Elegant Occasions, Memorable Events. C A T E R I N G M E N U B Y : E X E C U T I V E C H E F member of: @medinacatering_ www.medinacatering.id
[email protected] C A T E R I N G P R I C E L I S T 2 0 1 9 Regular Buffet Rp. 85,000 Royal Buffet Rp. 135,000 Canape Package Rp. 60,000 Half Day Meeting Package Rp. 105,000 Full Day Meeting Package Rp. 120,000 Regular Coffee Break Rp. 30,000 Premium Coffee Break Rp. 40,000 Juice/Soda (Additional order) Rp. 15,000 Coffee & Tea (Additional order) Rp. 15,000 - Harga per pax - Harga belum termasuk Tax & Service Charge 15.5% PT EBS GLOBAL NUTRISARANA Menara 165 Ground Floor, Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 1 Jakarta Selatan 12560, Indonesia.
[email protected] w w w . m e d i n a c a t e r i n g . i d R E G U L A R B U F F E T L U N C H / D I N N E R Rp. 85,000 ++ / Pax APPETIZER (1 Selections) Selada Bangkok SOUP (1 Selection) Mushroom Cream Soup MAIN COURSE (3 Main Courses, 1 Side Dish, 1 Vegetable, 2 Selections of Rice) Beef XO Prawn Salted Egg Chicken Mango Sc. Kungpao Spaghetti Baby Bean Minced beef Nasi Goreng Medina Nasi Putih CONDIMENT Chilli & Tomato Sauce / Sambal & Cracker DESSERT (2 Selections) Assorted Slice Fruit Blueberry Panacotta Mineral Water *Sample Menu *Menu selections can be changed to your preferences R O Y A L B U F F E T Rp.