
'--acurrent isting o contents

Published by Linda Parker, W0men.s Studies Librarian-at-Large, University of Wisconsin System 112A Memorial Library 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263-5754 .'acurrent isting of contents

' -' Volume 1, Number 1, 1981

Periodical 1iterature is the cutting edge of women's studies scholarship, , and much of women's culture. Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents is published by the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large on a bimonthly basis with the intent of in- creasing public access to feminist perfodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in ; to increase readers' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to pro- vide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials .)

Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist journals held on the UW-Madison campus are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals. These are preceded by a briefly annotated listing of the journals we have selected. This listing provides the following infor- mation on each journal (as available):

1. Year of first publication. 2. Frequency of publication. 3. Subscription price(s). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). 7. International Standard Serial s Number (ISSN) . 8. Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. 9. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 10. Locations where the journal is held in the UW system. 11. Publications in which the journal is indexed. 12. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal. ii.

Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in Guide to Women's Publishiny by Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman (~ustbooks,1978)nd in Women's Periodicals and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries compiled by James P. Danky, Maureen Hady, Neil Strache, and Barry Noonan (forthcoming, 1981 ).

Feminist Periodicals is available free of charge from: Linda Parker, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large, 112A Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin, ???L Phone: (608) 263-5754. BREAO AND ROSES. 9. OCLC 3232386. 1. 1977. 10. Nadison. Quarterly. 11. Alternative Press Index.

~ ~ short 12. Poetrv: fiction: novel~~ excercts:~~~ drama: 55 (indiv.), $8 (inst.). ~*.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~. P.O. Box 1230, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703. critical articles; reviews. "~ondiiionsis a Editorial staff of six women. magazine of women's writing with an emphasis ISSN 0197-5927. on writing by ." Madison. Features; editorials; reviews; news briefs; FEYINARY: A FEMINIST JOURNAL FOR THE SOUTH fiction; poerry; photography and graphics. EMPHASIZING THE VISION. "...founded with the expressed purpose of est- 1. 1970. ablishing a Midwest-based journal to focus on 2. 3lyear. cultural, ~oliticaland social concerns of 3. 16.50 (indiv.), $13 (inst.). Single copies: Americanwomen." $2.50 plus 50t postage. 4. P.O. BOX 954. Cha~elHill. N.C. 27514. CALYX: A JOURNAL OF ART AN0 LITEUTURE BY WOMEN. 5. Editorial coilective. 1. 1976. 10. Madison. 2. %year. 12. Articles; personal narratives; journal 3. 510. Single copies: 53.50. excerpts; letters; short fiction; poetry; 4. P.0. Box 8, Corvaliis, Oregon, 37330. ; photographs. "...a lesbian feminist 5. Sarbara Baldwin, Margarita Donnelly, Meredith journal for the South ...produced by a lesbian Jenkins. feminist collective.. .As Southerners, as 7. ISSN 0147-1627. lesbians, and as women, we need to explore with 8. LC 77-649570. others how our lives fit into a region about 4. OCLC 3114927. which we have great ambivalences--to share our lp. Madison. anger and our love." 12. Poetry; fiction; art; graphics. FEMINIST ISSUES. CAMERA OBSCURA: A JOURNAL OF AND FILM 1. 1980. THEORY. 2. 3lyear. 1. 1976. 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Single copies: 2. 3fyear. $5 (indiv.), $9 (inst.). 3. $9 (indiv.), $18 (inst.). Single copies: $3. 4. Feminist Issues. Transaction Periodicals 4. P.O. Box 4517, Berkeley. CA, 94704. Consortium. ~utaersUniversitv. -. New Brunswick. 5. Camera Obscura Collective: Janet Bergstrom, N.J., 0~903. - Elisabeth Lyon, Constance Penley. 5. Mary Jo Lakeland and Susan Ellis Wolf. 7. ISSN 481843. 6. Feminist Issues, 2968 Hillegass, Berkeley, 8. LC sc79-4979. CA. 94705. 10. Madison (Women's Studies Yogram). 7. ISSN 0270-6679. 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture: Film Literature iO... Madison... .. Index. 12. The ~ngjish-languageedition of guestions 12. Film theory and history; feminist theory; feministes (1977- ), a journal devoted to psychoanalytic theory; Marxist thmry; photo- f-inist social and political analysis with the graphy, video and performance. hope of "providing the theoretical framework that is crucial to dissecting and exposing the CONCERNS: NEWSLETTER OF THE YOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE ideology and conditions within which women live MODERN LANGUAGES. and have lived historically." In addition to 1. 1971 ail the key r'!eorerical mltinas 3i 3,estions 2. Quarterl y. f&ninistes. Fnin:st Issuer 44.1 puo'isn lmoor- 3. $10. :ant 'emlnist artlc!es :lo;lsneo in arevious 4. fl izabeth Meese, Director of Women's Studies, years in French publications other than University of Alabama, University, Alabama 35486. guestions fBninistes. 5. Katherine Combellic-Bldney and Pat Quinn. 6. 68 Murray St., Apt. 2, Binghamton, NY 13905. 9. OCLC 2259670. 10. Madison. 12. News of the Modern Language Association, fea- tures; bibliographies; job infonnation.

CONDITIONS. 1. . 1977. .. . . 2. Semiannual. 3. 58 (indiv.), $15 (inst.). Single copies: 53. 4. P.O. Box 56, Van arunt Station, , NY, 1171C, ,-,-. 5. Elly Bulkin, Jan Clausen, lrena Klepfisz, Rima shore. 7. ISSN 0147-8311 3. LC 77-641895. FS, FEMINIST STUOIES. 12. Historical and critical articles; creative 1. 1972. work; graphics; bibliographies; reviews. 2. 3/year. "Hecate- prints material relating to women. 3. 812 (indiv.), f?C (inst.). Single copies: 55 Ne are particularly interested in contri- (indiv.), $8 (inst.). butions which enploy a feninist, marxist, or 4. Managing Editor. Feminist Studtes, c/o Women's other radical methodology to focus on the Studies Program, University of Maryland, position of wmen in relation to Colleoe Park, MU 20742. and capitalism.'

HERESIES: A FEMINIST PUBLICATION ON ART & POLITICS. 1. 1977. 2, Quarterly. Madison; Milwaukee. 3. $15 (indiv.), $24 (inst.). Single copies: $5. America: History and Life; 9merican Historical 4. Box 766, Canal Street Station, New York, NY, Association Recent1 y Publ ished Articles; Bul le- tin Signaletique-sociologie: Historical abstr- acts; Modern Language Association International 8ibliograohy; The hilosopher's Index; Psych- ological Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts. Vadison: Milwaukee. Hfstorical and critical articles; poetry; art; A1 ternative Press Index. reports from the women's movenent; reviews. Editorials; short articles; bibliographies; "Feminist Studies was founded to encourage poetry. "Heresies is an idea-oriented journal analytic responses to feninist issues and to devoted toamination of: art and politics open new areas of research, criticism, and from a feminist perspective." speculation. The editors are cornmirted to pro- viding a forum for feninist analysis. debate, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WONEN'S STUDIES IN and exchange." LITERATURE. FRONT ERS A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUOIES. .. -... .. 1. 19Js. : 3. U.S.: $li'(indiv.), $20 (inst.). 2. 3/year. 4. Eden Press Women's Publ ications. 1538 Sherbmoke 3. 511 (indiv.), $18 (inst.). Street U., Suite 201, Montreal, luebec. H3G IL5, 4. Frontiers, Women Studies Program, University Canada. of Colorado, Boulder, CC, 80309. 5. Sherri Clarkson. 5. Editorial Collectfve. Managing Editor: Kathi 7, 1SSN 0707-1 981 Gwrne. . 8. LC cn 79-39032. 7. ISSN. 0160-9009. 9. OCLC 471 9202. 8. LC sc78-317. 10. Madison (Women's Studies Program). 9. OCLC 2586280. 11. herican Humanities Index. 10. Yadison: Milwaukee: Parkside. 12. Feminist literary criticism. "...concerned with 11. Women Studies Abstracts; herican Humanities an evaluation, from a feninist perspective, of Index: Human Resources Abstracts; Historical those women writers and characters who belong Abstracts. in the mainstream of the literature of the 12. Feature articles: book reviews; poetry: short English-speaking world." fiction. Each issue focuses on a theme, c.g.. women's oral history; and daughters: UOY-UNIQUE-INCLINATION-OF-THE-NIGHT. women as verbal artists; who speaks for the 1 1976~ nomen's movenent; lesbian history. "The con- Annually. tinuing goal of Frontiers is :o publish a S3.751issue. journal which bridges the gap between univer- Box 803, New Brunswick, N.;. , 08903. sity and cznnnunity women; to =ind a balance Kay F. Turner. between academic and popular views on issues ?!adison. common to women." 'We primarily seek in-depth research on the history and meaning of the goddesses, women HECATE: A WOMEN'S 1"IERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. and religion, wanen's folklore. women's 1. 1975. mythological heritage, etc., bur; some poetry 2. Semiannual. and fiction is always included. 3. U.S.: 35 (Indiv.:, 510 (inst.). Single copies: 52.50. 4. 1.0. Box 99. St. Lucia, Erisbane, Queensland, 4067, Australia. 5. Carole Ferrier. 7. ISSN 0311-4198. 9. OCLC 2530248. 10. Madison. 11 . Women Studies Abstracts. MOVING OUT: FEMINIST LITERARY & ARTS JOURNAL. PRIMIPARA. 1. . 1971. .. . . 1. 1974. 2. Semiannual. 2.- . .Semiannual- . .. . 3. $4.50. Single copies: $3.50. 3. $3. Slngle copies: $1.75. 4. 4866 Third & Warren. Wayne State University. 4. P.O. Box 371, Oconto, WI, 54153. Oetroit, MI, 48202. 5. Diane Nichols. 5. Gloria Dye, Margaret Kaminsk!. 10. Madison. 7. ISSN 0047-8301. 12. Poetry; drawings; reviews; articles; 9. OCLC 3428883: 5157262. announcements; 1etters. "Contributors 10. Madison. restricted to Wisconsin residents only-- 12. Features: fiction. "We oublish oualitv work bv we're trying to establish a viable informal women. ~ibraryJournal described our journal outlet for our state's women. as one with a 'well-defined aesthetic sense vhich considers all facets of women's lives and PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY. literature' ...." 1. 1976. 2... Ouarterl.. -. .. . u. HS . 3. $40 (ins;:). Rates for individuals available 1. 1972. upon request. 2. Monthly. 4. Human Sciences Press. 72 Fifth Ave., New York, 3. $10. .NY. . . i. nni- - . i. . 4. Ms. Magazine. Subscription Dept.. 123 Garden 5. Gwrgia Babladelis. St., Marion, , 43302. 6. Psycholo~yof women quarterly, Department of 5. Patricia Carbine, Joanne Edgar. Nina Finkel- Psychology. California State University, stein, Suzanne Sraun Levine, Harriet Lyons, Hayward, CA, 94542. Susan McHenry. Letty Cottin ?ogrebin, Marcia 7. :SSN 0361-6843. Rockwood, , Ruth Sullivan, 8. LC 76-12952; sc76-790. Mary Thom. 9. OCLC 2529664. 6. Editors, MS. Magazine. 370 Lexington Ave., 10. Madison; Milwaukee. A New York. NY. 10017. 11. Sociological Abstracts; Human Resources Abstr-

-~ ~~ acts; Psychological Abstracts; Social Sciences LC 72l624579. Citation Index; Current Contents/Social and OCLC 1285775; 5046704; 1758803; 4286295. Behavioral Sciences; Current Index to Journals nadison: Milwaukee. in Education (CIJE); Chicorel Abstracts to Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature; Women Reading and Learning Disabilities; Child Oev- Studies Abstracts; Abstracts of Popular Culture; elopment Abstracts and Bibliography; Oevelop- Wallace Memorial Library; Rochester Institute ment and Welfare (India); Human Sexuality of Technology. Update: Marriage and Family Review. 12. Features; letters; poetry and fiction; reviews; 12. "The Psychology of Women quarterly is sponsored news. by Oivision 35 of the herican Psychological Association. Empirical studies, critical re- NEW WOMEN'S TIMES FEMINIST REVIEW. views, theoretical articles, and invited book 1. 1978. reviews are published in the uarterl ...The 2. 61year (supplement to 'Yew Women's Times). kinds of problms addressed inc%- ude psycholog- 3. $12 (indiv.), 324 (inst.). ical factors. behavioral studies, role develop- 6. New Women's Times Fminist Review Collective, ment and change, career choice and training, 804 Meigs St., Rochester, NY, 14620. management variables, education, discrimination, 5. Editorial Collective. therapeutic processes, and sexuality." 7. ISSN 0161-164X Clew Uomel's Times). 8. LC sc79-4421; sn78-5953 (New Nomen's Times). QUEST: A FEMINIST QUARTERLY. 9. OCLC 3885912 (New Yomen's Yimes). 1. 1974. 10. Madison. 12. Supplement :o New Women's Times. Reviews of books, music, visual an0 perfornance arts; drawings and photograpns.

OFF OUR BACKS. 1. 1970. OCLC 2242837. 2. lllyear. Madison; Stevens Point. 3. 37 (indiv.), $14 (contributing), 320 (inst.). Abstracts of Popular Culture; Women Studies Single copies: 7%. Abstracts, 4. . inc., 1724 20th st., N.W., 12. Focus on "long-term. in-depth feminist political Washington, 5.C., 20009. analysis and ideological developnent." 5. off our backs collective. 7. ISSN 0030-0071. 8. LC sn78-1596. 9. OCLC 1038241 ; 5729297. 10. Madison. 11. Publisher's Index (1970-19741; Women Studies Abstracts; Alternative Press Index; New Periodical Index. 12. International and national news; feature artic!es including regular reporting on work, health, prison. education, and lesbian issues; reviews; 1et~ers. MOVING OUT: FEMINIST LITERARY & ARTS JOURNAL. PRIMIPARA. 1. 1971. 1. 1974. ... -...... - .. 2. Semiannual . 3. 54.50. Single copies: 53.50. 3. $3. Single copies: Sl .75. 4. 4866 Third 6 Warren, Wayne State University, a, P.O. Box 371, Oconto, MI. 54153. Oetroit, MI, 48202. 5. Diane Nichols. 5. Gloria Dye, Margaret Kaminski. 10. Madison. 7. ISSN 0047-830X. 12. Poetry: drawings; reviews; articles; 9. OCLC 3428883; 5157262. announcments; 1etters. "Contributors 10. Madison. restricted to Wisconsin residents anly-- - 12. Features; fiction. "'We publish quality wort by we're trying to establish a $able informal women. Library Journal described our journal Outlet for our state's women. as One with a 'well-defined aesthetic sense which Consfders all facets of men's lives and PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN QUARTERLY. literature' ...." 1. 1976. 2, quarterly, MS. 3. $40 (inst.). Rates for individuals available 1. 1972. upon request. 2. Monthly. 4. Human Sciences Press. 72 Fifth Ave., New York, -.7 -.Tl n-. NY. 1On11 4. MS. Magazine, Subscription Oept.. 123 Garden St., Marion, Ohio. 43302. 5. Patricia Carbine, Joanne Edgar, Nina Finkel- stein, Suzanne Braun Levine. Harriet Lyons, Susan HcHenry, Letty Cottin ?ogrebin, Marcia Rockwood, Gloria Steinen, Ruth Sullivan, Mar:, Thom. Editors, Ms. Magazine, 370 Lexington Ave., 10. Madison; Milwaukee. New York, NY, 10017. 11. Sociological Abstracts; Human Resources Abstr- ISSN 0047-8318. acts; Psychological Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation Index; Current Contents/Social and OCLC1285775; 5046704; 1758803; 4286295. Behavioral Sciences; Current Index to Journals Uadison: Milwaukee. in Education (CIJE): Chicorel Abstracts to Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature; Women Reading and Learning Disabilities; Child Dev- Studies Abstracts; Abstracts of Popular Culture; elopnent Abstracts and Bibliography; Oevelop- Wallace Memorial Library; Rochester Institute ment and Welfare (India); Human Sexuality of Technology. Update: Marriage and Family Review. Features; letters; poetry and fiction; reviews; 12. "The Psycholoay of Momen Quarterly is sponsored news. by Division 35 oi the herican Psychological Association. Empiriczl studies, critical re- NEW WOMEN'S TIMES FEMINIST REYIEW. views, theoretical articles, and invited book 1. 1978. reviews are published in :he quarterly. ..The 2. 6/year (supplement to 9en Women's Times). kinds of probl ens addressed include: psycholog- 3. $12 (indiv.), 524 (inst.). ical factors. behavioral studies, role develop- 4. New Women's Times Feninist Review Collective, ment and change, career choice and training, 804 Meias St.. Rochester. NY. 14620. managment variables, education, discrimination, therapeutic processes, and sexuality." 7. ISSN 0161-154X 8. LC sc79-1421; QUEST: A FEMINIST QUARTERLY. 9. OCLC 3885912 (New Women's Times). 1. 1974. 10. Madim"...... 2: quarterly. 12. Supplement :O New Women's Times. Reviews of 3. 59 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Single copies: $3.35. books, music, visual ana performance arts; 4. P.O. Box 8843, Washington, D.C., 20003. drawings and photograpns. 5. Arleen Rogan. 7. ISSN 0098-9551. OFF OUR BACKS 8... -LC ...... 75-645061. 1. 1970. 9. OCLC 2242827. 10. Nadison; Stevens Point. ), $14 (contributing), 320 (inst.) 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture; Women Studies Abstracts. 12. Focus on "long-term, in-depth feminist political analysis and ideological developnent." 5. off OU; backs collective. 7. ISSN 0030-0077. 8. LC sn78-1596.

9. CCLC 1038241 :. 5729237.~~~~ 10. Madison. 11. Pub1 isher's Index (1970-19761; Uomen Studies Abstracts; Alternative Press Index; New Periodical Index. 12. International and national news; feature articles including regular reporting on work, health, prison, education, and lesbian issues; reviews; letters. RESOURCES FOR FZMINIST RESEARCH/OOCUMENTATION SUR 11. Modern Language Abstracts: Historical Abstracts; LA RECHERCHE FEMINISTE. IFotmerlv Canadian News- Women Studies Abstracts: Current Contents; letter of Research on Women.197211978). Psychological Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; 1. 1979. Social Science Citation Index: America: History 2. Quarterly. and Life. 3. U.S.: 515 findiv.). 525 (inst.). 12. Feature articles$ research; review essays; 4. Oept. of ~ociolog;; o.I.s.E.. 252 8loor St. reports; book reviews; letters/coments; archival West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1V6, Canada. notes. - . - - . - . -- . . -- . 7. ISSN 0707-8412 SINISTER WISDOM: A JOURNAL OF WORDS AND PICTURES 10. hiadison. FOR ME LESBIAN IMAGINATION IN ALL WOMEN. 11. Women Studies Abstracts; American History and 1. 1976. Life; Canadian Educational Index; American 2. Quarterly. Humanities Index; Historical Abstracts; .i.- SY..- Sociological Abstracts. 4, Box 30541, 3136 R St.. Lincoln, Nebraska, 58505. 12. Abstract!, book reviews, bibliouraphies, 5. Harriet Oesmoines, Catherine Nicholson. periodical resource guide. An interdisciplinary 10. Madison. international ~eriodicalof research on women 12. Theoretical articles; wetry; drama; fiction: and sex roles. reviews. . . THE SECOND WAVE. SOJOURNER 1. 1971 . 1. 1975. 2. Semiannual . ~onthly. 3. $8 (indiv.), $16 (ins:.). Single copies: $2. $8 (indiv.), $16 (inst.). Single copies: $1. 4. Box 344 Cambridge A, Cambridge, MA, 021 39. 143 Albany St.. Cambridge, MA, 02139. 5. Linda Stein, Marty Kingsbury, Jennifer Hagar. Allison A. Platt. Xiriam Kenner, Deb Gallager. ISSN 0191 -8699. 7. 1SiN 0048-9980. LC sn79-2799. 8. LC 76-25749. OCLC 4656277. 9. OELC 2267579; 2978740; 3920269. Madison. 10. Madison. Feature articles; reviews of books, film, , 11. Alternative Press Index. theater, visual arts, and music; news: poetry. 12. Feature articles; poetry; fiction; reviews. "Our editorial policy is to consider for public- "All material must be related to the theme ation anything that is not racist, sexist or of feminism.'' homophobic in-content."

SEX ROLES: A JOURNAL OF RESEARCH. SPARE RIB. 1. 1975. 1. 1972. 2. Bimonthly. Monthly. 3. 527 (indiv.), $72 (inst.). U.S.: $27.50 (indiv.), $37 (inst.). 4. Plenum Publishing Corporarion, 227 W. 17th St.: 114 George St., Berkhamstead. Herts, New York. NY. 10011. England. 5. Phyllis A. ~atz. Linda Phillips. 6. Institute for Research on Social Problems, 711 ISSN 0306-7971. Walnut St., Boulder, C0, 80302 OCLC 5237209. 7. iSSN 0360-0025. 10; Madison. 8. LC 75-646987. 12. Feature articles (e.g., on politics, labor, . .. history, employment, media) ; fiction; poetry; Abstracts on Criminology and Penology;,Child reviews; 1 etters; news. Oevelopnent Abstracts and Bibliography; Con- temporary ; Current Contents; Excerpta SPOKESWOMAN. Medica; Famil:, Plann!ng Perspectives; Human 1. 1970... Sexuality Update; Psychological Abstracts; Monthly. Referativnyi Zhurnal ; Sage Family Studies $16 (indiv.), $27 (inst.). Abstracts; Social Sciences Citation Index; Soc- P.O. Box 2457, Falls Church, VA. 22042. iological Abstracts; The SIECUS Report. Karen Wellisch. bpirical research relating to sex roles; book Mary Blake French, Spokeswoman, 858 National reviews. Press Building, Washington, D.C., 20045. ISSN 0038-7738. SIGNS: JOURNAL DF WOMEN IN CULTURE AND SOCIETY. LC sn78-609; sc79-3832. 1. 1975. OCLC 1766357; 5071 945; 5914383. 2. Quarterly. Madison; Mlwaukee. 3. $18 (indiv. ), $30 (inst.). Single copies: $5 New Periodicals Index. (indiv.), $7 (inst.). Student rate: $15. News; fearures; reviews. a. *, The University of Press, 5801 Ell is Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 60637. 5. Barbara Charlesworth Gel pi. 6. Barbara Charlesworth Geloi, English Oepartment, Stanford University, Stanford, C.4. 94305. 7. ISSN 0097-9740. a.'Lc 75-649459. 9. OCLC 1362618. 10. Madison; Milwaukee; Parkside. 13TH MOON: A FEMINIST LITERARY MAGAZINE. WOMEN & LITERATURE. (Formerly The Mary Wollstone- 1. 1973. craft Newsletter and The Mary Wollstonecraft 2. Semiannual. Journal , 1972-1 974). 3. $613 issues. Sinole cooies: 52.25. 1. 1975. 4. 13th Moon, Inc. ,*0raweC F, Inwood Station, 2. Quarterly. New York, NY, 10034. 3. 510 (indiv.), 515 (inst.). 5. Ellen Marie Bissert. 4. Women and Literature, Department of English, 7. ISSN 0094-3320. 20uglass College, Rutgers University, New 8. LC 76-647817. Brunswick. N.J., 08903. 9. OCLC 2587697. 5. Janet M. Todd. 10. Madison. 7. ISSN 0147-1759. 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture; American Humanities 8. LC sc77-1293; 78-645103. Index; Index of Pmerican Periodical Verse. 9. OCLC 271 5989. 12. Feature articles; poetry; fiction; art; reviews. 10. Madison. "13th %on is a literary magazine publishing 11. Abstracts of English Studies; Mdern Language quality ark by women. Eclectic, but particular- Association International Bibliosra~hy:- .~Nomen ly interested in feminist and lesbian work." Studies Abstracts. 72. Critical articles; baok reviews; annual biblio- WOMAN'S ART JOURNAL. graphy on women and literature. 1. 1980. 2. Seniannual . WOMEN b POLITICS. 3. 68 (indiv.), 312 (ink.). 1. 1980. 4. 7008 Sherwod Drive, Knoxville, TN, 2. Quarterly. 3791 9. 3. $24 (indiv.), 540 (inst.). 548 (libraries). 5. Elsa Honig Fine. 4. The Haworth Press. 149 Fifth Ave.. New York. 12. Critical articles and reviews pertaining to NY.. 10010..- .. women in the visual arts. "Ye are interested in 5. Sarah Slavin Schramn. a re-interpretation of art history from our 6. Editor, Women and Politics, 1265 Beechwood * new awareness as women ...Woman's Art Journal is Blvd., , PA, 15206. a vehicle for the exchange of ideas and far 7. ISSN 0195-7732. honest criticism." 10. Madison. 12. Feature articles; research; bibliographies; WOMEN: A JOURNAL OF LIBERATION. book reviews; news and notes 1. 1969. 2. 3/year. WOMEN'S STUDIES. 3. $6 (indiv.), $15 (inst.). 1. 1972. 4. 3028 Greenmount Ave., , MD, 21218. 2. 3lyear. 5. Editorial board. 3. $29 (indiv.), 564.50 (inst.). 7. ISSN 0043-7433. 4. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Ltd.. 42 8. LC 73-13942. William IV St., . WC2, ~ngland: 9. OCLC1696334. 5. Wendv Martin. 10. Madison. 6. #end; Martin, Department of English, Queens 11. Alternative Press Index; Women Studies Abstracts. College, CUNY, Flushing, NY, 11367. 12. Feature articles; poetry; editorials. Some issues 7.. 1SSN 0049-7R7R...... have themes, e.g.. peace and war: bodies; class 8. LC 74-641303. and money; mothering; healing. 9. OCLC 1791887. 10. Madison; Parkside. 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture; Women Studies Abstracts. Quarter1y. 12. "Women's Studies provides a forum for the 320 (indiv.), 536 (inst.). presentation of scholarship and criticism about Subscription Department. The Hanorth Press, 149 women in the fields of literature, history, art, Fifth Ave., New York, NY, 10010. sociology, law, political science, economics, Helen I. Harieskind, Ellie Engler. anthropology and the sciences." Also includes ESRO Elemrk Coordinating Coundl No . 2. Box. poetry. 33790, Seattle, Washington, 98133. ISSN 0363- 0242. 10. Madison. 11. Excerpta Medica; Hospital Literature Index: Psychological Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts. 12. Feature articles; research; bibliographies; book reviews; news and notes. WOMEN'S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY. 1. . lq7R~. - . - . 2. Quarterly. 3. U.S.: 530 (indiv.), $61 (inst.), 520 (menbers of the National Women's Studies Association). 4. Maxwell House, Fairview Park. Elmsford, NY, 10523. 5. Dale Spender. 6. Women's Studies International Quarterly. Institute of Education, University of London, 20 aedford Way, London, MCIHOAL, England. 7. ISSN 0148-0685. 8. LC sn79-5686: scBO-547. 9. OCLC 3712026. 10. Madison; Milwaukee. 12. Research from all disciplines; book reviews; proceedings of synposia; correspondence; news. Goal: "...to aid the rapid dissenination of important wrks of scholarship and criticism in the multidisciplinary area of Nomen's Studies."

UOREN 'S STUDIES QUARTERLY. '(~onnerly Women's Studies iiewsl erter) . 1 1977 - . .- - . - - . ., . 3. SlO (indiv.), $15 (inst.). 4. The Feminist Press's Clearinghouse on Women's Studies, 80% 33n, Old Westbury, NY, 11568. 5. Florence Howe. 7. ISSX 0363-1133. 8. LC sc76-476. 9. OCLC 1714552. 10. Madison. 11. Women Studies Abstracts. 12. A publication of The Feminist Press and The National Women's Studies Association (NWSA). Editorials; letters; features; news; reports: reviews. Mainly relatinq to the theory and practice of wamen's stuiies and to women in acadenic professions. Women and

...... , By HalIie Igtehart . 5 Expanding ~ersonaiPower Through edita at ion . . . Bui1ding.a &ion to create the kind of world we want to iive. , . . . ,, . . fh - one in which each individual feels her own power . . . . emanating from within. : By Bea:~edicfne'.14American hdian ~o&ien:-~~iritnalit~;&d Status. . Tribal spiritua!ity is woven through the lives of traditional . . . . . - . Lakota women. ;.

: ' , By ~elenaFox 24 WICCk channelkg the Goddess within' Women celebrate.WomadGoddess power through ancient . . . . . ritual...... - B~Z.. . ~udh5est 26 The politics of WO%&'s Religion . . ' ...... Witchcraft as feminist lifestyle. , '...... :. By XauiBre Cauthier'35 wfiyWitches? ' .. , , "Sorci6res;" a French literary review. expiores women's -...... strengthg in the past adfuture: .... -. '. .

1 ...... DEBAIRTTmNTS, ...... -- ...... ~.EDIT~RIAL. . . ' 'WOMAN TO WO~ By Ruby Modesto and Guy Mount 9 .. i%utobiog&hy of a Pnl From a Babybnian Tablet,13 The Cow Wailed ...... , . . . ', ... FINEAR&. . . , ...... 19 : Contnt Winners , , ' . , .. , .- ...... By Cindy Bogard 21. In Her Own Time . . . . WOMEN & SOCIETY . . '7 By Michael Zaidel 30 DES: ~he'CancaFW . ,. . , . . ' 38 REVLEWS Woman, Charch 'hd State: The Original Expose of . Male Collaboration Against t31e Female Sa.by . . Matiida Joslyn Gage reviewed by Diane WorznIa/New French : An Anihology Edited by Elaine - .. Marks and Isabelle de Coutiivron reviewed by Sue . . Lamer/ In Her Own Image - Women Working In me . Arts by Elaine iiedges and Ingrid Wendt reviewed by ' , Constance 1M. Kilmark/The Transsexnal Empire by ' . . Janice C. Raymond reviewed by Biddy ~MartWThs qlack And The. White Of It by Anil Allen Shockley reviewed by Nellie iMd(ay. June 1979


Lisa PaucieNo.Rowe Cassandra / 7 Cochlear Form / 9 Self-Portrait/ I1 Barbara / 13

Jan CIausen Yellow Jackets / 14

Eleanor Wiiner Landing / 25 Bailing Out-A Poem for the 1970s / 27 Closing Ceremonies for the Bicentennial / 28 Posthumous Poem / 29 See-saw / 38 Caryatids / 39 A Comment on the Relevance of Modern Science to the Everyday Lives of the Larger Animals / 42

Mow Riley Transition / 31 Ancient America I / 33 Ancient America I1 / 35 Ancient America 111 / 37

Foye Moskowitz The Change / 43

Celeste Rehm Alternate Way to Enter a Room :5 Room for One More / 57 Materializing Pattern / 59 Figure Washing the / 61

Contributors' Notes i 63 camera obscura

3 Editorial 7 The Cinema of Lo1 V. Stein by Elisabeth Lyon 42 Notes on India Song by Marguerite Dwas 50 Marguerite Duras: Bibliography/Fiimographv by Eliubeth Lyon 55 Vision, Desire, and the Film-Text by D.N. Rodowick 91 Sight. insight, and Power: Allegory of a Cave by fierry Kunael MATRIX 113 77te Dancing Soul of ~hcWalking People (Paula Gladstone) by Janet Bergsmom 1211 Coney Island, followed by Lropard Lndy by Paula Gladstone WOMEN WORKING la Women Filmmakers in West Germany: .4 Catalog by Marc Silbennan 153 Contributon 154 Index to Camera Obscura/5-6 155 Errata 155 Addenda NEWSLETTER OF THE WOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE MODERN LANGUAGES


VOL, 10, No. 4 DECEMBER, 1986'



Val. I1 No. 3 Summer 1980

POETRY MINNIE BRUCE PRATT Tile Sound of One Fork CLAUDIA SCOTT Tlie Rock Coiiies Up Out of the Ground the gardener in autumn JOAN LARKlN Blood JANA HARRIS Ltdy in a Hundred Dollar Car/ One Night on the Side of the Road REBECCA CORDON When I Was a Fat Woman MARY HOPE LEE cliicagofiwinter '78) JUDlTli VOLLMER For Ellen. At Lake Wesauking LOIS ELAINE CRlFFITtI Ciiica Howard Beach JAN CIAUSEN poem in a year that punctuates a decade GLORIA ANZALD~A lloly Relics MRIBEL ALEGR~A iramor Tres~WeWere Three

CIOCONDA BELL1 LA hladre/Tie Motlier Ya Van hleses. FTijitaiMonths hve Passed. Mv Daughter Engendrareiiios NiiiosIWe Sliall Beget Cliildren MCflEL DEVRIES I Call Then1 Sparrows SOPFIIA PARNOK Eight Poems CONOITIONS: SIX , cont.


MA'Y STEVENS BULKIN. ELLY Class I3 An Old Dyke's Tale: An Interview with Doris Lunde~i DOROTIIY ALLISON I Am Working on My Cliarm 15 MAUREEN BRUYand JUDITH McDANlEL Lesbians in tlie Mainstres~n:Images of Lesbians SAUDA JAbIAL in Recent Conirnercial Fiction A hlotlier That Loves You 45 RlMA SHORE DIANA BELLESSI Remeniber~ngSopilia Parnok (1 885-1033) from Happy Crossing, Good Luck Little Ui 58 IIARRIET MALINOWITZ REVIEWS Coffee and Cake I I FRANCINE KRASNO IRENA KLEPFISZ True to Life A'h.e~rrnrt SrorLs ( KJI. /] Tie Journal of bciiel Robotnik I20 edited by Judy Gralin

CAMILLE NORTON BARBARA NODA The hrsuit of Longing 151 Asimr .41nericor! Wf~rrre~r:two specinl issucs of Bri&e

SALLY GEORGE Gire ille Your Good Ear by hl~urceriBrndv

CllERYL CLARKE ~lbvenrenrin Rlack: nre Collecml P~~crr,v of Par Parker. 1961-1978 by Pat Parker

WROTIIY ALLISON To Krn~ivEaclr Orker orrd Bc K~zowrr: IV~~tirnr'sLVrirhrg li'orkslrups by Beverly Tancnhaus: 77re Possiuttare Perils of Alhlislrii~ghy Celeste West and Volcrie Wl~eat;G~dide 111 ft4111t~ir:s P~~bli.slr~rr~ by Polly Joan ntid Andrea Chesman: 1980 111edia Reporr ro it41trreit irrtlc.~/ Direrfon~(I/' Ilbrtrrrir i il4edio edited by Martlia Leslie Allerr

BONNIE ZIMhlERMAN "Uses of tire Erotic: The Ero~icas Pu\ver" hy i\udre L~rdc:"Wc%~~leri and Supl~t~rt Networks" by Blanclie Wiescn Cook: "Tic hfcnnitrg of Our Love l'or \\'~111en is Wliat We llave Constn~itlyto Expand" by

Contributors' Notes

Publications Received

Index-G)n~~i~iorrs:Orre tl~rougl~Sir

Class~licdAds for The South

VOLUME ;Y NO.3 1980

WOMANWRITES an nuy by Mab Segresf ...... 6 PLEASE TELL ME WHO YOU ARE a story by Diana Riven ...... 12 TERRITORY a poem by Susan Wood-Thompson ...... 21 THE WINTER I WAS BUTCH a poem by Elizabeth Knowlton ...... 22 MY LOVES WOMEN a poem by Minnie Bruce Pratt 23 MY MAMA USED TO BE A CRACK SHOT a story by Susan Wells ...... 24

TAKING ANOTHER MARY HOME TO MOTHER a story by Mary Franke ...... 25 DIG IT: A WOMAN IN THE COAL MINES anevlyby LizHill ...... 27 SPRING MORNING: WAKING a poem by Emily Seelbindcr ...... 34 EXCERPTS FROM A PLAY by Suun Wells ...... 35 LIGHT THROUGH THE DOOR a poem by Susan Wood-Thompmn ...... 40 LADYSLIPPER MUSIC: AN INTERVIEW by Susan Ballingcr 4 6

SIXTEEN a poem by Marilyn Woodwa ...... 60 SOLITARY BATHER apoem by Debn Nivens ...... 61 WE .THE ONION a story bv Julie Trowbridge ...... 62 BORDERS ...With love to my friend from Gco~ia a poem by Louise Moore ...... 66 SHOPPING BAG DYKES a poem by Michelle Parkcnon ...... 67 A SHORT STORY by Dorir D~VCIIPO~I ...... G8

REVIEW: Pat Parker by Cris South ...... 69 NEWS ...... 74 SOURCES AND RESOURCES ...... 81 CONTRIBUTORS ...... 82 ADS ...... 84 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... 87 Feminist

Volume 1, Numbei. 2 CONTENTS Winter 1981

Colette Guillclrtmin The Practice of Power and Belief in Nature, Part I: The Appropriation of Women . . . . 3

Jalna Hanmer Violence and the Social Control of Women...... 29

Moniqr~eWirrig One is Not Born a Woman ...... 47

Sophie Ferchiou Women's Work and Family Producrion in Tunisia...... 55 For a ...... 69

Emmanu>le de Lesseps Female Reality: Biology or Society? . . . . 77

Christine Delphy Women's Liberation in : The Tenth Year ...... I03

A11 mnslations an by the editors unless othenviw indicared. Copyright @ 1981 by Feminist Iwua. All rights mwved. FEMINIST STUDIES

Volume 6, Number 3 Fall 1980

Preface Evelyn Nakano Glenn ReDialectics of Wage Work: Japanese-American Women and Domestic Service, 1905-1940 Maria Ramas Freud's Don, Dora's Hysteria: The Negation of a Woman's Rebellion Blanche Wiesen Cook The Life of Lorena Hicbk: ER's Friend by Doris Faber Norma Smith Love the Great Di~~pter: Stories for Kerry Meg Bogin Poem Art Joanne Feit Diehl "Canograplues of Silence": Rich's Common Language and the Woman Poet WiRay Amey Maternal-Infant Bonding: The Politics of Falling in Love With Your Child Lit Kennedy and Capitalist Pafnivchy and the June Lapidus Olse for Socinlbr Feminism by Ziah Eisenstein Notes on Contributors Announcements FRONTIERS A Journal of Women Studies Volume V, Number 2 Summer 1980 TABLE OF CONTENTS

L.emr to Our Readers ...... iv

CHICANAS EN EL AMBIENTE NACIONAL I CHICANAS IN THE NATIONAL LANDSCAPE La Walinche, Feminist Prototype Cordeiia Candelaria ...... 1 Organizing as a Political Tool for the Chicana Theresa Aragon de Valdez ...... 7 Type and Stenotype: Chicano Images in Fi Linda Williams ...... 14 Gender and Ethnic Identity among Chicanos Maxine Baca Zinn ...... 18 An Excerpt from Lntina Milcha Scott with Jeremy Blahnik ...... 25

The Bittersweet Nostalgia of Childhood in the Poetry of Margarita Cota-Ckdenas Tey Diana ReboUedo ...... 31 Photographs Nanci De Los Santos ...... 36 Excerpts from Lar Mujeres: ConversationsfTom a Hispanic Community Nan Elsasser, Kyle .MacKenzie, and Yvonne Tiiier y Vigil ...... 38 Toward a for Chicana Self-Actualization. Sylvia Gonzales ...... '...... 48 Four Poems In& Hernandez Tovar ...... 52 Estela Porcillo Trambley's Fictive Search for Paradise Tomb Vallejos ...... 54 La Chicana: A Bibliographic Survey Catherine Loeb ...... 59

REVIEWS AND RESPONSES Six Reference Works on Mexican-American Women: A Review Essay Reviewed by Cordelia Candelaria ...... 75 The Day of the Swallows Reviewed by Phyllis Mael ...... 81 4-6 Editorial 7-13 Tile Abortion Stru~le 1x1 Queensland . . . Alison Anderson 14-22 The ~evolutio~~ar~Politics of Rosa Luxemburg ...... Tot~yCliff

23-45 Three Responses to iVcw Frenc/~Pe~ninisms ...... Anna Gibbs Rosi Braidotti &Jane Weinstock Nancy Huston 46-51 Poems and linocuts by Silvana Gardner. poems by Jenny Bouit and Pat Mitcliell

52-63 'Femininity As Prison ill Post War America:' Popular Imases of American Women . . . . . Hanne Tmg Grodai & Kirsten Busck Mellor 64-72 Towards +a Biograplly of Nettie Palmer ...... Debonh Jordan 78-83 'Killing the Drake' ...... Caroi Patterson. 84-87' From An Azttobiogr~p/7.1~Tilar I Sl~ull~Vc!~cr Write . . . . . Dympilna Cusnck

58-1 12 WIIOR1;S D'O1:'UVRIS . , . . Miclieiene Wnndor 1 13-1 15 'Putting Humpty Togctlier?' . . . . Carole Ferrier 116-121 Women's Art 2nd Craft Exhibitions in 19thC ~ustralia . . . . . Robert Hoiden & Ingrid Holden 122-128 Women. Work & Struzle: A Bibliography, Part I1 . . . . . Janey Stone A Critical Approach to the History of Women inMusic Silent Sound Jeann~eC.Pool 2 Ruth Anderson lbeUnquestionedanswer - BanjaMLom -tawm-Spr~l d EveIy~r-4- .-An - - irferv~ew . - -.- wm- ~EF~LQL&-R h~eIt?lt.d.%ard Meetthii.omerlCam~osws~tK3gz von Bingen (10981179) Carolynn Anderson L~ndemann 50 Barbara L. Grant 6 Slave Code and Liner Notes Music and Healing Michele Russell 52 . . BnoCaraMd;n".. U--~ea~othdddepenn~m%7~tuH - -.UnMfed . *07etmk&z 2, Vaiery -iayior 13 Singing Praises: Women in Gospel Music PARTBE Alverta Thomas

JerranrrHri&rkY ?+hard- yd~mmers--- hattie gossen wlth carolyn lohnson 65 Everything Changes and Crows ~uli'l. ~eber - 18 Bebop Womantones Betty Carter and AkeliHope 69 Is-TkeaFe~Me5lhetWmUusie? T~~S~~C~~T~_~~~P~A~~B_R~&I~~UL~P~~lonlngonlECEaTeji: Ketrecf G5Gi~zWmah -Sacr&alerieSmmarr;EaraHadhaker;imlitMttI,- 20----tanettasaon *- Campesinss Universal Jazz Coalition 73 Diana Davies 21 Women in Jazz Theatre 73 BMiraMr-Rdugees . . ~omenanhWotl~usicS~ra~ni~urEar- piaz-es L3 -tuthr5itence -- .- - -. - AtkntirRising bad1=: 75 25 Kay Cardner On the Trail of Red Sky Lady and Other Scholars Cri ticslPerformerslCompo,en Elsa Peterson 80 -&tkA~a,#~e,~denw, ~ooLkVha~uTiCQon~eM~~ong Tmcuer-. I -maman . . ey~nA"-, ;d~-~nsehui p upen ~otestiuf Nii-CloslngCKF& (1909-1969) Grazyna Bacewicz On Malvina Reynolds JudithRosen 28 Kristin Lems 86

,- .. - - . . .-. .. -- -OnceMore&U&&dbg Women ~us~c~nTCijttecnve Daria Semegen 32 Mimi SternWolfe 91 Letten from a Composer 7 A Uni .LY~ -. UO~IS navs 7L -;MPPerscmk4ppua~hiu-~Music Repo~mEucope--- If. rr~~xrlnremmranaluernnreis,simrui~- Ruth Crawford Seeger:- A Stud; in Mixed Accents Kanach. He!en Metzelaar 93 Barbara Jepson 38 - - Some Resources .Rut~~awtor~e~d~ese~~~n~m~~ntirst~UvlonaLLcng-wesunMu'r' I P~UL -- --

Whistle Music A Sonic Exorcism Singer. New York Subway System Heidi Von Cunden 45 Diana Dav~es Journal of Women's Studies in Literature

Volume 1. Number 4 Autumn 1979

EDITOR: Shem Clarkson - . --


Hero and Lemdnr A Male Perspective on Female Sexuality 27 3 Cynrhia Drew Hymel

The An of Polian: The Feminist Fiction of Samh Gmnd Sum R. Gonky

Colette and the Burden of a Legend Donna M. Norell

Lady Mary Wroth's Sonnenx A Lbyrinth of-the Mind Josephine A Robem

BhkIdouser Mom ~bubleWith Esther? Valerie Kennedy

Female Stereotypes in Medieval Literamrei Androgyny and che Wife of Bath Jewell Parker Rhodes

Jane Eyrc: Ttre Prison-House of Yictorinn ,Wzg~ Carol A. Sent

Index 360 indexed by Amnicm Humanirim Index, Whinton Publishing Company. Inc. Lad y-Unique-Inclination-of-the-Night

Cyde 4 Autumn 1979

Why we are so inclined ...... Ladyeunique Collective 4 The Goddess in the Consulting Room: A Jungian Perspective ...... Nor Hall 5 Meditation: Moon Bodv ...... Anne Kent Rush 19 Healing with Spiritual Energy ...... Chellis Glendlnn~ng 20 Fire Flights in Deep Space ...... Mary Beth Edelson 25 Expano~ngRitual: Personal ana C3ilective Power ...... Hallie glena an 28 At the wellhead ...... Mar~e. Piercy 33 Diana Triumphant ...... Ann Forfreedom 36 The Beautiful Antbear Maiden ...... collected by Megan Biesele 46 Wrappings ...... 50 Kuan Yin ...... Mara Li Oelaney 53 Black Maw: The Healing Power of Darkness ...... Mara Meshak 54 Hill Reclamation Rituals ...... Judith Todd et ai . 58 Tres mujeres en el gabinete ...... Gloria~nzald~;a 64 The BasqueGoddess ...... Rosiyn M. Frank 66 Spell fortheseason: Dedication of Newborn Babies ...... Z. Budapest 78 Cycle 5 The Oracle Speaks ...... 80 Notes on Contributors ...... 84

Cover from The 01 the National Volume 9, Number 1 nOVING OUT


Ikeno Gyokuran Margaret Mary Xiller


The Woman Who Lived in a Hat Box Birthalene Miller Before and After Cynthia D. Grant One Woman Sybilla Aleramo translated by Martha J. Kinv All Out J. F. O'Keefe First B~OO


An April Conversation with my English lather Claudia Limbert An Afternoon at the Smokehouse Ann E. llester These Hunting Seasons Ann E. Hestcr LeS Bricoleurs Barbara Coplc~ Felice Lesl6a Newman Encounter Leslgo Newman Shekinah Judith Kerman The Male Midwestern Poet Speaks or If the Shoe Fits Wear It Christina V. Pacosz Rosehip, Red Tide Charlotte Nekola Woman Poet Marilyn Churchill Brejo Sunday Paula Robinowitz Cousin Bim Anqst war Bim Angst Nursinq ilosc Fatien t : Room 211 Joan Shoddox Isom Companions Joan Shaddox Isom


Cover Drowinqs Michcllc Kclly TWO Photoqraphs Barbara Bolek Illustrations Susan West FEATURES I I DEPARTMENTS 1 1 READING I

4 Letten from Readers 15 Good Heaith: The Age of High-Tech Pregnancy bv Cvnthia W. Cooke. M.D.. (page 34) and ~"san~workin 34 24-. The Class Boot Feminist Notes: Syndrome: What Are Colette Dowling's We Waiting For? "Cinderella bv Gloria Steinem Compiex" by Marion Meade (page 54) 65 39 45 Stories for Free Children: Aprb Moi: Single Parent Marguerite Yourcenar Of the Year Award The Ten-Woman Bicycle At the Academic ipage i 7) bv Tricia Vita Frangaise 17 Are Single Mothers 39 flews from All Over The Last of 76 Watch on the Right: Driften and Saviors: Theater of the The Supermoms? marilynne Robinson's Non-Absurd: by Lindsv Van Ceider Can You Protect Your Family 'Housekeeping" Nicaragua's 54 From the Family 69 by Suzanne O'Malley Women Rebds: The Prostitutes Protection Act? Summa Folk 40 Dowry Murders Of Bombav by Lisa Cronin Wohl bv Alice McDermoa Chosen Weapons: In~~ ~~India: - -. photo essdy Remembering 90 83 June Jordan's by Mary Ellen Mark City Incident "C~ilWan" Sandi Smith: People: KKK Vicfim 57 M.F.K. Fisher- by Carol Orlock by Toni Cade Bambara Why Two Women Cops "How To Cook a WolP 89 42 85 Were Convicted And Other A Tradition In Short Helo for Of Cowardice Gastronomical Feab Goes On: ~h;Single Mom by Caudia Dreifus by Ruth Reichl The Vk" College by Jill Story 99 Fiction Contest One Step Formid Cowr iiluslralion For Kids by Bill Neison by Letty Cottin Pogrebin 100 BodyIMind: Male Circumcision- Unnecessary Surgery? bv Jamie Talan 103 No Comment 104 Back Page: In P~aiseol Aunts by Edith Peariman R pfl fi:~.w~n,rq~C -:!r?.=.\,9p1Lj,L\3d .- i'7nFm. 7; J7 yi/t:jubjJL 3

F,p~~y-&y~kk eke.? RL=ji@\dnu. number thirteen areview of literature and theorts Usixtk-r!%s a yeor as a reguiar supplement to theNew Women's Times ...... -- ...... - April /May 1981


I I Cliff W: Mh POUQX OF CONSCIWSIESS . mdim wrani*l 4 by 5- Griffin mre"nO n. I.. C11* nlE P~WNIS MAYS ~.Y*L% 15 br mrqe Ptercy ~uanLindsey

PTm OF ALL by 3.w !iCCullrng(l

I I WLY mCLI mnlXISEO editad 8b7 Eldn* Vadw md BabaU. W BUCK AND vlrm OF IT b. Co~.ri- 17 by An. *Ilen ShockhY ?M8.rULI-rU Wl. J.%

PU. W( I ae A ImmIrsT ASD 18 mu LIKE m? Sm...NST rm.-.- YO0.- - UN- BE A LTCETW 111 -. . m LEG PiLIED CBICXEN. volume xi newsnewsnewsnews & number32 specials ......

mlR uOW BUUlEO FW4 BLUE COUR Jm...... 6 wouam mln!ROT ...... 6 ... health '

work - ,

FILIPIM IURSEI IH THE U.8 ...... 7 WRWE WICXO STRIKE..: -...... : ..... I0 reviews

. . MINE m FIVE ...... 14 WllVE MERIUII WII YlLMR a ...... ,4 1111 SILX-WJNI ...... 2 8EIOlO THE FMEm...... IS In wanon OF WENWaaloas 3

nswmrr; RADICAL PSIS OF rfarau 8EA t4LDIClNE: IWE HLlTVE PUERIULN m(lnlSli ...... 15 -WltN ITFV~~W)...... 4 JUNE JoRW1'I: Psslm...... 19 ULNIIOIAH InOIlW ...... 6 MIMEUE iLIfF: UIIIIIffi PII IOENllTY THC? ATLAMA UMEN OROANIZE CWllnfE TNMT ME TO OISPISE ...... 21 TO STOP CHILOIN'S 'IUROERS ...... 8 PWU MRISTIUI: maXIM) a LOVE... n YNsliloxrs SUPPORTicrtv~ RESISTWE TO RAPE...... 9 JWWA RUIS: ON ~IXEWIW a...... 20 mfLLE SIffiFR; M DMETER FLOYER.....PI ELIWBETH I.LIM: THE BRTHRN .... 20 TERESA TRULL; LET IT BE KW.. ..:...... n ON CiE RUM UlTH "PLiVE...... 23 regulars DIICXEN MI...... tS LEITERS...... 26 . MS...... 29


Fantasy: 1st - Carolyn Pettit ------10 2nd - Jean Ross------11 3rd - (Tie) Joan Rohr Myers- - - - - 12 tita Oi Salvo------13 Hon. Mention - Virginia Coonen - - - 14 Historical 1st - Carolyn Pettit------15 2nd - Estella Lauter ------17 3rd - Carolyn Muentner------18 Limericks 1 1st - Virginia Coonen------20 2nd - Iris Day ------2 0 3rd Nichaelle Deakin Schall -21 POETS IN THIS ISSUE: - - - - Jane Newby ------22 Philomena Christis ------23 Judith Wilger-Gaskell- -.- 24.30 Joan Rohr Myers------25.28 Gail Savage------26,39 Michaelle Deakin Schall- - 21,30 Ginger Helgeson------31,32 Iris Day------20,32,42 Lenore Coberly------33 Doris Wise------33 Estella Lauter------17,34 Kyra Susanne------35 Caroline St. Julien - - - -36,41 Geralyn Hicks------36 Margaret Leah Bishop - - - - -37 Linda Grabner------38 Bernice Sorgani------40 Gladys Patton ------40 Peggy Perry ------41 Li ta Di Salvo - - - - - 13,42 Arlene Tetzlaff ------42 Carolyn Muentner ------18 Jean Ross------11 Carolyn Pettit------10,16 u:--;,;, rnnnon------14.20 OF WOMENa (I El I' L - I y l.prr8mental and Afle~tiv~Cot- relal~s01 h4alh Anxiplv in Adult nomm

CONTENTS Dcvrlopmenl.rl Chanrer in Srll Alicr Ross Gold Lorrl~iR, Dr~rsh VOLUME 5, NUMBER 2 WINTER 1980 Ferceptvon 01 lnlcllirpncc and Self Conlid~nre Evc R. Sprolrer

ARlICIES Psychiatric Diagnosis as a Function Chris T. Wrieht Arnold Menrlow Mar

Molivalional Dynamics ol ~iridvnn Seki !li,tman Srr Role Dill~renrr

Dcvclolrmenl and validation of the A Ikcacle Calrr lllack-\Vhitp At- Peter 1. Brnrun titudr. loward Wonrpn'r familial rlaine Crovitz Sexirl Attitudes Toward Women Scalc ISATWSl Steven M. Vincenl Rolrf Ann? Steinmann

Pwceived lob Char

The Drrision lo Fnlrr Medirirre Mollvation Social Sul,port. and Nancy C Kotner Dirroufagcnl~nl5for Wonlen Don~raR, nroean

Female and Male R~lurneer:Climp- IPS 01 TIVO Ditlintl Populations Slrsan DrCrool JSR QUEST Vol. V, No. 2, 1980 Special Issue

Contents REPORT TO READERS LETTERS MEDIA & CULTURE It Is An.. .But Is It Political? A conversation with Judy Uticag3 by Elizabeth Hess Who Were Your Grandmothers. John Hanson? A review of Nonhern Lights by Ann Morhusen POWER BROKERAGE AND SINGLE ISSUE POLITICS IN NOW by Kay Whitlock WORD WATCH Rape: The Power of Consciousness by Susan Griffin Reviewed by Camline Sparks The Curious Coulfship of Women's Liberation and Socialism by Baya Weinbaum: Reviewed by Alexo Freeman and Jayne Loader TILLING COMMON GROUND Feminism, Environmentalism &Appropriate Technology by Sidney Oliver RESOURCES FOR FEMINIST RESEARCH DOCUM ENTAT1GP-J SUR LA RECHERCHE


editorial 2 2 &ditorial

letters to the editors 3 3 courrl~

RESEARCH ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMAN1 RECHERCHE5 SUR LA PSYCHOLOGIE DE LA FEMME table of contents 5 5 sommaire guest editorslcwrdination du dmsier Cwnie Stark-Adamec. and J. Martin Graham

bibliographies 87 87 bibliographies

...... , , ......

pdalical and resources update 91 k"d<91 derni- p6riodiqueset documentation

conferences held comotes rendus

announcements and miscellaneous 94 94 divers et annonces


Research on the Psychology of Wornan/ R&&es sur la psychologie de la femme guest editoR/cooniinationdu dassier Cannie Stark-Adamec, J. Martin Graham

TABLE OF CONTENTS/SOMMAIRE Editm' InhOduCtimlAvant-pm~as Dismesion FommlFornm-di?uuasion Barriers Between Womm: Five Viewpoints

Paula J. Caplan Introduction Ceorgina.White Attributions about Women: A Foundation for Barriem 'Ronald P. Myhr Barriers Between Women CannieStark-Adamec Surmounting themenBetween Women T.A. Caplan The Adaptation of a Traditional Shuctwe for Non- traditional Aim: A Case Study. E Greenglass Fruitful Directions for Reeerch and Theory in the 1980's Marguerite Van der Evaluation aitiquedequelques orientations de la Keilen-Herman recherche en psychologie de la femme Hilary M. Lips Pregnancy: An Under-mearched Aspect of the Female Experience Robert Zemore, 5. Mark Pancer Research in kychosocial Adjustment toBreast Cancer Lawrence F. Shepa. A Review and critique. Reviewsof Recent Books and AudiotapalComptn rendus de lims et debandes sanorn

hnieStark-Adamec Overview: Beyond* RdsToward Human Libemtion, audio-tape series coordinated by Johanna Shapiro. S. W. Pyke Androgyny. Equality and Beyond, by Sandra Bern and Daryl Bern. Anita M My- The Scmons ofour Live,by Danid Levinson. Anita M. Mp Depndcmy oersus Autonomy in the "Gmm'Ued Rdationskip,"by Judith Bardwick. Cannie Stark-Adamec ScxRoles andSemiity, by Carol Rinkleib andBemie Zilbergeld. Gnnie Stark-Adamec The Actor and the Rector. Why she cnn late1 him a male dmumnist pig, by Herb Coldberg. Cannitstark-Adamec &yonl Maxulinity Eqxnmmts in sex role altematiocs. by Warren Famll. J.M. Graham The Effectsof kminism on Female and Mnle PsycImiqy, by Phyllis Cheler. Carolyn C Lanen 9x-Rde and Srlf-Cmhul: A oision of our human Lorna P. Cammaert potential?by DeaneShapim and Johanna Shapiro. Sharon Z. Kahn Assertion Tmining. by 5.8. Cotler et al.; Assertion TminingSeries:A Guide toSeiF-Dignity, by JJ. Guena et al.: Responsible Awmw 3ehauior, by A.J. Lange and P. Fkubowski: and Pemnal Effectiveness:Guiding Peapie to Asse* lhemxlvrs and Imprar their Social Skilb, by RP. Liberman et al. Hilary M. Lip &coming FemalcPmprrtiocs on Dcoclopment, by Qaire Nina Lee Colwill 0. Kopp and Martha Kirkpahick (eds.). Cmrgina White Im'crs Between Women, by Paula J. Caplan. Paula J. Caplan FemnleSemnl Siaay, by . Sturla E Bmun-Meyer 71re Wmon Patient: Medicnl and Psyckoicgical fnlerincd Vol. L Semnl and Repmductiu Aspxts of Wofnen's Health Care, by Maikah T. Notinan and Carol C Nadeison Ms.). Barbara A. Cwrnes A Wom~m'sChoicc A Guide to Decision Making, by Lorna. P. Carnmaert and Carolyn C. Larsen. 1979-1980 PublicationsParutions de 1579-1980 Pxsentations at Professional Meetina~iCommunications- lors de rencontm vmfeuionne~ln Recent ThnnlThew recents Forthcoming Publintion~IOuvr~en prCuatian Rosearch in-hgress/~echerch& couk ' Soeidand Psychological Aspects of theNorma1 Pregnancy Experience: A Bibliography. Hilary M. Lips. Resource People: The Reuits of a CP.4-IGWAP Swey. Can~eStark-Adamec and J. Martin Graham. the second wave a magazine of ongoing feminism no. 4

FEATURES 2 Forum 6' Editorial 8 Interview with The Coalition tor Women's Safety Deborah Rose Gallagher. Miriam Kenner. Linda Stein 18 Why Witches? New French Feminisms and Some Reflections Jennifer Hagar 28 Draft# Equal Rlghts Vicki Gabriner, Karen Lindsey, W.O.R.D. 34 The Ever-Raging Animal: A Written Collage on the of Jess Wells POETRY and FICTION 7 Cold Seasons Nora Mitchell 12 Emily Laurie Urbscheit 13 Quality of Light Arjyra Stedman 16 The Muse and I Linda Stein 17 The New Road Leigh Perez-Diotima 25 Goddess of Sunday ~orning Marty Kingsbury 26 Matter Tilting 8.L Perkins 32 Song for Our Dead Martha Courtot INREVIEW 40 Cora Sandel Cathy Lurie 41 With Child CarolFlinn 42 Chamber Music Irene Zahava 44 Woman's Creation Marge Piercy 47 The Stories Marguerite Fenton 48 Ironing Susie Chauncey 50 Conditions: Five Catherine Avrii and Deborah L. Allord SEX ROLES A Journal of Research

VoI. 7, No. 1 January 1981


Sexual Preference. Feminism. and Women's Perceptions of Their Rrents Miriam M. Johnson. Jean Srocliard, hlary K. Rorllbart. and Lisa Friedman

The Sex Difference in Self-Assessed Fears Alan G.Kmno ff

Stereotyped Connotations of Masculine and Feminine Names James C Dti ffy and Bnrce Ridinser

Family Timing in Late Adolescence and Early Adulthood: The Case of Southern Males Kimball P. hIarst~all.Geoee V. Zito. and Artlitrr G. Cosby

Continuing Education, Identity. Scx Role. and Psychosocid Development in Adult Women Frederica H. Amsrey and Susan K ivtfirbonrne

Prestige Ranking of the House\vife Occupation Rosalind J. Dworkjn

The Inferiority Game: Perceptions and Behavior Rita Bmiro. Dwight Dean, Ed\vard Powers. and Brenr Bniron

Attitudes Towards Single Women Yvonne Stolk and Patricia Brotherion


Winter 1980, Volume 6, Number 2 Studies in Change

187 Editorial 189 Women in Calvinist Geneva (155&1800) SaU7 G. Alhand 210 Outrunning Atalanra: Feminine Destiny Joanna Hub& in Alchemical Transmutation RdLawson and 230 Sex Role in Social Movements: A Case Study SIcphm E. Barton of the Tenant Movement in THENEW SCHOURSHIP: RTVIEW ESSAYS Rnpa Gren 248 Native American Women Chmi Regis& 269 Literary Criticism Elizabeth Wand 283 Women in Music REVISIONS/REH)RTS 298 The Conversion of Women to Ascetic Forms of Christianity Gay Tuchman md 308 Edging Women Out: Some Suggestions Nina Fmtin about theStructureolOpponunitiesand the Victorian Novd . BOOKREVIEWS 326 The Nu& iMaL by Margaret Walten 327 Learning about Rum1 Women (ShrdLs in Family Planning, vol. 10. no. 11/12 [NovemhrJDecember 19591) edited by Sondn Zeidenstein Pauh Frfdriksm Lades 328 Diving Deep and Surfacing: Wmnm WnLpn on Spiritual Quest by Carol P. Christ: Womans+t Rising: A Fcminirt fiodtr in Rcligim edited by Carol P. Christ and Judith Plaskow: The Changing of the Go& Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions by Naomi Goldenberg Kirr Sleeping Bea71ty Goodbye: Breaking Ihe SpcN of Ftminine Mvlhr and ,Mo&Lr by Madonna Kolbeluchlag: Scx, Sin and Grace: IVomen's Experipnce and rhe Theologier of Reinhold iVicbuhr and Paul Tillich by Judith Plaskow 334 The Blnck Worn'slmc (Conditio~:3, voi. 2. no. 2 [Autumn 197'31) edited by Lorraine Bethel and Barbara Smith SIGNS, cont.

Wavnin the Mwlim WorU edited by Lois Beck and Nikki Keddie: Imogrs and Se1/-inwagex: rMab and Fend in ,Morocco by Daisy Hilse Dwyer Notes

Commenc on Kraerner's Review ofCyni Ecobgj: The Mc(or1hLs of Rad~dFeminism MqJ. Oatlr and Comment on Tidball's "Women's Colleges Swan W~~ and Women Achievers Revisice$ AlhE. Collin Comment on Johnson's "On the Prevalence of Rape in the United Scares" Reply to Gollin The Women's blovement in France ARCHIVES Lily Braun

Notice to Contributors

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A Journal of Worrl.s and I'irmre~for the i.eshian Imamnntmn in All Women (Fall, 1980)

CONTENTS Backroom with tlie Feminist Ilcrrxs: Conference For Women Asainst Pornogrnphy Susan Chute For the Woman in the Tie Susan Chute The Garden Paula Gunn Allen what else do you remember Jan Hardv After News of a Rape/Mutilalion Sami Gray For Venus DeMilo Luisali Teish Obectivity. She Said Valerie Miner in hichila. Kansas. in Lincoln. Nebraska Anita Skeen Killen Pamela McAiiister The Slau ter House Jane Gapen A Spirit P rushed. A Spirit Healed Cltris Cuppett A Story for Freud Nancy tlarrison Five After Incest ran hall The Swimming Lesson Susan Marie Norris "Wlien you grow up an abused child ... "Cl~ristina(ilendenning Untitled oent Deirdre Vanderlinde Face 10 tie wall Martlia Courtut 'What Did tic llit You With?" The Doctor Said Chrystos The Images Adrienne Rich Sexual I'ower tvlelanie Kaye notes 011 an artist in search of nn erotic image Michaele Lesbian Epic Victoria Kamstctter Kcflections on Eroticism Cyntliia Rich Diary of a WomanlWife/Queer Cris South Violence. Victimization. Violation Sarah Lucia Hoagland The Lesbian in : A Tribute 10 Male I'owcr Declaration of Catherine Risin$llamc Moirai Mystery and Monster: The Lesbian in Heterosexual Fantasies Julia Penelope Circling Sandra Butler REVIEWS:

How~ Lesbians-~ Read~ Liternrure:~~ A~~ Constructive ~ ~ criticism Pantcia C. Johnston And now for the hard questions ... Julia Penelope RESPONSE: H. Patricia Hynes on "Racism and Writing" PHOTOG RMHS: Mor an Gwenwald ~mifyLevine CONTRIBUTORS' NOTES Letter from

FEATURES 6 Problem Pages: Agony Aunt's advice from the '50s to the '70s (continued page 30) 16 Herpes - an incurable VD. How two women live with it 20 Sigrid Neilson looks at Women in Scottish theatre 24 What, me? White women and racism 33 Anwar Dina: Bartling to bring her children over 41 Doris Day -Was the girl next door really a feminist after a117 49 areadeeding: One woman's experience and thoughts 53 Cosmetics and money -.soft sell and hard profits REVIEWS 42 Backs: ~hreereprints by Rebecca West and three new novels, Gaining Ground, History, and The New Gulliver: The Polirics of Contraception: children's books Thestre: something new - a nonlexist Cirws Or,and life as a banered woman is not A Bed of Rose Music: The Harpres, The Andmids of Mu and Real Insects play rhe first all-woman Rock Against (RAS) gig TV: Transexuals: how George became Julia. A feminin ream FlCTlON AND POETRY 34 Canus -an excerpt from a novel by Anna Wilson 43 The Pope at Dublin Airporc by Judith Kazantzis 48 Waitimg for the Unicorn by Annernarie Austin REGULARS 4 Lm:languwe, ha& bimb or0 and car, female wxualiry, sex with a Nror and much more (condnued paw 191 9 -arts Big threat to mnmiw righn . ..Shocking Pink ready faMtim .. . New rechnology reeon falls rhon .. .Women's centres under atrack - in Brighton and Darwin. Aurtralia . . . Tammn monoeolv keeps pnrrr high . . .Scottish media affensim . . and much more . . . c 28 Shortlist of Thing to do. se. and red 36 Clsnaicd Ads 57 Subarib. for CMistmml February 1981 In This Issue

Congress...... -2 The 96th Congress established a Women's Rights Historic Park. A Women's Economic Equity Package will be introduced this month. Abortion ...... 3 On The Job ...... 4 Health...... -6 Families ...... 7 Networks...... 8 Book Review ...... 13 Film Review...... 14 Margo Kasdan reviews Tell Me A Riddle. Ellen Goodman ...... 16 Goodman discusses our media history-the bra- burning that never happened and the trend that never was. Cover: Supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment in Washington during the ln- auguration of Ronald Reagan, the only presi- dent to oppose the ERA since its original in- troduction in 1923. (Photographs by Mary Blake French) A LITERARY MAGAZINE PUBLISHING WOMEN WHOEVER WE CHOOSE TO BE Volume IV 1980 Number 2

SPECIAL Carol Burnes 1 77 Sybil Smith 'I 87 ROSARIO CASTELLANOS, in- LindaCregg 89 tmduction and translations by RochelleOwens 91 Maureen Ahern / 9 Deborah Allen I 93

POETRY FICTION Bee Bee a an ! 5 Ramona Weeks ! 6 Carole Rosenthal 1 25 Olga Broumas / 19 Ruth Celler / 79 Elizabeth Zelvin / 23 Mardy Murphy / 35 Jacqueline Lapidus 1 41 ART Sacdy Handley I 45 Diana Davies I cover, 4, 24, Ellen Marie Bissert I 67 36, 46, 74, 78, 86, 94, 118 Daisy Aldan 1 71 Shelly Shicoff I 8, 40 Pat Therese Francis 1 72 Sandra McKee I 20.66, 90 Kate Ellis I 75 Nancy Fried I 70


REVlEWS LUST IN. 28 FMVORS by Lynne Savitt I Ina Chadwick 1 95 A LITERATURE OF THEIR OWN by Elaine Showalter / Rosemary Strauss 1 99 FEMALE SPECTATOR by ,Mary R. Mahl and Helen Koon / Pattie Cowell / 103 DRMMYOURSELF FLYISC bv Roberta Could I Lora Ecken I 107 Woman's kt J0~rna9 VO~.2, NO. 1 Spring/Sumr 1987

One Point Perspective, by Elsa Honig Fine Emmy Hennings and the Emergence of , by Thomas F. Rugh The Women Painters in Houbraken's Groote Schouburgh, by Margarita Russell The Central Figure in Botticelli's Primavera, by Jean Gillies Traditional in Borneo, Indonesia and India, by Betty LaDuke A Comparison of the Early Landscapes of Miinter and Kandinsky (1902-1910), by Susan P. Bachrach , Images of Women in the Sculpture of Harriet Hosmer, by Alicia Faxon Madge Tennent: Artist of Hawaii, by Linda Menton The Parisian Training of American Women Artists, by JoAnn Wein - In a Class by Herself: Images of the Woman Artist as Student, by Christine Havice

Survivors Elizabeth Gilmore Holt: Art Historian and Maverick, by Alicia Faxon Domthea Tanning, by Paula Lumbard Claire Moore, by Sharyn M. Finnigan Shirley Jaffee, by Brie &hipper

Review and Re-views Mary Cassatt, by Jay Roudebush, Mary Cassatt: and Prints, by Frank Getlein, Mary Cassatt, by , Mary Cassait: A Catalogue Raisonn6 of the Graohic Works, by Adelyn Breeskin. Reviewed by Nancy M. Mathews 4 TaEng It Back Poetry Jean Turner Janet VcCann hlar-ret Blanchard Poetry Ruth Daigon Tomorrow Is Forever and a Day Ann Lee Godwin 5E Pieces Norma Pierce Poetry Jane Harrison %lothering Our Friends and Ourselves On Being a Non Judy lValdman Magma

Poetry Editorial Paula Roth Judy Waidman Mary Jane Lupton Sara's Daughter Nancy White Sylvia GiIlett Reader Survey inside back cover Poetry Susan Hall Herport

Lesbian Mothering Lois

Book Reviews Pat Sullivan

Becoming a Mother Edited by Nancy White We Breathe the Same Donna Taxco Tang

Feminism and the Handicapped: Thinking About Jennifer Barbara Hillyer Davis 34 Poetry Mary Seidel Poetry Kathy Kozachenko Christine Horner

Poetry Nancy White

Across Cultures Patty Walton

You Don't Have to Bear Children to Be a Mother Shirley Skalstad as told to Nlardie Walker 47

Lydia D. Kelly Karen Whitman

Separating from Ny Children Elaine Karp 31 Mothering and Madness - -~.-~,. C" Women & Health


In Recognition Of.. .Esther Everett Lape, Born c. 1880 PATRICIA SPAIN WARD, MA

Women's Capacities to Perform Strenuous Work JnIUAM GAUWARDLE, PIID, AND DAVID SrLXUEL.GLOSS..PlrD. WH

Evaluation of Outcomes of Non-Nurse Midwives: Matched Comparisons with Physicians LEWIS E. MEHL. MD: JEAN-RICHARD RAMIEL, BA: BRENDA LEININGGR, RN: BARBARA HOIT. RN: UTHY KRONENTHAL, MS: AND GAIL H. PETERSON, MSSW, LCSW

Why Not an Independent Practice for Dental Hygienists? ANDREW K. DOLAN. JD, DrPH. AND PETER .MILGROM. DDS

Depo-Proven: A Criticnl Analysis STEPHEX MNXIN. CenSocAnlbm


The Woman PatienC Medical and Psychological Inferfacer, edited by Malkah Notman and Carol Nadelson REVIEWE9 BY NADA STOIWND. MD

Mary Swarrz Rose, 1874-1941, Pioneer in Nutrition, by Juanita kchibald Eagles, Orrea Florence Pye, and CIara Mae Taylor REVIEWED-Y PAWEBROWN. MS. RD

Repror(lrc;ive Development of the Female: A Sludy in the Comparative Physiology of the Adolescent Organism, 3rd edition, by M. F. Ashley Montagu REVIEWED BY ROSEMARY REISS. ,W)

The Little Book of Baby Foods, by Kay Applegate; Education and Counselingfor Childbirth, by Sheila Kitzinger; and You Can Breastfeed Your Baby. . . Even in Speciai Situations, by D. P. Brewster REWEWED BY ANNE S. WSPER. AB

The Invisible Alcoholja: Women and Alcohol Abuse in America, by Marian Sandmaier BEWEWED BY CONSTANCE MeKENNA AND EVE SOLDINGEX Women & Health, cont.

I'm Black and l'm Sober: A Minkter's Daughter Tells Her Story about Fighting the Disease of Alcoholism-and Winning, by Chaney Men; and Drink Like a Lady, Cry Lik2 a Man, by Jack Nero REVIKWED BY LORIE DWINELL. MSW,ACSW

TotafHealrh, by Morton Walker: and TheMind/Body Effect, by Herbert Benson REWEWED BY H. JILL WESlBERG, BS

Ways of Health- Wholistic Approaches to Ancient and ContemporaryMedicine, edited by David S. Sobel WIEnPED BY GRANGER E. WESTBERG, DD

Making Sense of Sex The New FactsAbout Sex and Love for Young People, by Helen Singer Kaplan REYIEWED BY BARBARA SCRNKIDMAN. SiD, WPH


FILM RFVIEWS Breastfeeding: A Special Closeness; Breastfeeding for the Joy of It!; The Breastfeeding Experience; and Into the Mouths of Babes REMEWED BY CATW ROGKX.5. ND



Bibliography of Bibliographies on Women and Realth Care, Revised Listing 95 SRARON I. MEYEII, .rWS

Ethic31 Issues in Human Reproduction Technology: Analysis by Women 100 ROBKlU.4 STKINBACHKR. PhD

Conference Report: Midwifery Is. .. ALabour of Love 102 LOUISE TRUSLER MANGAN, BA, AND &UIEN E. MAY, BSR SChf

NIA Guide Available 105

Publications Available 105

BOOXS RECEIVED Women G-' Lit era f ure Vol . 7. No . 3. Winter 1979

1978.Bibliography Subject Classlffcation Scheme ...... iv Journals Indexed ...... iv Journals Partially Indexed ...... ix Addenda ...... ix

0. GENERAL: INCLUDING SEVERAL PERIODS ...... 1 1 . BRITISH LITERATURE BEFORE 1660 ...... 18- 2. BRITISH LITERATURE 1660-1800 ...... 24 3 BRITISH LITERATURE 1800-1900 ...... 35 1. BRITISH LITERATURE 1900-1976 ...... 67 5 . lMERICAN LITERATURE BEFORE 1800 ...... 98 6. AMERICAN LITERATURE 1800-1900 ...... 100 7. AMERICAN LITERATURE 1900-1976 ...... 117 8. CANADIAN LITERATURE ...... 188 9 . AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND AND OTHER ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRIES ...... 198 10. LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH ...... 206 Volume 1 Number 2 Women & Politics Summn 1980

Introduction SHARON L. WOLCHIK

The Cross-Cultural Study of Women and Politics: Methodological hoblems 7 KAREN BECKWITH

Sex Differences in Political Activity in Britain SUSAN WELCH

Elite Analysis in Applied Research on Women in Communist Society 47 BARBARA JANCAR

BIBLOGRABHY Women and Politics in Comparative Perspectives: Europe and the Soviet Union SHARON L. WOLCHIK


The Politics of the Equal Rights Amendment: Conflict and the Decision Process, by Janet K. Bola 85 REVIEWED BY SUSAN CARROLL

Women in WesfernPolitical Thought, by Susan Moiler Okin 87 RSWEWED BY NANNERL 0. XEOHAHE

Refuctan?Feminists in' German Social Democracy, 1885-1917, by Jean H. Quatacn 89 . REYIEWD BY ALFRED G. MEYER Woman's Proper Place: A Hislory of Changing Ideals and Pracrices, I870 to the Present, by Sheila M. Rothman 91 REVIEWED BY KEITH MELDER

Plow Women Rather Than Reapers.. An Inleilebual in the United States, by Sarah Savin Sciuanim REVIEWED BY J. STANLEY LEMONS

NEWS & NOTES Through Journal Editing 97 ELLEN BONEPARTH Outreach: International Women and Politics 99 Women's Studies, an International Feminist Series of Books and an International Quarterly DALE SPENDER The Center for Women Scholars 100 The Schlesinger Library-Recent Acquisitions 102 WOMEN'S STUDIES

Volume 7, Number 3 (1980)

ARLENE N. OKERLUND In Defense of Cressida: Character as Xletaphor

'LESLIE RABINE The Establishment of Patriarchy in Trirtan and Irolde

EVAN ZlMROTH Poem: Waiting for a Call:Ode -4fter Nelly Sachs: For Some Women Who Died: Planting Children: 1939

PAGE 4NN DU BOIS 'The Devil's Gateway": Women's Bodies and Earthly Paradise

CLARlNDA LOl7 All Salt (poem)

ROBERT DAY Musn in the Mud: The Faale Wits Anthropologically Considered

KATHLEEN E. KIER The Rcvival that Failed: Elizabeth Shaw Melville and the Stcdmans

LYNNE LA\VNER Translation of Poem by Antonia Potzi

MARILYN SCOn Laura Marholm (1854-1928): Germany's Ambivalent Feminist

MARCIA MIDCER George Eliot's Rcbds: Portraits of the Artist ar a Young Woman


Notes About Contributors



St3ElLn ALLEN 325 Perhaps a sexnth person?

BOBBIEM. ANTHONY 339 Parallels, particularities. problems and positive possibilities related to institutional sexism and racism

347 Women, alcohol and cultural stereotyping: updating the myth

355 Bourgeois feminists and women socialists in Germany 1894- 1914: lost opportunity or inevitable conflict?

JANEHUMPHRIES 377 The socio-economic determinants of recourse to legal abonion

MARYEVANS 395 Views of women and men in the work of Simond de Beauvoir

ANNAWALTERS 405 When women's repulations are in male bands: Elizabeth Caskell and rhe critics

E~YE~ORRE 415 Sappho revisited: a new look at lesbianism


HELENFREEMAN and ALISONJONES 429 For women only?



Lou BUOIAN 43 For Her Own Good. I50 Years of the Experis' Advice lo Women by Barbara Ehrenreich and Dddre English

Who Divorces? by Barbara Thornes and Jean Collard

Fathers. .Mothers and Orhers by Rhona and Roben N. Rapoport and Ziona Strelitz

The FVoman Parient edited by MalkJh T. Norman and C3rol C. Nadelson

The Women's Health Movement by Shnyl Bun Ruzek

class, Se.y, and [he W'ofnan Worker edited by >lilroo Cantor and Bruce Laurie

Wortten and [he ~~lnkbgof rhe Working Class: Lyon 1830-1870, >lonographs in Women's Studies by LPUCP5. Strulninpher

RENE ADA~S Rorrnd .4borrr u Potord a Week by Maud Pember Revs

REVA BROW& Sex, Clas & Cirll~treby Lillian S. Robinson

HILARVCROXFORD SI~~PSON JVonran of Lellers: A Life of Virginia iVoo(jby Phyllis Rose

Virginia FVoog IVot~renand Writing introduced by hlkhtle Barrctt

Women In the U.S. Labor Force edited by Ann Foote Cahn

Separate Spherrs: The Opposlrion lo JVotcen 's Srr ffrage in Brirairr by Brian Harrison

Sex Roles, Woomen's Work and dlariral Confir by John Scanzoni

ANNETTE KOLODNY Lnnguage. Sex and Gender: Does 'La Di/prence'Jlake u Di/- ference? edited by Judith Orasanu. hlnrinm K. Slater and Leonore Loeb Adler

A Recognizable Image: IVilliam Cnrlos Fl'iliianrs on Art and Artists edited and with an lnrroduction by Bran Djikrtro

Up Againsr the Clock by hfarilyn Fabe and Norma \Vikler

ELIZABETH SARAH Free and Ennobied. Soirrce Readings in (he Devrlopmenr of Victorian Feminism edited by Carol Baue: and Lalrrcnce Rirt

SANDRAHARD~NG Gyn/Ecology: The Meraerhia of Radical Frminism by \law Daly

LESLEY SAUNDERS Hard Feelings: Fiction and Poerry from Sparc Rib edited by Alison Fell

ANNOUNCE?.iEMS 462 A Publication of The Feminist Press and The National Women's Studies Association FaII/Wlnrrr 1980: Voiume VIU. Number 4

I MTHlS ISSUE: 17 Issues of Race and Class in Women's Studies: A Puerto Rlcan Woman's Thoughts 2 Editorial I By Angala Joqa 3 Readers' Speabut I 19 Teaching Black Women's Heritage 5 The Academic Job Crisis: Some Possible Responses

By Emily Abel M "Out" at the Univasity: Myth and Reality 7 Women's S~dior.The Case for a Departmental Model By M&ktne J. Gdmon

9 Expanding the Concept of Aiflrnattve Acdon ta Induds the Currfculum

11 integrating Women into the LILeraI Arts Curriculum: Some Results of "A Modest SUNey" I NWSA NEWS AND VIEWS By Ann Fmme 13 From the National Mce By EI&c Revbsl

13 Stcorfng Committee FaU Report

14 "Fernlnbm 101": Holly Near on Tour for NWSA

15 NWSA Rojea to Improve 22 UNESCO Document by Twelve %mice LOamlnq "Eq~mon Rdand in Women's SNdles Teaching Related to Women," . Pa&, May 1980 15 NWSA WendEu 28 The Women's SNdles Conference in Berlin: An&- Cha$ter In the Conhwary