Ch ,/E / , .Rt ~ ~ \ DEPARTMENT of STATE ·U V 'C DIVISION of PROTOCOL Memorandijll for MR
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• Ch ,/e / , .rt ~ ~ \ DEPARTMENT OF STATE ·U v 'C DIVISION OF PROTOCOL MEMORANDIJlL FOR MR . MciNTYRE August 4, 1938 . The following are excerpts taken f rom a personal and confidential letter dated June 28, 1938, which I received f rom Norman Armour, American Ambassador t o Chile: "*** Confidentially, I am a little worried at the thought of his postponing his visit until after the elections in Novem ber at home. The presidential elections here are not until late October and although the inauguration of the new President will not be until December 23rd, Alessandri will then be, so to speak, "keeping the seat warm" for his successor. Also it seem s possible that the excitement, to put it mildly, over the elec tions, may not have calmed down entirely by t hat time. In fact, there are some people who think that if Ross is elected, the Left may not accept t he verdict without attempting to show some fight. "However, all the above is negative . On the positive side the Pr esid~1t 1 s visit wou ld have a splendid effect here and I am sure that rather t han not have hi m visit Chile, they would prefer t o have him com e at any time t he President finds it possible to do so. On second thought, if he waited until after the elections at home, he would not reach here presumably until late in November, by wh ich t ime all excitement following elections here should have quieted down . Al so this YIOuld be sufficiently far in advance of the inaugu r ation of the new President not to have any conflict in that direction. All things con sidered, therefore, if the President could time his visit to come, let us say, between Novem ber 25th and December 5th, this would seem to fit - 2 - to fit in perfectly. He could then conti nue on up to Lima for the opening of the Conference . "Should the President prefer to go to Lima first for the opening of the Conference and then come on to Chile, he could still do this provided he did not stay too long at Li ma . As the opening is on December 9th, if he left there on December l l th, that would bring him here about the 14th-15th . This would be only eight days before the inaugur a tion of the new Presi dent here, which is fairly close but would still probably be possible, although I think the earlier date, prior to the opening of the Lima Conference, would perhaps be preferable. " I thought you would be interested in having f or your files these confidential observations in regar d t o a trip to the west coa st of South America by the Pr e si dent in the Fal l . G. T. S. THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Summerlin: 11 '£'1e li.meric<::n Amb . in Sunt1ae;o, Chile, sent the rollo• in~ ruPssage : IJlov • .<.;... For the Under Sec. f'oul" 1 t be po sihle to secure from tn e Pre:: iaent or the Sec. « luess::t,;e to be r e;.d &t the openln,:; of the Chile-North American Institute of Cultural Pel· tions on Thursda~·, Tn-nksgi ving Day? The in<.u nr& i n · Ll take place ~.d~r ru pices of Comisijn C~il~na de Cooper acion Intelect!al ac 7 PM, Nov . :.!4 . T 1e British F.n·ei,:n Mi nister se 1t a simi.l< r rnP-ssage Vi: s read t t ~he Or>ening of t.'l Brit.:..or In::.t.:.wte May t.nd I mow .;orne such officic.l reco_:n1 titllt from 1.~ snington 1·111 be appreciated here. Armour. 1 n 1Yo:.ur tel 6 1·-.m lJd, Nov . l2, Noon. You author ized to re· o t·1e following mes~~oq;e : fhe ctevelo 'rnent of t ne cult•Jrc.l r elc.tiJnf bet eon Lhe ;>eo >les 0 t.he l'.orld i "' of t "anscen Je<ltc.l importance in the p-.:oesent era. Tne attainment of a t'ul.L tppreciuti 'n of tne problems, t he customs, tile idr>uls, the e<spilati •ns of' t heir nei"hbors is es:ent1al 1 .•: n• tions t.r e t o bret k dov.n the barr:!.ers of misunur>rst· nding. I ·now t"l t the new Chilean- llorth /1merlcan Irostitute of Culturcl Reluti.:>n:: is i'ully ulive to thi:: e reat issue •nd I am confi dent thut it will · <e < mo_t substant.:.(.l contrioution to t he friendly ~nd sympathetic undE'r S t.anding betVle<'ll the peoples of Chile <•.nd t.1e Un.aeu Stt.tes. (Si Hed) Frttn.clin 1 D. Foo a vel t . " {, I EMBA.JADA DE CHILE I WAaHINOTON 8 June 193 - N"904/H.- C.celicncyo I lA ·~ t.;;c t.ot or to :.r cm1:. :.o f;>;.~.. • ce,.- c !. .. or."" ro :. uirr,. CerJ ' Prb i~.of.=nt or thll •II tJ lie of (,. t ' c.-L. nc,- f r .. !n y • • ·- t~..~..nt of t~t;~ Unitt.: ..t t~;s (Jf A::t.r1c . - ... ,ur c !l•nc • s 1r.~ ra •1 ,_ j •he .ett !._• ita r1 ~n 1 ... n1sh 1 • • -~ h1 •• t eo ,a1Cltr t ion.- Ttl.... ~ t u ra..) liA..:.U .. '-tTw!t , .c. I:MBAJADA DE CHILE WA8HINOTON r iL 1 0 1 *' C.t. J U' .1 :J - Ill o• Pr t al u tr c 1 el C:4. .... ! 1 r Jl"C r ,.., Vu tr c~ l ~nci se alr 15 lr1gir~u co uc au: el~1 o ~-Y r rio ~e. ~ t 1 "O I:! ... t 1 ~· Co o .Lo CiC{ Yu ... • r ~ 1 , r - I cl ""' t; tc nu t.r H er vec1. c • c ... I) )IJ r t:: UC1,)1 tt.t ' .... •ro, o .. u c a ;, .__e; -c 1 vt c lY Por c. rt11!1 0 " ::. t .C:1 1 l~ol.d lC "re- r ".tr -~ c •• t - " . 0 1. u y t • tu c r u.. U'/t fj .r r cl ir _' 1.1• s • tr c - cl , por ~ r tue 1 u • c 1.1 r r ec .. u t t - 1. c:.. ' (~ . ) P. Uir t. 1.. N • ... t.._ .r L .. EMBA.JAOA' DE CHILE 0 TI A!. " I 10° WAaHIN OTON •ll •l! • ltt ll .~1 o, • Ju.;a 19) - Thu vt r,.. ur thy r " r·t; ut. n t.:.t1 vt or W' w.ccL.Lnc: ).;.for ~ ..., C.uvt.! 'I t it t ll l: .l. CC 1-Cl.C.. t.:NOT ·•OT ll r •W' ' put tnt Ill. • t •• !n ..... " •.1t:n 1 '" .;..).Ctl.ltr.C".. ' • "" tn u n " t 10< "" L• cc. l, ,. 1.!. roru. 11 l- 'h.ra rr or :. U!' ' a .I h mt "1r c v c < n c..t: 11<! t.n Unl • • .- :.. ,~., .c h nc, »l • ~ ! .. &~ r ~1.1ty r till c v ·~ • - c~r cour.ttit. i Yt..: ceo c: ... o 1 •• I ' 11- •• i_igcnt.~o,.~ .. ~ •f4'" ,.\; c\ 11 ... • c:u ' • l. t!c. _a. ' u .lc l.ol J1ll v t "' vl" J . -•• r ur . I Jol" fw. 1 lJt tm ._, r It .. • 1- t • l.r.L'"' .r •lJ C<> t. • •• 1 of C.tllt ••l ' t. 1' 1 t.b !h.... n ...... tr t c • lt 1C I ':).; nor t.o t •• .... 1 •• nc. r<! ~ - "' c .. c., • 1. tuu e 11 - a. .tt.... U.o.~o;h c .. l ..... ~c 1. r<c I ·~ lo"" ·"· r l 1r. !ltt·n l conv,., .y r ... ~ til ••• rJO C,!'(r(. C) I tv. 1 .. Q ur Ct.lltUC,I I I ~ r. c r .1.. P. ul c .... r ••••• DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON ln reply refer to PR 810. ?9611/ 41 June 22 , 1939 My dear Min LeHandl With reference t o the co..unication recently addr eeaed by the Preaident to Hie Excellency Pedro Aguirre Oerda, Presi dent of t he Republic of Ohile, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of a direct air service between the United 8tatea and Ohils, there ie enclosed herewith President Aguirre Oerda1 s reply, together with a copy of the transmitting note and its encloaurea from the Ambassador of Ohile at washington. Jo further action appears to be neoeasary. Sincerely youra, .. ~ ~£ _/ C\..'-' )(;!.;/· i //!./ .4i Ohief of Protocol. ' Mias Marguerite A. LeHand, Private Secretary to the President, The White Bouse. I Santiago, 2 ds junto ds 1939. Jli sstilll4do Ssflor Prssidsnts: Zl muy digno r•pr686ntant• d• Vusstra EXcsl• ncia ants ai Gobisrno, ZXcslsnt{sino EMbajador ssflor Nor1114n Armour, puso sn mis monos sl at•nto • • nsajs qu• Vusstra txcslsncia s• sirvio dirigiru con ocasion ds la pro xlmidad dsl diclmo aniv~sario dsl sstablscimisnto dsl ssrvl cio airso dir•cto sntrs Chils v los Estados Unidos. Como bi•n lo dies Vusstra EX cslsnci a, gracias a la rapid•z v ssguridad dB •sts magn{fico s•rvlcto, nusstros pafsss han llsgado a s~ v•cinos c•rcanos, v como talss pusdsn ayudarss acuciosa v •licazmsnt•, uno a otro, •n todos los caapos d• actividad publica v prioada . Por sllo participo plsnamsnts ds la complacsncia qus a todos pro dues la posibilidad alccnzada ds una mas sstr•cha coopsraci6n sntrs los ciudadanos ds Chil• v los !stados Dnidos, posibil idad qus ss vs dsmostrada por la prontitud con quB tuv• a honra rs cibir los busnos dsssos v saludos psrsonal•s d• Vu•s tra &Xcsl•n• cla, como, asimismo, por la rapidsz igual con qus ss impondr4 ds ssta rsspussta sn qus ls manifissto ais vivos agradsciaisn tos v sincsra congratulaci6n.