

Yujie Wang , Chengyin Shen , Jianquan Li , Haihe Jiang , and Yannan Chu

28.1 INTRODUCTION is measured. If a chromatographic separation method is not used prior to MS, then the resulting mass spectra Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry ( PTR - MS ) from EI may be so complicated that identifi cation and was fi rst developed at the Institute of Ion Physics of quantifi cation of the compounds can be very diffi cult. In Innsbruck University in the 1990s. Nowadays, PTR - MS PTR- MS instrument, the hollow cathode discharge is is a well- developed and commercially available tech- served as a typical ion source [1] , although plane elec- nique for the on - line monitoring of trace volatile organic trode direct current discharge [2] and radioactive ion- compound s ( VOC s) down to parts per trillion by volume ization sources [3] recently have been reported. All of (ppt) level. PTR - MS has some advantages such as rapid the ion sources are used to generate clean and intense + response, soft chemical ionization (CI ), absolute quan- primary reagent ions like H3 O . Water vapor is a regular tifi cation, and high sensitivity. In general, a standard gas in the hollow cathode discharge where H 2 O mole- PTR - MS instrument consists of external ion source, cule can be ionized according to the following ways [4] : drift tube, and mass analysis detection system. Figure 28.1 illustrates the basic composition of the PTR- MS + ee+→++HO22 H O 2, (28.1) instrument constructed in our laboratory using a quad- +→+++ rupole mass spectrometer as the detection system. eeHO2 H OH 2, (28.2) + ee+→++HO22 O H 2, (28.3) 28.1.1 Ion Source + ee+→HO22 HO +2. (28.4) Perhaps the most remarkable feature of PTR- MS is the special CI mode through well - controlled proton trans- The above ions are injected into a short source drift fer reaction, in which the neutral molecule M may be region and further react with H 2 O ultimately leading to + converted to a nearly unique protonated molecular ion the formation of H3 O via ion – molecule reactions: MH+ . This ionization mode is completely different from ++ traditional mass spectrometry (MS) where electron HHOHOH22+→ 2 + 2 (28.5a) + impact (EI ) with energy of 70 eV is often used to ionize →+HO3 H (28.5b) chemicals like VOCs. Although the EI source has been ++ HHOHOH+→ + (28.6) widely used with the commercial MS instruments most 22 ++ coupled with a variety of chromatography techniques, OHOHOO+→22 + (28.7) these MS platforms have a major defi ciency: in the ++ OH+→ H23 O H O + O (28.8a) course of ionization, the molecule will be dissociated to + →+HO OH (28.8b) many fragment ions. This extensive fragmentation may 2 ++ result in complex mass spectra especially when a mixture HO223+→ HO HO + OH (28.9)

Mass Spectrometry Handbook, First Edition. Edited by Mike S. Lee. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


HC SD quadrupole mass filter


Water in Water out IC

sample inlet turbo pump turbo pump

ion drift tube ion detection system source

FIGURE 28.1 Schematic diagram of the PTR - MS instrument that contains a hollow cathode (HC), a source drift (SD) region, an intermediate chamber (IC), and a secondary electron multiplier (SEM).

Unfortunately, the water vapor in the source drift 28.1.2 Drift Tube region inevitably can form a few of cluster ions + The drift tube consists of a number of metal rings that H O (H O) via the three - body combination process 3 2 n are equally separated from each other by insulated rings. Between the adjacent metal rings, a series of resis- + + HO3212() HOnn− ++→ HO A HO 32 () HO +≥ A (),n 1 tors is connected. A high voltage power supplier pro- duces a voltage gradient and establishes a homogeneous (28.10) electric fi eld along the axis of the ion reaction drift tube. The primary H O + ions are extracted into the ion where A is a third body. In addition, small amounts of 3 + + reaction region and can react with analyte M present in NO and O 2 ions occurred due to sample air diffusion the sample air, which through the inlet is added to the into the source region from the downstream drift tube. upstream of the ion reaction drift tube. According to Thus, an inlet of venturi type has been employed on the values of proton affi nity ( PA ) (see Table 28.1 ), the some PTR - MS systems to prevent air from entering the + + reagent ion H3 O does not react with the main compo- source drift region [5,6] . At last, the H3 O ions produced > nents in air like N2 , O 2 , and CO2 . In contrast, the reagent in the ion source can have the purity up to 99.5%. Thus, ion can undergo proton transfer reaction with M as long unlike the selected ion fl ow tube mass spectrometry as the PA of M exceeds that of H O [6] : (SIFT- MS) technique [7] , the mass fi lter for the primary 2 + ionic selection is not needed and the H 3 O ions can be MHO+→+++ MHHO. (28.11) directly injected into the drift tube. In some PTR- MS, 32 + 6∼ 7 the ion intensity of H 3 O is available at 10 10 counts Thus, the ambient air can be directly introduced to per second on a mass spectrometer installed in the achieve an on - line measurement in the PTR - MS opera- vacuum chamber at the end of the drift tube. Eventually, tion. Due to the presence of electric fi eld, in the reaction the limitation of detection of PTR - MS can reach low region, the ion energy is closely related to the reduced - ppt level. fi eld E/N , where E is the electric fi eld and N is the + Instead of H3 O , other primary reagent ions, such as number density of gas in the drift tube. In a typical + + + NH4 , NO , and O 2 , have been investigated in PTR - MS PTR - MS measurement, E/N is required to set to an instrument [8 – 10] . Because the ion chemistry for these appropriate value normally in the range of 120 ∼ 160 Td ions is not only proton transfer reaction, the technique (1 Td = 1 0− 17 Vcm 2 /molecule), which may restrain the + is sometimes called CI reaction MS. However, the formation of the water cluster ions H 3 O (H2 O)n potential benefi ts of using these alternative reagents are (n = 1 – 3) to avoid the ligand switch reaction with + usually minimal, and to our knowledge, H 3 O is still the analyte M [6] : dominant reagent ion employed in PTR - MS research +++→ + [1,6,11,12] . HO32() HOnn M HO 3212 () HO− M HO . (28.12) INTRODUCTION 607

TABLE 28.1 Proton Affi nities of Some Compounds mass spectrometer ( TOF - MS ) [14 – 16] , ion trap mass Compound Molecular Molecular Proton spectrometer (IT- MS) [17] , and linear ion trap mass Formula Affi nity [13] spectrometer (LIT - MS) [18] . These MS techniques have (kJ/mol) been used to distinguish isomeric/isobaric compounds as discussed in the later section. Helium He 4 177.8 Neon Ne 20 198.8 Argon Ar 40 369.2 28.1.4 Absolute Quantifi cation Oxygen O2 32 421 Normally, PTR- MS can determine the absolute concen- Nitrogen N 2 28 493.8

Carbon dioxide CO2 44 540.5 trations of trace VOCs according to well - established

Methane CH4 16 543.5 ion – molecular reaction kinetics. If trace analyte M + + Carbon monoxide CO 28 594 reacts with H3 O , then the H 3 O signal does not decline Ethane C2 H6 30 596.3 signifi cantly and can be deemed to be a constant. Thus, + Ethylene C2 H4 28 680.5 the density of product ions [MH ] at the end of the drift Water H2O 18 691 tube is given in Equation 28.13 [6] : Hydrogen sulfi de H 2 S 34 705 Hydrogen cyanide HCN 27 712.9 ++−=−kt[]M Formic acid HCOOH 46 742 [][](),MH H30 O 1 e (28.13)

Benzene C 6 H6 78 750.4 + Propene C3 H6 42 751.6 where [H3 O ]0 is the density of reagent ions at the end

Methanol CH3 OH 32 754.3 of the drift tube in the absence of analyte M, k is the Acetaldehyde CH3 COH 44 768.5 rate constant of reaction 28.11, and t is the average reac- Ethanol C2 H5 OH 46 776.4 tion time the ions spend in the drift tube. In the trace Acetonitrile CH3 CN 41 779.2 analysis case k [M] t << 1, Equation 28.13 can be further Acetic acid CH3 COOH 60 783.7 deduced to the following form Toluene C7 H8 92 784

Propanal CH3 CH2 COH 58 786 + O - xylene C H 106 796 []MH 1 8 10 []M = . Acetone CH COCH 58 812 + (28.14) 3 3 []HO30kt CH2 C(CH3 ) 68 826.4


Ammonia NH 3 17 853.6 Equation 28.14 is often used in a conventional

Aniline C6 H7 N 93 882.5 PTR- MS measurement. However, when the concentra- tion of analyte M is rather high, the intensity change of + reagent ions H3 O is not neglectable. In this case, the relation k [M] t << 1 is not tenable; therefore, the regular Equation 28.14 is no longer suitable for concentration However, a higher reduced - fi eld E/N can cause the determination. For a more reliable measurement, the collision - induced dissociation (CID) of the protonated following Equation 28.15 , deduced from Equation 28.13 , products, thereby complicating the identifi cation of can be used to determine the concentration of analyte detected analytes. M. For instance, the concentrations of gaseous cyclo- hexanone inside the packaging bags of infusion sets 28.1.3 Mass Analyzer were found to be rather high, and its concentrations at several tens of parts per million level could be detected At the end of the drift tube, there is an intermediate according to Equation 28.15 [19] : chamber in which most of the air from the drift tube through a small orifi ce is pumped away. The ions in the []HO+ 1 drift tube are extracted and focused by the ion optical []lnM = 30 . ++− (28.15) lens and fi nally, in a high vacuum chamber, are detected [][]HO30 MH kt by a quadrupole mass spectrometer with an ion pulse + counting system. The ionic count rates I (H 3 O ) and In PTR- MS instrument, the signal intensities of I (MH+ ) are measured in counts per second, which are primary and product ions can be measured. And the proportional to the respective densities of these ions. reaction time can be derived from the instrument Although quadrupole mass fi lter is a traditional ana- parameters, and the reaction rate constant can be found lyzer in the current PTR - MS instrument, other MS ana- in literatures for most substances or calculated by lyzers have been investigated including time - of - fl ight the theoretical trajectory model [20,21] using dipole 608 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS) moment and polarizability. Thus, the absolute concen- The noise statistic ( NS ) developed from the Poisson tration of trace component can be easily obtained distribution has been defi ned as [24] without calibration. mean signal() cps NS = , (28.21) 28.1.5 Sensitivity and Limit of Detection mean signal() cps× dwell () s Under the electric fi eld E , the ions in the drift tube where the mean signal is the average count rate of many move with an average velocity v given by [22] + d data points for the MH ions at certain dwell time. With PTR- MS, the limit of detection at MH+ can be obtained vE=×μ , (28.16) d at a considered signal - to - noise ratio. From Equations 28.20 to 28.21 , the accuracy is limited by the uncertain- where μ is the ion mobility. Generally, the reduced ties in (1) the rate coeffi cient k , which can be up to mobility μ is determined as 0 20%– 30% [6] ; (2) the relative ion transmission τ , which can be specifi ed to 25% [11] ; and (3) the reaction time ⎛ P ⎞ ⎛T ⎞ N μμμ= ⎜ 0 ⎟ ×= × t , which is estimated to 10% [25] . 0 ⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ ⎝ ⎠ , (28.17) P0 T N0

where P is the pressure and T is the temperature in the 28.2 HOW TO IDENTIFY ISOMERIC/ drift tube. The parameter N is the gas number density 0 ISOBARIC COMPOUNDS at standard pressure p0 (1 atm) and temperature T0 (273.15 K). The reaction time t can be calculated from In a traditional PTR - MS, the detector is a quadrupole the ion drift velocity (Equation 28.16): and its mass resolution is rather limited, the ratios of mass to charge (m/z ) of the product ions cannot be L L N t == ×, (28.18) served for a defi nite indicator of the identity of trace μ vd 00N E gases because numerous isomeric or isobaric com- pounds have the same or close molecular weight. In where L is the length of the drift tube. Considering the addition, mass overlap from probable fragmentation ionic transmission effi ciencies of mass analyzer, and cluster ions may be in operation. In particular, when Equation 28.14 can be expressed as a mixture containing unknown VOC components is investigated, it is inevitable to meet with a question how + + to identify the compounds. I()MH =×=[]MH ττ + + []M kt To solve the above problem, different methods have I()HO30[]HO 30 been experimentally attempted, including the change ⎛ L N ⎞ =×kMτ[]⎜ ×⎟ (28.19) of reduced -fi eld E/N , and usage of new reagent ions ⎝ μ ⎠ + 00N E like NH4 , two - stage PTR - MS, PTR - IT (LIT, TOF) - MS, 2 and gas chromatography (GC) - PTR - MS. With these = ×××kL N τ VVMR , methods, the identifi cation of compounds can be ascer- μ00N E tained unambiguously on many occasions. However, it should be noted that the main application of PTR- MS where the ionic densities [H O + ] and [MH+ ] are propor- 3 0 is to monitor VOCs, rather than to analyze compounds, tional to the ionic count rate I (H O + ) and I (MH+ ), 3 0 as early claimed by its inventor Lindinger [6] . respectively. The τ is the ionic transmission of MH+ rela- + tive to H3 O , and VMR is the volume mixing ratio of trace gas M, [M]/ N . The sensitivity is defi ned as the 28.2.1 Changing E/N count rate of MH+ ions measured at a VMR of 1 ppb + and normalized to a condition with H3 O ions of A variation of reduced - fi eld E/N in PTR - MS is quite 106 cps [23] : useful for the identifi cation of compounds, which was fi rst discussed by Hansel et al. [4,6] . An increase in reduced - fi eld E/N leads to higher collision energies kL N 2 Sensitivity =×10−3 ××τ. (28.20) between the ions and neutral gas molecule in the drift μ 00N E tube and a detailed description about the relationship of reduced - fi eld E/N with the ionic kinetic energy was The sensitivity is expressed in units of normalized given in a review by Lindinger et al. [6] . When E/N ncps/ppb. increases, due to CID, the ions with the same mass but HOW TO IDENTIFY ISOMERIC/ISOBARIC COMPOUNDS 609 different intramolecular binding energies exhibit differ- ratios in three synthetic mixtures, have been differenti- ent breakup patterns. Lindinger et al. [6] varied the ated and quantifi ed. In addition, the residual cyclohexa- reduced - fi eld E/N by adjusting a voltage between the none in a medical device was identifi ed by comparing last two drift rings and the end plate at the end of the the reduced - fi eld dependence on product ion distribu- drift tube, and found very different breakup effi ciency tions between the headspace gas of the infusion sets and for protonated acetone and propanal both with same the pure cyclohexanone vapor. In practice, one can note m/z 59. In the case of the acetic acid and n- propanol, that changing E/N to identify a compound is not always their protonated counterparts both have m/z 61, and the effective especially for a complex mixture because other fragment ions are also quite different besides distinct protonated compounds can produce the fragmental ions breakup effi ciency. Different isobars can be identifi ed at the same m/z . based on the dissociation dependence of their proton- ated products on the reduced - fi eld E/N . + 28.2.2 Using NH as Reagent Ions By varying E/N to modulate the hydrated reagent ion 4 + distribution, two isobars acrolein (C3 H4 O) and 1 - butene Aside from H3 O , alternative proton donators in + (C4 H8 ) within a mixture can be resolved and quantita- PTR- MS have been considered, most notably NH4 [6] . + tively determined [26] . In order to better characterize Similarly, NH4 ions can form when NH3 vapor is used PTR - MS for detection of released from as the discharge gas in the hollow cathode ion source. + vegetation, the effects of E/N in the range of 80∼ 140 Td Proton transfer reaction with NH4 is less exothermic + on the product ions of β - caryophyllene, α - humulene, than with H3 O because the PA of NH3 is higher (162 kJ/ + α - cedrene, and have been investigated by mol) than that of H 2O (see Table 28.1 ). Thus, the NH4 Demarcke and coworkers [27] . All are reagent ions might reduce ionic fragmentation and isomeric compounds (C 15 H24 ), and their structures are perhaps simplify mass spectral interpretation for those shown in Figure 28.2 . analytes possessing higher PAs than that of NH3 . Of Our laboratory has also explored changing E/N course, one should realize that product ions of the + in PTR - MS by a voltage adjustment that crosses the M · NH 4 type likely appear, which are formed by the whole drift tube [28] . The product ion distributions three - body ion association reaction [9] . were studied for n - propanol/iso - propanol/acetic acid, Furthermore, if there are two isobaric/isomeric com- propanal/acetone, and four isomeric butyl alcohols, and pounds with very different proton affi nities and only + propanal and acetone, with different concentration one of them can accept a proton from NH 4 , then the two compounds can be unambiguously distinguished from their mixture. An example has been demonstrated by Lindinger and coworkers [6] for a mixture of CH H3C H 3 and 2 - ethyl - 3,5 - dimethylpyrazene, both of them having + CH3 a molecular mass of 136. Because H3 O may donate a H C 3 proton to both molecules, it is very diffi cult to distin- + guish the two compounds if only H3 O is used as reagent + CH3 H3C ions. When NH4 was used as the reagent ions, the ionic peak at m/z 137 should originate from 2 - ethyl - 3,5 - CH3 H C dimethylpyrazene component. Consequently, the sepa- 2 + rate PTR- MS experiments using the reagent ions H3 O + β-caryophyllene α-humulene and NH4 could allow the quantifi cation of pinene and 2 - ethyl - 3,5 - dimethylpyrazene. The NO+ ion, an ionic reagent often used in SIFT - MS CH3 H3C H H3C instrument, is used to distinguish several isobaric alde- CH3 hydes and ketones. The ionic reaction of NO+ tends to H3C CH2 lead to more fragmentation and the formation of H complex that provides a specifi c mass spectral charac- CH3 teristics to discriminate between aldehyde and ketone molecules [8] . H3C

longifolene α-cedrene 28.2.3 Two - Stage PTR - MS FIGURE 28.2 Chemical structures of the four sesquiter- penes. Reprinted with permission from Reference [27] . A two- stage proton transfer reaction ionization to dif- Copyright 2009 Elsevier. ferentiate isomeric compounds with their different PAs 610 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS) has also been investigated [29,30] . In the fi rst stage, mass analyzers has been investigated, including IT- MS, + proton transfer reaction between H3 O and a selective LIT - MS, and TOF - MS. + VOC1 produces the ions (VOC1 )H ; when a second VOC2 with a PA larger than that of VOC1 is present in Proton Transfer Reaction Ion Trap Mass a sample, a second proton transfer reaction between Spectrometer (PTR-IT -MS) The IT system used in + (VOC1 )H and VOC 2 happens to produce the (VOC 2 ) PTR - MS was fi rstly reported by Prazeller and cowork- H+ ions: ers [17] , and its cross - sectional view of a prototype instrument is shown in Figure 28.4 . The PTR - IT - MS ++ consists of a hollow cathode ion source, a drift tube that HO3112+→ VOC() VOC H + HO , (28.22) ++ ()VOC1221 H+→ VOC () VOC H + VOC . (28.23)

This method may be useful for distinguishing the iso- meric species such as aldehydes and ketones, if appropri- WATER HOLLOW INLET ate reagent ions are selected. As an example, two isomeric CATHODE VOCs, having molecular weight 88, ethyl acetate (PA = 836 kJ/mol) and 1,4 - dioxane (PA = 798 kJ/mol) were introduced as the samples for VOC2 and acetone (PA = 812 kJ/mol) was chosen as VOC1 in the experi- ment of PTR - TOF - MS [29] . Mass spectra of ethyl acetate PUMP and 1,4- dioxane observed in the one- stage and the two- stage are shown in Figure 28.3 . These results show that it SAMPLE INLET is possible not only to identify specifi c molecules, but also to determine their absolute concentrations.

28.2.4 PTR - IT (LIT, TOF) - MS DRIFT TUBE Although quadrupole dominates in the current PTR - MS instruments, the possibility of utilizing other types of




OFF AXIS DETECTOR FIGURE 28.3 Mass spectra of ethyl acetate and 1,4- dioxane PUMP obtained by the two- stage PTR- MS in the one- stage mode (A) and (C), respectively, and the two - stage mode (B) and (D), FIGURE 28.4 Schematic diagram of the PTR - IT - MS. respectively. Reprinted with permission from Reference [29] . Reprinted with permission from Reference [17] . Copyright Copyright 2008 Elsevier. 2003 Wiley. APPLICATIONS 611 is interfaced to a commercial quadrupole IT system via typically trapped radially by an oscillatory quadrupole Einzel lens. As opposed to a linear quadrupole mass fi eld and axially with electrostatic barriers provided by fi lter, the PTR - IT - MS instrument has two important two containment lenses. Because the LIT system has a potential advantages. The fi rst is a much higher duty higher ion collection effi ciency than that of quadrupole cycle at each m/z in the mass spectrum deriving from IT, PTR - LIT - MS can be used to detect VOCs at lower the way that IT mass spectrometry works. In a quadru- concentrations. pole, the duty cycle is given by tdwell /[n ( tdwell + tshift )], Similarly, the isomeric isoprene oxidation products, where tdwell is the dwell time at a single mass, tshift is the methyl vinyl ketone and methacrolein, could also be time required to shift the quadrupole from one m/z to distinguished by adjusting CID voltage in the PTR - LIT - the next, and n is the number of monitored m/z . The MS. Their limits of detection are about 100 ppt. more the ions at m/z that are to be monitored, the larger the value of n and the longer the time it takes to acquire PTR-TOF-MS An alternative mass ana- a mass spectrum. However, it is possible to simultane- lyzer is the TOF - MS. The fi rst PTR - TOF - MS instrument ously store the ions over the entire mass spectrum and with a radioactive ion source was developed by scan them out within milliseconds in an IT - MS system. Blake et al. in 2004 [14] . PTR - TOF - MS instrument In this case, the duty cycle is a function of the ion storage with a hollow cathode ion source has been reported time (t storage ) and the time to scan the ions out of the [15] , and its schematic drawing is shown in Figure 28.5 . + trap ( tscan), which is given by t storage /( tscan tstorage). Due to TOF - MS can simultaneously collect the entire mass duty cycle higher than quadrupole, IT - MS will have a spectrum, and consequently, PTR - TOF - MS has a poten- faster time response in the detection of multiple tial for rapid and selective online detection of trace compounds. components. In combination with a high - resolution Although CID can be implemented on a standard TOF - MS, PTR - TOF - MS can provide more precise PTR - MS instrument by elevating the drift tube voltage molecular weight information, and therefore, isobars to increase E/N, this approach cannot select a specifi ed can be identifi e d . m/z of interest. As a result, the CID in the drift tube will produce many fragment ions arisen from all the precur- sor ions present in the drift tube. Unlike the quadrupole 28.2.5 GC - PTR - MS MS, the IT- MS has the ability to perform tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) studies on mass - selected ions, In complex VOC mixtures, some isomeric/isobaric com- and thus another advantage of PTR - IT - MS is that pounds may be present, and there will be some fragment isomers/isobars can be distinguished with CID. Mean- ions that have the same or close ionic as other while, in principle, the PTR- IT - MS also has the ability product ions. Under such circumstances, it is almost to identify a compound through the specifi c fragment impossible to identify and quantify every component ions from the CID of the precursor ions. Two pairs of present using the methods mentioned above. To analyze isobaric compounds, methyl vinyl ketone/methacrolein a complex mixture, one feasible solution is to combine with their ions at m/z 71 and acetone/propanal at m/z a conventional separation technique GC with PTR- MS. 59, have been distinguished by MS/MS using the CID GC- PTR - MS is able to separate and unambiguously within the IT of PTR - IT - MS [17] . identify isomeric/isobaric compounds. It is known that may be released from The fi rst GC- PTR - MS experiment was carried out by fruits and many plants like pine trees, and they are Fall and coworkers [32] , and several subsequent studies important in atmospheric chemistry. The CID of 10 iso- were completed by other groups [23,33] . However, the combination of GC with PTR- MS will inevitably result meric monoterpenes C10 H16 has been investigated by using a PTR - IT - MS apparatus [31] . The results show in the loss of real- time detection capability of PTR- MS that these isomers can be solely identifi ed on the basis due to relatively slow preseparation of compounds in a of their respective CID patterns. However, PTR - IT - MS GC column. is still diffi cult to distinguish these compounds once several monoterpenes are in a mixture. 28.3 APPLICATIONS Proton Transfer Reaction Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer ( PTR-LIT -MS) To expand the Due to its advantages of rapid response, soft ionization, capacity of PTR - MS to differentiate isobars at ppt level, absolute quantifi cation, and high sensitivity, PTR - MS PTR- LIT - MS has been developed [18] , which is similar has been successfully applied to detect VOCs in the to the PTR -IT - MS but uses a linear quadrupole IT environmental fi elds, including atmospheric monitoring, instead of a hyperbolic IT. In the LIT system, ions are food research, and water detection [1,6,11,12] . 612 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS)

FIGURE 28.5 Schematic drawing of the PTR - TOF - MS system with a hollow cathode ion source. SD, source drift tube; FDT, fl ow drift tube; TO, transfer optics; MCP, microchannel plate. Reprinted with permission from Reference [15] . Copyright 2005 Elsevier.

28.3.1 Atmospheric Monitoring aldehyde during light – dark transitions was further investigated with 13 CO labeling experiments, and it was The widest application of PTR - MS is in the fi eld of 2 determined that acetaldehyde resulted from a pyruvate atmospheric monitoring. In air, VOCs originate from overfl ow mechanism controlled by cytosolic pyruvate diverse sources but primarily from biogenic origin. levels and pyruvate decarboxylase activity [37] . Similarly, Many VOCs have effects on the sources and sinks of the isotope technique has been used to trace multiple ozone, aerosol formation, and climate change. In addi- origins of isoprene precursors in leaves [38,39] . It was tion, some VOCs are also toxic to human beings [34] , so pointed out that xylem - transported glucose or its deg- it is important to monitor their concentrations in wider radation products potentially can be used as additional environments. Nowadays, PTR - MS has been used to precursors for isoprene biosynthesis and that this carbon detect VOCs from plants, forest, and human activities. source becomes more important under the conditions of limited photosynthesis [38] . The con- Plant Emission The annual global natural centrations and emission rates from the plants fumi- nonmethane VOC fl ux that is emitted from living veg- gated by methyl salicylate were greater than the same etation is estimated to be about 1150 Tg, which is com- plants controlled at temperatures from 25 to 45° C [40] , posed of 44% isoprene, 11% monoterpenes, 22.5% and the emission rates of isoprene and monoterpenes other reactive and 22.5% relatively unreactive VOCs recovered faster after rewatering the droughted Q. ilex [35] . Here, biogenic VOC measurements are empha- seedlings [41] . The effect of fl ood conditions on the sized, which are from local plants, wounding leaves, and emissions of ethanol, acetaldehyde, and acetic acid in vegetation over a large regional scale. relation to assimilation and transpiration was investi- Local emissions from specifi c plants were investi- gated by PTR- MS and high performance liquid chroma- gated by Holzinger et al. who have identifi ed methanol, tography (HPLC) [42] , and the short - chained oxygenated acetaldehyde, ethanol, acetone, acetic acid, isoprene, VOC emissions from Pinus halepensis saplings were monoterpenes, toluene, and C10 - benzenes emitted from also monitored in response to the changes in water the Mediterranean helm oak ( Quercus ilex L.) [36] . availability, stomatal conductance and transpiration, After fl ooding, ethanol and acetaldehyde were found to and light [43] . increase, indicating ethanol production under anoxic The emissions of isoprene, acetaldehyde, methanol, condition of the root system and the subsequent trans- and monoterpenes from Sitka spruce correlating with port and partial oxidation to acetaldehyde inside the photosynthetic photon fl ux and temperature have been green leaves. Additionally, bursts of acetaldehyde with investigated, and an anticorrelation phenomenon lower ethanol emission were also found in the case of between isoprene and acetaldehyde was reported during the fast light/dark changes. The rapid formation of acet- the sudden light– dark transitions [44] . Biogenic VOCs APPLICATIONS 613 from grass crop species, rice, and sorghum widely grown Dahl et al. demonstrated that the release of methanol in the southeastern Texas region have also been mea- dramatically increases and can be substantially greater sured by PTR - MS, PTR - IT - MS, and GC - PTR - MS [45] . than the release of E - 2 - hexenal when Manduca sexta And emissions of isoprene, acetaldehyde, monoter- larvae attacks Nicotiana attenuata plants [54] . Similar penes, acetone, and ethanol from Norway spruce twigs results were also obtained during monitoring VOCs were best described [46] , and these VOC emissions were induced by Euphydryas aurinia caterpillars feeding on further monitored in response to temperature changes Succisa pratensis leaves [55] . The emission of ethanol, [47] . The emission rates of monoterpenes, acetone, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, 2 - butanone, methanol, hexanal, hexenals, hexanol, and methyl salicy- 2,3,- butanedione, and acetone from Arabidopsis roots late increased exponentially with temperature. However, has been identifi ed by both PTR- MS and GC- MS [56] . the emissions of acetic acid and acetaldehyde rose up to The rapid release of 1,8 - cineole and a monoterpene was saturation at 30° C, suggesting that the algorithms using demonstrated after compatible interactions of only incident irradiance and leaf temperature might be Pseudomonas syringae DC3000 and Diuraphis noxia inadequate to predict VOC emission rates. A series of with roots. But mechanical injuries to roots did not VOCs emitted from Eucalyptus grandis leaf at a tem- release any wound- induced VOCs, and the VOCs perature range of 30 ∼ 100 ° C was identifi ed at the released were basically the same for the infected and optimum drift tube voltages of PTR- MS [48] , and iso- noninfected roots. prene emission from various Quercus tree species was VOC emissions from tobacco plants exposed to studied by PTR- MS and GC- MS. Inversely, the uptake ozone were investigated with PTR- MS in conjunction rate of methyl isobutyl ketone by Golden Pothos with GC- MS, and the formation of volatile C6 emissions (Epipremnum aureum ) was fi rst determined [49] , and was found to be inversely proportional to the O 3 fl ux the formaldehyde emission and uptake by Mediterranean density into the plants [57] . Jasmonic acid, a signaling trees Q. ilex and P. halepensis were also studied [50] . compound with a key role in both and develop- In addition to VOC emissions from normal plants, it ment in plants who elicits the emission of VOCs, was is well known that wounding also induces VOC release, sprayed on the leaves of the Mediterranean tree species and the formation of hexanal and hexenal families in Q. ilex , and the emissions and uptake of VOCs were wounding leaves was studied [51] . Another PTR - MS detected with PTR - MS and GC - MS after a dark – light application is to detect VOCs resulting from grazing, transition [58] . Monoterpene and methyl salicylate herbivory, and other physical damage to plants. Wound - emissions were enhanced and formaldehyde foliar induced VOCs from aspen leaves, beech leaves, and uptake decreased signifi cantly 24 h after the jasmonic clover were monitored [51] . The rapid emission of ( Z ) - acid treatment. The release of VOCs from eucalypt as a 3 - hexenal within 1 – 2 s after wounding leaves and then function of temperatures from ambient to combustion its disappearance, and the appearance of its metabolites were analyzed by PTR- MS, GC- MS, and direct analysis including (E ) - 2 - hexenal, hexenols, and hexenyl acetates, in real time (DART ) MS [59] . The biogenic VOCs seem are found. The emission of hexenal family compounds to provide a protection against high temperatures [60] was proportional to the extent of wounding, not depen- and oxidation stress [61] . dent on light. The effect of oxygen on the formation of Tropical forests are known to emit large quantities of hexanal and hexenal family VOCs was also investigated, reactive trace gases and aerosols and strongly infl uence indicating that there were no large pools of the hexenyl the atmospheric oxidation effi ciency and the ’ s compounds in leaves. climate system. Airborne measurements of isoprene With PTR- MS, high biogenic oxygenated VOCs and its oxidation products were performed over the fl uxes were determined with the eddy covariance mea- tropical forest of Suriname [62 – 65] . Isoprene and its surements for about 2 days after hay harvesting, and the degradation products methylvinyl ketone and methac- dominated compounds were methanol, acetaldehyde, rolein and possibly isoprene hydroperoxides were mea- hexenals, and acetone [52] . Eddy covariance fl ux mea- sured as functions of height and time in day (Figure surements were directly conducted by determining the 28.6 ), and these results are consistent with the emissions covariance of chemical concentration with vertical estimated in model calculations [62] . The measurements wind speed, and the response time required for this have also been performed in a productive woodland study was less than 1 s. With GC- PTR - MS, biogenic C 5 savanna (Calabozo site, during the wet and dry seasons), and C6 compounds were also detected after freeze– a less productive grassland savanna (La Gran Sabana, thaw wounding leaves [32] and lawn mowing [53] , Parupa site), and a large area of the northern Amazonian respectively. rainforest in the long dry season [66,67] . Two times Plants also commonly emit large amounts and variet- lower levels of isoprene were observed during the dry ies of volatiles after damage infl icted by herbivores. Von season and the concentrations of all masses at the 614 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS)

8 12 (Pinus sylvestris) trees in a boreal coniferous forest [75] , were detected. The results measured by PTR - MS were 10 6 larger than those by GC- FID, indicating that GC- FID Mass 69 Altitude (km) 8 only could measure the common, longer- lived monoter- Mass 71 Mass 101 penes well [74] . On- line measurements of VOCs in the 4 6 European boreal zone were conducted in Hyytiala,

nmol/mol 4 southwestern Finland, with PTR - MS [76 – 78] . The mea- 2 sured VOCs were divided into three classes based on 2 their concentrations: the masses in the fi rst class had a 0 0 high diurnal variation with maximum values in the 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 afternoon including methanol, acetone, methyl - vinyl - Time of Day - Local Time ketone, and hexanal; monoterpenes and phenol belong- FIGURE 28.6 Concentrations of isoprene (m/z 69), meth- ing to the second class also had a high diurnal variation ylvinyl ketone and methacrolein ( m/z 71), and possibly iso- but with maxima during the night; and the masses in the prene hydroperoxides ( m/z 101) as a function of height (full third class did not have an apparent diurnal variation line) and time of day. Reprinted with permission from like benzene [76] . The sesquiterpenes and methyl chavi- Reference [62] . Copyright 2000 Elsevier. col were fi rst identifi ed at Blodgett Forest, a coniferous forest in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of California, by PTR - MS and GC - MS [79,80] . The daily methanol emissions were measured above two differently managed grassland fi elds (intensive and Parupa site were about three times lower than those at extensive) in central Switzerland [81] , and fl ux measure- the Calabozo site during the wet season [66] . Isoprene ments of VOCs were performed over agricultural grass- emission in the tropical rainforest model ecosystem of land during and after a cut event [82] , showing that Biosphere 2 laboratory in a mild water stress, and its legume plants and forbs emitted a higher number of relationship with light and temperature were investi- different VOC species than graminoids. The exchange gated [68] . Gross isoprene production was not greatly of acetaldehyde between forest canopies and the atmo- affected by mild water stress but dependent on both sphere was investigated, and it was found that only light and temperature. The daily emission fl uxes of living leaves could release acetaldehyde, and the emis- 2 - methyl - 3 - buten - 2 - ol, methanol, acetone, and acetalde- sion and uptake of acetaldehyde depended on the hyde from a subalpine forest site in the Rocky Mountains ambient acetaldehyde concentrations, stomatal resis- of the United States were 1.5, 1, 0.8, and 0.4 mg m – 2 h – 1 , tance, and the compensation point, which is a function respectively, with the disjunct eddy covariance (DEC ) of light/temperature [83] . method [69] . DEC can be regarded as a variant of the eddy covariance, and samples were taken almost instan- Biomass Burning Biomass burning is also taneously ( ∼0.1 s) and separated by a long time interval a major source of VOCs in the atmosphere, and more (Δt = 10 – 30 s). than 80% of the world’ s biomass burning takes place in The vertical concentration profi les of biogenic VOCs the tropics as a result of savanna fi res, forest fi res, and in a forest canopy were measured, and there were major the burning of agricultural waste and [84] . The differences in VOC emission between daytime and concentration of acetonitrile was measured via GC - nighttime [70,71] . The canopy fl uxes of isoprenoids PTR - MS off the U.S. west coast, over California, and above the Norway spruce forest were determined by during two transfer fl ights over the United States in GC and PTR - MS with relaxed eddy accumulation April and May of 2002 [85] . And it was found that ace- ( REA ) method [72] . In the use of REA, samples were tonitrile was greatly increased in the plumes from two analyzed at two different reservoirs, which depended on forest fi res, suggesting the availability of the measure- the direction of the vertical wind w ( “ up - draught ” res- ment of acetonitrile as an indicator for biomass burning ervoir in case of w > 0 and “ down - draught ” reservoir in emissions [86,87] . The emission ratios of CO, a general case of w < 0). Subsequently, the diurnal variation of tracer for incomplete combustion, to acetonitrile in the biogenic VOCs was measured at 12 m (in the treetop) plumes were respectively 2.0 ± 0.3 ppt/ppb for the Utah and at 24 m (above the canopy) [73] . By using PTR- MS fi re and 2.7 ± 0.4 ppt/ppb for the Yucatan fi re, which coupled with the eddy covariance technique and GC - were slight higher than previously reported values. fl ame ionization detector (FID) with a REA system, the There is evidence that the ocean is an effective sink for mixing ratios and fl uxes of total monoterpenes, from a acetonitrile by dissolving in the upwelling ocean water ponderosa pine plantation [74] and from Scots pine or by biological processes in the surface water [85,88] . APPLICATIONS 615

The relative abundance of acetonitrile to that of CO was describe the variability –lifetime relationship and to also obtained in the Indian Ocean, showing a strong indirectly estimate an average OH concentration, the biomass burning impact in western India, mixed pollu- most important atmospheric oxidant, were investigated tion sources in northeast India, and the dominance of [98,99] , and anthropogenic VOCs such as benzene and fossil fuel combustion in the Middle East [89] . And it toluene were detected in ambient air [100 – 102] . GC - also suggested that the abundances of acetone and acet- PTR - MS has been used to prove that a number of aldehyde were from unidentifi ed sources both in common atmospheric VOCs could be accurately biomass burning and in remote marine air. High con- detected by PTR- MS with a fast response time [103 – centrations of acetonitrile over Venezuelan woodland 105] . The atmospheric trace gas measurements over the savannah were detected [90] . Most likely it was released Indian Ocean were performed by PTR - MS and atmo- from the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea. So aceto- spheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometer nitrile concentrations probably will still be much higher ( AP - CIMS ) [106] . The ocean ’ s emissions of VOCs were in biomass burning plumes, indicating the general suit- also detected [107 – 109] . The oceanic emission and ability of acetonitrile as a biomass burning marker uptake of VOCs in the atmosphere were investigated should be treated with caution. [107] , and the photosynthetically active radiation and Karl et al. detected VOCs at the Mauna Loa Baseline biological parameters should be considered in estimat- Station in March/April 2001 and thought that the abun- ing the infl uence of the global ocean on atmospheric dance of acetone seemed to be partly infl uenced by VOC budgets. Due to the potentially limited ozone pro- biomass burning and domestic biofuel emissions [91] . It duction, the concentrations of VOCs at Cape Grim from was revealed that secondary production of acetone and the Southern Ocean were signifi cantly lower than that methanol in fi re plumes over the Mediterranean could observed over the remote tropical ocean in the northern also be thought as characteristic biomass burning signa- hemisphere [109] . The measurements of CO, NO, NO 2 , tures, and the emissions of 25– 31 and 29– 35 Tg/year for benzene, toluene, and PM 10 at a motorway location in acetone and methanol were estimated, respectively [87] . the Alpine Inn Valley were performed to consider The Tropical Forest and Fire Emissions Experiment vehicle emission infl uences on air pollutant levels (TROFFEE ) used laboratory measurements, followed [110,111] . The formaldehyde was measured in various by airborne and ground- based fi eld campaigns during meteorological and photochemical conditions at Mount the 2004 Amazon dry season, to quantify the emissions Tai, China, in June 2006 [112] . NO+ was also employed from pristine tropical forest and several plantations as as the reagent ion in PTR- MS to detect 1,3- butadiene well as the emissions of fuel consumption and fi re in the air [113] . ecology of tropical deforestation [92] . The inorganic and Urban and suburban VOC measurements have been non - methane organic compounds were measured to made in many cities including Caracas [114] , Tokyo derive biomass burning emission factors [92 – 94] by UV [115] , Mexico [116 – 119] , Barcelona [120,121] , and absorbance, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy Manchester [122] . Measurements of VOCs in Caracas (FTIR) and PTR- MS, and higher concentrations of oxy- and the other suburban, rural, and remote regions genated VOCs than previously included in chemical - showed that vehicle exhaust was the major source of transport models were found [93] . aromatic compounds, and biomass burning seemed to make an important contribution during the dry season Ambient Air The measurements of atmo- [114] . Seasonal variation of VOCs in Tokyo was mea- spheric VOCs from a wide variety of aircraft, ship- , and sured by GC- FID and PTR- MS, indicating that the con- ground- based platforms have been reviewed by de centrations of oxygenated VOCs in summer were higher Gouw and Warneke [11] . Here, some of the research than those in autumn, whereas there was little differ- applications in the ambient air will be described. The ence in the aromatic hydrocarbons emission due to the diurnal variation of the mixing ratios of VOCs in changes of seasons [115] . Therefore, the enhanced pho- ambient air at the western outskirts of Innsbruck was tochemical reactivity in summer could be deduced. monitored [95,96] . The abilities to detect peroxyacetic Diurnal patterns of VOC emission in Mexico City were nitric anhydride (PAN), peroxypropionic nitric anhy- obtained, showing that vehicle exhaust was also the dride (PPN), and peroxymethacrylic nitric anhydride main source of VOCs [116 – 118] and suggesting that (MPAN) on- line in ambient air with SIFT- MS and some alkanes were underestimated in the emissions PTR- MS were also demonstrated [97] . Through the inventory, while some olefi ns and aromatics were over- measurements of PAN, PPN, and MPAN, the contribu- estimated in comparison with the VOC lumped emis- tions of biogenic hydrocarbons and anthropogenic sions reported in other photochemical air quality hydrocarbons to regional tropospheric ozone produc- modeling studies [117] . The daily, weekly, and seasonal tion could be estimated. The measurements of VOCs to variations of VOC release in the vicinity of a highway 616 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS) of Barcelona were monitored, and the results provided substantially to SOA growth. The gas- phase VOCs pro- useful information on the dynamics of VOCs atmo- duced by the ozonolyses and photooxidation of a series spheric concentrations in this area, representative of the of have also been monitored [130,131] . A new Mediterranean region, where there was frequently high method for the measurement of SOA formation at low levels of ozone in summer [121] . total organic mass concentration (< 10 μg/m) was devel- Gas samples from room air were also detected with oped using PTR - MS coupled with particle measure- PTR - MS to estimate the indoor air quality [4,123] . ments [133] . And it has been found that extrapolations Samples were taken from fi ve rooms constructed more of current partitioning models to the conditions of low than 20 years ago. Two rooms had been equipped with total organic mass concentration signifi cantly underes- new furniture and carpets only 2 months before the timated SOA production under dark and low - NOx con- measurements were done. The concentrations of form- ditions and overestimated SOA production under light aldehyde and ethanol were quite similar in the old and and higher NOx conditions. The particulate phase of an newly furnished rooms. Acetaldehyde, methanol, propa- aerosol was analyzed by PTR- MS with a modifi ed inlet nol, acetone, and toluene were strongly enhanced in system at a high time resolution [134] . The new inlet the two newly furnished rooms. It was also found that mainly consisted of a denuder to strip off the gas phase, the concentration of formaldehyde in four of the fi ve and a heater (120/150 ° C) to vaporize the aerosol rooms was higher than the maximum concentration particles. allowed by Austrian law for permanent exposure dose to human [4] . 28.3.2 Food Research PTR - MS has also been used to study the mechanism of atmospheric chemistry. Northway et al. found unex- PTR - MS has been applied to monitor emission of VOCs pectedly high values for acetaldehyde in the airborne in the fi eld of food research. The potential utility of measurements and the acetaldehyde increasing with the PTR- MS in food science was fi rst recognized by its ini- ambient ozone levels in the free troposphere [124] . They tiating research team in Innsbruck. Now there are many suggested the heterogeneous oxidation of a number of investigations on the fl avor studies and on the assess- unsaturated organic compounds might serve as a pos- ment of food quality. sible source for a chemical artifact produced in the instrument inlet. The gas - phase products from the reac- VOC s Released from Food To better tion between terpenes (α - and β - pinene) and OH radi- understand the concept of fl avor perception requires cals in the presence of NOx were analyzed with PTR - MS the identifi cation of the VOCs released from the food, [125] on- line. The products formed at different condi- which generate a characteristic aroma perceived by the tions were measured in the simulated aircraft cabin nose. The initial investigation was to monitor breath [126 – 128] . The acetone, nonanal, decanal, 6 - methyl - 5 - sample by means of PTR- MS after fruit digestion hepten2 - one, geranyl acetone, and 4 - oxopentanal were [135,136] . Excessive quantities of methanol were the characteristic gas - phase products formed when detected, which were due to the presence of pectin in ozone was added to the cabin air [126,128] . the fruits, and the high concentration of methanol would There are many laboratory chamber studies to inves- result in the development of nonalcoholic cirrhosis of tigate the formation mechanisms of secondary organic the liver. Similarly, allyl methyl sulfi de, allyl methyl aerosol s ( SOA s) with PTR - MS [129 – 133] . Baltensperger disulfi de, diallyl sulfi de, diallyl disulfi de, diallyl trisulfi de, et al. investigated the SOA formation from the photo- dimethyl sulfi de, and acetone were found in the breath oxidation of 1,3,5 - trimethylbenzene α - pinene at the gas after the garlic was ingested [137] . The concentra- smog chamber and found that oligomerization was a tions of those compounds were monitored during the key SOA formation mechanism [132] . The fi rst - and consumption of garlic, and the variation of acetone second - generation oxidation products, in the formation versus time was obtained. The signifi cant increase of of aerosols from the ozonolysis and photooxidation of acetone in the breath might be relevant to enhanced 16 biogenic hydrocarbons, were analyzed [129] . All the metabolism of serum , triglycerides, and total products could be classifi ed into two groups based on lipids in the bloodstream. In a word, through monitoring the number of double bonds of the hydrocarbon: (1) VOCs in human breath, it could be possible to under- compounds with only one double bond. SOAs were stand specifi c metabolic processes during food diges- formed mainly from low volatility fi rst - generation oxi- tion. The release of VOCs during eating of banana has dation products due to rate limiting in the fi rst oxidation been compared with its headspace gas concentration step; and (2) compounds with more than one double profi les [138] . Nosespace air was sampled during eating bond. Because the second oxidation step might also be via two glass tubes fi tted into the nostrils. Both ripe and rate limiting, second- generation products contributed unripe bananas were considered. Isopentyl and isobutyl APPLICATIONS 617 acetate were found to be characteristic of ripe banana, In addition to coffee, the Lindinger group also inves- but 2 E- hexenal and hexanal were typical of unripe tigated methanol, ethanol, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, banana. Signifi cant differences between the headspace propanol, and acetone (involving some propanal) in the and nosespace measurements were also found for both headspace of strawberry, white currant, raspberry, and ripe and unripe bananas. blackberry, as a function of time [6] . Later on, the release Subsequent work by van Ruth and coworkers has of strawberry fl avor compounds from pectin and gelatin investigated how four pectin - containing systems with gels was also evaluated by instrumental and sensory different structures and strengths affected the release of analysis [146] . Similarly, volatile fl avor measurements of aroma compounds in an artifi cial model mouth and in rehydrated red bell peppers [147] , three grana cheeses the nose of an assessor [139] . It was suggested that mas- [148] , red kidney beans [149] , kidney beans and soy- tication and saliva had a large infl uence on how much beans [150] , medium- chain triglycerides and sunfl ower of the was released from the mouth oil [151] , starch [152] , cheese crackers [153] , olive oils to the nose. Afterward, the infl uence of mastication rate [154] , raspberry and its juice [155] , and palm wine on the dynamic release of seven volatile fl avor com- (Elaeis guineensis ) [156] were also carried out with pounds from sunfl ower oil was evaluated in a model PTR - MS. mouth [140] . The infl uences of water on fl avor retention In other fl avor perception studies, the PTR mass were also evaluated [141] . The dehydration and subse- spectra of the headspace of seven different brands of quent reconstitution of mandarin juices were discrimi- mozzarella cheese held at 36 ° C have been fi rst com- nated by their mass spectra with the help of principal pared with the judge panel fl avor profi le [157] . A PCA component analysis ( PCA ). The volatile fl avor retention of the mass spectral data was used to discriminate dif- was studied during consumption of custard desserts. ferent cheese types. And a trained panel of sensory Mestres et al. also studied the correlation between ret- judge was employed to give qualitative and quantitative ronasal perception and the sensory perception during analysis of mozzarella cheese. It was found that there and after consumption of whey protein gels [142] . was an interesting and clear similarity between the clas- Another area of food research is the study of fl avor sical sensory and the instrumental analysis. More perception. This involves attempts to detect VOCs emit- recently, a robust and reproducible model was devel- ting from foods on- line, with the fl avor characteristics oped to predict the sensory profi le of espresso coffee, perceived by human beings, and to quantify the concen- and the model was derived from 11 different espresso trations of fl avor compounds with PTR- MS. To date, coffees, which had been analyzed by a trained panel and only a few specifi c groups have been studied mainly PTR- MS, and further validated using eight additional including foodstuffs, vegetables, and dairy products. espressos [158] . studies of whey [159] , custard Lindinger et al. were the fi rst to investigate on the desserts [160] , other types of cheeses [148,161] , milk emissions from foods, and the coffee headspace was [162] , wine [163,164] , apples [165] , olive oils [166] , bread analyzed due to its variety and complexity [6] . A 2 - g [167] , and butter and butter oil [168,169] were also con- sample of freshly ground coffee was put into a 100- mL ducted by the PTR - MS system. glass, and clean air was allowed to fl ow through the Incidentally, it is diffi cult to identify all compounds headspace at a rate of 500 cm3 /min, and the headspace with PTR- MS in fl avor analysis, because there may be was monitored before and after 90 g of water at 17° C isomeric/isobaric interferences and, to some extent, ion was added to the coffee powder. The VOC emissions fragmentation. In general, a variety of compounds during coffee roasting at different temperatures were including aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, and esters might also measured in real time [143] . The mass spectra contribute to the fl avor profi le. And a detailed study of detected from a particular coffee brew were detected, the fragmentation behavior of 53 fl avor compounds suggesting that a large number of VOCs existed in under typical operating conditions of PTR - MS was the coffee headspace. And their identifi cation is a par- investigated [170] . Fragmentation pattern dependence ticularly challenging work because of isobaric interfer- on E/N in PTR- MS was reported for 21 ester com- ences and possible ionic fragmentation. A series of pounds [171] . approaches and strategies was used to identify chemical + compounds including the PA change by switching H3 O Food Quality Assessment PTR - MS can be + to NH4 , the use of energy - dependent breakup patterns applied in the fi eld of control of food quality. If some by changing E/N, and using liquid– gas partition coeffi - foods are not stored properly at low temperature, then cients according to Henry ’ s law [144,145] . As a result, unpleasant odor from foods would emanate as they 64 distinct compounds were identifi ed in the coffee undergo decay. The VOC emissions, associated with headspace, which is an impressive achievement for microbial growth, are indicative of deterioration. So PTR - MS. the change in odor should be refl ected by the VOC 618 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS) emissions. PTR- MS provides a simple, fast tool to assess It has been reported by Jaksch et al. that the ozone the extent of decay through detecting the relevant treatment reduced the bacterial growth and hence VOCs. extended the shelf life of pork meat [185] . The signal The fi rst application of PTR - MS to assess degrada- detected at m/z 63 for the protonated dimethylsulfi de tion of beef meat was carried out by the founders of this was found to strongly increase with time for untreated technique [6,172] . Five VOCs were monitored for about meat, whereas ozone - treated meat showed signifi cant 63 h as the beef kept at room temperature decays. It was signal reduction, suggesting that microbial activity was found that sudden production after a little more than 1 greatly suppressed by ozone treatment. However, the day and then signifi cant increase of methanethiol was bacterial numbers were very high, independent of the especially noticeable. The researchers preliminarily sug- treatment. These results indicated that the microbial gested that the meat was still safe to consume as long activity was greatly suppressed by ozone treatment, but as the methanethiol concentration remained below that the effect was limited and unable to produce a lethal of dimethyl sulfi de. Thus, monitoring the concentrations damage to microorganisms in meat. Therefore, the of some compounds in the headspace is helpful to assess ozone treatment at the dose levels employed would be the freshness of the meat. insuffi cient to sterilize meat, and monitoring VOC emis- Subsequent study on the decay process of meat using sions to assess bacterial levels in meat products might PTR- MS has been done by Mayr et al. [173,174] . The not be appropriate enough. Similarly, the effect of authors investigated the spoiling of the air- and vacuum- supercritical CO2 and N 2 O pasteurization (100 bar, packed beef and pork stored at 4 ° C through simultane- 36 ° C, and 10 - min treatment time) on the microbial and ously monitoring the viable counts by the microbiological sensorial quality of fresh apple juice was also investi- standard technique and the VOC emissions with PTR - gated [186] . Headspace analysis, performed by both

MS. The VOC emissions were found to be different GC - MS and PTR - MS, indicated that CO2 and N2 O depending on the packaging conditions. For air- packaged treatments induced some ester (acetates) and aldehyde beef and pork, peaks at m/z 63, which might be the pro- reduction, which might be responsible for the changes tonated dimethyl sulfi de, and at m/z 91, likely the proton- in the fl avor of treated juices. ated diethyl sulfi de, thioacetic acid methyl ester, or The release of acrylamide has been detected in real 2,3- butanediol, were found to be the typical spoiling com- time during thermal treatment (120 – 170 ° C) of potato pounds emitted under aerobic conditions for the air- via the Maillard reaction between an amino acid and a packed meats, and the spoilage was dominated by aerobic reducing sugar, and acrylamide has been classifi ed as bacteria Pseudomonas spp. and Enterobacteriaceae. “ probably carcinogenic to humans ” [187] . The forma- Whereas under anaerobic conditions, ethanol was the tion of acrylamide was found to be affected by the characteristic VOC for vacuum- packed meats, and anaer- choice of ingredients, their physical state, the reaction obic lactic acid bacteria is active. In addition, the concen- temperature, and the reaction time during the cooking tration of VOC at m/z 63 versus the number of total process in their follow - up study [188] . The infl uence of aerobic viable bacteria in air - packaged beef at different starch hydrolysis by α - amylase addition on structural storage time was also obtained, suggesting that PTR- MS properties and aroma release have been studied [189] . is promising to provide a rapid and quantitative assess- Only a slight increase in headspace intensity of men- ment of spoilage effect of foods [173] . thone after a 60- min starch hydrolysis was found, which Moreover, PTR- MS has also been successfully might be infl uenced by the viscosity effects, interaction applied to investigate ripening for strawberries, black- among aroma compounds, and starch degradation. berries, raspberries, blueberries, and white and red cur- rants [175] ; to assess aging of cheese [176] ; to determine the quality of extracts [177] ; to monitor fermenta- 28.3.3 VOC Detection in Water tion processes in apples [178] ; to distinguish between healthy and defective olive oil [179] , different types of Up to now, there are few applications on detecting orange juice such as untreated, fl ash - pasteurized, juice - VOCs dissolved in liquid samples with PTR - MS. The pasteurized, and high - pressure - treated juices [180] , and PTR - MS is designed only for trace gas detection and is between different types of strawberries [181 – 183] ; and not suitable for direct liquid sample introduction. Two to monitor VOC changes during storage of cheese methods have been obtained for the PTR - MS measure- crackers [184] . It demonstrated again that PTR - MS has ments of VOCs in liquid (1) by a membrane inlet proton the powerful ability to control the quality of food. transfer reaction mass spectrometer ( MI - PTR - MS ) In addition to determining markers of food decay [190 – 192] or (2) by measuring the solution headspace and ripening, PTR - MS headspace measurements can and then calculating the concentration in the liquid also be used to assess the effect of treatment on food. using Henry ’ s law constant (HLC) [145,193 – 195] . APPLICATIONS 619 MI-PTR-MS The MI - PTR - MS platform compounds having lower solubility in water (see Figure was fi rst explored by Alexander and coworkers [190] . A 28.8 ). So the air bubbles in the sample must be avoided. membrane of polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS ) was The experiment was done with various compounds employed in the MI- PTR - MS as an interface that can at concentrations from 0.1 to 1000 ppbw, and in all the penetrate some organic chemicals easily while others cases, no matrix effect due to the salt in seawater was may show little or no permeation. With the MI - PTR - observed. Therefore, seven VOCs could be detected MS, the fundamental properties like diffusion and parti- simultaneously both in fresh and in salty water. The tion coeffi cients have been determined for different permeability through the membrane was the main chemical compounds both in nonpolar and polar species factor limiting the detection sensitivity toward specifi c [190,191] . If the analyte– membrane interaction is stron- compounds. In this MI- PTRMS system, the limit of ger, then the smaller diffusion coeffi cient and larger detection was at about 100 pptw for DMS at a signal - partition coeffi cient will be obtained. The effect of the to - noise ratio 3. temperature in the range of 25– 65 ° C on the diffusion Besides good sensitivity, the MI- PTR - MS also has a and partition coeffi cient has also been investigated. The wide linear dynamic range for all the VOCs analyzed in detection limit of the MI - PTR - MS system was in the water and seawater. The data in Table 28.2 illustrate a order of tens of ppt, and its response was linear for more linear response of up to four orders of magnitude, sug- than four orders of magnitude. This study demonstrated gesting that the MI -PTR - MS can quantify VOCs with that MI- PTR - MS has the ability to measure VOCs dis- various concentrations dissolved in water. However, as solved in aqueous solutions [191] . to MI - PTR - MS technique, compared with direct inlet The PDMS hollow fi ber membrane, with an internal PTR- MS as used in atmospheric monitoring and food diameter (i.d.) of 0.30 mm, an outer diameter (o.d.) of science, its defi ciency is a much slower response time 0.64 mm, and a length of 8.2 cm, was used as an inter- even up to several minutes. face between the aqueous sample and the drift tube of the PTR- MS to detect VOCs in water [192] . Its sche- Quantify VOCs in Water Using HLC matic diagram is shown in Figure 28.7 . Seven com- Henry’ s law describes a dynamic equilibrium between pounds, methanol, acetonitrile, acetone, dimethyl sulfi de, the concentration of the solution and the partial pres- isoprene, benzene, and toluene, were prepared in both sure in the headspace above the solution. HLC (or H) fresh and salty water at various concentrations from 0.1 is most commonly defi ned as to 1000 parts per billion by weight ( ppbw ). The liquid = sample was continuously supplied to the membrane HLCcpag / , (28.24) inlet via a peristaltic pump at a fl ow rate of 10 mL/min at atmospheric pressure. The analytes that permeate through the membrane were transported to the drift tube by zero air carrier gas at 10 mL/min. The transfer methanol 400 acetonitrile ) line connecting the inner side of the membrane to the v acetone drift tube region was heated up to 60° C. And the other DMS 300 parts were kept at room temperature. PTR- MS instru- isoprene benzene 200 ment operated at the standard conditions: drift tube toluene voltage 600 V and pressure in drift tube 2.0 mbar. All 100 the experiments were performed using the selected -ion - mode operation of the PTR - MS. 10 It was noted that if the air bubbles were present in the sample, then the concentrations might show momentary 8 increases. This phenomenon was more apparent for those 6 4 2 Concentration inside the membrane(ppb Concentration 0 02 46 8101214 sample in sample out Time (min) FIGURE 28.8 Appearances of discontinuous increases in concentration due to air bubble presence in the water sample, carrier gas to PTR-MS hollow membrane especially for hydrophobic compounds like toluene, benzene, and isoprene. DMS, dimethylsulfi de. Reprinted with permis- FIGURE 28.7 Schematic representation of MI - PTR - MS. sion from Reference [192] . Copyright 2004 Elsevier. 620 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS)

TABLE 28.2 The Concentrations (ppbv) of Seven VOCs Measured by the MI - PTR - MS Versus Concentrations (ppbw) in Fresh and Salty Water at Room Temperature Liquid Sample 1000 100 10 1 0.125 0.1 (ppbw) Detected by Fresh Salty Fresh Salty Fresh Salty Fresh Salty Fresh Salty MI - PTRMS Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water Water (ppbv) Methanol 3.30 3.66 0.39 0.40 – 0.16 – – – – Acetonitrile 88.0 94.1 9.43 9.56 0.73 0.94 0.09 0.11 – – Acetone 47.0 53.4 5.00 5.21 0.45 0.56 – – – – DMS 488 499 51.3 48.0 4.77 4.83 0.47 0.50 0.07 0.06 Isoprene 61.2 60.7 5.80 4.65 0.53 0.52 – 0.07 – – Benzene 204 203 22.2 18.9 2.15 1.83 0.19 0.23 – – Toluene 303 314 30.1 28.7 2.61 2.99 0.28 0.30 – –

Reprinted with permission from Reference [192] . Copyright 2004 Elsevier.

where ca is the concentration of a species in the aqueous gas constant. (2) For low volatile compounds > phase (mol/L), and p g is the partial pressure of the same (HLC 10 mol/L/atm), the slope of an ln(cps t / cps0 ) species in the gas phase in the headspace (atm). The versus t plot can be very small. So the time must exceed HLC is given in units of mol/L/atm. Once the HLCs and 10 h to make a reliable measurement of HLCs. A double the partial pressure pg are known, the concentrations in stripping cell has been developed, which allows fast the solution can be obtained. determination without compromising the accuracy. In The HLC measurements of 18 VOCs were fi rst this case, HLCs can be calculated from the slope of an described by Karl et al. using dynamic sampling PTR - MS ln(1 − cpst / cps0 ) versus t plot: [193] . Currently, there are two common experimental approaches to measure HLCs. The fi rst is based on the ⎛ cps ⎞ HQ − t =− (28.26) static determination of headspace concentrations, thus ln⎝⎜1 ⎠⎟ t . cps0 VRT called headspace technique. However, the equilibrium between the liquid and the gas phase may get perturba- In 2003, the HLCs for six volatile coffee fl avor com- tion especially in the case of low vapor pressures when pounds in pure water and in liquid coffee were mea- headspace samples are extracted. This may result in an sured with dynamic measurements [145] . The partition overestimation of the measured HLCs. An advanced coeffi cients in pure water and coffee were signifi - dynamic technique has been adopted to determine par- cantly different for ethyl - 2 - methylbutyrate and barely tition coeffi cients. A gas fl ow passed through a solution different for 2 - methylpropanal. For 2 - methylbutanal, with dissolved VOCs, and VOCs can be extracted into 3 - methylbutanal, dimethyl sulfi de, and dimethyl disul- the bubbles, leading to a decrease of their liquid con- fi de, however, the values were indistinguishable in pure centration. By measuring the gaseous concentration of water and coffee within the experimental precision. VOCs versus time, partition coeffi cients can be calcu- Moreover, this method was fi rst used to measure acetone lated. There are two methods to determine the HLCs. concentrations in the surface seawater by Holzinger et (1) For highly volatile compounds (HLC < 1 mol/L/ al. [194] . At present, the detailed description about the atm), the partition coeffi cient can be determined with quantifi cation of dissolved dimethyl sulfi de in seawater good accuracy within about an hour using single strip- using HLC was reported in 2009, and the HLC of ping cell confi guration. HLCs can be obtained in the dimethyl sulfi de and its temperature dependence were following form: considered [196] :

⎛ ⎞ ⎡−Δ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ cpst =− Q =× solnH ×−11 ln⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ t , (28.25) HLC HLC0 exp⎢ ⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ ⎥ , (28.27) cps0 HVRT ⎣ RTT0 ⎦

+ where cpst is the count rate of (VOC)H at time t , cps 0 where HLC0 (0.42 M/atm) is the HLC under standard + is the initial count rate of (VOC)H at time t = 0 , V is conditions (T 0 = 298.15 K), Δ solnH is enthalpy of solution, the liquid volume, Q is the airfl ow rate through the R is the gas constant, and −Δ solnH/R was estimated to be vessel, T is the temperature, and R is the molar 3593 K. REFERENCES 621

air needle valve MFC turbo turbo N2 pump 1 pump 2 water water quadrupole MS

ion source drift tube ions detection system

stripping cell PTR-MS FIGURE 28.9 Schematic diagram of the PTR- MS apparatus coupled with dynamic gas introduction from a liquid simple. MFC, mass fl ow controller. Reprinted with permission from Reference [195] . Copyright 2008 Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica.

In our research group, HLCs of 11 aromatic com- mental VOCs monitoring. It is not surprising that pounds using PTR- MS were detected with the dynamic someday PTR - MS could undertake the measurement of technique [195] . The setup is shown in Figure 28.9 . The some compounds in a liquid or solid sample. concentrations of benzene dissolved in water were mea- sured by the PTR- MS in combination with Henry’ s law, and the results are in agreement with the calibration ACKNOWLEDGMENTS concentrations. Although the HLCs for compounds over a wide range of volatility can be rapidly obtained, the Support by the National Natural Science Foundation of same VOCs dissolved in different liquids may have dif- China (21107112, 20577049, 20707025), the Knowledge ferent HLC values due to matrix effects. Therefore, Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Science further investigations will be needed for VOC detection (KGCX2 - YW - 917), the Scientifi c Research Equipment in liquid environmental samples by means of Henry’ s law. Development Program of Chinese Academy of Science (Y2005015), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (2007AA06Z420), 28.4 CONCLUSIONS AND PROSPECT the Excellent Youth Foundation of Anhui Scientifi c Committee (06045098), and the Anhui Provincial PTR - MS is a powerful technique for the trace VOC Natural Science Foundation (11040606Q60) is grate- measurement with the advantages of soft ionization, fully acknowledged. rapid response, absolute quantifi cation, and high sensi- tivity. The great versatility of its on - line detection capac- ity in the environmental fi elds has been demonstrated REFERENCES including atmospheric monitoring, food research, and water detection. In addition, some methods to distin- guish isomeric/isobaric compounds in practical applica- 1. Blake , R.S. , Monks , P.S. , Ellis , A.M. ( 2009 ) Proton - transfer reaction mass spectrometry . Chemical Reviews , 109 , tions have also been reviewed, including changing E/N , 861 – 896 . using new reagent ions like NH + , two - stage PTR - MS, 4 2. Inomata , S. , Tanimoto , H. , Aoki , N. , Hirokawa , J. , PTR - IT (LIT, TOF) - MS, and GC - PTR - MS. Sadanaga , Y. ( 2006 ) A novel discharge source of hydro- At present, PTR - MS instruments are available in nium ions for proton transfer reaction ionization: laboratories all over the world and are used to detect design, characterization, and performance. Rapid VOCs under various circumstances more or less relative Communications in Mass Spectrometry , 20 , 1025 – 1029 . to basic researches. In the future, further development 3. Hanson , D.R. , Greenberg , J. , Henry , B.E. , Kosciuch , E. of the PTR - MS technique will likely involve higher per- (2003 ) Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry at formance. Meanwhile, PTR- MS will be extended to high drift tube pressure . International Journal of Mass include more application fi elds in addition to environ- Spectrometry , 223 , 507 – 518 . 622 PROTON TRANSFER REACTION MASS SPECTROMETRY (PTR-MS)

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