GINGER ROGERS, co-starred in "Lucky Partners' an RKO Radio Picture, GIVE ALL YOUR DINNERS HAPPY ENDINGS!

For this little booklet we have carefully selected some of the favorite desserts of famous movie stars — the Royal Desserts they like best. Desserts that you can make easily, quickly and economically — from Royal and Royal . Each recipe has been tested — every measurement, every step. And there isn't one of these recipes that hasn't passed the extra test of winning applause from many groups of people. You can depend on each recipe here to be delicious, delightful —• a sure-fire praise-getter! Look them over. Try them out — and see if we aren't right!

BE SURE TO USE ROYAL OLDTIME TREAT-IN A NEW FORM! ROYAL TAPIOCA — made with real vanilla, has all the luscious goodness of the oldtime — without the oldtime toil and trouble. And it costs so little — you can make a whole pint of this wholesome and delicious treat for about a nickel more than the cost of the you use. TO MAKE ROYAL TAPIOCA PUDDING Put contents of package in saucepan, add 1 pint (2 cups) milk, a little at a time. Cook over a low fire, stirring constantly until mixture boils up once. Remove from fire. Mixture will be thin — it thickens as it cools. Cool to room temperature. Pour into glasses and chill. Serve plain or with cream. Serves family of 4. WAYS TO SERVE ROYAL TAPIOCA PUDDING 1. With spoonful of jam or jelly. 2. With or Fresh Sauce. 3. Fold in 1 sliced banana and garnish with orange sections. TAPIOCA 1 package Royal Tapioca Pudding 6 2 cups milk cup crushed pineapple 1 teaspoon lemon juice Mix Royal Tapioca Pudding with milk; cook over low fire, stirring constantly until mixture boils up once. Remove from fire. Cool to room temperature, stir well and then chill. Cut marshmallows into small pieces and add pineapple and lemon juice. Let stand about 1 hour until marshmallows are soft. Just before serving, fold into cold pudding mixture. 6 servings. Recipe on page 3 Recipe on page 6 THE "FAMOUS 3" ROYAL PUDDINGS Royal Puddings — Chocolate, Vanilla, — are the world's largest-selling puddings. They're famous for . And making one of these grand treats is only a few spoon-stirs harder than boiling water! The directions are on every package. GRAND FOR CHILDREN! Royal Puddings contain Arrowroot — the starch so widely favored for child nutrition (and that's a comforting thought when healthy young appetites call for "more"!). BUTTERSCOTCH

1 package Royal Butterscotch Pudding 1 cup cooked rice 2 cups milk % teaspoon salt Mix Royal Butterscotch Pudding with milk; bring to boil, stirring con- stantly. Add cooked rice and salt. Serve warm or cold. For Baked Rice Pudding: Put rice pudding mixture in dish or cups. Sprinkle with 2 tablespoons . Place under low heat in broiler for about 5 minutes to brown lightly. 6 servings.

Illustration on page 5 LEMON MERINGUE PUDDING 1 package Royal Vanilla Pudding 3 eggs cups water 34 cup sugar Juice and rind of 1 lemon Mix Royal Vanilla Pudding, water and lemon rind together. Bring to boil, stirring constantly; add slowly to beaten egg yolks and cook one minute longer, stirring all the time. Take from fire; add lemon juice. Beat egg whites and add sugar. Fold into hot pudding mixture. Pour into sherbet cups and chill. 8 servings. Recipe on page 7 Recipe on page 10 GRAND — SO EASILY! It's so easy to make ice cream with Royal Chocolate, Vanilla, and Butterscotch Puddings — just make the pudding in the regular way with the addition of a little sugar and — your refrigerator will do the rest. The directions are on every package. And the ice cream you get will be wonderfully smooth and creamy-textured — the Arrowroot helps give it this velvet-smoothness. When whipping the cream for the recipes given here, be careful that it does not become too stiff. It should be whipped just enough to hold its shape. Undiluted evaporated milk can be used in place of cream. It should be thoroughly chilled — then whipped like cream. BUTTER PECAN ICE CREAM 1 package Royal Vanilla Pudding % cup pecans 2 cups milk 1 tablespoon melted butter Yi cup granulated sugar }/i teaspoon salt 1 cup cream, whipped Mix Royal Vanilla Pudding with milk; bring to boil, stirring constantly. Remove from fire; add sugar. Cool slightly and pour into refrigerator freezing tray to chill. Freeze quickly about 1 hour or until very thick but not hard. Brown pecans in shallow pan in hot oven at 475° F. for 6 minutes. Add melted butter and salt and stir until nuts are well coated. Cool and chop. Add to pudding mixture with whipped cream. Freeze about 3 or 4 hours. When frozen, turn cold control back to normal for storage. Makes about 1 quart. ROYAL VANILLA CUSTARD ICE CREAM 1 package Royal Vanilla Pudding 2 egg yolks 2 cups milk H cup sugar 1 cup cream, whipped Mix Royal Vanilla Pudding with milk; bring to boil, stirring constantly. Remove from fire; add to beaten egg yolks; cook 1 minute longer, stirring constantly. Remove from fire; add sugar. Cool slightly; pour in refrigerator freezing tray. Let freeze about 1 hour until thick but not hard. Fold in whipped cream. Freeze quickly about 3 to 4 hours. When frozen, turn cold control back to normal for storage. Makes about 1 quart. BUTTERSCOTCH SAUCE 1 package Royal Butterscotch Pudding 1 cup light brown sugar 114 cups water M cup cream Few grains salt Mix Royal Butterscotch Pudding with water; bring to boil, stirring constantly. Boil sugar and cream together for 1 minute; add salt; stir into pudding. Serve warm on ice cream, shortcake or . Makes 2 cups. CHOCOLATE FUDGE SAUCE 1 package Royal Yi cup sugar teaspoon vanilla extract cups water x/i teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons butter Mix first four ingredients together. Bring to boil, stirring constantly; boil 1 minute. Remove from fire; add butter and flavoring. Serve warm on ice cream, fudge shortcake, blanc mange or cottage pudding. Makes 2 cups. Recipe on page 1 7 Recipes on page 1 4 QUICK CHOCOLATE FUDGE cup butter 1 % cups sifted confectioner's sugar 1 package Royal Chocolate Pudding Y^ teaspoon vanilla extract H cup milk }/2 cup chopped nuts Melt butter; add Royal Chocolate Pudding and stir until well blended; add milk. Bring to a bubbling boil, stirring constantly; boil 1 minute. Take from fire and add sugar. Stir until smooth and blended; add vanilla and nuts. Pour quickly into buttered pan. Let stand until cold. Cut into squares. Makes 1 Vg lbs.


1 package Royal Chocolate Pudding % teaspoon salt % cup condensed milk % teaspoon vanilla 1 cup nuts, chopped Mix Royal Chocolate Pudding with condensed milk and salt. Cook 20 minutes in double boiler, stirring occasionally, or until thick. Remove from fire; add vanilla and nuts. Mix well and let stand until cool and stiff. Take out of pan onto waxed paper and knead lightly with hands greased with butter. Form into roll 1 inches in diameter. Cover with waxed paper and place in refrigerator for several hours to harden. Cut in slices l/i inch thick. Makes 38 slices. ROYAL DESSERTS Royal Quick Setting Gelatin is the favorite of millions. Sparkling with color, gay as Summer — Royal Gelatin Desserts add zest and glamour to the simplest meal. And — they taste as good as they look! A special "sealing in" of Royal assures your getting all their fresh, full-strength goodness — all the flavor that Royal is famous for!

What is your favorite ? If it's strawberry, raspberry, cherry, orange, lemon, lime or pineapple — there's a Royal flavor you'll cheer for the moment you taste it! Seven luscious flavors — and what a grand variety of gay desserts you can make!

LIME OR LEMON ICE 1 package Royal Gelatin Dessert M cup sugar (lime or lemon flavor) 1 % cups cold water 1 cup boiling water M cup lemon juice Dissolve Royal Quick Setting Gelatin in boiling water. Boil sugar and cold water to- gether for 5 minutes. Add to dissolved gelatin; cool slightly and add lemon juice. Pour into refrigerator freezing tray and freeze quickly about 1 hour until mixture starts to freeze at edges. Remove mixture to bowl and whip until fluffy. Return to tray, freeze, and whip again after 2 hours. Continue to freeze until solid. Makes about 1 quart. Recipe on page 15 Recipe on page 18 ORANGE VEGETABLE SALAD 1 package Royal Gelatin Dessert 1 cup cold water (orange flavor) 1 cup cabbage, chopped 1 cup boiling water ^ cup celery, chopped 1 teaspoon salt M cup grated raw carrot 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon finely chopped onion 1 tablespoon chopped sweet pickle

Dissolve Royal Quick Setting Gelatin in boiling water; add salt, lemon juice and cold water. Chill until it begins to thicken, then add remaining ingredients. Chill in indi- vidual moulds. Serve with chicory or other salad green. Garnish with orange sections and ripe olives. 6 servings. Illustration on page 1 7

STRAWBERRY AND BANANA ROYAL 1 package Royal Gelatin Dessert 1 cup boiling water (strawberry or lemon flavor) 1 cup cold water 1 banana, sliced Dissolve Royal Quick Setting Gelatin in boiling water. Add cold water. Chill until it begins to thicken. Add sliced banana. Mould and chill until firm. Serve with thin slices of banana and fresh strawberries. 6 servings. Illustration on back cover RAINBOW DESSERT

3 packages Royal Gelatin Dessert (raspberry, lemon and lime flavors) 1 cup shredded cocoanut

Dissolve each flavor in 1 cup boiling water; add 1 cup cold water. Chill each separately until they begin to thicken. Whip raspberry flavor with rotary egg beater until frothy and thick, like whipped cream. Pour into large angel pan. Then whip lemon flavor and pour on top of rasp- berry. Finally whip the lime flavor and pour on top of lemon. Chill until firm. Unmould on large plate and sprinkle all over with shredded cocoanut. 12 servings. Recipe on page 19 Recipe on page 22 FRUIT SALAD DESSERT

1 package Royal Gelatin Dessert Few grains white pepper (pineapple flavor) 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup cold water cup halved sweet red cherries YL teaspoon salt Sections of pulp from 1 large grapefruit

Dissolve Royal Quick-Setting Gelatin in boiling water; add cold water, seasoning, sugar and lemon juice. Pour into ring mould; chill. When mixture begins to thicken, press groups of cherries and grapefruit sections alternately down into the gelatin. Chill until firm. Serve on lettuce with Grapefruit Mayonnaise. 6 servings.


Yi cup mayonnaise Few grains salt cup heavy cream, whipped 1% tablespoons grapefruit juice Fold mayonnaise into whipped cream. Add salt and grapefruit juice and blend lightly. SEVEN ROYAL FLAVORS If you like strawberry, raspberry, cherry, lemon, orange, lime or pineapple, there's a Royal flavor you'll cheer for the moment you taste it!

HOW TO MOULD , VEGETABLES, ETC: Drain off all liquid before moulding. Chill the dissolved gelatin until it begins to thicken, then add the drained fruits or vegetables. Turn into mould and chill until firm. RAW PINEAPPLE MUST BE COOKED BEFORE ADDING TO GELATIN. As a general rule, use 1 pint (2 cups) of prepared fruits or vegetables to 1 package of Royal Gelatin Desserts.

TO DECORATE AND MOULD IN LAYERS: Chill thin layer of gelatin in bottom of mould until firm. Arrange design and cover with enough liquid gelatin to set. Chill until firm. Chill remaining gelatin until thick and arrange alternate layers of gelatin and fruit or vegetables. Chill until firm.

HOW TO UNMOULD: Lower mould quickly into bowl of hot (not boiling) water Do not allow water to come over top of mould. Lift mould from water and, with point of small knife, loosen jelly from sides of mould. Place plate or serving dish over top of mould. Hold plate and mould tightly together. Turn upside down, so plate is on the bottom. Keep a firm hold on mould and plate and set plate gently down on table. Lift mould from jelly — shaking gently, if necessary. If jelly does not at once come out easily, remove from plate and dip mould again in the hot water. Recipe on page 1 8