
arXiv:1902.10216v1 [physics.ed-ph] 26 Feb 2019 h ae ssrcue ntefloigwy fe this After way. following the in structured is paper measured The (as areas tracking). relevant eye on by focus secu- of duration response experiment and between rity of relationship the effect and learning observation miscon- non-obvious relevant study experi- the and demonstration ceptions, identify we lecture direct Therefore, the exemplary in ment. an reference of of frames context rotating ap- of and understand concepts students ply how explore we understanding. paper this students’ misconcep- ac- In in causing complications false . potentially and and tions Coriolis below, shortcomings the outlined several by counts, are object the there an i.e. However, effect, of Coriolis deflection [7] the materials apparent demonstrate online to and intend experiments which of number there large accordingly, a and, physics is cen- education introductory wide college-level inertial in in this topics the courses Given common and are Coriolis force [6]. the trifugal physics applications, nuclear of and range [5] astrophysics prob- optics [3], to oceanography [4], 2], applied [1, is meteorology energy in it lems nowadays the describe waterwheels, to in Corio- introduced the transfer originally accurate While was an force description. for lis theoretical and considered the Coriolis be of Accordingly, account to physics. need in terms centrifugal fields of variety a ∗ mrvn tdns nesadn frttn rmso re of frames rotating of understanding students’ Improving [email protected] oaigfae frfrnepa nipratrl in role important an play reference of frames Rotating e hiceUiesta asrluen Erwin-Schr¨odi Universit¨at Kaiserslautern, Technische ehiceUiesta asrluen Erwin-Schr¨odi Universit¨at Kaiserslautern, Technische rm frfrne utemr,w atrdsuet’eye students’ traject captured the we Furthermore, mix-up cau reference. systematically of students t frame inertial third, required thre Second, And only identified system. is act. rotating we force the context, centrifugal to this coupled the In First, signific revealed experiment. difficulties. distractors the of of analysis vation detailed a score, eotdteosraino h rjcoyo peerolli sphere a of one trajectory only the demonstration, of the observation the to reported prior outcome the predicting o ntutoa eino nrdcin orttn fram rotating to introductions of design experim instructional demonstration Ov for from tracking. learning eye concept of using complexity misconceptions Conse of score. focu identification comparable ratings the a confidence having despite low students with confident students physics that found hyaesadr opnnso nrdcoypyislectu physics introductory of components standard are they etr eosrto xeiet efudi a in re found of We frames rotating experiment. of demonstration concepts lecture apply and understand dents h ocpso h oilsadtecnrfglfreaees are force centrifugal the and Coriolis the of concepts The .INTRODUCTION I. 2 eateto hsc,Itgae polcrnc n Mic and Optoelectronics Integrated Physics, of Department .K¨uchemann,S. 1 eateto hsc,PyisEuainRsac Group, Research Education Physics Physics, of Department 1, ∗ .Klein, P. ieetperspectives different 1 .Fouckhardt, H. redict P isi nfr oinoe ag oaigds start- disc rotating large a over plane motion a uniform where a case in two-dimensional flies a imagine us refer- Let of thought (A) a frame of rotating arguments two a from experiment. in understood be object can an ence in- describe of to the a quantity that trajectory in necessary fact the a object The is force the force. centrifugal Coriolis on ertial the acts with iner- also deflection. sum the (ICF) vector the Appendix), force for (see centrifugal cause (2) tial the Eq. Coriolis to as the according (RFR), presented However, reference often of is frame force rotating a in ject aucitwt h ancneune fterslsfor results research. the litera- education of the physics consequences previous conclude main we of the chapter, these with final context manuscript the Then, in the eventually in and, reference. ture discussed ex- of demonstration are frames exemplary results rotating an of of context periment eye-tracking the and re- in interviews the data student self- contains including ratings, section test, confidence subsequent Predict-Observe-Explain used the The methods of and sults and work. and materials art this chapter the the second in explains of part the third in state the follows the work of preliminary the overview an introduction, .Smlfidcnetoso h oilseetand effect Coriolis the of conceptions Simplified A. I TT FTEATADPRELIMINARY AND ART THE OF STATE II. grSr 6 76 asrluen Germany Kaiserslautern, 67663 46, nger-Str. grSr 6 76 asrluen Germany Kaiserslautern, 67663 46, nger-Str. nsmlfiddpcin facre rjcoyo nob- an of trajectory curved a of depictions simplified In n ocpullann uigteobser- the during learning conceptual ant so reference. of es ecietetaetr fteojc is object the if trajectory the describe o goe oaigds.Dsieti low this Despite disc. rotating a over ng earato fa beto hc they which on object an of reaction a se − 2 rl,terslshl oudrtn the understand to help results the erall, nsadpoieipratimplications important provide and ents re ntesainr n h rotating the and stationary the in ories oeet uigthe during movements unl,ti erci epu olfor tool helpful a is metric this quently, e.I hspprw xlr o stu- how explore we paper this In res. eec ntecneto nexemplary an of context the in ference e ogro eeatts ra than areas task relevant on longer sed .Gr¨ober,S. Observe u ffiepyissuet correctly students physics five of out eta nvrossinicfilsand fields scientific various in sential anmsocpin n learning and misconceptions main e opisRsac Group, Research rooptics − h etiua force centrifugal the Explain 1 eec sn iesfrom videos using ference n .Kuhn J. and WORK stig htafter that -setting, redict P 1 akand task 2 ing from the center of rotation. If an observer located on students process the information and understand their the disc only used the Coriolis force for the description observations by integrating it into their concept knowl- of the curved trajectory, he/she would expect that the edge [14]. Unfortunately, despite their regular use in plane returns to the center of rotation at some point in introductory physics lectures, it has been shown that time because the Coriolis force is always perpendicular to demonstrations will have little effect on students’ con- the direction of motion thus leading to a circular trajec- cept learning if the students passively observe the exper- tory. For an observer in a stationary frame of reference iments [15]. At the same time, the correct observation (SFR), however, it is obvious that this case would not of a lecture demonstration is a necessary prerequisite for occur because the plane flies in a uniform motion due to concept learning [14]. the absence of any real force. In reality, the plane would In this context, Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) is an in- pursue a spiral trajectory for the observer in the RFR teractive teaching scenario which can be implemented which is the consequence of the vector sum of the iner- during experimental lecture demonstrations [16–18]. tial and Coriolis force. While it is sometimes proposed as an eight-step approach, (B) During the aforementioned motion of the plane, the here we reduce it to three central steps [19, 20]. First, in absolute value of the velocity |~v′| in the RFR would in- the ”Predict” phase, the students are asked to make an crease according to Eq. (1) because the absolute value of educated guess of the outcome of the experiment. This the velocity in the SFR |~v| and the angular velocity are step helps to initiate learning processes by reflecting on constant and |~r| increases. Since the Coriolis force is al- and relating to theoretical backgrounds and thus forming ways perpendicular to the direction of motion, it cannot a mental model which links the theory to the experiment be the reason for this apparent increase in |~v′|. Only the [20]. In the second, ”Observe” phase the experiment is centrifugal force which points outwards from the center demonstrated and the students visually perceive its pro- of rotation can be responsible for this effect. cess and outcome. Here, students are expected to relate The misconception that the centrifugal force only occurs their observation to the previously anticipated result and, when the object is somehow coupled (e.g. by or consequently, approve or reconsider their mental model a rope) to the rotating system [8] is potentially guided [17]. In the final ”Explain” phase the outcome of the by empirical experiences, such as the feeling of a force experiment is revisited, typically by the teacher. In this pointing outwards. Here, the underlying problem is that part the teacher explains the established link between the a person when sitting in a carousel or in a car driving theory and the outcome of the experiment. through a turn actually feels a force acting on him or Previous research on the impact of POE scenarios have her, i.e. the body reacts to the force, because the person shown that it is more effective for students’ learning and is actually partially coupled to the rotating system. This students pay more attention than during classical lecture seems to be in conflict with the aforementioned character- demonstrations in which the instructor only performs the istics of a virtual force. This cognitive dissonance can be experiment and explains it in the framework of the es- resolved by discriminating between the centrifugal force tablished theory. which occurs as a reaction to a (here To our knowledge there is no quantitative study which termed ”Reactive centrifugal force”, RCF) and the one examines students’ misconceptions of Coriolis force and which occurs as a virtual force in a RFR (”inertial cen- inertial centrifugal force. Stommel et al. report that trifugal force”) [9]. Sometimes text books and scientific students consider the Coriolis effect as ”mysterious” articles lack this helpful linguistic distinction [8, 10–13]. and a result of ”formal mathematical manipulations” as The reason for this could be that the mathematical equa- pointed out by Persson [8, 13]. Previously observed mis- tions are the same, only the situations in which they oc- conceptions of students in mechanics imply, for instance, cur in and how they are perceived are different. For the the ”Motion implies a force” misconception [21, 22]. This occurrence of the RCF, a coupling to the RFR is indeed misconception potentially still persist in the students’ required, for the occurrence of the ICF it is not. Accord- understanding, thus complicating the students’ concep- ingly, the RCF can be perceived when driving through tional learning of rotating frames of references and may a turn or sitting in a merry-go-round while the occur- translate to our study. We have accounted for these po- rence of the ICF, for instance for a passenger in an air tential misconceptions in the posttest. plane which flies in a uniform motion over a rotating disc, cannot be felt. C. Analysis methods

B. Experimental lecture demonstrations and 1. Eye-tracking in educational research students’ understanding of the Coriolis force During the POE tasks and the instruction (between Lecture demonstrations in the classical sense mean the Observe and Explain) we have recorded the motion of demonstrations of experiments by the lecturer during the the eyes of the students. In general, the eye-tracking class while the students passively observe the presen- technique has gained growing attention in educational tation. The intention of the lecturer is often that the research in the past years, since several cognition- 3 psychological and educational questions can be addressed overconfidence. The second potential reason within the with this method. Theoretically, the eye-tracking tech- PMM theory is that the set of information retrieved from nique is founded on the eye-mind hypothesis, which the environment is not a representative selection for the means that the visual focus is located on information reference set [34] and, for comparison, the reason is not which are cognitively processed. This hypothesis was a misled perception of the task difficulty [36, 37]. originally formulated by Just and Carpenter [23] and In the field of physics education, Planinic et al. found was later on experimentally confirmed by Kustov and significantly higher confidence ratings for wrong answers Robinson [24]. Therefore, eye-tracking can be used, for in the area of Newtonian dynamics than in the area of instance, to validate prevalent cognitive and multimedia electrical circuits, suggesting that concepts of Newtonian theories [25], to reveal student strategies during problem- dynamics are more prone to misconceptions [38]. solving [26], and to discriminate between expert and In this work, we use the confidence ratings as an aid to novice eye-gaze patterns [27], thus leading to improved identify underlying misconceptions, which reveal them- instructional designs [28]. selves when the student appears to be rather confident In this context, Gegenfurtner et al concluded in a meta- with an incorrect answer. Furthermore, this study ex- analysis that experts, in comparison to non-experts, have plores the influence of the level of calibration on the con- shorter fixation duration but more fixations on relevant ceptual learning within a POE setting and relates the areas and longer saccades [29], confirming a number of confidence to eye-tracking metrics. theories, such as the theory of long-term working mem- Within this educational framework we formulate three ory [30] and the information-reduction hypothesis [31]. research questions: In the context of physics education, eye-tracking has been used, for instance, in the context of kinematic graphs and • What are the prevailing misconceptions of physics vector fields. Klein et al. found that high-performing students in the field of rotating frames of reference? students rather follow an equation-based approach than • What is the influence of the demonstration experi- low-performers, thus executing more vertical and hori- ment on learning about the outcome of the experi- zontal eye-movements during the interpretation of two- ment? dimensional vector fields [28]. Apart from that, Mad- sen et al found that the response accuracy is correlated • Is there a specific eye-movement pattern which re- to focus duration on relevant areas [32]. To our knowl- lates to the performance or confidence of physics edge, eye-tracking has not been applied in the context of students within a POE setting? demonstration experiments in POE settings.

III. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2. Self-confidence ratings A. Participants In this study, we use self-confidence ratings after the students have answered a question. These meta-cognitive The sample consists of 21 freshman students with ratings in a single choice format reflect the ability of a physics major of the Technische Universit¨at Kaiser- students to self-monitor their thought processes, which slautern, Germany. The students were participants of the comprises a reflection of the understanding of the topic lecture ”Experimental Physics 1” where they had seen ex- and the performance in the task [33]. In common inter- perimental demonstrations and the mathematical deriva- pretations of confidence ratings, the difference between tion of the topic of rotating frames of reference in one lec- the confidence rating and the accuracy of the response ture, one tutorial, one problem sheet, and one recitation is termed bias. The bias is low for a student who has session prior to participation in this study. Participation a comparable confidence rating to his or her accuracy in this study was voluntary and was compensated with and, consequently, it would be high if the student tends 10 Euro. The study took place several weeks before the to over- or underestimate his or her performance. The final exam of the lecture and the students expected that level of the bias is an indication for the calibration. A the topic might be part of the exam. deviation from a zero bias is an indication for a lack of calibration. The relatively robust effect of overconfidence can be explained within the probabilistic mental model B. Experimental setup (PMM) theory proposed by Gigerenzer et al. [34, 35], in which confidence judgments are first a spontaneous con- The setup consists of a rotating disc with a diameter sequence of a local mental model (LMM). In case, where of 55 cm which is connected to a motor that allows the a LMM in the context of a specific task fails, a PMM is disc to rotate at a constant angular velocity (see Fig. created in which the person retrieves probabilistic cues 1a and 1b). Initially, the sphere rests at the end of a from the environment. The mismatch between the cue tilted rail which is attached to the rotating disc point- validity and ecological validity, which is the true account ing in the direction of the center of rotation (since the of a certain situation, might be one of two reasons for an rail is attached to the rotating disc the sphere receives 4 an initial tangential velocity component). As soon as the rail passes a trigger, the sphere starts to roll down the rail (from this the sphere receives an initial radial velocity component). The experiment is recorded from the top via two cameras. The first camera is con- nected to the stationary frame and does not move while the disc rotates. The second camera is attached to the rotating disc, allowing the observation in the perspective of a rotating observer. In the stationary system, the sphere moves uniformly in a straight line on the left side of the disc in respect to the center of rotation. Note here, that it does not run through the center because the resulting motion is a su- perposition of the tangential and the radial part. This means that the answer (b) is correct in the stationary frame of reference K (see Fig. 1d). In the rotating frame of reference, the trajectory d) describes the motion cor- rectly (see Fig. 1d).

C. Study design

The study design is outlined in Fig. 1c. The pretest consisted of three single choice items in a paper-pencil test assessing the understanding of essential representa- tions of vectors. Thus, we verified whether or not the students had visual understanding of typical depictions of rotating frames of reference used in this study - a nec- essary prerequisite for learning from multiple visual rep- resentations as in the instruction part [39]. It was fol- lowed by an explanation of the experimental setup and the procedure of the experiment (without demonstration yet) by the instructor (see Fig. 1 b,c). In this phase, the students were allowed to ask questions. FIG. 1. (a) The experimental setup for the demonstration of Afterwards, the students were asked two questions to an- rotating frames of references. (b) Top view of the rotating disc . (c) Study design where ∗ indicates the parts in which the eye ticipate the trajectory of the sphere in a stationary frame movements were recorded and (d) the alternative answers of of reference (first) as well as in a rotating frame of ref- the POE items in the stationary frame of reference K and the erence (second), each of them in a single choice format rotating frame of reference K′. In both coordinate systems (see Fig. 1d for answer alternatives), which is termed the distractors are identical. the Predict phase. These two questions were computer- based and the eye movements were recorded. After each prediction, the students were asked to rate their confi- and centrifugal force. The second page explained the tra- dence on a four-point Liekert scale ranging from “very jectory of the sphere rolling over a rotating disc in the confident” to “very unconfident”. particular context of the previously demonstrated exper- Then, the instructor demonstrated the experiment twice iment. This page also contained two snapshots of the (part Observe). The students were allowed to observe final location of the sphere during the experiment from it from every perspective. This part was supposed to each perspective (see Fig. 2) augmented with circles and closely resemble an ideal situation of a lecture demon- arrows indicating the trajectory and velocity vectors in stration. Then, the students were asked to answer the both frames of reference. same two questions as in the Predict phase in order to After this first instruction page, three videos from each report their observation of the trajectory in the station- of the two perspectives (i.e. six videos in total) were ary and in the rotating frame of reference. Again, we shown to the students. The first video showed the ex- used eye-tracking and confidence ratings for these two periment recorded by the stationary camera in real time. computer-based items. It was augmented with the same information as in the Subsequently, the students received the computer-based snapshots in Fig. 2. The two following videos were iden- instruction consisting of two text pages and six videos. tical to the first one but they were played in slow motion The first page displayed a standard text book instruction (4× slower). The three videos recorded from the rotating of inertial forces including the equations of the Coriolis camera were produced in the same format and played in 5

about the trajectory in a rotating coordinate system. It is noticeable that the students have very low scores

FIG. 2. Snapshots during the final phase of the experiment in the stationary frame of reference (a) and the rotating frame of reference (b). The black coordinate system K (axes x and y) is stationary and the green coordinate system K′ (axes x′ and y′) rotates at the same angular velocity as the disc. the same order. The students had no option to pause or replay the videos. After the instruction, the posttest in a paper-pencil for- mat and two computer-based questions followed. It con- sisted of seven true-false items, two items Explain (iden- tical to Predict and Observe) and seven single choice items, two of which had a direct link to the experiment and they were posed in the Eye-tracking setting. After completing the posttest, the students were asked to com- ment on their responses of two single choice items from the posttest in an audio interview. The aim of the inter- view was to reveal potential misconceptions. Therefore, these two questions were directly motivated by the mis- leading depictions in literature (see above).

D. Eye-tracking equipment

The motions of the eyes were recorded using a To- FIG. 3. Test scores of POE items (a) and probability of dif- bii X3-120 stationary eye-tracking system with a visual- ferent error types (b). The inset in panel (a) shows the total ◦ angle resolution of 0.40 and a sampling rate of 120 Hz. number of errors N of the POE items which refers to the The questions were presented on a 22-inch computer analysis in Sec. IV B (see also Tab. I) screen with a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels and refresh rate of 75 Hz. The eye-tracking system was operated and the data was partially analyzed using the software Tobii Studio. during the Predict phase. The demonstration of the ex- periment which is the only intervention between Predict and Observe has no significant effect on the score (p = 0.27), which means that 80 % of the students are unable IV. RESULTS to report the trajectory of a sphere in two coordinate systems after observing the experiment twice. After the A. Test scores of POE items instruction including a theoretical textbook introduction, two augmented photographs (see Fig. 2) and six videos, The test scores of the POE questions are shown in Fig. in the part Explain, 62 % of the students report the tra- 3a. The score in each POE part is the average score from jectories of the sphere correctly. two questions about the trajectory of the sphere on the The average confidence ratings do not change between rotating disc: The first question is about the trajectory Predict (2.2 ± 0.7, where 1 = very confident and 4 = in a stationary coordinate system and the second one is very unconfident) and Observe (2.1 ± 0.8). 6

B. Analysis of distractors tasks. The error probability displayed in this figure is the average probability of the ones within the two coor- For a deeper understanding of error sources and the dinate systems. It is noticeable that, as a consequence influence of interventions, we divided the distractors of the experiment demonstration, all errors are reduced of the POE items into different types. The distractors between Predict and Observe except the inversion error. are displayed in Fig. 1d. The following example may In fact, the average difference between the total num- demonstrate the motivation for this process. A student ber of errors in Predict (N = 3.05 ± 1.40) and Observe who chooses a straight trajectory through the center of (N = 2.19 ± 1.29) exhibits a significant medium effect rotation in the stationary frame of reference K has a (Cohen’s d = 0.64, p < 0.05, see inset of Fig. 3a). In different perception of the trajectory and a potentially comparison, the average difference between the number different concept of the situation than a student who of errors in Observe and Explain (N =0.81 ± 1.03) ex- chooses a curved trajectory which is deflected to the hibits a significant very large effect (Cohen’s d = 1.18, right of the center in K, despite the fact that both p < 0.001). The largest improvement between Predict answers are incorrect. and Observe was found in the observation of the “initial In detail, we identified four different types of errors condition”, i.e. the students were able to correct their among the distractors of the POE task: prediction that the sphere does not go through the center of rotation. In contrast, the observation of the demon- stration experiment did not affect the “Inversion”-error, ′ I: Confusion of K and K : When a student chooses i.e. the students did not recognize that the sphere had a curved trajectory in K or a straight trajectory in been deflected to the left side in respect to the center of ′ K . In K, this error type occurs when a student rotation if they had previously predicted that the trajec- chooses either one of the distractors (d), (e), (f) or tory is located on the right side of the disc. ′ (g). In K this error type occurs when a student The largest improvement between Observe and Explain, chooses either one of distractors (a), (b), (c). as a consequence of the instruction, is the “Confusion”- error, i.e. after the instruction most students can relate a II: Inversion: Here, the student chooses a distractor linear trajectory to the stationary frame of reference and which depicts a trajectory to the right in respect a curved trajectory to the rotating frame of reference. to the center of rotation. Included distractors in And again, as previously observed between Predict and K: (c), (e), (g). Included distractors in K′: (c), Observe, the instruction did not affect the “Inversion”- (e), (g). error, i.e. even after seeing the trajectory in an aug- III: Initial condition: Here, the student does not con- mented photograph and in six videos those students who sider that the sphere also has a tangential veloc- previously made the “Inversion”-error still fail to real- ity component in K and chooses the trajectory ize that the trajectory in both coordinate systems is lo- through center of rotation. Included distractors in cated on the left side of the disc. Apart from this, the K: (a). Included distractors in K′: (a). “Curvature”-error could be corrected entirely using the instruction and also the error in the “initial condition” IV: Curvature: In this error, the student selects a dis- was made only by one student after the instruction. tractor with an incorrect curvature. Included dis- Tab. II shows the confidence ratings of each error tractors in K: (f), (g). Included distractors in K′: (f), (g). TABLE II. Average confidence ratings in respect to error type Following this line of thought, the assignment the error in the Predict and the Observe part. The numerical confi- types to the different distractors of the POE items im- dence values correspond to: 1 = very confident, 2 = confident, plies that some distractors exhibit more than one error 3 = unconfident and 4 = very unconfident. (see Tab. I). The number N of errors for one answer al- Error Predict Observe ′ ternative ranges from 0 − 3 in K and 0 − 2 in K . Fig. type Confidence Confidence I 2.2 2.2 II 2.6 2.4 TABLE I. Error type (ET) and number of errors (N) for each III 1.9 1.2 ′ answer alternative in K and K . IV 2.5 3.3 Distractor ETK NK ETK′ NK′ a III 1 I,III 2 b cor 0 I 1 type during the Predict and Observe questions. It is c II 1 I,II 2 noticeable that the confidence ratings between Predict d I 1 cor 0 and Observe are very similar and no significant change e I,II 2 II 1 can be observed. The students which made an error of f I,IV 2 IV 1 type III had the highest confidence, particularly in the g I,II,IV 3 II,IV 2 Observe part. In contrast, the students which made an error of type IV had the lowest confidence in the Observe 3b shows the probability of each error during the POE part. 7

The confidence ratings neither correlate with the num- example of a high performing student H: ber of errors (rPearson = 0.29, p = 0.90) nor with the Instructor:“Please comment on your answer of question improvement between the Predict and the Observe part Q1.” (rPearson = −0.35, p = 0.06). Apart from this, there is M1: “I ticked the third one, because actually only the no significant difference between the confidence levels of Coriolis force would have to work. I originally assumed answers to questions regarding the trajectory in the sta- that the Coriolis force is a counterforce of the centrifugal tionary frame of reference K and the rotating frame of force. But since this is wrong and actually the centrifu- reference K′. gal force is the counterforce of the centripetal force and In the context of confidence ratings in science educa- since we have here, in my view, no centripetal force, there tion research, the Dunning-Kruger effect, which states should be no centrifugal force here.” that low-performing students rather tend to overestimate In the comments, the student describes the role of the their performance, is often reported [40, 41]. Here, we are centrifugal force as a counterforce to the centripetal force. not able to verify this effect due to the small number of This implies, that the student does not apply the concept correct answers during the Predict and the Observe part. of the inertial centrifugal force and, instead, refers to the concept of the reactive centrifugal force which occurs as a reaction to a centripetal force. C. Student interviews And this is another example for the comments to a wrong answer in which the student assumes that only the Cori- The confidence ratings suggested that there are small olis force is necessary to describe the trajectory of the differences between error types. To consolidate this find- airplane. ing and to identify misconceptions we performed student Instructor:“Please comment on your answer.” interviews after completing the posttest. In these inter- M2: “The plane is deflected to the left from the point of ′ views we asked the students to comment on their answers view of K and as it flies and the air friction is neglected, of two particular questions Q1 and Q2 of the posttest. In it has no contact with the ground and therefore no cen- question Q1 the students were asked to name the forces, trifugal force has to act which somehow has to keep it on which are required to describe the trajectory of an air- a circular path and therefore I think that you can neglect ′ plane flying from the center of an rotating disc outwards that. But if now a person would rest in the center of K , in a uniform motion. In question Q2 the students were he would see that the aircraft is apparently being deflected asked to predict whether or not water would slosh over to the left. The plane actually flies straight ahead, but the the edge of a glass if the glass moves along a curved tra- disc on which the observer stands turns to the right. And jectory in K′ but uniformly along a straight line in K. therefore, seen in the rotating system, only the Coriolis The two questions and the possible answers are outlined force acts which would deflect the aircraft.” in the Appendix. The interviews were conducted in Ger- Here, the student argues that the missing contact of the man and, afterward, translated to English. Language airplane to the rotating frame of reference is responsible errors were corrected to improve readability. for the description via the Coriolis force. Table III shows the probability of each possible answer. Instructor:“Please justify your answer of question Q1.” H: “To describe the trajectory in K′, both the Coriolis and the centrifugal force are needed. This is the case TABLE III. Distribution of answers of the two interview ques- because, first, we have a velocity of the airplane in the tions Q1 and Q2 (see Appendix for the questions and possible rotating frame of reference. That’s why we need a Cori- answers). The correct answer is marked with a dagger. olis force. And since there is a distance r′ to the center Distractor Q1 [%] Q2 [%] of rotation, which is the origin of the coordinate system † a) 28.6 0 K’, there must also be a centrifugal force.” b) 0 4.8 In the arguments, the student directly refers to the non- c) 42.8 14.3 zero velocity v′ of the object in K′ in the equation of the d) 28.6 4.8 Coriolis force FCor (Eq. (3)) and to the non-zero distance e) - 23.8 ′ † r f) - 52.8 to the center of rotation which is a necessary compo- nent in the equation of of the centrifugal force FCen (Eq. (4)). In question Q1, the distractor (c) has the highest prob- In question Q2, the distractor (e) has the highest prob- ability. This corresponds to the answer that only the ability among the incorrect answers. This corresponds Coriolis force is required to describe the trajectory of the to the answer that the water is sloshed opposite to the airplane flying over a rotating disc. In the interviews, direction of the sum vector of Coriolis and centrifugal all students who chose this answer either justified their force. This answer would be correct if there were real response by the thought that the airplane has no connec- forces acting on the glass. This is the reason for the an- tion to the rotating disc or argued that in the absence of swer of the student M1 who selected this answer: a centripetal force, no centrifugal one is required for the Instructor:“Please tell us why you have selected this an- description of the trajectory. Here, we show two exam- swer.” ples of medium performing students M1 and M2 and one 8

M1: “The water spills out for sure, because of the iner- tia of the water, so it’s just a question of how it spills out and I’ve decided to tick the answer (e), because of the idea that the water goes straight ahead and thus the direction of motion is precisely directed opposite to these forces. Because it does not matter to the water, whether it is in the rotating system or not.” In this reasoning to question Q2, the student seems con- vinced of the fact that Coriolis and centrifugal force cause an effect in the stationary reference system K. And this is the comment to the answer of the high achiev- ing student H to question Q2. Instructor:“Please give a reason to your answer to ques- tion Q2.” × H: “For the description of the trajectory, the Coriolis and FIG. 4. Locations of square-shaped AOIs (50 50 pixels) centrifugal force are introduced and in K the glass makes during the Predict and Observe task. a straightforward uniform motion. But since both are only apparent forces, they are only of relevance for the TABLE IV. Maximum, average, and total visit duration on K′ trajectory description in and do not really affect the AOIs in seconds during the Predict-task as well as the number K glass in the reference system , the water does not spill of AOIs (NAOIs) which exhibit a visit duration larger than over. So, in this straight uniform motion, no force acts the average one. on the glass.” Confident Unconfident d p In this reasoning, the student refers to the fictitious char- Max [s] 3.38 7.33 1.21 0.005 acter of the Coriolis and centrifugal force and draws the Average [s] 0.47 0.76 1.11 0.005 correct solution by relating the uniform motion of the NAOIs 14.29 13.86 -0.07 0.82 glass to the absence of forces in the stationary reference Total [s] 25.75 44.56 0.82 0.03 system K. The reasoning of student M2 is similar to the one of H, therefore it is not displayed here. Table V shows the visit duration and the number of

TABLE V. Maximum, average, and total visit duration on D. Confidence levels affect visual focus AOIs during the Observe-task in seconds as well as the num- ber of AOIs (NAOIs) which exhibit a visit duration longer We were interested whether confidence ratings follow- than the average one. ing the Predict and the Observe tasks have an influence Confident Unconfident d p on the visual attention of the students. For this purpose, Max [s] 2.74 5.68 0.68 0.16 we divided the students in two groups: the first group Average [s] 0.45 0.65 0.53 0.20 NAOIs 8.03 11.77 0.79 0.06 rated their confidence in this items with “confident” or Total [s] 14.00 31.60 0.73 0.11 “very confident”, the students in the second group rated their confidence with “unconfident” or “very unconfi- dent”. Additionally, we designed a pattern of square-like AOIs which received a high attention. It is noticeable Areas of Interest (AOIs) with a size of 50×50 pixels that that the difference in the maximum, average, and total covers all relevant areas (including the figure of the ro- visit duration of confident and unconfident students is tating disc, the coordinate system and the distractors) clearly reduced in comparison to the Predict-questions except the question text (see Fig. 4). Then, we com- so that the effects are not significant during the Observe- pared the total visit duration and the size of the regions questions. Furthermore, the results indicate that there is of attention. Table IV shows the visit duration and the no significant difference in NAOIs between confident and number of AOIs NAOIs which received a high focus (i.e. unconfident students, which means that the studied area a focus which is longer than the average focus of each from where information is processed is similar between student) of students who feel confident of their answer these two student groups. and those who are unconfident during the predict task. Here, NAOIs is a measure of the size of the area of focus, i.e. it indicates the spatial spread of attention. V. DISCUSSION The analysis demonstrates that there is significant very large effect in the maximum visit duration and a signif- In this work we demonstrated how students understand icant large effect in the average and total visit duration concepts of rotating frames of reference and how they between confident and unconfident students during the apply their knowledge to understand a standard lecture predict questions. experiment in which they are supposed to report the tra- 9 jectory of a sphere rolling over a rotating disc in a rotat- that the centrifugal force is only necessary to describe the ing and in a stationary coordinate system. trajectory of an object in a rotating coordinate system The presented study reveals a number of misconceptions when there is a coupling of the object to the rotating in the field of rotating frames of reference which leads to system. This misconception is likely to be attributed to a number of promising suggestions for future instructions common instructional connections of the inertial centrifu- of the topic. gal force and the reactive centrifugal force which occurs The “Confusion”-error, which is the error to think that as a reaction to a Centripetal force, as for instance in a there is a linear trajectory of the sphere in the rotating carousel. In the light of these results, we suggest to ver- frame of reference or a curved trajectory of the sphere in bally discriminate between these two types of centrifugal the stationary coordinate system, was the most common forces. Apart from that, about one out of four physics error of students in the Predict as well as in the Observe students (23.8 %) do not include the fictitious character items. This error could be successfully resolved via the of inertial forces in their arguments and rather argue that instruction using a fundamental theoretical review of ro- they have the same effect on objects as real forces. tating frames of references, augmented photographs and six augmented videos. However, the results highlight the high difficulty of this topic for first-year physics students. B. Eye-tracking reveals confidence This yields, for instance, the surprising observation that the “Inversion”-error is neither corrected during the ob- The Eye-Tracking analysis reveals a direct link between servation of the experiment nor during the instruction. confidence ratings and visit duration on AOIs during the This indicates that some errors require special attention Predict which potentially could be realized via the implementa- items of the phase. Students which are confident of their answer spent significantly less time on the AOIs tion of cues [42] or via highlighting and discussing com- mon errors of students in advance. For this reason, it is than unconfident students. Despite this fact, unconfident students distribute their attention on a similar-sized area. likely that a briefer instruction could fail to transfer the link between mathematical equations of the Coriolis and This observation is an interesting extension to previous results and interpretations of long visit durations. For in- centrifugal force and their application to the trajectory of the sphere in a rotating and stationary frame of refer- stance, Palinko et al. report that high visual attention on relevant areas is related to a high mental effort [43]. As ence. Furthermore, the item difficulty of the POE tasks prove a consequence, the visit duration has also been used as a measure for (intrinsic or extrinsic) cognitive load within the conceptual and perceptual complexity of the topic of rotating frames of references. Only one out of five the framework of the Cognitive Load Theory [44]. During the Observe phase, there is no difference in the average physics students was able to report the observation of the trajectory of a sphere rolling over the disc correctly or total visit duration between confident and unconfident students. The disappearance of the aforementioned re- in a single choice question. This is significantly less than previous reports of POE interventions [14, 15]. This im- lation between visit duration and confidence ratings in the Observe part might be attributed to the fact that plies that there was no obvious improvement which can unambiguously be attributed to the observation of the ex- the students have seen the exact same questions already during the Predict phase and have naturally less time- perimental demonstration, which was previously pointed out by Crouch et al. [15]. However, the detailed analysis on-task since the content of the page is already partially familiar to the students. This interpretation is supported of distractors of the single choice questions during POE by an overall decrease of visit durations. in combination with the identification of different error types reveals the hidden benefits of lecture demonstration Furthermore, we observe that students with low confi- dence levels and high visit durations in the Predict items for learning. The probabilities of all error types show de- creasing trends between Predict and Observe with the distribute their focus on a similar-sized area as confident students. This seems to indicate that unconfident stu- exception of the inversion error. We could identify that, particularly false accounts for initial conditions can be dents tried longer to extract the same amount of informa- tion as confident students. In the theoretical framework corrected. This type of analysis clearly reveals the bene- fits of lecture demonstrations on learning about the out- of Rau [39], the author points towards necessary pre- requisites for learning using multiple visual representa- come of the experiment. tions. To identify and extract relevant information from a visual representation such as a graph, photograph, or schematic, students need visual representational under- A. Misconceptions related to Coriolis and standing, which refers to the conceptual knowledge of centrifugal force how a visual representation depicts information. In or- der to relate the information from two different visual The interviews as well as the distractor analysis of the representations, as it is required in several parts of this POE items reveal prevailing misconceptions among first- study, the students need connectional understanding of semester physics students in the field of rotating frames of two or more representations. This knowledge refers to the reference. Nearly half of the participants (42.8 %) believe ability to identify relevant similarities between the repre- 10 sentation and to know about conventions for interpreting VIII. APPENDIX and combining the information from multiple represen- tations [39]. Embedding our results in this framework, it A. Theoretical background on rotating frames of seems that unconfident students seem to try to develop reference visual and/or connectional understanding of the repre- sentations displayed in the Predict-items. When an observer examines motion of an object mov- ing uniformly in a stationary frame of reference (SFR) from a rotating frame of reference (RFR), the trajectory appears to be curved in comparison to a trajectory which VI. CONCLUSION a stationary observer (SO) would report. For instance, if an object moved uniformly in a SFR, it would display a curved trajectory for a rotating observer (RO). The the- In this study we tested the conceptual learning of oretical description of the trajectory in a RFR requires physics students during a POE task on rotating frames of the introduction of the centrifugal and the Coriolis force. reference. The students had significant difficulties in pre- They are “virtual forces” which means that Newton’s dicting and observing the correct trajectory of a sphere third law of motion (action = reaction) does not hold for (total score of approx. 20 %) rolling over a rotating disc them. In other words, both forces are not the result of in a stationary and a rotating coordinate system K and an interaction between two bodies but the consequence K′. Primarily, the low score can be attributed to the mis- of the motion within a RFR. If either one, the inertial conception of a confusion of the effects of inertial forces centrifugal or the Coriolis force, acts on a body, there in K and K′. Additionally, we found that some miscon- is no reaction from that body in the opposite direction. ceptions even withstood the instruction. Students who They are also called ”inertial forces” which emphasizes initially predicted that the sphere is deflected to the op- the fact that the forces are caused by the inertia of the posite side on the disc (in respect to the actual trajectory) moving object. Typical examples include the motion of kept this conception during the Observe and Explain clouds observed from the or a thrown ball observed part (“Inversion” error). This emphasizes the need for from a person sitting in a rotating merry-go-round [11]. additional instructional support in this topic for instance The velocity ~v ′ of an object in a RFR which rotates with via cues which highlight essential information. a constant angular velocity ~ω is given by the sum of the Furthermore, the results indicate that after the instruc- velocity ~v of the object with position ~r in the SFR and tion nearly half of the students answered that a centrifu- the negative tangential velocity −~ω × ~r in the RFR : gal force will only be necessary if there is a coupling be- ~v ′ ~v ~ω ~r. tween the object and the rotating system. In comparison, = − × (1) the misconception that an object shows a reaction to in- d~v ′ The derivative dt leads to the acceleration of the object ertial forces in the same way as they do to real objects in the RFR [11]: only persists in one quarter of the students. ′ ′ Within the POE task, the eye tracking analysis in combi- ~a = ~a + ~ω × (~r × ~ω)+2(~v × ~ω) . (2) nation with confidence ratings showed that unconfident This equation shows the necessity of introducing addi- students spent significantly more time extracting infor- tional terms apart from the acceleration ~a in the SFR mation than confident students. This finding demon- strates the cognitive activation particularly of unconfi- for the mathematical description of the determination of ~a ′. The second term in Eq. (2) corresponds to the iner- dent students during the Predict phase. In contrast to previous reports we found that passive observations of tial centrifugal acceleration and points radially outwards from the axis of rotation. The third term is called the experiments, in fact, stimulate conceptual learning in a detailed distractor analysis which is not reflected in an Coriolis acceleration which is perpendicular to the veloc- ity vector ~v ′ in the plane of motion. increase of total scores. At this point we cannot judge the importance of this non-obvious learning behavior and ad- From Eq. (2) the terms for the Coriolis force follow: ′ ditional research is necessary. In this way the results as- F~Cor =2m (~v × ~ω) , (3) sist to understand conceptual learning during POE tasks. and the equation for the centrifugal force:

F~Cen = m~ω × (~r × ~ω) . (4) In both equations m denotes the of the object. VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

This work is funded by the Federal Ministry of Educa- B. Questions for student interviews tion and Research (BMBF; project: VorleXung; support code: 16DHL1001). The authors are responsible for the The following questions were used during the student content of this contribution. interviews: 11

Q1: Now imagine that, instead of the sphere, an air- plane flies straight and uniformly from the center horizontally outward over a rotating disk. The disc rotates at constant angular velocity ~ω. The coor- dinate system K′ has its origin in the center of the disk and also rotates at the velocity ~ω. Please ne- glect air friction. Which forces are necessary to de- scribe the trajectory of the airplane in K′? Please justify your answer. Answers: a) With the help of Coriolis and centrifu- gal force, b) Only with the help of the centrifugal force, c) Only with the help of the Coriolis force, d) No forces need to be introduced.

FIG. 5. Figure of the moving water glass which corresponds to interview question Q2.

Q2: A glass is completely filled with water and moves in a straight line and uniformly in a stationary co- ordinate system K without friction over a rotating disk. The coordinate system K′ rotates just like the disc with the constant angular velocity ~ω. The figure below shows the trajectory of the glass in K′ (see Fig. 5). To describe the motion in K′, a Cori- olis force and a centrifugal force are introduced. Is the water sloshing over the edge? If so, in which direction? Please justify your answer. Answers: a) Yes, in the direction of the centrifugal force, b) Yes, opposite to the direction of motion, c) Yes, in the direction of the Coriolis force, d) Yes, opposite to the direction of the Coriolis force, e) Yes, opposite to the sum vector of the Coriolis and centrifugal force, f) No.

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