Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 1 Precipitation Name the Kind of Precipitation That Typically Accompanies Fog

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Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 1 Precipitation Name the Kind of Precipitation That Typically Accompanies Fog Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 1 Precipitation Name the kind of precipitation that typically accompanies fog. drizzle (mist) 2 Game Literature These novels are about what game? Deadman's Bluff The Big Blind Cashed In Read 'Em and Weep poker 3 Number Roots What is the cube root of -64? -4 4 Ships What U.S. ship commissioned in 1797 is still afloat in Boston Harbor? U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) 5 Seas The Ionian and Balearic seas are arms of what larger sea? Mediterranean Sea Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 6 Parliamentary Motions A motion that has been adopted or accepted is said to be what? carried (passed, approved, enacted) 7 Clauses How is the noun clause used in this example? I see by your outfit that you are a cowboy. direct object 8 Flies What biting, bloodsucking fly, with a name reminiscent of a large, muscular, hoofed mammal, is also regionally known as a gadfly, zimb, deer fly, and bull dog fly? horsefly 9 Egypt In 1956, the last part of Egypt from which the United Kingdom withdrew its troops was the zone around what canal? Suez Canal 10 Painting Name the small, air-operated painting tool that uses a venturi to spray nebulized or atomized paint. airbrush Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 11 Linguistics This excerpt from "The Grapes of Wrath" describes what characteristic of spoken language? Everybody says words different. Arkansas folks says 'em different, and Oklahomy folks says 'em different. And we seen a lady from Massachusetts, an' she said 'em different of all. Couldn't hardly make out what she was sayin'. dialect 12 School Records What is the term for the official record of a student's performance in college, showing all courses completed and the final grades for each? transcript 13 Inventions of the 1830s What famous agricultural invention had these elements? -a main wheel frame -a cutter bar with a reciprocating knife -a reel to hold grain against the knife and throw it back onto the platform mechanical reaper 14 Fields of Science What field of science and engineering could be defined as the liquid version of pneumatics? hydraulics 15 Moons What small moon of Uranus was named for the sprite in Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"? Puck Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 16 Sunglasses For what do the letters stand in the abbreviation "UV400" often found on sunglasses? ultraviolet 17 Taxonomy Members of what order of mammals are divided into the prosimians and simians, otherwise known as anthropoids? primates 18 Folklore Loki, Freya, Odin, and Thor are mythical gods of what region? Scandinavia 19 Agricultural Economics The U.S. government's price guarantees for certain farm products to stabilize their values are called price what? price supports 20 Giants What kind of mythical giants and brothers of the Titans were Brontes, Steropes, and Arges? Cyclopes Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 21 Solids What solid consists of a base that can be any polygon and whose lateral faces are triangles with a common vertex? pyramid 22 Colonies What British joint stock company established the New World settlement at Jamestown in 1607? London Company (Virginia Company of 23 Whaling Communities Once a major whaling port, Sag Harbor is in what state? New York 24 Guantanamo Detainees Five Taliban leaders who had been held for years at the Guantanamo Bay detention center were released in 2014 to what oil-rich Mideast country? Qatar 25 Crime Unlawfully entering a building with the intent to commit a felony constitutes what crime? burglary Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 26 Physics What is defined as the amount of energy consumed per unit time? power 27 Communism Those in the mid-20th century who sympathized with communism but never joined the party or declared themselves communists were called fellow what? travelers 28 Solar System Discoveries What minor planet was initially detected when the orbits of Uranus and Neptune were observed to be perturbed by some unknown object? Pluto 29 Allegories Orwell's "Animal Farm" is an allegory using creatures on a farm to represent the communist revolution in Russia after the overthrow of what czar? Nicholas II 30 Algebraic Expressions If a truck rental agency charges $25 per day plus 60 cents per mile, what is the expression for the cost of renting a truck for two days and driving x miles? 50 + .6x Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 31 Aircraft In April, 1942, sixteen B-25 bombers led by Jimmy Doolittle were launched from the USS Hornet on a secret raid that bombed cities in what country? Japan 32 The Unexpected What expression relating to lightning indicates something that is completely unexpected? bolt from the blue 33 Musicals What Lerner and Loewe musical was named for a legendary castle? Camelot 34 Evolution The evolutionary spread of different species from a single common ancestor into different habitats is known as what kind of radiation? adaptive radiation 35 Europeans What is the nationality of most people living in the region of Normandy? French Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 36 Scholarships Wealth resulting from the mining of what gem made Rhodes Scholarships possible? diamonds 37 Disorders High blood concentrations of uric acid can lead to painful inflammation of the joints, especially of the feet and hands. Name this condition once called "the disease of kings" or "the rich man's disease." gout 38 Short Stories At the end of "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment," after knocking the magical water to the floor, the guests all vow to travel to what state in order to obtain more of it? Florida 39 Logic Using the letters S and P, state the particular negative proposition. Some S are not P. 40 Colonial Governance George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Patrick Henry were among the representatives who were members of what colonial legislature in the Virginia Colony? House of Burgesses Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 41 Ions In an ion, the total number of electrons does not equal the total number of what other subatomic particles? protons 42 Wordplay What makes this example a univocalic lipogram? Profs from Oxford show frosh who do post-docs how to gloss works of Wordsworth. It only uses the vowel "o". 43 Rock Diatomite is also known as kieselgur and as what kind of earth? diatomaceous earth 44 Quotation Completion What adjective completes this quote by a 19th-century French economist? Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody .... else 45 Wars The United States was involved in what two major shooting wars during the Cold War? Korean and Vietnam wars Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS *Alt Solid Geometry What is another name for a regular triangular pyramid? tetrahedron *Alt Speeches While George Washington's farewell speech warned of the dangers of political parties, Eisenhower's farewell address warned of dangers from what other source? military-industrial complex *Alt Aerodynamics The four forces acting on an aircraft in flight are weight, lift, drag, and what else? thrust *Alt Insect Anatomy The tympanum is a taut membrane at the junction of the thorax and abdomen in some insects that is used for the perception of what? sound *Alt Wordy Proverbs How is this proverb usually expressed? It is inadvisable to obtain direct visuals of the incisors, molars and premolars of an equine that was obtained via transfer of ownership unaccompanied by compensation. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Round # 1 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS *Alt Archipelagoes What insular area of the United States is in the Leeward Islands? Virgin Islands *Alt Glaciers While mountain glaciers are also called alpine glaciers, what kind of glaciers are also called ice sheets? continental glaciers Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 1 Songs These Scott Joplin songs are usually performed on what musical instrument? The Entertainer Maple Leaf Rag piano 2 Massacres In 1692, soldiers mainly from the Campbell Clan perpetrated the Massacre of Glencoe against members of what other Scottish clan? MacDonald 3 Archaic Words These archaic words are what part of speech? eftsoons, anon, verily, nowise, peradventure adverbs 4 Argument What is the Latin phrase for the logical fallacy that occurs when someone attacks the character of the individual who is advancing an argument instead of disproving the argument itself? (argumentum) ad hominem 5 Binary Conversion Convert this binary number to its base 10 equivalent. 1010101 85 Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 6 Voting During the height of the American Civil Rights Movement, what U.S. president signed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act? Lyndon Johnson 7 Meteorites What type of meteorites are found in the greatest number? stony meteorites (chondrites) 8 Cacti What grow from the areoles of cacti? spines (and flowers) 9 Fitness Skinfold measurement is a method for measuring the amount of what in your body? fat 10 Legal Cases What kind of successful lawsuit requires the following conditions to be met? A doctor-patient relationship existed. The doctor was negligent. The doctor's negligence caused the injury. The injury led to specific damages. medical malpractice Round # 2 Minnesota Service Cooperatives Knowledge Bowl - HS Pristine #381 HS 11 The Colonial Period Name the extensive, westernmost Pacific archipelago that was once part of New Spain.
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