•· ~ :-7~ \x'' V S v"' "u· '1'' -l:J \"' v AL:...:s .


AUS'..::3.AD:AN ~QS3:Tl.I . (AN~U..\L ltEI'OR'r OF TIIE TRUSTEES FOR TIIE YE AR ElG>:C..D 30TII JU.m:, 1938.)

·Printed under No. 17 Report from Printing Oommitteo, 16 December, 1938.

To !I1s EAcr:u..t:xov Tin: G oVERNOR. 1'ilc 1\ ·,:stccs oi thu Anstr111inn Museum h c.vc the honour to submit to your Exc:-. •...:ncy thei-r eighty-fourth Ann ual R eport, beinz that i.or the yc::r cndctl 30th June, 1~;;'> . It will 1-c :;0\!u irom tl.c dct .. il:; supplied in the ~·eports i i'Ol.1 th

1. TRCSTEI:S • .'.. t the Dccc:nbcr Jr.cct:.:lci of the Bo::r-d, Th. F . S. :.!;.~nee w ••,. l'c-c1cct..:d to the o~.icc o:. !>rcsidc:l .. io• tnc yc.. r 19SS. T.1o Rou. Sir Chnl'lcs Tiosenth!!l, K .C.B., \'.D., :U.L.C., E:cctiYo Trustee, !'cr.i.;ncd f rom the Bo:u·u in October, 1937, consequent UI.JOn nis •nkh..... up duty as . ..aministrntor oi :Korfolk Isla!!d. To fill the Yacancy thus crcawd 1L·. h . n. :u~thcws W;lS clcct~;cl w the Board on lOth December, 1937. Leave of absence for t welve mo1:ths f rom Deccmb<::r, 1!>37, wa~ ;;ranted to Pro­ fc~~or A. K Burkitl. Proie~sor Burkitt ant! P ruft•38, anJ Proicsso~· Burldtt w;,s nomi.J.:\,,

2. ST.'>r'F. Oa .J.:?tb Xo\·ombcr, 1037, )f,•, J . R Kinghot·n, hnviog ~C-':1. !lw .. .-Je,] n AJ.Uscum \-:,i or's Grant by thu Carn~ic Corporatio::~, procc.odc l to .\.ncricn ·:::.d B~it .. i.,. He Y i~itcd mnuy )['llSCUllh ..hro:td , p:~ying spcci:.:l attention t<> cuuc•• tion::l ncth·.itics, and on Li3 rctum in ~ay, 1!>:::::>, ~uL:r:ittcd u. report on his ob51.!n·,uion;:,. )fr. G. 1'. WJ.itk·y, wltilv on lo1.g sel'\·icc lc .. \'C from 10ti1 .July, ].!>37, t:ll lSd: J::.:.u .. ~·y, 1!138, vi~:tcd tl.u Bl'iti:oll I:slcs, t~1o con~inc1:;; o! Et:ropc, aud t1w United State:~ . ..:r. \\'hit1cy cx:tmiu.!J t1w co!lcl't:vn::. ht ov.::rsC;lS }.t;s.;um.s, particu~ .. r1y the type., oi ~"" ;l t<-.1~i:m spet:ics oi fisl!cs, and on his return furni:,bcd a report on hia cXJll.!ricnct::s ,. nd o!Jsel'\':ltiOil:l. )Ir. F . D . ~fcC:mhy visited tho Dutch East Indies nnd 1hc )!aln~· 8tnt...,, lcav· i:::' in Jnnc, lll:Ji, :mcl 1·cwrning in :ll::rch, 1!>38. Dur;1w this r>criod he cr.g:lgcd in e::.;c:n·::tiou work in Cekhes with the late P rofessor \·:m 8t~iu C::llenicls, and :~.tcmd!! cl the Conioruncc oi Prchi..torialll:> of the F:w Ea;.t. hdd :lt Sinr ;tpc•l'O, luwing u~v>l uomiuu~cd a:. <1 delegate by th(; Bo:n·J of Trustees. In his l'cPOl'• to the T rustees _e J •• ~ao SJ.)Ccial reference to th\: J.csirahility of in~t i tutin'=' nn nrchacologicnl survey i,, New So'Uth Wales, and it was approved by the T1·us.cea th:.t the Government bo :: '.c.- to me!.:.:!., i!_ tL. .• EaLimatea a bt:.m of £1000 to enable uuch a .;urrcy to bu c .•:·::icd ,)

.\ l'C'tlllC'Sl h:v the Dcp:wtnH'nt uf :Jrinc·~ .h,t ~\lr . 1T. 0 . J.'l<'tc·ltcr he )ll'l'mirl<'d (tl identify th,, lt),,ircetvr, was uk<:t.t'd :t Cvl'l'lll:-llVHpott t1n tlw suhjc·c·t of the nssi.:t:mcc g-in•n by thr PrC'1)nt".\tori:11 Stntf to }'C'd<'ral :md Stare Gm•<'mmC'nt l>c,•:ntmcnt.. , awl it w:\s flJlJ•rovcd th.,; o .• ta be n~scmblcd to cna11C' an e.,dm.nc oi actu.. l iill\C' consumc·d in this work tu be mack. •\ list of the ,;raft' will 1>.' fomtrl in Appendix B.

;J. no~ult .I R \' !:)1'.\ 1'1•' .\ XlJ ifU l\\)J(.\1()' Uomn::,;l'QXlll': ~'l':- .

)[r. T . H . (,u:.l:'ill'::. t.ppoin.t.tmt ;b Hv:uot·ary I.c,,id•ll•tcrist was c:ominued ior a term oi th·e :.·cnrs i rom ..:\.pril, J fJ;JS. 'J'hc following HollOl'lli'Y .Oorrcspomll>nl..s were appointed :­ _lir. ,J. :.\L11t:>~-d, Cn~•·n.::, Qu\?CU!,.t._.; ... , •. •\Ir . Roy .Tohnson , :.\[nri timo ticn·icco. llvard, ::l,nlucy. ~\fr . H . S. )fort, :.\[osman, Sydney. J.i,.t::. oi the IIonor:\l'Y s .•,.r ;md Uonut·a:,y Corrc::;)Olalvnts are ~h·cn in .\.ppcll· dices C and D.

..;, J.'s.:t.u \\'on" \\JJ Cuu.J:C'l't.:-1 .. ]Jming the yC'Ul' attention wns spcci.ll,v gi''''n to imJn·ovc11l<'llts in clbpln.v, nnd !ic1cl wor!;: was Jr.;.inly directed to 1lw proc•urin!t oi thC' man•t·ial and informntion tl<'C<'S· ,;.t~'.t' .',Jr t;,;, ]llll';hbc. ::\•l'i'~:·s . 11 . ::-.. Gr;lllt, .T. l t. \\'right .md G. C. Clurton \'i.,itci::nr l!l"~>llp. :1tHl (1\C'rc tlw~· wcr. joined by 1Ir. l~l'l\nk 'l'o~c· , Chid of .Exuibits, C:1lit'ornin A{'adom:v of ScicTh'CS, who by ~).e g mct..o<..ls o~· t:lxiderm;y and dis· play. )h·. \Y1·ig.1l also ~ollected wallabi..,,. and po~::.\llil.; at :\;ltl.li, ;tlld ~i10 Direcwr 01:d 1L·. E . L. Trougl.t<•U uccmnp:micd }fr. ":'o:;,) to tho Blue )Jcmntains and the .Tcnol;:n Caves to olnain iuiorma.ion am. m ..tcri.l: :ivr a Ho~k ·walbby II.1bitnt Group. 1tcs"ts. J . H. King·l.orn and \\' . .1.nl:.rdmaa in~._lect"'l Kin;;'" Tabld.md, \Ycm· \\'Ol'lh 1-'alls, whcro it i~ proposed to c:>tuhlish :\ 1auna1 ~auctua,·y, and :.\lr. II. 0 . Flctc.wr :;pent ;,v.nc d.t;.·:. in the Hunter Tiivcr district .:xamiJ:iug the J>crmi.Ju

.cqu~ncc . :.\Ir. E. L Trougltton and )fiss J . •\ltnn vi:Jited Lord Howc hlnnd :md <:o:lectcd marine ~pecimen,. for di:.play and inYc,tit:-ation.

5. DoxA'l'IO~s . )fr. E.-nC'st 'Y~;nderliC'h l1n;; continued to prc::.<:nt '·olumcs i:;sucd by t hC' Briti>.h ~chool l>i Arc:lluc,>logy in Egypt, COlnl•ri::>in.;; son.e vah1::blc :tdclition"' to t!se librnr~. An important donntion wns m:Hic h;v Dr. hn )bcGillivra~·, who prt·sentN1 the hn~l! Nllectillu oi birch.' cg~s formcll hy his l.uc fatlwr, D1·. W. D. K . :.\fncGillivr:~y , of nruRC1l JT:lJ. l'.lrtict

ii. c \I.I.BltY Tlll'R0\'.:~11::\T::. • • \ :,.pceial C'fl'on wn:; mndo during th" year ~o ctfcct improvement" 1n th..: C'xhibit .. , nnd :1 conl:'idcr.1Llc mc:~~un• of o.U<:l'C~s wn, .1t.tainC'cl. During the visit nf )fr. Fr:mk Tosc. " clns:. ior l>l'cJl:u·.nor:o w .. s e,.ral>!i,.hcd ~ t the )ht,cum and wa" :\1 tl'nded "'' orlici.'rs irom the: )[nsC'nms in Bri:,hnn<'. )fc>lhounw, Ad.:bid<' ;md ITuhan. Three nn'c hahit.lt groups were: c·OJlStructcd under }[r. To~e•, supcrvi.-ion, mtmcl,v n Hcd 1\nup:nroo, n Hock \\'nl!ab,v, and n. Konlu ;::roup, c:.eh with :Scenic: background :1ml :1Jl}l1'0}lri::tc :H:CC'll· suric,.. The J>Ja:ypus ;.;:nn:p, cvn::.trnctcd hy th\) .:\(n::.eum tnxidcrmi:::t:>, wi:a l1th•ie(' ·floom :i\fr. li:ll'l'Y Burrt-11, O.B.E., the hi~he~t authority un thi:s curivu... m:llillll:ll, iorms u very ~;tl'iking cxhil>it, i!lu,tratiug- it" u\ll'rowing, ::.wimming·, and breeding hnhib. )fi~s .J. . \Jl:.n, .\.:,.i:.t.mt :n Cond.v!o.,_~-. h .. s ~Oll•J>lddy tr:m~io~· .. 1 The slu:ll g:.ller.Y, whiclt now prt::.:>l'nt:o :m attractive disphy il!u:;tr.lting the structuro.:, chs;;itic;\­ tion, nncl life hnbits of the )folluscn. "·ork l1 .. s l,roccdccl in tho g.,llcry oi l'eptilc~, :md .\mphibb, wl..~l'o a SjJcc::l• effort i::; Lcing made to hnJJ<:n n more liic-~ikc: aml11atur,,] ilppc:H\llll:C to the ~hit_ Jn th11 ~•'•·ti••H M ''lilt~llhtlt~;:;,,· 1fl· . .T. 1\in;.;.h·:-· .•\ s,.i-tn~ot .\,.,;,.,,!:.tor :1ncl m••il<'l ­ . •r. h:h <'e)lli\ti'IIOI'd ~lllllll ;,;l'\Hlp,: <' tlll,,i,.ti;,;_~ rd c• .i:lrg-,•d tllOt!e•o~ :nul :IC'o'P,<~orit•~ In illt:,-tr.llt' t!H' li f,• hi.. tcll'Y ot' tla• -\1:1-: ie . , · L· C'.~elc!i ;. !.,,·, .1:1d 11! ole:· it.s('('t ~. Tn the p:1la,•nnrol,l:.,:c al rnom :1 JW\\' ll•ocn· h. ,, J,,,,,n ),,;,J e.own. 1\('\\' ,.,,,.,•. ~ J.;:\'t• j.,.,•n ill:>tnlh-d, nlld thu c•xl dhits al'u l•t'i ng; 1\l'I'Hll~<'tl :;u .1 ~ \11 t<•llthc• s1ul'.Y "f fussils iu :1 , ,.,:llt<'l' whid1 will he ,·on Jll'l·hrnsilolc· anl:tl .. ·d it. tlt•' :uill.. ral A':lli•·•·:-· .,lh1 \., :d l~ t':l:--t'S h:n· ... lu'<'ol ft:rni~ltc•d \t>L l H\'\Y h~1cl\gl'utnHl~ it~ I~~;,\\·cJufi ut uth .. l\• :1 .. th.. r.. 1., nn,t ,,·ith 1:i<·~..:0: hr~\·kt.•t:-. :tud ~lulng .... )fany llll['l'••\'l'ntl'llt>- h.H·C' hcC'n Pti"t•c·tC'

Lru::.,., \'.

During- tlJ\· yc:1:· ;! .;,; \'olumC', \\'1'1'<• :tdtt<•tl t" thr· ,iht'•H'Y, bC'.,idt'.~ :1 bnC' numLC'l· oi unhotm~ nnrl ,;oriC'th•,; 111 v~ri.nt,. Jl:trl.s 1:11h• ,1\':lil.tule tu udt,•J' 1\'111'~''-'r~, <•flit·ial u1· t•l'i \':\ 1•'. .\., in lll'c•\'ion~ y,•:\l'~ th<:> J.ibr:lri:m h:ts :1>-l'i:.tl't:~ ,; f t L~.~ )fa~tJ\, .!1. Tl1C' qnt•>-1 ion nf I he' .tpJ1roin t 111C'1H of :t Lillt':ll',\' ussistnn t hn~ ll(•(lll fu rllwr con­ ,idPi'ccl, ::m.l pt•opo,;als to 1ill thC' ]Hl:--i t ion h:c\'C' uc ).fasl'lllll.

5. l't IIJ.IC.\'!!0:>". Dm·in~ tl.<:> y,., r \'",>1. XX, .' 1:1 :? u;' ;!. · .. .~Qrordr.'' an,l \·vl \•I., l'al't,; G-!1, "i the ...\ ll:;tl".lli.m :.\i tl:-o<'ltrll ).! :l".ll':il oc'' \\'C'l'l' j,;su •. ,J. _\ lm1c·lnm•, '" .\nsn·.1li:m :\bllrl;.dll.ll De•·ew,ui,·C' .\rt," hy P . n. '\feCal'lhy, witlt , :.e ,.,,]., 1r pl:u•· nnd man." p::oto~rap],j, . n•pro~tluc-rion,; o •.H·tn::l ,;p,•C'iLX'lb, wa,. pub­ ;i~lw.J . ThN'l' hidt·l";tlot,• llt!m;'ln pul,d<·ati,m i::. one whi..!t will be U6cful to nrti:,t;,; mHl c\.•,.ignpr,. _\ \;ui.J,. Btlnk ro the (\mtents of 1he :\lu~c:tlm wa,., Jn'e]}!U'<'tl tlminp: the· ycnr :11!<1 wi!l he aY.. i!.,bJ,. (':t<·ly in the cv •.• in~ li!i•is.hed dming tlw ;.·,•,\!' will :w 1'nmt•l it; .\pr•L·n• Jix E.

!), ~!·.'•.L. Ct\ d::.'\,\1:\ Cl;r.;·:llll.\T!Ol\::.. Tn c•ollll('C'Iioll with l•IC' t:l'l.-hi',Jtintl" 111;\rkin;; 1l.c l:iOth ;\.mi\\:•,·,.,,11',\' of tlll' Fotnhl..ti<•ll .,f ,\u,::na1ia tJ ... Tnt:-;t,•<·~ H]l!ll'ol\'t•cl that tlw .\!i:SP!ll\1 ,]u•tllr. :o~l~ ,.nu.:nia()<· 11 1'1~ ~t.l;.:in;,! c,i· c·l·rtai!'l C'Xhibit~ 1n thl' Cun ... !Jovn, r:ll.V\.! P~~\'iliun, l!o,v.:l E.l:-H.·l' :""\J.o\\· . .\11 .1h..-n·i:.. :Zn ... 1 g ... vup ... ·.,nt:d.l.:n~ :1 llUlllLl·~· <•f life·~i7P li~m·, "• witlo llJl)li'IIJll'iatco ;l<'<'l'li~Ol'il'~, w:1" shuwn in tla! form cot' :1 c·am)l ~d'll<·. 'l'hl' -:\fn~l'tllll :d:;o c'HIItrilntt,•d :111 ,xhihil nf i'lwJJ,. of rh,· Crc•at Bnni•·r H.~('!', •.z11l ii:-J.,.,, ,..J.,.,],, mul <·or:lls ..t' Lo:·d J!CJwc J,;,ancl.

10. Lr·:c"I"I'J.J·:" .\'.!! Btw.lnC.I:-.'1':; . • \ < in i•>:'IJH'I' ,,.,,,,r_, ! 'o;ml:n· S,·ic•nct· l.n·t urr,.. .nal :-.c·J.,u,] Lc•t·t\H'l'~ ,.,.,.1... c.lc~:\'(·;'·•c., ol:"o \\'( H :x ... :l n ... nLcr o: V .tn.t.H·y ad,!:\'::O:f-l':'., Ly iL\ ul •••~!'- ,,!· tLc o!)~ •• fi hl \';tri"''" ··llll<':tti"tt.d tou

'l']H· lon.d :ltt<.·tlll:l.:,·c·,.. :it 1h: Y .. rivus ,;er:~.:.• of kc·tm·c~ \I'd'<' :1::. J',,]J.l\1'~ :­ _\ta·m!.tut·c-s. 1:!. 1'opnlat· So•il'IIC'<' l.Cl'tlll'•';; l,t;. ..J~ !J s,.J,., .. l Lrc:tm·e~ ·.· l.!i.r:l ·l.: \"olt ..:lat'.V I.c~·(tll"~·.; ~~~=~n D,-tai!,; •n' l.~,·l·tt:rv~ :mt! ;ttt•·r .. b:a·t!" appc.tr iu .\ppemlix F.

11. ('.\,:~1·\.lf: (\,:,•ti:l1'1 uf lh•· Film (\llnmitt<-c nf the· lli')J:tl'tlllC'llt .. f Jo:,hr.·aliuu. F11r the pur• )"'~''" •.!' tlli,; ,;c·t\'ic••• l'Cjll :pnwut for lll.t~>iu;.;- :uul '-1\•1\\'in~· film,.. lt:l:< !.t'l'll pm·.. h:t,:•,l ::;Hl 1. r..tJr:.:i~'·~· uf !':hns i!!u~r: .. th·,. of .. ..\ttsL·al:~.n lt.ttur:.l :1i .... turs La\·... ~l .... t~:, . <·\tub·.~~L 'flh· ~\ftl-l•:un pl.<>ttJ~I':lJ,ltt'l'. ::\lr. (;, C. Clntttm, !:as •·tuhar::,•tl <•I• tlll' \\'or], r.i m:1ldug ::1tH> <•l "d,·dc. · On n.:. Xon.m' er, : ... , •.1 1 'wm.11 •.c.::ting of the :..ssocLtion w.::s held in the ~fuscum Lectt.re L.all, ~',:ufc o · I. C . •{ich..rd:. b.:ing- in the c:hair. The meeting- was t th:ndcd by ~he PN~iJ.-nt, :1:.c ·r Tru tee,;, :\llJ "vy tncmbc:;s oi the scientific and prcpnr:\tori:-.1 st;..u.; of the .:u.otr.L:. n ~ r.,~ut:~, by the Din ctur oi the .'~rt Gallc.ry, Sydney, tho Directors oi t'a; _' .. tional )fu.,cum, llc!Lot:mc, an1l the Soutn ..lustraLan :Museum, ~'lch:laidc, the Cnmtot' .md ol ie1•r::; ot tho Tc·chnolo:,icul }fu:~cum, Sydney, nnJ hy ot.ic-ol'.:> of tho ~t:no ,,, u ,cum.. of <~uccu;.hmtl , Victorin, SoULh Australia, and '.J..'n:;w.J.niu.

V:u·ious matters wcl'c discus~"'' including the c1uc.~tion oi ~:>t •• tl<1ardiscd jnrs for t1h' pr..::.crvation o{ 5l•;;;t :>JlCcimc ... , thu cOnl}l1ction of t1.c ;lOrth·castcrn wing of tl10 S_,'ch1ey Art Gallery, t.•C ior.nntion ut a Prcpnrator.,' .'\::;soci:nion, C~orncgie Co1·porn· tion Grams, the Cu:--.J:ltitction oi tJ,c .\.::;.;oci.niou, the scparatioa oi t::c l 'uulic Libr.ny, }o.ta;et

~~r. I<'r:mk Tosc, CJ.i, ~ ot £x!.ibits, Cdifvrn:.,. _\.c,l

13. l3tilr.DI:\GS AND EQUJP~l~T . l>rcliminnry sketch pl:ms o; th< }utseum cxtcnsioJu; wen• c·omplcted by the Gov­ .;mment At·chitect's Branch nm1 t·ccci\'C,d the consideration o: the Trustees . . As the pl:ms provided for tl1e inclu:.ior. u• the whole of the l:md occupied by the \\'illiam-strcct Schoo1, they were rci.:rrcd b .• <··• to the (,o>er;,mc·nt .\rc:.itcct to be rccftst, nnd for an dtcrat:on to be made in t:h.: dc,irrr oi the ccmr:\1 fcatm·c. The Go,·cn.ment Architect n:.,:ccc! to prepa:::e fresh }J.:l:• ., on tllc !i1.t's of t!:c altcrn.t,ivo ::.!. tch P>~n _pprovec! by ...c Tru:,tces. The sum oi mo::.Py "induu.:, ~n the prdiminary Loa•. Estim::.tes of the \\• o~·-'s Dc.vm·-.ment wns evc:.l<~:llly ,t:uck out and no 1iro;;rc.:ss wa., made with tl.e new o>\OtC!l pbns within the :lnnncial year.

The Department oi \Vor.,,; • ll

A tot::1 ot forty-two u:1its o.' tcd :;tor:l).!'I.J cabinets provided with tray:. w::.s rn:r.:hasct~ , ,,nJ in!.ta1l;:d io1· u:;e iu tL, ....:t!molo::;:":-.1 .w<: I"!lve>·tcLr::to ,e:ction~ .

The thanks of the 'fl·ustcC1s :ne nc.:orclcd to tl•e De1pnrtmc·nt of "'m·ks and T.oc!!l f'lovcrnmcnt fo1· i t::; continued :mporvi::.ion of -.J,e :Museum mniutcunnco lrecd,, :md for hs t·cnJy co·opcro.tion in ru:.ttcrs :.trt'ctiug Museum buildings.

H . FL'\.\XCE.

.A spcci!l1 item oi -:1,.~00 w. s included in the 1\,rli::mcmnr~· .\.1>p:·opriatioa ior the p\.r.::... se of new Ji.,I• .. •Y .... d .,tvr::.;-c C<.::.Cs, ...;J :ior :;l>~.;cial cxhilnt:. :u.d ft:rni:.hir.g:, :fo1· the gn1le ri~.

T110 St:'nHm·y Rndo\\'lnc.tt \1':.1::. l'"::.tort>J to ihc o•·i;;ina1 .tmouut oi £1,000 :1::; irom 1st J anu,u-y, 10:JS.

From the .AnniVC\'r>,wy C~.;tuLl•:,tions Comuittce the ~1\·n:.u•l's received :m :nnouut oi £ l2 4s. 1d. towal'tl::. t:w co.,t of the nborif,-innl ~roup cxhioit a;o~own iu the Com­ tncmoraiive I>avilion, the Tru,tc~., l'ut::-.:ning- the exhibit.

Tl.c total ndz expcnditm.; from ConsoHd.ucd H .. vct.t:c Ft:l.d for the vcar (cxc!uJ!ng Statuto,·y E:.L.own.c .. t of :!:!/Ov) w:1s £10,:!7u h~., cotr.p.. :-cd wit .. £10,214 7s. ld. ior lo1st ye:n. X.:tt cxpcmditu:e f:om Tru:.tc.:s .\ccount. Funds (inc1a,1in~ Sta~utoty Endowment) wa:; £1,:.:)1 3s. :id., comp:m:d with .£1,1·1!> 17 ~. 3c:. fo-:: 193G-37. The expenditure for the ye; .. l' from the Trustees Xo. 2 .\ccount (C.• rncgie Corporo.­ tion Grant) w!ls £;;69 Ss.

The cash balance in tho Trustees Xo. 1 .Account at 30th June w:ls £12S 12::;. 2d., w1.ilst that in the Trustees Xo. 2 Account wns £1H5 Os. !ld.

St:1tement of rcccipta :u.d pnymcnts nnd t1lc revenue •• ccount ior the yonr wm be found in Appcndicc.5 II. nnd .... 15. l ' unr.rc .ti:rTJ.:!\1"1.\XCES .

·- :,~, i .. ttc:,,l:nw(·s iul' thl.l ~· cu; ::.~::~-~:1 to l!'t3':'-;;:s :: •. •1p n d. ;t will tht• 1.,.. trc:, iM 1his y..:ar :H·c c·m.~tidc:·::b.J h • .et t .. • ~·c.. ·'ll ..;nri '~ ..." ,,f 1~3~-33 (in ~Lly, 1033, the Lou ..· uf opcL:.~g \\'. h, .:.. :.I ~;cd ~·.-om 10 t' l:! :1\)!,.ll\) . \Y,,,•k-d:ws. Sun !,:.a l ~,., ! .. :;;; 1~0.1::>1 :;~.73 b 209,21.> 1 !l:~:l-:1G H:I,!HG !iC,;';Ot :J ;2,!1'7 l.t;;,; ..;;; ll.">,~1iO 5~, :!~:; J.!>S,l· :1 1037-3::> 1:17,1()1 :l.J.,SOD 211,!!70

J[.w.llwls (E. 4 C•. Trvughtoh in ..:uargc.)

l n adrli r inn tn various imcrv:>ting doll :'It ion,; rtcC'i\'l'cl rrom t.]JC Tnron~n Park Tn:~t (inclu.!in·; .1 Hue Sl'Ct·im.·n of n Tr"c' 1\ang-aroo frulll :\nw C:uiuca .. lld :; ,\'Ollll~ ~ h·.lt7c), ::ud \],., u:;ual ::.eriC's of .. m ..ll don.1tiuu~, v. •·~c.t.s colke,i .. ns were rccch·cd :md r•'P•lrtcl! npo1: :n :c:;a;·,l to hC'al.!. .ll!d cco:H>mi,• int<':cst.

I.. contit.lt .. tion of tl.c as~bt::ncc ::n:·m·,Jcd to tnc (~uc.:.•n:;l.tad Dt:rcau •lt :),:g.;r Experiment StatiL>ns, :,11\'cr:.l scr:cs oi manmpials and r:ns W<'l\~ ir iden.iric:\tion from Dl·. Curl GnnlllCr, ),ft•iNctor-Cloncl·:tl of l'uhli,: IIcalth, Qtt.H'n::.Jan,l, :ltlditiunal specimens of m:'ll':.upi.tls :1ud l'tllS wcro l'l'cdvccl for report in eom;cction with l1is i•wc~tig-ations on the :lnimnl l'Cill'rvoin; of k·pt,>spirosi.; (\\'cll':s cli:>ca,;c) . Specimens <>i l'at:; were abo hl~·utiticu ior the Colonial Su~trtr Hcfin­ ir:;.: Company. l: .. po-rtnm addit:ond co.. ectior.:; wcl'c Tli.ll'..:!.a.;e,l ::t w ..n:r ..1l rn·icQ :ro:n the Hi'v. J . B. l)

In ac1,1ition to the u,;;::. Cl:~·ntori •.l . et: vi tics :U::-. '!\·.,.! ,', r. Jevo.c.! at io:. to mr.ttcrs in connection with thnt,:cpar:.tivn :m.l bctall!n~ of tl.:-. I! m~t~u_~: .. l JJ,.l;,t... t 1-!roups COll!iLl'tl('lcd lm

Assi:>tance to 0\'Cl'.;eas inst: •.nim.;:. and \'ariO'lS uq>:wtmcnt- inc1t .•lcd tllo }ll'C- 1 n·ation c.i i.mn .. l rep"~'" :n:c1 "C:\·ice on various rommittcU'. :J[r. 'f:o~;hto .1 .. t:cnded r:.c t ..ceting-:> oi a Committee 011 'I\>ssum I':u·:nin;{ convc·nccl b:,· t!.e Olliei' :::<:'crctary, : n<1 nf u Committee :'IJ.ll(>in,,d l,y the Pn:mie1·'s De pllrtmcnt I) give :lliv' ,.~ relativP r.. th<' ncq11isition of Konln Pnrk. .\t tl1r r<•qur;;t oi the Prilllc ]lfinistc·r\; D<·parlment ~fr. Troug-l1tun }lt'\:l'·•rcJ lis t~ of n.nmmal~ fur tJ.,. inionn::tiulo of L:c Briti l .\oh·isol·~· ( mci] in CO!Jil(•('tioa witL tllC ]Jl'OPO~etl Imc:-nntion:;l Co.J: •.'..:rcne;) on l'rotcct\on or tl v F!o.-a ~:td 1\nmr. oi th<: .\siatic :a:d Aust:-.• b~inn •·er.;ion,... TL C.1i : s, ..::-. t•1:-y w.. s it.nishc,! with .l l'll1:.1,rchcu:t.<'('ri"n. .\l'•, ,j o• mi::tktoc, nnd \ ri ll .. tiJPl' 11 .tll<-:·,, rclmi11, to ti,~ Jn.nnm.di.l'l i;HIIW. ~.1. tt•tiol.>' of m. "lltllll s wen· •' •if •! ·, r 11 e .\u:ttr.m,· D•!' l''ntr·1·... 1cl re_.,. re!: mat. r·r.: \\,,, !ll'O\".lcc1 for th.: n I .• :·tmr-r.t of St.. ·gc:·y. rlli\'{'o'.•it:"-" llf ~y.LI(·~·. .\ F~i~t d.('<' ..nd it:lOl'!l::.tivn \"a~ :1l_.r, \ •n to tl,~ '1'. m.m'nn ); ,,, u.n, Hob.n·t, th•• .\ 1irn:ll IL,•:~It: . L:lt)o::. tv•Y nntl oth.::.­ duv:\l'tments o1 tllo Council ,·ul' i':>c:h.:ut.i!ic and Inclustl'id TI<·~c:Jrch, tho 'rnsti t utc oi 6

Anatomy, C':m~--·rra . the Dl'JI. rtlnel. ,,f x:,·: ·~;. J,, ,v. '-:rish.ntc, :uul other in;.titn­ tiun~ . ~) ... r1n;.;· }li::, Yi:-it le• ~ .' u·~· . ,, . . . \':·c.. . ' ,,, ~ . ,,~ },,,~,itat :.:.-~~~1~1 Nll­ ,.,lrucli••u llllder th" sup<'l'\'i:-.i.m "'.... r . ',' ·~ . • . '-'· ••. 1.:: 1. •• ,or, .-. .. •i .. r: .1l ..ft:seum , _\ h·11JtH11'n, ~, \\':l""' h·l'll ft~,·lli~i<· .... J\11· ,:• .nh' n .. :. llh i'lu~~· ~·· ~·l1,,: . ,,~· lYlH'~ m.t ,,,••• ~ •. ~C·Ill.l .

Owin(-1 tn \'ari,n:,. :wdviti<'>< rCsC':ll'l·h 11'<1 S l'C'll·idl·.I tu I ht• examination of :1 scri(;,i ul l'.j>ceil'S ,,j l'I'Ullulllic illljl of \~un • n:,;] .. ,"l. A p:IJh:l' ::.umm:n·i,.,ing inl<>l'llHit~nu ,\ .• ~e:nhlul iH \'arious faunnl rcpo1·ts wa~ pn•pan·tl uml :submitted Jot· publication in the "J\mcdcnn .}ttnrna 1 ,,i )f anll,la h•;.;,,·.'' )I:·. Tr,•u;.:-i.ton :::-:,i::.tcu in 11rcpm·in~ t ••u malllnlul and o;;tculv;.;-y :;e~.:tion~ of the :1lu:.cum Guide.

;)h·ldou;<, (K Le Q , 'l'l'OugLtoa in ehar~c .) Imponnnt mlJitious to till' coli<·<.·liuu "J' hu1111111 cr:tnia inclucle.l'd .. :Jth:·opolol{ic:tl exhibit. Crania wc:rc lent for s!.nth• to D 1·. Oliver Ill.!nson and tu vuriotlti rc:>earuh tnHl art student:;. Human ,111d utiiC'r er,ania were proviclcd for ·.JfcSRl'S. AJlcn and JJcnson ill connection with !IO:

_\c•juisition::. durill;{ the ~·"a r tlltallctl 17J uil'(ls, III.!!Sls and egg::;. The lnrgcr t•ol• lcctiuu. were ~·I.Jt .. iue\1 irom ]);, C,,,.. (hm •ll'l', .Uululn, '1\·rritor~· of );cw Guinc:t; l:T;~M LicuLeu:mt Stuarr Q,unplll'JI, :·h~pik Hh·cr, ~cw Guinea; llr.. \ ..J. ..Ua1·::shall, who procured the :;JlN:imcJt,; ut ll.·c }'jard, Spitsbcr~cn.

'.J'hc rc::i,.,tratiun mHl ca:alo~uiu,.. u:: tnan,v ! naw.:cd ~ o; c0 g::. rel·eivc

• \ \'CQ' l.trgc .:ud \';tiuahl\! <·ollcction oi e;.:.g» uuwl.. •r ingo man,v t!IOu:;ancl::., :formt·'CiltC[ it~ kind in the Commonwc:1lth, llnd uont:lin:. ll\<\11~' run and inter\!:;ting dut<·hc.; :from wc·~lcrn )/'ew Routh \Vulcs, Ce11tral , .North Australin, \\'ei!t\'1'11 QI JC\ 'Il~­ Llud and the bland of th(' R::trrirr R t·ef_

ITundrc,],. of C'nquiriC',.; for iniormntivn l>:v rl1e gcnc:nd publi,· were :d I'; tlli.:!'.c included ~ir Charles Bl'll·her allll Dr. 1>. L. SC'rveut,v. Information wa, g-i1·•m to v,o:i­ '-'lls GcwernmC'n t Department:;, ;,uch ns t11C Oh id Secrct:wy':-;, tile Dcp:\1'1 nwn i of A~-;•·i­ n.lturc, the Department of Trade tmd Customs. '!'he .oeconcl Intcr,.hlte Fnuna l\micrcnce \\':ls held in Sydney in .:;cptt·mucr and )f•·· J~il1ghorn \1'1111 n:;kccl tu continue m•gotiat.ion:; with forcip:u count1·ic::. <>ll the :;uhjt•ut ui the prohibitioa of l'Xport tv .Ausrralh1 pf ct:rlaiu li!H'Cies. On•r twenr~· ft•reign c:oun­ tl'i\':l wel'l' :tpprouc:hed :llld during hi, \'itlit abroad ~lr. Kinl-thorn di~cu~sct! the mancr with vnrious bodi,•s in the Unit.Pd Stutcs and with the Dl•p:trtment of Agrieulture in C.:n•at Britain, Fiji :n11l Culombo.

Rt•tJUlt'li t111d Halmchia. (.T. R Kingh,H'n in chargo; W. Dourdmnn, Assi:.tunt.)

~pct·imcn~ :ul.J..,d during the ,\'C:Il' numbcrC'd :?:H, incltulin;,;: :1 line c<>llection pre­ idlup, \Vcstem Australia. Smaller collt>ctions were rcceh·cd from Flight Li<'utenant ~tnarl C:w1pht·ll (Fis Hin'r, New Ouinca), Dr. Cnrl Guntlwr (Bulu],,, Xew (iuineu), )l.r. C'al'i:; (Yurious Xcw Boulh \\'ale, coastal ishmds). 1\ll donations haYC lll'<'ll regi:;t~rcd :llld cataloguetl.

:lh. \\". Baruc,., ..:\.~:~,.i:;tant Taxi\l,·rmi;;t, has c:ulllple!l·,} the rcorg:mi1.ation oi a l:u·ge :;cl'tiun uf the n•ptilc g-ullcr.v, l'l'plaein!-:' the ghtss shelving· with a s:mdcd ·bad.:­ gl'IIU1l!.l rt-prescnting rock llncl vnriou, 1\CN!.s;,orics ro gh·e

J.'iRhcs. (G. P. Whitlc:.· in charge.) :l\f1·. Wltitlcy was on long service lcavu from July, lG:r;, rill .Jnnuar.~· 1938 dur­ ing whi<·h time the fishes receivoJ \\'C'rc registered lllld pre:>crved by i>Ir. I i. B. Gr:lnt Chief Tuxidermist. The identification, c:ltaloguing, aml 1innl di,.po,;al uf the "ll<'ci~ mcJIS llW;Iited llr. ".hitlcy's return, nud thi:; work w:~:~ nut compll'lcd 1J,:f0 rc the "lld of. thu tlnnncinl yt•:u. • l><)tJ:lti<•lt:. indutlt•,1 M'H t·.ll <':\l'd!t•:, t c,,:., etion from X"w C t.inc.. , c ... miu:,:- f1·vm thl! l "pp<'l' S~.·pik Hivor (Fii.-l.t-!.IL'\L• ),ant ~tu :l C':llrlj>b,·lt), .LiU!!llll di,,rrit· .. (lk c.. d •UIItlu:r), Halanu\\l:l ancl \\'nl•unc!.!ld ll'l' t'\'<'Pi\'<.;11 n ful'tht·r ~Prit·~ of Jt,;h<.;ti t'rum lluin, Sulo­ l.'•lll~ . :lad Cnllll\tnn. I,. SN\'unt. '• (~:a·cll •. ,J.J (C,,plaiJl ,.\. );k· b<>!l :llltl )h. c. Yo.,.kott), ' l'l•LL•l', QuPL'll~l..:~cl :llll. ).c;' s(.ut:l W.th:., (:.\tr.

) 11 :

,:.Ol;:'\'C~. Tl y ,•:-;,·h.lllg\' wc :.'.'qllin·•l ~••tnc ~.v n;:Hnthi'Jll'<:illll'llS ot !h,: l~Jq,h:1llt bh,tr\. (('a/lCII'!JIII'flll.~ milii), lli!W to i hc ::.\cw ~~•uth \\"nk:; fannu. :'If:. 1•:. l.t• (:. Truug-htun c·oll•···led i h r,~c 1i:.]w,. at T.Ol'c"! Tivwc Ll:lnd, :tntl small Jvcal c,,llcdion.- \Yl't'l' m.11k ],~· .\!r. \\'hitlt·~· . Xt:nwrou" JL:!:<>" wJ,idt ! .. ,d ,.,m.c :,Pari::,: ,1,1 hi.,,urit·.. : mt.t~r:-.,, r .. rly collcctvl""• ~t.: . , w.;>r,• !,•ut w t~tc Fl,•r.\ atHl Fnun,t Exhi!Jit:u:; lll'ld tluri:.g- t!.\! .:iOth .\1.r.i\"cr:.ar,v Cl'll'ln· .. iull~ .••ne! a C'ollcl"tion t1t T.v.-cl 1Iowo hl:mcl tbhc:; was cx!.it:.1t~d in the Com­ ltH'llhll';ll iw .?:t\"i liun. Ro~·,. I . \~rit·u h ur:tl ~hnw~ro untl, ]n,;t. Ea~tt·t·.

.\ l.ws.tc nutnhcr ,,f cnquiri,•s h~· Pl'C.;l' :tll(l puhlit was dealt. wit.h, nnd whon he \\"a..; a!.ro;Jd ~fr. \\"hitlC'~' WllS <'l'J t:lfi\lt. I•• nr. E.\\'. (;uck<·r•• \mC'l 'il'Un ~fu:;cmn cl ). .h\·1".1! l[j,,tur~·. :Xl'w Yurk, .mll :uHl literattlr~: (~tis::> !:ltCJkes nn wltieh ;ll\ hl'iug- tL·::.tt•d for vitallli!l conLCut. :Mr. T . C. l~oug:lt­ ],·y, E.~unomic· /.oolugi::;\, '1\:dmtlhl~ical ,\ltl~t'lllll, was ::tronlctl inicn· na."un "1 \\~h.l.\!1' ~ll ....;,,; , )f:.rr • ~a:Jlc n::.ht.•>:o, 1'11111 1\ing-li::-h (indutlin..;' J:achyccnlron) . ~11' . t •. :-.tukell, Camcrbury, ;.,C\1" Zcabnd, rcc·ciwd :tch·icc reg-1\l"clin.; 1~lr.otr.ic.!~1C , D1·. Xc~n·c, London, ut~ :;,cnc~it.: n.t : :l~" · )fr. 11. \\',\><1, on Ji,.; . ~,. . collecting' .::.d litc~·:ttm·c:. .\ 1.tr,;c nu:,lucr o; Yi:;itor:. i:wlmlct.l ~n . ..·: . 0 . (1. S.:ot., Queen \'ictoriu ~ru::;c'i.:m, '!".;nmec:,tvn, ).• x. L \.laucrr, Dit\Jl'tor of the \\'c ·~t<·l'n ,\.u::.tr:dian )iu:.t:um, Dr. F. L h.<•Ul •. ;.l., and .Mr. •T. 1\:not:l>, Lt:idt·ll, Holhmd. Hundred;, vf specimt'lls of gobic:s Wcl\J lt}Oi"·cl out for Dr. E.oulll;Ul!-> to :;tudy .

::.\ir. \\'!.it],. .'· attcmrl.:cl :1 mce:tin;.;· ot' tlw Fre.. hwat~:r l~csc:n re!t Huu-Cvm•• t:twc at ;;:c Ut.;,.,.,.,.;t:; ull :!11d 11::~· ••. nd a Fi,llct·j,.,.. .h .d -ur,v Couueil :o~cdin~ at the l..Jid' 1 .::ic..:rc,:ll',\' " Dl'p.a·:~11enr o:. 1:11h ~.... ,~· . ::.\lr. \\'h" <',\" lt:.~ h:.d bu. I".tl..· ;a.~; ic r •·c.,,·,n·dt, ln.t :\ icw l".l:·u :-jJI'c:a:ot:- w~ro d(::;cribctl in t 10 ~·om·~e oi rnuti;.c wvrk 1111d j,,. <·o.nplct.:J r.:~.• tbl. ,,.,.,iun oi t!.e )Iu::.culll Guic and -'l•·· 1[. ,J. Carter, Il Ollt>r:,ry Ento­ molo;.;i,t,.)

Collcc:ivn,. ltaYc bcl!n n•c,.:,·c,i t'l'<1lh the fol:uwi:.~: - Dr. C. (~unthcr (P.1r:1~it•·" tl'"ll• .J~Ilruh,·, Xew Gui:.c·a); ) . r. I f. Phillip, (a ih10 ... cries ui Fijian J.epidotllt•nt); .:'-lr. ). . l":l·:H',\" (;1 l:ll':.!'t' c·oL·ction of •.• s,•et,; an.ltipider~ from tht• Buny:J :.\lollllll:tin.-, Qm·c·n,..hnd). TmJK•l't;,nt acltlition,- \\"vl'l :t ,;t:rit·~ of t.'"lle'" er Col.wliid;i<', PI'P~('11\.('d .;l,Y .\[r. ll . .r. C:ll'tl'l', nnd purl inn of rLv 'T'ill,\·:trcl l'nllcetion oi :..\\:urup"·ruus in,t•c·t~ pr,·~entt•cl 1,,,. ~he I3urC'nn ot Et'llllOtnie Eniumol,1g',\', (':mhcn:t; L•c latter ilwlndt·,; li·hi "l•~:cill1l'll:< ,)j' Otlonma (Dragon .u,.,.), many o-f tl,~·m ~:o·t.'·l•L'» . D.-. \\'. t •r!.m:~. :·c·:lol't:- th:;t :he ;::o,.t no:nbl<• ,..Jditio!l>' tv tlH• •·ollcctiou oi 1: ..., :.!•JI:l:l".t (Bt:ttc:·._jt),:) wc:·c tc:\1 hvlutypt: mait.• uf .a rgy,.llina lt.,lll•lltica. lH'c,.enteJ 1 ,\' ~1: . G. L,,·cll; brcital '1\::rltory, includ1l.;,;" ~ .. w r;we-, t'riJ!Il ~\[r . D. F. '\Yatl'l'hou:;c; u tim· ~wriP:o. of Ogyris ctlllltl'yf/i~ fwm Emu l>lain;;, hrctl h.v lh·. \\Tatcrlwut~c; tlw tir:;t ruwrdt•tl ViC'lol"ian ~pccitlll'lls of A o i,,!)llla domi•wht dtuclmt(Jp/wra, prcscntl·d b.v Dr. '1'. Onthrit·.

Ruttc:-.li .. , :·c·c,i;;t ... r.:•. ;,). Dr. \\'.1terho1:~c .·:·c.! ~.~(k? fr.,,n tltc \\'at.;>:huusp Cvllcctiou, ;!.j from t.lt: L.n·!i Colll'l'rion . .. ntl 1u:. L·o1.: tiw .\[u~::u:u Cu.lectioJ:.

)fudt oi tlw wurk ot the ch•p:1l'tnWHt consi;,t.:d in :m,.\\'crin~ t·ll'!lli:·:,., l'C't~:udill·~ it>Sl'J•itl,.r::. lniurm .• tion an.l a~~i,..tm,t·.., W<'l'<' g-i 1•en t,, o:::t:Ll"~ ut tHe Dcpal't· lllCIIL <~f .\gri,•ultm·c ami to tht• fc,llowiu"' vi.~it.ll':- :-:\l 1·. A. !.. Tom10ir l('.~.l.H ., C:m­ h••l'J':!) , )fr. 1{. 0. ).[illctt CFon•str,\' l>vpal'llill'lll, (':tnl•.. na), 'Jir. Hur:H'l' l)r.,\\tl (Perth, ~.\'(·.'-to·m .\u-•r.•• i.l), .\fr.. J. \\'. E\':llb (lln,·c;'tt.lli'lll l•:nt•>molu;;'i~t. Tn•.unni,,), Dr. ,J. J,.. \·i.bcm ( llit·q·tor. '\\"aiw .:.stit ,..,, :-.o.> L . \u~tral:.\). llr. .A .•f. Tnrt.t•l' (!lri,~>:tnc), .1r. Ll. ~rillr.t· (I ':t'' l;.r JJ ln... ia::C', X,,, /. ,, .. ncl). 1ft -:-:.. F. H. T.tylo:· unrl t'un.octt .:JM\". (C.. iv..:r~ity UJ. :--yt... ey), ::llis, ln~"lll !':omlth (s.nl:.cy), ::nd m .• :.y ot!IC'l'S. •••

],fr. }.~ufl~:we ha3 worl;:cd on Au ·nlir.n 1\:~. ;;.~.0.11ic~~o. :m<: tll~ lon:; sc:·ics o£ FpecimcL3 brought to~cthc r h,1:; enabled him to ,to mud·. work oi a revisionary naturo; u pnpur on the mntcrinl i:s in co\lr~c oi l•l"<.:parmion. ::I.Ir. 11[usgl·nvc, assisted by Miss ..ldnm::~, nl.;o ovcrhnulrd mal rcvi.,~d the .\u~tr:.1iaa Di,J:cra ;;nd r~acific L-land MOths. lie nlso S]i~llt con»i,i<;mhlo timo indcxin~ i tcratmc on ;\'Cnr·ral zoolo~'Y for .\ustraliou Soicnco .Abstrnct", nnd nl,;o tho litN',\llll'e un Austl·alinn and Pacific Islands entomology. :1\fr. )fcKcown l1ns revised th.:: :ami lies E:ot.\ iict\c, Colycliidn.:~, A1c1oidac, Lycidac nnd Ithonidac. Preliminary works ha:~ been ,1om. 011 tho revision of the n.vnnsticbe, ~:nd iurthor prog rc~s hns been ln:vlc in ine ins·all.uinn of mliform type lnhl·la throui{h· out the collection, prdimin;.ry to tile prc1>:tr.< ion ol :l c~lr.lo~·ne oi tno t~·pcs coh.ait.cd in this po~·tion of the collc<:tions. ).fr. )fc1\:cown ltas continued rcscar,·h on, and d'"scr:ption oi, 11cw ~rccics of .\u.,trali:m Ccl'Uillbyr:idao (Culgisc:he In1.titute, l3orlin. Ab the l'esult of }.fr. i.lcKcown's work finco 1!l3G the percentag-e of ];nown Ju:strdion spC?cics of Ccr:nnbycidac in the . \tls­ trali;m :Museum collection l1ns r:scn from 4S to 78. "'ork on the food of trout in 1\cw South Wales hns been continued. ..\fr. :McKcown n1.1dc n chcck of the Australi.m species of Tywpaniphor<£ (Orthop­ tera) :or Dr. "F. E . Zcuncr, B1·i:i~h :Jius,•um, and is preparing information regarding Ccr:tmlJycid typc!:i fo1· Dr. Breunin;.r, Vi,·Hnn, Austria. Collections oi insects for cxmnination nml nnming by :M1·. :McKr'own Wt'ro l"Cceivrd from 1Ir. J . T . Gray, Or'Tor,,v, So· th .\n:.tra1in; )fr. G. Lupsor., Port ::\ro:-oJsby, P.1pua; nnd )lis:. E . Garrctt, li.atoombn, X.S.W.

Conc1tology. ('I'. Ire• Davis made a \'C:ry \be:u1 colh·Pt:on fron. tiJC wt•st coast oi 'J'as111:1nia, a loc.1li.~· , !'cviom;1y u:n·cpr''"cr.tcd LNC. )L. Ired~lc co:lcctcd nt .\li.h11c II:n-bom w!th :Mr. G. KcstOV('Il, nnd .\t Kurncll with )fto. ~~ · \Y. n. Puwdl, .\.ueklancl, Xcw %ca1:1llc1. )~is>- Allan visited I.orJ liowu Isbnd ,md made co1ic.::tion;:; ,h-.!1'(·, particul.\r1y of tl.e Xnuivranch fauna. Curatorial work included rc·arrnn!{.::mcnt of tbo duplicate co.Iecti<>.l, ent<\iling­ climin,ltion of much sm·plus m:..tcri ... t :!Iris;; ~\ll.m continued. work in ilic ;;allery with t:.uc~l :,UCCll~", t!lc c!isl""Y bnY:n"· l\;c":vu'" L!gh commcn

:Jrr. Irc

\'is:.or, . nd enqt.i.-i.es hnvc L.:en ~IUlilCrous <~urin.; tbc ~:cnr. The most impor­ tant visitor wa:s Dr. Paul Fischcr, gr:.ndson oi. llto i~.mou:; authot· of the .1anuel de Conchyz.iolo!Jil'. Other:; included )[r. R V. 01dham, l'vrt )[oresby, :tnd 1fr. and :.Ut·;;. C1l.1Sdin;.r, .\.rnhelll Lnncl, who have uade co1lrcrions of grc:lt vnluc from n locality

w].crc the mollut'c;ln iauun w:!, 111"

•\s~ist;n .. ·<· ,,.a,.. t.dvo:-n to ~fr. G. 1\c-,;tc-n•n (Fisheries HraJ.<·. '; )~r. T. < . TI"u"h­ ley, Tr<-lmolidc,\l :Jru •·mn; .\!is::; Ircnu c~.:,pin , Conmlonw~.- .. :tlt r::bcol,iot; l>l\)· f~;;;sor :Dyer;; Ung-c1·, Xcw li:UIIJhhire, U .H.A., and many other;;. The 1'own Clerk, Lsa~;or..,, ;:;ubu i .tc:u for cle;termi:u~ion ::-l.c!..s o: ljrcat in:ercst obt:lillod in :..n excav:r.ion J:c~1; t.tat tOW!•. As h1 pr~vious years J\{i~s .AlL1. m.:de drawinbrs to illustratr: papers on :Molluscn :md 1l::.he:. arut !'opuLr article.; appc.w:t~f:: Lt t1:c _\n::;rrnliun ~u~cum ).fa~::r.;n 0 .

Lowc1· b!VC1'lCb/'(/tes. (F. ~\ . )fc:le:ll in c:hn•·g.:-; A. Jjvin:~.,;tone, .\.osistnm.) )fost :t<:qui:>:tions receh·ccl ,}nring- the y(·nr wet·e of a u1inor churacll!r, but nn cxtc:!sh·., :md v:.ricd colk'Ction oi Echiuodcrm:-:tn wns l'oJc·civNl ;';·om Dr. IT. LYm:~n Clar!;:, :Jwscum of Cmnparatin, /.,Jol ... !~· . Cambri,l~c. )£:1~:.., l;.S.A. Tl.:s w.1;; n' Yo:ry v.llnnblc donation of named specie:; obtnincd duringo expeditions to Xorth and \\'est .\u,trn.ia nail tu Lord ITowc J..,:,,l.d in r,cuut years.

The coll.,'Ctio., oi .\m!Jhi <) b w .. .; ~.vstC'm .. t·.-,.lly C•\'l'l"hauh•d uuri:1;; tlw \'ish. oi )fr. K . ~hc~:ll'(l: a ;"~ (·t·inlh;t frnJn Atkl:liclc, S01.11 h t\ nstr:ll in; prior to and J:"ollowing on .Jlr. ~h,·,Jrd"' ,.1,11 !11; u ;: ncl <'X<·J1an"0 :tmpllpc•d lll:liC'dal wn, a:s!.cmhl,•d :md ior­ "-,u·dul o J,,. ~.nth \u~trn 1 i:J 1 .\hb•'UIIl for prolon(!"rd -•udy.

' In onlt•r to impro\·c stomgu in t hil; dc-padnwnt moniion of t110 lcrr;o collection o£ Dc,·npnd Orust:w<'a Iliad.· h,\' the Lritioh Great J~ardcl' .Reef ::q•Niition nnd tlu: text oi hi~ l'•'i"'~'i is in (ll'<'llar:ltion. He has ~,l.,o collnhor.. tc,l w:tl. ~fr . It. .\. .•Jullllson, ~f::ritimc Survieea Bonrd, iu further i.westigntion., on ma:ine horm·.>, and hns CJ>nm· iuccl SC'I"cl':ll bntchcs of material fl'om the .POJ:t o! R·isbnn. eul mittcd by the Queens· Jnnd :For~t Sc:vico. Other mntc-:-iul, connected uu:inly " h "c nomio 1•:-obloms, !.us CCl'll .,ubmit.:1l by v:::·:ou:. l::itatc Dep::rtmcnt:; for cx.:mir:ntiun and dotct·:·ail.::tiou.

)fr. Lh·ill::":>tunc 1.::,. made progre>:; in t!lu wor!~ o:' sc;·dng- the brgc collc<]tion oi BQ·o7.o:l J.,.,.,·in:d t\lr .lc~o::rip:ion irom ;i,e Publication Co111mitt.:c of the llriti:h, Au-;­ t:'.. Ji:LJ, X cw Zt"a1.md .\m:m:tic Expedition.

A11lhropolorw. (C. Andcr:;on, in charge; ::..::iss E. B1·am~.:1l anti l!'. D. llcCarLhy, .\:;,i::.wnh.) Out:;t:ualin~ donations Juring the year ware :-l'rchi.,toric ~tone ohk<:•t! ft·om the \\'.ttut Hin•r, 'I\ .·dtor,\' .,i )r..,,,. Gui::ca, by ::U.:s.. :·;;. 0 . Y. ;lUll J:. V. W:td, j,,_.tuclin~ a ~l:.t" bl.llomon I:-L111J inlaid work, ..l.ustrali:m ~'Tinding s~;ones, weat)ons, nativo foodstuff:>, and domc~tic gear. .sl d::~pby oi Austra1inn. aboriginal art, murals rock cnn·:n~·.;, nnd the pi;mcnts and ut en:. its U$Cd w:l» b:;t:~ !led. PLll:. were mnde for :m exh~bit illustrating t}Je story oi ).f.m nnd his .\nce,tr;v; iur thb purpnst' br.. in e:l::ors h:wc been ~n;~de :md dr.tits oi ..:!:n;;h .. ;.d ll•g

Nwnismatir.~. (0. Anderson in charge; Miss E. Bramell and ]'. D. :McCarthy, A:-sist:mts.) Thr m:tjorit.v of the nccessions were purchased, nnd included specimens of tho Gco1·go VI Australian Crown piece, Coronation and .Abdication medals of Edward VIII, Ooron .• tion mcd~.• s of George VI, a set of Gcorgo V I coin~ of Groat Britain, niucte~:n dl'n:trii of Ancient Rome, and sixteen ancie1•t Grcllian coin:; oi varyin;; dcl. .. uninaticm::; ami :mbjccts.

•\. Spud.:: t•uinc;t oi Ocorg-c ID was pr.::scnted by ::l::r. ()Jun·m·~; Ik;.: ·Jdurdt, ::ntl eleven 01d .>utc·ll coins, collected from natives in the Cek.>c:., b,v llr. 11'. D. )fcCarthy.

...:\cc.::;,siuns were added to the medal an.d coin exh.i.>:.s. l•'os~ik (C.• \ndm·;;on in ch:u-gc; H . 0 . Fletcher, Assistant.)

P..cgi:.trntiCJn:; durir.g tr.e year numbered 1,157; the:~o i:lclndcd se,·l'r:~l codection~ oi special intCl'CH nnd ,·nlne. lli. A .•J. Voi;;ey presented sever:~} fine ~cric·s o: r.-rminn iossil~ from Tnsm;\nin ::nd .!:e northern districts of X ew South \\'a!<'~. This mnterbl is irnportnnt ns it was cnllcctcd from known horizm1s in tl.t• P<>rmian S<-

Th~ J1alaeontolu;:ica1 l'llll,·ct ion i:, lll·ing n·••l' g"<~ lliu•t! o~nd t':ll:tlt•;..:u•·.!, l•uf IIHWil ·' ,·t r,·:u;da:. I~>: •.: 1:,.:,,• ia rl:i, .!in:dion. ,\ '"'' Ucitc :.;l.mtg..: !,a,. llVII' been proYidcd, :.n-\-:-..1~::\ ... 1~· . i." •• t .. ' _ LL.- • ..... lnH,~l \."«,lll:l1.. :0,1. .. \ (•u:,Hnenc•v1a1\.!nt h:t!"\ Lcen lllotde - '

Tlw cxldbitcd t•ollccti.lll Ita~ l'lTI'iwtl" g,ond ,J,•,tf "t' :llll'llli•lll dunu.~ rh .. ;>'llll'. I:' our lh:ll" u;.l'i:..in !!uul' ca:=:c~ hn\·~ been insl:t'lt·d mallwn: LJ.:cn p:trll,y fil!.:d with ,pc·c::.tl tXhiLit::. :o\l<"il .1:- ,·xtinl't l>inl~, t.:>crh ut fos~ il ~h:,r:,~. ::-pc<·iu,t·n::. iiJn,.ll'cl,.;. Anutlwr tulonrcd dutrt illu;;u·:Hc:; rh,• Ju:tia group,; o:· plant" .111J auimal;; nud tlwir J cn·lopmuat tlH'•JU('h tlw

,1/ incrnlogu. ('f. Ilod~c - Smi t h in ehargc; 1>. 0 . Clutlmc·rs, jssi..;tuu t.)

.\,Jditioll>' I<> .t he miu,·r:111,~:c.1l <'U;t~\'liuu clm·iu~ tin ~·car llUIIIhvr<'ll :2G•.i ~ ·c·i­ I HCIII~ . 'J hr$o illl'ltlll<•cl c:n~sit;:t·i•c fr"m :\,•w l;niJu•a lli'Cscmcrl hy .J[r. ]{. V. \\'iid; .: po],l~.': llitc trum Pr••~•ll't't, J•<·m· :-i,vdm·,\', Jll'P~•·llll'cll.v ~\n . 1\ . :\ t~uidr . :tliCI from Er•H'cn li ill, X ,•w bout\{ \\'a le:-, p:·,·~cn k~n of utincra.-, from R<>Uth .\u:.n:alia, pre:;c:n;nl by ~lrs . L. 1>. Garl:lll; from Xcw Z··nla11d, pl'c· :,\'lltl'd b,v "l:'t·. H. Hol•;:l!'d; :l ,;crips oi zcoli ., fr .. m .llG'l'iwa, Xc·w ~ou· I ,r.. :c.. . b,v :Ur. P. :Mill" : l'l',\'~talli~,·d rhodnnitc· fmm l)rokc>n Hill, by ~rr. E. C. Andrcw:;, 1'1·n:;tcc ; n tine <"r.n:;.., of mu1.: r.iil.' f•·o:~l tht> Un1f. ~C\1' :-; nuth \\';de:-', b.v Dr. l), lf. \\'hitl' ; _:, .. ,.~ l... '{ -;· •:. r.·.:.. :. :.J.·. r ... ,.:. rr, X, 1 ~ ..m:. ,\',,:.,_ 1•~- )lr. C. C. Tow],•: cl,ia ...- --..:. ::.·· 0 _ _: t. , •• ... u .. ._:--;----

..... ~- - . ..· -..... lH ~ "'1it~l:~. ~.: •. :-. ·:~. ;lt.~: :::.. -.:-::"· =-=• ! .. l-.~4:!:'" :':!:... .'...... ,; .. '-- .. . .. ~,;... X with ...\Ir. l'. 1>. ''.... oc)dhoU.:-c.._· . • \ !ltr:nh\..":· •Jf t:d!!t:r:tl:-O d'1 :._. \':lr~· t:.. •'4!~i~il'"'. ~!:t'~",:;:!·: .,cmc c·:·,,·,tal.:,.,.,, ,,·ohr,,n·.itc. nnd :1 l:n·..:e :-: •ciu:~.:n <•:' Ju:,,1a•ttc !r.... t Ta,:n.::t!:., ,,,:·: 1\:<:.:JiYC

Pn:clw"~" inchHI,Il gold in qua:tz ;mm L;.~vcrton, "',•,.,t<·rn .\u::;traliol, rwo exec1- lcut ,.pN·imeJ.,; of c:ocuHP ;;thl l)lte i>t' c·c·ru,.,.i,, :1\Jl·l l>maL~, Tasn: .. nia, untl tlw l:.:·~<·,.c cry,;t,lb of anp;lc:-.itc yc~l ••hrninccl !t·nm Brvken IIill, Xc,1· Su,llh \\':11,,~.

·~ ~~. IIJ.:\1' upright metal ca:;cs ),n\·,. been in.. u!lnl in the gallcr~·. ne<·t•:-:;i a-.iu:.:: the n•nn-:ntg~mcHt o{ pnH:llr:lll.l· llll the sJH:cimcns wnt.tiued in the wall c:t:-c::> . ..'1.. ~.~~·c·ial .. di,.;pl.'." of mllclPb of Au,.,trulimt A"vld 11\;gget!< ha<, been nwdl' at the cast<'l'll l'lld of the g::llcr.\', The di,play ui tiuu :\·~ocelH J.Jiner;,l:; b,t, nu· t'unctl<•tH'rl \l'l•ll, D.C . •i ..... ht:ng- "~ · .,uppli~d to thl' )i \l$(!Uill bciu,!{ un::;uit,•d to thl' t:l.ra-\'io!ct ray bmps. T:tl nmh tfac­ tu:·er" of thes!' bmps h~we bt·cll co:nmtmic:ttrd with nnd it is l!Opt•d th.u. tht, tr.ntblc· wm be· ov,·i· ,·uJo~C :,l.u;'tl.''· The d:,..,)l.t,\' oi op;,j., !..is l>:: '\1 .l'l11Jllll' li'i ,\' 1'1 lllOY,·d nnd , ll'l';,lJ~

L\•Jl-.\.'L 'ou:-, nt' Jdin,:r: ~ .... vc ') ,, L ...t ft) d.l' Cl.U'!'(; 1 ()f l~---· .rhi (~i:·~:-o.' c:l·~un - 111:\l' ~C'J.t,1,J, ~lu~:; Yn!t:, nnd rhc Tec:hnil'ul Collcg,·~o :n R~·cl.a·y atlll Xl'\H',,,,tft·.

J'ruic>:;ur ""· H . S1t:dd,•:·. ::\1 i.... 1: r .. :\'l~r:.it.''• Onio, C.!:' ..\ .. ">0ttt a 1'oru.i;.:ht c•x.unini1~·.:: tlw cull••vtion m.d :\11 cxch.tll~tl o' n,incr:,(;; h:~» b,·1·n :nr.,u~t'd with .1i:. l'ni­ n•r,it~· . ':Jrr. ('. U. "'.,ocll!uu:-c, :1 wc-11 ]mown miut·rnl ,.,,n,., Hll' n( ~aut:t Barll:lra, (.tli;·un.i.t, "]h:;Jt till'<><· .J,.,,.,. h<'l'<', an,! a:; :1 l.,.,.. .. t ur hi-; ,.i,.it \\'<: aeqnirrd a nnmht."r ,,f ir!lcrc.;ting min.:ral, a:. mentionet1 .um\-~ . • \:; in Jn·cdou,- .''1•:11', mnny t'lHJUiri,•,; lnn·c hl'cn a11swercJ: then· has bcl'n a ::otriking il!crca:-t: in · lw t.UIIIU<·t· u1 ct:.:uirit•:; r,·~a:•!in:! Lhttilmn mi.~J:r.tl ....

... \tciU!!"itiuJI:; llUtUlJCl" :!~IJ l'U<:o~~ ,.,ll(i ;->t'\'('OH~· :->l:'\"Lll rul'!\. ::-,idc:'\. J.>t)l"li,)1h: \)f th\!

Jlcncul1llill sich•J·ulitt: u11cl tlto \\'un,\'lll~m.JJH siJl·ril<', ;ll•th frum \\'t"rt•ru .\u:olrali;~, w<~II. .\n tllll'l'<'llnl••tl sid,·•ilt• fl'olll lht· j,Jsr-tlow H.lll~t.', Cc~o ,·,tl .\u:.tr;,li:t, 1\':J:> 1 n·.. :,,,,.,]. .\ , .., J-.,•,io:I 11t .tu-.tr.. l;ll:,. \1,\:< JH'C::.l'III~·.I by )Jr. P . •\!C{'ourt, and of .\..:w Zt':tluud l'lll'b h,Y .\lr. IT. ltoward. A st·rit·:; ut rucks fl'v111 tl•c .Fil'(• ltil.l!ld:>, .Suuth Coa,.t, wa:- cullenvJ lllld pn.:~cnlt•d 11,,. )[r. CIH;imcr;,. 'I' he eullc•l'l inn of totks fonlll'l'l.'· tli,pla,\·cl'tl\' hl' in,.tall··d in the llli\1\Tl.~ g.lilt•Q', T:.(' <'Oikd;.,,, uf llll'tl'OI'lll• i.a::. hen~ real'l'~~n;.;,,d ant! i'nrm '' ::-pe .. i:tl t'Xlllbit in tlw 1\'l':;lt·rn end ut tlw g-all~,;t·y. Tl..:· cn.•cs h.wc been linc,\" nil'~u·l-plat,Pd ll:·ad't'ls: _"'h~t·c llll~. 'hlu <':tc, 1 ~Jll'<:imt•n i,; acc<~m­ l':llli<•d 1~~· a <':1•1 ,.1 t!.c wa,;Icllll',o:.v ~t·ri 1·b i~ illt.~tl·;ll<•cl hy lt~r~,, lalwl>', '1:1;.:-l':llll>',1 p 1h\\11;:'1';1\) b, :11l•·. :\ llo\_lllt.lng- uf :1 falling- ~tar ~hown olC:I}).!<'·~IIIith ha,.. l'Ulllplt'(l'd 11 llll':IIUil' 011 ,\\l:-1\•,JI:,lll ~r\'ICI>l':l(·~, which wi}J L.: pul1ii~la••l it. dtt· <'"P··•·t. u11 tl.e <:'l'•l!o.,,v .uul )H.:trolu~y oi the Fi\'\! r~l.lll\l:- 1••1' .\Jr. Cui\»-, \\'loO I:> lllai,lll;! :IU l'colv;..:ic:ll l)\tul~· vi thc~c bland~ . .\!r. n.ui;:··-Smith }~;,, h~cll appni::tcd .l llol'll1bt•l' .,j tlw C'tliturial Cllllllllille-1

fvrnwc1 in t•ona.•·•·dvt. w;tl. tl.<· pni,Ji.-:nivnoi tht~ ".\u,..tt".llian .Tum• t,.1l .,f :->cicncc'' bv the .\u:-tl',11i:m and .:\c\\' Zt•.tl::ml .\~:.ut·iatiun iur the A,:,·:llh'l'llil'llt ut' Sci<·m·t·. '

J'ur.t•.\ttATlO\. 1. (;,·u.-.nd. uwin;.r l4 hL'<'ll pet· I ul'li\C'd L,v t ltc prepn l':ltlll'Jl'<'illlt'th 1l111l aec·t·~si<>ns for the Ht•oi 1\:an;,;:ll'Oh group ..\lc:;sr~. lf. S. (;rant, .1. 11. \\'t·ight. allCl U. C. ChHlOll :-pl·nt Sc\·en lln~·s in the Hn·wanina distri(·L :1:; the ;:·m·;t,;~t' ~it·. It 13. l'<'al'~on, lll:tn:tA"<'l' ~>f Quantamhuu .. Sinlicm. The Trul!ltoCs an: grl.'atly intl,•lJt<·d 111 titc Oll'liCI':> en' the Station ancl tu ..\h. Pt·ar:-.on for the hus· pitality a111i """bt.llwc thcil· llni<'Cl'S rcccivctl -it. St•v•·u k:wg:tron,., w"re uhtaittt·d, pln::otl"l' l':li:il:, of CC'l'tain anaromic:d ft••:tlll'<'" ''''~'<' m;ult•, and :1 num\.el' of photugr;lphs t::l,l'n fur HH: in preparing- LlC ;;rm;!J. =':1,111 h-to oi the \'<•gctntiuu :uul :1 qu.mt:t.v of t-oil wc·rv ubt.tillt·d, and dm·illg :t ~h l't vi>.. it .\ir. ·r.,~,. m:Hh• :.kct<·:t\ls f.,r the b:td,;.;I'O\lllli, l"ud,•t' )lt·. Tv~l·',.. i .a~t :·un iu:t l he tn·,•par.ttOl'<> t:ndd·to,,l, 1hr. lll.tkin~ oi t1rt iti..i;!l i•)1i.t;.::e ;ond ,mdicJ t!.(l r.:ci.niquc 1>t motmt:~.~ :t1.im:lls J,y tlll' tnmh·l'll manikin mcthml, whi<·.a il\1·,.:,·~:, tL.: maldn~ of a daY model, irom which .1 nun1lt! i:. enn,tructcd, :o111l in,..idl• thi::o th(.' manikin is built t:p. Emp.o~·iuz ti.i... ml.'tlwJ .. tlog- and n w.tll..h.v w<•rc mnuLh'tl 1o:· thl' :1borij!inal group l'X:1ibitcu :a tll<' S,Jo\\' GroUilt".1tioa,., tlu: moclcllin.; bl'ing ,:.c \\'ur:, ut .J. King:;ll'_v, .\s,i~t:mt .\t·ticubtor. ·• Ta .•·idrmdsf.,' J:ranl'lt. (li. ::i. Grant in cha:·ge; J. II. \Yl'i<;"ht and '"· Bal'l.c~. :~.~~::'lt;.nt~.) X I.'W "ll..:cirucn.. ;...:inn.::!d Ol' presc::•cd con ... i,tcd ui 1:?;! mnmmub, l.i:? birc1s, nml 04 l'l']ltiles; new :.md,v >-PC;:cimeus prepared to~ llul 117 mm.mti.h :1ml ~70 hinb. Sixtcl'll :uoulltcd 1\lJ;llllJal :1nd tiit;v-twv bird cxh:.>it~ weru l'<'llo\':Jt•·d. Th.:! champion ,;l\111 rllm " Str:lthaird o:t' Dn.kl.'ith," JH'c>Yidcd h,\' :-;ir Jo'. D. ..\lc­ ::'11.1:-tcr, nil(! ,d,o :1 sl\:d mm dt'sC<.'lHkd from th~ ul'iJintll CnnHk•n fltoric.ll Societ~·. and the Hoyal 7.oolo;;it~nl Society in connection wirh the St•,qui-Oentcnlll'Y OelclmJ­ tir th<' ))lat~·pus habitat group ih-e adult :-pccimL•ll,; \\'N'<' mouttrc.:t!, :h wt-11 :;;,. twn binl:; ::11<1 vllc Jixard. For this ~t·oup the baekJ.;:t'lHllhl W•1" p:lintt•d 1,,,. ~U~s Ethc•l i\:ng, tlu:: :-.•ttiur: !wing- a "l'CII(' on tht• \\'ol!.mdilly Hiwr, 13urr:1;t01':ln~ \'aiL'.''· )ti.,., Xin;; ::l~o as~isl~·d ia ~~:aking the artificial folin;re u~nl in 1h1' ;:trtallatiun uf rlw tl•l'l'<' tH;tl'~npi:ll h~bit:H ~rot:p~, tl:e tnl'lll<·i· pl..1.:dng- :11111 ~Ill'' :·,·i,..­ in;r thl' la,\'ot:t :md coll::-trul'fion oi the pl:1slc1' b.tck;.:t'vtmd,. ~h·. l!.u·n, ... <"tmlpktl•.1 :t

~peeial di,.J1Ja,,· ut' larg-e :.hcl:s on a llt<•llcd badq:Tnt:nd. :uul m:tdt· a lll'!!in:.i;:!! wiLl: tl1c n·or.:.t~1n ir.at ion t.i the cx1.ibited collection oi C'n•:.-.t.tec:1. lu the alJ:oCIH'C Ol )Jr. J. n. Kh.g-horn. )[r. (.rant \\',\~ l1P!'•)i::H··l .\·tin;.:- :-:i~:l'l'C­ t:u·,v t" tr.c St:ltc: Fauna .\Jvh.or,\' Committee, ;l!Hl it. ,Jtj,.. t·:lJla('it,\' .1,·alr with J•Uil1l't'• (J1h applic·nt i11ll" for liNmiil'S to CX}JOl't bird,;. and made' n·porh on 1Ja,. , ... uti,,·;:t ioH ~~~ }n·ollihiwd itnpurts. For the ('hicf f->e<·rcwr,,·'s ami (' :sruu"' ll,•p:tl'IIIH'l:t- lw n•portrd

••n 11 () im·1,m ill;.(' ,..hi putl.'ll ts of hinb, nud wi 1h police· olil.·rr:. n1:lll<• ·'''\'l'l';d ill"l•''''l ion,.

  • nn expert witnc·~s fur tilt' Ornwu ht' ~:•\l' l'Vi,kn•·c• in fum· l'Usc·~ c,f JII'O~oc·nt ion t\w hrc:whcs of the TiirJ and .\.uimal Protl:rtiun .\t·l, nll_cl he ab~> ns»hil<·d t h1: police in 1h" idc>ntification of 'pu~stln1 :l!ld ot h('l· mnmmal :.km~ . )[ 1'. Uruut abu )ln·pan·d it 1'V}>Ot't tv t\.wm the bu::i;; uf r<'gul.lti,,n:s f,J\' rhn hou~in~ t)t' l1irds for tran~purt IJ\'(•rsc>lh, and b;\· tr;lin. or wht.>n u.l',•r"'d fur :;.dl'; hi~ ~ugg..::;(illtt:, w~:ru . A!j in previous yer.rs post-mo•·f 1 1s <'n ,·: '\l nn r~ oth , lbi:ds wcro mnde and ;-,po:-t;; furni 110U W11Cn lh>::.il't••l. Co1: '<: ic,, Wc •: h oc,,, CP1 .tl, and j>bCc I in !11'.:• t..:n·ati,·.: fot· :tttcntion JY ihl! tic~~~. r .m~:.t .. ! ,, ..:c ,.:d cont:cn1ed . .At the request of tlw Dircc!or, N' r.tionr.l :H:1scmn, }fo1ill·ar::c, )[r. Gr"••t sup­ tlio!d plans .a1.rl dctni~" of t:.c const;·:.ctivt: oi ,.ll: },,,bit.lt group <':lRCli recently installed in thv AustraHnn }.[uscum.

    3 . .lrlictdutor's flranch. (G. C. Olu.ton in cL.wgc.:; J. Kings1ey, Alisi:~t:mt.) In thil:i branch the year's ,,.,,rk wa:; very ·yaricd, for in nddi,ion to the ordinury routine the officurs took their ;;hare in the lnrgc programme of gt·oup work nnd tho con:>truction of spcciul c:-.hibits. Ono l:ikcluton nml ci~htcen l:ikulls, Jlwstly mummnlian, were prcparocl. ~h . 1\i~l:,~lc•y unmpletcd eleven <·nlar~ct! wodds oi i .... cct;; :ull l1:n•ae and a qua:dl~· oi artificial ioliagc to be tl:>eu in the com;trn.. tion of four small .;:roups illustruLing the life history of certain insects. One of thcso, tJ,:pictin;; the life hbtory :.nd hr.bits of the :mt-liou, hal:i been comp1ct1Jd :llld the othc,·, arc in progre~b . 'Fi£t~·-six mould~;, in plnstcr or ~lue, WCl'C prcparell anrl sc,•cnty-scvcu co::.ts made, including Sl'\'cr:tl en'docranial casts intcml<'hotop;r:lpl:ic work w:..:> done, inchaling il.c making of ~00 nc;:ath·cs ior illustration of the •·Record":• tile · · ~bgnzinc," and for lnmcm slides. Photogmplaic p1·ints made mnnhcrcd 2,1-!4, llld l:i. Three mcteo.::itc:s wero cut and polil,hed.

    '.lhe Oommon l:lonl o; the ::lluscum wns hc1·ouuto affi..'l:cd by Order of the Board this 2·Hh day of ~ovcmber, 193&. (L.s.) Sig-ned, F. !:l. MANGE, Prcsiclellt. Si;;ncd, \V. 'r. WELL!:l, l:iecretury.

    .. 'l'l!uil'~.l':I2 o~· T:..I: .A.us?BALt4.'i' Mtt:.~ ..cr~a ,:;: X-r- ;;rr:n•• 19~ C. Crown T:ustoo ..••...... •. t ;:. J:-..l:lca ,\fcl\:ern. St::.tutory ...... Ri• lionour tho Chiof Ju.tico. ;rho :ron. ttho co·oni<.l Socrotury. ,• Tho .:don. tho Attorney G0n()ra.J. Tho lion. tho Colonial 'l'r003Ul'Cr. Tho .\udrtor Oonc:.~l (l11.r. John ~pc::.co, C.. .Lu .). The President of tho i\!cdical D<»rd. Appointed ...... Tbo Ron. the President of the Logi11ln.iivo Counoll Tho Cl'own Solicitor. . Tho Survoyor Ooneral and Cbiol Su.rvoyor (lli. A. ~.fax Alien). Tho Hon. tho Scorotn.ry for Worl, B.A.

    APPE~r.DIX B.

    Sl'.\V"' ()Jl 'l'ltw ut:Sr'.o.>ALLU\' :illtl'Sl:tnr A:l' 30Trr J'~n-::, t93S. Director ...... 0. ~ndcrson, ::U.a ., D.So., C. ..u.~ . S . Admi:listrativo Str.ii- Sccr>)Ul.ry ...... W. T. ,1.-olls, A.T.A.V. Clerks ...... ':i~• G. E. Joh.11stonc . .&. D . Gill. Scientific Staff- Department of Zoolo.,y J. R. Kinghon:, C.:..tZ.S., O,·.ci&hologiat, Hcrpcto!oJioi. W. ~~rdro:.n, J3.Sc., ....SB;.,t.;;,nt. ~ . LoG. Troug~uoD, \J• .J'.7.:':., ~:.. ~w.• !o ist. it... 'iusoo ,.v\}. b'.ft.E.S .• ~'.... \. .u.S.# b .... oomo!OJ:St. J:>:. C. 'a!oE:oown, ~-iBt:.d. 1:Iiss. N. B. Ad:l.l:ls, .~slz!..·,nt. 11'. A. l\Lcl.~ew. Low"r In.v0.: ... ~bl·.... t. .... 3. ,. ..3... .:.. . Livin;otono, !l.t.lie."-nt. ~. Irooclo, ~'.R..Z.S., Cor:chol< •.,:..t . ::;.a,~ C. M. J . .AJJ•• _, "''" _,..,w. •• t. G. P . Whitley, F.R.Z.S., Icht!!yl)lc;,:, •. Dopartmcnt of Anthropology ... :O;u;:s E. Br.7.moll, M. A., Dip.Ed., A'l!>Mtant. F. D. lllcCartlly, Dip. Anth., Assis~nt. Department of Mineralogy ...... T. Hod~e-Smitb, 'llioomlogist, Pet:o!ogist. R. 0 . Cha.lmera, A.S.T.C., Assistant. De~rtment of P.>laeontology ... H . 0. l!'letoho.·, Assiste.nt. Library Staff- Librarian ...... W. A. Rainbow. Proparatorinl Sro!f- Artictobtor ...... G. C. Cintton Assistant Ar~iculator ...... J . Kingslc,7. Ta.lddcrmist...... E . S. 0:::-nt. Assistant Taxidorm~t ...... ,, E.'. Wrigh~. ·w. Bnrues. ,, ll!cchnnical Sta.!l'- Ohicf A..cch:~.nio ...... T. A.. Rcnsoo. J\l;;ista.nt :\!c.chanic ...... h:. Jao;,.~ou . Attendants and Conota.l Statr- Chiof Attcncbnt ...... T. A. lliurphy. Attendants ...... W. A. Mcdwny. . IT. W. Stein. J. :':Zc!ver. R. K. Morris. F. E . West. J. L!.: . L'2 !L:D • 0.

    li,l~o.~.\7.'1" s~.t:.t: 0 :1 ru:: .-\u.• ,-l' ~-- ~.. ~ .. ~. =us ... u' .. ~ :!O~ .L Jv~ :; , l !l:l~ .

    1'1\):..,~ OY T. lLi.l"Voy Jo!.~l>ton , ~. '. or:. ~0",. 0 i "· J•:Jw. ~:\ lL1Illu~.nu, JJ.Sc., J ·on. Z -,,. -. . \. 1'. D.1ssc.Hu:J, )f.1}.B .• _ton. Orui l.clu •b•. 0 ••\ . '' \\tl!r J u ~o, D . ~ . , £.1~ .. .)~ . EncomoloJi..J""'• lf.. 1. l'li .-. ,t. '.. . 1£ n. 1-\,.oulot·~• t . I•', •\, lla b , • ., .C:I. :~oo.l) •• - . l.cioh ..on ... c.! ..C\ ~- ·1 D.!:)t,;,, :\:.L., Ho. . u ~"o wt •

    •\fc!oo• .:no War.!, ~' . R.Z . S.• Hon. Zol.lic.0 : ••• 1 eo. •\ . 'l':,o't4.'\., !!.:> ... . \.r~!lMo!o.,:~ t . 1.:: . A. HindwuoJ. 1Io::. OrnitLvlo.;i. •. ~r . :r. Ct.t.. r:c: , lion. L .... p .. ~lo~tor:st . .\. J . ~.Ln•il.lll, Hoa. o~ni ~ho!o.;b~ . • ".·v:c->->01" W. L. ;:,hci.l.;hc;,,·, :IL.i3., Ch.1r., lion ••\,·ch •• ~ ;> l ogi., t.

    :Ill'. 1 ~ . It. ~k lt. I· .. lll\l>iur. )~,._ An~Jw .•v .l[ort!,,•n. n:mg.\1'. ~fr . 11. Hu : r~ ll. Sir S.\muol :u.,,·durn. ,\11'. I~ . '[. D""ll'"'. t ·a 1t ,,n 1>. 1.. C,>rnt c~ll . )11-. o. l'hill iJ··· ,l(t•. J .,mus Hm'llri. ~.,: l . n~ ll l>c:.;~on . 1-'il· .\ rUmr ltid;.nr.l. Mr. e. !•'. L.• ,.o mn. .1lr.. J. ' L\II•ki ~r ... l'.oo.:r~ D•:••o". 1l t·. 'J'. I!:. Ho£.-. ~.... . \\'illi.•lll Dn(~o n . :\!r. :\!cl!Jou::.o \\'.• rd . :\fr. HO\' ,Jolua .on. :lit·. ll. ·;-). :I!IJrt. :l~r. e. B ... Lm•. Dr. \X. A. Vb1.cr:.uusc.

    1'.\!'F.r.S .\~ 0 .\1t1'i•'LES PH¥•• ".\1 • .ll l>t"r:J:q; '.'! If Yt· .11..

    ]~ . : ~:" (~ . 'frun~htu~l - " :'\cw ~: .. r,.. p::ol Gro1;ps in tl.c ,\ust rali:m ~. fl: .'' A ust o·. \fu, . .llll,tJ., \"1, !l, l!l37. ",\at.ll':llists n; t!H• F'ir:.t Plrt•t." 1/J:d., \',, !1, 1!t:IS. "Th\! lnt•'l'n:.tion:.l IluntinA' F.xhihi:ivn a t Dl•rliu." 1/,id., YT, 10, l!l:lS. ""i-.ic·. Adt•. Sci., l!>3i (nJab) (title o111y) . • .. )r,.". S tomatC'i t'orm .Jo'i:;h from South Anht r~ tia." (!>'111' Nt r. S. Auo/1'• .ll W<.) "lt·hthyologicnl G<•notypcs : J)csmarcst's l),·~i,.;nntiOI.~, 11li·L" (Por Att~lt. l.oolog ibf.) "l•::..gs or Australian Sh:u-l;s auu Hays." \!·'or .lu~lt .•llu,; . ,\Ta(l.) "']'],,• l'' ir~t .\u~ t r:.1li:m 'fwo·he:lrlNl Sh:wk." (Por .l uslr. •1/u.~. 'Jfay.) ":-n:1k!'s t h:\t Fish." (For .·l!t.,/r. Jfus. JICI[J.) " G uid~ to t he .\ustrnl\an :ltus~nm ." (!-;<><·tion Pish\'~.)

    A. :l! n ~ gr: l\' e- "::'\ ot<: ~ on th<• .\h~a~sin Bug." .Juslr. J/us .•ila!J ., YT, H•, l!l:JS. K. c. ~ k Kl'O\\'U- "::'\ oh•s on .\ustrali:lll C'l·l·:nn1,~·~i : Part IT:' . ht~t,·. ':.fa.ot, ~~~~.f!., Yl, it lH~i. "l'unw l•::n l ~· t.llmp~l'S of .\ubll'ali:n. "'iJ.l Lif,.. " llJIIl., 1'1, S, l!l:li. ":Xotcs 011 Aubtrali:lli Cc•·amL)·cidac, 1\'." l:lr. .1fu• .. XX,;), H)3fl. ""..\ ,•w .\ustl·ali;;n Species ui' ~!fllit.t.,." (For .~lr1.!. Q' /(llul .l/11.,.) ".\l.~~.'l"ls and Arnclmi


    Lt:CTC.RJ::S Df:r.rvEnr:o Dl.iuTNo Tlrt: YEAR 1937- 38.

    Poy!l/(lr 8cietlce Scr i~. ------Dntc. SubjeL't. Lectut·cr. 1 Attendance. !.J:n. I .;,July ... 1 ·· .-\n Ento:nologi~t Abro:.cl" ...... !.~ ..\ lusgrll\'c ...... : 29 '~ .. in nnd 11Iodern Times., ...... 0 . Chnlmor:; ...... 144 12 .Aug. Gcm,t.on~ Aac:i~nt R . 14;) :: N':ttive ~nnc~ and Drn:na ." ;; ...... , )} i s~ R. ~rnm ell ...... } ·>-> 26 " llmls of Syd:wy Dmtr:ct ...... h . A . Hmdwood .. . 9 Sept. ··· ' the liH .. Xc>ll' Zcalnnd, Xorth line! South " ...... :IIisa J . .Al!nn ...... 264 30 " --- j " A To·ip to I<>ebncl, Spitzbt:'r!':Cll nnd ~orw:~y : E. C. And rews ...... A Study of Vokanoes nnd Glaciers.'' 133 14 O<·t. .. Cltinn's Contribution to P tc hist.oric ResMl'ch '' ... .?.·of. Shc:lh;hcm· l!J:lS. 160 28 April ".\ust1·n lill's ~c w Tcnitory in t ho .\lttnrct.ic nnrl H. 0. 1-'le~cht•t' it~ fo'smnn .'' · 97 12 ?~fay "The Diamond " ...... 'r. liodgc Rmith ...... 130 26 .. " i\fan .\gnin•&the Insect$" ...... · ...... K. C. :\laKcown ...... 9 J tme 108 23 , .. The ISMs " ...... 1 F. A. ::\[c~cill ...... 129 .. Mu~C\IIll S : One H und t·cd nml Fif~r YettrsJ T . lrcdnle ...... 1 Dcvc>lopmcnt." • 57

    Twelve Lectures-Total 1,652

    1937. I fj Julv .. . 20 ,· .. . lnNPc·t, ...... ! K. C. ~Td(eown .. .. ~h ell$...... ::lli1111 J. AUnn ...... 3 Aug. . .. , Spielers ...... A. llusgra.,•o ...... 17 ...... H Sept. G<·ology ...... R. 0. Cnolmera ...... Shore Life...... F. A. MoNoill .... . 28 " 1038. Bird~ ...... J. R . KinghOl'll ..... 3 ::'l!ny 1-! June 28 " Tc..'l.l,

    'J- !S l[)2 2 2ai .....::a. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '

    -.:.J 511 1, ....

    :U:v :O,r.::. ..._- ...ollusoa ...... l 1as 167 l:tSCc~ c..:1d -~~h:U~ ...... 1,1/::J.) 2,... 25 1a 3,'i'36 Crust--.c ...... CO ....o ~Chinodm·~tn ••••• ••*"••••••• •• 25 .!5 :;;,o!):"Zo::. ..•...•••••.•.••.••••.••... 1 \t'lnn-~ ...... ! ·~~" 1 ...s B'• 'OI ~.036 ,... :Fo. ., . .,iJ..., ...... !il!> 10:~ 1,157 .. ...i :u.lJ ...... 1:!3 "·.:.S :..aG !~~-~..., ...... ::!20 :!~1 ...... G5 ~ I 1,.07 !•!G I 137 I 324 1,71•1 Ethnolocic I, etc.- I .r,,... .1:l0.0!!1C.. ' . "...... 1,337 .n 67! (l 1,056 3,067 Hi toric~l ...... 1 J 5 ~i\::.1: ·:n~,:c :...... 21 63 b7

    (l~'.,, I 1,3V6 c. V l ,CSu 3,15!) !:Jacoll-.ncous- ? uc. o. So.:t:o::l.l I ., N 25 C-. L:~ ...... ::::::::::::::::::1 :,o 3 9 .a : •. oulds ...... 0 !) P.. ~to . N !:j\t:vou ...... 10 79 so I. .nlom , •de~ ...... St.o so ::?hotogr:.phJ ...... ----- 3 :;o 13 207 ----:.'! ·3- ~.5~7 l :.'!00 2,\)2!) 213 1,612 10,.381

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    'l'o~nl for 1937-JS ...... i>,fl27 zno 2,j39 213 l,Cl2 10,531

    Dr. w.. tcrhOU$0 Clliloctioil ...... 2,932 I. TOTAL 13,613 THE .•US' ... R . L: ..-~N !11USEUM.

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    APPE:·n:nx 1.

    '.!.'S-.,-;~ - .!l..vou~: ,. .. ~, ' .. .lLI.l.~; ~1USEU;\I, RlllVENuE AccouNT. Cr. Dr. Period let July, .l937, to 30th Juw~ , 1938. £ G. d. To ;Xlc•lt lllc .;dndnbtr.:t:on- £ •• d. ~ . d Dy Tntcrcat- ;Sr.~ntnlc Stn{! S.darlt.) ~to t08 nn(l S~rvic"'··· S,\110 $ 0 i•'undtJ !nvt:Stcd- 1 :ioytlnuy City COIUICU Ueopo;lt .•• •.. 4 ~ G Art.eulator• d<> no ... Oll 7 10 25 7 6 1,270 5 0 Au~trnllnn Comol!dr.tod !11>oribcd StQ()k 'J",Hidcranl;t$ do do ----- 291• C~!lcctln.: S!"'dro~ns ...... lS IS 11 l:rc:-ctvntiou of ~pceln1on!l ... ::: :!1 lu :1 Snlc• o: l'ublltatlon~ - 162 It 5 Mil!loum Mnqot.ic~ • .. • ... 1~ rd:!li:tS :mci C'lw~cs-Spcctrncns , ctu. 76 0 10 18 11 11 2~ 10 8 ~Jusoum l'o~tcnl'di! . .. •.. •'hoto;;r~ T•hY nnd :;Ud~s " U.rortlots- M~;·l:in.,_eo.t .md ?ublhhln.> a:~d ll!a· trn.t:t.n • ...... 03u o s Le$:> iitock! on Jiand .• . 76 7 o 4 ----- 163 11 4 l?o~WtrJ.•-Coot and P bl. :~:ng J\)7 l~ 6 lSS 10 ~ Lus :,:.,ck. Ot. lJ.

    IDc.!ly set up u.c.d prmted m Australia, by THO~.us RF!>"RY 'l'E~ ~.\ ::>'1'. Acting Government ~ter, Sydney, New South Walei. [18. 3d.)