Harper's Official Golf Guide 1901

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Harper's Official Golf Guide 1901 .;,'•:?'.-•£•' j ; [/ Ai 'i I M: *• f '•A I; I 3t: M it Combines Ralance, Shrinq Perfect arethe F^suliof this Combination, EvGryifjiriajfvr use. on the LinK^j /£ Send for a Caialoime RITTAIL A0INCJE8i NBW YORK, PItlUM)Pt,PHtA, J13 Broadway. Jtilin \V«n«in»l«*r, BOSTON, and > * I6J Wellington Kt, tdlH Clicnlmit At. K'ACK-'IC CCIAKt. p, 0. WeKettrl* 199 N«w Alnntgromcry St. >'4% 1V* WILLIE DUNN are the most popular, and known all over the world as being of excellent material and workmanship, .being made under his personal supervision, and can only be obtained at Willie Dvmn's Store 9 Seymour Building S]\[SS]\[8SW8 Eatst 42nd Street New York Call and see his Aluminum Drivers and Brassies, Special Socket Drivers and Brassies, and original one-piece Clubs. Also his latest patent The Rotary Pvitter INDOOR. GOLF SCHOOL IN STORE Hotel Champlain Clinton Cotmty, New Yotk This supetfc Aditoncfacfc and Lake Champlain Rcsott is ft<Uy equipped with a ftifi eighteen-hole golf coatse. It is on the line of the Delaware Sc Hudson Canal Company's Railtoad, with a station on the grounds. The Lake Champlain Steamfcoats land passengers at the Hotel. Open until Octofcet *st. O. D. SEAVEY, Managet. EVERY REQUISITE FOR GOLF • DAYTON OHIO • HARPER'S OFFICIAL GOLF GUIDE 1901 A DIRECTORY OF ALL THE GOLF CLUBS AND GOLF ASSOCI- ATIONS IN THK UNITKD STATES, T 0 (i KTIIK R WITII ST A TISTIC A L TABLES, THK RULES OK GOLF, AND OTH K.R GEN ERAL IN1' ORM ATION ILLUSTRATED HARPER & BROTHERS NEW YORK AND LONDON lt. lr,l,lly llAKI'Kit 1* I1UMTIIUHH."..'/// rinllls rairrtit FLY FAR PUTT TRUE HENLEY Samuel Buckley & Co. tOO WILLIAM STREET New Yotk HENLEY B PAINT THAT HOLDS After a Day of CoifX There is only ONE POND'S EXTRACT and everybody knows its purity, strength and great medicinal value. Don't take the weak, watery Witch Maze! preparations represented to be "the same as " POND'S EXTRACT They generally contain "wood alcohol," which irritates the skin, and, taken internally, is a deadly poison. WRAPPERSS EXTRACT) sold 0NLY in SEALED BOTTLES in BUFF -CT OINTMENT cures Itching or Weeding ] i, and gives quick relief to burni ami bruises. l'liMtU)frit|)1i Ity T. C, 1'unnrr. u. ^VAI/^Kn *r. THAVIS, AnuiUuir (Mmmpion, 11)00. TAMPA BAY Florida Golf Association BELLEAIR filtt fulling til ft its »mij "/.*• WINTER PARK \ JOHN DUNCAN DUNN, MANAGER. KISSIMMEE j H'UhNAWI M*> Will. W HI I !»•'?* M 1 fill 1111*1 »l:t,li«H: f till *»l '<,"•>*«.% OCALA I I !'!«. tl'IKI «. W!l I. HI 1.111%, *M» ul; tin; A^IICIUKIX • Open January 'Iht litlfttii'ing f*iitffi*ittnjl<, ~,itii i't ,i# tht- i,tisau% to i lltii » Hdtr;ili I.. Ai;< Htl-fluMi VVtxIrt S#.i»fc I M * » I'I • f H I'i <»"> »S No Charge fur use of Golf Courses In ( HIPN|«. /u^,,f. » ,, ,,. , r .'i| .'CM |t ,,, VV M..,,,.,;,, t:~,iJ«, >> '* I'- • .' ' v, •«» • ,"<•»' ',: ti ,i> ti-l ».!«,.-/?, of Pl.'itit System HnlrK MKKXKK, II.utl'Klt ife lilioTHKits desire In thank must cordially the ulllwiw of the Golf: CUtibs and AssiK'ialimis iiichuli'il in thin volume fur their kind usHiHlnncd in fui'iiishinp: l:hc iul'iinnutimi wliicli luw ciuiltlcd tho iiulilinhers to nuikn tho (Uudit a nmuplciUi ami nutlu'Ulic l'ccin'd, l^iu'ciiil thanks an; duo to tluwe who have furuinhoil iiliu of chih-houscH, coui'scs, and players. NEW YuUK, Janunry 1, IDOL GOERZ Double enses are the fastest and No. 533 Locker Look. (Cuts % Size.) give most perfect definition, and are Yale Locker Locks therefore the best for photographing For Golf Club and Gymnasium sporting scenes and Lockers are described, illustrated, general hand cam- and priced in a folder which will era work. be sent on request. The new Series We here illustrate one of sev- 111 lenses are 25$ eral locks which we make for this faster than they purpose. used to be. Prices Estimates for locks in quantity not increased. promptly furnished. Ask price-list and full information from your dealer or from the manufact- The Yale & Towne Mfg. Co. urers. General Offices: C. P. Goerz Optical Works 9-\ J-13 Murray St., New York 52 E. Vnion Square NEW YORK CITY By CASPAR WHITNEY The Improved BOSTON On GARTER is an Essential of the Well-Dressed Man. Sn<fto>-Shoes ALWAYS EASY to the EVERY PAIR WARRANTED THE Barren Lands Twenty-Eight Hundred Miles Lies flat to the leg— after Mosfc - Oxen and never slips, tears nor unfastens. Wood-Bison THE NAME "BOSTON GARTER" is stamped on every loop. Illustrated'. 8vo. $3.50 Sold Everywhere SumnlQ Pair, Silk BOo, Cotton 25o. HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS Mailed on receipt 0/ price. OEO. FK08T 00. Makarl Franklin Square - New York Bon tan, M&u. 10 C O N T E N T S I'AOB CHAMPIONSHIP STATTSTtCH , %2!i iSnM.MAKY (IF YKAK'H KVKXTS f>5 OFKICKHH OK Tim UNITKII STATUS (JOI.F ASSOCIATION , fil) Ooi.i'1 AHHOCIATIONH OF TIIK L'xt'i'Kii STATUS (10 (il)I.P Cl.CIiS ()!•• TIIK U.VITKII STATKK. - 71 Tin: litu.KH IIF ({oi.K 21)4 KTigi'KTTK OK (ioi.K , 304 I .N'liKX TO (loi.i'" H IT.KH i!05 CiLOHHAItY 01'' Tlit'IINlCAI, TEUMH 308 DEFINITION OF AN AMATEIMI (IOLFKH 310 TO G01.P C1.1JBK 312 Golf suits Golf coats Club coats Yoke coats Golf insignia Golf jackets Golf sweaters Waistcoats Golf jerseys Golf breeches Golf hats ROGERS PEET & COMPANY 258 — 569 —1260 Broadway, New York Golf hose Golf shirts Golf drawers Golf shoes Golf neckwear Golf pins Golf gloves Spat puttees Golf bags Golf clubs Golf balls 12 ILLUSTRATIONS PAOK I'AOK Mr. Waller .T. Travis 7 LOUK Ucaeli (iolf Club, Third Hole 14H Mont ili- Chsuititl (lull' t'luli 15 houff lieneh (iolf Club, l''(iurth Hole 148 Country t'lltli (if St. Joseph Valley, Club Chiean'0 (iolf Club, O]ien Championship, llllUSe 15 li)00' 151) Apiiwamis Chili, Twelfth Hole. 15 Kehu Valley (iolf dub, View of Course., lfi() DILIIIIH (idle Chili, Club-House ,. 15 Country Club of ThoiimHville, On the HI. David's UnlF Club, Club-Housc ID Course ],r>0 {Santiago Unit Club, First und Third Chicago (iolf Club, HulehinHon Driving..1(37 lireens 17 Chieago (iolf Club, Air. Mai'donahl Putt- Pasudenit Country Club, Club-House... 17 ing lf>7 Kkwanok Country Club, a Foursome.... 11) Aloiint Vernon (iolf Club, On the Course, 157 Waverly Uolf Cluli 11) tiiirdeil City Golf Club, The HoUoniloss Miss Frnnee.s C. (ii'iseoni ". 31 1'il 174 Harry Vardun 35 Chnrlevoix (!<df Coursi' 1HU Country Club of Lakewnnd, Third (Irci'ii. fil Maekiiutc Island, Tim Links 1811 Alliiiny Ciuinl,ry Club., Til Marion (iolf Club, Clnb-,1 louse .....1110 MiVs Iloyt Driviiii! ii."> Oinveiitsiii Club, \'ie\v from Club Pi- Miss Bessie Anthony (!5 azza 100 Sun La Bnrbani -Country Club, it Putting Mount Pleasant, (iolf Links, View from Drown li.l Fourth (ireen 100 Women's Mi'l.i'(ipoliltiu Championship, Belfast (inlf Club, On the Course 10fi 1000, (iroii]i of J'liiyiM's K,1! Atlantic City Country Club, Kntrance to. 105 Hartford (iolf Club, Interior Hit Atlantic City Country Club, Club-liouHe. 105 Inlereollejriale (iolfers ill) Tacoina (iotf Club, .Second Hole 1011 Nausalito (iolf Club, On the Course 1)8 Maliopae. (iolf Club, Home, Hole 101) Midlothian Country Club, Club-I louse... SIH Deal (Iolf Club, The Marl Pit 11)0 (troll)) of I'liiyei'H at .MIIJJ;1111'"1 WpriiiKs.. - D8 Meailowbruok Hunt Club, On the Cour.se.211 Hellciur (!olf Club, \'ie\v from Cinii'He.. 101 ISnltusrol (iolf Club, Fifteenth (ireen... ,211 Winter 1'tirk Uolf Club. Home (Sreen.. 101 Onuuje County (Jnlf Club, " River" Hole.211 Biiviiumili Ooimtry Club 105 Nhinneeoek Hills Uolf Club. Miss Curtis 1'rouiiiient Playcrx—Miss WeLinore, MIHH PhiyinjJt 224 Oliver, ilisM lloyl., MiKs Unilerbill, Nhiuneeock Hills (iolf Club, View from Mrs. I'Vv, Miss lleekcr 110 Thirteenth Tee 224 Mr. William Waller 114 Hyamiis Port (Iolf Club, Chili-llousp 224 Mr. William llnlnbinl, Jr 114 Seiirsdale (iolf Club, "The YVilloWH " 237 •University of Pennsylvania., (iolf Team, Ctiyiijju Lake (iolf Club, Ninth Hole 237 liHH) .". , :...;• 1M (•reseeiit Atliletie Club, Thirteenth (Jreen.2117 Prominent Players—Miss Underbill, Miss Prominent M. (i. A. (iolfers 255 Disbop, JMIMS Curtis, ami Mis. Brookhnvn Country dub, Views 271 iManiee 117 Wheeling (iolf Club, On the Course 271 ,1, 11. Taylor 127 Mount Anthony (iolf Club 281 Amlierst Comitry Club. On the Course.. 131) Wee Ilurii Uolf Club, Views 281 Hay .Shore (inlf Club, Club-lloiixe 131) Nassau Country Club, Seventh (ireen... .311 Oukltuxl Uolf dull. "The Heavenly Unnierset Hills Country (Hub, Club- Twins" '131) Houses 811 LIQUID Use the " IMP. Nozzle and Sprayer" CRASS FERTILIZER PRODUCES PERFECT PUTTING GREENS Clean, odorless grass foods. Has proved itself invaluable. 30 gal., including: 1»M., - $13.10 It automatically dilutes the fertilizer, fill to 1, U\' THIS 1IOS15, with ii" labor. Needs no 80 8l<> 10 4.85 adjustment. All limss. $i!.0O. EASTERN CHEMICAL COMPANY, 62O Atlantic Aye., Boston "TheOakley" Golf Ball N. G. WOOD PRICE $3.50 per dozen &SONS PRIZE MAKERS We make a specialty of ar- ticles suitable for Golf, Tennis, Yacht, Canoe, Whist, Track and Field Athletic Prizes. Send for our Illustrated Cata- logue of Prtee Cups, Shields, Trade Mark Medals, etc. J> jt o* <£ OUR OWN MANUFACTURE Special Designs made, and esti- MENZIES' RE-MADE GOLF BALLS mates given free of charge. Price, $2.50 per Dozen Old Golf Balls Re-madu, $1.00 per doz.
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