Hugh Gibson Papers, 1900-1957

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Hugh Gibson Papers, 1900-1957 No online items Register of the Hugh Gibson Papers, 1900-1957 Processed by Linda M. Bernard; machine-readable finding aid created by James Lake Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email: [email protected] © 1998 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved. Register of the Hugh Gibson 56000 1 Papers, 1900-1957 Register of the Hugh Gibson Papers, 1900-1957 Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California Contact Information Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email: [email protected] Processed by: Linda M. Bernard Date Completed: 1981 Encoded by: James Lake © 1998 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved. Descriptive Summary Title: Hugh Gibson Papers, Date (inclusive): 1900-1957 Collection number: 56000 Creator: Gibson, Hugh, 1883-1954 Collection Size: 126 manuscript boxes, 26 oversize boxes, 22 envelopes, 1 phonorecord, memorabilia (90 linear feet) Repository: Hoover Institution Archives Stanford, California 94305-6010 Abstract: Diaries, writings, correspondence, reports, minutes of meetings, photographs, and printed matter, relating to American foreign relations, international disarmament, the League of Nations, and relief work in Europe during World Wars I and II. Diaries also available on microfilm. Food mission diaries of 1946 and 1947 also available at . Language: English. Access Collection is open for research. The Hoover Institution Archives only allows access to copies of audiovisual items. To listen to sound recordings or to view videos or films during your visit, please contact the Archives at least two working days before your arrival. We will then advise you of the accessibility of the material you wish to see or hear. Please note that not all audiovisual material is immediately accessible. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Archives Alternative Form of Materials Available The diaries written as Gibson accompanied Herbert Hoover on his food mission around the world in 1946 and 1947 (diaries dated March 17 - June 19, 1946 and February 2-22, 1947) are digitized and available on the Hoover Institution Archives website at . Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Hugh Gibson papers, [Box no.], Hoover Institution Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Archives in 1956. Register of the Hugh Gibson 56000 2 Papers, 1900-1957 Accruals Materials may have been added to the collection since this finding aid was prepared. To determine if this has occurred, find the collection in Stanford University's online catalog at . Materials have been added to the collection if the number of boxes listed in the online catalog is larger than the number of boxes listed in this finding aid. Access Points League of Nations. Disarmament. International relief. World War, 1914-1918. World War, 1914-1918--Civilian relief. World War, 1939-1945. World War, 1939-1945--Civilian relief. Belgium. Belgium--Foreign relations--United States. Brazil. Brazil--Foreign relations--United States. Poland. Poland--Foreign relations--United States. Switzerland. Switzerland--Foreign relations--United States. United States--Foreign relations. United States--Foreign relations--Belgium. United States--Foreign relations--Brazil. United States--Foreign relations--Poland. United States--Foreign relations--Switzerland. Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964. Diplomats--United States. 1883 Born, Los Angeles, California August 16 Attended Los Angeles Military Academy Attended Pomona College 1907 Graduated, Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques, Paris 1908 Took the Diplomatic Service Examination 1908-1909 Secretary, American Legation, Tegucigalpa, Honduras 1909-1910 Second Secretary, American Embassy, London 1910 Private secretary to the Assistant Secretary of State, Washington 1911 Clerk, Department of State, Washington 1911-1913 Secretary, American Legation, Havana, Cuba 1913 Observer, elections for Constituent Assembly of Santo Domingo 1914-1916 Secretary, American Legation, Brussels Liaison between Herbert Hoover and the Belgian Government for the Commission for Relief in Belgium 1916 First Secretary, American Embassy, London 1917 Assigned to State Department -War Missions Author, A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium Aide to Lord Balfour, British Minister of Foreign Affairs, during visit to the U.S Attached to Belgian War Mission during visit to the U.S. 1918 First Secretary, American Embassy, Paris Advisor to General Pershing 1918-1919 Member, Interallied Mission to Countries of former Austro-Hungarian Empire 1919-1924 Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Poland (Warsaw) 1922 Married Ynes Reyntiens, Brussels 1924 Attended Temporary Mixed Commission for the Reduction of Armaments, League of Nations, Geneva Maintained as Ambassador-at-Large, League of Nations Register of the Hugh Gibson 56000 3 Papers, 1900-1957 1924-1927 Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Switzerland (Bern) 1925 Vice-Chairman, American Delegation, Arms Traffic Conference, Geneva 1926-1930 Chairman, American Delegation, Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference, Geneva 1927 Delegate, Conference on Private Manufacture of Arms, Geneva Chairman of American delegation and conference, Conference for the Further Limitation of Naval Armaments (also called Tripartite Naval Conference or the Three Power Conference), Geneva 1927-1933 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belgium and Envoy Extraordinary Minister Plenipotentiary to Luxemburg (Brussels) 1928 Doctor of Diplomacy and Political Science, Universite Catholique de Louvain 1929 Birth of son Michael Francis, Brussels 1930 Delegate, London Naval Conference Doctor of Law, Universite Libre de Bruxelles 1931 Doctor of Law, Yale University Observer, Conference of Experts for a Moratorium on Intergovernmental Debts (also called the London Conference or the International Conference of Ministers), London 1932-1933 Acting Chairman, American Delegation, General Disarmament Conference, Geneva 1933-1937 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) 1935 American Representative, Mediatory Group to end the Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay Delegate, Chaco Peace Conference, Buenos Aires 1937 Author, Rio 1937-1938 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Belgium and Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Luxemburg (Brussels) 1938 Retired from foreign service 1939 Author, Belgium: The Country and Its People Vice-President, Belgian American Educational Foundation Chairman, A.R.A. Association 1940 Escaped from France during German occupation European representative for the National Committee on Food for Small Democracies 1940-1941 Director General for Europe of the Commission for Polish Relief and the Commission for Relief in Belgium 1942 Author, The Problems of Lasting Peace (with Herbert Hoover) 1944 Author, The Road to Foreign Policy 1945 Author, The Basis of Lasting Peace (with Herbert Hoover) 1946-1947 Member, Herbert Hoover Food Mission (Herbert Hoover, Chairman) 1947 Member, Investigatory Committee for postwar German economic policies 1950 Death of Ynes R. Gibson 1952 Director, Provisional Intergovernmental Commission on Movements of Migrants from Europe (ICEM) 1954 December Death of Hugh Simons Gibson, Geneva 12 Box: 1-9 BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1911-1955 Scope and Content Note Bank statements, bills, clippings, identification cards and laissez-passers, insurance policies, legal papers, military record, tax forms, arranged alphabetically by subject Box 1 Accounts Disallowed through loss of exchange, while Minister to Poland - Correspondence re relief bill, 1922-1930 For the Committee on Public Information, 1918 With Macy's With the State Department, including salary statements and per diem allowances 1911-1914 1921-1927 1932-1942 With various banks Register of the Hugh Gibson 56000 4 Papers, 1900-1957 BIOGRAPHICAL FILE, 1911-1955 Banque H. Lambert, 1934-1935 Banque Populaire Suisse, 1926 Banque St. Phalle, 1929 Credit Suisse, 1926-1927 Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, 1918 Guarantee Trust Company of New York, 1924-1933 Physical Description: 3 folders) Box 2 National City Bank of New York 1922-1933 1933-1936 1953 National Metropolitan Bank, 1924-1926 Security - First National Bank of Los Angeles, 1933-1936 Societe Generale de Belgique, 1923-1934 Union de Banques Suisses, 1926 Articles and press clippings on Hugh Gibson (hereafter H.G.) Attorneys (Chapman and Chapman, Los Angeles) 1930-1933 1934-1937 Box 3 Autograph requests Automobiles General Bills (gas, repairs, etc.) Insurance General Cadillac Limousine Cadillac Toledo Packard Permits, driver's licenses, etc. Bills Paid, 1923-1933 Box 4 Paid, 1923-1933 Unpaid, 1924-1927 Biographical data Bonds, stocks Books, magazines Cards (entry, identity, membership, visiting) Clothing Clubs Box 5 Death Condolances Notices and obituaries Physical Description: 3 folders) Tributes - Bohemian After Glow Party, New York, October 30, 1955 Fishing, hunting Friends - List of names and addresses Guns Health. See also CORRESPONDENCE, Bourgeois, Maurice and Ferrero, Constantin
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