' O- - Avfrtig* Daily Circulation Tht Waatliar ^ ' the Month of April, 1948 ment of the store short circuited. but before that time Chief Foy •t o. K Weather Mrs. Emma ▲. Molntosh of Mld- The smoke made its way up ,had dent all of tbe, companies back YOU HELP BUILD THEM <0e ‘rumplke West, states that her Trinity Graduate All Companie through the entire store and a to their houses 4s" it'w a s evident i i i i i it Town son, David O. McIntosh, who to, To.Give Blood early that they were not needed.. ^ ** ' WheiksTou Showete end eonthmed warm ’ large crowd gathered. .of ^ Audit with the U. *. Army In England, ’The reasdr the alarm waa tu r ^ ’ A ll of the 'coni^aptes are not night iuM Wedeeeday forenoon. has been c sergeant to t uomt time, For 6tKTime Called to Fire lit ’from Box 434 waa because Jmt supposed to respond tc this alarnri, Use Co(^v- B areM . eh'Oliealationo ’ instead of a corporal as stated In ■x ■'' '■ ■ W « « w m MOtiTtd 3 * ? * ^ % one at the corner of Main sriA flak but it was reported that when the Maheheatep^A City o f VUlatie Charm ■■■iMf M. SdfMty, Jr- of 87 Saturday’s Herald.- streets, ,Box 44, is out of commis­ box was first''■pulled' toe number and Coka X ■: ttnii stvwt tsulns ^ death Mixup in Nui^icrs the sion having been knocked ^dver two registered 534 and this caused the X Lady Roberto Lodge. Daughters ]Wp». Elizaheth Giross and Uncle Sam .eayf there*# r.^ k ta fcther, Ch«rla« H. Bdgerl^ months ago. The *06^ ^ Standard confusion. LL& NO. 195 (Classified Advertising on Page 8) M ANCHESTER, CONN., TU E SD A Y, M A Y 18,1948 (TEN PAGES) PRICE TH R EE CENTS Jr«t Bprlngflold, whloto ootfurrod of S t George, will have a pot luck, York Strangfelcl, Local Cause; Sm^n Damage has not as y,yt arrived’. coal to t an of aB, bnt >‘M8bMt)ay. Tbo older man waa 76 supper and brief business meet­ No. 2 connected a ' hose to the At the J. vW. Hale Co. A LIC E OOFRAN ' tatiow'facllltlee lure belag'heavl- old and Waa a rotlrod lot- ing at 6:80 at the homo of Mrs. Resld^tfu ^ . hydrant at Oak .street and Purnell Harold Belcher. 18 Walker Stoeet iy taxed. , tar oaM er. Ho toad bo€« a roal- place and this was carried up to (Known As 4(neea Alice) An aiarni^^urned' in from Box the third fioor on e ladder from , ■ SFUUTVAL MEDIUM Soldiers on Guard at Food Gpnference &:> doBt of Baat Hartfotd for « yoaia There sre two Maiichoster peo,- f i r e p l a c e CX).\L leiMfOro moving to Sprtegflold 10 iie u t Grace. Kearns Iji spending 434., MaYile j(n d Cottage streets at No„‘l ’a tru"k but there was no n ^ d Seventh Daughter o) e Mventb Son Stai*t^ A n ie n ^ l^ n t Tnan ago, ano for 88 Jrara toad a ten-day furlough at home, 82 ple. Mr#. Elisabeth Cross of 8 10:05 laah/night brought all four for the wrater. ,, Born With n VeU. " p r ' British Bombers Hit oarrled mall In Hartford. Cfiiestnnt street. She to an Army Hilliard street, and York Strang- companley'ol the South Manches­ Motor W tu Damaged' Bendings Dally, Including Sunday, 9 A. M. to B P. V. ‘ Or By Appoint­ SEAMAN nurse at. Camp Slbert Ala. feld of 48 Franklin street, Who ter firb/Uepartment to the J. W. What datrage resulted ^Was to Halersrore a t t a in and Oak street. ment. In the Siervloe of the Peo­ FUEL & SUPPLY CO. Aviation atudon^ Joton M. Hyde realized the importance of t}ie the motor bui it was necessary to of Mystic Review, The too. ble w ^ ' cau.sed when a open tbe windows and doors of the ple for SO years. / Successors to Seaman Coal Co. T o Salai and Joton I. Hultino toavo complet- Members Blood Pla.4ma program .so early and Pola Coal Co. Woman’s Behditmmit Assodstlon, are •motq^used in cphnection with the building to get rid of the smoke. 169 CSbntCh Street, Hertford, Coon. od ttoolr tralniim at ttoe 69tto Col- that they are now about to give J ^ Phone SdM»y .'loM TralnlngDotactoment; Syra- reminded of tbe meeting tomorrow refrigeration s y s t ^ In the base' The recall was sounded at 10:45i Areas Again; blood tor the sixth time. Mrs. cuao tJnlvoratty, and toave boon evening in connection with the dis­ Cross has her appointment for trict rally. Supper will be served Of State’s Solon! tratoaforred to San Antonio, Texas, June 5th, Mr. .Strangfeld'a sixth Aviation Cadet Center. at 6:30, and each member of Mys­ trip will be made on Jtine 16th. tic Review to expected to respond ■ An Item appeared recently in a -4! ••Soutto Mottoodist" night will be to the, >oU-C8lL newspaper concerning Mr’. Strang- House Approves Consti­ Five Ships Damaged oboorvod by Manchoater Lodge of feld’s many donations. Within 24 Marih§ Ace Masons at Its mooting b; the Ma- Miss Nancy Ellxabeth Bantly, hours after its appearancie, Mr. tutional Change to | aonic Temple tomorrow n i ^ t The daughter .if Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Strangfeld received 14 calls fro COTTOH chairs wlU be filled by, members o f T. Bantly of Porter,street, will be friends who had decided th a i^ if Pay $600 for Term;' M e ^ a l Attack Targets in South­ that chiirc*. and the candidate win graduatod on June 7th from Edge- he could find J t possible to/glve Must Be/ Favored 1m Italian Port Reds Note be an active worker in the wood "Park school. Brlsrcllft Man­ regularly every two inonths Jarvis '.Padgham' Brown/son of W e e k ern Germany as figh t­ Church. A la rg e ^turnout of the or N Y. Last year she attended Mr. a ^ Mrs. (Jeorgq Smith For Feats (which to as often as Itod Cross 1945 by Both Bodies^ ers Sweep \Northem members Is expected. ArUngton Hall In ' Washington. doctors will allow ^donations), B ro^, of 190 Vernon street, waa m And Airfield Raids Hurt D. C. .. they should be able/'to do some­ graduated from Trinity (Collage \ And State Electorate. France and ^Igium ; ~ John Edward Hennessey Is vlslt- thing about It, top/and called to yesterday- afternoon At Its 117th Foss Cited fo r 'Out- ink his sister, M ro .^ . R. Bars of commencement eiwrcleee. He The final meeting of the Man­ aak him to r morir Information. Ali /■ state C^itol. Hartford, Reich Now New Attacks Gontin- 4S Hamlin street./ He^has com- chester Green Parent-Teacher As­ received the Bkehelor of Arte de­ Hit ill Raid a result, severtu of them have ./ l^ay 18.— </P)— The House standing Heroism and pletod his boot training at Samp­ sociation wilt be held Wednesday made appointmenta to accompany gree. He ihajor^ In history. CLAMOUR BY THE YARD HBtion o f Sina^ing l e N.,T.. and is having a week’s [today initiated a state constir Con rage* Is Executive evening In the Green echool hall. Mr. Strangfeld on June 16th, to Large Fire in Center of Official Cognizance Tak­ Allied Drive; Ameri­ furlou^. ^ - ’The buslnesi will Include the elec- give thelr^first donattons, Local Sohlier jtional amendment — : the Officer of Squadron. tlMi of pfflcere. A social time with It vrotud undoubtedly make Mrs. I foS ^h approved by the lower Alghero Spreading Be­ en o f Effects British can ^Planes Aclivi^ The Mary Cheney library w hl^ refreshments win follow. C- r " o “ .^ Extrem------------ ely happy- . if a —group . has been closed lor sohie weeksrai of X « r friends would do the same No>/a Corporal I ehaiiSer in less than a week Air Attacks on fFar yond Control; ^gli- London, May 18.— (/P)— kilday and Saturday to conyrve Boyce HoUlster, who, to sta­ pp the Sth of Juhs. She .will be I — raisiIi^^salarie8 of mem- (iapt. Joseph Foss, l)t)itcd States Centers Are Having. fuel, will return to Its tormor tioned at Camp Sampson on Sena- ■glad to give any Information on I bers of tn^xGeneral Assem­ ari Damage Revealed. iritish bombers, -.returning mfiiedule this week and mmaln Arm y A ir Base, Blythe, Calif., Marine Corps'" Reserve.' who has ca Lake, N. Y., to at hla homa qn the simplicity of the blood-glvtng again last night to the air of­ open on those days. May 17 /lenry W. Matson; whdee bly from to $600 a shot (down a record bag of ‘26 London, May 18— (/Pj—The So­ Hollister street tor a ten-day fur­ to those Interested, and will cer­ I term. A similar arqendment had Allied Headquarters in North fensive on Europe, attacked lough. Camp Sartipson to t ^ a e c - tainly find joy In feeling that her parents,/Mr. and Mrs. Victw^ M at; Japanese -.^Dianes, received the viet Information bureau took of­ Sergeant Frands N. Della Fera son, reride at 63 Gler^vvobd street; I been considered esrlter Iri toe ses- Africa, May 18.—(TP— Carrying oh ond largest naval station in the example haa provided thb inspira­ Congre88ionkis,Medal o f Honor,, to­ targets in soutfiem Germany, e f 16 cottage street is home on a Manchtster, was recently promot­ I Sion which not only fqised the an unrelenting attack on Italy's ficial cognizance today o. the ef­ wortd.
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