KARL KERENYI APOLLO The Wind, the Spirit, and the God Four Studies Translated from German by Jon Solomon Spring Publications, Inc. Dallas, Texas Dunqicin Series lb © 1983 by Spring Publications, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America by BookCrafters, Inc., Chelsea, Michigan, for Spring Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 222069, Dallas, Texas 75222 International Distributors: Spring/Postfach/8800 Thalwil/Switzerland; Japan Spring Sha, Inc./31, Shichiku- Momonomoto-Cho/Kitaku, Kyoto, 603 Japan; Element Books Ltd/The Old Brewery Tisbury Salisbury/Wiltshire SP3 6NH/England Cover inset: Apollo, from the neck amphora of the Berlin Painter. New York Metropolitan Museum 13.233, with thanks to Professor Hans Peter Isler, Director of the Archeological Institute of the University of Zurich. Cover design by Kate Smith Passy and Sven Doehner. Acknowledgment is made to Princeton University Press for permission to use, for consistency in this volume, Jon Solomon's translation of "Apollo Epiphanies" in stead of the translation by Ralph Manheim in Spirit and Nature: Papers from the Eranos Notebooks, Vol. 1, Bollingen Series XXX. Copyright 1954 by Princeton University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Kerenyi, Karl. 1897-1973. Apollo : the wind, the spirit, and the God. (Dunquin series) Includes bibliographical references. Contents: Apollos temple servant — The spirit — Apollonian epiphanies — [etc.] 1. Apollo (Greek deity)—Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Title. BL820.A7K472513 1983 292'.211 83-20222 ISBN 0-88214-216-X CONTENTS I. APOLLO'S TEMPLE SERVANT / 1 II. THE SPIRIT / 9 III. APOLLONIAN EPIPHANIES 1. Introduction I 21 2. Callimachus Hymn to Apollo / 23 3.
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