1934-01-18 [P A-9]
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avenue. Burial will be In Bock Creek em Railway System, died Tuesday at EYNON FUNERAL Cemetery. ALEXANDER TELFORD the Shoreham Hotel. HARDING’S BROTHER Bratfya. SratJfB. W. J. BREEN, JOHN A. On Wednesday. January SARAH R. On Wednaaday. Jin. He was OSBORNE; He was a former vice president of a native of Northern Ireland Succumbs 17. 1034. JOHN A., beloved husband of 1934. at her resident*. 1224 Margaret A. Breen. Funeral from the JJSJE.i'vMaryland ave. and had come to the United States n.e SARAH R OBBORHTt TODAY the Federal-American National Bank CLAIMED BY DEATH SUCCUMBS IN OHIO James T. Ryan funeral home. 317 Penn- *’*'* ol trie late Jerome B Osborne, SCHEDULED ave. ».e Saturday. January 20. mother or when 14 years of age. Soon after ar- sylvanla H»ydtn. Leonard. Etinic*. and a brother of Edward B. Eynon, Jr., at 8:30 a.m.. thence to St. Peter’s Churcn, Jerome, Helen Lawrence and Mary Oa- in C sts. where reoulsm miss ko^ne. Base Ball riving here he became interested 2nd end s.e., Grandmother of Olorla Oaborne secretary of the Washington win be offered at 9 a m. Relative! and ^un^ral from her l*f He was located in Cin- Dr. T. Had ™Dho B,luej Vice President of Federal- Club.. Bites for Prominent Bailroad Offi- railroading. George Harding, 2d, frlenda invited, interment Mount Olivet residence, Saturday, January 20, 1 p.m. firmer 18 Interment Lincoln as a railroad official for Cemetery. Cemetery. Friends m» Mr. who died early yesterday cinnati, Ohio, Been 111 of vited. Eynon. cial Will Be Several Weeks On Monday. American Succumbed Early Held 29 years before moving to this city. BROOK. NANNIE. January at his home, had been Identified with 15. 1934. at her realdence, 632 Delaware Depart* services be held Heart ave. a.w.. NANNIE BROOK, loving wife Ql!hf.Ni,,IMOG^NE-'CAMPBELL).life on Tuesday. January 18. 1834. ■ Funeral will today Malady. )hla at Yesterday. the printing industry In this city Today. of William Brook: devoted mother of Bes- OaUinger Hospital, IMOGENS M. QUEEN. at 4:30 p.m. in the Almus R. Speare's sie. Juanita, viola James and Raoert °; most of his life. He was IS?,*... vot,ed.r*.wra Richard Queen: throughout 1623 Connecticut avenue, with Brook: be:oved alster of Mra. Rebecca Rormsn and Chapel, Aahton. She leaves a host of other rel- BeulahKf&J Queenc£L.Pit\S®. She algo,Iol®i prominent in Masonic affairs and a Rev. Robert Shores, rector, By th# Associated Press. leaveg t. mourn Alexander Episcopalian atives ana friends. Remains resting at 'heir loss a mother, father, three brother*. services for William John Telford, 78, prominent rail- the •*o and a Funeral member of many clubs and organiza- who makes his home at the Shoreham, COLUMBUS, Ohio, January 18—Dr. John T. Rhlnes luneral chapel. 3rd sister, hoet of relatives and and Eye sta. a.w. Funeral Friday. Janu- friends. Remains may be seen were to be held at 2 p.m. was a former road official for many years and as- officiating. Burial will be in Cincin- at 1250 gynon, 56, tions here. He president George T. 2d, a brother of ary 19. at 1 p.m. from the above chapel. !*• *-S- 2 p.m Funeral Sat- Ohio. Harding. urday F,1(1*T0J,t at his home, 3102 Cathedral of the United Typothetae of America. sistant purchasing agent of the South- nati, Interment Rosemont Cemetery. January 20. at 6 o'clock, from St. frday the late President Warren G. Cyprian s Church where Harding, WILLIAM requiem mas. BUTLER. ALEXANDER. On will be aaid for tbe repose of died at his home in a at her souX Worthington, Wedneaday. January 17. hts realdence. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. • 4006 Kane cl. n.e. WILLIAM ALEX- Columbus suburb, sarly today. He ANDER BUTLER, the devoted husband of Rosa was 55. Butler; father of Callie Proctor. Amy Cersene. Carleton. Tilly and Sidney devoted mother of John A. «*; Dr. was famed as a neuro- Butler. May Gardner. Eva Holley and Rhoden She also leaves to mourn Harding Blanche Savoy. Funeral Tuesday. Jan- their loss psychiatrist. He had been ill many other relatives and seriously uary 23. at 9 a m., from the Incarnation friends Remains may be seen at Georaa for several weeks. Church. Deanwood. D. C. 22 B Clarke Co s funeral parlor. 1416 Fla. the World War he was a ave. n.e.. after 12 noon Thuraday. jan- During COLEMAN. REV. JAMES MONROE. On Runersl Nation-Wide Nation-Wide member of the Friday. January 18. Medical Reserve, becom- Wednesday, January 17. 1934. at his res- * m from Su Augustine's CathoHe an idence. 4445 Qst. n.w the REV. JAMES jL.fhChurch. 15th it. between L ing examining neuro-psychiatrist for MONROE and M its | COLEMAN, beloved husband of n w. Interment in Mount Olivet Ceme- the United States Veterans’ Bureau at Margaret laabel Coleman and father of tery. 18 cn the close of hostilities. Jamea J Coleman. Services at the 8 H PEAS ♦:♦ Hinea Co funeral ■KE. VIRGIR *• Juicebottfel®® 2901 17c Gra^e He was the second of three home. Fourteenth ,9" Tuesday. January 18. §85 genera- st. at her n.w., Thursday. January 18. at 4 19.14. residence. 2328 Oeorgla ave I tions active in the medical nw profession. pm. Interment Hollywood Cemetery. VIRGIE B wife of the late Eugene ---% His residence was near the Columbus Richmond. Va.. Friday. January 19. at R,lc* mother of Leon E. Rice and sister Rural Rest Home in 1 p.m. ° Banlon Remains resting at Worthington, which the?L W Ernest Jarvis funeral COLEMAN. church. 1432 he founded in 1915 after practicing in REBECCA LEE. On Wednesday. .¥/, Funeral Saturday, January January 17. 1934 at ner residence, z om- Columbus as a in o u from the Church of Our Nation-Wide specialist disorders of G-v0aLer 1 Nation-Wide Canito Heights Md.. REBECCA Redeemer. 8th and Barry ats. n.w.. Rev. J the nervous system. LEE behoved COLEMAN, aunt oi Mrs °®CIatm*- Interment | was with an Edna Jacoos. Funeral services at the Cemetery He stricken aggravation residence of Mrs. Lewis Dillon. Oremter Harmony of a heart condition described as “rheu- Capitol Heights. Mg on Saturday. Jan- SABATE. MODESTO. Suddenly, on Wadnes- lc DR. GEORGE T. HARDING. 2D. uary 20, at 1^2 15c matic heart” several weeks ago and had i p.m. Interment Oolumoia COCOA Ubu | Gardena Cemetery. | Pineapple been in a serious condition for several 18 «5&u«3btfh>1S&A& !? VI hu?ban*of Anna V»1toy Whole Slices ❖ days. COLEI, MART. On Thursday. January 18, Sioate bii2yef.1* also survived «$► 1834. at 5,abat«- by fils Dr. Harding is survived by his widow Garfield Hospital, MARY COLES 'vo sisters and two brothers, all MISS BRADT, RETIRED sister of Mimic Jackson, Utella “/’“V'r ❖ Mrs. Elsie Weaver three sons. Joying Soain Funeral from Harding; Hood. Marshall and Charier Miliar, fine Shiism J. Halley's funeral home. 522 Dr. George T Harding, 3d, who was leaves other relatives and friends to * e on *!■ v Fr’lj8y January 18. at associated with his father in mourn her departure. Remains resting 2.30 p.m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. operating SUCCUMBS at the John T. Rhlnes funera* cnapei. 3rd Phone U. 0033 or Look on 323 or OOOin k TEACHER, SABATE. MODESTO. The Your Nearest Hri-Wi* Grocer Pa,., the Rest Heme: Charles Weaver and Eye sts. a.w. Notice or juneral jattr members of Cap- ffF. Dr. L®i f'^8* 9° 3. Order of Shepherds of G. J^Telephone Harding and Warren Harding, are CREAMER. FRANCIS J. SR. On Tufsdsy. hereby requested to at- a in a Bf'nlehem, 2d, surgeon Sydney, Australia, January IB. 1934. at Georgetown Uni- tend the funeral services ol our departed Years’ Service in District membvi. hospital; two daughters, Ruth and Mary Thirty versity Hospital. FRANCIS J sr.. beloved sir modesto sabate on husband of the late Catherine C. rauisday. January 18. at 8 o'clock pm.. Elizabeth, and three Mrs. Creamer *' sisters, Abigail Schools Closed in June. (nee 8ne«> and lather of Francis J. jr.. William J. Halley s funeral home. 522 V. Lewis of Marion, Ohio; Mrs. Charity and Joseph T. Creamer. Funeral from 8th it. s e. By order of n 1 C lata racHonoa 'rul « XT tlo -- MARGARET B "<>•*»“ M. of Santa Ana, Calif., and _ DEBGA.N. FISH Reintsberg Funeral Today. ave. n.w on MARGARET E. BAKER. Com STAR TUNA Friday. January 19. at 9:30 Acting dr. Mrs. Phoebe Carolyn Votaw of Wash- 11WHITE a.m. Solemn high requiem mass at the Scribe. D. C. ington. Shrine of the Sacred Heart at 10 a.m. On 15c<*\| Keiativei i SC?.TT’*Vla wedneiday. Jinuiry and friends Miss Jane Bradt, who retired last invited to atteno.. £*• ALLA A DLL/IT WldOW Of the Interment .Mount OUvet (8t. pk8‘ Mrs. Votaw, who lives at 118 Carroll June after 30 years of in the Cemetery. JL'* i®r.a<JLord. T Scott »nd mother of ❖ teaching louii. Mo., papers please copy) 16 Scott a former Nation-Wide Gelatin Dessert—4 avenue, Talcoma Park. Md„ was unable' schools of the employe of the |U public District, died sud- CREAMER. FRANCES J.. SR. The members War Department. Remains resting at the to to Lee funeral go Columbus during her brother's denly Tuesday night at the home of her of tne Association Oldest Inhabitants are home. Fourth st. and Massa- chusetts ave last illness, but her H.