MAHARASHTRA OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) Recommendations for Resumption of Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

1 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period Introduction: Maharashtra State which is at the helm of Sports, may it be International or National Competitions, is going through an unprecedented phase of existence, due to the Covid - 19 pandemic. We are currently witnessing countries throughout the globe trying their level best to contain the Virus but to no avail. The rush to come up with a suitable vaccine till date has not yet yielded any results. The Sporting activities have come to a standstill or are at a bare minimum across the globe, the same situation is in the States of India and Maharashtra too. A today, is not only played for competition or recreation but has become a major industry. There are lakhs of people who are employed at different junctures like Coaches, Mangers, Life Guards, Technical and Nontechnical Staff etc. who because of this lock down are finding it difficult to make both ends meet. The are deprived of their training facilities thereby compromising their fitness and skills to a large extent and their competition exposures are almost nullified because of this crisis. Stringent containment measures and strict compliance of the safety guidelines remains the key to avert to minimize the threat posed and to resume the sporting activities in a graded way taking the Non Red Zones and Red Zone into consideration. A periodic review of the situation in various Districts is highly warranted and revised directions are to be issued analyzing the need of the hour. Maharashtra has a large percentage of elite Athletes in the Red Zone and therefore the Sports in these Districts need to be resumed in a graded manner.

The following issues need to be kept in mind on how to restart: 1 Non Professional or 2. Individual or / Group Sports 3. Contact and Non Contact Sports 4 Practice Sessions or Competition Level After the Lockdown 4.0 the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), Government of India has decided to open sporting facilities across the country for resumption of sports activities with certain mandatory restrictions. Subsequently, Maharashtra Olympic Association (M.O.A.) and Government of Maharashtra is preparing a Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) along with necessary Guidelines for resumption sports training for elite athletes’,

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

2 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

Following are the points depicted below which shall be scrupulously followed:

It is the responsibility of All State Sports Association for conducting training and to ensure complete adherence to protocols during training and to secure agreement from respective athletes that any training activity undertaken by them shall be in full compliance to the protocols mentioned hereunder.

There shall be a Safety Officer appointed by the State Association in case of Coaching Camps to ensure compliance and implementation of all protective measures for and staff safety. Any athlete found to be in violation of the protocols shall be removed from training and reported to the Safety Officer, by the Coaches and concerned officials for appropriate action. The Safety Officer will report all violations to the respective State Association Officials, who will in turn report to COVID Task Force. In all other cases, Safety Officer may be from the Centre where training is being undertaken, and it is he/she who would undertake necessary measures to ensure adherence of protocols. 1. Resumption of Sports and recreation activities should not compromise the health of individuals and community. 2. No spectators will be allowed to attend the sports training. 3. All decisions about resumption of sports and recreation activities must take place with careful reference to the National principles following close consultation with local public health authorities, as relevant. MOA and respective State Associations shall be working in advisory capacity and it shall be the responsibility of the Government of Maharashtra whether or not practice should be started and responsibility of the Athlete whether to participate or not. 4. The sports can resume in 3 stages, subject to following of SOPs - Workout on the ground/ stadia for all the 4 categories of sports can start immediately. - Training/Practice of all the Individual sports as well as individual/ solo practice and workouts of all the other 3 categories can also resume immediately - Residential camps for all the categories of sports can start after specific permission for each camp only with consultation of State Sports Association. 5. This SOP covers all stakeholders active at the centers including- - All State Sports Association and their Office Bearers and Committee Members - All Athletes - All technical and non technical supports staff (Medical &Non Medical) - All Sports Administrative Staff - All Hostel and Facility Management Staff - All visitor to the centers

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

3 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

6. All the athletes joining the training facilities afresh shall be tested screened for COVID-19 to prevent any chance of infection to the personnel who have been staying in an infection free environment at the training facilities. Athletes joining the residential training camps will undergo a through medical checkup along with RT PCR test for Corona. 7. Identify and assigned a Monitoring Committee at each training center to guide and monitor all trainees and staff within the centers. Monitoring Committee should include Representatives of District Collector, DSO and State Sports Association. Their responsibilities would be including but not limited to – a. Supervision of security arrangement at the entry points b. Monitoring of entry into the campus / playing areas c. Monitoring of drop point for daily supplies d. Monitoring of group movements of athletes / visitors / staff e. Placement of Notices / Advisories in time f. Up-date of action plan to the administration on daily basis g. Up-date of COVID-19 cases to the Department h. Provision of information of COVID-19 Helpline Centers i. Training of facility management staff to follow the protocols 8. District wise what’s App groups may be formed for quick feed backs. 9. The use of Arogya Setu App shall be made mandatory for athletes and staff at the center. 10. Disinfection of premises should be initially done before resuming the training sessions. Sanitization of all areas in the training facility is mandatory prior to the resumption of training. 11. All personal training equipment belonging to an athlete shall be disinfected while the athlete is inducted into the training center. 12. Athlete and staff shall be screened before being allowed access to common field-of-play / training facilities. An infrared thermometer gun will be kept at all training centers and daily temperature of all Athletes should be checked before entry into the Training area. If temperature is found to be beyond limit the concerned athlete should be disallowed immediately and reported to the Safety Officer. Nasal SWAB test shall be conducted for new /returning athletes in case of the residential camps. 13. Athletes shall maintain social distancing at all times. If at any time a Red Zone is declared later as a Non Red Zone the Athlete needs to be medically tested before he rejoins in the new group for practice. 14. Athletes /Coaches, who begin to cough /sneeze for any reason, must move away from others until coughing /sneezing dissipates. They may be consulted with doctors from Health Department.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

4 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

15. Hand hygiene facilities shall be made available adjacent to the field-of-play for use as and when necessary. 16. Spiting and clearing of nasal / respiratory secretions on the pitch or at any place within the facility other than toilets shall be prohibited. 17. If an individual is being tested for COVID-19: a. They must immediately self-isolate and discontinue training until COVID-19 has been excluded and they have been medically cleared be a doctor to return to the training environment. b. Any such diagnosis and treatment shall be performed outside the campus premises. c. Isolation of close contacts will be decision for medical staff, based on case specific details. 18. The use of Gymnasium and training shall be avoided as far as possible unless it is a must for that sport. 19. Preparation of the list of players. a. The list of the elite players for resumption of sports training during COVID-19 situation will be prepared in consultation with respective recognized State Association only. Each State Associations is requested to submit SOP for resumption of their respective sports discipline. The respective District Sports Association will prepare list of the Local/ District level players. b. The District Sports Officer shall prepare the list of players / athletes stranded in their respective districts due to lockdown. c. The resumption of sports training may be restarted in the District also in consultation with the District Administration. 20. Accommodation of Players: All the elite athletes attending residential camps will be provided free accommodation facility at respective training venues, with all necessary precautionary measures required for their safety and security. 21. Selection of Stadium / Venue. The stadium / training venue will be identified by the Sports Department Government of Maharashtra and should be selected in consultation with the State Sports Associations. Sports disciplines for resumption of sports training which may be conducted at certain available stadium / sports complex:

Athlete Education

► Prior to resuming sports activities at the Centers, each athlete shall be educated on COVID 19 precautionary measures, which are to be implemented during activities. Prior to commencement of activities, coaching staff shall reemphasize proper hygiene and health safety practices to all athletes as part of daily briefing.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

5 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

► Athletes shall be trained in disinfection practices to allow them to disinfect their own kit and rooms and prevent contamination ► Non-residential athletes and residential athletes returning to the center shall be educated on the existing precautionary measures regarding usage of common facilities within the Centre ► Provisions shall be made for education material for athletes and other personnel to promote required behavior (e.g. regular and thorough hand washing, covering mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve during coughing/sneezing). Some of the topics on which resources (preferably published by WHO) shall be made available are - a. Good hygiene for corona virus (COVID-19) b. Hand washing guidance (Annexure 6) c. Covering of coughs and sneezes (use and disposal of tissues) d. Self-isolation (self-quarantine) for coronavirus (COVID-19) e. Advice for people at risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) ► Posters illustrating hygiene best practices and anti-COVID precautionary measures shall be displayed at clearly visible spots throughout the Centre. ► High performance/professional athletes and other personnel shall be educated on hygiene practices and required behavior relevant to their sport and environment. Some mandatory precautionary practices include - a. Not sharing of drink bottles and towels. b. Not sharing of mats, or equipment without an appropriate cleaning protocol, in between training sessions c. No physical contact in the form of handshakes, hugs, high-fives etc. d. No Selfies and photographs e. Maintaining strict discipline once out of the training ground and observing proper self-distancing. f. Use of Aarogya Setu app is mandatory and the athletes shall be trained on effective usage of the app

Categorization of sports and precautions for each category

A general categorization of sports depending on the nature of training and competition requirements has been made and baseline precautions have been assigned to each category. The individuals in charge of respective facilities, while resuming activities under any category, should take into account the local conditions and their preparedness. These precautions shall be adhered to at all times without exception. The following table enlists general precautions to be followed for all groups of athletes.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

6 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period


Individual Sport Full contact sports Water sports Non-contact sports Minimal /Medium Contact sports Description Individual sports with Mostly team sports Individual sports (all Individual or team sport which no requirement for which require some combat sports) which require presence in water body, physical contact level of physical require mandatory albeit with and without during training or contact during training physical contact during swimming activity competition and or competition and training or competition minimal requirement where equipment is for Usually shared Sharing of equipment

Examples • • Athletics • • Judo • • Taekwondo • Aquatics • Cycling • (Swimming, , Water ) • • Kho-kho • Rugby at regular Municipal aided • Swimming Pools, Sports Complex • • Atyapatya • Wushu Swimming Pools Club Swimming • Pools can be considered for • Table • Carrom • • Mallakhamb . • Thang Tha. Champion Athletes only as there • • Lawn Tennis Etc is no evidence till date that Covid • • Weightlifting 19, spreads through water. • • Modern Swimming water is treated • Pentathlon • Soft Tennis through filtration plant and is • . etc. • Tenni-Koit chlorine based. However each Swimmer will be swimming in alternate lane as a precautionary measure, and shall observe proper lane discipline.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

7 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

Precautions for training activity

► Full array of ► Training activities ► Selective training ► However for Water Sports training activities may be performed activities may be with no entry in Water array may be performed in small groups performed by of training activities may be as individual or pair (maximum 8-10) athletes individually performed as individual or maintaining – maintaining without engaging in pair maintaining – i. distancing norms distancing norms of physical combat i. distancing norms of of minimum 2 minimum 2 meters with other athletes minimum 2 meters between meters between between athletes and utilizing athletes and staff athletes and staff and staff and alternative practice ii. Exiting facility as soon as ii. exiting facility as ensuring aspects of equipment like training is concluded - soon as training is training which punching/kicking concluded require physical bags, slam balls, contact are avoided choke dummies etc. like tackling, body- ► Distancing norms of Minimum 2 meters

CATEGORY A CATEGORY B CATEGORY C CATEGORY D Non-contact sports Minimal/Medium Full contact sports Water sports contact sports ► Personal equipment ► Personal equipment ► Personal ► Personal such as bow, gun, such as hockey stick, equipment such equipment such sword, javelin, gloves, face masks, as gloves, face as Caps, mouth guard, helmet, masks, mouth swimsuits, discuss, rackets etc. shin guards, wrist guard, helmet, training shall be used band, head band, wrist band, head uniforms, without sharing. shoes etc. shall be used band, training swimming ► In the dire need of without sharing. uniform, shoes goggles, shall be sharing any of such ► All such equipment etc. shall be used used without personally used shall be properly without sharing. sharing. ► ► equipment; disinfected after every All such All such single use as per the equipment shall equipment shall equipment shall be standard procedure be properly be properly properly disinfected using disinfectant, disinfected after disinfected after after every single wearing face masks, every single use every single use use as per the gloves and personal as per the as per the standard procedure precautionary standard standard using disinfectant, equipment etc. procedure using procedure using ► Additional staff shall be disinfectant, disinfectant, wearing facemasks, appointed for proper wearing wearing face gloves and personal disinfection of the facemasks, gloves masks, gloves precautionary equipment prior to and personal and personal equipment etc. continuous usage. precautionary precautionary ► Sports specific ► Equipment which is equipment etc. equipment etc. safety equipment bound to be shared ► Additional staff ► Additional staff

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

8 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

such as a helmet, and utilised shall be appointed shall be eye protectors, face continuously during a for proper appointed for protectors etc. shall training such as balls disinfection of the proper must be used carefully equipment prior disinfection of not be shared. without using such to continuous the equipment ► Shared Training equipment to rub/ usage. prior to equipment such as face, remove ► Equipment which continuous arrows, targets, sweat, cover mouth is bound to be usage. Olympic bar/ while hyperventilating shared and ► Equipment weights etc. must be etc. utilised which is bound disinfected after ► continuously C to be shared onsistent hand during a training and utilised every single use. sanitization is a must such as punching/ continuously ► Additional staff before, during and kicking bags, slam during a training shall be appointed after every training balls, skipping such as paddles, for proper session. ropes etc. must oars, disinfection of the be used carefully balls etc. must equipment prior to without using be used such equipment carefully continuous usage. to rub/ touch without using ► Equipment which face, remove such equipment is bound to be sweat, cover to rub/ touch shared and utilised mouth while face, remove continuously during hyperventilating sweat, cover a training such as etc. mouth while balls, shuttlecocks ► Consistent hand hyperventilating must be used sanitization is a etc. must before, Consistent hand carefully without during and after sanitization is a must using such every training before, during and equipment to rub/ session. after every training touch face, remove session. sweat, cover mouth while hyperventilating etc. ► Consistent hand sanitization is a must before, during and after every training Session.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

9 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

Procedure to be followed at the Ground/Stadium (procedures to be followed during Lockdown period only)

1- Athletes will be checked for the temperature using infrared noncontact thermometer every time before entering the Stadium. 2 - As far as possible, Athletes will use staircase, without touching the hand rails. 3 - Athletes will wear their workout clothes at home only and will avoid the use of locker and changing rooms as far as possible. 4 - Athletes will carry their own kit and equipment as required for the workout. 5 - Athletes will keep their kit and equipment at a designated area in the ground or stadium. 6 - Athletes will be awarded designated time slots and area for workout. 7 - Athletes and their trainers will only be allowed in the Ground/Stadium in the designated time slot. No other players or spectators will be allowed. 8 - Athletes will not share their personal equipment or towels etc with other Athletes. 9 - After the training session Athletes will remove all their kit and equipment and carry it home along with them. 10 - If athletes visit the washrooms, standard protocols/ SOPs published by the government from time to time will be followed. 11 – Athletes will strictly follow all the standard protocols of social distancing, hand sanitization, and other Corona related protocols. 12 – If the workout is in Indoor Stadia, it will be well ventilated with adequate exhaust fans/ forced ventilation. 13 – Athletes will carry their own drinking water or energy drink/snack as required and will avoid use of canteen. 14 – Disinfection/ Sanitization – All standard protocols/ SOPs as published by the government from time to time will be followed for all the touch points in the stadium, washrooms etc. Workout surfaces, chairs and stands/ stools used to keep the kit will be disinfected after every time slot i.e. change of players.

Procedure to be followed at the fitness training center or Gymnasiums (procedures to be followed during Lockdown period only) Use of Gymnasium is to be avoided as far as possible. Only in sports for which use of Gym is unavoidable for workout, following procedure can be used. 1 – Only limited athletes- half the no of work out stations- will be allowed in the Gym in the designated time slots, so that the social distancing will be maintained and only one athlete will be working on stations at a time. 2 – Athletes will arrive in their Gym clothes so as to avoid using changing room or locker room. 3 – Athletes will not share their towel or any other belonging with others. 4 – Athletes will carry their own drinking water or energy drink/snack as required. 5 – All touch points will be disinfected for each athlete before he starts working on the workstation. 6 - After the training session Athletes will remove all their Gym clothes and equipment 7 - If athletes visit the washrooms, standard protocols will be followed.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

10 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

8 - Athletes will strictly follow all the standard procedures of social distancing, hand sanitization, and other Corona related procedures. 9 – Gymnasium will be with adequate exhaust fans/ forced ventilation. 10 - Athletes will be checked for the temperature using infrared noncontact thermometer every time before entering the Stadium.

STARTING RESIDENTIAL TRAINING CAMPS – for all categories of sports. Same procedure as above will be followed. Additional procedures as under- (procedures to be followed during Lockdown period only) 1.0 Camp Duration 1.1 Camp duration will be of 10 to 14 days.

2.0 Selection of Stadium 2.1- The stadium should have adequate Hostel facility, preferably in the campus where the selected players can be lodged and quarantined. 2.2 – The stadium should have a designated kitchen and dining area. 2.3 – The stadium should have a Gymnasium in the campus.

3.0– Travelling during the camp 3.1 – While arriving to the Stadium, as well as leaving, Athletes will travel separately and independently, as per the Government norms. 3.2 - The Hostel, Gymnasium, Kitchen and Playing area should be at a walk able distance. If not, a dedicated vehicle will be provided and athletes of 1/3rd capacity of the vehicle will be will be allowed to bard so that the social distance will be maintained as per Government guidelines.

4.0 – Procedure at the Hostel 4.1- Athletes on arrival will be tested for Corona using RT PCR test and will be quarantined for a day till the test reports arrive. 4.2 – Athletes testing negative will only continue in the camp. If anyone tests positive, the same will be intimated to appropriate government authorities for further action. 4.3 – Athletes will be staying in separate rooms with attached wash rooms and will be quarantined during their stay in the hostel. 4.4 – Athletes will not have food in the dining hall, they will be served in their rooms. 4.5 – Athletes will wash and dry their own clothes and utensils. 4.6 – Athletes will undergo health screening every day. 4.7 – At the end of the camp, Athletes will be again tested for corona and will be quarantined till the test reports arrive. 4.8 – If any one athlete tests positive then it will be reported to the Government Authority and all the remaining athletes may be quarantined for at least 10 days. 4.9 – If no one tests positive at the end of the camp, then Athletes can leave, but will self quarantine themselves after going home and will sign a bond to that effect. NOTE- Guidelines for Quarantine Facilities COVID 19 published by the government will be followed.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

11 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

5.0 Support Staff 5.1- Support staff working at the Hostel, Stadium etc. will be screened every day. 5.2 – They will be trained in taking all the necessary precautions for corona. 5.3 – They will avoid coming in contact with the Athletes

6.0 – Training 6.1 – All the participants of the camp – Athletes, Trainers/Coaches and support staff will be thoroughly trained regarding SOPs and protocols to be followed at the Hostel, gymnasium, Stadium and Swimming Pools

6.0 Disinfection 6.1- Disinfection of all the areas of Hostel. Stadium washrooms and kitchen will be done as per the protocol. 6.2 – Disinfection of the playing surfaces like mats, floor etc will be frequently done using proper chemicals

RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Selection of athletes- Concerned State Association. Concerned State Associations will select the Athletes, technical officials, trainers etc. as required, the names will be forwarded with the Signature of President or Hon. Secretary.

2. Necessary Permissions – concerned Government Authority After the concerned State Association/ MOA submits the list of selected players, officials, trainers and staff and inform the name of the willing stadium, concerned authorities will issue necessary permissions to them for travelling, opening the facility etc.

3. Infrastructure and Facilities - Owner Infrastructure as per the requirement- Well ventilated halls, Washrooms, proper office space, additional rooms for medical checkup and isolation if someone is found symptomatic will be provided by the owner of the facility. Owner will also provide personnel for security, housekeeping etc required to implement the protocols.

4. Supplies, Overlays and Signages- Concerned sports association representative and Sports Officer They will ensure supplies of materials required for disinfection, and sanitization as well as stools, tables, chairs, partitions as required. They will also be responsible to display corona related signage. They will also ensure required supply of PPEs as necessary for that sport.

5. Execution of Housekeeping and Infection Control protocols – Concerned sports association representative and Sports Officer They will ensure that the cleaning/disinfection protocols are followed for floor, equipment, sports surfaces, touch points, wash rooms etc and the proper records are kept.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

12 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

6. Personal safety- Athletes, Trainers, Support staff All the concerned individuals will be solely responsible to protect themselves by following the SOPs like maintaining social distancing, non-sharing of equipment and towels, hand washing, using necessary and possible PPE etc. They will also be solely responsible for declaring their health status and travel history for the safety of other participants.

Continuous monitoring and management of protocols

► To ensure smooth functioning/ structuring of the sports activities and to achieve desired results after resumption of activities, a proper monitoring process shall be put in place to ensure adherence to SOP and any early detection of illness within the athlete group

Monitoring of athletes/ support staff/ management staff –

► A checklist may be prepared and Monitoring Committee may put a system of obtaining daily report from various stakeholders in place. ► All athletes and support staff, including the ground staff and management staff shall be consistently apprised regarding early reporting of any suspected COVID-19 symptoms. Monitoring process shall include -

a. Submission of a weekly assessment/testing report by medical personnel and physiotherapist to the Doctor-in-charge at the respective training centre.

b. Assessment of symptom check, resting heart rate and temperature. Further addition of a checklist of respiratory symptoms, with follow up of reported symptoms, shall be considered.

Managing a suspected COVID-19 case

► Training centre shall refer to local State/Territory guidelines on the assessment process for a possible case.

► A doctor must make decisions about investigations, treatment, and management. ► Unwell athletes/other personnel must always call ahead before attending for assessment.

► All athletes/ other personnel must be made aware not to attend sports activities if they are unwell with any of the following symptoms, even if only mild: a. Cough b. Sore throat c. Fever (e.g. night sweats or chills) d. Shortness of breath ► Any athlete with a possible respiratory tract infection should refrain from sports activities (even at home) until a doctor, given the potential for worsening illness, has cleared them to do so.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

13 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

► If an individual is being tested for COVID-19: a. They must immediately self-isolate and discontinue sports activities until COVID-19 has been excluded and they have been medically cleared by a doctor to return to the sports activities b. Any such diagnosis and treatment shall be performed outside the campus premises c. Isolation of close contacts will be a decision for medical staff, based on case specific details.

► Definition of close contacts: a. Face-to-face contact in any setting with a confirmed or probable case, for greater than 15 minutes cumulative over the course of a week, in the period extending from 48 hours before onset of symptoms in the confirmed or probable case, or b. Sharing of a closed space with a confirmed or probable case for a prolonged period (e.g. more than 2 hours) in the period extending from 48 hours before onset of symptoms in the confirmed or probable case c. Contact is considered to have occurred within the period extending 48 hours before onset of symptoms in the patient, until the patient is classified as no longer infectious by the treating team (usually 24 hours after the resolution of symptoms)

Managing a confirmed COVID-19 case ► COVID-19 is a notifiable disease and Local public health authorities must be immediately informed and steps taken as per instructions of the health authorities. ► Training facilities including medical centre may be closed on the instruction of the local Public Health Authority. ► Re-opening of the training facility should only occur after close consultation with the local Public Health Authority.

References – The SOP has been created through extensive research of available public domain information and expert consultation. A concerted effort has been made to ensure all measures and protocols mentioned in the SOP are derived from credible sources.

The following is a list of references used for creating the SOP – 1. Guidelines for Quarantine Facilities, MoHFW 2. Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Order No.40-3/2020-DM-I (A) dated 1st May,2020 3. Study on Resumption of Sport in India – COVID-19 Scenario, IOA 4. AIIMS booklet on COVID-19 5. Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19, World Health Organization. 6. Standard Operating Procedure for Work Resumption after Lock down, BHEL 7. The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment, May 2020 8. Guidance for providers of outdoor facilities on the phased return of sport and recreation in England, UK Sport.

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

14 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

Key Do’s and Don’ts for stakeholders 1. Athletes

S.No. Do’s Don’ts 1 Educate oneself of precautionary measures Share any personal equipment or utility like water bottle, towel etc. 2 Change at respective rooms before and after Engage in any form of physical training contact like hand shake, high-five, hugs etc. 3 Practice hand hygiene at regular intervals Socialise before or after training with other athletes/ staff 4 Maintain distance of minimum 2 Touch face or mouth while meters from other individuals at all times and at handling shared all places 5 Shower before physiotherapy/ massage/ entry and exit into swimming pool 6 Immediately inform medical personnel if experiencing any illness and avoid training 7 Use face masks at all times except during training 8 Exit training facility as soon as training ends 9 Use of Aarogya Setu app

2 Coaches and Support staff S.No. Do’s Don’ts 1 Educate oneself of precautionary measures Allow physical contact of any form during training 2 Practice hand hygiene at regular intervals Socialize before or after training with athletes/ other staff 3 Maintain distance of minimum 2 meters between athletes and other staff at all times and at all places 4 Ensure disinfection of equipment shared by athletes before and after every use 5 Immediately inform medical personnel if experiencing any illness and avoid training 6 Use face masks while near athletes/ other staff at any common area 7 Use of Aarogya Setu app 8 Ask athletes if they are feeling ill before each training session and report all cases

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

15 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

3. Physiotherapist

S.No. Do’s Don’ts 1 Educate oneself of precautionary measures Touch eye, nose or mouth of athlete 2 Sanitize hands prior to treatment Allow more than one athlete to be in room during treatment 3 Wear facial masks during treatment Allow congregation of athletes in the physiotherapy room 4 Use disposable gloves for treatment 5 Disinfect every surface used during treatment after session 6 Use of Aarogya Setu app

4.Medical Personnel

S.No. Do’s Don’ts 1 Sterilize medical room furniture at regular Allow congregation of athletes in intervals the medical centre 2 Perform weekly check-up of all athletes and staff 3 Provide weekly report to Doctor-in- charge

4 Screen all patients entering medical centre 5 Train security staff on thermal testing 6 Ensure social distancing is practiced in the waiting area 7 Wear necessary PPE gear while handling suspected COVID-19 cases 8 Use of Aarogya Setu app

1. Administrative and facility management staff

S.No. Do’s Don’ts 1 Educate oneself of precautionary measures Socialise in common areas 2 Practice hand hygiene at regular intervals Engage in physical contact of any form 3 Wear masks while around athlete/ other staff Conduct group meetings in common areas 4 Maintain social distancing at all times Call athletes into any office without within centre Prior approval of Task Force

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

16 STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE (SOP) SOP Recommendations for Resumption of Sports Training During Covid-19 Lockdown Period and Post Lockdown Period

5 Ensure disinfection of common areas, rooms, toilets at regular intervals 6 Ensure availability of hand sanitizers at strategic locations to provide easy access 7 Display posters in common areas highlighting the Do’s and Don’ts 8 Provision protective equipment (masks and gloves) for athletes and staff as per MoHFW guidelines 9 Use of Aarogya Setu app

Maharashtra Olympic Association Member of : Indian Olympic Asscociation

MAHARASHTRA OLYMPIC ASSOCIATION Address: - 434, Yashvantrao Chavan Bhavan, old Pune Jilha Parishad Building, 3rd Floor, Wellesley Road, Somwar Peth, Pune – 411001.,Maharashtra Phone No.: - 020 29512872 E-mail - [email protected] Website: