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275 276 Party and Government

coalition agreement initiatives budgetary policy 97-9 in Germany 82-3 context of 95 in Italy 192, 194 corporatist 91 business contracts as patronage during coalition government in Belgium 173-4 99-103. 108-9 in Britain 36-7 pre-1987 initiatives 95-7 in Finland 124 autonomy in France 56-7 of government in certain policy in USA 220, 223 fields 17, 79-80, 86, 88, 165 and party-government relationships cabinet see ministerial appointments 8-9 Carlsson, lngvar 72 CDA (Netherlands) 150 Belgium and appointments 133-4, 136 appointments 154-61 role in policy-making 139, 140, as form of patronage 172 142-3, 144, 145, 147 of ministers 154-6 CDU (Christian Democratic Union) of party leadership 154, 156-61 (Germany)81,83,84,87 government and party structures Centre Party (Finland) II 0, 113 153-4 Centre Party (Sweden) 61, 64, 69 government-party relationships Centre of Social Democrats (CDS) 175-6 (France) 45 patronage 172-5 Chancellors policy-making party position in Austria of 93 abortion policy 166-7 role in Germany of 78 coalition agreements 161-2 Chirac, J. 44,45 defence policy 169-71 Christian Democratic Party (Sweden) economic policy 167 62 'ecotaxes' policy 171-2 Christian Democratic Union (CDU) institutional reform policy 167-9 (Germany)81,83,84,87 modes of governmental control Christian Democrats (Belgium) see 165-6 CVP;PSC modes of party control161-4 Christian Democrats (DC) (Italy) 181, neo-corporatist mode 164-5 182, 185, 186 Britain Christian Democrats (Netherlands) see 1974-90 governments 22-3 CDA appointments Christian Social Union (Germany) 81, cabinet appointments 24-6 83,84,87 as form of patronage 36 civil service appointments role of prime minister in 23-4, in Austria I04, 105-6, 107 24-6 in Belgium 172, 173 to parties 26-9, 253 in Britain 36 government-party relationships in in France 55 37-9 in Germany 87-8 patronage in 35-7 in Netherlands 149 policy development in 28, 29-31 see also public sector appointments Conservative policies 33-5 coalition agreements 255-6 Labour policies 32-3 Austria 97-9 policy initiation 31 Belgium 161-2 Index 277

Finland 116, 117-18 Conservative Party (Sweden) 61 Netherlands 137-9 constitutional reform Sweden 69-70 policy in Belgium 169 coalition governments policy In Netherlands 145-6 appointments in 65, 92 corporatist policy-making Austria 108-9 in Austria 91 Belgium 153 in Finland 121 degrees of support in 5 corruption Finland II 0, 112, 122-3 in France 57 Germany 78-9 in India 246 Italy 181 lacking in Sweden 75-6 Netherlands 129 Craxi, B. 181-2, 183-4, 186 party-government relationships in CSU (Christian Social Union) 13, 251 (Germany)81,83,84,87 policy-making in 108-9, 255-6, CVP (Christian Democrats) (Belgium) 257-8 155, 157-8, 161, 170 commissions, role in Swedish policy­ making67 DC (Christian Democrats) (Italy) 181, Communist Party (later ) 182, 185, 186 (Sweden) 61 defence policy, in Belgium 169-71 Communist Party (PC) (France) 46 Democrats 1966 (066) (Netherlands) Communist Party (PCI) (Italy) 181 130, 145 Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) Democrats (USA), policy styles (Sweden) 73 213-14,219 Congress Party (India) 225 dependence, in party-government rela­ attempts to control government tionships 8-9 229-30 Desai, Moraji 230, 231, 232 funding of 245-6 Indira Gandhi's relationship with economic policy 232-3,243-4 1984 budget reform in Germany 'Kamaraj Plan' to rejuvenate 230 82-3 power in selection of prime minister Austria 95-6, 101-2 230-2,233-4 Belgium 167 role in policy-making 237,239,241, Britain 34 242,247 France 48, 53, 54 splitof232-3,243-4,245 Italy 191, 194-5 structure and strength of 226, 227, and planning in India 236-8,241-4, 228-9 246 use of patronage 244, 247 devaluations of rupee 232, 238-41 Congress Working Committee (CWC) see also privatization policy (India) 226,234,246-7 'ecotaxes' policy in Belgium 171-2 Conservative Party (Britain) 23 Employment Assistance Act (1985) leadership 24 (Germany) 84-5 party appointments 25, 26-7,28 Erlander, Tage 68, 71-2 and patronage 36, 37 European Community relationship with government 28, Austrian policy on 98-9 38 British policies on 33, 34 role in policy-making 28, 30-l, Finnish policy on 119, 125 33-4,35 Swedish policy on 73, 77 278 Party and Governmellt

PDP (Free Democratic Party) fusion of government and party (Germany)81,83,84,87 leadership 13,43-5, 66, 81-2, Finland 134,185-6,250-3,256-7 appointments as form of patronage 123-4 Gandhi, Indira 231,233 of ministers 112-14, 115, 125-6 government composition under 229, to parties 114, 115 235,245 government and party stmcture policy-making 232,239,241,242, 110-12 243 government-party relationships relationship with Congress Party 124-7 232-3,243-4 Gandhi, Rajiv 233, 235 patronage 123-4, 125 Germany policy-making 115, 126-7 appointments coalition agreement 116, 117-19 link between government and context of 112 party elites 81-2 corporatism 121 to parties 80-1, 253 operational stage of 119-22 coalition governments in 78-9 foreign policy government-party relationships 78, in Italy 191, 193-4 79-80,88-9 in Netherlands 143-4 patronage 86-8 see also European Community policy-making 79-80, 82, 88-9 France 1984 budget reform 82-3 appointments 1985 Employment Assistance Act 1988-91 autonomy in party and 84-5 government 47 1990 Unification Treaty 85-6 in government-dependent party role of Chancellor in 78 cases 45-6 government leadership in government-party fusion cases fusion with party leadership 13, 43-5 43-5,66,81-2,134,185-6, of ministers 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 250-3,256-7 roles of prime minister and in Germany 78 president 42-3 influence on party-government rela­ to parties 42, 43, 44-6, 47 tionships 16 government-party relationships in in Netherlands 133 see also chancellors; presidents; 10,58-9 prime ministers governments (1981-91) 40-1 governmental agreements see coalition patronage agreements appointments 54-6 governments cormption and lack of controls autonomy in certain policy fields 17, 57-8 79-80,86,88,165 party finance 56-7 concepts of party government I, 2-3 policy-making clements of government-party rela­ elaboration 50-4 tionship 7-8, 18-19 initiation 47-50 see also appointments; patronage; weakness of parties in 40, 58-9 policy-making Free Democratic Party (FOP) nature and types of 3, 5, 12-13, 249, (Germany) 81, 83, 84, 87 254,261-2 Index 279

relationships with supporting parties Italy Austria I 08-9 appointments Belgium 175-6 of ministers 182-4, 187 Britain 37-9 overlap of party and government dependency and autonomy leadership 185-6 dimensions of 8-9 to parties 184-5 factors affecting 10-17 changing nature of coalition 181 Finland 124-7 context of party dominance 180-1 France I0, 58-9 government-party relationships 180, fusion of leaderships 13,43-5,66, 199 81-2,134,185-6,250-3,256-7 patronage 195, 197-9 Germany 78, 79-80, 88-9 policy-making India 246-8 development and adoption 193-7 Italy 180, 199 initiation 190-2 Netherlands 129-32, 150-1 micro policy-making and patterns of 9-1 0 patronage 198 Sweden 64, 76-7 role of government in 189, 191, USA 202, 203-4, 223-4 192, 193-5, 196-7 representative and administrative roleofpartiesin 187-9,191,192, roles 3-4 193-6 see also coalition governments Green parties (Belgium) 171 Kamaraj Nadar 230, 231, 232 Green Party (Sweden) 62 Katz, R.S. 2-3 honours, and patronage in Britain 35-6 labour market policy India in Germany 84-5 appointments in Italy 190-1, 193 of ministers 234-6 see also industrial relations policy of prime ministers 229-34 Labour Party (Britain) 22-3 government-party relationships party appointments 24, 25, 26, 27-8 246-8 and patronage 36, 37 historical context of parties and relationship with government 28, government 226-9 37-8 patronage 244-6, 247 role in policy-making 30, 31, 32,33 policy-making 247 leadership devaluation of rupee ( 1966) 232, fusion of government and party 238-40 leadership 13, 43-5,66, 81-2, devaluation of rupee (1991) 240--1 134,185-6,250-3,256-7 policy to abolish poverty 241-4 and party-government relationships statist economic planning 236-8 15-16 Indian National Congress 225, 226, see also government leadership; 228 party leadership industrial relations policy, in Britain Left Party (Sweden) 61 32,35 Liberal Patty (Britain) 22, 23, 30 institutional arrangements 11-12 Liberal Party (Sweden) 61 reform in Belgium 167-9 Lijphart, A. 130-1 interest groups, policy-making role of LO (Confederation of Trade Unions) 91, 121, 164-5 (Sweden) 73 280 Party and Government

local government finance policy in New Democracy (Sweden) 62 Britain 34 nuclear energy policy in France 48 nuclear weapons policy maternity leave policy in Austria 100-1 Belgium 170 ministerial appointments Netherlands 143--4 Austria 92-3 Belgium 154-6 opposition parties, support of Britain 24-6 government by 6 Finland 112-14,115,125-6 OVP (Austria) see Peoples Party Prance 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 Germany 78, 81 Pahne, Olaf 72 India 234-6, 245 parties Italy 182-4, 187 appointments Netherlands 132-5 Austria 93--4 role of parties in 249-50, 252 Britain 26-9, 253 ministerial cabinets Finland 114, 115 in Prance 55 France 42, 43, 44-6, 47 and patronage in Belgium 174-5 Germany 80-1, 253 Mitterand, F. 45 Italy 184-5 Mock, Vice-Chancellor 97 Netherlands 132, 135-6 Movement of the Left Radicals (MRG) concept of supporting party 5-6 (France) 46, 47 control of patronage by 260-1 clements of government-party rela- nationality policy in France 49, 52 tionships 7-8, 18-19 nationalization policy see also appointments; patronage; in France 47-8, 51 policy-making in India 242, 246 financing Nehru, Jawaharlal 228, 229-30, 236-7 Britain 37 nco-corporatist policy-making Finland 124 in Belgium 164-5 France 56-7 see also corporatist policy-making Sweden 74 Netherlands influence of governments on 4-5 appointments ministerial appointments as means of of ministers 132-5 controlling 252 overlap of government and party penetration of public services in leadership 133-7 Austria 104-5 to parties 132, 135-6 relationships with governments government and party structure Austria I08-9 128-9 Belgium 175-6 government-party relationships Britain 37-9 129-32, 150-1 dependency and autonomy patronage 148-50 dimensions of 8-9 policy-making 128, 148 factors affecting I 0-17 abortion policy 146-8 Finland 124-7 coalition agreement 137-9 France 10, 58-9 constitutional reform 145-6 fusion of leaderships 13,43-5, 66, foreign policy 143--4 81-2,134,185-6,250-3,256-7 privatization policy 140-1 Germany 78, 79-80, 88-9 welfare policy 141-3 India 246-8 Index 281

Italy 180, 199 Peoples Party (oVP) (Austria) 91, 109 Netherlands 129-32, 150-1 involvement in policy-making 95, patterns of 9-I 0 97,98-9,100-1,102-3 Sweden 64, 76-7 leadership and cabinet appointments USA 202, 203-4, 223-4 92,93,94 role in policy-making 6-7,28,73-4, and patronage 103, 104, 105, 106, 82,254,255-6 107 systems of 12-13 policy-making party government, concepts of I, 2-3 Austria party leadership coalition agreement initiatives appointment in Belgium I 54, 97-9 156-61 context of 95 appointment in Britain 24 corporatist 9 I appointment in Italy 184 during coalition government appointment in USA 212-13,253-4 99-103 in Austria 92 pre-1987 initiatives 95-7 control of ministerial appointments Belgium in Italy 182, 183-4 abortion policy 166-7 in Finland 126 coalition agreements 161-2 fusion with government leadership defence policy 169-71 13,43-5,66,81-2, 134, 185-6, economic policy 167 250-3,256-7 'ecotaxes' policy 171-2 in India 230-1 institutional reform policy 167-9 in Netherlands I 33, 135-6 modes of governmental control and party-government relationships 165-6 16,253-4 modes of party control 161-4 patronage 7-8,260-1 appointments as form of 36, 54-6, nco-corporatist mode 164-5 74-5, 104-6, 123-4, 149, 172, Britain 28, 29-3 I 197-8,220-1 Conservative policies 33-5 Austria 103-8 Labour policies 32-3 Belgium I 72-5 policy initiation 31 Britain 35-7 differences between single-party and contracts and pork-barrel legislation coalitions 257-8 36-7,56-7,124,173-4,220,223 effect of party-government fusion on Finland 123-4, I 25 256-7 Prance 54-8 Finland 115, 126-7 Germany 86-8 coalition agreement 116, 117-19 India 244-6,247 context of 112 Italy 195, 197-9 corporatism 121 link with appointments and policy­ operational stage of 119-22 making 18, 19,38 Prance Netherlands 148-50 elaboration 50-4 and party financing 37, 56-7, 74, initiation 47-50 124 Germany 79-80, 82, 88-9 Sweden 74-6 1984 budget reform 82-3 USA 219-23 I 985 Employment Assistance Act PC (Communist Party) (France) 46 84-5 PCI (Communist Party) (Italy) 181 1990 Unification Treaty 85-6 282 Party and Govemmem

government autonomy in 17, 79-80, role in Finland of 114, 125 86,88,165,258-9 role in France of 42-3 government role in 254, 256, 257-9 role in USA of205-6, 212-13,221, India 247 253-4,258 devaluation of rupee ( 1966) 232, selection in USA of 204-5 238-40 see also leadership devaluation of rupee (1991) 240-1 prime ministers policy to abolish poverty 241-4 appointment in Netherlands of statist economic planning 236-8 133-4 Italy role and appointment in France of development and adoption 193-7 42-3,50-1 initiation 190-2 role and appointment in Italy of micro policy-making and 183-4, 185, 186 patronage 198 role and appointment in Sweden of role of government in 189, 191, 65 192, 193-5, 196-7 role in Belgium of 154 role of parties in 187-9, 191, 192, role in Britain of 23--6, 28, 36 193-6 role and selection in India of 229-35 link with patronage and appoint­ see also leadership ments 18-19,38,254 privatization policy Netherlands 128, 148 Austria 96, I 02-3, I 06 abortion policy 146-8 Britain 34, 36 coalition agreement 137-9 France 49, 52 constitutional reform 145-6 Italy 191, 195 foreign policy 143-4 . Netherlands 140-1 privatization policy 140-1 PRL (Liberals) (Belgium) 156, 159-60 welfare policy 141-3 PS (France) see Socialist Party party role in 6-7, 28,254,255--6 PS (Socialist Party) (Belgium) 155-6, and party-government relationships 157, 160, 162-3 7,16-17,254--60 PSC (Christian Democrats) (Belgium) Sweden 155, 158-9, 161 in bourgeois coalition govern­ PSI (Socialist Party) (Italy) 181-2, 183 ments 69-70, 70-1 PSU (United Socialist Party) (France) role of parties 68 46 in Social Democratic governments public sector appointments as 70,71-3 patronage structure of 66-7 Austria 104-7 USA Belgium 172, 173 agencies involved in 203 Britain 36 autonomy of government in 258 France 55 party policies 213-15, 219 Italy 197, 198 policy development 218-19 Netherlands 149 policy initiation 216-18 Sweden 74-5 policy styles 219 USA 220-1 pork-barrellegislation see patronage PvdA (Social Democrats) poverty, Indian policy to tackle 243-4 (Netherlands) PR (Republican Party) (France) 45 and appointments 134, 135, 136 presidents role in policy-making 137, 141, of India 232, 233 142-3, 144, 145, 146, 147 Index 283

PVV (Liberals) (Belgium) 156, 159, SP (Socialist Party) (Belgium) 155, 160 157, 161,163, 169-70 SPD (Social Democratic Party) Rally for the Republic (RPR) (France) (Germany) 81, 87-8 40,42,44,49,55-6 SP6 (Austria) see Social Democratic Rao, P.V. Narasimha 234 Party recruitment see appointments Sweden Rent Restriction Act (Austria) 99-100 appointments 64-6, 74-5 representative role of governments 3-4 government and party structure 61-4 Republican Party (PR) (France) 45 government-party relationships in Republicans (USA), policy styles 64, 76-7 213-14,219 patronage 74-6 RPR (Rally for the Republic) (France) policy-making 40,42,44,49,55-6 in bourgeois coalition govern­ ments 69-70, 70-1 Shastri, Lal Bahadur 231, 237, 238-9, role of parties in 68 242 in Social Democratic governments Social Democratic Party (Britain) 23 70, 71-3 Social Democratic Party (SOP) structure of 66-7 (Finland) 110, 113, 120-1 relations within parties 67-8 Social Democratic Party (SPD) (Germany) 81, 87-8 tax reform in Austria 96-7, 101-2 Social Democratic Party (SP6) television reform in Italy 191, 195 (Austria) 91, 109 trade unions involvement in policy-making 95, Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) 96, 97,98-9, 100, 101, 102, 103 (Sweden) 73 leadership and cabinet appointments Conservative policy in Britain on 35 92,93,94 role in 1984 budget reform in and patronage 103, 104, 105, 106, Germany 83 107 role in Labour Party appointments in Social Democratic Party (Sweden) Britain 27 ' 61-2,63,68 Social Democrats (Netherlands) see Unification Treaty (1990) (Germany) PvdA 85-6 social policy Union of Democratic Forces (UDF) in Austria 99-101 (France) 40 Dutch welfare policy 141-3 appointments to and by 42, 44-5, 47 German Employment Assistance Act patronage and financing of 56 84-5 role in policy-making 49, 52 Socialist parties (Belgium) seePS; SP United Socialist Party (PSU) (France) Socialist Party (PS) (France) 40 46 appointments to 41-2, 45-6 United States of America (USA) financing of 57 appointments to government party leadership 43 backgrounds of appointees patronage 55, 56, 57 206-12 role in policy-making 47-8, 50, influence of 'party' 204-5, 51-2,53-4 249-50 Socialist Party (PSI) (Italy) 181-2, 183 power of president 205-6 284 Party and Governme11t

role of personal connections 207, policy development 218-19 212 policy initiation 216--18 appointments to party leadership 212-13,253-4 Vranitzky, F. 93,96 concepts of party and government in VU (Flemish Regionalists) (Belgium) 202-3 156 government-party relationships 202, 203-4,224 VVD (Netherlands) patronage 219-23 and appointments 132, 134, 135, 136 policy-making role in policy-making 139, 140, agencies involved in 203 142-3, 144, 145, 146, 147 autonomy of government in 258 party policies 213-15,219 welfare policy see social policy