lury Avenue, Fordi MKnurv 4 12* TRANSPORT Midway AitrootlttiB stlfrt »M (wur prior to Bk •»*. t Independent-Leader (E.B.) - Cartrroi, prrj Thursday, May 6, 1965 PAGE FOURTEEN LEGAL NOTICF LEGAL LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES I "unrtu nn.| „, LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES ' ™ NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES aa indicated, and the rn AUTHORIZE|pursuant to Ihls iinii,,, Project BowUt N.J. R-95. Plan ""~i Af'QUI-'»ny time exceed i|io • <•', proposed street to the existing - » 1 n AND AU-jtloned In this nviim, ',, NOTICE curb at th* Jersey Central Rail- & Profile of Propoaed Street Grades M hereby given that the Drawn ty Charles W Benclr T. of a New street Right of Way, ss ^3 HY Title raised by the IsRuanrf - F, dated February. IMS road Bridge. INJnhall, to not less iiinn '•> proponed Ordinance »».• WEST AVENUE drawn by Charles W. Beagle, Town- Inf)rtm*i1 and passed on first KMTTERLV SIDE ship Engineer, dated February, Inspection costs, 'legal expends and due_on of Mich ex< r»fi. hp ;,M. From the Northerly nldc of ' H NORTHERLY SIHF, other expenses, including '——•<•'""»> payment of the prii' {•',' nadtaf at a m*eOn| of UM Munici- From the Wentwlv side of West IBM. n pal • Council of ttvs TOwnstilp of street to the Northrrlv side of i*Ti nnd TO I'AV TltK COST nnt.es the,n ouuimidiu'' S-ott Place. Avenue at Station 0 100 to the Easterly Ride IM> Woodbrldge. in th* County of Mid- WKSTERLV SIDE Northerly aide of West Avenue at From the Southerly idde of TO MAKF A mwtr s^tion i. it i. „.„,„ dl«*n. New Jeney, held on the 4th r,,. AND Tf) AUIIK'KIZK ,,| , .te<1 that tlii- ,.,., From th* Northerly ulrtf of ' B' Station 1+00. .... Second Street to fhe Southerly n1 t •lay ot Mav. 109S, and tri»t- iiald nrii- side of First Street. RKAUTIIOIl!7.fl THE 1S8U- of usefulness of „„,„ J,,, Street to tbe Southerly ilil. of PORT RBAniNfinmri; AVENUE N AN inance will be taken up for funlier . _i RF.I.fl Westerly Side OP BONDS TO H , .{:~ '-ordlnn to their re..,„. consideration for final passage at « ;. oi i Plnre PROPOSED RF.I.W ATION OF TAP PKN STRF,KT AM) SECOND From the Southerly side of inKlnK Into conMilrr,,:•!, m*Alnn of mid Municipal Council PROPOSED NEW STRF.F.T, PORT Second SiTcct to the Southerly spertlve nmount of In,. to be twld a*. Its meeting room !nltu\i>iN< side of First Street. th*. Memorial Municipal niilliJliin. rmm V Avenue to Port Read- Port Reading - from Woodbrldjte, New Jetnev on the iRHv day of Mav. IMS') nt R o'rUvl; r M or Prolog t Bow'tle N J. «-95 Plan nnd' street urndes for Port Reading Turner Street as soon thereafter &A wild mii'icr frnfilc of propoaert street x can he reached, at whirh :nnr nml :<>r "A" Street and P™poFert place all perrons *"hn mav be Infr esWd therrln will he elver nn ntijmr Drawn by CharlM W. niniry to be heard roncfrnlm: il.r K , d(it« Dol- mechanism ln operation when » Prenldent of •>»• i BE IT ORDAINED by the Munici- E" Street, Port Reading from mount of notes hereby ftuthorl?ed lars more or less. plu» Interest to- required I Uie parking apace may equipment and automotive vehicles E., dnt«d June. IBM. Port Reading Avenue Port RdReadini g AvenuA e tto Scott to be Issued shall be reduced by (dMcrlbed ln flection 3 of his ordln- STATEMENT pal Council of the Township of EASTERLY SIDE Drawn by -Charies w. Beanie. T. Krther with the cost* of this «ale b? lawfully occupied by «uch »- Woodbrldge, In the CounK of Mld- Place. .^ an amount equctl to the principal The subscriber reserves tne right! hlcle during the period of time ance la hereby respectively author- Th* Bond Orrtlnir From the Southerly side of Fifth E.. dated June, 1964 ProJecfBowtle N J R-95. Plan amount of the bonds so Issued. If which has been prescribed for theise' d and reauthorlied In accordance herewlh ha* been v.w,. d:«ei. as follows: EASTERLY SIDE to adjourn said sale from time to 1 st-reet to the Northerly side of nt Proposed Sidewalk for "I" the aggregate amount of outstand- time subject only to such limita- part of the street In wr- - —"witi h law. There In hereby approprl- the Municipal Council • flection 1. The confitfurUon of Fourth Street From the Northerly side of Port Street and School Street, drawn by ing bond* and note« lamed pur- parking soact I* located, aUd or MappraprtaUd to t"* acqui- thip of Woodtrrtdjf in • curt*, sanitary sewer extensions and From the Southerly side of Third Reading Avenuo to the Southerly tions or restrictions upon the ex- sidrwalkt ln Section 3 of tills ord- Charles W. Beagle, Township r suant to this ordinance shall nt anyercise of such po*»r as may be spe-ibat any person placlnn a sition of ruch property daacrlbtd of MlddlMU, ln the ,-,•, Street to the Northerly ride of side of Larch Street. glneer. dated February 199S. time exceed the sum flnrt men- cially provided bv law or rules of In a parking meter npace i In Section 3 h«»of I hereinafter re- Jersev on the 4th dn- n- inance Is hereby authorized in ac- Second Street WE8TBRI.Y SIDE Easterly Side tioned In this section, the moneys to a m*t*r which Indicate* that ferred to ai "purpoM"). the respec- and th* twenty dav ;*:•, cordance with law. There Is hereby From the Southerly side of Sec- From the Northerly side ot Port Court Sold subject to condition!! appropriated to such construction From the Northerly side of raised by the Issuance of said bonds of sale. unused Urn* hat been left in the tive amount* of money hereinafter IUtlon within whic, i ' ond. Street to the Northerly side Readineagg Avenue to t-he Southerly Port Reading Avenue to the South- shall, to not loss than the •mount ROBERT H. JAMISON, meter by the previous occupant of Btated u the appropriation for aald or pioce*dlng qoestln:;-.:- described In Section 3 hereof (here- of First Street side of Seventh Street erly side of "B" Street: from the of such etcesit, be applied *n the Mce shall not be required to respective purpose* Suck appropri- Idlty ot *uch ordmaiv r inafter referred to as "purpose"). From the Southerly side o! First SCHEDULE Of PURPOSES AND Sheriff J 'B" Street to then out- FERRARA & OTJK, «w_it a coin to loon a* his occu- ation shall be met front the pro-m«need, a* provided ;r, the respective amounts of money Street — STA. 18+00 as shown pancy of said space doe* not ei- ceeds of tht bonds authorised, and Bond L*w, ha* begun '-i hereinafter stated as the appropri- on Plans. PurjKit* S M Attorneys. ation for said respective purposes. ^Westerly*!* "' **"*' l^"flection* J. It Is hereby d*t*r-|jr tna-J VtnfOf 6Md tht taacatM nnuaMI parking the down payment appropriated, th* 4*4* W ttu tint pii> WESTERLY SIDE (3) The construction of concrete Frorn the Northerly side of Port mined and declared that the period1 time. If aald vehicle shall remain by this ordinance. thi* st*t*m«nt Such appropriation shall be met From the Northerly side of Fifth sidewalks ln the following portions Reading Avenue to the Southerly parked la any such parking space from the proceeds of the bonds au- of the following public streets In of usefulness of said purpose, ac- NOTICE Section I, It U hereby determ- JOSEPH v V.M r;v Street to the Southerly aide of side ot "A" Street; from the cording to its reasonable life, Is a 1 beyond th* parking time limit set ined and Mated that 11) none of the thorieed, and the down payment Fourth Street. the Project Bowtle Area of the Notice 1* hereby given that at a Municipal Clerk -•' -><• appropriated, by this ordinance. Northerly side of "A" Street to theperiod of It years computed from Regular Meeting of the Council ot for such parking space, and If tbe purpose* referred to ln tht sched- Township of Wi»:> -v.i From the Northerly side of Third Port Reading Section of the Town- Southerly side of "B" street; from the date of nald bonds meter shall Indicate such illegal ule tat forth in Section 3 of thU Section 2. It Is hereby determ- Street to the Northerly aide of snip: the Townahip of Woodbrldge. held IX. 5/6/69 the Northerly side of "B" Street to Section 9. Ir It hereby deter on the 4th day of May. IMS, theparking, then, and In that event. ordinance U a current aiptnn of ined and stated that (1) none of Flrat Street. Appropriation and Estimated Cost the Southerly side of Scott Place. mined and stated that the Supple such vehicle ahall be considered a* •aid Township, and [31 It is ne- the purposes referred to in the From the Southerly side of First 189.100 following Ordinance was Intro- NOTICE Proposed Malt on Woodbridge Cir- mental Debt Statement required duced and read; and passed on parking overtime and bevond the cessary to finance said purposes by rfotlot M hsreby ir.v.-i schedule set forWi ln Section 3 of street to Sta. IB + 00 as shown Down Payment teret Road between Lee Street and by said Local Bond Law has been period of legtl parking tune, and the lauance of obli«a«lon* of said this ordinancnc e is a current expensexpse on plans. M.300 Pint Raadlng: Regular Uwtltm of "•' < "B" Street. duly made and filed ln the office at AN ORDINANCI RKLATTNO TO such parking shall be deemed a vio-Townahip pursuant to the Local of sild Township, and (2) it is FIFTIFTH 8TOBBT8TOB,, POST READING Amount ot Bonds and Notet Project Bowtle N.J. R-95. Plan the Municipal Clek ot said Town- lation of this ordinance. Bond Law of New Jersey, and (])tbe TowMhlp of WODHV necessary to finance said purposes Prom Tajipen Street to •85.400 TRAFFIC AND RW}0LATTNa THE on the «h day of MA & Profile of Proposed Sidewalk ship, and that such statement st OSS OF THE STREETS AND HIGH- SECTION 7. PARKING TIMI LIM each of said purposes shall be un- by the Issuance of obligations of Street period of Usefulness Grades for Mall between Lee andfiled shows that the gross debt ol dertaken as a general Improvement, following Ordinance i said Township pursuant to the Lo- Project Bowtle N. J. R-95 10 years WAYS OF THE TOWN8HIP OPi™. duced and read: and ?» "B" Streets. said Township, M defined In Sec WOODBRIDGE: CREATING AND1 (a) Parking or standing a ve- no part of the cost of which shall cal Bond Law of New Jersey, and Plan end Profile of Proposed "B" Street, Port Reading - from Centerllne tlon 4OA:2-*,3 of said Local Bond be asaeaied agalnit property apecl- Reading: i3> said Improvements shall be un- Street Grades for Fifth Street West Avenue to Its Westerl" DETOHNQ PARKING METER hicle ln a designated space AM ORDINANCE TO . From the Easterly side of Lee!Law. la Increased by this ordinance ZONKS: PROVIDING FOR THE in a parkinit meter sonejilly benefited. dertaken as general Improvements Drawn by Charles W. Beagle, T, Terminus. Street to the Westerly aide of "B" by $200.MO and that the lasuancce ORDIrf AHCI BTTiTl Ei to be paid for by genera! taxation, E., dated. Juno, 1984. Project Bowtle N.J. R-9S. Plan & DESIGNATION OF INDIVIDUAL shall be lawful for two. section S. The several pui Street. of the bond* and note* authorized PARKINO SPACES: DEFINING CI TO BTAHIM no part of the cost of Which shall NORTHERLY SIDE Profile of Proposed Street Grades First Street, Port Reading - by this ordinance will _.. ..: ' '»> hours (HO minutes) uponj hereby authoriseauthorited for the ffrfinancinu g AND WAQI be assessed against property spe- From tfce Westerly 81de of Tappen for "B" Street, drawn by Charier AriD, PROVIDING FOR THE IN- deposit of one (1) five cent of which a*ld obligation* are to b* Con from Cartorat Street to Port Read- all debt limitation* prescribed by STALLATION. OPERATION, AND TAD* OfrlCIALfl ASH cially benefited. Street to the Easterly side of W. Beagle, Township Engineer, ing Avenue. said Local Bond Law. coin of the United States Issued, are set forth In the follow- FULL AND PART 1 :ME Section 3. The several purposes Carteret Street. dated January 1985. MAINTENANCE OF PARKINO of America. ing "Schedule ot Pnrpoae* and Am- Project Bowtte N.J. R-95 Pro- Seotlon 10. This ordinance shall MITERS; PRESCRIBING PARK- |b) Said parking meters ahall ount*." which KheduK alto shows PLOYDB OT THE T ing "Schedule of Purposes and teret Street. from the Westerly side of a pro- USB OF PARKINO MITERS AND cept Sundayi and Holidays each *uch aum which I* to be provi- Amounts," which achedule also gineer, dated August 1904. HOOTRT «. JACKS PARKINO MTTBB ZONBB AND between the hours of nine ded by tb* down payment hereinaf- ORDINANCE, 19M FOURTH STREET, PORT READING posed street to the Easterly side of Northerly Bide Bl TT ORDAINED shows (i) the estimated cost of Fipro Tappen Street to Port Read- L«e Street; from the Westerly side PrtMdent of the Council PROVTDIMO FOR THB COLLECT- o'clock A.M. and all o'clock ter appropriated to finance th* re- each such purpose, and (2) the a- ing Avenue. From tbe Easterly side of Car- 8*»d Oitttnanc* remain* on til* ION AND DISPOSITION OF SUCH P.M., and on Fridays from spective purpose*. Md (3) th* esti- tdptl Council of «hf v ot Lee Street to the Easterly Hide teret Street to the Westerly Md* ln the offlc* of the Municipal Clerk Wood bridge: mount of each such sum which Is Project Bowtle N. J. R-95 of "B" Street; from the Westerly COINS: 9:00 o'clock A.M. to 9:00 mated maximum amount of bond*; to be provided by the down p»y- of Port Reading Avenue. tor public inspection. SX IT ORDAINED by the Mun- o'clock P.M.. provided how- and note* to be Issued for each Plan and Profile of proposed sld« of "E" Street to its Westerly West Avenue ft Port Reading Notice 1* further given that (aid! BBtOttOO ll-Tb* menthereln&fwr appropriated to street grades for Fourth street terminus. icipal Council of tt» Township of ever, that within the mean- such purpose, and 14) th* period ef tltltldd "Ann OrdlnOrdlnanra ' Avenue, Port Reading - from "E" ordinance will be further consider- Wodbrldie. Ing of this ordinance the finance the respective purposes, and and Fifth Street Southerly Side Street to the Jersey Central Rail- probabl* usefulness of each such salkrl y aannd wage*g . ac!.< ed for fin*) passage by aald Council term -'holiday" shall In- d M 13) the estimated maximum amount' Drawn by Charles W. Beagle, T Prom West Avenue to the East- road Bridge. MOTION 1. This ordinance shall purpo**, according to it* reasonable uln officials and CMI of bonds and notes to be Ismed for E., dated February, 1964. at a rafltiiar mwttng of that body be known, and- may be cit*d a* clude th* following day* life, computed from the date ot ulnd ort ttm* ««» each men purpose, and (4) the erly side of Lee Street: from th< Project Bowtle N.J. R-94. Plan to b* held ti the Council chamber "The Township ot Woodbrldge1 only: th* first day of Jan- •aid bond*: kno-»r. NORTHERLY SIDE Westerly side of Lee Street to thi to Profile of Propoaed Street Grade* ,_ BvrUdtaf, Woo* bond*: and part ttm* period of probable usefulness of Prom the Easterly side of Tftppen at tba. Parking Meter Ordinance of 19N." uary, the 30th oar of May, 1CHEDULB OF PURPOSES • Townahip fiV- Ea»t«rly tide of "E" Street: from the and Storm Drainage for Port Read.| bridle. jTon Tu««tay th. 1Mb the fourth of July. Hie each each purpose, according to its Street to the Westerly side of E&stexly side of "X" Street to Itsing Avenue, drawn by CnarlM W. SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS. For AND AMOUNTS 1M4 be ana .-.'«: reasonable life, computed from the Port Reading Avenue. day of alay. lots at 8 o'slock In ttetbe purpose of thi* ordinance: flrat Monday th September, in acoordw' Westerly terminus. Beagle, Township Engineer, dated evening, at-which place and tsrae the Twenty-fifth day of PurpoM date of eald booth: SOUTHERLY SIDE Proposed New Street, Port Reading February 1965. (a) Tbe word "vehicle" shall (1) The uxjuUUioo of ttie follow- toUowtof swrp Ar.;v r. SCHEDULE OF PURPOSES Prom the Easterly side of Ttppen all person* Interested will b» girts mean any device ln, upon . December, and the day poaition or lob tit<• from "B" Street to Scott PI. Northerly Side an opportunity to be beard con- or by which any person or deslfrnat&d and set udde by ing new automotive vehicle*. In- AND AMOUNTS Street to the Westerly aide of Project BowUe rT J. R-95. Plai From the Easterly side of "E" cerning said ordlaance. cluding original apparatu* and hirtln U bwrty crei'M ... Purpose Port Reading Avenue. property 1* or may be| th* President of the United equipment: bi eftMHw reiroac-.v" • Si Profile of Street Grades for Pro Street to the Westerly side of Lee JOSEPH V. VAIJEHTT. inuuportod upon a high- States as a day ot Thank*- 1 (I) The construction at sanitary WEST AVENUE, PORT READIN6 posed Street, drawn by Charles W Street; from the Easterly dde of Municipal Clerk Three (S) telUM colactlon truck* data of appolntmeti "' ^ sewer extensions in the following Prom School Street to Its pro-Beagle, Township Engineer, datec way, except a Oevio* which givmg. One (1) street sweeper, doubl* O* hoWlng any ":<-: " Luc Btreet to the existing curb at IX. V«/«B 1241.78 is operated upon rails or l portions of toe following public posed southerly terminus. February 1965. the Jersey Central Railroad Bridge. SECTION 8. VIOLATIONS, tt shall gutur broom or to Jon'wrr streets In trie Project Bowtto Area Project BowUe N. J. R-95 Easterly Side tracks. Two (1) tractor mow*r* 1* »arUer Plan and Profile of Proposed Southerly Side sHmtirs IAB (b) The word ••street" ahall b* unlawful and a violation ot the of the Port Reading Section of the From the Northerly side From the Westerly side of Lot 1 provisions ot this'ordinance tor anr Three n or loading or un- such position that tb* ve- On* (1) swnr cleaner (skid tion 0 + 00 to 2 4- 50. new street. Northerly Side v Third Street) to the Northerly side said point Mint distant South 15 loading merchandise or ln hicl« ahaU not be entirely counted) On Proposed Street from station Project BowUe N. J. R-95 From the Westerly aide of "E" of the Proposed Relocation of degrees 30 minute* West 300 feet ooadlenoe to traffic* regu- within the area daditnated pproprUUen and ttttaMaf. Cort 2 + 50 to 6 4- 60. Plan .itnd Profile of proposed Street to Its Westerly terminus. Second Street. from the lotorsectton of the said lation*, sign* or dgnaii or by rod) Une* or marking*. ^ 114,700 FIFTH STREET AND SIXTH street grades for Scott Place>| Southerly Side Tappen Street Relocation-Easterly easterly line of Wataon Avenue wit,h an uvroluniary stopping of (d) To dttaoe, Injure, tamper Dawn Pavawnt STREET. PORT READING Drawn hy Charles W.' Beagle-, T. From the Westerly side of "E" Side. the Southerly line of Cnvnpton tt>* vahicl* by reason of art*, open or wilfully roo Project "Bowtle" V. J. R-95 — E., dated February. 196J. Street to Its Westerly terminus. From the Northerly side of Avenue and from thence running: cause* beyond toe control break, dMtay, or Impair Plan and Profile of Proposed Sani- NOBTHERLY SIDE Amoont of Bon«s aad NrtM Carteret Street, Port Reading • Third Street to the Northerly side (1) South SO minutes of ttw operator of the UM uaefuln.Mt ot any park- IM.OOO tary sewer for Fifth Street and From the Westerly side of "E" from Fifth Street to Sta: 18+00 of Port Reading Avenue, i We*,._._ 7.„5 fee. i along Mid easterl_ y line v*hlcls. ing mrtw lnatallcd un(W Sixth Street, Drawn by Charles W. Street to the Easterly side ot the Period of UKfutatt* fts shown on Plans. Second Street RelocaOon-Nortberty|of Watson Avenue to a pqintijl) UI The word* "Parking lister" th* prorMooa of thi* ord 19 resn Beagle, T. E. dated March 1985. proposed new street. Project Bowtie N.J. H-95. Plan Side. .South 74 degree" * 3~0 minute* ~lai ^t inane*. SOUTHERLY SIDE •ball mean and include ToUU . On sixth Street from Station 0 -|- & Profile of Proposed Street Grades From the Westerly side of thehoo feet to a point: (» North 15 de- any mechanical device or (e) To depoutt or evaim to be Appropriation, sad Estimate* Cost 00 to 1 4- 10 From the Easterly side of "E" and Storm Drainage for Carteret Proposed nen- Right of Way to toe' 3-0 minute• • s — - 7-5- fee-—t to- a- atreet to the Westerly aide ot meter not inconsistent frith depoartod la any parking • IM.OOO . On Fifth Street tram Station 0 4- Street, drawn by Charles W. Westerly Bide of the Proposed Re- point; (4) North 74 degrees 90 mln this ordinance placed or m«t*T any slug* drvlce or MWB PaysMBt 00 to 2 -I 00. Lee Street Beagle, Township Engineer, dated location of Tappen Street. utea Wett 1M teet to toe aald east- erected for tb» regulation m«Ul aubstaocc, or othar MJ00 "A" STREET. JACKSON STREET From the Easterly side ot LeeJun! e 19M Second Street Relocation-Souther- erly line ol Wataon Avenue and aubstinit* tor lawful coin*. AND FIFTH STREET of parking by authority ot Amount «f Boddi aa4 N«tw Street to the Westerly aide of Easterly Side ly Side. the point or otaot of BEGINNING. thb ordlnano*, lash park- SECTION 9. ENFORCEMENT. It •S.M0 Project BowUe N. J. R-9S — Plan the proposed new street. From the Southerly side of From the Easterly side of the BKtNQ also known a* Lou #124, ing niUr Installed shsJl shall be the duty of the Police Dl- Section 4. The ooat ot (ucb pur< and Profile of Proposed Sanitary PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAVjniOM proposed new Right ot Way to the 125 and 124 at shown on a certain FIR& STREET TO SECOND Fifth Street to the Northerly side 1 indicate by proper legend ! rector and th* Polio* Department to MM*, u b*mnb«or« stated. In- S*were for "A" Street, Jackson of Fourth Street; trom the Souther- Westerly side of the Proposed Re- map * entitled "Home Gardens, the Kgal parking /time es- enforce th* prorlatoni of till* ord lud*a th* anrtcat* amount of Street uud Fifth Street, Drawn by STREET. PORT READING location of Tarjpen Street. Woodbrldge, N.J. dated September th* provMou of till* a lvslde of Third Street to the Nor- tibUshtd by ttv 'city.and lnanoe. Too aialdl tn tb* WoKKmeint no.500 which 1* <*tlmated to b* diaries W. Beagle, T. B, dated March Ffoin First Street to Second therly side of Second Street; from Port Reading Avenue and the Pro-24th . Itl2" as flltd in t*i» Office when operated ahall at alltber* U here* ntcesauy to ftnaoo* the co* .. 1965. Street the Southerly side of Second Street posed Relocation of Turner Street. of the Clerk of Middlesex County, times indicate Iftial park- DepartmtBt i such purpo***. Ineludlng arctU- On "A" Street from Station 0 4- Pfcject) Bowtie N. J. R-95 to the Northerly aide of First Btreet: Project Bowtle N.J. R-95. Plan New Jenev on October 11. 1913 w ing time, and at UM ex- tects f***. accounting, tnglswriof 00 to 1 4- 20 Plan and Profile of proposed Ing Violations from the Southerly side of First & Profile and Storm Drainage for map am la fU* #400. plratioci of suuh period for said position at wt for* ln theand lnapastlon co*M, ugal np*n*a* On Fifth Street from Station 0 4- street grades of New street Rlght- stxe*t to Sta: 18+00 as shown on Port Reading Avenue, drawn by! BETNQ commonly known u 521 •hall \i pruned ch*ck, fanpen Street Drawn hy Charles W. Beagle, T. From the Southerly aide of and remainders, rents'. Issues and >Xby aauthu - K.. dated February, 1964. i*n ^Street to the ISaaterly aide of. profits thereof. AND ALSO all the street adjacent to or ad- merit to mak* regular collection* o, ortaartj j and (balhl l bhe ixued piirnioot amount.ofJ» > P%]*ot Bowtie N. J. R-95. Plan f'aflfnrt KtTMt Fifth Btreet to the Northerly side joining the parking meters. tjho money doDoctted ln (*ld meters to Mid Local Bond Law Bald boiidi A Profile of Propoaed Storm Drala- NORTHERLY SIDE of Port Re»dln« Avenue. estate, right, title. Interest, prop- From the Eaaterlv side of Turner Simtherly Side erty, poisfiesiilon, clftUn aud demand SECTION 3. PARKING METER ill money collected (hall be de- shall bear Interest at » rate which sic for Tgppen Street. Drawn by from the Wfrsterty sWe ot Tap- Port Reading Avenue & Vernon ZONE. The following named and posited with th* Municipal Tre* shall not ciceed an pwcantum Ctarlee W. Beagle, Township Engl- Street to the Westerly tld« or W whatsoever, U) well In law »« ln Port Rending Avenue. '»n Street to th« Easterly side of|W»y. equity of the Mortgagor, of, In deacrlbed area*, street*, or portion* wrer. lo'ol per annum All mae'.em with n**r, dated June 1964. i:ni-tfir<'t Street. Project BowUe NJ. K-95 of street! and tuch other areas, respeot to said bonds uot determ- OK Xuttrly Ride SOUTHERLY S1IIK Plan and Profile of proposed and to th* tame and every i»rt SBCTION ll. PENALTY Any per- BOARD From the Easterly mde of Turner West Avenue, Port Reading - from wid imrcel thereof, with the ap-streets, or portions of street* as ined by thi* ordinance shall be d«- From the Northerly mde ot Fourth 8»-hih>l Street to lt« proposed South- storm drain for Slxtii Street may hereafter be- Included in thitt son who (hall violate or fall urmlti*d by ruolutlons to be here- Street to the Northerly side of Street to tho WtuWirly Bide of and Port Re&dlnge Avenue. purt«nnuc.«s, md all future* now comply with any of the provlstoi.. Port RetullllK Avenue. V Terminus. or hereoft« attached to or uoed ln section by amendment hereto, lying after adopted Sixth Street 1'ixilw.t BowUe N.J. R-95. Plan Drawn by Charles W. Beagle, within uh« corporal* limit* of the of thin ordinance, or who shall Section 1. To finance bald ]iur- , Westerly Side PORT HEADING AVKNUK, ANI> T.E June, 1984, conn«:tion with the uremlseo counnel, aid or abet any *uoh viola j A. 1'niflle of Proposed Btreee Grades T.E June, 1984, Townahlp of Woodbrldge, shall bond in nous of TPYoiu the Northerly side of Fourth ll'O.SKD KW.OCAT1ON OK Port Readindi g AAvenue, ran RtadliiE herein dtsoribed. Mid 1" addition comrtliuto a Parking Meter Zone, tlon or failure to comply, (hall b nous of lur W<«t Avtniue, drawn by Charles thereto but not ln Umlutlou of aald Tuwnahlp of an «ijifr»^«u prin- Street to die Southerly aide of TURNER STREET liea«le. Township Engineer, Northerly Side namelyl : cleaned guilty of an often** an< fr» Fifth btreet; from the Northerly Project lluwtlis N J K-D5 From the Sasterly side of Biith tlie furegolng. any household aj>- y may be punished by a fin* not cipal amount not eiiwHng |12« 500 ted J»n\iivrv 19«S, («.) lu the Wood bridge ttec- are hereby autluxiMd mid shall b* side of Fifth St-rtjoi to Hie Southerly Plau and l'ri>fll<- and Sturm IMaln- Kaslrrly Side 8t*eet to the Westerly Bide of Vor- IJIIIUICCII next hcreuniftei- dencrloed, exceed (200 00 qr Imprisonment u side of Btxlu Store t. uti« for l\>rl) llt-tuliiiK Avenu*. non Way, from the Euatorly aide of whlc-Ii we and shall he deaued tu tiu)>. Muln street, frum U) eiceed 30 d»ys or both. ls*uear (ciilvini it)';) pe' t Hlilli Htrtit-t. Druwn by Edward TlfKltl.V Slllt: From the Southerly side of Easterly Side tioned: quality KM ztmt', U - i:ouaUteiit witli tin teruw of th frum Hit- Wasiuriy side of Slourtli Uttii bmidi, 12 combliuitloii aluiu- cludlut any uxeiu there 11 irrtUuuiu-e iLr« hereby repealed tttmuni, and may l>e renewed from f Rellly, P. K, u or provisions, or purtn >uil« 1» tlie sum of Nineteen, Thou- uf tlie Tuwuhlp ot Wwhl to aald nnote * UA del«rml - VTUUI tlit< Westerly iiiUe ol 'I'l From lh« ISiLsterlv aid* ot the Prolect Bowtle N.J. R-98. Plan From the Noctlwrly aide brldKe, if d«tilt{ii«ted, u& IKI In Llila urdlnance Mmll IK .Street tu me Easterly nlik- or iXr- proptMieil relo<;iLtloii of Turner sand Hli Hundred. Nlue <»19.«0900) Ined hy iliiu ordlnanc* skill be de- SsLff JT^KIS- .• Profile ot Proposed Street tirades Purt HeiidliiB Avmuie to tlie Uou imrk-liMf uiotw apuoes, but l Invalid or uncuiiatltutli bv reaolutloiiH u> IMI hen- tcret Street Street u> the iftiaLerly Hide ul Storm Dr»1nas» for Sixth erly aid* of Seventh Street. LK)lliro more or le«», ulu« lnterMt aixth Hueef with to* co»t« of ttils lucludlu^, otlierwlw ml ii oiuli Invalidity i/r uncunjitltutiuii-1 utter »du|ited. In Mie went Umt "ll" STKttT, PORT UKilllNI. rlruwn bv (Tharlex W, Bmitle Tappen Btreet frontages in tmtri utreou nitty ahull uol utteut the vnlUIHv uflMiiiuc \n isouml pureuant to Uils TUKNKK STUKE'l' KELOCATION aulele. 1 Kruni Wast AVftuue U) ltu Weaierly ^ilp Engineer dnted June Project Bo*tl* N.J. R-K> Hun OBUTION 4 DEHHiNAliUN OF thi; iqilijiunce ae & wtmlo ur af uny Hit aggregate aniuuiit oi I'ennlnus. WKSIKItl.V HIDE Si Profile of Proposed titoriu I>ralii- Ttw •ubgerlber reMTVH th* right UJ udixiuru aald sal* from time to PAKHINU 8PALUB. The IMreoux uf »>1-!M-| OCT tloil ur lirtrvlsliHl in |iiuL berry authoriMd thfcll be re nan. Project BowUe N J. K-tft t'roiii tlie Northerly aide ot Fifth nne for Tappen Street. l>r»wn by Police I* heiehy dlnx;ied uul suth- 'Itlll-llf Plant Street to Uic NorUlierly (id* of tiaj-ic» W. Beagle Township ttii Ume subject only to such limita- I by iuni amount equatqusl to trithee . Plan uid Profile of Frupooud tions or restriction* upon tbe «»er- orieed tu mnrk uff ludlvUiual [lark SKI "rK in 14. krret'Tivit IIATK ml amount of tho bund* *o "«r WJ*'., street ismile* for "B" Htrcct Cort Ke.nl I UK Avenii*. llieer. rt«'«id Jtme 11W4. ing vpucfl* In the u&rkluK meU-r ( s/ VASltKI V HIDE uf such power a* m»mayy bbe Tli fl iinlliidlirti .ihull be In full furi-e If tin aggregate amouut of IX- ^_ _ Drawn by Chulm W Htniilc, '[ Kisterlv Side /.ones dfr&lKiittt«d and (lewrlt>ed 1 uliI rrfr\;l (nun ttru! after tU II,i«- K . duldd Jkiluoiv lUW Kl'iun the iKHlUn[IV aU\v Of •• f,.™»r «>r«et. Vuna Uit Northerly aldo uf •ueclally provld*d by Uw ".rule* atreet to the Nurllierly *id« of of Court. Sold *ubj*ot to ooudltlons 3 uf thU OldlUiUlitt lunl Mt-e iiii'l iMiblh^tU>ll IUI ttH|illre-ti fourth Street to the Northerly Itl »uch i/ther limy iloie From West Avenue to tlm Easterly ort Kendliiif Avenue. io - t V\\c*, Part Reading . from Prolect Bowtlo N.J R-8S Plan ur dumbly uiarkcxl uu the ,^hl IliulutUH;*) 1-cinaliui uu file ASSETS r*b. po*td d\net tu the Bwruoxiy dde fiow "B' Blrcet to tHa " it Profile ot Propound Street IJio ul.'lue Of Uie MlUlldl»l ULotk 4 Sirwt to tSx* proposed new or uirfac* of tho iu««t AI of IM BtrtM rciihil Railroad Brlous. OradeQraea fofrr Wxtli SStrevtr . Dmwu by fur imfJlli; UtttiM^Uun. Prulavt Bowtle W. J fy» it. each apace *o ttai-kxl off It •tt«J| exfund OtiM«*« to ruflir* Taxatsoo Prom Ui* WH«I-1«' ild* uf 1. Kdwud C. P.E., d»t«d July b« unlawful to parp k uiy vehicle In Nuil.o |« turthar KIVBII th«.t wud Mui Mid Proftle of Proleot Bowtto TU R-H Plan 10^2. revisel d by OW, B**(l*. Tl, . . IALE y Bondm ftttttt to th* KMtDfly old* of -f' W Bl TI auuh • wav to»t XXL d vehicle shall uidlriAiix will b* further oouHd- and (term ^ Profile of Propowd Btwat nra April 1905. ernd for Dual IUMUH* by laid Coun- SsTMt- " ,« iv«iua for Scott Plan, drawn by Ohwlw nott b e •utlreltlly wltbllb n th* luiuu of frooi ilia ~ ' *M« o£ "V Southarly tld* ;T DIVIIION th* *twc« *o dwUaa-wd cil .i • roculw ui«*unf( of Vhtt Uauilou*. Dr»wn by <%wl» W Bl fla. T. W Beaitlt, Townablp Sntdneer From the We*tnny dd* of Tap- SBOTICfH 5 mfTALLATIUN or Ibmly iu lie held In th* Ooundl out** to It* t, «j.u>d Fttbruary. VM. d*ted Fabruarv 1965. " COHNTV OUTWU pm Street to tbo Butedy (id* of I4»2 M KfNO MKTEXB. In wld u*rk rrhnijjlicr nt the M\ioiolptl Bidld- NORTHERLY SIDE Noiihtdr Sida CvteTet Stu«*t Dock*t .... _ MM meter voutt foe Director uf Inn. WutxTbndW. NJ. on TueKlay, Pnxu the Buurly aid* ol ~E~ From the W<*t«fly (id* of 'X' total* ah&ll c«uw pttrkljijj t the muli nay u! May. 1IM9, at i rtirfti \tj tlie Westerly (Ida of I, to the Eutorty aW* of the UHOOIJI »AVWOS HANK uw pjj rroni ttw Wtswly BM« o A|>pruprlaU«o and Eitlnuted Cotl o be iuftall d upt>n tthh e ouri) ox o\:].. t In Hie evening. »1 w SlTWl. 1'JOIXJOCI! lutw »tre*t. KU.U2J tl f til* State uf Now Stri*t to ttw IWterly sld« of 1 Suuthrrly Sid* 8 QAIXOWAY aar d JAajDlLlNbRAVMON!)i ulewulk UiuiieUUifkly adjuouit tu |>lnre mid Ullie nil (-•IOJII tl«: lawt«rly Hid* of I Xutusrly uf $10,138 .•l-i I'lON 1 of till* otdllutuue, ul laK mid ordln- Juiwy (*lllTol d to Hie Wsftorly otdo of Itr Aniouiit of Bunds and Nutes SOM'B WO., » eorporlktluii of New .MtccL U) IU> Hireot: froni «h« BasUrlv aide of jer«»' PAUL A OOfiltN and 8TATB i.:,lallnUuJi to be pl*«• li< 1 , I'l I • ">"•*"

(B.B.) - Cftrteret Press Thursday, May 6, 1965 PAO1 LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAI. NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES I.KCAL NOTICE tBOAL NOTTCE8 LKOAL Nome* (SHERIFF'S HAI.B KtW Jewey 8t»t» Department of Rnprrlnr Court of New Jeriey for a period of forty (40) days after opening of bid* without tlie FEDERAL RK8EHVH STBTKM. AT (including Ml.M oref- TOTMjOAPITAI, OlTil AMTice Ixamln&ttoiui Announ- Law Hlvlilon THB CIl.OflE OF BUBtNBSfl Ott dfte Leas: (ft) Total ACCOUNTS .. i. Andrew J. tula, TttMnnr «C •# CLASSIFIED oed doing date for Mini? applica- Essex County consent of the Board of BdunnUon APRIL 2fl. 19B5, PUBLISHED IN aSo»*-n«w»d bank do hmbf 4NM* of the Township of WoodbrUlKn. 7« deniand tion*, MM 18, 196.1. For applica- Docket No. I. *m-U I 3HB-M AOCORDAJ4CD WITH A CALLi Bank premium owned flepoalta TOl'AL UtABtLrrtER that this rtdoft ot cfltidltUn h m* tion*n*. 4utaw4w, Mitttt minimum l Hnnrtm Ollck ami EnVelle Herman Attention 1* called to the fact Hint MADE BY THB FEOBRAL BK- and correct to tbe b**» as* sty pVKRTISlNG inpMoinepMoMepMoMM, , »»m>i»mi r ...—T TTOQ TT^J PROVISI H«# Jefisy. urea rmiirt be pnld on th« work. _ PROVISIONS unli, Writ of Ex<"nu1.1on foT the n "H" Tin rmym RHRF.HVE Am. ( premlees owned MKMORilrtDA ANTJlltW 1, mSJk RATES Open to oltlMfl". 12 months real of t>rn?nlfl*fl dnwt .Tfthimrv 2(1 Bid Bond or wruflcd eh^k In are subject to | None Ws, tb* UBdarUgnul dlrteMH •»> d«nt In W\* Bora of OM-tefet. Trwic M5. *• (mount of 10% of the Mrt pri™ „ ,_ ASSETS Asset* pledged or sa- iliall afirfmrpuny «u-li hid. "n«h. tmlAiicen with Umw not asmtmed by 330,414 48 tignsd to secure liabili- te*t t»« aomntae** ot this rsvwt ol Drtv«T, fleJWT, $1 as per hnut. Bv virtue of thn nhov" an other bunk*, and narti bank) Olher UftblUUes Writ, to me directed mid rtollvct Sucrceftful bidder nliall funtl«li 10,405.4* ties snd for other eondltloa and deeun tkat H htm o.p. »/«. 4o/M proof of adequate Insurance cov Itnnin In pronvw of Other afaete TOTAL ' will ptprwo to M-le nit. jnibllc. TI collcvtlon I l 01 .$13,181,110.58 piirpo*** t b**n namlntd by us a*d to tsw MM I* oti "nlted States Ooiieim- TOTAL AS6KTB «U,»0,«71.B0 lai loam a* shown ot our snowfedg* and belief I* mm NOTICE TO WEDNESDAY. THT; 2nd HAY lMunuinn and bony t,hh of Education <)1>llg«.Mong s of StA-t*« total pai »alu* _ I lOo.Onone Of ..._... .. T. O. KHITON of OaJTtMW-, New Jerwv, on -nuini- und Kml l)« l!consr Woodbrldgi I1OARD OP EUTKATIOV OF THR Bids ars requested In Unit IYIPM TOWNSHrP OF WOODBtimOE. nntwd by rj. 8.) M2.M0 m political irubdlvlnlons . BTI.MS.J of Fire (5> Wlndiwn phis innt-nl- oHnhMi), County nf Mldrtlww* •''irpornt* slflr.ks (ln- rx.hrr deposit* Who Use But GtMral Motor Roma HoMs A nnd HIM* of Nrw Jersey, lstion. T.O. OAnWAlADEn lnuludlnir aj.soooo (OcrMflp.*r 34?J-IA, , oui f deediicwiins foiorr MlddleMKinii - This notice \n publlahr sbore description is in *c- New Jersey fj KttTIAC 48 MONTHS TO PAT-1ST PATMOT NIT April M, 19«5 rordsnoe with s nuryey made by Th* First fenttonad Bunk of i] O«VT Umvra 5 Dew, •6)MONZA t • 1(140 Iioulu P Boo«, anrferor, of Perth Highland Park I BLOUSES C.P. Amboy. Nsw Jersey, dated Julj J7, Borough of Highland Park, GIFT '64 POMT1AC 1k«,i«r* Cmpi, Art* II*. '11 MCK 4O»r !VrfH*,p. AUTO. )^7 •ra. BML.... IW7J '6i cwrvr i ESTATE ISM. revised AUKUSt 3, 1804. Wew JJersee y I HANDBAGS The spproxlnmt* amount of th*May «. IMA F,* P,.wrr .... i/ \ T1MKST Aiumfe, Autannft '64 CADOiAC I -n- FOR »ALK A ilendcr four »ided piece of Judgment to br ndsfled by *ald I.L. J/0.1J, 20. 27; «/3/(» $M.0fl CERTIFICATES «»lt .. •61 OtM H! wood, forerunner of our modern sale Is the Slim of Two Thousand. i LINGERIE Ai*n**:lk Full Pr>««r '62 T-gMD t*rJhp, Mto.. FIRST BANK AND TRUST COM- Available For r M295 M 1 pencil, W.IR uspd for writing on Ssrs more or l«w plus Interest to- PANV NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ] HJKK HotHiop. »*, r^ '1999 TKKKT Five room home. • HATS 'M OCVT hf<,ta Hotrilrp. clay tablet* by early man M flhaiehotfltiR Aakmllr, FJ S'J'IQQ i~: '1999 Hv\t. « Randolph j to sdjotim said sale from time to NOTICI 18 HEREBY QIVaTN JOIN OUR DRESS CLUB Ptrm. HIM **II 61 DODSi ml SERVICES time wibjoct only to filch limita- that, punuant to call of It* dl- '64 FO«O Fnkon. Ai*«witif. A1 rXMMflMUT FSS. »,*. KL '1689 -,r)0 Kinandng avill- tion* ot restrictions upon th* eit-reotott, a spec IM meettnn of ahsre- 1 $ •6zran> Xa.. v-'iris Cnnrtfwtion Co MRS. CURTIS - READINGS errtv of such power as may be holdors of First Bunk and Trust Et"" t495 M489 Tm,ltH specially proTldoa by law or rule* Oompany. National AjBonlatton, '84 FO«> Cmtem JOnm-. 63K)«DFnir- S1)QC 61 TOW CdMty Stf*. ML •61 row Co. W — • • - -,ent ?64-4lll7. AND ADVICE on all problems ofof Court. Bold fubpect to condition* will M held nt It* banUnR house km, Auto., tilt.. I*~J J of Kile at >lt flmlth Street. In ttio Olty of Alys Dress Shop Si M895 '61 FAICON SMi« Wogn, Ful Prav, I1H. 1189 kite. Open 9U> t. No appointment 4/Btf Perth Amboy, 8t»t« of New Jw- s '62 KAMBUI Ciw» O«k, nccetury. SOB Smith St., Perth HOBKBT H AJ/YS SHERIDAN, Proprletres* •M BAJMUB (hi, ::i"\ SDr,fc«iH"-m, ] ~ CJo* lOm I Sheriff. sey. on Tueed&T, Jun* 8. 116S, at [2 w ?. i489 Ambcy. 442-M91 4/14/29 WTIIIAM W. BICKEB, noon, for th* purpose of connlderlni; S*t, BAR Attorney. and determining by vot* n-hetiicr 311 Pershing Aw.,Cartcret, KI 1-6800 S!, : *!389 THIS WHK'S '61 MBKIBJ Co '61JHKWY SMtai VW*»v It. V«, 1!. K. rr«.»4 an acreemen-'•"' "~t' to oonaoildate Kit '64 iMONZA Cmrx /.ulo.. SPKIAL& Colony ML WW. **>. said Ban. ...k. ....and .The Plrrt National MR Air S1QQQ MPmv.Ult . I MI:S i.VNN I FUEL OIL - 1S\M per gal. 24-hr. ConilW«»iig IO71 •6) WKK Elnlrd 4-Door Superior Court of New Jener Bantt of IHKhlunhldd ParkPk, havlns It* HwJlofi, Full Pm* iKWJhl i ,,ivis.T Answers all service. Reptir nnywhere. UNI- Oorkrt Mo. M-4«K-«4 principal office located In the '61 COMET Shlion Wng. g arr- '1189 "' a., fol MJI Bf ilrtue at in Order of the of the law* of the UnltoJ states, '63 POHtlAC CDMu C™ '61 K» C«r>. M«M .>>i> for parties and1 Superior Court of New Jersey, shall be ratiflad and confirmed, AutonoHc SO1QC ST *1599 Chancery DlvUloa, made on theirubleot to th* approra! of the M PtMT «l7iJ '61 (MVY 3-Door AvWKiik. •i i 9 to 9. Sundays. * msO FOr SALE SL.-. .'1895 Itth day of April, 1M>, In • civil CflOiptrollPt 0* th* Currency Wanh- Bertagna Country '63 PONIIAC Cotolm C«». EL '1095 InRton, D.C., and for the purpoe* '61 OUK 4«(w Honfhv. r.i Fir further in-| •ct•ctlol n WhMWherMnn RRO M LlLlcitat la th the e A 5^ '1299 plaintiff and |OUT in tbe defen- of —tln"f •vtpob any othe" r mtttu>rs $71C i!^! CLOSEW)UT1 40-ineh wide jum- dant, you an hereby required to Incidental to tti» propoeed con- A LOT TO LIKE! 2Si^^'1095 solidation Ot the two IwnkH A M59S K i 5/6-ST7 bo steel wardrobes at rediculoui tluwar the Amended Oomplaint of •6JPOWTACCHINKING hai bo on the 4th day of May, IMS. the METUCHKN. |n,»M CfOSTOU-BtnliT Six roooiB •61 FALCON Ftmm, Aukv Parlnik Eid IfJI. Mill M In IranaU Irt, 1 kkdj It Mb ..— „,„,,, ,„ , * . obtain a Judfment of dltocce b*- following Ordin*ac« wa* Intro- with basemefit and 1-car ga- WtaorMo- $ hi ttm 1H0II »l£«: •• (1) *h*il b* «m*noed by COMTRAOT «M SOAFfl, BTO th* addition of ttu following sub- •Ktaon (l), i* toUowa: VARIOUS soaooLa "(1) At leart M% ot the dw*»- CXWTRAOT MO-S HABDWAM, Ing unit* shall consist of VAKIOU8 BCHOOte one bedroom or efficiency TAKE IT FROM ME AMT Needs You CONTRACT UQ-4 CHAIR TtPB apartmtnta, and no more AND OLlDEja. VARIOUS BCROOU than 20% at the unit* may CONTEACONTBACT ftS0-7«S0-'. I be two VmlWom apartment*. PAKTPARTBS PPOO R PSNCTIXL 8 No . ton* btdrouui or FULL OK FART TIME VARIOUS SCHOOUI r «80-»A CHIMICAL — maximum VABtOOB aCBOOU number at omupaat* per IT'S NO BULL! CONTRACT «50-«B CHBIICAL unit 1« limited *> three per- ••rtiTrt'« f.nunt growing realty firm and reap the POR ENVUtONMBNT SANITATION. »ai lit on* bedroom apart- VARIOUS SCHQOL6 ment* aod tour person* In i; CONTRACT m-t FLOOR WAXH, two bedroom a«artci6nt* -: only h*rd work and "good uteanauhip can, VARIOUS BOHOOU . Children under two nan CONTRACT 6S0-10 PAPCR PKO- of ag* shall not be counted fA^-nt-nce preferred but we «U1 tnio tbe in- DUCT8. VAR1ODS BCHOOI^ as occupant* under tbli CHANDLER MOTORS CONTRACT B0-I1 tUffl section. I IMMEDIATE COMPENSATION ON A^L MINT «LK7TRI0AL LAMPS Thl* Umlt aball b* effective TUBB. VARIOUS BCHOOLfi lmm*c**4*lr and sbaU apply ANii LISTINGS. i Bids WUl b* r*c*lt«l In ths meet- to all aoartments built ing room of the Board of Educa- hereattn, renewals ot all ! tion at tbe A&mtnlstratton Bulld- leaas* of apartment* Prea tng. School Stra«t. Woodbridp, eatlT under KM add to New Jfr*y at 10:10 A.U 1.DJ.T., all M-reatala^f Misting un ter- mination of occupancy by a present tenant. BEGTION 3. AH ordinance* or sections thereof wlilrh are In oim- nlct with tht* amendment ore hereby rerolwd. BKCTTION 4 If any *ecrtou iw $1879 provision of tlila Ordinance slmll bo jii]uil» KAillal NEVER a PROBLEM at CHANDLER iry law: KOHBHS' •• JAC7ES I'nmlileiit of the Ooun heh helhld TTn th* OOUndl Ch«mb«r Ciiai.. bull t'ower ldl MU« '6J CUUY.SLKR, *Ur, H.T. Uk« Hr.uJ 'M MUCUKT lie. N J oil Tueiday. Uie 1Mb •44RENAULT, Orli- til 1V0JL HUtCIDU, Con», On* Qww, day of May, 1909, at 8 o'clock 5i N«i», All Kquliipedl UW1 •MCHHYSLKK 4-H (•Year vr Fully £«d.l Mast U tmt \* h* tpat«tist«4. W W Rill. Lknt all vonpuii luWMttd will ii« '1)0 UOIKK, Fully Equipped glyen an opportunity to be bwd 50,000 Mil« tinston,c«i Ca.i •61 oon.tnilnK said ordhimiflfc JOBKPH V VAIJEH'l-l " ' • Olerk lit ""•' Hcaerve DUtrkt t AHWAY MOTOR CAR CO. •41 State Nu. Mo Renault L)t RKPORT OP noNiinnN OF "OAB- 100 E. ST. GEORGE AVE., LINDEN *-»««"«- ™* TEltfr isoN" >• I'HnS'r COM- m, IAHWAT nm > • W4 PANV" OK CM.1 itKl NltW JHH OUT. «iU0*. A U.tiMUKBi OT TBX Tarter (E H V - Cftrtprot PAOF Thursday. May fi.1?>B S

treasurer, Marie Guellich; cor- Feldman: recording secretary 1 Noilis nnd Wayne De Vlco, The Barber, Wayne De Vlcb, Slcven Colonia Library To Court of Honor awards were Riven bySolop, Daniel McGlviwy and Rick to responding secretary. William Stanley A. Rothman. llnyl Shields, assistant scout- Peterson. (lose For "FOR MOTHERS maslHi to Fred Dorwootl and Mr. Acie Rist, Institutional R AN ESTIMATE ANYWHERE of 19Ri :it tho New Dover Methft- ;islant spoutmaster. hert Barber. Thomas l*ach and erman announced. We Carry All 'Hie Popular riisl Church in order to honor the Lire, which was the highest' Robert Yackel: three year pin to The branch probably will re- guest of honor along with Rev. Quality IWp Us in Business . . . muny boys advancing up the lad-rank awarded for the evening,]Tim Brooke. open on May 19, he said. Theodore C. «eamans and Walter 1 Gibbins. folk singer toniRht at der of scouting. was presented to Rick Peterson Mr. Rist also presented one year Building Door* k Window Cosmetics and Perfumes Mrs. Rnrber wns the master of by Ons De Vico. scoutm.-ister "ins to Frank Kodilla and Hftyt Brought Bubonic the Greater Colonia Democratic Wnllbosrd Millwnrk Mother's Ittiy (arris ceremonies for the evening. After Tote and chip awards, which'Shields, assistant seoutmasters. The Black rat. which reached Club meeting scheduled for R Flooring Robert n.-irber lend the snlutr to denote a scouts proficiency in the Robert Barber, chairman we- o'clock at the Colonia Civic Im- Europe in the 13th century, is Insulation Plywood the flap. Mr. Rist delivered ihe use of the axe, were presented sented the instructors award to believed to he the chief dissemi- provement Association, Inman Knotty Plo* Gift Boxed Chocolates invocation. Frank Korlilla. as- to the following boys by Robert'Rick Peterson. , Moulding nator of the bubonic plaque, ac-Avenue. Kltchra sHant sroutmnster presented Se- Hardware Barber, chairman: Paul Ootllick. The highlv coveted religimw cording to the Encyclopaedia Robert T. Anderson was elect- cond class awards In Wayne Paint Canton* Wayne Shcafer, Pete Cody. Riekie' ward went to Wesley Hawkins Rritannicn. Kochek's Pharmacy Shaefer. John Harrnld. Kevin Me ed president as the club selected Fhhets. Richard Vanasse, Robert Tim Brooks. Robert Swenson inn its slate for the year. Others Wayne Baumgardncr for God nnd ^ MErcury 4-0125 5f» VVasliinut"" Avenge, Carlcret system of money orders elected were first vice-president, 1'honr Kl I - .r»K.r»f» Charles S. Famula: second -ice «7 Rahway $ Rij and Michne! Mcfiivney for' l IBM. president. Carmine A Marino; SAVE 50 at KOLKER'S! Ihe Catholic Award. Merit badges were also awarded for the following: Basketry - *vr Wayne He Vico. James Kodilla ami Danny Shields Oookinp - 3 DAYS ONlYi THURS.. FRI , SAT Wayne De Vieo and John Harrold. Hiking - Wayne De Vico. Kevin MORE FOR LESS New 21-Ft. Muskin Pool $' MeNelis and John Harrold. Camp- ing — Wayne Dc Vico and Kevin And Anthrafilt Filter >298 MeNelis. Swimming - Kevin Me PHONE ORDERS FILLED - El. 2-9648 REG. $348 Nelis, Billv Vanderdeeker and James Kodilla. Firemanship - Dan Shields ami John Harrnld PLUS YOUR MOST VALUABLE Public Health - Robert Swenson. Personal Fitness - Chris Bihler TRADING STAMPS FREE Public Speaking - David Edring- £ FREE DEI. IN ton. Woodwork - David Edring- OUD AREA if TERMS ton. Metalwork - Rick Peterscn. ARRANGED James Spencer concluded events with Taps. ' TOP OR BOTTOM - NO FAT ADDED O.R.T. Officers To Be Installed COLONIA - The Colonia Chap- ter of ORT will hold its fourth annual installation this evening at BONELESS FOR Temple B'nai Jacob. Lord Street, POT OR OVEN Ib. Avenel, announced Mrs. Joseph ICROSSRIB ROAST Weissman, chairman. AT THIS ONE LOW PRICE Officers to be installed are Mrs. Arnold Beerman, president: Mrs. CAUTOBNIA SHU OW« Arthur Markowitz, Mrs. Arthur SHORTCUT 1. NEW 21-ft. MUSKIN SUPER CAROL POOL, WITH SELF- Strausberg. Mrs. Paul Simon and SUPPORTING FRAME-STRONG ENOUGH TO HOLD THE Mrs. Joseph Weissman, vice pre- CHUCK STEAK POT ROAST WEIGHT OF A TRUCKI TOP LEDGE STRONG ENOUGH FOR sidents; Mrs. Albert Greenberg, RIB STEAKS ALL-AROUND SEATING, Reg. $229. Capacity 11,380 gal- treasurer; Mrs. Allen Markowita. TOP SIRIOIN OMTtt CUT SHOULD** lons, extra strong bridge-type construction. Exclusive bot- corresponding secretary; Mrs. WELL TRIMMED Sidney Herbst, recording secre- tom center drain and heavy gauge liner, other features! ADDR) h. FIRST CUTS 89 tary; Mrs. Alvi* Grant, parlia- RUMP ROAST BROIL 2. NEW 1965 ANTHRAFILT FILTER, Reg. $119, with multi- mentarian. ROAST-EYE ROUND or 35 port valve for easy backwashing-handle flicks back with Installing officers will be Mrs. one quick motion. \i hp. motor, self priming pump, pumps Meyer Traberman, charter pre- READY TO COOK-DRUMSTICKS sident of the,chapter and a re- SILVERTIP 2,700 gals, per hr., GALVANIZED HEAVY GAUGE BOILER- STEWING BEEF gional vice president for this year. COUNTRY STYLE KEF FOR MAKING TYPE TANK WITH 5-YR. WARRANTYI 50 lbs. Anthrafilt The program will be an original TURKEY 29* filter media NEVER needs replacingi (Diatomite filter can musical skit "Volunteers" direct-; IK QUARTOS SHORT RIBS .45 be substituted/ if wanted.) Other features include thermal ed by Mrs. Harold Levin an* per-1 SPARE RIBS FORMtYING overload protector, automatic reset. formed by members. ; SHOULDER TWO GUYS SKINLESS May 18 has been set as the date of the "honor roll luncheon", T One of Central Jersey'* Choose From at the Hotel Robert Treat. Twenty-! LAMB CHOPS All BEEF FRANKS *"• «» . Largest Pool Selections at KOLKER'S five members and guests will at- tend. Al» on the agenda for May .38' MAKE | . SIZES IN STOCK GROUND BEEF is the bowling dinner, Monday | 1S'x«" | lS'xU" | ll'xU" | MW LEAN FRESH CITY DRESSED MUSKIN CROWN and the dinner-dance at the Green- BONELESS MUSKIN Suptr Corol | IVXU" | U'x48" I Il'x48" 1 24'x4S" briar on May 29. Proceeds from .58' MUSKIN SURF KINO | IS'.W" | ll'x«" | il'xtt" | 24'x«" the dinner-dance have been ear- GROUND CHUCK marked to go to the John F. Ken- EXTRA LEAN MILUON.AH All-Aluminum | | U'x48" ! WxW | M'x4l" PORK LOINS nedy special fund, to provide li- Other Make* Available on Order! brary and gymnasium facilities HALF MAM GROUND ROUND .78' RIB END at the John F. Kennedy school which is being constructed in Je- HORMELCURE81 LOIN POOL REPLACEMENT PARTS IN STOCKI rusalem, i END fc 39 .29" ORT operates a network of infee READY TO EAT ib CHEMICALS and ACCESSORIES DISCOUNT-PRICED!* and four year high schools and 99* MARTINSON'S POOL PACKAGE DEALS MADE TO YOUR ORDER)] vocational training installations in, 1 22 countries providing training in! SOAP PADS more than 70 modem skills. Ad-i K»E IMPORTED ITALIAN HAND TENDED i ditional information may be ob- tained from Mrs. Beerman at( 381-7911. BRILLO TOMATOES it COFFEE ^ LOW SUDS DETERGENT DOLE or DEL MONTE FRUIT ^ "Conterminous" Ib. can Government agencies have j DASH n 1176 ELIZABETH AVE., ELIZABETH • EL. 2-9648 COCKTAIL 3 adopted the word "conterminous"! DOLE OR DtL MONTE ^^ -- utiinimi WITnunH MiACKWUHI HB4% AT B«OAD ST. — OPP. COURTHOU5S TWO GUYS PEANUT ^ ^^k to designate the 48 states, minus | PINEAPPLE 1 Open Monday and Thursday till 9 (Daily till 6) Alaska and Hawaii. The word, C GRAPEFRUIT "38 lWi «f VALUE and SKHVlfE" means "having a common oouni BUTTER «u . 3 " 98 DRINK 4S98 oxYDOL -731 ary". M TWO GUYS -All COOK MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT MCQ COFFEE f I58 TOWELS 3^89' NAVEL ORANGES AMBOY FORD DAIRY DEPT. FROZEN FOOD DEPT. Biggest Discounts in N. J. 1 CALIFORNIA ON ANY ORANGE DRINK 10-59 MORTON DINNERS 1965 FORD FRESH-DELLS NEW MILD TEXAS ALL THE BEST YEAR YET Sc OFF LABEL 7 ONIONS VARIETIES FLORIDA SEEDLESS _ 1±f% 29 TO GO FORD < TWO GUYS ORANGE ROYAL DAIRY YULOWfYILLOWbc WHITWHITE M i% GRAPEFRUIT O«39 "O.J" A-l USED CARS U.S. ,' 1 MAINE RUSSET _ FROM -- AMERICAN CHEESE. 48' FLQMOA 6W 6-O*. YOU WILL ALWAYS POTATOES £ 5 DO BETTER HERE! FRESH WESTEDN ^ '84 PU1U> UuUxlu MM). 4-iloor '61 TlUJNUKKblHD HardtOB WEEKLY SPECIAL hurdtup. U&iii. automatic, low Very 1A3W tolliiK^ FALCONS mileage, 1-yiair Fully imwrreil Only J guaraiittie. Only CARROTS 2 '61 KOKU 4 door swloii V-8 4S '64 POUD t'alrluiic, 4-door tjta- liywer hlrerlng, lWtH, &IJ A (" Uou Wagon, IWiHt . Mtuulurd shift, w.w. ilren. Konloiuiiltc. Only. flJ/'lJ APPETIZING DEPT. Only 'til BAM11LKK 4-door stutlOD '03 t'OKD Gtiliude, 4-dr. ttbdun. WUKOU, stu-k uliirt. 3 pc. PAN SET PortlomuCli:, K&H. power stecr- Very cletin. Only 50-PC SERVICE FOR 8 •fW U(3LKiE — Seneca Station BOILED HAM Only, * J.JS Vi^ WHyon, 4 uoor automaclc. •

Authorized Ford Deuler Route 9—Woodbridge OPEN DAILY 9:SO A.M. till 10 P.M. SDNDAY8 *9:30 AM. tU 8 PM. 442 SMITH STREET, PERTH &MBDY KOUTE 18, KAST BRUNSWICK •Tor I«IM AlUnrM Ml U« -•-•-• v. ui-ueo w* IMU