Conserving wildlife since 1903 Towards a Global Tree Conservation atlas Mapping the status and distribution of the world’s threatened tree species Adrian Newton, Sara Oldfield, Gerardo Fragoso, Paul Mathew, Lera Miles, Mary Edwards Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Conserving wildlife since 1903 UNEP World Conservation Fauna & Flora International Monitoring Centre Great Eastern House 219 Huntingdon Road Tenison Road Cambridge CB3 0DL Cambridge CB1 2TT United Kingdom United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 1223 277314 Tel: +44 (0) 1223 571000 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 277136 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 461481 E-mail:
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[email protected] Website: Website: Director: Mark Collins Director: Mark Rose THE UNEP WORLD CONSERVATION MONITORING CENTRE is the FAUNA & FLORA INTERNATIONAL, founded in 1903 and the world’s biodiversity assessment and policy implementation arm of the first international conservation organization, acts to conserve United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the world’s threatened species and ecosystems worldwide, choosing foremost intergovernmental environmental organization. solutions that are sustainable, are based on sound science UNEP-WCMC aims to help decision-makers recognize the and take account of human needs. The organization currently value of biodiversity to people everywhere, and to apply this works in over 60 countries, including more than 25 as part of knowledge to all that they do. The Centre’s challenge is to the Global Trees Campaign. transform complex data into policy-relevant information, to build tools and systems for analysis and integration, and to support the needs of nations and the international community as they engage in joint programmes of action.