'--acurrent isting o contents Published by Linda Parker, W0men.s Studies Librarian-at-Large, University of Wisconsin System 112A Memorial Library 728 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (608) 263-5754 .'acurrent isting of contents ' -' Volume 1, Number 1, 1981 Periodical 1iterature is the cutting edge of women's studies scholarship, feminist theory, and much of women's culture. Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents is published by the Office of the Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large on a bimonthly basis with the intent of in- creasing public access to feminist perfodicals. It is our hope that Feminist Periodicals will serve several purposes: to keep the reader abreast of current topics in feminist literature; to increase readers' familiarity with a wide spectrum of feminist periodicals; and to pro- vide the requisite bibliographic information should a reader wish to subscribe to a journal or to obtain a particular article at her library or through interlibrary loan. (Users will need to be aware of the limitations of the new copyright law with regard to photocopying of copyrighted materials .) Table of contents pages from current issues of major feminist journals held on the UW-Madison campus are reproduced in each issue of Feminist Periodicals. These are preceded by a briefly annotated listing of the journals we have selected. This listing provides the following infor- mation on each journal (as available): 1. Year of first publication. 2. Frequency of publication. 3. Subscription price(s). 4. Subscription address. 5. Current editor. 6. Editorial address (if different from subscription address). 7. International Standard Serial s Number (ISSN) . 8. Library of Congress (LC) catalog card number. 9. OCLC, Inc. Control Number. 10. Locations where the journal is held in the UW system. 11. Publications in which the journal is indexed. 12. Subject focus/statement of purpose of the journal. ii. Please note that in the actual text, only the numbers 1 to 12 are used to identify the different categories of information. Interested readers will find more complete information on feminist periodicals in Guide to Women's Publishiny by Polly Joan and Andrea Chesman (~ustbooks,1978)nd in Women's Periodicals and Newspapers: A Union List of the Holdings of Madison Area Libraries compiled by James P. Danky, Maureen Hady, Neil Strache, and Barry Noonan (forthcoming, 1981 ). Feminist Periodicals is available free of charge from: Linda Parker, Women's Studies Librarian-at-Large, 112A Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin, ???L Phone: (608) 263-5754. BREAO AND ROSES. 9. OCLC 3232386. 1. 1977. 10. Nadison. Quarterly. 11. Alternative Press Index. ~ ~ short 12. Poetrv: fiction: novel~~ excercts:~~~ drama: 55 (indiv.), $8 (inst.). ~*.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ , ~. P.O. Box 1230, Madison, Wisconsin, 53703. critical articles; reviews. "~ondiiionsis a Editorial staff of six women. magazine of women's writing with an emphasis ISSN 0197-5927. on writing by lesbians." Madison. Features; editorials; reviews; news briefs; FEYINARY: A FEMINIST JOURNAL FOR THE SOUTH fiction; poerry; photography and graphics. EMPHASIZING THE LESBIAN VISION. "...founded with the expressed purpose of est- 1. 1970. ablishing a Midwest-based journal to focus on 2. 3lyear. cultural, ~oliticaland social concerns of 3. 16.50 (indiv.), $13 (inst.). Single copies: Americanwomen." $2.50 plus 50t postage. 4. P.O. BOX 954. Cha~elHill. N.C. 27514. CALYX: A JOURNAL OF ART AN0 LITEUTURE BY WOMEN. 5. Editorial coilective. 1. 1976. 10. Madison. 2. %year. 12. Articles; personal narratives; journal 3. 510. Single copies: 53.50. excerpts; letters; short fiction; poetry; 4. P.0. Box 8, Corvaliis, Oregon, 37330. drawings; photographs. "...a lesbian feminist 5. Sarbara Baldwin, Margarita Donnelly, Meredith journal for the South ...produced by a lesbian Jenkins. feminist collective.. .As Southerners, as 7. ISSN 0147-1627. lesbians, and as women, we need to explore with 8. LC 77-649570. others how our lives fit into a region about 4. OCLC 3114927. which we have great ambivalences--to share our lp. Madison. anger and our love." 12. Poetry; fiction; art; graphics. FEMINIST ISSUES. CAMERA OBSCURA: A JOURNAL OF FEMINISM AND FILM 1. 1980. THEORY. 2. 3lyear. 1. 1976. 3. $15 (indiv.), $25 (inst.). Single copies: 2. 3fyear. $5 (indiv.), $9 (inst.). 3. $9 (indiv.), $18 (inst.). Single copies: $3. 4. Feminist Issues. Transaction Periodicals 4. P.O. Box 4517, Berkeley. CA, 94704. Consortium. ~utaersUniversitv. -. New Brunswick. 5. Camera Obscura Collective: Janet Bergstrom, N.J., 0~903. - Elisabeth Lyon, Constance Penley. 5. Mary Jo Lakeland and Susan Ellis Wolf. 7. ISSN 481843. 6. Feminist Issues, 2968 Hillegass, Berkeley, 8. LC sc79-4979. CA. 94705. 10. Madison (Women's Studies Yogram). 7. ISSN 0270-6679. 11. Abstracts of Popular Culture: Film Literature iO... Madison... .. Index. 12. The ~ngjish-languageedition of guestions 12. Film theory and history; feminist theory; feministes (1977- ), a journal devoted to psychoanalytic theory; Marxist thmry; photo- f-inist social and political analysis with the graphy, video and performance. hope of "providing the theoretical framework that is crucial to dissecting and exposing the CONCERNS: NEWSLETTER OF THE YOMEN'S CAUCUS OF THE ideology and conditions within which women live MODERN LANGUAGES. and have lived historically." In addition to 1. 1971 ail the key r'!eorerical mltinas 3i 3,estions 2. Quarterl y. f&ninistes. Fnin:st Issuer 44.1 puo'isn lmoor- 3. $10. :ant 'emlnist artlc!es :lo;lsneo in arevious 4. fl izabeth Meese, Director of Women's Studies, years in French publications other than University of Alabama, University, Alabama 35486. guestions fBninistes. 5. Katherine Combellic-Bldney and Pat Quinn. 6. 68 Murray St., Apt. 2, Binghamton, NY 13905. 9. OCLC 2259670. 10. Madison. 12. News of the Modern Language Association, fea- tures; bibliographies; job infonnation. CONDITIONS. 1. 1977. .. 2. Semiannual. 3. 58 (indiv.), $15 (inst.). Single copies: 53. 4. P.O. Box 56, Van arunt Station, Brooklyn, NY, 1171C, ,-,-. 5. Elly Bulkin, Jan Clausen, lrena Klepfisz, Rima shore. 7. ISSN 0147-8311 3. LC 77-641895. FS, FEMINIST STUOIES. 12. Historical and critical articles; creative 1. 1972. work; graphics; bibliographies; reviews. 2. 3/year. "Hecate- prints material relating to women. 3. 812 (indiv.), f?C (inst.). Single copies: 55 Ne are particularly interested in contri- (indiv.), $8 (inst.). butions which enploy a feninist, marxist, or 4. Managing Editor. Feminist Studtes, c/o Women's other radical methodology to focus on the Studies Program, University of Maryland, position of wmen in relation to patriarchy Colleoe Park, MU 20742. and capitalism.' HERESIES: A FEMINIST PUBLICATION ON ART & POLITICS. 1. 1977. 2, Quarterly. Madison; Milwaukee. 3. $15 (indiv.), $24 (inst.). Single copies: $5. America: History and Life; 9merican Historical 4. Box 766, Canal Street Station, New York, NY, Association Recent1 y Publ ished Articles; Bul le- tin Signaletique-sociologie: Historical abstr- acts; Modern Language Association International 8ibliograohy; The hilosopher's Index; Psych- ological Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; Women Studies Abstracts. Vadison: Milwaukee. Hfstorical and critical articles; poetry; art; A1 ternative Press Index. reports from the women's movenent; reviews. Editorials; short articles; bibliographies; "Feminist Studies was founded to encourage poetry. "Heresies is an idea-oriented journal analytic responses to feninist issues and to devoted toamination of: art and politics open new areas of research, criticism, and from a feminist perspective." speculation. The editors are cornmirted to pro- viding a forum for feninist analysis. debate, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WONEN'S STUDIES IN and exchange." LITERATURE. FRONT ERS A JOURNAL OF WOMEN STUOIES. .. -... .. 1. 19Js. : 3. U.S.: $li'(indiv.), $20 (inst.). 2. 3/year. 4. Eden Press Women's Publ ications. 1538 Sherbmoke 3. 511 (indiv.), $18 (inst.). Street U., Suite 201, Montreal, luebec. H3G IL5, 4. Frontiers, Women Studies Program, University Canada. of Colorado, Boulder, CC, 80309. 5. Sherri Clarkson. 5. Editorial Collectfve. Managing Editor: Kathi 7, 1SSN 0707-1 981 Gwrne. 8. LC cn 79-39032. 7. ISSN. 0160-9009. 9. OCLC 471 9202. 8. LC sc78-317. 10. Madison (Women's Studies Program). 9. OCLC 2586280. 11. herican Humanities Index. 10. Yadison: Milwaukee: Parkside. 12. Feminist literary criticism. "...concerned with 11. Women Studies Abstracts; herican Humanities an evaluation, from a feninist perspective, of Index: Human Resources Abstracts; Historical those women writers and characters who belong Abstracts. in the mainstream of the literature of the 12. Feature articles: book reviews; poetry: short English-speaking world." fiction. Each issue focuses on a theme, c.g.. women's oral history; mothers and daughters: UOY-UNIQUE-INCLINATION-OF-THE-NIGHT. women as verbal artists; who speaks for the 1 1976~ nomen's movenent; lesbian history. "The con- Annually. tinuing goal of Frontiers is :o publish a S3.751issue. journal which bridges the gap between univer- Box 803, New Brunswick, N.;. , 08903. sity and cznnnunity women; to =ind a balance Kay F. Turner. between academic and popular views on issues ?!adison. common to women." 'We primarily seek in-depth research on the history and meaning of the goddesses, women HECATE: A WOMEN'S 1"IERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL. and religion, wanen's folklore. women's 1. 1975. mythological heritage, etc., bur; some poetry 2. Semiannual. and fiction is always included. 3.
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