Harper's Official Golf Guide 1901
.;,'•:?'.-•£•' j ; [/ Ai 'i I M: *• f '•A I; I 3t: M it Combines Ralance, Shrinq Perfect arethe F^suliof this Combination, EvGryifjiriajfvr use. on the LinK^j /£ Send for a Caialoime RITTAIL A0INCJE8i NBW YORK, PItlUM)Pt,PHtA, J13 Broadway. Jtilin \V«n«in»l«*r, BOSTON, and > * I6J Wellington Kt, tdlH Clicnlmit At. K'ACK-'IC CCIAKt. p, 0. WeKettrl* 199 N«w Alnntgromcry St. >'4% 1V* WILLIE DUNN are the most popular, and known all over the world as being of excellent material and workmanship, .being made under his personal supervision, and can only be obtained at Willie Dvmn's Store 9 Seymour Building S]\[SS]\[8SW8 Eatst 42nd Street New York Call and see his Aluminum Drivers and Brassies, Special Socket Drivers and Brassies, and original one-piece Clubs. Also his latest patent The Rotary Pvitter INDOOR. GOLF SCHOOL IN STORE Hotel Champlain Clinton Cotmty, New Yotk This supetfc Aditoncfacfc and Lake Champlain Rcsott is ft<Uy equipped with a ftifi eighteen-hole golf coatse. It is on the line of the Delaware Sc Hudson Canal Company's Railtoad, with a station on the grounds. The Lake Champlain Steamfcoats land passengers at the Hotel. Open until Octofcet *st. O. D. SEAVEY, Managet. EVERY REQUISITE FOR GOLF • DAYTON OHIO • HARPER'S OFFICIAL GOLF GUIDE 1901 A DIRECTORY OF ALL THE GOLF CLUBS AND GOLF ASSOCI- ATIONS IN THK UNITKD STATES, T 0 (i KTIIK R WITII ST A TISTIC A L TABLES, THK RULES OK GOLF, AND OTH K.R GEN ERAL IN1' ORM ATION ILLUSTRATED HARPER & BROTHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON lt.
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