TEMPERED LIKE STEEL the Economic Community of West African States Celebrated Its 30Th Anniversary in May, 2005
ECOWAS 30th anniversary and roughly for the same reasons: economic cooperation among of the 15 members have met the economic convergence criteria. member states and collective bargaining strength on a global level. However, it is an instrument whose time has come and it seems cer- Ecowas was an acknowledgement that despite all their differ- tain that the Eco will make its appearance in the near future. ences, the member states were essentially the same in terms of needs, One of Ecowas’ successes has been in allowing relatively free resources and aspirations. It was also an acknowledgement that the movement of people across borders. Passports or national identity integration of their relative small markets into a large regional one documents are still required but not visas. Senegal and Benin issue was essential to accelerate economic activity and therefore growth. Ecowas passports to their citizens. The founders of the organisation were just as convinced that artifi- The Ecowas Secretariat in Abuja is working on modalities to allow cial national barriers, created on old colonial maps, were cutting across document-free movement of people and goods. This might take time, ancient trade routes and patterns and that these barriers had to go. as other regulations, such as residence and establishment rights have However, this came about at a time when sub-regional organisa- to be put in place first. tions were looked on with a degree of suspicion and African coun- One of the organisation's most vital arms is Ecomog, its peace- tries, encouraged by Cold War politics, had become inward-looking keeping force.
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