50 OAK ST. 4 Lo**

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50 OAK ST. 4 Lo** ' O- - Avfrtig* Daily Circulation Tht Waatliar ^ ' the Month of April, 1948 ment of the store short circuited. but before that time Chief Foy •t o. K Weather Mrs. Emma ▲. Molntosh of Mld- The smoke made its way up ,had dent all of tbe, companies back YOU HELP BUILD THEM <0e ‘rumplke West, states that her Trinity Graduate All Companie through the entire store and a to their houses 4s" it'w a s evident i i i i i it Town son, David O. McIntosh, who to, To.Give Blood early that they were not needed.. ^ ** ' WheiksTou Showete end eonthmed warm ’ large crowd gathered. .of ^ Audit with the U. *. Army In England, ’The reasdr the alarm waa tu r ^ ’ A ll of the 'coni^aptes are not night iuM Wedeeeday forenoon. has been c sergeant to t uomt time, For 6tKTime Called to Fire lit ’from Box 434 waa because Jmt supposed to respond tc this alarnri, Use Co(^v- B areM . eh'Oliealationo ’ instead of a corporal as stated In ■x ■'' '■ ■ W « « w m MOtiTtd 3 * ? * ^ % one at the corner of Main sriA flak but it was reported that when the Maheheatep^A City o f VUlatie Charm ■■■iMf M. SdfMty, Jr- of 87 Saturday’s Herald.- streets, ,Box 44, is out of commis­ box was first''■pulled' toe number and Coka X ■: ttnii stvwt tsulns ^ death Mixup in Nui^icrs the sion having been knocked ^dver two registered 534 and this caused the X Lady Roberto Lodge. Daughters ]Wp». Elizaheth Giross and Uncle Sam .eayf there*# r.^ k ta fcther, Ch«rla« H. Bdgerl^ months ago. The *06^ ^ Standard confusion. LL& NO. 195 (Classified Advertising on Page 8) M ANCHESTER, CONN., TU E SD A Y, M A Y 18,1948 (TEN PAGES) PRICE TH R EE CENTS Jr«t Bprlngflold, whloto ootfurrod of S t George, will have a pot luck, York Strangfelcl, Local Cause; Sm^n Damage has not as y,yt arrived’. coal to t an of aB, bnt >‘M8bMt)ay. Tbo older man waa 76 supper and brief business meet­ No. 2 connected a ' hose to the At the J. vW. Hale Co. A LIC E OOFRAN ' tatiow'facllltlee lure belag'heavl- old and Waa a rotlrod lot- ing at 6:80 at the homo of Mrs. Resld^tfu ^ . hydrant at Oak .street and Purnell Harold Belcher. 18 Walker Stoeet iy taxed. , tar oaM er. Ho toad bo€« a roal- place and this was carried up to (Known As 4(neea Alice) An aiarni^^urned' in from Box the third fioor on e ladder from , ■ SFUUTVAL MEDIUM Soldiers on Guard at Food Gpnference &:> doBt of Baat Hartfotd for « yoaia There sre two Maiichoster peo,- f i r e p l a c e CX).\L leiMfOro moving to Sprtegflold 10 iie u t Grace. Kearns Iji spending 434., MaYile j(n d Cottage streets at No„‘l ’a tru"k but there was no n ^ d Seventh Daughter o) e Mventb Son Stai*t^ A n ie n ^ l^ n t Tnan ago, ano for 88 Jrara toad a ten-day furlough at home, 82 ple. Mr#. Elisabeth Cross of 8 10:05 laah/night brought all four for the wrater. ,, Born With n VeU. " p r ' British Bombers Hit oarrled mall In Hartford. Cfiiestnnt street. She to an Army Hilliard street, and York Strang- companley'ol the South Manches­ Motor W tu Damaged' Bendings Dally, Including Sunday, 9 A. M. to B P. V. ‘ Or By Appoint­ SEAMAN nurse at. Camp Slbert Ala. feld of 48 Franklin street, Who ter firb/Uepartment to the J. W. What datrage resulted ^Was to Halersrore a t t a in and Oak street. ment. In the Siervloe of the Peo­ FUEL & SUPPLY CO. Aviation atudon^ Joton M. Hyde realized the importance of t}ie the motor bui it was necessary to of Mystic Review, The too. ble w ^ ' cau.sed when a open tbe windows and doors of the ple for SO years. / Successors to Seaman Coal Co. T o Salai and Joton I. Hultino toavo complet- Members Blood Pla.4ma program .so early and Pola Coal Co. Woman’s Behditmmit Assodstlon, are •motq^used in cphnection with the building to get rid of the smoke. 169 CSbntCh Street, Hertford, Coon. od ttoolr tralniim at ttoe 69tto Col- that they are now about to give J ^ Phone SdM»y .'loM TralnlngDotactoment; Syra- reminded of tbe meeting tomorrow refrigeration s y s t ^ In the base' The recall was sounded at 10:45i Areas Again; blood tor the sixth time. Mrs. cuao tJnlvoratty, and toave boon evening in connection with the dis­ Cross has her appointment for trict rally. Supper will be served Of State’s Solon! tratoaforred to San Antonio, Texas, June 5th, Mr. .Strangfeld'a sixth Aviation Cadet Center. at 6:30, and each member of Mys­ trip will be made on Jtine 16th. tic Review to expected to respond ■ An Item appeared recently in a -4! ••Soutto Mottoodist" night will be to the, >oU-C8lL newspaper concerning Mr’. Strang- House Approves Consti­ Five Ships Damaged oboorvod by Manchoater Lodge of feld’s many donations. Within 24 Marih§ Ace Masons at Its mooting b; the Ma- Miss Nancy Ellxabeth Bantly, hours after its appearancie, Mr. tutional Change to | aonic Temple tomorrow n i ^ t The daughter .if Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strangfeld received 14 calls fro COTTOH chairs wlU be filled by, members o f T. Bantly of Porter,street, will be friends who had decided th a i^ if Pay $600 for Term;' M e ^ a l Attack Targets in South­ that chiirc*. and the candidate win graduatod on June 7th from Edge- he could find J t possible to/glve Must Be/ Favored 1m Italian Port Reds Note be an active worker in the wood "Park school. Brlsrcllft Man­ regularly every two inonths Jarvis '.Padgham' Brown/son of W e e k ern Germany as figh t­ Church. A la rg e ^turnout of the or N Y. Last year she attended Mr. a ^ Mrs. (Jeorgq Smith For Feats (which to as often as Itod Cross 1945 by Both Bodies^ ers Sweep \Northem members Is expected. ArUngton Hall In ' Washington. doctors will allow ^donations), B ro^, of 190 Vernon street, waa m And Airfield Raids Hurt D. C. .. they should be able/'to do some­ graduated from Trinity (Collage \ And State Electorate. France and ^Igium ; ~ John Edward Hennessey Is vlslt- thing about It, top/and called to yesterday- afternoon At Its 117th Foss Cited fo r 'Out- ink his sister, M ro .^ . R. Bars of commencement eiwrcleee. He The final meeting of the Man­ aak him to r morir Information. Ali /■ state C^itol. Hartford, Reich Now New Attacks Gontin- 4S Hamlin street./ He^has com- chester Green Parent-Teacher As­ received the Bkehelor of Arte de­ Hit ill Raid a result, severtu of them have ./ l^ay 18.— </P)— The House standing Heroism and pletod his boot training at Samp­ sociation wilt be held Wednesday made appointmenta to accompany gree. He ihajor^ In history. CLAMOUR BY THE YARD HBtion o f Sina^ing l e N.,T.. and is having a week’s [today initiated a state constir Con rage* Is Executive evening In the Green echool hall. Mr. Strangfeld on June 16th, to Large Fire in Center of Official Cognizance Tak­ Allied Drive; Ameri­ furlou^. ^ - ’The buslnesi will Include the elec- give thelr^first donattons, Local Sohlier jtional amendment — : the Officer of Squadron. tlMi of pfflcere. A social time with It vrotud undoubtedly make Mrs. I foS ^h approved by the lower Alghero Spreading Be­ en o f Effects British can ^Planes Aclivi^ The Mary Cheney library w hl^ refreshments win follow. C- r " o “ .^ Extrem------------ ely happy- . if a —group . has been closed lor sohie weeksrai of X « r friends would do the same No>/a Corporal I ehaiiSer in less than a week Air Attacks on fFar yond Control; ^gli- London, May 18.— (/P)— kilday and Saturday to conyrve Boyce HoUlster, who, to sta­ pp the Sth of Juhs. She .will be I — raisiIi^^salarie8 of mem- (iapt. Joseph Foss, l)t)itcd States Centers Are Having. fuel, will return to Its tormor tioned at Camp Sampson on Sena- ■glad to give any Information on I bers of tn^xGeneral Assem­ ari Damage Revealed. iritish bombers, -.returning mfiiedule this week and mmaln Arm y A ir Base, Blythe, Calif., Marine Corps'" Reserve.' who has ca Lake, N. Y., to at hla homa qn the simplicity of the blood-glvtng again last night to the air of­ open on those days. May 17 /lenry W. Matson; whdee bly from to $600 a shot (down a record bag of ‘26 London, May 18— (/Pj—The So­ Hollister street tor a ten-day fur­ to those Interested, and will cer­ I term. A similar arqendment had Allied Headquarters in North fensive on Europe, attacked lough. Camp Sartipson to t ^ a e c - tainly find joy In feeling that her parents,/Mr. and Mrs. Victw^ M at; Japanese -.^Dianes, received the viet Information bureau took of­ Sergeant Frands N. Della Fera son, reride at 63 Gler^vvobd street; I been considered esrlter Iri toe ses- Africa, May 18.—(TP— Carrying oh ond largest naval station in the example haa provided thb inspira­ Congre88ionkis,Medal o f Honor,, to­ targets in soutfiem Germany, e f 16 cottage street is home on a Manchtster, was recently promot­ I Sion which not only fqised the an unrelenting attack on Italy's ficial cognizance today o. the ef­ wortd.
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    让世界更美好 人人参与 惠及人人 Apple 中国企业责任报告 2018-2019 Apple 中国企业责任报告 2018-2019 责任创变 共谋发展 1 目录 产品责任 02 关于 Apple 10 科技创新 共享美好 04 Apple 在中国 11 隐私保护 科技创新 08 Apple 价值观 12 15 辅助功能 17 畅享服务 教育责任 环境责任 20 智惠创想 共筑未来 32 绿色创新 共护地球 22 基础教育 34 我们的环境策略 26 高等教育 35 气候变化:为实现更小的碳足迹 大步前进 29 职业教育 40 资源:善用地球的有限资源 并重复利用 30 特殊教育 48 更高明的化学工艺:制造尽可能安全的产品 51 共筑美好:引领与倾听并行 员工责任 供应商责任 52 分享创意 共商成长 62 责任创变 共谋发展 53 保障权益 64 同心协力 同步向前 55 包容性和多元化 67 更环保的工厂 更绿色的社区 58 职业发展 71 助力工人成长 59 工作生活平衡 社区责任 76 和谐创建 共谱华章 90 责任管理 77 志愿服务 91 管理机制 82 公益创新 92 守法合规 84 特辑:智惠计划 93 实质性议题 94 利益相关方沟通 96 关键绩效 101 指标索引 98 责任瞬间 精彩与共 102 附注 100 展望未来 103 编写说明 关于 Apple Apple 正式创立于 1977 年,总部位于美国加利福尼亚州。 Apple 于 1984 年推出 Macintosh,为个人技术带来了 巨大变革。今天,Apple 凭借 iPhone、iPad、Mac、Apple Watch 和 Apple TV 引领全球创新。Apple 的五个软件平 台,iOS、macOS、watchOS、tvOS 和 iPadOS,带来所 有 Apple 设备之间的顺畅使用体验,同时以 App Store、 Apple Music、Apple Pay 和 iCloud 等突破性服务赋予 人们更大的能力。Apple 的 100000 名员工致力于打造全 球顶尖的产品,并让世界更加美好。 Apple Park 访客中心 Tim Cook Apple CEO “我们认为,企业应该尽其所能为公众服务,赋予世界上每个人更强大的力量,并将大家前所未有地紧密 凝聚在一起。” Apple 中国企业责任报告 2018-2019 关于 Apple 03 Apple 在中国 Apple 来到中国已经 30 年。在中国,我们通过各种方式助力经济 发展、创造社会价值、贡献环境保护,专注于服务用户、投资经济、 引领创新和履行企业社会责任。除进行直接投资外,Apple 还对在 中国的供应链投入大量资金与技术支持,赋能供应商。 Apple 昆明零售店 04 Apple 中国企业责任报告 2018-2019 Apple 在中国 Isabel Ge Mahe 葛越 Apple 副总裁、大中华区董事总经理 “在中国,整个 Apple 生态系统以及这个强大社区里的 500 万名来自 Apple 供应链、开发者团队 以及我们的员工携手同行,为我们的顾客奉献出最好的产品和服务。不仅如此,我们还与合作伙伴一起, 为供应商建立最优的员工培训体系与环保方案,为更多的孩子们创造教育机会,唤醒他们每个人心中 的创造力,为地球留下更加美好的印迹。我相信,我们所创造的机会是承托着千万人的梦想。通过教 育投入、环境保护、产品与服务的不断创新,让我们身边的每个人的生活变得更好,真正肩负起我们的 社会责任。” Apple 中国企业责任报告 2018-2019 Apple 在中国 05 创造广泛优质的就业机会,是 Apple 贡献中国经济、社会发展非常重要的组成部分。
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