•· ~ :-7~ \x'' V S v"' "u· '1'' -l:J \"' v AL:...:s . ·. AUS'..::3.AD:AN ~QS3:Tl.I . (AN~U..\L ltEI'OR'r OF TIIE TRUSTEES FOR TIIE YE AR ElG>:C..D 30TII JU.m:, 1938.) ·Printed under No. 17 Report from Printing Oommitteo, 16 December, 1938. To !I1s EAcr:u..t:xov Tin: G oVERNOR. 1'ilc 1\ ·,:stccs oi thu Anstr111inn Museum h c.vc the honour to submit to your Exc:-. •...:ncy thei-r eighty-fourth Ann ual R eport, beinz that i.or the yc::r cndctl 30th June, 1~;;'> . It will 1-c :;0\!u irom tl.c dct .. il:; supplied in the ~·eports i i'Ol.1 th<l variot:s sec­ t :ons, :.nd i.·om !'nrti..:t: ... rs of puhlic:ttions rh::t have boon issuccl dt:::-ir. r the year, thnt t}._: 1ft.S.:!uiD .. S in llrl.:viOll$ yC.l':'S };as IllllCC i opon::.~'t COLt. :out:or:s tO SCientific know­ J.:,:..,c, ..nu. L.., cot. im:cd to supp;y u:;eft<l iniormation to Y«:lo~.;o Dcp::; .: t:mcnt .. of Sc;.tc _:.d to the guucr_l pub:ic. 1. TRCSTEI:S • .'.. t the Dccc:nbcr Jr.cct:.:lci of the Bo::r-d, Th. F . S. :.!;.~nee w ••,. l'c-c1cct..:d to the o~.icc o:. !>rcsidc:l .. io• tnc yc.. r 19SS. T.1o Rou. Sir Chnl'lcs Tiosenth!!l, K .C.B., \'.D., :U.L.C., E:cctiYo Trustee, !'cr.i.;ncd f rom the Bo:u·u in October, 1937, consequent UI.JOn nis •nkh..... up duty as . ..aministrntor oi :Korfolk Isla!!d. To fill the Yacancy thus crcawd 1L·. h . n. :u~thcws W;lS clcct~;cl w the Board on lOth December, 1937. Leave of absence for t welve mo1:ths f rom Deccmb<::r, 1!>37, wa~ ;;ranted to Pro­ fc~~or A. K Burkitl. Proie~sor Burkitt ant! P ruft•<sor T . 'l'ho::npstm Flyn:t w~.::o i:n<t~.:d to rupJ·, l!nt th11 Board of Trustl'l.! at rhc .Annual Coniercnce of the Mu~ct:m~ A~tioci::tion l.cld •• t lk... :;1st in .July, 1!>38, anJ Proicsso~· Burldtt w;,s nomi.J.:\,,<l '"' t 1, f : ust.. c:.' dcl(lf;nte a• ,no 150t1. Annivcrs:<ry Celebrations of the Linucan Soei~ty oi London, held in M••Y, l :!v b . ..l L;t oi thu 'l'n• .,.""" ::s nt 30th June, 1038, nppcm·s in ..l.vfhlndix A.. 2. ST.'>r'F. Oa .J.:?tb Xo\·ombcr, 1037, )f,•, J . R Kinghot·n, hnviog ~C-':1. !lw .. .-Je,] n AJ.Uscum \-:,i or's Grant by thu Carn~ic Corporatio::~, procc.odc l to .\.ncricn ·:::.d B~it .. i.,. He Y i~itcd mnuy )['llSCUllh ..hro:td , p:~ying spcci:.:l attention t<> cuuc•• tion::l ncth·.itics, and on Li3 rctum in ~ay, 1!>:::::>, ~uL:r:ittcd u. report on his ob51.!n·,uion;:,. )fr. G. 1'. WJ.itk·y, wltilv on lo1.g sel'\·icc lc .. \'C from 10ti1 .July, ].!>37, t:ll lSd: J::.:.u .. ~·y, 1!138, vi~:tcd tl.u Bl'iti:oll I:slcs, t~1o con~inc1:;; o! Et:ropc, aud t1w United State:~ . ..:r. \\'hit1cy cx:tmiu.!J t1w co!lcl't:vn::. ht ov.::rsC;lS }.t;s.;um.s, particu~ .. r1y the type., oi ~"" ;l t<-.1~i:m spet:ics oi fisl!cs, and on his return furni:,bcd a report on hia cXJll.!ricnct::s ,. nd o!Jsel'\':ltiOil:l. )Ir. F . D . ~fcC:mhy visited tho Dutch East Indies nnd 1hc )!aln~· 8tnt...,, lcav· i:::' Sydney in Jnnc, lll:Ji, :mcl 1·cwrning in :ll::rch, 1!>38. Dur;1w this r>criod he cr.g:lgcd in e::.;c:n·::tiou work in Cekhes with the late P rofessor \·:m 8t~iu C::llenicls, and :~.tcmd!! cl the Conioruncc oi Prchi..torialll:> of the F:w Ea;.t. hdd :lt Sinr ;tpc•l'O, luwing u~v>l uomiuu~cd a:. <1 delegate by th(; Bo:n·J of Trustees. In his l'cPOl'• to the T rustees _e J •• ~ao SJ.)Ccial reference to th\: J.csirahility of in~t i tutin'=' nn nrchacologicnl survey i,, New So'Uth Wales, and it was approved by the T1·us.cea th:.t the Government bo :: '.c.- to me!.:.:!., i!_ tL. .• EaLimatea a bt:.m of £1000 to enable uuch a .;urrcy to bu c .•:·::icd ,) .\ l'C'tlllC'Sl h:v the Dcp:wtnH'nt uf :Jrinc·~ .h,t ~\lr . 1T. 0 . J.'l<'tc·ltcr he )ll'l'mirl<'d (tl identify th,, lt),,<Js fOi' the (,.•o]o~ic· :1~ SII .. Vt·y .,t] to <·uJir.hor:\hl lll pnJ:wontuJog:ic-n! ,,.,,r;, w;t}, the ou;l'Ci'" of t.te Dcp:u·tm,)•:;, \\':1~< ac-,.,t!ul to. On the .1pplicntion oi r::c. lJn iv e r ~i t,y of ~;I dn<'~·. 1\[r. Flct rhN' w,;.; ''].,o ~mu tcd Jwrm is;,ion to a::;;;ist in the leaching nnd cx:nnin:lti,m work of the Gculog-ical Dcp:n·tmeHt. }(r. "'· J)vanllll:tll C:vlll.IICll:l} j,j:, r lol \'C:l':oit~· CUUI'o<! ;,ad gr:ulu:ttcJ J3 . ~C . With lli:;lt Distim:tivn i n %v,llu;..~· . Dr. C . An<lcr ~on, l>ircetvr, was uk<:t.t'd :t Cvl'l'lll:-llVH<ling ).fcmlll'r of rhc .\ mC'ri· c.m ::u,,~.,um of ~a turn! Jii,.tvl'~·. Xl'\\' Yur;,, ivt· 1 he period 1!1:!:-.-l!l·l:l, in rN:u~nit iun or his work in Clllllp:m:th•e nn:Hotny. The D irt'c\ol' stthmillcd a t·c>pott t1n tlw suhjc·c·t of the nssi.:t:mcc g-in•n by thr PrC'1)nt".\tori:11 Stntf to }'C'd<'ral :md Stare Gm•<'mmC'nt l>c,•:ntmcnt.. , awl it w:\s flJlJ•rovcd th.,; o .• ta be n~scmblcd to cna11C' an e.,dm.nc oi actu.. l iill\C' consumc·d in this work tu be mack. •\ list of the ,;raft' will 1>.' fomtrl in Appendix B. ;J. no~ult .I R \' !:)1'.\ 1'1•' .\ XlJ ifU l\\)J(.\1()' Uomn::,;l'QXlll': ~'l':- . )[r. T . H . (,u:.l:'ill'::. t.ppoin.t.tmt ;b Hv:uot·ary I.c,,id•ll•tcrist was c:ominued ior a term oi th·e :.·cnrs i rom ..:\.pril, J fJ;JS. 'J'hc following HollOl'lli'Y .Oorrcspomll>nl..s were appointed :­ _lir. ,J. :.\L11t:>~-d, Cn~•·n.::, Qu\?CU!,.t._.; ... , •. •\Ir . Roy .Tohnson , :.\[nri timo ticn·icco. llvard, ::l,nlucy. ~\fr . H . S. )fort, :.\[osman, Sydney. J.i,.t::. oi the IIonor:\l'Y s .•,.r ;md Uonut·a:,y Corrc::;)Olalvnts are ~h·cn in .\.ppcll· dices C and D. ..;, J.'s.:t.u \\'on" \\JJ Cuu.J:C'l't.:-1 .. ]Jming the yC'Ul' attention wns spcci.ll,v gi''''n to imJn·ovc11l<'llts in clbpln.v, nnd !ic1cl wor!;: was Jr.;.inly directed to 1lw proc•urin!t oi thC' man•t·ial and informntion tl<'C<'S· ,;.t~'.t' .',Jr t;,;, ]llll';hbc. ::\•l'i'~:·s . 11 . ::-.. Gr;lllt, .T. l t. \\'right .md G. C. Clurton \'i.,itc<i tlw Brl•l\':tr•·in:\ di:.trict tu oht:-::n k:-tnt,.H'uo,.; io1· a l::.l>i::nr l!l"~>llp. :1tHl (1\C'rc tlw~· wcr. joined by 1Ir. l~l'l\nk 'l'o~c· , Chid of .Exuibits, C:1lit'ornin A{'adom:v of ScicTh'CS, who by ~).e g<!ne•·v,!t,\' ,,i t ..c C'arnc.,;·iu Oor!•Or .. tion oi :::\cw York was en:tLlccl to :;pC'nd ~om<: J ..on,h~ h •..:h.:otr.l.i,, :i •• vnt..:r tu ncJ ..ol!~l;,,tl! u~vc.cl'l> mct..o<..ls o~· t:lxiderm;y and dis· play. )h·. \Y1·ig.1l also ~ollected wallabi..,,. and po~::.\llil.; at :\;ltl.li, ;tlld ~i10 Direcwr 01:d 1L·. E . L. Trougl.t<•U uccmnp:micd }fr. ":'o:;,) to tho Blue )Jcmntains and the .Tcnol;:n Caves to olnain iuiorma.ion am. m ..tcri.l: :ivr a Ho~k ·walbby II.1bitnt Group. 1tcs"ts. J . H. King·l.orn and \\' . .1.nl:.rdmaa in~._lect"'l Kin;;'" Tabld.md, \Ycm· \\'Ol'lh 1-'alls, whcro it i~ proposed to c:>tuhlish :\ 1auna1 ~auctua,·y, and :.\lr. II. 0 . Flctc.wr :;pent ;,v.nc d.t;.·:. in the Hunter Tiivcr district .:xamiJ:iug the J>crmi.Ju .cqu~ncc . :.\Ir. E. L Trougltton and )fiss J . •\ltnn vi:Jited Lord Howc hlnnd :md <:o:lectcd marine ~pecimen,. for di:.play and inYc,tit:-ation. 5. DoxA'l'IO~s . )fr. E.-nC'st 'Y~;nderliC'h l1n;; continued to prc::.<:nt '·olumcs i:;sucd by t hC' Briti>.h ~chool l>i Arc:lluc,>logy in Egypt, COlnl•ri::>in.;; son.e vah1::blc :tdclition"' to t!se librnr~. An important donntion wns m:Hic h;v Dr. hn )bcGillivra~·, who prt·sentN1 the hn~l! Nllectillu oi birch.' cg~s formcll hy his l.uc fatlwr, D1·. W. D. K . :.\fncGillivr:~y , of nruRC1l JT:lJ. l'.lrtict<i:;;·,. of Other gift::. will 1e found in tltc l'C}lul·ts Oll t!IC various ~ection;, . ii. c \I.I.BltY Tlll'R0\'.:~11::\T::. • • \ :,.pceial C'fl'on wn:; mndo during th" year ~o ctfcct improvement" 1n th..: C'xhibit .
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