Report of the Commission Against Ararthezd in Sporis
REPORT OF THE COMMISSION AGAINST ARARTHEZD IN SPORIS GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL RECORDS: FORTY-FIFTH SESSION SUPPLEMENT No. 45 (A14W5) UNITED NATIONS New York, 1990 NOTE Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures, Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. I- I [Original: Rnglirh] I [14 soptmbor 19901 . CONTENTS I I LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL .*....................,................*.........*..... iV i I. INTRoDucTIQN . ..C..........*..................~.*..*..~ 1 - 12 1 II. CONSULTATIONS . ...*... 13 - 17 3 i III. CO-OPERATION WITN TSX SPECIAL COWITTEE AOAINST m . 18 - 19 4 IV. CONSIIJEPATICN OF TNR REPORTS OF TRE STATES PARTIES . 20 5 V. CONCLUSIONS AND RRCGENDATIONS . ..*............... 21 - 30 6 x, State6 partior to the International Convention againrt m in sportlr . ..~..~..........~. 8 YI. State0 signatory to the International Convention againrt m in Sport0 .*..,...t.......................,,.,.......*....,.............*. 9 III. Providonal aqenda of the Comnirbion againrt &jn,W&d in Sport6 ,..... 10 . -iii- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 29 Auguat 1990 Sir, I have th'e honour to send you herewith the report of the Commission against m irr Sports, which wau adopted unanimously by the Comnission on 29 Augut’c 1990. This report is submitted to the General Assembly in accordance with Assefnbly resolution 40164 G of 10 December 1985 and with artiale 12, paragraph 2, of the International Convention agaikst mu ia Sports. Accept, Sir, the aaaurancea of my highest consideration. (w) James Victor Gbeho Chairman of the Commission against m in Sports His Excellency Mr. Javier P/rer de Cuellar Secretary-General United Nations New York, New York -iv- -- I. ZNTRODUCTION 1. The General Assembly, by itr resolution 40/6k 0 of 10 Deco ar 1965, adopted the International Convention againrt &RI&~ in Sparta, which entered into forae on 4 April 1988.
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