Horatio Hale M.A
HORATIO HALE M.A. (Harvard), F.R.S.C. (1817-1896) BY WILLIAM N. FENTON "The Nestor of American Philologists" (MÜLLER) IT HAS BEEN THE good fortune of Iroquois studies that the field has attracted gifted minds. The pioneer work of Lewis H. Morgan of Rochester, N.Y., in ethnology was paralleled in linguistics by that of Horatio Hale of Clinton, Ontario. Both men were lawyers, both were attracted to Iroquois political organization, and each brought unique gifts to the recording of Indian life which reinforced the other's con- tribution: Morgan's work on kinship and on the structure of the confederacy was enhanced by Hale's gift with languages and his sense of poetry which he fulfilled so beautifully in The Iroquois Book of Rites. Some of the quality of the original Iroquois comes through in his Eng- lish rendering of the lament to the founders of the League (page 123): Hail, my grandsires! Now hearken while your grandchildren cry mournfully to you, —because the Great League which you established has grown old. Hail, my grandsires! You have said that Sad will be the fate of those who come in the latter times. Though not the founder of American linguistics, Hale was, after Gallatin, none the less, its most distinguished practi- tioner, and he came by these qualities naturally. viii WILLIAM N. FENTON Son of a distinguished New England literary family, Horatio Emmons Hale was born at Newport, N.H., on May 3, 1817. His father, David Hale, a lawyer of that town, died within five years, but his mother, Sarah Josepha Hale, who is credited with having authored "Mary Had a Little Lamb," was for nearly half a century editor of the Lady's Magazine (Boston), and afterward of Godey's Lady's Book (Philadelphia); she was a pioneer advocate of higher education for women, she was very active in the missionary movement, and her commitment to patriotic causes ex- tended from successfully raising funds for completion of the Bunker Hill Monument to petitioning presidents and governors to make Thanksgiving Day a national festival.
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